#lord henry bolingbroke
globalzombie · 3 months
Harrison Pitt discusses Britishness with Carl Benjamin & Connor Tomlinson. 9 March 2024.
See Harrison Pitt on X
Writing: The European Conservative
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smolvenger · 9 months
The Tavern Prince (Prince Hal x fem! Y/N Oneshot)
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Summary: You are shocked and unhappy to find out you are betrothed to notorious rake, Prince Hal. But one evening, he sneaks you into the Boar's Head Tavern...and your mind about him starts to change.
Warnings: Smut at the end!! 18+ NSFW! (thigh riding, fingering, loss of virginity, dirty talk, good ol' p in v). Reader is super Proper and Prim and has a stick up her butt just because I wanted her to in this fic for the drama and tension of paring her with Hal (and I'm sick of Pick Me Girls in Historic Fiction. So Much) Mentions of sex and cheating (but no actual cheating, our boy would never. Trust me, I'm a Shakespeare expert). Not believable, but we're running on vibes, not accuracy so forget that couples were chaperoned or whatever. References to Shakespeare's plays and words (like "Die"= slang for orgasm and "wag"= boy).
Word Count: 9K (get some water, besties, and whores)
Taglist: @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites@villainousshakespeare@holdmytesseract (smut starts at "sweetest of ladies" and ends at "Hal...I have no words.." btw bestie for your comfort) @eleniblue@twhxhck@lokisgoodgirl@lovelysizzlingbluebird@raqnarokr@holymultiplefandomsbatman@michelleleewise@wolfsmom1@cheekyscamp@mochie85@muddyorbsblr
“Y/N, we have something very exciting to announce. The king has given his consent. You are going to marry the prince…” your father announced to you at the table. Your mother nodded her head beside him. 
You let a smile spread across your face. You were so thrilled you held your breath for a second. This was an honor beyond anything you could comprehend of what he would say. How many would want that honor? What woman didn’t want to be a princess? There were many princes in the world, but it had to be one of the English princes. They couldn’t mean some other country. The English king had four sons- which one was your groom? Likely not the youngest two- Humphrey and Thomas. They were boys, far too young for marriage. 
That meant- the second eldest son! You interrupted in your excitement.
��Oh! I am to marry John of Lancaster! Oh, mother-father! How wonderful! He’s the sweetest youth- and he is always at each meeting with his father, the king! Oh, what a good husband he will be! I am so hap-”
“Y/N, I believe you misunderstood us,” your mother cut in. 
You froze, blinking quickly.
“What do you mean?” you asked. “I’m not marrying a prince?”
“No, you are…” replied your mother.
If not Humphrey, if not Thomas, if not John…that left one English prince.  
They smiled and took your hands across the table. 
“The one who matters. The one who will make you one day queen of England through your union…”
Oh no, you thought, God’s blood, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, please oh Lord Above- please not him please not-
“You betrothed to his grace, the Prince of Wales, Henry Lancaster…”
It felt like a punch. You blinked, and your voice got smaller.
“You mean…Prince Harry?”  you asked.
“Oh, yes, dear girl! Our daughter- Princess of Wales and then Queen of England!” your mother cooed. She went up and hugged you. Not that she could see the frown growing on your face.
Your father kissed your forehead. You put on a small smile. A practice one when they were looking. You swallowed it back. 
You should have been thrilled to find out you were marrying the prince of Wales, the heir to England, to Bolingbroke, to the Lancasters. Your rational mind knew it was a huge honor.
But married to Prince Harry- no, Hal! That was what his vile friends all called him! Seems fit you should think of him as such!
Hal, the rake. The riotous son. The dishonorable son. The one with a dozen prostitutes at his heels! He even wore a glove from one to a joust once!  The rebel. The drunk. The prankster. The scoundrel. The son his father wished could be swapped for another- everyone knew that. The reason why John of Lancaster was always in court? Because Hal was so little seen in the castle and at events and never appeared! Shirking his responsibilities to hang around bars! With seedy thieves and criminals and who knows what else!
You were not strangers. You had spoken with him the few times he had been in court. Your parents were good friends and old allies of Henry Bolingbroke before the chaotic events that crowned him.  The few banquets Hal appeared, you were there. He only appeared at that ball a few days ago. You did have a dance with him. He spoke some, no more than polite subjects and small talk. But he seemed bored. Perhaps his father was breathing down his neck not to sneak out. 
This was to be your husband?!! And this was to be the king?! The one not even his own father could be proud of?!  Bound to until only Death did you Part!?
When you went to your private quarters, and no one was around, you went to your bed and screamed into your pillow. 
You could already see your married life. Picture it in your head. Princess Y/N and Prince Hal, soon King Hal and Queen Y/N. The banquets would be a mess. Late into the night, there would be crowds of dirty, smelly people. Laughing with food still in their mouths and spitting and pissing all over the banquet halls. There would be thieves trying to reach to grab the jewels on you. Or try to grope you, only there would be no protection. So many drunkards vomiting all over the pretty stone hallways and throwing rocks through the tall windows. 
Your waking vision of your future spiraled further in your head. You knew you would have separate quarters. You would have to go alone- you knew your husband's bed would have one if not two if not four ladies of the night to pleasure him until dawn. Or he would go into your room, bold and drunk with liquor and lust. He had the right to barge in when he wanted now. 
It made you want to cry.  
Three days later, there was a celebratory dinner at the castle for the betrothal announcement. All of you sat down. You were decked in a dark green dress and some jewelry given to you. To make you seem more regal. Not that it made you feel that way. You sat with your family, the King of England wrapped in his dark furs. The three younger Lancaster brothers all looked at you with small smiles- perhaps looking forward to having a sister-in-law. There was just one very crucial seat next to you left empty.
Of course, once the wine was poured and dishes were just set, in strode in, red leather jacket, hat, and all, none other than your intended.
You hated that he was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on. An ivory face with tall cheekbones, a high forehead, and blue eyes. Tall and lean. He waltzed in with a slight smirk. His arms dangling back and forth so casually. A slight smile on his face.
“I apologize, I am late, I know!” he announced.
The king stood up, his hands over his thick, dark robe on his hips. Following him, everyone else rose up 
“Harry-where have you been?! We were just about to dine at your betrothal dinner!” he chided.
“Only getting ready, father! I wanted to be more presentable-” he insisted, still standing.
“You will be punctual in the future, especially to show respect to your bride!” the king added on, gesturing to where you sat.
You only looked down at your plate. Bride, bride, bride. Once you thought of the word like a dream, like the word “fairy.” Something light and lilting- surreal and beautiful. Something you could attain too. But it only made your stomach curl.
 You could feel Hal’s eyes, already on you. Then he walked forward and pulled out the chair next to you.
As the king sat down, all sat down. 
Everyone began to eat. You barely could look at Hal. When you did, you found his eyes would drift up to see you. Then at once, you pulled yours down. Then your mother boasted of you.
“Our daughter- she was raised in a convent as any lady should be. The nuns all praised her as a good student- so quiet, ladylike, and diligent in her studies. She is learning all the dances done at parties. Oh- and her needlework is wonderful!”
You stood up, nodding.
“Yes! I sewed on little strawberries on my handkerchief! And I am making some new needlework of a pink rose, like the ones in the springtime-”
Your voice cut you off. Aware you were gushing so much. It wasn’t just the fact that the king watched. He was so used to his sons that a younger female presence was fascinating. King Henry the Fourth himself looked at you with a smile and soft eyes.
No- because Hal was listening and watching. you swallowed and looked next to you. Hal’s face was neutral. He leaned on the table, a mouth over his lip, scratching his chin. You saw him swallow a little and then look back down at his meal.
He didn’t like you. Didn’t even like you, you knew it. He was already thinking of how boring you were! You did have a cousin named Beatrice. She was the one who was climbing trees, and talking saucily to everyone and rebelling and speaking and laughing wildly. If only she wasn’t married by now! Then your family would throw her Hal’s way and they would be happy! If he had to marry at all, it should be someone like her! Not like…not like…not like you…He wouldn’t like you, either. You were sure. Calling you boring just because you prioritized manners and decency. Laughing at your sewing and the dresses you cherished so much. 
“Oh, I am sure they are quite pretty, Y/N. And what think you, Harry?” the king asked.
Hal perked up.
“They…they should be.” he replied. 
Copying what his father said .Of course.  He took another bite and then he put a hand over his mouth again.
“Now- we must set a date for these children. What dates shall you say?” the king asked.
You and Hal shared a look and then perked up.
“We want enough time to prepare a decent wedding, of course. And to prepare them. Yet…the new Lancaster family must be secured through another heir, we know…” your father replied.
You could have thrown up the wine in your stomach. You looked down, not daring to see the look on Hal’s face. 
“I agree. And my son must settle- therefore, I say two months from now shall give us enough time,” the king confirmed.
Two months?! It seemed so short. Not even time to come around to it. 
You always wanted romance. To be wooed and won and courted. You dreamed of the day love would finally shine in some man’s eyes as he fell to his knees and begged for your heart and hand. Not thrown away to a scoundrel who didn’t like you.
“Now- don’t you be so worried, dear daughter,” the king consoled.
You looked up, and you saw him smile kindly at you.
“I remember the days I was nervous about my nuptials, too. Do not be afraid, lady Y/N- you will leave your family, but you will have a new one. Think of me more of a father here than king. You shall have me and three brothers who will look after you and be sure you want for nothing, my dear. And therefore…”
His eyes shot to Hal.
“If this rapscallion does anything to you before the marriage- hurts you. Breaks your heart-anything. You shall come to me and ask to end the betrothal, and you will have my blessing.”
Hal’s jaw dropped.
You gave the king a smile, a genuine one.
“Thank you, your grace.”
You went back down to your food, eating with more of a flourish. Hal then turned to you. It was the first few words he spoke directly to you that night. You braced for a bawdy joke about your wedding night from him, but there was none.
“We do have confits, here, my lady- would you like to try some?” he asked.
He offered you a golden bowl full of little sweets. They were tiny white spheres. He pressed the bowl your way as you peeked in.
“I’ve never had any,” you remarked.
“They are well, after dinner.“Here- try some,” he said,
You popped one in your mouth. And let out a sound of appreciation. They were very light and sweet, you nodded your head.
“Hm- very nice. And they are…sweet, my lord,” you commented.
You took another one as the servants arrived to clear your plates.
The next day was a formal announcement. It would be put on the doors of every church. And all of the court was gathered to watch with their rich cloaks and jewels glinting in the sun. 
In Hal stumbled. How pale he looked- no doubt still hungover. He looked at you and he stopped. Then he stepped forward. You felt as if it was a wedding ceremony already and it made lightning 
“We hereby announce an engagement- his majesty, Henry of Lancaster and the Lady Y/N will be married in two months time. Though they are already married in our eyes- we shall congratulate them on their union and the nuptials to follow,” announced the king to applause.
He turned to you both. He gave his son strict instructions, his eyes stern.
“Now Harry- kiss her and call her your princess,” ordered the king.
Hal looked down on you. He licked his lips, looking down at yours. Dear lord- was he about to kiss you before everyone! You instintually jerked a little away. He froze. Hesitated. He lowered his mouth and then set it tight shut again. Then your intended whispered in your ear.
“The cheek?”
You paused. It didn’t sound as bad as the lips.
“Yes,” you answered. 
He gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek with it seemed half of England to witness. 
This is began. Four long weeks of learning everything one had to know of being a princess. Learning French to converse with ambassadors, the history of the throne, the order of the servants, current matters, in addition to etiquette (which you took to very well) and so many things your head spun. Numerous formal public events where you had to stand by Hal and pretend you were a smiling, happy bride. Swallowing back what you really thought of him.
 Only talking to him when required. 
You didn’t doubt tha the didn’t like you.
No doubt he wishes he was off in Esatcheap, you thought. He doesn't even tolerate me.
All of your life, you did what you were told. It kept the peace. You never asked for much- just to be safe and content. Hopefully one day, maybe one day, fall in love with some nice gentleman and  marry him. A nice, peaceful, happy life. But instead- you had him?! Why couldn’t it be John instead? Or some foreign prince! One who didn’t get drunk constantly!
One day, you had time to yourself. You sat there with your embroidery, putting the pink thread in and out of the white cloth. Glad it could relieve the stress of your mind. In walked Hal, he was a member of the family now and was welcome in and out of your home. You only looked up, acknowledging him. 
“How are you, my lady?” he asked.
“I have been quite busy.” you answered.
He didnt have his cap, but kept on his red leather jacket and dark pants. His auburn curls that shone like amber when he walked by a ray of sunlight. And how…well fitting his jacket was on him. There was something stirring on you when you looked at him that you didn’t like. Attraction and yet also disgust.
“What did you…do this morning, my lady?” he asked. He fiddled with his hands placed on his lap.
He was forcing himself to spend time with you- you knew it. Just trying to be nice, pretending to be nice.
“Said my prayers, Ate breakfast. Wrote a few letters. I had a walk about…” you reported.
“That sounds very nice, Y/N,” he replied.
He sat up. Folding his arms, he leaned against the wall. He gave you a smile as he looked down on you, licking his lips. You had a guess as to what his thoughts were now. But here, without a thousand eyes watching over you, you could indulge in bluntness. 
“And you, no doubt, enjoyed your morning with your whores from the London streets,” you sniped, pulling the pink thread through again. “We might as well be honest with each other if our parents want us to marry, Hal. Expecting fidelity from you is like expecting a fish to sprout wings and feathers. I’m saving myself the disappointment.” 
You  kept your eyes down. Ready to stitch in the next one when Hal said-
“I have not lain with whores…”
You turned your face to meet his, and found his eyes hardening. His smile dropped. He stood up from leaning against the wall. You found your own mouth opening a little, though the words struggled to come out.
“What…what did you say?” you asked. You weren’t sure if you heard it right.
“I…I have not lain with a whore in…five months, Y/N. I will tell you that…”
Guilt burned inside you. You turned your eyes down.
“Oh…I’m sorry…my mistake…” you wished earnestly. “I just know how your…reputation of…you know…”
“I cannot blame you that…” he commented.
You kept sewing, with a bit more fervor. You saw Hal out of the corner of your eye get closer to you, sitting beside you. 
“You are always busy, my lady. Always doing something. Don’t think I do not notice how you study everything one must know to…to… I hardly see you smile.” he said. 
You looked up at him.
“I have serious matters to bear- and I for one, take this upcoming marriage seriously…” you said. “If I must adapt to life in the castle, life as a princess-your princess- I will know how…”
“It is all you do…”
“It’s my duty to…it’s what…what it means to…to marry you…” you sputtered out.
You didn’t know why you suddenly felt so anguished, so sad. You saw the imprint of hte needle on your fingertips. They felt sore- how long had you sewn?
“You think I don’t…don’t take this marriage seriously?! That I don’t take you seriously?!” Hal asked.
You tossed it down and went to the window to look outside to the green trees and grey sky. Unable to face him, wrapping arms around yourself. Feeling tears in your eye ducts.
“Hal…you know I am not the kind of person you’d choose to be your wife…you know I am not the kind of lady you fancy…just go…I don’t care if you’re betrothed to her or buy her for the night, at least you’ll be happy with some other woman. Just…just admit it…You don’t like me, I will…I’ll just make you miserable, I’ll…spare you the disappointment. I’ll speak to your father- ask him to end it… just- go and end the betrothal and leave me in peace…”
You felt a few tears in you. 
“My lady…you’re…you’re crying…” he commented. 
You heard him walk behind you. You finally confessed it all.
“Hal…I wanted…I just wanted to..to have a good life. A normal, peaceful life. I dreamt of…of love and of being wooed and courted and romance…and now here I am, but…but…I’m…”
You thought of it. The upcoming days. Everything. Your life upheaving. Married and made royalty in months.
“I’m just…overwhelmed…” you confessed.
You felt tears go down your eyes. You flinched. You expected him to laugh at you. To scoff at you. He didn’t.
You turned around to him. He found your handkerchief, white with strawberries sewn on it, and handed it to you. You wiped off your face.
“Do you want to know a secret?” he asked.
“The reason father wanted me to marry you was that you were always so good, so rule-abiding. He believed you would tame me. But I see you…you’re so afraid of pleasing others. You forget your own pleasures in life-haven’t you ever wanted to see life? Life outside of manors and castles? See real people? Not lords and ladies- What it is like?” he asked, leaning closer to you.
You looked up. He opened his hand. You accepted it.
“You look like you have never relaxed a day in your life! And for all your assumptions about me…have you ever seen a tavern, my lady?” he asked.
“I…I…uh…no. No, I haven’t,” you confessed.
“Then…how about a change of scene?” he asked. He gave a small wink. It made you a little breathless.
You were dressed in some peasant clothes that fit you- a simple blue dress over a white shift and a brown belt and long sleeves. Simple, but pretty. You liked pretty things and wanted to feel a little even as a peasant. Hal in his usual red leather. You both rode out on his black horse He took you out to those streets. It buzzed with flies. You could smell meat and see the butcher’s wares of dead animals hung out everywhere. A tall dog wagged its tail and sniffed the ground. It went up to you and you petted it. He felt scruffy and soft and panted with a smile. Then he went about sniffing. Hal turned to you. He looked out. It was a steady crowd of people going about. You couldn’t help but look about you.
“Here, my lady…take my hand,” he offered, outstretching his.
“How come?”
“I don’t want you to get lost,” he explained.
You accepted it. Feeling it’s warmth as he walked you through. Many turned to see him and bowed to him. It amazed you. He looked around- you never knew so many just ordinary people. All about. Lvinig their lives- how fascinating they were.
He then smiled.
“This…this is the one. The one that’s my favorite!”
It was called The Boar’s Tavern. He helped you in. Already it was crowded with people. Wooden and smelling of roasting, rich, savory meats and of ale, of wine. People chatted everywhere. Children played about with balls made of cloth. Ladies sat on the laps of men and laughed.
In was a woman with an apron, a hat over her head, and fingerless gloves. She was short and had grey hair and bright, red cheeks from her bustling about. 
“Aye! It is his grace, our Hal!”
He went up to her and kissed the side of her head.
The woman turned over and peeked at you, merely folding your hands before you. 
“And my-who is this lady?”
You curtsied out of habit and placed your hands before you. Suddenly shy.
“Mistreress Quickly-this is the lady Y/N. She is…she is my betrothed. Lady Y/N, this is Misteress Quickly-she owns and runs this tavern.”
You looked about. To think- she, a lady, ran this whole business! It was hers! She wasn’t a whore or a wife, she was a woman of business!
“All of this is yours?” you asked.
“Aye, it is. A right and good establishment, if I say so.” Mistress Quickly boasted.
“It’s…it’s very…it’s cozy…and it looked fun!” you said.
“Oh, we do have some fun. Hal-pour her some sack. We will give her some and a meal, on the house! Especially one about to be Lady Hal- oh, to think I’d see the day!” she remarked. 
She went over to gather up a fire for your meal and drinks. Men went about to lounge and laugh with each other. And about were women. Their shoulders exposed, and dresses cut to show more of their decolletage. Would they laugh at you? No…they were focused on drying their laundry. Or their eyes would turn up to you, nodding heads in acknowledgment before returning to their business. Misteress Quickly arrived and handed you both cups of wine or “sack.” It felt cheaper than what you drank at home-but stronger, burning down your belly. 
Then, finally, one approached you. Her head tilted in curiosity. She had unbrushed blonde hair and a dirty dress that revealed her shoulders. She put her hands on her hips.
“Why- you’re the lady Y/N, ain’t you?” she asked.
“Yes, yes I am. Pleased to meet you. What is your name?”
“Eh, call me Doll,” she answered. 
It was obvious-A whore! A real one! Flesh and blood! But even if she was one…you still owed her good manners. She looked down and then up at you.
“Why then- good to meet you too. I can tell already you’ve never had to put a toe here- but need not fear. We’re a merry bunch. Harmless. Everyone’s all laughter and drinks and all.,” she advised.
“That…that sounds nice…” you replied.
She went up to you, gently slapping your arm to hold it. Speaking already as if you were an old friend. 
“But you don’t have to be so all ‘yes my lord’ and ‘no my lord,’ here. Some old goat bothers you, you shove ‘im off. Here…have yourself a drink…”
“I…I’ve never met a…a whore before…” you commented.
“Why, now you have. Don't be scared- I don’t bite,” she said.
Mistress Quickly handed you a cup. Hal was already teasing a serving man named Francis with how many times he could run about. 
“Do you…like what you do?” you asked Doll.
“When the man’s nice, like my dear old Jack here” she gestured to Falstaff. “You get enough to get by.”
“Are you scared of having a baby?” you asked.
“You learn all the herbs and tricks to stop that. Most men want you to pleasure them with your mouth, anyways- can’t have a baby there,” 
You looked down at your cup, warm with embarrassment. Then you asked further, lowering your voice.
“Have you…been with Hal?”
She let out a little a small smile. She didn’t lower her voice. 
“Course I have! Yes-some of the women say he visited them. He’s a regular!” she told you.
“Doll, What was he…he like? Does it…does he hurt you?” you asked agian in a quite voice. 
“Hurt! Oh no! He’s sweet as can be! He won’t hurt you- unless you ask him to give you a good slap as he’s ridin’ you!”
She laughed at your embarrassed look.
“I’m…I’m his intended so…I wanted to know, to be ready…” you explained.
“Oh! Nervous for your duty and all that!? Well, I’ll tell you- he is a good man. And he’ll be good to you when it’s your turn. Now…what do you think of the sack?”
You took another sip of your cup. 
“It’s…it’s so good!”
“Try it with honey-it’s even better!”
 She showed you a honey jar and poured a little in your cup. And yes- it was even better. 
Then in stumbled an old man. So bulbous and a face so red he reminded you of a tomato. His white hair and great white beard, boasting to a crowd. 
“Three men! Oh no- I tell you- it was five men, hm yes! Five men I defeated there!” he bragged to the dirited companions surrounding him, all with amused looks. 
Then his eyes lit up, seeing you. 
“Falstaff…this is Y/N”
“Yes, and when I saw those six men, I-”
The man called Falstaff paused his bragging and turned to see you. He put his hands over his hips to look at you.  You curtsied again.
“Pleased to meet you, sir.” you said. 
The old man, plumper than a peach with a long grey beard and a red face went to you. He looked you up and down. Then he talked-talked so much you didn’t have time to reply. 
“Hmmm, ah, yes. This is the Y/N-the famous Y/N, lady Y/N. Yes-how much I see already. Her hands positioned to hold- the little smile, her posture-mmph, can tell already where she’s been. One of those convent girls. But if that is who will make Hal die on his wedding night, he will die smugly… I tell you, sweet wag-”
You turned  your eyes down before the floor. Falstaff was talking so boldly of…le petit mort in a public space! But you should have guessed from the whores how open everything was here. Hal blushed and put his head down. You looked away. Falstaff released a large laugh at your reaction. 
The old knight turned to Hal and patted his shoulder. 
“I’ve conquered many a heart in my day. Oooo, old Jack Falstaff has ways with women. Hmm- the letters I’d send them. There is a Lady Ford and a Lady Page and with one letter  to each, I’ll cuckold their husbands easily! So- here’s my advice, wag. Give her a sweet word, a letter -and she’ll be yours. I can show you the format- yes, yes. No woman can resist the love of the knight, Falstaff…I doubt even less this-”
He pinched Hal’s cheek.
“-Handsome, young prince here!”
He handed you the letters he planned on sending them. To your immense surprise, it was the same one only the names were switched. Before you could comment he got them again and folded them up, putting them in his pocket.
“Hmm- this calls for celebration- for Hal’s marriage and my seduction! Francis! Come over, lad! Give some sack before I die!”
He waddled over to where the cup bearer sat.
“Should we tell him? The letters are the same?” you asked.
“I would rather sit by and watch and laugh at him!” Hal replied. 
Then in came a young man with dark hair and dark eyes-slender and with a triangular nose.
“Oh here! A lady is here?! A new lady-” he said. 
“Why, Poins-here-I would like you to meet her. This is Lady Y/N.”
You made your curtsies again. He only gave you a cheeky smile. 
“Oh, well- tis time!” he muttered.
Hal shot to him with wide, nervous eyes. 
“Poins I-”
Poins then swooped you into his arms. You let out a little shreik from the feeling. 
“Hal! I have your maid! And now she is mine!” he teased.
So light and fun, you did not feel any fear. He caught you and lifted you above him with his strong arms. You were surprised at his strength- he hoisted you up and began running through the tavern. People laughed as Poins ran about with Hal chasing him and even you couldn’t help but laugh too. 
“Oh, Poins, you dog! Let me have her!” Hal cried.
Quickly he ran, you squealed from the feeling. Up high and dangling as Poins ran off. He went to a quick corner in one end and set you down. After seeing that he was hidden, he turned to you. 
“He will never admit it-but the man adores you, Y/N!” he confided.
Your jaw dropped.
“He…he what! Since…the bethrothal?” you asked.
“Before that- for several months since he met you! Won’t even touch Doll anymore!”
Shock flooded your system. The words earlier- they made sense.
Poins put up a hand. 
“ I swear he’s like some doe-eyed lover in a romance for you! He could hardly speak to you in your bethrothal- you make him nervous, Y/N! He wanted nothing more than you since when you first met! And now he sighs and pines. He blushes like a maiden! And seems half a man whenever your name is brought up! Y/N- And I must tell you something!”
He leaned closer.
“Long before the betrothal was a whisper…there was one night. It was dark and four in the morn. My sweet honey lord was quite drunk. He would sigh into his cup. I had to be fetched to drag him to a bed. Do you know what he was muttering? He cursed into his cup, lamenting “Y/N- sweet creature- Oh, Y/N! Curse the day Fate gives you to another!’ before he fell to the floor. Dear lady-show him a little mercy! Or be clever- Turn this prince into your servant when you can!”
You had no words. Your eyes are wide. Of course…this could be a lie. Just something he was making up to flatter you. To prank you. But, something inside of you was telling you it was truth…if so, why would he lie to you? What would Poins gain?
Then Hal swept in, his face bright red.
“Please, enough! Are you hungry, my lady!? I think you should to dinner- there’s going to be music you might like.” he suggested.
“Of…of course,  Hal,” you replied.
He turned around, his eyebrows going up as you used his nickname. The one his friends here called him. 
As you reached over, you clasped his hand. Hal went still for a moment, seeing that you eagerly put yours in his. Feeling your touch. Then he went on.
As you ate, you noticed women left with men. They held the hands of their customers and led them to their rooms. Then the moans and grunts and the rhythms of something hitting the walls not long after. Wet sounds, too- without shame of their volume.  You swallowed the urge to gasp and looked down in embarrassment. Hal only gave a smirk as he ate on.
“Are they…” you turned to Hal.
“They aren’t reading, I can tell you that…” Hal laughed as he picked up some meat and chewed it in his mouth. 
“They’re so…so loud…so…so shameless, I never….Wouldn’t they be embarrassed?” you asked.
Yet part of you…you would never admit it…the sounds also…you liked them. You…envied them. And with Hal so near. His leather just brushed against your arms. 
“When one finds pleasure here, they don’t feel ashamed of it. They just enjoy it.”
“Isn’t it…sinful?” you asked.
“Sinful for how their bodies react when they touch each other? How God made them? If they agree to it, it cannot be, I think…”
 Both of you finished your meals. The sounds of their pleasure became dimmer. You heard people get out instruments and play them. There was starting to be laughter. A gentleman with a large and red nose- Bardolph, went up and greeted Hal. As Hal went up to welcome his friend, you suddenly felt a tug on your arm.
There was a gentleman at least ten years your senior. He had sharp eyes and his strong arm pulled you closer. He gave you a wide, lascivious smile as he handed you several coins.
“Here, girl…” he said.
“Sir…what is this?” you asked, looking at the coins.
“This, this is for you, of course, my dear.”
“For me?”  you repeated.
 It then hit you why. 
He grabbed your arms.Panic surged through your system. He tried to drag you off to the nearest dark corner, but you forced your feet still. Tugging at him, struggling to break off. You managed out of his arms, and then he grabbed your hand. But you stayed still. A glimpse at Doll Tearsheet and your heart was racing. 
“Sir- there’s been a mistake! I’m a lady! I am not a whore!” you stated.
“Ah, the whore thinks she can refuse, eh?! Why else would Misteress Quickly bring a new beauty to The Boar’s Head!” he asked.
“I’m just visiting, sir! Doll is right over there! And plenty of others could use it more than me!” you cried. Glancing towards the other women.
Doll’s head perked up and she sensed something amiss. Even the whores looked among each other in seriousness once they realized what was happening. 
“This money’s not for Doll, it’s for you. You would be a delight in bed tonight!”
Doll touched the arm of the prince by Bardolph, alerting him. 
You were ready to fight him, ready to run, then in came Hal. He whipped out his dagger and pointed it to the man’s nose. He jumped off. Doll ran forward and pulled you away, pulling you into a protective hug.
“Leave her be- you miscreant!”
The villain held up his hands and backed off slowly.
“Why, your little grace..what else have you to do with this woman? I was about to pay for her, like any other man here. Why do you act thus?”
The music paused and eyes turned. Amused and worried, as to what would happen next. Would a fight break out? Would there be more men who thought they could be your “customers?” You cowered further into Doll, clinging to her. Oh dear God, how bad this was getting!
Your heart raced. Hal glanced at you. You looked at Hal with wide eyes. He then unsheathed his dagger and looked at the man. Then Hal made his reply.
“Because she is my whore for tonight!”
The earth stopped turning. You could hear your fast heartbeat and your jaw dropped. Hal went up to you. With great strength, he pulled you from Doll’s arms to his. In a second, before you could process it, he sat down on the nearest surface and pulled you to his lap. You made a small gasp at the feeling. He wrapped an arm possessively around you.
Then he looked thunderously at the tavern. They were silent as he made a declaration. 
“I bought her company all this evening. Tonight, she is mine. And if any man here thinks they can dare touch what is mine, their head will be lobbed off under order of the Prince of Wales- is that clear!?”
He nodded his head, and the other wide-eyed men swallowed and took note.
Mistress Quickly scurried towards the musicians.
“Play! Play! Oh- give us a song! Something merry!” she insisted. 
They played and the tension relaxed. People went back to their drinking and their business. But you remained sitting on Hal. 
“Play along,” he whispered into your ear.
But sitting on his lap… It was making you…feel something. Something you couldn’t quite name. Your heart was beating even harder. Your body felt like it was with fever. And as for between your legs, it was stirring, something, something you had never felt before-and you wanted more of it. He was right there, beneath you. You felt his hands go around to your back.
Others were siting at Hal’s table. You both glanced to see whores with their customers- they were kissing. 
He eyed you and them. Then, he touched touched your chin. He asked.
“A kiss for me, my beauty?”
Enough so that no one would suspect anything. 
“I, uh-yes,” you replied.
 Then he pulled you in for a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. Feeling his soft lips, the wine on his breath and tasting rich, like you could become drunk from him-his touch alone was making you feel intoxicated already. You tugged at him, and he kept a hand at your back to secure you. You sighed from it. Groaning from it. Then he released. His pupils were wide and both of you were catching your breaths. 
You then gathered your skirt in your hands and looked down. What scared you was how much you liked touching him. How…how wonderful this felt. How…nice. Something between your legs was stirring. It was getting wet and you sensed it was not with urine or menstrual blood.
Hal then smiled at his companions at the table and raised a glass to them. 
“Y/N…my pretty whore…to the jewel of the Boar’s Head, Y/N-and a jewel she will be in my bed tonight.”
They cheered as they raised their cups. They had a deep drink. You were handed one and drank too.
“Yes-uh, yes, my lord, I will be-uh, very happy to pleasure you tonight,” you muttered in agreement, before having a sip.
He reached his hand down yours. Then he lifted up your hand to his lips and kissed you on your pulse, keeping a steady hold on it as he lowered.
Then they began to boast of how the wine caskets were being opened and how much they could drink in one go. Laughing, they ran over to sample it. 
Hal turned over to you. He had a half-smile
“My lady…your pulse is racing very fast…are you afraid of me?” he asked, though with a touch of cheekiness.
“No,” you answered. But you were afraid of how much you liked this. 
“It’s only when I touch you, is it?” you asked.
“Yes…yes it is…” you confessed breathlessly.
He made a small laugh and you could have sworn he was blushing. 
“It’s only your body reacting to me. It’s how God, how nature made us- nothing more… Can you continue the pretense? For a little bit?” he asked.
“Yes, Hal, I can,” you said.
He then slid you off of his lap to be on the seat next to him. Once when you thought you could cool your senses, he turned close to you, touching your leg as you were near and wrapping his other arm around you.
“Do you like the wine here, my lady?” he asked.
“I’ve…I’ve never had better, sweeter wine…I haven’t drank too much of it, have I?” you asked.
“If you’re still walking safely, then the answer is no, Y/N,” he replied. 
Then the music got to a gig. People got up, getting partners.
“Are they going to dance?” you asked.
“Yes, they are!” he confirmed.
“You took his hands, smiling and getting up.”
“Dance with me Hal- do you know how to?” you asked.
“Yes, yes I do!” he answered.
You led him over as couples gathered around. They managed to kick their steps in time and though he still had trouble with his feet, he was smiling- relaxed. Far more relaxed than he was at any court ball.
At one point you had to turn around. But all you could see was him. Your bodies moved so well together- almost in sync here. You could look at him and do the steps fluidly. Feeling his touch, looking into his eyes. He held your hand…something was different. He kept a hand to your back warm and splayed. It never felt this nice.
Then…it ended. And he was still holding your hand. Catching your breaths and looking into each other's eyes. Hesitantly, he let go.
“Did you like that, my lady?” he asked.
“I…I liked it. Very much.”
You wanted him. You wanted his touch. More of him. He placed you back on his lap as he sat down right next to a table. He nestled into your neck.
“I’ll tell them I’m taking you with me to the palace and then escort you home,” he whispered. 
“People are…are leaving more, now…” you commented. The crowds were thinning. The noise was calming down. 
“Why…it’s getting late…a tavern has two lives. The celebration and then the dimming, the seriousness, when all is dark and gloomy.”
“It’s still…it’s peaceful… I do like it Hal…”
His lips moved to speak and then froze. He touched your cheek tenderly.
“Y/N…” he muttered.
“What is it?”
His softened to you.
“You’re…you’re a beautiful woman…and…and a good woman, too…” he confessed breathily, earnestly. 
“I am your…your whore…” you said aloud, aware there were others. You nervously glanced around and then he held your chin back to face him. 
“Y/N, I don’t care what you are now. I just want you to kiss me again.”
You did, feeling him. His mouth. His touch. He pressed himself towards you- to keep you close again. You heard him sigh into it. Then lips releasing- yet it felt too soon. He whispered your name. His voice. And it was not pretense. 
“Sweetest of ladies…my dearest…”
Before you knew it, he laid you down on that table. Your breath was knocked out of you. You felt your back hit the wood. He crawled on top of you on the table. Your bare legs peeking from your skirt being hiked up from your position, he touched them, feeling your skin up and down. But his weight didn’t touch you and his hands feeling your thigh made you feel even dizzier. He laid another kiss on you. You couldn’t catch your breath. You couldn’t believe How…good all of this felt. And your folds were wetting already, and not with urine or menstrual blood. He kissed you again. His hips touched yours and you felt your legs go up in instinct. A truly whorelike moan escaped you. You never felt…like this before. This climb up, this ecstasy.
He let go of his lips. Then pulled off of you. But The cold air hit you like a shot. But it was still stirring inside of you. This desire…screaming, turning inside you.
You wanted him.
“I’m sorry- I was carried away,” he muttered. “Y/N…I’ll…I’ll stop,”
“No!” you hissed.
He paused, his eyes wide. You went to him and touched his face. You swallowed deeply.
“I…I didn’t want you to stop,” you confessed.
“What?” he mumbled, tilting his head.
The words flew out of you. You gathered yourself on his lap. Feeling your legs wide, the cool air against your soaking, throbbing arousal. You wanted it complete- you wanted him. You touched his face, speaking softly. 
“Hal…I don’t want you to stop…what…what is it like? When you lie with a woman? With a whore? How does it feel? I want to know Hal…I want to…I want you to…to do the act on me. Take me…you are my husband already they say…then show me what is it like to bed you. What will it be like to be your wife? Please Hal-they think I’m your whore anyway- so bed me. Tonight. Now. Show me what it is like…” you begged quietly.
His jaw dropped. He pulled you closer. Another hand wrapping around you close. His voice was husky and his eyes gentle.
"Y/N...tonight...You want me... and you trust me?” 
“Yes,” you answered.
You felt his breaths shudder. Then he took your hand. He downright pulled you to Mistress Quickley in a corner counting money.
"Is there a spare room?" he asked.
She pointed upstairs. 
"For you? The second one you see up there," she explained with a nod.
He paid her. Then, he took your hand and led you up. Your heart was racing, going right up. He opened the door and let you in.
It was a wooden room. Cozy with plenty of space. Humble chairs. A window with brown crossed latched. And a large bed with a feathered mattress and four posters right when you opened the door. Moonlight shone through the windows. There were a few lit candles. Enough to see, but enough it was dim, private, romantic. 
Hal, far too tall for the doorframe, ducked under it with a fluid ease.
“Now…at last, we can be alone…and at last…you will be mine in every way…” he husked.
He pushed the door shut as he kept looking into your eyes. Then He grabbed your face and he kissed you. Then he took his hands and put his hips to yours. It caused friction that made you gasp. It nudged a sensitive part of you and you shuddered.
"Is it locked? If...if someone walks in?" you muttered, remembering yourself.
"Will they disturb the Prince of Wales, now? I will send them away..." he whispered.
You felt his fingers going up from your sides, then to touch your waist, gripping it. 
"I have someone more important with me now," he said with a smile. 
He sat on the bed and pulled you to sit on his leg. You let out a small sound at the feeling. His hand went up your skirt, finding your thighs.
“Spread your legs my dear…let me help you…I will make you ready…” he whispered.
He bunched up your skirt, so you felt it gather around your hips. His hands opened your legs so that you felt his knee right against your bare folds.
The smooth leather of his pants hit against your most private area- wet and sensitive. You felt it…brush against him, the material of his pants. You let out a gasp. So sensitive- stimulated. But you wanted more. 
“Do you like this feeling?” he asked.
You nodded. He guided your hips. It moved back, and then forth- making friction and a chill ran against you. You let out a small gasp.
“H-Hal! That…that feels…feels so good…”
He moved your hips to grind against his thigh.
“There….now darling…ride it like a horse-there,” he said.
He guided your hips to grind against his leg. You placed your hands over his broad, strong shoulders. It was pulling you close. The tension- it was making you gasp. Sounds coming out of you that you never thought you could make-touching him. Even with his codpiece on, you could tell something was stirring inside him too. He gave you another kiss as you rode his leg. Then his hands went over to your blouse. He touched your breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“Are you alright, my lady?” he asked with a smug smile.
You let out a moan as an answer. He grabbed you. He kissed you more as if he was drunk and you were ale. Still clothed entirely and already a mess for each other. His voice low, he said into your ear.
"When I join with you, I'm going to make you cry out louder with pleasure than any whore here ever did. And they will know who gives this to you- your lord. And when I'm inside you, there will be more blessings between your legs than any church could give me…”
He kissed you again. His hand moved up to cup your breasts. He moved them around, feeling them. He moved, a finger playing with the string tie that held it together- your shift beneath he began to unlace the strings of your bodice. You paused, the cool air of your chest as it was lowering for him.
“I didn’t say you could stop…keep going. I’m going to undress you slowly- I want to enjoy every inch of you revealed to me…” he ordered.
You kept grinding.
Your blouse was loose, showing your shoulders. He pressed a kiss onto them that made you sigh out another little groan.
His hands greedily remove your garments. He took off your belt,. The little fingerless gloves joined it’s pile. Then finally his hands went to the collar of your dress and shift, already loose. He pulled your dress over your head. Then, in only your shift, he tugged it down until it pooled over your hips. Your bare breasts and stomach before him. You felt his eyes see you, all of you. You chilled from the cold. But he only smiled. He wrapped both arms around your waist and cupped your cheek. He looked down-seeing your breasts rising with your excited breaths. He licked his lips at Your stomach and Your hips. 
“Beautiful…just beautiful…how lucky I am to enjoy you for all of my life now,” he said.
Then he kissed you at the nape between your neck amd shoulder. You sighed into it.
"H-Hal..." you voiced out. 
You held onto him.
“What are you thinking, my love?” he asked.
“That…this duty feels…feels nice…That I…I’m going to be your wife and…I should…perform my duty to you…” you voiced out. 
He put his hands on your hips and stopped your grinding. Then he took and you half threw you on the bed. He went over to you getting on top of you. You felt his fingers then reach one digit to your folds. You let out a small cry. 
"You should know of passion, not duty, in our bed. You should know the ecstasy I can give you every night from now on. would you like that?” he asked.
"Y-Yes...my lord, yes Hal.."
You gasped feeling it. He removed his fingers, slick with your juices. He began to undo his jacket- your wetness grazing the leather and making a small stain. Then removed his black shirt. He went up to you. 
He took your hand. He traced the wrist gently with his finger. Then he kissed it. 
"There is my little sweetling...such a good little wife she will be…doing everything for her husband…and she will be rewarded…”
 You got him, your nails digging into his warm back. He slid a finger back into you. He got it out, then back in. You clutched onto him- feeling him against the lips between your legs as he swirled around. You ground against it, finding even more pleasure.
"Oh...oh Lord....Hal…your fingers are so…so-!”
"Do you like that, my sweet lady, do you enjoy being ruined this way?"
"Yes...yes...more, Hal- I want more!"
“Sweet little bird…so eager, so willing. Willing to please- to let me corrupt her. What would those nuns think of you now, hm? What would they know of what we have here, now?  I will enjoy having you- and I will have you every night. How does that sound for Duty, hm?”
He kissed and slid a tongue over yours. He slid another finger, pumping in and out.  Your legs had to widen to accommodate him. You made so many noises. 
You felt so hot, you felt his weight, shifting on top of you. To kiss you. To adore you. His snaking body grinding against you-he kissed you like you were food. His need. His ache. His hair fell softly through him. He cupped your cheeks and kept kissing you again.He groaned as he kissed
He let go with a smirk on his face. You felt something bubbling inside you- going up.
"I should have…should have taken you on the table...before all of them to watch-"
“Better late than never,” you breathed out, both of you melting into small laughter. 
But right before it climbed too high up, he removed his fingers, slick with you. You took his body in. His beautiful, lean body. How soft yet strong he was. So many muscles in just his arm alone. His chest- how beautiful it was. How…broad he was, too. And not just his chest that felt large. 
He removed his codpiece and slid off his pants easily. Your eyes went down to that cock-hard and eager and huge. Twitching. You had to swallow a moan from it-how was it going to fit in you? He then slid you down the bed-and he remained standing.
“Yes- look at me, darling. It might hurt a little, sweet wife. I will be slow,” you voiced.
But you were so eager-so desperate-you had to be with him. How warm he felt now- skin against skin. He kissed you once more time, his hips teasing what was to come.  Yet he was still remaining standing.
"Here...are you ready, my dear?”
“Yes, yes I am! My lord, please! Please take me!”
You felt his cock teasing against your entrance. He began to graze his hands up and down your thigh. touching up and down them. He looked at your pussy and smiled. Then, positioning your legs already to be between his head. He began to trust in you by sinking in. Inch by agonizing inch, he slowly vanished in.  
You let out a cry-a whimper. You had never been filled like this.
“ Oh my god-Hal!”
He groaned, easing him last bit of his cock inside you. The slight pain then began to melt.
“Do you want me to stop?”
The pain was gone-fizzled to pleasure. You were…getting used to him.
“No…no…please…please keep going. Please-”
He backed and then thrust.
“Oh! Oh- yes-yes, Hal-please.”
The began- thrusting slowly inside you. Still standing and you laying down. His hips rocked back. Creating such friction, such heat, like none you have felt. He was groaning hard. Each thrust was better than the last one.  
All you could say was a prayer. Simply repeating “please-yes-oh, oh my god-please, Hal, please-yes, there, Hal-”
You were used to it, then he increased the pace. He hissed out your name. He held you still so you had to take all of him- not that you would complain.  You felt your voice rising. All you saw was him, felt was him. He was nailing you-he was keeping you right into the end of the bed as he stood. So deep and full were his penetrations. Then his hand slid.
“Ah- yes-Here..my little rose has a rosebud inside her-” he said.
He found your nub, and then began to strum it with his thrusts. Even more pleasure whirled in you- it felt even better.
"Oh! Oh-gods! Hal! Yes! Yes-please-Yes! There!”
"Yes-cry my name, tell all of Boars-nrgh-all of Boar's Head-nrsh-who your lord is..."
Flesh slapped against flesh as he increased his pace. You weren’t sure now- you slide back and forth, whimpering with pleasure. 
“You-are-mine-now-nrgh-Gods and-Fuck-yes your lord-yes-gives you-gods-yes,this-fuck-your lord always-always satisfies you-”
His pace increased. He was grunting, moaning. You now understood why the noises came from those rooms-you were making them yourself. He pounded and pounded you into the bed.
“Hal…Hal-something-something in me-it’s…it’s going up…” you whimpered.
He kept strumming you.
“You’re close-close my dear-it’s going to overwhelm you- yes- it’s-it’s me too- give into it-give into it- cry ou t- let it happen-yes-fuck-yes-yes-yes, now, my dear- come now- come now!”
Then finally, you felt it-pleasure bursting, overwhelming you. It hit you so suddenly, so hard, you let out a shout that echoed.  You cried out-
With a groan and a thrust, brought on by your own brink, he came. You felt him pump inside you. It was probably lucky to have the wedding in two months- if a child came from this, none but you would know. 
He paused, collapsing down onto you. Only to hold you, nestling you close.
“Hal…I…I have no words…” you whispered.
“You cannot ask to break this betrothal…not after what we’ve shared…” he breathed. He then went up to see your face. “Please, Y/N…I…I…”
“I love you too, Hal,” you replied.
He smiled, kissing you. A deep breath of relief through him. He positioned himself there on the bed, holding you for only a bit. 
“We…we will have to get home soon…we…we will get in trouble…” you said.
“What sweet trouble it was….but I will see you home safe…” he replied.
 He redressed you and you helped redressed him. When it seemed the tavern was asleep without witnesses about the main room, he held your hand and led you back to his horse outside. Eagerly you both galloped, but you laughed as the wind tickled you. You found riding so close to him comfortable now and leaned back against him. An embrace as each landing of the steed’s hooves brought you closer. Then you were brought back home.
He was there at the entrance, knowing the servants would escort you to separate rooms, separate beds. He took your hand and then kissed it. A goodnight promise.
“Sleep well, my lady, he wished.
“Shall I see you tomorrow?” you asked.
“Every day,” he replied with a smile that matched yours.
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
Play and scene citations below the cut, for the curious.
"A man is force fed a leek as punishment for making fun of them": Henry V, 5.1. The Welsh captain Fluellen forces Pistol to eat a leek after he has repeatedly mocked the captain for wearing a leek in his hat. The leek is a national emblem of Wales, and the captain is wearing it as a commemoration of Welsh victory over the Saxons on St. David's Day.
"'Bro I am more breathless at the sight of you than my wife on our wedding night'": Coriolanus, 4.5. Upon Coriolanus's defection from his home country of Rome he turns to his previous arch-enemy, the Volscian Aufidius, with an offer to bring down Rome together. Aufidius welcomes him with open arms, and his monologue when Coriolanus first arrives includes the following lines: "Know thou first, / I loved the maid I married; never man / Sighed truer breath; but that I see thee here, / Thou noble thing, more dances my rapt heart / Than when I first my wedded mistress saw / Bestride my threshold."
"Challenging so many people to duels you run out of gloves and have to borrow one": Richard II, 4.1. After Richard II has been functionally deposed by Bolingbroke (later Henry IV), the court is in chaos. The Lord Aumerle was one of the few to remain at Richard II's side until his surrender and ends up having accusations thrown at him and fighting with the other lords. He engages himself in so many duels that he has to ask someone else to borrow a glove to throw down in challenge (throwing down a glove was a traditional way of challenging someone to a duel)
"Exit, pursued by a bear": Winter's Tale, 3.3. Ordered by King Leontes to abandon his wife's daughter in the wilderness for her questionable parentage, a man named Antigonus leaves the baby in the woods on the shores of Bohemia, where he is subsequently chased, killed, and eaten by a bear.
"What if I was a woman dressed as a man dressed as a woman and we flirted": As You Like It, multiple scenes. Forced to flee court by her usurping uncle, Rosalind disguises herself as a man for safety. She then runs into Orlando, a young man with whom she'd made a brief romantic connection back at court. Rosalind-in-disguise-as-a-man offers to help Orlando hone his wooing skills so that he might win Rosalind's hand. In order to do this, she roleplays as herself to let him practice with her.
"Maybe if we disguise ourselves as *checks notes* Russians the ladies will like us": Love's Labours Lost, 5.2. The four men in the romantic pairings at the center of the play put on disguises as Russians ("Muscovites", meaning from the Duchy of Moscow) to entertain and court the ladies in disguise.
"Literally anything that happens in Cymbeline." Cymbeline. What the fuck is going on in that play.
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une-sanz-pluis · 2 months
The wording of the St Albans chronicles – ‘he [Richard II] also took with him boys of noble birth, the sons of the dukes of Gloucester and Hereford, whose relatives he especially feared’ – has been taken to suggest that Richard deliberately took to Ireland both Henry and Humphrey, son of the late duke of Gloucester (then aged about seventeen), as hostages for the good behaviour of their relatives. If true, the tactic did not work! These chronicle accounts were undoubtedly written with pro-Lancastrian hindsight. It was very common for noble boys to be taken on campaign, even if they were not old enough to indent in person or to bring their own retinue.
There had been plans to take Richard on campaign in 1377, at the age of ten. Opportunities to be blooded in actual warfare were few and far between. It would be extremely unlikely that the campaign to Ireland would not be used for this purpose for Henry and for other young men around his age. It does not require Richard to have a penchant for the prepubescent, or to have taken Henry with him deliberately as a way of keeping his father in check. Richard did not think that he needed to keep Bolingbroke in check, but assumed that the exile would continue for the prescribed time. Richard’s knighting of Henry, as described by Creton, can be interpreted as an act of honour towards the Lancastrian line, the invocation of the military reputation of his forebears, irrespective of current issues with Bolingbroke. If the account is to be believed, it took place just before an anticipated engagement with the Irish rebels, exactly the setting we would expect, and was accompanied by other dubbings of young men, including, it seems, Alan Buxhill, then aged eighteen. Even according to the pro-Lancastrian sources, it was not until Richard had heard the news of Bolingbroke’s invasion and had decided to return to England that he imprisoned Henry as well as the son of Gloucester in Trim castle. Here Henry seems to have remained, thirty miles to the north-west of Dublin. The date of his return to England is uncertain. According to Adam Usk, ‘the duke sent to Ireland for his eldest son Henry and for Humphrey the son of the duke of Gloucester who had been imprisoned by King Richard in Trim castle; and they were sent back to him together with a large collection of the king’s treasure’. This passage comes immediately after the chronicler’s account of Bolingbroke’s presence in Chester (9–20 August) and his move to London with the captive king (with an estimated arrival date of 1 September), and is preceded by the linking phrase ‘in the meantime’. This wording suggests, therefore, that arrangements to bring the young Henry back were initiated before Bolingbroke left Chester. Usk adds that Henry came back safely, ‘bringing with him in shackles Sir William Bagot’, but that Humphrey, son of the duke of Gloucester, died in Anglesey on the way back, having being poisoned in Ireland by Lord Despenser. The alleged location of Humphrey’s death suggests that the boys were to be brought back via Chester. This is also implied in a warrant for issue of 5 March 1401 in favour of Henry Dryhurst of ‘West Chester’. Here Dryhurst was recompensed for the cost of wine which he had provided to Bolingbroke’s household whilst in Chester. It also paid Dryhurst 20 marks for the freightage of a ship from Chester to Dublin, and ‘for sailing from the same place and back again to conduct the Lord the Prince, the King’s son, from Ireland to England, together with the furniture of a chapel and its ornaments which formerly belonged to the late King Richard the Second, deceased’.
Anne Curry, "The Making of a Prince: The Finances of ‘the young lord Henry’, 1386–1400", Henry V: New Perspectives ed. Gwilym Dodd (York Medieval Press 2018)
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socialshakespeare · 11 months
Reading 1: Saturday, July 15
The first read-through of Richard II.
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition.
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
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Leader: @actorinfluence
Richard: @archiveoftragedies Bolingbroke (King Henry): @maplelantern York, Lord: @bottom-of-the-riverbed Mowbray, Duchess of York, Bagot, Salisbury: @cobbled-vibrance Gaunt, Percy, Keeper: @sirenofthetimes Queen, Aumerle, Captain, Berkely: @whatlieswithintheorchard Northumberland, Green, Abbot, Lady: @thuriweaver Duchess of Glos, Gardener, Fitzwater, Ross, 2nd Herald: @actorinfluence Bushy, Bishop (Carlisle), Exton, Groom, 1st Herald: @tuttocenere Surrey, Scroop, Marshal, (Serving)man, Willoughby: @purplemuskrat Listener: @andfollowthesun
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I fucking love Henry 4 part 2 so much. yess go off Kate get northumberlands ass. Give us the emotional payoff that’s been building since Richard 2, Bolingbroke. Let Hal say something to make his father happy and let us wonder if he really means it. Give us mourning for Hotspur in different ways, give us complicated sibling dynamics and the resolution of Hal’s prodigal son arc. My favorite history good lord
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heartofstanding · 2 years
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20 June 1389 - The Birth of John, Duke of Bedford
John [John of Lancaster], duke of Bedford (1389–1435), regent of France and prince, was born on 20 June 1389. He was the third son of Henry Bolingbroke, afterwards Henry IV (1367–1413), and of Mary de Bohun (1369/70?–1394)...
(Jenny Stratford, "John [John of Lancaster], duke of Bedford (1389–1435), regent of France and prince", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004)
The son who was born on 20 June 1389 was named John after his grandfather John of Gaunt. No great importance was attached to his coming and even his birthplace is not recorded. This is not surprising as Bolingbroke was only a nobleman with little prospect of ascending the throne... Even in the family circle John of Lancaster's birth was not a matter of great moment, for there were already two boys, the future Henry V and his brother Thomas, in the nursery...
(E. Carleton Williams, My Lord of Bedford, 1389-1435, (Longmans, 1963))
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wessexroyalfamily · 1 year
Coronation Broadcast of Anne II
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Pictured (left to right): Lord Edmund Hamilton-Seymour ; Lady Davina Hamilton-Seymour ; Sir George Hamilton-Seymour ; Holly Alto. 
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Pictured (left to right): TN Amelia Spencer ; Henry Bolingbroke. 
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Pictured (left to right): Edward St. Andrews, Earl of Pembroke ; Lady Rachel St. Andrews ; Christina St. Andrews, The Duchess of Worcester ; Victor St. Andrews, The Duke of Worcester. 
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Pictured (left to right): HRH Alice, The Duchess of Middlesex ; Lady Louise Worcester-Scott. 
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Pictured (left to right): HRH Princess Paul of Essex ; HRH Prince Paul of Essex.
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Pictured (back left to right): Alexander Worcester-Scott, The Earl of Hyannis and HH Princess Alexandra, The Countess of Hyannis. (front left to right) David Worcester-Scott, Earl Strathearn ; Lady Louise Worcester-Scott ; Lady Charlotte Worcester-Scott 
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Pictured: HH Prince Arthur, The Earl of Falmouth 
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Pictured (left to right): HRH The Prince Albert  ; HRH The Duke of Uxbridge ; HRH Princess Alexandra of Uxbridge
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Pictured (left to right): HRH The Earl of Gloucester ; HRH The Prince William of Wessex ; HRH The Prince George of Wessex ; HM Caroline, The Queen Mother.
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tinyshe · 1 month
An Essay on Man: Epistle I
By Alexander Pope
To Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke
Awake, my St. John! leave all meaner things
To low ambition, and the pride of kings.
Let us (since life can little more supply
Than just to look about us and to die)
Expatiate free o'er all this scene of man;
A mighty maze! but not without a plan;
A wild, where weeds and flow'rs promiscuous shoot;
Or garden, tempting with forbidden fruit.
Together let us beat this ample field,
Try what the open, what the covert yield;
The latent tracts, the giddy heights explore
Of all who blindly creep, or sightless soar;
Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies,
And catch the manners living as they rise;
Laugh where we must, be candid where we can;
But vindicate the ways of God to man.
Say first, of God above, or man below,
What can we reason, but from what we know?
Of man what see we, but his station here,
From which to reason, or to which refer?
Through worlds unnumber'd though the God be known,
'Tis ours to trace him only in our own.
He, who through vast immensity can pierce,
See worlds on worlds compose one universe,
Observe how system into system runs,
What other planets circle other suns,
What varied being peoples ev'ry star,
May tell why Heav'n has made us as we are.
But of this frame the bearings, and the ties,
The strong connections, nice dependencies,
Gradations just, has thy pervading soul
Look'd through? or can a part contain the whole?
Is the great chain, that draws all to agree,
And drawn supports, upheld by God, or thee?
Presumptuous man! the reason wouldst thou find,
Why form'd so weak, so little, and so blind?
First, if thou canst, the harder reason guess,
Why form'd no weaker, blinder, and no less!
Ask of thy mother earth, why oaks are made
Taller or stronger than the weeds they shade?
Or ask of yonder argent fields above,
Why Jove's satellites are less than Jove?
Of systems possible, if 'tis confest
That Wisdom infinite must form the best,
Where all must full or not coherent be,
And all that rises, rise in due degree;
Then, in the scale of reas'ning life, 'tis plain
There must be somewhere, such a rank as man:
And all the question (wrangle e'er so long)
Is only this, if God has plac'd him wrong?
Respecting man, whatever wrong we call,
May, must be right, as relative to all.
In human works, though labour'd on with pain,
A thousand movements scarce one purpose gain;
In God's, one single can its end produce;
Yet serves to second too some other use.
So man, who here seems principal alone,
Perhaps acts second to some sphere unknown,
Touches some wheel, or verges to some goal;
'Tis but a part we see, and not a whole.
When the proud steed shall know why man restrains
His fiery course, or drives him o'er the plains:
When the dull ox, why now he breaks the clod,
Is now a victim, and now Egypt's God:
Then shall man's pride and dulness comprehend
His actions', passions', being's, use and end;
Why doing, suff'ring, check'd, impell'd; and why
This hour a slave, the next a deity.
Then say not man's imperfect, Heav'n in fault;
Say rather, man's as perfect as he ought:
His knowledge measur'd to his state and place,
His time a moment, and a point his space.
If to be perfect in a certain sphere,
What matter, soon or late, or here or there?
The blest today is as completely so,
As who began a thousand years ago.
Heav'n from all creatures hides the book of fate,
All but the page prescrib'd, their present state:
From brutes what men, from men what spirits know:
Or who could suffer being here below?
The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed today,
Had he thy reason, would he skip and play?
Pleas'd to the last, he crops the flow'ry food,
And licks the hand just rais'd to shed his blood.
Oh blindness to the future! kindly giv'n,
That each may fill the circle mark'd by Heav'n:
Who sees with equal eye, as God of all,
A hero perish, or a sparrow fall,
Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd,
And now a bubble burst, and now a world.
Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions soar;
Wait the great teacher Death; and God adore!
What future bliss, he gives not thee to know,
But gives that hope to be thy blessing now.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast:
Man never is, but always to be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
Lo! the poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind
Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind;
His soul, proud science never taught to stray
Far as the solar walk, or milky way;
Yet simple nature to his hope has giv'n,
Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heav'n;
Some safer world in depth of woods embrac'd,
Some happier island in the wat'ry waste,
Where slaves once more their native land behold,
No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold.
To be, contents his natural desire,
He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire;
But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him company.
Go, wiser thou! and, in thy scale of sense
Weigh thy opinion against Providence;
Call imperfection what thou fanciest such,
Say, here he gives too little, there too much:
Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust,
Yet cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust;
If man alone engross not Heav'n's high care,
Alone made perfect here, immortal there:
Snatch from his hand the balance and the rod,
Rejudge his justice, be the God of God.
In pride, in reas'ning pride, our error lies;
All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies.
Pride still is aiming at the blest abodes,
Men would be angels, angels would be gods.
Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell,
Aspiring to be angels, men rebel:
And who but wishes to invert the laws
Of order, sins against th' Eternal Cause.
Ask for what end the heav'nly bodies shine,
Earth for whose use? Pride answers, " 'Tis for mine:
For me kind Nature wakes her genial pow'r,
Suckles each herb, and spreads out ev'ry flow'r;
Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew,
The juice nectareous, and the balmy dew;
For me, the mine a thousand treasures brings;
For me, health gushes from a thousand springs;
Seas roll to waft me, suns to light me rise;
My foot-stool earth, my canopy the skies."
But errs not Nature from this gracious end,
From burning suns when livid deaths descend,
When earthquakes swallow, or when tempests sweep
Towns to one grave, whole nations to the deep?
"No, ('tis replied) the first Almighty Cause
Acts not by partial, but by gen'ral laws;
Th' exceptions few; some change since all began:
And what created perfect?"—Why then man?
If the great end be human happiness,
Then Nature deviates; and can man do less?
As much that end a constant course requires
Of show'rs and sunshine, as of man's desires;
As much eternal springs and cloudless skies,
As men for ever temp'rate, calm, and wise.
If plagues or earthquakes break not Heav'n's design,
Why then a Borgia, or a Catiline?
Who knows but he, whose hand the lightning forms,
Who heaves old ocean, and who wings the storms,
Pours fierce ambition in a Cæsar's mind,
Or turns young Ammon loose to scourge mankind?
From pride, from pride, our very reas'ning springs;
Account for moral, as for nat'ral things:
Why charge we Heav'n in those, in these acquit?
In both, to reason right is to submit.
Better for us, perhaps, it might appear,
Were there all harmony, all virtue here;
That never air or ocean felt the wind;
That never passion discompos'd the mind.
But ALL subsists by elemental strife;
And passions are the elements of life.
The gen'ral order, since the whole began,
Is kept in nature, and is kept in man.
What would this man? Now upward will he soar,
And little less than angel, would be more;
Now looking downwards, just as griev'd appears
To want the strength of bulls, the fur of bears.
Made for his use all creatures if he call,
Say what their use, had he the pow'rs of all?
Nature to these, without profusion, kind,
The proper organs, proper pow'rs assign'd;
Each seeming want compensated of course,
Here with degrees of swiftness, there of force;
All in exact proportion to the state;
Nothing to add, and nothing to abate.
Each beast, each insect, happy in its own:
Is Heav'n unkind to man, and man alone?
Shall he alone, whom rational we call,
Be pleas'd with nothing, if not bless'd with all?
The bliss of man (could pride that blessing find)
Is not to act or think beyond mankind;
No pow'rs of body or of soul to share,
But what his nature and his state can bear.
Why has not man a microscopic eye?
For this plain reason, man is not a fly.
Say what the use, were finer optics giv'n,
T' inspect a mite, not comprehend the heav'n?
Or touch, if tremblingly alive all o'er,
To smart and agonize at ev'ry pore?
Or quick effluvia darting through the brain,
Die of a rose in aromatic pain?
If nature thunder'd in his op'ning ears,
And stunn'd him with the music of the spheres,
How would he wish that Heav'n had left him still
The whisp'ring zephyr, and the purling rill?
Who finds not Providence all good and wise,
Alike in what it gives, and what denies?
Far as creation's ample range extends,
The scale of sensual, mental pow'rs ascends:
Mark how it mounts, to man's imperial race,
From the green myriads in the peopled grass:
What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme,
The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam:
Of smell, the headlong lioness between,
And hound sagacious on the tainted green:
Of hearing, from the life that fills the flood,
To that which warbles through the vernal wood:
The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine!
Feels at each thread, and lives along the line:
In the nice bee, what sense so subtly true
From pois'nous herbs extracts the healing dew:
How instinct varies in the grov'lling swine,
Compar'd, half-reas'ning elephant, with thine:
'Twixt that, and reason, what a nice barrier;
For ever sep'rate, yet for ever near!
Remembrance and reflection how allied;
What thin partitions sense from thought divide:
And middle natures, how they long to join,
Yet never pass th' insuperable line!
Without this just gradation, could they be
Subjected, these to those, or all to thee?
The pow'rs of all subdu'd by thee alone,
Is not thy reason all these pow'rs in one?
See, through this air, this ocean, and this earth,
All matter quick, and bursting into birth.
Above, how high, progressive life may go!
Around, how wide! how deep extend below!
Vast chain of being, which from God began,
Natures ethereal, human, angel, man,
Beast, bird, fish, insect! what no eye can see,
No glass can reach! from infinite to thee,
From thee to nothing!—On superior pow'rs
Were we to press, inferior might on ours:
Or in the full creation leave a void,
Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroy'd:
From nature's chain whatever link you strike,
Tenth or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.
And, if each system in gradation roll
Alike essential to th' amazing whole,
The least confusion but in one, not all
That system only, but the whole must fall.
Let earth unbalanc'd from her orbit fly,
Planets and suns run lawless through the sky;
Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurl'd,
Being on being wreck'd, and world on world;
Heav'n's whole foundations to their centre nod,
And nature tremble to the throne of God.
All this dread order break—for whom? for thee?
Vile worm!—Oh madness, pride, impiety!
What if the foot ordain'd the dust to tread,
Or hand to toil, aspir'd to be the head?
What if the head, the eye, or ear repin'd
To serve mere engines to the ruling mind?
Just as absurd for any part to claim
To be another, in this gen'ral frame:
Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or pains,
The great directing Mind of All ordains.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is, and God the soul;
That, chang'd through all, and yet in all the same,
Great in the earth, as in th' ethereal frame,
Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze,
Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees,
Lives through all life, extends through all extent,
Spreads undivided, operates unspent,
Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal part,
As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart;
As full, as perfect, in vile man that mourns,
As the rapt seraph that adores and burns;
To him no high, no low, no great, no small;
He fills, he bounds, connects, and equals all.
Cease then, nor order imperfection name:
Our proper bliss depends on what we blame.
Know thy own point: This kind, this due degree
Of blindness, weakness, Heav'n bestows on thee.
Submit.—In this, or any other sphere,
Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear:
Safe in the hand of one disposing pow'r,
Or in the natal, or the mortal hour.
All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony, not understood;
All partial evil, universal good:
And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite,
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right.
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bensbooks · 2 months
TBR Highlight: A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury
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It is 1399. Henry Bolingbroke, unjustly banished and deprived of his inheritance by Richard II, returns to claim his rights and deposes the king to become Henry IV of England. He is aided by the powerful lords of Northumberland, especially by his friend, Harry Percy. But the triumph of his accession quickly turns sour in the face of ever-growing crises in his new kingdom, and Wales is the most pressing and troublesome of these.
The specter of Richard holds sway beyond the grave, and the shadow of regicide, the memory of past crimes, and growing doubts and divisions cause a dangerous rift. The king also has powerful enemies who are all too willing to take advantage of this.
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arawnsarmory · 1 year
The following talks about Hal (Henry V)'s two father figures: Falstaff, and Henry IV and his relationship to them both.
Family is important throughout Henry IV. The motif of father and son is ever prevalent, whether that be in the relationship between Hal and Falstaff, or with the king. These two father figures represent two distinct parts of Hal’s life: his youth on the one hand, wherein he can enjoy himself alongside rogues and common folk; and his future on the other, where he will become king and be expected to rule as one.
First, Hal’s relationship with Falstaff is the relationship he always wished he had from Henry; one of warmth and laughter, not caught up in the orders of succession or statecraft. Their relationship is playful and light, yet there seems a real bond between the two. Even when saving Falstaff’s neck, he still manages a good joke in making the man lead a marching troop rather than one by horse. However, aside from his joking, Hal often seems more of the father figure; he calls out Falstaff on his tales, and also seems better able to realise that he will one day rise to the king’s office, leaving behind his life of leisure. They have a sort of game between them, ever running, where when caught in a lie, Falstaff must realize twist it again in his favor. Though he also fails to recognise sometimes when it is not a good time for such jests, revealing Hal’s imposing royal side. Falstaff, I don’t think, truly recognises that Hal is growing up, and must leave their ramshackle family bond for the mantle of royal heir and Prince of Whales.
Hal’s relationship with his father reflects the other side of this story. Originally, Hal is, in his father’s eyes a vagrant and a disgrace to his station. However, as Hal is distanced from his surrogate father, Falstaff, and all his carefree dealings, he gains back the trust of the king. Henry was terrified that he would lose both the crown, and a respectable heir, as Hotspur and his rebel allies stood to usurp the throne. However, Hal recognised that he would one day have to leave behind his revelries and take on the role of the king’s son, which he does to great effect. “I shall hereafter, my Thrice gracious Lord, be more myself” (III, ii, Line 92). With this statement, Hal doffs his life as a carefree youth, and begins truly his life as the Prince of Whales. Swearing to bring down Hotspur’s rebellion, Hal sets out to begin a new part of his life: one of leadership and responsibility. He proves himself in Henry’s eyes by vanquishing Hotspur, and leading the king’s forces to victory against his host.
The question of: “what makes a true king?” is a main focus of the history plays thus far. Bolingbroke proved that a king could be chosen well by the people, and one that was tyrannical could be just as easily taken down. However, I think that since Bolinbroke had not intended really to become king, he was regarded as lesser by the rebels. Hal, on the other hand seems to be what Bolingbroke was and more. Even at the play’s beginning, Hal has come to terms with the fact that he will be king, and therefore is many times better prepared than Bolingbroke ever was. “I know you all, and will awhile uphold The unyoked humour of your idleness: Yet herein will I imitate the sun, Who doth permit the base contagious clouds To smother up his beauty from the world, That, when he please again to be himself, Being wanted, he may be more wonder'd at, By breaking through the foul and ugly mists Of vapours that did seem to strangle him. If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom come, they wish'd for come, And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents. So, when this loose behavior I throw off And pay the debt I never promised, By how much better than my word I am, By so much shall I falsify men's hopes; And like bright metal on a sullen ground, My reformation, glittering o'er my fault, Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes Than that which hath no foil to set it off. I'll so offend, to make offence a skill; Redeeming time when men think least I will” (I, ii, Line 190-212). He knows the people, and sees them for themselves, as he lived among them; a king though must also be serious when needed, another trait which Hal holds. He, as Henry’s son, sees that he will have to take up the throne sooner or later, and that while his revelry with the common people was fun while it lasted, he was born to rule.
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smolvenger · 5 months
❤️Happy Birthday ❤️
🎉🎉🎉I hope you have a wonderful day 🎉🎉🎉
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Please can I request a little blurb with Prince Hal and "touch her and you die" 😻😻😻
Thank you!
Why hello there! Thanks, I got a manicure and went to a bookshop and ate Italian food so it was great! And here is the blurb!
Rain Within Doors (Prince Hal x fem! Reader)
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Summary: When the king falls ill, your betrothed, Prince Hal, returns.
Word Count: 1923
Warnings: some sexual harassment but the a-hole is saved in time, I try to keep it close to Shakespeare. Angst and fluff. I stole a line from Game of Thrones because it fit (the Shakespeare histories WERE kind of the Game of Thrones of their time minus the dragons and excessive exploitation of women)
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You waited anxiously and eagerly for your dear betrothed. He needed to hurry here. Things had all turned for the worse. 
Poor King Henry the Fourth was one minute at a table with all of you The Lord of Westmoreland arrived delivering the news of success in battle against Hotspur’s followers attempting to usurp the king. Everyone gasped. The lords who allied with Henry the Fourth were there- the Lord of Harcourt, Sir John Blunt, and others, all drooped their shoulders in relief. You, the younger two princes Thomas and Humphrey, The Lord of Warwick, and the King all smiled. The king shakily rose to praise Westmoreland
…then suddenly he began wheezing and fainted. 
Everyone gasped. Humphrey and Warwick met them on the grounds to give aid to the old king. Little Thomas cried for his father and you put him, your soon-to-be brother-in-law, in a hug, rubbing his back. 
“It’s all right, you know these fits happen often,” Warwick assumed, ever the voice of peace.
As the king came to, he was supported up. You were among the party to help settle him into bed. He asked the crown be placed on the pillow next to him with a raspy voice. And for musicians to play in the next room. Everyone complied.
You knew your betrothed had business in London. Even if it was in a bad place, he assured you it was nothing involving anything criminal (or whores) and that he would be back. The second eldest, Thomas, was dealing with the rebels with forces of his own and was on his way back.
“My lord, let me sit with you, so you need not be alone,” you offered, gathering a chair.
You had been sent here to marry the notorious Prince of Wales. Though you were nervous in this new castle, King Henry the Fourth was gentle with you. He welcomed you with a smile and open arms. The man who already considered you a daughter-in-law in his heart and the other princes saw you as a sister. He would let you dine with him and even play a little dice game with the family, smiling at you. Warmth on the face of the aged Bolingbroke- the lord who, long ago,  won the favor of the people so much it broke him out of exile and then thrust him into the role of king unexpectedly. Once Henry Bolingbroke, christened Henry the Fourth, wore shining golden armor as he rode on a horse. Paraded through the city as people threw flower petals at him.
Now how…weak he was! A shell of himself! Hardly the proud golden king anymore!
He reached out for your hand and you accepted it.
“Why-dear lady, I thank you. To think a pearl may be thrown to swine… to think my Harry should of all men be your husband…” he wheezed.  
“My lord, you must know- your eldest son has not….treated me poorly.” 
You didn’t know him well- the beautiful, fiery, mischievous, wild prince Henry- or Harry as called by his friends or family. Or Hal as those thieves and whores so affectionately called him.
This was to be a marriage for alliance and station, not of affection. When you arrived, you expected a frivolous, drinking, philandering Baccus. But Hal…. he was kind to you. He always smiled at you and called you sweet names. He was rumored to spend time studying in libraries more than drinking. One time, he found a romantic poem, copied it on paper, and gave it to you as a lover’s token. It touched you- who knew how he would fare as king but you felt he would make at least a decent husband!
“Just rest my lord, please,” you asked. The king indeed settled.
You walked out to the hallway to face the others. They peeked in and soon saw his eyes were closed, but he was breathing. The musicians in the next room played such calm, nearly dreamlike melodies compared to the anxiety storming inside of your being. 
Soon enough, the king settled into a deep sleep. You smiled a little- poor Henry the Fourth was a notorious insomniac, wandering the castle in the late hours from his racing worries. That should give him some relief and help with his sickness. 
But to think…here you were about to watch that old man die. Die before you could officially call him family.  
A couple of tears fell, and you walked out to the hallway staring out. It was a cold, bitter day. The winter chill stinging the glass window when you touched it.
But there was a sound- hooves.
When you leaned closer to the window, you let out a gasp. 
Hal was here in a long, beautiful black and red cape on a beautiful black horse as if he were about to rescue a damsel. And behind him a couple of others. You covered your mouth but felt a smile on your lips.
Picking up your skirts, you hurried down to the others in the outer hall. Warwick was hushing the two boys from talking too loud, to watch over the king in his sleep. 
“Humphrey! Thomas! He’s back!” you whispered.
“Who?” replied Thomas. 
They turned and then heard Hal’s voice asking for him. You and the others hurried there.
In the torch-lit hallway, your eyes feasted on Hal. The most beautiful man you had ever seen with the most deliciously fitted black velvet doublet, swooping off his cape with a gallantry that made your insides tingle.
He turned and went to you first.
“How now, My most fair lady?”
“Oh, much worried but cheered by your return, my lord,” you replied.
Hal’s eyes softened at you, then he looked at his crying brothers- Humphrey and Thomas.
“What- all of this rain in of door when it should be out of doors? How is the king?” Hal asked.
“ Exceeding ill” explained Humphrey sadly.
“Please be quiet, His grace is asleep,” warned the Lord of Warwick. 
Hal requested to see his father, and the lord of Warwick led him to the bed.
Everyone hushed and walked out to the other room, keeping quiet to give the king as much rest as he needed. Everyone worried. It was all so much- you needed some space.
With your heart calming, you went to one hallway, hugging yourself to look at how the moon shone over the winter evening through the windows. 
The Lord Harcourt went up to you. An older man with sharp cheekbones and a sharp chin, a pale face, and dark eyes. You only knew him as an ally and advisor to the king.  As you stood alone, staring out the window.
“Good evening, Lady Y/N.” he greeted.
“Good evening, my lord,” you replied. 
“You do look rather lovely tonight in the moonlight,” he complimented.
Already you felt uneasy. Alone with him, when all the others were fretting over the king. You began to take a step to return.
“You…you flatter me, my lord, thank you.”
Right as you turned, the lord reached an arm from his rich, velvet clothes and grabbed you.
“It seems a shame for such a fine lady to be wasted upon riotous Harry. I should have had you for my wife instead.”
“My lord, then wait until the king awakens and discuss it with him and announce you will-will-will court me openly like a gentleman,” you blubbered out, though you were starting to get scared.
He tried to sweetly, seductively brush your cheek but you had enough and swatted it away.
“Oh! The lady is a bit too cold, methinks.”
“And a lady is treated with respect, sir! My lord, please let me go.  I must attend on his majesty.”
“Your drunken oaf of an intended is waiting on him, who is going to stop!”
“But you are a fool! Please, let me leave!”
He backed you up until you were in a corner. Your heart pounded hard.
“Please- my lord, I swear, do not do anything that might insult my honor! I don’t want to-Please!” you cried.
“Then be not so fair and tempt a man to sin! And you have tempted me long enough. The one crown Prince Hal is deserving of is the Cuckhold’s horns.”
“Please, my lord- let me go!” you begged. 
To your horror, you felt a thin, clawlike hand reach for your leg under your skirt, then up, trying to lower your bodice to show your breasts. You squirmed, but one arm held you back.
“No, my lady. I want a see what I could be enjoying on our wedding night.”
He placed a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t scream. Tears welled up in you. 
With a free hand, though it shook, you slapped him hard. 
His hand dropped. He was shocked you were going to fight back. You tried to flee when he grabbed you back, ready to drag you off and force you to strip or do more when-
“Release yourself from the Princess of Wales right now!” threatened your intended.
Hal hurried in and grabbed the lord. He then took out his dagger, pointing it to your attacker’s chest. You jumped off and went behind Hal.
“What- my lord!” the lord was shocked that dishonorable, silly Prince Hal was capable of this. Then he scoffed. 
“She is not yet your wife-” he argued. 
“She is your princess and soon- your queen!” Hal reminded him.
The Lord of Harcourt pointed to where you stood and backed away behind Hal.
“She’s-she was trying to seduce me! The Lady is nothing but a common strumpet”
Hal punched him in the face. You let out a gasp. The Lord nursed his cheek. But Hal kept his dagger up at him. You heard footsteps and murmurs as the others went into the room. The younger Lancaster brothers staying by you loyally. The lords turned pale and slack-jawed.
“You are not welcome in this court until after our marriage. And then you will have to beg to be let in. And If you ever lay a hand on that sweet lady again, it will be the last time you have hands!” Hal barked at him.
The Lord of Harcourt shook and then relented, bowing his head. 
“Now, flee. Before I decide to persuade my father to behead you when he awakes.”
The lord fled into the shadows, a few attendants seeing him out. The others asked after you, but it was Hal who boldly embraced you. It was quite intimate for court protocol, but when had Hal ever done what everyone expected?
 “He-He frightened me.” you choked out.
“You need not be frightened, my lady, you’ll be safe. Did he hurt you? Do anything?” Hal questioned.
“He groped my leg, and tried to take my dress off, but no more. You caught him before more could be done. I-I -I promise you, Hal, I never intended to seduce him in any way! Do you believe me?”
Hal clasped your hands in his.
“Why would I not believe my dearest lady?” Hal replied.
Full of emotion, you leaned down and kissed them. Hal’s mouth opened a little and he smiled at you. He cupped your cheek sweetly. 
The party returned to wait on the king. You saw Hal was pale, but you kept your hand clasped in his as you walked back.
For as uncertain as this time was, no matter what the next day or hour could bring, you had each other and could endure it side by side.
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shredsandpatches · 2 years
sunday snippet (drama llama dinner party edition)
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on Richard’s confrontation with the Lords Appellant in the Tower of London after Christmas of 1387, as it’s a major sequence and one I hadn’t written much of to date. The scene below is based on real events: two different chroniclers mention that Richard (and Anne) dined privately with the junior appellants while in the Tower, although Walsingham only mentions Henry Bolingbroke and Knighton only mentions Thomas Mowbray. I decided to split the difference and include both; we know that Richard worked very hard to get them back on side after the crisis, and to a point he succeeded. It seems like he probably took advantage of the succession question as a wedge issue between the appellants in order to hang onto his throne; it doesn’t come up in this specific passage but it does shortly after where this cuts off. (Cf. also this scene.) The junior appellants were also more moderate when it came to the actions of the Merciless Parliament (Bolingbroke and Mowbray both opposed the execution of Sir Simon Burley) but I think Richard probably was less directly involved in that. 
Admittedly, he isn’t off to a great start in this scene. Emotions are running pretty high: immediately before this, Anne asks Henry and Mowbray about their wives and kids and Henry glares at Richard and is all WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT MY KIDS.
Before either of them can answer, a few servants come in, some carrying the dishes for supper and others the table linens. They are wearing Henry’s livery, rather than Richard’s. Perhaps Henry and Mowbray also expect Richard would try to poison them. He’s never poisoned anyone in his life, and they know it. Anyway, he has more cause to fear poison than either of them. When they are all seated, Richard lays a hand on Anne’s arm under the table and waits for the assay.
“Leave us,” Richard says when it is finished, “until you bring the next course.”
The servants, as a group, look to Henry first, and Richard grits his teeth. Henry may be their master, but he is their king. When they have gone, Richard glares at his trencher and then looks up at Henry and Mowbray, waiting for them to begin eating.
“Has your Highness lost his appetite?” Mowbray asks, in that damned obsequious way he has sometimes.
“This isn’t a feast in the great hall, Thomas,” Richard says, fighting the urge to grind his teeth. “I’m surprised you’ve decided to stand on ceremony now. Or are you doing your father-in-law’s dirty work for him?”
“You think we’re trying to poison you?” Henry snaps.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Richard says. “The five of you threatened to depose me this afternoon, and now you expect me to trust you when you won’t even take a bite of your dinner before I do?”
“You should have trusted us all along!” Henry says. “If you had, you wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with!”  
“You could have trusted me—” Richard begins, but before he can say anything more, Anne withdraws her arm from under Richard’s hand, and, without a word, picks up the slice of cheese and onion tart from her trencher and takes a bite. Henry and Mowbray both give a start, and Richard’s heart leaps into his throat—why would they be startled, if it isn’t poisoned?
“Anne, no!” Richard cries, clenching the handle of his knife tightly. “If you’ve harmed her—” he begins, but Anne clasps his wrist gently until he releases his grip on the knife.
“I am all right, miláčku,” she says. “This meeting will bear no fruit if we cannot trust one another. Someone had to take the first step. And now we can talk to each other.” She smiles a little and turns to Henry and Mowbray. “It is a good tart,” she adds. “Give your chef my compliments—after you see for yourselves.”
Richard’s heart is still racing—poison, after all, does not work right away. But if they’ve poisoned Anne, what would be the point of going on? He takes a bite of the tart himself, and is relieved when Henry and Mowbray each fall to it. Anne was right: it is a good tart. He can feel his cheeks growing warm—she really is the best of all of them. But he hadn’t been able to each much at dinner, and apparently fighting is making him hungry. There are parsnip fritters, as well; they are one of his favorites, and he is beginning to accept that they are probably not poisoned either, but he waits until Mowbray has laid into one before doing the same.
“You know,” Richard says, “you could have just taken a bite first.”
Henry swallows a mouthful of onion tart and harrumphs. “So could you. You already made my servants assay the food. I already know you don’t trust me. You didn’t have to make an even bigger scene.”
“There’s still time to poison the second course,” Mowbray mutters, and then suppresses a yelp as Henry kicks him under the table—or was it Anne? It couldn’t be, as she’s not sitting close enough to him, but the exasperated roll of her eyes expresses what her feet cannot, even if she’d been in the habit of kicking people under the table.
“We did not invite you here,” she says, “to trade accusations. I think you know that. Otherwise, you would not have come.”
“It’s an honor to dine privately with the king and queen,” Mowbray says, flashing Anne another smile before reaching for another parsnip fritter.
“So I am still the King, then?” Richard says. He reaches for his cup and takes a steadying sip of wine before he continues. It’s served in the cups and poured from the flagon that had already been in the room, so Richard feels no qualms about drinking deeply. He sets it down and continues, “After this afternoon’s display, I was beginning to have my doubts.”
“Of course you are,” Mowbray says, and at the same time, Henry grumbles, “For now.”
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une-sanz-pluis · 3 months
The first years of the marriage were spent with Mary still living separately in her mother’s custody. It has been suggested that Mary gave birth to a short-lived son in 1382, though this is debatable. It is possible that, as Thomas of Woodstock had good reason to contest the marriage, Mary and Henry were urged to consummate even though she was very young and she unexpectedly became pregnant. Froissart’s reference to the marriage being ‘consummated immediately’ is unhelpful, as it is unclear whether he is suggesting a sexual consummation or merely that the ceremony was performed. Although there might have been good reason to have the marriage consummated, there is little proof that Mary had a child. The evidence given for this, a line in Bolingbroke’s receiver general’s account from that year simply reads: ‘Given to an esquire of my lord Buckingham, called Westcome, on my lord of Lancaster’s [Gaunt’s] orders, 66s. 8d., for bringing my lord the news that his lady was delivered of a son’ and notes further that Bolingbroke later gave gifts of money to the baby’s nurse and governess. This could refer to a child of Mary de Bohun and Henry of Bolingbroke, but is considerably more likely to indicate it was Eleanor de Bohun who had given birth to a son – the original Latin allows both translations. The birthdate for Eleanor and Thomas’s eldest son Humphrey is generally given as 1381-82, so this reference could easily refer to his birth. Multiple records attest to the fact that after the wedding, Mary returned to her mother’s custody. Beginning in January 1382, Gaunt paid Joan de Bohun 100 marks annually to cover Mary’s expenses. The payments were to be made until either Mary turned fourteen, or until she departed her mother’s custody. This is a clear indication that Mary was not expected to take up her duties as a wife until she reached some sort of maturity, which was considered to be at age fourteen. The reference to the possibility of Mary leaving her mother’s custody before this point could be an acknowledgement that if she reached childbearing age (probably indicated by first menstruation) before fourteen, she might be expected to join Henry’s household earlier. Apparently Joan was also in a position to bargain, as evidenced by the provision in the grant that if her payments should go into arrears for more than three months, she would be leased a certain set of manors to cover the amount she was owed.
Rebecca Holdorph, ‘My Well-Beloved Companion’: Men, Women, Marriage and Power in the Earldom and Duchy of Lancaster, 1265-1399 (University of Southampton, PhD Thesis)
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socialshakespeare · 11 months
Reading 5: Sunday, July 30
The fifth and final read-through of Richard II.
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition.
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 6:00 PM CDT (US): 5:00 PM MDT (US): 4:00 PM PDT (US): 3:00 PM BST (UK): 11:00 PM AEST (AU): 8:00 AM (Monday, July 31)
Leader: @mariposagal
Richard: @astrangergivingthestrangewelcome Bolingbroke (King Henry): @caseyvbohan York, Lord: @if-you-come-a-knockin Mowbray, Duchess of York, Bagot, Salisbury: @mariposagal Gaunt, Percy, Keeper: @actualshonenprotagonist Queen, Aumerle, Captain, Berkely: @sphinxyvic Northumberland, Green, Abbot, Lady: @archiveoftragedies Duchess of Glos, Gardener, Fitzwater, Ross, 2nd Herald: @enbymoomin Bushy, Bishop (Carlisle), Exton, Groom, 1st Herald: @tea-and-fireball-whisky Surrey, Scroop, Marshal, (Serving)man, Willoughby: @wildechild Understudy: @purplemuskrat Listener: @thehamletdiaries
Please submit your confirmation here. - liking/reblogging this post does not count!
Read the Guidelines. To avoid the differences between editions that make for confusion and missed cues, please use the Folger edition of Richard II during the read-through.
Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know which lines to read. Good luck!
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 years
Since @jellicoelodge is reading Henry IV, Part 1 this week, I thought I’d provide some backstory for those of us who aren’t familiar with the whole tetralogy. The histories are frequently interlinked, and it helps to have the full context.
Richard II begins with the eponymous king banishing his cousin Henry Bolingbroke (for complicated reasons). Richard, who has been king since he was ten, is pretty overconfident about his position’s allowing him to do whatever he wants, and he goes on to engage in some questionable fundraising strategies to finance a war with Ireland. These methods include seizing the property that should have gone to Bolingbroke after the death of his father (Richard’s uncle).
When Bolingbroke hears about this, obviously he’s not too happy, so he takes advantage of Richard’s absence in Ireland to break the terms of his exile to take back his inheritance. Richard returns, only to find that most of his nobles have joined Bolingbroke (including the Earl of Northumberland, his son Henry “Hotspur” Percy, and his brother the Earl of Worcester, who will all be important later) and he has only a handful of supporters left. This sets off an existential crisis that lasts pretty much for the rest of the play.
Bolingbroke initially insists that he’s only come for his inheritance, but before long he realizes how easy it would be to seize the throne too, and the temptation is too great. Richard is All About the melodrama and makes the most of the role of Tragic Deposed King when Bolingbroke insists that he hand over the crown. So Bolingbroke is now Henry IV, and Richard is imprisoned.
The threat of rebellion leads Henry to not-so-subtly suggest to one of his supporters that it would be so helpful if someone were to rid of him of...what’s weighing on his mind. The guy obediently assassinates Richard and brings Henry the body. Henry is horrified (whether genuinely or not is debatable) and immediately racked with guilt. He announces plans to go on a crusade that he hopes will absolve him of his crime.
Meanwhile, Henry’s son, the future Henry V (Hal to his friends), has been making a public embarrassment of himself (mostly by hanging out in seedy places with disreputable people) ever since his father became king. There’s also an incident (not depicted in any of the plays but referred to as if common knowledge) in which Hal apparently struck the Lord Chief Justice and consequently got sent to prison for a time and lost his place on the Privy Council.
And that’s the situation when 1 Henry IV opens.
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