#losh Threeboot
izzy-mizzie-boo · 18 days
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That's- one of the arts that I like the most, I drew both in different AUs(I say AUs bc "years" would be weird, please anyone correct me q-q). The Melodys have different personalities from each other, but Threeboot and Retroboot have kinda similar vibes, but Threeboot being more sympathetic and empathetic than Retroboot.
Reboot and Cartoon have a more kind and soft personalities, but Cartoon ends up being more morbid than the Reboot one a few times.
Any questions, I'm open to answer it :>
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poisonbat · 11 months
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Misc Threeboot brainiac 5 appreciation
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spandexinspace · 11 months
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Look who's cooking again.
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miragemirrors · 11 months
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cosmic boy cancelled for war crimes but he ran away to join a polycule in 4006
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actuallyadcfan · 9 months
I've been rereading the dna legion run recently and it made me be even more upset at bendisboot. Like I hate bringing negativity this way, but it's so bad, you do different "darker" takes on the legion like dna like 5yl and you don't loose its spirit, but when you give every character the same stupid personality and have them all be jon kent supports....it just makes me fucking pissed
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rebootchill · 7 months
Saw on Reddit people ranking each version of the legion so I wanted to give it a go!
Original Silver Age- It's the silver age, it's the origin to all the concepts and characters but it's too charming and dumb to ever critique. Harmless fun with comic moments that read like elaborate shit posts.
70's era- Actually not a big fan of this era but I appreciate what it builds on for later, it's actually riddle with a lot of strange retcons (like Ayla being Garth and Mekt's little sister and them being twins??), very melodramatic moments for characters being dicks, hitting their girlfriends, and angst out, TYROC. Also not a big fan of the outfits designs making everyone look like eye candy and I do mean EVERYONE. You think that would be a positive but alot of the outfits tell you nothing of their characters abilities, their only purpose is to show the reader skin. I did like it for the creation of Dawnstar and Wildfire and this is the run where RJ gets a lot more focus being their financial backer. It gets way better when Paul and Giffen take over, leading into...
Bronze age Legion- This is LoSH at it's best and most Adult. The angst up teenagers have grown up and now feel like an organized functioning team. They all feel like friends with their own families and histories. Levitz proved that writing a large cast equally for a book is possible by sectioning a bunch of characters in their own little storylines until they all come together for when the real shit behind it all happens. Re-reading this era is purely comfy.
FYL- Hot take: I don't hate FYL. I will agree it has issues especially regarding it's certain retcons but I really do believe it told decent enough stories to not be the worst for me. It really gets the legionnaires to their core, albeit it has to make everyone wash outs and depressed to do so but if you look at the whole run as a character study for everyone. It's pretty good. It's so self contained you can't really bring yourself to hate it. Like it's basically what if Watchmen with LoSH.
Retroboot- This is technically still in the OG continuity and I rather get it out of the way now. It starts out pretty great with "Superman and the Legion of Superheroes" and the "Lightning Saga" being their best introductions especially for newbies, but the main book they did get... Kinda was boring as hell? I didn't think it was terrible, just that whenever it tried to introduce cool things it just drops plotlines and never explores them any further. Characters are faithful enough to the originals tho Garth wasn't ever really a hot head and Tasmia would never sleep with ethnic cleanser. Also r.i.p RJ, damn. It was going pretty fine until the new 52 was cancelled , forcing Querl to accidentally destroy the entire UP and forcing the legion to dispense "permanently". So yeah, pretty disappointing.
PZH "Reboot"- This is probably my real favorite version because it takes all the strengths I said about the Bronze age and mixes it with the imagination of the silver age. Objectively better designs to all other versions, and it's finally really incorporated having aliens members and more humans of color into the team. It's a reboot sure but it's extremely faithful to what came before, some would criticize TOO faithfully. But I don't care. It has like 100 issues so it did something right. Ends kinda poorly tho and we don't know if this version ever found their original universe yet.
Cartoon- Actually my first introduction to the team. It's sorta nothing to write home about, it's just a fun show. Though if it aired today it would get a ton of more fans given that its version of Querl is canon a super-simp. But aren't we all?
Threeboot- this might be the black sheep of all Legions. It's well written with designs that are fairly good if you're a fan of everything matrix. The premise is REALLY interesting and possibly ahead of it's time with adults being overprotective of themselves and their children to hardly allow them to be outside and interact with other people that aren't on another screen. So what went wrong? No cool villains, gets bogged down by infighting team politics, and only select members that Waid probably likes the most gets any character development. So mostly Rokk, Querl, Nura and maybe the Ranzz twins. So yeah, a strong start but it couldn't keep its momentum. It did have a soft boot under Jim Shooter, nothing to really say about it aside from Brainy having sex with a ghost. No comment.
Bendis era- This brings out the raging "fanboy" in me and I rather not feel like that anymore. What can be said that hasn't already been said? 12 issues of f-all happening.
Overall this team has been around for a long time and I hope one day to see them have another run again, preferably back to their former glory but not afraid to introduce new concepts to build upon itself.
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sebeth · 7 months
Legion of Super-Heroes: Rank the Versions
The Legion of Super-Heroes was my entry point into comic books. My uncle handed me a digest-sized reprint of their early Silver Age appearances, and it has been my strongest comics love since that point. Others come and go but the Legion (and its million characters) will always be my true love in comics.
I saw a thread on reddit the other day asking readers to rank the various versions of the Legion of Super-Heroes, so lets go:
The Original (1958 – 1989): This is an obvious number one. The original LOSH laid the foundations for every version, reboot, and homage to come. All the mainstays – heroes, supporting characters, enemies, locations – debuted in this run. The most classic moments and famous storylines occurred with this version. Easy number one.
The Reboot (1994 – 2004): Another strong version that successfully modernized multiple characters. Lyle Norg’s reboot had to quadruple his fan base. The White Triangle storyline was fantastic. This version had a few questionable choices but overall was very strong.
Five Years Later (1989 -1994) The most controversial version but I love it. Not a perfect run but the characters were awesome. I have never loved Jo Nah as much as I have in this run. Cosmic Boy, Night Girl, Kent Shakespeare, Infectious Lass, and Spider-Girl were other standouts. Roxxas was hilarious but terrifying in his insanity. The Subs were badass, fearless warriors in the resistance. Jacques had something to do besides utter random French words! Tyroc became something other than a walking cliches! Glorith was something other than a devolved blob of goo! Sun Boy’s downfall was painful and horrifying! Love this run!
Threeboot (2004-2009): Mark Waid returned to the Legion for another reboot and threw everything sideways. It was great! Lyle was vastly different than the reboot but still received more character development than his original version. Loved the Cosmic Boy and Brainy rivalry. The addition of Supergirl was unnecessary and the ending was weak but still – many enjoyable moments.
Legion of Super-Heroes (cartoon): Nothing ground-breaking but it was fun.
The Retroboot(2007 -2011). I wanted to love this more than I did. The storylines and characters were bland. It started off strong with the Lightning Saga, the Superman/Legion vs Earth Man’s Justice League, and the Legion of Three Worlds storyline. Even the first year of the title wasn’t bad – Earth Man joins the Legion, Titan is destroyed, etc but it turned into forgettable blandness. Way too many new characters were introduced that weren’t memorabIe. I did love the spotlight on Night Girl and her relationship with Cosmic Boy. Tyroc again was something other than a stereotype. Legion Lost didn’t amount to anything – too bad as it was an interesting concept.
The Imperial Guard (Marvel): A Legion by any other name is…the Imperial Guard. I remember reading their first appearance in a Classic X-men reprint and I immediately tagged the group as a Legion homage. Always fun when they make an appearance. I love that Marvel keeps the group strong even though the team is an homage to a competitor. The Guard won the trial of Jean Grey/the Phoenix. Gladiator defeated the Fantastic Four. Gladiator and the Guard were standouts of Marvel’s 2000 cosmic runs. Love it.
Bendisboot (2019): Speaking of blandness, there is this hot mess. I didn’t even finish the run and that is the only time I can say that about a Legion run. Team books are not Bendis’ forte – his Avengers run should have proven that so I am unsure why DC thought he would be a good choice for a writer of the biggest team in the comic book industry.
There are other versions that I didn’t list simply because they only appeared for an issue/episode so there’s not much to rank. I did enjoy most of the “one-shot” Legions.
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coluanprodigy · 2 years
Hello! I have a question, I'd like to start reading the losh comics, which ones would you recommend? What would be a good place to start?
Oh man this is always a hard question to answer. I'd once again like to point people to this post were I've answered this same question. Other people that aren't me, as you'll see there, are much better at compiling comprehensive reading lists around the LoSH.
Honestly I really think it depends on what time period of comics you personally prefer. If you like cheesy pre-crisis silver age nonsense, you can start there. If you like the campy yet more "hard sci fi" 80s vibes, there's plenty of 80s / early post-crisis Legion to enjoy. Although, being a direct continuation of the silver age stuff, it's a bit hard to get into that period without prior knowledge. If you like the wacky youthful adventures of the 90s a la Young Justice, you could start with the Reboot. People tend to be conflicted about the Threeboot, which reeks of early 00's, having released at that time, but there's much much worse versions of the Legion out there, like the unbearable and incomprehensible 2019 Bendisboot. Theres also plenty of spin-offs and one-shots and independent little anthologies... you see my point haha
It's honestly hard to give an answer around a concrete choice when these characters have been around for so long. As a result most of their runs tend to be long too, so they require a bit of dedication and time. But those links in the other post will hopefully help you figure what each version of the Legion is like haha. I'm insane btw, so I went pretty chronologically. I like these characters enough to be able to put up with the 60s.
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smartshipfriday · 3 years
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“Self-Portrait” Life’s an easy game Too clever by half. I probe The white teeth of death
Happy 60th Anniversary to Querl Dox, aka Brainiac 5
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The disappointment I fell about Jekkie's characterization going from "someone who is in an unfamiliar world finding happiness there and has her giving up on being royalty as it gets in the way of said happiness" to "rich princess doesn't understand that money can't get her everything" cannot be fathomed
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yoshimickster · 3 years
And now a...bleak look at all past Legions
Classic Legion: 703 appearances.
Reboot Legion: 241 appearances.
Threeboot Legion: 66
Fourboot: 24 appearances (so far).
Conclusion: DC sucks at sustaining one of their oldest franchises because they won't stop adhering to non-sensical time travel rules.
We got the multiverse back, just make'em alternate universes.
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poisonbat · 11 months
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Legion of Super-Heroes #40 (2008)
Brainy continues to be a source of gold
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spandexinspace · 9 months
what do you think of the threeboot? I haven't gotten to it yet, but from what I recall it wasn't super popular with legion fans
It's pretty different from previous Legion runs. Mostly in that it's edgier and tries for a grittier take on the Legion, but in a more Image Comic sort of way than 5YL. Which is why a lot of Legion fans don't like it.
I'm not a huge fan of it. It had some neat ideas and concepts, but often strayed too far away from what I'd like the Legion to be. I also dislike many of the character changes, like turning Lyle, who'd seen a lot of character concept growth in the Reboot, into a mostly clueless and unskilled audience surrogate. Shooter's part of the run included some particularly weird ideas that really should have stayed inside his head (and that's after editorial forced him to scrap most of them).
It also has some hilariously rough designs, especially early on before someone came to their senses and did some redesigning.
Though overall I don't despise the Threeboot. I've read it, got some enjoyment out of it and own all the trades. I would probably have felt differently about it if I'd been reading it month to month like I did with the Bendisboot, but I didn't and so I don't. And unlike the Bendisboot it still fundamentally feels like the Legion even if it is more of a fringe take on them.
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judedeluca · 6 years
Legion Headcanon: Threeboot Lightning Lad’s a stress eater
The stress of being both the leader of his version of the Legion, plus the stress of dealing with Saturn Girl having cheated on him with Ultra Boy, led to this version of Garth becoming a stress eater the same way everyone imagines Tim Drake is one.
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rebootchill · 11 months
Bored and want to do a LoSH poll, this one is a toughie
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