#lord marshal verse
incognit0slut · 1 year
Right Kind of Wrong (7)
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She never thought she would be involved in a murder case. She also never thought she’d encounter her one-night-stand again—the awkward stranger who isn’t exactly that good in bed… Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong.
Part Summary: She finds herself in a compromising position.
Series Warnings: 18+ explicit content, graphic details of murders, mentions of suicide
a/n: this is my first time writing suspense and crime-mystery, so bear with me if you find any inaccuracy
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IF THERE WAS ONE THING SPENCER WAS SURE OF, IT WAS BEING SLEEP DEPRIVED. Fatigue, like an invisible shroud, draped itself around his shoulders, draining all of his energy while his mind stumbled through a labyrinth of exhaustion.
He stifled a yawn, his mind trying to focus on the situation at hand and not the lack amount of sleep he was having. When was the last time he actually slept on his bed? When was the last time he went through his days without constantly refilling his cup with too much caffeine? The muscles around his eyes were starting to twitch with restless energy, a sign of a restless mind faltered under the weight of weariness.
Yet amidst it all, a strange resilience emerged within him. He still managed to focus his blurred vision, scanning his eyes around the room as he pushed away any fatigue and the desire to be somewhere else.
His gaze finally ceased on Garcia, engrossed in her own digital world, a sleek laptop perched on the round table before her. She leaned in, her eyes fixed on the vibrant screen which illuminated her face with a soft, cool glow. "Alright, so, I did more digging onto our recent victim, and let me tell you this, Jamison Lynch wasn't exactly the boss of the year."
Jennifer Jareau—who most of them regarded as JJ—looked up from the document in her hand, sitting across from Garcia. "What do you mean?"
"Jamison Lynch was somebody you wouldn't want as a boss. There were a lot of complaints coming from his subordinates—which surprisingly, most came from female workers."
Spencer's eyes scanned the large board in front of him adorned with a labyrinth of interconnected information. Photographs of the two crime scenes were pinned up, highlighting key details, while strings of marks and drawings crossed the board. "He was very different from the first victim."
"Exactly. Kevin Marshall was the epitome of boss of the year, and everybody just loved the guy, which was why no one could guess how something terrible could happen to him."
"There's a chance what happened to him isn't related to his job," JJ offered.
"Maybe not," Garcia muttered, throwing Spencer a curious look. "But the question is still unanswered, how are the two victims linked to one another?"
"The Unsub's memo is clearly done to punish them," Spencer explained, his attention started to gather all the information gripped onto his brain. "The verse written on Jamison Lynch's body was Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in our Lord."
JJ leaned over the desk with a pointed stare. "One thing for sure, the Unsub has a strong religious background."
Spencer nodded. "All the verse they used highlights the notion that sin carries consequences, and death is described as the 'wage' or payment for those transgressions. In his mind, they may interpret these verses as a justification for his vigilante actions, believing that he's carrying out divine punishment on behalf of God."
"A religious upbringing," JJ suggested. "The Unsub could have grown up in a deeply religious environment, where strict interpretations of scripture might be emphasized."
"Most likely a distorted belief system." Spencer's hands were all over the place as he continued with his elucidation. "Over time, the Unsub's religious beliefs may have become twisted and distorted, leading him to believe that he possesses a unique calling to carry out punishment on behalf of a higher power."
He then studied the picture of the first crime scene, his eyes raking over the lifeless body covered in a pool of blood. "Kevin Marshall might seem like the golden citizen, but he must be involved in something that could be illegal..." He suddenly looked over to Garcia. "Did Jamison Lynch start his career as a journalist?"
Her fingers danced across the keyboard. "Yes, he published a lot of his work since 2004."
"Search any articles he wrote that might involve Kevin Marshall, or maybe the company he worked for. "
"Or legal cases that he was assigned with," JJ added.
"That could be a start, although it might take a while because sleuthing without much lead is difficult." Garcia peered at the two of them by the rim of her eccentric, colorful glasses. "But do not fret, I am known to be the best."
Footsteps suddenly emerged into the room as Aaron Hotchner glanced around the three of them. "Garcia," he mentioned, standing behind her. "Did you find any old cases that might be involved in the victims?"
"Ah, yes, the system was searching through the database based on your queries this morning and it took me a while before—" A sudden ping echoed from her device. “Well, that was perfect timing."
Her fingers clicked across the keyboard as her eyes scanned the dimly lit screen. Everyone in the room stood frozen in their tracks, their faces etched with a curious mix of trepidation and curiosity.
Garcia's eyes widened, revealing the turmoil that echoed the collective sentiment of the room. "Whoa."
JJ stood up and circled her way around the table, standing close to her. "What is it?"
"I started looking through the database for any similar crimes in surrounding areas this morning." Her attention shifted between the other three people in the room. "There have been enucleations in other cases, but none recently, and none close by. No similar murder case was shown, but suicide on the other hand..."
"Harvey Webb," JJ read, looking at the photo of the deceased man. "Suicidal death?"
"Thirty-nine-year-old landlord took a tumble off a sixth-floor balcony two years ago, exactly on the apartment complex he rented out."
"Why are we looking at a suicidal case?"
"That's the thing, the local authorities ruled out that he might've not jumped on his own accord, although his wife at that time determined that he had been having suicidal thoughts for a long time and decided to close the case." Garcia did more tapping on her keyboard and somehow pictures of the crime scene were plastered across the screen in front of the room. "Harvey went through depression and a lot of suicidal attempts, there were always cuts along his arm except—"
"There was a writing on his body?" Hotch guessed.
Garcia nodded as she clicked on a clearer picture of the victim's arm. "His autopsy came in that while there were definite signs of attempt self-hurt, this was written between the cuts."
"Galatians 6:7," Spencer read, his eyes fixated on the screen as he recited, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
"Definitely a vigilante on the loose," JJ remarked.
Spencer hummed a positive response and walked over to the board, a marker in his hand as he wrote down the verse. "This verse underscores the concept of reaping the consequences of one's actions, which could further justify the Unsub's belief that his victims deserve punishment for his perceived sins or mistakes."
Hotch studied the pictures of the recent victims and the one shown on the screen. "The way the words are carved across the skin is definitely done by the same person," he noted.
JJ looked between the three pictures before nodding. "I agree." She then glanced up at her co-workers. "So why the different MO? Something connects these three victims, and yet this one"—she pointed to the photo of Harvey Webb—"died in a completely different manner. He either jumped or was pushed. We don't even know if it was a murder, just that he was branded the same as the other two victims."
"The timeline doesn't add up," Spencer claimed, his brows furrowed deeper. "There's too much of a gap between the first victim and the second victim, we're looking at two different stressors that triggered the Unsub."
Hotch stood beside him, crossing his arms as he studied the evidence they had collected these past few days. "If this was his first victim and the two men were his second and third, it's possible he's advancing, that his fantasy is developing."
Spencer looked back at the three pictures. What connected these three dead people, two murdered in violent, heinous ways, the third a potential suicide victim? What wrongdoings might they possibly sin? And now he couldn't help but feel the weight of Hotch's words and how revolting one could act in this series of crimes, proclaiming them as fantasies, his skill, and determination more distinguished than ever before.
"If that's the case..." he pointed out, a certain tension hanging in the air. "He's only getting started."
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Y/n must be mad—utterly, completely out of her mind.
She always considered herself a very sensible person characterized by an ability to think critically, or make rational decisions on logical reasoning. But her thoughts, once orderly and coherent, twisted into bewildering shapes because here she was, perched right in front of an apartment door she once closed behind and never looked back.
Why did she think it was a good idea to come here uninvited at this time of hour? How did she end up being here when she was lying in her bed a few hours ago?
She recalled turning around in her sleep, or perhaps, her attempt to rest her eyes, because she found herself staring into the dark with an unsettling feeling in her gut. Maybe all the turmoil of emotions piled up in her chest had her going into a panic frenzy, relentlessly moving in her bed when she should've been fast asleep.
Somehow amidst dwelling on her anxiety, she was suddenly on her feet, putting on a jacket before calling a cab. Her mind was too tangled to be driving on her own, and when the driver asked her where she was heading, she recited the area she was familiar with. Did she remember the building she wanted to go to? Yes. Did she know the exact address? Apparently not.
Although it was easy to spot the building. The old but clean apartment was recognizable, the sturdy wooden door, adorned with vintage brass fixtures, welcomed her after she tipped the driver her fair. The cool air hit her face, her hair flying around her shoulders as she spotted a residence walking out of the building. She quickly slipped in, seeking a very much-needed warmth, yet now she was starting to question her common sense.
But it was too late to turn back because her hand was already curling into a fist as she knocked on the door. Once, twice, three times. When there was no answer, she wasn't sure whether to be glad or disappointed. She knocked once again, and when she was met with silence, she decided it was a sign that she was indeed making the wrong decision.
So she exhaled a breath she wasn't even aware of holding, turned around, and completely froze when she was met with a familiar pair of hazel eyes. There he was, almost a week since the last time she saw him, standing on the last step of stairs.
Time seemed to stand still. Her heart skipped a beat, his presence exuded a captivating charm. His chiseled features were accentuated by a sculpted jawline, leading up to a pair of intense, deep-set eyes that seemed to hold a hefty amount of fatigue. Dark circles cast shadows beneath his eyes, hinting at nights spent wrestling with restless thoughts.
He was dressed in a rumpled shirt and loosely fitted trousers, his attire mirrored the fatigue he wore upon his face. The fabric seemed to hang upon his frame, lacking the crispness that usually accompanied his wardrobe. But despite his weariness, there was an undeniable pull emanating from his presence. It should be illegal how handsome he still looked even when he looked like he needed some rest.
Spencer took a tentative step closer, looking reminiscent of a puppy with his eyebrows pinched at each beginning in a way that can only mimic either confusion or concentration. "Y/n?"
"Hi," she awkwardly greeted, suddenly feeling out of place.
"What brings you here?"
"I..." she trailed off, her brows furrowed as she tried to find a reasonable answer. But somehow she found herself telling him the truth. "I honestly don't know."
His eyes fixed upon her, silently studying her figure. A cascade of lustrous hair framed her face, falling gracefully upon her shoulders.
"Do you want to come in?"
"I don't want to impose on you—" she stepped aside, letting him unlock his door. "Or disturb your much-needed rest."
A ghost of a smile curled on the corner of his lips as he fished out his keys. "I look terrible, don't I?"
"I wouldn't say terrible, just... you look very tired."
"I haven't had proper sleep in days." With a steady hand, he inserted the key into the lock before a satisfying click echoed in the air. With a gentle push, the door swung open, and he gestured to her with a nod.
She looked between him and his apartment. "Are you sure?"
"Come in," he offered. He walked inside his home and pulled the door ajar. "Please."
She studied him for a while before nodding. The floor creaked as she stepped into his household, and as the door swung shut behind her, she scanned the room that seemed familiar yet foreign at the same time. A sense of warmth enveloped her despite the predominantly dark colors that adorned the space. Soft, ambient lighting emanated from placed lamps, casting a gentle glow upon the room.
She walked past him and noticed the chessboard splayed across the coffee table. "I didn't know you play chess." She sat down on his couch. "Looks like you were in the middle of a game… was someone else here?"
He wasn't sure whether he heard a note of jealousy in her voice, but he smiled nonetheless.
"Actually, I was in a game with myself," he answered sheepishly, shrugging off his suit jacket before placing it over his couch. "Do you want anything to drink?"
"No, it's alright." She leaned forward, her gaze fixed upon the chessboard. Her eyes darted back and forth, analyzing the board with a keen interest before moving a chess piece, placed with precision and purpose.
Genuine surprise crossed his face as he settled beside her. "You know how to play chess?"
"A little. I used to play with my father growing up."
"You don't play with him anymore?"
She shook her head. "He passed away when I was young. Both of my parents did."
"I'm sorry," he gently spoke. He leaned back and turned his body toward her. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Nope, just me."
"I'm an only child too." Then he assessed her carefully while her eyes wandered beyond her striking features, a subtle tension betrayed a deeper complexity lurking beneath the surface. "Now are you going to tell me why you're here?"
He noticed the subtle language of her body where uncertainty weaved on her face. It was in the way she looked between him and her hands, a balance between wonder and reservation that hinted at the lingering doubt within. Then she took a deep breath, her brows furrowed as her voice filled in the silence.
"Does it make me a bad person that I didn't cry after everything that happened?"
He frowned, taken aback by the sudden question. "What do you mean?"
"There was a memorial service for Jamison a few days ago, and while everyone mourned, I just... stood there." She looked down at her hands. "What happened to him was very unfortunate, it just happened that, apparently, I have no emotions.”
His head fell back onto the couch as he watched her. "It doesn't make you a bad person. Grief is a deeply personal and individual experience, and people respond to loss in different ways. Crying is just one expression of grief, but it isn't the only definitive indicator of how much someone cared for or was impacted by the loss of a person, especially given how you saw what had happened."
"But it makes me feel kind of heartless." She glanced back at him. "I mean, he wasn't exactly the greatest boss, and I should've felt a certain kind of sadness, but I... I don't know how I feel, to be honest."
"Y/n," he gently called, his expression softening. "It's important to remember that everyone grieves in their own way. What matters most is that you find healthy ways to navigate and process your emotions surrounding the loss, whether it involves crying or not."
She hummed in response. "I guess you do have a point."
"I do, and I'm right most of the time." Spencer smiled when she rolled her eyes and a comfortable silence settled between them. "Now tell me the truth."
She quirked an eyebrow. "What truth?"
"You obviously have a lot on your mind right now and I'm trying to wrap my head around why you chose to be here."
"Do I need to have a reason?"
As his gaze lingered, he found himself drawn to her eyes—a delicate blend of curiosity and trepidation. They shimmered with a gentle vulnerability, revealing the depths of her longing to be seen and understood.
"I would like to know your reason."
She weighed her words carefully. "I couldn't sleep,” she decided to say. “My mind was constantly turning its gear, then it got too overwhelming?” She shook her head. “I-I guess I needed the comfort..."
As she tried to find her voice, her words become entangled in the turmoil of her emotions. With a deep breath, she gathered her courage. The words spilled forth, unfiltered and vulnerable, resonating with a sincerity that echoed through the room.
"And somehow you were the first person that came to mind."
Spencer felt an unfamiliar intensity washing over him—a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty that tugged at his heartstrings. And then suddenly, completely out of nowhere, the desire to embrace her consumed him, both thrilling and terrifying. It was such a baffling thought because he found hugs to be overwhelmingly intimate for his liking, yet there was this urge to hold her close, to feel the warmth of her body against his.
The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him, urging caution and restraint. But logic lost its battle with instinct, and caution lost its wrestle with impulsive longing as he found himself asking, "Can I give you a hug?"
Her body tensed, not believing the words coming out of his mouth. But as he kept staring at her, she realized that he was being serious. And she found herself nodding, yearning for the warmth radiating from his body.
He carefully drew closer and a magnetic force guided her movements, gently pushing her into his arms. Nervous excitement coursed through her veins, infusing a sense of vulnerability.
Bodies entwined, they breathe in unison, inhaling the essence of closeness as senses unfold—the warmth of skin against skin, the familiar scent that filled the air, the weight of the world momentarily faded away as they surrendered to the pure simplicity of human touch.
His head was spinning with longing and somehow he managed to pull her body gently onto his lap. She silently accepted his tug, placing her legs on either side of his thighs as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Amidst her relishing the gentle press of his body against hers, she couldn't help but find amusement in this new position.
He felt the subtle shake of her shoulder as a burst of soft laughter escaped her mouth. He suddenly tensed. "Is there something funny?"
The confusion etched in his voice had her pulling away, a small smile lingering on her face. "Yes," she answered. "It's amusing how you like having me on your lap so much.”
A slight warmth spread along his face as he became aware of her weight settling on top of him. "I didn’t notice."
She wasn't sure whether it was the glimmer in his eyes, the bashful smile on his lips, or the way he didn't pull his gaze away from her, but before it could register in her mind, she drew herself closer to him. The sudden shift of her movement caused a friction underneath her, and it was at that moment she realized how compromising of a position they were in.
Her fingers brushed against his skin, and an electric current surged through her veins, awakening a longing she had not anticipated. Her eyes flickered with a newfound intensity—a hunger that shimmered in the depths of her gaze as she could only focus on the pulse settling between her thighs. 
As her longing deepened, she became acutely aware of his proximity. The scent of him enveloped her, intoxicating her senses, and her mind was consumed by allowing herself to surrender in this newfound need. 
So she slowly rolled her hips, feeling his body beneath her, and suppressed a moan when she felt the outline of his bulge stroking against her core. Her breath hitched, betraying the innocent intentions that had initially brought them together. 
She felt him tense from the friction and his heart thudding hard against his ribcage, her heart beating to the same rhythm. "Stop doing that," he suddenly said, eyes darkening as he stared at her, voice deep and raspy. 
"Why?" She whispered.
A whirlwind of emotions churned within him. His heart ached to offer solace, yet primal longing tugged at his core, igniting an undeniable urge to keep her closer, to indulge in the sudden pull of desire.
"Because if you don't," he grunted, his hand sliding up her neck, burying it in her thick hair as he tilted her face. He pulled her closer, his thumb sweeping in long strokes along the side of her throat. The heat of her presence lingered on his fingertips, tempting him to pull her into an embrace that transcends mere comfort. "I won't be able to stop myself."
His gaze then traced the contours of her form. The subtle curve of a hip, the graceful arch of a back, the gentle swell of a chest—all become objects of fascination. He watched as her tongue wiped along her bottom lip while she slid her hands across his shoulders, stopping right on his chest, hovering above his heart.
"Then don't," she softly pleaded, moving her hips once again, igniting a moan deep within his chest. “I don't want you to stop."
It was the only push he needed as he closed the distance between them, finally crushing his lips to hers.
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themoonlily · 1 year
did you know that Éomer son of Éomund
has his own command in Aldburg, one of the chief settlements of Rohan
is given the title of the Third Marshal, one of the most important positions in Rohan, when he's still under thirty
is seen by Saruman as one of the two chief obstacles to the easy conquest of Rohan (the other being Théodred)
is relied on by his people and his uncle (once he is restored)
retains his integrity in an increasingly difficult and dangerous situation 
admits he believes as his countrymen do, but is ready to change his mind when presented with new information (” Yes, and we could find a use for Gimli's axe and the bow of Legolas, if they will pardon my rash words concerning the Lady of the Wood. I spoke only as do all men in my land, and I would gladly learn better.”)
is quick to recognise and make important and powerful allies (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli)
seems to have a witty sense of humour (”So many strange things have chanced that to learn the praise of a fair lady under the loving strokes of a Dwarf's axe will seem no great wonder.”)
apparently resists the influence of Saruman's voice to the degree where Saruman singles him out in the company at Orthanc
acts as Théoden's second in command during the war and takes active part in planning strategy
keeps his calm when Théoden, Rohan’s king and the leader of their people, lies dying and other Rohirrim are dismayed; he rallies them and holds them together during the battle. (admittedly even he loses his shit when he thinks Éowyn is dead, but considering at that point his whole family seems to be dead, I don’t blame him.)
composes some kick-ass verse in the middle of a huge battle
marries Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, the daughter of one of the most powerful lords of Gondor, expressing keen political instinct 
is so successful as king that his people call him “the Blessed”
so if you think he's just some himbo, you probably weren't paying attention.
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sparksandspears · 3 months
So I don't normally do this, but since my latest Lord of the Rings rewatch I've had this bouncing around my head, and finally am getting it out. So, poetry! This one is for Théodred, and I did my best to get the skaldic alliteration of Tolkien's Rohirric verse.
Forever they grow there, the fathers' graves watching; white flowers covering, warding the dead. Théodred lofty, Thengel's fair grandson, alas they await him at his road's end. Master of horses, the Mark's second Marshal, prince of the people, proudly he stood. At Isen's fords, with iron he fought there with Saruman's forces, and slain there he fell. Last of his line, Lord Théoden's only, Dead in the river. So death we dealt then, avenging the fallen, answering insult. War we woke, the Westfold arising; at Helm's Gate we harried the foe to the end. The White Hand we withered, the wizard defying; by spear and by sword we slew the dark host. Still Simbelmynë, silent and silver, his tomb it protects now til years have an end. With Fréa he lies, Folca and Fréalaf; In the ranks of his fathers he rests evermore.
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athingofvikings · 5 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 17: ...And Partings
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Chapter 17: …And Partings
Most historical analyses of King Magnus I of Norway focus excessively on the larger figures in his life—his regent, wife, sister, friends, and dragon, most typically.  Insufficient focus tends to be given to a quieter figure in Magnus's life, a state of affairs that is ironic, due to the man's profession as a skald. 
Sigvatr Þórðarson (a.k.a. Sigvatr Tordarson, 995-1044), King Olaf's court skald, has a distinct tendency to stay in the background in most depictions and discussions of the king's life.  This is unsurprising, as the man's sagas are one of the few primary sources on the periods of King Olaf's life and the childhood of his son, with over three hundred surviving verses of his poetry; in those sagas, he spent his efforts recording the efforts and achievements of others than those of his own.  Furthermore, by the time Magnus reached adulthood and his alliance with Berk, Sigvatr had become a background figure in the king's court.  However, this does him a disservice in his impact, as many subsequent historians have focused on the influence of Hiccup Haddock and Einar Thambarskelfir upon the king, and ignored Sigvatr's. 
Sigvatr was made Magnus's godfather when Magnus was born, was responsible for naming the baby (after Karla Magnus—King Charlemagne), and had been the skald and friend of King Olaf for years prior, also serving as the king's stallare (marshal).  He traveled with Olaf and Magnus when they fled to the Kievan Rus', raised young Magnus in exile, and returned with him when Einar Thambarskelfir came seeking a puppet he could control.  Even then, Sigvatr continued to act as mentor and father figure to the young king, counseling kindness, moderation, temperance and forgiveness.  It was due to Sigvatr's advice that Magnus refused to have the men who had killed his father executed, which would have removed two of Einar's rivals for power permanently.
Sigvatr's influence on Magnus's personality, as the sole consistent father figure in the young man's life, is noticeable in many areas.  These include Magnus's interests in the arts and sagas, his noted tendencies towards dramatic gestures, and a general bearing that was regularly referred to as gregarious and outgoing—an impressive achievement for someone who lost his home and his father by the age of six, his mother in his teen years, and who lived in exile for most of his childhood. 
—Dragons of the North: Profiles Of The Viking Lords, Waterford University Press, 1733
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homomenhommes · 7 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … November 17
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Andrea Doria as Neptune 
1503 – Agnolo Bronzino (d.1572) was one of the leading painters of the Florentine School in mid-sixteenth-century Italy. He eventually became court painter to Cosimo de Medici. Born in Monticelli in 1503, Bronzino studied with mannerist painter and portraitist Jacopo Pontormo (1494-1557).
Most scholars conclude, based on a series of sonnets Bronzino wrote upon Pontormo's death, that the two men enjoyed a more intimate relationship than that of master and pupil. Later in his life, in 1552, Bronzino also adopted one of his own pupils, Alessandro Allori (1535-1607), as his son. In sixteenth-century Florence, this type of arrangement often signaled a sexual relationship between two men; an older man adopting his younger lover was quite common. The two artists lived together until Bronzino's death in 1572.
Famous mainly for his portraits, Bronzino also painted biblical and mythological scenes, designed tapestries and frescos, and composed poetry. While some of Bronzino's poetry consists of rather conventional lyric verse, as well as the sonnets upon Pontormo's death, he also wrote a considerable body of burlesque verse. Often obscene and erotic, burlesque verse circulated among Florentine intellectual and aristocratic circles, whose members would have detected obscure allusions and subtexts beneath the bawdy wordplay. Bronzino's burlesque poetry is distinguished by its large number of homoerotic references and allusions.
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Cosimo I de' Medici as St. Sebastian
There is an undeniable homoerotic subtext to several of Bronzino's famous portraits, including Andrea Doria as Neptune (ca 1545) and Cosimo I de' Medici as St. Sebastian (ca 1538-1540).
In both his writing and painting, Bronzino contributes significant insights into same-sex desire and relationships in sixteenth-century Florentine society.
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1851 – Major Lord Henry Arthur Somerset (d.1926) was the third son of the 8th Duke of Beaufort and his wife, the former Lady Georgiana Curzon. He was head of the stables of the future King Edward VII (then Prince of Wales) and a Major in the Royal Horse Guards.
He was linked with the Cleveland Street scandal, wherein he was identified and named by several male prostitutes as a customer of their services. He was interviewed by police on 7 August 1889; although the record of the interview has not survived, it resulted in a report being made by the Attorney-General, Solicitor-General and Director of Prosecutions urging that proceedings should be taken against him under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885. A piece of paper was pasted over Somerset's name in the report, as it was deemed so sensitive.
However, the Director was told that the Home Secretary wished him to take no action for the moment. The police obtained a further statement implicating Somerset, while Somerset arranged for his solicitor to act in the defence of the boys arrested over the scandal. After the police saw him for a second time on 22 August, Somerset obtained leave from his regiment and permission to go abroad.
Lord Arthur went to Homburg, although he returned to England. When tipped off in September that charges were imminent, he fled to France to avoid them. From there he travelled through Constantinople, Budapest, Vienna, and then back to France, where he settled and died in 1926, aged 74.
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1854 – Louis-Hubert Lyautey (d.1934) was a French Army general and colonial administrator. After serving in Indochina and Madagascar, he became the first French Resident-General in Morocco from 1912 to 1925. Early in 1917 he served briefly as Minister of War. From 1921 he was a Marshal of France. He was dubbed the Maker of Morocco and the French empire builder, and in 1931 made the cover of Time.
Lyautey was born in Nancy, capital of Lorraine. His father was a prosperous engineer, his grandfather a highly decorated Napoleonic general. His mother was a Norman aristocrat, and Lyautey inherited many of her assumptions: monarchism, patriotism, Catholicism and belief in the moral and political importance of the elite.
As Resident-General of Morocco from 1912 he was publicly deferential to the sultan and told his men not to treat the Moroccans as a conquered people. It was he who governed Morocco for the French, developed its economy, extended its borders, and pacified native resistance. During WWI, even with diminished troops, Lyautey maintained an iron rule over this French protectorate.
During his administration, inadvertently, perhaps, Morocco became a place of refuge for homosexuals from all over Europe who came to sample the delights of the native population. Lyautey is one of the many real life homosexuals who people Roger Peyrefitte’s novel, The Exile of Capri.
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1925 – Rock Hudson (d.1985) was a popular American film and television actor, noted for his stunning looks and most remembered as a romantic leading man during the 1950s and 1960s. Hudson was voted Star of the Year, Favorite Leading Man, or any number of similar titles by countless movie magazines, and was unquestionably one of the most popular and well-known movie stars of the time. He completed nearly seventy motion pictures and starred in several television productions during a career that spanned over three decades.
Hudson was born Leroy Harold Scherer Jr. in Winnetka, Illinois, the son of a telephone operator, and an auto mechanic who abandoned the family during the depths of the Great Depression, in the early 1930s. His mother remarried and his stepfather adopted him, changing his last name to Fitzgerald.
After graduating from high school, he served in the Philippines as an aircraft mechanic for the Navy during WW II. In 1946 he moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career and applied to the University of Southern California's dramatics program, but was rejected due to poor grades. Among a number of odd jobs, he worked as a truck driver for a couple of years to support himself, longing to be an actor but with no success in breaking into the movies. A fortunate meeting with powerful - and gay - Hollywood talent scout Henry Willson in 1948 got Hudson his start in the business - and Willson renamed him "Rock Hudson."
Neither a gifted nor a natural actor, he was neverthless blessed with enormous charm and with time proved to have a flair for comedy and was capable of strong and memorable performances in drama. He was coached in acting, singing, dancing, fencing and horsebackriding, and he began to feature in film magazines where he was promoted on the basis of his good looks. Success and recognition came in 1954 with Magnificent Obsession in which Hudson plays a bad boy who is redeemed. The film received rave reviews, with Modern Screen Magazine citing Hudson as the most popular actor of the year.
Hudson's popularity soared in George Stevens' Giant, based on Edna Ferber's novel. Co-starring Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean, and as a result of their powerful performances both Hudson and Dean were nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars.
Following Richard Brook's notable Something of Value in 1957 and a moving performance in Charles Vidor's A Farewell to Arms, based on Ernest Hemingway's novel, Hudson sailed through the 1960s on a cloud of romantic comedies. He portrayed humorous characters in Pillow Talk, the first of several profitable co-starring gigs with Doris Day; followed by Come September; Send Me No Flowers; Man's Favourite Sport, with Paula Prentiss, and Strange Bedfellows, with Gina Lollobrigida.
His popularity on the big screen diminished in the 1970s. He performed in a 13-city US tour of the musical Camelot. He was quite successful on television starring in a number of made-for-TV movies. His most successful series was McMillan and Wife opposite Susan Saint James from 1971 to 1977.
Following years of heavy drinking and smoking, by the early 1980s, Hudson began having health problems. Heart bypass surgery sidelined Hudson and his then-new TV show, The Devlin Connection, for a year; the show suffered for the delay and was cancelled not long after it returned to the airwaves. He recovered from the surgery, but a couple of years later Hudson's health had visibly deteriorated again, prompting different rumours.
In 1984 and 1985 Hudson landed a recurring role in Dynasty. While his inability to memorise dialogue was the stuff of legend, now he was exhibiting all the signs of a man in serious trouble. The need for cue cards was one thing, but when his speech began to deteriorate, everybody knew the least of Hudson's problems was simple forgetfulness. The word cancer was tossed around, but the phrase 'gay cancer' was not mentioned- not, at least, by those who had something to lose. Not yet.
While Hudson's career was blooming, he was struggling to keep his personal life out of the headlines, although the Hollywood media was complicit in concealing his homosexuality from the general public. Throughout his career, he epitomised an ideal of wholesome manliness, and in 1955 he wed Willson's secretary at the time, Phyllis Gates, and the news was made known by all the major gossip magazines. The union lasted three years. Gates filed for divorce in April 1958, charging mental cruelty; Hudson did not contest the divorce. Loyal friends and the now-unimaginable support of the media kept Hudson successfully in the closet to all but those 'in the know' until the 1980s.
According to the 1986 biography Rock Hudson: His Story by Hudson and Sara Davidson, Hudson was good friends with American novelist Armistead Maupin, and Hudson's lovers included: Jack Coates (born 1944); Hollywood publicist Tom Clark (1933-1995), who also later published a memoir about Hudson, Rock Hudson: Friend of Mine; and Marc Christian, who later won a palimony suit against the Hudson estate. In addition, Darwin Porter's book, Brando Unzipped (2006) claims that Hudson had an affair with Brando. Hudson was also a close friend of Burt Lancaster, who was reportedly bisexual, and Lancaster's FBI file suggested the two stars had attended Gay parties in Hollywood together.
An urban legend states that Hudson married Jim Nabors in the 1970s. In fact the two were never more than friends. According to Hudson, the legend originated with a group of "middle-aged homosexuals who live in Huntington Beach" who sent out joke invitations for their annual get-together. One year, the group invited its members to witness "the marriage of Rock Hudson and Jim Nabors", at which Hudson would take the surname of Nabors's most famous character, Gomer Pyle, becoming "Rock Pyle". Those who failed to get the joke spread the rumor. As a result, Nabors and Hudson never spoke to each other again.
In 1985, Hudson joined his old friend Doris Day for the launch of her new cable show, Doris Day's Best Friends. His shockingly gaunt appearance, and his nearly-incoherent speech, was so shocking that it was broadcast again all over the national news shows that night and for weeks to come. Doris Day herself stared at him throughout their appearance together.
Hudson was diagnosed with HIV on June 5, 1984, but when the signs of illness became apparent, his publicity staff and doctors told the public that he had liver cancer. It was not until July 25, 1985, while in Paris for treatment, that Hudson issued a press release announcing that he was dying of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This had an enormous impact as he was the not only the first major celebrity to come out with the disease but because most of his army of fans still had no idea that Rock Hudson was gay.
Shortly before his death Hudson stated, 'I am not happy that I am sick. I am not happy that I have AIDS. But if that is helping others, I can at least know that my own misfortune has had some positive worth.' Hudson's death is said to have pushed his long time friend and then Republican President Ronald Reagan to change his tune on efforts to fight and publicise the epidemic. Rock Hudson's death from AIDS was a highly significant and tragic milestone in bringing the disease to a wider public consciousness.
Rock Hudson was cremated and his ashes buried at sea.
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1960 – RuPaul Charles, best known as simply RuPaul, is an American actor, drag queen, model, author, and singer-songwriter, who first became widely known in the 1990s when he appeared in a wide variety of television programs, films, and musical albums. Previously, he was a fixture on the Atlanta and New York City club scenes during the 1980s and early 90s. RuPaul has on occasion performed as a man in a number of roles, usually billed as RuPaul Charles. RuPaul is noted among famous drag queens for his indifference towards the gender-specific pronouns used to address him—both "he" and "she" have been deemed acceptable. "You can call me he. You can call me she. You can call me Regis and Kathie Lee; I don't care! Just as long as you call me." He hosted a short-running talk show on VH1, and currently hosts reality television shows called RuPaul's Drag Race and RuPaul's Drag U.
RuPaul was born in San Diego, California. His name was given to him by his mother, a Louisiana native. The Ru came from roux, an ingredient used in gumbo. RuPaul struggled as a musician and filmmaker in Atlanta, Georgia during the 1980s. He participated in underground cinema, helping create the low-budget film Starrbooty, and an album by the same name. In Atlanta, RuPaul often performed at the Celebrity Club (managed by Larry Tee) as a bar dancer or with his band, Wee Wee Pole, which included the late Todd Butler.
In the early 1990s, RuPaul worked the Georgia club scene and was known by his full birth name. Initially participating in genderfuck-style performances, RuPaul performed solo and in collaboration with other bands at several New York nightclubs, most notably the Pyramid Club. He appeared for many years at the annual Wigstock drag festival and appeared in the documentary Wigstock: The Movie. In the '90s, RuPaul was known in the UK for his appearances on the Channel 4 series Manhattan Cable, a weekly series produced by World of Wonder and presented by American Laurie Pike about New York's wild and wacky public-access television system.
RuPaul is credited with the statement "We're born naked, and the rest is all drag."
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1971 – A group of sex researchers looking for physical differences between homosexual and heterosexual men announce erroneous findings that heterosexuals have 40% more testosterone in their blood than homosexuals do.
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Rock Hudson - A Personal Encounter:
By Me
Back in 1966, on my way to Canada, I had a brief brush with Rock Hudson.
I came to North America by ship from Fremantle, Australia, via the far east, and on the leg from Japan to North America, my friends and I, all travelling second-class, met up with a wealthy American travelling in first class. My friends were a couple of lesbian Australian nurses, and Joe, my cabin-mate, a straight Swiss guy. We were all about 25 at the time. The wealthy American, Lloyd, was a short chubby guy in his sixties. In retrospect, I think he looked a lot like Artie Johnson. He was very ostentatious, and seemed to have a never-ending wardrobe of clothes and of jewellry— neck-chains, rings, bracelets, and watches. He claimed to be a millionaire, and Pat Boone's boyfriend. The very idea was rather shocking to us small-town folk. The way he told it, he had been to Japan for Pat Boone's tour there, but Lloyd hated flying, so was travelling by ship instead while Pat flew home. At the time, Pat Boone was separated from his wife, and had not yet become "born again."
The reason Lloyd was associating with us obvious, though unstated — my cabin-mate Joe was a hottie! He was also absolutely straight, but Lloyd hoped to change that. He would buy us drinks to get us to leave him alone with Joe. He even gave the girls some expensive jewellry to get rid of them. He never really got anywhere with Joe, however.
Anyway, our landfall was in San Pedro, south of Los Angeles, before sailing north to San Francisco and Vancouver. When the American - from L.A. - was leaving ship, he invited us the a "welcome-home" party the next night. He said he would send a car for us. We never really thought he would do it, but the next evening we got a message from the purser's office that a car would be waiting for us at the foot of the gangplank at 8:00 that night. Sure enough, there was not just a car, but a limosine waiting for us. Imagine four young people from the boonies riding in a limousine into one of the poshest areas of Los Angeles (I'm not sure if it was Beverly Hills, or Hollywood Hills, but it was very posh and in the hills on the outskirts of LA)!
I'm not really sure who the "welcome home" was for — Lloyd or Pat Boone. If it was for Boone, he never showed at the party, at least while we were there. Nor was I sure just whose home it was held at. All I remember was that it was a huge ranch-style with an immense patio and pool at the rear. It was around this pool that the party was being held, on a warm, late-June evening. I got the impression that the house was not Lloyd's, although he treated it as if it were. I think it actually belonged to Robert Wagner or Natalie Wood, both of whom were present, although they were not married to each other at the time. They were actually between marriages to each other.
Lloyd greeted us then left the girls and I at the pool to fend for ourselves, while he hustled Joe off to the interior of the house - probably to a bedroom. There were maybe 60 people at the party when we arrived around nine pm. Most of them were males, mostly has-been movie or tv actors or wanna-be's and agents. I really don't remember most of them. I do recall Mickey Rooney being present. I remember him as a nasty little man who was absolutely rude to almost everyone, even though people were trying their hardest to be nice to him, because his estranged wife had been murdered earlier that year. It completely destoyed my pleasant memories of him as Andy Hardy on The Hardy Family radio show of my childhood.
Most of the guests were rather condescending to us small-town hicks with out "adorable accents." I remember Peter Graves (who had starred in a Australian TV "western" a few years before) being particularly snide - maybe because his Aussie western was a major flop.
This was where I had my brief brush with Rock Hudson. He arrived later than us, and made his way round the pool saying hi to everyone, including the girls and I. Unlike many of the guests he was really pleasant to us. After chatting to us for a couple of minutes he moved on, with another tall, fairly good-looking man in tow. One of the other guests told us that the second man was Rock Hudson's boyfriend. He mentioned the man's name, but I didn't recognize the name then, and don't remember it now. It may have been Jim Nabors, but I really don't know.
Around eleven pm, the party got nasty when a fight broke out. I don't know who started it or what it was about, but I know it somehow involved Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner. Someone ended up in the pool fully-dressed. Someone else got a bloody nose. A table of glasses got smashed, and so did a sliding glass door, and someone got badly cut. An ambulance was called and so were the police.
At about the same time, Joe and Lloyd emerged from the house, both looking rather pissed off. Lloyd rather brusquely informed the four of us: "The police are on the way. You'd better go!" He promptly left us standing there, having made no offer of a ride back to the ship or anything. We made our way to the front of the house, rather obviously at a loss. Someone who was leaving at that time offered us a ride back to Los Angeles, which we gladly accepted, because a taxi back to the ship would have been beyond our means, and a couple of squad cars were just arriving.
So, our night of glamour turned into a long wait at the seedy downtown L.A. bus depot, a long ride back to San Pedro on the last bus of the night, and a long walk from the San Pedro drop-off to the ship, past all the little late-night bars with drunk chicanos whistling at the girls – and me and Joe.
Joe never did talk about what happened with Lloyd, but from Lloyd's reaction I presume Lloyd never managed to get into Joe's pants — but then, neither did I, and I spent 9 weeks, on and off ship, trying!
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gccdstories · 23 days
10 Movies that You Would Watch 500 Times.
I'm gonna preface this with saying I don't generally watch a lot of movies (as I'm more a TV/Books kinda girl) but... when these come on TV randomly or whatever, I get sucked in.
So, in no particular order...
Star Wars (especially Revenge of the Sith)
Lord of the Rings (especially Two Towers)
The Hunger Games
The Lion King (the TRUE animated verse; it was MY childhood movie)
Air Force One (for reasons)
The Fugitive (for reasons)
US Marshals (for reasons)
Men in Black
Harry Potter?
stolen from: @luposcainus tagging: @ anyone who wants to (like me) because it looked fun
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rapports-de-combat · 1 month
"spicy bananas - whatever those two have going on"
sort of saint-chamans/lameth, snippet alongside the roleplay verse, thanks to @the-adventures-of-lydia-brown for the inspiration for the above title
weird body horror slice of life
It had not been long since the ADCs of Marshal Soult had been awoken. It, of course, had been a disorienting experience - to awaken after death, and not just as how you remembered yourself, but from a long gone age of youthful military glory in a time when you had pledged yourself to a grand warrior.
Saint-Chamans was trying very hard not to think about some things. It made his head hurt- thinking about about how he felt about his marshal in both of those restorations, as he rallied to the rightful rulers of France, but also he was loyal now because he was young - and handsome again! - and it felt like those days when the Grande Armee was actually grand had never ended, and let's not think about the July Monarchy's betrayal of everything and Soult's role in that and arrrgh.
Instead, he was going to think about the hole in Lameth's chest, which was also disturbing but for other reasons.
“Does it hurt?” Saint-Chamans asked.
“When I fell from heaven?”
Saint-Chamans couldn’t stop himself from snorting, though he tried to stifle it with a groan, and in return Lameth’s grin was resplendent.
“No, I mean-“
“I know what you mean, my friend.”
Saint-Chamans watched as Lameth looked down dramatically, gesturing at the burned tears and rips that permeated his form. One particularly large hole punctured where his heart should have been, interrupting a few familiar sentences about a raucous drinking party disturbing the sleep of a surly marshal.
Lameth smirked. “If you think about it,” he said, his tone singsong in his teasing way, “I am rather like Eve, no?”
“Uh, what do you mean?”
“Was Eve not made from Adam’s rib?” And then, abruptly, Lameth reached out and prodded Saint-Chamans’ side.
Lameth laughed. “Ha! In a way, I myself am made from your rib. And Brun’s, and Petiet’s. I do appreciate all the ribs.”
“Lameth,” said Saint-Chamans, “that is a very weird thing to say.”
This was met with a shrug. “It’s true, is it not? You are made of your words, and I can read it now- what is it, pure Saint-Chamans for your nephews to drink? Rather odd phrasing, that.”
“You don’t have to say it like that,” Saint-Chamans said, a bit put out. “I meant it as in I’m not adulterating or disguising what I am.”
“Oh,” Lameth said, “I know, my dear friend.” He winked. “I won’t grimace! But, ah, my point- I never got the chance to write down my words, so I am made of yours.”
He took Saint-Chamans’ gloved hand in his own, where a few anecdotes about Boulogne wound about the fingers. At the gentle touch, Saint-Chamans found himself suddenly nervous, suddenly wanting to pull away from whatever Lameth was talking about, but that was stupid.
Lameth pulled Saint-Chamans’ hand towards him, placing it in the hole in his chest. “This is not comfortable,” he said.
“Then why are you doing it!”
Lameth shrugged, still holding onto Saint-Chamans’ hand. “You did ask if it hurts,” he said. “Not as much as it looks. Does it look particularly bad?”
He couldn't lie, not to a friend he held so dear, not to someone he mourned the death of so.
"Yeah," said Saint-Chamans. "You look like shit."
"Sapristi!" Lameth said, with another laugh. "I hadn't noticed. Do you think the ladies will run in fear of me?"
Saint-Chamans frowned. He really didn't want to say yes.
Lameth had been so handsome. He had his share of dalliances and mistresses, yeah, and he had left those behind along with a loving family and a future when he got murdered on that road in Portugal.
And now he was resurrected, not by the Lord's hand, but by a benefactor who had raised him and Saint-Chamans and the others to serve their marshal again in some weird war against creatures that should not be and enemies who wanted to unmake reality, and Saint-Chamans had no idea how Lameth could even smile about all of that because this was just all too much!
"Anyone in there?"
Oh, he was just silent while he was thinking. Swallowing, Saint-Chamans said, "Uh... you still look handsome."
Lameth's response was very quick. "As long as I look handsome to you!"
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"Well, you haven't removed your hand from my chest yet, so I think this means we are married, no?"
Apparently ink on faded paper could still blush so very much.  
Unfortunately, that was also when Petiet walked into the room.  
"We weren't doing anything weird, I swear!"
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mantra4ia · 9 months
Excuse me while I go watch City: Primeval for the it's-Justified-time.
I love nearly everything about it:
"Tick tock goes the clock...there's no such thing as on time. You're either early or your late. And where you're going we're going to be early." I love that when we meet teenage Willa, and Raylan's getting her ice cream, it's hard to tell from the relationship dynamic whether he's off or on the clock— whether she's a marshall's daughter or his bounty—only to learn that he's hauling her off to a remedial behavior camp and that the answer is yes to both. 😅 Anyone else get a flashback vibe to Dewey Crowe?
White collar criminal..."what do you think he did to get in the book? Capitalism." The truth.
Doesn't hold back from pointing out the corruption in institutional law enforcement. Gives new meaning to "throw the book at 'em."
Court room: Raylan: "Pretty much" / Defendant: " ******* I wanted Chick-fil-A"
We love Wendell Robinson, "sometimes I guess it takes an angry white guy to catch an angry white guy."
"Even though my premium is up to date, I can't make a claim because what now? Because the police did it?" #white collar crime.
"there are things that I want to do with that book that have nothing to do with what's legal and everything, e-ver-y-thing to do with what's just. Can you understand?" That's funny, you have no idea.
Carolyn, my queen, you exude all the badass chemistry I could ever imagine. You had me at "The marshall isn't the one on trial / give me a minute and he will be." And then:
"Sir, please... don't move, don't say shit."
"Better now that my ****-heel partner is gone..."
(Sees purse, finds a bra) you can't be serious, is she here? Ma'am? This is not Tasha's size...I'm going to come over here and burn your closet. What I wouldn't pay to make you a memory."
"Raylan: How was it for you? / Carolyn: About what I expected."
"Raylan: I'm getting an x-ray with my dinner. / Carolyn: Maybe that's what you prefer...all by yourself power. In my life everyone has their foot on my neck to get what they want. **** them. **** them to be so small they abuse their power."
"I'm leaving. Lea-ving" / "In the eternal words of Ra: **** 'em"
"Carolyn: I got something you want / Raylan: That's fair to say"
About Detroit: "I haven't been here a week and the s*** I've seen gives me pause."
Marcus Sweety sass gives me life!
Sandy's Thai roommate needs her own Justified mini show. I'm convinced that Hina a crime lord's daughter or a marshall in the making. She made Albanian mobsters and their tooth extractors look like boy scouts and the only unbelievable premise of this sequel is that if Sandy wanted out of her toxic relationship with the Oklahoma madman, all she needed to do was stick Clement in a room with Hina. Fast forward to episode 8, conflict resolved.
Clement has some really chaotic Boyd Crowder vibes, second only to Boyd himself, and I can picture some of the lines that he has in this series as things that were on the cutting room floor from Justified. "Hun, do you what cut this is? (The Southern comfort steak). Ding ding ding, ready for double jeopardy. Now I ordered the steak black and blue. Do you know what black and blue means? (Rare) Oh no, ma'am. It does not mean rare, it means god**** bloody red. So here's what I want you to do, I want you to take this and throw it in the trash. Then I want you to get your chef have another steak, smack that over the fire, sing two verses of "Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground," flip that sucker, sing the third verse, yank it off, plate it ... And if I don't hear it moo in pain then we're just going to start this all over again." I half expected him to start singing you'll never leave Harlan alive. #I'm a vegetarian, but if I wasn't before I would be now.
Willa's best line and her whole raison d'etre is giving Raylan a second chance at walking away and setting up her dad for love and a semi-normal life: "he's pretty nice for a white guy." From her first giggle at cat videos that led to contempt, she's pretty much his matchmaker and he's just handcuffed in the trunk for the ride along. "I'm not about to take care of you when you're old."
"What is a Garlick?!" The smatterings of comedic timing slaps.
"Raylan: I ain't gonna sleep at night this SOB wins. / Raymond: Look at you, still giving a ****...[Freddy Keck] I shot him. / He drew on you. / I don't know. / You don't know? / I think it was a church key./ He had a bottle opener. / I clean my fingers [with it] and I slept just like a baby." Ray and Raylan, while painfully on the nose as a metaphor, is stone cold accurate. What a screaming angriest-man-I-know look in the mirror — full circle from my Justified s1e1, complete with pissed off ex-wife the likes of which Winona would drink to. #"Mary Alice only speaks to me on pain of death."
The only thing missing from this series is Marshal Gutterson and Rachel Brooks, and Loretta McCready. Non-spoiler-spoilers ahead for those who haven't finished City Primeval: I'll let you speculate as to who's not missing...
The ending that leaves you wanting more! Willa: "I'd like too see where you're from." Take my money and give me a sequel to the sequel. Lord knows by that cliffhanger you're thinking about it.
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amalgamat1on · 8 months
Haremlit Tier List
Peak: S+
- Celestine Chronicles
- Heretic Spellblade
Great: S (95 – 100) (4.5 – 5.0)
- T.A.P
- Demon’s Throne
- Tsun Tsun TzimTzum
- Neural Wraith
- Alpha World
Very Good: A (90 – 95) (4.0 – 4.5)
- The Lost Reavers
- Fight Town
- Haven
- Tournion
- Amnesty’s Adventures
- Immortal Supers
- Entangled Fates
- Ave Xia Rem Y
Good: B (80 – 90) (3.5 – 4.0)
- Shadow Rogue
- An Orc at College
- Binding Words
- The Aspect
- Herald of Shalia
- Meta Marshal Service
- Lightfoot
- Mastering Magic
- Emperor Forged
- Forsaken
- Avalar Explored
- I Don’t Want to be the Hero
- Dungeon Bound
- A Warm Place
- Princesses of the Ironbound
- Monstar Saga
- Lion’s Quest
- Top Tier Privateer
- Chimera King
- Wings of the Seraph
- Valens Legacy
Above Average: C (70 – 80) (3.0 – 3.5)
- Otherworld Academy
- Arand/Darren Verse
- Lost Fleet
- Saving Supervillains
- Mages Cultivation
- Amazon Star Academy
- Aether’s Revival
- My Cottage was Transferred to Another World
- Our Own Way (old version)
- Creature Girl Creation
- Star Justice
- Tamer: King of Dinosaurs
- Descend
- Survival of the Fittest
- Sect Wars
- Super Hero Academy
- Titan Mage
- Cultivating Chaos
- Summoner
- My Ninja Girl
- Raw
- Rise of the Weakest Summoner
- Minotaur Maze of Monster
- Forbidden Arcana
- Echo Online
- Paladin of the Sword
- Dungeonteer
- Succubus Summoner
Average: D (50 – 70) (2.5 – 3.0)
- Son of Fire
- Chronicles of Shattered Earth
- Like a Fine Wine
- Monster Girl Islands
- Dungeon Master
- Luck’s Voice
- Dungeon Delving for Loot and Levels
- Full Frontal Galaxy
- War God for Hire
- Savage Ascension
- Monster Empire
- Champion
- Four Laws
- Gryff the Griffin Rider
- The Escherian Core
Below Average: E (25 – 50) (2.0 -2.5)
- Branded
- Immortal Swordslinger
- Dark Lord’s Command
- Man Made God
- Kaos Trilogy
- Gem Knight
- Lust Witches
- Wyvern Academy
- Void Runner
- Shifter Girls
- Beyond Superpowered
- Phase Titan
- Bonded Spirits
- Outsider
Bad: F (0 – 25) (1.5 – 2.0)
- Becoming the Paladin
- The Horned Mage
- Succubus Lord
- Bone Lord
- Dungeon Cleaners Inc.
- Soul Gem Collector
- Gambit
DNF: G (N/A) (N/A – 1.0)
- Saxon Max
- Night Walker
- The John Blake Chronicles
- Rage King
- Ex-Superheroes
- Growth Hero
- Biopunk Revelation
Honorable Mentions:
- Raconteur
- Strength Unleashed
- Mud, Blood, and Magic
- Supplying Supers
- Mob Sorcery
- Wisher Beware
- Sex, Death, and Money
- Elemental Alpha
Honorable mentions don't get an official ranking due to only one book being completed in the series at the time.
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acorrespondence · 1 year
comfort character tag game
Thanks for the tag @universewoman and @faronnorth!
This was actually pretty difficult, since by nature I’m more drawn to characters that challenge me than comfort me. My favorite characters are often characters I’d avoid like the plague or even outright detest irl. But here are five beloved exceptions to that rule, and some honorable mentions.
Miles Morales (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
Alec Hardison (Leverage)
Spock (Star Trek)
Marta Cabrera (Knives Out)
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Honorable Mentions: Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale), Armand Goldman (The Birdcage), Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), Bernadette Bassenger (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert), Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Foggy Nelson (Daredevil), Crowley (Good Omens the novel), Zoe Washburn (Firefly) and a brand new addition as of last month: Ted Lasso
Tagging: @bringmefoxgloves @deputy-marshal-gutterson @catchclaw @theartthatleavesthemark @empathieves @praycambrian @toli-a @raylangivins @lifegetsdandruff (if you want to) and anyone else who sees this and wants to share!
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limpfisted · 9 months
WISHLIST: ANOTHER herbert sherbert weird kenjammin original questline based off the descent to avernus module!
REAL TITLE: a sprawling political campaign we write together based off various sources of dnd media.
TIMELINE: post-act 3 (duke ravengard verse.)
NOTE: this is WYLL-SPECIFIC, i also have ideas for vampire, githyanki, shar, mystea stuff….. but idk if yall wanna see that lol. if you want, you can steal these ideas for your own rps! would be fun, show me your rps!
amn is a city like baldur’s gate, but actually a nice place to live. theyre a lot newer, but they’re extremely powerful, and they HATE bg for stealing their business, they DON’T want them in the council of lords, n there are potential conspiracy plots and assaination plots alluded to potentially.they have a history of war with bg as well. amn is NOT in the council of lords, but they are an entire state apparatus
council of lords members:
Amphail: Lord Dauner Ilzimmer
Baldur's Gate: Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate and Marshal of the Flaming Fists Ulder Ravengard (now grand duke wyll ravengard.)
Daggerford: Duchess Morwen Daggerford
Longsaddle: Dowell Harpell
Mithral Hall: Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard
Mirabar: Marchion Selin Ramur
Neverwinter: Lord Protector Dagult Neverember
Silverymoon: High Mage Taern Hornblade
Waterdeep: Open Lord Laeral Silverhand (she was also the leader of the Alliance)[4]
Yartar: Waterbaron Nestra Ruthiol
baldur’s gate is ruled by the council of four. this was:
vanthampur: captured or killed after betraying elturel and ulder, her seat will be up for election either way
polmyer: largely lazy conflict averse old man
stelmane: killed, her seat will be up for election
ulder: wants to step down for his son, was deposed by gortash, is still the marshal of the flaming fists, but the seat may be open for election as wyll takes on the role during a period of martial law
there are hundreds of refugees out of the city gate
there is already not enough room for lesser nobles to have manors and estates in the upper city, some of the nobles are actually quite poor due to failing businesses
space and resources are not being properly allocated, there is a whole nature reserve for dusthawks, but this space could be used for housing or hunting
in general, nobles CANNOT be seen helping people, it is a sign of weakness, any support for the common people has to be veiled, including bids for electoral candidates. if a noble helps someone publically, they usually end up dead unless theyre really really smart or powerful
even if you are elected, there is so much red tape, it is honestly better to simply join a crew and protect ur community that way
elections include the votes of the common people
the watch only helps the nobility, and humilates and is violent towards commonpeople for the most slight of infractions
the flaming fist SUCKS except for ulder. so whats ulders fucking deal. he is the comissioner gordon of baldur’s gate, i guess
any incoming political ambassadors are interrogated thoroughly to check for spies, it sometimes takes hours at a time, they are Not Trusted
vanthampur is on public trial, two seats are up for election, while wyll is grand duke under martial law
the lord alliance approves of wyll—to an extent, certainly more than gortash, to help him and solidify their allegiance, the lord alliance is coming to baldur’s gate.
in addition, an emissary from amn, who is NOT a spy, and their guard (who ARE spies and such that are there to sow discord and rig the election etc) have come
the cult/conspiracy of ansur has been formed, people who believe in the good of balduran and ansur and believe that the heroes that saved bg actually KILLED ansur have developed into a faction of detractors
tiamut cultists are fighting the remaining dead three cultists to get back tiamut’s hoard of coin, leaving people dead in the fallout
the guild is growing in power, scraping against local crews
the nobles mostly still believe in gortash or at least his vision for the future. some commoners do too. gortash is still a political prisoner, he longs to go back to working on the steel watch.
ulder is back in charge of the flaming fist, however, the people hate them now more than ever. ulder is also falling prey to BAPHOMET’s influence, and will need constant mental healing from the strain.
the refugees need homes and are constantly being preyed on, they do NOT have votes in the election, but they still deserve to be helped
make npcs, deal with all this shit!! will be FUN!
this will be A LONG-TERM TWO-PERSON COLLOBORATION, please like this post if you’re interested in doing something like this!
we do not have to ship. at all. platonic is fine. in fact, platonic is great, shipping is also great, but i want to do PLOTTY stuff! ty!
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bookclub4m · 9 months
Episode 182 - Lyric Poetry
This episode we’re talking about the format of Lyric Poetry! We talk about reading poetry out loud, translation, French Canadian dialects, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
Entre Rive and Shore by Dominique Bernier-Cormier
Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season: Selected Poems by Forugh Farrokhzad, translated by Elizabeth T. Gray Jr
Ledger: Poems by Jane Hirshfield
Rapture by Carol Ann Duffy
Goldenrod: Poems by Maggie Smith 
Good Bones: Poems by Maggie Smith 
Alive At The End Of The World by Saeed Jones
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes on by Franny Choi 
No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay 
White Pine: Poems and Prose Poems by Mary Oliver
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head by Warsan Shire
Le premier coup de clairon pour réveiller les femmes immorales by Rachel McCrum
The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón
The Arkansas Testament by Derek Walcott 
Alive at the End of the World by Saeed Jones
Other Media We Mentioned
The Bronze Horseman by Alexander Pushkin
19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei: With More Ways by Eliot Weinberger
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
“The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop
When We Were Very Young by A. A Milne
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein  
The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation by Dante Alighieri, translated by Robert Pinsky
All Def Poetry 
milk and honey by rupi kaur
One Piece by Eiichiro Oda
Trailer for Netflix show
“Poetry Is Not a Luxury” by Audre Lorde (pdf)
Links, Articles, and Things
Lyric poetry (Wikipedia)
The Writer's Block
The Midnight Library: Episode 001 - Halloween Poetry
Chiac (Wikipedia)
Plasco Building (Wikipedia)
30 Recent Poetry Collections by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
This booklist features books from BIPOC poets published in the past three years.
Chrome Valley by Mahogany L. Browne
Feast by Ina Cariño
Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency by Chen Chen
Girls That Never Die: Poems by Safia Elhillo
Content Warning: Everything by Akwaeke Emezi
I Do Everything I'm Told by Megan Fernandes
Living Nations, Living Words: An Anthology of First Peoples Poetry edited by Joy Harjo
Song of my Softening by Omotara James
Spells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead / Mamaht́wisiwin, Pakos̊yimow, Nikihci-́niskot́ṕn : Poems by Wanda John-Kehewin
Burning Like Her Own Planet by Vandana Khanna
Phantom Pain Wings by Kim Hyesoon, translated by Don Mee Choi
Bianca by Eugenia Leigh
Finna by Nate Marshall
Slam Coalkan Performance Poetry: The Condor and the Eagle Meet edited by Jennifer Murrin
God Themselves by Jae Nichelle
You Are Only Just Beginning: Lessons for the Journey Ahead by Morgan Harper Nichols
I’m Always So Serious by Karisma Price
Homie by Danez Smith
Blood Snow by dg nanouk okpik
Promises of Gold/Promesas de Oro by José Olivarez with translation by David Ruano
That Was Now, This is Then by Vijay Seshadri
it was never going to be okay by jaye simpson
Dark Testament by Crystal Simone Smith
Unshuttered: Poems by Patricia Smith
Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls by Kai Cheng Thom
Femme in Public by Alok Vaid-Menon
Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong
Find Her. Keep Her. by Renaada Williams
Rupture Tense by Jenny Xie
From From by Monica Youn
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Here’s Matthew’s limerick. Write your own!
There once was a book club for masochists Whose members delighted in making lists They all had a blast Co-hosting a podcast That their friendship will always persist
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, September 19th it’s time for our One Book One Podcast episode as we all discuss the book Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey!
Then on Tuesday, October 3rd get ready for Halloween because we’ll be talking about the genre of Horror!
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By Kelleigh Nelson May 2, 2023
Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity. —Nikola Tesla
We must not lie to ourselves that loving our neighbor means waving a Pride flag, putting pronouns in our bios, and doing nothing while children are psychologically traumatized, medically altered, physically mutilated, and rendered infertile and damaged for life. —Reagan Scott
Satan cannot create anything new, cannot create anything at all. He must steal what God has created. Thus, he twists love and God’s wonderful gift of sex into lust and sadism and myriad perversions. He disfigures the heart’s deep desire to worship God and persuades us to bow before lesser gods of lust or money or power. —Catherine Marshall
Schools serve the same social functions as prisons and mental institutions- to define, classify, control, and regulate people. —Michel Foucault
What happened to Biology 101? It was taught in high school in the early 1960s.  It is so simple, yet the latest Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, doesn’t know the simple definition of a female.
A man has an X and a Y chromosome.  A woman has two X chromosomes.  Chromosomes cannot be changed no matter what you cut off, add on, or how many hormones you take.  You are forever either male or female.
“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:27)  There are only two genders, not 40 as the National Institutes of Health claim.
The promotion of this perversion is not only part of the WOKE insanities, but it is also steeped in Marxism and the hatred of our Creator.
Remember the mantra from the media, “It’s for the children.”
How could this be “for the children?”  Perversion is being taught in America’s schools as early as kindergarten. America’s children are encouraged by their teachers to have themselves butchered in gender clinics.
Both the Old and New Testaments agree regarding how God’s people are to behave concerning sexual relationships.
Torah’s Book of Leviticus Chapters 18 to 20 tells us the standards of God’s people were not to be dictated by the practices of Egypt or Canaan, but by the Lord Himself.  The New Testament’s Romans 1:25-31 echoes Leviticus. Verse 28 states that the Lord gives them up to a reprobate mind.
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war2spin · 2 months
⸻ now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.
⸻ main account: 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐔𝐍, follows from there. intertwined with peacespun. ♡ PROMPTS. AESTHETICS. CHARACTER COUNT (#)
beau arlen. abc's big sky. former united states navy seals, atlanta to montana sheriff, widowed father of a teenage daughter. 20's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. main ship with gavin judge. .
archangel michael, saint. archangel. if you do not write with dean winchester, you do not get access to archangel michael. main ship with adrastos.
feyd-rautha harkonnen. frank herbert's dune. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to feyd. main ship with danar caen.
harvey dent, two-face. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to harvey.
roman sionis, black mask. crime lord in my gotham. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to roman.
sergey “P-3” “agent plutonium” nechayev. mundfish's atomic heart. former united states black ops agent, brain-washed attack dog. 20's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here.
lee dutton. yellowstone.
alia atreides. saint alia of the knife. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to alia.
octavia blake. the 100. if you do not write with my grounder dean + cato kom sangedakru, you do not get access to octavia.
russell shaw. tracker.
william "billy" butcher. the boys / gen v. it will be rare if I write him.
joseph seed. far cry 5. faith seed. far cry 5.
██████ “courier six” ██████. obsidian's fallout: new vegas. mojave courier “six,” lazarus effect survivor, resurrected nuclear god. 30's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here. ⸻ INFORMATION.
carter kennedy cooke. mechanic, owner of cooke mechanics, (street)race car driver / professional race car driver. 20's-30's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here. ⸻ INFORMATION
beverly marshall. the boys / gen v. leon marshall's daughter.
sheidheda, cato kom sangedakru. the 100 prequel. main ship with lyra kom trikru.
gideon jaime mcclain. of MY timelapse lore. immortal time-traveler, construction company owner, leader of cowboy outlaw gang. 30's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. main ship with thatcher shaw.
raphael emmanuel colt. original werewolf. main ship with cal adler.
christopher delacroix. former military, survivor, camp leader.
kannid last name. frank herbert's dune: fremen original. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to kannid. main ship with alao.
nathaniel rickter hoffman, saw universe. jigsaw killer. mark hoffman's brother. main ship with luke easton bishop.
caleb dunlap. the boys / gen v. supe, power mimicry. cate dunlaps younger brother. if you do not write with leon marshall you do not get access to caleb.
PRIVATE. I will only be writing these with peacespun.
franklin castle. the punisher. mary winchester. supernatural. margaret shaw / queen maeve. the boys / gen v. annie january / starlight. the boys / gen v. casey marshall. the boys / gen v. a better version of homie.
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spiritsoulandbody · 3 months
#DailyDevotion Call Upon The LORD, Our Father, When Times Are Tough
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#DailyDevotion Call Upon The LORD, Our Father, When Times Are Tough Psalm 143 O LORD, listen to my prayer, hear my plea; You are faithful and righteous — answer me! 2Don't bring Your servant into court because no one living is righteous before You. 3The enemy has pursued me, stamped my life to the ground, and made me live in dark places like those long dead. 4I am weak enough to give up and am numb inside. 5I remember the days of long ago, think of all You have done, and meditate on what Your hands have made. 6I spread out my hands to You, longing for You like thirsty ground. When we come before the LORD, we need a basis upon which our conscience can stand before Him and present our request. In this psalm our basis is the character of the LORD that He is faithful and righteous. He is faithful to keep His promises, which He didn't have to make us and He is righteous in that He keeps all His promises. We now come with clear and clean consciences to the Father in the name of Jesus and trust in His promises the Father will hear us when we use His name. All of God's promises are yes in Christ Jesus. In verse 2 we have a profound theological truth—no one living is righteous before the LORD in and of ourselves. We all bear the image of fallen Adam and are sinners. We are by nature sinful and unclean. If we stand in court before the LORD we can only stand in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. This is most likely David praying this when Saul was after him. He felt trampled down upon, though he did nothing wrong. He had been chased into the wilderness and lived in caves, where the dead would be buried. He, at this time, feels totally depleted. He has nothing left to give. He's not even comfortably numb. He is dead numb. Has life taken you down to this point? You are not alone. You can think of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane where He falls on His face, His friend betraying Him into the hands of His enemies, facing a horrific suffering and death. Jesus knows what you are experiencing because He has already gone through it for you and now with you. This is a good time, as David does here, to remember all the LORD our God has done and upon everything He has made. As we look upon creation we can see the power of God and the providence of the LORD in which all creation is marshalled to provide for us. As we look upon what He has done, how He has through history brought us our Savior, Jesus Christ to suffer and die for our sins. He provided a Ransom, a Redeemer, from sin, the fear of death and the power of the devil. Look at how He chose a man to make a nation out of to bring salvation. Look at how He provided for and then delivered them through and from the Egyptians. How He used the Israelites to conquer the sinful nations so the Promise Seed would have a line to be brought forth who would bless all the nations. How we provided the Greeks to provide a language for spreading the Gospel and the Romans for providing highways and safe seas for spreading it. We look at all He has done in history to bring the good news of Jesus Christ and His salvation to us, to just you. How marvelous and wonderful that is. On this basis we join David, spreading out our hands to the LORD and thirsting for Him as a parched land does the spring rains. We open up our hands to the LORD to receive from every good and perfect gift from the Father of lights, trusting in His divine providence and special saving help in every trouble, trial and tribulation. We open our mouths and speak with our lips to beg for help, trusting in the LORD's faithfulness and righteousness in Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, be with us in every trial and tribulation. Strengthen with faith by Your grace to believe You know our condition and will bring to us what we need for today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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ptbf2002 · 5 months
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My Top 10 Columbia Pictures Movies (2024 Redo)
#10 Bad Boys for Life
#9 Pixels (2015 film)
#8 The Adventures of Tintin (film)
#7 The Angry Birds Movie
#6 The Angry Birds Movie 2
#5 Spider-Man (2002 film)
#4 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
#3 Smurfs: The Lost Village
#2 The Smurfs (film)
And #1 Arthur Christmas
Honorable Mentions: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (film), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, Surf's Up (film), Open Season, The Pirates! Band of Misfits, Hotel Transylvania, The Smurfs 2, Hotel Transylvania 2, Goosebumps, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, Wish Dragon, Vivo, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania, And Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/jackskellington416/art/Top-10-Columbia-Pictures-Films-Meme-668220896
Bad Boys for Life Belo To Chris Bremner, Peter Craig, Joe Carnahan, 2.0 Entertainment, Overbrook Entertainment, Westbrook Inc. Jerry Bruckheimer Films Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Pixels (2015 film) Belongs To Patrick Jean, Tim Herlihy, Timothy Dowling, Lone Star Global Acquisitions, Ltd. China Film Group Corporation, Film Croppers Entertainment, 1492 Pictures, Happy Madison Productions, Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
The Adventures of Tintin (film) Belongs To Hergé, Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, Hemisphere Media Capital, The Kennedy/Marshall Company, WingNut Films Productions Ltd. Amblin Entertainment, Inc. Amblin Partners, LLC. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, Sony Group Corporation, Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures Corporation, And Paramount Global
The Angry Birds Movie Belongs To Mikael Hed, Mikko Pöllä, John Cohen, Jon Vitti, Rovio Animation, Ltd. Rovio Entertainment Corporation, SEGA Corporation, SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
The Angry Birds Movie 2 Belongs To Peter Ackerman, Eyal Podell, Jonathon E. Stewart, Rovio Animation, Ltd. Rovio Entertainment Corporation, SEGA Corporation, SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Spider-Man (2002 film) Belongs To Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, David Koepp, Laura Ziskin Productions, MARVEL Entertainment, LLC, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Belongs To Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Phil Lord, Rodney Rothman, Pascal Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, Arad Productions Inc. MARVEL Entertainment, LLC, Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Smurfs: The Lost Village Belongs To Pierre Culliford, Stacey Harman, Pamela Ribon, Lone Star Global Acquisitions, Ltd. Wanda Media Co., Ltd. Wanda Group, Wanda Culture Holding Co. Limited, Éditions Dupuis S.A. Kerner Entertainment Company, Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
The Smurfs (film) Belongs To Pierre Culliford, J. David Stem, David N. Weiss, Jay Scherick, David Ronn, Éditions Dupuis S.A. Kerner Entertainment Company, Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Arthur Christmas Belongs To Peter Baynham, Sarah Smith, Aardman Animations Limited, Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
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