#like idk i haven’t gotten many hate anons and i usually don’t answer them unless they’re actually nasty
broflovski-brah · 7 months
i never understood people who go on anon just to rip on people like okay??? the only thing you’ve showed me is that you’re a coward lmao
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milesgonzalomorales · 6 years
1-50 for studyblr (all or nothing motherfucker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
I owe you my life anon I wanted to answer these 
What year are you?Third-year as of summer 2018
What’s your major/what do you think you want to major in?Double major in Political Science and History
If applicable, what is your thesis about?                                                        n/a
Do you think you picked the right major?                                                      For sure. At first I was uncertain in my choice bc I switched quite a bit in my first/second year bw English and History, but then I realized that English classes were making me dislike my relationship w/ literature. I love my poli sci and history classes 
Ultimate educational goals?                                                                                 Getting my PhD in International Relations but i have no job to pay for it 
Career goals?                                                                                                         Working with an international organization like the UN or the IMF
Do you think your goals are realistic?                                                                 Certainly. They may be difficult to reach, but they are within my grasp so long as I keep working towards them. 
What classes are you taking right now?                                                             Canadian government/politics, introductory political theory and a comparative history class on race relations in the US and SA                                      
Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?                          Introduction to international relations parts 1 and 2, I took them both in my second year back to back (one in the fall, the other in the winter) while I was still in the political science minor. I loved this class for several reasons. First, the content was so interesting that reading the textbook was never a chore and I was always in the first row of the lecture hall ready 15 minutes before classes even started. Another reason I liked this class was bc I had a really good experience with the ta who was my tut. leader in both semesters - there is only one other ta that I’ve had who has been that phenomenal in their teaching. This ta along with another prof have been really influential in my learning and I don’t think thank you will ever be enough for what they both did.  It was actually through these classes that I decided to major in poli sci bc I loved it so much. 
Least favorite class ever and why?                                                                       An Ancient Greek history class bc it was at night and the prof had us read exclusively from a sourebook and his slides sucked.                                
Current favorite class and why?                                                                          Canadian government, I’m learning a lot of cool stuff about my country that high-school teachers never did justice to. Also the prof is really enthusiastic and it’s contagious. 
Current least favorite class and why?                                                                 Political theory… it’s not that I hate it, but some of the texts are really difficult to read at times. Lectures are fun though, the prof really knows how to keep an audience engaged.                                                                                   
Favorite STEM field?                                                                                            I took an anthropology class in first year and loved it, the tutorials were really interesting bc we actually got to handle bone material!! It was nothing like humanities tutorials where you discuss and debate. A fun experience overall and I loved learning about the science parts too even if it was a little complicated sometimes…                      
Favorite humanities subject?                                                                               Political science, hands down. 
Class that you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance?              I want to take a class on ethnic conflict and security, but it’s a 4th year class and i don’t have the prereqs (yet!) 
Do you use caffeine and if so how much daily?                                                 Never, unless Coffee Crisp counts 
What’s your preferred method of taking in caffeine?                                         ^ see above answer                                                                          
Have you ever tried study drugs?                                                                        Nope, not a huge fan of supplements like that.  
Are you a homework-in-the-morning kind of person?                                       Homework whenever I can type of person                         
Do you listen to music while you study?                                                            Used to, but now it distracts more than anything so I’ll put on some ambient noises or just work silently. 
Crowded area or quiet place?                                                                               Quiet place, but one that has people in it so I feel obligated to work 
What’s your preferred writing implement?                                                          bic gelocity 0.7 black and blue pens. i cannot write w/o them but they run out so fast.                         
Do you need to work out before you can study well?                                        work out??? haven’t heard that term in years 
Describe your perfect study environment.                                                          Idk the specifics, but good lighting, nice temperature, a rolling chair and a high desk i guess? 
Are you procrastinating right now?                                                                     Not really, I have time before assignment deadlines roll in. 
What was the last thing you procrastinated?                                                     Reading Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the language was too complex and I shied away from it 
Are you a perfectionist?                                                                                        Not really, you make a mistake and you move on, I find that studyblr aesthetic notes are counterproductive 
Do you like easy classes or do you feel bad if you’re not working hard?       I don’t think there is such thing as ‘easy’ classes, it depends on what an individual’s strengths and weaknesses are. That being said, I had a light course load for a first year class where the prof felt bad for assigning us 10 pages of reading a week when another prof was assigning 80-100.    
Are you a good test taker?                                                                                    Most of the time, but with essays, I need to write outlines or I lose my train of thought and get frustrated and anxious about the time and my argument. 
What are you the proudest of out of all the assignments you’ve ever had?   A paper I did for my critical writing for history class 2 semesters ago, I contacted that professor regularly and was in her office all the time working with her to keep making it better and when I saw my final grade of 38/40, I cried with happiness. 
Do you talk to your teachers/professors a lot?                                                  Oh yeah, I’m that student who stays after class, spends half the time at office hours, asks questions during class, you name it. Professors are people too, just really accomplished people. Also they’re pretty cool and they want to see you succeed. 
Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them.                   Okay again not a prof, but this person is training to become a prof and i truly hope he’s successful for several reasons. He has a lot of cool book recs both academic/non-academic, calls out the bullcrap that is academic writing, genuinely goes above the paygrade to make sure that students succeed and most importantly, is enthusiastic about the content himself. (press f to pay respects) 
Describe your least favorite teacher/professor and why you dislike them.     Hnghhhh there was these 2 profs who taught intro ir part 1 and one of those guys was an absolute loser, he constantly made holocaust jokes and other tasteless comments and when i went to talk to him about my final paper, he told me that i’d look like someone who might like to write mine about is/s like ://. never told that prof anything about my academic interests so shut your mouth 
Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher/professor?                         A few times, but I don’t think I could do it. I’d be one of those rambling profs who never end up finishing their scheduled content. 
Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?                         Not a prof, but a ta once said that my ideas were worthy of respect and that i shouldn’t feel the need to apologize for contributions (ta: you are valid me: holy fuck i’d die for you) 
Best feedback you’ve ever gotten on something academic?                            Best feedback I’ve ever gotten was on a paper I wrote for my ir class in the first semester where i had a lot of pitfalls in my argumentation style so when i wrote one the next semester w/ the same ta marking it, i got a better mark bc i incorporated that feedback. 
Worst study habit and how are you working on it?                                            My worst habit is lacking discipline and I’m working on it by trying to stick to schedules so I can fall back into routine and ultimately be on top of things 
Are you an in-class fidgeter?                                                                                moment of silence for all the pens i’ve dropped while twirling them/taking them apart. 
How’s your handwriting?                                                                                      pretty neat, not to brag. but apparently my f’s are jumping off the lines practically. 
Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and post a photo.         sorry, too late for that I’m headed to sleep soon. 
Neat or messy notes?                                                                                            A weird combo?? Like messy enough that you have arrows sticking out from all corners and sometimes things are disorganized, but the writing itself is usually very neat unless i’m tired. 
A lot of notes or the bare minimum?                                                                   A lot, for me, the slides are the skeleton and the meat comes from the prof’s mouth. 
Post a photo/scan of your notes from your favorite class.                               I think I uploaded them to my side blog?? anyway it’s late now so can’t do that 
Are you a doodler?                                                                                                I used to be, but I cut the habit bc sometimes I miss key info if I’m not paying attention. 
Post a photo of your doodles if you have any.                                                    lol i used to post a lot under the tag naailah draws 
Do you have pre-test rituals and what are they?                                                Making sure I have more pens than I’ll ever need and checking the ink refills to ensure there’s enough. 
Are you a tangent-question asker?                                                                      Yup, there’s no such thing as a dumb question. Unless it’s answered on the syllabus. That’s a dumb q. 
Do you make jokes in class?                                                                                Sometimes. I’ve cracked some awful puns in my comparative poli class once and the prof’s mic picked up on it bc i sit at the front so you have a room of 200 or so students hearing me laugh about poverty and i swear it sounds bad but it was not as bad w/ context. 
How many hours do you spend on academics per day?                                   A lot… most of my time is spent on studying/procrastinating on it 
What’s something more important to you than school?                                    Life after school and making a real impact in the world, whether it’s small-scale or large. 
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saunterfics · 7 years
picture this: dadsona jumping in craig's shower after a workout 👀👀👀
(I’m gonna answer the asks I’ve gotten these past two weeks in this post so it’ll be under the read more. I apologize I’m terrible at responding bc I always think I want to respond with more specific things to requests but maybe I shouldn’t keep hoarding asks…)
Craig would be so surprised lbr. But if you’re implying shower sex, then yes. Somehow instead of smexy I can only think of…angst…? Like 1) Craig might actually be annoyed bc he’s always so busy and he has a lot of work and stuff to get to after a shower so like, please, don’t? or 2) he does indulge in you and damn that was HOT but then he realizes he spent too much time there and starts to criticize himself for leaving River alone for too long, etc and blames himself for not being disciplined enough now that he allows himself to relax and actually be with you…? He’s someone who probably thinks too much bc he’s trying to set the bar so high and seriously. He needs to chill. 
Anon said: Will you write more Ddadds fanfics? Maybe something dirty, rough, fast with Robert? Or include some kinks, like chocking (with your hands) or rimming with any other character? 
Yes…maybe? I should? I just got really busy and haven’t been playing the game and then started losing the inspiration? I also usually browse tumblr on my phone, which doesn’t have blacklisting, so I’ve been avoiding it tbh because I am into Craig and also Robert, and tbh I like consuming content about Robert more, but I’d noticed quite the increase of Joseph/Robert stuff in there and I’m really not comfortable with that pairing so I’d rather not chance seeing it. Idk, the extent of my distaste for that kinda hit me all at once so…sigh. It just also feels very fetish-y too so that really nags at me. 
Anyways. Choking? Seriously? Hell yeah. Holy shit. I’m not into rimming myself, and I’m just indifferent to it so I don’t think I have the abilities to make it good. And something rough, fast, and dirty with Robert will most likely be when Dadsona is just “a tad” tipsy and he’s riling Robert on with dirty talk and esp calling him “daddy” and Robert just growls and holds you down but you’re just smirking up at him and continue to tempt him and he just. Can’t fucking handle you Jesus fucking Christ. (I also like someone’s hc I saw a while back about how Robert doesn’t actually enjoy sex all that much seeing as if you ever have sex with him he just chucks you out the window and all) so I like the thought that Robert slowly gets into sex more because he’s into you and it’s fun and Robert likes games and he quite likes the control play that you guys get into. 
Anon said: Concept – Robert getting hella excited to show dadsona his whole knife collection and the story behind each one ,,, what do you think
I think it’s cool…? But I personally would be more like “uh okay” tbh (I’m not a good partner to have let me tell you straight)…I’m not creative so I can’t think of what the cool stories would be behind his knives? Especially if there isn’t much to go off of on why he has them? I also don’t understand the notion of collecting things so…i’m sorry. 
Anon said: SO EXCITED FOR MORE KNIFE DAD, the first time dom robert stuff was super hot and endearing but i am so ready for FEELINGS, i can’t even tell you. (also don’t worry about the roseph requests, your writing should be for you first and foremost ❤︎)
I’M SORRY IF I’VE DISAPPOINTED YOU IN NOT PRODUCING MORE KNIFE DAD IN A WHILE. Anyways, thank you?? First time Dom!Robert will always be super cute in my heart. I had a lot of feels earlier this month but then it kinda got…knocked down several levels because of the Roseph stuff and how uncomfortable it made me? Like, it came as a shock with how much it affected me. I’m still kinda shocked, to be honest. So thank you for understanding that I want to avoid that. 
Anon said: I literally need an crave more Robert with a daddy kink
Lol same. Sorry, but I don’t really have inspiration for it right now? Unless you can give me a more specific scenario?
Brooo, im so glad u made that post abt roseph, some1 had to fckin say it 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
;n; It’s good to know that some people feel the same way. I really don’t like abusive relationships especially under the guise of hot hot BDSM (there’s a reason why I specifically say that I do not write hate!sex, which is a distinction from rough or angry sex). It’s also intriguing to me that most of the people I know who identify as male similarly want to indulge in Dadsona/one of the dads instead of pairing the dads together. I mean, I can’t say much because I try not to interact with the Roseph shippers, and I don’t really look into the other dads, but it’s another reason why it feels fetish-y to me bc why is Roseph hot…? I don’t really want the answer to that I’m just rambling bc someone is on my perspective. 
Anon said: i respect and understand your interpretation, but i personally feel like joseph/robert (roseph) are heavily implied to be exes? like, joseph kind of breaks robert’s heart because minor spoilers: there isn’t really a happy ending with joseph’s route - it always ends with him running away and using mary for an excuse. actually, something quite interesting happens if you date robert twice before going on joseph’s third date - a confrontation of sorts.
Thanks…? Sorry if I’m curt in my reply, but are you trying to voice your opinion in this discussion, or is this a justification on why you ship Roseph…? Because I’m taking it the latter way, and my response will be under that impression. The immediate response I had was, “So what?” because I did express that I don’t like certain implications that Robert was still involved with Joseph, etc. in addition to separate issues that I have with the fact that there’s no way Joseph/Robert can be in a healthy relationship whatsoever, unless I make Joseph a more mature man (than he canonically is, given that he leaves Dadsona in the end regardless, in his route). The fact that they’re implied to be exes means nothing other than add to the fact that Robert is emotionally wounded on many levels, and that he has so much to heal from. It only makes me sad, because this man already seems to be the type who is hard to open his heart, so then you’re telling me that he did open his heart to Joseph, only to have it broken terribly with the lame excuse of “I love you, but I don’t have the balls to leave my wife, whom I have a deteriorating romantic relationship with and that we are not attempting to repair” which implies “you’re still only second place to me, at most.” Not to mention the implications of what it would mean if Robert was previously involved with Joseph, and still is best buds with Mary? Was he still best buds with Mary when he cheated with her spouse? So you’re saying that it’s possible that Mary doesn’t know any of this, and Robert is hiding something this big from her? How much of a burden is that on his shoulders? (Although tbh, I’m more inclined to believe that Mary knows all this shit - she’s not a moron, she’s quite the intuitive woman - and she bonded with Robert over the fact that Joseph is a shit and really, I don’t think she and Joseph are in love anymore. They definitely still care, but the “in love” aspect of romance, that’s not there anymore. But the fact that there are also fan content that depicts that Mary knows and just kinda glosses over the issue by not reacting makes me uncomfortable, as well.) So basically, even if Joseph and Robert are exes, that doesn’t change anything imo. It only solidifies my belief that Joseph needs to man the fuck up and deal (and the fact that I think the game writers really failed in, in terms of representing the complexities of a relationship. They seemed to be on the right track, and then it turned to shit with the only excuse I’ve heard being “why would you want to be a homewrecker” and that’s not valid given that they gave Joseph a route). But anyways, about Joseph, that’s what it means to be an adult - relationships are complicated and there’s no black and white. You’ve got to work with that and keep moving. 
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jenneferofjengaberg · 7 years
I was tagged by @fortheglare :)
1. Name: Kate 2. Gender: Woman 3. Star sign: Cancer (but i don’t believe in that stuff and I am completely unlike any description of a cancer I have ever read lol) 4. Height: 5′3″ 5. Time: 6:05 a.m. [when i started this] (i went to bed super early so I could wake up when my gf got home from work) 6. Birthday: June 27 7. Favorite bands: Aquilo, Cold War Kids, London Grammar 8. Favorite solo artists: Sia, SOHN, Torres 9. Song stuck in my head: Jolene - The White Stripes 10. Last movie watched: I generally do not like movies unless they are based on books I’ve read, so I haven’t been to the theater to see anything in a long time. I think the last movie I watched was Persuasion which I have on DVD. 11. Last show watched: Wynonna Earp 12. When did I create my blog: late 2008 or early 2009, but I used tumblr infrequently until like 2010. I was mostly on LJ back then. 13. What do I post: dc shows, wynonna earp, costume dramas, politics, and a mix of other shows. 14. Last thing I googled: I searched for Winchester Cathedral because it was mentioned in a book and I wanted to see pictures of the mosaic stained glass window. It’s kind of a fascinating story. 15. Do you have other blogs: Yep. Luminous Abstraction (art/photo/aesthetic blog), Five Wallpapers (desktop wallpapers blog), and Nerd Catalogue (where I sometimes post nerdy science/history/etc. videos and articles though it’s been neglected for a bit) 16. Do you get asks: Yeah, I usually get a few a week. If they’re not anon, I answer most of them privately bc that’s just how I roll. 17. Why did you choose your url: I’ve had this screenname since I was a 15 year old hp fan and I’ve just stuck with it. I also may have been a little enamored of my own intelligence. (like i said, i was 15) 18. Following: lol you’re gonna laugh. 2,216 people. Now I’ve been here for 8 years, so I’m sure a proportion of those are inactive blogs that I just haven’t gotten around to unfollowing, but my dash is constantly updating which I kind of like. 19. Followers: ~ 5500 20. Favorite colors: purple, silver, and black 21. Average hours of sleep: It really varies because I have pretty serious insomnia. Sometimes 4-5 hours, occasionally 7-8 hours. I have been sleeping a little better since I started what’s called segmented sleep. I go to bed really early, like 8-9 pm, wake at around 2 am, and then sit up until about 7-7:30 am. Then I go back to sleep until about 9:00 am. Most days I don’t have to be to work until 10, and I live really close to my work so it works out well. It also lets me see my gf for a little bit when she gets home from work (she’s a nurse) at around 6:45 am. 22. Lucky number: I’ve always had an unreasonable love for the number 9 ever since I was a kid and found out that any multiple of 9 adds up to 9. I just found it so perfect and I felt like all other numbers should somehow work this way, but alas. However, I don’t believe 9 is lucky. I guess I don’t believe in “luck” as in an invisible force that brings either fortune or misery and can somehow be influenced by certain numbers, the repeating of hopeful mantras, or the reblogging of random photos of money lmao. 23. Instruments: When I was in elementary school I wanted to join band and my heart was set on playing the trombone (idk I just thought it cool). But I was poor, so I had to borrow an instrument from my school, and there weren’t any trombones left, so I got a flute shoved into my hands. I suspect there was a bit of sexism at play because all the trombones just happened to go to the boys. Anyways, I played the flute for like two years in elementary school, hated it, was a bitter 8-9 year old who wanted a fucking trombone, and consequently was only halfhearted about practicing the flute. My music teacher finally took it away from me in despair and thus ended my symphony career. I was in choir throughout high school and in college though. 24. What am I wearing: grey sleep shorts and a pink tank top 25. How many blankets I sleep with: Currently two, plus a top sheet. 26. Dream job: I’ve always been interested in science, so something involving a lab seems like it’d be cool to a giant nerd like me, but I’m pretty settled in my career fixing computers. 27. Dream trip: I really, really want to visit the U.K. I want to see Scotland, and all the old big houses and castles in the U.K. countryside and the ancient churches and shit. I love that stuff. 28. Favorite food: Macaroni and Cheese, the homemade kind. 29. Nationality: Sadly, American. Let’s not talk about it. 30. Favorite song now: I just heard “Burn It Down” by Daughter a few days ago and I’ve played it quite a few times.
I’m not tagging anyone because it’s time for me to get back to sleep for a bit, but if any of my followers want to do it, consider yourself tagged by me lol.
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thepigsaysouch · 7 years
All of the questions
Dear lord
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?
I’m single and not really talking with anyone at the moment
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Yeah, it wasn’t anything he did on purpose
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
Cats? What else am I supposed to think about?
4: what’s something you really want right now?
Someone to talk to me
5: are you afraid of falling in love?
6: do you like the beach?
Yes I love water
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8: what’s the background on your cell?
Some stock picture, I installed a ROM a few days ago and haven’t bothered changing the wallpaper yet
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?
Mine, Emily’s, and probably some family beds
10: do you like your phone?
It’s fine, but I have to take it apart to clean dust out of the front camera every now and again
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I don’t have a super specific plan at the moment so yeah I guess so
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
I think it was Emily
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Zoo! I love animals
16: are you tired?
Not right now
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Uhhh I think it’s my sister so all my life
18: are they a relative?
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
Maybe? I don’t think it would happen anytime soon though
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Just a few minutes ago, but she threatened to block me (I think hope it was a joke?) so...
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
Nah, I’m not ready for that yet
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Not now
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Just my fitbit
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
“Be excellent to each other” - Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
25: what’s on your mind?
How awesome that movie is
26: do you have any tattoos?
27: what is your favorite color?
Purple I guess?
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Oh god who knows? Probably not for at least a few weeks
29: who are you texting?
Nobody (if someone who has my number sees this feel free to fix that)
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
I think so
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I don’t think so
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
“The last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you”
36: were you single on valentines day?
Nope, I got a very unenthusiastic call from my then-boyfriend
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
We only broke up recently and I want to stay friends and she keeps sending me cute cat pics so I think so! (Unless she was serious about blocking me...)
38: what do your friends call you?
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
40: have you ever cried over a text?
Oh god yes
41: where’s your last bruise located?
I can’t remember the last time I was bruised
42: what is it from?
No idea
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Today on the car ride home from work
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
I listened to a message from someone at a contracting company if that counts
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Probably not
48: do you make supper for your family?
49: does your bedroom have a door?
Mine has four
50: top 3 web-pages?
Youtube, quora, tumblr
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
52: does anything on your body hurt?
I got sunburn form the beach so yeah
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
Yes, I don’t have enough friends to be able to afford losing any of them
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: how is your hair?
It’s a bit long but I’m waiting until next week to get it cut
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
Drink a glass of water, then shower
57: do you think two people can last forever?
Forever is the wrong word, but yeah I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
That’s too much work I’m not doing that
59: green or purple grapes?
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
Whenever someone else texts me first most likely
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
Getting ready for work
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
My boyfriend at the time
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
At least one, yeah
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I was texting someone about hanging out sometime so probably something related to that
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
Two, chrome and solitaire
71: how many fingers do you have?
72: what is your ringtone?
I always have my phone on vibrate I have no clue
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
74: where is your mum right now?
In the house somewhere probably
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
We broke up
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
I thought we were friends but once high school ended they kept hanging out with each other and never reached out to me so I guess not :(
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Oh god everyone, I had like 4 or 5 girlfriends in 7th grade
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
I think so
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Given that my mom still does my laundry while I’m at home, yes
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Tough to do when I don’t like anyone
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I can’t think of an answer for this
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
It’s caused some problems before and I think I’d be more okay with it now but There would definitely be limits
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I almost banged my ex the day before the first time I got together with my most recent ex
87: who was your last received call from?
The contractor lady
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
Probably not unless the butterfly is already dead
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
Friends or social ability
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
I don’t think so
91: do you sleep with your window open?
92: do you get along with girls?
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
94: does sex mean love?
Not all the time
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Not for me but idk how she’d feel about it
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: did you sleep alone this week?
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Uh not sure
Thanks anon, if anyone has more questions feel free to ask
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