#love how fucking done fujiko looks
catchyhuh · 6 months
Sometimes what people wear as pajamas is a weird indicator of personality so... What’s your opinion on their pajamas?
it took less than a second for me to go “how do pjs indicate personaliOhhh wait yeah that does make sense” as I realized I was folding up multiple adult size cartoon character onesies for my own pajama drawer. let’s get into it BUT UH DISCLAIMER i mostly talk about patterns in canon i’ve noticed with just… tiny personal thoughts in here. less headcanons more breakdown. NOW let’s get into it
two modes-- soft, fuzzy button up set, or just his underwear. somewhat depending on weather, DEFINITELY depending on mood. i mean you don't wanna get COLD and he got those nice purple heart pajamas with an actual, legal purchase, so it'd be stupid to waste them ALL the time!
there could be a joke here about how he’d probably just sleep naked if the gang weren’t constantly groaning in annoyance, throwing pillows at him begging him to put on some damn pants, but the reality is… he can’t really sleep like that. it’s uncomfy :( he tried :) but it’s uncomfy :(
you aren't ready for this. or you are. you likely are, given i had to choose between like 3 different pictures i have of him in fits like this
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and i’m dead serious. big ass ankle length nightgown with matching cap. no, really. these are his actual pajamas. they’re comfy to him. i can’t fathom why, maybe the fabric is just equal parts breathable and warm, maybe he did this once for the bit and realized it was the best sleep he ever had, WHATEVER, these are his pajamas, and no amount of teasing by now will stop him from changing into these before going to bed
i have to respect them for committing to this bit, because you think, oh, he’s the coolest. he wouldn’t have lame pajamas. no he does. very lame. hilariously so. arose such a clatter type shit. nighty night scrooge
now, she would LIKE to say big, fluffy, fancy nightgown… but the texture feels bad scrubbing against your skin all night, so she usually just opts for a simpler nightgown. or, like lupin, just her underwear. obvious fanservice aside she’s clearly comfy bundled up like that so you show em how its done fujiko
no matter how cold it gets, she can never really sleep in pajama pants. shorts, maybe, but anything that reaches past her knees feels restrictive, hence why she normally just goes for the nightgown. she doesn’t even kick in her sleep idk why it’s such a big deal!
i had to look through a bunch of stuff because i was like. wtf. what DOES he wear to bed. he can’t just be wearing his usual clothes all day and night, it would be uncomfortable. so i’ve come to the conclusion that these virtually identical clothes here are just made of a softer material, designated as goemon’s jammies
or he just. sleeps in his underwear. it really is comfsorry the mental image of the camera panning across three beds where they’re sleeping in their underwear vs jigen still rocking the victorian fit is killing me a bit
have you noticed he sleeps with his hat on more than jigen does. isn’t that fucked. jigen has a special sleeping hat but the alleged NON-hat-obsessed guy is the one sleeping in it. due to his… hectic routine, he never really has a default type of pjs. either he just sleeps in what he was already wearing (c’mon, man) or he’s packed like, some pajama pants, or (take another shot because this series loves this gag) just hits the hay in the heart print boxers. jigen really is a scientific outlier.
USUALLY if he’s bothering to actually change, it’s just the undershirt he’s already got on and some comfy pants, the kind you can get at like walmart for five bucks, so if he’s forgotten to bring them it’s no biggie. damn anon was right this IS a personality indicator!
as we have oft discussed, yata is a man we have all met at one point in our lives. so, yata has the basic boring man pajamas. t-shirt that’s too big for him but he forgot to return it, and seasonal pajama pants. the pants always seem to mismatch the season, he wore the snowflake ones during summer, and now he’s wearing the halloween ones in winter?
the shirt itself is also mundanely mysterious. nobody can really place the logo on it, and he doesn’t really remember where he got it from either. it doesn’t bother him too much until it’s pointed out to him
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loopspoop · 4 months
Backstory for Fujiko perhaps? ^u^
Unsurprisingly, she’s one of the harder ones for me to write, but I’m giving it my all!
She’s born in Japan to a single mother. They live in a tiny apartment and, while her mother is young, she tries her best to do what she can for her. She’s made mistakes but she’s trying her best for her child. However, the stress gets to her. Her family has shunned her for having a child out of wedlock and for being so young. She leaves her child alone in a park one day. Fujiko is wailing after hours of loneliness and is finally picked up by police after a concerned couple realized the abandonment. Despite her age, the memory is something she recalls often and is where her first distrust of the police comes in. She felt they took her from her mother. She was coming back for her, she had to be.
Group homes were a change for Fujiko. She wanted her mom, but the kids are nice. The girls in the homes get in trouble for painting her nails. Why paint his nails?! He’s a boy! Fujiko was as pissed as a 4 year old could be at that point. She looked great in red nail polish! How dare they? However, this is where she learned that turning on the charm got her what she wanted. She was a cute kid and grew into a beautiful adult. She knew how to work the system before she was 7. Even if it was just for cookies or an extended bedtime, it worked. If that didn’t, she was good at tantrums too. She was an angry kid.
She ends up more rebellious in middle school. Group homes aren’t as nice when they realize how much you act out. She’s angry. She’s realized her mother abandoned her. Nobody concretely adopts her and it pisses her off. She’s shunted from home to home as she begins to steal jewelry and expensive things from foster parents. Sometimes they find everything, sometimes they don’t. She’s caught stealing her files trying to find her mother, which ears her a beating with a ruler for snooping in important files. It intensifies her rage against systems like this. There’s no information on her past except her permanent records of all of her misbehaving. Stealing, fighting, tantrums, she’s done it all.
Puberty doesn’t help. Hair in weird places makes her feel like she’s losing her good looks. She can’t get what she wants by just asking or trying her best. She’s learned this early on. Looks are what gets her what she needs. She’s alone and only has herself. She will kick someone’s ass, but that’s a last resort. She steals razors from the girls sanitary products room and teaches herself to shave. She steals makeup and perfume from stores and grows her hair long. Fuck societal norms at this point, she was whoever she wanted to be, damnit! She ends up getting arrested at 15 for stealing makeup. The group home cuts her hair as punishment. She gets more enraged against these systems. The group homes punish her for self expression. The police made fun of her hair and makeup. She pierces her own ears and fixes her hair to her best ability and runs away.
She adopts a new name. She’s Fujiko Mine now. Her hair grows back beautifully and she manages to learn to hide any masculine features well. Watching enough people teaches her how to raise her voice and she puts on an act to get money from rich suckers who treat anyone below them like garbage anyways. She ages into a woman on the streets, sleeping in fancy condos when she’s doing well and living with filthy men she tricks into letting her stay. She always leaves before they find her out, stealing their wallets and milking their bank accounts dry.
She’s in her 20s when she gets a high mark, gets herself a good amount of money but ends up losing it before she can do much. Down on her luck, a love struck Frenchman sweeps her off her feet and she makes him a mark.
It doesn’t work out like she expected.
He doesn’t leave. He found her out immediately. The stealing, her secrets, everything. He doesn’t care, despite the fact she holds a knife to his throat. He’s Lupin III and he’s… got really great boobs- oh. So that’s how he knew.
Lupin helps her pay her top and bottom surgery and handles all the recovery. He was really sweet for it. They form a bond pretty quickly. She heals and steals his wallet. He kept Monopoly money in it, the little creep. And a phone number. He invites her on heists, presents her with diamonds and dresses and designer bags. It’s what she always wanted. And while Lupin does want things in return, namely sex, he’s not greedy about it like the other men were. He isn’t forceful. If she says no he accepts just cuddling or even sharing a coffee and a chat.
Eventually they end up with a samurai and a gunman in the same situation. Jigen is prickly and thinks she’s just after Lupin’s body. The only thing she really wanted was to exchange chests, but that problem was solved and not much of Jigen’s business anyways. Goemon was shy and a little funny to mess with. He gave her hair tips and they became fast friends in exchanging passing tips. A lot of her anger dies down. She stills hates laws and systems like foster care but she’s not as angry at the world because people like her can do just fine when they get the right family. And she has her family, finally.
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zingtastic · 1 year
(Holy shit I love this idea, I am in love a trillion times with it. Also basic gist of it pls (like is it based off of the novels in terms of story or is it p5 but old)?)
I’m also very nervous because I’ve never made an au before and I’m kinda putting a weird spin on it. I am basing it mainly on the novels; time period, style, etc. But the novels only really concern Arsene and Ganimard. In order to add more characters, I looked to media similar to the stories and low and behold I found the Lupin III series (which I then binged and now adore but that’s besides the point).
The au follows Phantom Thief Ren Lupin, of course, with Detective Goro Akechi (I didn’t feel a reason to change Akechi’s name because he’s already named after a famous detective) hot on his tail. It takes place roughly in the late 1800s to early 1900s so I’m gonna throw an old fashioned twist on the p5 villains, which will be the people Ren’s stealing from. However, Ren will be the one carrying out the actual heists while his support… supports him in doing so, preventing the law from reaching him and all that.
Concerning his support: this was based HEAVILY on Lupin III’s gang. If you are unfamiliar with that franchise, a quick Google search should give you the gist of the group.
Ren obviously takes place of Lupin.
Ryuji takes the place of Jigen. I chose Ryuji because Jigen is Lupin’s right hand man—always there for support and to help get him outta trouble if he becomes overwhelmed. Bros lookin out for bros!
Yusuke takes the place of Goemon. In the show, Goemon represents the traditional Japanese thief—the same role that Yusuke plays in p5, relatively speaking. He’s the level-headed one with accidental humor, and if that isn’t Yusuke idk who is.
Then comes the idea of the fem fatale. I didn’t want this to be an all boys au because women are badass, duh. So I HAD to include my girl Ann in there somewhere, and I think she takes the place of Fujiko, in a way. She definitely won’t be used for sex appeal tho because women deserve respect and that’s a very “male gaze” idea so she’s there to be her girlboss self and show the boys how it’s done.
I’d like to include the rest of the Phantom Thieves down the line as other additions to Ren’s support group, but I’m gonna flesh out what I’ve got so far before I get too in over my head.
My favorite Arsene Lupin story is The Red Silk Scarf so I’m gonna play around with maybe doing a messy comic as a sort of intro to the greater story.
I am extremely excited to work on this but I do have a full-time job over the summer so most posting will probably happen on the weekends.
Anyway, sorry that was a little long but thank you for being interested and asking about it!! I hope it meets expectations :) <3
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin III Chapter 55 Review
my ass is so tired but im really excited to cover this chapter
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it is the chapter
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literally the first episode of the lupin anime im so excited to cover this ngl the first time i read it i didnt understand what the fuck was even happening sooo now that ive watched the anime adaption hopefully i can do this chapter justice
oh yeah the english version of the chapter calls it "Grand Theft Auto" which is… an interesting choice.
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ok so in this chapter there's a car racing tournament happening unlike the anime this is most likely an actual race instead of a fake one done by scorpion (they dont exist in the manga)
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zenigata stands on the side, perhaps trying to look for lupin..? also i love how in the chapter he wears cool shades for a couple of panels
like it was all planned, lupin arrives pretending to be a worker in the tournament he hides his face with a stack of boxes, but zenigata completely sees through it and tries to catch him zenigata fails sadly, and he bonks into fujiko whos transporting a cola vending machine
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he's pissed off and basically tells monkey punch he's quitting and just leaves the race LMAO poor guy turns out lupin was hiding in the vending machine all along! he pops outta there and turns out zenigata was just joking, he was hiding ontop the machine waiting for him to come out will zenigata succeed this time!?
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the answer is no he just gets??? crashed by a car by fujiko??? i dont know the manga page looks a bit confusing but the point is zenigata fails to catch lupin and fujiko and lupin runs away
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lupin tells fujiko he loves her then fujiko goes like do you really mean it then he literally just runs away what an asshole
then the chapter finally gets the scene that got adapted in the anime the race between lupin and zenigata! lupin this time actually has a tougher time trying to outspeed zenigata he's tryna stay in the lead to execute his plan which is later revealed to be robbing a huge bank
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Z: You can't escape, Lupin! L: That is the world's most stubborn man. L: For this plan to work... I have to stay in the lead!
then we pan to jigen observing the race, while fujiko meets up with him jigen, wearing the same attire as lupin's, is going to swap in his place fujiko's just there to make sure the plan goes smoothly
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and surprise surprise, the swap is successfully done, and lupin goes to target the bank!
meanwhile in the bank itself some dudes are panicking and trying to find zenigata while a detective called bungoro (on the left) i assume is there to fill in his place
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going back to the race, there are two film recorders recording the race, and they manage to spot the swap happening… fujiko is there to stop them from getting the films to the judge though, and demands to take it from them >:) im honestly surprised she's given a more useful role than what she got in the anime lol
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we don't see what happens next though, as it goes back to whats happening in the bank
detective bungoro asks the owner to open the vault to examine it when they come to vault though, he gets knocked out by another bungoro, saying the first one was lupin???
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thats not the end though it turns out the first bungoro was ACTUALLY the real one and lupin simply put a mask of his face on him… the second bungoro (which is just lupin) at this point already left with the safe and the owner of the vault returns to confirmed that they've been played.
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ok going back to fujiko which is simply the better sideplot
while lupin was going on his silly little heist, fujiko gets beaten up by the camera crew, drops the film, and they retrieve it back from her luckily for the fujiko nation, she still has a sneaky trick on her sleeve !!
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good job fujiko, you barely succeeded and thats really good feat considering you've done nothing significant in the manga so far and yes, she doesn't betray lupin at all in the chapter ;)
lupin returns to jigen and swaps place with them again, and confirms with jigen that he got the monei and he wins the race as well!!!
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he looks so happy zenigata however, has other plans after this race, and is about to arrest lupin!? after all that work…
BUT- he gets interrupted by the police officers, who informs zenigata that lupin has robbed a bank, and carries him off without realizing lupin is right in front of them…
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The End.
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@dcviated asked: 3 and 29
Shipping Questions for the Mun - Accepting!
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do you have a pet peeve when it comes to shipping?
I have plenty of these, but I also have plenty of RP pet peeves in general. For shipping specifically: one of the things I absolutely hate are when muns assume that after a thread or two, or even the knowledge my muse has an interest in theirs, that I'll want to write a sex scene immediately. Of course, I've written a variety of muses in my lifetime as a roleplayer, some of whom are very sexually active and others who aren't.
For Sonia specifically, she's a muse that even when she finds someone attractive and is interested in dating them, that doesn't mean she's going to immediately jump into bed with them (or even a relationship, for that matter!). I've run into issues with muns who have complained that I wasn't sending them smut memes, or at least very suggestive romantic memes, and I had to explain that my muse wasn't ready for that, or just wasn't interested in that side of a romantic relationship yet.
Seriously though: letting things unfold is fun.
would you play as a cheater, or with someone cheating on your muse?
In general, yes. If just for the fact that plenty of muses I've written in the past, or am considering writing elsewhere (Discord, etc.) aren't exactly the most faithful. Fujiko Mine from Lupin III is committed to herself first and foremost, followed by luxury and the thrill of stealing valuables and manipulating others. Even when she might admit that the only other person she's ever loved has been Lupin, she's still not faithful to him romantically, or the gang in general. Fujiko's most important relationship is with herself and everyone else can and will get fucked over (in more ways than one).
Julia from Cowboy Bebop is another, less extreme example: she has cheated, but she's done it once but with lasting repercussions, if we're going by canon.
Where Sonia's concerned, it's actually been alluded to in some storylines that she has emotionally cheated on her significant other, if not physically cheated, particularly with @cantillat's Shirou. When I'm writing in our canon Danganronpa/Fate crossover verse, Sonia's immense guilt for falling in love with Shirou while still dating Gundham helps Junko significantly in manipulating her/brainwashing her to become a Remnant of Despair. Because she's become the exact thing she said she never wanted to be.
Even some of her combined canon and Non-Despair backstory has some messy relationship issues, which bleed into various storylines at times. A lot of ships on this blog just haven't made it to the point or touched upon the fact of
As far as being cheated on, that's perhaps the most effective way to hurt Sonia in a relationship. It's a challenging thing for her to really let someone into her life, especially the older she gets and the more invasive her royal life becomes. That having that trust be betrayed? That she's made to look foolish and like she isn't enough and her feelings don't matter at all? And most importantly, repeat her parents' mistakes? That's a great way to bring on the angst, broken hearts, and self-destructive behavior. It would be a long road ahead for her to even attempt to trust her lover again after that.
I'd be up for writing it if someone wants to write that much angst, but it would need to be plotted. And depending on the situation and her age, I'm not even sure how many ways Sonia would retaliate. I'd still expect her to retain some restraint when addressing it, even though I'd love to see her absolutely lose her cool and let her lover and the other person have it. As much as I wish she could, I don't think she could channel some Maddy Perez from Euphoria energy.
Above video is NSFW for foul language and messy teen drama unfolding in front of an audience
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dandunn · 2 years
Fujigoe 17 or 19 (you pick :))
Don't slap me for this, I'm the angst king and I warned you.
cw: mentions of the sex thing being done
17. things you said that I wish you hadn't
19. things you said when we were the happiest we ever were
Happiness and guilt go hand-in-hand for Fujiko.
She wasn't sure how old she was when she realised that she had never felt happiness without some kind of caveat, something that whispered in her ear that it wasn't meant to last, or she hadn't earned it, or that some horrible event would come along to rip it out of her hands.
Thieving had been her way of reaching out and attempting to grab happiness with both hands, no matter the method she had to use to obtain it.
And it worked.
Something about telling yourself that you deserved happiness kept the guilt at bay, made the voice easier to drown out. That you deserve freedom and peace of mind, and you have the right to cast out anyone in your life who tries to stand in the way of that.
And yet, in spite of her convictions, sometimes it comes back.
She's happy, when the short-haired samurai in her arms has been through complete hell.
It's morning, and they're in her bed. A low bed big enough to spoon her motorcycle on if she felt like it, crisp white sheets and a wide window looking out onto a snow-dusted inner garden. It's warm and she hasn't shared a bed with anyone without having to fuck them in some time, which makes a nice change.
Goemon is one of the few men in her life she can share a bed with without worrying about waking up with hands grabbing at her, which should probably be the bare minimum, but even by those fucked up standards it makes her appreciate him all the more.
(Jigen is another one of those men, but it only happened when he was injured, and she could also cuddle with a hairy, cigarette smoke soaked draft-excluder and enjoy it just as much)
Fujiko can tell when the man at her side is awake when his slow, even breathing is broken by a sharp inhale, jolting slightly before he stretches and relaxes once again.
"Goemon, are you happy?" she asks, knowing he is the type to be instantly alert when he wakes, even if he doesn't bother opening his eyes.
"Yes, I am at peace."
She smiles, "I'm happy too."
He opens one eye, then closes it again, smiling, "I am glad."
Even hearing him say it out loud, she still feels uneasy. He's never going to be the same samurai he was, never going to be as strong as before. If he can pick himself up after what happened to his body, it'll be a miracle. And Fujiko feels-
"Fuck, dammit." she mutters, fat tears rolling down her cheeks - she's crying again.
So, so guilty.
Of all the things Goemon has done for the sake of his pride, this is up there with the stupidest. All three of her boys: so very pig headed and idiotic.
She feels her boyfriend's fingers touch her chin to push her face up. When she looks at him, his face is blurred by her tears.
"I thought you said you were happy." Goemon says softly.
"I am, I'm happy and sad at the same time. It's a strange feeling."
She sniffs, wipes her eyes and the image of him clears, all dark soulful eyes and cuts and scrapes, burn marks and bandages.
He had wandered back into her life like a cat - a cat with one less life, but not any less vibrant and alive.
They haven't made love since she brought him back to her hideout, but as Goemon laboriously shifts over to pull her against him, her body quickly (and enthusiastically) gets used to the idea.
She gives his wrecked body one more look over, before biting her lip, "I'm just so happy you're alive."
He smiles at her again, and then they make love without needing to discuss it. They both want it.
She could never be exclusive with anyone, but dammit if Goemon doesn't come close to making her wish she was that sort of person.
He makes the guilt fade into a barely audible background hum, because as long as he's happy, there's no reason to be guilty.
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himbobeefcakephd · 3 years
oh what??? in part 4 they had Lupin no homo-ing himself????? I haven't watched it but maaaaaaan that sucks! I'm so mad... I'm gonna go look at a million pictures of him kissing men so I won't be mad.
seriously tho one of my favorite things about Lupin is that he's so driven by his own desires. want thing? steal thing. hot person? pursue them. have goal? fulfill it via any means. you're telling me his desires never included getting his male cohorts into bed with him?? when Jigen is right there??? also I love when cross dressing happens in the show because it's like yeah, these guys don't give a flying fuck. why was pops in drag at the beginning of Farewell to Nostradamus? idk, for funsies? he was just bein cute? vibes?
kings of bullshit, all of them. the show is just made of pure camp. of course the men all kiss each other, what, is the modern anime trying to go all normie on us or something? now?? we are so far beyond the point where they could try to gentrify this shit, like I'm sorry, but this show already had that friggin gorilla episode, that ship has sailed. we got ourselves a samurai that can cut an airplane in half with a katana but the men can't kiss... that's really where we're at? christ.
and as much as all these guys are definitely switches, Lupin is a bottom, and Goemon is a top (except when he's really really not), and Jigen's just a very lucky guy. ;)
(Zenigata is either a really bashful bottom, or a service top. Lupin self identifies as a minx... a shameless flirt, a tease, and a problem.)
*leaves the room... then comes back in again*
and Fujiko should kiss women too!
Listen you don't have to convince ME of the camp, I thrive in it, I need zero explanation of why the gang does what they do or how it's done, lol. Let Goemon slice cars in half. Jigen ricochets a bullet off 16 different surfaces??? Fantastic. Let Zenigata sling 6 pairs of handcuffs at Lupin all at once. Fujiko drove a motorcycle off a cliff and landed in a hot air balloon?????? GREAT. I am here for all of it and lolll Lupin identifies as a problem and z-zenigata as a service top, I have never felt more seen
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For the ship game: prime numbers for Lupin x Jigen!
Under a cut, allegedly, though mobile has been known to just IGNORE THAT. Sorry in advance if this gets goofed for anyone.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, in any place?
Lupin, obviously (and canonically). Just the horniest man you ever did see. Jigen knows what he wants and when he wants it, but he has difficulty keeping up with Don Juan Triumphant over there. Lupin is also far less picky about locations and times than Jigen is. Jigen still has a FEW standards, thank you, and also a stronger sense of self-preservation. Lupin sometimes tries to start shit in public or during a heist and Jigen is like “I REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE THE SENTIMENT BUT CAN WE NOT.” The closest to public anything Jigen will put up with is bar bathroom/back-alley hookups, and he doesn’t really tend to do that with Lupin or Goemon since they have secondary locations far more suited to such activity (or at least the damn Fiat, if nothing else). That said, Jigen is a spiteful bastard and gets a huge kick out of riling Lupin up over the walkie-talkie during jobs. He is more than happy to get jumped by his boss after they make it out and secure the loot.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Honestly, while I can totally see Lupin and Jigen doing this with their other partners, I have a harder time imagining the two of them doing this together and I’m not sure why. I feel like these two on their own both like the privacy bathing gives them, whether it’s to clean wounds or decompress from a job.
On the occasions when they do bathe together, I feel like it’s an unspoken kind of thing, where the other person quietly slips in the tub/shower with them and they just don’t bother protesting. I think Lupin is more likely to join Jigen in his bathing, but if Jigen is sleepy enough or lonely enough he might do the same. There is a lot of mutual appreciation of scars. They’ve definitely smoked in the tub before (Intricate Rituals™). Lupin is probably more likely to get handsy, because Lupin, but two can play that game if Jigen is feeling it, and also Jigen gives Lupin a run for his money in the staring department. No hat to hide behind now.
Lupin has also 100% done the whole “Hey Jigen, do you know if—stop screaming, it’s me—do you know if we have any more instant dashi? Goemon’s gonna slice up the sofa if I ruin soba night again.”
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Jigen, but to be fair, he canonically sleeps on the couch most nights (possibly to keep an eye on the door, possibly because he knows that place, at least, is always “acceptable” for him to occupy). It’s an odd night if you don’t see Jigen out there with a glass and a bottle of scotch and an old movie on TV. The main difference is that if he and Lupin have been fighting, he won’t bother with the formality of a glass and the TV will be playing far louder or not at all.
7) [A] Who said “I love you” first? And [B] who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
I hate to take the coward’s way out here, but I think the answers are A) either one - depends on the headcanon/fic/version of the characters I’m feeling that day, and B) both.
For A, they’re both the sort of people to show their love—true love/affection, not just flirtation/infatuation, LUPIN—in action, not words. Lupin is a man of many words to a fault, generous with his verbal and physical affection, so Lupin has to find a way to make sure Jigen knows he means it and how he means it. He may rightly fear that Jigen won’t believe him (or else believe him but take it platonically) if he says “I love you” to his face, so first he’ll show him through every little action he can. Jigen is a man of few words to a fault, so saying personal stuff like that out loud is both a last resort and the point of no return. Getting him to say it at all, unambiguously, and while sober is like pulling teeth. Once one of them finally spits it out, though, I think the other is quick to reciprocate (again, if they manage to say it clearly and under good circumstances and not ambiguously/while drunk or wounded/etc. They’re both idiots and selective cowards so this is a big if). The mutual relief is palpable and immediately followed by sex, because they’re both (horny) idiots and selective cowards who do not want to talk about Emotions and Personal Things any more than strictly necessary.
For B, ohhhh man, if it isn’t that same emotional avoidance coming to bite them in the asses! Looks like talking about deep emotions is strictly necessary after all! You know it’s a Big Important Argument for them if this is what it comes to. This is going to tie in somewhat to the answers for 11, 17, and 23, so stay tuned. “Because I love you” coming from either of them should give the other pause, but if they are angry enough, they’re both quite likely to storm off after that declaration anyway. They’ll come back and have a real discussion later, but the shock or frustration of that arresting declaration dropped in the middle of an argument is something neither of them are great at dealing with. Hearing that from Jigen might be enough to stop Lupin in his tracks, but Lupin might also be so dead-set on something that he’ll steamroll right over it even if he knows he’ll regret it later. Hearing that from Lupin probably only makes Jigen angrier because of his awful self-esteem (see answers 11 and 23), and even if he’s been working on that, his instinct will be to snarl “Yeah, right” and storm out the door. I like to think that one day they are able to get to the heart of the argument sooner (because this is almost always it) and work on the behaviors that worry the other so much, but alas, they are a mess.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Once again, either of them depending on the day.
As you mentioned in your JiGoe post, Jigen says it partly because he thinks it’s funny (“You have a crush on me, Boss? Fuckin’ embarrassing”) but also because he’s fishing for validation. His self-esteem/confidence in anything outside his shooting skills is shit and he still can’t quite believe that Lupin isn’t lying/he hasn’t conned Lupin into something. This is rather overestimating his conning skills and underestimating his many good qualities, but, well, genuine, lasting affection is kinda new for him. Much to Jigen’s annoyance, Lupin figures out exactly what Jigen’s up to after the first few times and answers him seriously (and positively) instead of continuing the “joke”. Lupin loses patience for this particular tactic over time but I like to think that Jigen finally begins believing in the affection, too, so it comes up less and less and one day Jigen might actually play the quip straight without the self-deprecation. Ideally he would just take the damn compliment, but it’s LupJig and banter is one of their love languages.
When Lupin says it, he typically is playing the quip straight and fondly giving Jigen shit for showing an Emotion and motherFUCKER I just realized Jigen could probably be considered a tsundere. I hate this. ANYWAY. Jigen then immediately snarks back that yes, Lupin, considering we’ve been travelling the world together and actively fucking for X years, it’d be damn awkward if I didn’t by now.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Lupin absolutely initiates duets, or rather, he tries to; whether or not Jigen actually chimes in is another matter entirely. Lupin is also the better singer by far (when he’s sober). He loves singing along to pop and rock in the car (“This is the reason God invented America!”).
Much as it would please me personally to give Jigen a smooth operatic baritone, there’s no way in hell he sounds good after smoking a pack a day for twenty-something years. I think Jigen can carry a tune and he’s a decent hummer and whistler, but his singing voice isn’t spectacular.
Lupin occasionally succeeds in getting Jigen to join him in car karaoke, though as in all things, Lupin is much louder and more impassioned. Jigen frequently hums along under his breath, though, and Lupin loves hearing Jigen’s a cappella renditions of classical music (complete with hand motions).
When Queen starts becoming popular, car singalongs become much more involved because it’s MY silly headcanon and You Are Not Immune To Queen. Jigen cried the first time he heard “Bohemian Rhapsody” and he will kill Lupin if he ever tells Goemon or, God forbid, Fujiko. When the four of them are in the car it’s a full-on Wayne’s World headbanging party. (Pops is the drunk guy they pick up along the way. Also, seeing Payless Shoe Source in this clip dealt me psychic damage.)
Lupin and Jigen (and Goemon) are the living embodiment of the drunk friends singing “Sweet Caroline” post, and Jigen is specifically this version of “Sweet Caroline”.
17) Who is more protective?
THAT IS THE QUESTION, HUH, GHOST? Jigen’s job and, to a certain degree, raison d’être is protecting Lupin, but (to cheat slightly and quote your own DM to me), if you think Lupin won’t raze everything to the ground to keep Jigen (and the others) safe, you don’t know him at all. They are this meme to the deepest of faults. They are both so desperately afraid of losing what they have (and in Lupin’s case, this is tinged with a bonus, even more concerning “what is his”) that they will go full self-sacrificing, scorched-earth policy. This is, in fact, my favorite reason for Lupin to do the worst thing he does: fake his own death to protect his partners. Lupin never stops to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, he should trust his partners to fake grief and keep the secret long enough for whoever’s on their tail to give up or let their guard slip. Lupin is willing to hurt them in an effort to protect them, so in that way, I suppose Lupin is the “most” “protective”. Jigen’s self-abasement to the point of unhesitating and perhaps even hasty sacrifice is painful, too, but Jigen would never dare go to the same level of deception (except in Goodbye, Partner, apparently? But 1) I haven’t watched it yet and 2) while awful, I still feel like fake betrayal pales in comparison to very convincingly (AND MAYBE REPEATEDLY) faked death).
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
They split driving duties, but Lupin genuinely loves driving and Jigen is more than happy to prop his feet on the Fiat’s dashboard and smoke or sleep the hours away.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the other’s love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! I think the answer to all of these is ultimately Jigen, but that’s not to say Lupin doesn’t share the exact same worries.
Jigen has a very difficult time believing that his partners’ love is genuine, and since Lupin is the one he knew first, that’s where it first manifests. Jigen has had very, very few good romantic connections in his life (if any). He doesn’t know what Lupin could possibly see in an older, prickly hired killer with a drinking problem and a head full of demons. He’s willing to believe that Lupin keeps him around for his skills, for protection, and for sex, sure, but anything past that? Doubtful. This ties into the other two parts of the question: Jigen is afraid that if he fails in his sharpshooting or his protection, he will be cut out of the gang, or worse, Lupin will end up dead because Jigen slipped up. As mentioned in question 17, Jigen cannot bear to lose Lupin and he would never forgive himself if he believed it was somehow his fault. Accordingly, Jigen takes “failure” that exceeds his usual margin of error very seriously in the early days. Later, he is better about this, but the worst-case scenario still stands.
Lupin, on the other hand, has had plenty of romantic connections, some good, some bad, though it is perhaps telling that Fujiko is his longest romantic relationship other than Jigen. He is afraid that if he doesn’t put on the world’s greatest show at all times, no one will give a rat’s ass about some scrawny grandson of an old French thief (or the perhaps unwanted/disliked son of a ruthless crime lord, because I love that fanon for Lupin the Second). He must live up to and indeed surpass the previous Lupins, he must shower his partners in money and adventure, he must always, always come out on top no matter how south the plan goes, or else what is the point of him? It takes time for him to turn his persona off for more than a few seconds, to let the quieter, sometimes contemplative side that slips through the cracks come to rest out in the open. Years down the road, Jigen finally gets up the courage and the words to tell Lupin that he would love him no matter what he did or where he went, even if that was nothing and nowhere. And again, see question 17 re: losing Jigen.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Lupin is by far the most guilty of this. He’s constantly pulling dumb shit, whether that be for World-Renowned Gentleman Thief reasons or just He May Be Stupid reasons. Case in point: the tunnel scene in The First, after which Jigen was duly impressed. Fortunately for Lupin, Lady Luck must be head over heels for him because the bastard keeps surviving, but sometimes even she can’t save him from medical consequences. Jigen bulk-ordered “Stupid Hurts” band-aids specifically for Lupin. Jigen’s bad choices are more likely to literally backfire on him, but Goemon more than makes up for Jigen’s slack in the Crazy Stunt department.
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Cute and soft hcs for the lupin gang please ? Ps welcome to the adoring jigen club !
Lupin III 
Oh, I'm so sorry but you're dating a fucking idiot. 
A charming idiot, but still an idiot. 
From terrible flirting to 'borrowing' expensive gifts...this man's a fucking handful. 
He does take you out on nice dates, fancy restaurants, calming walks in the park, quality time building sandcastles at the beach, etc. 
It's all nice until Zenigata shows up and starts a chase down for whatever heist Lupin has done now. 
So it's after finally getting away from the cops that the two of you go back to Lupin's apartment and crash on the couch too tired to make it to the bed. 
Lupin III is the absolute supreme champion of cuddles. 
Once he has you in his arms, face pressed against your chest and wandering hands traveling to your ass, you're not going to want to leave. Even if you could, good luck trying your master thief of a boyfriend is too stubborn to let you escape cuddle time. 
Lupin is very prone to sleeping during cuddle time so when you're dragged into it it's best to have supplies near at all times because he's not just a heavy sleeper he basically turns into a log when he falls asleep.
Oh and snoring. 
He snores like a fucking animal. 
But post sleep-cuddle hugging is the best time for kisses. 
They're absolutely sweet and they pepper all over your body as he tells you sweet and loving words that remind you why you're with him in the first place. 
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Fujiko Mine 
You are one very lucky person to win this woman's hurt. 
With her colorful past, trust me gaining her attention and trust was not easy. 
But now you have her, and she loves you. There's no going back now. 
She absolutely loves going on heists with you. 
What could be more a perfect date?
Also bar dates, so the two of you can have a few drinks and just talk about normal day to day things or how Lupin is a fucking idiot (mostly the later) 
Fujiko gives the best backrubs. 
Hurt your back from one of Lupin's bank shenanigans? No problem. Her hands are a perfect fit to rub out each and every tension in your muscles. 
As she does this she also rants on about your safety, but she means well and is only worried about you. (And expect a kiss attack from her afterwards) 
She is one of those people who have a ridiculous amount of pillows on her bed and if you even try to move one she will fight you. 
When it's sleeping time she will crawl on top of you and sleep on your chest like a koala. 
She has very soft hair and normally would be absolutely pissed if anyone touched it, but she likes when you do. 
As the two of you relax for the night, her koala-ed up on your chest, just slowly play with her hair and she'll just smile to herself as she cuddles up even more into you. 
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Goemon Ishikawa
I don't know how you did it...but you did it. 
This man is...difficult to be in a relationship with. 
Not impossible, but it takes time. 
The closeted thing you're getting to a fate is either watching him train or when he's having his down time to clean up his sword. 
These times the two of you don't talk as much but instead take in each other's company. 
But there are the rare moments when Lupin isn't on the two of your asses about his next planned heist and Goemon feels that his training for the week has paid off that the two of you will go out for a walk on the town to go sightseeing. 
Goemon isn't ashamed of affection, he just isn't a big fan of PDA, the closest he is comfortable with is at least holding your hand in public, with a rare kiss on the forehead with no one's watching. 
You are one of the very few people that's allowed to touch Zantetsuken, and there've been some instances where Goemon has had to hesitantly leave the blade behind due to some of Lupin's shenanigans giving you 'babysitting duty.' 
You're in charge of his wallet, Goemon's not good with money and has been known to get conned out of cash by 'innocent looking women.'
The two of you meditate together before bed, to reflect on your long days before heading to your shared futon. 
Believe it or not he's actually a cuddler, not on Lupin levels of cuddling but he feels holding you close to him provides an extra layer of security. 
His favorite cuddling positions is any that allows him to nuzzle his face into your neck, it's most relaxing to him. 
As he sleeps his arms instinctively hold tightly around your waist and his hands rub into your sides. 
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Daisuke Jigen
Jigen's a chill dude to be with.
Though if you're a woman, with his trust issues...like with Fujiko, developing a relationship with him is going to take a while. 
Jigen is a chill guy, his ideal dates are sort of basic like dinner/bar dates. 
He's a fucking gentlemen, expect the whole opening doors, pulling out chairs, chivalrous things for you. 
He also likes the occasional drink, so if you're a drinker expect lots of bonding moments for the two of you to be drunk off your ass. 
He also tries to cut back smoking now the two of you are together, but he still struggles a bit so give him patience.
Isn't really that big into PDA, but he'll give you the occasional kiss in public if he's in the mood to. 
He also extra attracted to you if your weapon of choice is a gun.
Lupin's a big flirt so expect for Jigen to give him the occasional punch now and again when he's being a creep towards you. 
With everything in his power he will deny that he likes to cuddle...but in reality he eats that shit up. 
He likes the feeling of you being in his arms and the security of your warmth reassuring him you're still with him.
Also the man's also a log when he sleeps too. Though waking him up is more of an easy task than with Lupin. 
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Top 10 Lupin III episodes? :D
Thank you for the ask! I’m so sorry I was late answering this (my life is getting tad busy :()
Disclaimer I only watched part 2 (1-78 with a couple of other episodes), 4, 5 and The Woman Called Fujiko Mine so the list of episodes will be from these.
1. Lupin in Paradise (Part 2)
This is my Jigoe bible episode and no one's gonna take it away from me
2. The second time around Part 1&2 (Part 2)
Same as above, Jigen and Goemon being married couple TM
3. Cruisin in drag (Part 2)
Ok I just loved the fact that Onabes loved Lupin (in drag) and he didn't care that Lupin is guy. His love for Lupin was unconditional and what's not to love more than unconditional love? haha And I also love the fact that Lupin relented and married the guy (and still is). "Fujiko, please. This is the most important moment in a girl's lifetime". Also, Jigen's "What do you mean it's not Fujiko!? IT'S ONABES!? ARE YOU INSANE!? HE'S A GUY, LUPIN, AND YOU ARE GUY! AND IF YOU WERE THAT KIND OF GUY, WELL YOU COULDA FRIGGIN TOLD SOMEBODY! THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!!" *angrily smacks down the phone GOLD (btw Goemon was also in the same room. I wonder what they were doing together....)
4. The Extravagance of Ishikawa Goemon the Thirteenth (Part 5)
Everything. From Goemon making friends with nerds and cosplayers, getting robbed by friendly B&B (haha), his interactions with Chloe, Bruno and Jean (so wholesome), Goemon just straight up pressing a button which shoots a missile towards Lupin. And then we have sleepy Goemon, angry Goemon, tricked again Goemon. Lots of Goemon.
5. The combat Magnum Scattered in the Wasteland (Part 2)
I guess there is no need to explain how awesome Jigen was in this episode too. The thing I can’t get over is how Goemon, who usually let people be, kept butting in between Jigen and Stoneman and constantly worrying about his friend. He was such a bae <3 
6. Goemon’s close call (part2) 
Lots to unpack here. First of all, Goemon singing young man!? Hello!? May I ask why that specific song choice?????? I swear production team just loves sprinkling all the innuendos don’t they (not that I’m complaining haha). And our trusted friend Jigen sensing something is wrong and being worried about Goemon’s disappearance. And he knew that Fundoshi was Goemon’s favourite (how did he know? I wonder....) (I also wonder why did they leave his Fundoshi? I mean if you are gonna make him dress, might as well let him wear his underwear as well right? they even let Goemon wrap his sarashi all around his abdomen. Did they want to embarass Goemon by removing his undies? Did they simply forget his undies? I wouldn’t....I’m confused) 
That torture scene!!!!! omg pooor Goemon!!!! They went HAM! And Goemon was loyal to a fault, he didn’t spill anything about Lupin. I’m crying. My poor man didn’t deserve any of that. I’m almost mad for Lupin for being so carefree in that bathtub scene (of course he made it up by saving Goemon in the end). And he still managed to 1v1 Wolf after all that torture. That man is not human.
Overall It was a baeutiful episode though, depicting Goemon’s loyalty and Lupin’s appreciation for his friend. And Goemon could have died if Jigen didn’t notice his disappearnce. It was a great episode showing their friendship. Really beatiful. How could it not be my fav episode?
7. With a Gun in My Hand (Part 4)
Jigen is just op in this episode. It's nice to see that even without his gun, he's still a dangerous man. A guy who you should never fuck with
8.  Just Then, An Old Buddy Said Something (Part 5)
I have a very conflicting feelings about Goemon being insecure and doubting their friendship (especially when you have episode like Goemon’s close call) in the previous episode but it was worth to see Goemon and Lupin having their moment in that transport van. It was very Lupin to understand that whatever he is going to say is not going to be trusted but he still wanted to comfort Goemon so he tried to make him laugh instead. It was very Lupin’s way to reassure their friendship. 
Another thing I love about this episode is Jigen. Damn that man looks so hot when he goes crazy with his guns. Well done on Albert for providing all that firearms to him. I’m just happy to see Jigen looking so liberated when he’s firing all these shots. I don’t care he was massacring all of them, just give the man his guns. He’s just too hot. (It was a very close tie between the Mirage episode and this but this episode had tender moment between Lupin and Goemon so. Also I really hate the fact that the official keeps insinuating that Jigen has kids all over the world by bringing a mum and a daughter into the picture and Jigen showing extra kindness to them. I swear if they bring another mum and daughter with Jigen episode i’m gonna go mad).  We also got some nice tribute to the Castle of Cagliostro ;)
9. Zenigata Getcha into my life (part 2)
This was one of the sweetest episode of Zenigata. Man he was so sweet about Laura and how he didn’t hesitate abut asking help from Lupin. And Lupin didn’t mind helping out the old pop. It was so sweet, which made it extra bittersweet about how the episode ended... 
10. Final episode of the woman called Fujiko Mine
I didn’t particularly understand the ending or liked it but damn the fight between Jigen and Goemon was great. A shame Goemon had to be in Fujiko’s drag but they sure gave us an awesome fight to watch. Jigen doing his cool skill shot and Goemon reading all the bullet trajectory. Would be great to have another scence like that in the future episode.   
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catchyhuh · 7 months
i love to ask about this. SPORTS. what sports do they like? what sports are they best at? are they fans of any team? LEEEEET'S GOOO
i apologize in advance as i know jack shit about sports. wait wait no i do know that there was a soccer game sssomewhere where they held up a giant banner of lupin. well it was a football game in the country of origin but yknow. gestures at self. american. wait or did i dream that entire scenario about the stadium holding up a banner ofWHATEVER LET’S PRETEND I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!! THIS WILL BE BRIEF SINCE I’M JUST BULLSHITTING AND I APOLOGIZE
as a whole i think all of them would have more fun actually engaging in sports opposed to watching them. WOULD. if they actually committed to it. would it kill you to hit the park for an hour jigen i mean damn!
in true lupin fashion, each of them has some oddly specific thing they’ve never tried before but miraculously kick ass at. jigen is incredibly good at diving just because you would never even think to expect that. goemon has some kind of hula hoop world record that he’s never even told anyone about because he just doesn’t find it worth mentioning. fujiko can canonically take on an opponent twice her size wrestling like i cannot emphasize enough how much shit just HAPPENS 
altogether, patiently waiting turns type sports? hm. they’re struggling. anything with ludicrous amounts of running as fast and far as possible: they ALL kick ass! so. i think all 5 could hold their own in soccer/football/whatever. the kicky one. the kicky game
i think fujiko, lupin and zenigata could get in on tennis. god knows jigen and goemon are already watching the back and forth for hours on end, there might as well be a sport attached to it. i know those bitches have mean swings too but only fujiko can serve the ball like a normal fucking human being. lupin somehow misses until his fourth try and zenigata just spikes that shit. HEY THESE GUYS WOULD PROBABLY BE REALLY GOOD AT VOLLEYBALL TOO WITH THE ADDED HILARITY OF FALLING FACE FIRST IN THE SAND!! changing the answer here to volleyball
jigen and goemon could maybe do some chiller sports as long as those three weren’t involved (way too impatient) but it’s always some hyperspecific shit like. cricket. fuck golf. cricket time. or croquet. wait is there a difference? ok just looked it up cricket is not even remotely what i thought it was. how the fuck did i think cricket was like croquet??? SEE I TOLD YOU I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ALL THIS
i can see them watching sports (mostly because they like. have done it multiple times in the actual show) but i think the only person with team biases is lupin. he chooses based on which mascot/color scheme combo he likes best that year. it drives jigen insane
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NSFW headcanons for Lupin Gang and Zenigata? I mean if you’re not too busy..
Yeah, don’t worry. About Zenigata I did it in the last post, so, in this post only I’ve done Lupin Gang. But if you want more of Zenigata, only you have to request it again and I’ll write it. Well, I hope you like these hcs. Enjoy! 💕💕💕
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💰 Needless to say, Lupin is horny 24/7. And he never refuse to have sex. He’s pretty romantic, too, but his cock clouds his mind. So, you know he become stupid in presence of a woman.
💰 Each opportunity he has, he will take it. In a romantic dinner? Yes. In a robbery? Why not. Lupin loves to takes a risk, this is the best part of steal and the sex, too. Be Lupin’s lover is exciting. Isn’t the first time that Lupin turns on escaping of Zenigata.
💰 In fact, once you and Lupin hid inside a closet, it was little and if you wanted finish in prison, you had to stay quiet and still. But, suddenly two hands squeeze your butt and you could feel an erection is pressing your thigh. You sigh, but you can’t deny you’re bit horny. Finally, among kiss and kiss Lupin fucks you in this wardrobe, with his head in your neck. And his cravat between your teeth in cause you don’t moan in loud voice.
💰 In this time, Zenigata almost catch you.
💰 Lupin is a great lover, he adores you. Lupin doesn’t have problems in the bed, he doesn’t care about roles. Do you want ride him? Lupin will be delighted. Do you want do it a blowjob? Lupin never says no. Do you want test other things? He has a list about it. Bondage? He’ll love it see you like that. Buy the rope to tie you isn’t a problem, he’s a criminal after all. (Fuck u Mr. Grey).
💰 Lupin is pretty versatile in the bed. This surprise you, but not in the bad way. Because that means Lupin has a lot of experience and you can fully trust him. He never hurts you.
💰 The rope always are of colour of his jacket. Lupin ties you to headboard and kisses your body and bites it. Lupin teases you a lot off. Don’t worry, later, you will have the opportunity to return him. The kinbaku is an art that Lupin controls, he loves how your boobs are squeeze against the string, like your thighs and your butt.
💰 Lupin really loves have a blowjob before of any theft, he likes to cum in your mouth and Lupin gently pulls your hair. This awards the victory in the robbery.
💰 Lupin doesn’t usually leave marks of kisses or bites in your skin, but he loves you do it in him. He really loves you bite his neck and scratch his back, and you moan and call him in loud voice when he fucks you. Lupin usually lets you to ride him, he kisses your boobs and you press his hip with your legs.
💰 Lupin loves that you sit in his face, he would stay hours and hours like this. Sometimes, he lies you down on the bed and puts your legs in his shoulders.
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🥃 Jigen is a reserved man, he isn’t a great high sex drive like Lupin. BUT that doesn’t mean Jigen doesn’t enjoy about the sex. Unfortunately, he always is on guard, more if you’re a woman. The gunman has a big dick, over average, but he’s modest about that.
🥃 He likes more receive than give, but he doesn’t have any problem to give. Jigen never say no a blowjob, but always out of work. Sex and work don’t get along. You know how Lupin and the messes he causes is. But, Jigen doesn’t refuse one before or after work.
🥃 When he’s in his safe house and he’s a bit drunk, you only have to sit in his lap and kiss his neck, Jigen become melt. You unbutton his shirt and caress his chest, he’s pretty hairy. Please, kiss his scars and you will have him where you want. You do him a blowjob with fully clothed, but you must be careful that any drop stains his trousers, are expensive. Jigen tangles his hand in your hair and with other holds a scotch.
🥃 Jigen is a great dirty talker, he makes a lot of jokes of guns and dicks. Jigen praises you and your body, sometimes if you ask for it, he degrades you. He likes talks in your ear slowly and with hoarse voice. (Jigen has a great voice).
🥃 He loves to leave marks in your skin, bites, kisses and teeth marks. She loves your boobs, kisses it, licks it, massages it; sinks his face until choke. If you have a bit of whisky, you can put it in your boob, squeeze it to leave a puddle of alcohol, then, Jigen drinks until quench. The rest of scotch in your skin he will lick it until clean it.
🥃 Jigen doesn’t mind to have a fast sex before a work or wake up in the morning. He’s pretty lazy at mornings, if you want wake up quickly you just to make him a blowjob.
🥃 How he loves classical music, after shower you can dance with him naked in the livingroom. After, he puts in the couch and kisses you. And rest all afternoon in the couch completely nude, hugging you.
🥃 When you ride him, he likes puts his hat in your hair as a cowboy. If you pull softly of his beard, your drive mad him. He prefers fucks in his safe house, but he doesn’t say no if he is horny in public and you can to resolve this problem. But, he prefers fucks you than you do him a blowjob. He’s a master criminal, Jigen knows where hide you for no one catchs you.
🥃 He doesn’t mind has a mirror to show you your face when he fucks you. He will mutter you how beautiful you are, and tease you a lot of. Please, beg him, he loves it.  
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🎐 For what Goemon fucks with you, you need a lot of familiarity with him. He doesn’t have a high sex drive, in fact, he has an incredible self-control. Goemon will turn on when his stress peak are very high, any brush or touch, in his neck, his jaw or more cheeky; will make Goemon have an erection that he can’t supress based in willpower.
🎐 So Goemon will be direct. “(Name), I want fuck”. You almost choke in this moment. You look him, he is blushed and a bit uncomfortable, Goemon play with his kimono’s sleeve. You accept and move this into your bedroom.
🎐 When you’re inside, Goemon just taken off his kimono and kisses you with necessities, he rocks your face with his hands while kisses your lips and your neck. How Goemon knows human body he knows where touch you for you to moan of pleasure. His fingers are relentless and leave a fire trail in your skin. He is pretty good with his mouth, Goemon is filling and attentive, he memorises all your expressions for get the best result. When you cum, he clean you with his tongue.
🎐 Goemon is the strongest in the gang, so, he take you and fucks you against the wall, holds you by the hips, your legs goes around his hip while Goemon kisses your neck. Please, caress his hair, this will drive him made. Goemon is pretty quietly in the bed, you listen sigh and moan. He sinks his face in your neck.
🎐 Goemon leaves a lot of marks in your skin but unintentionally. In the next morning he’ll be very embarrassed, so, Goemon apologizes with you about that.
🎐 Goemon doesn’t like PDA and much less have sex in public. But, if you must wear a bikini for a robbery, Goemon looks you discreetly.
🎐 Goemon isn’t a man with a lot of kinks, he have a basics like tie you at the headboard. BUT, sometimes, he added his sword at the equation. He uses his sarashi (the cloth he wrapped around his chest) for ties your wrists on Zantetsuken’s case. If you ask for curt your clothes with Zantetsuken, at first Goemon refuses but you only have to raise an eyebrow for the blade tears your clothes (including your underwear).
🎐 Sometimes, when he fucks you, he take your hair, Goemon never pulls it. He isn’t a kisser, he is more a toucher. Goemon loves to touch your skin, draughts your scars, your striates and another marks.
🎐 When he is about to cum, he speaks in Japanese.
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💎Fujiko is the person most coveted in this group. She can seduce until the own devil. And you aren’t the exception. She just has to wear a beautiful dress and wink for anybody (except Jigen) drool at his feet.
💎Fujiko is the queen of teases and kinks. She just caress your neck with his finger for you turn on. She get close to you until your noses touch each other, until his lips brush yours, but when you want kiss her, Fujiko moves away and she invites you to follow her. You try to appear serene, you slide until his bedroom and when you see her. Fujiko only wear lingerie. She signals with his finger that you approaches her, you accept (with dignity).
💎Then, you grab her legs and pull of her, you lie her down and kiss her. Fujiko is surprised, pleasantly surprised. She draw a half smile and caress your hair. “I win”, you says. Fujiko looks at you as if you were his prey. “For this time, (Name). But, I have all night to win as many times as I want”.
💎Fujiko fucks you of all ways you can think. He ties you at the headboard, in the kitchen, on the shower, in public. She has handcuffs but he loves tie you with his own necktie. And YES she has the satisfyer and she knows how to use it for you to cry and cum.
💎Fujiko is pretty good with his mouth, she leaves you a lot of marks of his lipstick, Fujiko will not want that you erase it. Neither the marks she leaves in your neck or in your boobs. She loves see you the next morning in public with a lot of marks made it by her.
💎She loves the parties, more, if the host is a rich. She introduce you as her girlfriend, when you steal the gemstone that she wants rob. Fujiko puts you inside on of the mains rooms. She fucks you and kisses you. And if anybody enters, quickly will leave of the room. The jewel is secure with you.
💎She likes make you a blowjob before a robbery and during the robbery, she licks his lips looking you and remembers you what did just do. The rest of the gang don’t understand her, for you relief. When you finish the robbery, Fujiko approaches to you, grab your waist and mutter in your ear: “Do you need another, sweetheart?”
����When you finished, Fujiko loves that you rest your head in his chest, caress her boobs with love and adoration. She loves you as if you were an ancient relic. She caresses your back with his fingers, softly, and kisses your hair. She loves rest in the bed hugging you with your bodies interlaced.  
Ari 🌿
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lia-nikiforov · 6 years
Spring 2018 Anime Watchlist
Mahou Shoujo Site: Although I originally intended to irony watch this one, expecting something like MahoIku or King’s Game, its sadistic reveling in the main character’s suffering was impossible to stomach. I felt physically ill at the end of it. I’m not, in principle, opposed to gory stuff, y’all know I sat through the whole stupidity that was King’s Game, but MahoSite doesn’t even reach the level of ridiculous over the topness to make it funny, it’s just a cascade of misery porn with not a single moment of levity or triumph for the heroine. I think I was done the moment that gratuitous “if you punch my stomach my period won’t come” line, because apparently some dudes get off on the idea of a woman being so brutalized she stops menstruating??????
Kakuriyo Yadomeshi: I was willing to give this one the three-episode trial after the first episode in spite of the godawful main love interest and the fact that the grandfather sold the MC into literal slavery wtf, because the main girl seems proactive and independent buuuuuuut fuck I hated episode 2. Not only does she seem to quickly forgive her grandfather for SELLING HER OFF, the men around her keep speaking over her and making decisions for her and she turns out to be just independent enough to not be a complete doormat, but not enough to appear defiant and I hate it. Thanks but no thanks, I ain’t here to see a romantization of being literally sold into an arranged marriage.
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Cutie Honey Universe: Before this, I’d had zero interaction with any other iteration of Cutie Honey, so I wasn’t sure of what to expect beyond knowing this was from the creator of Devilman. Certainly blatant homophobic jokes and jokes about physical abuse wasn’t in my list of thigs I expected to see, yet here we are. I ain’t here for “hyuk hyuk look at these fat/butch/ugly lesbians, aren’t they ridiculous” jokes either.
Butlers x Battlers: I completely forgot I watched this one. I don’t remember anything about it except being confused
GeGeGe no Kitaro: This one didn’t do anything wrong, but I was never gonna watch it. I just checked out episode 1 because I heard it made a dig at Logan Paul. I wish they’d gone all the way through and killed that character, but I guess you can’t have it all. It was actually a pretty decent episode, and in a weaker season I’d probably keep watching it, but there’s just too much stuff coming out. And I have watched previous Kitaro anime and it’s sometimes too meanspirited for me.
Uma Musume: I didn’t expect much from this show and was pleasantly surprised by the double-length first episode. Special Week was a nice, fun protagonist to root for and although the world-building was weird as heck, it was fun and positive. So I’m not exactly sure of what happened with episode 2/3 that it left me feeling completely dry. The pacing was super rushed, the characters all felt horribly flat, and the races weren’t super exciting because rather than any strategy or strong emotional realization, Special Week just has to start running even faster and faster in the final leg. It was also kind of implied she had gained weight? But then never brought up? And it’s not made very clear why she lost in the end? Was she supposed to learn humility and not getting too complacent? Seems too early for her to learn that when she’s supposed to be an underdog. I don’t know, it didn’t really work for me and I don’t feel like I care to watch more of it.
Because this post is long af and has a lot of gifs some folks were having trouble loading it on mobile, so you’ll have to read under the cut to know which are the shows I’m actually watching oops
Chopping Block: 
There is too much anime and I’m near the end of the semester so I’m gonna have to cut at least one -preferably two- of these shows
Sword Art Online Alternative: This was another one I intended to hatewatch? But rather than offensive or idiotic it’s so far been pretty boring. Episode one was a slog. The first half of episode two was a horrendous spectacle of hating your own body. The only think I liked was the friendship between LLENN and Pito (btw Pito meand ‘dick’ in Spanish and every time she says “call me Pito” I die). Then episode 3 was more boring exposition. FPS games are the least interesting I could think of, and I’ve never been into Let’s Play, so this show is hitting all the right notes to make me bored out of my mind. I also don’t appreciate the big dude not telling Llenn the plan and just kind of being condescending to her. If next episode is just 20 more minutes of the dude explaining things to Llenn, I’m out. (Also, Pito is 100% Elsa Kanzaki)
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Not feeling this reboot at all. It’s all very dry and just dudes expositioning strategy at each other. Also there are 30 characters in the Ending and only 2 of them are women???? I’ll give it one more episode, but tbh I’ve had problems even paying attention to 2 and 3, it just doesn’t grab me.
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Libra of Nil Admirari: Although I like the heroine and she might be one of the strongest reverse harem heroines I’ve seen, the plot itself is very... eh. The guys are also very uninteresting so far. There’s also the fact that Tsumugi claims to have no interest in men or love, but this being a reverse harem with a bevy of men starved for her attention makes me worry this’ll end with her being “fixed” by an actual nice guy who is worthy of her or something. But the OP is very cute!
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Darling in the Franxx: Boy oh boy, the otaku have been creaming their pants and tearing their clothes off for the last three weeks, but “Don’t call it Fucking, It’s Making Love” in the Franxx’s greatest achievement in my eyes is going for idiotically offensive to just bland and clichéd. A recent AMA on reddit with the producer seems to imply that none of the themes of sex, gender and heterosexism that have been at the core of the show were even properly thought out, nor were their implications even remotely considered. I don’t know if the show’s heterosexism would be worse if it was active propaganda rather than what it seems to be: a bunch of ideas the producers thought would be “cool” and “titillating” with no particular meaning to them. Also we’re 15 episodes in and all we’ve achieved is Palurdo has finally tamed his beast waifu who is Not Like Other Girls. Oh, and I guess the monsters actually had humans in there, what a shocker, never seen that before, never expected such a clever twizzzzzzzz....
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Mid Priority
Tokyo Ghoul: Re : I thought I was done with Tokyo Ghoul after trying to read the manga and being bored shitless by all the unnecessary exposition, but this one, while not quite excellent, managed to pique my interest. The conceit of Kaneki losing his memories and joining the Doves and helping in exterminating ghouls I’m super not interested in, but his encounter with Nishio has made me curious enough about what has happened with the rest of the characters to keep watching for now.
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Rokuhodou Biyori: The iyashikei show of the season I guess. The guys’ personalities are a little bland, so I might bump it down to the chopping block, but it’s only been two episodes, so I want to give it a fair chance
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Persona 5: My history with Persona has never been good. Episode 1 of P4 made me sleep, and I watched the first P3 movie THREE TIMES and never managed to parse wtf it was about. This show shares some of the same problems in making me struggle to pay attention, but at least so far the plot seems interesting, the visuals are creative and striking, and I really like the main character’s design. I’m also more inclined to keep watching because Sayokan directed the OP for the videogame.
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Hisone to Masotan: There’s a cynical part of me that watches this show and feels like I’m watching a commercial for the JSDF. Yvan eht nioJ, come join us, we have cool dragons!!! I also don’t love the fact that the dragon turns into a plane :/ BUT the characters have a lot of heart, the dynamics so far between Hisone and Masotan and Hisone and Kanzaki have been very touching. A part of me though, wishes Hisone had stuck with Otofu because it’s such a cute name and she sounded really funny yelling “OTOFU!!!”
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Safe Sequels
Although some of these sequels would go in higher categories, I was unsure about how to rank them -especially the 2-cour ones- compared to some of my top premieres of the season, so I’m just putting them all together because there are A LOT of sequels.
Yowapeda Glory Line: FINALLY SOMETHING POSITIVE HAPPENED FOR SOHOKU. I was starting to feel exhausted with all the gloominess, especially for seeing Teshima punished, HE DESERVES EVERY GOOD THING. Now we can get back on track and hopefully have a fun race without Teshima brooding all the way through the episode. ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE EXCELLENT TESHIAO CONTENT
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Nanatsu no Taizai: FINALLY ESCANOR SHOWED UP. It’s felt like the first half of the show dragged a lot compared to the manga, so I’m happy we’ve reached one of the coolest parts. Though if memory serves, the rest of the season will be spent floundering around, but damn, the Escanor vs Galand battle is very satisfying to watch.
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Lupin III Part V: So this time around they’ve added the social media factor into Lupin’s adventures, and so far the result has been quite interesting. I don’t have a lot to say, the artstyle looks closer to classic versions of the franchise and has lost some of the edge from part IV, but the comedy and Lupin’s plans are still creative and fun to watch, even adding a unique spin to the social media component, so I’m excited to see where they take this. But we need more Fujiko yesterday pls
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss: A soft reboot of this magical girl parody franchise, with frillier costumes and even more ridiculous attacks and transformations, and I’m here for it. I do wish we’d get at least some cameos from the original gang. I also feel that so far, apart from the Red guy (Kyotaro?) the others don’t seem to have much of a distinctive personality. It’s only episode three, so hopefully that’s something we’ll see developed as the show goes on.
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Hozuki no Reitetsu: It’s the same as it’s always been, a brilliantly dry workplace comedy. If you haven’t watched the previous seasons, you’re missing out on one of the best comedies of this decade.
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Boku no Hero Academia 3: After the recap first episode, the series has gone back full gear ahead into the next story arc and so far it looks pretty cool. Although I’m never a fan of “regular MC activity gets interrupted by villains”. Idk why it bothers me a lot -a prime example being the S Class exam getting cut short in Fairy Tail and the concept of S Class mages completely ditched thereon after. But anyway, I have faith in the writing that they’ll make this villain interruption cool and worth it. I do however wish they’d let us meet the Class B guys better.
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Steins;Gate 0: You know, I was 100% ready to be disappointed and abandon this one right away, but damn, damn have these first two episodes been brilliant. The nuances in Okabe’s characterization, the portrayal of his grief, and his more mature attitude seem like a mirror of the watcher who has grown all the same in the seven years since the show’s original season. I’m hoping the teases about Maho as a potential love interest are a red herring, but other than that, I’m blown away by how good it has been so far. Just delete Daru please.
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Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card: Things have started happening! We’re starting to see that Akiho’s mysterious book is somehow having an effect over the events of Sakura’s life. The episode with the animals was particularly strong, with a new card that had a nice renovated design, and a really emotionally effective scene of Sakura and Syaoran embracing to help Sakura regain confidence to save her friends. It’s one of the strongest episodes of the series so far, so hopefully we’ll have more of those and less of the “finding a card that only minimally makes 10 cm from a bookshelf disappear” type. As a sidenote, I find Akiho’s obsession with Sakura’s play a bit offputting.
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High Priority
Mahou Shojo Ore: Given how little I knew about this series going in and how excited I was about it in spite of it, I’m pleased to report the show has lived up to my expectations in one way or another. The weird comedy is on point and also everyone is fucking gay. I’m rooting for you Blue Girl! Easily the superior show with Mahou Shoujo in its title.
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Hinamatsuri: You know, I didn’t have super high expectations for this one, but it’s turned out to be a very nice surprise. It has that charming paternal relationship between Nitta and Hina that is cute and hilarious. I have to say I’m not super into the classmate-forced-to-become-a-bartender storyline and I’m not sure how that even fits with the rest of the show, so I hope there won’t be a lot of vignettes about it.
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Piano no Mori: Wonky CGI and occassionally questionable character design choices (Ajino was so BEAUTIFUL in his youth, why does he look so ridiculous in the present?!!!) aside, this has been one of the strongest premieres of the season. I know fans of the manga have criticized it, but as someone unfamiliar with the original, I’m definitely intrigued by this story.
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Megalobox: This one wasn’t on my radar at all. It’s one of those numerous cases of me seeing a title that sounds stupid and deciding to ignore the show based on that alone. I’m glad I stumbled on all the praise the premiere episode received because damn is it good. The story behind the cameras is that this is a 50th anniversary project for Ashita no Joe, and it was meant to be a reboot, but the director couldn’t find a way to make it work, so he created something entirely new, and aren’t we glad about that. It has a unique retro look and although the plot beats do call back to Ashita no Joe, our Joe feels like his own person alright. I think my only nitpick is that I’m not entirely sure of what is even the point of the additional gear. Also, I know how Ashita no Joe ends and I hope this show won’t end like that too :’D
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Golden Kamuy: How long has it been since the last time a multi-awarded manga not only wasn’t disappointing but ended up being one of the most promising anime adaptations of the season? Yes, everyone’s seen the ugly CGI bear, moving on, this is a captivating and unique historical show with a so far excellent portrayal of Ainu culture and a kickass lady coprotagonist.  I am really excited to see where this one will go. Also, it was really exciting to hear characters actually speaking ainu language. I’ve done some research on Ainu history (and kickass Ainu women) for school, so I’m very pumped about this one.
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Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii: By far my favorite premiere of the season. So far, two episodes in, it’s all I ever hoped it would be and more. The characters are charming, Narumi and Hirotaka’s relationship feels natural and effortless -both the romantic aspect of it, and the way they easily become comfortable with one another-. Narumi is delightful and very well-rounded, being as cheerful and optimistic as she can be cynical, and her quick-developing friendship with Hanako is so violently relatable I was screaming. I really love this show. ALSO THE OP IS SUPER CUTE
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gaarfielf · 6 years
k im gonna throw in my hot take on part 5 now i think the time has come where i’ve watched enough of the damn series i can make a coherent essay on whats what on what (putting it under a read more bc this shit is gonna be long and i dont want my followers to suffer too much)
I’ll do this character by character starting with the new ones
Ami: I’m having a hard time deciphering whether she’s being underutilized or over utilized because number 1) her character isn’t interesting enough to have her keep coming around, especially when her only connection to the group is Lupin. She hasn’t had any interaction with Goemon or Jigen that i know of and she hates Fujiko for ??? reasons. That being said, I would’ve preferred if she was fleshed out more because 2) literally having her be the distant girl that is quiet and doesn’t understand social norms is..... really boring. It’s almost as boring as having a female character whose only there as a set of boobs... (coughs). She isn’t interesting because they didn’t make her interesting, yeah? It’s hard to hate a character based on the fact alone they were clearly written by a man but I mean it very literally when I say she could’ve been something great. Having her confess her love to Lupin was straight up disgusting and I really expected more from tms in that vein. Putting romance where romance doesn’t need to be is bad enough let alone when you jack knife it in between a child and an adult. And for those of you saying ‘Oh hhhh she’s like nineteen’....look into your heart. Even if she is 1) she sure as hell doesn’t look it and 2) Lupin is like 40-50. In the wise words of me, children loving adults was a myth made up by pedophiles in support of the devil. Npot to mention pitting her against Fujiko because they both like Lupin?? I ain’t even gotta explain why that’s a pathetic excuse at writing. But I will. Fujiko is a grown ass woman so why the fuck would she care and Ami is a child who shouldn’t be in love with him anyway. She has truly been nothing in the series except a tool and even at that not a likable one.
Yata: Do I even have to say that I can’t write anything about a man who hasn’t had more than 4 minutes of screen time in the last 24 episodes? He was hyped up before the series started and he’s done nothing but be Zenigata’s personality in the place of Zenigata y’know. Actually speaking and having one for himself BUT WE’LL GET TO THAT LATER. He’s done nothing but yell and cry over literally nothing? Like he fights Zeni’s fights because for some reason Zenigata got super lazy this season (again, we’ll get into that later) and he’s just a pointless character.
Albert: Gay rep for life haha just kidding he was bad at that too. I think they literally introduced him as faux-gay rep because they know the fans wanted more sensitive interactions from their already existing male cast members and they were like ‘well that’s gay so we’ll give them this guy’. And speaking on behalf of myself - ‘I don’t want these’. So Albert shows up, supposedly having a HUGE connection to Lupin’s past and then............we never see him again. And they literally tell us nothing about him except he’s gay and works in the government. Apparently when we say ‘we want gay rep’ they hear ‘very minor gay character??’ and didn’t hear us say ‘no’ back. And every time I hear anyone say 1) ‘well, his connection to Lupin is supposed to be a mystery!’ I can feel hives growing on my skin because i’m allergic to bullshit like if they weren’t gonna tell us the connection, and whatever the connection is didn’t reveal anything new about the character outside of ‘Lupin knew somebody that wasn’t Jigen when he was younger’ then why?? mention it?? why make an entire arc dedicated to not telling us something if the end result was ‘it doesn’t matter who he is’? 2) ‘well they’re obviously cousins’ except they obviously aren’t. if they obviously were, they’d say that they were cousins. like if y’all are digging up bits of the manga from 40 years ago to say ‘there was a character who had the same last name’ but are also out here saying ‘Jigen doesnt have a sister bc they said that over 40 yers ago and haven’t mentioned it since’ then I ain’t got nothing to say to y’all, you’re just dodgy and ain’t worth the stress of talking to. 3) ‘they’re maybe gay’ well the cool thing about gay rep is that we don’t give honourary mentions out for series that were too cowardly to actually come right out and say it. So in conclusion, Albert was written by cowards who couldn’t decide what to do with him.
Enzo: Boring. That’s literally all I have to say. Trying to give him depth by making Ami his daughter was predictable and not at all interesting. To be honest I completely forgot she was looking for her dad anyway because she didn’t seem to care that much about finding him either (or seem to care about anythign really). He’s a shitty villain and every time he speaks I got my finger on the right-key because I don’t care what he has to say and so far I haven’t missed anything good so yeah. Just disappointing.
I think that’s it??? For new characters?? So I’ll move onto the main cast
Jigen: I 👏 WANT 👏 JIGEN 👏 TO 👏 DO 👏 SOMETHING like good fucking God the man hasn’t done anything this whole series up until 24 where he got  5 minute scene dedicated to him killin’ cops (direct action) but like?? As a character he hasn’t progressed he has BARELY spoken and we’ve learned one new thing about him the whole series in the episode where he meets the daughter of a woman he used to work with. And that one thing that we learned was: he used to work with the mother of this girl. That’s it. Episode 24 he got a little bit of dialog with Lupin that I guess was supposed to be like character development but it was so weird because it was kind of directed at the audience?? So it’s like is he talking to me or to Jigen because if I was Jigen I would not have one goddamn clue what he was talking about. Also, he’s so depressing this season?? Right up until now we’ve seen very little personality from him aside from Angry and Complains a Lot. He smiles sometimes sure but like he doesn’t exactly have a lot to smile about this season considering he’s not really in the limelight anymore and is only brought back to foreshadow how much he hates technology and wants to retire. Personally, Jigen is one of my favourite characters and the fact he hasn’t achieved much this series is a big let-down
Goemon: I can’t even imagine how let down Goemon fans feel because again, up until Episode 23 he did nothing. He had an episode where he fell in love?? With a girl?? Disguised as a woman?? For some reason?? It was in one of the throwbacks and I’ll admit that maybe the episode made sense and I probably missed something but to me I had no clue what was going on. ANYWAY like his big scene in the spotlight is 3 episodes before the end of the series (its not like he’s a main character or anything) and he cuts Lupin. Because he thinks that he isn’t really his friend. That’s it that’s the only reason he almost murders his friend. Just kidding the other reason was that it was a half ass attempt at shock value to make sure the audience was still paying attention. They can’t seem to decide this season whether they want Goemon to be edgy or stupid but I think we’ve gotten a greta big helping of both so thanks tms /sarcasm/. They’ve really just dragged his character through the mud this season because he used to be stoic, mysterious, traditionalist but lowkey clumsy guy and then now he’s. I don’t even know how to describe it he’s just become so cutesy and edgy at the same time so we get him cutting Lupin in half right in front of UwU i eat my fish skin first ! I’m quirky ! like what am I supposed to feel about this grown man? He’s really too back-and-forth for me this season
Fujiko: I’M GONNA GET HEATED ABOUT THIS ONE SO BUCKLE UP I’ve never seen Fujiko written this poorly since TWCFM (yes i’m outting that as a bad series too so don’t @ me about that lil tidbit). She’s there as a piece of eyecandy bUT SHE IS SO POORLY DRAWN IT MAKES ME WONDER IF ANYBODY AT TMS HAS EVER SEEN A WOMAN IN THEIR LIFE TIME. Seriously her proportions are so off and outwardly repulsive looking it makes it hard not to skip anything she says in the series on account of how half-ass her character looks. Not limiting herself to being visually repulsive, she also has a half-ass personality. Suddenly Fujiko isn’t the come-and-go as she pleases, mysterious woman that gives Lupin intel on very high security operations she’s just. There. At some point in the series she said ‘a woman’s body is just a tool to get something she needs’ and I wanted to puke this is NOT Fujiko’s character at all and I’m disgusted that they’re brushing her off as a pair of walking talking boobs. Also her absolute lack of empathy is just mind numbing because they’re somehow trying to convince the audience that Lupin broke her heart due to wedding related reasons that still haunt her but? Seeing him cut almost in half does nothing for her? And then she deadpan ‘This is just how it is’ like this is just putting her in such an evil light that I hate because I love Fujiko! In every other season she’s fighty and sarcastic and witty AND NOT JUST THERE FOR EYE CANDY. And going back to the wedding thing, why is this being made into such a big deal? There’s literal episodes in other seasons called ‘Fujiko Doesn’t Look Right in a Wedding Dress’ ‘Fujiko Doesn’t Want to Be Married’ ‘A Ring Is Like a Trap’ like she 👏 don’t 👏 want 👏 to 👏 be 👏 married 👏. And the preview for the next ep shows her in a wedding dress so I’m ultimately preparing myself for the big season finale being them getting married.
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Final thought on Fujiko being, the episode where she picks up Lupin to save him from succumbing to his crossbow wound (easily the funniest thing thats happened all season) I mean. Yeah it’s kinda cool. I don’t really have any strong feelings about that like I’m not about to praise them for something like that when it was immediately followed by her and Ami slap fighting over him again.
Lupin: In my days of watching Lupin movies/specials my slogan was ‘if the ratio of screen time in the movie between characters is 10:0 in Lupin’s favour then it ain’t a good movie’ and it’s ringing true to this season where it’s all about Lupin. I understand obviously it’s a series called Lupin III like I’m not stupid but the amount of ass kissing to his character is something else like they’re putting him on this huge pedestal like he’s a do-no-wrong kind of guy to the point where he’s boring because he’s done nothing wrong. Ever. He doesn’t argue with anybody he doesn’t have any strong emotions really (outside of that episode where Zenigata loses his memory we see him outwardly angry for a minute). It just makes him such a dry character when they try to mold him into being absolutely flawless and admirable. Also the amount of faking his own death and ‘oh no is he gonna die’ moments are just not entertaining. Like I said earlier when he got shot with the crossbow that was the hardest I’ve laughed in a long long time. It played like an SNL skit (you know what one). And again we aren’t learning anything new. Whose Albert to him!? We never got to know, What’s his relationship to Fujiko!? We’re probably gonna find out they’re getting married last episode after all the touching moments they had together this season like.... like uh.... when they uh... oh right they’ve barely spoken to each other all season. And when they did they were arguing. Love is in the air huh?
Zenigata: AI’ll try to keep this brief but Yata’s taken over his character this season. He’s barely spoken, he has like, NO energy or determination. After the episode where Lupin faked his death (the first time, not the proceeding 90 times) Zenigata just stopped appearing and stopped doing anything productive. If anything his character became an excuse for an info dump. Like oh we see a war torn area whats going on? Zenigata is conveniently nearby to say ‘these people are at war!’ and then outside character will tell a 18 paragraph history on him of whose at war and their history and then Zenigata says ‘okay’ and doesn’t appear again for the next 2 episodes.
Now for the closing thoughts I guess
i don’t know why they’re looking at Lupin having plot as separate from Lupin being episodic. Like they’ve separated him from adventure so he’s just doing the same things over and over again. Not to mention like I said earlier, the fans wanted to see more sensitive interactions between the already existing characters, and if anything, they’re farther apart and just really confusing and contradictory. It’s hard to get through an episode when every week its another ‘great time for another plot arc they’re never gonna finish’. When I watched episodes of Part 1 and 2 and 4 (not so much 3 because i can’t find anywhere to watch it lol) I’m pretty attentive all the way through because the series drops tidbits of information about the characters and they make the episode enjoyable to watch. This season is so dreary and dry I can’t find anything to enjoy about it because it’s just one disappointment after another. I’m trying to to sound bitchy as I type all this out but I mean I’m speaking as a fan who is just really disappointed. I know I’ve said ‘disappointed’ a lot in this whole thing but there isn’t another word to describe it because that’s really the way that I feel about part 5. Seeing my favourite characters on screen is supposed to make me feel happy and excited to see where they’re gonna go and what they’re gonna do not make me think “I hope they don’t ruin this character for me’ in every. single. episode. This season has been underwhelming, unenjoyable, inconsistent and just really exhausting to me overall.
i gotta go eat now so peace out and if you read to the end of all this then hopefully i’m not the only one in this boat but if you don’t agree with me then i guess thats just how it is yeah?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the callbacks were cool at first but now I just find they’re baiting me into thinking i’ll enjoy the episode because i’ll find something I liked from one of the better seasons in it. They’re just really overused at this point because these callbacks aren’t being used for anything. like ‘lupin is making his plan at the cagliostro castle!’ like. why. ‘detective melon is also angry at lupin!’ but if she isn’t like teaming up with zenigata or actually doing anything to find him why should i care. 
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pixie-mask · 6 years
Lupin Pt. 5 Ep24// Point-By-Point & Final Thoughts
I’ve got to be honest this season has also been rather obnoxiously political for some reason.
Also that statement seems weird given that she knows about Lupin and Fujiko
Ami looks really cute in that outfit
So that really was an actual flashback! That makes me so happy! 
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! That’s why! I hope not cause if so that’s bullshit!
Ami sweety why are you still expecting anything from him
But damn that was a nice frame of Fujiko’
Damn it really escalated to that point
Also this seems freaking stupid
Shit! I don’t know that character ;.;
And another under the hat look from Jigen
Okay that split bullet move was stupid awesome
And now all our beautiful filler characters are showing up!
Hey Albert!
Ugh -_-, really
Another amazing Fujiko frame
And now he’s having a dad reaction!
Okay that coffin part aside this series is really acting like Fujiko doesn’t act and pull that shit on Lupin as well, especially since this series acknowledges every previous Lupin series
Wait he put it back on? That wasn’t some dumb symbolic gesture?
That shit needs to be explained or it robs the moment
OMG It’s finally being ridicuous like the Lupin series that we know and love like seriously, this is ridiculous
And what the hell and now Enzo’s being a character and acting like he cares, why such a last minute thing
Well there’s Zenigata again and Yata. 
He said it!
Hey another under the hat look (the last of the season?)
That was a sweet enough goodbye
Damn that was corny
OMG a moment where it feels like Lupin and the gang....right at the end though
Someone kill me Zenigata is still trying to take care of Ami ;.;
Woo boy! 
I... I don’t know what to say about this any more. This has been the weirdest back to status quo that I have ever seen. Like I want to say that this was a lot better than I though this episode was going to be; it was fine.
The series as a while is a mess. The arc set up it did was poorly done given how quickly it had to introduce the plot and get it resolved in a satisfying way. The introduction and last arc are the best, especially the last arc overall. The arc where we meet Albert is bad just because it sets up this idea of someone that Lupin hats so much, but we never get an answer as too why and the antagonism that they had ongoing just vanishes into thin air by the end. And no one really gave a damn about the civil war arc. 
The new characters where also pointless. Say what you will about the new characters in Italian Adventure. At least they where seen throughout the series, had personalities, flaws and did things through out that season. Albert is so barely there in his arc, Dolma (i don’t remember the spelling) isn’t that interesting and outside of her arc never mentioned or seen again aside from that quick credit cameo Enzo was interesting until he sort of just stayed in place and then was nicer at the end, and Yata who is just no one until this last arc where he’s still kind of a nobody but he gets a moment to give the audience an insight on Zenigata.
The series wanted to be darker, but only got darker in terms of violence being more explicit at times. Violence in the Lupin series is not uncommon and sometimes there’s an episode-movie-special with a more extreme death than normal, so not much to say about that other than the episode where Jigen killed all the police transporting Lupin and Goemon which felt off to me. I can’t remember if they’ve killed cops before that weren’t corrupt or not actually cops and I can’t help but think about how Jigen just killed a bunch of innocent people.
The biggest flaw of this series though was how it tried to explore Lupin and the relationship that he has with Goemon, Jigen and Fujiko. (Not Zenigata though). Why it fails though is cause this show really wants you to have previously seen the other Lupin series and whatnot. This season does a piss poor to no effort of making the Lupin and Co. feel like a family. There’s just some weird constant disconnect out side of the filler episodes. 
The filler episodes are really the best part of the season, but if it meant getting more time to explore the plots of the arcs and letting get resolved better I would have preferred them not to be there.
So idk. I love Italian Adventure, but this season was really rough. I doubt this will be the end though. They still have some things vaguely set up and I think Blue Jacket might get a little more of a push. Also we still have the special to come out.
But for now the season is done. It had some nice moments but could have and should have been better. I’m done bitching about this.
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waltherp38 · 7 years
love / smoke / cough
part 1 / ???
3046 words, rated T for some IMPLIED SEXUAL SHENANIGANS
jigen/lupin, some lupin/fujiko, goemon is there too, of course. an average night in a motel, a train ride, and an extravagant ball.
“I’ve got more than just that one.”
“None of your business. Why d’you wanna steal from your gunman?”
“I just like seeing your face.”
A beat. Jigen sets down what’s left of the cognac on the motel table and gives his partner in crime a sidelong stare, calculating. Lupin can’t keep himself from smiling because Jigen looks good without the hat: soft and candid. His bangs are long and he has so much hair it puffs out in a funny shape without something to hold it in place.
When Lupin makes a sound half way between a sneer and a chuckle, Jigen shuffles to the bed without a word. It seems he was searching for a tell on Lupin’s face, but came up with straws. He turns the suit jacket in his hands until he finds the pack of cigarettes and sighs.
“You’re a hard guy to understand, you know, Lupin… Tsk. Where is that thing?” His words come out obstructed with his lips half closed around the filter. Lighter in hand, Lupin ambles over and flicks on a flame. Jigen cranes his neck forward and affords the thief with the sight of stubble dotted over the wrinkle at the side of his mouth. His brow visibly relaxes as he inhales. The sound of a far away ambulance siren leaks into the room, its sharpness deafened by insulation and wallpaper.
Lupin takes his thumb off the sparkwheel, tucks the lighter into his back pocket and comes close enough that the tips of their noses touch. Jigen blinks, the smoke held still in his lungs. Ash burns red and orange at the end of the cigarette.
“Hey.” Lupin speaks softly, his voice mingling with wisps of nicotine and tar. Jigen slowly exhales and as the cigarette tips downward, Lupin takes itfrom his partner’s lips.  “I want to kiss you, Jigen.”
Smoke flows from Jigen’s mouth.
Lupin’s heart hammers beneath the golden silk of his tie. He parts his lips, presses the side of his nose to Jigen’s, and breathes in the billows of malboro.The nicotine swirls in his head and he, cigarette still burning in one hand, tilts his head so that he can kiss Jigen as slowly and deliberately as he can.
They kiss. And kiss. And kiss. Lupin feels cinders on his hand suddenly and pulls back, dropping the burning piece of filter paper.
“Ouchhh, and just when it was getting good, too… “ Shaking out his hand, Lupin blows air at the singed knuckle hair on his index finger with watery eyes. Jigen snubs the bit on the carpet out with the heel of his Prada dress shoes.
“Don’t be a baby.”
“Huh? Wait a second, Jigen--” Lupin’s complaints die in his throat when Jigen takes his hand and holds it. The gunman, with his hair just slightly away from his eyes, inspects Lupin’s fingers in such a caring way-- Oh, the look in his eyes! The softness of his smile!  -- that Lupin’s heart grows five sizes. He can’t help the infatuated laugh that bubbles out of his mouth.
“Okay, I was being a baby,” says Lupin quickly, his pout splitting into a beam and his words turning into slurred, saccharine cooing. “Now let’s get back to what we were doing! My beautiful, dutiful Daisuke--”
Jigen sidesteps and Lupin stumbles to keep himself from going face first into the floor.
“I change my mind. Save that for Fujiko,” Jigen says, his bottom lip looking especially pouty now that Lupin has spent some time sucking at it. It’s why Lupin has a hazy smile still on his face when he replies, “Hmm? What’s Fujicakes got to do with it?”
The way Jigen’s shoulders go up to his ears is cute. The way he surges forward and locks his arm around Lupin’s neck is not.
“Don’t give me that stupid grin, Lupin! I swear, next time I’ll just shoot you!”
“Ow-ow-ow-ow! Okay, okay! I get it! Let go of me, you foul beast!”
With a scoff, Jigen releases his grasp on Lupin. He’s got a blush the color of carmine on his face when he grumbles, “I don’t know how that woman deals with you in such a state all the time.”
“She likes me best when I’m my sweetest,” says Lupin cheekily. He’s sat at the edge of the bed now, undoing his yellow tie while whistling. Jigen goes to retrieve his hat and newspaper from the coffee table, scoffing. He has nothing left to say.
It’s hard to pinpoint when their relationship became like this. Jigen feels this is how it’s always been, like they’re devoted one moment and only business partners the next. He doesn’t even recall Lupin bothering to explain himself the first time they kissed; they were in France and they were young, barely even men.
The memory of Lupin having hair longer than an inch is laughable. He would comb it in earnest back then, unsatisfied until it curled out above his brow.
They’d kissed when he’d gotten it cut, and so many times in the decades after that Jigen can’t be sure if it’s of any significance. Lupin, for his part, won’t admit to any motivations for it, if they exist.
Days later, Lupin the enigma is whining buck naked in a Parisian hotel room. “Fuuujiko,” he bleats sleepily from underneath the sheets. “Come back to bed and kiss me, my darling.”
Fujiko combs her fingers through her brown hair, that hair that Lupin loves to press his nose into and smell, and laughs in kind. “But darling, I have places to be. Besides that,” she speaks softly here, her tone in that saccharine range that makes Lupin weak in the knees. “Kisses are for good boys only.”
Lupin scrambles to sit up. “I’m a good boy, Fujicakes, I promise. I love you!”
She laughs again and sits back down on the bed. Lupin goes to hold her, but she puts one finger to his mouth.
“You, Lupin,” her hand cups his jaw. “Are a very, very bad boy.”
“Huh?” He replies dumbly.
Fujiko pinches the fat of his cheek and Lupin makes a confused noise. “I hate womanizers and liars like you,” she says, but Lupin feels like it means something else. (No, actually, she was being honest.)
When he’s with Jigen again, as things are in their natural state of affairs, Lupin retells his encounter.
Jigen is decidedly uninterested. But they’re alone in a sleeper car of a train, and the last time he tried to choose sleep over Lupin he’d been woken up by flamethrower to the ass.
“She’s probably just trying to get something out of you. In fact, why don’t you think back to why we’re headed to Spain right now?”
Lupin purses his lips and fiddles with the lapel of his green coat. Why, of course, the answer is that Fujiko has tipped them off to an extravagant necklace that’s mid transit to Barcelona for display, but...
“Do you think she’s mad at me?”
No response. Jigen is now tampering with the smoke detector above the lavatory door, cursing under his breath.
“Jigen, I’m kinda baring my heart right now.”
That earns him a doubtful glance. Let it be known that playing counselor to Lupin’s stints with women, especially with Fujiko, is Jigen’s least favorite past time. Lupin can see his marksman’s shoulders move beneath the black wool of his suit jacket before there’s a click and Jigen tosses the smoke detector on the carpet.
“Alright, so what happened, dummy?”
“She wouldn’t kiss me! My lips are dying, dying from a lack of Fujiko’s love--”
Jigen laughs so hard the flame the was holding to the end of his cigarette goes out. He blinks down at his hand, clicking the lighter a couple times again-- the curtain gets pulled half way open and Jigen, finally successful, taps the off the ash at the end of his paper out the window.
“For a master mind criminal, you’re real slow on the uptake sometimes, Lupin.” Jigen scratches at a part of his brow under his hat, showing Lupin his downcast eyelashes for a moment. He’s smiling, tobacco stained teeth glinting.
“She must be playing hard to get. Women are so fickle.” Lupin squints when the sunlight hits his eyes, sighing through his nose and eying Jigen’s pursed mouth around the filter. He’s  hankering for a smoke suddenly.
“Lupin, playing hard to get means she wouldn’t fuck you. And trust me, I know you guys have done that more than a few times.” A pause. Jigen has his thinking face on, twisting the end of his beard between his thumb and index finger. “And it’s not just a wo--”
The cigarette has been swiped from his mouth.
“Hey, jackass, why don’t you smoke your own?” He sounds annoyed, but doesn’t move to take it from his partner. Instead, he lets Lupin lean over him to breathe a smooth stream of smoke out the window.
“Sorry, what were you saying, Jigen dear?”
Jigen opens his mouth, and then presses it into a thin line. He huffs, reclining further into the cot.
“She’s not playing hard to get. She just doesn’t love you, or whatever stupid idea you’ve gotten stuck in your head.” His hat is tilted nearly off his head, guarding his eyes from the sun and casting a stark shadow over the bridge of his nose.
They look at each other for a time, Lupin bent over Jigen with his elbows rested on the window sil. The train rumbles, and far ahead the horn screams. Arm stretching out, Louis Vuitton cufflinks glinting in the light, Jigen plucks the cigarette from where it hangs on Lupin’s bottom lip and puts it back at the corner of his mouth.
Lupin’s mind tells him to lean down and press a kiss to the underside of Jigen’s jaw, a thought not uncommon by any means, but one he’s never relented to. There’s only so much he can take from Jigen before an explanation will be demanded-- and Lupin likes things the way they are. He tears his eyes away from Jigen’s neck and pulls himself back to reality.
“Well, so long as she receives my love, I don’t care if my dear Fujiko returns it or not. Her body is more than enough!”
“Go sit over there. It’s almost time to start the job.”
Jigen fixes his hat and lies back down with his hands tucked behind his head. Lupin goes to eavesdrop on the conductor radio channel, his mind wandering to the shape of Jigen’s mouth.
The job is successful insofar as getting the necklace. Actually keeping it is another story, one that Jigen is quickly growing tired of. Goemon, who isn’t even with them for half the jobs, is getting annoyed with the lack of revenue too. Lupin just gives his same old spiel about how Jigen clearly doesn't know the first thing about women if he expects any less than being cheated in the end and Jigen resigns himself to the fact that Lupin’s ‘insights’ on women will always be terrible.
So now, they’re in Spain. For how long, nobody knows or cares-- save for Zenigata, but that bumbling cop has never managed to cuff Lupin for more than a minute. Jigen passes the time wandering the tiny streets looking for good tobacco, eating this and that, and enjoying his own company.
He arrives at hostel that has become their stay for the night, and Lupin is yapping pleasantly on the phone, saying yes, of course we’ll be there, anything for you.
He exchanges a look with Goemon.
“I hope you don’t mean we as in us.”
Lupin takes a break from kissing the receiver of the phone, glancing at his companions with lips still puckered. His face slowly breaks into a beseeching grin, and before Jigen can even scowl properly, it’s 9pm and he’s downing his fifth glass of champagne in the foyer of a mansion with ceilings twenty feet high.
“Oui, I mean we,” he grumbles into the rim of the glass, teeth gritting at the memory of Lupin’s face.
Let’s take it from the top.
Jigen has never liked crowds, isn’t in the mood to schmooze, and sees no payout for trailing Lupin into another one of Fujiko’s traps. He doesn’t even know why he’s here, as a matter of fact--
Not being able to add up the pieces has Jigen’s drunken stupor turning into all harumphs and bah-humbugs. He swipes another glass from a passing waiter; for the hell of it, he grabs two and downs one as a palette cleanser for the other.
“Hey now, don’t have all your fun before the night’s even started.” He hears English. The flute is whisked away from his mouth half in the middle of drinking, some of it dribbling onto his mouth and into his beard. It’s Lupin. Of course it is.
“I can shoot any of these guys while I’m drunk off my ass, don’t worry.” He doesn’t bother bringing up the fact that Goemon has already drank himself to sleep, now perfectly still and holding his sword like a child at one of the dinner tables.
“Sorry, I don't speak Japanese,” says Lupin, sipping at the rest of the champagne with a coy smile. “Why don’t you tell me your name?”
Oh great. They’re playing this game. Jigen, feeling naked since his hat was wrestled away from him at the coat check, rolls his jaw and and folds his arms.
“Is that your first name?” And then, as if he hasn't been patronizing enough: “We use our given names more comfortably here.”
Jigen huffs like a bull through his nose. People nearby look strangely at the duo, murmuring. “No. It’s Daisuke. Tsug--” He catches himself, biting his own tongue from falling into habit. “My name is Daisuke Tsugimoto.”
“What a great name,” Lupin says, the corners of his eyes crinkling with mirth. Jigen feels a vein pop in his neck.  “Daisuke.”
“Yeah. Sure. Bye.”
“Ahh, ararahhuuhh wait, wait wait. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. I’m Lu-- Ah, Rene. Ferrand.” Lupin does his best to bargain without saying a word, imploring Jigen to forgive him by his eyes only.
Daisuke Tsugimoto, a businessman attending the charity ball out of the goodness of his heart, sighs. It’s supposed to come out irritated or exasperated, but he smiles, and that is all the permission Rene Ferrand needs to plop the empty wine glasses at the nearest table and take Daisuke by the arm onto the dance floor.
They stop short beneath a gold and crystal chandelier. Daisuke has one hand on the small of Rene’s back. The other is clasped with his partner’s such that their cufflinks to clink together on each spin. Rene, arm draped around his companion’s shoulder and mirroring his pose bumps the other with his hip. The band is playing a song with a plucking bassline, the brass quick and energetic.
“Lookin’ for someone?” Rene is leaned close now so that he can be heard over the music. His sideburns reek of aftershave.
Daisuke still has his face turned away, black eyes surveying the surrounding couples when he responds: “A woman.”
“Oh? You didn’t mention you had a date.”
“Date isn’t really the right word, but…” Rene is twirled out, then pulled back with a flourish. “Well, she’s really the only reason I came.”
“She certainly left you high and dry. It’s a shame, too, a handsome guy like you.” Rene’s voice takes on a strange, flirtatious lilt, beckoning the other to turn and look at him. Daisuke finds a hand pushing his hair to the side-- he thinks, if he weren’t shocked frozen by their closeness, he would have shouted.
His mouth hangs open, and he blinks dumbly. Lupin has chosen a terrible time to go into casanova mode, thinks Jigen-- or maybe, just a very convenient time, when their relationship as Daisuke and Rene is a jenga tower of lies. His smiles implies the latter and Jigen, never the type to be yanked around in any sense, steps his foot between Lupin’s ankles and dips him low to the ground. If Lupin is expecting it, he doesn't show it-- his head is tossed back in the momentum, adams apple exposed.
He blinks up at the ceiling, unable to focus on the twinkling chandeliers and gold engravings. Chin slowly dipping, Lupin peers up at Jigen to see the curl of his smirk. There's a fervor buzzing in both their hearts now, sides pressed together with warmth seeping through the layers of linen and tweed.
“Monsieur Ferrand!”
Rene perks up at the sound. Daisuke pulls away and allows his partner to stand up straight at attention. Fujiko is dressed in a sequined red dress and long, white gloves, and perhaps her most interesting accessory, is another woman on her arm. Arsene-Rene Lupin-Ferrand looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Monsieur Ferrand?”
“Ah. Ahaha, oh, M-Margot! There you are! I knew I’d see you here.” Rene is clutching onto Daisuke’s arm for dear life, sweat beading at the back of his collar. ‘Margot’ only tilts her head, smiling. The other woman, a blonde with hair curling just by the curve of her shoulder, laughs and murmurs something into her date’s ear, showing Daisuke and Rene her finely manicured fingernails and numerous golden rings.
Her marriage finger is bare.
“Who, uh--” Rene sounds like he’s choking on air. Daisuke takes it upon himself to step on the other’s waxed shoe, unlinking their arms and clearing his throat.
“Miss Margot,” says Daisuke with his accent thick over the English like a glaze. “Who’s this?”
“Oh my. Monsieur Tsugimoto, I didn’t recognize you.” Margot laughs airily and Daisuke struggles to keep himself from hiding away from her gaze. There are times he wishes his beard would grow over the entirety of his face. “This is my friend, Rinko. Maybe the two of you will get along?”
He takes her hand and kisses it. Beside him, Rene rolls his eyes.
Lupin and Fujiko have begin their arms race of lies. Lupin has been on the losing side ever since he’d been forced to play as Councilman Nipple.
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