snickiebear · 1 year
welcome to the latest instalment of “what are you up to… *looks at smudge on hand* wednesdays”!!!
1. if you were a vehicle, what kind of vehicle would you be?
b) do you have any spicy takes you’ve been waiting for an excuse to yell about? alternatively, what’s something sincere and beautiful that’s happened to you lately?
iii. top three characters who indelibly changed the course of your life
MOUSE so sorry this took forever, this week has been One Of Those, one of my best friends got fired from our job for speaking up and against our bosses favoritism when it comes to shifts... IN THE GROUPCHAT. so i immediately put my two weeks in and there's been a lot of drama and work in general has been Not Great AHAHAHA
i think i would be like. one of those groovy hippie vans, like the long ones with the wooden interiors that really isn't safe but there's little windows and little curtains and there's enough room for all your friends and roadtrips
b) something sincere and beautiful would have to be literally all my coworkers rallying and supporting me with putting my two weeks in. they bought me a cake LMAO. ive been with this resturant for two years now and they were going to move me up to being a server but like. everyone knows they have to get out and i was the first one to do so, so it was just a really warming feeling that everyone was so happy for me when i actually did it. even the kitchen guys clapped me on the back and were like, "we're going to miss you, but you have better things waiting for you." it's hard to leave an environment you're comfortable with, even if its unhealthy.
iii. lucy heartfillia (fairy tale, my first Long anime. i love her so much i ache), stiles stilinski (he's literally changed the way i write, the way i look at defense mechanisms and everything a person can take)., wolverine (my first favorite superhero. i love him, grumpy old men with anger issues with soft sides. like cmon)
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writingissues · 5 years
I heard you’re taking requests and I love your writing! Would you mind doing a small thing of after Link defeats Ganon where he and Zelda visit Impa and she gives them her blessing maybe? Thank you so much! :D
@little-miss-heartfillia​ | This took to long but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless
"You look like you have something on your mind, Princess." Zelda jumped slightly before looking up from her tea to see Impa sitting across from her, reminding Zelda that there was a reason she was here. The older woman watched her patiently as Zelda's slimmed but calloused hands from the last few months of working on the land with Link tightened their hold around the hot tea cup her as her shoulders slumped inward as well. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was just eighteen years old and honestly Impa was grateful for moment like this but she closed her eyes slightly clearing her mind as the Princess's mouth opened and then closed.  
"Is something wrong, Princess?" she set her tea cup down her hear tilting in concern as she watched the nervous young woman in front of her. Zelda laughed before giving Impa a kind smile.  
"I'm sorry Impa." her voice was low and soft, "there's been a lot on my mind the last few weeks and I wanted to ask you something..." she trailed off her green eyes looking away from the Sheikh master. But Impa who always seemed to be able to read Zelda's mind ever since she was young and never seemed to miss a beat as she gave a laugh which caught the Princess's attention making her finally give Impa eye contact.  
Impa gave her a kind smile, "Does it concern Link?" her voice was inquisitive but she already knew the answer and if she didn't, Zelda at that moment face turned a bright red giving herself away immediately. "Tell me Zelda." her voice lowered, "You know you can tell me anything, you don't have to carry your burdens alone anymore." as she said this, she reached her small hand out across the small tea table they sat at. Zelda gave sigh before smiling again her heart becoming calm as she reached out as well grabbing Impa's withered but strong hand into her own, it was like the older woman’s strength flowed through her finally making Zelda able to say what she been meaning to ask for months now, if not since she returned to this world.  
"You're the closest thing I have to family." Zelda began but she held eye contact with Impa, her green eyes narrowing slightly a look that Impa knew well showing that the Princess was concentrating on every word and thought she was going to say and think, it was strangely nostalgic. "And it's strange, actually Link wanted to do this but I felt I owed it to you." her hand squeezed Impa's tighter she knew it was becoming damp with sweat but holding onto Impa like this was like a lifeline, encouraging her.  
"Can we have your blessing." her voice softened like she was a child asking for a present. Her jaw tightened and her eyes narrowed more and her lips became tight. God she was eighteen years old but she felt like she was eight again, she wished in that moment she gave in and let Link be here beside her and really now that she thought about it, the person in the hot seat should've been him if tradition had any say in it.  
But tradition was gone.  
Impa laughed her voice cracking as she leaned over both her small withered hands grabbing onto Zelda's small damp calloused one. "You are a silly child." her voice was kind and Zelda felt her heart in that moment began to calm. "My blessing, as if you even needed it, has been given the moment you stood before me with your muddy white dress and tear stained face holding his champions shirt, begging me to keep it and give it to him when he awoke." Zelda felt her face warm and she wanted to look away but she kept her eye contact with the older woman.  
"Impa..." she said softly as her green eyes shut suddenly hoping to stop the tears that threatened to spill over. She felt so silly about all of this, especially since Link was right that they didn't need any blessing over their relationship, because he knew they already had it. "Thank you." she whispered.  
"Link himself came to me soon after you two beat Ganon." Impa's voice interrupted her thoughts, she sounded amused by it all. Sat in front of her with mud and blood on his shirt, kneeling even, as Paya helped Zelda go and clean up as the memory entered her mind, “and he asked me for the same thing though." the older woman mused, "it was more like a blessing to pursue you I guess." she chuckled at the expressions that crossed Zelda's face. "I told him the same thing, that he didn't need it since it was given since he came here with no memories but that fire still burned in his eyes to save you." Zelda's mouth dropped open suddenly then closed but instead of looking away she just smiled.  "Thank you Impa."
She was going to kill Link when she saw him later. Impa just smiled as she let go of Zelda’s hand and moved to the tea pot to freshen their cups up.  
Now just how could she get Robbie and Purah to pay up.
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kurokoros · 5 years
Number 4?
4) favorite character you’ve written
Honestly, probably Sweet Pea currently. From FT probably Lucy!
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tokikurp · 5 years
You're icon makes my heart happy
Thank you ❤️ Mang is precious ❤️
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thespace-dragon · 6 years
1 and 24 for your favorite oc?
see, its a toss up for my favs… like I have Vayle, who is like, THE BEST, and Taric who is just like if you hurt my family i will find you and i will kill you. like you cant really choose between that??? ill do it for both xD
1. A little-known talent of your OC?
Hmmmmm…. Vayle is an artist, but he doesn’t show off his art very often. he keeps a battered sketchbook with him and its filled to the brim with sketches. anatomy studies are his favorite ^^
For Taric… he can sing. really well. and its funny, because he only sings when a child or baby woke up crying. he will sing them back to sleep with a lullaby his mom used to sing to him when he was little.
24. Something you like that your OC would hate?
Vayle HATES reading, and i love it xD we would not get along when it came to books. xD
Taric…idk, he prolly hates how cluttered i can get and i like it because I know where everything is. (im weird xD)
OC Asks :D
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Hello all~!
It’s been way too long since I did one of these! And I need to show my appreciation more so here goes!
Because I’m always grateful for the amount of followers I have and I will never comprehend how I got so many I wanna let you guys know you rock! By doing a little voting something or other.
So here’s the sitch-
Right now I got 683 followers and in the time it takes for me to reach 700 let’s have a little fun. I’ve come up with some fun ideas for me to do that you guys can vote for. Vote for whichever one you want most but you can only vote for one.
1) When I hit 700 followers I’ll record myself reading slam poetry and then upload it (be warned my slam poetry can be dark but I put a lot of power behind it)
2) Blogs that follow me from here on out will receive a short fic from me in this order, the 690th follower will receive a small Drabble regarding any characters or fandom they want (about 300 words). The 695th follower will receive a longer piece (about 700 words-see what I did there) and my 700th follower will receive a fic request on anything they want and it will be as long as they want.
3) OR! I finally upload that long lost chapter of What’s In A Prince when I reach 700 followers.
4) DOUBLE OR! I upload an entirely new fic at random from my works in progress docs (I have a lot and I need to get rid of them somehow)
Please send me your votes by way of my inbox. I don’t like to be strict with these so I’ll take anonymous asks as a vote but please please please don’t spam my inbox with anonymous votes on whatever option you want to win. I want this to be fair. You can only vote for one option, once.
And also spread the good word! Reblog this and your vote may come to fruition faster than you think!
But remember the more this is spread the more people are gonna vote so make sure you get your vote in as soon as you can!
And lastly, I do not say this enough, THANK YOU! Your activity on my blog is always appreciated. And though fame on a tumblr blog may be a trivial thing in the real world knowing that other people are out there reading my content and reblogging my posts puts a smile on my face.
And an ever bigger thank you to all the people who have stuck with me and whom I consider my friends on this site. You’re all wonderful rays of sunshine that I don’t interact with enough.
And here’s my big shoutout-YOURE AMAZING! Yes, you reading this and putting in that vote and reblogging it for others to get a chance to participate- YOU ARE LOVELY AND IM SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE!
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kimbeekitty · 6 years
Post ten facts about yourself and pass it on to ten faves :)
1. i have a really painful pimple on my chin lOL
2. im listening to hozier
3. i want to watch the last jedi again
4. im struggling to focus today
5. i havent been sleeping much lately
6. i started another fic 
7. im worried about moving
8. i am procrastinating
9. i sleep with like 100 pillows
10. i have a bachelors degree in sociology
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chello8893 · 7 years
"I think I'm in love with you and that scares the crap outta me" prompt for Sokka and Toph or Sokka and Suki (you can choose which one I just wanna see my girls be badass) from avatar the last airbender please? :)
Thank you so much for the request!! 
I decided to go with Toph and Sokka because, honestly, I haven’t ever considered this ship before??? But I like it??? A lot?!?! So, here you go! ^_^ Also, I couldn’t remember if that was a prompt starter, or just a theme, so I used it later in the drabble lmfao
Tough Love
“You can’t be serious,” Tophfrowned towards Sokka. “How are you planning on leading troops with that kind of skill?” He mirrored herfrown as she scoffed at him. Even though it had been six years since Aang haddefeated the Fire Lord, she was as tireless in her training as ever, insistingon strengthening the forces of each kingdom—just in case. While she usuallyfocused on beating Aang into the ground—literally—todaySokka was her victim.
“I’ve made it this far, haven’t I?”He snapped, crossing his arms.
“Barely,” he heard her murmur, onlymaking him more irritated.
“What’s your problem?” He lurchedforwards with his practice sword, aiming for her legs to knock her off herfeet. Even with the surprise attack, she was faster, moving out of his path andhitting him hard in the back as he stumbled by, effectively sending him to theground.
“My problem is that we’ve beentraining for nearly three hours and you haven’t landed a single blow yet,” shesaid. With a flick of her wrist, the earth below him moved, forcing him uprightbefore sinking back down.
“Because you’re being especiallydifficult today.”
“Maybe the vacation you took lastweek just made you weaker.”
“My sister had a baby!” Heexclaimed. “Of course I took the week off! And it’s not like there are anyconflicts happening right now. And I doubt there are going to be any anytimesoon—”
Another wrist flick. This time theearth opened up around him before slamming back together, trapping him inside adark dome.
“Hey!” He shouted, pounding on theside of the dirt prison. “Let me out of here! Toph, this isn’t funny!”
“Don’t be such a baby,” Toph yawnedfrom behind him. “I didn’t trap you in here alone.”
“I can’t see anything,” hecomplained.
There was a snort, and she slappedhim on the back. “Welcome to my life!”
Sighing, he turned in the directionof her voice. “So, what’s the point of this?”
“What if someone attacks in themiddle of the night? What if you get trapped inside a cave? What if someonelets off a smoke bomb or something else to effect vision during a fight? It’simportant to not solely rely on your eyes.”
“I feel like you just want to punchme again,” he grumbled.
“I wouldn’t have to trap you in thedark to do that,” she snickered. “Come on, I’m going to attack. Listen for mymovements, feel the ground around you. Now, try to block.”
Out of the silence came a fist,directly in his stomach. He heaved, staggering back several steps. “What was that?!”
“You have to listen to mymovements!”
He focused on the darkness, tryingto hear her coming closer. Nothing. Another punch, this time on the shoulder.He fell against the wall of the dome, swearing under his breath.
“I am!”
“Not good enough!” A kick, bucklinghis knees and sending him to the ground.
This time, he heard her foot comeback to the ground, and reached for her, grabbing her ankle and tugging hard,sending her to the ground as well.
“How was that?” He smirked, thoughit disappeared when he heard her moving again, and felt a foot in his gut.
The dome disappeared as he wheezed,trying to catch his breath. “Ok, that was a bit unnecessary.”
“If you can’t even manage thatmuch, then I’m not even going to bother. Let’s quit for today.”
His anger boiled over when sheturned and began walking away. Before thinking it through, he picked up apebble and threw it at her. She held up her hand, stopping it. She turned as itfell to the ground and frowned at him.
“What was that for?”
“I know you want us to be preparedin case anything happens, but that dome exercise was going a little too far. Idon’t know what I did to make you mad, but you need to stop being such a jerk.If you tell me what I did, I can—”
“Get stronger, that’s what you cando,” she snapped, turning from him again.
“Don’t just walk away!” He threwanother pebble. This time, she sent it back, hitting him on the forehead. “Thisisn’t about my training. You’re obviously taking something out on me, so whatis it?” He continued.
“I’m this hard on everyone.” Shecrossed her arms.
“No, you aren’t,” he seethed,closing the space between them with a few quick strides, “I watch your trainingsessions with Katara and Aang. You aren’t so impatient with them.”
“Maybe I just like them more,” sheshrugged.
He threw his hands up. “That! Thatis what I’m talking about! Just tell me what I did—”
“Just drop it, Sokka,” she frowned,attempting to turn away from him once again.
“I’m not going to drop it!” Hegrabbed her arm. “Tell—oof!” She grabbed his arm with her other hand, flippinghim to the ground.
“I told you to drop it.”
He hurried to his feet, grabbingher arm again. “No! I’m not dropping it until—”
In one swift movement, she turnedon her heel and punched him square in the jaw. “Just shut up! What do you wantto hear? That I think I’m in love with you and that scares the crap outta me?!Is that it?!”
He stared at her in shock, his handfalling away from his face as he just gaped at her. “You—what?”
She wiped hastily at her tearyeyes. “If believing something stupid like that gets you to stop bugging me,then go for it. I’m hungry, so I’m heading back. I expect you to be here brightand early tomorrow for another session.”
Sokka was still gaping as shepractically ran away from him. After several long moments, he shook himself outof it, smiling slightly.
“Toph, you really don’t know how tohandle a crush very well, do you?” He chucked to himself, touching his cheek.
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lucyheartfiliadaily · 7 years
Just wanna say your cover gif of Lucy's hair blowing in the wind is absolutely the most gorgeous picture I've ever seen of her. Thank you for great content!
Our wonderful Summer @summylise made it! ♥ It’s beautiful, isn’t it? 
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moonlustelara · 7 years
Hey has anyone told you today that you're a beautifully kind and loving person? And that makes you amazing!!
Have I ever told you that I love you? Because I do! ❤️ 
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little-miss-heartfillia replied to your post: Would people be okay with me putting out a random...
I literally love your angst to pieces that would be amaze!! ����❤️
Why does my computer refuse to show certain emojis
Aww thank you! ;u; Whatever angst I put out will probably be rusty but I hope it’ll be enjoyable anyway!
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miss-zei · 7 years
little-miss-heartfillia replied to your post: JUST OUT OF CURIOSITY
I never have so you just do you. Reblog what you want and don’t wirry
Aww! Thank you for saying so <3 that is such a relief <3
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
more discord shit but this one is basically just gray cause he’s my favorite 🤷🏽‍♀️
@gray--dragneel​ @little-miss-heartfillia​ @thedarkgodmogar​ @baby-rowlet​
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6/?:  part 1 • part 2 • part 3 • part 4 • part 5 • part 6
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the ot4 as dumb shit we’ve said in our discord server cause we’re hilarious
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edited cause i forgot to tag everyone like the chaotic dumbass i am @thedarkgodmogar​ @gray--dragneel​ @little-miss-heartfillia​ @baby-rowlet​
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sobatsu · 5 years
Eternal love
Summary: For her entire childhood, Lucy Heartfillia had been told time and time again not to go near the old house in the Northern forest as every poor soul who had the courage to venture up there, never returned but what happens when Lucy does go to the house and ends up meeting Natsu Dragneel, a vampire with a mysterious past and has an adoptive human daughter. Will she tell the village about this monster? or will she befriend him and maybe become something more...
Words: 1388
Thank you @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate for giving me great comments on it !! @allie-and-her-fandoms and @sweetmemories2606 for reading through it !!
Part 1 !
“Well, this wasn’t what I was expecting,” Lucy whispered as she was practically squatting down outside of the window that, she assumed, belonged to the parlour room, of the dark and old house in the centre of the Northern forest. In that parlour sat a young man with the strangest hair she’d ever seen, almost the same shade of pink as her dress just a little lighter. He was sitting there playing with a little girl whose hair was just as strange as the man’s but instead of pink, her hair was as blue as the sky when the sun was at its brightest on a mid-Summers day.  
“Weird”, she thought, ever since Lucy could remember, the blonde had been warned time and time again, by both her father and the villagers who would sometimes catch her staring at the entrance of the forest for longer than she should have been, not to go near the old house in the northern woods as there was many stories and rumours about deadly creatures that were living up there, like Blemmyae’s and multicore’s but those who were brave enough to venture up there, never came back. 
Lucy, being an aspiring author, decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to start her career off. She knew that she would need something big is she wanted to succeed with her book because she was a woman and she wouldn’t be treated the same way that a male author would be. She learned this the hard way in school when the boys would get praised for their abilities while she would get taunted and ridiculed for it. But this didn’t dampen her spirits and she still carried on with her dreams. She knew that the mysteries about this house would make for a perfect book and she was quite frankly disappointed with what she found.
But what Lucy was seeing in front of her, a father happily playing with his daughter, smiling as if he didn’t have a care in the world and seeing the scene in front of her play out, Lucy couldn’t help but smile too. That is until the lovely view she had was completely blocked due to said man’s face and the smile that both the salmon haired man and Lucy once had, completely vanished. 
Lucy didn’t know if the reason why she just stood there staring him was due to the shock that the man was now right in front of her face, staring at her as if she was an unwanted insect, or because of the fact that up close, the man was mesmerising.  
The longer she looked, the more of his features she noticed. Like how his eyes looked darker than the night sky or how his face had one too many scars covering it which on some people would cause others to flee, but on him, it was the opposite. All Lucy wanted to do in that moment was trace over his scars with her lips until she finally reached his lips that were even more prominent looking thanks to his teeth that looked so sharp that they could tear Lucy apart in seconds— and with this, Lucy ran.
“Shit,” was the only word that the blonde could even breathe out as she ran from the woods, almost tripping several times over branches and stones, cursing herself out in the process for wearing her nicest dress while going on a research trip. A trip that she already knew could have costed her her life but if she was going to die on this trip, she wanted to at least have been found wearing her most beautiful dress but right now it wasn’t helping her at all. 
The journey, while walking, to the house was a total of ten minutes, but since Lucy was running for her life, she managed to make it back to her home, in one piece, in less than six. But Lucy had a new monster awaiting for her when she got back. She wasn’t even ten seconds in the door when she felt her father’s arms on her shoulders, forcing her to look up at him, and when she did, oh he did not look one bit happy.
“Lucy Heartfillia, where have you been? Virgo goes up to your chambers to help you get ready and what does she find? You gone and your chambers’ window open. I’ve been searching everywhere for you; I was about to send out a search party to help look for you in the woods. You know we missed our dinner with the Dreya—My God Lucy, what happened to your face? And your dress? What on Earth were you doing?” Jude Heartfillia all but shouted this at Lucy while their maid, Virgo, stood idly in the background, bandages in hand.
Lucy was ready to tell them about everything she saw, ready to make all the men in the village mob the house and kill whatever that thing was but then the image of the pink haired man and the little girl came to mind, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. So she does what every good writer does, changes the story where they see fit. 
“This morning, I forgot to clean out the stables and take care of Plue, and I knew it was too late and you wouldn’t let me out to do it so I snuck out of my chambers and went down to the stables through the back entry…I’m sorry for scaring you father! And for making us miss the dinner, I promise it won’t happen again!” Lucy nervously looked up at her father, not knowing if this excuse was really going to work or not.  
She’d never been entirely close with her father because he was always busy working on a new project or out of town for business, and it didn’t help that she wanted to leave the village and start somewhere new, and maybe even find love like in her novels, while her father on the other hand wanted her to marry the mayor’s son, Laxus Dreyar, and have him take over Jude’s business when the time came. 
Even now when he was furious with her, he still had the same cold expression he always wore but, much to Lucy’s surprise, he just nodded and sent her up to her room without supper, which Lucy wasn’t too happy about since she also missed dinner. She was starving after her run, but not wanting to get in even more trouble, she sighed and dragged herself up the stairs. 
All she wanted now was to lie on her bed and sleep that whole night away, hoping that she’d forget about that night’s event and move on with her life but once she opened the door and saw what was waiting for her in her room, she knew that that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. There in the room, sitting on Lucy’s bed, holding what appeared to be the little girl, fast asleep in his arms, was the monster. 
On instinct, Lucy immediately picked up the candle stick beside her and held it threateningly in front of her, facing him. 
“What do you want from me?” Lucy tried to shout, hoping that it would come off in a scary way and that he would back off, but instead it came out as almost a whisper. In the blink of an eye, he was again in front of her but this time he was gripping her wrist, forcing her to let go of the candle stick. She looked back at the bed, realising that the little girl was now lying there with what appeared to be a bat almost protecting her, she looked for another second before a hand under her chin forced her to look back at the man as he leaned in towards her ears, tears starting to form in her eyes.
“This is it, I’m going to die” was all she could think as she felt his breath on her neck. She stood there waiting for something to happen when she heard the words that would change her life forever.
“You know you shouldn’t try and come to someone’s house if you don’t even know their name, but I’m Natsu. Natsu Dragneel. And you are?”
I fell in love with the headcanon post I did on this AU and I had to write something about it too ! This will be my first fanfic and I have many plans for it !! so I hope you enjoyed this first part! Thank you for reading !!! Sorry that it’s a bit short for a first chap but the next one gets very interesting !
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thespace-dragon · 7 years
Yellow, blue and purple?
yellow: if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? what do you consider lucky? what made you smile today? what makes you happy?
prolly a view of the ocean or into a forest
read a book in the shade in a really nice comfy chair
idk, having something good happen all the time when you least expect it?
my daycare kids telling me the love me ^^
i crave that validation yo
blue: what do you do when you’re sad? what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? what kind of covers do you have on your bed? who is the last person you told a secret to?
mope and scroll through tumblr liking things for my queue
read. and read. and then read some more
i normally have a comforter and sheets, but lately its been just a blanket
@spaceboomerang hi yes hun, you are my lovely confidant
purple: what’s your astrological sign? what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? when’s the last time you followed your instincts? what’s your favorite food? what’s your secret dream?
just keep going, dont let the magic die (paraphrased from the lovely boomer previously mentioned)
to be someones favorite person and just utterly adored by them (id love them just as much in return)
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