#love taking something from canon and shoving it in an au like you're coming home w me
hood-ex · 8 months
Omg omg so I’ve been surfing the dickroy/roydick tabs recently (hyper-fixated on em I’ve been on a rollll) and I saw some posts of urs abt like ur flower shop/tattoo ficccc and like I would love love love if you posted the link to that, is it on ao3 I rlly rlly wanna read it and I would actually love u forever pretty pls
I sooo badly wish I could send you a link to a completed fic of it, but I don't have it published as of right now since it's not finished. The day I get that fic done, I will definitely make an announcement about it.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors .2 | Mike Wheeler
~ this work contains mature topics and themes, if you are not suitable to interact with such things please click away
See part one here
Find it on Ao3 here
Background: classification au, flip!mike, caregiver!Nancy, caregiver!Will, established Mike x Will, established Nancy x Steve x Johnathan, everything canon happened but eddies alive, takes place after season 4 with vecna dead
Summary: Ted and Karen do some things behind closed doors that Mike desperately tries to hide but what happens when it all comes crashing down?
Authors note: part two is finally here!! this didn’t get nearly as fluffy at the end as I had hoped so I’m thinking of doing a third chapter. This has really graphic fighting that takes up so much of the chapter but I genuinely love how it turned out and again thank you to @berrymoos for being the best person ever and listening to me talk abt this fic for so long
Genre: heavy angst, comfort
Warnings: implied/referenced abuse, graphic depictions of violence, graphic fighting, crying, yelling, swearing, bruises, blood
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"Nancy wait!" Mike gets down the stairs and over to wrap his arms around Nancy's frame from behind before she can make it into the car.
"Mike- please, nobody should hurt you like that." Her body stills as her arms fall to her sides with the bat clutched loosely by her legs. Mike squeezes tighter, it'll be worse for both of them if Nancy actually goes through with confronting their father. Mikes well aware that his sister could take their father but the aftermath is what worry's him.
"It'll be find just don't leave." He hasn't let up his grip even a little bit but Nancy's sighing loudly.
"Let go of me, I'm not gonna run." He complies, hesitantly, but Nancy's let go of and she turns to face Mike, her face the same annoyed and protective look it was back in the house.
"How long?" She asks which has Mike halting in his place. He's not sure he wants to admit that it happened before his classification and only got worse when that envelope came home.
He's not prepared for Nancy to react to being told that the first hit got thrown when Mike was six, a little kid caught playing with Nancy's dolls, how he got shoved down the stairs of the basement and then into a wall so hard his mother rushed him to the Er. That it's the real reason he had a broken wrist and he didn't just fall at recess. How every broken bone and sprain he's had have been because of his father and not the lies he spilled out far too easily.
"Mike I need to know." Nancy's hand grips firmly onto Mikes shoulder as she ducks her head to meet his eyes.
"Since I was six." Ten full years of abuse and nobody ever expected a thing or had a single suspicion. That's how perfect the Wheelers are, not a hair out of place, they were still the all American family, the er visits brushed off as the clumsiness that comes with childhood and a simple "boys will be boys" from Karen.
"Six?" Nancy's voice wobbles and she removes her hand which gives enough freedom for Mike to step backwards.
He wraps his arms across his chest as anger bubbles in his gut, he always hated the pity in peoples voices when they heard something that seemed like second nature to Mike. Just like when Mike had admitted to Will that he hated himself for liking boys and that's why he forced himself to be with El, Will had given him pity and Mike couldn't take it so he walked out. That put them in a tough spot for a week or two and while Mikes much better now, he's not better about this.
'Just like you're father' his thoughts scold him which has Mike clenching his jaw to such a tight pressure that it hurts. His father always walks away after a beating, stalking out of the house to go get a six pack, going to the backyard to smoke a cigar, leaving Karen to clean up the shattered glass and smeared blood. She use to help Mike with his injuries but eventually he got old enough to do it on his own and that meant a lot of late nights trying to steal Nancy's makeup for school the next day without wasting all her products. That went on for a bit but now Mike has his own tube of concealer that he bought at four am one day before anyone would be up to catch him. He hates that too, he hates that he needs it, but he hates more that he's so good at using it that people look at him and think he's normal.
How can someone see a kid with makeup smeared on their neck and not pick up on something being wrong? How can he be such a fuck up that out of everyone in his family, he's the one that Ted chooses to beat on? He's never seen him even raise his voice at Karen or Nancy and definitely not Holly. Just Mike. Him and his stupid flip brain that he hates more than anything in the world. It's the worst. It's awful, horrible, horrendous, life altering and something Mike would get rid of faster than anything. Even if he was still getting his ribs kicked in almost weekly, he'd endure it all for a caregiver brain.
The anger in his chest turns to fury spilling through his fingertips as he grabs the bat from Nancy and then the keys from her other hand. She looks shocked and is probably saying something but Mike just slips into the drivers seat of Steve's car and almost pulls away but then Max is throwing herself into the passenger seat. When he turns he sees Nancy, Lucas and Will in the back seat.
Mike knows that this goes against his whole plan of stopping Nancy, hell this will be worse than if Nancy just went on her own. He's far too angry to worry about the aftermath of this all or what possible consequences he might face. Mikes practically shaking with rage, his father deserves this, he knows that, he just thinks this might be a bad idea in the long run. He can't seem to care as he peels out of the Byers driveway and speeds down the road, ignoring Steve's calls for his car.
It's not a long drive as Mikes speeding faster than he's ever driven, Max is grinning like crazy while the three in the back look halfway terrified. Mike just smirks with a glance over at Max before pressing his foot down hard on the gas.
The thing with the people in the car is that he knows why each person made the decision to jump in. Max is going to cheer him on and help him, Nancy has to be there as it's her family but also that's her baby brother she needs to protect, Will also needs to be there for Mike yet he seems the most hesitant about what's about to go down, then Lucas who will try to heal everyone up once it's all said and done.
Mikes been getting far closer to Max and Lucas than he ever was before. It really started with him and Max messing around with Steve together but then that meant Lucas would tag along for their pranks. Sometimes stop them, most of the time watching with a head shake next to Will though. Mike has faith Max will step in if he gets hit too hard in this fight.
Mike takes a sharp left with a look through the rear view mirror where he can make out Johnathans car following with Hoppers truck directly behind them. They're more like blurs as Mikes a good ways ahead with his speed but he turns to Max who's head out the window howling like a wolf. He laughs at her antics which makes Max howl louder.
"Come on Mike let's see how fast this thing can go!" Mike doesn't need to be told twice, the next right almost tips the car and the three people in the back are screeching at him to slow down but Mikes having too much fun. He's never felt this much of an adrenaline rush in his life and he's been shot at by the army while running for his life, this feels more freeing than that.
"Mom take Holly out back with Lucas and Will." Mike kicks the front door open, holding Steve's nail covered bat up against his shoulder with Nancy and Max behind him. Karen looks shocked to her core but she must know what's going on as she scoops up the six year old and rushes to the backyard with Will and Lucas directly behind her.
"Mike please don't do this." Nancy comes in a whisper from behind his shoulder, which if you ask Mike, it's a bit hypocritical as she was about to do the same.
"Mike Wheeler what are you doing?!" Ted booms but before he can get another word out Mikes swinging the bat into his knees then tossing it to the side. He feels a sick twist of satisfaction when Ted falls down to his knees with blood gushing across the carpet and Mike can grip his jawbone. The same Teds done time and time again.
"What's the matter? You too weak!" He throws a punch to Teds face, watching his glasses go flying to the other side of the room and landing by Nancy's feet. She looks horrified but it doesn't last long as she stomps her white cowgirl boots into the glass. Nancy's expression morphs to one of that pissed off that Mikes only seen when fighting monsters, he gives a nod to his sister then turns to Max. Max who is already taking the bat from where Mike threw it and she has a devilish grin on as she hits it to Teds back harshly.
"You're a fucking pathetic little girl! You hear me!" Mike throws another punch, then one more, and one more, again, again, til his knuckles start to bleed and he's straddled over his fathers bloody body. The carpet will never recover and Mikes willing to bet he's gonna spend the night in jail but he doesn't care, not a single bit.
"Oh you fucking piece of shit! Think you can beat me up and not have any consequences! Think I'll just take it!" Mike stands to slam his boot into Teds side as he curls up on the carpet with half attempts at pleading for Mike to stop. He silently thanks Robin for buying him the pair of black combat boots.
"I'll fucking end you! I've fought little kids with more strength than you! You're pathetic!" Mikes honestly a bit out of breath so he's thankful for Max stepping up to put a hand on his chest and nod for him to step away. She starts up her own rhythm of kicking Teds ribs in and Mike can't help but smile so wide it hurts his face. She needs this almost as bad as he does and Ted definitely deserves it.
"Back up both of you." The click of Nancy's shotgun follows it and Mikes jaw drops open at his sister there with her gun pointed directly to their father.
"I will say this once and only once, if you ever come near my family again or hurt any of them again I will shoot you and hide the body so good nobody will ever find you." Nancy snarls as she steps far enough into the room that her gun tip presses into Teds bleeding forehead.
"Here's what we'll do if you don't want to die at the hands of teenagers, you get into your car and leave without coming back. Then every month you deposit money into my mothers account so she can keep her stay at home lifestyle, if you don't I'll come find you. I promise." Nancy's eyes are pitch black with a shove of the gun into Teds forehead which has him groaning in pain.
"N-nance please-." Comes Teds weak plead and Mike really doesn't want to hear it as he steps and slams his boot into Teds side one more time. That seems to do the trick.
"Do we have an understanding?" Nancy quirks a brow before Teds nodding weakly. Steve and Johnathan are both there jumping to drag Ted out of the house which Mike can't even take time to question as Max is engulfing him in a tight hug.
"This is why you're my unofficial brother! That was so badass!" She squeals as Mike hugs her back just as tight, he smiles against her shoulder and feels adrenaline rushing through his veins that only lessens when he looks up at the rest of the people in the room.
Hopper and Joyce look well over the line of worried, almost like they're about to pass out. Wills gripping Johnathans hand as hard as possible, Lucas has the briefest proud look on his face, Els staring in shock, Robin and Johnathan are still in view through the open front door, Nancy's talking to Steve before he's heading out to the backyard where Mike spots Holly, Karen, Erica and Dustin.
Shit he might actually end up in jail. Shit.
"Mike..." Will steps towards to place gentle hands on Mikes cheeks that are hot with sweat. Mike takes his own hands to layer atop Wills, choosing to ignore the busted open knuckles that drip blood to the floor still.
"Sorry- don't know what came over me." He heaves, out of breath slightly. He doesn't want to admit it but he knows exactly what came over him, every pent up emotion he's ever had just flooded out of his system in the span of that fight.
"I'm gonna go to jail arent I?" Will chuckles and that fills Mikes system with ease since it's a cast difference to the pale white Will just was.
"No kid, you're not. Nobody reported anything and as far as I'm concerned, nobody saw anything either." Hopper chimes in. Mike nods then leans to press a kiss to Wills lips, it's not as tender as he hoped as he's still a bit out of breath and has to pull away to spit phlegm into the carpet. Shit his mom might be mad about that.
"Didn't know you could fight dude." Lucas gaps and Mike laughs, yeah he's never been the most heroic but he does train secretly in his basement from time to time. Not so much fighting but working out enough that he has abs and knows how to throw a punch. It seemed necessary after watching Steve get his shit kicked in by Billy.
"A lot you don't know about me Sinclair." That earns a light punch to his arm before Karen, Erica, Dustin and Holly are coming in. Karen's quick to pick Holly up and bring her upstairs away from the blood drenched carpet and nail filled bat on the ground still.
"Hey Mike, if you ever and I mean ever touch my car again I'm going to kill you. Same goes for you Mayfield." Mike and Max stifle back giggles at Steve's finger pointing, ever the mom that Dustin says he is.
"You got it Stevie." Mike shoots back with a grin.
"Hey game night isn't over yet, can we go back to Joyce's?"
"It's not my fault you suck Byers!" Will groans as he pushes his stack of popcorn over to Dustin and Erica.
Everyone's sprawled out in the Byers living room after Max and Mikes knuckles were cleaned up and Karen told the kids to stay out of the house for a bit while Holly went to their grandparents and Karen could clean things up. Joyce agreed to house Mike and Nancy for the time being.
Nancy, Johnathan, Steve and Robin have overtaken the couch while Hopper and Joyce claimed the loveseat which leaves the party with the floor. Mike lays with his legs over Max's lap and head pillowed on Wills thighs. Max is leaned with her head against Lucas's shoulders who's sat across from where Erica, El and Dustin are. They're playing some betting version of Uno that Max made up when she had first joined the party. Dustin and Erica have a significant lead against Lucas and Will.
"You okay baby?" Will turns his head down at Mike when Dustin gets up to grab a soda so they pause the game. Mike smiles up at his boyfriend, he's never felt this relaxed in his life and he's definitely little as there's no reason not to be anymore. No barriers blocking that part of himself out.
"Mm." He hums happily which has Will taking the hint as he leans to press a kiss onto Mikes forehead. Max has also taken note of the headspace as she's busy undoing his boots to get rid of the tight pressure they give off.
"You need anything while we wait for Dustin and Erica?" Mike glances to the side where he can just see enough into the kitchen to see Dustin and Erica arguing about sodas lightheartedly.
"Mm mmm." There's nothing more Mike can think that he needs. He has all his people here, his fathers gone, he's happily little, they don't have school tomorrow and he gets to cuddle into his boyfriend all night. Life's pretty good right now, aside from the bruising on his hands or left over aches from his ribs.
"Just want cuddles?” Mike nods eagerly, little hun is always on the clinger side.
“Y’know I’m in the middle of this game but I’m sure Nancy would love to lay with you.” Nancy’s eyes have been staring at Mike since they stepped into this house and while Mikes sure she thinks she’s being discreet, she definitely is not. He gives Will a quick kiss to his cheek before stumbling over to where Nancy, Steve, Robin and Johnathan are sitting.
“Hey little man.” Robin grins between where she’s squished next to Nancy and Johnathan. Mike smiles in a slightly tired way, that adrenaline has worn off.
“You okay? Are you in pain? Do you need pain meds? I could go grab you some-.” Mike cuts off Nancy as he falls halfway into her lap and halfway onto Robins. He gets a laugh out of Robin but Nancy pauses.
Mike, I’m sorry I wasn’t there. With dad. I should’ve seen it and done something, I’m your big sister and I- I failed you-.” Nancy puts her hands up to wipe at her cheeks when a few tears fall.
“No Nance you were there. You let me run and hide in your room at night, you’d always stay up late watching movies with me when I couldn’t sleep, I know you think that you should’ve seen it but I made sure you wouldn’t. I made sure nobody would. So please don’t beat yourself up about it.” Mike assures as he lays his head onto Nancy’s shoulder and drapes his legs over her lap.
“But I never knew what you were hiding from at night, I just thought you were having nightmares or something.” Mike shakes his head against his sister.
“You didn’t need to know, you still let me stay. Even when I was way too old for it, you never turned me away.” Nancy lays her head atop Mikes with a hum.
“You remember that time I woke you up to stay in your bed when I was like eleven? It was your freshman year and you were so stressed about school that you weren’t sleeping but- but you let me lay with you. I was way too old to climb into my sisters bed at night but you didn’t even question it or say anything the next morning- you just held me like you always do. Like you are right now. That’s what a big sister is supposed to do and you are the best big sister.” Mike can hear Nancy sniffling and how everyone around them has paused to listen but he doesn’t care, he just tucks his head under Nancy’s chin and sighs contently.
“I- I always thought something was wrong but I never knew what- I just had that gut feeling that I should let you in, I should’ve known Mike, I should’ve asked more questions or figured it out on my own-.” Mike again stops Nancy.
“You wouldn’t have gotten any answers from me and dad wouldn’t have done anything if you were there. He always made sure the basement door was closed and mom was upstairs watching to see if you or Holly would get up. You couldn’t have known Nancy.” Nancy’s arms tug Mike into her chest more so he’s shifted to be sat in her lap as she hugs him tighter than he’s ever felt.
“I love you so much Mike. So much.” He sniffles back his own tears as he nods against Nancy.
“I love you too Nance.”
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
I feel that in both a modern au/canon, it takes a lot of alcohol for Levi to actually 'feel' drunk. One day, Levi is at some event/excursion with some people and blah blah blah he caved and got so drunk. For ages, Levi's been crushing on reader silently and so mf hard but he'd never act on it/say anything AT LEAST WHILST SOBER, but they're good friends nonetheless. Reader wonders where Levi is, goes to get him/takes him home; the whole way home, drunk Levi spews cute shit and confesses <3
THIS IS SO CUTE IEUHFIUEFH i love it thank you so much for this imagery
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Your knuckles are intertwined with Levi's as you both walk across campus. Normally hand-holding between you two is strict business, only done when it's cold and someone just has to be warmed up (when Erwin smarmily asked why neither of you would buy gloves, you sent him a withering glare). But it's not cold today, there's just a light breeze that's not helping the light butterflies in your stomach from feeling Levi's calloused palm against yours.
"Not far to the dorms now," you hum, seeing the building coming up in view. "How're you doing, Ackerman?"
"Fantastic," Levi snarks, somehow even more rude and even more blunt when he's wasted. "Coulda walked back myself."
Bold statement from someone who's been clinging to your hand the entire time. Not that you doubt him, he's plenty capable, but at any rate, you'd gone to the party with Levi and weren't really close to anyone else there. There was no point in staying, not when you could walk your friend to his room first.
"What're you gonna have for breakfast?"
"Tea and biscuits." A longing breath escapes him, and you bite back a snort at his apparent admiration for the meal. "You gon'a come?"
"For breakfast? Farlan won't mind?"
"Farlan's not the boss of me," he mutters grouchily, and this time you do laugh, squeezing his hand. It's the first time you've seen him like this, and something about it is extremely amusing. "Plus, he keeps telling me how hot you are."
At this, you raise a brow. "He has a thing for me?"
Levi sighs, long and painful, like he's your tutor and you just don't get what he's explaining to you. "No. Farlan's an idiot."
"He's not so bad."
"He is," Levi insists. You grin.
"Alright. He is."
His brows are furrowed, staring at you in deep concentration as the two of you walk. Humoring him, you meet his eyes, but then you blink, taken aback by how sincere it is for someone who's going to have a bitch of a hangover in the morning.
"Hey," he begins, like he's seeing you for the first time in a long time, "you'll come for breakfast?"
Unable to resist teasing him, you let out a contemplative huff, leaning against his shoulder. "I dunno. Why do you want me to come?"
At first, Levi doesn't answer, and you think it's because he's either zoned off or just too sleepy to answer. But then, softly, he confesses, "Cause I'm the biscuit."
You think your eyes pop from how comically you widen them. A part of you feels bad for laughing at him, especially when he pouts, but of all the things you expected him to say, I'm the biscuit was probably at the bottom of the list.
"Stop," he whines, shoving you half-heartedly. "M'trying to tell you, and you're not even listening."
"Okay, okay." You clamp down on your bottom lip to stop from giggling. "What do you wanna tell me, Ackerman?"
"I'm the biscuit," he says again, making a motion to dip the imaginary cookie in his hand, "when—when it goes in the tea. Gets all soggy, you know?" When you nod, he nods too, satisfied that you understand (even though you really don't). "It melts. That's me."
It's a fair question. He is.
"No. M'the biscuit in the tea when you're over. You," and he shoves a finger into your shoulder accusatorially as though you did something wrong. "You make me melt."
Suddenly, it's not as funny anymore. Not from the way your stomach pitter patters.
"What do you mean?" you attempt to ask casually, but really, how many ways are you meant to take that?
"Make me melt," is all he mutters again, even more grouchy now, "S'why I want you to come for breakfast." Then, shyly, "I like when you make me melt. So come to breakfast."
In that moment, you swear you can feel your heart squeeze. You've reached his building, but you nod tightly, hoping he doesn't see how warm your face is. Not that he'd remember it, but still. "Yeah. Yeah, of course, I'll come to breakfast, Lev."
Then you get probably the best part of the night.
A genuine smile breaks out on his face, one that reaches his eyes and lights up his face.
"See you then," he mumbles, kissing your cheek before making his way inside.
A part of you laments the fact that he's drunk, saying things without thinking.
Because even if he does forget this conversation, you don't think you ever will.
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yandereaotsienna · 5 years
Which Yandere AOT Characters are also Tsundere?
OOOF! Tsundere Yanderes.....
We'll get back to the post after these messages!
Also, no images belong to me.
All posts are spoiler free
Okay, this'll probably be copied and pasted to every single damn post because I don't want any cruel comments saying that I'm completely wrong about everything and/or I'm offensive. This is MY OPINION and MY WRITING! I don't mind a gentle suggestion saying "Oh, hey, I think/don't think the character would act/like this." That's fine, I may or may not take the suggestion, but I'll at least consider it.
I try my best to include everyone of every skin color/body size/etc. HOWEVER, there are things that I believe the character would prefer. I'm sorry if Levi isn't into the things you like or whatever. The thing is, these are YANDERES. This means that when they fall in love with you- they are in LOVE with you completely. You may not be their preferred body type or personality, but who cares! Love doesn't always make sense. They'll love you for who you are and never think to compare you negatively to other girls.
If you are a guy- I am so sorry, but you are out of luck here. I use female pronouns, body parts, etc. Also, in the one shots, the personality of "yourself" may be completely different to the real you, but I'm sorry… I'll try to include every personality pretty much equally. There is also SEXUAL content on here, marked NSFW. Violence and gore are not marked- this is yandere content after all.
Go here to read the request rules and guidelines BEFORE requesting! Remember, I can try to change my opinion for the sake of a request: https://yandereaotsienna.tumblr.com/post/186780214096/rules-and-guidelines-for-asks-and-requests
The Tsundere is one of my favorite deres (other than yandere, of course). Think Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club. Or anyone who says "It's not like I like you or anything".
A Tsundere tries to pretend that they are rude and "harsh" (tsun), but really they are lovestruck (dere) underneath the mean exterior. They'll call the one they love an idiot or even insult them. Some types may even bully the object of affection.
When combined with yandere, this can be kind of…extreme! You'll see ;)
TYPE: Headcannons (I guess)
NSWF: Nope, it's pretty much safe for my cinnamon rolls
Characters: ALL
Who's a tsundere yandere?
Totally Tsundere: Jean, Levi
Maybe Tsundere: Erwin, Eren, Annie
Not Tsundere: Reiner, Bertolt, Christa, Ymir, Armin, Mikasa, Hanji, Marco, Connie, Sasha
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Jean is almost definitely a Tsundere. He'll be knocked off his feet by you, blushing brightly upon your first meeting. But then, he'll cover up the blush, and the tsundere will start.
Jean will put you down, 100%. A rude comment like "you're sweating like a pig" is likely to come out of his mouth. He's the type of boy that's stuck in the I-love-you-so-I'll-bully-you phase. Calling you mean names is pretty much a given.
Hurt you? Probably. Jean's likely to give you a shove or pin you to the wall threateningly. He's the type to show some dominance- he likes having the upper hand.
He will not admit he likes you for a long time. He's afraid of rejection, which is why he put up these emotional (hurtful) walls. If he has you in a situation where you cannot refuse him, he'll become bolder. Even then, he'll find it hard to confess. He'll blush bright pink and refuse to look you in the eyes.
He'll even find it hard to admit his love when you're locked up in his house.
"Hey! Don't think I brought you here because you're special to me or…or anything. I only brought you here because… you're… um… too weak for the outside world, you know?"
However, he's not above helping you out with something- you are his true love, after all. But, if you thank him, he'll brush it off with some excuse "It's just because you're too weak and I pity you", "I'd do this for anyone, you're nothing special", "I had nothing better to do". Secretly, he'd be extremely pleased by your praise and gratitude, unable to stop thinking about how sweet you are to him.
"Heh. She's pretty into me. Maybe…maybe I could…bring her back to my place? Yeah, that'd be nice. She loves me so much already…She won't even want to leave!"
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Ooof. SUCH a Tsundere, in my opinion.
Levi acts like he doesn't have feelings. So, if he finds he has feelings for you (which is what happens to yanderes; they feel feelings) he's likely to lash out.
In the canon universe, Levi is going to treat you like a normal cadet, but worse. So, you can already imagine how that'll turn out. Although he's not above abusing his position of authority, he's too smart to risk losing that position or be separated from you.
Like Jean, Levi loves having the upper hand, and will therefore show his dominance any chance he gets. Laughed too loud? Run some laps, brat. Said something rude? Clean my room, brat.
I feel bad for you, you poor unfortunate soul.
Name calling? You bet your ass he will. He already calls everyone "brat", and that's not where he'll stop. Also, he's fairly…NSFW in his speech. If you're innocent-ish he'll probably enjoy making you squirm, blush, and squeak in surprise. If you cry, he'll probably just get sadistically turned on.
Would he hurt you? 100 per-fucking-cent. Look what he did to Eren, for God's sake. With you, he couldn't get away with leaving you a bloody mess- I think the higher authorities may not like that- but shoving you to the ground, hovering over you, and pressing his boot into your back to keep you pinned? Um, that's pretty much expected.
Unlike Jean, he won't have a problem confessing to you when the time is right. Meaning, you're in his basement, completely bound and gagged.
In the canon world, he can't confess to you if you aren't hidden from the world simply because others would see that, if you accepted, he liked you, that he had emotions.
He's not afraid of rejection. He knows how to blackmail, manipulate, and guilt his way into your life. In some AU's he's very likely to force you into a relationship. Others, he's just going to kidnap you and confess then. That is, if he even understands that his feelings are romantic.
"Why the fuck are you stuck in my head, brat? Tch, I think I'll tie your wrists a little tighter. Your blabbering is getting fucking irritating. Do you need a gag, you little shit?"
Erwin is on the maybe list simply because he can't show his feelings to you. He's the boss, and that means he can't show any favoritism, no matter how much he wants to. This MAY lead to him being rougher-worded towards you. He won't hurt you physically in any way to hide his feelings.
Eren could be a Tsundere in some situations. I could picture him becoming a bit of a bully, especially since he's a tiny bit sadistic. Otherwise, he's not much of a Tsundere.
Annie is more of a Kuudere than anything else, but I can picture her being rude and possibly mean to you because of her secret affections.
===NO LIST===
Bertolt, Armin, Marco, and Christa are all too sweet to be mean to you simply because they love you. So, I don't believe, even as Yanderes, they'd be Tsunderes.
Sasha, Connie, and Hanji would also be kind in a more awestruck obsessive way.
Mikasa is definitely a kuudere, but in no way, shape, or form would she be mean to you because of falling in love. She is too protective.
Reiner and Ymir are WAY too upfront about who they want. They love you? You'll either know it or be oblivious to the fact they're following you home every single day.
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Fic: Coincidences mean you're on the right path
Title: Coincidences mean you're on the right path Author: maybeformepersonally Rating: G / General Audiences Summary: Dan had been watching Amazingphil since he was a teenager. He never thought they would actually meet, of course, and so he is understandably surprised when Phil walks into the room. Word Count: 4055 Author’s Note: Written for the Phandom Fic Fest Bingo, for the square “Fandom AU”. This is a canon divergence AU where they never met in 2009, and Dan never started making videos or became an internet cult leader. Now, it’s 2018 and they unexpectedly cross paths. Read on AO3
Dan’s had a stressful day at work, to say the least. This, coupled with staying up much later than he should have last night for an impromptu, ill-advised Netflix marathon is almost enough to tempt him into skipping the gym for the day. Almost, but not quite, as he knows he’ll struggle to fall asleep if he doesn’t tire himself out. It’s for a noble cause, he tells himself, and drags himself there, albeit grudgingly.
 He’s in a mood today. It’s the only reason why he’s dragging his feet, really. He knows he’ll get into it as soon as he starts, that’s what always happens. And he understands how crucial exercise is for his mental health. It really has helped a lot since he’d taken it up two years ago. He allows himself a pout and some internal grumbling about it anyway.
 Well, as it turns out, he will never be so grateful for his hard-earned discipline, for if he had caved to temptation, he would have missed out.
 He’s quite at home in the machine room, doing his own thing with headphones on, as usual, jogging on the treadmill, when none other than Phil Lester, a.k.a. Amazingphil, a.k.a. the star of an embarrassingly large amount of Dan’s teenage fantasies (and also an occasional star of a few current ones), struts into the machine room and sits down on the fucking Leg Press Machine directly in Dan’s line of sight.
 Dan barely avoids faceplanting on the treadmill in shock.
 The next thirty minutes are a test to his already frayed nerves that Dan wouldn’t have expected to pass, but somehow he managed to play it cool and he doesn’t stare too obviously (he hopes) nor does he make a complete fool of himself in front of his kind-of-celebrity crush (he thinks), dealing a fatal blow to his self-esteem and ruining one of his favourite places to unwind in one fell swoop.
 They’re both wearing headphones, and he’s still starstruck and a bit shocked that Amazingphil of all people just walked into his regular gym in a tight green t-shirt that brings out his eyes and tight black shorts that bring out… other assets, so he doesn’t even try to strike up a conversation. He’s too nervous, anyway, he’d probably embarrass himself, and then he’d be out of a gym because there is no way he’d come back here if that were to happen. He doesn’t want to have to scope out gyms again, that way lies madness.
 So Dan finishes his set, grabs his things, and he nods to Amazingphil as he leaves. And he doesn’t go hide in the bathroom for a little freak out; he can freak out at home, like a functional adult.
 Now, Dan isn’t the huge fan of youtube he used to be when he was a teenager, but he still follows a few channels religiously. Amazingphil and PhilGAMES are the only ones he has the notifications on for, because he may be a grown man and a professional these days, but Phil still holds a special place in his heart. (So what if he never got over his teenage crush, have you seen Phil’s smile? He’s only human, and there’s nothing wrong with a harmless crush on an unattainable sort-of-celebrity. Sue him.)
Phil came out officially a few years ago, but it’s been pretty obvious that he was bi from way back on his early days of youtube, so when he tries going to the gym and decides to make a video about what a disaster it was, he doesn’t think twice about going on a rant in the video about how as he was leaving, he saw the most gorgeous man working out and he may or may not have decided to get some exercise on the machines instead of running away because he wanted to stare at this earthly Adonis for a little while.
 “And that’s the story of how I went to the gym, almost died because I was too socially anxious to tell the instructor the workout was too intense for me, went to hide in the bathroom to catch my breath for 15 minutes, then went to run away without saying goodbye, saw the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on and felt compelled to man up, go back to tell Leon that it wasn’t working out for me and that I’d like to try the machines so that I could go at my own pace, then embarrassed myself by being the most unfit person in Britain in front of a fitness god with the face of an angel. But hey, I least I got some exercise in! Also, I may be going again just to see if I run into him again. Not to talk to him, or ask him out, I just want to bask in his beauty. What’s the bi equivalent of a useless lesbian? Because that’s me. Oh, I know! A disaster bi. I’m pretty sure I’ve read that somewhere,” he ends with a laugh.
 “That’s not creepy, right? Is that creepy?” he asks PJ later. PJ laughs at him, but reassures him that so long as he’s respectful and doesn’t stalk this guy or something, it’s fine. And really, Phil probably couldn’t be a creep if he tried. He’s too polite, and also too good a person to actually put his own selfish desires above someone else’s comfort.
 Slightly reassured, Phil goes back to the gym again to try his luck. He wasn’t completely serious in his video, he’s not going to keep going to the gym to stare longingly at this guy. He’s hoping to talk to him at some point, feel him out (metaphorically!) to see if he may be interested. He’s not going to just ask him out out of nowhere, but maybe, if he seems like he might be receptive to it…
Dan does have a little freakout as he goes back home, but then life goes on, and he doesn’t see Phil again in the gym for the rest of the week. He figures it’s probably a fluke. Phil has mentioned repeatedly in his videos that’s he’s terribly unfit and that he doesn’t enjoy working out at all, though he’s tried a few times to get into the swing of it. That’s probably what happened, he’s tried it again (it isn’t lost on Dan that it’s the middle of January, and Phil has joked that getting fit is always one of his New Year’s resolutions), but he’ll probably get bored soon.
 The big freakout comes four days after, when he gets a notification that Amazingphil has uploaded a video called “Why I should probably not go back to the gym… but will anyway”. He’s glad he waits until he’s home to watch it, because whatever he was expecting (oh god, will he mention the awkward nerd who almost fell off the treadmill when he walked in and kept sneaking looks at him? Shit, did I make him uncomfortable?), it was not this.
 Phil wasn’t even going to try the machines? He was walking past and saw Dan and stayed to stare at him?? He thought Dan was attractive? Very attractive even? He was thinking of coming back to stare at Dan some more?? Was this even real? Was he just building up a story to make an entertaining video? What was going on? Was this real life? Oh god, he actually goes on a minute-long rant about how gorgeous Dan is and he might have to go scream on a pillow, what is his life. Dan had looked in the mirror when he went home after the awkward gym kind-of-encounter that day; he’d finished an hour long session of exercise and he’d looked it. He was tired and sweaty and he’d worn his too big grey exercise t-shirt that day. He’d looked like the exhausted, emo-adjacent, sweaty rat that he was, what was Phil talking about?
The next time, Phil tries talking to him. Nothing too ambitious, just some small talk.
He takes his chance when the man stops the machine he’s on and steps away, pulling his headphones off and into his backpack.
“Hey, um, hi,” Phil says and gives a little wave. “Sorry to bother you, I just signed in last week and I was wondering if you’ve been coming here for long?”
 The man looks a bit surprised, but not bothered, to Phil’s relief.
 “Oh, hi. Yeah, a bit over a year?” His phone beeps and he looks at it distractedly, but he keeps talking. “Since I moved in to London, really.” He puts his phone back and turns his attention to Phil again. Phil beams at him.
 “Oh, that’s great!” he maybe sounds a bit too excited about that, but he’s a bit nervous and he’s glad the guy is volunteering information and seems to be okay talking to him. “I don’t know much about gyms, or exercise, as you can see,” Phil joked, waving his right arm to encompass himself, illustrating his unfit condition, “so I thought I’d ask someone for… suggestions, I guess? If that’s okay”.
 The man looks surprised again for a second, but then he looks him up and down appreciatively and once he’s made it all the way up to Phil’s eyes again, he declares, “I don’t know that you need any. I think you look great”.
 Phil is startled into a quiet laugh and he can feel the blush on his face, but he can’t be too bothered given the current situation.
 “I’m Dan,” the man smiles at him, and Phil suddenly feels like a deer in the headlights. Oh god, he has dimples. The humanity. He’s actually a thousand times more attractive when he smiles, how? Phil has the urge to do something stupid. He powers through it, but he’s taken a critical hit, and he probably comes off as extremely weird through the rest of the short conversation. Not that he isn’t weird. He’s made a whole series of youtube videos about it. It’s part of his core branding.
 “I’d be happy to give you some tips, or whatever it is you’re looking for,” Dan starts, then his phone beeps again, and he interrupts whatever he was going to say to check it, again, then sighs. “Sorry, I’d love to help you out right now, but I really need to go… deal with this client.” His phone makes another, different sound, and Phil can see Dan isn’t happy about it, but then he shoves the phone away and when he turns to Phil again, he has a small, shy-looking smile on his face. Phil is a goner.
 “If you want... I come here every day from six to seven or so, except Sundays. If you come around that time, I’d be happy to help you?” The words lift into a question, into an invitation that Phil can take or leave.
 Phil recognises that it’s a very open invitation. If he actually wants help and nothing else, Dan would probably indulge him. If Phil was uncomfortable and didn’t want to run into him again, he now knows what time Dan comes and can plan around it to avoid him. And if he wants something else, like, say, misuse his gym membership card to come flirt with a gorgeous guy he met in the machine room…
 Dan is picking up his stuff, conspicuously giving him some breathing room, and Phil realises he might have come off as uninterested, which is the opposite of what he wants to do now that Dan’s flirted with him first, so he smiles and brings out the bedroom eyes.
 “That’d be brilliant. I’ll definitely take you up on that.”
 Phil’s gratified to see Dan looks affected, if the searing look he throws his way is any indication, but after a few seconds, his phone beeps again and he’s moving to leave.
 “Good,” he says, his slightly crooked smile giving Phil ample incentive to stick to his New Year’s resolution for once. “I’ll see you around, then”.
 Now, because Phil is a useless bisexual, it is only at this point that he realises he’s never offered his name, and Dan is turning to leave, so he blurts it out.
 “My name’s Phil, by the way!”
 Dan stops, turns back to him and gives him another one of those devastating smiles, the kind that brings out his dimples, and Phil may be swooning.
 “Phil,” Dan says, less as if he’s trying out the word and more as if he’s relishing in it. “I look forward to seeing you again”. The he turns and actually leaves.
 Phil is left alone in the machine room, staring at the door Dan left through and smiling like a lunatic for the next couple of minutes.
“Okay, I have a confession to make,” Dan starts before they even open the menus.
 “Please don’t take this the wrong way. I just… feel like I need to tell you this if we’re actually going to do this.”
 Okay, now Phil is a little worried, but he’s open to hear Dan out on whatever it is. He really likes Dan an unreasonable amount for how recently they’ve met and how little time they’ve spent together. He’d like to think he’s an open-minded person, and so he quickly decides that he’ll be kind no matter what it is that’s making Dan look this nervous.
 “Okay. I’m listening.” Phil wants to hold Dan’s hand to maybe put him at ease, but he’s not sure if that would help or make things worse, so he refrains.
 “Right. Okay.” Dan takes a deep breath. ”Um. Okay. I… knew your name. That day we talked for the first time. And the time before that, really, when I first saw you in the gym.”
 “Okay?” He doesn’t know what Dan is hinting at.
 “I know who you are, I mean. I’ve known who you are since 2006, when I first became obsessed with Youtube.”
 “Oh.” Phil wasn’t expecting that, but he’s not sure why something like that would make Dan this nervous, so he figures there’s more. When Dan doesn’t elaborate, but rather keeps looking at him in silence, Phil tries to break the ice. “So, you used to watch my videos?”
 Dan relaxes a little as Phil smiles at him. “Yeah. I was a huge fan, actually.” He still looks nervous, so Phil decides to throw caution to the wind and move to hold his hand anyway. When he reaches out and threads their fingers together over the table, Dan gives him a questioning look, but he doesn’t move away. Instead, he moves his thumb to gently rub Phil’s hand, and manages a shaky smile.
 Did he think Phil was going to be upset that Dan liked his videos as a teenager? Or that Phil maybe wouldn’t want to date someone who used to be a viewer? That was crazy. This was actually great, as it meant Dan had to have some idea of what he was getting into, dating a youtuber. It also meant Phil wouldn’t have to explain Youtube to him, or his nosey audience, or why there was a good chance their dates would be interrupted by people asking for a picture with him. The only reason Phil had chosen this restaurant for their first proper date (flirting at the gym didn’t count as proper dates) and had gone for a private room was so that he could get the explanation out of the way before that happened.
 “I don’t mind, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he reassures Dan. “That’s actually really flattering. Though I wonder what I did to lose you as a viewer,” Phil jokes.
 Dan winces and says. “You didn’t.”
 Now Phil’s eyebrows shoot up, but he still doesn’t pull his hand away. It gives Dan the strength he couldn’t seem to gather before.
 “I started watching you early on, and watched you all through college. I used to watch a lot of youtube then. I gradually stopped watching Youtube as a whole when I graduated and got a job, as a result of a mixture of lack of time and waning interest, but there’s a few channels I still check out every once in a while. Yours is among them.”
 Phil squeezes his hand reassuringly, and grins. “Do you follow my social media accounts?”
 “Um. Yeah. Instagram.”
 Phil grinned warmly, “Really? So you like looking at me. Good to know.”
 Dan made an embarrassed little noise of protest, but he couldn’t really argue. “You’re nice to look at.” He was blushing a little, but he was also looking him in the eye now, shy but determined. Phil got distracted by the little rosy patch that formed right over his jaw.
 “Do you follow me on twitter? Or on Tumblr? Do you troll the IDB forums?” Phil is full on teasing him now. It seems highly unlikely that Dan is one of his most invested fans; in fact, the idea is kind of hilarious. And also kind of hot. He might revisit that idea later. In private.
 Dan laughs, “No, and no, and I don’t even know what that last one is, do I want to know?”
 “It’s a fan forum. It’s… very comprehensive. There’s a lot of information and speculation going on there. You know, actual fandom stuff.”
 Dan scoffs at that, but he’s still smiling, so Phil counts it as a win. “I’m not in the fandom. Ha, I wouldn’t have even had the time for it until recently, with the way I let work take over my life. Just… you know. I watch your videos.”
 “And you follow my Insta,” Phil reminded him.
 “Okay, that too.”
 “Is that why you watch my videos? Because you think I’m ‘nice to look at’?” Phil teases.
 “Well, I mean, that certainly helped,” Dan answers candidly, and damn it, now it’s Phil’s turn to blush. “But I wouldn’t have kept watching if you weren’t also hilarious. You’re just fun to watch, you know?”
 Phil is thinking this is all immensely cute when it dawns on him what his next to last video was. “Oh no. Oh no, god, you still watch my videos.” His hand is gripping Dan’s like a lifeline in mortification.
 “Mfph,” Phil says from behind his other hand. Which he is trying and failing to hide behind. His right hand hasn’t even tried to let go of Dan’s, so Dan doesn’t panic. Mostly.
 “You saw my video, didn’t you? The gym video? Where I go on and on about how fit you are?”
 “Yep;” Dan answered cheekily.
 Phil moaned in embarrassment behind his hand and Dan laughs. It sounds about as beautiful as he is, which is saying a lot. Okay, Phil may be a bit smitten, but he thinks he has reason to be, all things considered.
 “Instant favourite. How do you think I managed to find the guts to flirt with you?”
 At that, Phil peeks out of his hand.
 “I wasn’t sure if you even meant it, but. I mean, I know you must exaggerate or even make up part of your stories to make them entertaining for an audience. But. I mean, you did go on for about two minutes about how gorgeous I was, so,” Dan laughs a bit under his breath and Phil is so charmed he finally pulls his hand away from his face. “I figured I probably had a chance if you ever showed up in the gym again.”
 “I meant it,” Phil tells him. The way Dan is looking at him, joy and affection and attraction (a look that would later be dubbed ‘Heart Eyes Howell’ by Phil’s fans), prompts Phil to admit “...I actually had to reshoot that because I went on quite the lengthy rant about it the first time. And then I had to cut some of it from the take you did see, so that it wouldn’t jar the flow of the video.”
 Phil is blushing again, but Dan looks thrilled, so he doesn’t mind too much.
 Amazingphil posted “Life Update! Amazing Boyfriend? (Not Clickbait)”
 “Hi guys! So, a lot of people have been asking about this on twitter - *zoom in* and everywhere else *laughs, zoom out* so I thought I’d let you know what’s been going on in my life.
 Yes, I’m dating someone. Yes, it’s a guy. Yes, I’m very happy about it and you all should be grateful I have some self-control because if I had immediately given in to the urge to gush about him, you’d all be sick of it by now. *laughs*
 So, anyway! In this video, I’ll tell you a little about how we met, and I think some of you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that I’ve actually mentioned him before in a past video.
 Remember when I said this? [clip of the gym video where he talks about how his struggles in the gym led him to stumbling upon the Most Beautiful Man In The World.]
 Weeeell… *looks to the side*
 I did go back, as it turns out, and I didn’t see him again. But I was already there, so I might as well do some exercise, right? So I did, and nothing happened, and I came back home tired and sore and slightly disappointed.
 But then! The next time I went, I caught him just as he was finishing his, like, workout day, or whatever it is that people who exercise regularly call it, and I thought to myself, ‘Phil. This is your chance. Just talk to him. Make some small talk. No pressure, just some casual human interaction. Just a chill talk with the most attractive man you’ve ever seen in your life. Nothing to be nervous about! *laughs, closes his eyes and shakes his head at himself*
 So, I give myself a little pep talk, I pluck up my courage, and I. Go. Talk to him! *celebratory music*
 And what does he do? *Phil enunciates, giggly* What does he do as I start talking to him, just trying to set up a friendly, relaxed atmosphere? Just opening up the lines of communication, you know, some casual bants? Do you know what he does? He immediately, shamelessly, flirts with me. *Phil laughs again*
 I was… shook.
 So, we talked a little but then he had to go - which I was actually grateful for because by that time I was freaking out internally and I didn’t want to make a complete fool of myself - but! We arranged to meet again, in the gym.
 And the next time we did meet, I asked him out. On an actual date, not just… hanging out in the gym so that I had to awkwardly try not to embarrass myself as I work out in front of him even though I’m terrible at it.
 So, long story short, we’ve been dating since then. *celebratory music*
 So now you know. I am officially dating the Most Beautiful Man In The World.
*soft background music stops* Not even kidding, he’s the most attractive person I’ve seen in my life. It’s kind of surreal.
 *music resumes*
 So! I know some of you guys have been asking to meet him, as it were, and I have good news for you! I will be making a video with him soon, probably in the next week, so look out for that! Also, *zoom in* be nice to him, please, he’s wonderful and I’m really happy he’s in my life. Let’s not drive him away, yeah! *laughs*
 *zooms out* I’m kidding! He knows you’re all crazy, I told him all about you guys. And he seems ready to adopt you all anyway, so that’s alright. The poor bastard. 
 Anyway, that’s it for today! I hope you all have a great day! Please press like if you liked the video, I actually want to know if you guys enjoy this type of casual life update... talk-type thing and if I should make more of these. Click the subscribe button if you want to see more of me, and click the notification bell to be told when I post a new video! Check out my gaming channel! And I’ll see you guys soon! Byeee!”
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warriorgays · 7 years
if you're still doing the ship meme, can I please get babe/spina?
MY SECRET WEAKNESS. I’m imagining this specifically in my Philly Life verse, which I KEEP MEANING TO COME BACK TO. I need to write these fuckin cuties again.
who hogs the duvet: It is the single greatest source of strife in their relationship. They both hog it, and then they buy a second blanket, but then they both keep trying to steal the original blanket because it’s older and more comfortable. Then they figure out a solution: they start wearing fuzzier socks and sweatshirts to bed so they don’t need the texture of a blanket, and then the cuddling takes care of the rest of the warmth issue and everything’s hunky dory.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Babe texts all the time, not because he’s checking in per se but because he loves texting!! Lots of cute texts and emojis and whatnot. If for whatever reason a day is going by with fewer texts, Ralph will send a quick “hey how’s your day?
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Ralph is more into “projects” more generally, because he’s got a good attention for detail. So when it comes to homemade gifts, or romantic date night ideas, or Valentine’s Day scavenger hunts and the like, he’s all for it. Babe gets flashes of inspiration, but he tends to lose steam and doesn’t follow through as much, although his gifts are still thoughtful–and Ralph has simple tastes, anyway.
who gets up first in the morning: Ralph, because he teaches middle school so he has to get up pretty early. and Babe’s a slugabed.
who suggests new things in bed: Babe. He grins and blushes like crazy while doing so.
who cries at movies: Babe. He’s not at all self-conscious of his sniffles.
who gives unprompted massages: Babe again, because Ralph has a stressful, demanding job where he’s on his feet a lot of the day! and he’s shaping the future! So he deserves massages.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: They’re both fussers, but in different ways. Ralph takes up the “doctor” persona again, Babe all of a sudden is full of non-scientific advice and old wives’ tales he picked up from his and other people’s grandmas.
who gets jealous easiest: Ralph. He hates to admit it, but… well, Babe is a good-looking, outgoing guy who doesn’t always realize when he’s being flirted with. Jealousy happens.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: It’s not embarrassing, necessarily, but Babe is exasperated because Ralph rarely listens to new music. He has a few favorite artists and albums and he’s good–he’ll listen to the radio but he doesn’t expand his library without significant prodding.
who collects something unusual: Babe collects stamps. But that is not unusual, stamp collecting has a long and storied history, damn it!
who takes the longest to get ready: Ralph, because he likes to make sure he has everything he might need. He has one of those Teacher Bags that’s always crammed with a million things. Babe just shoves his wallet in his pocket, runs a comb through his hair, and makes sure his jeans don’t have many holes and he’s good.
who is the most tidy and organised: Ralph. His life is so chaotic, he likes being able to lay hands on things right away if he can.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Babe is SO INTO cheesy holiday celebrations and gets super excited. Ralph enjoys them, too, and watching Babe get so pumped makes him feel warm and fuzzy.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Ralph is the big spoon. This is canon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: They’re both competitive, but Ralph is not “gets so distracted by the game that he’s suckered in by devious friends” competitive.
who starts the most arguments: They don’t argue a lot in general. Babe’s more likely to get snippy when he’s stressed, but they don’t fight very often.
who suggests that they buy a pet: Babe does, because why not make apartment hunting even MORE difficult? They get a pudgy, lazy, purry ginger cat from the humane society.
what tv shows they watch together: They like game shows and cheesy reality TV a lot.
what other couple they hang out with: In the Modern AU I’ve written them in already, Snafu and Gene Roe are the couple they hang out with the most, because Babe and Gene are roommates. Bill and Fran hang out with them a lot, too.
how they spend time together as a couple: Their favorite dates usually involve going out for something fun and active, like concerts, karaoke, events in the park, whatnot, and then getting dinner from a food truck on the way home.
who made the first move: Well… technically it’s Bill, when he’s like “OH MY GOD WILL YOU TWO MAKE OUT ALREADY.” But Babe is the one in the couple who actually is like “hey let’s be a couple.”
who brings flowers home: Babe! He doesn’t do complex romantic gestures, but coming home with a bouquet and kissing his bf on the cheek because his delighted smile is so cute? Yeah, that he can do.
who is the best cook: They’re both decent cooks, but they try to eat at Gene and Snafu’s as much as possible, because as long as he has assistants to make the work doable even after a full shift, Gene’s clearly the best cook of any of them.
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