#little nightmares the mirror man
queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Mirror monster thoughts wha t do you have
Crawls on the cielinh so I can grab your head and shake out all the thought
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Randy you know better than to give me such freedom... I'm gonna be talking for a whole longass post now because I do have so many thoughts about the Mirror Monster.
The thing about the comic characters in this franchise is that they stick with you once you find out they exist. This is because they are so unique when compared to the rest that it's almost hard to believe they could even co-exist. Less so the Ferryman, with Mirror Monster being an in-between to his "normalcy" and North Wind's complete shattering of the unspoken rules that usually build a LN antagonist. Congrats to your babygirl for being a wildcard I suppose
The Mirror Man Lore Dump
As discussed previously, the canonicity of Mirror Man is up to debate: however, because of his presence as a jack-in-the-box in VLN, we'll assume he still exists (or has existed) in the universe.
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Considering all other rooms have some semblance of imagery leading back to the character residing in them, this one probably follows the same principle.
Taking into account what Mirror Man does, it becomes clear that the paper planes are meant to rappresent his victims. Frail and easy to maneuver, they easily fall into his trap. What's interesting to note is the fact that those who end up falling over on the other side are not crumpled or ruined: they seem to be stored somewhere. Intact, but still trapped on the other side.
It's also important to note that the net doesn't necessarely move or do anything to attract its preys: it stands still, awaiting, knowing that someone will eventually come and get stuck. There are a few exceptions, such as the planes that ended up flying in other directions, and even a piece of paper who, in spite of being stranded away from its place, is not folded as a paper plane. This may rappresent those people who come in contact with the Mirror Monster but have no interest in what he has to offer - such as the Humpback Girl.
(Funnily enough, this is not the first time people are rappresented as pieces of paper in the jack-in-the-boxes rooms. There would be another very enlightening room that follows the same principle --)
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(-- But I digress.)
With a Nome standing on the pile of paper, I believe it may not be a stretch to assume that Mirror Man, like many others, would primarily target children. They're easy prey for a reason. However, it's clear that he may not necessarely have limitations considering... the Lady ordeal... though she still doesn't seem to fit the (hypothetic) criteria to be considered part of his hunting grounds.
Going back to the room before moving onward: after combining my braincells to the ones of the peeps in the Box server, we figured out that the piece of machinery in the room could be an old boat engine.
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They do share some similarities, but we haven't been able to figure it out for certain... so we'll leave it at that.
However I will say that Mirror Man's fit here greatly resembles the one the man in this painting is wearing, along with the pose being the exact same.
This always struck me as odd because his design in the comic has a completely different colour palette, as you can see on the picture on the right, so I'm wondering if the comics got his coloring wrong somehow... or if they simply changed it overtime.
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Here's two pictures for comparison.
Moving on to his comic appearences, Mirror Man is implied to be regarded as some sort of an urban legend in the Humback Girl's hometown -- unlike the previous issue's antagonist, the North Wind, who is instead said to be more of a malevolent spirit. You could say the Mirror Man is... a boogie man of sorts. It is also worth mentioning that none of the children in the Humpback's girl group seem to know who the Mirror Man is before entering the building - only that the place itself is dangerous.
(Thinking about it now, this creates a very interesting parallel with Thin Man as he also operates in a near identical way. Mh. Moving on.)
As mentioned earlier, the Mirror Man waits for his prey to wander in. He doesn't make his presence known immediately, choosing to wait until his victims are instead relaxed and content with their new appearence. He's able to give them what they want and does so only to catch them by surprise afterwards. Cruel.
His powers are tied to the ability of changing people's outward appearences - be it in a way they like or dislike. This happens respectively to the friends of the Humpback Girl, and to the girl herself after she looks into the shattered mirror.
A plausible theory regarding his origin is that he was summoned by the arrival of Humpback Girl, and while I think that is a possibility, I don,'t necessarely think that's the case. I believe that, because her only wish was to leave - something that has nothing to do with what's in the Mirror Man's power capabilities - she was able to see him coming before the others. You can see him lurk behind her shoulder, preparing to attack -- but then he moves quickly behind a different mirror.
I do think her shift in appearence was his direct doing, because it only happens after she looks at the shards of the mirror.
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This is what has me believe that Mirror Man did not perish here and simply moved (forcibly?) to another mirror, with Humpback's girl transformation being his petty farewell.
(Diverting from the original point a second, I find it especially cruel how the entire Humpback Girl's situation was nearly a set up if you think about the story's progression. She starts off as being ridiculed and called a coward by her peers, she proves her bravery by fighting to save them only to have this backfire horribly as the others abandon her there. It's terribly upsetting.)
Canonical Mirror Man lore unfortunately ends here... and it genuinely saddens me that such an interesting concept for a character was never brought back again for something. He, the Ferryman and the North Wind were truly done a disservice. I want them back.
Now, when it comes to hypothesis... you know I am a huge enjoyer of the Mirror Man/Lady enemyship. I have many thoughts on the two of them, but because it's something purely hypothetical backed up by nearly nothing, I will not be expanding on it as of now.
Thank you a lot for the ask :]
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teastarfall · 6 months
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ive never meant to neglect the 2017 comics i just never knew how to draw any of the lil guys in it… until now. my evilness has peaked… a bit
+ sum bonus six’s, bc i need to practice drawing her hood, it’s so hard to draw. why bandai namco…
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keikoyume · 1 year
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I’ve never drawn so many Ladies in such a short amount of time and I blame @queen0fm0nsterz for that
I’m not the small character kissing Lady and Thin Man (I mean, come on…)
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prof-ramses · 10 months
The Sounds of Nightmares episode 2 analysis: The Grim and The Divine
Let's start with the best boy, Jester!
I find it interesting that Jester seems better adjusted to the Nowhere than other kids. One could try to dismiss it by saying SuperHorrorBro wrote the episode, but that can be debunked by the fact that the showrunner cowrote and approved the episode meaning that Jester's mannerisms are within the realm of possibility within the Nowhere. Jester's habit to forget the punchline along with his seemingly well adjusted demeanor imply he's been in the Nowhere for quiet a while.
On the topic of the fish boats:
I believe these may be an attempt to establish how the Maw avoids word getting out about the guests deaths, by being one of many giant sea creature shaped vessels.
I don't think there's much to discuss about the Bathers, other than the fact that I hope they NEVER offcialy appear in a visual medium.
Onto the Ferryman/Candleman!
I think he's much more powerful than we thought before, no longer just a shapeshifting freelance child hunter, now one of the main, if not only, beings to actively attempt to keep kids in the Nowhere. (Also makes me think that while SoN will focus on reinventing him, LN3 will reinvent North Wind, Mirror Man and the villain concepts from the cancelled issues)
Up next will be my general thoughts on Noone and Otto.
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skullkandiii · 1 year
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six with fang bangs and very little nightmares mirror man fo today 🔥
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umbrarkzoo · 1 year
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Comic characters dont get enough love
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
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I'm pretty sure I'm the first to ask this so yay
What do the characters with superpowers/inhuman abilities (The Doctor, Teacher etc.) do if they ever get out of control like, say, if the Teacher's neck somehow starts stretching on it's own or something?
Did an Opinions on Their Powers prompt eons ago. But, for this...
The Maw
Six: She honestly has the hardest time controlling her powers. She doesn't like asking for help, even if that's the best idea. The best thing she can do is literally eat everything in sight the Lady: Rarely loses control, even when things get too stressful. If she ever feels her magic getting funky, she'll probably go to the Granny for help the Granny: With what little power she has left, the Granny knows when she feels off. Her usual recovery is just sleep it off, or watch a few tv shows to chill the Runaway Kid: Freaks the fudge out when he can no longer understand the Nomes. He won't ask anyone for help since everyone thinks his ability is weird, so he's fixing himself on his own. But in the meantime, he's coming up with an alternative way to speak to his Nomies
Pale City
Mono: Believe it or not, Mono doesn't lose control on his powers often. The one power he has the hardest time controlling is the world bending one. He's warped cluttered rooms on accident before and just leaves them there... the Teacher: She takes very good care of herself and her neck. She has to, or else she'll be in pain for days. As soon as she feels a twinge in her neck, she's seeing the Doctor about it the Doctor: Probably the only person that doesn't quite understand his abilities, as he just does stuff. So, when gravity actually works on him, he stares at the ceiling dumbfounded. In a couple of minutes or hours, his powers will work again; and he's still not sure why the Thin Man: Like the Lady, he doesn't lose control ever. There was a time he tried to be more powerful by allowing the Eyes to full assimilate into him. It became too painful, and it was one of the few times he slept to recover
The Nest
the Butler: Loses control as often as he gets a headache, which is frequent. He knows what to do and forces himself to go rest in a cool, dark room the Pretender: While she's still working mastery her abilities, she's learned that her dissipation powers work on organic material. When she sees that she accidentally evaporated a hairbrush or a doll, she runs to the Butler for help. She has a pair of special gloves that nullify her powers, and that's the only thing that works
the Humpback Girl: Won't know her powers are out of wack until she passes by a mirror. Things either start falling out of them or something tries to grab her. She'll run and hide, since she didn't want these powers in the first place and this is the best she can do the Forked Boy: Thinks it's funny that he keeps multiplying until there's about 100 of him. He's discovered that his clones have a low pain tolerance, so he and his clones brawl it out until there's one left
the Ferryman: It's safe to say that none of the master lose control of their powers often, but have in the past. For the Ferryman, he's accidentally shapeshifted into something he didn't intend because of an illness. Depending on what it is, he'll take cover and rest until he can be his old, yellow, saggy self again the Mirror Man: Doesn't lose control of his powers, per se, but losing control of the Mirror Dimension. He can just feel something slip away from him and he looks into it quickly. After that, he's back to spying on people from the other side the North Wind: Loses control when embarrassed, flustered, or angered; and you DON'T want that to happen. They're too powerful when they're fine. An out of control North Wind is exactly like watching a tornado race across the land, but it's every weather phenomenon at full force
The Nowhere Peeps
Low: Knows his powers don't/stopped working when he runs headfirst into a mirror and nothing happens. Kind of pouts and waits until his powers come back, but doesn't know why they stopped at inconvenient times
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mirrormania · 1 year
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THE MIRROR MAN   is as impossible as his self perception, a mass of contradictions-- a reflection, fractured. TRAPPED  in a self-made prison of mirrors and endless false faces, he projects this vexation onto all who happen into his unnatural plastic surgery clinic, aiming to rectify your every imperfection. He is the distorted thinking of one narcissistic father lost body and mind to the insanity of self perception !
DR. MYRON MANFRED an original character heavily inspired by          Jack Stauber’s OPAL.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 9 months
Thoughts on how TSON will tie into the lore of LN3?
As of the location of the last episode, as well as explaining some more small chunks of lore and locations to expand the world, I think TSON is preparing us already for what we will see next with Low and Alone. Give us something to expect, as well as a minimal explanation of how the Nowhere works, because this is information we need to know for Low and Alone's story to make sense.
Six's story, which was the main plot line of Little Nights up until now, explained how she travelled the world only to end up right at the place waiting for her. A destructive cycle of events that had set locations (the Pale City, the Tower, the Maw -- the Nest being a small detour but an interesting addition to the bunch) and events. Whether you believe Six left the Maw or not (I like to think the former), hers was a story about losing a part of herself to the world she tried to desperately to flee, and while she "won" that piece back, she will never be the same again. It did not necessarely need to elaborate on whether the world itself was her "home" or not -- though it was always strongly implied it was not.
It did try, though. The discontinued comics were an attempt at showcasing that the world beyond the Maw was vast, and that there was even ANOTHER world beyond that same dimension, with the tales of the Refugee Boy and the Humpback Girl respectively. However, at the time, it was confusionary: we didn't know anything but the Maw, so many fans misconstrued what was trying to come across, and ultimately this partially led to the decisions that had the comics be discontinued and the DLC be made instead.
The podcast to me is just that: to make up for those discontinued comics. Some of these storylines sound very similar to the ones you would read about in the Little Nightmares comics in structure: I would not be surprised to find some concepts from them were reused, modified to fit the plot of the podcast and even added to the lore of Little Nights III.
A lot of people seem to think that Mirror Man and North Wind will both make an appearance and frankly, I can see why. I am leaning more strongly on Mirror Man: I wish to see him in action in his own realm considering Low's abilities.
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I've heard some concerns about the game potentially reusing the comic characters, but personally I find it a brilliant opportunity to expand on them. Mirror Man in particular is a... blank slate, essentially. He does have a minimum of characterization (<- post where I analyse just that) but besides that you could go wild with him. I'm interested to see if they do bring him forward.
Anyhow, sorry for derailing. As of episode four, we have been brought to a location that seems to match the circus we see in the trailer of Little Nightmares III. Considering the information we are given, it seems that it is suspended in the sky, with it being a literal ship floating above land.
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(Two images depicting the "carnival" as seen in the trailer [top] and the steam page for LN III [bottom])
The idea of such a location is an interesting one and, considering the nature of the Spiral, possibly not that far out of reach. It was mentioned that Low and Alone would be travelling behind the Spiral... considering the nature of the Necropolis, which was mentioned to be a city powered by wind, I wonder if the spiral is... a giant hurricane. Or storm. And the locations are all in the middle of it - in its eye, stacked on different points in altitude.
It would be just as Noone said if that was to be the case: places who are on top of each other, like the building she's in, but that do not work together. I think that for this reason, the locations we have seen in the podcast such as the Stone Giant and the Mall might return later on as locations in LN III in some shape of form.
... We have seen a stone giant already...
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.. although it would be more metaphorical than literal in this case as the Stone Giant was not really described as a giant baby thing, and the location is different, but you get what I mean hopefully!
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wow im not dead
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keikoyume · 2 years
I just read your comic about the Ferryman.. bruh... it was..."something'' , to say the least. But it have remind me of that theory about the hanged man, who could be a ''version'' of the Thin Man, who was in charge of doing the papers thing and other stuff on the Maw, but when he discovers that the ''child menu'' was literal, he didn't take it so well. What do you think about this theory?
Oh I like it! That’s an interesting theory!!
I don’t have a big idea or a strong opinions on the hanged man since we don’t have any info about him. So I’m just here trying to gather as much headcanons as possible and picking up what suits me the most for imagining the character xD
From what I read, I think it’s pretty funny that we have at least three characters who look similar to him!
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Hello Little Nightmares fans ! I've had a little thought/theory regarding the comics that came to my mind, and I wanted to share it with you :
In the second chapter, with the Mirror Man, there's a piece of dialogue that kinda interest me :
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It seems that those kids... don't really know about monsters. That's a bit odd, in the world of LN you could think that the inexistence of monsters is a pretty common knowledge. That implies that those kids live in a place free of monsters - but how ? I have two theories : Fisrt, maybe the Mirror Man killed all the others, or a least get rid of them. His predatory technique is to lure kids with reflections and then drag them into his side of the mirror. With other monster, such a thing would be harder, since the kids would be aware of the danger, plus they may not come around his manor. In becoming the only monster of the area, the Mirror Man created some kind of safe place, and since his hunts seems pretty slow / rare, the kids that live here have eventually forgetten about monsters. However, there were still tales, explainning why the girl was affraid to go. The second theory is a bit more harder to explain : First, I think the Mirror Man is the main monster / boss in the area. I will not really elaborate on this, but I think that each area / city in the LN world has a main monster that act as a leader for other lesser monsters (the Lady for the Maw or the Thin Man for the Pale City for instance). The Mirror Man has power equivalent to those two, at least way more powers than most of the monsters we saw in the three games. So, if the Mirror Man was supposed to be the one in charge there, why is ther no monsters anymore ? Well, maybe because someone trapped him.
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All of the mirrors here are covered with some kind of sheet. The Mirror Man can't be the one who did it - knowing that except from his tentacles his body can't leave the reflections. It means that someone else did. Someone who knew very well what they were doing... Trapped, the Mirror Man could no longer give his order to the other monsters. Without their leader, the monsters may have died, or they may have left. In any case, there's no more of them, and they start to be forgotten as the Mirror Man remain trapped. Whoever did this might have warned the kids to stay away from the mansion, telling them what would happen if the Mirror Man was ever to be freed. But over time (we know it has been a long time because of all the spider's webs) those warnings have become tales, and in the end four kids decided to go - and freed him. Anyway, that's my theories. Who was the person who trapped the Mirror Man ? Why didn't they killed him ? What will happen now that he's free ? What do you think ?
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grim-faux · 2 years
speek of comics, if anyone wanted to read the originals, someone uploaded the Little Nightmares with Six, on WattPad
I prefer the later digital comics and the atmosphere, and the openness of that world and these children surviving in a hostile world.
I love the originals, but the direction of LN seems like it hit a sharp corner and they took the whole concept in another direction in terms of lore, the children, and the monsters that want to destroy them. And I love that turn.
I would love to have more of the original beasts like the North Wind and the Ferryman in the new content/digital comics, or the Mirror Monster.
Also, F for Bandage Kid. These comics were still heckin dark and arguably more graphic than the digies.
But I love them all TvT
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carltonnotburke · 7 months
The curse of The Lady
Thin Man(adult Mono) x The Lady(Unknown)
angst romance, soft
warning(s)- none
The Lady was looking at herself in the mirror, her mask on as usual as she admires her put on beauty, but eventually she sighs and takes it off, now looking at her natural beauty no one has seen. Her reflection shows a monster. Her skin like The Granny from the depth of The Maw, all sagged and wrinkled pale and almost green, her hair unhealthy and warts on her face, which makes her hesitantly bring a hand up to her face and touch her cheek, relieved to find her skin still smooth and healthy, not like it shows in the mirror she seems to be drawn to. Even though she is a monster in her reflection, she can't help but watch herself, though no movement because of her own stillness. It was like watching a TV that didn't work, or watching a statue thinking it will move, but never does. That's until The Lady hears glitching noises from behind her, realising Thin Man, the controller of the signal tower, is coming through the TV. She quickly puts her mask back on, hoping he didn't see her appearance
"Lady?" Thin Man calls out, looking for her since he can't see her because she's covered by curtains "I'll be right out, Thin Man!" she replies, sighing after taking a deep breath before leaving the covered room and walking to the TV, where she finds Mono standing in front "Ah, greetings, Lady, how are you today?" He asks, sensing something wrong with his acquaintance, but she quickly answers "Im just fine, Thin Man, thank you. How's life in the signal tower going? Same as usual?" She asks, sort of retorting the question of 'how are you?' back at the taller man, who replies "exactly, no different than usual; sit in a chair, occasionally go after younger me and Six, not much to do there, you know, with the time loop and all." he sighs, but keeps his usual expression on his face, The Lady laughing softly in reply, sniffling, which gets Thin Man a bit curious and concerned, The Lady quickly stating that she just has a cold, to which Thin Man nods understandingly. The two continue to talk for a while, catching up and talking about the business and busyness of The Maw at this time of year, sharing good laughs and secret smiles at each other from time to time. After a while, The Lady has to go, a guest asking about something and eventually wanting the, quote unquote, "Manager of this place," because the person next to them kept "stealing all my food!" Which made the two chuckle together.
This routine goes on for a while, Thin Man teleporting to The Maw, them having a chat and a laugh, then one of them has to go. They wish they could spent more time together, to get rid of all the necessities they have to go through to live or at least make life more bearable, Thin Man always having to chase after himself and Six, always getting so close yet always failing to succeed in capturing Six, making sure she never hurts him again. The Lady is in her quarters as usual, humming the usual tune to herself, which Thin Man knows by now. He teleports through the screen, The Lady not noticing this time, and he steps into the room with all the mirrors, The Lady, looking into one, sees him. "Thin Man-?!" She turns around, revealing her true face to him, not the horrid reflection that the mirrors show, not the porcelain mask she usually wears, but her own beautiful face. Her eyes a dark brown, skin fair and delicate, nothing wrong with her whatsoever. "I- I can explain-" she is able to stammer out, her body quaking with nerves, fearful as to what Thin Man may say next, but he does something very unexpected. He steps closer, cupping her face in his hands as he looks down at her, and tells her how beautiful she is, "You are stunning, Lady, absolutely perfect." His voice is soft, caring and careful as he slowly admits this, his eyes filled with admiration for the shorter person. The Lady's eyes tear up, not used to this kind of affection, Thin Man counteracts the tears by gently moving his thumbs back and forth under her eyes, wiping away any tears that happened to escape those stunning dark eyes "Don't cry.." Thin Man chuckles, to which The Lady replies: "you're never like this, I don't know how to feel right now, there's so much going on." with a chuckle, sighing as her gaze slowly drifts to his lips.
Thin Man notices this, his own eyes travelling down The Lady's features until they reach her own lips, this happening after he recovers from his eyes widening. "May I?" He asks, looking into The Lady's eyes, which she then replies: "You may, Mono."
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scarletgemstone · 10 months
What if meme (little nightmares and birdboy the forgotten children)
disclaimer I own nothing everything belongs the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
what if the mirror man was in birdboy the forgotten children
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