#lol ignore how he’s drinking alcohol in one of the photos my mom took that one
pancake-moth · 15 days
Riddle in Porto
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fuckmessier16 · 3 years
[Tw: sexual assault, self harming, mental illnesses, alcoholism......]
I always come here and just complain that im depressesed and anxious, why do i feel like that? No big reason, im lonely, and shy, and everything is too much for me to do, i cant properly study on college, because im depressed and i get anxious about....... studying, because in 2017/2018 i put a lot of effort on graduation, and then burnout, binge drinking as a cope mechanism, still studying, attempted to kill myself on the day before of the classes restart after the summer break, i tried to pretend nothing (i mean, who never tried to kill themselves, right?) And was anxious and blah blah
I mean: im shy, im too dumb for college, didnt know how to take care of myself, romanticized bad cope mechanisms and i overthink and dramatize every social contact i have
I mean, that's basically what i say here, right?
I was thinking today, i just.........
I don't know, like
When i was 5 i passed through an accident and i had 4 fingers amputaded
Once when i was 10-12 my brother (2 years older) took photos of me naked, i was asking him to stop and my parents didnt ANYTHING about it (im not sure if my brother already used to watch hentai at the time, like, full of incest, pedophile and rape)
When i was 11 a stranger touched me on the beach twice
When i was 19 my ex boyfriend ignored me asking him to stop to slap me during sex once (i like bdsm, but not on that moment). He KNEW i have problems saying "no", but that night i was "dont do that, not now.... stop... no, no no, no [safeword], yellow, stop doing that". We were A BIT drunk, and i remember he took a photo of us after the sex and my face was RED because i was CRYING (he already did something like that with an ex. I didnt broke up, we are still friends today)
One of the reasons i had poor self esteem during my teen years was because i was questioning my sexuality and i felt like a horrible human being not knowing how to talk about it to my potential partners
I mean, its not like i passed through a lot of shit, but i could complain here about sexual assault, but no, i talk about how sad i am because Possum doesnt notice me (in a normal way). I say "oh, im depressed and alcoholic, i cant find a job lol"......... i dont know
Like, actually i dont really care that much about the sexual stuff i said above. To be honest, i think (and my mom already talked about it) i have depression and social anxiety because of the accident i had as a child....
I dont even know what i want to say with this post. I guess "hey, you there, i know im a failure, but i have some reasons for that!"
"Oh, a stranger tried to touch my vagina when i was 11? Oh i dont care. But goddamn, i was SO FUCKING DEPRESSED because once in 2019 i tried to cheer my friend Thunder up (she was depressed/suicidal), she and her boyfriend invited me for a last minute menagea trois, but she got mad and they didnt talk to me again. I was guilty, so i cope self harming while masturbating haha now i get triggered when i see sexual scenes on movies (or gore) LMAO"
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inforapound · 4 years
Emboîté  Part 1
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A/N - I sat down to write a one-shot for @youbloodymadgenius‘s 400 writing celebration and I accidentally wrote 19k words of the sappiest, fluffiest modern Ivar. I love you @youbloodymadgenius. Series is pretty much done so I will post a couple of chapters a week - 6 parts total. Please see warnings.
Pairing – Ivar and Sarah     (Aethelswith)
Words – 1,500 approx 
Series Warning – explicit smut, dance industry inaccuracies, fluffy Ivar, possessive Ivar, semi-slow burn, ‘baby’ used as a term of endearment.
When our eyes met through the crowded reception, it startled me. It was the bleakness of his expression. As if he had just received bad news and his body was yet to react. I didn’t mean for my eyes to linger but I was curious. Somehow drawn. The emotion just under the surface of his face held my eyes to his and I couldn’t turn away. When he looked away first, I felt almost jarred, like someone had snapped their fingers in front of me. It was the strangest thing.
“Fuck off.”
Wincing, he leaned on his crutch, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“You would be less miserable if you sat down.” Taking a sip from his glass of vodka, Ubbe ignored Ivar’s glare, setting his drink down on the tall table in the cocktail area of the ballroom. “Just head to our seats,” he nodded toward the far side of the large room set up as if it were a fashion how. Chairs lined either side of a catwalk with a stage and podium behind.
“I wouldn’t have come if I knew it was going to be like this. What is taking so long?”
“Chill Ivar, it’s a benefit,” Ubbe said, his tone placating. “They want us liquored up before we bid.”
“It’s not too late for you to go,” Hvitserk chimed in, his eyes scouring the females in the room. “I’m surprised you even came.”
Grunting in the back of his throat, Ivar again shifted his weight on his cane, ignoring his drink on the table. “Our father left me chief controller, not you,” he glanced at Hvitserk. “And Freddie said we need charitable write-offs. Mom loved this place….”
“You mean we aren’t here because of your love of the fine arts?” Hvitserk smiled taking another drink but stopped and frowned. “Shouldn’t this be an open bar for how much these tickets cost? And... this is a two-night gig, there’s still that silent art auction thing in a few weeks at the gallery on Hereford.”
“Forget that,” Ivar sneered. “I’ll write the cheque tonight and that will be that.” Picking up his highball of dark liquor, he knocked it back, plunking the glass down onto the table.
There was no time to dissect my reaction to the striking man in a dark suit across the room. The tall, handsome Ronan Dorst approached, stopping beside me, standing so close the arm of his suit touched the skin of my shoulder. My black formal gown was not overly revealing, but I still felt a chill from the low neckline and off the shoulders cut. Looking up to him, I flashed a quick smile. Ronan’s smile was so natural, if one didn’t notice the way his eyes roamed the figures of every dancer, performer, server who passed, they would almost believe him to be a gentleman. But, I suspected differently.
“You ready to shine?”
“In truth, I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Meh,” he took a long drink, emptying half his glass. “You are used to being in front of a crowd. It’s all in fun.”
“Says the man who won’t be paraded down a stage in hopes of attracting bids for an awkward supper out with strangers. Anything for the ballet.” I groaned, fidgeting with the glass of wine in my hands. Too nervous for it to taste good.
“I will bid on you and then you won’t have to suffer through the boring dinner with the Ravenhurts. You weren’t here last year, were you?”
“No, I had just been signed.”
“They do this every year. Outbid as many as they can and then throw a large, stiff dinner party at their big house. They like to remind us, peasants, that they are the theatre’s primary donors. Relax,” he looked down, and I could feel his eyes on the skin of my chest. “I’ll rescue you.”
Comforting, I thought, taking a sip of my bitter drink. Looking over at the older couple, the man was wearing a tuxedo and his wife, a purple glittering dress that resembled a housecoat my mom used to wear. They looked sweet. And dripping with money. The entire room was dripping with money, including my charming, googly-eyed friend standing next. How much would they bid, I wondered if they saw my shitty apartment above a laundromat with a bifold door on the bathroom. My eyes skipped back to the three reserved and well-dressed men standing around a table.
“Who are those men over there not talking to anyone?”
“Where?” Ronan gawked, failing at being discreet.
“Closest to the bar.”
Straightening, he looked away, his expression sour as he took another drink. “The Lothbroks. I would suggest you not wonder over.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.”
“You are too sweet to mix with that crowd.”
“How do you know I am sweet?”
Glancing down at me he rolled his eyes, “Nice try gorgeous.”
Continuing on, he gave me no time to ask questions.
“What kind of bid are you hoping to get? I am feeling generous,” he wiggled his eyebrows looking less and less attractive the longer we talked.
“Ugh,” I grimaced. “Giovanna is lead and Nicole has an incredible following for a second.”
“You are a second.”
“Yes, but they are stars. They can work a crowd. Mikal is a legend and Jono is a straight-up peacock. They’ll bring in the money. Jono will have eyes for all the older ladies with fat diamond rings. I will be happy if someone bids, something.”
The sound of chimes came through the speakers. It was time to be displayed like a cow at auction.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we now welcome one of our two understudies. All the way from Montreal, Canada, Sarah Pearson.
Oh god, I exhaled and stepped out onto the shiny surface of the stage relieved that they were clapping.
“Sarah has been with our company for one year. She….”
Tune it out, tune it out, I chanted in my mind, attempting to focus on my breath and maintain a smile. The blaring voice of our director drolled on the details of my life like it was a shopping list. I took comfort, as always, in the blinding lights. They prevented me from trying to make out the features of the faces lining the stage, staring. It all felt like some 1950’s bullshit. The music rattled on, not as loud as her voice over the microphone and I marched forward, careful not to roll an ankle. Wouldn’t that be something?
“Dancing since the age of three and from a long line of dancers, Sarah…”
Hmm, I pressed my lips together now at the halfway point on the walk pleased she left out the details of my ex-ballerina mother now permeant-couch-dweller, chain-smoking, alcoholic. She was usually surrounded by garish glamour photos of herself in a slightly rattier apartment than mine and one that always had the choking smell of ashtrays and Chantilly talc powder. Yes, that snip-it of information would not bring in the bids.
“We will start the bidding at five hundred dollars. Five hundred!’ she immediately repeated pointing in the direction of a paddle being held up in the air.
“Fifteen hundred,” a man’s voice called from somewhere on my left and I knew immediately it was Ronan.
“Three thousand,” a woman’s voice called out and I wondered if it was Mrs. Ravenhurst in her rhinestone housecoat.
It felt as though I should look over, but I pretended to be oblivious to the figures being hurled in my direction.
“Five thousand dollars,” another man spoke, his voice sounding shaky, making me think he was another one of our more elderly patrons.
“Seven thousand dollars,” Ronan interjected, and our director, turned auctioneer, all but orgasmed over the mic.
“Eight. Thousand. Dollars,” the woman called out pointedly giving the impression she would not be rattled by little boys playing with their father’s money.
Would she keep bidding, I wondered, knowing there were still nine dancers to follow?
“Ten thousand dollars!” Ronan shouted, sounding theatrical and sparking the crowd to clap and cheer.
Rounding the end of the catwalk, I began my painfully slow trip back to the stage. The auctioneer repeating and calling, ‘ten thousand going once, twice….”
“Twenty-five thousand,” an unknown voice cut through the excitement. Instinctively, my head snapped in its direction, the lights on the stage stinging my eyes. Squinting, I looked down at the floor with a large black spot in my vision unable to see who had made the bid. Stopping at center stage, I spun and lifted my face back to the crowd with a smile, listening to the applause.
“Going once!”
Our director was truly embracing the moment.
“Going twice!”
The mallet dropped with a hollow whack.
“SOLD for twenty-five thousand dollars!”
Nice to have the value of my life confirmed with the drop of a hammer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, now THAT is how you support the ballet. Yes, give our generous donor a round of applause. Thank you so much number 24. Mr.…” hesitating she looked down at her podium as if searching a list, “ah, thank you Mr. Ivar Lothbrok.”
@youbloodymadgenius​​​​​ @naaladareia​​​​​ @whenimaunicorn​​​​​ @lol-haha-joke​​​​​ @ceridwenofwales​​​​​  @jaydelesley4​​​​​  @sweeneythots​​​​​ @squirrelacorngliterfarts​@funmadnessandbadassvikings​​​​​ @fangirl-nonsense​​​​​ @thiahilmarsdottir​​​​​ @redama​​​​​ @mdredwine​​​​​ @didiintheblog​​​​​ @yourpurplequeen​​​​​ @londongal2810​​​​​ @fields-and-fields-of-poppies​​​​​ @readsalot73​​​​​ @hexqueensupreme​​​​​ @silly-bullshit-collector​​​​​ @littlecarolina94​​​​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​​​​​  @youbelongeverywhere @blonddnamedhandz​​​ @waiting4inspiration​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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balmasedas · 5 years
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Haven't written for a while so it may be shitty. This is my first imagine here, so I hope you enjoy it! Please make me know if you do so, maybe I'll make a part 2. :')
Thank god for makeup and alcohol. People like you needed it. Well, people in your situation, you deduced, cause it wasn't part of your nature to get extremely drunk. A radical change of plans, a sudden turn in the oceanic currents —you were sure many could relate.
But, then again, how many were secretly dating a superstar? And how many had to bear their lovers being publicly, and falsely, in another relationship? A better question was: How many of them could get through it? You had done it for over almost a year now. Six months of being silent —no, muted. You were a shadow, a secret.
You had done everything you could. When Shawn had asked if it was ok, you had nodded. You knew that success was part of his dream, and if a little white lie could contribute to that, then... whatever, right? After all you hadn't gone public and it was supposed to be only for a while. Two months top.
But two months turned into three. Your pleasent smiles turned into frowns. Silence turned into screams and discussions with him that drained you completely of energy. "I'm your girlfriend.", "I'm your boyfriend and you should support me.", and yada, yada, yada.
Then Shawn wasn't living with you anymore. He was on tour and you would've been fine with it if you hadn't went through tons of pictures of him passionately kissing Camila, walking hand-to-hand literally everywhere. And you started to wonder if they were even pretending anymore.
Apparently not.
Your first therapy was to dance to music in the apartment that you shared and pretend to not worry about it, but his scent was everywhere. Memories were too hunting, thoughts were too loud and your cries were unstoppable.
A club was the second obvious choice, you decided that night.
The first half of it you were with your friends, and yet you still felt utterly lonely.
The second part, you drank it all, and you felt carelessly free. Everyone was beautiful, everyone was your friend. The lights were pretty, the music was great and you were fucking ecstatic. No Shawn Mendes.
"Two Marg–marga shit ass." you laughed at your own word game. The bartender knew you should call it a night but who was he to deny you more poison? You recieved the drink and struggled to catch the straw with your tongue.
"Here." a hand appeared from your left and helped you take the straw with your mouth. You drank a bit and looked who was the misterious assistent: A guy. He looked older than you, thought the lights and your drunkness forbid you of guessing his age with more precision. You could, though, see his mocking and handsome smile. "You're a mess."
You smirked. "I'm single." Yes, shamelessly flirt, go fuck him and make Shawn pay.
"You are?" Unfortunately, you weren't that drunk. And you went from happy drunk to sad drunk.
"No. I'm not–tsk." you pouted. "I have a boyfriend." your forehead wrinkled "I think."
"What do you mean?"
"He's a celebrity and that shit. Shawn Mendezzz? You know him?" The name rang a bell, apparently. More than it, because the man's posture completely shifted.
"Yeah." he nodded. "And don't get me wrong, you're beautiful, but you aren't his girlfriend. Unlless you're Camila Cabello." that sparked anger inside of you.
"Of courrrrrse not, shtupid!" you poked his chest. Then you proceeded to clumsily reach inside your dress, between your breasts, and took out your phone. The device read your fingerprint and you shoved it in his face. "Look!" you weren't anymore aware of what you were really doing. You just smiled proudly at the photo of you and Shawn kissing in front of a beach sunset. It was your favorite picture. One of the last ones you had taken months ago, when both of you were still happy. "Yeah, Carmela Cabitch is only a– a promo! She's fake and shit!" you went to your inbox and looked for Shawn's chat. "Here! lmao! See?" You showed him his messages, where you talked of the PR stunt, of how he promised it would all be over soon. You were too busy laughing hysterically to notice this guy taking his phone out. "I'm a fucking no one so!" you shrugged, happily. As if you had no choice. He laughed with you and asked for a round of something, that you didn't hear, but when the glass of alcohol was set in front of you, you welcomed it.
He raised his cup towards you, "Cheers for... the truth. May everyone hear it soon."
You giggled and cheered with him. "Whatever dude." you emptied your glass. And you kept drinking and drinking. The man was with you for the rest of the night. He was fun, actually. You had fun.
So much fun that you let him keep your phone until you said goodbye.
There was a buzz. An annoying and incesant buzz. You had heard it too many times for not being able to recognize it as your own phone but you were too tired to do something about it. Your face was buried in the pillow, you were spread like a starfish on the bed with one leg hanging over the side. Too comfy to move.
You groaned when you had to stretch your arm and reject the person who was calling you non-stop. You thought you had found peace for your headache finally, but the phone started vibrating again. And you were fucking done. Your reached for it and squinted your eyes for the sudden light in your eyes. You thought your sleepy state had fooled you at first and made you see things that weren't there but a few blinks confirmed what was right in front you.
Over 5K twitter notifications.
Over 1K on Instagram.
Hundreds of messages.
Dozens of missed calls from Shawn, your best friend, your mom.
You quickly sat up. You brushed the hair out of your face. You suddenly felt sick and it wasn't because of the hangover. You had a bad feeling cause that didn't happen unless something was really, really wrong.
You went to your messages. Your mom was asking if you were okay, she was worried, "it's not your fault" she stated. Your bestfriend had texted "hmu as soon as you read this.". She had also called you a few times. Then your dad and last, but not least, Shawn. You were extremely anxious. His calls and messages were the most, and he was the one you'd rejected a few minutes ago. If something was wrong, it had too do with him:
"Y/N pick up."
"R u ok?"
"How could you do this?"
"You fucked up. You fucked us all up."
"Jesus Christ, pick up!"
"What the fuck?" You murmured. Your hand went from your stomach to your mouth. You opened twitter, cause everytime something happened it was there first. 'Shawn Mendes' was trending, 'Camila' too, your fucking name was trending third and in 5th place was the word 'PR'.
You immediatly knew what it was, but how?
You started reading the tweets involving your boyfriend.
"I knew Shawmila was PR!!!1 I called it first but lol, how could Shawn's gf sell him like that. Yikes"
"Y/N was clearly jealous but how can you fucking expose your boyfriend?????? like????? You agreed to it, didn't you?"
"I know it was fake, but Shawn was better with Camila than a snake like Y/N. #Facts"
And the tweets got worst and worst, but not a million of them could prepare you to see your pictures all over twitter. Your photos kissing Shawn, him with your family. The screenshots of your texts. His and your intimacy violated by the world. The insults did nothing in comparision of the pain you felt then.
In the middle of desperation, you started wondering what did you do wrong, if anything could compromise your privacy the night before and suddenly everything came back: The man. The man stole your shit straight from your phone. You were so stupid, so drunk you didn't noticed.
Your hand went from your core to your face. You sprinted to the bathroom and emptied everything from your stomach on the toilet.
You were there for a few minutes, lying on the floor, crying, to weak to get up. Your phone started buzzing again, and you were ready to ignore it again when you remembered: "Shawn." you got up so fast you almost tripped. You put on a hoodie and pants over your pijama, went to the living room and dialed Shawn's number. You had to talk to him. You needed to explain yourself desperately.
"Please, pick up, pick up, pick up." you mumbled while searching your shoes. Suddenly, a ringing echoed in your apartment. And not any ringing, Shawn's. It was Shawn's tone for your calls.
You turned your head and there he was: Coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water. You would've jumped to his arms, it would've been normal if it wasn't for his face. You've never seen like that. You wish you never did.
"Shawn I–" you started but he stopped you midsentence.
"Had to take a flight all the way from Japan just to be here." he offered you the water and you drank it, with the pill that luckily would help with the headache. He observed you in silence. You felt little under his eyes, painfully ashamed of what was happening. You couldn't stop the tears from flowing again and sobbing with the glass still in your mouth. "Don't, please. You'll choke."
He gently took the glass away from you and you covered your face.
"I'm so sorry. I–I–"
"You what? Y/N" any hopes of discussing with calmness dissapeared when he raised his voice. You couldn't hold in your sadness and he couldn't hide hise anger. "Do you know what this means?! For all of us?!" you crossed your arms over your stomach.
"I saw it."
"You saw it? They're destroying you. Look." Shawn turned the TV on and did a quick zapping over most of the news channel. Half of them focused on Shawn and Camila's stunt, half of them focused on you. You tensed your jaw and looked at an empty point on the floor. Shawn said something else, but you couldn't focuse on his words as you recalled what started it all.
"How much more can I be destroyed?" you whispered. Shawn turned the TV off and looked at you, somewhere between concerned and taken aback.
"Yeah, you heard well. What's a bit more of pain? I mean, everybody is hating me but at least they know who I am, right?" Shawn scrubbed his face and you could practically see the words inside his mind: Not again. But weren't you telling the truth? You wouldn't be in that situation if it wasn't for the contract extending that long. If Shawn had the decency to not push you to a side, you wouldn't have gotten drunk and the secret wouldn't be out.
"We already went through this!"
"No we didn't!" you screamed. Shawn stared at you speechless "We didn't talk it out! You just avoided it, and avoided it until I wasn't part of the picture anymore." At this point your face was drenched in tears. The sobs were painful but, at the same time, you felt free. You had contain your anguish for too long.
"You know I had no choice!"
"Yes you did!" you poked his chest with anger "You had the choice of calling me, of reaching out to me! You were travelling the world with Camila and I suddenly didn't existed. The contract said you had to pretend to be with her, not stop loving me."
"I never stopped loving you, what the hell are you talking about? I kept in touch with you."
You laughed. For the first time you laughed, but it wasn't filled with joy. You were frustrated, furious. You advanced a few steps and stood before him, chest to chest.
"You bet?" you asked low "Pick up your phone, Shawn." no movement. "Pick up you god damn phone. You'll find my fucking texts, my fucking calls and only fucking me caring for us."
"I forgot to call you a few times. That. Was. It."
"That was it." you repeat, nodding with your head, as you finally understand. "Then this is it."
Shawn blinked a few times.
"What?" he mumbled. Your eyes got teary, his too. You don't have to watch it anymore as you strode to your bedroom.
You grabbed a suitcase from your closet and started throwing some clothes in it. Shawn called your name a few times and stopped at that door.
"What are you doing?" he asked. You knew his tones enough to guess that he's scared.
"Going to my mom's. We're done." you laughed and corrected yourself "I'm done."
"What? No, no, no. This isn't over. If anything I should be the one quitting, you fucked this all by selling me." you turned abruptly, but your voice wasn't strong or determined. If it was even possible, something else shattered inside of you. You knew he was affected by happened, but never did you imagined that he'd believe what they were saying.
"You really think I am capable of hurting you on purpose?" you choked out a sob. Tears started falling again.
What he didn't said was enough. You slowly nodded.
"Y/N" he murmured, when you grabbed the suitcase and passed beside him. You walked to the door and his voice, again, this time did stop you. "Y/N, stay. Let's talk. Please."
You vaguely dried the tears on your face with your hand and turned around. It took all of your strength to look at him.and talk: "I was drunk. Was it my fault? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I should've not drown myself in alcohol. But there were two people in this relationship. I tried to talk to you and you just didn't listen. You just didn't—" Shawn was crying now. His jaw was locked, his hands tugging tightly his hair. You wished you could erase that image from your head.
"Please, Y/N. Shit! I'm so sorry. We can work this out. I believe you, baby, but don't go. I beg."
You smiled with a certain nostalgia. Your memories were holding you in, hope had it's role too. But was there really hope for you both? If he really loved you, you both wouldn't be standing there. If he really loved you, he would've taken five minutes of his day to talk to you. Your heart was aching, and you've had enough. It was the fact that he evidently didn't love you that made you took a step out.
You slowly closed the door, but not before hearing his now-loud cries. "Goodbye, Shawn."
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ladyluck852 · 5 years
Winner Winner (Hanbin x Reader)
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A/N: chicken dinner. Here I go, finally writing a fic about my ultimate bias, pls enjoy I thought this was v cute. Also, the fun cousin stuff is v accurate if your cousin is like your sibling, I have one of those and I would sell him for a corn chip...
Word Count: 3.5k
Genre: fluff, meeting the parents lol
Warnings: I put on my big girl pants so there’s the usual, cussing with the addition of some suggestive content :)
Summary: Meeting his chronically nervous girlfriends parents for the first time should scare Hanbin, but it scares his girlfriend more.
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“You’re more nervous than I am. God dammit I know I should have made a move before we left the house, I think I have a bottle of tequila in my car” Hanbin fussed, not being able to watch his fidgeting girlfriend stress out without stressing himself out. He was meeting her parents for the first time, introductions long overdue by about a year and a half just because y/n could not comprehend having her parents and Hanbin in the same room. Hanbin was ready, he’d been ready like three months into the relationship, but y/n kept putting it off until her own mother yelled at her. Of course everyone thought it was hilarious, especially her cousin...
Hanbin and y/n met when Bobby decided to bring his cousin around, they were like two peas in a pod and he just wanted her to meet his best friends. Bad idea, Hanbin swept her off her feet and now Bobby was just slightly uncomfortable. Being as close as he was to the both of them, he really didn’t want to know about their personal life whatsoever, Hanbin was strictly forbidden from talking about y/n whenever he was around because he had a habit of oversharing.
“Babe, I want to leave. I don’t wanna be here” she whispered, burying her face in his chest as he tried to cover her with his jacket. He rubbed her back, her arms, played with her hair, anything to calm her down. She was always nervous and the only time she wasn’t nervous was when she was bossing him around or with Bobby, the fact that it took this long for him to meet her parents just made it worse for her.
“We’re already here. Come on, I’ll give you a massage when we get home” Hanbin said excitedly, wincing when she smacked his arm.
“A massage? You know I hate massages, is that a code word for you getting some? You’re terrible Hanbin, please don’t even mention anything like that in front of my parents” y/n groaned, ringing the doorbell as Hanbin smirked. He knew her, he knew if he acted stupid she’d go into mom mode and boss him around, get a bit of confidence. She was so cute.
“What? You don’t want you parents to know their 23 year old daughter has a private life with her boyfriend? So I shouldn’t mention that you drink either right? Or that you let me-“
“Oh, it’s you two...” Bobby muttered, grabbing y/n by her jacket and trapping her under his arm as he dragged her into the house. Y/n was whining and hitting him but to no avail, the cousin/sibling dynamic was something Hanbin would not get involved in. He just shut the door and removed his shoes, hearing yelling coming from Bobby’s mom to let the poor girl go and his poor girlfriend coughing up her lungs.
“Where’s my son in law? Gosh you’re all red what happened?” Hanbin heard a voice say, his eyes wandering all over the house as he crept through the hallway, making his way towards the kitchen, but not before taking photos of the pictures her parents had up on the wall. Lots of hilarious photos of a young Bobby and y/n in hilarious poses, bad haircuts, missing teeth. Adorable.
“Your nephew tried to choke me to death. Why is he even here? He’s so chaotic mom, why do you guys love him?” Y/n groaned, seeing Hanbin creep into the kitchen with a nervous look on his face. Everyone noticed him in an instant, he’d never felt so weird in his entire life and it was just y/n’s moms intense stare. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but suddenly she smiled and pulled him into a hug.
“Oh you’re so handsome! Wow y/n, your kids will be gorgeous”
Y/n was back to being a nervous wreck, her hands fiddling with her shirt until it was wrinkled and Bobby lent her his sweater, but not before making jokes about her nervousness. His theory was that she was probably pregnant and that’s why she couldn’t deal with the pressure, this had resulted in her chasing him around the entire house and upstairs.
Hanbin was a good boy, sitting at the dinner table waiting for his girlfriend and best friend to settle down, trying to ignore the loud thud he heard from the stairs but silently hoping it wasn’t y/n.
“Jiwon! You idiot, my ass hurts!” Y/n was whining, Hanbin peered around the corner to see both y/n and Bobby sitting on the stairs. Well it looked like they had both fallen, probably wrestling or hitting each other like idiots, y/n was hitting Bobby and that’s when Hanbin decided to stop being nosy.
“Can you two stop acting like children, your father is going to be angry if you break something” y/n’s mom hissed, sending the children to the table. Before y/n could sit next to Hanbin, Bobby occupied the space and gave her a smug look, winning one last time as she went to sit across from them.
“Father? Your dad is here?” Hanbin asked, nervous for real this time.
“Yes, yes I am. Nice to meet you, you’re the boyfriend?” Y/n’s dad said, coming into the room as Hanbin immediately got up from his chair. Bobby and y/n laughed at him, watching his interaction when he went into proper formal mode, finally seeing eye to eye when it came to making fun of her boyfriend.
“Honey you’re so sweet, y/n hates it when I cut up her meat for her” y/n’s mom cooed halfway through dinner, Hanbin had jumped out of his seat to serve his girlfriend and everyone had watched when y/n turned bright red.
“That’s because she loves-“
“Shut up Jiwon” y/n hissed, stopping her cousin before he could make a filthy joke at the table. She was finally beginning to relax, all without the aid of alcohol or five minutes alone with Hanbin, the evening was going by so well that her hands didn’t even shake when Hanbin kissed her cheek when he was done serving her.
“Before I hear about you from you, I want to hear what my daughter likes about you. Clearly you and Jiwon are good friends, but if you’re anything like him and you’re dating my daughter I’m going to be disappointed. So y/n what do you see in Hanbin exactly?” Her father asked, skeptical of the first boyfriend his daughter had brought home to meet the family. He’d been waiting for this day, and he didn’t expect to like her boyfriend but he didn’t think anything bad of Hanbin yet.
“M-me? What I like about him?” Y/n asked nervously, Hanbin watched her hands clutch her napkin and her eyes widen and he tried not to sigh out loud. Nervous y/n was not a friend to either of them, “well he’s really nice...”
“I’m sure he is” her mom said from across the table, her spot next to Bobby’s mother certified a good view of her nervous wreck of a daughter.
“He’s really helpful and smart, um...he’s a good eater,” y/n mumbled, watching Hanbin grimace slightly before Bobby started to choke. No one really caught on, Bobby was the only one who found it funny and in turn he’d begun to choke on his food like an idiot, “he likes it when I cook, oh my gosh you’re so annoying!”
“In conclusion, he really loves her whatever, Hanbin talk about yourself” Bobby muttered, wiping tears from his eyes as his cousin glared at him from across the table. Y/n had been plotting to get rid of him ever since his first comment of the night, now even more so, if she remembered correctly Bobby was dating someone and no one knew.
“Talk about myself? Or how much I love y/n? I guess I can do both, I don’t think I am a particularly good boyfriend,” Hanbin laughed, honestly speaking but making y/n stare at her plate to avoid everyone’s eyes suddenly on her, “but y/n makes me a good boyfriend. My life is chaotic, I’m always busy, I get frustrated and angry all of the time but it seems like y/n never falters no matter what. So in turn, because she’s so supportive, I’m always trying my hardest to be the type of man she feels comfortable and safe with. Even if she is crazy I’m-“
“Don’t say it” Bobby whispered under his breath, kicking Hanbin in the leg before the both of them turned to stare at each other.
“I’m crazy for her. I love her, so I hope you guys think I’m a proper fit for her, I can’t imagine a day without her” Hanbin finished, smiling cutely at y/n who was swallowing a whole cup of water.
“This chicken is really spicy” y/n said, her whole face red as she stood from the table and disappeared from sight.
“Is anyone else touched or is it just me? Hanbin I think you should go handle your woman before she uses up all the tissues while crying her eyes out” y/n’s dad said, giving Hanbin a thumbs up. It was mostly an excuse to talk about him while he was away, but Hanbin didn’t catch on as he went searching for her. He heard crying when he passed the staircase, pulling open the closet underneath the stairs and watching y/n as she stood there sobbing between the coats.
“Harry Potter are you okay?” Hanbin chuckled, closing the door behind him as he squeezed himself into the closet with her.
“You’re so sweet, my mom adores you, I’m just freaking out right now okay?” Y/n cried, not budging when Hanbin tried to hug her.
“What’s wrong my love? Why are you crying so much? You didn’t even cry this much the first time I told you I loved you” Hanbin joked, not getting a reaction out of y/n who just buried her face in his chest.
“You’re so special Hanbin, so the thought of losing you terrifies me. And I knew my parents would love you, that’s why it took me so long, I don’t want to lose you” she confessed, not seeing Hanbin’s reaction since it was so dark and her face was plastered against his chest.
“Ah, baby, sweetheart, my love, don’t be stupid. You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, what makes you think I’d ever let you go? Do I need to kiss you to make it better?” Hanbin whispered against her ear, notoriously warm hands creeping up her shirt until she jumped.
“I’m going to choke you in this closet Hanbin” she grumbled, trying to remember where she saw the pair of random shoelaces.
“And?” Hanbin snorted, finding her mouth in the dark and covering it it with his, the both of them leaning against the wall of the small closet as he slipped his hands underneath her shirt. And Bobby’s sweatshirt.
“You can’t seduce me. They’re waiting for us” y/n whined, Hanbin ignored her as her hands said otherwise, tugging at his hair while he kissed down her jaw.
“Your parents think you’re crying your eyes out, plus I think they’re talking about me so they definitely want us there. What would you do if I-“
“Are you two DONE?!”
Y/n had never moved so fast in her life, tripping over her feet to separate herself from Hanbin as the door opened and Bobby turned on the light. Hanbin pulled y/n in front of him, giving a nervous smile as he fixed her hair and clothes.
“Shut up, she was so sad and inconsolable, my poor baby” Hanbin cooed, petting y/n’s hair as Bobby rolled his eyes.
“Her dad wants to see you. I’ll give you five minutes to get rid of your problem, y/n come with me there’s cake” Bobby said, pulling y/n with him and shutting the door on Hanbin. He sighed as he stood in the dark, banging his head against the door because now he was nervous about what her dad wanted. Problem solved.
“Do you drink?” Her dad asked, his meeting room of choice was the laundry room and Hanbin stared at the clothes spinning in the washer.
“Yes but no. No?”
“Do you want to calm your nerves or are you okay?” 
Hanbin sighed, “I’m okay, just curious”
“I’ll get to the point then. Do you want to marry her?” He asked, Hanbin felt his heart beat against his chest as he rubbed at his stomach nervously.
“Um, please? I adore her” Hanbin laughed, blowing air out of his mouth as her dad nodded.
“Do you have a ring yet? Are you certain because... I don’t think it’s in your best interest to even consider breaking her heart. You know, Jiwon would kick your ass”
“Yeah,” Hanbin mumbled, “never in a million years. I want to spend my life with her, and I did buy a ring already. I don’t have it on me, I’ve been waiting to ask you for her hand for what seems like forever”
Y/n’s dad laughed, patting Hanbin on the shoulder, “she’s a special case, nervous as hell, I’m glad she likes you”
“I’m glad she likes me too”
The rest of the night went by smoothly, Hanbin had invited y/n back to the dorms with him and they gave Bobby a ride too. Hanbin was in a tremendously good mood, cracking jokes and offering to buy everyone ice cream for a movie night, sending Bobby to the store while he kissed y/n in the car.
“Someone’s in a good mood” y/n laughed, pulling away from Hanbin who looked like he had hearts in his eyes. He adored her, she was his whole world, his pretty lady.
“I just love you so much, can you blame me?” Hanbin laughed, sitting back in his seat with a smile while y/n poked his stomach.
“I love you more! Like you handled everything like an expert” y/n said, holding onto his hand and watching him smirk.
“I can handle you like an expert”
“Shut up”
When they finally got the the dorms, it was somewhat of a frenzy, Hanbin didn’t quite understand why everyone was suddenly coming to him to solve their problems but everyone freaked out even more when they saw y/n.
“Oh hey y/n, come look at this dog I saw!” Yunhyeong said, dragging y/n away as the rest of the boys seemed to be wrestling on the floor.
“What the hell is happening right now?” Hanbin groaned, heading to the kitchen to put the ice cream away while everyone followed. Bobby helped, just as skeptical as Hanbin when Donghyuk dragged Jinhwan into the room. Jinhwan looked terrified, everyone looked terrified, he was holding his arms behind his back and almost crapped himself under the heavy stare of both Hanbin and Bobby.
“W-we found the um...the ring” Jinhwan whispered, flinching when Hanbin looked entirely shocked. Mostly because they were in his room looking through his things and he had a lot of things in there, and a lot of y/n’s things as well.
“And? What the hell” Hanbin hissed, watching Bobby walk around the counter and grab Jinhwan’s arm. It took Hanbin a while to figure out what was happening, but as his eyes focused on Jinhwan’s left hand he felt a mix of emotions. The strongest one was anger, confusion as to why the hell they’d done it.
“Cut his fucking finger off,” Hanbin muttered, everyone in the room collectively losing their shit while Bobby tried to pull the ring from Jinhwan’s finger, “are you guys insane?! Do you know I was planning on proposing tonight?  She’s literally here right now!”
“It was an accident! We’ve tried everything!” Donghyuk whimpered, terrified for his life when Hanbin slammed open the fridge and grabbed the mayonnaise.
“Oh god, no” Jinhwan whined, covering his face as Hanbin dropped some onto his hand and gripped the ring, yanking hard and nearly tearing his whole finger off. Jinhwan was practically crying at the end, everyone watching Hanbin like he was a ticking time bomb as he rinsed off the ring and made sure the diamonds were free of condiments.
“Touch my shit again...I dare you” Hanbin whispered, leaving the room and finding y/n waiting patiently in the living room, “baby, wanna go somewhere?”
“Didn’t we just get here?” Y/n laughed, watching Jinhwan sulk by and knowing Hanbin was probably a little on edge and being mean to them.
“Yeah but...let’s get out of here” Hanbin shrugged, giving her a cheesy lopsided grin when she nodded. They took a walk, he bought her an ice cream cone that they shared while he told her about how much fun he had. Y/n was delighted, trying not to fight him when he ate half the ice cream in one bite, but snuggling close to his side anyways.
“It’s cold and you bought me ice cream, seems like you’re trying to get rid of me” y/n mumbled, sitting on a bench after Hanbin and draping her legs across his lap.
“The complete opposite, I swear. I just wanted to talk to you in private” Hanbin mumbled, catching her chin between his fingers and making y/n blush.
“In private? We couldn’t just go to your room. Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend? I don’t think you ever asked” y/n teased, scooting closer to kiss him while Hanbin stopped her. Uncharacteristic for him, he would never deny kisses, especially when there was no one around to see.
“Ah,” Hanbin sighed, shaking his head while his girlfriend got impatient. Hanbin was only like this when there was something important going on, it kind of scared y/n, “would you ever consider spending the rest of your life with me?”
Y/n snorted, covering her mouth with her hand, “What a question. Duh, do you want me to prove it to you?”
“How?” Hanbin mumbled, suddenly interested in her tone and losing sight of his objective.
“We can go home and I can-“
“Wait wait. No, now is not the time. Sit here I’ll be right back” Hanbin said, kissing her cheek before running off to god knows where. Hanbin sat at the next bench out of sight, trying to psych himself up to do this, he really wanted to but he also didn’t want to cry. He heard footsteps and thought it was y/n but it was really just garbage blowing in the wind across the way, a clear reminder of something Hanbin felt like without her...
“Okay, you were gone forever” y/n teased, watching Hanbin come back with a blank look on his face. She raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he was up to at all, his idea of a poker face usually was just a mean face. Y/n watched as Hanbin knelt between her legs, she glanced around the park with a blush on her cheeks and Hanbin just rolled his eyes as he held his hand out.
“Can we get married? I want to be your husband forever”
He didn’t know what he expected out of her, the crying definitely, the clinging yes, the public displays of affection were something he didn’t expect but he could only allow so much of it before he was tugging her back towards the dorms.
Bobby was eating ice cream alone in his room, missing his cousin and hoping Hanbin would bring her back soon to play video games when his phone rang. He couldn’t pause his match but knew Hanbin would explode if he didn’t answer so he did, “yes?”
“Please clear out the dorm, get them out of there, I’m on my way home”
“Does this mean she said yes?”
“Jiwon your cousin is seconds away from getting handsy with me in the elevator and I fear for my life, just get them out of the dorms”  Hanbin pleaded, sounding desperate in a way only y/n could make him. They were so annoying, now Bobby and Hanbin were going to be related. Now he had to take care of their kids.
“Fine. You owe me”
“I already told your mom you had a girlfriend and she didn’t kill you. Now you owe me” Hanbin muttered, hanging up while Bobby groaned, throwing a pillow at his girlfriend who was sleeping in his bed before quickly going to kiss her forehead.
“Sorry babe, we have company tonight”
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It will always be okay // Mingyu
Best friend!Mingyu au Angst Imagine // 1686 Words
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Jeonghan had been pestering you for weeks now. It seemed the only thing that the two of you spoke about nowadays was your incessant crush on Mingyu and how Jeonghan was pressuring you to confess. You had shut him down a million times already, explaining that things were just too complicated between you and Mingyu, and you weren’t exactly ready to ruin a perfectly functional, perfectly great friendship.
Of course, you were aware that by keeping your feelings to yourself, you would be missing out on so many opportunities, as Jeonghan had constantly reminded you. But you were also sure that you and Mingyu had an amazing friendship, and you were quite scared to let anything come in the way of, or change that.
You had been locked inside this mind set for quite a while now, and you and secretly promised yourself that you wouldn’t say anything to Mingyu (no matter how much Jeonghan said otherwise), so you were quite surprised when you were sat on the couch, beside Jeonghan (who else), sipping slowly on your glass of wine, not paying too much attention to the movie in the background, and actually considering telling Mingyu right then and there.
Perhaps it was the alcohol talking; after all, you and Jeonghan had gone through an entire bottle of wine earlier that evening, and were well through the second one. But as Jeonghan played ‘therapist’ for the evening, consulting your problems as any close friend would during a binge wine and movie night session, he casually slipped in mentions of your overdue confession to Mingyu. And you- slightly drunk- was starting to think that idea didn’t sound half bad. In fact, it sounded quite good in the moment!
“I just… I don’t know, Y/N.” Jeonghan sighed, toying with the frayed edges of the throw blanket that was draped decoratively over the edge of the sofa. His voice was slightly slurred and lower than usual. “I just think that this is something he really needs to know. You can’t be hiding something so big from your best friend, right?”
You sighed, resting your chin on your hand from feeling exceptionally drowsy. “I mean, it’s not that big of a secret, is it?”
As the words left your mouth, you felt hands grip your shoulders and suddenly, a Jeonghan was in front of you, shaking you slightly as if he were trying to shake the absurdity out of you.
“Are you kidding me?” He whisper-screamed, finishing his shaking but continuing to hold a strong gaze directly into your eyes. “Y/N, you’re hiding your love from him! This is a huge secret!”
Your head was beginning to ache slightly as an effect of the previous shaking, but you ignored it, staring right back at Jeonghan.
“Oh my god…” You muttered, looking past his shoulder as if all the realization in the world had suddenly dawned on you. “Oh my god.” You said louder this time.
“Right?” Jeonghan let go of your shoulders, plopping back down on his side of the couch, smirking at you from a distance.
“I need to tell Mingyu.”
“Need any confidence?” Jeonghan lifted a bottle of vodka from beside the side, smiling at you and shaking the bottle loosely in his left hand.
“Please.” You agreed.
You woke with a start, the loud ringtone of your phone pulling you out of your deep sleep. You were surprised to feel a prevalent aching coming from your head, and you were instantly regretful to have taken up Jeonghan on his offer of vodka. Why? Because you couldn’t exactly recall the events that had taken place afterwards. It was not nearly as bad as a full-fledged hangover however, but you were still disappointed (a little impressed too, in all honesty) that you and Jeonghan had abandoned your usual “middle-aged soccer mom” drinking routine, and instead had opted for more of an “early-twenties frat boy” route instead.
You took in your surroundings as your finger slid across the screen to answer the call. You were laid down on the couch, a throw blanket covering your body and a pillow beneath your head. It was Jeonghan’s living room, and you guessed he was sleeping comfortably in his own bed.
“Mmmngh… Hello?” You stretched as you spoke, your morning voice presenting itself in a raspy tone as your arm lifted above your head to stretch.
“Oh my god, Y/N.” You could hear Mingyu’s voice on the other end of the line, a sigh following shortly after as if he had been holding his breath. “I have been calling for the past twenty minutes!”
Your eyes widened as you pulled the phone back from your ear to stare at it as if you couldn’t believe you had slept through all of his calls for twenty minutes.
“Are you serious?” You asked, still in a groggy state of mind as you put the phone back to your ear.
“Did you just wake up?” Mingyu asked suddenly, changing the subject abruptly in order to call attention to why your voice sounded so tired and sleepy.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Well other than me freaking out all morning because of you and almost calling the police, nothing much.” You could hear the frustration and sarcasm practically dripping from Mingyu’s words, making you sit up in confusion.
“What- why would you call the police? I’m perfectly fine.”
“That’s not what your texts said…” he responded, making you even more confused as your mind began to register his words.
“The texts you sent me last night?”
Your eyes widened as you snatched the phone away from your ear once again, leaving Mingyu on the call as you clicked your home button and scrambled to your text messages. And there he was. His name at the top of the message list, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You pressed Mingyu’s name hesitantly.
Today at: 2:23 a.m.
To: Ming-ew💕
Mingyi. I an dying. I nees help.
To: Ming-ew💕
I’m in love wit hyou Mibgi.
To: Ming-ew💕
Thank you for eveyrhtung
To: Ming-ew💕
I love youuuuuuuutuuutuuu
To: Ming-ew💕
I feel like crying mingew
To: Ming-ew💕
This dudr won’t stop lookin at mw help lol
Read: 7:46 a.m.
From: Ming-ew💕
From: Ming-ew💕
Y/N answer the phone
From: Ming-ew💕
What are you talking about? Please pick up. What guy??
You closed your eyes after reading the messages, in complete and utter shock at what you had sent Mingyu. No way. The phone met your ear once again and you were met with the almost unnoticeable sound of Mingyu’s breathing. Had you really freaked him out?
“Mingyu, I am so sorry. I was drinking with Jeonghan last night.”
You could hear Mingyu release a breath, and he let out a low chuckle.
“Thank god. So none of those messages were actually serious! I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you. And that guy was just..?”
“Jeonghan, yeah,” you chuckled alongside Mingyu, scratching the back of your head. You were supposed to be comfortable with your best friend, but knowing you sent those text messages to him had you questioning everything he was saying. You couldn’t help the small tug at your heart and the smile that formed on your lips when he expressed his care for you. “The guy was just Jeonghan.”
“I’m sorry for freaking out, Y/N.. I feel stupid now. God, I even drove to your house to check if you were okay. That explains why you weren’t home.” Mingyu laughed, and your cheeks flushed at his words once again.
“No, no.. I love that you care, thank you.”
“Okay, well I guess I should go now, I have to get ready soon.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes darted to the calendar that Jeonghan kept on the wall beside the front door. Tuesday the 16th… There was nothing written there- no photo shoots or interviews or even practices.
“Oh?” You asked, growing confused once again, but now for a different reason. “I thought you guys were free today?”
“We are! I’m getting ready for a date later.”
Your heart dropped and your eyes stared blankly at the wall in front of you.
“A date?” Your lips formed the words on their own as if they controlled themselves. “With a girl?”
“No, with my boss,” Mingyu laughed, the sarcasm once again coating his words, giving you every clue you needed. “Yes, with a girl.”
Your throat was dry and you tried to swallow, but everything was happening at once. He had a date. Perhaps Jeonghan was right- you should’ve made your move sooner. Was it too late now? Of course it was.
You cleared your throat before snapping out of your thoughts and steering your head back to the conversation.
“Uh, good! That’s great, I’m really happy for you, Gyu!”
“Thank you, Y/N. I should probably go, but we’ll talk later?”
“Yeah! Yeah, of course.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“Love you too, Mingyu.”
“Have fun! Bye.” You croaked out the last sentence, your eyes beginning to water. You held the phone to your ear, not bothering to hang up, still staring at the wall until you heard the beep of the line being disconnected. That was when you shook yourself off and wiped away the tears threatening to spill out, pulling the blanket off you to set your phone on the coffee table.
“You okay?”
You looked up to see a Jeonghan leaning against the wall with his arms folded and a concerned look on his face.
“Yeah!” You smiled, trying to convince even yourself that you didn’t care. “He can date whoever he wants.”
“Y/N…” Jeonghan whispered, watching as you played with the frayed edges of the the blanket. You looked up at Jeonghan once again, and he now had his arms wide open. “Come here.”
Immediately you leapt off the couch, finding home in Jeonghan’s arms and letting him console you. He stroked your hair and let you cry into his shirt, whispering sweet words into your ear.
“I was too late. You were right.”
Jeonghan sighed, hugging you tighter. “It’s okay, Y/N. It will always be okay.”
Wowowow school is back soon, so many things have been happening, and I am overwhelmed help lmao -H
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Just a bit out of my league Pt.3 Stan Uris X Reader/Henry Bowers X Reader Modern AU
 Summary: (Also I changed this btw) Drama, drama, and more drama is all that can describe the messy Tozier family right now. Y/n is still battling whether or not to leave Henry just for the sake of her safety. You and Richie’s mom is deciding if she wants to really send Richie off to a mental institution because she found out about his friend group and him trying to kill Pennywise. Even with forgiveness this will all end in tears and heartbreakers doing the usual; heartbreaking. Henry had apologized to Y/n but their relationship is at stake mainly from the fighting. Stan, oh poor Stan. Forever stuck in the friendzone Stan ends up telling Y/n the truth causing an, already, horrible triangle between Y/n, Henry, and Stan himself in Pt.4!
Song: Out of my league by Fitz and the Tantrums and DNA by Lia Marie Johnson bc these both fit the theme PERFECTLY
Warnings: Fluff, angst, depressing parts, cursing, underage drinking, not taking advantage of people, some humor, family drama
A/n:Okay so I do but I don’t have writers block atm so thats sucks (Insert dick joke bc I am a walking female version of Richie Tozier) but eh at least I get to write for a bit anyways x3 also the drama in this kind of but doesn’t remind of Stranger Things season 2 but like I am still flipping my shit bc season 2 comes out in 15 days so like ye also SO SO SO sorry if Henry and anybody else is like super oc (Original character)
    If you are sensitive to family and love drama then please don’t read,                                                        You have been warned
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    (Not my photo I just found it on ye old internet but like this fits one of the scenes in Pt.3 lol)
                                           *          *         *
    You don’t even know why Henry had skipped the rest of school today but it just happened. He seemed off, ever since that fight he backed off a bit but it was still a ‘okay’ relationship. When you walked home you found your mom sitting at the dining room table with Richie talking about stuff… “Richie I really do think it would be a good idea for you to be in a mental institution sweetie” Your mom sounded off…different. She didn’t sound like the alcoholic she was. You walked up to the entry way but you were in the position of not being seen unless you moved somewhere different. “Mom seriously I am fine” “No Richie you need to leave!” she said her voice cracking from being stressed. You felt heavy tears trying to release from your soft emerald green eyes but you tried to fight it. “Just fight back the truth” you thought to yourself. “Mom! I am perfectly fine here! Remember we only moved here so Y/n would be better about everything! And to get away from fucking dad..” Richie said loudly but softly saying the last part about your dad. “Richie…-” before your mom could finish talking Richie got up and left the table. Leaving the house to just you and your mom.  “Mom..” you said walking to the seat Richie had been sitting at. “You saw everything” you nodded then took a seat at the table. “It’s going to be fine..trust me” you gave her a pain killing smile and she broke down and her flustered cheeks filled with heavy crystal blue tears. You closed your heavy lids then she got up and left the room. “Mom wait” You said somewhat softly knowingly that she wouldn’t be able to hear you. “Love you…” you spoke in a whisper tone, letting the tears flood you ran your hands through your hair and started to full on cry. 
              The next morning you woke up in your bed, which you don’t even remember getting in here. You had woken up from a nightmare but thankfully it was Saturday morning. Sitting up in bed you looked around and to your surprise you were still wearing last night’s clothes. Then you noticed Henry, he was sitting at your bay window looking out at the fall leaves. “How did you get in here…?” You said then his head quickly turned to look at you. “You called me to get here” he mumbled but you could still understand him. “And then what happened?” you said fully clueless. “As I said you called me, you said about some spare key in a bush. Then when I got here it looked like you got into some of your mom’s alcohol…So I had to carry you up here because your mom would be pissed if she saw you like that” he said as he walked over to your bed and sat down next to you. “Y/n you know it’s okay that you did that” “No it’s not” you shook your head then looked at him in the eye. “Don’t tell anyone, promise?” you said then he smiled back and said “Promise”. Then the next thing I knew, my hand was on his shoulder and my face was close to Henry’s. It was like some sort of “Kiss-me” body language. I didn’t want it to seem as if we both took advantage of the situation but he went for it. Then his cheek was against mine, I knew it was now or never actually have my first kiss like this with him. But the thought of us making out after a night of me drinking alcohol was too much, So I said the first mood-killing thing that popped in my head. “I-I think Richie might be aw-” he ignored me trying to get out of this. Henry was obviously the one to be like this but it still was mixed feelings for me. Our worlds collided as soon as we met in a different way. The door than swung open to reveal Richie complaining that he is hungry. “What the fu-!” he yelled then in a natural instinct, for when your brother walks in on you fucking making out with your boyfriend,you jumped up letting go of him.
     “Why aRE YOU HERE HENRY!” Richie yelled. The face you gave him was “Shut up and is mom home??” he nodded “Yeah she is home” just from knowing. “Get out!” you yelled back at him. “Fine!” Richie said putting his hands up then slammed the door shut and walked away. You got up and walked over to change into something different, Henry quickly went on his phone just to distract him from staring at you. 
                                              *       *      *
  “Hey Henry, how is your dad sweetie?” your mom asked when she saw you and Henry walking downstairs into the kitchen. “He is doing okay Mrs.Tozier” he smiled through the lie he told your mom then let go of your hand so you could sit down at the dinner table. Then Richie came barreling in wearing super baggy navy green jeans and a band shirt. “Are you seriously going to be wearing that today?” you said as you were putting your hair up in a high ponytail. “Yes I am Y/n” he said as he sat down next to you. “Mom is it okay if Eddie and maybe Stan comes over today?” Richie spoke up once he set down his phone so he could start eating the breakfast your mom made. Everything was weird and different. It was almost like a normal family, your mom actually made breakfast and wasn’t wasting her time drinking away her problems, Richie actually acted like the typical little brother and wasn’t cursing 24/7. But it was nice for once. You caught Henry staring at you, when you looked over at you he smiled. “what the aCTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON” you thought yourself. Am I losing my mind?? You looked around to see if there was any alcohol bottles anywhere but one was to be found in the trash, it was full. “Sorry but yes they can come over Richie” your mom said softly. She walked over to turn off the TV, walked back and placed the food on the dinner table, then sat down. “Well this is different” you mumbled. “Y/n are you okay?” Richie looked over at you. “No I am not okay Richie” “Watch the attitude” Your mom spoke up. Henry was ignoring everything and just eating everything on his plate. “Y/n?” Henry said,you gave him a soft ‘mhm’ “Mrs. Tozier, is it okay if me and Y/n go out for a bit?” “Sure just if you guys are staying out late she needs to be home by around 7pm” Henry nodded, grabbed his belongings then took you by the hand and left. 
    “I n-need to tell you something” Henry said as he took a deep sigh. When you two were holding hands he looked you in the eyes, you both ended up stopping by the bridge. “You can tell me anything Henry” he nodded. “Don’t tell anyone please.” You nodded. “I k-killed him…” you were shocked by this. “Who is him?” you said softly. “My dad” he muttered in a somewhat mad tone. “Henry I can’t hear you, please speak up baby” you said as you looked at his guilty face. “I said I killed my dad!” he said loudly. You closed your eyes, “Can you please just walk me home, the sun is setting..” you fought off any sadness you felt for his dad because his dad was a total asshole. You started walking back home but Henry stopped you, “Please Y/n don’t leave me. I’m safe to be around, you’re safe” he said the last part in a almost non audible tone. “Henry I know it’s just- I need to get home” Henry shook his head. “You can walk yourself home” he said as he went opposite directions home. You sighed and walked yourself home. 
                                                    *        *       *
  “Mom I’m home!” You called out as you closed the door. “No you need to leave Went! (According to WIKI fucking WIKI for Stephen king’s movies and books lmao it said that Richie’s dad’s name is Wentworth Tozier so like correct me if im wrong in the comments) the kids do not want to fucking see you!” Your mom shouted at the top of her lungs. Then you heard a glass bottle shatter. You flinched slightly and walked up to the kitchen walk way. You hid yourself but only you could see what was going on. “If you already have another fucking girlfriend then you need to pack your shit and leave!” Your mom screamed. You saw the broken glass bottle, it was a wine bottle, then you saw a non-broken bottle sitting on the table. “I will leave when I fucking want to leave Maggie!” Your dad screamed back at her (Maggie is Richie’s mum just to clear that up too) you hated seeing them both like this. But you couldn’t help wonder, how did it go from normal mom to your mom and dad both fighting. This hadn’t happened since Richie was in elementary school. Almost 4 years ago… You snapped back into reality when you felt a hand on your shoulder, in reaction you turned around and it was Richie. “We should go up to our rooms…” “Why?” and as if on cue: “I’m calling the fucking cops!” Your mom screamed. “That’s why” Richie said as he pointed at your mom. “Y-yeah..” You said as you both rushed upstairs.
     “Why does this all have to happen Y/n” Richie said, you had both been sitting in your room on the floor. He had his head resting on your shoulder, it felt like forever since you both had to do this. Just listening to the screams and the cop sirens felt too real, “It’s going to be fine Richie” you closed your eyes and reminded yourself not to cry since you and Richie both had already been crying over all that has happened. “No it won’t and you know it won’t too Y/n” he spoke heartbreaking words. Then Richie’s phone started going off, Bill had a request to face time. Richie quickly lifted his head up off of your shoulder then answered the facetime call. “Hey Bill” Richie said with a pain-killing smile. “Why are you in your sister’s room…” Bill said after he took a sip from his water bottle. “uh-” “It’s fine Bill, I’m up here with him” You interrupted him because you knew it made him pissed off a bit. “Shut up” Richie said. You giggled a bit causing Richie to roll his eyes. “Is that Y/n” Stan whispered to Bill but you could both hear him on the other line. “Yeah, why?” Bill said. Then Stan sent him a text saying that he liked Y/n, when Bill looked at the text he nearly choked on his drink. “OH YEAH BECAUSE OF HIS FISH” Bill said trying to not blow his cover. Then Stan appeared on the screen. “Hey Y/n, Richie” he said with a nervous laugh. “Wait why do i hear police sirens! RICHIE Y/N ARE YOU FUCKING OKAY!?” Eddie then yelled since he was having a sleepover with Bill and Stan. “Yeah it’s just ya know…local kid threw a rock…at my window…” You said and looked at Richie, “Yeah it was some psycho!” “I doubt that Richie” Stan said with a bland expression on his face. “Whatever” 
                                      To be,
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kpop4dummies · 7 years
The Pains In My Heart
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Another piece of writing because I got bored! And Jung Jaehyun is the epitome of my life. Something a little heavier because watching a movie that makes you cry is the best method of healing ever :D Promise it’ll be a happy ending though!~ It’s a pretty long one, and I’m sorry it moves pretty slow. But I hope you enjoy! - Fay <3
(Photo not mine. Credits to NyLon Magazine)
Genre: Slight Angst, Romance, Neighbor!AU, HighSchool!AU
Word Count: 3,605+
POV: First Person
“Ms. (Y/L/N), this matter is very serious if it goes on any longer. I advise you that you stop with your activities and move somewhere better for your health.”
“I’m sure my daughter understands, Doctor.”
“Good. Now her next appointments are…”
So here am I now in this new part of the city where it’s considered ‘safe for my health.’ No matter where I go, it’ll all be the same in the end. Nowhere is safe for my health. As long as I try to survive and get through the day without breaking a bone. That’s all that mattered to me for the sake of my parents. 
The first day we got to the new house was chaos. You know the deal, bringing out the boxes and unpacking all the dishes, clothes, toiletries, accessories. I wasn’t allowed to carry the things that were ‘too heavy’ for obvious reasons. As usual, dad would always crack jokes and even play around while mom unpacked and messily set the random articles of clothing and the accessories into the various rooms in the house. And for me? To just do as I was told. And the first night I slept, I barely got any. The city sights of our old home gave me comfort, where the loud noises on the streets numbed out the negativity in my head and gave me something to focus on as I slept instead of contemplating my existence. 
I saw no point into moving out here. I already missed the other side of town where my friends were probably missing me. If I even had any. The new high school didn’t exactly make it easier on me either. Kinda like the one back where I used to live. Always kids picking on me and complaining when I had an excuse to sit out on activities that included intense physical activity. Oh yeah, it felt like home now. Everyday for the next two weeks was the same. I woke up, went to school, went home, did my homework, eat, then sleep. The same cycle over and over again with no change.
Until one day, everything seemed to change. As usual, I got up and sat on my bed for awhile staring out my window. The blinds of the opposite window were open, which never happened. I always believed that that house was never occupied. And then, this handsome man appeared, woken up and ready for the day. He was dressed in only a wifebeater and some grey sweatpants with his hair a fluffed up mess, and… Woah. Who was he? Was it possible for someone to wake up as flawless as him? That was until he closed his blinds. I froze on my bed, the image replaying in my head of when he walked into his room, seemingly done with his morning routine.
Eventually, I had to get out of bed. I did my morning routine, got dressed, ate breakfast, and headed out to walk to school. It was slightly chilly that morning on the way, I wished I brought a jacket. Why did I wear such a short sleeve shirt? Luckily, I was there in twenty minutes with ten left to spare. The building could be colder than outside, I swear.
After the first three classes of the morning, it was finally time for lunch. I mainly was by myself, sitting in the corner where no one ever goes to. It was all fine and dandy, until I met the eyes of the same guy I saw next door. This time, in actual clothes and socializing. He was less mysterious in this sense. He seemed to have fun. He stared at me as if he wanted to do so on purpose, until something else caught his attention. What was this feeling in my heart?
The school day began to end, finally. And it was time to walk back home. Just as I was about to head out, I heard a ‘hey you!’ being called out. I normally would ignore it. It was probably someone else being called to. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around to meet the same eyes of the boy next door. I was numb.
“Hey you, I was calling for you~”
“Do I know you?” I questioned him. Well, duh of course I knew him, what a dumb question…
“Well, I am your next door neighbor. Perhaps I didn’t introduce myself. Ahem, Jung Jaehyun. Junior class,” he said as he held out his hand, a small smile appeared on his lips. So he was a year above me. I hesitantly took his hand with a shy grin.
“(Y/N), sophomore class.”
“Year younger, eh? Well, I suppose I can walk you home,” he said as his smile got wider. 
The walk home was pretty pleasant. Jaehyun was an interesting person. Pretty popular among the crowd and had friends who were just a popular. He was pretty intelligent as well, which made the girl swoon. He sounded so perfect, and why was someone so perfect talking to someone who had nothing to offer? I guess you could say I’m a prude. I was nothing compared to what his life was like. 
“I mean, there could be some upsides in your life right?”
“If taking meds and constantly protecting yourself from almost everything was fun, I would consider my life an amusement park.”
“C’mon Negative Nancy, don’t get like that.”
“I’m not that pessimistic, I swear!” We could both laugh at my misery and how silly it was. He made my spirits lifted somehow. Like the world was off my shoulders finally. It was a fun time until we both stopped by my house.
“Well, I guess tomorrow is a new day, huh?”
“Yep. And no worries, (Y/N). It’ll always be a better day tomorrow. Don’t get too negative on me, eh?”
“Yeah yeah~ No time for lectures right now, ok? Well, see you at school, Jae!”
“You too, little miss sunshine~”
The little nickname he gave me made me chuckle and feel warm on the inside. Maybe I finally found a friend who’ll stick out for me. How wonderful. Until my mood swing hit and said, ‘He only pitied you. Don’t think it won’t happen again.’ It was fun while it lasted, as I always say.
For the next few months, it was like this. Me and Jaehyun walking to school together, meeting up at lunch with his friends to hang out, coming home afterschool and spending more time together in his house. And then go to bed to do the same thing all over again. Our moms would even tease us for going on ‘dates.’ Ridiculous, right? I’ll admit, it was kinda cute to be teased that we were a couple.
We couldn’t keep secrets from each other. We were the best of friends. Why would I lie to him? But thruthfully, I already broke that rule since Day One. I wouldn’t dare tell him what was wrong with me. Why I couldn’t do certain activities and why I was suddenly negative at random times. I couldn't even tell him why I was on so many medications at once. We were supposed to tell each other everything right?. 
 Until that fateful night. That’s when he finally found out everything.
On a Saturday afternoon, Jaehyun sent a text even if he was in the next window of the house. 
[3:50] (Y/N)! I wanted to tell you something!
[3:50] What haven’t you told me? lol
[3:51] Hurtful, hahah
[3:51] Anyway, Taeyong’s picking me up to head over to Taeil’s house in about 20 minutes. The guys will be there. You wanna come?
[3:52] Um, heck yeah! Casual?
[3:52] No, we’re going to prom. Of course dress casual, silly~
[3:52] lol, you meanie. I’ll be at the house in about 15.
[3:53] sounds good~ I’ll let them know you’re coming with.
And as usual, I dressed into a jacket and some leggings with a random band shirt thrown in my closet. Surely I didn’t look like I tried to fit in, did I? After a few minutes of laying around in my bed, I got up and headed for next door, just about five minutes before we were supposed to leave. I rang the doorbell about three times before a hoodie-clad Jaehyun stood at the door.
“You’re here a bit early~”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t miss me.”
“I’m not saying I didn’t,” he said as we both chuckled. I stepped back as he went to lock up his door. And at that moment, I heard Taeyong pull up on the driveway of the house. I turned to look around and gave a wave to the car. Well actually it was a seven-seater SUV, suiting his ‘father-like’ image. But it managed to fit the whole group regardless. 
Jaehyun and I squeezed into the van, which had enough room for the both of us. And the ten minute drive to the house wasn’t too quiet either. Boys were normally loud, regardless of age or whoever was in the car. 
“So (Y/N), finally joining in one of our parties, eh?”
“It’s not exactly a party if we’re just drinking and playing video games, Yuta,” Doyoung said, making the whole car burst into laughter. 
“Well, actually I can’t drink too much.”
“Why not? Age is nothing but a number, (Y/N). We won’t tell the cops.”
“Unless you want me to die Johnny, then I’ll take nine tequila shots.” The car was filled with more chuckles and laughs as more conversation went on. Soon, we arrived to Taeil’s house, getting out the car and piling up in his living room.
This went on for a couple of hours. The smell of alcohol in the air made me feel a bit heavy, but I went on. Jaehyun kept me by his side at all times in case something happened to me, but truthfully wherever he was, I couldn’t even breathe.
“It’s just us, Jae. I don’t need to be babysitted. I’m just gonna sit on the couch.”
“Nuh-uh. You’re like my baby sister. No way in heck I’m letting you out my sight.”
Being called baby sister made a pang of hurt run through my heart. Why did I hate being called that? I wasn’t ever like that to him. But instead of saying it outloud, I just kept quiet and stood next to him the whole time. Damn you mood swings. It was like that for the night, I stayed by him because well, I was told to and that I couldn’t sit anywhere else because of the smell of alcohol everywhere. They didn’t even drink that much, why was it so strong?
Even the smell of it coming from their cups made me gag a bit. My brain was swirling until Doyoung proposed we take a road trip up the hills on the outskirts of town. I could barely handle the smell of alcohol in the house, so I was relieved when he mentioned something about going outdoors. It was that moment that we headed into the car, piling in one by one. Then we realized that we didn’t have any space for me in the SUV.
“Damn, do we have to leave her here?”
“Shut up, no we don’t. Um… (Y/N)…” Jaehyun said as he patted his lap. Suddenly, my cheeks turned red. Why was my heart suddenly beating so fast? Why did it suddenly hurt? The car erupted in little cheers and ‘whoops’ as I took a seat on his lap, closing the door before it was locked by a pretty sober Taeyong. 
As conversation went on in the car, I looked out the window to calm myself from my surroundings. And then I was tapped on the shoulder. 
“Hey (Y/N), you don’t look too well. Do you wanted to be taken home?”
“Mmm, no.. I’m… I’m fine. Really. Just out of it for the night.”
“Are you sure? You’re really pale and slightly out of breath. Do you need the window opened a little?” Upon his words, the window opened just a bit to let in fresh cool air into the car, which made the breathing a bit easier on my part. 
“That’s better…Thank you, Jae.”
“Of course, whatever little miss sunshine so desires,” he said with a cheesy smile, patting my belly gently as another blush crept on my cheeks. Before anymore teasing or crude jokes could be thrown at us, we finally arrive on top a high hill. As we got out of the van, the air hit my senses. It relieved the my cloudy mind and my heavy heart, giving myself time to breath before I went over to what the boys were marveling about. And that’s when I spotted the most gorgeous view of the city. The different colors of light covered the area in dots, lines of neon decorated the night, and the beautiful dark blue sky complimented those random bursts of colors that changed every second.
And then I felt a pair of arms encircle around my waist, making me squeal and I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
“Ey, relax. It’s just me.”
“Dear god, why did you scare me like that?”
“Because it’s kinda cute~” His smile could make me faint at any moment. He was legit making my heart beat so fast that I could actually die. But why should I care if I pass out? Was this what it’s like to be in love? To the point where feelings were so strong, nothing else even mattered but the person who was holding you? It made my brain swirl again, to the point where I’m shaking in his arms. 
This kind-hearted boy next door stole my heart. I wouldn’t be afraid to admit that. And if anything could cure my heart from my sickness, it would be him. but why was I too chicken to say it outloud? I’m so afraid of telling him because even spilling my emotions was dangerous. I extreme emotion was too dangerous for me to admit or or even feel. But I’m only human.
“Jeez, did I jumpscare you that badly?” God, that voice. It was so sweet, sweeter than honey. And those gorgeous eyes. I could look into them forever and I would never find my way out of them. What did he see through his eyes? What was I to him?
“Why you say that?”
“Your heart is beating really fast, also that you’re really pale.”
‘Fuck, he noticed,’ my mind said. Did he know was going on?
“No, I’m fine. Swear.”
“Well, then I guess this is the perfect time to tell you this.” Suddenly, my heart skipped a couple beats. Was this real king happening? What if this was the end of our friendship? Someone who I suddenly became close to after my diagnosis? 
“(Y/N), do you think this is the perfect time to say I love you?”
Then suddenly, everything went dark. I couldn’t feel anything. But soon I woke up to the smell of latex. My eyes opened up slowly to a hospital room with only myself in it. 
“This place again?” I said to myself. The window’s blinds were drawn so I couldn’t see anything out of it. I’ve lost my sense of time. And the only noise I can hear was some quiet talking outside the room.
“What happened last night, Jaehyun?”
“We were just up on a hill and.. she just collapsed.”
“You do understand her condition right?”
“What? Why didn’t she tell me? I didn’t even know…”
My heart clenched and beated rapidly. I felt like I just betrayed my friend. I lied to him all this time and what kind of a friend does that make me? I hid my heart condition from him after all these months and I didn’t even have the heart to tell him what was wrong with me. My mood swings, why I was so introverted, and this. And to top it all off, I fell in love with him. But who would love someone who lied to them?
Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, and then someone opened the door. I expected my parents to walk through, asking me if I was ok now, what was I feeling. But to my surprise, Jaehyun walked in. Was he gonna curse at me? Tell me why did I lie to him? Or even worse, why did he even tell me I love you.
He was silent at my call to him. The sudden pause made the room feel awkward. The air was beginning to get heavy, almost hard for me to breathe. Then suddenly, I just couldn’t take it anymore. The tears that built up in my eyes began to spill. I couldn’t hold the truth for much longer.
“I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m sorry I lied about being ok. I know I should’ve told you sooner but I didn’t want you to worry about me… Please understand. Please don’t be mad at me…”
I choked through my words of apology. How would he even accept me? That was until I heard his own silent sobs. I looked up to see him at the edge of my bedside wiping up his own tears.
“Why did you hide it? I feel so guilty for bringing you with me last night…”
“But why do you feel so guilty? I lied to you about my health.”
“I feel guilty because I should’ve protected you. You couldn’t even breathe, (Y/N). I was so scared of the fact that you could’ve died.”
The tears stopped falling from my eyes. I could only stare at him as he turned his head to get a better look at me. I must look like a mess from the way he looked at me. But then he cracked a little smile at me, reaching over to my hair to tuck it behind my ear. 
“Hey now. You’re so pretty when you cry. But you would look even more beautiful if you didn’t.”
A sudden chuckle came out of my lips, wiping up my tears and holding onto his hand with my free one. I didn’t even hold hands with him before. It felt like it fit in my own.
“That’s so cheesy.”
“You know it, babe.” Woah. Babe? How faster could my heart get?
“Jae? Is it this the perfect time to say I love you?”
After getting discharged from the hospital after three days, I went back to school pretty strong. The average looks from everybody staring at me, judging me, and probably worse. It was all back to normal. Or so I thought. Jaehyun wasn’t there and neither was his friend group. Everything felt out of place.
That was until Sicheng and Yuta came up to me before I went home for the day and handed me a blindfold.
“This better not be some prank, Yuta.”
“Why do I always get in trouble?”
“That’s besides the point. Anyway, just put on the blindfold, promise we won’t kill you. You’ll like what we prepared~”
“For the first time in forever, I never would trust Sicheng.”
Hesitantly, I put it on. I reached my hands out until I smacked someone, hearing a little ‘ow’ before I was guided somewhere. It seemed like we headed down the atrium to a case of stairs, seeming like it was taking forever. My heart began to weaken a bit, but before I could give in, I was guided through a door. A sudden breeze brushed past me and through my hair. But the air still felt warm. And then my blindfold was taken off to reveal that I was on top of the roof.
“But why would you two take me here?”
“Turn around and see for yourself.”
I took their word and I turned to see Jaehyun on a stool with a guitar. He has never looked so beautiful. So perfect. But what made my heart beat even faster is the fact that the song he sang was the my favorite love song. I didn’t even realize that I got closer to him, his features gotten more defined as I came closer and closer. His voice we even more perfect as he sang to me. What did this all mean?
But as he ended his song, his hand reached out to cup my face. His hands were so warm. And he pulled me close to his face, and our lips touched. His lips were even warmer. 
The sudden cheers and ‘whoops’ made me pull back in embarrassment, hiding behind my hands as my heart began to race. In a good way of course. And then, Jaehyun suddenly spoke.
“For the last few months, this gorgeous young lady has stolen my heart from day one. She’s someone who unexpectedly became my best friend, who understood what it was like to be in pain. But what made her strong was the fact that she was able to pull through, just for me and for her family. She even hid the fact that she was in pain, just for me to not worry about her. And then she was able to see the brightside of life, why she should live longer, and why it was worth it. Because she was worth something to the boy next door who didn’t know that he needed her. (Y/N)?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes. Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes!”
Even through my misery and pain, after all what I believed my life was, I finally found someone else who was worth all my love and all my life.
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symplegades · 7 years
i’m gonna do one of those old facebook note quiz things from 2010
Are you ready to answer these questions honestly even if it starts to get hard? ya How old is the last person you kissed on the lips? 27 Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with? my best friend from undergrad What were you doing at 12 am last night? getting into bed/falling asleep Does the person you like, like you back? um i hope so!!!!!!! we share a bed????? Have you ever walked away from someone who was yelling at you? unclear. maybe but i think i’d be too squeamish to do that, i’d just stand there and cry Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them? nah i always have to talk it out either with them or someone else, and both options usually end in me getting over it/getting closure and going back to normal Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours? yep When you say you don't care do you mean it? i don’t say i don’t care very much, so i guess when i say it i do mean it? i’ll have to pay attention next time Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? yep Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? nah i kissed mike while he was still covered in shaving cream it was yikes Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? oh absolutely, like 100% of the time What's your favourite color? cool colors. <-- what i wrote in 2010 but still true What color is your shirt? grey with purple lettering What do you hear? netflix, i’m watching this movie ~out of the dark~ Last person of the opposite sex you gave a hug to? actually my friend kevin from grad school! i just ran into him at work Are you sitting or standing? sitting. <-- also written in 2010, also still true Are you keeping a secret from anyone? um probably Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? ya Have you kissed someone with braces? yes. <-- i don’t remember that but apparently yes Are you short? ok in 2010 i wrote yes but i think i’m actually pretty average or even taller than average. maybe i was shorter in 10th grade What would your last name be if you were married to the last person you texted? ok i just texted like 3 people at once. i guess velez Last picture comment was from? did this mean, like, on myspace or facebook? idk who was the last person to comment on my fb photos. oh actually you know what a friend of a friend went through all my public posts including photos and commented on all of it and it was rly offputting, so that’s who How was your day overall? p good, i applied to 2 jobs and got called back for a second interview for another job (FINALLY) Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? probably SOMEONE in the world. maybe my ma Have you ever kissed anyone within an hour of meeting them? ok mike tried to kiss me after our first date but i was like no that is creepy. and looking back i’m like aw so sweet we shoulda kissed! but no it was still uncomfy that he was trying to kiss me a very short time after we first met Are you anyone's first love? pls. sure i guess, people in high school. Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you? lol maybe? i’ve never considered it. prolly we could find agreements/common ground So, the person you like, their name starts with a B, doesn't it? it does not. <-- still true Is the person you last texted single? negative. <-- also still true Do you think age matters in relationships? i mean it’s totally dependent on context. we talking about 16 and 18 year olds or 16 and 32 year olds? i guess it always MATTERS it just depends on how it matters, like being similar ages kinda matters bc you’ve had similar life experiences at similar points in history and being very different ages matters bc you gotta wonder what’s going on. but once you’re over like, 25 i feel like bigger age gaps are more acceptable depending on what’s going on in folks lives. idk. How is your hair right now? it’s okay, up in a pony. actually i thought it was in a bun but i just touched it and it is a pony, usually it’s a bun when i’m home Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? nah he’s cool, although sometimes i have trouble following his thought process Where was your default picture taken? my prof pic on fb was taken at columbia Who's the last person you took a picture with? yikes, ahhhh... probably mike. Are you waiting for something? a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you get your last bruise? who knows. <-- still true. i’m not sure i currently have any bruises? Do you believe in love? yes. <-- still true What are your plans for the summer? ikea with sami tomorrow, permit on monday, kate's birthday party monday night, possibly beach with em sara hayley + meg on tuesday, dermatologist on wednesday, california with sami from friday to tuesday, one week home, to maine for 2 weeks, one week home to schedule driving time and finish summer reading and find a job. wooo!
^^^^^sorry i just wanna preserve that 2010 message bc it’s so wholesome and high school-ish and carefree.
my actual summer plans are just intense job hunting and getting a job. then maybe planning a trip home or to maine, then planning a china trip but probably won’t happen this summer. What was your first thought this morning? wa wa why is my alarm going off Have you kissed anyone this month? ya Could you date someone taller than you? sure Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again? uhhh. yeah i’m sure there are things i didn’t do great. idk? Have you ever gotten butterflies from someone? oh yes. <-- lol wtf? “oh yes”? ya sure idk Do you like waking up in the morning to find that you have new texts? sometimes. i think when i was younger it was more exciting but now i’m kinda relieved when i wake up and don’t have notifications. Ever had braces? nope. <-- still true Do you enjoy Taco Bell or McDonalds? i haven’t eaten either in ages even tho i want to but i know i’ll just get diarrhea. but i’d probably get mcdonalds given the choice Have you ever walked on the beach at night? oh yes. <-- oh yes?? anyway the most prominent “walking on the beach at night” story was when i was on spring break with my friends in ghana (or maybe we were in togo?) and we got stuck in this beach house like a mile down this deserted beach and it was like 2am and we’re walking and all super scared bc we’re a bunch of american girls in a foreign land and then 2 random dudes come out of nowhere and we’re all like NO LEAVE US ALONE and they somehow follow us to our house? and like try to come in? and we’re all f r e a k i n g out bc we’re afraid they’re gonna attack us but then my friend who is naive and trusting opens the door and we’re all screaming like DON’T OPEN THE DOOR but then i guess he just asked if we like... needed matches or something. anyway it was a lot What were you doing at 2AM this morning? sleeping.  <-- still true Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex? nope it was mike’s mom Has a girl sat on your bed before? yes although actually i don’t think that has happened in this apartment? no one ever really goes in the bedroom except mike and me. but maybe in the old apartment girls had sat on my bed before. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? chatting with my friend and getting my thread organized Ever kissed anyone 18 or older? lol ya Math or English? womp. english? i’m poop at math now i haven’t taken it since i was a freshman in undergrad Do you have any twins in your family? i don’t think so, which is surprising bc it’s a pretty big family Are you shy? depends on the setting and how comfy i am feeling Are you close with your siblings ? meh depends on the day. i think sometimes my middle sister mom’s me too much/nags me/treats me like a baby. You'd say "Fuck you" to your ex, ain't I right? which ex? i mean probably not, what’s the point? How you feeling? kinda hungry Will you ever run away and get married in Las Vegas with no notifications to either of your families? lol nooooooooo What do you think of boyfriends/girlfriends calling each other by food names? i think it is hilar and i wish mike and i did it If you're single, then why don't you get a boyfriend/girlfriend ? not single but also this question unnecessarily adheres to the gender binary also even if i was single i don’t need a partner heck! When was the last time you were craving to get drunk? wah not in a while, i can’t hold my alcohol and mike doesn’t drink so it’s not very fun I don't know about you, but I like saying "fuck" a lot. Do you? not like a LOT. when appropriate Do you think you'll be one of those people that will get a divorce in the future? eep i hope not? does anyone consider themselves “one of those people”? Who did you last hug? my best friend from undergrad Have you ever done something that was really bad for yourself? dur Is it worth crying over a guy or a girl? i mean... crying is crying. it’s not a question of worth it or not. if you wanna cry then cry Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? ya but we’d need to do a lot of emotional repair Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? oh absolutely i was trying to pretend that i wasn’t running horribly late but i was and i made her stand around for so long and she was pissed Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday? probably Are you wearing pants? shorts. does that count? <-- same Would you date someone twenty years older than you? womp not right now i’d feel a bit yikes. maybe if i was like 60 and they were 80 or something. it feels better to me if we’re both old lol Is your birthday in less than 6 months? nah Would you ever quit a bad habit for someone? i did actually! i was still smoking a bit when mike and i got together and he really hated it/asked me to stop Have you ever felt guilty about something you didn’t do? oh absolutely lol i feel lots of emotions about everything Do looks matter the most to you? nah Are you looking forward to tomorrow? meh Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? yeah! What are you doing after this? probably gonna make french fries Is something bothering you? unemployment ;( Three days from now, will you be in a relationship? i don't even know if i'm in a relationship NOW. <-- o shit 2010 alicia??? wyd?? you good???
anyway ya i hope so Has someone ever made a promise with you and broke it? i’m sure Will your next kiss be a mistake? hope not! Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? we goin on 3 years here so Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mommy. <-- still true!! we literally talk every day if not multiple times a day. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? nope! What are you doing tomorrow? sigh probably clean... apply for another job. cross stitch lol What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? he still likes me (: <-- i’m so sad for 2010 me. what is going on? i’m so sad.
and i have no clue what my last thought was, i think i was wondering if mike wanted me to stop leaning on his arm Do you get along more with girls or guys? girls are beautiful and perfect and guys are yikes until proven otherwise next Do you remember who you liked on New Years? lol ya this same guy Have you ever intentionally pissed someone off? probably? Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? nah The person you fell hardest for calls, what do you say? hey!!! how's phoenix?! why are you talking to me and not your arizona brethren? <-- ooooooooooh it’s when i dated this white missionary boy who i loved so much but he def did not love me but i was like, just totally infatuated. my best friend from high school refers to this boy as my renaissance bc i after dating him i started dating much cuter people lol
um anyway it’s hard to quantify who i fell hARDEST for i guess? i mean i’m currently in the process of marrying mike so i think he wins. if he called i would ask how bar night was and when the transformers movie is starting bc he got free tix from work Do you think someone has feelings for you? lol he better Have you done anything sneaky lately? hm hm. i don’t think sneaky. Do you find smoking unattractive? sigh i shouldn’t but i do think it makes ppl look sooooo COOL Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? ya we like live together How many cigarettes have you smoked today? zero. <-- still true! Kissed someone who's name started with an N? hmmmmm. when i studied abroad i kissed a LOT of people so i’m sure one of their names started with N When was the last time something bothered you? lol what? constantly? Was last night terrible? nah it was good just a quick turnaround of getting home and going to bed. i ate a lot of watermelon which was gr8 What does your hair look like right now? pony-ish First person to speak to you in '09? lmfao damn i’m dating myself. idfk. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to? i mean, i’m not worried about losing them, but yes i’d be afraid or upset if i lost them Are you basically a happy person? i hope so! Do you wish you could take things back? meh. no regerts and all that Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your best friends? omg what?? no?? it would be terrible?? Last person to make you seriously mad? prolly bigots Be honest, are you starting to gain feelings towards anyone? i’m like 3 years in so Do you think relationships are even worth it? well fuck i hope so lol Does anyone completely understand you? i mean no one will ever ~~completely~~ understand me but ya i have lots of people i am close to and whom i trust a lot Did you hug anyone in the last 48 hours? yep! Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? lol yes smh Where do you see your ex in 5 years? sigh i have a lot of ex’s don’t put me on blast like this. a few of them are already married so. idk. employed? Your ex runs into you and hugs you, what do you do? which. one. actually it doesn’t rly matter bc if any of them did that i’d be like wat Who was your last missed call from? my dad, we were playing phone tag on father’s day Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? yeah one from my best friend from high school saying “wtf” bc i told him about how rats can eat snakes if you’re not paying attention when you feed your snek When you and your friends are out and about do you usually get dirty looks? wut? i mean no but probably when i was a teen or preteen we were annoying and did get dirty looks Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films? i lOOOve these films but if it’s about like home invasions i get scared, or like things that live in your house Favorite fruit? god i love fruit. raspberries, applies, cherries (but i’m allergic now :(((((((( ), melon, oranges, the whole shebang. When someone says "we need to talk," what runs through your mind? yikes.com What are your chances of getting with your crush? smh i think they’re pretty good Who did you talk to on the phone last, and why? mom bc i was walking home and wanted to chat with her Do you always answer your phone? yes always Ever worn something of the opposite sex's clothing? dur Which do you enjoy more, to eat or sleep? lmao ahhhhhh i guess eat. Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? i mean, yes i have a partner who is a man who i love dearly but he’s not like ALWAYS on my mind, like rn i’m not rly thinking about him but i do care for him a lot and think of him often/want to share most things with him Do you believe your latest ex thinks about you? who??... is my latest ex...... either that aaron guy from okcupid or -- omg CONNOR sigh omg poor boy i hope he’s okay. i hope he doesn’t think about me omg Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? mike Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? i mean what’s EVERYTHING... like within reason yeah Your best friend tells you, you have a drug problem, you say? ah i love you and we will get through this lets research our options together
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