#long ass starter sorry
boundlesshart · 2 years
you dropped this, king 👑
playing hot potato with @thyrosus​ but the potato is leicester’s future
The meeting blows almost two hours past its allotted time.
There’s a part of him that wishes he could pin the blame on Gloucester and Edmund, how they always have something to say, an opinion to push forward, some lasting remark they want to linger in everyone’s minds. They were the same as always. It’s Claude that needed to adapt to the situation, take charge of his discussion, direct the conversation. But he couldn’t. Not when the discussion was on how exactly inheritance would work for a Federation’s king; every suggestion worse than the last, more deadly than the last, and all Claude could see in their ideas was blood and ‘rivals’ strangled in their cribs.
“Let’s pick up this discussion tomorrow.” Claude stands. They stand, bow, leave. And as they leave, he’s left shaky and weak-kneed. Adrenaline abandons him as soon as the meetings end, leaving him a shell of the brilliant leader in that room, empty, inept. Claude didn’t handle it well. Judith will tell him as much when she has the chance. A petulant thought crosses his mind, she wouldn’t understand. 
Four months later, the desperation in Shahid’s eyes still haunt him, the bits of blood and hair that clung to the cliffside where he fell. 
Four months later, Claude still wonders if some part of him tumbled off the cliff after his brother, still clinging to him as their bodies shatter against the rocks.
On a horse, Claude feels more like himself than he has been lately. Not a duke or a king or a leader, just a man recklessly galloping through the grasslands of Riegan territory, leaving his partner in the dust. They outpace the wind itself, blowing through his hair and past his cheeks. The drumming of powerful hooves fill his ears. The scent of clean air, and miles and miles of open fields around them, as far as the eye can see... at last, his heart remembers how wondrous this world could be. At last, he’s just Claude again.
It’s been some time since he’s had the time to go on an expedition himself. With the war quieting down, apparently they’ve become more like picnics, what with everyone using them as an excuse to get away and relax for a bit. Who could blame them? The saddle suits Claude better than those hard, ancient chairs, he thinks, and between Shahid’s death and the discussions for the Federation, he’s glad to be reminded of what the sun feels like on his skin. 
His heart aches, knowing what’s waiting for him back at Derdriu. If Claude was alone, would he run away like he daydreams about? Just asking himself that, maybe that’s why Lorenz offered to come.
With one last look to the open plains, Claude turns his horse and returns to Lorenz’s side, breathless and smiling. “You brought lunch, right?” They didn’t talk through this much, did they. “...Right?”
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stcnefruit · 3 months
— open starter.
status - open to all, but pls read my rules and mobile about (pinned post) first before interacting. don't like my starters. muse - vasti inaiê souza gonçalves, sculptor, potter and printmaker. bisexual, uses she/her pronouns. human, thirty. wanted opposites (in order of priority) - m/nb/f, 30+. mocs (muns/muses of color) preferred. wanted connections - literal strangers, an ex, fellow artist, someone they haven't seen since sixth grade, as long as they're a little richer than vasti is (and not related) go literally batsh*t plot - they're on their way to personally deliver one of their commissions but they haven't slept well in over 48 hours (they've slept enough to not get pulled over, they can drive) and really should have hired a truck or sent it through the post but hey they've done it before and the client is right across town (or city, cough) so it shouldn't be too bad right? they'll make it except you just kind of yk. rear-ended them at the stoplight and their sh*t's in the trunk bc it couldn't fit in the back seat and now you might have just f*cked sh*t up if that packing wrap isn't as good as it's marketed to be. potential meet cute with insurance problems and career threatening happenings basically, what could be better than that
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— she hears it before she feels it, the way the body of the car lurches underneath her at the street corner. the rattling in the back is too loud for her to ignore, and she's already doing inventory on what she has with her. registration papers, house keys, studio keys, that flat tire kit she's never had to use in her life and hopes she won't have to now, the delivery— oh God, fuck, the delivery. in the trunk. surrounded by a shit ton of bubble wrap and cling film and whatever the fuck else she wrapped it in at 3am two days ago and placed it in its box, but last she checked no flat tire makes that kind of sound like the kind where there's a bit too much metal and you know in your gut you'll need to call your insurance company. both of them, in her case, if the vehicle in her rearview mirror is giving anything to go by. que se lixe isso, this is not a good day. her blood pressure was not made for this. neither was her neck, for that matter, but she doubts there was enough speed behind the impact to cause any whiplash worth worrying about. she unlocks her phone as she steps out, car door slamming closed behind her, insurance already on speed dial. as a precaution she takes a few photos of the other car's license plate, now neatly tucked (along with the front bumper) just barely under her chassis—she is not paying for this shit if she doesn't have to, especially if the driver in question has enough money to be driving a car like that right into her sedan and especially if they might have just jeopardized her commission. three months, hundreds of hours, possibly damaged in her trunk because it's the one day she didn't have her morning coffee and decided to put it there instead of the backseat, bubble wrap or no bubble wrap. yeah, she'll milk every last penny from that payout while she's at it. might as well be pissed for a reason. 'hey,' she says, coming up to the window as it rolls down, 'i'm sorry, this is going to sound so completely fucking obvious and i know this and you know this but i think you just rear-ended me? and there's something in my trunk that i really need to get out and check on before this day goes any further to shit than it already has so if you could please try and back the fuck up, it would be much appreciated. juro o túmulo da minha mãe.' her mother is alive, thank you very much, but it's not like they need to know that in english or portuguese. // @indiestarter
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of-elitiism · 2 years
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                 // this blog needs some revamping~ also hi
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whitexdove · 2 months
@katana-otoko liked for a starter
rufus is VISIBLY exhausted, moreso than usual. he could be very easily compared to a certain street mammal. the red marks under his eyes seem almost exaggerated, more visible from a distance. even umbra seems to be nudging him in the right direction as he walks (paces) his office.
when the turk enters, his head shoots up and his pupils narrow to slits.
"can i help you?"
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
This man really has me googling “can people see if I view their github repository”
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moe-broey · 2 years
Currently subjecting myself to Pokemon Sun starter hunt. Btw.
I mean I figure after spending actual years on and off hunting for Eevee in Leaf Green and finally getting it in June, I can handle anything. Extremely long resets w 4096 odds means nothing to me (40 resets in LMFAOOOOO we'll see if I change my tune.)
Going for Rowlet btw!!! I've never done a SuMo run w one, and I think it has the best shiny out of the three!
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boozenboze · 1 year
141 and male reader who is angry and when he’s angry, he goes in the gym area they have and just punches the punching bad with bare fists for hours on end and basically breaks the punching bags but keeps putting new ones up. his fists are bloody and bruised and everyone is looking for him and they can’t find him so they search everywhere and find him with blood running down his hands from the countless hours of punching and they have to practically drag him out of the gym and they make him lay down which he wont go down without a fight but YA
Calm Down!
Summary: After a certain soldiers constant slip ups and slacking off Lieutenant Rage gets angry.
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Females She/Her and She/ They DNI
Today hadn't gone so well, in fact it went terribly. For starters two of the new recruits lost the files that the team had been sent to retrieve. Secondly, one of the same men had flunked out during training, only to later be seen running about with some of the other soldiers. And the cup of tea to pull everything together he did something he shouldn't have. That thing being talking about one of the higher ups, Lieutenant Rage, also known as M/n. The h/c haired male had his eyes on the recruit since the beginning, knowing that he'd be trouble from the start. The childish acts, the constant slacking off, and always holding everybody back by getting injured. It was clear as day that the man shouldn't be in the military for those exact reasons. The mans carelessness for himself and others would get them all killed.
"Captain do you not understand what i'm saying?" The h/c haired male asked as Price hummed, showing that he was paying attention to the males words as he filled out some papers.
"Rage look, I understand your concern but I haven't seen anything wrong with the seargent." Price explained as M/n glared into his skull.
"Besides maybe your overreacting-"
"I AM NOT OVERREACTING!" The male finally snapped as that cold glint in his eyes that would normally only be seen on the field was now visible. Price flinched at the males change of tone, it was hot yet scary.
"That bastard could get us all killed at some point and your sitting on yer ass like that's ok. THAT IS NOT OKAY!" The male yelled as Price shook slightly from the males booming voice. He was the males Captain, he shouldn't be getting yelled at like this. With one final huff of anger the male stormed out as Price sat in his chair stunned.
The h/c haired male stormed down the hallway, knocking a solider down in the process.
"Hey! Whats your problem....." The soldiers voice dragged as he realized it was his Lieutenant. "I-i'm sorry sir!" The soldier squeaked as he ran down the hallway. M/n was already breathing heavily out of anger, and that anger seemed to double after that small accident. He had to let off some steam at this point. If he was pushed any further he'd end up killing someone. The man was speeding over to the training area that he knew would be empty considering that it was around the time the soldiers would go to their barracks. The h/c haired male couldn't do that, his adrenaline was high and that would only keep him awake longer. He just hoped that he could blow off some steam before going to bed.
Timskip (Gaz pov)
I just came from Prices office and he seemed to be deep in thought. I asked if everything was oky but he said no. He told me about the conversation he had with M/n and from how he explained it, it seemed like he was pissed off. M/n was always the most aggressive out of us all, hell he'd probably yank a mans head off if he could.
We were all walking around the base looking for our beligerant soldier known as M/n. The man could do the unthinkable when he's angry so we hope he isn't doing anything crazy.
"We've checked everywhere for the man it's clear he isn't here!" Soap complained, getting tired of feeling like he had been walking circles. I looked at the man before turning my attention to Ghost. Seemed like he didn't wanna be here either, but he had no choice. We passed the training area and heard a loud slam which caught our attention. Price gave us a look before opening the door. I was surprised to see M/n standing over a punching bag, i'm guessing he broke it considering that the chain that the bag was connected to wasn't there anymore. The man was out of breath as he picked up the punching bag and throwing it to the side.
Ghost had walked over and put his arms under the shorter males arms. The man immediately threw a fit, he was kicking and yelling incoherantly and the men were only able to hear snippets of his words.
"Get the fuck off me-BITCH!" The male yelled as he whipped his head back hitting Ghosts mask. Ghost grunted from the sudden pressure being put on his face as he crouch down to the floor with the male still in his hold. The taller man had the h/c haired male pinned to the ground as the position they were in restricted his movements.
3rd pov
"M/n calm down, we can stay like this for as long as we have to, to make your relax." Price said as M/n huffed angrily. Slowly but surely the mans breathing steadied, despite that he still wasn't calm. Gaz had held the mans hand and furrowed his brows at the sight of the males bleeding knuckles. Ghost had already noticed the mans hands, so he picked him up and walked to the infirmary.
Ghost was seated on the couch next to Ghost, who was currently sipping on some tea as the h/c haired male groaned in annoyance. The slurping sounds aggravated him but he couldn’t since Ghost had him wrapped up in a blanket. He looked like a burrito, a angry one at that. The lieutenant looked at him for a moment before offering the male a biscuit, to which he took. He may be angry, but when snacks are offered there can’t be much of an argument. The male muttered a “thank you” while chewing the savory treat. In that moment Soap and the others came into the room in their pajamas. The Scot almost laughed when he saw the position the private had been put in.
“Well ain’t this nice to see.” Soap said while ruffling the males hair to which the male attempted to bite his hand. Soap laughed and poked the males side before sitting down.
“L/n...look, I thought about what you had said and your right.” Price said as M/n looked him dead in the eye.
“We’ll be terminating him tomorrow, he won’t be bothering anyone else.” Price explains as M/n visibly relaxed. Seems like the removal of that one recruit made a big difference in the males mood which made them all happy.
“Alright...Lets watch a movie since we’re still up!” Gaz said happily while the other men hummed in agreement as M/n squirmed under the blanket.
“If one of you dont get me out this hot ass blanket we’re having problems.” M/n said as Soap hurriedly tool the blanket from around the male. The sound of the movie could be heard as all the men sat back and relaxed. M/n had his head on Ghosts shoulder while Soap had his head on M/n’s. Seems like they would be having a peaceful night.
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ashwhowrites · 4 months
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Anyway this is way I got. eddie munson x plus size reader:
So basically Eddie is in a relationship with the reader and during a hellfire meeting the reader comes in with food and baked goods. When the other members try to get her to leave and Eddie tells her to stay and he introduces her to the members. You choose how it goes from there. If you don’t like it feel free to change it some or ignore it that’s fine. 😁
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting and being so very patient with me 🫶🏻 this is a very short but fluffy fic so good feels all around
Cookies for hellfire
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Y/N and Eddie hadn't been together for very long, which meant his friends were strangers to her. She was always nervous about meeting new people, she and Eddie worked so well because he was so outgoing and made conversations with everyone.
With her shyness, she liked to bake for people. She always felt like it was a conversation starter and a way to show her care for people.
She finished her last batch of cookies and quickly threw them in a container. Eddie's hellfire club was meeting at the moment and she finally felt ready to sneak in and say hi. She didn't want to interrupt for too long, she knew how every minute counted in a campaign. She drove the small distance to Eddie's, her heart raced with anxiety but she tried to take deep breaths.
She knocked on the door softly, hearing the screams and cheers of the boys. She found herself smiling as praises were thrown Eddie's way. The door opened and someone she didn't recognize opened it. He was tall, thin, and had dark hair.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked, she gulped at the not-welcome greeting.
"Eddie's girl -"
"YO MIKE, LET'S GO!" Eddie yelled, his eyes locked on the game and not noticing someone at the door.
"Got a girl here with cookies. Some Girl Scout or something." Mike said, huffing as he walked back to the table.
Eddie looked up confused but a huge smile took up his face when he saw her.
"BABY!" He yelled, happily pausing the game as he walked over and pressed his lips against hers. She felt shy to kiss him back with all the watching eyes but kissing Eddie was heaven. He pulled away and gave one last little peck.
"I brought cookies!" She said, her eyes staying on Eddie as she tried not to panic. Eddie moaned in delight and gladly took the container.
"K, thanks. Can you leave so we can go back to the game?" Another boy said.
"Lucas shut up. She's staying." Eddie said, he grabbed her hand and went to drag her to the table but she was frozen.
"I can leave, Eddie. I wanted to stop by to say hi and leave you guys to it." She explained. She didn't feel like she was wanted here and she was not going to force herself on these boys.
"Nonsense, you can sit and watch. Boys, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. Treat her with respect or I'll kick your ass." Eddie threatened, this time she followed behind him as he brought over a seat for her. She sat down quietly and smiled at the young boy next to her with curly hair. He smiled back, a mouth full of braces and friendliness in his eyes.
"I love cookies!" He said as he reached into the container.
"We know Dustin. Just don't get chocolate on the dice!" Eddie warned. Eddie grabbed himself five cookies before he allowed the others to dig in.
"Her cookies are the absolute best so dig in or I'll eat all of them," Eddie said through a mouthful as he munched on the cookies. Crumbs fell into his lap, yet Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of him.
"Sorry for the rude interaction," Mike said, a short smile on his face as he shyly grabbed a cookie. Y/N nodded as a response, she felt happy as all the boys moaned with delight as they ate the cookies.
She stayed for the rest of the campaign. She enjoyed everyone cheering, screaming, fighting, and being comfortable with her there.
"Next campaign, you are coming with more cookies!" Eddie declared in his master voice as he stood up and held out his hand to her.
"Agreed!" The boys said together, "Welcome to hellfire!"
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belovedwhore · 1 year
pretty boy
ethan landry x reader
warnings: a little bit of plot, smut obv, fingering, blowjob, “nipple play” like barely, and ethan’s a lowkey sub
notes: i watched scream 6 yesterday and i had to like this man is just so fine. also this takes place at the party so technically he isn’t ghostface just yet so we’ll leave it at that. just a normal college boy :)
if you like this lmk what other stuff you’d want to read for ethan, in need of prompts!!!
pt 1 , pt 2 , pt 3 , pt 4 , pt 5 , pt 6
it was halloweekend and you and your friends came to a frat party. you and tara had dressed as pirates just grabbing stuff that was left around. the party was going pretty well, well until you took a long swig of a bottle of pink whitney and ran upstairs after seeing your ex hooking up with this girl that was “just a friend”, what a load of bullshit. you went into the nearest unlocked room, closing the door behind you and locking it.
“fuck me,” you muttered to yourself, “fuck me in the fucking ass.”
you turned around to go sit down on the bed and there sat ethan, well a rather red faced ethan after your remark, just looking at you. ethan was a part of your friend group, the cute dorky guy. his cardboard robot costume was littered on the floor, leaving him in his joggers and a shirt. you were surprised he wasn’t somewhere with chad getting a pep talk to finally talk to a girl.
“hey,” he greeted giving you a small wave as if you two weren’t the only people in the room.
“god were you gonna say anything sooner I didn’t know anyone was in here,” you answered as you walked over and sat in front of him while his back was against the headboard.
“oh sorry, my bad.”
“nah it’s fine, worse shit has happened to me tonight that’s for sure.”
“like what,” he inquired.
“well for starters my ex is fucking the bitch that he said he was “just friends” with during our whole relationship so,” you responded hurriedly and angrily.
“oh i’m so sorry, that’s messed up.”
“yes it is, welcome to my life pretty boy”
you hadn’t meant to say the nickname out loud but that long drink was starting to hit you and you couldn’t care less at the moment. ethan blushed at your comment, looking down unable to meet you eye.
“hey,” you told him, “look at me.”
you grabbed both sides of his face with your hands and giggled, “such a pretty boy with pretty lips.”
at this point ethan was bright red and speechless, just muttering words trying to form a sentence, “l-l-l-look i think you’re drunk.”
“i’m fine, anyways i have a question.”
“ok,” he gulped, “what’s up.”
with your answer you pulled his head closer to you own, lining your lips up right next to his ear, “do you think it’s fair that my ex gets to fuck someone tonight and i don’t?”
as you finished your sentence you could feel ethan’s breath hitch in his throat, it made you smile. you moved his head back in front of you so you were face to face once again.
“is it?,” you reiterated
ethan quickly shook his head no, unable to speak. with your hands still on his neck you moved his head closer to you once again but this time your lips were only an inch away.
“i couldn’t hear you pretty boy, i said do you think it’s fair that i don’t get fucked tonight.”
“n-no,” he answered quickly.
“great, glad to know we’re on the same page,” you said quickly as you brought his lips to yours and kissed him.
you could tell he was shocked by the suddenness of the kiss because his lips were kind of stiff but moments later they melted into the kiss. you led the kiss, poking your tongue past his lips to entangle his tongue with your own, and with this you could hear his moans. it was music to your ears. without breaking the kiss you moved to straddle his waist, as his hands fell to your own, lowering yourself on his clothed length that was hardening by the second. this pressure caused him to let out a grunt into the kiss as he bucked his hips, hitting your center. you tangled your hands with the curly hair at the nape of his neck, yanking it back towards the headboard, separating the kiss so you were looking in each other’s eyes. both of you were breathing heavily, ethan’s lips all pink and swollen from your kissing, fuck he was so hot. breathless he looked up at you while you took off your vest to reveal yourself in a white shirt that you’d spilled on earlier at the party. with no bra on your nipples were exposed through the fabric and you think ethan may have died right then and there.
he began to move his hands from your waist up the sides of your body until they rested right next to your tits. he looked at you as he slowly took one hand to grope one of them. you bit your lip at this feeling, as his hands were both rough and soft as he kneaded your tit. watching you still he swiped his thumb across your clothed nipple earning a lustful reaction. you moaned and muttered curses under your breath, with you head rolling back. he took this as encouragement to continue. he resumed with both hands massaging and kneading your tits, twisting and pinching your nipples now and then. all this made your core ache as you felt the wetness pooling between your legs, you rolled your hips against ethan’s dick chasing some sort of friction. you took your top off and laid your tits bare to him. and he took this opportunity to latch his lips to one of your nipples, nibbling and swirling his tongue around it while still playing with the other. your body jolted at this sudden rush of pleasure, you couldn’t keep quiet,
“oh fuck ethan,” you moaned as he licked you nipple.
breaking his contact with your tit you bring his face to yours once again and resume the kiss, the rhythm much faster and fervent this time. your lips molded together perfectly with the occasional moan into the kiss as ethan still played with your nipples. you reached under his shirt, looking for bare skin to touch and you felt the ridges of his abs fuck you forgot how ripped he was. you broke the kiss to pull his shirt off his head needing to see his bare chest. after it was off he leaned forward to reconnect your lips but you pushed him back,
“my turn.”
and you leaned forward placing kisses on his neck as he moaned in response. you sucked on special spots, sure to leave a mark that’d show later. it was so hot hearing him moan under your touch, he bucked his hips as you kissed under his ear in hopes of some sort of friction. as you continued to kiss all over his body your hand trailed to the waistband of his sweatpants, tracing his v-line into the article of clothing. you palmed his clothed length feeling him jolt underneath your touch,
“oh oh my god,” he breathlessly moaned unable to come up with any other words.
suddenly you felt his hand creep under your skirt and onto your own bundle of nerves, massaging the mound through your panties.
“oh ethan,” you moaned
wanting to touch more of him you reached your hand into his joggers until his own grabbed your wrist and stopped you. confused you looked up at him tilting your head slightly.
“umm,” he muttered quietly, “i-i wanna do you first.”
with his hand still on your heat he began to rub over your clothed center once again. you hummed in agreement as his fingers sent shocks through your body. you soon reconnected the kiss, wanting to feel him on your lips as he played with your pussy. you felt him drag your panties to the side, exposing your bare cunt directly to his fingers. this new feeling caused you to jolt up but you felt his other hand on your waist holding you down. he swiped his finger through your arousal and around your entrance until he dipped his middle finger into the hole, burying it deep inside you. you loudly gasped, pulling away from the kiss as you jolted up a bit.
“oh my god, did that hurt, i’m so sorry, shouldn’t have done that,” ethan rambled
he began to remove his hand from your cunt until you stopped him.
“don’t fucking move.”
you pushed yourself back down onto his finger, moaning the entire way down. he watched as you squirmed on top of his hand until he was fully inside you again.
“pretty boy please move your finger,” you teased.
ethan quickly snapped out of his daze and began to finger you slowly, curling his finger so he was pressing on the bundle of nerves that had built up over this time.
“another…” you spoke breathlessly, “another finger.”
he obliged sliding his ring finger into you, the new pressure began to spur you towards the edge but there’s something you still needed.
practically fucking yourself on his fingers you whined, “faster ethan, you need to go faster. you’re not gonna hurt me.”
and that simple ask was all it took for him to rapidly increase his pace. he immediately started to pound his fingers into you, curling them repeatedly to hit your spot.
you cried out, “fuck oh my- i’m gonna cum,” and this only spurred him on as he captured one of your tits in his mouth and violently sucked on your nipple.
and suddenly you froze, your pussy clenched around ethan’s fingers and your legs felt weak as your orgasm ripped through you. your head fell onto his chest out of exhaustion, and his fingers were still inside you through your high as you clenched violently around them. you kissed him softly, a bit tired after your insane orgasm. slowly you pulled his hand out from under you, gasping at the loss of his fingers inside of you. you placed his middle and ring finger inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around them, cleaning them of your arousal. he looked at you, mouth wrapped around his fingers and felt a twitch in his pants. he breathed heavily as you pulled yourself off of his fingers and he pulled you in for a kiss, tasting you on your own tongue. as you made out you moved your hand once again to palm his clothed dick but wasted no time reaching into his pants. you felt his bare length, veins bulging as you felt his tip was already leaking insane amounts of precum. he shuddered viciously into the kiss under your touch.
“you’re big pretty boy,” you whispered into his ear as you swiped your finger over his slit that was leaking precum.
“oh my god,” he started as you began to move your hand up and down his shaft slowly. he roughly groaned, shifting on the bed as you began to speed up. you watched him intently with his eyes screwed shut and heavy breathing. you spit down between the two of you, onto his cock so your hand would glide better on his skin. this unfamiliar feeling caused ethan to buck his hips, fucking himself into your hand.
“oh fuck i’m gonna- oh my god,” he groaned as he finished in your hand, eyes screwed shut and his dick twitching as he shot out loads of cum onto your stomach. you kept pumping him through his orgasm until he was whimpering and letting out a string of profanities under his breath.
he didn’t even know how hot he was, sitting there violently moaning as he came all over you, god you needed him. as he opened his eyes, you grabbed his face and placed a couple pecks to his lips.
“you’re cute when you cum pretty boy,” you said to him, making him turn red immediately.
you pulled him closer to you and kissed him thoroughly once again until you both heard a violent knock on the door, causing you both to jump.
“ethan are you in there, it’s chad we gotta go, her ex pissed her off and we can’t find her,” spoke the voice.
ethan looked at you and responded still out of breath, “ok yea i’ll be out in a second, just gimme a minute.”
“alright,” chad responded.
as his footsteps faded away before getting off ethan’s lap you whispered to him, “you owe me a fuck.”
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piratefishmama · 1 year
It continues, also with Robin. She leaves Steve on that floor, pathetically cycling through this random metalheads video game music repertoire, sending a silent apology for her fallen friend to the lady in the apartment below them, sure she got to hear Steve practicing his songs every now and then which was a blessing, but she also now had to deal with his pathetic puppy crush as well.
Sorry two (definitely not house-trained) poodle owning lady, Robin sent her condolences for her hearing. But only a little condolence, one of those dogs had left a steamer in the elevator and it was a tall-ass apartment block. Karma really, sweet sweet karma.
It continued because Robin had a mild gift for hunting people down on the internet, it was a skill she’d developed and honed purely to hunt down the assholes who occasionally popped up on Steve’s insta with threatening messages and dumb as shit behaviours that a best friend refused to abide by. Steve had never allowed her to do anything with the knowledge, but one day, one day, the dogs of war would be released, and she would rain fury down upon them for making him make the sad puppy eyes.
He was just a dude, sure he grew up with wealthy parents, sure he had connections since birth to help him get to where he wanted to be, but… that didn’t make him any less of a soft-ass with a genuine love of sports, and sweaters, and listening to audio books in reading nooks with mugs of coffee like some kind of pinterest mood board model.
That didn’t make him any less of an actual mother hen to several child actors and young musicians ensuring they got fair treatment, ensuring they were never taken advantage of by the industry or the people around them.
It continued because within an hour of sleuthing, Robin poked her head back around from Steve’s guest room (read: Robin’s second home), and proudly announced “Found him!” As loud as she could to get over the cover of the final boss battle from Banjo and Kazooie that Steve absolutely did not recognise but was clearly vibing to.
“Found who?”
“Your mystery hater! He’s a—”
“Robin!! You can’t dox people!!”
“I’m not doxing him, I’m telling you exactly where he is so you can go confront him.”
“That is exactly what doxing is. How did you even find him?!”
“Dumbass posted a pic of a newspaper article that his friend wrote, which, uhm, that’s pretty cool I guess, but it had her name on it! All I had to do was search LinkedIn for her and boom, I gottem.”
“…Okay so he’s basically asking to be found is what you’re saying right now.”
“EXACTLY, can we go? Can we? I wanna see him squirm like a little bitch baby when you turn up to confront him.”
“All you’ll see is my pathetic attempts to flirt with him because I don’t know how I’d be anything but pathetic around him I mean have you seen his hands? Do you remember the Hemsworth incident? Do you remember the Hemsworth incident, Robin?” The incident in question involving a low doorway and a concussion that left him delirious in the fantastic arms of the God of Thunder.
“Do I remember you acting like a drunk school girl with her first crush around a guy with biceps bigger than your head? Yes. Yes I do. It was hilarious and you gained a handsome Aussie as a life-long friend out of that pathetic display—"
“I was concussed.”
“Drunk school girl. That doesn’t mean you can’t manage to charm a little bitch from Indiana, we’re from Indiana, we have common ground, you can bond with him!”
“Oh, because being born within the same state makes for such a conversation starter… should we really go?” Would that be stupid? Would that be crossing a line? Would that be absolutely batshit insane?
“For true love—" and champagne in First-Class "I think we should.”
Part 3
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dogboytim · 10 months
Hi, so this will be really embarrassing if I’m the only one who withs this, but Thomas Hewitt has a huge dump truck back there, and personally I am very much a butt girl. If you have a juicy booty. Lawd 🛐🛐 (respectfully)
Anyway now for my request, imagine slapping Thomas’s juicy booty but like not in a mean way more playful, like him just walking by then, WHACK ✋.
Sorry if that’s weird I had to get it out
Good day :)
Sorry this took so long!! This probably isn’t my best but I’ve been working nonstop 😭
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First thing’s first, Thomas isn’t really used to any physical affection
Like, all the physical touch he has received wasn’t the best
You spanking him was definitely strange for starters
It had been a while since you first moved in to the Hewitt household. You had originally planned to just breeze through the town but your truck had ran out of gas. You ended up meeting Thomas and the rest is history.
Your husband would do anything for you. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone if they so much as looked at you funny. Thankfully, Thomas understood how you felt about killing but he was also grateful that you understood that it was his familys’ means of survival. They had to kill in order to eat. Luda Mae and Hoyt sure as hell weren’t driving all the way to the big cities just to shop.
You had just gotten back from shopping. You were in the kitchen preparing some potato soup. Thomas loved your potato soup. Speaking of your husband, you could see him clearly from the kitchen window. He was out helping Hoyt set the bear traps. You had caught him at a good time too. The way those jeans hugged his ass when he bent over was enough to make your mouth water. Damn how’d you get so lucky.
Your eyes occasionally stole glances at him, trying to catch a nice view of his ass every time. Sadly, they had just finished setting the last one up which meant they would come inside to cool off. “Lucky me.” You grinned.
You fiend innocence when your husband walked past you. He was making his way to the fridge when SMACK.
He immediately jolted up, turning to look at you with wide eyes. Had you just smacked his ass? He looked confused and it only got worse when you laughed.
“Maybe don’t walk around with such a fat ass and I won’t smack it.” You teased, returning your focus to your soup.
Oh you were so gonna get it later.
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So i had this idea of hualianxreader that is very quiet and shy but also touch starved,constantly needs to be touching Xie Lian or Hua Cheng,whether they hold hands or hug,but they're very shy or quiet so some people tend to try and bully them or get annoyed with them
Hold on to Me
Hua Cheng x Reader x Xie Lian
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Big ass gif y'all.
Sorry it took so long but I'm here 🙏🙏
You're shy and quiet, rarely ever apart from Xie Lian's and Hua Cheng's side. Often, people think you're mute.
They love you anyways, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng love you dearly and they're happy to be in a relationship with you.
You're always with one of both of them. Constantly.
If you can't be found with Xie Lian you're with Hua Cheng.
Holding his hands as you stroll through ghost city, or in paradise manor clinging to him while you're in his lap.
If he has to deal with certain matters like enemies or something? You're still there holding onto him the whole time.
Hua Cheng enjoys it, he was apprehensive to touch you or Xie Lian at all because he thinks that he's disgusting.
But it feels good to be clung too, to be needed.
He loves to hold your hand or wrap his arm around your hip when you guys walk around
He loves when you settle into his lap like a cat, if he's doing calligraphy lessons.
He loves when he gets to wrap his arms around you in bed and when you try to snuggle so close to him, that you look like you're trying to be ike with him.
When he can't be by you though, you're with Xie Lian
You cling to him just as much. Holding his hands when you guys walk around the heavens, or go on mission.
When he's in the kitchen, cooking and you hug him from behind. Insisting to be with him through every step of the way.
At the end of the day when the two of you wrap up in each other's limbs and your face tucks into his neck.
He enjoys it too.
When both of them are with you, you can't pick one, so you choose both. You hold both of their hands and cling to both of them.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng don't mind your silence, they'll fill it. They love talking to you and you love to listen.
Sometimes you'll speak up and talk, when that happens they don't dare speak. It's not often you talk and they want to hear your voice when they can.
When it comes to other people, you seem mute though. You don't talk at all or barely spare them a glance. That's because you're shy, you can't meet their eyes.
Other people think you're a snob because of this.
In ghost city you're safe. No one would dare touch you. They also know you're just quiet and shy. They care very much about their Chengzhu and his lovers. The ghosts adore you
In the heavens it's different.
You're surrounded by stuck up officials who think they're better than everyone else. They think they deserve the attention, they think they deserve your words.
It's often that heavenly officials get annoyed with you or even try to pick on you.
It never gets far though.
For starters they would have to be very brave to do so, and second, it's very rare to see you without Xie Lian or Hua Cheng.
If these two things don't stop someone from being a prick to you though. It's like their name gets out on a black list.
Because once your lovers find out it's over
You always take it, but they somehow find out anyways. It's like Xie Lian has eyes everywhere
That's because he does
He has plenty of friends in the heavens, even though plenty of people don't like him either.
His friends adore you too so of course they would tell Xie Lian if something happens.
Shi Qingxuan, Pei Ming, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, Prince Tai Hua.
The list is endless here, they all have their eyes on you whether you know it or not.
So you never have to deal with the bullying for very long. For "whatever reason" officials start to avoid you pretty quick.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng will always take care of you and love you no matter how clingy you are. They love you dearly and you have the best lovers ever.☺️
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lilgantsu · 5 months
Help I'm stuck!
Author's note: it's been years since i wrote something again! Sorry if its all over the place. Enjoy!
pervert!stepbro!simon x bimbo!stepsis!reader
Simon is home from deployment he just could not help but still visit you.
Then he saw you, ass up in the air, wearing a cute little sundress, a thong that barely covers your pussy. You're stuck in between your queen size lift up bed.
"Help me! Is some home? Mom?"
"Its me sweet cheeks"
You let out a gasp trying to cover some kind of decency you have left.
"How long have you been standing there! Please help me I'm stuck"
Ghost knelt down, and rubbed your ass making your hands fall down on you sides to support your weight.
"I will, don't worry" spreading you ass and pussy wide. Your pussy tightening on nothing, already dripping. Earning a moan from you and absent minded wiggling your ass a little bit grazing his crotch.
"You can't do that, you're my brother!" Wiggling your ass some more, attempting to remove his hands away
"Well how am I supposed to help you, if I can't touch you" Slapping and fondling your ass lightly. The slight fondly and teasing is making you really wet. Its been a long time since someone played and teased you like this.
"I'll get you out promise"
He tugged the front of your dress, "trying" to pull you out but in the process making you spill your tits.
"Pull baby" you tried to pull yourself off but greeted with Ghost's crotch. Humping your barely clothed pussy. And that left a wet spot in his khaki pants. His hands left the dress and grabbed your tits, on his other hand rested on the mound of your pussy curling his fingers a little bit, scratching and teasing your swollen clit.
At this point you can't thinks straight, his hands are all over you, teasing you nipples with his fingers rubbing them back and forth, the with his nail earning more moans from you. His other hand grabbed the back of your soaked underwear and pulling it up, stretching the fabric making it rub on your swollen clit every time you move.
"Please, don't, stop"
"What are you trying to say baby please dont, stop or dont stop? And for someone who's trying to stop me, you sure are enjoying this, rocking your hips like a damn dog" pulling your nipples harder making you yelp a little bit.
He just love to tease you. Ghost moved your soaked panties to the side, his fingers playing with your pussy playing with your folds and clit. "All this for me baby" inserting his fingers in your pussy. "Holy shit baby listen to this" curling his fingers making squelching sounds. Rubbing your inside toying your g-spot now.
"Si something is coming please stop! I'm gonna pee." Your hips are now shamelessly rocking back and fort. His other fingers went in and abused your little clit some more, he pulled his mask up for a moment and he spit on our ass, then his mouth went in and lick your ass to you pussy.
"Let it out baby" making your legs shake and squirt all over your floors, "oh fuck baby" his hands never leaving your g-spot and clit. "If you can see my face right now baby its soaked, come on baby ride my face"
"Si please" bucking your hips to ride his fingers and face his nose bumping on your ass making you feel so dirty but also slutty. Humping you step brother's face and soaking him with you juices.
He took pity at your state, lifted up the bed and carried you, and throwing you on it not caring if the pillows goes disarray. Ghost unzipped his pants, grabbed a pillow and put it under your hips.
You might have blacked out for bit, the next thing you know something big is entering you. That sweet delicious feeling the first time feeling a cock enters you. You can't help but moan and grabbed his face and kissed him. Smearing your juices on you face. The kiss was dirty hurried and slutty.
Then ghost starter to thrust his hips, the thrust was so good it made you crossed your eyes a little bit. But you're still trying to cover yourself buy trying to cover you tits with you arms and closing your eyes.
Ghost clicks his tongue grabbing you hands above your head, locking you in place leaving you more exposed, your tits bouncing from the hard and slow thrust he's giving you. "Look at me, I'll stop if you close your eyes baby"
You tried so hard to maintain the eye contact, you're a moaning mess when it come to Simon. You wanted to please him for so long, trying to earn his approval but you're always end up making a fool of yourself.
"Shit baby I'm close, your pussy feels so good, c'mon baby tighten that pussy for me, you're my good girl right" rubbing your clit again. Bringing you so close to the edge again. "Oh is my little baby gonna come again? Make a mess for me"
After you came for the 2nd time, Ghost pulled out and jacked off, cumming on you stomach making a mess out of you again. Ghost was panting so hard but he pulled your panties off you. Cleaned off his cum with it, wiping your tummy, and the top of your pussy and something shocking was entering you pussy again.
He was stuffing you with your panties! The process was slow he's taking his time stuffing your panties in you leaving just a little bit of portion hanging out. You're looking at him dumbfounded and horny again.
"Keep you panties here okay" straightening your dress. Helping you to stand up.
"Bend over for me princess" you bend down on your hands to your bed you know ghost can see your bare pussy stuffed with soiled panties.
"Good girl"
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 5)
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Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Strained relationships, friendship starters, piercings, awkward truths. Slow Burn.
Summary: Relationships are weird. And truth isn't always kind. At least, you might have a friend.
(Might feel a bit boring, but we're building something here. 🥹)
Pt. 6
"OK. I've got one for you." —
"What's the scariest plant?" —
You almost giggled into the reply in your head. It was another ridiculous joke, silly but science-y that upon reading it on a blog, you instantly thought on sending it to Miguel.
In the meantime while he replied, if he ever did that is, you kept on working in a new project. Despite the previous client complaining initially on the low numbers on her beauty product line, the numbers were making small changes in other states, giving a glimpse of hope in the team.
Your job itself at this marketing company, Searchbloom, was to make the briefs, office automation of said briefs and of course help prepare new campaigns for approved projects and important clients  such as celebrities, big companies, influencers and anyone with enough money to afford a complete market investigation.
Your phone buzzed as you finished another brief from a client.
—Red Tide or Algae Bloom. Really bad for marine ecosystems.
You blinked and shook your head at the little fact that you'd probably forget in the next hours. The giddyness of your comeback taking over once more.
Interesting. I thought it was the BamBOO!—
—Ever thought in going out more?
Campy jokes were scratched off your list of things. You could picture in your head the reaction, dead, boring and possibly judging.
I'd need real friends for that(?) —
—Not a bad thing to be on your own, y'know?
Swallowing at the dryness of your mouth, you finished the little brief, digitally signed it and sent it to another coworker in the other side of the office cubicles.
I know. But doing things on your own isn't always fun. I mean, I'd really love to go shopping, hanging out for lunch and the like with other people.—
His eyes squinted at your words on his screen
I mean we are social beings by nature, sadly, and as much as I'd like to keep doing things on my own, the making friends fever has taken over. —
—Trust me, don't rush things. They'll come to you in the right time.
Your brows arched in surprise at what you just read and pursed your lips in a tight smile.
I mean, I could ask you to hang out but I know you are a busy man. Plus, I gotta step a bit more out of my comfort zone, ever since I got out of college feels like the right time to start making little changes, can't be socially inadept forever, I guess? —
And I'm not sure if you'd actually be interested in such things, you're a workaholic, so yeah. Sorry for the long ass message. —
He hummed and his lip curled faintly upward
You should try it as well.—
—Got enough to live by. Thanks.
You actually give these "Leave me alone" sorta vibes 🤔—
—That pretty much sums it up.
                                      I see—
Your heart gave a wobbly and doleful beat, eyes stuck in reading that sentence over and over again. You gulped laboriously the lump that had just formed in your throat.
He wasn't asking to be left alone, was he? Maybe he was actually hinting that you should leave him alone.
Oh no. No, no.
You hated assumptions. But he was pretty clear about the meaning of the message, right? Right?
Closing his chat log, you put your phone away and tried to pour yourself into work to little to no avail. Your brain felt like split in two, blooming headache biting at the back of your head. Week had just started.
You tried. You tried with all your might to keep the harrowing-thoughts at bay, but over thinking you ever old friend only made things trickier than intended. You barely wanted to look at your phone, cause what would you find there but implicit rejection? Even though the other part of you wanted to reach out, at usual.
Another cold realization. You were the one that always sparked the small and sparse conversations you had.
"... Fuck." Seeing your log of messages with him, offline, just made you cringe at how precisely you were acting and wanted to avoid be seen as. Clingy and desperate.
Gulping down, you pressed on the trash bin icon. Breath stilled for a second as you tapped on the 'Yes' confirmation button. He hadn't replied since yesterday.
Why would he anyways?
Question ghosting over your mind.
It wasn't that hard to process.
His words seemed to make sense now. The palpitations in your heart only made themselves clear further the more you thought about it.
God knows how long he had been waiting to say such things.
You grunted at your thoughts. The noise and unkind thoughts reverberating in your head, made your migraine to simmer to a higher level. You had barely slept as the whole situation was breaking piece by piece the little functionality you had left for the day.
But, tasked yourself with one thing, to not look at your phone through the day. A rather easy task since you only used it to check your little social media, watch funny things or videos that caught your interest.
The knitting and crocheting stash of videos in your gallery weren't enough to keep you distracted. So you had added a new category, city wandering for new spots. And four pm sounded like a good hour to actually start. 
And if wandering the city alone, after work to keep you busy from over thinking probable assumptions wasn't considered a hobbie, you certainly didn't know what else to call it.
So you finished work, clocked out and adventured yourself in the arts of local wanderlust. But of course traffic fucked throughly all chances of doing so. You went to the supermarket to grocery and toiletries shopping.
The situation had made you so oblivious to the fact that you needed to replace some basic stuff at home. Shampoo, toothpaste, conditioner, exfoliants.
You couldn't help but notice the coffee and grain aisle full of new products. Hazelnut lattes, cardamom and clove blends, brands you didn't even know that existed, some cheap, other expensive, and of course you took one in between. A small international sample blend.
Your card surely had died a little when you slid it to pay. Almost a houndred bucks in beauty products and another houndred and a bit more in groceries.
The groceries and toiletries were checked from the expenses list. To your little solace, Mr. Landlord was waiting for you with a man and another door.
You let them work, as you unpacked your things. At least you had a new door, a prettier yet still sturdy like the previous one.
Still, no message from Miguel.
On Wednesday you tasked yourself with the same endeavor as yesterday. Not checking your phone. The videos in your "To watch" list were boring and annoying. Political propaganda, movie recommendation spams, mysoginistic stands ups, reactions to bizarre videos.
Nothing worthy to wasting your time on your lunch break. At least you would have the chance to wander the city on your own. You had noticed some work you had slacked, finished and other projects advanced. A perk you didn't think possible in the admist of chaos.
But why would you even congratulate yourself for doing something that was expected from you?
You clocked out and once more you went to the city. This time no traffic was there to stop you. Parking in a lot, you took your tote bag and walked. Getting comfy shoes to walk after work was added as a mental note. You stopped on a sidewalk.
Streets bustled with people walking like they were probably late to an appointment, Neon signs begun flashing their lights, adorning the streets with their different colors, different sort of aromas filled in your lungs. Pee, trash, hot dogs, sweets and bakery, perfumes, cigars, gas, weed somewhere.
An overwhelming start. You walked in the bakery's direction. To your surprise when crossing the street it was just a little mobile kiosk with choux pastries. Even though the products looked esthetically pleasing, the prices on the whiteboard underneath, made you turn in the opposite direction. And just then you found your first treasure.
Tea Bar. But not a gentrified-looking tea bar with over the top foliage decor with expensive furnace that charged you for just breathing their air. More like a tavern-esthetic sort of Tea bar named Julien's Potions.
Spices, herbs, and other pastries, rested within funky shaped glass containers, the clerk was also into a sort of role-playing that added a little charm to the place. Hand carved wooden tables and chairs littered strategically the small local. Six tables max. The art on the walls was minimalistic, yet still added to the overall layout in the place.
Prices were significantly much more affordable and the little treat you got, a red berries cold brew tea and Mango muffin, we're exquisite. It gave you enough energy boost to return at the parking lot. Of course you took some pictures of the place.
You felt proud. Your first solo adventure had been wonderful.
On Thursday you had ran into a little fancy liqueur shop. Ironically as it was, alcohol and you didn't get along, but the different labels, the shape of the bottles, the year of brewing, the array of sizes and prices, the origin place, made it all too pretty for you to ignore. There were bottles that surely would  cost at least five months worth of your paycheck.
Friday was a busy day at work and of course you just went home. On Sunday you had found a well hidden treasure, a bakery. This time, you took more pictures of the different pastries you had never seen before. Petit fours intricately adorned with such precision you wondered if they had a special machine for it.
Puff creams, chocolate croissants, pain au chocolate, Buttery buns that made you salivate. It kinda brought you back to the baking school sales, your mom's peach gallete and strawberry tarts were popular, and  the only two recipes you knew by heart. The rest, long forgotten and replaced with new hobbies' knowledge.
A week and a half had been exactly gone by, and not looking at your phone had been easier than you had thought. You had discovered a few more places to add to your personal list. A crystal and esoterism shop, where you bought lavender incense. A little thift shop where you got a lovely and fashionable champagne colored trench coat. And today, you kinda wondered where you'd take yourself on a Friday evening
This time you hoped to find a knitting shop. Starting a new hobby meant to invest in it. And your cheap wools had ran out as you were learning the basics of knitting. After work, you'd park your car in a spot of the parking lot, but to your surprise it was closed early. So you drove until you'd find another, nearby the thrift shop you had found. Open 24/7.
You walked east, the bustle of the city wasn't as loud in some parts of it. You gave the thrift shop's clerk a brief smile before continuing down the street. To your surprise there was a Tattoo and Piercing studio. A.F.A.U.'s Emporium. Sid Vicious' voice reverberating through the place the closer you approached.
Your eyes widened upon seeing none other than Hobie on the front desk, organizing a bunch of guitar cords. The place was divided in two. To the left there was the tattoo artists and piercing cubicles. To the right, apparels and other handicrafts were neatly displayed before anyone that actually took the time in looking.
Walls painted in jet black, with a dim white grunge texture as a decor. Pictures of protests, famous singers that made a significant impact on society through their subversive forms of expressions were hung on the wall.
Jello Biafra, Kathleen Hanna, Patti Smith, David Vanian, to name a few, along some bands logos spray painted in some spaces.
A stark contrast with your well dressed for the system-look. Hobie arched a brow at you and chuckled.
"Got lost in the way, birdie?"
You shook your head as you kept looking around.
"I was wandering the city, actually found this place by mere coincidence. Looks pretty cool."
"You work here?"
He sneered and shook his head.
"I owe it. Me and many others, actually. I'm just the face fo' it."
"What does... AF..."
"Anti Fascist Artist United." He sniffed as his lip twitched.
Your eyebrows rose and you glanced over the piercing cubicles.
"So ya just... wander in the city and see what happens?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Cool. But dangerous."
"I never go too deep in the city just... the outsides. Don't want to fuck around to find out what's in store for me." you chuckled, Hobie followed.
He tucked his hands on his pockets and walked over you, he motioned to follow him.
"How come every time we met you turn cooler?"
He shrugged and took you to the handicrafts.
"You did them?"
"No. My work's on the other side. These are made by local artist that are involved one way or the other in tryin'to get mo' spaces for people that actually bring a change into community."
"So all of this Merch..."
"Ain't free, that fo'sure."
You giggled
"No, I mean, You just rented this place to give other people a space to offer their art and goods without charging them?"
"Nah. they do pay a small quota, meaning, they can come and clean up, organize shite. Government pays the rent, they get full profit of their thingies. Everyone's happy."
"And the tattoo part?"
He smirked and shrugged.
"Government pays the rent, so... puttin' that to good use."
Your eyes widened slightly and you just nodded.
"Might need a bit of that smart for myself."
"You gotta shape it, birdie. Anyways, what brings ya here besides, yer 'wanderlust'?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"Been wandering the city on my own to try and distract me from something that is messing me up. Just glad I found a familiar face after almost two weeks of random strangers."
"Life's a bitch, innit?"
You nodded and went through the merchandise. T shirts with trippy designs, Pottery in fruit shaped bowls, handcrafted watercolors and painting supplies and of course, knitting tools. Your grabbed a couple of  wools and paid him to take  the small bundle with you.
"So what yer' here for?"
You looked up at him and sighed
"I'm trying to make friends on my own."
"How's that going?".
You shrugged and a humorless laugh came out your mouth.
"I mean... ever since college... way even before that, actually-" You looked up and scratched your neck awkwardly when he gave you his seizing stare.
"Sorry. Don't wanna bore you with my ramblings."
"Haven't said nuffin'" He sat across you and looked at your fumbling hands. The music had died down a bit.
"Saw yer door being replaced."
"Oh yeah. I'm glad I'm not getting stuck anymore." You looked at him and chuckled.
"Do you always stare at people like you're judging their choices?"
"Yeah. Makes it funnier when they get all squeamish. Like ye."
"I'm not squeamish."
He arched an eyebrow and you both chuckled.
"Can I ask your age?"
"So ya can feel a Lil'more glum for what you might have or haven't achieved so far?"
"My thoughts exactly." you shrugged with a silent laugh.
"Ah, yeah. I can already feel the disappointment."
"A too well dressed disappointment"
"Is that why you call me... uh... runway girl?"
"No. Glam life, glam dressing, glam job. Runway sort of shite, so runway girl. Been there, done that. Not fo' me."
You didn't know whether to feel offended or laugh at his assumptions. Everyone was assuming lately.
"My life is anything but glam, Hobie. Just work enough to keep appearances. Something that my job also requires from me."
"That's why the name is perfect for ya"
"It's boring."
He pursed his pierced lips in mild derision
"Graduated uni?"
you nodded.
"Found a job of what you did study for?" Again, you nodded and sighed.
He chuckled.
"Still, you're just assuming. My life is boring. Really. One would think that working in branding companies offers you alot. But it's just another fancy way to say you're-"
"Another workforce for da capitalism?"
You chuckled and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess. And people think I actually hang out with celebrities-"
"You don't?" He snorted and you frowned
"See?! You were assuming things! And no. It's rare when I actually meet someone famous. I basically make resumes of what they want, how they want it and make it come true. And if I ever meet them means no good. And still I have to dress up like I'm interviewing someone important."
" A wish maker, then. Might call ye Fairy."
" Sounds less brash than Runway girl actually."
" So lemme get this, you graduated uni, are working on something you actually prepared yourself for, dress up like an expensive doll, but... ya wander the city alone tryin' to make friends? "
"Sounds a bit more depressing and pathetic when you put it that way." He tittered at your words.
"Sounds like you're just living by."
"Yeah. That's been a recurrent feeling, even before college."
"What do ye want?"
"Uh... what?"
"Like, yer acting like yer living the life some dream of, but have the life some hate. That leaves ye in the middle. What do ya want?"
"Right now? I'd like a hug and be told everything, at least up here" You pointed at your head, "Will be fine. But since life is a bitch, I wanna get my ears pierced actually."
His smile was satisfied.
"That's a start innit?"
"Yeah... just realized that ever since college, I... didn't get the chance to do a lot of things."
"Uni seems like the dementor of people's dreams. Even worse if it's private." You chuckled and nodded. He motioned for you to follow to the front desk.
"Both ears?"
"Nah, just my right one for the moment."
"A'ight. Pick one, it's on me."
You looked at him with excited eyes, he just smiled.
"This one. It looks soo cool and it's stylish." You went for a triple helix hoop in your upper lobe.
"Golden, silver or colored?"
"Uh... golden."
He prepared his working area. Your chest felt a bit less constricting.
The first thing you  did when coming home, besides giving Hobie a ride and greeting his mom on the hallway and getting a random invitation for afternoon tea, was to look at your new body modification on the mirror. Golden 6 mm hoops adorned your ear. You couldn't help but feel giddy and a little sore. Hobie was careful, and he was a pro at it.
Your phone had been buzzing nonstop hours ago. You made a quick dinner for yourself out of the left overs. You then took a shower and changed into your pjs, TV remote on hand, The Diary of Bridget Jones ready to play for the third time, when the notification sound dinged. You groaned.
Your thumbs padded and scrolled through the logs. Some were from the work's group chat reviewing the week's assignments, others from your social media announcing new videos for you to watch, your ex college classmates uploading new photos, and something more unexpected.
Miguel's name on the bottom of your notifications. It was almost comical how you had to rub your eyes and make a double take to confirm that it was him. He had messaged you. Your heart skipped a beat. Your thumb hovering on the unread text, like if reading it would make the room to suddenly explode.
You pressed on it and all you could do was blink almost stupidly at it's contents.
—If you're done giving me the silent treatment drop by on sunday. Need your help.
@yeyrpp2 @zaddyskye69 @gejo333 @bigbassbug @daddylorianisastateofmind @namjooningera @d1lf-loverrr @amb3rrz @xantic0101 @niyanispunk
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receival · 2 months
supernatural, seasons 1 - 5 starters.
the following is a collection of starter sentences from the cw show, supernatural.
i can’t do this alone.
where you headed?
no way i’m telling you.
i have these nightmares, and sometimes they come true.
you’re all i’ve got.
we go after this damn thing, together.
can i help you?
i kind of — i need to talk.
i’ve done some things … not good things.
there’s always forgiveness for us if we seek it.
salvation was created for sinners.
tell me what’s on your mind.
i’ve lied. a lot.
does that make me a bad person?
i know what you are.
you can’t be here.
this is hallowed ground.
maybe that works in the minor leagues, but not with me.
you’re wasting your time.
even if i did know where they were, i wouldn’t tell you.
this is everything i know.
what happened to them is not your fault.
it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem.
it’s not your problem. it’s our problem.
you got any better ideas?
this ends. now.
i’m ending it. i don’t care what it takes.
although i’m not too crazy about this new tone of yours — you’re right.
think real hard. it’ll come to you.
last time i saw you, you fell out a window.
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
this is what war looks like. it has casualties.
i’m gonna kill you, you know that?
sorry? i didn’t quite get that.
what the hell are you looking at?
who said anything about handing it over?
i want to stop losing the people i love.
i just … i just want this to be over.
did you get it?
you know this is a trap, don’t you?
don’t get yourself killed, alright? you’re no good to us dead.
it’s your fight. you finish this.
i want to thank you. for everything.
even when i couldn’t count on anyone, i could always count on you.
i wanted to let you know, just in case.
you kidding me? don’t say just in case something happens to you. i don’t want to hear that speech.
no one’s dying tonight.
i was hoping to kill more of your friends.
you know, i must admit, considering what they say about you, i thought you’d be … taller.
well aren’t you the chatty one?
i can’t believe you just shot me!
i’m so not in the mood for this.
holy water, (name). real cute.
where the hell did it go?
if you had just let me go in there, i could have ended all this.
the only thing you would have ended is your life.
you’re just willing to sacrifice yourself?
that’s not gonna happen — not as long as i’m around.
it’s not worth dying over.
no matter what we do, they’re gone. and they’re never coming back.
sometimes i barely feel like i’m holding it together.
did you really think i wouldn’t find you?
you gonna read me a story?
he begged for his life with tears in his eyes.
for your sake, i hope you’re lying.
you son of a bitch, you promised!
the things i did … it was a nightmare.
i’ll figure something out.
you’re selfish, you know that?
you don’t care about anything other than revenge.
how the hell are we gonna get in?
why are you splashing water on me?
come on. come on, we’ve got to get out of here.
(how are you?) / i’ll survive.
you saved my life back there.
i’m trying to thank you, here.
mad? i’m proud of you.
what the hell has gotten into you?
if you’re so sure, go ahead. kill me.
this was worth the wait.
two wrongs don’t make a right.
i want to know why. why’d you do it?
listen, you mind just getting this over with? ‘cause i really can’t stand the monologuing.
mask all that nasty pain, mask the truth.
you’re not my dad.
it’s inside me. i can feel it.
get back or i’ll kill you. i swear to god.
did i do this?
tell me if they’re okay!
you have to stay still.
i just need to find them.
you look good … considering.
man, tell me you can hear me.
come on, you’re the psychic.
i don’t know if we’re gonna find someone.
so, what? we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?
well you sure know something.
if there’s only one working part, that’s enough.
you got to help me.
you haven’t called a soul for help.
aren’t you gonna do anything? aren’t you even gonna say anything?
i’ve done everything you ever asked me. everything. i’ve given everything i’ve ever had.
how is revenge gonna help him?
i should have never taken you along in the first place.
you get the hell away from me. stay back!
don’t worry, (name). i’m not going anywhere.
why won’t you look at me?
what’s happening to me?
it’s just a dream, that’s all.
i got to say, i’m impressed.
it’s out of my control. it’s just fate.
you always have a choice.
god, i feel like i’m at a slumber party.
alright, (name). this isn’t gonna work.
i’ll be damned.
oh, it’s good to hear from you.
it hasn’t been the same without you, (name).
you can’t kill death.
there’s got to be a way.
thanks for not giving up on me, (name).
this was the only way i could get you to talk to me.
what the hell do you want to talk about?
death is nothing to fear.
you’re living on borrowed time already.
how stupid do you think i am?
you really want an honest answer to that?
i took you for a lot of things, but suicidally reckless wasn’t one of them.
did you really think you could trap me?
i want to make a deal.
i don’t know how to help you. but i’ll keep trying, alright?
i mean, come on, you can’t … you can’t leave me here alone.
(name), you got to hold on.
you can’t go, not now.
we were just starting to be brothers again.
can you hear me?
it’s an honorable death. a warriors death.
you’re very cute.
there’s no such thing as an honorable death.
i’m not going with you. i don’t care what you do.
how do i know this isn’t just another trick?
oh, (name), i’m offended. don’t you trust me?
so we have a deal?
what are you doing that for?
you got some kind of angel watching over you.
you really don’t remember anything?
i had some things to take care of.
why don’t i believe you right now?
can we not fight?
half the time we’re fighting, i don’t know what we’re fighting about.
i just don’t want to fight anymore, okay?
(name), are you alright?
you shouldn’t have had to say that to me.
i put too much on your shoulders.
i made you grow up too fast.
i just want you to know … i am so proud of you.
why are you saying this stuff?
you’re scaring me.
stop asking if i need anything. stop asking if i’m okay.
i’m okay. really. i promise.
come here. i’m gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. maybe we could cry, and hug, and maybe even slow dance.
don’t patronize me, (name).
what do you want me say?
aren’t you angry? don’t you want revenge?
look, don’t be stubborn. you know i can help you.
you’re not gonna hit me again are you?
look, if you don’t want my help, fine.
you didn’t think i remembered, did you?
they’re nice. they’re your friends.
i guess we’ll just have to blend in.
will you give me a little help here?
just because i’m not caring and sharing like you want me to —
these are your issues, quit dumping them on me.
am i gonna see you again?
(name), where did you learn to do all this?
i’m not alright. not at all. but neither are you.
that was beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
he’s the only one who gets to call me that.
something i said?
i can still see her, you know, the way she was.
but, hey, that was a long time ago.
truth is, i’m not handling it very well.
it just feel like there’s this hole inside of you? and it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker?
you and me? we were born to do this. it’s in our blood.
why are you even talking to me?
it’s an insult to his memory.
you can hit me all you want. it won’t change anything.
might as well put her out of her misery.
i just sharpened it, so it’s completely humane.
like i said, (name). no shades of gray.
you knew, and you just didn’t care.
i think you and i got some things to talk about.
i might be like you, i might not. but you’re the one tied up right now.
okay, i’m good now. we can go.
come on. i won’t even hit you back.
yeah, (name), but you didn’t. and that’s what matters.
you’re a pain in my ass.
i guess i might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass, then.
i don’t want to listen to you! i’m done listening to you!
it just feels like the right thing to do.
i think dad would’ve wanted you to have these.
if something evil happened there, it could have easily poisoned the ground.
well, don’t get too excited. you might pull something.
what else would it be about?
that’s perfectly normal, (name). especially with what you’re going through.
we shouldn’t even be here anymore.
you want to take another swing? go ahead. if it’ll make you feel better.
(name), where are you going?
what’s dead should stay back.
what the hell’s the matter with you?
stop it! that’s enough, okay? that’s enough!
i don’t scare easy, but you’re scaring the crap out of me!
you’re tailspinning, (name), and you refuse to talk about it, and you won’t let me help you.
i can take care of myself, thanks.
are lives are weird, man.
honey, is something bothering you?
haven’t we already talked about that?
haven’t we wasted enough time on him already?
you really think i could do something like that?
you brought me back.
you know what you did.
how could you? i loved you!
you really think this is gonna work?
it’s still me. i’m still a person.
i think she broke my hand.
you wanna stay for awhile?
i’m sorry. for the way i’ve been acting.
it’s my fault that he’s gone.
you can’t tell me there’s not a connection there.
we don’t know that, not for sure.
you’re the most important person in my life.
i never should have come back, (name).
i was dead. and i should have stayed dead.
you wanted to know how i was feeling. well, that’s it.
what could you possibly say to make that alright?
if i ran off with you, your mother might kill me.
you’re not a murderer, (name). you don’t have it in your bones.
i was upset, and i wanted to see you.
i’m sorry, baby, i’ll never leave you again.
what am i supposed to do now?
you mind your tongue with me, boy.
no one in their right mind chooses this life.
it’s my way of being close to him.
it was just a nightmare.
(name), i am trying to help you here, but you have got to be honest with me.
you asked for the truth.
can we make this quick? i’m really tired.
let’s pretend for the moment that you’re not entirely insane.
you’ve seen it, haven’t you?
what happened? talk to me.
these people are actually making deals with the damned things.
so we gotta clean up these peoples mess for them?
so, what, we should just leave them to die?
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
i was weak. i wanted to be great.
who don’t want their life to mean something?
i’m going to hell, one way or another.
you don’t really want to die.
i don’t want to die.
sit tight, alright? we’re gonna figure this out.
are you nuts?
i can buy us time to figure out something more permanent.
now allowed to say no, (name), not unless you’ve got a better idea.
we don’t have time for this.
just keep him alive.
i’m not going to put you out of your misery.
your misery is the whole point. it’s just so fun to watch.
i can’t do this anymore.
it’s all your fault.
i could have brought him back.
what the hell was that for?
shut your mouth, bitch.
it’s not the best time for a bleeding heart, (name).
what if we all have it?
it’s safer if you stay here for now.
i thought we were both going to die. you can’t hold that over me.
you can’t pull that crap with me, man.
why do we have to get stuck with all the responsibility? why can’t we live a little bit?
whatever weight you’re carrying, let me help a little bit.
you can tell me anything, you know what.
you don’t believe me.
he said that i might have to kill you.
take some responsibility for yourself, (name).
the truth is, it’s not your fault. (name), none of it is.
please, you’re in danger.
thank god you’re okay.
this has got to hurt like hell for you.
you can say a lot of stuff about me, but i’m not disloyal, and i’m not stupid.
i’m officially uncomfortable now. thank you.
well, sounds vaguely ominous.
what did you mean i looked the type?
i don’t scare that easy.
i should have found a way to save him.
you can’t save everyone.
the more people i save, the more i can change.
alright, time for bed.
if i ever turn into something i’m not … you have to kill me.
everyone around me dies.
please, you’re the only one who can do it. you have to promise me.
you have nothing to apologize for.
feels good getting back in the saddle, doesn’t it?
it had his face, but it wasn’t his face.
how’d you even know i was here?
i was chosen … for redemption.
hey, man, you’ve got to try this.
you’re enjoying that way too much, it’s kind of making me uncomfortable.
wait, there’s no such thing as unicorns?
i believe in what i can see.
i’m not enabling your sick habit.
there’s just chaos and violence, and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds.
you want me to believe in this stuff? i’m gonna need to see some hard proof.
this is vengeance. this is wrong.
men cannot be angels.
what you’re doing is not god’s will.
“thou shalt not kill”. that’s the word of god.
weren’t we gonna go to the movies?
we should go, or we’re gonna be late.
look, i said i was sorry.
are you sure you’re okay?
you’re just one person, (name).
(name), it’s me.
are you bleeding?
i tried to wash it off.
i don’t think it’s my blood.
(name), what the hell happened?
(name), i don’t … remember anything.
what did you find out?
nobody’s noticed anything unusual.
nobody saw me walking around, covered in blood?
how the hell did i get here?
what happened to me?
what if i hurt someone, or worse?
we don’t know what happened.
what’s the last thing you remember?
it just … feels familiar, you know?
please tell me you didn’t steal this.
i’m not thinking anything.
okay, now this is disturbing.
look, i just want to talk to you, that’s it, okay?
oh, do you a favor. that’s what i live for.
what’s going on with you, (name)?
i don’t know how i know, i just do.
i’d say they don’t like surprises.
should we knock?
even if you did do this, i’m sure you had a reason.
i killed him, (name).
you’ve gotta snap out of it.
you never told me this.
i didn’t want to scare you.
no one can control you but you.
you promised me.
we’re gonna figure this out, okay?
i don’t want to hurt anyone else.
i don’t want to hurt you.
whatever this is, you can fight it.
you know, i’ve tried so hard to keep you safe.
you’ll live to regret this.
how’d you find me?
that looks like it hurt.
just had a run - in with a hot stove.
you’re really carrying a torch for him, aren’t you?
romance — that’s just out of the question.
i’m not trying to hurt you, (name).
i’m telling you because i care.
i care about you a lot.
maybe you should leave.
it didn’t have to be this way.
you’re not (name).
you really don’t know the truth, do you?
he put him out of his misery like a sick dog.
why are you doing this to me?
shoot me.
are you that scared of being alone?
that’s holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!
i got lots of names.
why didn’t you kill me? you had a dozen chances.
would you give me two minutes to patch you up?
how did you know he was possessed?
i know demons lie, but do they ever tell the truth, too?
i’m part of this now.
this is my fight. i’m not getting your blood on my hands.
so, what bring you?
well, it’s good to see you.
don’t try to con a con man.
(name), back from the dead. getting to be a regular thing for you, isn’t it?
how about i smack that smartass out of your mouth?
careful, now. wouldn’t want to bruise this fine packaging.
oh, don’t worry, this isn’t gonna hurt you much.
feel like talking now?
i’ll make him bite off his tongue.
you’re not getting (name), you understand?
i’m gonna kill every one of you first.
i don’t give a rats ass about the master plan.
this isn’t going like i pictured.
you know when people want to describe the worst possible thing, they say it’s like hell? there’s a reason for that.
hell is a prison made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. and you sent me back there.
whatever i do to you, it’s nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it?
they’d have been better off without you.
by the way, you really look like crap, (name).
you wouldn’t know anything about that?
that sounds vaguely dirty, but, uh, thanks.
you okay? (name)? is that you in there?
i watched myself kill (name) with my own two hands. i saw the light go out in his eyes.
it must have been awful.
it wasn’t you.
if it’s the last thing i do, i’m gonna save you.
dude, that’s not how it happened!
sorry, i just … i can’t even concentrate.
if you wouldn’t mind, just give five minutes.
you brave little solider.
thanks, thanks for the hug, but, uh — i’m okay.
what are you talking about? i’m a joy to be around.
okay, that is just nasty.
looks to me like something was hungry.
i have had it up to here with you.
then you know that i can’t keep letting you hurt people.
come on! those people got what’s coming to them.
i don’t think i can let you do that.
i don’t want to hurt you. and i know that i can.
like i said, i liked you. but you shouldn’t have come alone.
you wanna see a real trick?
could we please just leave?
okay, so we’re taking the scenic route.
stop. i’m mad at you.
hey, you love me.
you’re a jerk.
i’m so sorry. i didn’t see you there.
you’ve got to help me.
we should get somewhere safe first.
what the hell just happened?
don’t worry, (name), everything’s going to be alright.
you’re serious about this, aren’t you?
just take it easy, alright?
something happened to them. something they couldn’t control.
i sure as hell ain’t making apologies for them.
we’re all just scared of the unknown.
the only thing i’m scared of is losing (name).
i have to see him again. i have to.
i don’t like keeping her in the dark.
i know you feel guilty, but let’s just stick to the plan.
what aren’t you telling me?
don’t what? don’t tell me because i’ll mess up your hunt?
whatever it is, tell me, please.
you’re like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness.
what did you do to him?
you should worry about yourself.
i didn’t do anything to you.
hurting me won’t bring her back.
all i got left’s hurting you.
what am i supposed to do?
this isn’t working at all, is it?
i’ll see you in the morning.
maybe we should talk privately.
god, i am so stupid.
well, i guess neither of us are who we said we were, huh?
i don’t remember anything,
is there something else we can try to make it go away?
i’m sorry. i am.
stop it. don’t talk like that.
i don’t want to hurt anyone else. i don’t want to hurt you.
i can’t do it myself.
i need you to help me.
i don’t want to die.
we don’t have a chance.
i am getting out of here right now.
no, come on, we’ve got to work.
i - i don’t really know what i’m doing.
isn’t that kind of cruel? messing with their heads like that?
hey, i just play the part. i don’t write the script.
i’m very glad that you’re, you know, alive and well.
you won’t get rid of me that easy.
i’m sorry, what were you saying?
raising these spirits from the dead? making them murder for you? that’s playing with fire, (name).
you know what, you’re right, i don’t understand.
i’ve got nothing against you. you’ve got no part in this. please, just leave.
i cannot believe there’s an afterlife.
there’s an afterlife alright — but mostly it’s a pain in the ass.
i wouldn’t have done that if i were you.
they’re not gonna be very happy with you.
would have hated to have gotten thrown in here.
hey, you feel that?
you telling me you didn’t see that?
i think i’m adorable.
we’re not quite done here.
this is, without a doubt, the dumbest and craziest thing we’ve ever done. and that’s in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy.
i’m not thrilled about this, either.
do yourself a favor: don’t talk.
i want to handle this alone.
i can’t thank you enough for this.
oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes.
i am the last person on planet earth you want to screw with.
what are you doing up?
oh, you can’t sleep, huh?
(are you alright?) / i don’t know.
honey, you’re scaring me.
just tell me what’s going on.
forget it. i’m just happy to see you.
i guess i was wrong.
are you sure you’re alright?
get some rest. i love you.
you been drinking?
i’m really glad you’re happy.
i get it. why i chose you.
why do we have to sacrifice everything?
that was so easy, i’m embarrassed for you.
i’m sorry that we don’t get along. and i wish to hell i could stay and fix it, but i’ve got to do this.
you’re just gonna slow me down.
this is dangerous, and you could get hurt.
look, whatever stupid thing you’re about to do, you’re not doing it alone, and that’s that.
i don’t understand. why are you doing this?
you don’t want to do that.
yeah, i can see that it’s blood, (name). what the hell’s it doing in here?
there are things out there in the dark.
i’m just trying to help you out, (name).
why don’t you just sit tight and try not to get us both killed.
there’s nothing here, (name).
stick behind me and keep your mouth shut.
this is real? you’re not crazy?
why’d you have to keep digging?
put the knife down, (name).
you’re not real. none of it is.
why is it our job to save everyone? haven’t we done enough?
are you lost?
still doesn’t tell us where we are.
i feel like i’m in a nightmare, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
you said we were chosen for a reason! that is not chosen, that’s … killed!
i don’t think god has much to do with this.
hey, look at me, it’s not even that bad.
hey, listen to me, we’re gonna patch you up, okay? gonna be good as new.
i’m gonna take care of you. i got you. that’s my job, right?
you should eat something.
i hate to bring this up, i really do. but don’t you think it’s time we … bury (name)?
i’m not going anywhere.
i just don’t think you should be alone, that’s all.
you don’t think i’ve given enough? you don’t think i’ve paid enough? i’m done with it.
i should send you straight back to hell.
you’re like a … puppy. you’re just too fun to play with.
i swear i’m gonna tear that son of a bitch apart.
i did what you asked. now what?
that was pretty cold, wasn’t it?
you of all people should know that what’s dead should stay dead.
i knew i kept you alive for some reason.
can we celebrate for a minute?
(name), tell me the truth.
you shouldn’t have done that.
don’t get mad at me. don’t do that. i had to. i had to look out for you, that’s my job.
you saved my life over and over. you sacrifice everything for me. don’t you think i should do the same for you?
there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you.
i don’t care what it takes. i’m gonna get you out of this.
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goodnightmemes · 4 months
❛ Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all. ❜
❛ Make sure you got a round in the chamber and your safety off. ❜
❛ Son of a bitch shot me. You believe that? ❜
❛ Look, I ask and you answer. It's common courtesy, right? ❜
❛ Get away from the windows. ❜
❛ Conserve your ammo. Goes faster than you think. Especially at target practice. ❜
❛ There are others. It's not just us. ❜
❛ Folks got no idea what they're getting into. ❜
❛ We are surviving here. We are day to day. ❜
❛ Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here. ❜
❛ Have you been listening? You're running out of time. ❜
❛ Yeah, whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass. ❜
❛ You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like it's the O.K. Corral. ❜
❛ You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens. ❜
❛ Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Only common sense. ❜
❛ We survive this by pulling together, not apart. ❜
❛ If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold. ❜
❛ You can't leave me. You can't leave me here. Not like this. ❜
❛ At least somebody's having a good day. ❜
❛ Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short. ❜
❛ Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you? ❜
❛ So that's it, huh? You're just gonna walk off? Just to hell with everybody else? ❜
❛ You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that. ❜
❛ The world ended. Didn't you get the memo? ❜
❛ Toughest asshole I ever met. Feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails. ❜
❛ They're not gonna say it so I will. You're scaring people. ❜
❛ Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much. ❜
❛ There ain't nothing gonna stop him from getting back here to you, I promise you that. ❜
❛ One wrong move, you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know. ❜
❛ You come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood. ❜
❛ Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. ❜
❛ What life I have I owe to him. ❜
❛ I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation. ❜
❛ You're the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met. We walked in there ready to kill every last one of you. ❜
❛ The people we've encountered since things fell apart, the worst kind… plunderers, the kind that take by force. ❜
❛ Guess the world changed. ❜
❛ The people here, they all look to me now. I don't even know why. ❜
❛ Hell with them people. Wouldn't piss on them if their heads were on fire. ❜
❛ Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while. ❜
❛ Time…it's important to keep track, isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think? ❜
❛ Do not enter the city. It belongs to the dead now. ❜
❛ I know how the safety works. ❜
❛ We start down that road, where do we draw the line? ❜
❛ Someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem! ❜
❛ We don't kill the living. ❜
❛ I'm sorry for not ever being there. I always thought there'd be more time. I'm here now. ❜
❛ These people need to know who the hell's in charge here, what the rules are. ❜
❛ There are no rules. ❜
❛ We need time to mourn and we need to bury our dead. It's what people do. ❜
❛ I won't leave again. I promise you that. Not for anything. ❜
❛ You save a grave for me? ❜
❛ It's not about what you want. That sound you hear, that's God laughing while you make plans. ❜
❛ We can't stay here. We both know that. ❜
❛ The most important thing here is we need to stay together. ❜
❛ You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back. ❜
❛ Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. ❜
❛ The fever… You've been delirious more often than not. ❜
❛ We can't be here, this close to the city after dark. ❜
❛ You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed. ❜
❛ You know, it's over. There's nothing left. ❜
❛ You don't know what it's like out there. You may think you do, but you don't. ❜
❛ We don't have to be afraid anymore. We're safe here. ❜
❛ I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is. ❜
❛ What's wrong with him? Seriously, is he nuts, medicated, what? ❜
❛ I did the best I could in the time that I had. I hope you'd be proud of that. ❜
❛ We always think there's gonna be more time. ❜
❛ You should've left well enough alone. It would've been so much easier. ❜
❛ I had to keep hope alive, didn't I? ❜
❛ There is no hope. There never was. ❜
❛ What part of "everything is gone" do you not understand? ❜
❛ There's your chance. Take it. ❜
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