#lomve lomve lomve adore adore adore even
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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Literally you get me fr
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 years
She laughs as she drowns Racoony in said belly rubs, flopping down to lay beside him after a while, cheeks pink from all the running
“You made me dizzy!” She exclaims, raising her arms and flopping them back down with continued giggles “You didn’t even get your apple yet!”
Raccoony snuffles into the bag and pulls out the apple. They hand it to Odie with an adorable stare from their beady, yet lomve-filled, eyes.
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firebird-inkheart · 3 years
At the tail end of a dream I was having I was participating in some contest and Hancock showed up just to tell me about an ongoing fantasy love story about us that she had been writing and Y’ALL
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I’m so smitten for this woman 
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jack-owo-valentine · 2 years
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empyreanwritings · 3 years
🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Can I get a lil YeleNat like they're tough scary mob boss but they'll do silly things with me (Im thinking about playing in a ball pit but whatever you like is good😌) thank you and lomve you💖
A/N: i love you but ball pits give my germaphobic ass hives just thinking about them, but this is still just as silly as you like! x
You stopped in your tracks, tugging Nat and Yelena’s hands back so they would stop as well. They looked over at you, but your gaze was fixated on the colorful sign above you. Build-A-Bear. 
You always wanted to go to Build-A-Bear as a child, but your parents didn’t have the money. No one could justify spending more than fifty dollars on a bear that they believed you would outgrow. And then, you couldn’t argue over the face you could never outgrow any of your stuffed animals. You were far too sentimental for that. 
Yelena glanced over at Nat, who simply shrugged. She didn’t know what the big deal was either. 
“Can we go make our own bear?” You asked with a smile. “They have finally have the Animal Crossing ones in stock.” 
Nat’s brows pinched in the middle, and you could already hear the excuses in her head on why she didn’t want to do that. If their rivals heard about this, they’d never live it down. But Yelena nudged her side with her elbow and gestured over to the adorable expression you had on your face. You seemed so excited to do this with them. 
“Do you want us to make one for ourselves too?” Nat hoped you would say no, but you nodded with so much excitement, her heart fluttered. “Okay, we can do that.” 
Yelena glanced around the store. “You can make them smell like fruits too?!”
The two of you raced off to look at the scents before you even picked a bear out, and Nat chuckled. Somehow she was dating two of the biggest children in the universe, which really said something because she thought that title belonged to Sam and Bucky. 
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plusonetm · 4 years
today I offer you
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a random shindeku child I did once. I DOTN even have a name for them
They're adorable i'm lomve them
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Horror AU Skeletons and Their Reactions to Physical Affections
horrortale sans is really unsused to physical affection. even before the famine, he didnt frequently experience it. so on the surface, hes shocked when you give it to him. also gets super flustered by it. hold his hand? cuddle him? you got a heckin’ blushy skellie boy. like the others, he’ll take a while to get used to it but he lomves it
horrortale pap is pretty comfortable with affection. it doesnt super fluster him like mars, but he still really loves it <3 he has trouble loving himself sometimes and the affection helps with that. it makes him feel like a better person who deserves it loves cuddles the most, and draping himself over you during them
horrorfell sans wouldnt like affection at all after theyre first freed from the underground. it takes many years before hes comfortable with physical affection and contact. but after hes used to it, he loves it... hes very cuddly when you get to know him
horrorfell pap would be more relaxed than his non-horror counterpart. so when it comes to hugging him, hes still spiky and vaguely uncomfortable, but... after a couple months of stiff physical affection, he gets so used to it and so torn up about it that he just,, starts crying. hes needed this kind of love for a long time, but has never gotten it,,
horrorswap papyrus would be fine with a little physical affection, but he might be kind of stiff and unsure when it happens. he got plenty of brotherly affection from blue, but its different with his human... its more intimate than anything hes used to. his favorite affection is hand holding,,, it makes him happy and feel close to you, but its also not too overwhelming for him. hed also like sleeping near each other when he gets used to it; your presence is comforting
horrorswap sans likes physical affection but he might go a bit overboard with it. not smothering you with it, he just doesnt know his own strength so his hugs and cuddles may be a little too tight. he'll ease up on it, though, if you tell him so. he didnt know it mightve made you uncomfortable. likes affection a lot, its grounding for him
horrorswapfell pap would love affection and cuddles. he adores snuggling and hugging his human <3 its delightful.. pap’s probably really clingy with the cuddles. he doesnt want it to end but he also doesnt want to drape over them too much for fear theyd get mad at him...
horrorswapfell sans would be really unused to hugs... they leave him on edge, and he almost perceives it as danger. like the other one is trying to entrap and disarm him to harm him. its a slow and long adjustment period for him to get used to affection, but after a few years he wont be so prickly about it and even enjoy it... its a wonderful bonus for him to see how happy it makes you
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lynxalon · 4 years
wait !! a couple of days ago u rb that thing asking ppl to send u idols and u would name ur 3 fav things abt them and u mentioned ur ult and i meant to ask ur top 3 things abt them and then Forgot but !! if u still wanna i am curious as to what ur top 3 things abt them are !! i also feel kinda bad for not knowing who it is ! :/
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg My heart just fucking parkoured or something 😂
Kim Taehyung is my ult! Since BTS was my first kpop group, they've been my ult group ever since. And Tae was the first my eyes landed on and since then, he's remained my ult. He means a lot to me, and I've learned so much about myself because of him, so here's a list of 3 (or more!) of my fave things about TaeTae!!!
1. Family oriented. I cannot help but love how family oriented he is. I can't relate, because my family sucks and so I'm pretty detached from all of that, but he really loves his family. He'd win prizes at variety shows (when they did that) and save them for his parents, he loves kids and would be sucha kind and comforting father, and of course the way he loved his grandmother. That last one I have to bring up, because it kinda shocked me how impacted he was by her death. Back then, I couldn't imagine shedding a tear for some of my grandparents. It really made me reevaluate how I thought about my family and grandparents. Now, I care more for my nana and papaw. Like I said, I was reaaaally detached from any sense of family. Tae is so loving and giving, and I seriously hope he will find/has found someone who he can love and who can love him wholeheartedly.
2. Humor. I absolutely love Tae's humor. He can make jokes with such a serious face, which makes it even funnier! For example, when asked what his favorite lyric from their (BTS') songs was, he said with a straight face 'set it on fire bow wow wow.' There are so many other examples of how funny he is, but I'm gonna limit myself or this would be veeeeeery long 😅
2.1. His acting. I love him??? I love that him and Jimin will randomly reenact or make up scenes and just. Act them out? And the other members either go about what they're doing or look like their three seconds away from being like, 'Right in front of my salad?' I'm hoping he'll get another drama role, because man. I'd love to see more of his acting. I also love that he uses this to his advantage 😂 Idk if you've seen any Run eps, but Run!BTS is wiiiiild. They fight over gift cards and food as if they aren't wearing accessories and clothes more expensive than cars (*ahem* J-Hope wearing an 80,000$ watch in front of a 70,000$ car...) One of my favorite things is when Tae very casually convinces the others that he's not up to anything, and they always believe him no matter how many times he does this XD Like that one Run! ep where they had to get stickers or something onto the other members backs, and Tae went up to Jimin and pretended to help him fix the thing on his back while places so many stickers on and... Jimin just let him. He even said something along the lines of 'I trust you so I'm showing you my back' and 'Thank you for helping me.' Like... Bruuuuuh it's cute that you trust Tae but 👀 he had an agenda 😂😂😂 the end, when Jimin found out, was so fucking funny. Tae really played his soulmate like that lmao
2.2 And! How you can always trust him to show how the group entirely is feeling. Like in interviews and stuff. Tae absolutely doesn't mess around. He's very true to himself, and doesn't put up with stupid questions. He doesn't like people who are clearly clout chasers and people who use BTS' name and pretend they love them but. Often times they're just racist and using BTS for followers. It sucks, because ARMY don't want to hype up someone who's using BTS' name, so we kinda all look to Tae at this point. Any good (or even decent) interviewer will be able to get Tae engaged in the interview and smiling. Gosh, a recent interviewer called ARMY insane and the members reactions to that... We're BTS' everything just as they are ours. Calling us insane is the quickest way to BTS' shit list. But, I just think it's really nice be able to gave the group's overall mood through Tae. He can gauge a person's bad vibes reaaaal quick lmao 😂
3. His dancing!!! I got into BTS and kpop around... 2? 3 years ago? Anyways, it was a few months before Tear comeback on May 18th. If I ever lose all of my memories I have no doubt I'd remember that comeback date before my own birthday. That was when he officially became a part of the dance line. I always differentiate dance lines styles of dance like this: Hobi is powerful, Jimin is graceful, Jungkook is bold, and Taehyung is subtle. Tae really mastered this art of subtle movements and expressions. His Singularity performances are always different in some way; he fully expresses the lyrics and song with his movements and it's so fascinating to watch him dance. He is a dancer that continuously gets better, even when it seems like he has reached top of the mountain. Tbh it was mainly his dancing that drew me to him. I got into kpop the year after I'd had to quit dance, and at that time I'd fallen out of love with it. The way Tae dances helped rekindle my love for dance, because watching him is almost magical. I absolutely love watching him dance! He's a phenomenal dancer!!!
3.1. He's cute 😖 I have to bring this up. He is c u t e. He eats in pout and has this cute and quirky happy dance he does and he likes cuddling someone to sleep well and he drinks too much water when he's nervous and his smile is boxy like a rectangle and he has an elephant on his arm and he can't drink coffee and he is very artistic and loves to paint or draw on his clothes and adapt his fashion to suit him and he loves artwork and classical musicians and he posts blurry pictures of funny faces for ARMY and he likes photography and if we ask about Yeontan (his dog) he'll post cute pictures of Tannie and his eyes shine with love and adoration for BTS and ARMY because we're his everything. This kinda went from 'cute' to 'I lomve him and here's just a few reasons why' but that's okay XD
At first, newer ARMYs only had older content to help them learn about BTS. Each member had one characteristic that became all they were, and it became harmful and toxic. For Tae, he was the weird alien. People didn't understand him. Thankfully, these views have worn away over time, and there's newer content that helps new ARMY learn who BTS really are. But I started out seeing these views. And, honestly, I really resonated with the 'weird alien' characteristic. That was how I'd been viewed my whole life, so to see how people have come to understand him and love him as wonderful and quirky as he is really makes me happy. He's someone I really relate to and he's helped me love and express myself more.
I don't talk about him much on here, but that's mostly because what is there to say? I love him so very much, but I don't need to express that all of the time. For him it just. Is. This barely scratches the surface of how much I love him and how important he is to me. He makes me happy, so I hope he is happy often. I hope knows how loved he is. So... Yeah 😅 This definitely got longer than I intended but I wasn't kidding when I said I'd totally need more than 3 points for my favorite things about my ult bias 😂😂😂
Thank you for asking!!! And, I hope you were able to make it to the bottom of me gushing over Tae 😂 💚💚💚
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
god i love, the survivors. i know i'm a rantaro stan and all but maki and himiko and shuichi.... god they're literally my faves. i love maki so much it's not even okay anymore. i want her to Date me. and himiko is so genuinely perfect at all times i just, i adore her so much and so often. god i lomve her. fyckfhs. shuichi is babey too but im in a real maki and himiko mood. (at all times but especially now)
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
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Current placeholder for the cutest FS2 unbloomed as of yet: Nagisa Ran
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empyreanwritings · 4 years
BOO! First here's some spooky color hearts for u🧡🖤🧡🖤, and here's the spooky request: so we knew Detective didn't go treat-or-tricking with Trixie, but what if she didn't go because she's with me🥺 Like Maze offer to care for her offspring and we went on a treat-or-tricking/halloween date🥺 Thank you and lomve you🎃
"I'm a little old to be going trick-or-treating, aren't I?" Chloe laughed as you dragged her out of the house, the two of you fully decked out in costumes.
"It's a boozy trick-or-treat, Decker!" You beamed. "All of the bars are giving out free spooky shots to people who dress up. There's nothing childish about it."
She couldn't argue with you there. It had been a long time she could go out and have a little fun, and even though she had been hesitant in the beginning, she was glad she came. There was something about the way you smiled with excitement that made her stomach fill with butterflies.
Trixie adored you, which is why she was more than okay with spending her Halloween with Maze instead. She even helped you pick out your costume - the Devil. Red pantsuit with horns and all. Maze found the costume hilarious, but you couldn't figure out why.
But Chloe had been the real show stopper when she stepped out in her flowy white dress and angel wings. Your jaw practically dropped to the floor at the sight of her, and you knew you weren't the only one who felt that way. It was as if she were born to be an angel.
Her beauty was going to help you two get all the free shots, and you couldn't wait.
"Time for booze!" You shouted and headed off towards your car.
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