my-ocs-masterblog · 3 months
All My Ocs!!
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Hello I am Mod Luci and this is the blog where you can ask ALL of my ocs questions, they even have their own blogs if you want to ask them questions there instead!
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Cyclone - Normal Oc Ophelia - Genloss Oc Poppy - TBH Creature Oc Daniel - Liminal Space(s) Oc Mary - Dreamcore Oc Mark - Weirdcore Oc Clover the Wurm - TADC Oc Jaiden - Tv Show Oc Panama Anon - Anon/Tumblr Oc Coffee/Cofi Anon - Anon/Tumblr Oc Pumpkin - TADC Virus Oc
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Text & Action Examples
Cyclone Talking
Ophelia Talking
Poppy Talking
Daniel Talking
Mark Talking
Mary Talking
Clover Talking
"Jaiden Talking"
Panama Anon Talking
Coffee/Cofi Anon Talking
Pumpkin Talking
// Mod Talking
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What blogs they are currently on right now
Cyclone & Ophelia - @1d1t0t1c-g0at-b01 Poppy - @tbh-autistic-creatures Daniel, Mark, & Mary - @ask-the-weird-crew Clover - @ask-the-wurm & @askthequeen Jaiden - @tv-show-ask-blog Panama Anon - @panama-anon (Been moved to this blog) Coffee/Cofi Anon - @caffeinated-anon Pumpkin - @askthequeen
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I will update this post as the asks go on!
Last Update:March 25th, 11:29, 2024
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thecelestiallegacies · 8 months
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Career Day || End on a Productive Note
The auditorium emptied quickly after the bell ran, everyone disappeared almost instantly. Ophelia was in the zone though, sitting at the empty table and appreciating the liminal silence of the place. She wrote a quick journal entry about conquering her fear, then finished off her homework.
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immediatebreakfast · 9 months
Doomed by the narrative, the innocent sacrifice, death and the maiden, the chronic illness taking over. Ophelia standing by the brook, the liminal standing between day and night, between life and death.
The chronicle of a death foretold, just like Gabriel García said. Yet, instead of being a reconstruction, we see it played in front of our very eyes.
All of these were present with Lucy, every single one of these was announced as we watched Lucy cling to her life with great bravery. Even if it felt futile, moreso if we saw her suffer in pain and confusion. Blood transfusion after blood transfusion, garlic flowers, surrounded by death, the howling of a wolf, a final letter hidden for victory.
Not for Lucy, but for the people around her.
"I fear that to-morrow will end our watching, for the shock has been too great; the poor child cannot rally. God help us all." - Jack Seward.
We are not mourning Lucy because she is going to die in the way the characters think. We are mourning Lucy because we, as the readers, sadly know that not even death will save her from what is coming next.
"her open mouth showed the pale gums drawn back from the teeth, which thus looked positively longer and sharper than usual."
Lucy is not even going to rest, she is going to go through something so much worse.
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queenaeducan-writes · 3 months
A Study of Hands
Chapter One: A giving hand, though foul, shall have fair praise
Pairing: f!TavxGale Dekarios Characters: Female/Tiefling/Druid Tav, Gale Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Other Tags: Canon Dialogue, Gale POV, Named Tav Summary: Gale had bid farewell to his beloved Waterdeep. For what he thought was the last time, he watched its splendid walls dip below the horizon, and dried his eyes of their tears. Yet before he could find the quiet death he sought in some remote corner of Faerûn, the mindflayers find him. And then Ophelia does.
First things first: he isn’t to panic.
Least of all because panic is inspiration’s cradle killer, smothering the brightest ideas in their infancy before their true brilliance is ever realised.
No, the more pressing matter is the orb.
Gale has always known it doesn’t play well with emotion. From the moment it was first inflicted upon him, when each sob wracked through him with a force that could punch holes through reality.
Now, it feasts upon his dread. Every skipped heartbeat lances violently through his being, every moment dwells upon his impending demise is a moment consumed with white hot pain. What little of the world there is around him crumbles in the shadow of his agony.
And so, he isn’t to panic.
(What will become of him, if he remains here? Will his destruction be contained in this liminal space that unfolds endlessly around him? Or will it unleash itself upon the next passerby of his would-be gravestone?)
(How long before he is missed?)
(Read the rest on AO3!)
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grendelsmilf · 1 year
Have you ever encountered a good feminist reimagining of a Shakespeare play? I just read this book (Enter the Body) where all the dead women in his plays discuss their stories in a liminal space below the stage, which sounded promising to me, but everyone talks like white tumblr feminists circa 2014, and the second half is just Ophelia’s, Juliet’s, and Cordelia’s fix-it AUs…I need to know that there’s something better out there
YES!! tamer tamed by john fletcher is a sequel to taming of the shrew that is about petruchio remarrying and being tamed by his new wife. fletcher was of course a contemporary of shakespeare’s though, so he wasn’t writing it as some significant critical response to a work embedded in the literary canon, but as a response to his (admittedly very successful) friend/colleague’s play that happens to be way less misogynistic than the original. i’ve never found a modern “feminist reimagining of shakespeare” to be good though, because no one writing those respects shakespeare enough to actually understand the texts they are attempting to reinterpret. there are of course more feminist stagings and feminist criticism, but trying to rewrite a shakespeare play to “make it feminist” is usually just an embarrassing failure.
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g0rg0n-heap · 1 year
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50s. Butcher. USA. Music enthusiast. Obsessed with liminal spaces. Cat dad. Neurodivergent. Probably on a spectrum or two. Fond of DnD. Not overly keen on authority figures. Former record store hipster. Studied art and literature. A couple decades sober.
Cultivating a gateway to a lost film noir written by Samuel Beckett and Georges Bataille with a soundtrack by Lisa Gerrard and John Dowland.
Ophelia ‘neath the window. An Odalisque or Sheela-na-gig.
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sonoftartessos · 4 months
Eight questions for nine people
tagged by: @ayakoito
1. Last Song I Listened to : Brother (Acoustic), Shawn James
2. Favorite Color : Blue
3. Last TV Show or Movie I Watched : Oz (show); Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (movie)
4. Currently Watching : Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (rewatching)
5. Sweet, Savory, or Spicy? : Savoury
6. Relationship Status : Single
7. Current Obsession : Tbh I'm in that liminal space where I'm waiting for an obsession (it might be becoming Oz but I don't want that XD)
8. Last Thing I Googled : 'mike warren graceland' on my computer - getting a pic up helps me get the voice of the character; 'Praetorian' on my phone - I got confused between the place Pretoria and the elite Roman soldiers.
Tagging: @adsagsona @illbringthechaosmagic @cxncordia @brimfire-and-hellstone @hiccuphaddockswifeparttwo @the-life-we-fear @charmed-redemption @redemptivexheroics @ophelia-hendrixa
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People on the internet are too mad and presuming
Like, Garten Of Banban is the key thing I've been thinking about recently. I saw Markiplier's playthrough of it, and although chapter 1 wasn't a polished experience, the comments were all filled with "YOU CAN TELL HE HATES THIS" "LITERALLY SO GARBAGE" and things along those lines.
I agree that this game is extremely low quality. I agree that releasing merch on the same day as releasing the game is cash grabby. I agree that calling something "chapter 1" and being shorter than some demos is scummy. I agree the creator's response to the hate is immature and they don't seem like responsible gamedevs.
But people should separate art from the artist a little more. Intentional or not, Ophelia Bird sizing you up before chasing you is creepy. The kindergarten atmosphere isn't the best liminal space, but some areas look legitimately creepy. I admittedly am ignoring chapter 2 in consideration for this. But people were super harsh before Chapter 2 came out. And even then, people shouldn't get this... Mad. If it's a low-quality game, criticize it, and hopefully the devs improve. If they don't, then you're just creating more conflict. I just don't think there's any positive to being all like "This is garbage, stupid, bad" because that's not constructive, informational, it's just mean.
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lokahjarta · 2 years
Tags on my blog for Loki:
Gender Outlaw!!! - trans, genderqueer, drag associations
Tag Origin: TransSisters: Transsexual Feminist Journal
The Red String - entanglement, quantum entanglement, fate, binding. See also tags: Inn Bundi Áss, You Catch More Fish With a Net
Tag Origin: East Asian Folklore, Kabbalah
In a Dream, Are All the Characters Really You? - liminality of story, narrative and storytelling. Overlap with Odin UPG. See also: Tell Me The Story
Tag Origin: Twin Peaks Original Run: The Log Lady Intros, Ep. 9, Season 2, Ep. 1
Eternal Recurrence: regeneration, rebirth, and the endless cycle. The cyclical nature of life. Jormungandr. See also: Here I Go Falling Down, Down, Down
Classical Antiquity Philosophy, Friedrich Nietzche
You Catch More Fish with a Net: fish, water, nets, binding, catching, and keeping
Folk Saying
Who Owl You? - owl associations. Local cultus. Overlap with Odin UPG.
Tag Origin: N/A, original
Gammleiđ - Loki's name meaning "vulture path"  See also; Fjađrhamr “falcon cloak”
Old Norse Kennings for Loki
I am the Wound - highly personal UPG. Overlap with Odin.
Tag Origin: original
Where the Light Leaks Through - highly personal UPG. Overlap with multiple deities.
Tag Origin: original
I am the Horse I am the Rider - horses, Sleipnir, divine possession. Overlap with Odin.
Tag Origin: original
I am the House I am the Fire - burning buildings, funeral pyres, horsing, divine possession.
Tag Origin: original
God of G**n*ng - highly sexual content. Extreme debauchery and pursuit of hedonism.
Tag Origin (NSFW): (Urban Dictionary)
Lokean Shitpost Gang - low humor and memes, original posts, shitposting
Tag Origin: original
O Be Joyful - finding hope among immense despair. Beauty from pain. All is not lost. Keep fighting the good fight.
Tag Origin: intoxicating drink, Shovels & Rope - O Be Joyful
Here I Go Falling Down, Down, Down - mysticism itself. Wandering, especially down unknown and circular paths. Jormungandr. See also, eternal recurrence.
Tag Origin: Wanda Jackson - Funnel of Love, Sqürl cover version
Cardiophagy - gore. Heart eating.
Tag Origin: eating of the heart of Gullveig
Hjarta - hearts.
Tag Origin: Old Norse meaning “heart”
Rheingold - treasure.
Tag Origin: Wagner’s Ring Cycle, Das Rheingold
The Part of Me That's You Will Never Die - horsing and divine possession. Becoming another being. Maintaining personhood while allowing for another. Godwed.
Tag Origin: Lady Gaga - Always Remember Us This Way
Berserker - overlap with Odin. Counter culture punk movements, specifically crustpunk.
Tag Origin: Berserker
That's What We Call the Nick Cave to Loki Pipeline - a way too long catch all for trad goth associations, particularly The Birthday Party and The Bad Seeds, Bauhaus, and Alien Sex Fiend
Tag Origin: original
Girls Who Die in Rivers: intensely personal UPG. Lady of Shalott, Ophelia, Laura Palmer. The pervasive nature of mythic storytelling throughout history. Overlap with Odin and Artemis. See also: Many Waters, I am the Wound
Tag Origin: original
I was the Girl - folklore associations. Monstrous husband folklore. East of the Sun, West of the Moon; Cupid and Psyche; The Black Bull of Norway
Tag Origin: Nancy Willard - East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Animal as Bridegroom Folklore
Don't Look At Me Like That - clairvoyance, “seeing all one’s own mischance”
Tag Origin: Lady Gaga - Monster
Ungeheueren Ungeziefer - becoming, especially the becoming of something monstrous
Tag Origin: Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis
The First to Sleaze - gamblers, ramblers, and backbiters. Back alley tricksters. Overlap with Odin.
Tag origin: original
Heart of a Supernova - cosmic bodies, Lokabrenna, stars, particularly supernova and star death entropy
Tag origin: original
And Yet Here We Are - apocalypse and disaster. Survival at all costs.
Tag Origin: @normal-horoscopes post (x)
I just err; baby I do; I error - cringe. Playing the fool. Cringe content and cringe associations. Embarrassment and humiliation associations.
Tag Origin: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Do You Love Me?
Come Find Me Here - the literal finding of the gods in story, song, and other avenues beyond myths. Poetry, literature, film, television, etc. Odin's parallel tag: the mind is a detective
Tag Origin: Peregrine
God of Horror - horror, especially but not limited to, cosmic and psychological body horror associations. Final girl associations. Survival at all costs.
Tag Origin: original
Where the Falling Angel meets the Rising Ape - angels, creation of humanity, mankind, greater beings and conceptualizing gods and myth
Tag Origin: Death, Discworld - The Hogfather
Tags for Odin:
The Mind is a Detective - cops and robbers, putting the pieces together, overarching picture, solving a mystery. Association with detectives. Dale Cooper, Columbo, the CCG. Loki's parallel tag: Come Find Me Here
Tag Origin: David Lynch quote
Where Theres One Theres Two/Where There's Smoke/There's Fire - a two man con. Places where Loki and Odin occur together. 
Tag origin: Folk sayings
Got a Light? - Astral travel, travel between the nine worlds, the communication and dissemination of mythic storytelling, hiding in plain sight.  Primarily catalogued on Babylon Candle.
Tag Origin: Twin Peaks: The Return, Ep. 8
See also: Babylon Candle
Tag origin: Folk Song/Nursery Rhyme, Neil Gaiman - Stardust
Tag Origin: The Magnus Archives - The Eye
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skiesandstardust · 1 year
I’d rather be reading
Wounded name -ophelia
Sidney sheldon
Liminal space, liminality
-not neither here nor there
-here and there, shifting boundaries, the threshold moment occupies more space than reality
Margin becoming centre, centre becoming margin
The margin, border expands so much that it becomes a land in itself
Between-ness -functionality is reconciliation
-post modernism -theoritically not possible
‘Hamlet Limit’
We don’t hit rock bottom, we hit a ceiling and start from the beginning
Thus reached the hamlet limit
Language vs Literature
(Devil’s advocate)
“Ennai nandraga paar”
-krishnan aaga mariya character
Idea of contradiction -no tension - no drama
Life is possible out of contraditions
Ulyssees -tennyson
The pursuit of knowledge is like an arc
In the quest of knowledge, the arc is constantly going away from
Na andha pakkam pona, adhu indha pakkam
Vice versa
To seek, to strike….
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pixuou · 2 years
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As much as she was dedicated to raising her siblings, Ginger also often felt like she was missing out on a lot by not being around other young adults. Luckily she still had her best friend Ophelia.
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But she still didn’t get along with her brother Gavin.
Ginger: So that’s why you’ve called? To tell me off for my parenting again? Georgia wants to do after-school soccer, of course I’m going to let her! (...) No, it’s not dangerous! And if it was, wouldn’t it be dangerous for boys too? What’s the worst that could happen? She falls over? She can fall over in PE class too. Stop being so overprotective! And stop preaching, you’re not even here! I’m the one who gave up college to stay here and take care of the kids, so you should shut up and mind your own business. (...)
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Gabriella: I swear I heard her say a bad word on the phone!
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Georgia: Gingeeeeeeeeeeeer! The telescope doesn’t work! I can’t see anything! All I see is black!!!
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[Something about indoor playgrounds/play centres is so... liminal. I always loved them.]
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willowhqs · 2 years
⋆·˚ ༘ *✧    are you ready to uncover the mysteries of willow falls, OPHELIA DOYLE & ROSALIND ITO? make sure to meet us at josie’s within 12 hours so we can get started. (ashley moore and minatozaki sana are now taken).
[ ashley moore, twenty four, she/her ] statement of OPHELIA DOYLE, a resident originally from WILLOW, regarding an encounter that took place at WILLOW FALLS. this strange phenomenon was seemingly experienced while listening to HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF by DURAN DURAN, although a direct correlation has not yet been made. surveillance indicates subject works as HEAD ARCHIVIST at THE INSTITUTE, and has been linked to black and white RARE HARDBOUND BOOKS, LIMINAL SPACES, MINT CIGARETTES and LONG WINTER COATS. statement credibility cannot be verified, as reports indicate that REDACTED. statement begins. ( chihiro, 21+, they/them, gmt )
[ sana minatozaki, twenty two, she/they ] statement of ROSALIND ITO, a resident originally from LOS ANGELES, regarding an encounter that took place at HEAVEN'S NIGHT BAR. this strange phenomenon was seemingly experienced while listening to SEASON OF THE WITCH by LANA DEL REY, although a direct correlation has not yet been made. surveillance indicates subject is a BARTENDER at HEAVEN’S, and has been linked to COLLECTING CRYSTALS AS SELF CARE, THE FLICKING SOUND OF A ROSE GOLD LIGHTER, CONSPIRACY BOARDS, and A SWEET BUT MILDLY UNHINGED SMILE. statement credibility cannot be verified, as reports indicate that she is REDACTED. statement begins. ( c, 21+, they/them, gmt )
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drkroots-backup · 2 years
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@liminaled​ said: “ you deserve someone who isn’t okay with losing you. “ / from ophelia?
          when men disappoint
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What was remained of beer was slammed down and stein was not so gently placed on bar. “I really don’t think that’s where my brain has to be at the moment, ya know? I mean, a relationship’d be nice, but I just have a lot to sort out and... for the time being, I think keeping it casual’s in the best interest for all involved.”
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fyrewalks · 2 years
“ c'mere. let me give you a hug. “ / @liminaled​
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they sink into ophelia’s touch, too exhausted to resist. she’s tired of holding back, tired of paying attention to any of their touches, what’s too much. everything always feeling like every touch is too little. but adri doesn’t worry now, doesn’t keep their touch short and succinct. adri presses closer, buries her nose against ophelia’s neck. “please don’t let go,” she whispers. 
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storyofwhoiam · 2 years
@liminaled​ liked for an OC
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"Don’t get me wrong, busy days in here are completely draining by the end of them, but when things are quieter like this? A, I’m convinced that someone’s screwed something up and we’re going to get a school bus worth of kids through those doors any minute, and B, this day couldn’t be going any slower.”
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vihilum · 2 years
Mac seldom behaved the damsel - if he was in the thick of trouble, he had every right to be there, seeing as he placed himself at the heart of it. It wasn’t uncommon for him to end up with miscellaneous injuries, some slight, some extensive and leaving a trail dripping behind him.
He’d made it to aisle nineteen before he collapsed - steps away from the gauze, over the counter Advil clattering to the linoleum just as he slid to the ground.
@liminaled said, “i’m just in the right place at the right time.”
Perhaps the puncture at his side had been more severe than he thought. He was lucky for the stranger.
“No kidding.” Mac was composed, breathing slow, “I would have been up a creek without a paddle if I passed out in the produce section.”
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