#like i wrote the whole thing yesterday and edited today and now it's ready!
pandora15 · 2 months
hi everyone! I have officially posted 100 fics on AO3, and to celebrate, I have written a sort of retelling of one of my first fics on AO3, Reemerging Daylight!
I'm so grateful to everyone who read my fics over the years — it really means the world to me.
so yeah, enjoy a fun little migraine fic! I haven't written something this in a while and it felt really nice to go back to my roots :')
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hospitalterrorizer · 8 months
9/30/2023 - 10/01/2023
went to a drag show tonight and worked on music a little.
the music stuff is pretty light, i started a new song and wrote some lyrics, there's still a riff i need to put into midi and that might be a whole other song, and there's another song / riff i need to fill out. but i think working these 3 new things out, there might be one more short song left to do for the project, and then i think that'd be it for songwriting, or who knows, i should just keep making short songs if/when i feel like it, and finding new ways to do it.
maybe if i write any new long songs, long meaning over 1 minute, i'll just have some stuff for a new ep, or something. i shouldn't get too hasty, album art isn't done even, and all the lyrics aren't fully written either. i should just focus on the songs i have hear and start editing through them, i guess, if i feel like the thing is too long, to get to a better length.
i think i like all the songs though, so i could, at worst, split it into 2 albums or something, if that has to be done. but i've conceived of this as one thing so far.
anyways, the drag show was fine. i saw manila luzon, i'm not super into drag race or anything really, but my gf is so she was really excited/ happy about this. on the way to the bar, there were all these weird business people out wandering around, basically, like bugs, it was really funny, i kept saying loudly how they look like they're ready to make a deal "like that tv show". they seem annoying so annoying them is justified, to me.
i think maybe this monday i will really resume doing vocals again, super excited for that actually, if i can get a couple short songs done then i can work on them through the week alongside some of the older stuff that's pretty written out. there's one song that does need a lot of work still, so that should be done, i guess.
but now i'm so sleepy and spent still from yesterday, i was falling asleep in the middle of the day today.
right now i'm listening to the cobra kai discography comp, really good hardcore / pv / emoviolence stuff, a good break from the way disso stuff usurp synapse do but not really less crazy, it's got a lot of really imaginative bits. i guess it skews a little more emo sometimes in the writing but it's got synths and stuff, i should really pull out a cheap synth for one of these new songs i'm working on, it'd be pretty easy i think cuz basically the one i've got lyrics down for only has 2 guitars, and drums so far, it's also not fully written but now that i have lyrics down i can figure out what will go where and how well that could go. i should also do something where i'm more comfortable with guitar just handling fucked up chord stuff and not really trying to write a riff really, just finding interesting movements and charting them, letting a cheap sounding squarewave synth handle other stuff, and maybe another guitar for squeal sounds. but i can just make the regular one do that.
also today i found out the tuning one of the guitarists in arab on radar used, which was aaddaa, and the high e string used a 13 gauge string and had it pretty low, so it was loose and rumbly. really crazy tuning, i'm interested in trying it (as best i can at least) and seeing what comes out of that. it's hard to do droney stuff w/ midi though. or the guitars i've made at least don't deal with it well.
anyways i really am fucking sleepy, so this entry will be short i guess.
one last funny thing i guess, my gf woke up and told me she had a nightmare where i got ffs (i don't think i'd ever do this) and said i looked like a literally different person and she didn't like me anymore.
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mareebrittenford · 2 years
This Writing Advice is (conditionally) Wrong
Here’s a little rant about something I disagree with.
Don’t Go Back or Edit in the First Draft
It’s a writing rule I hear so much that I’d swear that your document self destructs if you dare to take a peek at chapter 3 when you’re already on chapter 4.
I’ve never agreed with this idea, and generally ignored it, but today I suddenly realized why.
I started writing a fic yesterday. I wrote about 1k and then felt like it sucked and I didn't want to write anything any more.
I talked to a friend about what I was writing, (which is half the fun of writing fic ngl) and I realized cultural miscommunication was really what I wanted to ‘talk about’ in this fic.
This morning I went back and added in little bits and pieces that filled in that new understanding of the story I'm telling. It added about 250 words. And then I felt good about the whole story again and started writing forwards. this is by no means unusual for me. It’s so normal that it’s part of my process. But today I started to think about why I can’t just make a note and keep going which is the standard advice.
The thing is that what I’m normally doing is adding nuance. And no notes can fully contain the nuance of my intent. The only way to get my thoughts down is to write them out in full.
So. Following the standard advice is essentially asking me to hold it all in my head for later.
I have ADHD. You know the thing that I have the single biggest difficulty doing?
Holding stuff in my head.
My memory for things I need to do is horrendous. And trying to remember that moment I wanted to add to a story from a note that I wrote months, or even in the case of this little piece of fic, days ago? Impossible. I can’t do it. It’s crippling. And for what?  Why should I contort myself to conform to this rule anyway? What’s the goal?
Which is where we come to the caveats. Most people follow this rule because 1) they don’t want to break their flow when drafting, or 2) they’re dealing with potentially crippling perfectionism.
Now as far as breaking your flow, I disagree. It’s not as if anyone writes a first draft in one single stretch of perfect flow. Even an extremely fast draft of a novel takes several weeks. More commonly, the drafting time spans several months. No flow state lasts that long. Personally I find my personal process of beginning each writing session by reviewing the previous days work actually improves flow. It’s like a little ritual that gets my writing brain fully engaged and ready to go.
As for perfectionism, that’s a hard nut to crack. And probably the only real reason to apply this rule.
Overall, it’s just another arbitrary rule. Your final manuscript doesn’t get any gold stars for being drafted in a way that makes you suffer. It can be a helpful idea in some circumstances, but it can also be stifling. Only stick to it if it’s genuinely helpful.
Here’s my new rule.
Go back and edit in the first draft as much as you want. UNLESS! Unless you find yourself getting stuck in a loop of perfectionist editing and stop moving forward. 
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jiminzfilter · 3 years
slow dancing in the night
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→ Pairing. Taehyung x reader
→ Genre. established relationship, fluff, slice of life, model!taehyung, model!reader, taehyung missed you a lot, he is starving (his words not mine), gets a bit hot by the last 40 lines, mentions of oral (f) so I guess this counts as mature content, implied smut, making out (kinda), there is a bit of swearing
→ Summary. what could possibly be better than coming home after a long day of work to someone you love and missed a lot ?
→ Word count. 3.2k (!!!)
→ because I wrote this over a year ago when I still didn't know what I was doing with my writing, I had to go through a deep process of editing and re-writing before posting it. This might not be my best work but it's still a fic that I really really like :,)
→ song rec. slow dancing in the dark, Joji// still with you, Jungkook
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Fridays have always been exhausting days for both you and your boyfriend, especially on runways weeks. As models, you were put under a lot of pressure.
Pressure to be perfect, to smile but never smile too much, to look good, to not fall on stage.
Falling has to be the most tragic thing that can happen to your carreer as a model, the hungry stares of thousands of photographers and reporters ready to share the latest news to the press.
Yeah, it was exhausting.
This week was no exception... or maybe it was since, this time, you were the only one working until late.
It’s four in the morning and you’re already on your way out - kind of running late, oBviOusLy - quietly wishing your boyfriend a good day.
He is not working today.
That lucky bastard.
He gets to enjoy his free day in bed, lazing around, while you work your ass off all day. He mumbles something that you assume is a sort of goodbye. He is still asleep.
You look at him one last time before leaving the room and smile. He looks so peaceful.
You still remember the day you met, by pure luck even though you both call that fate. That was 5 years ago, when you just debuted your career as a model and were not that comfortable around high heels.
Okay no. Let’s be real.
You hated wearing them because you couldn’t walk in heels higher than 5 cm.
It’s still a wonder how you managed to make it in the first place.
Were you wearing flat shoes for the audition ? Damn you really must’ve done an impression on the judges if they made you pass without the heels try-on.
Your first day at the agency was chaotic to say the least. Your manager made you walk around the building, to visit she said. She made you wear heels. HEELS. That devilish person.
But, thank to that, you got to meet Taehyung. Your eyes landed on him as you were visiting the lounge and couldn’t tear them away from his figure. The poor man had to witness you fall down because you weren’t watching your steps anymore.
I mean.
Who could blame you ??
That was Kim frEaking Taehyung
He even came to help you get back on your feet and asked if you were alright, kind of amused.
It’s not everyday you see someone falling down in here, let alone a newbie
Let’s be honest, you were so embarrassed.
First day of work and you’re already failing falling.
That night when you came home, you spent the night wearing heels and prayed really hard you’d never have to face him again. After all, the building was big enough and there were enough workers that you could avoid Taehyung easily
If only
The NeXt day, you were told that you had a couple shooting, with none other that Kim Taehyung.
He would occasionally tease you about your fall and check on you to see if everything was alright. He watched you carefully as you were walking around with heels.
From up close he looked even more handsome.... :)
After this day, you started talking with Taehyung more and more. He introduced you to everyone around the agency. You met outside of work, got to know each other. You both became regally good friends but there was something lingering in the air, in the way you’d look at each other or stood so close to him after a couple glasses of wine that you could breathe his air.
So what was bound to happen happened and you went from friends a to lovers without really noticing it.
He was still your best friend...somehow
Eventually, you took things to the next level and moved in together... maybe a half and a year ago or so ? You’ve never been happier in your life
And, well, you’d actually be happier if you could spend the day with boyfriend instead of running around trying to find god knows which accessories you need for the rehearsal.
8 in the morning is noT a time to be doing cardio.
Especially while wearing heels
Become a model they said, it’ll be fun they said
“Y/n! Come here please I need you to try on this dress before you go!” Your personal stylist calls “I made sure to fix it yesterday so it’d be a perfect fit for the show”
You stop your tracks and go to her “make this quick i have to go get changed before 9 otherwise I’m screwed. Why did they even decide to do the rehearsals so early today ?” You sigh, frustrated, and put on the dress she’s handing you “thank you”
“Okayyy...it looks great. Gold looks amazing on you.” She smoothes the dress and gives an approving nod, visibly satisfied ; “You’ll look perfect for the Grand Finale. Oh god it’s already 8:30 you better go before Mr.Kim throws a fit because you’re late”
You both giggle ; “thank you for fixing the dress Naeun, see you later today. Well, probably tonight. Byeeee”
The rehearsal seems to never end. You’re squeezed in dozens of different outfits, gorgeous for sure but sO tight. Mr. Kim, the one who organised the runway, is such a perfectionist that you have to re-do some things multiple times before he’s satisfied. One time the lighting isn’t right, the other the models are walking too fast, not on beat and so on.
Everyone hates him for that but he always makes the best shows so you just follow.
After multiple tries, the rehearsal finally comes to an end. It’s already 4PM. You barely get time to breathe and go pee before you’re back into the ‘running-around-to-find-my-dress-and-fix-my-makeup-oh-god-i-gotta-be-on-stage’ crazy mess.
Walking on the runway feels amazing, running backstage is terrible.
It’s so hot and small back there you can hardly move around well.
It takes 2 hours for the whole fashion show to be over, one more for pictures outside the catwalk and chat with reporters. Since you’re kind of a famous model now, you get invited to the afterparty and spend few extra hours interacting with some celebrities that attended the show. Other models were invited and you’re happy to see familiar faces amongst them. Jimin, an old colleague and friend of yours, comes your way and compliments you. You chat with him for a while before deciding you’ve had enough for the day and leave the party. A few more people greet you on your way out.
A taxi takes you back to you company, where you left your stuff in the morning. You spend an extra thirty minutes getting rid of your heavy makeup and striping off that gorgeous but awfully tight golden dress you’ve been wearing ever since the end of the runway.
Now, you can FinaLLy go home. yassssss
It’s almost 12am when you leave the agency and climb into yet another taxi. The ride is quiet, background music playing over the car’s radio, and you take some time to look at what you were gifted for your performance : fancy makeup products, accessories, pieces of clothing-but not those from the runway, you sadly never get to keep those. Being kinda famous has its perks :,)
You then decide it’s time to warn Taehyung you’ll arrive soon and send him a few texts. As if he was waiting for them, he instantly replies saying he’ll be waiting for you and proceeds to spam you with heart emojis. Sometimes, it looks like this man just discovered what emojis were and is trying to use them as much as possible. What a child…
It’s way past midnight when you finally step into your duplex and the first thing you notice is that the place is way too quiet.
Maybe Tae went back to sleep, who knows, it’s super late after all…
You remove shoes and jacket and drop your bags in the entrance before going further and you call out quietly “anyone here? Tae, you sleeping?”
There is a faint glow from the tv on your right but the sound has been muted.
“Taehyung ?" You call one last time
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist and you’re pulled into someone’s chest. You gasp, almost scream, but soften up when you feel the warmth on your back
“Hi baby” a deep voice says in your ear, sending chills down your spine “I missed you”
You turn around and are very pleased to see a handsome face and a warm exposed chest your boyfriend smiling at you.
“Mhm, missed you too” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, happy to hear his heartbeat. Taehyung places his head atop of yours and gently strokes your hair. You tighten your grasp around him and hum.
Few seconds later, he lifts your chin up and gently lays a kiss on your lips.
“How are you doing?” He asks, his right hand cupping your cheek. The warmth of it is comforting.
“Exhausted, but you know how it goes” You shrug and he smiles
“Not too tired for dinner ? I could cook something if you want”
“Mhm... let me just go shower and put something else on” You sadly let go of him
“Sure, go ahead” he whispers and you give him a kiss before regretfully tearing yourself away from him.
You walk up the stairs to your bedroom, where you find the bed undone. You smile, Taehyung never really liked making the bed and, very honestly, neither did you. You slump onto the mattress and bury your face into the pillows, inhaling his scent. Lavender. Relaxing. Just like he is.
After a warm shower, you find a t-shirt Taehyung left on a chair in the room and wear it. It’s big enough to reach your thighs and, if you were more energised, you’d probably stay like this. You grab large pants and put them on.
Once again, you smell lavender all around you.
When you’re back in the living area, you see Taehyung busying himself in the kitchen. He hears your steps and his eyes find yours as a smile appears on his face when he notices that you’re wearing his shirt
“My shirt looks better on you than it’d ever do on me” He teases, his gaze longing on your frame.
“maybe I should keep it then” you smile and ask ; ”Do you need any help?”
“no no no no no, you’ve worked enough already. Go and have some rest. I'll call you when everything’s ready okay?”
Too tired to argue on this anyways -and thankful for the given rest-, you go lay down on the couch, your body oriented to let you look at Taehyung.
As he hums and moves to the chill music that was playing in the background, you start to detail his beautiful figure. From the curl of his dark hair (which you knoW are so so soft to the touch) to his beautiful profile and his nose you love so much down to his broad shoulder and then his tanned abs you see from time to time when the opened shirt of his pyjama moves according to his steps.
oH! Let’s not forget his perfect hands gripping at the pan’s handle while he cooks… vegetables? Something like that yeah.
Taehyung is giving his best into what he’s cooking. Vegetables with rice, that’s the only thing he could do quickly.
Quickly as in less than half an hour, unlike his friend Namjoon who’d take this time just to cook the rice.
The music he put earlier is slowly starting to bore him. After washing his hands, he reaches out for his phone and plays a different playlist. It’s one you name yourself when the two of you were still friends (aka not dating yet). “Taetae fm” because you once joked he should have his own broadcasting channel on the radio. He’d always criticise the music playing so why not have his own channel 👀
“You know Y/n, I actually watched the fashion show live this afternoon. I mean, of course you know because I always do that haha. Anyways, you really were the highlight of the runway tonight. And I’m not saying this in a biased point of view. Okay I might be a bit biased as your boyfriend but I swear that it’s true!! You literally shone back there, especially in that gold dress you were wearing and even the audience was impressed by your looks maybe you didn’t see it on stage but some cameras filmed their reactions and everyone was looking at you. Really, you were so gorge-oh” Taehyung looks at you and smile fondly “Of course you’re asleep, baby”
He lets his phone aside and checks the now cooked food before making his way to the couch. There’s a blanket on the sofa, he covers you with it, scared you might get cold. Taehyung put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your chin.
You slowly open your eyes and find yourself face to face with him. You both smile.
“Hi there beautiful” He whispers
“what time is it? Did I sleep until the morning?” You’re scared of having slept through the entire nap without realising
“almost 1:20am, I just finished cooking. I thought you might be cold so I went to cover you with the blanket. You should go enjoy the food while it’s still hot, imma go to the toilet”
You nod as an answer and watch him leave upstairs. Getting up from the warmth of the couch is the hardest part so you keep the soft blanket draped around your shoulders and walk towards the kitchen. You grab two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks that you place on the counter along with glasses and a bottle of water.
You then go take care of the rice and the vegetables, which you mix in the pan. The song playing changes and your favourite nighttime tune starts.
“I don’t want a friend, I want my life in two” you sing along
“Waiting to get there, waiting for you” Taehyung’s voice startles you as he grabs your wrists and pulls your back close to him. You smile as he makes the both of you dance slowly. You put his arms around you so it’s like he’s hugging you from the back. You swing around for a little while, enjoying the close proximity as you both softly hum the song, making your body vibrate against each other, moving in perfect coordination.
“I love you” he whispers in your ear and then kisses it, sending chills down your spine, before lifting one of your arm up to make you turn so that you’re now facing him “did my baby sleep well?” You nod as you place your arms around his waist, paying attention to go under the shirt so you’re touching as much skin as possible.
Taehyung chuckles before asking you in that same, chill-sending, low deep voice ; “Still hungry? Because I’m starving”
If you didn’t just wake up, you would’ve definitely caught that lust in his eyes and also the fact that this wasn’t as innocent as it seemed.
As an answer, your stomach growls pretty loudly, making Taehyung laugh . “I’ll take that as a yes. Sit down, princess. Let me take care of you”
You do as he says, jumping on a stool, detailing all of his moves. You only realise how hungry you actually were when you start eating. Rice with vegetables has never tastes better. You eat everything in less than 5 minutes when you’d usually take your time to finish your plate.
“Damn, that was a well needed dinner! Thank you Tae” you mess a bit with his soft locks
“Imagine me who was waiting for you all evening!! I was hungry too” He pouts.
“Oh come on, I was working today. Cardio in heels isn’t the best way to wake up, let alone spend the whole day standing in tight clothes. When I think you has a day off… pfff. I saw the bed, I’m sure you stayed there all day, you lazyyyyyyyyy ass.”
He mumbles some gibberish and you giggle, knowing that you're right. He looks away, crossing his arms and obviously sulking. You leave your stool and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You leave a few kisses on his cheek and neck
“- Don’t be such a babyy. You know I love you.
- You do?
- of course, you dummy” you bop his nose "Sooo, what do we have for desert?
- You. Uh I mean!! Yoghurt, fruits, cakes, fruits…anything” he clears his throat
“Great! What do you prefer?” You open the fridge
“ I’d very happily eat you out honestly but an apple sounds good”
“Oh sur- wait whaT!?” You snap your head to him, eyes wide open
what did he sayyyyyyyy?????
whaT am I even supposed to say noW oh my goddddd
You close the fridge’s door, suddenly not so yogurt-hungry.
There’s a sudden silence between the two of you, only disturbed by the music still playing in the background.
“Mhm? What is it?” He turns around to face you, asking so innocently “did I say something wrong ?”
This man knows what he is doing for sure. Has he ever been that straightforward before ?
Taehyung stands and closes the distance between your bodies, now towering over you.
He lowers himself slightly to speak in your ear “what is it baby? Mhm?” You feel his smile on your cheek when he lays a kiss on it “what happened to my all proud and fierce y/n who was so confident telling me I was being lazy all day, huh? Tell me” He lays another kiss on your temple
now he’s being a tease
1 A.M. fluffy and bare chested teaser Taehyung
Anyhow, it’s a good turn on.
Being tired and turned on was definitely not a good mix for you. You could feel the heat rising in your body and hear your heart pounding in your ears.
He laughs gently seeing you silently begging for more, brushing your face with his lips, teasing another kiss.
“Tsk tsk, you gotta speak darling, I cannot guess”
You should calm down and go to sleep, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow you should definitely-
“Fuck-“ You sigh and grab his face, sealing your lips together while closing your eyes.
It doesn’t take long for that kiss to turn into a heated make out session.
You grab and pull some of his dark curls while his hands travels under his your shirt.
You break the kiss just a second to catch your breath.
“Have i ever told you you have the perfect body?” Taehyung asks
“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are??” You reply
He laughs, deep raspy laugh.
You’re too tired for this
And because you’re tired, you’re even more horny :D
Taehyung puts his hands behind your thighs and you jump, locking your legs around his waist, hands still in his hair, lips against his while carries you to the bedroom.
He leaves your lips to travel down your jaw and then collarbone. You throw your head back.
Taehyung gently lays you on the mattress of your king sized bed and makes it his personal mission to pleasure you tonight.
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eureka-its-zico · 3 years
Irrevocably Yours Pt. 2
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Part 1 
Request: hey! can i request a scenario of jungkook being a rich kid who has some of his legs is leg failure , basically can't walk without a cane , And he falls in love with a normal girl , and they end up running away , happy ending plz , also if u can , LIT IT Up with smut ' thank u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A/N: So Part 2 is that slow burn build up (with possible cute moments?) and part 3 will be the actual SMUTTY goodness. Hopefully this is something cute and fluffy that is enjoyable and helps progress the story a little more so when a full length next part of a bunch of smut comes it all makes sense. Or idk anymore lol I edited this thing four times and I just really hope you all like it  Please enjoy this wordy mess. I wasn’t sure how to properly write it out the end and yeah...I winged it. If it needs to be fixed lmk please!! As always, I hope you all enjoy. Much love, Jenn
P.s. when I wrote this I listened to Lauv’s “I Like Me Better,” and Pink Sweat$ Feat. Kehlani’s “At My Worst,” on repeat like crazy.
Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 15,496 (I know:it’s a hefty boy)
Genre: Fluffy/Smutty, slow burn, 
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The next day at school you weren’t a hundred percent sure what was going to happen. And sure, maybe you did wake up from a dream replaying that moment in the mud. The ending is a little bit different. This time, dream you didn’t let your chance to kiss him go by. When the opportunity presented itself, and you were both looking at one another like before, you’d leaned forward and kissed him. You weren’t surprised to feel him kissing you back. 
You could still feel the ghost of the imagination of him leaning down to press his lips against yours. The way he leaned in; eyes soft with longing as his body leaned deeper in against you. The weight of him pressing you into the mud until you were sure an imprint of this moment would be there forever. This imaginary kiss you’d shared was sweet, chaste, and everything you could’ve hoped for. Deepening at the last second as your alarm blared you back into realty. 
It made you want to ring your hands through your hair in frustration. 
Your whole walk to school was nothing but foggy images of the dream on repeat. A mixture of yesterday’s events accompanied them with each frame until you weren’t sure which was the actual moments or what your head had created. I mean, you did know he didn’t kiss you, but...the look in his eyes. Maybe Jungkook hadn’t, but there was that moment you swore maybe he felt the painful comedic romance moment of it all too. 
All these unanswered what if’s you'd created had built an impossible chasm that seemed to stretch infinitely wider between you in your head. In the end, you were your own bully as your mind stayed up until three that morning playing out every scenario you could think of. Even the ones that ended with you probably reading everything wrong, because what did you know about body language? Or, more specifically, boys built like Jeon Jungkook.
It didn’t matter that you had two tests today and never finished your homework for home period, but what the hell. Nothing like hopelessly daydreaming about the boy who may or may not have flirted with you and harmonized along to songs with a hidden voice of an angel, am I right? And sure, a large part of your night was  spent chastising yourself half the time to remind you there was no way in hell Jungkook could feel that way towards you. Even just a little. Your inner monologue of bringing yourself back down to earth, another culprit in the growing list of reasons why none of your assignments were completed. 
What can you say? You were a mess.
Your only game plan you’d been able to agree on was just to daydream out the window. Writing out your own hapless love story starring the boy who sat across from you in the home room. With a silent plea to the universe that you weren’t called on to answer any questions. 
Your arrival at homeroom was met with barely seconds to spare. The bell rang behind you, and a few other students, as you rushed towards your desk. 
“Hurry, hurry to your seats! Or I’ll write you up as late!”
Mr. Choi was all talk. Everyone knew it and his excessive arm movements to rush every body that passed his desk made him look exactly like a conductor. His crazy movements were enough to distract you for a split second from the one person you were desperate to ignore. 
“Good morning, class. I hope you are all fully rested and awake for class this morning. Let’s have us open our books to page two hundred and forty-two and continue on with our lesson.” 
In unison the sound of backpacks unzipping with students reaching in their backpacks to bring out textbooks filled the class. The only person who didn’t currently have said book was holding his hand up, and seated directly across from you. 
“Yes, Jungkook?”
“Seonsaengnim, I’m sorry. I haven’t received my textbooks yet.”
“Ah, that’s alright, Jungkook. You can go ahead and share with Y/N, again.”
You hoped your face wasn’t giving away the panic you felt rising up to match the blush that was streaking across your cheeks. Jungkook’s hand was already on the leg of your desk. His fingers tips grazing across your knee in passing as his hand wrapped around the bar and used it to bring you closer to him. You kept your eyes glued to page two hundred and forty-three and refused to look in his direction. Jungkook seemed to find a way to remedy this; his hand came into view and grabbed hold of the book corner and slid it over to his side. And as if he was the world’s greatest magician, he now had your attention. 
Your eyes immediately shoot up to acknowledge his presence, instead of staying on the book. You knew that devilish smirk of his would be there to greet you even before you actually saw it. 
“Well, good morning to you too, Y/N.”
His voice practically hummed a tune as he spoke. His eyes heavily searched your face, and you prayed whatever he found wasn’t any lasting signs of rosy cheeks. 
“Good morning, Jungkook. I hope you slept well.”
“I slept very well, thank you.”
“That’s good-“
He cut you off fast, his next words a hush of teasing: “Even though some crazy girl tried to smother me in mud yesterday.” 
Your world narrowed in on his smug position in his chair, but quickly realized he just wanted your attention. The smile he wore softened around the edges as his eyes tried to look away from you and yet found their way back. You did your best to hide your smile and must have failed miserably for his face noticeably brightened. 
“I’m sure if that’s what she was doing - which I doubt - you probably deserved it.” 
Jungkook pretended to be wounded and caused you to practically jump out of your seat when his free hand landed on top of yours. 
“I can’t believe you think I deserve to be smothered,” he pouted. 
You rolled your eyes in a weak attempt to look away from him. Anything to not be swallowed up by how stupidly cute he looked in this exact moment. The fingers that held your pencil lazily tapping on the pages of the math book to bring his focus to something else that wasn’t you. 
“We need to pay attention.”
It was the only valuable excuse you could come up with to look away from him. But who were you kidding? You didn’t have to be looking in Jungkook’s direction to be painfully aware that he was there. His own gaze burned straight through you and left a trail of heat everywhere his eyes seemed to land. 
Right now, you were aware they were on your lips and stirring every emotion from your dream you tried to suppress. Plus, you weren’t being cute. Unless Jungkook found the sight of you chewing your bottom lip into dust attractive. 
It was a terrible nervous habit that seemed to only backfire right this second. You were sure he was ready to make a comment on it. You waited patiently for it to come in between you mindlessly copying equations off the board and the sea of arms flying up to answer whatever it was you’d just written. My gosh, you were trying so damn hard to not pay attention that you were doing nothing but paying attention to him. 
Please don’t let him just see I’m doodling. 
Mr. Choi was in the middle of showing how to work out a long equation when you decided it was safe to give Jungkook a glance. It was instantaneous how quickly you regretted it. 
You jumped back against your seat in a weak attempt to recover some space. You weren’t exactly sure how you’d missed it -missed him- getting so close, but you had. Jungkook’s face was mere inches from yours and it took everything to not show him you weren’t at all bothered. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered fiercely. “What.are.you.doing!”
Jungkook ignored your question. His eyes squinting as they looked around the side of your head. The gesture made you increasingly subconscious until you couldn’t keep your hand from going up to brush alongside it. 
“What? What is it?”
You were expecting the worst. 
“I think I see some mud still stuck inside your ear.”
And like magic your earlier blush reappeared. Your tongue rolled against the bottom of your teeth in a weak attempt to keep yourself from smiling. Unfortunately, you weren’t able to stop it as the urge to give in tugged mercilessly at your lips. The playful glint in his eyes was enough to keep the panic of how incredibly close he still was. Your eyes hopelessly glancing at the pair of lips that plagued your dreams. 
Jungkook noticed. 
And how did you know this, you might ask? 
Jungkook gave it away by the dramatic way his lower lip was drawn in by his teeth. Every movement he made sure was exaggerated and stupidly slow. His eyes watch for your reaction. He didn’t have to wait long; your eyes were glued to them long before his teeth joined the equation. You should’ve felt more embarrassed at your own blunt display - or maybe at his -but, god help you, you weren’t. 
You tore your gaze away from him and did your best to pretend whatever part of the lesson you’d missed was interesting. The dirt on your shoes could’ve been more interesting at this moment; anything to keep you from looking back at him. 
“I rinsed my hair three times in the shower. Thank you very much.” 
“Did you think of me while you were washing yourself clean?”
If what Jungkook was after was seeing your face light up brighter than a tomato he’d succeeded. Your cheeks instantly flushed and felt scolding hot. The only line of defense you could think of to fight the devilish look in his eyes was to give him a smack on his arm. The motion only caused his sinister smile to turn into a full blown grin; a bark of laughter leaving him seconds later. 
Jungkook chuckled out an, “Ouch!” His body leaning back, faux wounded, and rays of sunshine pouring out of him in waves. 
“I meant when you were getting the mud out of your hair.” His voice carried the singing sweetness of his laughter; airy and light. This boy who you did think of in the shower. All hard edges and softness; sour and sweet. Your very own sour patch kid. “I mean, I thought of you when I tried scrubbing it out from behind my ears.”
Your heart gave a brief jump at his omission. What you wished you would’ve focused on was the fact he’d admitted to thinking of you...in his own shower. But nope! Instead, your mind appeared to focus more on the fact it was while he scrubbed at his ears. 
“I scrubbed my ears too.”
Oh. My. God, you inwardly cringed. 
Is that really what your magical brain decided to say in return? Jungkook leaned back in, eyes inspecting not just your ear, but your entire space. Recklessly moving in dangerously close, and your heart was ready to beg for mercy. Whether to completely close the space between you or to stop teasing, of which you weren’t sure. 
“It appears you didn’t do that good of a job,” he huffed.
A gurgled scream flew into your throat; the sound was utterly ridiculous and Jungkook ate it up. His head flew back in laughter as your hand moved to swat at him again. 
The disruption turned the attention of your teacher directly to the two of you, and Mr. Choi was quick to address it. 
“Jean Jungkook! Y/L/N, Y/N!”
The both of you rose from your seats in unison. Jungkook’s rise the definition of graceful, while yours in comparison was met with anxiety and your knees colliding with your desk. Your small “Oomph,” of pain sending him into a fit of giggles beside you. The hand you sent in to pinch at his leg only sent him into another fit. 
Stupid, stupid! Of course he would see.
To appease him, you felt your body respond in a ninety-degree salute. Your face keeping down to stare at your shoes and praying you weren’t about to be sent out of the room. 
“Would you mind explaining what Jungkook and you found so interesting that the two of you felt like you didn’t need to be a part of class.”
God, it wasn’t a question. He really wanted you to tell him, and what could you say? 
“Oh, he was just asking me if I was in the shower...thinking of him. And he was thinking of me too!”
Which wasn't a lie. Maybe it wasn’t as dirty as he might have intended, but it was enough to make your cheeks flush to life with their usual color these days. Your mind was still racing with an appropriate answer for Mr. Choi. You were taking so long you were ready to blurt out anything he might want to hear. 
“Seonsaengnim.” Jungkook gave a respectful bow and lifted his head. His full attention now resting on the impatiently waiting man at the front of the class. “We were discussing the fact that you, respectfully, have written the equation wrong on the board.” 
The entire class seized up. A collective air was taken at Jungkook’s bold attempt to correct him. It was awkwardly obvious that he wasn’t happy at the idea of being corrected. However, Jungkook remained unfazed and waited for the right time to speak. 
“Is that so?” He snapped. “If it is so wrong, Jeon, then please, come and fix it for me.”
You were sure his order for Jungkook to go to the front would make him back down . No one enjoyed doing class work on the board up front for all to see. But you’d forgotten Jungkook wasn’t like everyone else. He kept his head high and moved to grab his cane; his hand wrapping tightly to its handle. Jungkook stepped out from inside his desk and let his feet carry him forward. He walked with a noticeable lack of a limp and you were willing to bet that strike of pride was costing him. 
It wasn’t that you couldn’t believe that Jungkook was able to walk without it. It was just that your memory forced you to recall the pain he was in during the field trip. The flashes of frustration as his eyes threatened to spill over with tears. 
Jungkook came to stand beside Mr. Choi. His hand reaching out to take the marker that the older man had held out waiting for him to prove his equation wrong. He plucked it from the older man’s hand and moved the last few inches to stand in front of the board. His eyes scanning the problem quickly. Your breath held tight in your chest as you watched him get permission to grab the eraser. The class transfixed on his every movement.
You wondered how many of the girls in your class focused on him like you were. The same way your eyes ate up every simple movement he made. The notable flex of his back while he stretched to erase the middle and last part of what Mr. Choi had written out. 
“You had a good start here, Seonsaengnim.” Jungkook paused to stretch out his hand. Fingers marking underneath the start of the problem. “But you didn’t multiply these after they were divided, and because of this the middle became wrong. With your core of the problem being wrong the solution was never able to end in its final conclusion.”
With every word, Jungkook’s voice became more self-assured. His presence enveloping the room and demanding the attention he’d already received without question. Mr. Choi watched on with his arms crossed; index finger hugging his mouth in concentration as he watched Jungkook work. From the back of the class, you could see students writing down the new formula. Some of them realized the obvious error Mr. Choi had made. 
Jungkook looked at the problem over again on repeat. If it’d been you, you would have left it where it was knowing you’d done what no one else did. But Jungkook wanted to know, for himself, that it was correct. 
Finally, he stepped back from the whiteboard and handed the marker back to Mr. Choi. Who looked measurably impressed with him. His index finger he’d used for thinking now covered up a timid smile before he dropped it to grab a hold of the marker. 
“Go ahead and have a seat, Jungkook.”
Jungkook gave him a passing bow as he made his way back towards the back of the class. Back to you. It took everything you had not to notice how everyone’s view of him seemed to change. Even the honor students; the ones bound for scholarship glory to prestigious colleges now seemed to take new interest in him. 
You’d heard stories about Jungkook, like everyone else did. The Boy Wonder. The boy who seemed unfairly good at everything. Before you’d ever met him, a part of you believed there wasn’t a way the universe would seriously do that. And yet, as he moved to sit back down beside you, you suddenly felt the overwhelming sensation of being below average. Your subconscious rose up to stop whatever sunlight you’d felt at his earlier words, and crushed it until it began to dim. All but snuffing it out. 
Jungkook fell back into the seat at his desk riding the high of confidence he’d gained from proving he’d know how to fix the answer. Not just know it; teach it. The air around him completely changed. He was the sun and the rest of you were becoming helplessly lost in his orbit. From the backwards glances of the others around you, you were pretty sure they weren’t going to mind one bit. 
Either Jungkook was honestly oblivious to all the attention or he just didn’t care. He practically beamed as he leaned himself closer to you completely unaware at how breathless he made you. That smile you’d admired during your field trip showed itself beaming and bright. He was so damn pleased with himself his eyes sparked with joy and you wish you could’ve pouted. Maybe found the strength not to care or to wonder if he could see how he affected you. 
You wanted to pout and be in your own bubble, damn it. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I don’t think he’ll bother us again.”
Those butterflies you’d sworn to yourself you were not feeling towards him began to come to life. Or were they butterflies? You weren’t sure what to call the feeling Jungkook gave you. 
Sure, Jungkook made your heart thunder in your chest like a caged animal. And yea, maybe you swore to yourself there was an attraction there that you couldn’t explain, but that was just your dopamine talking. That didn’t mean the two of you were soulmates or the universe decided to bring you both together by a mess of unseen choices. 
But...when Jungkook looked at you this way it was hard to tell your thundering heart anything else. 
The two of you continued to look at one another. A heartbeat of time passing between you with Jungkook waiting for your reply. You watched the edges of his smile start to wilt as realization set in that you weren’t planning to  reply. No smile or teasing remark was headed his way, and just as fast as he noticed it, determination swiftly replaced the light weighted joy he’d shown moments earlier. 
“Hey, you don’t have to worry. I’m positive he will leave us alone the rest of the class. I promise.”
God, why did he have to make things so difficult? When Jungkook spoke the words, “I promise,” they’d been so earnest. He meant them. Here he was trying to turn the tables and be your knight, instead of you being his. It would have worked, but what he didn’t know was that you weren’t worried about Mr. Choi. Not really. 
No one could tear you down further than you were able to do to yourself. 
He was still waiting for the answer that you would never give. You turned to face forward in your chair and tried to forget the ripple of sadness that moved over his face. The cost of your stubbornness suddenly felt too high. No matter how it made you feel though, you refused to look over in his direction. 
An awkward chasm had built between the two of you. Mostly, well, obviously it was all because of you. You figured Jungkook would eventually stop looking at you. You prayed he would stop. Every time he did it your body became painfully aware of his gaze, and the longing it held for you to acknowledge him. And every time you remained facing front. You no longer could pretend to focus, however, and that seemed to be all the signs Jungkook needed to know you were in some way paying attention.
Your notebook that’d been left unattended on the desk became his private art museum. The doodles started off silly and slowly morphed into small faces and objects that held impressive detail. You tried your best to ignore it; his arm practically took up most of the space on your desk. The angle forced him to shoulder into your space to the point that if you did finally turn to look at him you’d run inches away from his cheek. 
You were doing your best to pay attention to whatever your teacher was doing at the front. Your eyes watched as a wave of hands went up to answer questions you’d never heard. Yours kept sliding back down to the latest doodle he was making. The latest one he was working on had forced Jungkook to move further inland on your notepad. His forearm getting dangerously close to having to rest in your lap. 
It continued like this the remainder of class. For all the effort you’d put in the last half hour of pretending he wasn’t there, Jungkook shattered it within seconds. 
He’d repositioned himself with each new doodle he started. His shoulder wedged itself against yours and his forearm had completely taken up what little space was left on your desk. You were trying very hard to not pay attention to how said forearm was dangerously close to your chest. There was no hiding the redness of your cheeks. 
Without thinking, you whipped your head to look at him and almost yelled. You knew he was close, but nothing prepared you for this.
“Excuse me,” you whispered, voice incredulous. 
Jungkook turned to look at you and...was he pouting? His eyes played up on the childish quality as he turned to you and batted his eyes.
“Can I help you?”
“Ugh, can I help you? Do you need paper or something?”
“I have paper right here. Thanks.”
Jungkook patted the notepad with the end of his pen. Satisfied with his answer he turned his attention back to his latest artistic endeavor. 
“You know this is my desk. Right?”
“I like to think of it more like our desk. Sharing a space like we shared music.”
“Ya, Jungkook. You realize you blackmailed me into using my ipod.”
Jungkook feigned shock. His mouth dropping open and his eyes brows going too high up into his hairline. The entire scene was exaggerated and ridiculous. The scene forced you to roll your lips against your teeth to keep from smiling. The effort it took to hide your grin wasn’t unnoticed by Jungkook, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that’d been his goal all along. 
“Blackmail sounds so crass. I like to think of it as bargaining.”
“So we agree it’s called blackmail, then.” 
The theatrics of his face dropped into a serious stare that left his face completely blank. Void of all emotion except the annoyance that drew a heavy frown from his face. It was stupidly cute and this time you did allow yourself to smile. Your fingers reached out to grab one of his puffed out cheeks and gave it a sweet pinch, like a grandmother, and cooed in his direction. 
“Oooooh Jungkookie, don’t frown. We’ve all gotta be wrong sometimes.” 
He playfully nipped at your hand to make you snatch it away. It took everything in you not to make a sound at his sudden movement. Your mouth hung open in an awkward smile-shout as you brought your handle against your chest. 
“I think you’re misinterpreting the facts here. Maybe you hit your head on a small pebble or something when you fell in the mud.”
“You mean when you pulled me in.”
He shrugged and replied nonchalantly, “I don’t think I recall any force being used yesterday. You just fell on my chest trying to take advantage of me in my time of need.”
Now it was your turn to look deadpanned in his direction. Jungkook didn’t try to hide his wicked smile, however, and the cage of butterflies that were housed in your gut were released all over again. 
“Your appa must be a lawyer. It’d explain why you’re so good at bullshitting.”
“CEO, actually. But I would say you’re close. They are also full of shit.” 
You weren’t sure what to say to this omission about his father. Underneath the sarcasm felt like a heavy chasm that spoke of the death of a relationship. Your curiosity threatened to get the best of you, but you decided to just throw it away. Filing it away inside a little folder you’d made for little known facts about him. 
The bell rang and the mass of bodies in class all began to rise from their seats. All of them eager to rush from the classroom and do whatever plans they’d made to enjoy their little bit of freedom. You were reaching for your bookbag when Jungkook’s hand was just there. A part of you worried he’d decided to play a game of keep away, or something that fit his playful mood, Instead, he placed it down on the desk. 
“Oh, thank you, Jungkook.”
God. Why were you staring? Why was he staring?
The room was still filled with the small display of chaotic teenage energy. Most of them had already filed out of the classroom, while some were still putting things away. Honor students were arguing with the teacher about markings he’d left on papers. Small groups of friends chatting happily as they moved in tight clusters through the door. So much was going on around you, and yet the only person you were aware of was him. 
“You’re welcome. Have a good lunch, Y/N.”
The playful air that’d been around him had completely disappeared. This boy who stood before you now was more reminiscent of when you’d first met than the boy you’d grown to like. What had made him grow so distant?
“You too, Kookie.”
It slipped out. You couldn’t stop yourself. He’d already started to walk away in his retreat. As soon as his pet name you’d given him hit his ears he completely stopped moving. His head whipped around to glance at you with that devilish grin raised high on his cheeks. 
“Kookie? Are you calling me a snack?”
If your eyes could’ve gotten any wider, they would’ve left your skull. The embarrassment was hot on your cheeks and you knew Jungkook would tease you without mercy for the slip up. By the look in his eyes you could tell he was never going to let this go. Not ever. He would be too happy to remind you of this until the day you died. Or until graduation. Whichever came first.
This time you scooped up your bookbag and snatched your book off the desk clutching them to your chest. In your haste to grab them and go, your knee collided with the edge of the desk, but you’d worry about that possible bruise later. You just needed to flee before Jungkook got any closer. 
“No, no. It was an accident.”
“You called me a snack by accident?”
You were backing up towards the safety of the open hallway. Your shoulders shrugging too high and your laugh too high-pitched in your attempt to play it cool.
“No snack nicknames here. It was just a slip of the tongue. I must just be hungry, ya know.”
“Are you hungry for me?”
Oh, he was intolerable sometimes. It didn’t matter how flustered he made you. A part of you knew his endless teasing was growing on you. You liked it, and the sane part of you wondered if you’d gone crazy. 
“Ya, Jungkook-”
“I think you mean, Kookie,” he cut in. 
Jungkook held a single finger up to silence you. He’d stopped moving towards you and let out a laugh as you tried to swat his hand down. He looked so much happier than he did moments ago. That alone made his teasing at your expense worth it. 
“No I mean, Jungkook. It’s the name your parents gave you.” You stated, proud that your voice sounded more stable than you felt. “I’m gonna go eat my lunch now. You should do the same and I’ll...see you later.”
You waited for him to argue. To continue to make comments in passing to keep your face rosy and flushed. He surprised you by just standing there in silence. His smile wide on his face and eyes looking at you like you’d held the moon. A look you weren’t used to and made you unsure how to respond. 
You started to walk back towards the door and found yourself disappointed when he didn’t follow. You sent him an awkward wave as your arms still held onto your things from your desk. Jungkook showed his amusement by giving you a wave in return.
“See you later, Y/N.”
At his words you turned on your heel and headed out towards the courtyard. No longer eager to eat your lunch that you’d packed. Your mind replayed his words and knew, without a doubt, he would keep his word.
Lunch went by as quickly as it came. Instead of eating your lunch with friends, you’d opted for sulking in the auditorium. Absentmindedly taking small bits off your food as you considered what had happened between Jungkook and you. 
There was flirting there. You may be a little delusional, but you weren’t delusional about this. It was obvious to anyone who witnessed it and yet you tried to deny its existence at every turn.  Of course, you knew why. 
It just didn’t make logical sense. You were two opposites that shouldn’t be in the least bit interested in the other. Well, that didn’t really seem correct when it came to Jungkook. He was attractive to everyone and probably even inanimate objects. But you...you just couldn’t see yourself that way. You’d only ever had one relationship in your life and it had been short-lived and in the third grade. 
Throwing what little was left of your sandwich back inside it’s little brown coffin, you removed yourself from your spot. A huff left you as you reached out to pick up your mess and started to hop back down the steps one-by-one. 
You weren’t sure what walking around was going to do. For the hundredth time since this day started, you were lost in your own head. The only thing you knew for certain was that you’d hoped to run into him again. A thought came to you that maybe, just this day, he’d shown up in the school's cafeteria. 
You could think of a million excuses for why you’d need to go into the cafeteria and it wouldn’t be weird. Just the thought of not coming off weird, while most certainly being weird, made you beam at your own creativity. 
You’d reached the last step and we’re crossing the field when you noticed, on the other side, the very boy you were looking for. He was alone and sitting under the shade of the only tree next to the amphitheater. His back against the bark and a knee drawn up to give his notepad a place to perch. Whatever he was writing, drawing, or formulating held his interest and refused to let him look up. 
All your previous bravado deflated in a second. It would be harder to deny you weren’t actively seeking him out if you went to him now. But, who said that you wanted too? 
Grabbing the strap of your book bag tight, you started back on your mission. Your legs made quick work across the field. It wasn’t until there was only a few feet left between you that he looked up. His brow still furrowed in tight creases of concentration as he decided if you were a friend or foe. Your feet almost tripped over themselves when he smiled at you. 
“Y/N!” He called happily. “What brings you over here?”
“I came looking for my snack.”
The surprise on his face made your bold choice of a response worth it. Jungkook, being who he was, quickly recovered and set his notebook and pencil down beside him. He placed his arms casually on his propped up leg and leaned forward as if he was about to tell you a secret. 
“Well, you found me. Why did you come looking for me? Really.”
You tried to think quickly of what to say. The idea of telling him the truth, that you’d just wanted to see him, felt painfully honest and might press him to ask for you to explain. How could you explain that in the short time you’d met him he was both the most interesting and infuriating man you’d ever met. But he was also the most beautiful, and had a delicate softness under his hard exterior that you were growing to love. He was basically the perfect description of the onion from Shrek. 
An idea clicked in your head and your hands quickly moved inside your bag and produced another brown bag. 
“I wanted to come see if you’d eaten. I had some spare kimchi rice ball’s my omma made.”
You extended the bag out to him. Your eyes locked together as you waited for him to either accept it or deny it. Jungkook surprised you by leaning forward and taking it gently from you. It took some effort, but he crossed his legs -his bad one in an awkward position - and plopped the bag down between his legs. 
You moved to sit beside him in the grass and took your book bag off your shoulder and into your lap. You watched as he moved to open the bag and peered cautiously inside. 
“It’s not a bomb,” you chided. 
“I never know with you.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile spreading like wildfire across your lips. Jungkook was so charismatic it felt inevitable and fighting against it was futile. He took a large bite of the rice ball and practically swooned. His eyes had fallen shut and a ridiculous chanting of endless “Mhm’s” had started rising up around you. 
“Should I leave you two alone?”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped open and for a moment you were worried maybe you did pull him out of some weird food ritual. His eyes were blank and then, all at once, he was back to being his usual animated self. The hand that held the rice ball shaking in your direction before shoving what was left inside his mouth. 
“This is unbelievably delicious.” He mumbled around his food. “You said your omma made these?”
You’d said it in English just to dramatically pop the P at the end. Extending out your own kind of dramatics to match Jungkook’s. You leaned your hands back into the grass and noticed Jungkook watch your every move as you did. 
“Is your omma married?”
Your face fell into a deadpan stare as you replied, “Seriously? Of course her and my appa are still married, you creep.”
“If you can cook like your omma, Y/N I’m willing to lend you my amazing tutoring services. All for the low price of making things as delicious as this.”
He was already mid-way through shoving the second rice ball in his mouth. His head tilted back to drop it down. A piece of rice must have dislodged itself from its balled shape, because he erupted in a coughing fit. You couldn’t help but laugh as you handed him your water. 
“I think I’ll steer clear of rice treats. Just to make sure you don’t kill yourself.”
Jungkook was about to lift the bottle up to his lips and stopped. His eyes falling on you with a playful glare. You held your hands up in mock surrender as you leaned forward. Your hands clap together to get pieces of grass and soil from your hands. 
While he drank the water you’d offered up the two of you fell into companionable silence. You didn’t mind waiting and Jungkook was happy that you did. When he’d finished with the bottle, he set it down beside him. His hand moving like a flopping fish in your direction to make you give him something that you’d had no idea he’d asked for. 
“Come on. Let’s see your math homework.” 
“For what?”
“To start your tutoring. Duh.”
You hated how cute he’d made the word sound. The way his lips smiled around it and left him beaming at you like a little kid on Christmas. 
“Can we pass? We just left the class and I hate math. A lot.”
Jungkook tsked you but didn’t look disappointed. 
“You can’t get better at something if you give up on it. Luckily for you, you’ve got the best person in the subject to tutor you.”
“For a fee,” you pointed out. 
“All the best things come with a price. I’m most definitely one of them. Now. Book.”
His hand movements were more controlled now. His fingers simply waved once -twice- for you to hurry it up and place what he’d asked in his hand. You really didn’t want any part of this. The thought was sweet, but when you said you hated math you meant it. So yeah, maybe you were grumbling a little as you reached inside your book bag and taking a little longer than was necessary to hand it over. 
Jungkook took it from you in one smooth motion and had it open to the spot previously in class. All your homework problems you’d left unfinished glaring against the white of the page. His eyes were already scanning over what little problems you’d written down. A clicking noise from his closed mouth reminding you why exactly you hadn’t finished more of it. The reason was sitting right in front of you. 
His hand flicked back out and he held it open. His eyes never lifted off the page as he demanded, “Pencil.”
“What the heck? Why am I supplying everything.”
“Cause I’m supplying myself,” he shot back. His hands taking the pencil you handed over to him. “Plus, I also can’t seem to find any in my bag.” 
“You didn’t even look.”
Jungkook gave a graceful shrug. His attention was fully engrossed in the problems. You weren’t ready for how cute he looked. How adorable those concentration creases in his forehead made him look, even deadly serious, with his fingers tapping the pencil absentmindedly on the paper. When he figured out what was missing from the equation he quickly erased and reconfigured everything on the page. 
You were staring intently at him, both because his angle’s were ridiculously handsome but also, the way the sun fell down on him here, peaking through the trees, felt like magic. It was hard to believe the universe was more than just molecules and that luck was thrown out randomly. If it was, maybe you’d caught some. 
Your thoughts were running wild and your concentration was no longer in the safe zone. Maybe that’s why when he finally looked up from the notebook and found you staring he’d smiled. Not his teasing one. Or the condescending either. This smile was soft like a secret, and directed only at you. \
“See something you like?”
His voice was gentle in his playfulness. As if he wanted to take the cautionary approach in case you were spooked. 
“Maybe I do.”
A smile of your own spread to match his and Jungkook wasn’t surprised. He was just happy, and it was a lovely sight to see. He looked away from you with his hand moving up to smooth out the hair on the back of his neck. He flicked the pencil down on the notebook and brought it forward for you to see. 
“Let’s get back to this. I’ll be honest with you. It’s pretty bad. You missed a whole line on the third problem that left you with an incomplete answer. Not to mention,” he lifted up the notebook and motioned towards the whole page, “Where is all the rest of the homework?”
Jungkook’s voice was filled with the beginnings of laughter. Not specifically towards you, but just the blatant fact you did not care. You gave him your best nonchalant shrug. In reality, you did care. It bothered you it wasn’t finished. 
Your fingers were digging in the grass and ripping some of it up and throwing it out into the field. 
“I had a hard time concentrating last night. Plus, if I’m being honest math has always been the hardest subject for me.”
“And that is why I’m going to help you.”
“For a fee,” you reminded him. 
“I’ll teach you the easiest way I know how to do these and I promise you, you’ll be flying through these problems in no time.”
The sincerity in his voice was evident. Jungkook really believed it and he wanted you to believe it too. You just couldn’t understand why and you found yourself speaking your mind. 
“Why are you wanting to help me?”
It was his turn to shrug his shoulders. His face went blank as he looked at you one last time before he looked away. Whatever he was looking at he wasn’t really seeing. He just needed someplace else to look than the person he was talking to you. You did it plenty of times yourself. 
Whatever he’d decided on to say had caused his shoulders to square. Determined that whatever he needed to say he would make sure it meant something. 
“I like spending time with you.”
The smile you’d worn completely shattered as you stared at him. The butterflies rushed up and up until they trapped themselves in your throat. Jungkook’s admission was basically three words dropped away from just saying he liked you. 
This surprising admission should’ve been enough to make yourself not care who you saw walking. Or care when he stopped, his small mob with him, and start gesturing at his imaginary watch. His fingers rubbing together for money owed. 
It was worse when Jungkook looked back and took notice. Even worse when he looked back at you with questions swirling in his eyes. 
“Everything okay?”
Your eyes looked down to the safety of your hands. The way they were helplessly fidgeting back in the grass and tearing it apart like a miniature tantrum was brewing inside you. You hated that after all this time, you let Lee Kwon upset you by making you feel embarrassed about your dad. That he felt the need to tell everyone the business deal between his father and yours. How every time he told it he’d turned him more and more into a villain of his own misfortune. 
Without a reason why you took back your notebook from Jungkook and shoved it inside your bag. You were ready to leave. You didn’t want to explain, but you knew Jungkook wouldn’t let you just leave without one. 
He reached out and his hand gently wrapped around your wrist to stop you. There was no force. Nothing that hinted that he would keep you there if you didn’t want to be kept. Looking at him felt harder. His genuine worry almost threatened to let the tears from your frustration spill forward. 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You shook your head. Your vision dragging away from him and back to the retreating back of the sociopath, Lee Kwon. 
You didn’t try to shake him off. You actually felt comforted by his worrisome touch. The way he leaned in closer as if he would pull you into his arms at any moment. As much as you wanted that to happen, you knew it wouldn’t happen. A deep sigh had built up in your chest and you released it while you looked back at him. 
“Look. Eventually, I know you’re going to hear about it: my dad, I mean.”
“That’s kind of odd high school kids would talk about someone’s appa.”
“You and me both,” you agreed. “But Kwon’s dad is a banker who doesn’t believe in client confidentiality. So he tells his son about his day over dinner and-“
“And he decides to bring it to school to make your life miserable,” Jungkook finished for you. 
He understood and didn’t need you to simplify it anymore. His hand left your arm and you suddenly found yourself missing his comforting touch. It was still there, that comfort, in the way his eyes softened and he leaned in intent to listen to whatever you needed to get off your chest. You appreciated his attention, but also hated it at the same time. 
“What’s your Appa’s thing?”
God. He did understand. Maybe just a little too well for your liking. 
“Gambling. It started when I was in the seventh grade. At first it wasn’t anything too crazy. He’d always been able to even it out. But then he became obsessed with the idea of winning big. Kept betting on things we couldn’t afford to lose. Eventually, he bet too high and ended up losing the business he and my mom built together and our house. They had to pay the bank back.”
“A bank this dude’s Appa works at.”
“Correct. My Appa...he isn’t a bad man. He’s paid his debt and hasn’t gambled since. What good is it for me or anyone else to make him feel bad for the rest of his life?”
“I don’t get it. Why does that have to do with you, though?”
You’d wondered the same exact thing half of your adolescent life. You shrugged and looked at Jungkook wondering if maybe he’d be able to make sense of it better than you could. 
“Twelve year old boys enjoy making up stories. First it was that we became so poor we lived with pigs. That's why I smelled.”
You put air quotations around smelled and Jungkook practically howled with laughter. You tried your best to show no emotion, but could feel the corner of your lips threatening to curl into a smile. 
“He probably said it because you didn’t know how to wash back then and, judging from earlier, I still don’t think you do.”
You moved to playfully shove at his shoulder. A scoff of laughter leaving you even though you told yourself you wouldn’t. Jungkook was waiting for you to make a move and when you did he easily grabbed a hold of you. The feeling of intimacy, just like yesterday in the mud, was swimming back to the surface. 
Your eyes looked up into his with your laughter being met with a wide grin. The way he was looking at you now made you believe in fairytales and left your lips aching to be kissed. 
Before either of you could decide what to do next, the bell for the end of lunch sounded. You could hear it going off all around you, but still the two of you stayed holding each other. Your bodies close enough that if he wanted to make a move all Jungkook needed was to lean down. To say your heart dropped a little when he moved away was an understatement. 
You focused on getting up from the grass. Your hands patting down your uniform as you struggle to find something not so awkward to say. You wanted to sound confident. You wanted to sound like you weren’t affected by him at all. 
“Well, I’ll see you around.”
God, you sounded awkward. You turned to start heading to your next period. You closed your eyes tight and mouthed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” You’d gotten a few feet away when you heard him call to you. 
You turned to look back at him and found him still standing under the tree. His hands in his pockets and his eyes solely on you. 
“Would you let me walk you home?”
Did he really have to ask? You’d let him walk you to the edge of a volcano. You didn’t say that, however. You wanted to play it cool, but on the inside you were screaming. 
“I’d like that.”
When you turned back around to make your way to class, the memory of how his face had brightened at your reply, stayed with you. You couldn’t wait for the day to end. 
True to his word Jungkook waited for you after school. You couldn’t help looking for him over the countless shoulders as you walked with the sea of students towards the entrance. The hole in the pit of your stomach opened back up from the underlying dreadful thought. That he wouldn't show up. You’d be left standing there waiting for him forever. But Jungkook continued to prove your pessimism wrong. 
The closer you got to the school’s gate, you were able to spot him instantly. He was leaning coolly against the gate. His bag at his feet and his cane positioned strategically out of view. If anyone just casually walked up, they would’ve never been able to tell he’d needed one. Maybe that was why he’d done it. 
He looked to be searching for someone in every face that passed him. It came to an end the minute his roaming eyes found you. No longer did he appear cool and composed. His body became animated with what you could only explain as a giddiness at your oncoming presence.
By the time you reached him, Jungkook was wearing his backpack on his shoulder and his cane in his hand. He was standing and waiting for you. The happiness at being next to you was intoxicating and you could only hope you looked the same. 
“It felt like I was waiting forever,” he admitted. 
The two of you started in sync out the gate and turned left onto the main road.
“It felt like an eternity just to get to you. I have Mrs. Chun’s chemistry class for the last period. The classroom is pretty far.”
“Mhm, like on a planet far far away.”
Your eyes rolled up to look at him. The affection you found in the warmth of his eyes was startling, but not a surprise. 
Your mom used to tell you to always be careful with smiling. It caused laugh lines. It helped make crows feet. That smiling was a woman’s secret enemy she never knew about when it came to aging. She told you over and over to be careful who or what you wasted smiles on. Smiling up at him now, Jungkook was definitely worth it just to see him respond with his own. 
“Don’t be so dramatic. It’s only, like, one planet away.” 
A soft hush of laughter left him as he looked away. His gaze roaming around the street signs and their multiple names before looking back at you. 
“Are we going the right way to your place? I just realized I never even asked for your address.”
“Does it matter? I mean, with your leg and all.” You hated yourself for spoiling the moment by bringing it up. You knew it was a touchy subject when it came to his leg for Jungkook. So you weren’t surprised to see that spark of warmth fade ever so slightly from his face. His smile wilted at the edges of his lips before it all but disappeared. “You know I’m sorry I said anything. I shouldn’t have. I mean obviously you know yourself and your limits. You wouldn’t have asked if you weren’t able to do it.”
You were rambling. You were fidgeting and waving your arms around while you talked, because why not? You were doing everything else besides hyperventilating at this point. All you knew was that you felt like a jerk for even bringing it up. When all you wanted was to know he was okay. 
You were so lost in the space inside your head and worrying that you didn’t notice him laughing at you. You were mid-arm swing. Inhaling for another round of mouth babble to start asking for forgiveness when he waved for you to stop. A finger tip landing on your lips to quiet the words in your throat by shocking you into silence.
“You really don’t have to apologize so much, Y/N. It’s alright. I understand why you would ask.”
You were tempted to lick his finger away, but it felt too intimate. But so was a finger on the lips. Before you could decide your next move from your internal dilemma, Jungkook solved it for you. His finger detaching from your lips as quickly as it’d come.
“No, you don’t. I’m just worried about you. I know I should trust you to know yourself better, but-“ you did an over exaggerated shrug as you finished: “I’m a worrier.” 
“I’m flattered, I have you to worry over me.”
You knew he was teasing you and you couldn’t have been happier. You preferred it to making him sad. Plus, he was back to looking at you like you controlled the stars and oh, what a wonderful look it was.
“You should be. I’ve only got so much extra space up here.”
You tapped your head for added effect and were rewarded with a soft laugh that was followed up by a smile. God, you could get used to this. 
“I guess I need to work harder to take up more space.”
“Please, no. Let’s not do that. I need my sanity.”
You couldn’t believe you were doing so well at flirting. Usually, your sarcasm won out and you resorted to awkward winking, but this was definitely an improvement. 
“I’m not sure you have much of that left either,” he joked. 
You tried to hide your laughter with a scoff. You knew you were failing miserably at being offended. Your mouth fighting too hard to ward off a smile as you playfully bumped your shoulder into his arm. Jungkook was ready for you with his cane digging into the sidewalk to give him extra stability. 
“Ya, if I do finally go crazy it’ll be your fault, specifically.” 
“I think you’d have a hard time proving that in court. My counter argument would be pretty persuasive.” 
You looked at him in shock. 
“Court? Wow...that escalated quickly.”
Jungkook nodded his reply. He stopped in front of a bookstore and pointed at a manga in the window. You weren’t too familiar with the title, but it's a cover you’d seen plenty of. 
“It would happen as quickly as an infection from a zombie’s bite. It would seem all slow until suddenly you jumped up and tried to eat me.” 
You couldn’t keep the amusement off your face as you glanced at him and back down to the manga. A part of you wondering if it was one he’d read before or just wanted to use to make his point. 
“Question: why are we together during a zombie outbreak?”
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because I’ll be walking you home. I’ll try and save you and while feeling all heroic about it, I won’t even realize you’d been bitten until it’s too late.”
The two of you moved away from the bookstore window and began to walk back down the sidewalk. Your mind trying to dissect what he was trying to say, but all it left you with was imagining a zombie version of you trying to take a bite out of him. 
“You must watch too much Walking Dead.”
“It’s a good show,” he shrugged. 
“Did you know that there’s actually a fungus out there that’s sort of like a zombie infection. It’s called Ophiocordyceps. It basically infects the host and within nine days of infection it takes control of the host's body movements.”
You were still walking and looking around while you spoke. Your fingers running gently over a row of gardenia’s that were planted in carefully placed pots in front of someone’s home. You were aware Jungkook had left your side by the sudden coldness of his absence. You turned to look for him and found him standing a foot away from you. A mixture of astonishment and amusement etched on his face. 
“Why do you know something like that? Actually, how do you know something like that?”
His eyes were dancing with curiosity as he moved to fall back into step beside you. 
“Let’s just say I like to read. I like strange things and facts. And science is full of both facts and strange things.”
With each small statement you held up a finger. When you ended on the third and final small fact about yourself, you wiggled all three fingers at him. The motion earned you a giant smile that only seemed to grow wider as his head shook slightly back and forth. 
“You are the strangest girl.”
“How am I strange?”
“You just told me about a body snatching fungus,” he chuckled. “What other girl is going to do that?”
Jungkook had a point. A very strong point. For all your new found confidence when it came to him, you couldn’t keep the heat from rushing to your face. Or the back of your hands from trying to hide it. 
“I would tell you to stop being embarrassed but it’s cute when you blush.” 
The two of you came to a complete stop at the crosswalk. The red light blinking to tell you two it wasn’t safe to cross. It felt like a weird metaphor for this moment in your life. 
Stop! Do not keep staring back at him as if he strung every star in the sky. Stop! Don’t continue to entertain the thought that he looked like he wanted to kiss you or that you desperately wanted to kiss him back. Stop! Even though you already knew it was too late. 
You had plans. It’d all been strategically mapped out in your head until you could read it forwards and backwards to yourself. Do your best to graduate high enough in the percentage range to get into a decent college. Get a degree for a job, it didn’t matter what it was, that made enough money to help your parents. For all your careful planning, none of it had included him and yet, the universe had you both standing at a stoplight looking at each other like there couldn’t be any other reality where you weren’t meant to end up right here. Standing at this exact light and looking at one another like no one else existed. 
Luckily, the light changed signaling for you to begin to cross. The mass of bodies that had accumulated behind you began to push you both forward and, reluctantly, broke your gaze free from him. Your brain was scrambling to pick up a conversation you weren’t sure how to resurrect. Your mind too busy daydreaming all the scenarios you would’ve taken in different realities if you were braver. Clearing your throat, you did your best to wipe the thought clean and focus on your current reality.
“If it makes you feel better,” you started your body turning to consider him as you spoke, “the study was only ever done on the tropical ants that resided in the forest. The actual effects and what it could do to humans has never been studied. Yet. But I’m willing to bet it would take longer than nine days for it to take hold of a grown adult's nervous system and larger batches.”
He was looking at you in inspired mock horror. You weren’t sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Or if your unusual fact telling about zombie fungus had completely killed the mood. You got your answer in an excited hush of, “Holy shit it’s like you’re writing your own super villain backstory.” 
A smile erupted on your face as you playfully rolled your eyes away from him. It was hard to miss the mischievous glint in his eyes or the way his whole face still swam with the playfulness that lurked underneath his teasing. Jungkook was so alive. A force that required you to hang on or else you would get swept up in him without even realizing it’d happen. 
You wondered if this is what falling in love felt like. 
“I would make a terrible villain. I’m too clumsy,” you stated. Your weak attempt at downplaying yourself being met with a stern look. 
“How clumsy are we talking?”
“Hmm, I would say, ‘Kronk giving the llama potion to Kuzco,’ kind of clumsy.”
A hiss of air whistled between Jungkook’s teeth. A mock look of worry on his face as his hands moved to reposition his bag. 
“Can we call that clumsy, though?”
“What else would it be?” You asked. 
You could feel the lines grouping together in your forehead just trying to figure out what he was getting at. Jungkook didn’t seem to be in any rush to answer you. The two of you walking a few feet before he must have decided you’d waited long enough for him to reply. 
“I always thought Kronk was stupid throughout the whole movie, but really, he was just a good person. He’s a good guy tasked to do a bad thing and he just wants to make people happy. Even if it means doing the wrong thing.”
You wanted to ask if maybe he was talking more about himself than The Emperor’s New Groove at this point. He faced forward with his brow creased in deep thought and whatever it was that held his thoughts didn’t appear to be anything good. 
“Or,” you started, voice light enough to drag him out of his head, “it’s just a kids movie.”
Sure, Jungkook was looking at you, but he didn’t seem to actually see you. Somewhere inside his head, he was reenacting or seeing something that ate up all the sunshine that lived in his bones. It felt silly to feel a sense of panic about something that might not even be true. And yet, you couldn’t stop the awful thought that sadness was trying to make a home inside his soul. 
Without giving it another thought you reached up and pretended to wipe away a pretend rogue eyelash from his cheek. The suddenness of your fingers brushing on his skin jolted him from wherever his thoughts had held him hostage and back into the present. His eyes darted around your face and his own hand came up to gently take yours. 
“Sorry.” Your words came out breathy as you struggled not to focus on how he was practically holding your hand. “There was an eyelash. The wind must have blown it away.”
The earlier sadness that’d hollowed out his eyes was gone. What replaced it was one of knowing you weren’t telling the truth. His head tilted slightly down to inspect your empty finger of the proof you knew your words didn’t have whose eyes sparked with his usual teasing and something else. Something that left a different kind of heat flooding your cheeks. 
“I’m sure there was.”
Reluctantly, you removed your hand from his and continued to walk. It only took him a couple seconds to fall effortlessly into step beside you making you wonder if his leg was as injured as it seemed. 
A warm silence swelled around you as you continued to walk. A comfortable pace setting between you as he looked in the windows of every store you passed in between the changing streets. He never once asked if you were getting close to your home or how much farther it might be. It was like the moment on the back of the bus. The two of you enjoyed that the other was there without ever feeling the need to say it.
But you knew it was soon coming to an end. In only a few blocks, you’d be home and your fairytale moment would end. You were struggling on how to break this, more to yourself than Jungkook, when you noticed he pulled a Nikon camera from the side of his bag. He was squinting through the lens and taking photos of something up ahead. Of the landscape or the people and buildings that framed it you weren’t sure. 
He must have sensed your silent question as he snapped a few more quick photos before turning to acknowledge you. 
“Y/N, I have a serious question for you.”
It was hard to keep the amusement off your face as you both came to a stop. The place felt random, but it was anything but that to Jungkook. Whatever he saw in this space you both inhabited must have felt like magic to him. 
“Okay. Shoot.”
“Do you think we have enough time for me to take some photos?”
It felt like such an odd request. Why should anyone have to ask to do something that they loved? Jungkook didn’t fully say he loved doing it, but no one spent that much money on a nice camera if it wasn’t something they enjoyed doing. The look on his face was just an added bonus of proving your answer meant something. One that made you wonder why he felt like he needed your permission at all. And then it hit you: he wanted to stay in your company while he did it. 
You considered teasing him, but he looked too vulnerable standing there. You weren’t even sure if he was breathing. A pleading in his eyes that reminded you of a child asking a mother to go on just one more ride before they were forced to go home. You considered giving him the bad news that you had more than homework to do when you arrived home. But that could come another day. On this day, with him, you could spare an hour just to make him happy.
Instead of coming right out and letting him know you’d made up your mind, you decided to play coy. A soft, “Hmm,” hummed around you as you looked everywhere but him. Your index finger tapping on your lips for dramatic flare.
"Ok," You shrugged. "I think I have some free time I could spare."
His eyes squinted in question as you moved to stand in front of him. The movement simply to let a couple go by in peace, but somehow placed you closer in front of him. Jungkook’s gaze was roaming your face to find an answer to a question he hadn’t yet asked. 
“You planned on saying yes this whole time, didn’t you. You were just trying to make me suffer waiting for you to answer.”
You gasped in pretend shock and did your best not to smile at his accusations. By the growing smile on his face you knew you were failing miserably. 
“Me?! I would never do such a thing.”
“You’re secretly a sadist!”
Jungkook’s smile only widened as a scoff of disbelief passed from your lips. Your own smile grew to match his own when his hands lifted up his camera. Seconds later the sound of the shutter clicked and you felt your soul leave your body. The earlier playfulness was swiftly swept in your own dark cloud and the idea you probably looked hideous in that photo. 
“Oh god, Jungkook delete it,” you pleaded. 
Your hands were reaching out to grab tightly at this shirt. Your fingers curled in the white fabric until there was a small chance you could tear holes. The camera in question was being held far from your reach. His hand easily held it above his shoulder as he used one hand to steady you against him. You’d invaded his space without even realizing, but you had no time to be embarrassed. Not when he had a picture of you forever saved on that camera. 
“Why would I delete it?”
He was his usual amused self you could tell, but he wasn’t egging you on. His question was out of curiosity. His own eyes brimming with it as you considered keeping one hand tightly wound in his shirt and the other to jump up and reach for the camera. 
“Because Jungkook I’m not cute. You’ll be lucky if it doesn’t ruin the camera.”
All his earlier playfulness drained from his face and what was left made you instantly feel like you were about to be scolded. His hand that had firmly planted itself on your hip was achingly apparent now as his fingers gripped you closer to him. Your own awareness at how close you actually were to his chest made your lips feel dry. Your tongue flicked out to wet them and god, it took everything in you not to focus on the fact his eyes had followed the movement. 
“Y/N, why would you say that? You shouldn’t let anyone talk down about you, and you shouldn’t do it to yourself either. You’re beautiful.”
He spoke like it was a fact. A statement that not just the two of you knew, but the universe did too. And what were you supposed to say back? While you were held captive to the thought he was still looking from you to your lips. The determination for you to understand his words and believe them setting soft lines in his face. You tried to keep looking at him, but under his watchful gaze you couldn’t keep yourself from fidgeting. Your eyes moved down the line of his body until it landed on the tops of your shoes. 
You weren’t sure what to say back. Thank you didn’t fit here. It didn’t feel like a moment where he was trying to boost your confidence the way a friend did. This felt more like someone who noticed something in you while you hadn’t been looking. 
So instead of saying anything remotely clever back you began to dislodge yourself from him. Your hands releasing their hold on his shirt and forcing his hand off of your hip. Standing there with only inches between you, your body was achingly aware that his hand was gone. It’s weight leaving a burning of longing to have it back forced your hands into your pockets and your body turning away from him. You waited for him to start moving back down the road. The motion forced him to either join you or stay where he was. 
“We should get going before we run out of time.”
You hated yourself for dismissing him. For not being bolder like you’d promised yourself earlier in the day. It would’ve been the perfect time to thank him. To tell him how you were pretty sure there wasn’t a soul on earth more attractive than him, but that what made him beautiful is what he refused to let people see. The soft tone of his voice still singing along to the songs on the back of the bus had ended up being an unspoken lullaby when you’d gone to sleep. 
A part of you considered turning on your heel and telling him this. To tell him that you saw him; actually saw him for who he was and not who he felt like he needed to be. But you just kept moving forward and weren’t surprised when Jungkook found a steady rhythm back beside you. 
The both of you stayed quiet. This time it felt more forced than the easiness of earlier. Like the two of you had so many missed starts at creating a conversation that neither of you could understand why it ended.
You watched him as he focused on the area around him. His camera training on an old couple who sat waiting for the next bus. The husband had clutched his wife’s arm close to his side. In his hands he was peeling what appeared to be an orange and with each freshly peeled slice, he gave one to her and one to himself. No one knew what they were conversing about, but it didn’t matter. To them, they were the only two people there. The wholesomeness of the moment made you wonder what they were like back in their youth. 
You listened to the flutter of the shutter click repeatedly. His hand twisting on the lens to bring it in and out of focus, while he himself remained deadly focused on capturing their moment in time. You were curious how the photos would turn out in the end and wished there was a way to show them how their love translated on film. 
You were in the middle of watching Jungkook turn his attention to a couple birds inside a cherry blossom when he spoke.
“Thank you for agreeing to walk with me while I do this.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Jungkook.”
A sad smile curled his lips as he dropped his camera down in front of him. His thumb skimmed over the buttons to quickly go through what he’d previously taken. The last one he landed on made his entire face light up and you felt a pang of jealousy at what it could be. How you wish he would look at you like that. 
“Maybe, but I feel like I do. Ever since my accident, my appa hasn’t been able to force me into things. For once, I get to just do what I want. Sucks it only had to cost me a friend and a leg to get some freedom.”
Your feet had carried you to the next stop sign. The sudden halt in moving forced you to look at him, really look at Jungkook, like you’d never seen him before. 
He wasn’t looking at you now. His ears a screaming red while his fingers danced over every part of the camera. His eyes roaming over its edges and flicking too fast through pictures to actually even be looking at them. For the first time since you’d met him Jungkook was scared to look at you. Scared for what you might see if you did. 
Looking at him now, you couldn’t have been happier to indulge him. You’d indulge him for the rest of your life if he’d let you. 
“Well, I’m happy to be of service.”
You mentally smacked yourself at your choice of words. Jungkook, however, was backing to his beaming self as he finally glanced in your direction. His eyeing ate up your embarrassment as it was your turn to face forward. Your feet hopping in place as you waited for the light to flash it was okay to walk. 
“I’m supposed to be at physical therapy right now.”
“Wait, what?”
The light was flickering finally for you to all move. Your feet moved to carry you forward unintentionally, just to keep with the flow of traffic, as Jungkook gave you a small shrug for an answer. 
“Did you say you were supposed to be at physical therapy?”
Another shrug and another long pause with no answer. It seemed he had been waiting for you to round the corner onto a quieter pedestrian free street before he replied, “After school. I have appointments almost everyday and I never go.” 
“But why? It’s meant to help you get better, isn’t it?”
“Get better to do what, exactly?” He huffed. Jungkook’s entire body took on a broodier tone. His cane practically dug small holes with each press into the pavement. “Who even says that I can get better?”
“Well, doctors for one,” you pointed out. “I’m sure they wouldn’t have signed you up for it if they didn’t believe you could get better.” 
“If I was going to get better it would’ve happened already.”
It felt like walking on eggshells. This side of Jungkook was the boy you’d met on his first day of class. His guarded demeanor up on high alert, as he kept his gaze stoically forward and his chin held high. 
“You’re not an idiot, Jungkook. You know injuries take time to heal from. It doesn't just magically happen overnight.”
“Who says that I want to get better?”
The coldness in his words forced your legs to stop working. Your feet were unable to move as he continued to push on ahead of you. His own movements became slower now as the long walk was beginning to take its toll on his leg. He knew you weren’t beside him anymore and still he tried to keep pushing forward, before eventually he had no other choice but to turn around. 
The look on his face was as defiant as ever. Underneath that defiance was a sadness so raw you only wanted to reach out and hold him. If just to remind him that he was seen and that his pain mattered.
That’s when the realization hit you.
“Unless you feel like you deserve this.”
The stone façade he’d worked so hard to create in the past few minutes began to chip. His eyes being the first to show by the soft uprising of tears that you were right. Somewhere deep inside Jungkook believed that he deserved what happened to him. That this was punishment for losing a friend at his own hands, even if it wasn’t his fault to begin with. 
The tears that threatened to spill never did, but they were there. They floated dangerously at the surface of Jungkook’s control and he refused to let go. The rawness of his pain hit you and all you wanted was to help ease it. You weren’t sure if he would accept any kind of affection, even in a small hug. So your only option was to move closer to him. As close as he would allow without pushing you away. 
With each step you could see his jaw clenching tighter; pulsing like he was fighting from saying something wicked to send you skirting back. He was just as afraid of what you were about to do as you were at being the one to do it. 
When the tips of your shoes nudged against his you drew your eyes up until they landed on his. A spark of something; fear or uncertainty, flashed in his eyes. Was he expecting you to be cruel? To yell at him to stop being a child and to grow up? How much had he already heard those words shouted by adults? How long had he been standing there like this, in a world full of grief, and no one there to pull him out to breathe before the next wave suffocated him once more. 
You weren’t sure if it was you or if what you said would matter, but it was important he heard it. It was important he knew that this was okay too. 
“You got to forgive yourself sometime, Jungkook.”
The words themselves were simple. Simple and spoken between you as if there was a secret meant only for the two of you to hear. All you really wanted was for him to feel the sincerity of your words for him to know it was okay. Okay to feel sad, unsure, and helpless at times when all the world felt against you. It was okay to not know your first steps and okay to take those first steps when you were ready. Eventually, we needed to forgive, if only to give ourselves the chance to heal and move on. 
His gaze was still misty with unshed tears and still they refused to fall. The pain and defiance that had turned his features harsh began to soften. All that hardness he struggled to keep himself in and others out was beginning to fade and the only thing left was him. All that sunshine that you’d seen lived in his smile and echoed in his laughter that crinkled in the corners of his eyes. The way he cared for others and making them feel cared for. The softness of his singing and the way he eagerly filmed people at their most vulnerable: at their most beautiful. 
It was at this moment you felt your universe shift and tip until it realigned itself. With your fingers back to holding the edges of his shirt it took everything in you not to close those final inches and hug him. Jungkook closed that distance for you instead. 
His lips crashing down on your cheeks causing a soft squeak of surprise to push free from your lips. A chuckle came as he came back into view and your mind struggled to comprehend what happened. 
It wasn’t a kiss on the lips but…
“Did you just kiss my cheek?”
Your hand was up to the aforementioned spot. A wicked smile wiping away all of his sadness until you weren’t sure if it had been real at all or if you’d imagined it. 
“I could kiss your lips if you’d like that instead.” 
If your cheeks could get any hotter you could’ve fried food on them. You felt a surge of disappointment when Jungkook took a reluctant step back from you as his eyes dropped to check the time on his phone.
“As much as I hate to say this: I have to go.”
“All of the sudden you have to go,” you huffed. 
Your words felt brave, but inside your heart was thundering wildly against your chest. 
“I could stay if you want?”
Smoother than expected, Jungkook slid his way back to you. His chest bumping against you making you lose your footing just enough that it forced you to grab on to his shirt. Jungkook’s own hand had moved behind your back to steady you and bring you closer to him all at once. 
You playfully smacked his chest and earned a soft laugh from him. Unfortunately, you found yourself peeling away from him. Your hands grasping at the strap of your bag to keep them from reaching back out for him. 
“Not a chance.”
Your reply earned a playful pout from him as he started walking backwards away from you. 
“I’ll remember that, Y/N!”
You rolled your eyes and turned around to start walking the rest of the way home. You didn’t get more than a few feet before he called back to you. Your eyes found him instantly in a crowd of people that continued to pass in front of him.
“I forgot to ask: what’s your number!”
He held up a pen expecting you to come back to him and write it down presumably on his arm or hand. You didn’t see any paper and could only assume. You knew it was all just a ploy to get you to come to him. The knowledge evident by the wicked grin on his face. 
“You’re a math wiz, right?” Jungkook was perplexed for a second before you started reciting your number as loud as you were willing to shout it. The wind blew it away as he no doubt struggled to listen. 
“Wow! What a way to play dirty.”
“If it’s meant to be you’ll figure it out.”
And maybe that was true. Maybe you both had a chance to write your own love story like from the movies and shows you used to watch with your mom. Like Rose and Jack from Titanic or Ross and Rachel...okay...maybe more like Chandler and Monica. Or maybe you were an idiot and should’ve just gone and wrote it down. It was too late now as he was already on the other side of the street. 
You were ready to walk the rest of the way kicking yourself for being so lame when you heard him call your name again. When you turned you didn’t expect him to be trotting across the road. You didn’t expect him to stop in front of you and give you another quick kiss on the cheek, this one gentler than before, with every fiber of your body remembering just how soft his lips felt. 
“I could fall in love with you, ya know.”
You watched as in the same breath he hopped back across the street and couldn’t help but think you already had. 
Later that night you were snuggled up inside the sheets of your bed. The only thing sticking out was the current book you were reading and the top of your head. 
You hadn’t heard from Jungkook the rest of the day. Your heart hammered inside your chest every time your phone chimed with a new message only to deflate when you realized it wasn’t him. You loved your friends and all, but they weren’t who you’d been looking forward to all evening. 
Maybe you should’ve just gone to him and written down your number. Like a normal human being would’ve done. You just had to be clever and yell it out like a lunatic. For all you knew, you could end up with a random stranger texting you at all hours. 
Your current book that you were supposed to be reading but couldn’t really read because you couldn’t focus was now face planted onto your nose. A soft groan echoing into its pages as you fought not to close it and throw it somewhere in your room. You were a hundred percent sure you’d read the same sentence a few dozen times at this point. 
In the morning, you decided, you most definitely were just going to write it down. Like a sane person would’ve done. You closed your book and placed it down beside you. Your eyes roaming up to stare at your ceiling and wondering if you were ever actually going to go to sleep when your phone chimed off. 
You weren’t in any hurry to look. It could just be your parents from the restaurant making sure you were in bed. It could be one of your friends asking about making plans this weekend. It was probably still everyone but Jungkook and yet…
Your curiosity got the better of you. You shuffled inside your comforter, reached an arm out to grab your phone from the nightstand, and quickly pulled it back inside. You waited for your facial ID to unlock the screen to see who or what you’d received. Your own mind hyping up the suspense of the moment until it read over a reminder text from your dad about your chores for the upcoming weekends. 
You hated you’d let yourself have even a glimmer of hope. It was official. You’d ruined your chances when it came to giving out your number. A groan was creeping its way up your throat as you quickly sent back a text. You knew your chores took over almost every weekend. Even when you’d made plans with friends, you’d ended up never going. 
As soon as you’d hit send you were rolling over to put your phone back on your nightstand. The shrill sound of pinging messages stopped you cold. There was no way your dad had learned to text back that fast. You laid yourself flat back against the mattress and brought the phone to hover above your face. 
Is this the right number finally? 
If this is the wrong person, I’m sorry. I swear I’m not crazy. Just looking for a girl. 
Your heart leapt into your throat. It was beating so hard you were scared it would burst from your chest. Your eyes were still skimming over the line of text messages when another one sounded. You were so caught up in reading the next line you weren’t aware your clammy fingers had let the phone slip and it crash landed down on your face. 
One hand scrambled to pick it back up off your face, while the other massaged the now swelling brim of your nose. 
How many people have you texted before me?
There wasn’t a need to send a hi. To give him a coy response to continue to tease him or make him believe he’d gotten it wrong again. Your curiosity at the desperate way he seemed to have been looking for you was endearing. The thought that he’d spent so much time sending out random messages for a response, no matter how crazy he looked, felt silly but cute too. 
Jungkook thought you were worth the trouble. 
OH MY GOD IS IT REALLY YOU?! And maybe like... seventeen. 
You snuggled deeper into your comforter as a soft giggle joined the growing smile across your face. 
I’m sorry I should have just wrote it down when you offered the pen lol
It definitely would’ve made it a lot easier.
You’d asked yourself that question all evening while you’d waited for him. You bit your lips as your fingers hovered over the keyboard. Unsure if you should take the chance and tell him. 
“Screw it,” you whispered as you typed. 
Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting forever. 
Well, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. This girl thought it was a good idea to shout random numbers at me 😅😂.
Your head was shaking as you tried to figure out something witty to say. You couldn’t believe you were here. Inside your comforter cave smiling at your phone like a lunatic and wondering if maybe Jungkook was doing the same. Or what was he even doing? You were getting ready to type out that exact question when your phone pinged to life. 
So, ugh, on to more important matters. It read. I was thinking about your love of random facts and I think I got one for you. 
Ooooooo kekeke this should be good 
Do you want to know it or not? 
Okay okay! Lol please tell me Kookie
You could practically feel him screaming through your phone as a sideways glance emoji was sent back in a long lined response. You wondered if you’d completely ruined his fact telling when your phone went off. 
I found this article that said the chances of finding your soulmate out of 500,000,000 people was impossible. But, if you just place it to where you are, to your age group, and timing it narrows it down to a 1 in 10,000 chance. What I’m trying to get at is...I think your my 1 in 10,000
You read the message on repeat. Over and over until you were sure you’d practically memorized it front and back. You wanted to ask him for his source material. Where such an article could exist. None of that really mattered to you and how could it? 
You must have spaced out because you never sent him a reply. Your thoughts were still spinning in a world all their own as you wondered if he was sitting at his desk doing homework or lying in bed. If he was inside or outside and what had made him so brave to send that message: believing you felt the same. 
The vibration of the phone brought you back down to earth. You expected to see question marks or another line of, “Hello?” To have left him on read. Instead, the only thing that greeted you was a simple, Goodnight, Y/N. 
This time there was no hesitation from you. 
Goodnight, Jungkook
See you in the morning ?
His text felt so hopeful. A silent undertone that if you said no there was a chance you’d break him. You bit your lip as you thought about what this meant. The beginning of small promises that eventually grew into bigger ones. 
I’ll meet you at the gate
You both finished up with another round of good night’s that felt like the embarrassing texting equivalent of “no you hang up! No you!” And placed your phone back on your night stand. It took forever for the sandman to finally claim you. Your dreams consisting of the magic of being Jungkook’s 1 in 10,000. 
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adorethedistance · 3 years
READING MY BOYFRIEND’S FANFICTION?? - Owen Joyner x Influencer!Reader
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JATP masterlist
Requested: OMGGG!! Could you do a an Owen fic based around his girlfriend being an armature youtuber/social media influencer (shes also an actress and they met on set and have been dating for a while) and it’s “reading/reacting to my boyfriend’s fanfiction” ? You can do whatever you want with the fanfic part it’s just a concept that has been running around in my head for a while. LOVE ALL YOUR WORK!!
Warnings: swearing, allusions to sex, very mild
Words: 1460
A/N: A fic?? From Ace?? Hi. I’m off spring break officially and so my stress has dissipated immensely. School was becoming so much these last two weeks and I thought I’d be stressed or worried, but I’m actually fine? It’s weird lol so I decided I could be productive with my stress-free moment and post a little fic for y’all. I love this prompt, and before any of you writers panic, I’m using my own fics for the fanfictions because I wouldn’t want to put y’all on the spot like that. Also this is my 3000 post! thought that was cool lol
“Do you wanna do the intro?”
“I think I have to do the intro.”
“Okay, go for it.”
“Alright,” Owen sighs out a heavy breath in exaggerated preparation for my (some would say lengthy) intro. “Hello, hi. Yes, okay, this is Y/n Y/l/n vlogs, welcome or welcome back to my channel!” Once Owen finishes his statement I’m so stunned I can’t generate any sort of response other than a slacked jaw semi smile.
“That was not even close. Do you know my intro?”
“I got the first part right!”
“You’ve lost intro privileges,” I turn back to the mess of lights and tripods in front of me and ignore the disaster of an intro Owen offered. “Oh, hello, hi! I am Y/n and this is: Reading My Boyfriend’s Fanfiction!”
“That’s basically what I did.”
“No, it is not! It’s ‘oh, hello, hi. I am ‘name’ and this is: ‘title of video’.”
“You don’t ‘welcome to my channel’?” Owen’s voice has dropped to a hushed volume as he genuinely inquires about the segments of my usual introduction.
“I do not.”
“Don’t use any of this,” he pleads when making direct eye contact with the camera. “Mister Sid. Editing Sid, please don’t embarrass me.” His pleas fall on deaf ears, knowing that I’ll be using the footage in full.
“Anyways. Butchered intro aside, I am Y/n and today I am here with my lovely “So Many Stars” costar and scene partner, Owen Joyner!”
“I’m also your boyfriend.”
“That too,” I give Owen’s pointed comment a soft place to land, “So, yesterday--it was actually like, two weeks ago, I don’t know why I said yesterday--a little while back, I came across a tweet telling me someone had written a fanfic about us-”
“Did you read it?”
“On Wattpad. Of course, I read it. There are only three chapters up right now and they’re all in the 2-3k range so it was a quick read.”
“Words,” I reply nonchalantly as I unlock my phone. I bookmarked a few one-shots beforehand for us to read, and I’m slightly cocky about my selections. Owen then responds with an outburst of shock.
“2-3 thousand words is a short read?” I merely give him a blank stare.
“Judging by that reaction, Owen hasn’t read any fanfics in his life.”
“Is that not long to you- That’s what she said.” Owen cuts me off with his own stupid joke and I briefly sigh before answering.
“No, that isn’t long. Baby, I’m here for that 130k slow burn enemies to lovers on AO3 with the ‘only one bed’ and ‘locked in a closet’ tropes.”
“The what?”
“Oh, we have so much to catch you up on.”
“So I saved three fics, an angst, a fluff, and a smut. Which do you want to read?”
“Wait, what does that mean?”
“Oh my- okay. Angst is the sad shit, it’s what you read when you need your heartbroken and a good cry. Smut is pretty much in the name, it’s explicit content that will undoubtedly get this video demonetized, but that’s okay because we do have a sponsor. And fluff is the cute moments, domestic and sometimes mundane romance that makes you smile like an idiot and put the device down to screech into a pillow.” Throughout my whole explanation, I can tell Owen was becoming more and more lost, so I opt to give him a few moments to collect his thoughts.
“Let’s start with the fluff just to ease into things.”
“Smart choice. This fic I have saved is called ‘Baby Fever’ and the summary says ‘you and Owen spend a day at the zoo babysitting Baby Shada, and her presence sparks conversation about adding a new presence of your very own’.”
“That sounds so ominous.”
“Here, I’ll read the narration and reader’s POV, and then you’ll read your own dialogue.” Owen nods and leans over my right shoulder to read off of my computer screen.
“You actually start the fic.”
“‘You ready, little one?’” The instantaneous actor mode Owen slips into has me howling with laughter at which he looks at me confused. My gasping for air makes Owen laugh empathetically despite still being unsure as to what’s killing me at the moment.
“Why are you laughing?!” He yells, dramatically shaking my shoulder.
“Just the way you jumped into that, I wasn’t prepared for you to turn on the acting charm. Okay, uhhhh, ‘I bite back a laugh when I hear Owen’s voice coo from the back seat’.”
The two of us go back and forth between reading the narrative, bouts of laughter, commentary on the accuracy of Owen’s character, and we finally manage to finish the 2.5k fic in about forty minutes.
“‘When he looks up from CJ’s tiny body and recognizes the familiar ‘baby fever’ look in my eyes, he smiles and utters a simple-’.”
“‘I told you so.’”
“That was cute! I like the tie-in of having us watching over Baby Shada- or, sorry, you and ‘y/n’ watching over Baby Shada.”
“They wrote me kinda funny, I don’t think I’d ever fabricate a life to make conversation with a stranger due to baby fever.” My jaw drops slightly and before Owen can respond to my reaction, I cry,
“That is such a lie!”
“You absolutely would do something like that, are you kidding me?!”
“No, I would not!” Owen punctuates every word with the utmost offense. He has the same look in his eye as when he was proving himself to be the cleanest phantom of the three on the Sunset Drive podcast.
“You literally told the guy at Home Depot yesterday that we were buying plants for our child’s nursery!”
“Okay, that’s different-”
“How is that different? That’s the exact same thing as fanfic you!” Owen’s furrowed brow and dropped jaw are a sight to be seen as he leans away from me, bending at the waist to stare at me with defiance. I raise my eyebrows pointedly as I await a response. Instead of actually producing a response, Owen lunges forward, grabbing my waist in his hands and squeezing gently. The feeling makes me screech and gasp of laughter from surprise and also being ticklish.
“Owen! Owe-STOP, I’m gonna drop my laptop!” I manage to say through my laughter and with one final grab, he releases me from his hold. It takes a minute for my laughter to settle but once I do, the two of us are simply breathing heavy and staring at one another with giddy smiles on our faces. In a moment’s clarity, I turn to look into the camera lens to talk directly to my editor,
“Sid, don’t use any of this. And please don’t cut to this after we finish reading to make it look like- things were happening.”
“Actually, I think you should, Sid. Just cut to right there and make the world think we-”
“OKAY, thanks for watching, bye!” I quickly stop the recording before Owen says something we’re unable to recover from. I hear him laugh gently behind me as I set my laptop down on the coffee table behind the tripod. Coming back to the couch, I move to plop down but before landing successfully on the cushion next to my phone, Owen grabs my body and moves me to sit on top of him.
“You are crazy, you know that?”
“Hmm. Crazy for you, maybe.” His cheesy line makes me scoff but smile nonetheless. I reach my right hand up to caress the side of his face as we sit cheek to cheek.
“Remind me to never film with you again.” The gesture is sweet and the sentiment is not which makes Owen laugh and he presses a soft kiss to my cheek. I lean back into him so my back is pressed flush with his chest as he lazily wraps both arms around me.
“You say that now but you’ll regret it when you wanna do a ‘boyfriend does my makeup’ challenge video.”
“Nah. I’ll just call Charlie to-” Without allowing me to finish my sentence, Owen is digging his fingertips back into the tissue of my sides and I squeal with laughter once more. This time the torment is short-lived and Owen releases me after a sweet, reconciling kiss. “Do you have baby fever now?”
“It was cute and all, but not really, no.”
“That’s too bad,” I stand up from my spot on his lap to grab my computer and hold it to my chest, “I was gonna say we could practice some baby-making.”
And with that, I turned on the balls of my feet, heading for my bedroom when I heard Owen stand up eagerly, quick to follow.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayennefertyrell@n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki@vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​
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larryinfinitylt · 3 years
James Corden's favorite 1D song 🤪🤪
The video is very aesthetically pleasing for 2014 ngl
Oh this one hurts like a bitch 🥲🥲
I know Louis wrote it but like to me is the predecesor to IICF
Why are the lyrics so sad but the beat is so catchy??
Crying in the club with this one 😭🕺
Pray for Louis he didn't die but he almost tore his torso looking at Harry while singing it
"She floats through the room on a big balloon" sure because that makes sense (there probably is a metaphor there somewhere but my pea brain doesn't get it)
This song goes super extra hard live (not that I would know 🥲 but yk good for those who did )
Basically the narrator is a dumbass and a masochist 🤷🏻‍♀️
Niall's solo tho, absolute masterpice 😍😍
The only good thing about the video is Zayn's hair.... and it ends up covered in spaghetti so 😐
"Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?" You mean seeing you boys grow up from tiny babies to the gorgeous men you are now?? YES BITCH IT HURTS SO BAD
LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON YOU ABSOLUTE FILTH I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. The audacity of this man of making the rest of the boys sing about his morning wood like 😑😑 Harry tho, he was enjoying it figuratively and literally
If you don't go apeshit to this song, block me 🙅🏻‍♀️
Liam having a moment yesterday while listening to this is all of us right now 🥲
"I think I'm gonna lose my mind" the Larrie experience in a nutshell
Nope no no no I refuse too sad
Imagine an mv for this song, that would've been interesting for sure 😏
The chorus of this song will leave you with no vocal chords
"Here we go again" every larrie every time a new stunt starts 🙄
I feel like only they can say this cause they're rich cause where I live changing a ticket is expensive AF like "better to just buy a new one" expensive
Also you're clingy boy
Remember when Liam once said that every album has a song that could be in the previous album?? WELL THIS ONE BELONGS LIKE 3 ALBUMS BACK IN UAN
These lyrics are so cringy I'm sorry I can't 😖
This song is soooo beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭
Their voices together..... just leave me here to die.....
This is Niall's song and Niall's song only
His cute little Irish dance 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
To read the rest, click HERE
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 4
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Summary: Henry and Adelaide are on the road for some more challenges, some disgusting, some almost romantic. 
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 6k
Warnings: They’re eating weird things (no not each other), but it’s disgusting. I nearly had to vomit when I wrote it and you can thank me later for not including pictures of the certain cuisines they were eating. 
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry can’t say many positive things about ‘The Celebrity Project’, but the fact that they edited a very decent first episode in a matter of twenty four hours, so it could air, is very impressive. It covered the days up to the late night swim. Though the swim was pulled out of context and he hated that (one of the reasons actually he didn’t want to join: reality tv is never reality) the editors made it seem like they were a couple.
Henry realized that they left out the ‘dyslexia question’ he asked her about. Why would they want to do that? Did she specifically asked for them to keep that out or do they not want people to understand her a bit better? He did realize that he had a lot more understanding for her and the way she handles interviews.
Henry walks around the cottage, hoping to find Adelaide, because he saw the new challenge on the coffee table and he can’t to do it alone. He hears her humming from the bathroom. The door is wide open and he catches her standing on a little stool so she can actually see herself in the mirror. He can’t help but smile.
Adelaide owns a huge variety of cute pajamas and today she is wearing a pink short with little avocado’s on it, with a matching shirt. ‘What are you doing?’ he asks, leaning against the doorframe.
She looks up, dots of her night creme spread over her face and flashes him a smile. After they swam in the pool, he felt the desperate need to win slowly slipping through his fingers, as if the dream of becoming James Bond was like desert sand. What was happening to him? He turns in a pile of mush whenever Adelaide is around him.
Yesterday, when the first episode would air, all the duos made dinner with each other and watched the episode together. While they were making dinner, he kept holding himself back, to not pull everything from Adelaide’s hands. It was ridiculous. He knows that she is a mature, independent woman and that she can totally manage.
‘Skin care,’ she says, as she massages in the creme. ‘What are you… here? Doing here?’
They have spend so much time together, that she grows more comfortable around him and of course she makes slip ups every now and then, but her cheeks don’t turn into a fiery red as they used to.
‘We have a challenge downstairs. Figured we should do that.’
‘Of course.’ Adelaide flicks off the light and together they walk down the stairs. She notices the stuff spread out on the table. The two empty wine glasses, the red wine that he got from the cellar and the cards to get to know one another. She takes a chip and plops on the couch. ‘What is it?’
‘Get to know cards,’ he says, trying to hide his wide smile, but he simply can’t. This is what he wanted. He wanted to get to know Adelaide and though they have become closer over the course of the days, she is a professional in not going too deep into her family life and her personal life in general. He sits close to her, her feet almost touching his thigh.
Yesterday, when they all were watching the first episode, she kicked off her sneakers and was almost hiding underneath a blanket. Her feet were warming underneath his leg. He didn’t think she noticed what she did, but as soon as she did, she started softly apologizing, but he simply shook his head and said it was okay. It was well hidden underneath the blanket and despite the warm weather, her feet were really cold.
Henry grabs her ankles and places her feet on his lap, after he poured in the wine in the glasses and gave her one. ‘Ready?’ he asks, placing his hand on her ankle.
‘I think I am.’ Adelaide looks right in his eyes, but he notices her lips pursed together.
‘If you don’t want to answer it, you don’t have to,’ he tells her. ‘Remember that, okay?’
‘Same goes…’ She carelessly gestures to him, but he got the message. Same goes for him.
‘What is your most unusual talent?’ he asks and he visibly sees her relax when she realizes that these are the types of questions. ‘Want to know mine?’ Maybe that’ll ease her mind even more if he starts.
‘Yes, please.’
‘I can do make a four leave clover with my tongue.’ He shows off the ridiculous thing and Adelaide places her hand in front of her mouth.
‘That’s so weird,’ she chuckles. ‘I can’t even do the roll thing with my tongue.’ She sticks out her tongue, almost looking crossed eyed as she tries to roll her tongue. A laugh leaves his lips. He likes it when she’s goofy with him, it shows him that she trusts him. ‘My unique talent is that I can hit a whistle tone.’ Knowing that he wants to hear it, she clears her throat, does some vocal exercises and goes from a pretty high note, all the way to a whistle tone.
‘Damn,’ he mutters out. ‘So I take it that you can sing too.’
She shrugs. ‘Hardly.’
‘Sing something for me,’ he says with a smile.
‘That wasn’t a question on the get to know me-cards.’ She takes the first one out of his hands and says: ‘Next one.’
He’ll get her to sing.
‘Next question,’ he says, getting another card of the deck. ‘Sing the first song that comes to mind.’ Henry can’t help but laugh, throwing his head back against the wall.
‘It does not say that,’ Adelaide says, snatching the card out of his hands. She frowns as she reads the question and she pouts as she realizes it does say exactly that. ‘This is just mean.’
‘I’ll go first,’ he says. The first song that comes to mind, after totally blanking for five whole seconds is the most ridiculous song he has ever thought of in his entire life and that is all thanks to his mom who played this non stop when he and his brothers were growing up.
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you for ever more
Henry doesn’t get further than two sentences, because he bursts out in laughter when he catches Adelaide’s eye, who is trying her hardest to not laugh at him. He never heard his voice this squeaky and shaky and hides his face in his hand. ‘I’m so sorry you had to listen to that.’
‘Why are you singing Waterloo by Abba? How is that the first song that comes to mind?’
‘It’s all my mothers fault. She used to listen to that song all the time.’
She simply cocks an eyebrow.
‘I blanked, okay and this was the first I could think of. You sing something now.’
Adelaide looks like she is trying to think of all different types of excuses, but knows deep down that she can’t get out of this.
You’re the only one that saves me when I’m alone
You’re the only love that I’ve ever known
But we turned into a flower that never grows
I was hiding like the moonlight that never shows
I should’ve told you that I loved you
One more time, one more time, one more time
She wasn’t looking at him when she sang, but after she said the last “one more time”, their eyes meet and her voice slowly fades out. She had a lovely tone, a warm, nearly hoarse singing voice.
He really does not want her to stop, but he can’t force Adelaide to sing more. The fact that she sang six beautiful sentences to him already, is something he should cherish. ‘Wow,’ he admits. ‘You have a beautiful voice.’
Adelaide doesn’t take the compliment. She simply gestures for the next question. He wants to overload her with compliments, about how she should record an album and he would buy it in a heartbeat, but he decides to listen to her and grab a new question.
‘What celebrity would you most want to sit next to on an airplane?’ he asks.
She smiles. ‘Easy: you.’
‘Me?’ Henry asks, placing his hand on his chest. ‘Why me?’
Adelaide simply shrugs, as a blush appears on her cheeks. ‘I like you.’
She likes him? The smile on his face, is inevitable.
‘But you can pick any celebrity you want,’ he says, ‘and you already know me.’
‘I know,’ she tells him, ‘but I’m not really looking to get to know someone new. I’d rather learn more about people that I already know.’
That is adorable, especially since it’s in the combination with her cheeks turning slightly pink.
‘Who would you like to sit next to on an airplane?’ she asks him.
‘You, of course. We could play some of these cards. You could maybe sing for me.’
‘Shut up,’ she chuckles.
He grins, probably like an idiot and the hidden camera’s here most likely pick up on it. ‘What’s a weird family tradition you have?’
‘Can we skip that one?’ she asks in tiny font. ‘Please?’
He actually doesn’t want to, but he simply nods, taking a sip of his wine. ‘If you joined the circus, what would your act be? I’d be a lion tamer for sure,’ he chuckles. ‘I’d love that.’
‘I could see that happen,’ she says. ‘Especially in a nice costume they always wear. I want to be one of those flexible people.’
‘A contortionist?’ he asks. ‘Why?’
‘That’s fun. Here, see this.’ She straightens her arm in front of her, holding her hand as if she’s telling you non verbally to stop. She turns her hand ninety degrees to the side, another ninety, another ninety, before she actually turned her hand a full 360 degrees.
‘No, no, no,’ he says, as he sees her hand totally twist back to normal. He takes her wrist in his hand, checking her elbow and her shoulder, to see if it’s all okay. ‘That can’t be normal.’
‘Little trick I taught myself back in the day and if you keep it up, you can still do it when you’re older.’ She nods, emphasizing that that it’s true.
‘I believe you.’ He grabs the next question card. ‘Think of a warning label for the other person.’
‘Yours would say…’ Adelaide purses her lips and says: ‘Something about: beware of the charms, because you are by far the most charming man I’ve ever met.’
Henry shouldn’t be blushing, but on the other hand: this is the nicest compliment he has gotten in years. The host of that stupid trivia game kept calling him ‘Handsome Henry with a Brain’ and it annoyed the shit out of him. Being called charming, especially by someone like Adelaide, is something he never knew he wanted this much. ‘That’s sweet, Addy. Yours would be: will kill you with her adorableness.’
She hides her face in her hands, but he is thankful that she does that, since it gives him a moment to hide his own blush.
He finds out a lot about her. She’d rather have teeth as hair, then hair as her teeth (something that he completely agrees with). If she could talk to an animal, she’d talk to a koala because they are so cute, while he would want to talk to Kal. She can’t reach her nose with her tongue, while he on the other hand can.
But he also discovers that she really must have a low tolerance when it comes to alcohol, because after just finishing her glass, she is becoming more and more tired and he watches her drifting off to sleep. He slowly lifts up her legs, so he can stand up. Her neck is craned in a weird position, and he doesn’t want her to feel that in the morning. He lifts her up and carries her to bed. When he placed her on the mattress, she immediately turns around to hug the pillows.
Henry checks the locks and turns off the lights, before he steps into the bed as well. When the room goes completely dark, he hears the soft breathing of Adelaide and he feels her fingers against his arm. He looks to the side, only to see that she is still asleep.
He smiles, before closing his eyes to fall asleep.
◎ ◎ ◎
The next morning Henry wakes up because Adelaide nudges him awake. She is all dressed  up and ready for the day. He stares at her in a lovely white dress, her short light brown hair dancing around her face. The smile on her face is infectious, because he feels one appear on his own face. ‘Good morning,’ she says. ‘I made you breakfast.’
‘You did?’ Henry sits up straight, rubs his face and says: ‘I usually make you breakfast.’
Adelaide nods. ‘I know, but I wanted to do something for you. You know… In return.’ She tells him to hurry and she nearly skips out of the room. He quickly puts on some sweatpants and socks, checking his phone in the process.
Richard: You are definitely doing everything you can to win, now do you?
Why is his agent messaging him? He barely messages him.
Henry: What do you mean?
Richard: I mean, I know you. We’ve been working together for years now. You don’t actually like her now, do you?
Henry: Well, I enjoy her company. I mean, it’s best for me to make most out of it, right?
Richard: That’s not an answer to my question. You like her?
Henry: I like being around her, yes.
Richard: Don’t go catching feelings for her now, Cavill. When you lose, who are you going to blame then?
Henry stares at his phone. Shouldn’t he catch feelings for her? Is that even what he is doing? He meant what he told his agent: he enjoys her company and likes being around her.
But he also likes her. A lot.
He quickly walks downstairs and when he is in the living room, he discovers that Adelaide knows exactly about his preferences. She made orange juice and four sandwiches for him, while she only made two for herself. He also spots some boiled eggs in the middle, some watermelon and even tofu.
‘Wow,’ he says, impressed by the amount of food and how well she actually knows him. This isn’t helping for the not catching feelings, if he even wanted to do that. ‘Really?’
He takes a seat, just like her and takes a sip of the orange juice. It’s weird, but everything always tastes better when it’s made by someone else. They eat, Henry in his own tempo, while she goes in a much slower pace, as usual.
They have established a certain routine already, a morning routine, a night routine—it’s all so domestic and it isn’t even awkward or forced.
‘I read the next challenge and we’re going on a…’ Her voice drifts off and he sees her frown, as she is moving her lips, syllable for syllable. ‘Sca-ven-ger hunt.’
Henry smiles, proud of how quickly she does it. It usually takes a bit more time. ‘That sounds like fun.’
‘Probably with a twist again,’ she says, taking a bite of tofu.
He can’t help but be amused with how she eats, almost like a hamster. She pouts her lips as she chews, staring into the space. He wonders why she eats so slowly, why she doesn’t even talk his ear off?
Was he disappointed yesterday that she did’t answer that question about a weird family tradition? Sure, but he told her himself that if she doesn’t want to answer anything, she doesn’t need to. And she felt safe enough to tell him her boundaries.
After they ate, he reads the card and he quickly gets ready for real this time. When he comes back, he sees her sitting on the couch, her posture amazing as always. He grabs the keys and he sees she actually has a brown paper bag filled with goods as she stands up.
For a few moments Henry thinks that they are just going on a trip together, no camera’s, just them. He can see it happen: going to the beach, with the snacks Adelaide packed and just enjoying the sun.
But when he opens the car door for her and sees not only the carseat and the camera’s, he realizes again he is on the Celebrity Project.
◎ ◎ ◎
They have to drive for at least an hour and it’s actually Adelaide that turns on the radio. They hear One Direction’s Best Song Ever and Henry doesn’t want to admit that he knows this song by heart and that it’s his favorite song by the former band.
He doesn’t want to sing it, but then he hears Adelaide’s beautiful voice sing: ‘Maybe it’s the way she walked.’
He can’t help but to growl out: ‘Wow!’
She opens her mouth to sing the second line, but the ‘wow’ stops her and she looks to the side. ‘Oh my, is Henry Cavill a Directioner?’
‘Please don’t call it that,’ he says, a blush appearing on his cheeks. Great, if they put this in the next episode (and they will, Henry knows for sure), the whole world will know that Henry Cavill is a Directioner.
‘This is cute,’ Adelaide laughs. ‘Tell me, who was your favorite.’
Knowing he can’t get out of this, he mumbles: ‘Harry.’
‘Niall Horan,’ she says. She places her hand on his forearm for a brief moment. ‘No need to blush, Henry. It’s quite cute.’
Adelaide continues to sing and Henry decides to just sing along, not caring anymore about his singing voice. They even sing a few ABBA songs and the song she actually sang yesterday, “I should’ve told you’’ by Fiji Blue. He had never heard of it, but he concludes that her voice is beyond beautiful and fits this type of song perfectly.
‘Our voices go well together,’ she admits, after their duet of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, the official version of Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. ‘When you’re not singing ABBA songs, you have a nice voice.’
He pinches her in her side, causing her to squeal. ‘Careful now, Addy,’ he chuckles. ‘Otherwise I have to push you off your carseat.’
‘Mean,’ she says, rolling her eyes. ‘Maybe after this, you could participate in those shows where celebrities who aren’t singers, go on and sing songs for charity as well.’
‘Only if you are my partner,’ he says. ‘I don’t want to go alone.’
Adelaide frowns, before she nods. ‘We do work good together, don’t we?’
‘We do,’ he says.
She stares at him for a few seconds, he can see it out of the corners of his eyes. ‘Can we stop for a minute?’ she asks, pointing to a gas station. ‘I have to pee.’
He gets off the lane, parks the car and together they walk inside. A crew follows them, after they parked the car that drove behind them the entire time. Adelaide rushes to the bathroom and he goes on and buys some bottles of water and an iced coffee. The man behind the counter is pretty nice and they talk a bit about the show, but when Adelaide walks out of the bathroom, shaking her hands dry, the man completely ignores Henry. ‘Miss Adelaide Park?’ The man gets away from behind the counter, brings some paper towels for Adelaide and hands them to her. ‘I’m big fan.’
‘Oh,’ she says with a smile, drying her hands. ‘That’s sweet.’
‘I loved all your movies, but ‘Remembering High School.’ He kisses his fingers. ‘Amazing. I watch over and over.’
Henry leans against the counter and he can’t help but smile.
‘Really? What is your… favorite episode?’
‘Where you graduate. Very sweet, very beautiful and emotional. Me and girlfriend cry a lot about it.’
He wants to take a picture with Adelaide and Henry offers to take it for them. Adelaide actually stands on her tippy toes, to look a bit taller. The man is very happy to have met Adelaide and she even records a little video for the man’s girlfriend, something that Henry never thought of doing.
He did see some fan videos on YouTube of Adelaide with fans and it always warmed his heart. The way she takes her time.
Adelaide manages to tear herself away from the man and the two of them get back in the car. ‘Did he even notice that you were Superman?’ she asks.
He shakes his head. ‘I mean, I’m pretty famous, but nowhere near as famous as you are.’
‘That’s not true,’ she says, as he drives off.
For a few seconds, he places his hand on her thigh. ‘It is, Addy and you can admit it. No need to be humble about that.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Their first challenge contains eating certain cuisines from all over the world and in order to win, both of them have to take a bite of every dish. Every person has one pass, but if they don’t use it, they get even extra points.
Henry rubs his hands together, because he likes to broaden his horizon when it comes to food and this seems like an easy challenge to win. He isn’t afraid of trying out new things and he wonders what Adelaide is like with different types of cuisines.
Adelaide takes off the silver cover off the food. Instead of water running out of his mouth in anticipation, Henry nearly gags when his eyes fall on the first dish. ‘What on earth is that?’ he asks, placing his hand over his mouth.
Adelaide grabs the card and without looking away from the dish, she hands him the piece of paper says: ‘I think it’s on here. It looks like a spider.’
Henry clears his throat, before he reads the card. ‘It’s a fried tarantula and it originated from Colombia. It’s crispy on the outside, and gooey on the inside.’
Adelaide grabs one by its paw and holds it front of her, inspecting the snack.
‘They also say it tastes a bit like chicken,’ he continues. ‘Can I use my pass already? Because this is— Oh fuck, Adelaide, what are you doing?’
Full of disgust he stares at the petite woman in front of him, who actually took a bite of the most unappetizing looking snack ever. Did she actually just do that or is he hallucinating? He sure hopes it’s the latter.
However she looks up and says: ‘It does taste like chicken. You want to have a bite? It’s really not that bad.’
‘Did you actually just eat that?’ he asks, just in case he was hallucinating.
‘Yes.’ She frowns, staring at him with the biggest: are you fucking blind-face he has ever encountered in his entire life. ‘Come on, don’t be a big fat baby.’ She holds the disgusting looking fried tarantula in front of his mouth. ‘Henry, take a bite.’
‘Is it really not that bad?’ he says, as he feels vomit come up. He can’t seem to do it, because it’s… so disgusting.
‘It’s actually pretty good.’
With a scrunched up face, he opens his mouth, closes it again when he thinks about it for a while and shakes his head. ‘I can’t do it. This is disgusting.’
‘You already want to use your pass? What if the next thing is even more disgusting?’ She frowns. ‘I thought you wanted to win, Henry. Do you give up already?’
That is true. He wants to win and he keeps thinking about her holding him back, but now it’s the other way around. He holds her wrist and brings the disgusting looking snack to his mouth. Only Adelaide scares him by moving the tarantula in front of his mouth. Henry lets out a scream that is much higher than expected and he nearly tumbles backwards. She folds over as she laughs out loud. ‘You should’ve seen your face and what was that scream? You sounded like al little girl.’
‘That is really mean,’ he says, his heart pounding painfully in his throat. He watches as Adelaide places the thing on the tray again and wipes away the tears in her eyes. ‘I can’t believe you did that.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ she laughs, but she doesn’t mean it at all. ‘But I saw my moment and took it. You can’t blame me.’
He chuckles softly, because it was pretty funny and he would’ve done it the exact same thing. It takes him a few seconds, but he quickly takes a bite and chews on it, trying not to taste it.
But Adelaide was right: it does taste like chicken.
The next thing, makes her clap her hands. ‘Beondegi,’ she says with a chuckle.
‘You know this dish?’ he asks, looking at the most disgusting pile of silkworms on the plate.
‘My mom made this once.’ Her expressions falters a bit, but before he can comment on that, she says: ‘It’s not that bad, but not great either. It reminded her of home, so that’s why we ate it.’ She grabs a tiny skewer and sticks one on it, before she eats it.
‘You know no fear, now do you?’ he says, a smile appearing on his face, because he is in fact proud of her. ‘How are you such a dare devil?’
‘I can eat everything,’ Adelaide says, simply shrugging. ‘Come on, eat it.’ She sticks another one on the skewer and holds it near his lips. ‘I won’t scare you this time, I promise you.’
He takes a step closer to her and quickly eats it. Oh shit, it has no taste, but the texture makes him shiver. Henry actually doesn’t want to continue this, but she is right: he wants to win and besides, if she can eat it without blinking her eyes twice, so should he, right?
They continue to eat other disgusting things. Adelaide fed him grasshoppers that didn’t taste that bad, except for the surprising juice that came out of it. The frog legs were disgusting and they even ate some crocodile and whale. It is surprising that Adelaide continued to persuade him into eating all those disgusting things, but he has to really. She eats it without hesitation and since he doesn’t want to look like a wimp, he eats it too.
However, he does feel like he needs to throw up any second now.
They are at the last tray and Adelaide steps back when she lifts up the cover. ‘No, I’m not eating that,’ she says.
He stares at the very unappetizing snack on the tray, before he starts to laugh. ‘That’s escargot, Addy.’
‘I know that, but I’m not eating that.’
‘You ate all of that,’—he gestures at the rest of the table—‘but this you won’t eat? What is wrong with you?’
She gives him a push that brings herself out of balance and he has to catch her arms before she tumbles over. ‘Well, this is really disgusting. I mean— Henry, stop laughing.’
‘I can’t help it! You are being ridiculous.’
She grabs the tray and holds it in front of him. ‘Well, eat it first then.’
Adelaide Park, the sweet woman he has come to adore—oh no, is he falling for her?—is actually testing him right now? Is he seeing that correctly?
Henry doesn’t actually want to. ‘How about we use our pass?’
‘If you eat it,’ Adelaide says, ‘I’ll eat it too. Promise.’
He takes something off the plate and barely chews on it, before he eats it. ‘Disgusting,’ he gags.
‘You are a big baby,’ she chuckles, before she takes one off the plate and she eats it without a hitch, though she scrunches up her nose. ‘Strange texture.’
‘I can’t believe you,’ he chuckles. ‘You know no fear.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Their next challenge is not one, not two, but three dance classes. The first class is a kids dance class. henry has no idea what kind of song this is, but he feels it’s in the baby shark category. The young Italian kids continue to look over their shoulders, to stare at him, before looking over at Adelaide, who must be less intimidating to them.
After the most tiring hour of his life, Henry becomes the laughingstock of the training, because the little kids insist on him and Adelaide performing the dance. However Adelaide starts to laugh, causing the kids to burst into a fit of giggles, especially when she falls on the floor because of how hard she is laughing at his not so great performance.
After that, they have to attend a line dance class and somehow Henry is a whole lot better in that, than Adelaide is. He holds out his hand for her to take and hoists her right back up when she trips. He never would’ve thought that this was something that he would enjoy, but seeing the alternations between Adelaide’s frown and her infectious laugh, he has to admit that this is nice. The people who are teaching them the dance are friendly and someone even lends out his cowboy hat for Adelaide to wear, completing the look.
With a water bottle in their hands, they walk through the corridors to the next and thankfully final dancing class. ‘This is intense,’ Adelaide comments. ‘But you looked like quite the cowboy, mister Cavill.’
He can’t help but laugh. ‘And you fit right in with the kids. About the same height.’
She slaps his stomach and he chuckles. ‘What do you think is next?’ she asks.
‘I have no idea. Maybe tap?’
She bursts out in laughter. ‘I would pay money to see you tap dance.’
However it’s not tap dancing they are going to do (thankfully), but salsa dancing. The age ratio in this room is probably sixty plus, but these people know exactly how to move. One woman spots them and quickly stops the music. ‘Oh! Superman!’ she exclaims, but when she walks over to them, her eyes fall on Adelaide. ‘Oh my, Adelaide Park. Beautiful woman! So talented. You here for dance class?’
Adelaide nods.
The woman pulls Adelaide into a tight hug. ‘We watched your movies,’ she tells Adelaide, holding her upper arms. ‘You are fenomenale!’
Henry watches his partner starting to blush. ‘She is,’ he agrees.
‘My name is Elena.’ She ushers a man over and introduces him as her husband Gianluca. ‘I really look forward to teach you the basics.’
Elena helps him with the basics, while Gianluca is helping out Adelaide. He constantly hears Adelaide apologize for yet again stepping on the older man’s feet, but he doesn’t seem to care.
Salsa is a lot harder than he thought it would be, but Elena is an excellent teacher, who, with her sternness, teaches him exactly what to do. He continues to hear that he apparently has very stiff hips, while he genuinely thought he wasn’t that bad.
‘You know, how you do boom-boom?’ Elena says.
Boom-boom? ‘What?’
The entire room looks over to them and he notices Adelaide trying to hide a smile. Did Elena really have to yell that word out loud? ‘I do know my way around,’ he says, his throat tightening out of discomfort.
‘No hips forward and backwards, but do same thing, same power, but sideways.’
He doesn’t quite understand, but when Elena places her hands on his hips, forcing him to “sway” his hips sideways, he feels pretty uncomfortable, but when he looks over at Adelaide, those discomforts all seem to go away, when he notices her still watching and still smiling.
‘You finally get it,’ Elena says. ‘Gianluca! How did Adelaide do?’
‘Very good. Very talented.’
‘Superman,’ the older woman says, ‘you and Adelaide show us how you can do this.’
Henry’s heart starts to pound painfully fast and he figures the entire room can either see or hear it. Elena pats him on the back, as she tells him to stand in the middle of the dance room. Gianluca escorts Adelaide towards the middle. ‘Nervous?’ Elena asks him.
‘What? No, no, no,’ Henry quickly says, though it’s a lie. He is really nervous.
‘Pretty woman,’ Gianluca says. ‘Intimidating for you. I understand.’
Adelaide looks away, but he notices the smile on her face. She is amused. He holds out his hand after he wiped it dry on his jeans and she places her in his. He pulls her body closer to his, as he places his hand on her back. Her other hand she places on his bicep, as her eyes meet his.
‘Don’t just look,’ Elena says. ‘Dance!’
Dancing with her was easy and out of the corners of his eye he noticed that Adelaide had no problem dancing with Elena’s husband. She was actually a pretty good dancer from what he saw.
Just what he did with the older woman, he does that with Adelaide, but he feels the swaying of her hips underneath the palm of his hand. Henry swallows hard as he leans forward, to place his forehead against hers, her hot breath against his lips.
The older people that were all around them, dancing and laughing at them before, are now all clapping on the beat of the music, but Henry only has eyes for Adelaide Park. He feels her nails in his bicep and he has to swallow, since his throat became real dry all of the sudden.
‘Is this okay?’ he whispers, just in case, because he really doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
‘This is okay,’ she chuckles. ‘You’re a good dancer, Henry.’
Henry feels her body closely against his. Feeling her forehead against his, her lips so close to his… He wonders about her dating history. Her kiss on ‘Remembering High School was her first and after that she lived in the spotlights and she never dated. Well, she never publicly dated and not because she is undateable (she is a whole catch, if Henry is being completely honest), but he thinks that she has been single since the moment she came into the spotlight. Who does that many movies a year and has time to date?
However, when he thinks about it, she is becoming more and more touchy. And not in a weird, sexual harassment sort of way. More in a way as if she is looking for comfort. She slides her feet under his thigh, doesn’t pull back her legs when he places her ankles on his lap and during the night, her fingers keep grazing over his skin.
And now, her hand holds onto his tightly and he notices her fingertips disappear underneath the hem of his sleeve.
The music stops, but he does not let go. He can’t even let go. There are so many things that he want to do. Pull her even closer to his body if that’s possible, to push that strand of hair out of her face and let his thumb graze over the apple of her cheek.
Don’t go catching feelings for her now. When you lose, who are you going to blame then?
Henry clears his throat, hoping to get the words of his agent out of his head, but Adelaide must have interpreted differently, because she lets go of him, smiling quickly at him, before turning around and giving Elena a hug.
◎ ◎ ◎
Comments a week later when the episode airs:
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Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @jolly-polly​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @maan24​ // @diegos-butt​ / @agniavateira​ // @onlyhenrys​ // @turkish276​ //
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Imaginary (Jumin x MC)
Chapter one here!
(Also to explain something! Both Bada and Eun are random characters I made up, I like to think that the island was already inhabited by some people, and that Jumin’s father bought part of it, in Saeran’s Normal End, he and MC talk about how the locals are all nice and stuff, so I wanted to add something like this here :D, OH AND! These are the sort of edited chapters, I will post the fully edited ones in AO3!)
AND feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this one was kinda short! Next chapter we WILL get some cute kiddo Jumin, I promise :P
Chapter 2
In the end you weren’t able to find the ghost. That week your mother had been leaving you with heavy amounts of homework, and you hadn’t been able to go outside since by the time you finished it was always too dark, and your mother was home. You were also tired from the amount of history dates and math formulas you had to learn. Your mother wasn’t going to let you fall behind all of your classmates, but she also took it a bit too far and made you study things that even they hadn’t even seen yet.
Thus, your search for the ghost was cancelled. You weren’t able to see Bada and Eun either, which sucked since their food was so delicious last time, and you really wanted some more. In the meantime though, you spent your days reading about ghosts, and how to capture them or see them.
You wanted so badly to find the ghost! But you didn’t have the time. The thing that made it worse was that you were sure there was someone there, you always saw a small shadow by the windows, but as soon as you tried to get closer, it disappeared.
One night, you laid in your bed, unable to sleep and thinking about the ghost. It was about 11pm, your mother was already sleeping and you were sure everyone on the island was too. It made you feel weird, thinking that maybe you were the only one awake. Still, you decided to do something.
Soemthing reckless.
Slowly, very, very slowly, you got out of your bed and put on some shoes that you had in your closet. Then, you grabbed your favorite sweater, and gently opened the sliding door in your room, that led to a little porch. You tiptoed and went down the stairs, quickly running towards the enormous mansion. It was way closer than you had actually thought, and you saw a fence that probably led to the backyard. The fence was tall, no way you could’ve climbed that thing.
But that wasn’t going to stop you.
Somehow you managed to get on top of the fence. It was pretty tall, but you found that if you climbed a tree, and then jumped off from there to the fence, maybe it could work.
It- it didn’t.
Well it did, but you landed on your face and you tried your best to hold back a cry. Still, not wanting to give up, you slowly stood up and walked into the garden.
You were trembling, afraid of the dark, and you were about to reach for your flashlight when you realized...that you hadn’t brought your flashlight.
Welp, you’re dead now, I guess.
You mentally slapped yourself and gulped. There was no one around, and who knows when an opportunity like this might come again? But at the same time, it was way too dark, and you were going to be looking for ghosts. That was way too scary, especially without a flashlight. Then, an idea popped into your head. How about, you go running to your house, quickly grab the flashlight and then come back? You were pretty fast, and you were sure the ghosts couldn’t have noticed your presence yet.
You quickly turned around to go, open the fence door and race to your home, when you heard some footsteps behind you. And you froze.
“Who are you?” A voice said. It sounded like it belonged to a boy, but you didn’t want to find out if that was true or not, and you didn’t even turn around as you let out a small scream. You quickly ran towards the door, struggling a bit to open it.
Fuck it was stuck.
You pushed and pushed, the sound of footsteps coming closer towards you, and a different deeper voice coming from inside the house. Finally, the door bulged and opened, and you took your chance to run away. You didn’t stop until you were safe, under your covers and with all your plushies surrounding you.
That was scary as fuck.
You weren’t able to sleep that night.
When your mother woke you up at 6am, you stared up groggily at her, and she scolded you about staying up late, and that no matter how tired you were, she wanted to see all your work done when she came home.
You of course, decided to leave at lunch time to go and talk with Eun and Bada. You hadn’t seen them in a while and you were actually pretty hungry, the only thing that your mother had left you was another container filled with spaghetti and you were honestly tired of eating it for both lunch and dinner four days in a row.
So, you took your leave and followed the little path towards the village, this time stopping to admire the whole place. The village was up on some mountains, so you were able to see the sea from up above. You could see some men in boats, carrying heavy bags filled with fish, and women with scuba diving equipment coming out of the water. Then, when you looked up towards the other mountain, you saw what looked like a temple. It was red and huge, and you made a mental note to ask both Eun and Bada about it.
Finally, you made it to their house, and you were about to knock on the door, when Bada suddenly opened it.
She was going to say something when she looked down at you and you gave her a big smile.
“Well look who’s back! If it isn’t our little explorer. Found anything interesting these past few days?” She asked, as she motioned for you to come inside. You replied to Bada that, yes you had actually found some very interesting things, but before she could reply Eun came out from the shower, her hair dripping wet, and singing some really catchy song in another language. Then she stopped, looked at you and squealed, running over and giving you a tight hug.
“Hey Y/N! How’s your little ghost adventure going? Come come, we were about to have some lunch, you came at the perfect time! Oh sir here! And tell me everything about it, I don’t want you to skip over any detail.” She gently shoved you into a chair and then gave you a plate full of some Korean dish you didn’t really know the name of, but looked absolutely delicious.
As the two women sat down in front of you, you explained your adventure with the ghost yesterday.
“There was really someone there! He even talked to me!” You said.
Eun raised and eyebrow and gave you a quizzical smile. “Really? Do you have any proof?”
You quickly stopped and became quiet. Dammit!
“I...I don’t have any yet! But, there really was someone there! Seriously! I just...I forgot to bring my camera....” you confessed.
“Well there you go! You need evidence if you want to convince us you know?”
“You mean convince you. I believe in ghost and I think it’s probable that Y/N saw one.” Badda said, as she glared at Eun.
“Ah Bada seriously! Listen kiddo, I will admit that ghosts are real if I actually get to see one. If you manage to give me evidence I’ll believe you, but for now you don’t have any proof.”
“I will get some! You’ll see!” You confidently said.
The rest of the evening passed by quickly, as Bada explained about the temple up in the mountain. Appears you it was a temple that was able to grant each person one wish.
After wards you thanked them for the food and then you quickly looked at your watch and let out a little yelp. “Oops! I have to go now! Thank you for the food, it was great!”
“Wait Y/N, what about my book? Have you-”
“BYE BADA!” You quickly said and left the house in a hurry before Bada could finish her sentence.
You could hear her grumbling and Eun laughing from the other side of the door and you smiled.
You were going to get that evidence!
You quickly went home, and then started working on your homework.
That day, as you stared at your blank notebook while sitting on your desk, you went through the events that had happened last night.
There was certainly a ghost there, maybe even two, since you had heard two people talking. The ghost knew you were already there though, and that would make things hard. So you decided to make up a plan to show Eun and Bada that you were telling the truth. You quickly grabbed your pencil and took off a blank page from your notebook.
Ghost hunting plan:
You wrote, and then you bit the end of your pencil as you thought about what to do.
First of all, you had to bring a flashlight. That was one of the things that was the most important. You weren’t going to deal with two ghosts, in the dark.
Second, you had to bring your camera. That was on the top of the priority list too, since you did need it to take a picture of the ghost.
Still...you were pretty shaken up from yesterday and you didn’t want to be completely alone.
What if you brought one of your favorite toys? No that would make the whole process of climbing the fence harder....and if you were to bring something else, it definetly had to be that book about ghosts. Somewhere in there had to be some sort of ritual or spell or something, that would protect you from ghosts. So you decided to bring it!
And hell, to do it that same night!
Satisfied with your plan, and now a bit more confident with everything, you started doing the homework you mother had left you. Normally you would leave it and do it at the last moment, but today you were inspired and you had to have everything ready for the ghost hunting trip!
When your mother came home she immediatly went to bed, taking your work and locking her door. You then did your normal bedtime routine, washing the dishes, brushing your teeth and taking a warm shower. But then, instead of going to sleep, you sat on your bed with the book in your hands, and you counted down till your mother was asleep.
It was about 10pm, you could hear your mother snoring al the way from her room, and you slowly stood up and grabbed your sweater, some sneakers, the flashlight, the camera and the book. Of course you couldn’t hold everything at once, so the book was in a tiny backpack, and the camera was hanging from your neck. Alright! You were now ready!
Slowly, you opened the sliding doors, and tiptoed out of the porch. You turned on your flashlight and began walking towards the mansion, your camera ready. The lens cap protector thing, was off, and you had night vision on, so you were pretty good!
You finally made it towards the fence, and managed to climb it, this time without falling flat on your face. You gave a little victory dance as you looked around the garden.
It was...really beautiful.
The garden was filled with all kinds of flowers, purple, yellow, red, blue, and there were the bushes you had always heard about! One was in the shape of an elephant, the other one was in the shape of a horse and on and on. In the center of the garden, there was a huge fountain, that was turned off at the moment, which was a bit disappointing. There was also a stone path, that went all around the garden and then probably led somewhere inside the house.
You stood there for a bit, admiring the view. Yesterday was so dark, and you were so scared that you hadn’t been able to see anything. But tonight the moon was out, shining brightly and illuminating everything in front of you. It was beautiful.
Then, you heard some footsteps, and you quickly hid behind a bush. That’s right, you were here looking for a ghost, not to gape at that wonderful garden!
Dammit Y/N, pull yourself together! You thought, as you tried to figure out where the footsteps were coming from. You cowered a bit as they came closer and closer, almost in front of you. You slowly peeked from behind the bush, and saw a silhouette.
A boys silhouette to be more precise. He looked to be around your age, and he was wearing blue stripped pijamas, his hair all messy on top of his head. It was clear he had just woken up, and was looking for something...or for someone.
Drat! You thought. The ghost of the little boy already knew you were going to come back again! Maybe you should have waited a few days before coming back, but you were just so impatient.
Anyway, you had to make up a plan. You had left the fence door open in case you needed to make an impromptu escape, and you gave yourself a pat in the back for thinking that far ahead. What you had to do now, was to take a picture of the ghost. Slowly, very,very slowly you raised your camera to get a picture of the ghost.
He had his back to you, the moonlight shining behind him, giving him a very paranormal aura. Still, for some reason the lense wouldn’t focus, so you decided to move forward a bit to get a better look. Sadly, you miscalculated and you accidentally stepped on a dry leaf, making the ghost turn around in your direction, his face filled with worry but at the same time, confidence.
Then you stopped.
Damn he was cute.
You hadn’t seen his face till now, and you were taken aback by it. He was definetly a very good looking boy, one the girls in your class might go all crazy about. Never in your life had you felt something like you were feeling now. Could it be....love at first sight?
No! He’s a ghost, I can’t fall in love with a ghost, how would that even work?! You scolded yourself. Still, you didn’t stop your staring at the boy. Thankfully he hadn’t seemed to notice you were there, and before you could even think about it, you pressed the camera button and a loud CLICK was heard through the bushes.
And then a bright light came on.
You forgot to turn off the flash.
The boy let out a surprised gasp, and called out, but before he could once again catch you, you quickly got up and ran away from the place. You heard the footsteps following behind you, but you were faster and a few minutes later you didn’t hear anything else, and you slowed your pace.
That was close.
You triumphantly smiled as you looked through the pictures on your camera. Granted they weren’t super high quality, but you could make out the boys silhouette.
Hehe, now to become a millionaire! You celebrated. You sneaked back into your room and placed your camera and flashlight on your desk. Then you were going to grab your paranormal book from your backpack when...you didn’t find anything.
You turned your backpack upside down and staked it as hard as possible, but still nothing would come out.
Bada’s book.
Oh no.
Oh no.
If Bada found out you lost her book, you wouldn’t be able to have lunch at her home ever again! And you would loose the only...friends (?) you had in this island. You couldn’t allow that! You always had to return what you borrowed, that was one thing your mother would always say, and this time she was right! After all, Bada lent you soemthing really important to her, and you couldn’t bear to think about coming back to her home empty handed.
Still...you weren’t going to go back into the house. It was way to dark now, you were sleepy and you were sure the ghost was porbably waiting in the garden, somewhere.
What to do, what to do? You asked yourself as you put on your pijamas and laid in bed.
It must have fallen off somewhere along the way, you thought, so maybe you wouldn’t have to go into the garden after all.
Then you got it!
What if, tomorrow morning you went into the garden? There weren’t going to be any ghosts since it was daytime, you reasoned, and it would be way easier to find the book. After all, there would be no one around the mansion to scold you, or to tell you to leave! It was the perfect plan!
You tucked yourself into bed and looked up confidently at the ceiling. You were going to get that book!
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ghostiesblog · 3 years
happy 100 followers!!!!!!!!! could you write a small flarrie secret admirer drabble? if not that’s totally ok!! congrats again!!!
Thank you anon!!! This is NOT a small drabble lmao I have no concept of doing anything in moderation. Might even edit it a bit in a while and post it on ao3. Thank you for the awesome prompt. Here ya go:
I'm not magical, I can't read your mind
Pairings: Flarrie | Warnings: none
There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. And she has no idea who put it there.
Well- she does know who put it there, she knows that it’s Nick’s job this year to distribute the Valentine’s Day roses and messages, a school tradition that Flynn normally despises and mocks to no end. But someone must have bought the rose, addressed it to her and handed it in and Flynn absolutely cannot fathom who would do that for her.
Definitely not the person she wishes this was from. But now is not the time to think about that.
Almost frantically, she scans the rose for an attached message, or at least an indication about who the sender is.
Nothing. In fact, it looks like the cardboard tag has been ripped off, leaving only the corner with her own name, attached to a piece of string.
“Ooh”, Julie says, waggling her eyebrows, when she spots Flynn puzzling over her flower. “Who’s this from?”
“No idea”, Flynn says, dragging her thumb across the jagged edges of the destroyed tag. “No idea…”
Later in the hallway, Flynn tries her best to stealthily transfer the rose from her backpack into her locker. She fails, obviously, because she when she looks around she catches Carrie blatantly staring at her from a few feet away.
“What?” she snaps, irritably. Yes, Carrie has very clearly been trying to be nicer to both her and Julie, but Flynn is still weary of this new found peace.
She also might be a bit annoyed simply because she got a rose and it isn’t from Carrie.
Immediately, something in Carrie’s posture changes and her face scrunches up.
“Nothing”, she says. “Just wondering who’s stupid enough to send you a rose.”
Flynn feels like she’s been punched in the chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” she says incredulously.
“Don’t you hate valentine’s day?” Carrie asks and now Flynn is just confused. Why does she still remember that?
“It’s anonymously”, Julie chimes in unhelpfully. “From a secret admirer”
She sings those last words teasingly, like she’s done all the way through English lesson. Like she has any room to talk with the songs Luke and her write about each other on the daily.
Carrie raises an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed.
“Someone sent you a rose and didn’t even write their name? That’s so stupid.”
“It’s not-“, Flynn starts and then breaks off. Why does she suddenly feel defensive over this anonymous sender?
“Sounds like a coward to me”, Carrie says with a sickly sweet smile before turning away. “See you in music”, she calls and disappears down the hallway.
“What has made her revert back to demon today?” Julie says, sounding as confused as Flynn feels.
Flynn doesn’t expect any follow up after the rose on Valentine’s Day. It has been fun coming up with more and more wild theories with Julie and the band (the latest being that it’s a ghost who has fallen for Flynn when they saw her setting up the lightshow at the Orpheum), but to Flynn at least it is clear that that was the end of it.
So when she finds a small envelope on her desk the next morning, it takes her a bit to figure out what’s happening here.
Inside, she finds a small piece of paper with, curiously enough, words clearly written by a real typewriter on it.
To: Flynn
I’m sorry I’m a mess,
But you simply make me speechless.
I couldn’t let you go without a note,
After I trashed the first one I wrote,
So let me just say, though this is nothing new,
I seem to have hopelessly fallen for you.
When Carrie catches Julie and Flynn pouring over the poem during lunch while walking past their table, she scoffs.
“A bit cliché, don’t you think?”
Flynn scowls and hides the note with her hand. “Go away Carrie”
“The meter’s off”, Carrie says haughtily before stalking off.
“How did she spot that so fast?” Julie exclaims incredulously.
The next note shows up in Flynn’s bag while she’s working on a Spanish presentation with Nick and Carrie.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like your music,
And your rapping too
“Now that’s just tacky”, Carrie says, while spying over Flynn’s shoulder.
Flynn rolls her eyes.
No poem today, just wanted to say that your smile made my day.
“They’re not even trying anymore, are they?” Carrie mocks.
With your gentle soul and your kind eyes,
You chase away the clouds in the skies,
Never met a person, so loyal and strong
And anyone who had you, would be a lucky one.
“Skies? This sounds ridiculous!”
Flynn curses the fact that Carrie keeps seeing these.
I’d write you a song, but no melody is beautiful enough to fit you.
Even Julie calls that one cheesy but for once, even though she sits right there with them, Carrie has nothing to say.
Flynn looks on confused while Carrie scribbles into her notebook with a pinched expression on her face, pen gripped so tightly that it looks like it might break any second.
“She needs to finish this new Dirty Candy song by tomorrow”, Nick explains.
“Yeah and I hate everything I write the second it’s on the page!” Carrie growls, clearly completely lost in whatever she’s dealing with.
I try to tell you every day,
But you just take my breath away
These rhymes seem silly and never enough
Forgive me, I am blinded by love
“Coming on a bit strong there.”
And she’s back.
Hi Flynn,
I think I’m giving up on the rhyming- It’s a bit strange, isn’t it? Also I swear I’m not a stalker! Just a girl who likes you a lot and is too scared to tell you.
You looked so pretty at the dance yesterday, and you were awesome as a DJ- you always are.
“Surely you must be fed up with this nonsense by now?” Carrie asks, when Flynn passes her on her way out of the classroom, the newest note folded neatly in her hand.
The thing is- Flynn is annoyed. But not exactly by the letters. Her secret admirer is sweet and earnest, seems to love music as much as Flynn and all of her friends do and the little poems always brighten her day.
What’s annoying is that she still can’t figure out who this mysterious person with a crush on her is. And that the person she wishes it was is intend on mocking the whole thing to the best of her abilities.
Every time a new note shows up, Carrie is there, ready to tear it into pieces with pointed words and vicious critiques.
Flynn tries to not let it affect her too much. Otherwise, Carrie has been perfectly civil, friendly even and it feels like a bit of their old friendship is restoring, slowly, piece by piece. And what she says about the letters is mostly directed at this person that none of them really know, not at Flynn herself.
It still feels personal, somehow.
I had a bad day today, but you were really nice to me. It made it all a bit better. Thank you.
It’s when Carrie one day snatches one of the notes right out of Flynn’s hand to call it “embarrassing”, “awkward” and “clumsy”, that something in her just snaps.
“You know what Carrie”, she says, loudly, almost shouting it even, “can you, for once, just keep your unnecessary comments to yourself?”
Almost immediately, Carrie’s arrogant smile falls and Flynn uses the moment of surprise to steal back her piece of paper.
“You’ve been so mean to this person. I don’t know what your issue is here but I need you to back off on the attitude. I might not know who this is from, so I don’t even know if I like whoever is writing these but I like the letters.”
Carrie looks absolutely shocked, completely frozen in place, her jaw clenched tightly. Good.
“Yes, they might not be perfect”, Flynn barrels on, “but they’re honest, and raw and so, so kind and I can tell that they come from the heart and isn’t that the most important thing?!”
Without waiting for an answer, Flynn picks up her bag that she leaned against the lockers when she discovered the note and brushes past Carrie. She knows she’s a bit too worked up, but it has been a trying week.
Only a few moments later she realizes that she saw tears forming in Carrie’s eyes.
In Spanish class, Flynn notices the glaring absence of Carrie in the seat in front of her and a little bit of guilt starts building up inside of her. She has no idea what’s going on, but something clearly is up so after their teacher finally lets them go, Flynn goes on to try and find Carrie.
The music room is one of the first places Flynn thinks of and sure enough, she can hear gentle piano notes and Carrie’s voice singing very quietly drifting through the slightly cracked door.
Before barging in, Flynn stops short when she recognizes parts of the lyrics. Is that- one of the poems she received only a week ago?
Slowly, she tiptoes into the room. What she sees is Carrie, cross-legged at the piano, bent over her notebook full of scribbles that she’s clearly reading from and that somehow contain parts of the poetry that has been a big mystery to Flynn and all of her friends for so long. Just now Carrie’s singing the words that are undeniable not just poems, but song lyrics, and she has added onto them and-
Flynn doesn’t understand anything anymore.
“Carrie!” she says, before she can stop herself. Carrie flinches and bolts away from the piano, the chair clattering down to the floor in the process.
“Flynn”, she breathes, looking terrified.
“I-“, Flynn stutters, “What’s going on? Is this some kind of prank?” She doesn’t think she could take that.
“No!” Carrie yells and immediately winces at her volume. “No, I would never do that to you”
“Then why-“, Flynn is getting more confused every second, “you wrote those? I thought you hated- the notes, I though you hated the notes”
To her horror, Carrie is now actually crying.
“I do hate the notes, I mean I feel so stupid, you hate Valentine’s Day and then I send you a rose, but I just- I like so much and I didn’t know what to do and I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t and then I wrote you those notes but they always sounded so stupid to me”
Carrie is full on panic rambling now and Flynn is barely processing all this new information that is thrown at her.
“I just couldn’t stop myself and then you said you actually like the notes? But I know you’d never like me, as a person, I mean I am awesome as a performer but horrible as a friend, let alone as a girlfriend and-“
“Carrie-“, Flynn tries to intersect, “Carrie!”
Carrie stops and finally looks at her, wide eyed.
“I do like you, as a person”, Flynn says. Her heart is beating out of her chest but she is not letting this go.
“I- what?” Carrie looks as confused as Flynn felt just a minute ago. “You do?”
“Yes”, Flynn says and now she can’t stop the smile on her face, “I really like you. Actually, I always wished those notes were from you.”
Carrie blinks. “You. Okay. Okay. Um- I really didn’t-“
Flynn laughs. “Deep Breaths Carrie.”
“I don’t really know what to do with this now, I’m not good at all this”, Carrie says, waving her hands around but she’s smiling too now, wider with every moment.
“How about a date? Milkshakes?” Flynn asks and she doesn’t even feel afraid anymore.
“Yes”, Carrie says, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “I’d love that.”
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snowdice · 4 years
Little Kestrel (Part 6)[Birds of Different Feathers Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Patton & Virgil (future Virgil/Patton but not in this story)
Main: Logan, Patton, Virgil
Appear: Thomas
Mentioned: Janus
It was supposed to be a quick job either way. Either Virgil would assassinate King Thomas of Prijaznia or he’d be caught and get executed. Yet, when Virgil gets the wrong bedroom and gets caught by Prince Logan and his future royal advisor, Patton, the job ends up getting way more complicated for the 14-year-old. He also ends up sleeping in a (actually pretty comfortable) closet for a few weeks…
Notes: Implied/referenced child abuse, assassination attempt, knives, torture mentioned, captivity, teenagers being really dumb
This is a prequel to Kill Dear. I wrote it 100 words at a time on my blog, but this is the edited version. If you want to see how it was crafted, look at the tag proofread stories.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Virgil had started to feign sleep about an hour after Logan had left to his potions lab. Patton could tell he was faking because his arms never relaxed. Despite the boy no longer responding, he kept talking to him in soft tones. He seemed exhausted, but he was also clearly not planning to truly sleep any time soon. Patton wondered what had led up to him being here both recently, which had caused the dark circles under his eyes and long term that had caused the sunkenness of his cheeks.
Patton’s stomach growled, reminding him of the passage of time. He had no idea how long whatever Logan was doing was going to take, but someone was going to have to go to the kitchen and get some breakfast soon. The snacks truly had not been enough to hold them through the night.
He felt secure enough even knowing Virgil wasn’t actually sleeping to push himself to his feet and walk over to the potions lab door. “Hey Lo,” Patton called. Virgil still hadn’t moved to indicate he was still awake.
“Yes?” he asked.
“How long are you going to take? I need to get food soon and maybe come up with an excuse for at least one of us to stay here all day.”
“It’ll be a little while longer,” Logan said.
Patton glanced back at Virgil. He caught the boy with his eyes open this time and saw him wince at being caught. “Maybe Virgil can stay in there with you while I go get things?”
“That would be fine,” Logan said, turning back to what he was working on. “Bring him in here if you’d like.”
“Okie dokie,” Patton chirped. He turned to Virgil who was looking up at him. “I’m going to take your arms and lead you to the other room, okay?”
He nodded and Patton leaned down and grabbed his wrists. He got even tenser somehow when Patton moved his arms to his front and Patton frowned, but didn’t comment. He helped him get to his feet and led him into the other room.
“You can seat him over there,” Logan said pointing.
Virgil was looking around the room with wide eyes and Patton had to stop and think about what this room might look like to someone who hadn’t been enthusiastically introduced to every new potion ingredient and piece of equipment as they arrived. There were shelves of ingredients, all organized and labeled. Logan kept all powders in uniform glass vials and liquids in bulbous containers. Whole dried herbs hung from strings in one area and there were containers of fresh ones glowing a soft green; the preservation spells that Logan came up with himself kept them fresh for months longer than they would usually last.
Logan had three separate areas for potion making. There was one space for potions that required more dangerous ingredients which currently had something simmering at it, but the enchanted protective curtain wasn’t drawn around it, so Patton imagined it must not be doing anything that could be too harmful at the moment. The table he used for experiments was empty and thoroughly cleaned, so he was clearly making something with an already well-established recipe. Currently, he was standing at his table reserved only for non-harmful substances. He was chopping up what appeared to be mint as two smaller pots boiled in front of him.
Patton led Virgil over to the indicated chair which was out of the way of even the non-dangerous ingredient zone. He still seemed to be trying to take in the room as Patton settled his wrists on the chair’s armrests.
“Any requests?” he asked Logan.
“Not really,” Logan replied. He glanced up at Patton. “Though if you can sneak me some of the leftover macaroni salad from dinner, that would be appreciated.”
“That’s not breakfast!” Patton chided.
“Which is why I requested that you to sneak it.”
Patton shook his head and turned back to Virgil. “What about you?” he asked.
He looked up at Patton and shook his head. Virgil looked a bit scared and out-of-sorts. He wanted to reach forward and pat him on the head or kiss his cheek to comfort him, but he imagined that would go over worse than badly. Instead, he flashed the boy a quick smile and then turned to leave the room.
He left Logan’s private chambers and closed the door behind him before walking down the hall.
“Good morning Patton,” one of the stationed guards greeted.
He smiled at her and the other guard. “Good morning Kalani. Hi Owen.”
“I see you and the prince had a sleepover,” Kalani said. “Should we be planning on him not making it to his royal duties until later today?”
“Actually,” said Patton. “Maybe all day. He was feeling a little sick. Had a headache.” It was… probably true. They hadn’t slept a wink last night.
“Hmm,” Kalani said. “Maybe there’s something going around. Clover said she had a bit of a dizzy spell last night.”
“Oh,” Patton answered. Clover had been one of the two guards set to watch the door to the royal wing. At least Virgil had been telling the truth about not hurting anyone.
“I hope she feels better. I’m going to go get Logan something to eat for breakfast since he can’t come himself, so I’ll see you again in a few minutes.”
The guards nodded to him and he turned to walk down the hall. The areas around the kitchens would be pretty busy at this point in the morning so instead of taking any of the busier paths to it, he walked past the dining hall towards the guest wing and took the staircase that led straight outside. It was a longer path because he had to go around and through the garden, but it was worth not getting in anyone’s way.
Patton always did like the garden. It was pretty at every time of year. Even now as the flowers started to get sparser in the fall, it was still wonderful, and it smelt great. He took just the briefest moment to himself to splash a hand through one of the fountains with a giggle. He turned away to continue on his path to the kitchen, which is when he saw her.
“Oh,” he said softly. “Hi kitty.”
Ghost Kitty was there and stared at him briefly before taking off into one of the bushes.
“Bye kitty,” he said just as soft. He smiled even though she’d ran away because that was the closest, he’d ever gotten to her.
He continued his trek to the kitchen and snuck inside on quiet feet, hoping to be unnoticed as he went for the chilled storage box. Luck was on his side, because Mama was busy talking in hushed tones to the gardener, Mr. Deknis, as she peeled potatoes.
“Well certainly no one has joined the kitchen staff who has a child,” Mama said. “I’d know.”
“Perhaps a maid or even a guard,” Mr. Deknis suggested.
Mama was frowning. “We don’t usually hire many people towards winter for those positions. Maybe someone in the stables?”
“But he needed to get back to the castle, not to the stable hand’s lodging.”
“Well then,” Mama said. “I don’t know Jeff. I’ll ask around.”
Mr. Deknis sighed. “I should have asked him more questions, but the poor thing seemed ready to startle out of his boots, and I didn’t want to push.”
“Well if he’s new to the castle, he’s probably just a little out of sorts and nervous,” Mama reasoned.
“It didn’t seem like normal nervousness. He was…” Mr. Deknis shook his head. “Anyway, tell me if you figure anything out.”
“Of course,” Mama said.
“Also, your kid’s steeling macaroni salad for breakfast.”
“Patton!” Mama said, rounding on him. “That’s not breakfast!”
Patton shot a pout at Mr. Deknis, but he seemed unrepentant. Patton pulled his hand away from the macaroni salad. “The prince wanted it,” Patton said.
“That’s not breakfast for ‘the prince’ either.”
“But,” Patton argued, “he’s not feeling well.”
She placed her hands on her hips. “Is he not feeling well or is he tired?” she asked.
“No! Seriously mom!” Patton said. “Kalani said that Clover wasn’t feeling well this morning and she sees Logan all the time. I even convinced Logan not to do any unnecessary royal duties today.”
“Well he must really be sick if that’s the case,” Mama admitted, “unless of course he found an interesting book to read or had an idea for a new potion.”
“It’s not about a book or a potion,” Patton promised.
Mama considered him. “Fine,” she said, turning back towards the countertop. “Then give me a few minutes to make him and you a nutritious breakfast that doesn’t consist of 80% mayonnaise.”
“Pancakes?” Patton asked hopefully.
Mama shot him a look over her shoulder. “I said nutritious,” she said, wagging a finger at him. “Besides, I thought you said he was sick.”
“He’s not nauseous, mama,” Patton said. “And if you put blueberries in it, it’ll be healthy!”
“It will!”
“Now I know my own son doesn’t think I was born yesterday,” she said.
“Please mama,” he begged. “I promise we’ll both eat some other stuff too.”
“I don’t believe you.” Patton gave her a wobbly lip. “No,” she repeated.
“But Mama.”
“You and Logan are going to have a healthy breakfast or so help me…”
“… but Mama.”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 7
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fletchphoenix · 3 years
Are We Forgetting Something?
Just finished editing Chapter 17 of Coffee Tastes Better When I Drink It With You!!! Please bear in mind this was written before Christmas but I wrote loads and had to cut it down and edit it a lot. I hope you enjoy the double update!! <3
Hugo grumbled as he woke up, Ruddiger jumping onto his chest and taking his place there as though he were a king taking his place on a throne. He purred for a second, his rough tongue licking Hugo’s face and jolting the man to fully being awake rather than his dazed state. “Alright, alright you dumb cat.” He muttered as he sat up, feeling around on his bedside table as he searched for his glasses and put them on. As the world became clearer, he glanced down to his left, taking a moment to glance down at his fiance with a smile playing on his lips. He looked beautiful. Really, really beautiful. 
Hair was sprawled out on the pillow around him like a halo as he snored, his mouth open as he slept. It was a bad habit, really, and he’d noticed his fiance never grew out of it. It was cute as hell though, the other always pulling a face when he woke up at how dry his mouth was. Hugo let out a little chuckle at the thought of it. His fiance really was the biggest dork ever, huh? Still, he admired the man before him as he slept, taking in the little freckles and marks over his face, Hugo reaching over to gently brush a strand of hair away from Varian’s face and being careful not to wake the man up, and, as if he was wired to ruin the moment, Ruddiger took a scratch at Hugo’s forearm. “Ow you fat bastard! Fine, I’ll go get you some food, but you fuckin’ owe me for this.” He grumbled as he rose to his feet, the glint of Varian’s engagement ring not going unnoticed as he made his way out of the room. He couldn’t help the little smile that took over his features as he was reminded of last night. 
As he walked through the tiny apartment, he couldn’t help the feeling he was forgetting something, his hands instinctively moving to lift the cat bowl from the floor and placing it on the counter. He took a look at the clock. 10:27am. Why did he feel like he was forgetting something? Sinking back into the routine, he took out a sachet and emptied the contents into the metallic bowl, Ruddiger deciding to just jump on the counter and eat it right then and there. “You really are a fat bitch, huh.” He muttered under his breath, and he could swear the cat hissed at him in response as he took their mugs from the cupboard and began to boil some water to make a coffee. He really couldn’t shake the feeling he’d forgotten something...was it Donella’s birthday? No, that was in February...Eugene’s? No...the arrogant bastard would have reminded them at least a billion times if that was the case. 
Arms wrapped around his waist, almost scaring the shit out of him as his muscles stiffened and a loud chuckle sounded from behind him as Varian pressed a kiss to the back of his shoulder. “Hey baby…” He whispered, and Hugo could tell that the bastard was grinning smugly as he continued to press kisses against the skin. “Sleep well, my handsome fiance..?” 
“Yes, very, until your bitch of a cat decided to wake me up because he decided his insatiable appetite needed to be at least slightly satisfied in order for him to be happy.” Hugo complained, though his boyfriend simply let out a soft laugh. “Don’t laugh! Our son is literally the worst and he knows what he’s doing because he never wakes you up! Only me!”
“Maybe if you stopped calling him fat, he would hate you a bit less.” Varian whispered, Hugo turning to retaliate before a kiss was placed to his lips and, miraculously, he forgot what he was talking about. They settled into a nice, slow kiss, Varian gently pushing his fiance against the counter as the blond’s hand moved to entangle themselves in raven locks. They would’ve gone further too, if it weren’t for the sudden buzzing and ringing emitting from Varian’s phone in their bedroom. Slowly, the younger one broke the kiss. “Who the fuck is even calling me..” He groaned as he left his boyfriend standing in the kitchen, a childish groan leaving his lips. “Oh fuck. Hugo, remember the day?”
“No actually-” The blond paused. He checked the clock again. 10:34am. He left the kitchen, the fat cat finishing off his food as he stepped into the living room. The Christmas tree was still up. He’d proposed last night as an early Christmas present for Varian, and he’d said yes. That meant yesterday was Christmas Eve and today was…”Shit. Varian, we’re late. We’re late!” he yelled out, rushing into the bedroom to get changed, his boyfriend having already remembered the occasion. Quickly, he scrambled to get dressed, almost tripping over as he pulled on some black slacks and a green dress shirt, buttoning it up and hastily fixing his hair. “Oh fuck, Rapunzel is gonna kill us for being late! Shit!” 
“Don’t you think I already know that!” Varian yelled in response, his choice of outfit being jeans, a white dress shirt and a cyan sweater over the top. Joining Hugo at the dresser, they both desperately tried to fix their hair before rushing to the hall and pulling their shoes on. He had to be honest though, his boyfriend still looked damn good, even when he was rushing to look his best. He was a sight to behold - a sight that made Hugo’s knees feel very very weak and caused him not to think straight. His outfit looked good too, especially when he pulled on his coat and wrapped Hugo’s old scarf around his neck to prepare himself for the bitter weather outside. “You ready to go and get murdered by Rapunzel?”
Hugo took his boyfriend’s hand, raising it to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of his palm, a smile on his face as he saw the other’s face flush red. No matter how much affection he showered the other with, he could never seem to get used to it. It was absolutely adorable in his opinion, the man never ceased to warm his heart. He loved that about him. The same flush always came to his cheeks at the slightest gestures. “Ready as I’ll ever be, darling.” He responded, unlocking the door and heading out into the hallway. 
Walking down the stairs hand in hand was always awkward, the stairs too narrow to let more than one person walk. It honestly seemed like a fire hazard in Hugo’s opinion, but the whole building was essentially a living deathtrap so he wasn’t really surprised. But it was still home. Well, not technically. Hugo’s head raised to look at Varian, who jumped the last two stairs instead of walking down them and a wide smile grew on his face, the joy on his face infectious. Home was wherever he was with Varian. His eyes drifted down to the other’s ring and his smile grew wider, if that was even possible at this point with how happy he already was. 
“I wanna take the motorbike. We’re already too late and walking will slow us down.” Varian rambled as he intertwined his fingers with Hugo’s, the pair already heading over to the aforementioned vehicle. As soon as the green metal came into sight, Varian perked up with a smile and shuffled even closer to his boyfriend. Hugo swung his leg over, his boyfriend following suit and wrapping his arms around his waist before proceeding to drive through the city roads en route to Rapunzel and Eugene’s cottage.
Varian’s head rested against Hugo’s back, the smile on the blond’s face never disappearing as he felt the warmth of the man behind him and the gentle sigh of wonder as he watched the busy city turn into serene countryside. He’d never felt more loved than in that moment, the other man absolutely full of wonder as he looked out at the changing landscapes that he knew all too well. Quietly, Hugo pulled into the driveway of the cottage and took the key out of the ignition, swinging his leg off the bike and helping steady his fiance as he did the same. “Damn baby, you fell right into my arms. You alright?” He chuckled softly, earning a gentle shove as he simply burst out into laughter. Hand in hand, the pair opened the gate and made their way up to the door.
Cassandra opened the door, Irene standing beside her, and both with disappointed expressions on their faces. Cass had...definitely changed, her once bobbed hair now in an undercut with shaved sides. Not to say it didn’t suit her - it definitely did. She looked great. Irene looked different too, her once long hair cut into a bob. “You two are late. Y’know she’s gonna kill you right?” The raven haired woman stated before losing the facade and pulling the boys into a hug. “C’mere you gay nerds, I’ve missed you two so so much…” 
“We’ve missed you too, Cassie.” Varian replied, smiling up at the woman before letting Irene pull them into an embrace as well. Hugo had never really gotten used to that - all the cuddling and hugging...Donella never was one for that kind of thing. She always tended to keep her distance from Hugo and his emotions, other than the time that Ulla had shown up and everything had gone to shit…but he preferred not to think about that. Not when it was Varian’s favourite time of the year (though Hugo much preferred Halloween, like an excuse to scare the crap out of little kids all while dressing up in a cheap costume? It was like heaven!). 
A gasp from down the hall broke him from his thoughts, Rapunzel standing there with her arms folded and a frown on her face. Hugo wasn’t even sure whether he’d seen her frown before - it felt terrifying. “So you wanna explain why you were late?” She raised her eyebrow, the boys stuttering excuses before the woman practically jumped into their arms. They stumbled back into the wall as the woman broke their ribs in the biggest, tightest hug they’d ever been in, before pulling away and gasping to grab their hands and stared and their fingers. “Oh my god! When did this happen? Who asked first? You have to tell me everything!” She giggled as she pulled them along and sat them down, Lance and the girls waving to them as Eugene sat on the floor.
“Oh um, well…last night, I was waiting for Hugo to come home from work to propose, and he decided to propose when I was planning to. Hugo asked first and...I said yes if he would say yes too so...yeah!” Varian laughed, explaining last night as if it wasn’t like some weird cliche moment from a movie or a book. Hugo wrapped his arm around the other’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his jawline with a soft smile and listening as Rapunzel rambled on about something or the other. He didn’t really listen though, he simply kept holding his boyfriend close to him and playing with his hair happily. 
“Rapunzel, did you tell them the news?” Eugene asked from his place on the floor, a wide grin on his face as he rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist, pressing a kiss to the junction between her neck and her collarbone. When he was younger, Hugo would’ve gagged at the gesture, but now...well, he knew he was just as sappy as the man in front of him. He was rather happy, really, that he and Eugene managed to eventually get along, especially after their little talk last Christmas. He’d never admit it but he kinda liked the guy.
“Oh, yeah! I’m pregnant!” she smiled widely, Varian gasping and immediately rising to his feet (much to Hugo’s dismay) and swarming her with questions. Hugo simply nodded in congratulations towards Eugene, the man giving him a smile and nodding back in return as he moved away from his wife and headed towards the kitchen. Yep, he definitely liked Eugene. 
The pair must’ve rambled for hours about names and genders, until Rapunzel finally put the conversation to a close. “Anyway, it’s time for food!” she laughed cheerfully as she rose to her feet and walked towards the kitchen, everyone following in her footsteps and taking their seats at the table. Hugo’s, thankfully, was next to Varian and Irene, the woman paying more attention to her fiancee and the other people at the dinner table than Hugo. He’d always found Christmas awkward, having never been able to celebrate it when he was living with Donella. They’d always found it difficult to get money, so when they had it, they wouldn’t spend it on something like Christmas, so as soon as he came here with Varian, who adored Christmas and spent it with his family...it was a very sharp 180 to what he was used to. He didn’t know how to react, so he simply held his fiance’s hand under the table as he ate and listened to the conversations taking place.
After dinner had finished, Varian and Hugo took their seat on the couch, their arms around each other as people slowly started to leave. They could stay for longer - there was no rush and they felt terrible about arriving late, so it wouldn’t hurt to stay a little while. Hugo’s fingers threaded through Varian’s hair as he pressed a kiss to the man’s temple and stared out the window. Snow was now falling quite heavy - it would probably make the roads dangerous. He’d loved snow but...he knew Varian couldn’t leave, the man’s breathing already quickening as Hugo shuffled to shield his vision.
“You two can stay here tonight, boys. The roads aren’t safe.” Rapunzel replied as she moved towards the window with a frown, watching the little, white flakes hit the dirt roads and stick to it. “You can have the spare room, but please, don’t try and drive, okay?” She smiled sadly at Hugo, the blond nodding in agreement. There was no way in hell he was driving anywhere in a snowstorm when his boyfriend was here, not after what he’d told him on the night they’d confessed their feelings to each other. And, as he locked eyes with Rapunzel, he could see all the guilt in her eyes from the past few years. He felt bad for her, really. Her and Varian were quite similar in that sense - both of them had never really forgiven themselves for how they’d acted back then. 
“We’ll head upstairs.” Hugo stated, rising to his feet and gently pulling his boyfriend along with him towards the staircase. They ascended the creaking stairs before Varian took the lead. Hugo had never really been upstairs in the cottage before, hell, he didn’t even know it had an upstairs until he found the staircase. His fiance pushed open an oak door, showing a small guest room, decorated in typical Rapunzel style decor, with paintings on the wall of different flowers, birds and stars, and bookshelves full of books pressed against the wall. In the middle of the room was a double bed, Varian immediately pulling Hugo towards it after he shut the door and virtually pulled the man down to lie beside him. “How’re you holding up, goggles?” 
“Not very well. I just wanna cuddle and sleep.” Varian muttered as he buried his head into his chest, Hugo being able to feel the tears soaking through. A gentle sigh left his mouth as he played with his fiance’s hair and pressed kisses against this forehead, singing a little melody to him in an attempt to soothe the man. Slowly, he felt the tears stop pooling on his chest as Varian muttered against his shirt. “I love you, Hugh. I don’t tell you enough...I love you so so much..” he choked out, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I keep acting this way-”
“Don’t apologise, sweetheart. It’s okay.” He whispered. “It's okay to cry and be upset - I get it. It’ll all be alright. I’m here and nothing can hurt you.” Hugo reassured the man in his arms and, eventually, the body beside him lost its tension as he fell asleep, gentle snores soon following and Hugo moved back to see the man’s mouth wide open, a sad little chuckle leaving his lips as he looked down at the sight. Quietly, he brought him closer, resting his chin on top of the man’s head as he stared at the wall. 
He really wished he could take all of his boyfriend’s pain away and kiss away all of his tears, though he knew he couldn’t. It hurt him to see him hurting - to hear his boyfriend in so much pain...he let out yet another sigh as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his waist even tighter than before. “I love you so much, Varian.” He whispered into the air, closing his eyes and letting himself fall asleep.
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Part 5
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Read part 4 here
::in which Bakugou and Kirishima are closer than ever, quite literally and figuratively. Bakugou messes up, plans are definitely NOT cancelled, and there is a maybe date happening::
P.S. IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO POST. It was a loooong week. I’ve gotten a promotion though, so that was cool! Anywho, I’ll try and be quicker with the updates since I have a lot of my one-shots already half finished:)
P.P.S. I wrote out the whole chapter and apparently it’s exceeded a word count or something so I had to split it into two chapters. I just have to give it a quick edit and I’ll have it up today, hopefully in the next couple hours.
Aizawa kept Bakugou for one more night just for observation. He was allowed back to class Tuesday morning.
Kirishima waited outside of his dorm for Bakugou to finish getting ready. He played a game on his phone and leaned against the wall opposite of Bakugou’s door.
He’d only been waiting a few minutes before the door opened and a fully-uniformed Bakugou Katsuki stepped out. He looked well rested and much more like himself than Kirishima had seen him in days. He still had his usual grumpy look, but it put a smile on Kirishima’s face to see it. He’d missed Bakugou so much that having him back felt like a hole had been filled in his chest.
Kirishima didn’t think about what he did next until Bakugou pulled away. The redhead looked down at their hands, dawning on him that he’d just tried to hold Bakugou’s hand. The movement felt so natural, almost like an instinct.
“Oh!” he said, surprised by himself. “I’m sorry, man. That was weird of me. I didn’t even think about it—”
“It’s fine, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou interrupted him. “Here.”
Kirishima watched as Bakugou laced their arms together at their elbows. He had a weird scowl on his face, but he didn’t say anything about it and opted to tug Kirishima along to get him moving. Together, arm in arm, they descended the hall until they reached the elevator.
They didn’t say a word the whole ride down. Kirishima was too lost in his racing thoughts to come up with the right thing to say.
Was Bakugou touch starved? He wasn’t ever the type of guy to initiate any sort of touching. Though, he hadn’t been able to get near anyone in days. On average, at least a few times a day Kirishima would lean on him or put a hand on his shoulder or sometimes even throw him into a surprise hug the blond didn’t see coming. Bakugou had adapted to Kirishima’s fondness. This—having Bakugou as the initiator—was so foreign, Kirishima couldn’t wrap his head around it.
They didn’t let go of each other until they reached the kitchen. Kirishima tossed Bakugou ingredients and utensils as the explosive boy whipped up some egg drop ramen for the two of them.
He usually made more food to include the Bakusquad, but he never bothered with breakfast. The other three were never up early enough.
As it turned out, Kaminari was right: Kirishima had missed Bakugou’s cooking. He wasn’t sure where the blond learned to cook so well, but Kirishima would have given his pal a five star review on Yelp if he could have.
“What did I miss in class?” Bakugou asked after they’d sat down. He was twirling his chopsticks around in his bowl to pick up some noodles.
“Don’t know,” Kirishima answered through a mouthful. He swallowed before continuing. “I didn’t really go to class yesterday.”
Bakugou frowned. He glared at his ramen like he’d just witnessed it murder his cat. “Let’s ask Ponytail for her notes. I’m not asking shitty Deku. His notebook is a fucking mess.”
“Good idea,” Kirishima agreed. “Hey, did you wanna do some extra training after class? The gym is free today. We could work on our special moves like last time.”
Bakugou seemed to be thinking it over. After a moment of considering, he set his chopsticks down. “What if we went to the movies?”
Kirishima stared at him. He’d said it in such a soft voice, Kirishima knew he was being serious. “The movies? Over training? That doesn’t sound like you.”
He glared in return. “Do you want to or not, Shitty Hair?”
He laughed. “Yeah, totally! Was there a movie you had in mind?”
Bakugou picked his chopsticks back up and was using the utensils to play with his food. Kirishima couldn’t help thinking he looked shy. His cheeks were the slightest hint of pink. “There’s that action movie… I know you like those.”
Kirishima perked up at that. “Really? You’re talking about the one where those two guys have to duel for the dojo after their master is killed, right?”
“The only cheesy-as-hell action movie in the theaters right now, yes.”
“Dude, I’ve wanted to watch that forever! It didn’t do great in the box office, but I think it looks great! You really want to sit through that for me? That doesn’t seem like your kind of movie.”
He finally stood to take his bowl to the sink. “I just want to get out. I’ve spent the last four days staring at white walls.” He nodded his head to Kirishima’s empty bowl, who got the message and passed it over.
“I’m down for the movie, one-hundred percent! And, hey—maybe this weekend we can go hiking? That should help get you out of your own head.”
He hummed in response. “There was that new trail we could try.”
“Oh! Yeah, I remember that. We wanted to go last time, but it was getting too dark so we didn’t get the chance. How’s your schedule look? I’m free all weekend!”
He finished up washing their dishes and deposited them onto the drying rack. “Let’s go Saturday. My shitty aunt is in town this weekend, so I can avoid her at least then. I have some stupid family dinner my parents are making me go to on Sunday if… uh, if you wanna go.”
Kirishima cocked his head. “To your family dinner? You want me to go? Would I be intruding?”
Bakugou leaned against the counter and folded his arms. “No. If you’re there I might actually act ‘civil’ is how my old hag put it. You can sleep over too, if you want.”
Kirishima’s eyes sparkled. A sleepover? At Bakugou’s house?! He’d been over a few times, and he loved being able to spend the extra time with his hot-headed friend. But a sleepover? His heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
“Hell yeah! You usually head home Friday nights, right? What time should I be around Saturday to head on the hike?”
“Just come home with me Friday. Then we can leave early.”
Holy. Shit.
Two whole nights with Bakugou. He felt like his brain was about to short circuit.
His moms wouldn’t like him not visiting over the weekend, but they would understand. He talked pretty highly of Bakugou to his parents, so they would know how much this meant to him.
He pumped his fists together. “Alright! A guys’ weekend! This is gonna be great, man! We can watch movies and play video games, and I’m gonna get you to stay up past eight-thirty!”
Bakugou snorted. “Then I’ll make sure to wake you up by six in the morning.”
“No!” Kirishima gasped. “That’s just cruel, man.”
Bakugou smirked and grabbed his book bag, then headed for the door. Kirishima jumped up to follow.
Class was extra boring today, and Kirishima couldn’t pay attention to a word of his lessons. The day dragged on, probably because he had the movies with Bakugou to look forward to.
Finally, the bell rang for lunch. He and the squad moved out while Bakugou stayed back to collect the homework assignments he missed yesterday. He’d catch up with them after.
They were all seated at their usual table, Ashido chatting everyone’s ears off. Kirishima zoned out staring out the window at the lawn when the pink-haired girl brought him back down to earth.
“Kiri? Babe. Earth to Kirishima.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. My head is all over the place today.”
He hadn’t even realized Bakugou sat down beside him. The blond was giving him a weird look as he popped open his bento box.
“So!” Kaminari exclaimed, catching everyone’s attention. “I had this idea—”
“Oh shit,” Bakugou muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.
Kaminari glared at him while everyone else laughed. “Anyway. Wouldn’t it be such a good idea if we challenged Bakugou and Sato to a cook off? Our class chef versus our class baker. It'd be epic!”
“I love it!” Ashido announced.
Sero looked into the distance dreamily. “Think about all the leftover food.”
“I don’t bake,” Bakugou stated. “I don’t do sweets. And Sugar Freak is a shit cook. Wouldn’t be much of a challenge.”
“Well, we can have you both whip up something as a main dish and then a dessert to follow,” Ashido suggested. “We could vote whose meal was better.”
Bakugou didn’t look impressed. He stuffed a chunk of beef into his mouth and ignored the rest of the conversation.
“What if we did it tonight? Everyone’s free, right?”
Kirishima whipped his head up from his meal to face Kaminari. “Not tonight, man. We’ve got homework to catch up on, and Bakugou and I were going to catch a movie.”
Everyone’s eyebrows scrunched. They stared between the two boys like this was weird behavior of them.
“The movies?” Ashido asked, her expression shifting to something more mischievous. “Like, just the two of you? Alone?”
“You annoying shitsticks aren’t coming, so don’t even ask,” Bakugou said in his grumpy voice.
Kaminari raised a devilish eyebrow. “So… is this like… a date?”
Kirishima felt his ears grow hot. “No! No, it’s not like that! We’re just two bros going to the movies! Right, Katsuki?”
He looked over to the blond, who had a death grip on his chopsticks. His face read pure rage, but there was a blush crawling up his neck and cheeks. It seemed to worsen at the use of his given name. The chopsticks snapped in his grip.
“KATSUKI?!” Ashido practically screamed. “He lets you call him by his given name?”
The other two boys were dying at this point. They clutched their stomachs as they busted out laughing, tears sparkling in their eyes. Sero slapped a hand on the table. “Oh my god! I can’t breathe!”
Bakugou slammed his own fists against the table and stood. “FUCK YOU GUYS, WE’RE OUT OF HERE! COME ON, SHITTY HAIR! LET’S GO.”
Kirishima stood on wobbly legs, his meal forgotten as his mind reeled. He chased after Bakugou, a million questions racing through his brain he couldn’t seem to vocalize. Was this a date? If it wasn’t, wouldn’t Bakugou have corrected them? If it was, why’d he get so defensive?
Bakugou turned around and grabbed Kirishima by the elbow to speed him up. They must have been too loud, because half the cafeteria’s eyes were watching them as they left.
They made it back to the classroom, and Bakugou’s grip hadn't let up. He finally let go when he moved to his desk and sat down heavily. He crossed his arms and turned his face away from Kirishima.
“Uh,” Kirishima tried to form words, but he wasn’t sure what to say. “Should we talk about this?”
“No,” he answered quickly.
“Well, that seemed to really bother you back there. If you were thinking—”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Eijirou.”
Kirishima could see the angry blush on his face when he glanced back at the redhead. Kirishima settled into the desk beside his. “Alright. You still want to go though, don’t you?”
He huffed. “Yeah, we’re still fucking going.”
His lips spread into a smile. “Glad to hear it! I can’t wait.”
The two broke out their homework after that, attempting to get caught up before the rest of the class slowly trickled back in. To Kirishima’s surprise, it was Bakugou who was having trouble focusing.
Class started up again, and Kirishima had to migrate back to his own desk. A worksheet was passed out by Midnight, and they were told to fill out what they could. Kirishima was only a few questions in when he glanced Bakugou’s way out of habit.
Midoriya was leaning forward, whispering something to Bakugou, who looked his usual amount of annoyed. It was when the green-haired boy reached out to tap Bakugou’s shoulder that chaos ensued.
Kirishima shot from his desk and across the room before most students even noticed anything was wrong. Everything happened so fast, even Kirishima’s brain had to play catch up.
Bakugou had snapped. In an instant, he’d had Midoriya pinned to the floor, slashing at his face with the claws that weren’t there. Midoriya was obviously caught off guard, but he was still fast enough to hold his arms up to shield his face from Bakugou’s attacks.
Kirishima tackled Bakugou off of his rival, using his hardening to pin him down. Bakugou was uncharacteristically hissing like some wild animal. Sero and Tokoyami were out of their seats now too, ready to help if they could.
“Katsuki!” Kirishima yelled, trying to snap the blond back to reality. “Katsuki, stop! It’s me! It’s Eijirou!”
Midnight stood above the boys, her hand resting on her sleeve and ready to tear it to put Bakugou to sleep with her quirk. Kirishima quickly shook his head at her. “Don’t! That won’t help.”
Bakugou’s movements became sluggish and he was blinking hard, quicly coming back to his senses. Kirishima watched as realization dawned in his eyes. He looked between Kirishima on top of him to Midoriya on the ground a few feet away. “Shit,” he cursed.
“Kacchan, I’m sorry!” Midoriya apologized. “I didn’t know the quirk hadn’t worn off yet. I shouldn’t have touched you. Kacchan, I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t fucking apologize to me, damn nerd!” he shouted in return. He growled in frustration. “I thought this shit was over.”
“It’s alright, man,” Kirishima sighed, relieved to have Bakugou back. He slid off of the blond and sat on the floor, rubbing the back of his neck. “Midoriya, you okay?”
“I-I’m fine!”
“Ahem,” Midnight cleared her throat. She had her hands on her hips and an unimpressed look on her face. “Could someone tell me what’s going on?”
“After effects,” Todoroki was the one to explain to Kirishima’s surprise. “It seems the quirk hasn’t quite worn off.”
“I’m fine now,” Bakugou grumbled. “It’s gone.”
“I highly doubt—”
“It was a fluke!”
“Guys!” Kirishima raised his voice to get them to stop. Bakugou glared at him for his interruption. Kirishima ignored the look and turned back to the other student still on the floor. “Midoriya, why don’t you swap seats with me for today?”
Midoriya nodded, finally pulling himself off the ground. “Good idea.”
Bakugou caught Kirishima’s wrist before he could stand as well. “I don’t need a damn babysitter.”
“I’m not babysitting you,” the redhead fired back. “My quirk is best suited to stop you if it happens again, which I doubt it will. Just a precaution, man.”
Midnight was tapping her foot, arms folded as she stared the two down. “Are you boys sure this is such a good idea?”
“Yes,” they said in unison. They looked at each other, and Bakugou bowed his head to allow Kirishima to finish. “He’ll be fine. It won’t happen again, and I’ll be there to stop him before it could happen again.”
She clicked her tongue. “Alright. I’ll allow it. Don’t make me regret it. And there had better not be any more interruptions.”
Everyone migrated back to their seats and the light chatter died off. Kirishima and Midoriya collected their things and traded seats. Once he was seated, Kirishima noticed a folded up piece of paper on the corner of the desk.
He opened it as quietly as he could, but Midnight seemed pretty preoccupied by the romance novel her eyes were glued to. It was definitely Bakugou’s handwriting, all caps and angry penmanship.
Kirishima smiled. Bakugou really had grown so much in his time since coming to UA. Kirishima was so proud to be the explosive boy’s friend.
It’s cool ! Don’t sweat it man . Still wanna see that movie tonight ??
He tossed the note over Bakugou’s shoulder, who jumped a little like he was surprised to see it return. Kirishima could hear his pencil scrawling out a reply.
He passed it back, his eyes on Midnight to avoid being caught passing notes.
Totally !! I wanna spend time with you dude
He chewed on his lip. Maybe that was a little too forward. He ended up erasing that bit and starting over.
Yeh man I think it’d be good for you to get out . Being cooped up for days isn’t good for ya
Bakugou held onto the note for a few minutes, maybe contemplating what to say. Kirishima tried to focus on his assignment, but it proved impossible and he ended up circling random answers.
Bakugou twisted his arm behind his back and held the folded note between two fingers. Kirishima plucked it from his grasp and unfurled it again.
Kirishima giggled, and a few heads turned his way. He was too excited to care about the prying eyes or the blush that rose to his cheeks.
He couldn’t help but think about how date-like this seemed. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but… well.
He couldn’t help it.
Hope you guys liked it, and thanks for the read !!
Read part 6 here
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namluve · 4 years
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paring: jimin x chubby!reader
genre: smut, pvp
rating: 18+
warnings: sub!jimin, dom!reader, established relationship, explicit language, mentions of drinking, unprotected sex (be safe!), dirty talk, praise kink, blindfold, choking, mutual masturbation, reader has a thick ass and jimin loves it
word count: 2.4 k
summary: jimin couldn’t take his eyes of you the whole night and when the two of you get home, you take control. 
note: I wrote this for 3 hours in the middle of the night and this is the result of my submissivee ass feeling dominant for 20 sec. this one is inspired by my friend amanda who said there is not enough dom, thick OC’s and I can’t let my friend starve. also, jimin i’m so sorry, you deserve a way better banner but I couldn’t find the picture I fell in love with in good quality </3
A speciall thanks to my friend Maxi, @joopiterjoon​, who helped me edit it ❤️
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Maybe it was the dress you wore on the night out. Maybe it was the way you winged your eyeliner at just the right angle. Maybe it was the way your eyes drifted sometimes a little lower than they probably should have. Whatever it was, Jimin had had his hands all over your body all night. Feeling your curves on the dancefloor, dragging his hands roughly over your breasts that almost spilled out of your dress. Light fingers dancing across your thick thighs, exploring them as if he had never touched them before. Never had been in between them before. His lips on your neck, dangerously moving lower towards the valves of your breasts. His eyes lingering way to long on your ass as you bended over the bar to order your drink. Something was it that made Jimin more needy than usual. Whatever it was, you loved it.
“Can’t wait to get you out of this dress.” Jimin said as the two of you had gotten through the front door of your shared apartment. He took of your coat, throwing it on the floor. Kissing you, as he removed his coat as well, throwing it behind him somewhere. Taking your hands to his chest, you slightly pushed him. Just enough for there to be space in between the two of you and for his lips to leave yours.
“Now, now…” You cooed him. “Be a good boy and get ready for me.” Jimin knew exactly what this meant. Knew exactly what kind of mood you were in and he could not have been happier. A wide smile was placed on his lips as he stepped back, eyeing you up and down.
“Yes Noona,” he said as he turned around, walking over to the bedroom to follow your orders. Shaking your head slightly as you took of your high heels you could not believe how eager he was sometimes. Always ready to follow your orders whenever you wanted him to. Walking over to the bedroom you found Jimin sitting on the bed in his boxers. Hands neatly placed on his thighs. His cock poking slightly thought his boxers, half hard. Well you had to do something about that before you had your fun with him.
“Touch yourself. Don’t cum unless I say so. Understood?” Jimin nodded eagerly and as he began removing his boxers you send him a glare.
“Use your words. You are a big boy after all, aren’t you?” You teased him and he let out a sigh, lowing the words coming out of your mouth.
“Yes Noona.” Smiling at him you began to slowly remove the straps on your shoulders that are keeping your dress on your body. Jimin began slowly stroking his cock, enjoy the sight of your strip tease. As you pushed the tight dress down your body Jimin let out a low grunt as you bent down. Your breast almost spilling out of your bra as you dragged the dress down your ass.
“Like what you see baby boy?” You smirked at him and he nodded as you stepped out of the dress, leaving you in your red lace underwear only.
“Yes, you are so sexy. I can’t believe I get to look at your body every day.” He cooed and you felt yourself getting wetter by the second, loving Jimin’s praise. Seeing Jimin’s cock getting harder by the moment made you want to return the favour, as well as tease him. If it was one thing Jimin loved as much as he hated it, it was seeing you pleasure yourself. He loved it for the way you lost yourself in it but hated it for the way he could not touch you. Not being able to be the one who made you feel good. The red lingerie you had picked out tonight, just for him, made him even weaker. The bra fitted your big breasts perfectly and the high waist panties showed off just the right amount of your ass. 
Looking over to your right, you saw the armchair you and Jimin had purchased a month ago. Mostly for decoration and to throw yesterday's clothes on. Finally, you found some good use for it. Jimin watched you as you walked over to the chair. Taking of your underwear before you sat down on it, crossing your legs. The position making you look extremely powerful and Jimin was loving every second of it. Tilting your head, looking into Jimin’s eyes, you bit your lip as you uncrossed your legs and placed one of them on the side of the armchair. Jimin inhaled a sharp breath as you placed the other one on the side. Your back relaxed against the back of the chair, your pussy fully on display for him. Jimin swallowed hard as your hand began wandering up your thick thigh. As you closed your eyes, losing yourself in the moment as you teasingly touched your thighs Jimin began to pump his cock a little faster. Immersed by the sight in front of him. When you began touching yourself, a finger slipping easily into your pussy Jimin moaned. That was what brought you back from your trance and seeing Jimin speeding up, pumping his cock vigorously brought you back to your role.
“Jimin.” You warned and he whined.
“Please, please Noona, please let me touch you, feel you. Anything, fuck, I just need…” He begged and you smiled adding another finger into your cunt, pumping them a little faster in and out than before.
“You need what now?” You teased and Jimin moaned, throwing his head back. A sweat drop began going down his face as the combination of being horny and tipsy was getting the best of him.
“You. I need you Noona” Fuck… It took all in your willpower not to give in to him. His fucked-out expression, begging and praise had you weak to your knees. You wanted him, bad. Removing your fingers from your pussy you got out of the chair, making your way over to Jimin.   
“Stop touching yourself.” Jimin stopped his movements, whining as he removed his hand from his cock. It was red and glistening with precum from all the teasing he had endured by you. You almost wanted to get down on your knees and worship it, but that was for another night.
“Lay down.” Jimin did not need to be told twice. Eagerly, he laid down comfortably on the bed, his big hard cock resting on his stomach. Going over to your nightstand, you took out one of the silk bands the two of you owned. Looking over at Jimin, you almost drooled at the sight in front of you. As you got on top of him his hands found their way immediately to your thighs, squeezing them slightly. Holding the silk band in front of you, you gave him his next command.
“Hands.” Imminently, Jimin started whining. Throwing his head back, closing his eyes.
“Please don’t do that that. I wanna be able to touch you so bad. I just want to be able to feel your softness as you pleasure me. Please Noona, please let me touch you.” Normally this would get him punished. The whining, acting like a brat but you were feeling generous today. Mostly because of how good Jimin was looking begging and probably because you were still tipsy from the drinks you had at the club. 
“Fine.” Jimin let out a sigh of relief at your decision but quickly realized he was not getting away so quickly as you brought down the silk in front of his face.
“Guess I’ll just have to blindfold you instead.” Jimin never told you this of course but blindfolding was most of the time not a punishment for him. He loved it. His other senses being heightened. Focusing on how you feel as he touches your body. Focusing on the way your pussy feels around him. As you wrapped the silk around him, covering his eyes, he could feel your pussy drip down on his cock. Inhaling a sharp breath and wincing you looked at him concerned. Worried you had tied the silk around his head to tight.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, breaking out of your dominant character. Jimin was always extra sensitive after edging and teasing himself.
“Need to be inside you Noona. It hurts” Knowing exactly what Jimin meant you aligned your entrance with his cock. As you slowly began to lower yourself down his cock, you let out a low moan, as so did Jimin. You never got used to his size, especially if Jimin did not finger you or eat you out beforehand. His hands were gripping your thighs tightly, nails almost digging into your flesh from all the pleasure he was receiving as you bottomed out on top of him. Staying there for a while, getting used to him inside you, Jimin took this as the perfect opportunity to feel your body. Hands slowly making their way up your body. Caressing your love handles as they made their way around to your ass. Taking hold of it, Jimin loved that his hands could never fit all of your ass in his palms. Always plenty for him to touch, grab and kned. 
“I love your ass so much. Do you know that Noona?” Smiling at his praise, you lowered your upper body so you could kiss his lips, your arms resting on either side of his face. Your plush stomach pressed firmly against his abs. 
“Can’t ever get enough of it, the way it jiggles as I take you from behind. I almost cum at the thought of it,” he confesses to you and you kiss him again.
“So that’s what got you in the mood tonight?” You teased as you slowly began riding him, stilling laying on top of him as he tightened his grip on your ass. Massaging it. You almost wished you could see his eyes as he smiled at your teasing. Wanting to see his full expression.
“Amongst a lot of other things.” He said and smiled. You kissed the outer corner of his lips. 
“What else then?” You asked him and he slightly tilted his head, letting out a sigh.
“Well… for starters... That dress shows off every single one of your curves. You might as well be naked.” Chuckling at his response he brings one of his hands around your back to unhook your bra. Feeling your back on his way up. 
“Your breasts were nearly spilling out every second you danced. Had to control myself and not drag you into the nearest bathroom.” As Jimin continued praising you, he began to thrust his hip upwards, going deeper into you. You let out a low moan every time he thrusted deeper into you.
“It was so short… I could almost see your panties when you bended over… The thought of it… Fuck…” Jimin began speeding up with every word that he spoke. Soon enough he had you a moaning mess on top of him.
“Don’t even get me started on the way you looked at me… Looking like you wanted to get down on your knees for me on the dancefloor, in front of everyone.”
“I did.” You confessed and felt yourself clenching around him. Jimin moaned, trying to grab you even closer to him. Pounding into you, he felt himself getting closer to the edge.
“Wanted to make my pretty boy feel good. Watch him cum as Noona took care of him” You continued and Jimin groaned. 
“Fuck Noona… I don’t think I can last any longer… Will you please let me cum? I promise I’ll make you feel good afterwards… Fuck… Please... just let me cum… I promise.” He pleaded and when he looked so pretty begging for you. A blindfold covering his eyes. His hair a mess. Lips plump and slightly open, you could not deny him. Taking one of your hands around his throat, you applied a slight pressure as he began thrusting even harder into you. Edging him, as he air in his lungs slowly began to run out. 
“Cum.” You commanded and as soon as you gave him permission, Jimin let himself go. With one last deep thrust into you, he almost saw stars as the air in his lungs could not quite reach him as you choked him. His hands digging into your ass, probably leaving a few marks by how hard he was holding you. As his grip on you began to loosen you let slowly go of his throat. He took a deep breath as his whole body slumped down onto the mattress. Removing the blindfold from him, Jimin squinted as the bright light hit his eyes.
“You did so good.” You praised as you pampered light kisses all over his face. Smiling, Jimin brought one of his hands up to your face to hold it so he could easily find your lips. Capturing them, he smiled into the kiss.
“I’ll make you feel so good. You have no idea.” Jimin whispered into the kiss. Removing your lips from his you let out a small yawn, stretching your back as you sat up on him. 
“You can do that tomorrow, I’m kinda tired now,” you confessed and Jimin pinched the side of your stomach, tickling you. As you squealed and threw yourself of him, laying down on the bed next to him he quickly got on top of you. Your legs began feeling sticky as his cum began leaking out of your pussy. You were about to start complaining but Jimin began kissing you before you got the chance to, shutting you up.
“I’m gonna make you cum at least four times tomorrow as a thank you for the amazing orgasm you just gave me.” Laughing you, you lightly hit his arm as he started pampering kisses all over your face.
“Four? You really wanna raise the bar that high?” You jokingly tell him, and he stops kissing you to look into your eyes. Caressing your face, Jimin smiled and looked at you with pure love in his gaze.
“For you I would eat you for hours just to watch you cum once. Just you wait and see. I can get really creative you know?” Laughing, you shake your head and Jimin looks at you offended.
“You don’t believe me? Oh, just you wait and see.” Jimin began tickling the side of your stomach, keeping your body under his forcing you to squirm underneath him. Squealing you hit his arms as you try to get away from him.
“JIMIN!” You yell at him. “I’M GONNA SPILL CUM ALL OVER THE SHEETS.” At your words Jimin immediately stopped tickling you. If there was anything Jimin hated it was having his white cotton sheets stained in any way.
“Fine, you win this time. Shower before bed?” He admitted his defeat and you nodded at his question. The two of you got out of bed to shower before you feel asleep soundly in your bed. In each other’s arms. Loved.
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If anyone wants a part 2, aka the next morning, let me know and it might happen! 
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Eighteen
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti  @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical @dusty-lightbulb @messyhairday-me @rinad307 @superspiritfestival )
so, i recalled earlier this week that in canon, showers don't exist. you might be thinking, hey lior zoë, what are you talking about? allow me to refresh your memory. in acowar, nesta confesses to feyre in front of the inner circle that her ptsd is triggered by taking baths, because of the cauldron. so she has to bathe in buckets. feyre assures her that they will come up with some contraption that will allow her to clean herself some other way. in the snippet from the end of acofas (which we now know is called A Court of Silver Flames, btw!!), nesta mentions her ability to slip into a bath is huge progress. so presumably, feyre has not given her this contraption. i think about this all the time, because the idea of a superior race with all the magic in the world not having ever invented showers is so supremely stupid to me. however, it has come to my attention that on two occasions I have forgotten this, and mentioned showers in previous chapters of lpg. i have elected to continue ignoring this and in the future will continue to reference showers. but in accordance with the rules of the game, I can no longer call this fic canon compliant AU. henceforth, this fic is a showers exits!AU and nothing more.
February 9 - 4 years after
The last of Sugar Valley's snow melts in early February, and as mid-month nears, the weather almost looks warm outside. Of course, it is still plenty cold, so every morning brings a new argument on whether or not Avery has to wear her coat, which sparks an identical one with Nicky.
Nesta takes a deep breath. "All right, Avery," she says. "Stand outside for one whole minute without your coat. Just on the porch. Yes, you too, Nicky."
"I want Ollie to come too," Avery demands.
"No, Ollie doesn't want to stand in the cold without a coat. There you go. Your minute starts...now."
Nesta watches the two of them stand on the front porch, Nicky enjoying himself like it is a game and Avery, cross and stubborn, glaring at her.
Ollie sits on the floor next to the door, working on putting his boots on by himself. He's quiet except for slight whispers as he coaches himself on how to tie his laces.
"Had enough?" Nesta calls.
"I'm cold, Mummy."
"Well, come inside and put on your coat, then," Nesta says, doing her absolute best to keep her voice even.
Nicky does, but Avery remains outside, scowling.
Nesta takes a deep, shaky breath. "Avery," she says. "I can see you're shivering."
Avery stomps her foot. "I am not."
Nesta closes her eyes. "All right," she says. It's far too early in the day to choose a hill to die on. "Let's just walk to nursery, then."
Nesta wraps Avery's coat inside hers—she can't hold it normally, for if Avery sees it, she'll throw a fit. She fastens her buckle tightly, so the smaller coat won't slip down her body and she can still use both her hands to hold onto her children.
But Avery doesn't want to hold hands today.
Eventually, she manages to get all three of them to nursery, with Avery in her sour mood the whole way, Ollie keeping to himself as much as possible, and Nicky blissfully unaware of both his sister's and his mother's irritation.
She sneaks the coat into their teacher's hands and leaves after only two quick kisses goodbye—Avery has joined her friend Emilia in a game and refuses to pay Nesta any mind at all.
So Nesta scowls on her way to start her day, too. Perhaps even more than usual, for Maz ducks behind a bookshelf as soon as he sees her.
"How have you scared him off already?" Zeyn asks, laughingly, from behind her.
Nesta whips around. "All I did was walk in here!" She can't help her outburst. She doesn't have many outlets. She'll take what she can get.
But Zeyn is rather used to this, and his easy-going personality never falters. "Woah," he says, holding his hands up. "Coffee's in the back room. Come with me."
She'd like to stew in her misery for a bit longer, actually, but Zeyn doesn't let her, pushing her along and sitting her down in a chair.
"Is it the workload?" he asks her. "I know you've been taking the brunt of those Prythian writers..."
"It's all of it, Zeyn," Nesta says, dejected. "It's the writers and my regular workload and Avery's going through this phase...and Ollie's being quieter than usual and I think his lungs are part of the reason, really..."
And she doesn't say it to him, but it's Cassian, too. Not that he's done anything wrong, it's just...he's been in the Night Court all week, and she has grown so used to having him around. And now it feels like everything has been dumped upon her alone. Pairing this with that "paperwork" that Amorette had started doing, which is shaping up to be a huge opportunity for her in Ciyaluck...Nesta's never felt more burdened in her life.
"At least Nicky's still singing to himself," she says miserably.
"Ava's not exactly depressed, Nesta," Zeyn says, teasing slightly.
"I think she hates me now."
"She doesn't! Like you said, it's just a phase."
"It's not..." Nesta swallows. "It's just a lot."
And now she can't even share with him, because...well...it feels too weird. She and Cassian have been co-parenting for months now. She's been slowly easing Zeyn out of conversations like this, and to suddenly talk about something as intimate as her relationship with her daughter with such brazenness...it feels wrong to be talking to anyone else this way.
But that isn't right. She still loves Zeyn. He still helped her with the children so much when they were born, when she was pregnant.
"It feels a lot to handle sometimes," she says finally.
Zeyn cups her face with his hand. His eyes, warm as ever, twinkle at her. "You don't have to handle it alone," he promises, voice sweet.
She summons a smile. "Is that an offer to edit these short stories I just got?"
Her ill attempt at humor works. He laughs and breaks apart. "Count on it."
February 3 - 1 year after
It was a good thing Adil had found her a house when he did, because the deals with the bank and with Erest, the councilhead, were finalized just as Nesta grew to be too big to fit through the door of her room at the inn.
Nesta had actually been looking forward to her second trimester, because of the promise of not greeting every morning with violent illness, and then crumpling up in a heap on the bathroom floor.
But it seemed that the first day she had awoken to find all she had eaten before going to bed yesterday had successfully stayed down, was also the day she thought she would not be able to get out of bed on her own. While it was true—in her case, at least—that the fourth month of pregnancy brought with it the energy that had all but disappeared completely these past few months, it wasn't much use if she was too heavy to handle herself.
Amorette, her healer, was pleased to note every pound Nesta gained. She had been worried, at first, having heard tell of females unable to produce enough space and nutrition for multiples and losing all of them, one after the other, but Nesta was having no such troubles. She—and Miri—had assured her that she did not look to be the same size as her new two-story house, though.
(There was some concern about the size of one of the triplets, a male, significantly smaller than the other two, but Amorette said as long as they were keeping an eye on it all, they should be fine.)
"Right, then," Adil said, coming down the stairs of the house. "You should be set for now. Placeholders," he added, nodding towards the blue couch in the living room and other items that graced Nesta's sparse new home. "Until we can...get some..." he trailed off, looking around, perhaps doing more measuring in his head.
"You've done more than enough," Nesta said firmly. While pregnancy had not been kind to her over the last month, Adil certainly had, helping her with everything she could possibly think to need. Miri as well. And Zeyn...well, Nesta could never really tell if he was more irritating than helpful, but he was there, too.
"Got the cribs set up, room next to yours. Didn't paint the room, though..."
Nesta could hardly believe it. "What?"
Adil looked as startled as she felt. "Well, Miri said it was important for you to paint it. Nesta...?"
"Nesting," Miri called from the kitchen.
"No, no, it's not that. I just..."
I just forgot I'd need cribs.
"...didn't realize you had bought me cribs. That's—that's too kind."
"Gift from the shop," he grunted, looking away. That was fine. Nesta didn't want to make eye contact either. "Well, we'll be on our way."
Miri came out of the kitchen. "I've got some meals ready for you in there, dear."
"Oh, thank you, Miri. You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, please. We'll see you tomorrow, dear."
"Thank you," she said again, to them both, as she walked them out.
The sound she made when she shut the door was between a sigh and a groan. Endless relief and gratitude that she finally—finally, for the first time in her life, had her own home. And the dawning realization that it would not be hers alone in a few short months.
Or would it? Nesta didn't remember deciding she was going to keep the triplets, only that she wasn't terminating the pregnancy. Were those her children stretching out her insides, she wondered, running her hands over her belly as she stared in the mirror? Or was she just holding them for someone?
That was something she needed to figure out. Before Cassian wrote back, at least.
She tried not to think about how he hadn't written back yet. Perhaps he was still...upset. But he would, eventually, and then she...they would...what?
Less than five months to go...and with the average duration of a triplet pregnancy being far less than the typical nine months, probably not even that. Whatever decision she was going to make, she had to make it soon.
February 18 - Year of
Nesta never thought the sight of Cassian's house in their camp would bring her so much relief. But it meant that trip was finally over.
"I've got to shower," she said, as soon as she walked in the door. "I have to get all of that place off of me."
"What was so bad about it?" he called after her, but she didn't stop to answer.
That camp wasn't so terribly different from this one, true. In fact, it was uncannily similar, as she had noted when they first arrived there. But the people were different. There was no love lost between all the townspeople here (save Cassian and Emerie) and Nesta, but she had not missed being looked at that way. Hated...feared.
She hadn't minded really, in that room. And she could admit to herself here, alone in the shower, that she even...enjoyed some of it. The parts where she spent all her waking hours with Cassian, and even when there were other people in the room, she wasn't sharing him.
Nesta had never been someone's first choice. No one had ever placed her at the height of their priorities, given themselves to her first and foremost. And that still wasn't what was happening. They had only gone because Cassian was General Commander—sworn to her sister and Rhysand and the people of the Night Court first.
But all that had seemed far away on this trip. It was so easy to pretend like none of that was real.
Even then, she knew the illusion couldn't last that long.
February 26 - 1 year after
Days seemed to go by quicker now. What with her new house, Nesta felt she had more freedom to go about the town as she pleased. She was so taken with living life as she saw fit, she didn't even mind that Sugar Valley really didn't have much to do. She thought she might prefer it that way.
In the mornings, she would walk to the bookstore, and someone would be waiting with a coffee for her. Zeyn or Miri or sometimes Leyla. Perhaps they worked in shifts.
She'd read and repair all day, and stop to eat lunch with everyone at half past noon. There hadn't been a collective lunch break when she had started, but one day she sat down with a large container of chicken salad, and Zeyn had sat himself next to her, and then Leyla had joined, and Maz followed her, along with Xeyale and Amir, and Miri had come to see what the gathering was about, and then Adil had wandered in after her. Sometimes their publishing agent, Hazar, stopped by and joined them.
Sometimes she'd leave in the afternoon for a visit with Amorette. In the evenings, she'd go home and fix herself dinner, which she liked to do alone.
But after that, she'd go for a walk about the town, and inexplicably, someone would be there. Most often Zeyn.
"So, you think of any names yet?" he said to her one night, as they walked.
Nesta popped a sugarberry into her mouth. "Names?"
"For the babies."
Nesta flinched. "No."
"Oh, do you think it's bad luck to talk about it? Some people do. My mother's that way."
"I don't believe in luck," she said. Luck was so faerie, like their pantheon of gods and fate and mates. None of that was real. Not real enough to matter, anyway.
Zeyn laughed. "That must be nice."
She didn't think it was. He laughed at everything, didn't he? Nesta would never be that way.
"So, do you need any help? With the names?"
"Did you have some you wanted to share?" she asked drily.
"ZJ," he said immediately.
"ZJ? Zeyn Junior?"
He grinned at her. "Got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
She summoned a weak smile. Where she was from, someone was only a Junior if they had taken their parent's name.
"Zahra's pretty popular for a girl," he continued, unaware of her thoughts. "I think it's pretty."
"I don't think I want a Gilameyvan name, though," she mused. And she certainly shouldn't choose a name if she wasn't sure she wanted to keep the children.
"What's popular in Prythian, then?"
"I don't know," she said shortly. Then, after considering it for a few moments, "I'm from south of Prythian."
"What's popular there? Is Nesta a common name?"
"Hardly," she scoffed. Feyre wasn't, either. They did know their fair share of Elains, though. "I guess...Heather? Joyly? Analynn?"
"Joyly's nice."
"Well, I didn't like any of the Joylys I knew."
"What about boy names?"
Nesta thought. "Well...Caleb, I guess. Elias." She didn't remember many boys she had known. Tomas, of course, but she wasn't going to name anyone after him. "Actually," she said, softly, "I did always like my father's name."
He touched her elbow gently. "What was his name?"
"Ollison," she said. She hurried to find something else to say. She certainly didn't want to talk about her father. "I like Avery for a girl. A book I liked when I was younger...the heroine was called Avery."
"Maybe we can find it," he said. "How do you know so many human-authored books anyway?"
So Adil hadn't mentioned her slight stretch of truth. "I lived among them for many years," she said.
"Wow, really? What were they like?"
"They were normal," she answered, irritated by the question.
"Really, even to a High Fae?"
Oh. That was why he asked. How to answer?
"Friendships and love can transcend race," she said, thinking of her sister and her new family. Herself and...
"You loved some of them."
After a lengthy pause, Nesta said, "I did. Very much."
February 11 - 4 years after
Avery's poor attitude does not transfer towards her behavior at nursery, according to her teacher, and while Nesta supposes she should be glad of this, she finds she's only upset that it seems to be just her Avery has a problem with.
This is further worsened by her shrieks of delight when Cassian accompanies her to pick them up that afternoon.
Avery races towards him like she hasn't seen him in months—even though Cassian had arrived last night, and they had all eaten breakfast together.
Cassian doesn't seem to notice Nesta's disgruntlement, and laughs as he picks Avery up into his arms. Nicky and Ollie clamber at his legs, and he scoops them up too.
Nesta keeps her eye roll to herself as she takes their bags. Not Avery's coat, though—because at Cassian's request, she had elected to wear hers today.
At least Nicky says, "Mummy, I missed you so much today!" and Ollie nods along eagerly.
"Can we go to the park?" Avery asks.
"You know the rules, Ava," Cassian says sternly, as they leave. "We go home and eat first."
Avery pouts some, and Nesta's blood rushes to her cheeks—is she going to throw a tantrum? Oddly, the idea of a public fit doesn't faze Nesta at all, as the three of them have each had their fair share, but having Cassian see how incompetent she can be mortifies her beyond belief.
But he coaxes her out of it by promising they're going to go to the park later, and actually, they're going to cook something together to eat, and won't that be fun?
Nesta has been hiding her bitterness from her children their whole lives, so this one afternoon is hardly the one that kills her. But she takes extra care to keep up cheery pretenses because of Cassian's presence, and she's convinced she's done a good job of it, because he doesn't seem to notice anything's the matter at all.
At least, she doesn't think he does, but right after they shut the door to the children's room, he puts his arm over her shoulder, and—when they are safely out of earshot, in the kitchen—says, "Nesta, what's wrong? You've been miserable all day."
"I have not been miserable all day," she scoffs, trying to hide her flush with a glare.
"Come on, Nesta. What is it? Is it Ava? Kids act like that all the time."
"I know how children act," she snaps.
"I didn't mean to imply you don't," he says. "Just...trying to reassure you." He hesitates. "Nesta...Rhys and Az and Mor each told me that you're a wonderful mother."
"What a surprise that must have been."
"To them, maybe, but not to me," he says seriously. "I always knew. But it's okay if this is hard for you to do on your own. With Ava and with everything you've had to take on at work...and, you know, if anything else has been pressuring you..." he trails off, and when she doesn't show any sign she knows what he's talking about, his lips tug upwards slightly, and he adds, "If I've been pressuring you."
"You have not been pressuring me," she says automatically.
"Well, I hope you're lying," he says, "because I've certainly tried to."
Nesta rolls her eyes.
"You really haven't thought about my telling you I want us to be a family?" he asks, skeptical. "I don't believe you. Come on, Nesta, it's just me. You can tell me."
Nesta gives a short, irritated sigh. "Well, of course I've thought about it."
"And what?" He takes a step closer to her. "You haven't come up with an answer yet?" He puts his hands on her shoulders, smirking slightly.
He's...he's much closer now. And his wings aren't spread wide, but inching closer to her as well. Blocking out everything in her periphery, so he is all she can see. "I have."
He raises an eyebrow. This is unnatural, isn't it, being this close without actually touching? "And?"
His eyes—like Avery's, like Ollie's, like a dark honey disappearing into the black of his pupils. It takes her a minute to remember what he's talking about. "Oh," she says, slightly surprised to remember. "Well. Of course I want us to be a family." She doesn't get a chance to say anything else.
Because then he is kissing her, and it's like no time has passed. His hands circling her waist and hers taking their place in his hair. He tastes the same—that vague lemon and mint. His hair is a bit longer, but the growling sound from the back of his throat when she pulls it is just as she remembers. It's what spurs him onward, downward. His lips move to the side of her mouth, and he kisses down her neck, but she pulls him back upwards. It's been too long. She has waited so long for this.
And it appears she'll have to wait a while longer, because just as their hands start to roam, a small voice from the stairwell calls, "Mummy, my throat is really hurting a lot."
They rip apart. Cassian's eyes are wide, and he snaps his wings backwards to be tucked against his back.
Nesta whips around, hands furiously smothering her hair—just in time to see Ollie wobble into the kitchen.
He hasn't seen.
The pair of them breathe a sigh of relief together.
Then Nesta remembers what he said. "Your throat hurts, angel? Come here." She picks him up and holds him against her. He lays his head on her shoulder and coughs, wet and deep.
"It's been back," Nesta whispers to Cassian. To Ollie she says, "Do you feel like you need to take the purple medicine we got from the healer?"
Ollie nods, yawning.
"It's in that cabinet there," she says to Cassian. She takes a deep breath to calm herself so she can calm him. "We're going to take a little bit of medicine. We're going to practice our deep breaths over the steaming bowl, and first thing tomorrow we are going to see our friend Healer Nazrin. All right, angel?" She looks at Cassian when she speaks, and he nods along with Ollie.
After she directs Cassian on how much of the tonic to give Ollie, she says, "Now, why don't you go with Appa and sit on the couch, and Mummy will bring the steaming bowl?"
This is not the first time Ollie has woken up in the middle of the night complaining of throat or chest pains and a cough. Nesta's not overly terrified; in fact, she's even pleased to see he is old enough to tell her exactly what hurts and that he wants medicine. But she knows that for Cassian, this is the first time, and he is probably as scared as she was. So sitting with him for a moment alone on the couch while she takes care of the treatment will probably calm him down.
And give her just a few seconds to collect herself. There is far too much on her plate. She doesn't need anything extra to deal with now.
hope you enjoyed that!!
also, did you know, i started a booktube? also also did you know, june 21st as this week and it’s the triplets’ birthday? also also also did you know, june 25th is tomorrow and that’s my birthday!!
thank you all so much for the overwhelming support. i just love you guys so much. i also love @thestarwhowishes, my beta.
Chapter Nineteen
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH18
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,121
- Author Note: I apologize if some of the thing in BTS caretaker sound cringy, i wrote this in 2017 lool so the old me is so hmmm , hahaha as much i wanted to edit it again, Im afraid i am gonna change the whole thing :< so i leave it be ahhaa thank u for reading <333
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Chapter 18
“To earth Ji Seul, why you look extremely lost these days?” Mrs Hwang nagged while her hand place the pancake swiftly filling the empty plate. Exhaling a tired sigh, Seul pinched the bridge of her nose easing the tense in her head. Her mother was not convinced with her answers, so she probed from Seul again “Did something happen at work? With the boys again? Or were you caught by their managers?” she bombarded her with questions.
Seul grimaced “It has nothing to do with the boys. Thankfully, I didn’t bump into any of them these days. They must be busy” her tone of voice was rather confusing at that time. Mrs Hwang on the other hand noticed the discomfort on her daughter’s face.
“If it has nothing to do with any of the boys, why Jin sent me a text in the middle of night just to ask your whereabouts?”
Seul look dumfounded as she flinched upon hearing Jin’s name “Why is he texting you and asking my whereabouts?” she mumbled with a little confusion evident across her face. As far as she concerned, the last text that they exchanged was two days ago. A simple new year message with a smiley emoji at the end of it, and she did give him a quick reply afterwards.
“According to Jin, he couldn’t reach you since yesterday”
“Why is he so clingy? What a mama boy, you are not even his mother. You are mine” Seul rolled her eyes in annoyance. Now, Jin went behind her back just to annoy her. Great.
“Technically, I raised those boys. They can claim me as their mother whenever they want. So, did you actually check your phone?” the older woman raised her eyebrows with so much interest. Most likely her interest was focusing on Seul’s love life. Considering how Jin would always come to her after his fail attempt to reach Seul, it appeared a little too fishy to her.
Her replied was a short no yet she quickly grabbed her phone to look for Jin’n text. Seul bit her lower lips reading through Jin’s message that sounded unimportant at first however her eyes rounded upon reading the last text left by him.
“What? Why? What did Jin say?” glancing at Seul’s bewildered expression trigger her curiosity.
“OH GOD! I TOTALLY FORGOT!” she patted her forehead softly, humming to some low cusses. Unamused, Mrs Hwang gave her daughter a stern look still waiting for her answers, and the panic girl finally spoke up “They are filming their music video today, so Jin has already placed an order from our store a week ago. A food support for the staffs! I totally forgot about that. And I am in charge of it. Shoot, how can I forget that!”
“Tsk, Ji Seul when will you stop this clumsiness of yours”
She took a glance at her phone screen again “I only have three hours to prepare the thing” grunting under her breath, she tapped her fingers on the table nervously.
“And why are you still here? Go, before you upset your client!” her mother gave her a final look accompanied by a soft flick against her forehead making the girl squirmed. Pouting away the pain that consumed her, she leaned in giving her mother a quick peck on the cheek.
“I will get going now, don’t forget your treatment today. I have reminded Hoon about it, he is free this evening and will pick you up. Don’t go alone mother” she reminded her like an old grandmother causing the older woman to chuckle in her seat.
She nodded “Alright old woman, stop nagging me. Now, go!”
“Bye mother” with a final wink, clumsy Seul strutted to the main door with one hand tying her shoelace and other hand clutching onto phone near her ears. It would be one hell of a day if she failed to deliver it as requested. Her friendship with Seokjin was that close to the extent of exchanging the information of their personal life. The only thing he knew was Seul had another job which wasn’t only caretaking the boys, and that she worked in a tea shop.
Therefore, it led to this task that she’s willing to do for Jin.
“Alright that cup should go that way, you don’t want them to knock it off when they line up later” Seul scanned the truck diligently making sure they reposition the things that she pointed out few seconds ago. With a satisfied smile, Seul beamed “That will do! Thank you” the male shot her a grateful smile and proceed with other job.
Thanks to Wongeun, she was able to complete everything within two hours since the guy kept on track of special services requested by their client making it easier for Seul tending her job. She arrived at the filming location that was set one hour away from the city. An abandoned building, and it was intimidating at first but as soon as her eyes laid on the vehicles and staffs working on the other side put her at ease. At least she was heading to the right place.
One of the staffs in her early 30’s walked up to Seul with a friendly smile “Are you here for BTS food support from Armys?” she tilted her head scrutinizing the banner hanging loosely against the truck.
“Oh no, this is actually BTS food support for the staff. They have personally hired our shop to deliver it for everyone” her small eyes rounded as if trying to process the information that she just received and soon to be replaced with a wide grin.
“Really? We are not aware of it! Thank you, I will bring you to meet their manager then. We are filming the last scene at the 4th floor” she escorted Seul as she nodded willingly, tailing the friendly staff from back. Seul had to find warmer place, her white was turning a rosy in the cold.
Gnawing at the area, Seul was amazed to see the huge set prepared for the filming. The filming set was even colder indoor, though it was dusty, she could see staffs running from every corner tending their job patiently. Since this was her first time, she was a little excited to witness everything in live. Every nook and cranny of the area were filled with staffs and expensive equipment. That made this thing turned into a little dreamy for herself. Not that she ever imagined taking a step into such a large set, it was more amazing to be able to witness the boys danced to their new songs before her.
Hiding behind the staffs, she took a peak at the loud music boomed across the room. She heard shuffled of footsteps against the dirty floor, they were dancing hard. Amused Seul could not take off her eyes at the boys dancing to the music so perfectly and every step taken by them were super on point.
Who could stop these babytan. They were beyond amazing.
She noticed how their hair colour had changed following their upcoming back. Even though, she was watching them attentively, Seul made sure to be careful just in case one of the boys noticed her presence there. Facing the boys were the last thing that she ever wanted today.
Light taps on her shoulder brought her out of her dreamy state “Miss, the manager is still out for an errand, but he requested you to wait in the waiting room” Seul smiled and complied to her words. Taking a last glance at the boys, she didn’t realize her eyes met Jungkook’s causing the maknae to lose focus for a second.
“Cut! I think we need to retake one more time, Jungkook’s part is not in sync with others” the director exclaimed.
Jungkook bowed deeply “I apologize for my mistake Director-nim”
“Nah, it is alright. You guys have danced for an hour non-stop. Let’s take five!” Jungkook’s eyes were diligently looking for that one person that he hopped to see ever since the new year night. Ever since the thing he had with Seul three weeks ago, he had no time to visit the girl. Another thing was that, he totally forgot to ask for her number instead he just fled into thin air that night without a word.
What would she think of him?
“Jungkook-ah, your makeup next to be fixed” said one of the stylists making the younger guy to turn to her with a blank expression getting ready to be pampered again.
Hoseok was monitoring their individual shots from the cameras while cackling excitedly. Stood beside him was sleepy Jin, whom ended up laughing along to Hoseok sudden outburst as they made fun of each other. When Jimin’s individual shot came in slow motion, the two older guys hollered “Look at Jiminie! He looks so squishy here” Hoseok retorted.
“I look super awkward here, look at my hand” pointed Jimin with a small pout.
“No, you are not! You look great, this look need to be protected at all cost” Jin smug proudly, resting one of his arms on Jimin’s shoulder. Namjoon’s butt in, chuckling away showing off his dimple “How did you stroke your hair like that? Does this hair need to be comb all the time” the leader teased Jimin only to receive a small whack from Jimin across his arm.
“I think Namjoon hyung looks the coolest when he raps” Jimin returned the compliment earnestly. To be truth, Namjoon is a cutie behind the camera but when he’s on camera his character change instantly as he’s living up to the name, Rap Monster. The boys would always spend their times monitoring each other during the break and ended up with compliments or mere tease just to liven up the mood.
Yoongi on the other side was getting his hair styled back to its original state earlier this morning, and immediately snapped his head to the boys’ direction upon he heard his name being summoned.
“Yoongi hyung running is as funny as me running” Namjoon gruffy giggled garnered the older guy’s attention.
“YAH KIM NAMJOON I HEARD THAT” Yoongi scowled with a meaningful glare.
Namjoon raised his hand in defeat “I did not say anything, Jimin did” like a flash he fled from the scene before getting nagged. Jimin gave the leader a disbelief looks as he returned his attention back to the screen, joining others laughing at their new victims, Jeon Jungkook.
The younger guy came with a confused face at first and quickly turned sour as soon as he realized his hyungs were teasing him. Jimin glanced at Jungkook’s side profile, smiling warmly like a proud brother he is, earning the latter’s attention. Noticing the stare, he received from Jimin, he swung his arm around Jimin’s neck, breaking into his cute bunny smile. They needed no word to describe how much they cared of each other, it was long gone ever since they became friends.
One single look meant everything. It was well understood by them.
Burying himself in his jacket deeper to seek warmth at the corner was Namjoon. He leaned against the cold wall, with his eye fixated on his phone screen. A message popped up from his screen got him to straighten his body almost immediately, as his forehead creased into deep frown.
His eyes scanned the area carefully making sure no one caught him acting weird before he left the area to more secluded place. Namjoon’s slender fingers glided across the screen and pressed his phone closed to his ears desperately to reach someone “Come on pick up” he grumbled in annoyance.
Attempt after attempt yet he failed to reach that one person he’s been dying to see since the news broke. His heart was broken into pieces upon receiving the news from Bang Pd a day ago however he would not let the thing to mess up his concentration on this filming.
Not to mention, he was scheduled to meet Bang Pd tomorrow so what’s the point of bringing it up now. He refused to believe the rumours that he heard at first, but it became more evident when he failed to reach the person to get the confirmation. Was it just him or the person was trying to avoid him? The truth was out to public now. The person had been keeping the secrets away from him when he deserved to know the truth.
It was hard for both of them. Yes.
It was complicated. Yes.
It did not give that person any right to go behind his back and left him in the dark.
It was torturous for him too.
Namjoon had been trying to keep his composure cool since yesterday despite the issues that he’s having right now. He did not want to disappoint his bandmates not when they had worked so hard for this comeback. Bangtan topped everything, he could not risk the group for his personal problem. When this filming end today, he would solve this thing right way.
Yes, that was the actual plan.
It came to no avail, when she came unannounced.
“SHIT! PICK UP” he grew frustrated. Namjoon really wanted to stop her from ruining this filming but that woman was so thick headed. For once and all, he had to end this. With that, he picked up all his might to make a quick run to the south wings. He sprinted using the last ounce of his energy in hope he would be the first one to reach there. Things could go from bad to worst in the blink of an eye.
Namjoon could not let that happen. Not here.
‘Please please don’t be inside’ he chanted inside his mind on repeat as he made a sharp turn at the corner, entering the room. His eyes landed on a figure with her back facing him, and without thinking straight he embraced the person into a tight hug.
He knew she was struggling in his embrace, but he did not care any of that. All he cared was to hug her one last time before he heard the sad truth. “Nuna…Is it true” he buried his face at the crook of her neck, fighting his own tears. Namjoon inhaled her sweet scent which he found oddly different that she usually does. Did she change her perfume?
Screw that. He demanded answer from her now. It was the truth he needed.
Her heavy breathing could be heard clearly as she was about to say something, however Namjoon was quick enough to hush her with another reply “No don’t answer yet. I don’t think I am ready to hear the answer from you, nuna” said Namjoon. His voice was completely broken as his tears already cascaded down wetting her shirt.
She gasped knowing Namjoon was crying and ran her fingers to his arm that wrapped securely around her, trying to loosen it up a little but come to no avail. He held onto her even closer “Nuna..Why is this happening to us? I thought, you wanted to wait until we figure this thing out” the latter mumbled.
“I am sorry nuna, it is my fault. I should have just make up my mind about you. If and only I am being honest to myself and Bang PD, this would not happen. You would not be….married to someone else… and you lost.. your job because of me” her mind paused momentarily, and her heart sank allowing the sadness engulfed it darkening her world.
“I tried… I really tried to fight for us. I did not try hard enough. Why are you marrying him when you told me that you love me? Am I a fool to you? Does my world is a little bit too much for you to handle? Why…you lied to me? You ignored me for a month. You did not even look at me. You are disgusted of me. Am I embarrassing you?” Namjoon’s word came out at once as if he’s rapping through it.
It stabbed her heart, the pain that he experienced, she could feel it.
Another silence.
Namjoon’s breath was shaky, he bit his lower lips holding back the resentment that he had for her. All the time that he spent to fight for this love burnt down to ashes in one night. He felt his world crumbled down in front of him, what else could he expect?
She’s married to someone else.
She gave him hope when she knew it was impossible to be together again.
She fooled him.
She toyed his feeling.
She was toxic.
Their relationship was toxic.
And, it came to this.
He must end it.
“I…am letting you go. Loving you was a mistake. Holding onto you was a mistake. Falling for you was my biggest mistake. I will mend my broken heart but..i will never forget what you did to us. You always put the blame on me. Now, I know who to blame” Namjoon murmured, raising his head slowly. He’s ready to face the truth now.
Bang PD was right, there’s no point on holding onto something that’s not his.
If she really loved him, she would wait for him.
“Fate is to be blame. The time that we spent was beautiful, so did the things that pain us” she heard him continue with so much regret and anger. His harsh breath gave her a goose bump. She needed a moment to decipher everything that she heard, why was it so complicated? It burdened her to witness something that she’s not supposed to.
‘Seul you are in a deep shit’ she mentally cursed hoping that Namjoon would allow her to say something and free her from this.
“Namjoon-ah….what are you do-ing?” there was another voice behind them, a familiar one to Namjoon. It came to his realization that the woman in front of her was not the same person that he expected it to be. Reality hit him so hard making him to spin clueless Seul facing him “W..hat” his face was losing colour when her face came into the picture, it was, Seul, their caretaker.
“What are you doing here…..” he breathed.
The woman made way inside with discomfort look evident across her face “We need to talk Namjoon-ah…” she eyed Seul from head to toe with a hint of jealousy. Namjoon still could not believe he just said something foolish in front of Seul and as a result showing the weak side of him. No one knew about his relationship except for his members. For some reason, Bang PD discovered it a day ago that rendered him speechless.
Out of nowhere, their caretaker was there and witnessed something that she’s not supposed to, how screwed up this could be. There was a long silence between the three, and Seul was still a little tipsy over Namjoon’s unintended confession awhile ago causing her mind went numb.
A pair of warm and small hand wrapped around her wrist startling her, bringing her soul back to her body. Seul’s dark brown orbs melted into Jimin’s soft one as their eyes met “Let’s go, you are at the wrong place” he murmured under his breath. Giving a quick glance at Namjoon, the older guy averted his gaze from meeting him. He was too embarrass to face Jimin as if he could read Jimin’s mind demanding an explanation and to fix the mess that he created.
Namjoon watched Jimin and Seul figure disappeared from his vicinity leaving him and his lover in the empty room.
“Let’s talk then”
He would find his ending soon.
The two of them were standing side by side at the rooftop, staring blankly into the darkness. Seul knew the scene awhile ago was not intended for her to see, yet she couldn’t stop replaying it inside her mind. Namjoon’s sadness lingered and scarred her. Just how much it pains him, she wondered.
“Are you alright?” Jimin inquired could not comprehend the silence anymore. He gazed at Seul with concern hoping the girl was not too affected by it. Jimin ended up following Namjoon a while ago since he wanted to notify him about the filming only to see the guy dashed in panic passed him. Hence, to his surprise, Jimin saw Namjoon was holding onto a girl inside the room and he heard everything. Seul’s presence inside the room surprised him even more then he realized Namjoon messed it up.
He did not want to pressure the older guy anymore, therefore he came into decision to bring Seul out of the mess and let Namjoon settled his issues first. Sooner or later, Namjoon would open up to them about his problem. Jimin’s main concern was Seul seeing how pale she appeared, he knew it was not a good idea to stall.
It took her a moment to regain herself back before responded to Jimin accompanied with a heavy sigh “Yeah.. I did not expect to witness that. I feel guilty for…you know.. invading his privacy. It is his secret” Seul looked down on her feet with deep guilt.
“Don’t be.. Things happen for a reason. Namjoon hyung was not in a right mind either to differentiate you with her” Jimin smiled sadly.
“I am sorry for being a nuisance. I am complicating things for him. I really hope she doesn’t misunderstand. That will be bad”
“She deserved that. She hurt hyung. She deserved to be hurt” She decided to seal her mouth and not to ask further questions. Seul looked up, scrutinizing Jimin’s sharp feature. His eyes fluttered close, as soft sigh escaped from his pink plump lips making him even more dashing under the shining stars. She could not remember when was the last time to see Jimin this up close probably ever since the embarrassing bedroom scene last year.
Until then, Seul had no chance to meet any of them as they were busy preparing for their comeback.
“What are you doing here Seul-ssi?”
“It has been a long time, right? Well, I am here to work. The food truck outside is prepared for the staffs as a gratitude from you guys. Didn’t Jin inform all of you at all about that?”
“Ah..yes Jin hyung did mention about the food support thing. Didn’t know you’re working for the company?” his cheeks were tugged upwards into a cute smile.
Seul smiled softly “I work for them, so it is a special request made by Jin a week ago. I was about to leave discreetly until something unexpected came up, I guess we are fated to meet after all” she rubbed the back of her neck. Speaking of fate, these days Seul decided to just follow the flow of her life instead of putting too much pressure and plan on it. She grew tired running away from the truth therefore she’ll see how things went then came up with counter measure afterwards.
“Cool. You are a caretaker and a tea lady” he retorted with a light chuckle.
She found herself smiling at the image of his pink ears, as it matched his hair due to the coldness. Seul pulled out the heat pack casually from her jacket, since she brought extras with her. “Jimin-ssi, you may need this” she tiptoed a little matching his level and pressed the heat pack on both side of his neck.
“Keep warm, you don’t want to get sick” her eyes glimmered brightly melting Jimin’s heart. Jimin was lost in her kind gesture, as his hand skidded on top of hers “Thank you” he squished her hands.
Seul turned crimson red at the contact “Hmm..No problem” she pulled her hand quickly which upsets him a little. The feeling was soon washed over by Seul’s next move. She took off her warm gloves and took his hand in her sliding the glove over it without trouble. Seul repeated the same step with his other hand without breaking the smile on her face.  
“As I expected, it is the same size” she unconsciously caressing Jimin’s hand admiring it as if she’s the girlfriend. She bit down her tongue and hold back the coldness that started to lick her exposed skin. Releasing Jimin’s hand, she answered her phone nodding throughout the process. From the conversation, Jimin knew she’s ready to go but was he ready to see her go?
“Jimin-ssi, I have to go to meet your manager. Get inside and keep yourself warm alright? See you around” she never forgets to give a quick bow before leaving dazed Jimin behind. He smirked knowingly as he clasped his hand together loving the warmth from Seul’s knitted weave gloves.
 This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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