#literally so skrunkly
larkmousedesigns · 1 year
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ryuubff · 2 months
kinda tiny 1.6 sdv spoilers !!
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i got real excited when i thought we could possibly make trouts race each other ... didn't even question the logistics of it all because it's stardew .......
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besides that jia destroyed the competition and is enjoying their new wall decor!
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starbiology · 6 months
the original aisha design nearly fucking kills me everytime i see it
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this is perfect character design guys
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mobwhim · 2 months
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we would've made it work 🫁
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😽💋 - finn
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acetier · 8 months
will you be drawing any more of torin and varre? no rush at all, but i am lowkey obsessed with them now 👀
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ask and you shall receive, anon :^)
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shima-draws · 5 months
Catch me being super emotional and sappy on this Monday morning. Anyway I'm so so so glad I got into One Piece, I don't regret it for a single second, I'm so mad that it took me this long to finally sit down and watch it bc now it's been what. 3 months? And I'm 400+ episodes in. I've never watched 400 episodes of anything before (except maybe Pokeani) and I thought it would feel like a chore but now I'm SO fucking addicted I can't get enough. The story is so good the pacing is so good the characters are SO good I can't help but get attached and scream and jump for joy and cry my heart out (and worry my roommates downstairs with all my yelling but. You know) because it's just EVERYTHING. The found family, the power one goofy kid has to topple kingdoms, to make friends with anyone and everyone he meets, to completely destroy anybody who hurts his nakama, to rid his crew of all their burdens and chains that bind them to their traumatic pasts. I'm going to fucking explode I love One Piece so much. And maybe I'm 20 years too late to the party but I'm here and this series has its claws in me so deep that I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. And there's people here who have been fans for years and years and YEARS at this point who are OP Veterans and you've all been so sweet and kind and nice and it makes me want to cry. GOD DAMMIT. Banging my head against the wall all these emotions ARE going to make me blow up. I love you Monkey D Luffy I love you One Piece
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icyfox17 · 10 days
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Your honour I've seen two (2) episodes and im in love with him
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crustaceous-shudder · 8 months
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Look at this little baby my partner made for me by hand. He was a birthday gift and his name is Little Gamzee. He is a 1.1 pounds and he is filled with aquarium gravel. I'm losing my mind.
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whereismyhat5678 · 10 months
Haven’t drawn this fucker in a while so here he is ✨✨:
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Seriously need to tweak some ways I draw Stick but for now it’s alright 🤷‍♀️ Seriously need to draw him more though he’s fun 👍
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smallishbabes · 2 years
I don’t think a caption is enough to contain the excitement that I felt upon hearing this live, as someone who is a big fan of both of them
(To the person who requested this, here it is but more lol)
Phil’s Stream & Joel’s Stream
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cryiling · 7 months
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everybody say happy birthday to my favorite blorbo :>
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chaichaimatcha · 11 months
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some pictures of boogie my fav skrunkly :)
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ryuubff · 2 months
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poetry with the pelicans
the tweets abigail and seb's poems are based off
close ups below the cut!
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all this for a shitpost comic is CRAZY i did not need to put that much effort into it
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
The Bruce in the clone danny au is the Battinson Bat so by extension danny is also the battinson bat /j
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fairycosmos · 11 months
This is Oliver, he flew 3500 miles today to move and he was so good.
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Little man’s big day.
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sneakypunmaster · 7 months
Sleepless Night
(targeted advertising to creatively tell someone to go to bed)
“Y O U” a gravely voice whisper shouts from the void to the offending artist.
Turning to face the sudden interruption, Maria did an out of sync slow blink. Like a lizard with no concept of thyme lazily staring down an offending bug. The bug in question was a dark blue blob with some gold accents here and there. It was an odd sight to see in the dark of their room and even though a corner of Maria’s mind screamed about how the ‘hat man’ was finally here to whisk her away to the unknown. Another part of Maria’s mind, a much deeper and more personal part whispered that they knew this offending blob.
There was no mistaking it, this offending blob was a familiar personification of a skrunkly. A skrunkly, Maria knew very, very well. For they had once spent countless hours designing this character over and over again, even going as far as to hide a poorly drawn version away from others. Away from any judgement that may match the internal “ew no” Maria experienced when first experimenting with the character’s appearance.
‘This was It’ Maria thought to herself ‘I finally snapped’ their thoughts continued on as they took in the sight before them. It was a character they had written for one of their AUs that had gotten significantly popular. Moon or CS Moon for short stood before her with an unimpressed expression on his face. The faint glowing of decorative stars lighting up the very much ‘tired all of this and everyone’ nightly god. Highlighting a softness to his form that was currently not present in Moon’s expression.
“What are you doing?”
The question was clearly rhetorical and yet Maria moved to answer it. Opening their mouth to speak only to have Moon shush them,
“When-“ Moon spoke in a language Maria was all too familiar and yet unfamiliar with. The foreign language danced around her ears like an unintelligible melody. Something that would never be understood by such simple ears and yet sounded like a beautiful language at the same time. Even though Maria couldn’t understand they guessed it wasn’t said in the brightest light their ears had heard it in. Moon looked about as grouchy as ever, like a disappointed parent catching their child up and dancing at night.
“-told me that everything and everyone was a story book character in an alternate world. I should have known better than to indulge them” he wiped a hand down his face agonisingly slow. As if the thought itself was more than enough of a reminder of how he ended up in this place.
“What are you t-“ Maria couldn’t even get a word in before Moon sent them a sharp glare. A glare sharp enough to cut air and silence those around the god and silent Maria fell. Mouth thinning out into the thinnest of lines as they subconsciously gulped and leaned back in their chair. While Maria knew Moon would never hurt her, she still decided to let him take the reins of this conversation. After all, their mind and body felt like jello. Like a leaf in the wind, floating along to whatever was going on and just existing alongside the invisible tides. Though they would never admit it, Maria was too tired for this.
How sleep deprived was Maria? She had no idea but judging by how life-like and realistic Moon looked, she knew she had just crossed some sort of border. A boundary between waking sleep and sleepless night or whatever the right word was — this was taking up too much mental energy to name. Seemingly already out of it, it took Maria a full minute to realise someone was talking to them. But who was talking to them again? Oh right, Moon…or well one of their Moons. Out of all the Moons in the world, Maria was glad they were hallucinating about this one. After all, they didn’t want to get mauled without their trusted lume 5000 flashlight.
“Did you even hear what I was saying?” Moon’s unimpressed tone caught Maria off guard. Causing her to splutter and look up at the fictional god in confusion,
“s-sorry uhhh…what?”
Maria cringed at the tone of their own voice, sounding scratchy and exhausted despite being wide awake. Knowing this was all most likely an odd little dream, the least traumatic form of sleep paralysis they had ever experienced. Maria just blinked up at Moon once more and earned a sigh from the skrunkly in return.
“When was the last time you slept?”
The question was simple and yet Maria found herself counting on her fingers. Staring off into space in thought before forgetting what she was supposed to be even doing in the first place. Making a quick pop sound with their mouth, Maria looked up at Moon almost expectantly. Almost as if Maria’s brain would communicate through the dream character and tell them what amount of time had passed since they last slept. Instead of this however, Moon let out another long sigh. Shaking his head once the god of night already knew the answer, it had been too long. Far too long one too many times for what was considered healthy for mortals.
Rushing to reassure the figment of their imagination, Maria opens their mouth to speak, “I’m really not that ti-“ only to be interrupted by an involuntary yawn.
This did not seem to impress Moon as much as Maria had hoped. Shifting his weight from one side to the other the night spoke his final question,
“Why are you even awake?”
Ah, this was something Maria could answer. Pulling out their pathetic excuse of a phone, Maria held it up in the air. Waving it around a bit as the smart phone was already one foot in the grave as it tried not to heave out its hard drives. This gesture only seemed to confuse the centuries old god. Rather that was because phones had not been invented in its time or rather because it just didn’t understand where Maria was going with this. But that’s ok, they would explain it to him,
“This is my phone” they started off slowly so that Moon could keep up, “I’m writing the next chapter on it…but it’s a little hard. There’s lines of dialog I don’t think Éclipse would say” Maria explains like it’s nothing. Though there is a tint of frustration in their voice.
“Oh um don’t worry about it” Maria tries to awkwardly segway away from the topic and doesn’t fail to live up to the awkward part at all. Turning back to her desk, Maria accidentally drops the half-dead phone and splutters to pick it up. Quickly turning it on and off to make sure it was somehow still working despite being on its last leg and luckily it was still going. Maria turned back to the awaiting god of night and looked up at him. Sheepishly trying to hide the wobbly smile on their features with an awkward laugh. Causing Moon to squint his eyes at them, clearly this display was not working as much as they had hoped.
“You need to go to sleep”
Moon emphasises on the word ‘need’ and frankly Maria silently agrees with him. But there was no way she could sleep, not like this. Already having crossed the point of no return centuries ago, Maria opens her mouth to protest,
“But I need to get this chapter out. If I could just figure out how t-“
Maria’s words are cut off by Moon taking a step forward through the darkness of their room. Body highlighted by the faintest streaks of light as the early morning sun teased its arrival and the start of a fresh day peaking out from beyond the horizon.
“You can get back to writing later, but for now you must sleep”
Moon reiterates in a much stronger and more commanding voice. Causing Maria to whine in protest, unable to come up with a good comeback other than ‘I’m not tired’ and ‘I’ve stayed up later before’ knowing that would not help her case here.
“…b-but I can’t sleep”
Maria tries to explain and at this it seems Moon understands. Looking the tired artist over before looking back up at them and doing something Maria had never expected from him. Moon smiled at Maria, actually smiled and the smile caused the artist in question to pause. Leaning back in their chair, Maria knew what he was planning. After all they did design and write Moon. Whatever dream-state mirage this was, Maria knew what was in store for them.
“Do you want to sleep?”
“I mean yeah b-“
“Then you shall sleep~”
The god of the night said so smoothly and softly it was almost jarring compared to how Moon usually spoke. Knowing what was to come, Maria’s eyes widened in realisation as they say their own fictional character audibly begin to sing a foreign melody. Moon didn’t even get to sing the first line of the lullaby before Maria promptly passed out. Out like a light and laying slump against her chair as Moon took note of the soft rising and falling of her chest.
Smirking to himself, Moon pat himself on the back. This was a new record, no mortal he had crossed paths with before had been this sleep deprived. Looking over the sleeping artist once more Moon made sure they were ok before grabbing a nearby blanket and tossing it over their sleeping form. Doing one last look over before whispering a simple little, “Good night”
“Alright, I’m ready to come back now. If you told anyone I left the celestial realm. I’ll remind the higher gods you pushed me into this world”
Moon grumbled impatiently at the open air of the room. Back turned to Maria as he awaited the familiar portal to open up and step through it. Shooting a glare at the guilty god in question as he silently curses himself for having let his guard down so easily.
@pillowspace I mean this lovingly when I say, “go to bed, you sleepless heathen”
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