#little nightares
grim-faux · 8 months
X5 _ Soft Wood Has No Reflection
First – A Small Quiet
A story. The Thin Man told him many stories about all the things, and Mono had listened to all of what the man and his hat would say.
By the dull light from a murky window, he carved deep into the plaster with a bit of metal. The tool smelled thick of rust and the flaking dust made his nose tingle, but he worked all the same to form the pictures he was familiar with. There the formed the many children he knew about. The man and his hat had many children, he always went to look for them. Mono always chased, but he never saw the children the Thin Man kept. That was how it always was.
He made the same mistakes with Her too.
While scratching out the shape of a television, he wondered where it was real and what was the story? When the Thin Man looked at him, something important was there. It wasn’t like together, but it was more than the company. Or that was a part of the story too. It made sense to him way back ago, but now that he thought more and scratched at the wall, he doubted what he thought. He spent a lot of time looking after the Thin Man, sharing with him the important stuff – food, the speek, and he told the Thin Man how wanted he was. Mono would always take care of him.
But it was all the silly child nonsense. Mono didn’t have anything the Thin Man wanted, and he shouldn’t have tried so much. It was all a game of pretend, and it made Mono feel mighty for a short time. All things must come to an end. The man in the hat said it once about how he was ‘grow up’ or something. The speek was strange, and Mono settled on thinking it meant to forget or runaway. The way the man and the hat made the sounds, it was like ‘grow up’ was something Mono had to do, but only if to figure something else out. Most of the time the Thin Man didn’t make sense, but Mono always paid attention. The stories were important.
The tall man didn’t leave Mono, he just never thought about Mono. The Thin Man had so many children, everywhere, across the city. Children to visit and look at, all the children the Thin Man had found, scared children and cautious children. Mono was just one of the children, but the Thin Man never liked visiting him. So Mono made sure to chase. He was good at finding the Thin Man. The best at it.
He would always be the best.
The scrawl of the man and his hat was not incredibly tol, but Mono did his best with how high he could reach. It wasn’t warning speek, he never did warning speek about the tall thin man. Very near the curved shapes, meant to be the Thin Man’s shoes, he added a small scribble shape. The shape sort of had a cube atop the triangular mass, but Mono wasn’t really specific on who the child should be. The man in the hat always had a child with him. Very rarely did Mono see him without one of his children that was not Mono.
“Mono. Am Mono. Mono,” he mumbled, with each scritch and every drag of the flint.
There was no child called Mono. The Thin Man had a boy and a child and another child and another boy, and sometimes a brat. Mono liked the speek brat, but the Thin Man always knotted his face in a way that Mono knew it wasn’t good speek. He still liked the way it sounded.
All stories had to end. If they didn’t, Mono would go nowhere and nothing would happen. He might stop and go nowhere anymore, and that was always bad. Children that stopped turned cold and hard, and never ran ever again. That wouldn’t happen to Mono. He knew what had to happen, he remembered. It was important he never forget that story, and the Thin Man made helped him know what was supposed to happen. He did try to make something different happen, he wanted to keep his Thin Man more than anything. But he couldn’t.
For a while, he had something that felt very warm and important. It was the biggest thing he had ever felt, and the heavy sensation always awed him with how wonderful it was to cling to. With every ounce of his mighty power, he bundled it up and locked it in his core – into whatever made Mono a Mono. It couldn’t be found anywhere, but he felt it deep inside his world. The best things could not be clutched, they just were.
That never existed, though. It was the story Mono made for himself. He chased the Thin Man and thought about the things they could do, where they should go. Everything that made Mono happy, he tried to share with the Thin Man. But to the man in the hat, there was no one called Mono. Mono chased ideas, he found comfort in stories, and the man in the hat didn’t think about which child he found, or which boy he looked at. A child was a child. All of them were the same.
To Mono, he was the most important child. Ever. And he wanted the Thin Man to see how great he was, how amazing Mono was as the best company.
The flint plinked softly when it fell beside his knees. Mono couldn’t hold it anymore, he couldn’t press the sharp edge in the soft wood and carve out the stories he made about the Thin Man.
That was all they were. Stories. Silly stories of ideas Mono wanted. The dreams he had, about the Thin Man smiling with something so impossibly warm it made Mono beam back with the mightiest of grins. Once upon a time, the thin Man scared him so much and he hated the tall thin man for taking Her. Now, all he wanted was to smell the smoke and curl up in his long arms, to shy away from awful roaring thunder, and hide from all the hate the world threw at him.
He settled on curling up in his coat, beside the wall he had marked his story into. The pictures answered his questions about where the Thin Man went for his long and busy. It helped him understand why he would always be alone, and how dumb it was to think about anything but food and shelter. Nothing lasts forever. Especially the things that made Mono so warm and happy.
The Thin Man was far from knowing anything about Mono, but that was how it was supposed to be. Mono remembered, he never forgot. He just wanted to pretend a little longer. Now?
It was time for Mono to gather his thoughts and all the pieces that made him – Mono. He was ready to run as far as he could and search for that edge of the city, where the waters lapped at the shore, and the other wilderness waited beyond the misty rains. It was time for Mono to find new places to tuck his head down and rest in the half sleep. Just like now.
A long-long journey awaited him, it would be lonesome and dangerous. But the Thin Man left him a long time ago. Nothing could hurt him now.
Mono settled his head behind his knees and soothed out the tremors in his shoulders. Very soon, a bubble of warmth formed in the tent his coat formed. The empty room creaked the way they always did, and the wispy gale clawed at windows. None of that reached Mono. He refused to feel anything.
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coffeestripes · 1 year
A novakid, a floran, a nightar, an avian, a yautja, a khenixeross and a captan avali aboard the same ship as a tripulation of mercenaries
Absolute mayhem.
For some context + Species info:
Novakid / Nova - He has a strage flame, usually the Novakids are simplier and lighter colors, but Nova has a intense deep blue like "fire". Loves weapons, has lots of them and even Blitzen is confused how he gets more and more everyday
Nightar / Dredavus - "Everyone is too loud, except Nova… But he's too… Too bright" The only reason to them being on that ship is because loves working there as the ship technician. Usually stays back when the things get heavy, but they are always trying to help at least as a light support. Ironically Nova and them are close friends
Avian / Teicach - "Fuck Kluex idc about religion" He spend lots of time studying other races around the universe, so yes he's a efficient med. Maybe a little bit too cocky but no one in the ship is going to be smugger than Ze'Tier, so she usually keeps the chiken on the ground. Blitzen is grateful about that
Floran / Tassavage - He's also a strange being among his species. Two cat-like ears and a leafy tail, claws sharper than usual and a more primitive behaviour. However, keeps himself under control. Challenges a lot Ze'Tier, always loses, never gives up. Always facing the danger with Nova and Ze'Tier. They love fighting and are hard to beat up, so Blitzen lets them be
Yautja (this is avp acc duh, but still here is something)/ Ze'Tier - "Why ooman so strange... No ooman scent- Earthy- Not even ooman? Wait that's a plant?!" Big bulky yautja lady. Considered a bad blood due her clan, Blitzen took the risk to allow her on his ship. At that time the avali was only starting to make a tripulation, and why not? A yautja may be a dangerous option, even more a female one but it was a good opportunity to have someone strong there. Spends lots of time training with Tassavage, even if the little flowy-smelling shit gets too intense time to time. As someone who almost never left the planet it was amazing to be around those curious "h'ulij-bpe s'yuit-de" (affectionate). She Also helps to move the big containers and knit things to have a little sustain besides her work there
Khenixeross / Khornerite (Name attached to changes) - Old Blitzen's friend. No one in the ship is very happy to have him around. The Khenixeross are vastly know to play with biotechnology, however, they reach some brutal extremes, creating something completly different almost twisted from the living being they where originally using. Khornerite doesn't like this, so when he was banished decided to go with Blitzen. Usually manages the new missions and helps Teicach in the nursey. Something the bird is not fully comfortable, but at least Khornerite is… Friendly.
Avali / Blitzen - Hates the stereotype of "awwhh cute floffy raptors" NO. Dare to say that to him and congratulations here is your plasma shot that slowly burns the flesh around your well gained hole. Polite, but kinda temperamental. He always loved the idea of exploring the universe. And that's what he did. Has many space stations filled with curious things and even creatures he found around his long, long trips. However, sometimes was quite lonely
But. With this new crew, they where more than readdy to "conquer the universe"
Image references of the characters. Sadly there are no yautjas at starbound (and the ones who exist are uhhh no thx,,,,) and the Khenixeross are a original species of crystal bugs made by me so no pics of them
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fang-and-feather · 5 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Arthur x Reader - Family Fic
For Day 5 of 12 Days of Arthur hosted by @oigimi and @scummy-writes
This week was a nightare for writing, i'm glad I at least finished this, as improvised as it was
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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“When will dad get here?” Your daughter asked impatiently, sitting on the floor by your feet, Vic resting his head on her lap.
“He’ll be here soon, dear.” You ruffled her hair, hoping Arthur wouldn’t take too long.
I still took a few more minutes before the door opened, Vic rushing to it.
“Down, Vic!” Arthur said firmly, trying to calm the dog that jumped at him, as if to get to the box in his arms. “Down!” Vic finally listened, sitting back, but still staring at the box but he was replaced by the little girl, that darted from her place by your side to cling to him.
“Daddy!” She hugged him, then looked up, eyes shinning as she noticed the box. “You really got me a pet!”
“Why do you think so, dear? Maybe it’s a toy. Or a gift for your mother.”
“There are holes in the box, like mom made when we brought that bird to the forest. And you already got mom a gift, that’s why you got home late last week.” She explained.
Arthur looked so proud when she said that. You knew he loved the fact that your daughter was so observant at such young age. Maybe it was just a phase, in which she was awestruck with him and his skills, and trying to copy him. But she was smarter than other kids her age, especially in things that required logic, attention and observation, and he always got so proud when she showed that.
“Smart like her father.” You laughed. “She’ll be outsmarting you before you know it.”
“Is that the confidence you have in me, luv?” Arthur should know you were teasing, still he clearly didn’t like the notion that anyone could outsmart him, not even his own daughter, because he was definitely pouting.
“Don’t worry, daddy.” Your daughter chimed in. “You will always be my champion.”
“Well, thank you, dear.”
“But mom said good students get better than their teachers.” She added, making you laugh harder.
She wasn’t even the one you told that to, but apparently she heard your conversation and took your words seriously.
Arthur looked like he wanted to protest, but all that noise seemed to wake the dog in the box, who had been quiet until now, as he started to bark and try to push the box open. Vic stood up, barking back.
“I think we all got a little out of track here, and someone is getting impatient.”
“True.” Arthur crouched down to get to his daughter’s eye level, extending the box to her. “Merry Christmas, little robin.”
The little girl sat on the floor, opening the box.
“Here, little one.” She told the puppy that poked his head out. He barked at her and she reached out to touch him a little hesitantly, but smiled in delight when he let her do so, tail wagging, before she picked him up. “I think it likes me!” She exclaimed, excitedly.
The puppy was the same race as Vic, but in a different coloration.
“And you like him?”
“I love him! Thank you, Dad!”
Vic had approached her, sniffing the new puppy, who barked at him. Vic barked back, then walked back to Arthur.
“Seems like Vic approves, too.”
The girl let the puppy down, following him as he started to explore the room.
“What will be his name?” You asked her.
“Sherlock.” She declared, without hesitation.
You tried not to laugh at the obvious shock on Arthur’s face. Not even he was prepared for that turn of events. He would probably regret agreeing to get her a dog for a while.
“Who told you about Sherlock, dear.”
“I saw it in one of dad’s papers, then I asked uncle Sebas.” The puppy ran up to Vic, barking as if calling to him, and your daughter followed, finally noticing Arthur. “Daddy, are you okay?”
Arthur closed his eyes, gulped, took a deep breath and managed to smile. Not finding the courage to complain at his little girl.
“I’m fine, little robin.”
She nodded happily and scooped Sherlock up, before running to the door.
“Where are you going?” You asked her.
“Show him to Vincent and Lis.”
“Don’t run on the stairs, and don’t lose him.” You shouted as she ran to meet her friends, with Vic following her out.
“Okay, mum!” She shouted back.
Shaking your head, you turned back to Arthur.
“Seems like she already won this round. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m not fine, exactly.” Arthur admitted in a low tone. “Of all things… But you underestimate me, luv.” He added with a weak grin. “This is not exactly a loss. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to win a game, that’s part of the strategy.”
“Strategy for what? The only time you brought up a game regarding her was last year.”
“And you really thought I would let it end in a draw like that?”
You laughed, nuzzling into his chest.
“You’re impossible. But you know you didn’t need to go that far, right? She would have understood if you talked to her.” Arthur tensed a little, and you tried to pull away to look at him, but he hugged you tighter. “Don’t tell me the great detective didn’t figure out how emotionally mature his daughter really is?”
“Maybe. But you don’t take uncalculated risks when you want to win.”
“I’ll leave it at that.” You said, laughing. You knew Arthur didn’t want to admit he was unable to say no to his little girl. After all, it defeated the purpose of the game if you didn’t know it was still ongoing. But you would let him have this moment, at least for this day. “Merry Christmas, Arthur. I love you.”
Arthur finally pulled away to face you.
“Love you too, bird. Merry Christmas.” You two kissed, enjoying each other’s warmth a little longer while you could. “A shame we can’t continue this right now, luv. Let’s get your gift then, shall we?”
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles
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the-haunted-office · 11 months
( @vanellygal - Continued from here!)
“No, remote gaming with friends isn’t quite the same, is it?” Doom muses from inside the controller.
She tries very hard to dodge the attacks Joshua is throwing at her Pikachu but she’s too much out of practice. She’s been playing too much MarioKart to beat Thursday and too much Tetris to stay ahead of Eisuke and it’s been altogether too long since she played Smash Bros. She curses when Link knocks Pikachu off the platform. As soon as her little character respawns, though, she’s right back on him.
“What am I? Ohoho, now there’s a rude question. Asking someone what they are before who they are. Shows your priorities,” she comments with a bit of an edge, although it quickly eases back into good humor as she continues manipulating her little Pikachu around the game. “Well, since that’s so important to you, I’ll tell you exactly what I am. I...”
She trails off momentarily before suddenly both controllers lift up into the air. The controller Joshua has tries to yank itself out of his hands - he will likely lose his grip unless he holds on tight enough, although the controller will then try to pull away with even more force if he does. Doom is terribly strong, but she can’t and won’t hurt Joshua. It’s about all scaring the shit out of him.
The two controllers (or one, if Joshua is still holding onto his) float up into the air and begin to wriggle about like strange tentacles.
“...am your NIGHTARE. Ahahahahahahaha!”
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fco-sg · 3 years
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I draw characters from series while I was on Twitter Doing the challenge.
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kris-that-e-diot · 3 years
so me and my friends started talking about little nightmares 2 in our group chat and im sorry
They tried to put him on the cover of vogue
But his legs were tooooooo long
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jeaneybean · 2 years
Thinking about Fear in the DND campaign.
The current thing we’re doing is going through a pyramid full of traps and rooms built to test people and so far they’ve played to the fears of two party members (havilah and anya).
The first room was a narrow tunnel filled with hundreds upon hundreds of mummy arms reaching out. ‘The room of a thousand reaching hands’. Once we figured out they were mummy hands Vera was able to go down that long tunnel by herself, with the hands grasping and clawing at her the whole way, but she’s immune to mummy rot. Anya, who failed her will save to the fear, saw them as grasping little drow hands, the little ones she oculdn’t save.
The second room, ‘The room of the waning moon’ was more for Havilah, where a group of shadow conjured people who were werewolf versions of the first people his caravan. All turned, because of him. This didn’t effect him quite as much, because his proper nightmare (That wasn’t willing to do, because of how many magic items we have) is him snapping and turning the party.
(Vera did get a slight awful bit in that room as she swung into the grapple pile that Havilah was in, rolled a 1, and hit him with her silvered wolfsbane sword)
So I was thinking, what would Vera’s worst nightare be? It’s changed from what it was. She used to be terrified of falling, of proving everyone right about her.
But what she’s afraid of most is loss of control. Be it herself mind controlled to do things or her losing her control over her temper and that evil streak she has. She fears that most. Which is fun.
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ravynfyre · 3 years
horse nonsense
so. my chestnut sorrel horse, Fox, that I got last year after my beloved Takoda passed, started attacking my sheep, dogs, and lambs this spring. As much as I liked him, he had to go. That would leave me with one horse, and that's not fair to her. She needs company, and cows... they'll do in a pinch, but, really, she needs a herd, and herd of 2 is still better than being alone.
so I've been looking for someone to replace fox with. Guy came and looked at Fox, liked him, and then tried to lowball me on my asking price. I kindly told him that, no, what I was asking was even low for what he was, so I would not be taking lower than what I asked. I didn't want him to go for, basically, a kill pen price, which was what this guy was asking me. Then his girlfriend asks if I'd be interested in a mule, because they have a smaller mule mare that they are trying to sell.
The mule turned out to be everything I had been hoping for, and more. Color, temperament, training, everything. The only negative was that she had had cancer in on eye before, had the eye removed, and the surgeon, for whatever reason, opted to let the surgical site heal from the "outside in", rather than sewing the eye closed.
Or so I was told.
I made an offer of the trade of my horse, Fox, plus enough money that I would have only lost $100 between the values. The guy countered by offering to take $400 LESS than what I offered.
that should have been red flag number 2, but he was a good friend of another good friend, and I mistakenly assumed that he was trying to do good by me for their sake. We agreed, he even threw in a piece of tack I needed, and we made the sale/trade.
A few days later, I took the mule, now named Honey, to my large animal vet to have the wound looked at to get a better treatment plan than "just spray it with shit now and then".
it wasn't a surgical wound. it was malignant, aggressive, basal cell carcinoma. Cancer. and not only would my vet not give me a wound care plan (other than take these antibiotics and spray shit on it now and then to protect it from flies), my vet wasn't even sure that we could save Honey's life at all, because it was so advanced and so bad. Vet offered to send us to the vet college for a consult, so i agreed.
vet college needs way too much money for me to rationalize spending, just to walk in the door and speak to an oncologist. and that hasn't even tipped into the *treatment* plan, which will likely run into the thousands of dollars. i can't afford that. not and keep the rest of my livestock alive.
so, contacted the guy to tell him about all that, and he said he would work with me, but was the doc REALLY SURE that it was cancer, becaaauuuuse....
yeahno. the doc is sure. it's fucking cancer, and she's in bad shape.
so he offered to let me have a look at these other horses he had literally gotten in the day before, one of which was a "nice little appaloosa mare" that he thought I'd like.
that should have been red flags number 3 and 4. but i was still trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
i told him that i would check with the vet college about a couple things, then call him back in a day or two to let him know what i decided, and see about maybe seeing the mare.
called him today. he sold the mare last night. oh, and he's already sold fox on to someone else, too.
so. i told him that when he gets back from wherever he (conveniently eneough) is this weekend, he needs to come get honey and bring me the money i paid him, and my full asking price for fox, since he already sold him on. he promised that he would.
now we wait and see. and sometime next week, my horse becomes a herd of one, and i pray to gods that she doesn't give up and stop eating again like she did when takoda died.
honey was *perfect*. honey was *everything* i had been looking for. honey was supposed to be the last equine i ever bought.
what a fucking nightare.
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itzdrawingmelo · 3 years
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Hi! I love to draw it my passion I like gaming too. I’m really into little nightares and Dream smp
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corvaux · 3 years
The Nightar Part 2
In this next segment, we will talk about the beginning of Dr. Dage Lunaris’ revenge against the Scarlet Empire and how his desire to create life was intertwined.
What made the Penumbral planets was the sheer amount of inhospitable features they carried. They were constantly dark due to the atmosphere created by the mushroom spores across the planet. Said mushroom spores created unpredictable weather. From gravity altering rain to cosmic radiation. Many races found it difficult to reside there even if they had protection from the weather due to the lack of sunlight. Many who were determined to stay on such planets had gone insane, claiming something was whispering to them or they were seeing spectres or images that weren’t there. In truth, much later it would be discovered that the cosmic radiation combined with the natural dark nature of the planet, brought it close to the Void. The Void being a realm of natural emptiness that would occasionally produce beings in reality that would attempt to bring said emptiness with them. 
This danger made it perfect for the scientist. He would be left to his work and creating something new. Working alone would mean that he only had to focus on one perspective, one goal, one vision. And without the constant upkeep of his other colleagues’ projects and his other facilities, he would have all the time he needed. Lunaris missed many of his colleagues regardless, but this had only fueled his dark venture. 
Months had gone by, he had transformed a portion of his ship into a workable research facility. An earth year had gone by and the research facility had transformed from a crammed loader vessel to a full on building. Aside from the bio-illuminating spores, his laboratory was the only light on the entire surface of the planet. The past year had been difficult to just survive in such harsh conditions. But what remained of his old research papers still existed in a data pad system and he poured over them rotation after rotation. When he hadn’t been focused on his research, he studied the weather and figured out ways to survive the many dangers of the planet he would dub “Scarlet’s Shadow.”
He pondered heavily, considering every possible angle to destroy the Scarlet Empire. The only thing he had been sure of was that his research would be the key as no one took him seriously. Except his competitors, those within the Scarlet Empire that saw his research as a threat. A genius man, he had been. Arrogant, too. His last great project was met with so much caution and red tape that after five years of development, it was scrapped. Whether the imperial senate considered it too dangerous, or his competitors pulled strings, it was an insult to him. One, that he figured would be not only tragic, but would also be the perfect way to get back at them. 
The project’s name was “RISE”. It began as a study into the human DNA as well as that of other races. But by the end of said study, he had theorized that humanity had many strains that would’ve allowed them to be much more than they were. He figured the reason why evolution held these back was to prevent death of either the child or the mother during birth. The project’s goal was to recreate this strain but also to use their technology to give life to the first ‘Proto-Human’. Even with amazing results and the only phase left had been to put said strain into practice, it had been shut down being deemed ‘inhumane’. This had been Lunaris’ holy grail, he remembered every note he had ever wrote, every test, how each machine was calibrated. He had never been more focused on a project than RISE. 
Now, he was alone on a planet where he had to come up with his own resources, his own devices, his own machinery. But there was no one to tell him no. 
The next year he had spent recreating the exact laboratory he had worked in during RISE. The process was slow and demanding. A miracle had presented itself, however. In the form of a mineral native to the planet itself, Penumbrite. The ore itself would illuminate just like the mushrooms littered across the planet. It wasn’t just a pretty stone, the material would act as an accelerant. Suddenly devices that needed extreme amounts of power were able to recycle said power and retain it for much longer. Weapons and tools went from relying on weight to being able to split atoms in a haze of cyan blue energy. With all of this in hand, by the second year on his new home, he was ready to begin testing. 
Rotation after rotation, test after test. Even though he had remembered every painstaking detail about RISE, he began to question himself. He was able to recreate the strain with no problem, but any creation of live flesh ended in interruptions that would ultimately lead to failure. Power outages, gravity storms, radiation leaking into the laboratory. Yet, in spite of all the hard work, the constant patching issues down, it seemed with every test there was something to cause error. Even during one of the quietest nights he had since he had arrived on the planet, something would break down or fail. By the 50th test, the frustration overtook him and he ceased RISE until further notice. 
Without his knowledge, his mind dipped into the sea of the void. Taking all of the rumors and horror stories as just that, he didn’t prepare himself for the greatest danger of the Penumbral Planets: Insanity.
It began as thinking he heard something across the room. Or chasing a critter that ceased to exist. Voices and sounds bled into his mind and he grew increasingly paranoid. The voices became loud but muffled. Phrases that would begin with absolute clarity and drown themselves in muttering. Weeks had gone by and he couldn’t avoid the fact he was losing his mind. Instead of avoidance, he allowed the void to seize it. 
Seize his mind, it did. Thousands of possibilities suddenly manifested in his subconscious. His awareness of the galaxy, the universe, and it’s infinite cosmos grew. Concepts that no sane man would consider. The planet had brought him down, but now his mind had adapted and he began his work again. 
Tests began in earnest. In the beginning, he used hard science he learned from research and experience. The void told him a great deal, playing on his ego and insecurities. With a perfect strain of the DNA in place, the machine being powered with a mix of penumbrite and obsidian generators, and a small metaphysical ritual, RISE finally met it’s conclusion.
His laboratory was left in shambles, the generators fried. Blood and entrails on the floor from the profane sacrifice he had gifted to the void. Even with what appeared to be a disaster in front of the mad scientist, a pale infant yet lay in the tank. A child of the void, a little girl of darkness. The first Nightar. 
The next part will be a brief summary of how the Nightar began as a species, leading to their greatest heist in history: The Collapse of the Scarlet Empire. 
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jq37 · 4 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 17
Then Perish (in which the Plot is Happening No Matter How Many Nat 20’s you Roll Ally Beardsley)
Strap in my dudes. It’s a wild one. 
Last ep, we’d just entered the forest of the nightmare king and things went sideways pretty quickly. All of the non-familiar NPCs have been poofed away and Kalina is currently fully killing Kristen. Riz, recently cured by Kristen (something that seemed to genuinely distress Kalina), can hear Tracker getting further and further away from them in wolf form. He gives Kristen his flare gun, tells her to run, and looks for the pollen they need to make the Kalina vaccine. Kalina disappears and in comes Sandra-Lynn with a weird mandrake-y plant for Kristen to bite. But, with a nat 20, she realizes that she’s seeing an illusion and Kalina is trying to get her to bite and reinfect Riz.  
All of the Bad Kids try to find each other, using all the tricks at their disposal to move faster (Fly, Jump, Dashing, etc). Fabian gets the Hangman to meet them at the edge of the forest with Gilear. Kristen shoots up the flare (presumably to alert Gilear of her position?) and cures herself as she runs, trying to buy time.  Kalina tries to make a deal with her so she and her friends will destroy the photo of her and their crystals but Kristen is not about that at all. She just tells everyone to run. Once Fig catches up with her, she does her one better and Dimension Doors with her almost all of the way out of the forest (after Fabian hits her with some Heroism which gives her regening temp HP to help combat the constant damage Kalina is doing). This cuts down the rounds needed to escape from 44 to a much more manageable 12. She manages to just get out alive after 24d6 of damage and Kalina is stuck at the edge of the forest with a threatening, “Get you next time.” The rest of the Bad Kids also make it out without too much trouble due to all their speed buffs.  
After everyone takes a tight five to be like, “Welp, that sucked,” they head to the Tinkerer’s Hall to enlist help with making tinctures. Overnight (together with Riz--since Kristen has quarantined herself) they’re able to make six doses of the tincture. Meanwhile, Fig learns more about her bass and Gorgug gets a new Ax from the very grateful tinkerers. Fig’s bass does a lot to help her be effective while she’s being attacked by all sides but--most importantly (imo)--gives her a +5 to performance checks, something I think Brennan is gonna live to regret. Speaking of regret, Fig is beset by whispers of guilt for her “fault” in the disappearance of their friends. Let’s put a pin in that. Gorgug gets a choice between a sick lightning ax and a dope gravity ax. He picks the latter, which, among other things, gives him auto-crits on objects (which seems like a plot tease for sure). While this is going on, Adaine makes two days worth of progress on a spell for Ayda. Kristen, who is being understandably sad in the van, prays to “not knowing” and gets her spells back, clearly (to us at least) missing something as she rolls a Nat 1 perception check. 
The gang cures Kristen with a dose of tincture then they upload the video of Kalina Riz took with his tie cam (which, btw, can scan for good and evil while recording and only pings Celestial magic from Tracker and Kristen, Kalina doesn’t ping as either). To my immediate delight, they post the video (respectfully clipped to not include Tracker) as sort of a fantasy version of The Dress, and it very quickly goes viral as people try to figure out why some people can see the tabaxi in it and some can’t. 
Back to Fig for a bit, Fig realizes the whispers in her head berating her aren’t external. They’re internal. She says she’s better than being loud than quiet and attempts to drown them out rather than ignore them. Fig realizes that, now that she’s out of the forest, Ayda’s feather is glowing again. Using that connection, Adaine tries to Scry on Ayda and sees that she (along with Zathriel) are caught in a horrifying web with web going into all of their face holes. Ayda’s eyes are clear because the fire of her eyes burn out the webs but she's full on weeping. She’s also trying to use the bloody earring Fig gave her to teleport back to her (knew that was gonna come back, at least for flavor) but her restraints won’t allow it. This absolutely lights a fire under Fig’s ass and she is ready to go back into the forest immediately. Before they do, Gorgug gives his Van to the gnomes (since it was bought with KVX money) and Riz makes one of the potions into a tranq dart for Tracker.
The journey to the temple Adaine saw in her Scry is two days away which means a bunch of sleep and navigation checks (without the Van or Tracker there to cast a Moon Haven). They sleep in shifts with Kristen, Fabian, and Fig sleeping first. Kristen rolls and 19 and Fig gets a 17 with Adaine’s Portent. Fabian is the low man with a 10. Even though Fig seemingly made the check, we still get dream narration for her as she is met by a pre-horned, 13 y/o version of herself who berates her. But Fig (who has made the check and can leave the nightare at any time) says she’s so much happier now than she’s ever been and boom! She loses her College of Whispers subclass and becomes a College of Lore Bard (gaining the Cutting Words feature). Whispers banished, she finds she’s able to communicate with Gorthalax who tells her being a devil doesn’t just have to be about being “evil”. At its core, being a devil is about rebellion. It’s about flipping off the universe, something Fig can very much vibe with. 
When Fabian wakes up, not having had a dream, he sees a familiar, tri-cornered hat a little ways away. As soon as he steps away from the group, he is possessed and starts attacking his friends--brutally as per DM’s orders. Luckily, Adaine has a low portent roll to give him, Riz has a net gun, and Gorgug now has a super heavy axe which he simply lays on Fabian, restraining him. They snap Fabian out of it and Adaine can tell it wasn’t an ambient effect of the forest. It’s something that was actively cast on Fabian (the same thing that was cast on Fig when she gem’d Gorthalax). However, it’s probably stronger in the forest. They also realize that when the Baron thing happened, Riz was attacked but not possessed and he also didn’t go to sleep. So, if they go through the forest not sleeping, they’ll be safe from possession at least. The next three are able to sleep without problem (even Riz who rolled a 7) but, in the morning, they don’t do so hot on their navigation checks. Instead of losing time, they decide to push through to the temple.
When they get there, they see that it’s basically surrounded by skeletons, like people just showed up to lay down and die. Something above the entrance has been moved and they also see (from much more recently) three sets of footsteps joined by a fourth set halfway (boots, not talons or paws). Adaine casts Locate Creature on her mom but doesn’t sense her within 1000 ft. Riz takes point and decides to scout the temple and report back. On a Nat 20 for a total of 30 Investigation, he fully cases the joint in less than ten minutes. He sees a brick of Dusk Moss and a bunch of spooky books which he realizes means a ritual happened to take the casters almost further into the forest in some kind of non-euclidean direction. He sees a skeleton of a unicorn filled with webs and egg sacs which died looking at a portrait of a woman in a black robe with black hair but the face is destroyed. 
Riz reports back all of this to his friends and Adaine decides that she’ll shoulder full responsibility for looking at the potentially evil books, trusting her friends to snap her out of it if she gets possessed or something. Equally supportive in their own ways, Fig plays a countercharm for her off to the side and Riz points a gun at her. From reading the book, Adaine is able to piece together a lot about the mechanics of what’s going on. There is a tree in the center of the forest (the broom that was turned into a tree) which helps to boost all the illusions in the forest. Because of this, illusions are all more real. For example, illusory wings created with Disguise Self would actually grant you flight. The Dusk Moss used in the ritual was probably to give them some measure of control over the insane nightmares (as in, “I know this is a dream sorta, therefore I can’t be hurt”). Brennan says Adaine would probably be able to do the ritual with some time and study. Siobhan Galaxy Brains and scours her spell list for spells involving illusions for what she calls, “some fuckery” (“Give me the fuckery,” Brennan says, even the game DM). Adaine wants to use Illusory Script to write a spell that will allow her to do the ritual with the hope that it will become real. Brennan looks directly into the camera like it’s The Office and asks for a DC 30 Arcana check. She doesn’t get it but she does get the sense that the principle behind the idea is solid.  Anyway, back to the other transubstantiations. The Familiar to a Plague is, as we all already knew, Kalina who is controlling the illusions in the forest. The Spellbook is the KVX coin and is (1) aligned with the Enchantment school of magic and (2) responsible for the possessions that have been happening (ie: Fig, Ragh, and Fabian this ep). The Sanctum to Cottage is aligned with the Abjuration school of magic and basically a trap for Celestials coming into the forest and also will prevent certain levels of spellcasting as they get progressively deeper. And now back to the tree (he doesn’t say the school of magic it is and also he says there are four when there are actually 8 so I’m not sure which school it’s supposed to represent--Divination maybe since that’s Adaine’s school?). The forest becomes alive the further in they go. The more safe they feel, the more the paths will move around. The only way to get they can get to the center is by feeling fear and uncertainty--which has got to be simultaneously great and terrible news for someone with major anxiety to get. 
All of that is all going on in the main chamber. Meanwhile, Gorgug is in the hallway and Fabian is in the chapel with Kristen who is checking out the picture of the goddess. Kristen, on international DM’s day, rolls a nat 20 religion check because of course she does. She hears the goddesses’s voice in her head. “Why do you search for me?” Kristen says she’s really into the praise through doubt thing. Brennan makes her roll a Con check with disadvantage--13.  
He says, “I’m gonna describe what Kristen sees and then I’m going to describe what Fabian saw,” instantly activating my Fight or Flight. 
Kristen feels a wave of spite, rage, and betrayal from the goddess and then she feels blinding pain as the unicorn skeleton runs over and gores her through the heart from the back. 
“What praise will you have in death?” the voice in her head says, as she collapses, fully lifeless. 
The unicorn turns to a panicked Fabian (who is only not driven mad by his immunity to Fear) and says, “You should not have come here.” 
Brennan for Killing Kristen on a Nat 20
Using a Nat 20 to kill a player is such a power move and please do not let this placement make you think I don’t respect the unmitigated gall. 
Honor Roll
Adaine for An Incredible Piece of Fuckery
The fact that it didn’t work doesn’t change the fact that this was a Galaxy Brain connection that she made instantly and will almost certainly end up saving their asses. Mark my words: Before the end of the season, some Looney Tunes-ass painting a black circle to make a real hole type nonsense is gonna happen.
Random Thoughts
Emily’s constant awe at Ally’s dice rolls is so funny to me. She’s like head parishioner at the church of Ally’s dice. 
“Don’t bite the baby your mom gives you.”
Adaine taking pics of Fabian on Gorgug’s back while running out of the forest.
The teamwork shown during Kristen’s rescue? *chef’s kiss*
“It doesn’t protect you from losing all your friends in a forest.” Ow. 
Emily going, “Thank you Brennan,” like a little kid when she got her new bass’s stats.
“All of our girlfriends are in there!”
Brennan, upon being denied a wisdom save from Emily: You have to! I asked. 
Ice feast?????? Ally, what????
There is very much a world where the Bad Kids immediately leveraged Fig’s social media presence to get a better sample size on what was going on with Kalina. I wonder what would have happened if they’d gone viral with it much earlier.  
Ayda was drawn to the cottage with Zathriel because she’s part Celestial apparently. Are Phoenixes Celestial? That’s news to me. 
Also, on the topic, very Concerned about where the remaining NPCs are. 
The fact that Ayda had Fig’s earring in her hand while bound and unable to move much or do a spell that would allow her to get it into her hand implies that her split second reaction when captured was to reach for it and that was the one thing she could do before she was incapacitated which is A Lot.
Kristen keeps asking Riz to hold the tranq gun because she wants to look out for Tracker, which is sweet but you have -3 Dex girl. The kindest thing you can do is never touch that gun and toss Riz some Bless. 
The break they took between leaving the forest and going back Concerned me as it was happening. I was like, y’all literally anything could be happening right now. I had no sense on the amount of tie they realistically had to spare before something unreversable happened. 
Lol at Brennan clearly trying to throw some levels of exhaustion at the party and them just rolling out of it, no problem.  
I feel like Brennan knew Kristen was dying this episode no matter what and I gotta say: (1) I think it’s a great skill as a DM to keep our story on the tracks while also having the players actions matter and have meaningful consequences and (2) I wonder if she hadn’t gotten a Nat 1 when she got her spells back, if we’d get some information that could potentially contextualize what happened. 
I do not remember what the unicorn’s deal is but I remember it was mentioned specifically at the top of the season and I don’t trust anything about it--separately from the fact that it gored our girl. Was it speaking independently or was the goddess speaking through it? Or was it just the unicorn the whole time and Brennan was lying--not for the first time that episode? 
Fig being asked by her younger nightmare self what all the people in her life who had bad stuff happen to them have in common: Aguefort Advenuring Academy?
The image of an angel falling out of heaven and then rising up to flip off God and go, “F You,” is so cinematic that it makes me upset there aren’t animatics for this show. 
I am dying to know whether Brennan thought about the implications of making a setting where illusions are hyper-real in a game where Emily Axford is lousy with illusion magic. Did he consider it? Is there a mechanic to limit this? Or, next week, is Emily gonna say, “I cast disguise self on myself and I disguise myself as a super buff version of me with sick devil wings and I also create a minor illusion of a tiny, fairy, cleric.” What could stop her? Minor Illusion is a cantrip, guys. It’s a CANTRIP. I feel like either Brennan wildly miscalculated and made himself a double edged sword which Emily and Siobhan are gonna use to make him eat his dice OR he’s about to throw some absolutely unfair nonsense at them that even he doesn’t know the way out of and he’s trusting them to harness the power of the fuckery to figure it out. Either way, there are only 3 episodes left so I guess there’s only so much they can break the game in 3 episodes (she said, fully expecting to be proved wrong). 
“Crunch it up bro.”
When Brennan was talking about the ritual, he said, “Your parents and stuff” with regard to who did it, which makes me think Anguin was the fourth figure. But the “and stuff” is vague hedging language which makes me think we’re still being played. Brennan, tell me what’s going on in Abernant-Land, I’m begging you bro. 
One thing I didn’t mention in the main recap because it was getting long is the 4 transubstantiations were done on 4 gifts from the 4 tribes who worshiped the goddess The cat was from the wood elves. The sanctum was holy to the centaurs. I think the sprite was the spellbook which would make the broom from the treents.
Partial credit to @camwritery for this: Brennan gave Gorgug a weapon that, among other effects, insta-crits on inanimate objects. Which is a random ability unless a future plot point involves destroying some items--a la the pylons they destroyed earlier in what feels like a tutorial level in retrospect. And camwritery is the one who pointed out, hey, isn’t there a super important tree in the middle of the forest? Magic axe? Magic tree? Feels connected y’all. 
Everyone getting new gear and spells the past two eps has felt like that scene in Lion/Witch/Wardrobe where Santa shows up and is like, “Here are some weapons kids. Shit’s about to hit the fan!”
The fact that Riz escaped possession on a 7 seems to be explained by the fact that the cursed money is linked to possession and he gave all of his away. Which means Fabian and Adaine are still in danger, along with I think Fig since she kept her tour money which is likely infected. 
Anyone else get Wrinkle in Time/The Boy Who Reversed Himself vibes from all the dream travel talk this ep?
OK, I guess we gotta talk about Kristen dying for the third time in her life. Poor girl. She’s just trying her best to be a good person and earnestly trying to find meaning in the world. And what has it gotten her? Killed three times. And yet she keeps trying! The fact that it’s her makes me kinda more and less worried at the same time, you know? Because she is currently the sole healer on the team which is BAD--if Fabian went down, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal because Kristen would presumably just need to make her fright check and then cast Revivify. K-girl doesn’t have anyone to heal her (barring some illusion shenanigans from Fig or Adaine). However, Kristen’s motto might as well, “Whatever does kill you makes you stronger.” She basically has an at least 1 death per season clause written into her contract. If anyone can face death with grit and come out singing (and prob with some sick new powers) it’d be her. What an absolutely brutal way to end the episode.
She was mentioned in this episode for a hot sec I think--that racist ranger from earlier in the season--I don’t trust her. She could just be a one off NPC but I feel like there’s more to her. 
So I guessed correctly that the photos of Kalina would end up being a bargain chip potentially but somehow it didn’t occur to me that they could just...leave. Lol, I was like, “I guess they’re in it,” and they were like, “Yeah, bye.”
Kalina didn’t come after the gang in the forest the second time except maybe to possess Fabian if she did that directly. I wonder why that was. She had plenty of time.
I don’t like this spider motif. I don’t trust this spider motif. My spidey sense is going off re: this spider motif. I just want that on the record. 
This episode, Adaine rolled 1 Nat 20, Riz got 2, and Kristen rolled 3 but one was cancelled out by disadvantage. Meanwhile, Fig, Kristen, and Gorgug each rolled one Nat 20 each. 
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champofpallet · 5 years
🌑 Reverse (Gwen)
Send 🌑 To have your discover my muse having a nightmare. Add “Reverse” to have my muse discovering yours having a nightmare.
The Pokemon Center was unusually crowded which made healing Pokemon a hassle for the young man as he sat at one of the tables. Even the cafe was bustling, did word get out that he was here? Red was known as a famous trainer through out the regions, yet he didn’t really think he was honestly. However no one even noticed him at the table holding his Pikachu in his lap, most likely since unlike the persona that he tried to give himself, the silent and cool hero who doesn’t care, he was trying to take care of the electric types wounds with some of the potions that he had in his bag. He would buy stuff from the Pokestore too if that wasn’t packed as well. He gives a sigh and sprays Pikachu with some Hyper Potion. 
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“Kch…” Pikachu jolted a little from the sudden feeling of the medicine hitting his skin, but it did make him feel a lot better. As Red stroked his fur, the electric type snuggled up towards his chest, resting a bit from the big battle that had commenced not to long ago.
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“I’m down to my last few potions…I hope this crowd leaves soon so I can-”
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He noticed his friend Guinevere who was moving sporadically in her sleep. Was she okay? “H-Hey, Guinevere? Are you okay? Wake up, you’re havin’ a nightare.”
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nerdyangeldetective · 6 years
Grave & Despair.  [Kylo Ren x Reader]
Requested by the beautiful @kyloren-supreme-ben​ ♥: 
“  Can I request a Kylo/Ben x reader one shot? With the song Lucy from Skillet? Any ideas you get from it? 😊❤️ “
Warning: Dead Reader, sad as fuck, you’ll probably need some tissues.
Words count: 1.880.
Request are still open, don’t hesitate, I love it. ♥
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" I love you, you know that ?" she said suddenly while we were cuddling on the king sized bed, her head resting on my chest, both naked. I felt my heart pounding like crazy after those three words. She moved her head, looking at my face. I was confused, but happier than ever. I smiled at her and gently stroke her right cheek. "I love you too, (Y/N)." bending to put a kiss on her beautiful pink lips, but I could feel the sadness showing in her look. I tilted my head, waiting for her speak.
" .. If you loved me, why did you killed me ?"
Waking up from this nightare, drenched in sweat, breathing heavily, I put a hand in my hair and looked at my right and left. Nobody was here. She wasn't here. I closed my eyes, restaining my tears and let myself fall on the mattress. I sighed and tried not to let any tears come out. This date is still a living nightmare for me, and even Hux know how much I want to alone when this day come. I decided to get up, taking a shower and washing my hair. After spending an hour in my bathroom, I finally left my room, feeling an heavy sensation in my chest. Nobody was talking to me, probably because I put my mask on and since I'm Supreme Leader, I don't put it anymore; I was fine with this, I only wanted to talk to her today. No one else.
We landed on a planet, Ahch-To. This cursed planet that I hate so much. I got out the ship, it was still early on the morning and I could feel Hux looking at me, he hated this day like I hated it. After a few minutes walking, a dozen of red and black roses on my hands, I finally saw it. Your grave was intact, unspoiled, looking like we burried you yesterday.
I left a dozen roses on your grave today I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away I just came to talk for a while I got some things I need to say
Kneeling to put the roses on the grave, I noticed my hands were shaking so much. It was an horrible sensation to be here, to see the grave and not you and your beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes looking at me with so much love. I decided to stay kneeled, putting my mask on the floor because I know how much you didn't liked it when I was covering my face. Taking a bowl of air, I closed my eyes and tried to make my head empty. I finally spoked after a few minutes.
"Hello, (Y/N)." saying your name was already painful, my heart was hurting, my mouth was dry, I must not cry or else, everyone will saw how weak I am when it comes to you. "I hope you're happy to see me, sweetheart, even if I really think you hate me now." I was looking at my feet, I didn't had the guts to read your full name carved in the stone.
I'd give up all the world to see That little piece of heaven looking back at me Now that it's over I just wanna hold her
" It's been one year today. I know I.. I know I already come for your birthday but.. but I couldn't help myself. I needed to check on you, I needed to take a day off to be with you on this special day." feeling the tears come out, my lower lips was trembling more than ever. "I'm so sorry for what I've done. I'm so sorry I was so blinded by Snoke." It was becoming harder and harder. "I've made a promise today. I've made the promise that I'll tell you everything I didn't say to you when you were here. The things you wanted to hear from me, from my lips, and that I never said because I'm stupid and not great with feelings."
Hey [Y/N], I remembered your birthday They said it'd bring some closure to say your name I know I'd do it all different if I had the chance But all I got are these roses to give And they can't help me make amends
"I still remember who we kind of met. You were aboard the ship, working on this computer under Hux's order. Everytime, I sensed you here and apparently, you weren't aware of how powerful you were. You could have been a Knigh Of Ren.. Maybe you would still be here if it was the case." Sighing at this idea that would have changed everything, I took a break from speaking. I was feeling like someone was watching me, but nobody was here when I looked around me.  
"I'm being nostalgic, that's bad. Really bad." I speak to myself, gently shaking my head and trying to relax myself. "I never said it to you. At least, not when you were awake and not sleeping next to me but I loved you so much. I could have destroyed to entire galaxy for you.. and I still love you." It was too much, these last words were the death of me and my pride. I bursted into tears, putting my gloved hands on my face, lowering my head. "I love you. I want you back." Tears kept falling down on my cheeks, I was sobbing uncontrollably. It's the first time I think like this is happening to me, I never cried so much in my entire life.
Suddenly, I looked up, taking my lightsaber, lighting it and turned around while getting up, sensing someone behind me, but in a second, I was dropping it on the floor. I froze immediatly, my eyes widening and my hands shaking. "(Y/N) ?" I whispered only to see your beautiful smile. Was it a dream ?
Me and [Y/N] never wanna end Just another moment in your eyes I'll see you in another life In heaven where we never say goodbye
"Hey." you said in a whisper. You were thanking your force at this right moment for making you wander in this island sometimes. "How is this possible ?" said the beautiful dark haired man in front of you. You laugh a little despite the tragic situation. "I guess the force is still here despite my body being.. well. Buried." You saw him frown his eyebrow, his tears were still falling down on his cheeks. "Please, don't cry. I hate to see you like this." He shook his head, looking angry suddenly. "I killed you. I killed you without hesitating, how can you still be here, laughing a-and.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence. He kneeled, burrying his face on his hands.
"If it wasn't you, someone else would have killed me. Snoke wanted me dead because I was pulling you to the light, another Knight would have done the job and you would probably be dead at this hour if you.. if you disobeyed to him." You sat in front of him, trying to touch him even knowing it was impossible. Your hand touched one of his, on his face. You gasped, being astonished by the fact that you can touch him. He was looking at you, fear, love, sadness in his eyes. In a second, he was hugging you, strongly. His body was shaking and he was still crying and now.. You were also crying. Touching him, feeling his warm body on yours.. It was like a dream. "I love you. I will always love you, I promise (Y/N)." A smile forming on your face, you nodded a little, you face on his shoulder.
Here we are, now you're in my arms I never wanted anything so bad
You pushed him a little and kissed his lips, probably for the last time. You could feel it was the last time you were able to come back as a ghost. After a long kiss of goodbye, you looked at him right in the eyes. He was so pale, his eyes were puffy from crying so much, but you finally saw a little smile on his lips. He was feeling relieved to see you one last time. "I love you, Kylo." you said, kissing quickly his lips and getting up. Without saying anything else, you disappeared in front of him.
Just another moment in your eyes I'll see you in another life In heaven where we never say goodbye
Got to live with the choices I've made And I can't live with myself today
I spend an hour trying to process what just happend. I screamed and took my lightsaber, to destroy some rock that were a few meters away. I was screaming away my pain, my anger, everything and it's only after a few minutes that I came back on the grave, kissing the stone one last time and taking my helmet on the floor. I put it on and came back to the ship. It's been three hours and I didn't looked at anybody. I just went quickly in my quarter and when I was inside them, I took my helmet off, knocking it on the wall, destroying it and letting the component fall on the floor. I looked at it for a while and then, I saw Hux in the corner.
"I know you don't want to be disturbed, but I liked her like she was my sister so.. instead of mourning, even if I really hate you for what you did.. Do you want me to provide you company?" I looked at him, horrified by his proposition but.. Maybe staying alone wasn't a good idea. I nodded and sighed. "We should work instead of trying to be friendly. At least, it would shut down your loud thought about (Y/N)." I walked near him, expecting him to follow me and went on the bridge, trying to work on what we should do next for the First Order.
Hey [Y/N], I remember your name,
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xmfleonardo · 5 years
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares es un juego de horror indie, este tiene semejanza con Limbo e Inside. Fue de dasarrollada por la compañía Taiser studios, compañía que realizo un juego llamado Little big planet.
Little Nightmares se encuentra en las plataformas de Xbox, Playstation, PC y Nintendo Switch.
La fecha de salida de este juego fue el 28 de Abril del 2017.
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La historia comienza cuando Six (Protagonista) despierta en lo m��s profundo de “The Maw”  o de “Las fauces”, un lugar que tiene el propósito de satisfacer la gula de la gente adulta mediante carne de niños pequeños, los cuales son capturados por el conserje (hablare de el más adelante).
Continuando, durante el transcurso de la videojuego, Six empieza a sentir hambre; al principio como un trozo de pan que un pequeño niño se lo da, después el hambre aumenta y decide comerse una rata que se encuentra cerca de una especie de celdas y  cuando no pudo contener más el hambre decidió llegar al canibalismo comiéndose a un niño que se había escapado de las jaulas.
Tuvo que cruzar varios lugares, escapar de los villanos, para así llegar con su madre quien era dueña de “The maw” y quien ofreció a su hija para ser cocinada.
Al final Six se pelea con “La Dama”, una vez que la debilita Six se la devora así absorbiendo todo el mal que su madre tenia, camino a la salida la niña empieza a esparcir un aura que va matando a todos los huéspedes que están ahí, las luces parpadean y todo alrededor empieza a temblar.
Al final se nos muestra uno de los finales más confusos de todos los tiempos, este solo consta de que Six
Salió un Dlc, que narraba lo que sucedía mientras la protagonista recorría “The maw”
Actualmente se anuncio una 2da parte de este videojuego, para el próximo año.
Six es mucho más pequeña que los personajes adultos del juego, siendo apenas un tercio de su altura con extremidades extremadamente delgadas. Lleva un impermeable brillante y amarillo que termina justo encima de sus rodillas con tres botones, dos bolsillos y una capucha con forma de rombo. De cerca, tiene el pelo negro con flequillo que oculta completamente la mitad superior de su cara, solo revela su nariz y boca diminutas. Sus pies y manos están desnudos. Su única posesión es un encendedor de cigarrillos que guarda en su bolsillo cuando no está en uso.
Sobre su personalidad solo se puede decir que es persistente, ya que no hable y no se puede apreciar ningún tipo de facción.
Como dato Six es hija de la dama.
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El Conserje: Este personaje es el 1er antagonista que se nos aparece en el videojuego, su aspecto es algo tenebroso es pequeño, tiene brazos extremadamente largos y tiene una venda que le cubre los ojos. Su historia dice que el huyo al mundo hasta que “The maw”, para terminar siendo aislado dentro de las bases de este lugar.  Su vestimenta está formado por una camisa marrón claro que casi oculta sus piernas, unos zapatos en miniatura de color marrón, que tienen un tono más oscuro que las polainas marrones que están sobre ellas.
Una curiosidad de este personaje es que según los archivos de juego ocultos, se puede encontrar una etiqueta con el nombre del modelo de personaje. Se revela que el nombre del Conserje es Roger.
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Los cocineros gemelos: Estos son los 2dos antagonistas que hacen su aparición dentro del videojuego. Su apariencia es bastante sucia, son obesos, sus rostros parecen estar desfigurados aunque se especula que traen un tipo de mascara que en cierta parte del juego se puede apreciar como se levantan “la máscara” para rascarse el rostro.
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La dama: Este es el villano más importante ya que sin ella no existiría “The maw” y Six. Su apariencia es bastante elegante a comparación de los demás personajes, utiliza una mascara Noh, utiliza un moño en su cabeza con gran parte cayendo sobre su espalda. La dama es el único personaje que tiene habilidades sobre naturales.
Sobre su personalidad parece ser muy vana y narcisista, se cepilla el cabello con calma en su habitación para mantener las apariencias, a pesar de estar sentada frente a un espejo roto
Sus habilidades son:
Teletransportación: La Dama desaparece misteriosamente de su habitación mientras Six busca una llave. Mientras Six explora su armario, reaparece detrás de ella en un intento de emboscarla.
Camuflaje en la oscuridad:  Puede mezclarse perfectamente con las sombras de una habitación oscura hasta que elija atacar.
Absorción de la vida: Ella puede robar la fuerza vital de otros seres, que generalmente se manifiesta como rastros de humo negro tenue. Six adquiere esta habilidad después de matarla y comérsela.
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Gnomos: Son niños que sobrevivieron al ataque de la dama y viven ocultos dentro de la fosa, son tímidos, sin color y viven en las sombras. Son seres bastantes pacíficos.
Su personalidad es de un ser bondadoso y lleno de fé. A pesar de las de la circunstancia.
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1.- Limbo e Inside.
Estos títulos son una referencia a Little Nightmares, ya que su jugabilidad es semejante a dichos títulos mencionados anteriormente. Las temáticas de horror que tiene cada juego es lo que los define a cada uno.
2.- Muñecas de porcelana.
Las muñecas son más un easter egg que una referencia. Pero las muñecas hacen referencia a las geishas.
3.- Antagonistas.
Los antagonistas son una representación grafica de los miedos de una niño. Y a 2 pecados capitales.
1.      Los gemelos.
Los cocineros son uno de los misterios más grandes dentro del videojuego, ya que no se conoce cual es su verdadero rostro. Como ya había mencionado en varias partes del videojuego se puede apreciar como se levantan la mascara para rascarse pero lo único que se puede ver algo de un tono rojo dentro de ella.
2.      La Fauce.
Han sacado teorías de todo tipo, pero la que más, me ha llamado la atención fue la que decía que Six es una niña huérfana que sufría maltratos de parte de su madre. Y que todo lo podemos observar dentro del videojuego es parte de la imaginación de Six gracias a la medicación que recibe en el orfanato.
3.      El Padre de Six.
Una de los teorías más extrañas es sobre el padre Six, decía que era el conserje pero antes era un hombre bien parecido, rico y de buen corazón hasta que se enamoro de la dama. Pero la dama utilzo algún tipo de hechizo que pudrió al Padre de tal manera que perdió estatura, vista y conciencia.
Ign: Técnicamente, Little Nightmares es fascinante. Puede que estemos en una generación en la que cantidad de juegos nos dejan con la boca abierta, pero este título ha sido capaz de plasmar el ambiente sórdido con tal precisión que su detallismo resulta una auténtica inspiración para cualquier otra obra del género. Los escenarios, pensados para que nos desplacemos en sentido lateral (pero con profundidad) están recreados de maravilla, y cumplen con la idea de resultar temibles. El diseño de los personajes es propio de película grabada con la técnica de stop motion, y todo goza de una imaginación digna de llamar la atención del jugador. A ello ayuda el juego de luces y sombras, la plasticidad de cada elemento, los mórbidos detalles y las texturas realistas, capaces transmitir al jugador la sensación de elementos sucios, podridos. Todo, a su vez, funciona de manera fluida, si bien en PS4 Pro los fps llegan a los 60, mientras en el modelo original se mantienen estables en 30.
Link de la pagina: https://es.ign.com/little-nightmares-ps4/117641/review/little-nightmares-analisis-multiplataforma
Hobbyconsolas: Una aventura distinta y muy especial, con una estética que enamora y una capacidad sorprendente para hacernos sentir pequeños. No consigue ser tan trascendental como pretende, pero mentiríamos si dijésemos que no lo hemos disfrutado de principio a fin.
Lo bueno: Visualmente es maravilloso. La atmósfera lograda al fusionar sus elementos. Se lanza a un precio muy competente. Se parece bastante a Limbo/Inside.
Lo malo: En ocasiones, se apoya demasiado en el ensayo y error. Algunos fallitos de IA y animaciones. Se parece bastante a Limbo/Inside.
Link de la pagina: https://www.hobbyconsolas.com/reviews/little-nightmares-analisis-juego-terror-plataformas-puzles-95990
Nintenderos: Sin duda estamos ante una experiencia corta, pero tremendamente intensa, que a pesar de sus pequeños inconvenientes ningún fan de los videojuegos que se precie debería perderse, porque merece mucho la pena.
Link de la pagina: https://www.nintenderos.com/2018/05/analisis-little-nightmares-complete-edition/
·        Tarsier Studios es un estudio fundado en 2004 que ha estado sirviendo de apoyo a otros estudios mayores, alcanzando su mayor relevancia siendo uno de los principales desarrolladores de LittleBigPlanet para PS Vita.
·        Little Nightmares se dio a conocer en 2014, aunque originalmente fue llamado Hunger. Tasier Studios estaba entonces bajo el cobijo de Sony y de hecho estaba previsto que fuera exclusivo de PS4.
·        El 28 de abril de 2017 junto a la versión estándar del juego se lanzó también una edición especial llamada Little Nightmares Six Edition que incluía lo siguiente: juego Little Nightmares, caja-jaula tematizada, figura de Six de 10cm de altura, póster A3 exclusivo, banda sonora original en CD y un set de pegatinas.
·        Little Nightares: Complete Edition ha sido desarrollado por Engine Software B.V., un estudio famoso por su prolongada colaboración con Nintendo y que ha recibido numerosos elogios por sus títulos para Nintendo Switch.
·        La versión de Little Nightmares: Complete Edition para Switch es compatible con el amiibo de Pac-Man, con el cual podremos desbloquear la máscara exclusiva de Pakku. Simplemente deberemos escanear el amiibo y aparecerá automáticamente dicha máscara dentro del apartado Máscaras, el cual se encuentra dentro de Extras (en este apartado hay otras dos máscaras de serie para seleccionar).
.            El título fue anunciado originalmente por Tarsier Studios en mayo de 2014 bajo el título Hunger, pero para evitar confusiones con The Huger Games decidieron nombrarlo Little Nightmares.
.          Actual si navegas en la pagina de Bandai Namco en el apartado de Little Nightmares puedes apreciar que lanzaron tambien el juego para dispositivo móviles y también te muestran el trailer de la 2da entrega.
Aqui estara el link a la pagina: https://es.bandainamcoent.eu/little-nightmares
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Little Nightmares a sido uno de los juegos que me inspiraron a estudiar animación por todo lo que tiene. Lo que más aprecie fue la banda sonora que tiene, enserio te transmite esa miedo y soledad.
El diseño de los personajes me encanto en especial la de los cocineros fue la más perturbadora de toda, 2 seres obesos persiguiendo a una niña para cocinarla para sus huéspedes. Nunca me hubiera imaginado nada parecido.
Lo malo es que es un juego extremadamente corto, su duración es de 4 – 5 horas de juego.
En serio espero con ansias la 2da parte de Little Nightmares.
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Scary Costumes - Infant Little Vlad Vampire Costume
Theme Halloween Costumes
Vampire Costumes
Just Take Our Blood Already!There’s a level of cuteness that makes us simply hand over anything we might have that holds value. Like if a shar-pei held us up at the ATM we’d probably hand over the cash and call him a good boy. And if we watched a lemur hop into our car, hotwire the engine and take off into the sunset, we wouldn’t call the police. We’d need our phone to capture that adorable phenomenon on camera. So when it comes to an adorable baby vampire, our defenses are down. There’s no way we wouldn’t allow a Little Vlad into our house when he showed up at the window pane. We wouldn’t be able to smear ourselves with garlic or pile on our silver jewelry. That blood-sucking baby would get what he wanted!Products DetailsYour baby will be perfectly on-theme for his first Halloween! Little Vlad will stay perfectly comfortable in super-soft fabric. The cape is attached to the red swirling patterned vest with a hook and eye touch strip. The shiny blouse underneath the vest will make your little one look perfectly at home in a crooked castle in Romania. We wouldn’t even be surprised if you slipped the soft trousers on your child outside of Halloween.  Child of the NightAre you ready for your little one’s first Halloween? It’s a great idea to go the traditional route. You’ll treasure how timeless your child looks in those posed pictures with spider webs and pumpkins props. The whole family can dress up together. We think mom and dad would look quite chilling in one of the vampire costumes from our vast selection. Just make sure your little one is well fed. After all, we think that Little Vlad is still kind of young to start drinking blood.  
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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xottzot · 7 years
Try to tell me I am not in HELL........
I had to try and take dear Sam & dear Max outside for their nightly ablutions now that the mosquitoes have dissipated a little.
But Max sudenly got VICIOUS and was snarling and growling and tried to attack me before I could let them out. (my wounds of several previous dog attcks STILL hurt and are visible upon me and give me pain)
I only escaped serious injury by getting behind a door and closing it. THEN....dear Sam and dear Max began viciously attacking each other INSIDE this hovel. THEY ARE VERY BIG POWERFUL DOGS. I yelled and COMMANDED at them to STOP. They BOTH NO LONGER LISTEN TO ANYTHING I SAY and barely obey anything I command them.
Fliss (Felicity Ann Carthew, of Tamorth, New South Wales, Australia) is the SOLE REASON and cause for all this. - She is the ONLY solution. She promised to us to join her and then abandoned us all without a scant thought or any concern. But she DOES NOT CARE AT ALL whilst professing to all others that she is some sort of magical 'wonder trainer' of dogs I am sure. - I do NOT know. She does NOT ever communicate with me.
LOUD kids yelling like maniacs outside in the darkness....abo's? (future abo criminals) - VERY LOUD THUMPS...... - Max has been hearing all that since it became dark and he imagines they are outside in the dark back yard here. THAT is the reason he became vicious. NOTHING to do with me. NOTHING to do with Sam.
And poor Sam was growling very heavily and was scaring himself by that afterwards. He is VERY scared and VERY much in pain now. Max is now VERY scared. - BOTH dogs will be having nightmares as they ALWAYS DO NOW since late 2015 when Fliss abandoned them and myself totally and left us to die.
West Australian POLICE hauled off abo's from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD YET AGAIN today.
That was probably because of the criminal abo's wantonly deliberatly smashing ANOTHER house. (NOT THEIRS) for AT LEAST 2 days STRAIGHT in sustained attacks.
One of the POLICEMEN was being VERY heavy harrased whilst doing all that by a criminal abo woman and she REFUSED to not interfere. - I don't know what happened to that criminal abo. And she IS criminal, AND has been countless times involved in POLICE incidents.
But of course if you believe the utter lying bullshit in the Austraian NEWS media that these criminal abo's ride upon free of charge, all they are is being unfairly targetted by POLICE for doing crime.......
And to the aboriginals ALL ACROSS AUSTRALIA, these criminal abo's destroy any and all goodwill and trust and hope for all aboriginals.......but nobody cares........
Countless social attempts have been tried with the criminal abo's around here and they have ALL FAILED.
They are already being feted so VERY heavily and STILL they are criminals and vicious and wanton. It's like trying to bribe murderers with lollipops....
Later......just before dark, a glazier (glass repairer) vehicle arrived at the unfenced corner house.
That place has been under sustained criminal abo attacks and hordesof them have invaded since AT LEAST several days in a row. (as if the OTHER corner house with all the picket fences hadn't been smashed up enough for the criminal abo's to prove to EVERYONE how CRIMINAL these abo fuckers are all about the street).
And poor Ms New Age (the proper owner of that picket fenced house) has had to call in POLICE (detectives?) to inspect everything and take notes.
Dear Fliss does NOT care about ANY of this. Or of the terrible stress it has done to innocent people. Let alone the poor innocent animals and dogs.
The shithads of a rental house NEXT DOOR to the main abo CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD tonight hauled BACK all the rubbish they had dumped on BOTH SIDES of the street outside their place, and today they re-hid it all around the back of their place.
But they didn't take back EVERYTHING.....
They left some rubbish there. And abo's from the main CRIMINAL ABORIGINAL HOUSEHOLD carried off some of that into their own rented place nextdoro to there, and left the rest of the rubbish that was left on the street verge. - THAT shit will move all about the streets and ON the streets I am certain.
The entire street of Kalara Way, Koongamia has long ago become a ghetto mainly by way of criminal abo's, criminals, abo drug dealers?, and all sorts of shit. And all the itinerant other criminals they attract, host, foster, cater to, and house.
And I DO mean of ALL ages. Including abo todders in diapers that run all about ON the streets and everywhere....being trained for when they get slightly older to invade innocents yards and places.....utterly feral.....all of them.....who act as if they have civilised manners but are all feral and CRIMINAL....and they will and DO prey upon anyone who they bullshit to they are all just that.....
P. I'm feeling VERY utterly abandoned by YOU Fliss. Sam and Max are feeling VERY utterly abandoned by you. And IF they had have been spirited away with you in 2015, you would have had them quietly put down or thrown to the wolves since you refuse to care about anyone or anything that you cannot lie about and control the bullshit stories of all of it and yourself it seems. - Forgive me dear Fliss. I am VERY upset right now. But YOU are absolute living proof that when a woman lies, she gets everything and is believed, whilst any man is demonised to make the woman seem as if she is the sole victim and is to be the only one pitied whilst for the male there is nothing but suicide and death as their choice that is shoved down their throats. And when THAT happens, everyone then says how 'right' you must have been all along when you KNOW all that's lies. -- And you may wonder why I have fucking terrible nightares each and every night? - And so does poor Sam and poor Max? - All since late September 2015 when YOU Fliss went off the rails both mentally and physically....to which you then blamed ME for it all and it got you EVERYTHING YOU wanted as if you had one a lottery big time. - I LOVE you Fliss and want to be with you. - Going to bed now VERY VERY UPSET. Not that you Fliss ever seem to ever care......
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