#like people openly hit on him and he just does not acknowledge it
fireemblemryan · 2 years
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Itsuki is the perfect protag because he simply doesn’t think
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therainscene · 1 year
It’s funny that Bylers are so often accused of being delusional, because I was at my most delusional when I was anti-Byler.
I spent most of S4 refusing to acknowledge that Will had romantic feelings for Mike, despite knowing damn well what all that love triangle imagery and sad gay pining was implying. I convinced myself it was just bros before hoes drama; that perhaps Will wanted to come out to his best friend but felt nervous after six months of radio silence following “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls!”
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The van scene forced me to accept that he really was in love, and it pissed me off because what was even the point of making him fall for a straight boy?
Mike’s bizarre “no homo” behaviour was clearly a symptom of growing up in a conservative 80s household, and witnessing Will’s sacrificial act of love in the van was the shitty lesson he needed to get over his homophobia.
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I saw a typical straight male protagonist in an 80s coming-of-age film getting to coast his way to self-actualization on the back of queer suffering; a cruel and homophobic trope I thought we’d moved past by the year 2022.
But then the NINA reunion scene rolled around--
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--and I immediately picked up on the heavy parallels between Mike and Will in how they greeted El. The realization hit me like a tonne of bricks: Mike feels the same way about her as Will does.
I thought, “wait, does this mean I was wrong about...? Oh my god. No way.
No fucking way.
Will was in love with El this whole time?? What the fuck, he’s been gay since S1 and she’s his sister this is BULLSHIT I will personally strangle the Duffers--”
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Heteronormativity is a hell of a drug, kids.
Let this be a lesson to those of you who think media illiteracy is to blame for Byler denial -- how well someone understands the mechanics of storytelling is irrelevant if they insist on treating Mike’s supposed heterosexuality as an axiom instead of an evidence-based conclusion. The issue lies with bias, not literacy.
I was stubbornly anti-Byler because I knew I’d immediately fall in love with this ship if I allowed myself to have hope it could be canon, and the general state of queer rep in mainstream media meant I was all but guaranteed to get hurt if I was so stupid as to have hope. But in my desperation to cling to the “safe” heteronormative outcome, I only ended up hurting myself with my own silly assumptions.
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We’ve seen both canonically gay characters in the show make exactly this mistake, needlessly hurting themselves with their silly but self-defensive assumptions about their love interests.
Stranger Things absolutely nails its depiction of the subtler ways internalized homophobia can manifest -- Will may feel like a mistake and be prone to beating himself up, but he isn’t some pitiful self-loathing queer who wishes he was straight, either. He’s just so crushed by heteronormativity that he accepts it as an inescapable fact of life and lets it guide his beliefs and actions.
Don’t get me wrong: Will, like Robin, is very sensible for being cautious in such a horrifically bigoted environment -- trying to openly defy that level of homophobia by yourself, especially when you’re young, is a bad idea.
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But unlike Robin, he clearly struggles to accept that he has the right to chase his same-sex love interest. He's no longer simply exercising caution, but conforming to homophobic standards -- much in the same way I thought I was sensibly refusing to be queerbaited, when really I was just agreeing with the heteronormative status quo.
I realize now that this is the real reason Will was written into a homophobic 80s trope: not to teach Mike an outdated lesson in acceptance, but to maneuver Will into position for the lesson he’s going to learn in S5 about resisting conformity.
Will needs to learn that castrating himself to make straight people comfortable is a bad idea too. Not only is that a miserable way to live his life, but what sort of world is he leaving for the next generation of queer kids if he never questions these homophobic standards?
It’s just the cycle of abuse scaled up to the societal level.
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This is what gives me confidence in Byler endgame. Queerness isn’t just an incidental element of Will’s personal arc, but suffuses the show to its very core -- it’s in its themes, its allegory, its characters.
So Will getting the boy isn’t just nice fan-service for Byler shippers, but a necessary ending if the show’s most important lesson is to land:
That it’s rewarding to make the difficult choice of standing up to bigotry in the face of forced conformity. Of choosing love.
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Could it be the case that I was right the first time, and Stranger Things is going to turn out to be yet another heteronormative mainstream show that doesn’t commit to its own themes? Sure, maybe. But that wouldn’t invalidate the valuable lessons this show has already -- and apparently accidentally lol -- taught me.
Anyone who calls us deluded for hoping a mainstream show is going to have a gay pairing as its main couple just doesn’t realize -- or doesn’t care -- that they’re contributing to the very problem they’re describing.
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randompoetemogirl · 10 months
Analysis of Ambrosius
If you’ve read my previous posts, then you’ll know that I have a theory that Ambrosius was forced/pressured to bleach his hair at a young age to be a better poster child for The Institute. Now, I want to delve a bit more into his character.
   We know Ambrosius is good right from the beginning. He encourages Ballister, acknowledges that Ballister has had to work twice as hard as everyone else, and says that the people will love him just like he does. He even encourages Ballister right before he’s about to be knighted.
   Then crap hit the fan.
   Ambrosius cuts off his boyfriend’s arm. He didn’t mean to, it’s literally stated that he did what he was trained to do. The Queen was attacked and he acted in reflex. Still, he feels guilty about this. He doesn’t use this as an excuse to justify himself, he KNOWS he did the wrong thing. But at the same time, is there even a RIGHT thing to do in that situation?
   We then see him anxiously think about the situation in his head. “ARM CHOPPING IS NOT A LOVE LANGUAGE.” It’s very clear that his mind is racing. This is the first instance where we see some of Ambrosius’ anxiety. Very often in media, anxiety is always shown at the very extreme: Panic attacks, not being able to talk to people, not being able to lead, ect. And while a lot of people do struggle with these things if they have really bad anxiety, there’s people like me who can lead very well in a group setting, make our way through a touch conversation, and hold our own ground. But at the same time, there are days when I’m walking my dogs and I cross the street just to avoid making eye contact or saying hi to a random person I’ll never see again. Sometimes I don’t have the courage to correct someone or I can’t raise my hand in class even though I know the right answer.
   Ambrosius is the perfect example of this. He’s a leader, albeit he was kind of forced to be a leader but a leader nonetheless, and openly stated his own opinions and thoughts. But at the same time, he had no idea how to deal with the crowd of people surrounding him while looking for Ballister. For Pete’s sake, he literally SIGNED AN AUTOGRAPH FOR ONE OF THEM. He could have shoved his way past the crowd and shouted for everyone to get out the way, he had every right to, but he didn’t. He didn’t even so much as raise his voice until he got to the escalator. 
   I mentioned this in a previous post, so I’ll copy and paste it here:
“Ballister shouting out to the waiter not to add olives because Ambrosius is allergic. Not only does this let us know how well the two know each other, but notice how it’s Ballister, not Ambrosius, who tells the waiter this. I believe that Ambrosius is a very anxious person do to all the pressure he’s been put under all his life and may find it hard to speak up for himself at times. Ballister has probably demanded that they don’t put olives on his nachos for years because of this very reason.”
   I think a lot of people can relate to this. Ambrosius can lead other knights, sword fight, hunt down his ex and his ex’s adopted daughter, but can’t remind the waiter not to put olives of his food, something he LITERALLY cannot eat. Another way I relate to Ambrosius is being able to be confident/snarky in the right settings. This may be because this is how The Institute has raised him, as stated in a theory in my previous post that Ambrosius was forced to bleach his hair from a young age to look more like Gloreth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was taught to act bold and courageous in front of the cameras too. During his knighting ceremony, he’s whoops to the crowd and even seems very confident in his commercials, but surround him with a group of people and he can’t choose the right course of action.
   Even if Ambrosius wasn’t purposefully written to suffer from anxiety, I still think he’s a well written character that won’t soon be forgotten. He’s complex, he’s loyal, he’s loving, and most of all, his hair smells like lavender as confirmed by Todd.
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Can we take a moment and talk about
Miguel, Hobie, and the Black!Reader
a.k.a Black Men aren't the only one who date black women so why are there only Black!Readers for black characters????
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Don't think anyone has said it but I would like to see Miguel with some Black readers/Black OCs.
Like, I wanna see Miguel with a Boujee black woman, a loud one, a meek one, a stallion, a petite one-
I just wanna see Miguel x Black!Readers and Miguel x Black!OCs.
Black people are everywhere, in every fandom.
So black readers should be giving rep everywhere - not just with radical black characters like Hobie
Black women and black people in general IRL have our features demonized or looked down upon. In media, in the beauty industry, the fashion industry, hair industry, you name it. Our skin tones are 'too dark' to match well with makeup, our bodies too curvy or different, or hair too thick and hard to manage.
I think having characters openly express interest in them is radical - whether the character themselves are black or not.
The reason the Black Representation within Hobie romance fics stands out so much because every other character LACKS that.
In almost every other x reader fandom, black people and our features are ignored and erased for 'sweeter' things like blushing or 'running their fingers through your hair'
Like... Why can't there be a fic where Miguel compliments his Black partners hair. Or tries soul food?
You don't have to be a radical leftist like Hobie to find black people attractive.
So there's no reason for black!Reader to be confined to Hobie - or black characters at all.
You can write Dean Winchester with a Black!Reader. Or Sherlock Holmes, or Hobie Brown, or Miguel O'Hara.
Attraction to black people is so often seen as a fetish - that most white people and white characters never openly exhibit admiration or love towards black features and culture. They'd rather push us and our differences aside because acknowledging them and their beauty makes people uncomfortable. But those same characters will always 100% be implied to find white women attractive.
And in the Superhero Movie Sphere it's even worse.
ie. It's VERY VERY rare you will find Tony Stark with a Black woman.
The large majority of the women you see with Tony Stark early in the movies are WHITE. The ones he's taking to at galas and playing roulette in front of and kicking out after one night stands - White and blonde. If he sleeps with them - white and blonde.
And that's fine in the general population - a nonblack man who 'loves women' and loves sex just... not being seen with black women at all.
But if Tony Stark went two movies sleeping with only women that aren't white - uh-oh!! That draws attention!!
It's completely okay and not a fetish to be super attracted to white features in isolation, but if you take interest in non-white features without validating white women in the same breath then you're nasty and a fetishist and a racist.
Another example - Batman.
Zoe Kravitz was the first time we've seen Batman openly go after a black woman since maybe Eartha Kitt in 1967 - OVER 50 years apart
In the Christian Bale movies - he never flirts with black women. This classy, smooth Bruce Wayne isn't seen interacting with them. I mean... Why? Does he not like them? Or are the all the black people in Gotham just too poor to be around him to begin with?
????????? That don't add up. But that's how most characters are.
If a nonblack male character is shown in a relationship with a woman - the chances of that woman being cast as a black woman hits the FLOOR.
Their first choice is almost always white.
And the saddest thing is
Spider-Man is the biggest example of black erasure in romance and the effects it causes.
That's why when Zendaya got cast as MJ - it was a problem.
Because before then, during the 70 semi years of Peter Parker's existence - he was never shown on screen being attracted to black women in any capacity.
Betty, Gwen, Felicia, MJ - all white. In the cartoons, white. In the remake, white. Silk is probably one of - if not the - first POC we see Peter with. And they don't date, they've never been shown on screen, and over the past years Cindy has had a better written relationship with Felicia than she ever had with Peter.
For half a century we were conditioned to believe that Peter Parker dated white women with no representation or deviation.
Back in 2016 when TASM series was coming out, if you were a black reader who wanted to see yourself represented in any way or capacity on screen or in Fandom - good luck.
We're use to seeing these very romantically forward guys never flirting or fucking or dating black women. We're conditioned to accept this as normal.
It takes a genuine toll.
That's why when I was younger, I use to feel so insecure. Wondering if my favorite characters or celebrities would even find me slightly attractive. The idea that my favorite character wouldn't find me attractive because they've never been seen with a Black partner or interest ever not even once in passing hurts.
As a teen I just accepted that these characters 'Don't like black people' and can't find them attractive in that capacity. Because I mean, I have no reason to think they do - when most nonblack characters won't even look at a black female character for longer than 5 seconds.
Growing up I just accepted that these characters and the fandom as a whole did not see anything beautiful about me because of my race.
That's why Black readers should be more widespread.
We should be telling people that non-black men finding black women attractive is NORMAL.
I read SO many fics of black characters and go 'okay but they wrote reader as white.'
I have NEVER read a fic of a non-black character and gone 'okay they wrote the reader as Black'
Y'all.... You can write interracial relationships with characters that aren't black.
Interracial Relationships are not a special magic tool you can use to pair black characters up with non-black readers. Interracial Relationships go both ways.
If you're down for writing Hobie x NonBlack!Reader and writing an interracial relationship there - why are y'all not down for Miguel x Black!Reader?
Why are interracial relationships good when the black man experiences attraction outside his race towards nonblack people - but bad/unlikely when the nonblack man experiences attraction outside his race towards black people?
'Hobie loves everyone' Okay, Miguel would too. But I don't see the 'Hobie Loves' people rushing and pushing for inclusion in the Miguel tag. They don't care if fanwriters show Miguel 'loving everyone'.
They don't go -
'Miguel loves latinas, Miguel loves black women' in Miguel's tag.
Even though nonblack men experience attraction towards black people and black women everyday across the world.
Some are even married to us - can you believe it??
In conclusion - More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel x Black!OC.
Give Miguel AfroLatino Babies!!!!
Give Miguel O'Hara a Nigerian Wife so help me God
Anyway - Big up @hrhmimieucliffe and their AMAZING Black OC Giselle, who has a ~thing~ ;) with Miguel (they are v cute!!)
More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel with Black! OCs. I want a Miguel that likes his women like he likes his milkshakes - tall, sweet, thicc as fuck, and FULL OF CHOCOLATE
And once again, that's on WHAT!!!!
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trollex-is-gay · 5 months
Buncha' info about my trolls au bc I wanna infodump abt it
Under the cut bc it got a bit long whoopsie-
Branch and Poppy are not a romantic couple in this. Major apologies to the Broppy fans, but I never felt them. And because I'm making my own au that's supposed to cater to me, I just couldn't force myself to include a ship I didn't enjoy writing about. Instead of being a romantic pair, they instead develop a sibling dynamic post-first movie and they openly consider themselves brother and sister by the time that World Tour happens. Branch has no remaining family and Poppy has always wanted a sibling, so it worked out well for them because they felt closer than friends but didn't feel romantic. Remember that this is not canon, this is my own thing and I'm not trying to attack the ship or the people who ship it, they're simply not romantic in MY au.
The duo do end up with romantic partners though! Some time after Trollstopia was created, Branch hit it off with Synth and found out he actually kind wanted to try dating him, and so far (as of after Band Together happens) they're going pretty steady and show no signs of breaking up. Poppy and Barb were an unexpected couple but are VERY attached to each other now. They've got a few issues to work out but they're getting better at communicating with each other and making their personalities work, so they're doing okay.
If you were to cast a normal average human into this world, they'd be immediately outmatched in height by essentially every troll except the classicals. Your average pop troll would be maybe around 6'1 (with exceptions like Smidge) and they can only get bigger from there. Techno trolls are the species with the ability to grow the largest due to living in a massive ocean with very few restrictions on their size. And yes, this does mean that compared to a human, someone like Bridget or Velvet and Veneer are absolute giants.
Now for some more Band Together related stuff for my au:
Synth and Barb didn't join their partners for the wedding because Barb kinda has a kingdom to run and Synth was one of the trolls left in charge of managing things while Poppy and her father were away, but also partially because they don't really know Bridget and Gristle and didn't think there'd be much point in going.
Branch was VERY affected by his brothers abandoning him, he held a pretty tough grudge against everyone except Floyd. His other brothers all just left without saying goodbye to him or acknowledging him, but Floyd took the time to let him know he cared and that he was only leaving because he couldn't handle everything going on. He was the only one to actually show he still cared before he left. Branch has a lot of trouble reconnecting with all of his brothers except for Floyd, they're on better terms. He IS connecting with all of them, and he still has a bit of frustration with Floyd, but he's just more comfortable with him because he's the only one who actually took him seriously when they were reunited and back before they'd split up. I'm not saying he hates his brothers ofc! But there's still a lot of baggage they all need to work through together. And his brothers also deserve to have a second to mourn their grandmother.
All of the returning trolls are a bit...startled by how the village has changed. Viva ended up growing up away from the pop village and lead her own, so she didn't know much about their history at all, and Branch's brothers have been in various places far away from the village, so safe to say none of them ever learned that there were other kinds of trolls out there. Poppy wants to write a letter to Barb and have her come back as soon as possible so that she can introduce her long lost sister to her new girlfriend. Synth is VERY surprised to hear that Branch has brothers, and excitedly rambles off about how he ALSO has a bunch of siblings to the returning trolls. He clicks especially well with Floyd and Bruce. Branch's brothers are a bit surprised to find out that he has a boyfriend, especially one that's a prince, but they're very happy for him and do their best to make a good impression.
It takes a bit of time for them all to adjust. Viva bunks with Poppy for the time being, and while Branch's brothers did come back to visit, Bruce is the only one who's decided not to stay in the village. He does kind of have a wife and kids after all! But he promises to visit them as often as he can. Send letters and such. The rest of the group are staying with Branch for now, but aren't sure if they want to live in the same house forever.
Viva is given a few days to adjust before they make any big announcements about her. After all, she's still processing a lot. The village is very happy to hear about the fact she's returned, and the trolls that lived with her also came to live in the village. No reason they shouldn't all stick together after all. Before Bruce leaves they have a family dinner together, if Poppy and Branch are brother and sister now, no reason for Branch's brothers and Poppy's sister can't be siblings either. Poppy is very very happy to have such a big family now.
I want to do something with Velvet and Veneer. I know they did some terrible shit and all that but considering how the trolls made peace with the Bergens even though they'd spent the last however long eating and basically torturing the trolls, and Barb kinda tried to convert all other tribes to one genre and caused some mass destruction...idk I feel like the siblings should get another shot under close surveillance or something (code for I love them and I want them in my au but not in a jail cell you feel me?).
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stupendousfoxthing · 2 months
I want to share a post making the rounds that made a lot of great points, but op dismisses the idea of any romantic relationships existing between any two members of the group in the replies. I will never be down with the "no ships are real" crowd because I can't think of a single valid (non-homophobic) reason to think a romance between two men is impossible. A romantic relationship between two people who met when they were young, worked and lived together for the better part of a decade, and enjoyed each other's company so much that when given the opportunity to build lives separate from that work STILL chose each other makes more sense than a lot of other things people will accept as perfectly reasonable (if it's a man and a woman of course). But the homophobia is just one layer to their dismissal, and the post hit on several others. There are so many layers to the shitty way this fandom treats Taekook and Taekookers. The video I shared earlier from an anon tells it like it is. Taekookers are not delusional to believe it's possible there is something there. No matter what antis would like you to believe, they are not literally brothers. Saying they are brothers is literally delusional (believing something is true when there is evidence to the contrary). There is a pattern of suspicious behavior going back years and only intensifying during solo era. I've talked about this before, but during the frenzy over the Dream premiere last year I saw something I thought was funny. I saw two people on Twitter talking about it, talking about Taekook fondly, and saying they felt like it had been a million years since they had seen them together. I realized then that they had no idea about all of the things that had happened with Taekook in the months prior to that. I started to wonder if we get called delusional just because people really do only pay attention to what is laid out in front of them, mostly in official content. Like...yeah, we probably do look delusional if you don't know about 95% of the things that have happened. This would tie back into how the fandom sees Tae as well, and why he is treated like an outsider. If you've been in the fandom for a while, you know how people who go against the company narrative in any way are treated. Tae does go against that narrative. He has talked about the more negative aspects of their position openly more than any other member. Why was he allowed to hint that things aren't all rosy between him and the company in the recent documentary? Look at how the fandom treats those who go against the company, and you will know. Taekook as a ship has a unique ability to create a perfect storm of animosity in this particular fandom that literally has training materials and guidelines written up for "baby ARMY". Layers. Homophobia. Company loyalty over everything. The spoon-fed narratives. The "outsider" and the "privileged" one dating? But they're awkward brothers... Taekookers get treated like monsters, no other group even comes close and it isn't because we're "shippers". I see evidence of that everyday. Other ships/shippers within the group have a free pass to do whatever they want. The fandom loves Namkook, for instance. You can openly romanticize/sexualize them and the fandom eats it up. Tons of people showed their ass with Tae/IU as well. It's not shipping that bothers them. It's Taekook. Taekook challenges what they've been led to believe. Taekookers shine a light on it and celebrate it. That's what pisses people off, and I do believe that when they actually look at Taekook they see it too. We bring something that makes them uncomfortable to their attention, something they'd rather not see or acknowledge. When a Taekook "moment" happens and we haven't even said anything yet but people are already bitching about the fact they can't enjoy it because they know Taekookers will be happy and celebrating? It's not us. It's Taekook as a pair that bothers them.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
How do we know Sans becomes a contracted assassin working for mettaton?? I mean, he doesn't say anything like that, does he? and papyrus becomes also mettaton's agent when he is alive, but it doesn't seen to align with his moral beliefs to work to someone like that, even if he is a super fan of mettaton
Did I miss or misinterpret something?
papyrus is more... well not morally grey, but willing to close an eye on people doing bad shit than fandom gives him credit for. he seems pretty happy and friendly with us if our actions cause him to obtain what he wants, even as he openly acknowledges how awful we are.
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he's also the one who raises the point about "people disappearing" so, regardless of his stance, he doesn't seem to be the one doing the... "cleaning up". i know people are basing their characterization off of his behavior in the genocide run, and his actions are certainly honorable in that context. but as always, i wish people didn't forget neutral runs exist ://
anyway, i could both see sans getting rid of people for mettaton, or organizating the hits but not partaking in them, or just... being too lazy to do anything lmaooo. either way, he doesn't care that they're happening, as long as his (and papyrus') asses are dry and cozy on top of the game.
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reecey9o5 · 11 months
Okay guys. 'They', 'them' and 'theirs' when used in the singular are gender neutral pronouns.
They are not gender specific to nonbinary people.
Arguing the use of a pronoun set that applies to literally all human beings (and a bunch of other stuff) must mean that Dante is nonbinary isn't just stupid, it's ignoring the themes of their character.
Dante is purposefully mysterious. We don't know anything about them, really. Most of the characters don't know anything about them. They know nothing about themself.
We, like most of the sinners, don't know Dante's real name, age or origin. We can't see their skin. We can't really tell what their figure looks like in that outfit and the way the others are drawn would make that largely inconclusive anyway.
Dante doesn't even have their own face anymore.
They are a fiction even within the narrative. One created by the company that they are currently being exploited by.
To argue that the identity that has been forced upon them by an exploitative corporation in a dystopian hellscape is a representation of their authentic self is either hopelessly naïve or entirely selfish.
To apply a nonbinary gender identity to them is to reduce them to what others have forced upon them.
Which is wild, if you think about it. Because the people he/himming Dante are doing so entirely because they are modelled after an actual human man who is buried in Ravenna. You can go see his grave. They are using meta information to come to a conclusion that might be wrong, and they know it might be wrong. Gender bent characters are not uncommon in this game.
But the people aggressively enbying them (and complaining about the he/himmers) are purposefully ignoring the open themes of depersonalisation in this character to... something something representation? IDK, because it makes them look like they have either no media literacy at all, or they just don't care about themes, narrative or the goddamn plot.
The other characters aren't calling Dante they and them because Dante is nonbinary, they're calling Dante they and them because they don't have the first idea what Dante is and have the decency not to assign an identity to Dante that might not be true. (Or they're invested in keeping that information from Dante.)
Dante could be nonbinary! But they could also be a man, or a woman, or not a person at all. The fact that we do not know is important to this story and dismissing it for the sake of 'representation' is both selfish and disrespectful to Project Moon.
This is their story, not your playground.
Your headcanons aren't justification for bashing the people who don't share them or Project Moon if it turns out that Dante is just a guy.
Edit: The possibility of Dante being nonbinary is slim at best and would absolutely undermine the theme of depersonalisation here. The depersonalisation of being stripped of your gender identity does not hit the same if you already insist that others use the gender unknown pronouns for you.
I only acknowledged it in the context that it's another possibility that the sinners aren't privy to.
It is not likely and it would undermine the themes of Dante's character.
In exactly the same way that taking a character who has been forcibly raised as the wrong sex and making them trans undermines that what happened to them was in fact abusive.
In exactly the same way that the character arc of Prince Phillip's father deciding against forcing his son into marriage was undermined by Aurora and Phill hitting it off.
If the bad thing that happens to a character is contextualised as turning out to be the right thing, then that takes all the wind out of any commentary that existed before the recontextualization.
(In fact, the Sleeping Beauty example is openly a joke. This man is going through a personal crisis and risking war for what the audience knows is no reason.)
Making Dante a nonbinary human character means that this very thematic example of their depersonalisation was an abusive corporation being correct in their behaviour.
Dante being a non-human character, a robit or something, would still be better thematically as they have had a false human identity pressed upon them.
LBC functionally misgendering Dante reinforces their unethical ways, them respecting this character's pronouns does the exact opposite.
Edit 2: I also feel the need to point out that the view I have laid out here means that we are being forced as players to be complicit in this mistreatment. Something that is far more powerful than removing the problem entirely with a nonbinary identity.
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sunflowersolace · 27 days
i feel like we as a fandom tend to either over uwuify klapollo or over stoicify them and this is by no means a real character analysis or genuine conversation because it is 4am for me and i’m not very good at articulating myself i don’t actually care that much i’m in fandom spaces i’m used to mischaracterising bullshit but
why does it seem to be the only options are “apollo is an actual child and klavier is sexy and suave” or “apollo doesn’t experience emotions and klavier is a cringefail babygirl”. like genuinely can they not both be people.
i feel like a lot of the infantilisng apollo stuff is partially the usual fandom short man = yaoi bottom shit but i’m not gonna sit here and pretend it isn’t also bc of the transmasc apollo headcanon. like it can’t be a coincidence that the most infantilised grown man in the game is also the one that’s most widely headcanoned as ftm. like it feels like a lot of it is your typical uwu short trans uke baby x big strong suave tall hot cis seme and i’m used to that but man it sucks to see people making weird shit about Flustered Virgin apollo getting his first ever kiss from Playboy klavier and. y’all know he’s 25 right? not 15?
there’s also the other side of things where people make klavier into this cringefail babygirl boyfailure who’s hopelessly in love with apollo and spends every waking moment thinking about apollo and can’t do anything without relating it to apollo and apollo just fucking does not like him. and that’s almost worse because at least the first kind of mischaracterisation still feels like a ship. why are we pretending apollo doesn’t care about klavier. he doesn’t like his boy band music but it’s not personal. he still likes klavier.
and then there’s the ones who take one half of the mischaracterising and applies it to both characters. apollo is an uwu baby and klavier is a soyboy and they can’t spend a second apart because they’re so in love. OR they’re both robots who might as well not even be dating with how little they speak to each other.
y’all know you can make them act normal, right? they can be in love with each other and silly about it and also be serious characters? apollo is a dork ass who cracks jokes and is bitchy but he’s also a genuinely smart guy like he’s a lawyer he’s a politician he’s helping rebuild a whole country’s legal system from the ground up and he’s still a bitch and a loser. klavier is ALSO a bitch and a loser and a smart guy. he’s kind, but he’s not a wimp. he’s bitchy but he’s not insufferable. he’s passionate about music and law and everything he talks about. and he says corny shit and openly flirts with apollo but he’s also a damn good prosecutor and id argue he’s the only one who actually understands his job without the defense having to Fix Him tm. and they can both love each other and be all these things.
for a lot of y’all there’s only two options: klavier has trauma (excruciating) (all encompassing) or klavier is silly :3. and like. he can do both. you can acknowledge his trauma and also acknowledge he’s a dumbass who air guitars during court. human beings are multifaceted and fictional characters should reflect that. you gotta make the people you’re writing feel like people yes even the japanese visual novel people.
back to the living each other thing. klavier can openly flirt with apollo and also actually like him. apollo can ignore klavier’s first flirts and still actually like him. maybe he doesn’t wanna get it with the brother of his murderous boss while investigating a crime scene i think that’s reasonable of him. but he also clearly likes and cares about klavier as a person (“i have to pull the darkness out of him” or whatever he says) so just because he didn’t immediately throw himself at klavier the second he hit him with the never felt this way with a man doesn’t mean he’s annoyed by klavier’s flirting it just means it wasn’t the right time. apollo can hate the gavineers shitty music and still love the man who sung it. he can think klavier’s office is ugly and still love him. i don’t love every single thing about the people i love but i still love them. if my qpp made a dog shit song i hated i would tell him bc he and i understand each other.
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(Alright, going to stop procrastinating and finally make this post.) After playing through the new trilogy in French to see what was different, here are some things about the French localisation of Spirit of Justice I thought you should know:
First of all, I usually like the French and English versions of the games equally. This marks the first time I've actually enjoyed the French version... more than the English one?? Especially Turnabout Revolution? Don't get me wrong, I already loved it in English, but I think the next time I replay it I'll actively choose French. Idk man it just hits different when a bunch of French people are talking about revolution and overthrowing the tyrannical regime etc
Oh yes, speaking of which, yes, the "Japanifornia" parts of the game take place in Paris, France, as usual. No, I have no idea how Kurain village can be next to the mountains and also the sea while also being in the vicinity of Paris. I also don't know why the entire population of a small country in the Himalayas are fluent in French and use it on a daily basis. But seriously, the main characters mention SO OFTEN that they're French and from France, like, all the fricking time. Remember the incredibly Japanese rakugo case? Imagine that taking place in France.
The Khura'inese pun names are hysterical in French. An example that English speakers can get too: the first culprit's name in French is Sterh'uey Tu'heiven. I'm not making this up. That's his name.
Unfortunately the Holy Mother giveth, but she also taketh away, and they gave Nahyuta a crunchy old man voice that doesn't suit his ethereal appearance at all...
Athena has now added German and Italian to her random English and Spanish phrases from the prev game. I mean... it made sense before, since she was meant to have lived in the USA in this version, but now I guess she just does it for fun? Who knows
French Roger Retinz uses €50 notes (euros) to fan himself instead of dollar bills
Inga's full name is "Inga Karkhuul Kel Nomh Bowkhou Tro'lon Pohm'peu Eh'Duhr Apronh Ons'ai Khura'in III" ("quel nom beaucoup trop long, pompeux et dur à prononcer")
Nahyuta's nickname in French is just "Yuta"
Ema and Apollo now use informal pronouns for each other, so do Ema and Trucy now, Maya starts using informal pronouns for Apollo from almost the first moment she meets him (though he uses formal pronouns for her lmao), and yes Dhurke and Apollo use informal pronouns with each other the whole time, even when things are awkward at the start. Rayfa and her mother always use formal pronouns for each other, which is a little depressing.
AS FOR NAHYUTA AND APOLLO... HOHOHO. Obviously they're both using "vous" (formal) in court, but in the scene afterwards Apollo switches to "tu" (informal) when he asks Nahyuta if he remembers him. Later in Turnabout Revolution, Apollo has gone back to vous but he's at least saying "Nahyuta" rather than "Prosecutor Sahdmadhi" or whatever (I think that happened in the English version too). Then during the final trial, after that one insanely angsty scene, Apollo starts using tu again and even (internally) uses the nickname Yuta once! Nahyuta eventually starts referring to him as Apollo and starts using tu after finally openly acknowledging Apollo as his family aaauuuuuugh ;o;
(Listen Apollo usually always tries to be formal and professional in court so this is a big deal!!! It's a big deal to me at least!!!!!!!!!)
In the English version there were a few times our good ol' American Apollo had a sort of "haha I'm just a foreigner I don't know anything here" vibe which... no you're not lol. The French version didn't have that (or at least toned it down a lot) and made him feel less like a tourist and more like an immigrant returning to his old home country with complex feelings, which he is. It makes it more personal that he's the one to bring about the revolution imo -- he's not some random foreigner swooping in to save the day, this is his home and his family, he belongs here. (As an immigrant myself I find aspects of him relatable and will defend his Khura'inese backstory to the death DON'T TEST ME)
The "what's crack-a-lackin' homie" line in all its glory:
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alolanrain · 9 months
Headcanon because depression just hit me like a truck, and I'm in desperate need of comfort rn:
Suddenly, and often without warning, the trauma hits Ash like an Extreme Speed attack, and he just ceases. All ability to function just stops. He goes numb, eyes dull and lifeless as tears occasionally spill and trickle down his cheeks.
Raihan knew what he signed up for when he became romantically involved with Ash. Whenever these episodes occur, no matter how long they last, Raihan would simply drop whatever he was doing previously, pull Ash into his arms, and hold him tight.
No words are shared. There is no need or room for words. But all the while, Raihan is hoping (read: praying) that sooner, rather than later, the bubbly, energetic, feral Ash he knows will return from the dark clouds that have taken over his boyfriend.
YES!!! Holy fuck this is a HC.
Raihan is more than willing to drop everything or as much as he can in that moment to help Ash. Sometimes this leads to Raihan sprawled across the couch with Ash tucked securely in his arms as he’s on a call with other league officials. No one’s going to say no to The Ash Ketchum, let alone his lover who he protects so fiercely.
Adding on:
Raihan’s protection is more media based, to protect Ash for not being in the media presence. There have been dozens of times he had thrown his weight around outside of Galar and his fan base. Though he picks different reason’s why publicly. Galar as a whole will protect him no matter what, even his hater’s would take his side over anyone else just because of their country pride ways. Let alone the other league members of other regions that genuinely like Raihan for his personality and not just his paparazzi ready smile and icy blue eyes. Ash helped boost his image in front of much higher league officials. Champions from far off regions he’s never heard of and now constantly in touch with.
Genuine friends that weren’t made from working side by side in forced acknowledgement for years. Ruled over by fucking Rose the entire time and some even controlled as puppets. It does things to people and Ash was his saving grace from falling into a bitter, bitter life. His precious little legend. He’d do anything to protect the life Ash gave him the moment he fell into Raihan’s lap. Not even his colleges were safe, Leon still quivers when Raihan smiles with a little to much teeth now. Rose and Oleana tried once and they had almost the entire International League come down as a whole. The first time everyone had seen each region agree upon was that they were out of line.
Despite being Rose’s only child he was openly against the man from the start, openly gave his opinion to every foreign leader his father wished he could meet. Nothing would or could stop him. Ash was an absolute instigator the entire time. Not once has he stopped Raihan and even prompted the man to speak out. It had rewarded him in the end when a good chunk of people had actually apologized to Riahan that he had to be that mans son. It had most likely solidified his position as the Champions most favored lover of Ash’s. Settling him permanently at Ash’s side-despite the fact they weren’t even official dating to each other. They saw people on the side but not as often as they did at the start. It petered out to once or twice a month. To occupied in each other even from a distanced but unwilling to do anything about it.
Like the dumb fucks they were.
But now? Now he has a black little velvet box sitting in an old beaten and slightly bent pokeball, Pikachu’s decommissioned one after broken in an a freak accident with some God Ash won’t tell him about. Moss agate stone plated in gold, flashy because Ash wanted it to be. And then it’ll be one custom made by Steven Stone and Lance. A traditional wedding band for men and a more sleek design. Designated to show that it was official, they were each other’s and no one else’s.
Ash is also very protective of Raihan, more so than equal to the gym leader. So fiercely protective in the swing on this motherfucker and I’ll make you beg in front of Arceus way. Ash wouldn’t kill unless pushed to the absolute limit or either protecting a vast majority of people before it’s to late. Blood on his hands is what he’s trying to avoid in this world but it’s a necessary. But when it comes to Raihan? The only person Ash has never had to explain any aches or pain, never asked about a new mark or unless in passing. That doesn’t mean Raihan never worshipped him. Nearly does every night and he cherishes it in every form of love that he can show. Which also means he’s going to rip into some fuckers that even dare breath wrong in Raihan’s direction. Anyone was fair game and it was quickly established that the Champions were not running Raihan out of his love life. Arceus, Raihan was his.
There was rarely another person, only when he got to pent up from the stress and aura usage. Ash almost found the act enjoyable in some cases. He doesn’t know what raihan knows whats going on when he’s out and about. If he keeps tabs on Ash through social media or not. It wouldn’t surprise him and was more then welcomed. From what he’s seen on the news played during breakfast Raihan has a pretty tight grip about Ash’s overall arching online presence. Backed by the other leagues own need for safety reasons when it comes to Ash he was well protected.
Though is defeats the fact that Ash doesn’t necessarily care. He’s okay with being on scream and in pictures and videos. Which leaves to a lot of Ash’s failed attempts to do parkour in public, even to this day, on the web.
But back to Ash being the scary Houndoom to Raihan’s sly Liepard.
Raihan is literally the only person Ash has a “touch them and your dead” outlook on everyone. No one’s safe and he’s very good at keeping that under wraps.
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maybebecomingms · 4 months
a dangerous existence
January 3rd, 2024
"I saw her and I said to myself, 'she's a loaded gun.' Tempting, but can destroy your whole life in a second."
He wasn't talking about a seductive woman approaching him at the bar (though they tell stories like that, too). He was talking about a young college student running near campus. They didn't interact. He was driving.
He also wasn't someone I knew well to be talking so openly about his urges and threats to his marriage. He and his wife were the small group leaders, and it was my first or second visit to their home to check it out.
I was 23 at the time - not too far removed from college myself - and had somehow just lost 40 pounds. If there was ever a time in my life when I was "hot," it was then.
Is this directed at me? Am I the loaded gun? Does this mean I should stop coming here?
I didn't flirt with him. I didn't have bad intentions. I just wanted to get to know some new people. I don't think I kept going to the group for long, but I did hit it off really well with his wife - in fact, I still do. I would still go to their house regularly for our "book club" of two and hope I didn't see him. I always felt dirty and guilty after that.
But this type of thing didn't throw me off enough to walk away, because I'd heard it so many times before. Men were always telling stories like this from the pulpit - having to avert their gaze and avoid attractive women to protect their wives and families. Sometimes, their stories were about loose and wild women throwing themselves at them, seemingly not caring that they were married. Other times, the story was about refusing to acknowledge an attractive woman even when she was being completely respectful, because you never knew when she'd turn on you and lie to your wife about you behaving badly.
It definitely always struck me as odd, though. I've encountered attractive men while in a committed relationship plenty of times and... it was not life changing? I've never felt powerless against an overwhelming urge to blow up my entire life because a good-looking man exists and I saw him. I wouldn't even say I felt that way after talking to one.
But we were told that women and men were fundamentally different, and I never thought much about it til now, really. That kind of messaging really fucks with you as you're entering adulthood within a feminine form. If I go for a run and you see me out in the world running, I'm an imminent threat to your wife and family? And I don't even KNOW you? That's a huge and impossible responsibility, not to mention a massive threat to my safety.
Several years ago, I befriended a colleague I worked with frequently. We're still friends, though we don't interact through work anymore. One year, he invited me to his beautiful, sprawling home in the country around Christmastime. He and his husband go all out, with multiple decorated trees and carefully arranged lights inside and out. They wanted to show off their efforts. We had the best time drinking wine and laughing. We hugged and said "I love you" when it was time for me to go home.
For many years, I could not figure this out. Why would gay men want to spend time with me? They're obviously not sexually attracted to me, so what could I possibly have to offer? Because of the messaging I got from the church about how simultaneously vulnerable and out of control men are, I really thought that I had no value whatsoever beyond being sexualized. Isn't that sad?
For how much churches claim to promote sexual purity, they sure do know how to make you feel dirty and disgusting for merely existing.
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multiwreckedmess · 1 year
No Reason 3
For some reason this post is giving me issues.
Synopsis - You needed an easy going person with no strings attached and San knew just the man. Now memories of Mingi haunt your daily life despite your best efforts to forget him. There’s no reason to mourn something that never existed, right?
Pairing - Mingi x fem!Reader (I try to limit pronoun usage but AFAB is what I know best)
CW -  Smut (like substantial in this part). Angst. An additional TW under the cut.
Words - 5.2k~ (in this part)
This is sort of an angsty multi part smutty thing I started writing this past spring and I am oddly attached to it. I’ll post the other parts later as I clean them up. it’s been across like 2 computers and 2 word processors so sorry for any of the formatting/grammar fallout from that. As a reminder this is a work of FICTION by clicking to read under the cut you acknowledge that you are mature enough to understand that this does not represent Mingi or any member of Ateez in any way. If you have difficulty with this concept please do not continue forward or interact with my work!
This is a multi part series please check out my masterlist for other posts!
ADDITIONAL TW: Unprotected sex (x2), cumming inside, poor communication about sexual desires (but are you surprised atp)
I cannot stress enough the importance of healthy communication. Please talk to your partners openly and honestly about your needs in all aspects of life.
Home from the great outdoors!
You hit send on the slack to your coworkers Hongjoong and Seonghwa, they emote cheers back at you. That’s right. You can’t let him distract you from your job, you have to remain productive, you can’t let seeing him ruin your whole day. Radiator clanging and hissing droning out your thoughts, the faint sounds from tvs in adjacent apartments serves as a welcome reminder that life goes on for other people no matter what personal tragedy you may be suffering. Work to do, a body to feed and bathe, friends to keep up with. Admittedly, you’d been bad on the keeping up with friends part. Weeks turning into months spent dodging San’s invitations to go out with a barrage of excuses that were wearing thin. How many extra projects could you lie about work assigning to you before San took it upon himself to demand a night off, you wondered. How many times would Wooyoung prod you for a coffee date?
There was no reason to miss him.
Mingi had gotten bolder as the days grew shorter, not even wasting time with the club charade and just calling you directly. . What was worse is that it worked. It always worked. Somehow he always convinced you to come over like a cute puppy looking for scraps. Looking for scraps was not what you wanted, you wanted the whole damn buffet. Still you stayed and slept in his bed, and fell into the comfort of being wanted. Still you’d both dodged the obvious question, what exactly were you doing?
“Just tell San a thing came up?” “Mingi, your dick getting hard cannot be why i cancel on our dearest friend.” “Booo tomato tomato, bad pun!”
Escape from chez du Mingi was going poorly. You were pressed to the entryway wall again battling Mingi’s efforts to keep you from going out. It was cute and swoon worthy when he offered to help you put your shoes on, little did you know it was a ploy to hurl them halfway into the apartment and cage you between his arms, his palms making their way up the back seam of your stockings. “Convince me,” you smirk and sigh. “Convince me I shouldn’t go out to dinner with our pal Choi San tonight.”
His hands reach the tops of your thigh highs and fingers graze the cleft of your ass. Slowly he bunches up the hem of the tight maroon sweater dress you’d worn the previous day, planting pecks on the newly exposed skin. It feels nice to be this wanted, you think as you card your fingers through his hair, having transformed into more of a mane than a coif. “Don’t think you’ll need much convincing-” he mutters, lifting the knit of the dress over your ass, no-seam underwear pulling upwards with it. The silky slip of fabric doesn’t deter him, mouthing at your mound, unbothered by the quickly dampening gusset. He teases you mercilessly, kissing the tops and insides of your thighs before returning to your center to remind you of his goal. Involuntarily your hips seek him out, trying to capture him in those moments. “I HATE when you’re right.” The sentence comes out breathy when you mean it to be forceful. All power redirected to your legs, actively trying to collapse under you, nearly buckled onto Mingi’s shoulders. Large hands holding tight to your hips, encouraging them forward. Shoulder blades pressed to the cool plaster your back arches into him as hot breath hits your belly from a suppressed chuckle. “Thought you wanted to see San.” He traces band of your underwear all the way from your thighs to your cunt, tugging upwards into the crease. The little bit of friction has you squirming. “Mingi,” you whimper. Later the desperation in your voice would ring in your head, a haunting specter of embarrassment. “I do want to see him…” you trail off as your head spins. Tugging your panties off fully his tongue finally slips between your folds, eagerly indulging your every gasp and moan. “That’s right.” He mutters as your vision swims. Taking advantage of his size, his hands maneuver you easily, nearly pulling you completely over his kneeling body as you shakily perch above him. Your palms flat to the wall to support you, hips rocking nearly riding his face, the strong steady circles of his tongue have you chanting his name like a hymn until your breath catches in your throat and spine curls forward. Every pulse you feel the blood rushing in your veins as the wall catches your back once again. Mingi is already standing up, unbuckling his pants. Smiling he sticks his tongue out at you and licks his lips exaggeratedly before attacking your throat. “No marks.” He grunts and nips the column of your throat. “Mingi.” He sighs begrudgingly, fingers finding your core and burying themselves. Mingi is used to the process now, taking care to gently stretch you on his fingers, relaxing your hyperactive muscles. Letting them get used to the intrusion. He rocks his hips against your thigh in time with his fingers, already stiff in his sweats. “Fuck,” your heart pounds as grind down into the heel of his palm. The sweet come hither beckoning of fingers gently stroking you to your shuddering high. Mouth hung open against your chest he groans as your walls tense and release around his digits. “Good?” “Yes.” “Still want to see San?” Something in the tone of his voice makes you think he might be a little jealous. You roll your eyes, “shut up and fuck me, you dick.” Whirling you around face into the wall, you hear the clang of his belt on the floor. The tip of his bare cock brushes along your slit. Eyes closed in anticipation you breathe in once, twice, three times- “Shit-fuck-” You’d forgotten too, swept into the moment, the ravishment, the romance of it all. The rustling of cloth and soft padding of Mingi’s feet on the floor away from you. You open your eyes and turn your head to see him frantically pawing through his bedside table. It’s quite the sight, large cock swinging proudly as the equally large man looks panicked into a small box. “I’m out. I’m finally out,” he sounds partially in awe, partially in horror. “Babe. In your bag- do you ha-” You don’t move an inch, cheek still rubbed into the plaster, ass fully presented. “Just fuck me Mingi.”
His eyes widen as he returns to hold you tight to him, covering you in kisses, each feels like an apology. “We-you-you don’t have to. We could-I could-” Mingi fumbles, embarrassed and excited all wrapped into one. It’s cute that he thinks at this point you’d want anything else. It’s funny how fate has left you. It’s not a wise decision. You should listen to Mingi, you know in the back of your mind that he’s right, there are many other ways to have you both satisfied in the end that doesn’t have the same risk associated. But you want him. You’d wanted him for a while and fate had dealt you the winning hand. Reaching behind you, you pull his hips close and position him flush with your entrance. “I’m clean, I trust you. Please.” Mingi grabs your wrist, wrapping your hand in his as he pins it to the wall. His forehead pressed to the nape of your neck, the head of his cock breaches your core just barely. He grunts. Though you can’t see him you know his lower lip is tucked into his teeth in concentration. “Fuck you’re so warm,” he shivers as he rocks his way into you. “So warm and fucking soaked.” He feels better too. Closer. Warmer. More real. Every ridge and pulse of his cock immediately readable by your cunt. Hip bones meeting your buttocks you release twin groans, stilling into silence. Breath tickling your back he kisses your spine. “Don’t move or I'll cum inside you.” Your pussy throbs and squeezes down harder around him. Your brain knows that he meant it as a kind alert, no ulterior motives, but your cunt wishes he meant it as a promise. It’s not like you could even move much; face and chest fully plastered to the wall, held up by your tiptoes and force. As Mingi’s breathing slows his unoccupied hand travels to your lower belly, splaying downwards to brush lightly over your clit. “I can’t wait to feel you cum on my cock,” his lips brush your skin with every syllable. Tentatively his hips pull back, just enough for a small exploratory thrust back in. Your back bends into an exaggerated arch as he slowly builds up speed, fucking you into the entryway wall. Fingertips circling your clit each drag of his cock summons a throaty huff from deep in your lungs. Maybe later you’d worry that the neighbors could hear every strangled groan and thud but for now Mingi made sure you could only think of him. “I can feel myself in you,” Mingi groans, the heel of his palm resting at your public bone, feeling the slight bulge as he fully sheaths himself inside. Normally you’d swat him for touching your belly but the pressure pushes your spot directly in line with his thrusts sending your free hand clambering up the wall. If you had the capacity to think you’d feel dumb, repeating his name ad-nauseum when you aren’t squealing and gulping down tearless sobs. “Mingi-full, Mingi-I’m-Mingi-I’m close-” you plead as his thrusts shorten and quicken. Rubbing inside, rubbing your clit, and palm pressing outside, it’s overwhelming in the best way. Mingi growls, vibrations traveling through your back. “So-tight. So-warm. Taking-taking-so well-” His hips snap into you at a brutal pace, walls clenching down as your eyes roll back in your skull. Every muscle in your body contracts as your consciousness floats halfway between here and elsewhere. Simultaneously at peak relaxation and working on overdrive. Each orgasm rolling over you in quick succession, body barely able to balance on a singular shaking leg. “Shit-, where doyouwan-” Mingi slurs, hand finally unpinning from yours to hold your hips in place. His thrusts are erratic, you can tell he’s barely holding on as your walls greedily clench and milk around him as you climax. Fully fucked out you want to tell him to just cum inside you. You need him to cum inside you. A prize. If he came inside you, you’d have done a good job. You’d be worthy. Worthy of him. “Back or mouth.” The primal need to feel the pulse of his cock draining deep within you nearly overcomes your better self before your post climax clarity lassos your brain back to earth. “Back.” Mingi buries his face between your shoulder blades; he rips himself from you, hot ropes of cum hit the cleft of your ass and trail down your thighs as both of you crumple into the wall. You should feel lucky that he was able to pull out just in time but you don’t. The plaster is sticky against your cheek, every part of your body aches and craves the careful hands of a chiropractor. Mingi pants, entire body pinning yours in place. His breath makes your back feel warmer and stickier than it already was. “Nap?” “Clean up then nap.” He hums, beginning to pull away. “Legs- help-” you slide and fumble without his additional weight holding you up. He laughs for a second before wrapping his arms around you, paying no mind to the sticky mess he left on your back. The two of you waddle to the kitchen sink, where he drapes you against the counter. Mingi runs the water first over his hand and then over a small section of paper towel before carefully wiping your thighs and back, making sure to remove all signs of him. The water dries cold on your skin, you hardly notice his hand lingering, resting possibly on your opposite hip. “I’ll add condoms to the shopping list.”
There was no reason to miss him.
The apartment doorbell is more of an unpleasant buzz than a clear ring. It’s not friendly, it’s urgent and demanding. Pay attention to me! Pay attention now! Hurry! The ability of that buzz to cut like a knife through the thickest of hazes was nothing short of impressive. It would take one buzz to rouse even the deepest sleeper. Three short buzzes snaps you out of your dissociative fog. No packages were expected, you hadn’t ordered delivery, a check of your phone shows no missed calls, not that you’d expect anyone to visit you anyway. Quickly crossing to the door you peer through the peephole, fisheye view only able to see the warped shape of a man's chest but the low clearing of throat was unmistakable.
It was him.
There was no reason for him to be here. He’d never been here. Your lair, your comfort, the one space with no memories of him or any other relationship, just yours. But there he was, standing at your door, definitively at your door, nearly blocking the entire peep hole. How he had found you, who he must have asked, what he may have told them – the thought made you hug your arms across your chest. Oh fuck, you thought, considering the states you and your apartment were in. Braless, underwearless, in an oversized tee shirt and sweatpants. Dishes unwashed, a couple sex toys strewn on the floor, plugged into their associated chargers, stack of mail growing on the tiny dining table that served more junk than meals.
Three sharp knocks follow the buzzes. Oh no no no.
Brain screaming at you, telling you to ignore him for as long as you have to for him to go away. Each movement feels mechanical, ordered with every inch of concentration you can muster. You grip the doorknob, jerking the door open just enough for your head to peek around.
“We need to talk.” He sounds strained. He looks good even with his beanie and mask on. “I don’t have anything to say.” Your voice sounds foreign to you, croaky, as though you hadn’t talked in years. A shoe lodges itself in the crack you’ve opened. “I need to talk.” You rake your teeth across your lips, dry as a desert. “I don’t have to listen.” “Please. I don’t want to do this in the hallway with my mask on and I’ve got to talk to you.”
It’s the soft ‘please’ that melts your resolve. He really could’ve just stopped talking there. His please makes you want to pull down the moon for him, you’d disrupt tides for him if that was what he was asking for. Luckily he was asking for something much simpler than harnessing the moon, all he wanted was time, your time. Dropping your grip on the doorknob you take a step back, letting the door tap the edge of his foot as it gently attempts to swing into place, not quite letting him in, not quite forcing him out. Neutral. He’s not, not allowed. Pointedly not an invitation. Decidedly not a dismissal.
He’s politely cautious crossing the threshold, so unlike your fateful first night. No giggling, no crashing, both of you a mile apart in the 3 meter distance. Mingi pauses a second, perhaps waiting for you, perhaps simply surveying the scene, unwinding the loops of his mask from his ears. You don’t offer him a place to sit, not that there was one for a guest, nor do you attempt to clear a space for him. Like a mother bear you stand in the middle of the chaos, arms straight out, shoulders tensed and almost defensive as you wait for his first move, his first strike.
“San told me that when a person breaks up with you they’ve already gone through the mourning process–” “We didn’t break up.” You jump into his prepared monologue immediately with a correction. He sighs, tamping down his temper. “Then what did we do?” Carefully considering the options you pace your words, “simply disentangled our lives.”
Mingi looks to the floor, hair falling and shielding his eyes. He shifts uneasily on the spot, forced by you to throw out his entire rehearsed speech. He throws his head back and looks up at the ceiling, studying the plaster molding fiercely. Your stomach lurches, he’s not doing well. He hasn’t been sleeping. The corners of his mouth twitch and it’s almost too much to bear. Until then you’d been avoiding looking too closely at his face, afraid of what it might reveal. It’s difficult to pretend to not know what is written across someone's expression. It’s much easier to stick to their exact precise words. Words, words, words, what was left between you and Mingi, words.
“You left me there with a note. It could’ve been a text. It was so short. Why?” Mirroring your stance, his entire body is tense. “There wasn’t much more to say. Let’s not meet anymore. That’s it. We weren’t anything. That’s all.” “No. Why? Why did you let me think I had done something wrong? Why did you let me worry that I had hurt you? Why did I have to feel like I did something to you? Did I? Did I do something to you? Please. Please. I need to know or I’ll never sleep again.” He presses forward with each volley lobbed directly at you, stress rolling off of his body, pent up from months of planning and rehearsing. The gap between you is closed to a mere foot as he stoops to catch your eyes.
“We-my-I can’t do it. It’s me. I can’t be that cool girl for you. I’m sorry.” He pushes his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. With every slow breath a new emotion flits through his body; frustration, sadness, acceptance. “Why did you walk away like that?”
It was the first cold day in early November. Whispers of thanksgiving plans passed between coworkers before the start of virtual meetings, excited at the prospect of even a small gathering. A pro-question dodger, you used the angst around potential new strains to keep your own plans obscured. Truly how long would you be able to hide it though? What were your plans? Well. You didn’t have any and saying that you didn’t have any somehow hurt more than pretending like you had something up in the air. When everyone was alone together the year prior it was easier to swallow the loneliness with a shot of ‘doing your part’ to chase it. Your building’s heat was not yet on, old as it was it relied on a super coming in and physically turning it on, paired with the gray sky it made moping around in every article of wool clothing you owned feel even more isolating.
It was the first cold day in early November. Mingi’s chest rises and falls with his slow steady breaths. You’re curled up in the crook of his arm, pressing as much of yourself to him as possible underneath the blanket, drifting in and out of consciousness. He smells like the woods and the sea and musk somehow mixing together to make your head spin and nerves calm. It’s so comfortable. He’s so comfortable. The pleasant weight of his arm wrapping around you, resting on your hip to hold his book up in front of him, traps you in your limbo between dreams and reality. There’s even a perfect crook for your head that you’ve managed to find, a dip between his collarbone and pecs and your head fits in perfectly. Mingi is pleasantly squishy in a way that you can’t help but squeeze and smile. It’s your favorite part of him, how soft he is when he is with you.
“Oh yeah?” He cranes his neck forward to look at you as you chuckle to yourself. “What’s so funny?” You shake your head, “it’s not funny.” The heel of your palm presses into his hip bone as you bury your face in his side. “You’re just so poke-able.” “So I should lose weight?” Mingi closes his book and tries to sit up in bed, your arm weighing him down he lets you pin him back down. “Do. Not.” “Oh? Would you love me if I bulked up?” “Mingi. Please. I don’t want to change a thing.” He breaks from your grasp easily, sitting on the edge of his side of the bed, leaving you flat to the mattress and colder. “What if I want to change things?” You feel like you are hearing things, noting how he stresses ‘want’. “Do it for you then. Don’t do it for me.”
It’s an offhand comment meant to encourage him, free him from the expectations he might think you have. Instead he bristles, saying nothing. It hurts, not knowing how to go back to that blissful moment before.
“Did you have any other plans today?” Mingi tries to ask casually but the mood has shifted too much. “Not…really? Just wanted to enjoy some modern comforts with my friend!” Instead of upbeat you sound forced, perhaps putting too much emphasis on the end of the sentence, too hard of an exclamation point. His lips press to a thin line, “Mm‘kay. Cool.”
You roll your back to him and slide down into the covers, the silence only broken by Mingi’s soft footsteps away from the bed. If you knew better you’d have leapt out of the sheets and tackled him. You could almost see yourself doing just that, launching your entire body at him with reckless abandon.
You didn’t.
Instead you watched him as he curled forward over the bathroom sink, splashing water on his face before gripping the edges of the basin, head hanging as drops of water trailed off. For such a tall man he seemed so small. You wanted to apologize but, without knowing what exactly you’d be apologizing for, the motion felt hollow. Mingi padded back towards you, corners of his mouth slightly upturned into a tiny smile. With a groaned exhale he sat, his back to you on the bed, torso twisting to look at you. “Hungry?” “Yeah…” “Me too,” his hand slowly pet your shoulder, tracing small circles, tips of his fingers memorizing every beauty mark and vein. “You order whatever you want, just get me something tasty.”
Sitting up behind him you wrap your arms around his shoulders, nuzzling your nose into his neck. Your lips meet his skin at the junction between his jawline and bottom of his ear, his head tilting to expose more of his neck to you. The waning light hit his cheekbone perfectly as you press your lips all along the side of his neck, scooting yourself in closer, attempting to completely envelop him in your arms and legs. Ear to his back you listen to him breathing. “You’re like a cute little backpack on me.” His back rumbles your chest in a way that lets you know he’s smiling and it makes your heart sing in the most sickening, painful way. Sickening in hindsight more than in the moment.
The way he maneuvers the two of you deeper onto the bed is skillful, practiced. It’s artful in how he delicately strips both of you of your clothes. Bare to the world you lay there as he looks at you like he did the first night you’d been together, totally sober, totally comfortable.
“Mingi…” you coo. “Yeah?” Mingi rumbles back, still holding you in his gaze, as though time had stopped around you. “I’m cold.” “I can warm you up then.” All of a sudden his chest is pressed to yours like a large heavy blanket draping over you. Tucking your elbows in under him you made yourself as small as possible, connecting as much of your cool skin to his comparatively warm body. His kisses are small pecks, softly brushing his lips to yours, almost chaste if not for the lack of clothes and horizontal orientation.
“Mingi?” “Yeah…?” “We haven’t ordered food.” He blinks, worries crossing his face, propped on his elbows above you. “Do you not want to-” “No I do!” Shocked, your voice jumps two octaves. “I just-we should order before-if the delivery guy-” Mingi catches the words with his lips, quieting your stilted tongue. “I’ll cook something. Ramen?” He doesn’t wait for your response before kissing you again. “My princess went shopping?” You ask into his mouth. “Princess can’t survive on Heinikens and takeout.” Carefully he lays himself between your legs, aligning himself for you to grind on. “I’m actually a pretty good cook.” He cups your breast with one hand, letting his thumb gently play with your nipple. It’s enough to send your heartbeat south and empty your brain of any thoughts of food. “Mmkay,” you turn your head and nuzzle your cheek into the pillow. It smells like him, like the woods and the sea and musk. With a sigh and a smile you relax into the gentle roll of his hips and flick of his thumb. “Fuck.” ‘Mhmmm,” lips buzzing with a pleased hum, Mingi travels the well worn path from your lips to your neck to your collarbone to your sternum, joining his hand at your unoccupied breast. Tongue darting out to flick your nipple you squeal in delight, grinding yourself against him. He watches every reaction to his ministrations, the way his half open eyes drink you in is addicting, enough so that watching him won out against every other thought. Eye meeting your heart explodes with a shudder.
“My Mingi,” you call to him, your own voice ringing in your ears, tentative and small. Call it a momentary lapse in judgment or a hidden possessive streak. Either way Mingi didn’t seem to notice.
He trails down your naked body like it was his last meal, kissing, licking, nibbling, all while his hand seeks yours, intertwining against the sheets. Reaching your hips his mouth travels all over your inner thighs and lower belly, dancing around your slit, daring to go only close enough to feel the tense anticipation, to hear you huff and whine in disappointment as he moves away. The pin pricks of a smile tug at the corners of his mouth as your fingers tighten in his. “Shit.” He snaps you both out of the moment brutally. Forehead pressed to your knee, his hair drapes over his eyes, shielding his expression. “Condoms.” “I thought-” He slithers back up, “-I know. i’m sorry. I swear it wasn’t-” “No I-” Mingi immediately scoots his hips back and off of you the moment the word no trips off your tongue.
“Mingi. It’s fine. I liked it.” you mutter sheepishly. It takes him a second to register what you said, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy. Palm placed to his chest you push him him onto his back and straddle his hips. “As long as you’re okay with it,” you hover over him, hands creeping lower and lower over his v-line. From here you can see him clearly, hair splayed on the pillow, red blush creeping up his neck, adam's apple bobbing in his throat. “Yes please.” His lips part in a beautiful ‘O’ shape as you take him inch by inch to the hilt, grinding your hips in a circular motion on top of him. It's a treat to watch him battle to keep his gaze fixed on you, lids fluttering and eyes rolling to the back of his head. Where his vision lacks his hands search, wandering your thighs and ass, gripping and gliding until you quiet them, placing him at your waist. Holding tight you grind against each other slowly, letting your bodies slip and roll with the other. “One- one sec-” Mingi leans to his bedside and grabs the wand from the past summer. “Ladies first-” He places the white cap of the wand on your clit as it whirrs to life. Its effect is immediately apparent. Back arching your brace yourself on his thighs. “Ohhh shit-Mingi-mingi-MINGI-” you chant and bounce eagerly on his cock, walls clamping down around him. “Fuck-MINGI-”
Neither of you are cold anymore. Sweat accumulates and drips from your thighs to the bed sheets. Veins on Mingis forehead and forearms pulse as he snarls and groans, fighting to keep himself contained. “Cum for me, my queen.” Heat washes over you, blood rushing up to your face and then suddenly draining. Chest tight you lose all language. It is impossible to keep your own eyes open as you slip into semi-consciousness. “Ming-gi-” is all the warning you can muster. You cum violently on him. Juices absolutely flooding his abdomen. Unable to bend farther back, you snap forward and collapse forehead to forehead. All your muscles feel exhausted and loose as he wraps his arms around you holding you close. His hips snap up, fucking up into you with all his might. A final groan catches in his throat, cock buried deep in your cunt. Warm and full and happy; you swear you cum again just from the pulsing of his release. Blissfully you rest your head on his shoulder, almost in a frog pose on top of him. Your eyes closed, you can feel yourself drifting off. “Fuck.” You crack open an eye to see Mingi staring at the ceiling. “Fucking- fuuuuuuck-I-” he sighs dramatically. “I came inside. I’m so sorry. I will go to the drug store right now and get Plan B. I'm so sorry.” Shaken from your sky castle, you roll your eyes and dismount him for the bathroom. He follows you continuing to apologize. “I’m on birth control Mingi, it’s fine.” You smile, exhausted completely. His mouth moves without forming words, chewing on air searching for the way to say what he needs to say.
It was the first cold day in November when you decided you couldn’t do it anymore. Bundled in one of his oversize hoodies, freshly fucked and freshly washed with Mingi leaning over a warm stove. You considered how exactly you’d do it. You didn’t want to explain, you couldn’t really. It sounded psychotic as you mulled it over. “We can’t be together because I like you too much. We can’t be together because I want to be together forever. We can’t be together because for a second I thought it wouldn’t be so bad if we had a child by accident. We can’t be together because I feel spontaneous and stupid and reckless when I’m with you.” So you decided on a note. Not a text. A text you could torture yourself daily by looking at. Any time you’d open your phone you’d be at risk. It would have to be a note. That way only he would have it. That way it would be difficult for him to follow up. You even waited, one last sleep, one last rest. You hadn’t even gotten to the stage where you left a set of pjs at his place. It was easy to sneak out because in reality it was simply what it always was, leaving without a promise of returning. It was early morning when you took his yellow notepad and scrawled your final note.
“Let’s not meet anymore. Xx” NEXT (coming soon)
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haleigh-sloth · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Hazbin? Also, fav song? 👀
Favorite songs: Stayed Gone, Loser Baby, Hell is Forever
But seriously all the music slaps hard. It’s so good.
Thoughts: many
I’ll start with the smaller thoughts and leave the longest (Alastor) for last.
Vaggie is pleasantly explored. I’m surprised in a good way. I also love Charlie and feel like her strength isn’t really on full display yet lol. Exciting.
Angel Dust—my son. Husk—my son in law.
Angel Dust and Husk—I didn’t catch the vibe the first watch through but the second time? Oh they’re gonna be in love later if they aren’t already. I rarely care about ships but I LOVE this one. Good job Hazbin.
I really do like the Vees. They’re clearly antagonists and represent negative effects of social media and technology influence among other things. I mean no they aren’t likable as people, but I certainly like them as characters. I’m excited to see them more.
Everyone else is just fun. I love the found family/home vibe of the hotel. It’s so comforting to me.
Now really, my favorite is Alastor. Shocking I know.
Currently I can’t take my focus off of him. My gut told me he’s a good character to latch onto, and I feel like my gut was right.
I always want a happy ending for my blorbos and I feel like I hit the jack pot here bc he seems like a chaotic “control the game board” type of character (like Izaya, Shigure, Mephisto, etc.). But I think he’s ultimately going to be a benevolent force in the story for what the story is showing (redemption and salvation!).
I’m obsessed with his relationship to Charlie the most, but also I’m just very honed in on how his attachment to the hotel will change throughout the series.
Alastor is hard to read. He’s just a fun little guy. He seems sadistic and uncaring. Emotionless and like an overlord with pretty much no other motive besides power and freedom (regaining what he had before his fight with Vox 7 years ago is what his surface level motive seems to be).
But I cannot take my eyes off of how he’s puts a lot of effort into Charlie and what she wants.
In the pilot he says it’s for shits and giggles, and I’m sure he tells himself it is. But the way he is in the main series (meaning after the pilot) is just very questionable when you remember what he said his motive was. He does a whole lot more than someone who doesn’t actually give a shit.
Sure, it’s nothing for him to defend the hotel really. A mindless chore. But I started getting like ???? when Lucifer showed up. Lucifer clearly bothers Alastor (the frame was deliberately showing Alastor’s eye twitch when Lucifer showed up at the hotel and hugged his daughter). Then of course there was the hilarious “I’m a better dad than him” bit that made me lose my mind. Then in the second to last episode Alastor said “it’s not like you’ve ever failed to inspire before”—obviously meaning himself, has me even more like ???!!!! Something about Charlie inspires him and gets him up and moving and I just love that and want to explore it more and see what that brings for him.
The finale episode shows him starting to crack. He laughs at the thought of almost dying for his friends—the notion hilarious to him. Except he DID ALMOST DIE FOR HIS “FRIENDS”. And I think the reality of that freaks him out. I don’t think he’s very in tune with how he really feels about the company he has right now. Not yet. I really do think right now he’s focused on revenge against Vox, bc he’s openly competitive against him and clearly has a vendetta. I think that clouds everything else with him right now and it’ll be a problem later.
I’ve also gotta give it to a couple of other pals who basically confirmed for me that Alastor’s character is heading for redemption. The kind of redemption the hotel aims for (whether that ends with a place in heaven or not idk or care bc I just want him to have a happy ending with everyone). He doesn’t know this, or acknowledge this. But Charlie’s influence is contagious and Alastor is already infected by it a little. It’ll become more obvious later I think as everyone else around Charlie finds love and happiness in the hotel. We’re already seeing it with Angel and Husk and we saw it with Sir Pentious. Alastor won’t be immune from this I’m sure. Which is what I’m the most excited for. I want to see that man change—and he already is but I want to see more. I can see Alastor accepting salvation/redemption as a major obstacle or barrier and probably something very important for Charlie to accomplish, but I think it’ll be one of the best things in the series too.
Alastor is clearly the creator’s baby. He’s obviously the most complex and has the most going on internally. She’s said he’s existed since she was in high school. He’s important to her and important to the show and I can tell the show will take good care of him. I’m very, very excited for it.
I haven’t felt this excited about something in a while so it’s nice and refreshing. I love the show as a whole but I’m so down for Alastor and his arc. I don’t think I’ll be disappointed.
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mot-hesbian · 1 year
Can we finally talk about how Lorelai was emotionally and verbally abused, as well as emotionally neglected by her parents yet? Or are we just gonna keep on saying that she's overreacting and exaggerating how bad they are because she's a brat or whatever it is y'all call her?
Like, there are moments in the show where you can actually see them doing exactly that. A lot of Lorelai's behavior is in line with that of someone who was abused and neglected in that way as a child.
Stop saying they just "weren't great at expressing themselves," or that "she's ungrateful for everything they did for her," or some bullshit about her "overreacting" every time they do something for her whenever they finally start getting to a good place.
Most times that she "overreacts" is when they cross a boundary that she had previously established was there. Setting boundaries is an important part of any relationship and they rarely, if ever, respect them. Needing to put distance between them is a perfectly acceptable thing to need when someone constantly crosses lines.
I can't believe I have to say this in 2022, but just because they never hit her or deprived her of her physical needs doesn't mean she wasn't abused or neglected. Emotional and verbal abuse are still abuse, they still leave deep scars. Emotional neglect is still traumatizing to children and teens, it also leaves marks.
I think the worst part is that we openly acknowledge Jess's neglect and the similarities between the two of them personality and humor wise, but we never acknowledge the reasons why. In fact, people actually go out of their way to exaggerate Jess's abuse and then treat it like it's cannon and anyone who disagrees is an abuse apologist. There is no evidence in the show that he was ever physically or s*xually abused at any point.
However, both he and Lorelai are heavily implied to have been through emotional neglect (even physical neglect in Jess's case), as well as emotional abuse. I'm not sure if Jess was ever verbally abused by Liz, but I wouldn't be shocked if one of the many boyfriends/husbands she's had did due to how he talks about them.
You know what the difference is? Lorelai grew up rich and never wanted for anything food, shelter, and education wise, and Jess was poor. Also, he's a guy who everyone finds really attractive so woobifying him was naturally gonna happen at some point.
I'm not going to get into Lorelai's arrested development due to having Rory at a young age but it certainly explains a lot, and why she would feel uncomfortable seeing Rory hang out with a kid who acts out very similarly to how she did at his age.
Case in point, stop acting like Lorelai is the one in the wrong for having the relationship she does with her parents.
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i still cannot believe my own eyes how yaoi shangzhi is. the most outrageous thing is the jealousy! how did it get past the censors? not like platonic jealousy when guy marries and his bros get "jealous" that he won't be spending much time and drink beer with them. real burning jealousy! yuanzhi and the girl behave exactly like wife and concubine in harem melodrama, even their dialogues are the same. she tries to hit him where it hurts by saying that shangjue sleeps with her (mostly lying bc i don't think they had anything except that one time) etc! there's sexual rivalry for a man openly going on. it was going to end in murder suicide if not the whole spy thing. and gege enjoys it! openly! he likes seeing didi all riled up and pouty. i think he'd like to keep both of them and live like a king (given that if she's not a spy and yuanzhi allowes it, which i doubt).
*cracks knuckles*
Hoooo boy the way my soul started singing at the sight of this ask, Nonnie, bless you for filling in the last thirty minutes before I have to board my flight.
How did it get past censors? Shangguan Qian. Simple as that. Anyone notice that she was barely given any character development and was relegated to a smiling eyed femme fatale that only maybe had a smudge of a narrative push in the last quarter of the show? A misstep to be honest because I would personally like to know more about her and how she managed to become a Mei.
If I know anything about my time in cdramaland, it’s that there’s nothing a quick shuffling in of a female character as a romantic interest can’t help by way of de-gaying the gay.
Hopefully a season two can solve the fleshing out of SGQ though I don’t know what is the latest melon about the negotiations between GJM, ZLH and Esther.
I’m pretty sure it’s the god acknowledged truth that you’d have to be blind to not be able to see how Main Wife coded Yuanzhi is. He’s just so… soft feral. I love it and I know I’m not the only one who does.
Gawd the way I choked when you said that Gege enjoys it. Because he clearly does! And encourages it! This is his harem!!! There’s no denying that he takes his measure of amusement from the way they trade barbs and sharp edges over him, but he won’t hesitate to shut things down before they get too far.
Anyone noted how he practically automatically feeds Didi first and doesn’t refute it when Didi pisses to mark his territory says that Gege always lets him eat first but at the same time reinforces SGQ’s place as his future wife by telling her she will be able to call Yuanzhi “didi” once they are married?
Or how the “feeding medicine” scenes are practically framed the same way, wit the same sort of vibe? HNGGH, I tell you.
In a harem drama, Yuanzhi is totally the Main Wife who married the ML via a betrothal from birth and SGQ is the concubine he picked up because he saved her life and now she pledges to be his wife to repay his life saving kindness.
My money is on the two of them getting over their petty rivalries and choosing to team up. They would be formidable. A 54 episode show backed by the people behind The Story of Minglan for sure.
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