#like i luv them so much i want to combust
biscuitboba · 17 days
Prepare for a very long wordvomits from yours truly (or just ignore)
The thing about me being so frickin obsessed with luffy and zoro's relationship is that... i just think they really are that compatible and perfect for each other in a way that they just, makes sense 
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Like yeah i think one or two ships involving zoro and luffy (other than zolu/luzo) are cute or at least ok, but like the amount of love i have for them is like dust compared to my love for zolu:"D And if i'm being reallyy honest, personally i can't really imagine zoro being with someone else that's not luffy IF luffy is present in his life and vice versa?, like for example i think *insert other luffy ship* is cute, but like zoro can't be present in luffy's life for that ship to actually work for me?? So it's gotta be an alternative universe where they don't meet... I can appreciate the fanarts of the other luffy and zoro ships though, as long as they are not insanely wayyy too out of character?? (i just don't actively seek out content of ships that i'm not crazy about)
Not to state the obvious but luffy is my favorite character in one piece:) and right after him, unsurprisingly it's zoro (zoro used to be my number one when i was younger but now he is number two, but i'm sure zoro is fine with me loving his captain just a little bit more, haha)
When it comes to the ships involving my favorite character(s)... i am actually suuuper picky about it? i have to think very deeply about it, like i only want what's best for them, but also the best for the other person too cuz it can't be one sided! And i literally love both luffy and zoro almost equally? (actually i always love the two characters that i ship cuz i can't ship my favorite character with someone that i dislike) With zoro and luffy i've done a lot of thinking. Like, a lot. I thought about all of their potential love interests, every single one of them, but always arrived at the same conclusion that no one completes them the way they complete each other. Proof? Plz just scroll through my tumblr #zolu or #luzo i literally only talk about their relationship😭 They really are the most perfect person for each other. It's almost like they were made for each other? Everything about them, their principles, their personalites, they just fits
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Like they are so insane, because at a surface level they can be interpreted as just platonic (which is a completely fine interpretation for the non zolu people out there!), but when you try to look more into it, on a deeper level, looking at every part of their interactions while considering their characterizations, motivations et cetera, like everything just clicks. Their devotion towards each other, all the little things they say and do relating to each other. They are best friends, they are the captain and the first mate, and maybe they are also something a lil bit more? Sometimes i don't even think i can label their relationship, cause from the outside… their relationship looks so simple, yet not without depth (so much depth!) and nuance. With zolu, you either get them or don't get them at all. One thing for sure is that they work really well together!!
Also, everytime i think about zolu as just friends.. but then i compare my relationship with my best friend(s) to luffy and zoro's relationship... and i don't know, if my best friend treats me the way zoro and luffy treat each other? I fear i will have to drop the "what are we?" question. I'm so serious, like that man? zoro?? He is enamored. Completely whipped- bewitched, body and soul. While on luffy's side, his way of expressing love is more subtle, but i've talked about that before here.
They say there's a thin line between love and hate... but there's also a thin line between platonic and romantic love, and maybe that's why one of my favorite tropes in ships is the one where they start out as friends... (harurin from free, bakudeku, pegoryu, fluri, soriku, cloti, cleon, kimron, percabeth, kataang, lumity, appledash, katyana, korrasami, harlivy, etc #friendstolovers ftw!)
Like luffy and zoro... The god personified and the non believer. Oda is literally so insane for that..
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One is very carefree and easy to put his trust in others. And the other is the more rigid one and needs to slowly build his trust. One is the more emotional one. The other is the stoic and more composed one. They share the same values, the same braincells, they can communicate and understand each other even without having to say much.
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Their colors complement each other, their zodiac signs are compatible, their personalites can be quite contrasting but they actually blend perfectly. They are different but also the same. No one makes zoro smile as much as luffy, no one else luffy likes to lean on as much as he likes to lean and rely on zoro. No one makes zoro worry as much as luffy, even though luffy himself is very strong. No one luffy trusts with his crew as much as he trusts them with zoro, and his nakama means everything to luffy. They are the happiest when they are together.. fighting side by side, laughing with each other, talking with each other... They respect and understand each other the most. They are just so insane and i am also insane and-
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They are the only two strawhats with twin numbers for their birth dates and months. The only two strawhats with CoC. The only two strawhats fighting for the greatest titles (pirate king and world's greatest swordsman respectively) they are the only two strawhats with a lot of parallels (let it be between each other like the hero talk in fishman island, or with the other captains and their first mates, which i kinda(?) have talked about before, here).
Zoro's the only member of his crew that luffy actually tries to find (he doesn’t stumble upon him like how he does with the rest of the strawhats) Zoro is the first person in canon that we see luffy enthusiastically feel it's okay to share his meal with. The first person outside of his family (i consider shanks and his crew, dadan, and makino as part of his found family!) that he cries and worries for (baratie arc). Zoro is the first person that he mentions when he splits up with his crew and the first one he calls whenever they meet again (alabasta, skypiea, punk hazard, zou, etc)
Zoro is luffy's anchor especially during difficult times (e.g. water7), he is luffy's voice of reason (e.g. pre-egghead), and luffy often listens to him (like when zoro gives luffy his assessment of a situation and how he thinks they should handle the situation and luffy immediately agrees to his plan)
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And kinda random but meat is like the perfect food for beer! luffy's perfect for zoro!! Meat paired with the right beer can amplify each other's flavors. Even their favorite food (luffy) and drink (zoro) complement each other, like oda are you serious?? and the crazy thing is i'm pretty sure i haven't written down all the things that make me crazy about them
From their deal in shells town, then BOOM! zoro's sacrifice in thriller bark, all the way to luffy's blush, the iconic hug, and whatever tf that "if you're gonna invite our captain to hell, i'll come along as well" // "sorry... now you have no reason to die" bs in wano
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Like how can i be normal about the two characters whose dreams have already merged into one that they can no longer achieve their dreams without each other by their side? i'm on my knees crying thinking about the bond between luffy and zoro-
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satoruluvies · 28 days
I just speed-read all your works and I have to say, I love them so much!!! I love your writing style and thoughts, as well as how you present each character!!! <3 <3 <3
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yaw hey if you wanted to hold my hand you could've just said it yk :33 maybe if you wanted my heart too id give it to u willingly like take everything. ahahah thankyou so much luv im actually gna combust this means a lot to me !!!!! <33
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fasa-umich · 1 year
Sophia Samson, FASA'S 2022 - 2023 Treasurer
I’m just going to do this by scrolling through my camera roll like a Sunday morning debrief because I simply can’t remember anything that has happened before breakfast. There is no theme to this, just tiny little thoughts and mems.
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This is a pic of me as a child which I’m using purely as an attention grabber and because I didn’t want Mikey to be the first picture here. It is completely irrelevant.
The first FASA thing I attended was the Fall Mass Meeting and I went there knowing no one after being too intimidated to walk up to the Festifall table. Now I realize that was dumb dumb but that flag was wavin and I was waverin. I am now ever so thankful that I woke up from that glorious dorm room nap to walk over to Rackham that day. I remember it being such a warm welcoming little world AND I was introduced to Hola Seoul for the first time after that (thanks Caitlin). Life changing to day to say the least. 
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Mikey gets a feature because this is the first FASA pic in my phone which is kinda a big deal due to how much storage space this organization takes up. Mini shoutout to him while we’re here because he was my FASA buddy and Ross guide first semester, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today without him. Thank you FASA spirits for bringing him to me, you real for that.
That pic of him is from FAM/Lineage reveal in the fall, where I was sorted into the best FAM and most epic lineage…
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Left: an assortment of d i r t y members
Right: Sidapa – did y’all plan on wearing purple? lol
I was sorted into a lineage first and they were so sweet and gave me little gifts. One of those boxes of ramen is in my cupboard at this very moment (waiting for a rainy day). I looked up to them and immediately they were like siblings. I remember Sam rambling about classes I should take and giving me life advice five minutes into meeting them, it’s still in my notes app. Side note Emily is also literally like my twin so we’re connected like that. Hi Emily I luv u. Also hi to the rest of our lineage you are my idols and some of the coolest people I know.
That was a sidebar this is probably so confusing oops… okay I don’t know if I made this up but I strongly believe there was a little get together with dirty and excellence after that which left me craving some more FASA. I have such a terrible memory for a girl of only 20 years of age, but I definitely remember the feeling of wanting to hang out with these people way more than I was. That led me to apply to be an intern, which ended up changing the direction of the next year for me. Who knows where I’d be if I hadn’t decided to submit that application. Probably not on board this year and not as active as I am now, perhaps the Rossholes would have taken over. A scary thought. Hopefully I’m allowed to say Rosshole, Emily add asterisks here if necessary teehee.
**pretend there’s a pic of Teen Beach Movie night here, swear I had some but all I’ve got is Emily hugging a paper towel roll**
Wow, we look so young and naive. I don’t even know how to describe Teen Beach Movie night, but something hit me where I was like I can see myself getting to be really good friends with these people. Especially on that silent walk back to the CCTC. There was also a scary thought of us feeling like my dad and his college friends which gave me the heebie jeebies but is also kind of heartwarming. Now looking back, I have gotten to know those people and I am in fact really good friends with them so call me Raven Symone I think I’m psychic. 
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Elections were after that. Look at us, all elected and whatnot. 
I’ll take this part of my little walk down memory lane to thank my Treasurer predecessors. Sam and Shane were such a big help when I joined the board and throughout this year, so major thank you to the two of you for being the best ever. The Treasurer position would have spontaneously combusted without Shane helping me throughout this year, so special thanks to King Shane. jkjk I’m very responsible 👀 Anyway, according to my camera roll battle was after that…
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Us battling.
Now that I’m looking at these pics I remember Battle last year being where I got especially close to the homies. Megan, Therese, and I were in the trenches as we were ill and Kyle was getting through a bout of pink eye. Though our immune systems were weak, our friendships got strong. This year I’ve gotten especially close to those people and I’m very thankful we ended up in that hotel together. Love y’all homies xoxo
Fast forward to this year. 
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We look like we’d be talking to you and as soon as you turn around we’re talking about you LOL
This pic is from Boyne and so much has happened since then. I’m gonna fast-track my sentiments about the year in a leetle paragraph. I’ve spent hours and hours with FASA and I’ve loved every minute of it. Getting to hang out with all you FASA people gives me something to look forward to on the daily. I’ve grown a lot through this organization and for that I am thankful, and I look forward to continuing to grow over the next two years before I peace out and become famous. Seriously though this is such an amazing organization and I’m so glad I woke up from my dorm room nap to go to mass meeting last year.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this silly little walk through my camera roll and poor story telling. Here are a few more specific shoutouts:
@board, read this part like the scene in Bridesmaids where they do the toasts:
My dear FASA executive board, oh have I loved working with you. You’re the best team I’ve ever had, even better than my 7th grade basketball team. Really though we’ve created so many amazing events and programs for this organization and I’m so proud of everyone for the work we’ve done over the past year. I’m glad that you are the people that the FASA spirits brought together to create memories for the 134 members of this organization (it really is 134 I know because I am Treasurer). You’re the greatest ever, no joke, and I wish you the best in the rest of this journey we call life. Peace and love.
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@FASA Official Paid Members, read this in a Southern accent:
You are the kindest, sweetest souls on this campus. I could not picture myself spending my time here at the University of Michigan with any other group of people. Never have I ever fit in a group better than I’ve fit in with FASA. You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry (also from laughter), and I simply cannot wait to see what you make me do for the next two years. 
** a small note specifically for Angelica Noelle Fandiño: 
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Lastly to my two nickels, SPARE CHANGE? 🪙❤️
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angelprinz · 2 years
omg hi laven !! first off LUV the new layout its do cute <333 secondly...im goin crazy over that yae and chklde yandere drabble 😭😭 they both so fine i think im gonna combust into little pieces
btw, if reader decided they wanted a cat, do you thinm yae would be jealous of the cat? i think it would be kinda funny if she was...like, whys the cat getting more cuddles and ear scratches then her?!? its not fair,,
also because i believe in corruption kink supremacy, both childe and yae most likely have it, so i cant imagine how,,,happy they would be that nobody else before them had touched reader in a more intimate way, that theyre still a virgin and they can take that innocence away <3
btw id deffo wear that collar,, even tho i have to admit im pretty shy with all that pet play stuff. actually im just shy during sex in general
also, with the martini fic, you dont have to rush! take ur time, im sure it'll come out amazing. try to listen to some music that gets ur imagination going! i listened to closer by nine inch nails when making that tsaritsa fic and some arctic monkeys. if u have leds, change the colour to whatever you think fits the mood ( for me, sad / angsty is blue, comfort / fluffy is yellow or pink, and ... horny is red. obviously.)
-with love, 🕊
yae would most definitely mess with reader's cat. after all, foxes are fluffy dogs with feline tendencies, so she would lash out, hissing and chasing the poor kitty for hoarding your attention. she's so much cuter!!! and pink!!! why would you need an animal when you have yae gyuuji? she would refuse to let you pet her though secretly she craves those loving strokes more than anything.
corruption kink is so cute, molding a pretty little thing to your taste and making them unable to think about anything but you? yae n childe are internally smug about that, they love knowing that they were your first and last.
collars <3333 pet play is alright to me, it's more just how adorable collars look! isn't it also humiliating how much you get off on it? having a visual representation of being owned for all to see, how pathetically sweet!
arctic monkeys is so heart eyes, i want to do a band au. i know, i shouldn't rush but i'm procrastinating on my own writing haha~ horny red led lights is so amusing to me, perhaps i should get some.
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
ringo has no right being that cute ahshsjdkskf
but yeah, heres some of those hcs‼ (pt 1, johm lemon and paul cartman)
John (Ler):
Holy FUCK?? dont let him catch you. mf is crazy.
he CAN and WILL nuzzle his nose into your tummy, dont test him.
he is a firm believer in using toothbrushes to make his lee fucking SCREAM
bit of a foot fetish?? maybe??? 👀 not in a nsfw way but like,, he just likes feet ok-
John (Lee):
fuckin snorting mess
his most ticklish spots?? belly, back, under the knees, and his feet. dont get his toes, he will kick you right in the schnoz.
he can NOT take verbal teasing. he turns into a tomato right there if you even SAY the t-word.
Paul (Ler):
definitely a flirter, are you kidding me
"oi, no need to get all giddy, luv~"
LOVES TO GIVE TICKLE MASSAGES. (basically dont ask for a massage from this man cuz you will be a giggling mess in less than 3 minutes)
Paul (Lee):
his laugh?? im- oh god it's so beautiful
his laugh is like a fuckin angel's giggle its TOO GOOD NOT TO HEAR
most ticklish spots are his underarms, neck, ears, and DEFINITELY UNDER THE CHIN
basically, if you want him to get all flustered, just flutter your nails under his chin he will DIE
First off, frickin' precious hcs to read. I have re-read these multiple times since you've sent these bc they make me happy any time I read them :D
Okay all of the Ler bits for John are???? SO fucking perfect???? like???????? I have nothing to add, absolutely everything is true (the bit about the toothbrush and thinking about these gentlemen using TOOLS is just too much for me to handle I would combust)
Dude I am so happy with these, thank you!!!!!
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
do you write for knuckle by any chance 🥺🥺 maybe like how he would ask you out or what dating him would be like if u do this expect more knuckle bine requests luv heheheh
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Honestly, he's slowly growing on me, especially after I just finished reading the CA Arc! He's adorable, along with Shoot, Morel and Knov 😍
And yes, please, I'd love that! I have a feeling I'm gonna like him a lot 😂
Thank you for the first request for Knuckle here and I hope I did him justice! 🙇
A/N: put those two together because they were similar. Hope it’s okay.
Warning: long and a little NSFW-ish
Taglist: @undercanonthots
Knuckle, despite his appearance, is an adorkable softie
the two of you met when you were walking a friend’s dog in the local park
they were extremely busy during that week and you felt bad, knowing that their dog wouldn’t like to be left alone at home for so long
so you offered to walk their dog
this also gave you the opportunity to go out a bit more often after being cooped up because of your own assignments
well, the dog didn’t really appear very strong and you got along well
at least, that's what you thought before you were snapped awake as the loose grip you had on the leash suddenly disappeared
and the dog ran
you only blinked once before running after it, occasionally yelling its name
you didn't even know where you were going
but by the time you caught up with it, you were away from the park and in a nearby market
there were all sorts of people walking about and the dog was wagging its tail and looking around, as if searching for something
this time, your grip on the leash was tight as you followed, curious as to where you were going
soon, you found yourself face to face with a guy while the dog looked as if he'd found a treasure
he looked... intimidating
or maybe he was pissed off
his clothes and hairstyle reminded you of an old-school bully or delinquent
you apologised for the disturbance and tried to pull the dog away, but it wouldn't budge
it just kept staring at the man, wagging its tail and looking happy and satisfied, almost as if awaiting praise
It's okay...
was he blushing?
he wouldn't look you in the eyes as he pet the dog on its head
if the tail wagging and happiness the dog exuded weren't enough, you felt your stomach flutter when it licked his face, making him laugh aloud
he had a really nice smile for someone who appeared so intimidating
Is it yours?
No, a friend’s. They’re busy, so I offered to walk them instead.
Knuckle thought that you were too good to be true: you were cute, kind and seemed to love animals as well
plus, you had a really nice smile
you chatted for a while and exchanged names before agreeing to meet again the next day
this proposition came especially after you had to leave due to how late it had become
and the moment you and Knuckle exchanged goodbyes and you tugged on the dog’s leash, it started whining loudly and started pulling you towards him again
it seemed like Knuckle had made a very good impression
Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again, okay?
How about tomorrow then?
Knuckle’s smile and slightly flushed cheeks made you smile back
he accepted and that’s how you found yourself meeting again
and again
and again
you’d even hung out with him and his master, Morel, at one point, when you were shopping and coincidentally met
he was a really fun guy to be around and surprisingly cute and kind, both to people and animals
it wasn’t surprising how easy it was to develop a crush on Knuckle
and apparently, he felt the same way
and you were so close to asking him out when your relationship didn’t seem to move forward
but Knuckle surprised you yet again by asking you out, cheeks red but with a wide smile on his face
that got even wider when you accepted
in a relationship, Knuckle is just as sweet and kind as before
the only difference is that now he can be affectionate and romantic as well
he’s pretty much kissing and worshipping the ground you’re walking on
swears that just one smile from you can make his whole day better and brighter
Knuckle loves hugging you so much
even in public, he always has an arm around your waist, keeping you close and making you feel safe
well, the way he looks at everyone - as if anything even remotely threatening would get its head bitten off - makes people get out of your way without anything much but a gulp and a confused stare
Knuckle looks intimidating while you talk animatedly about the cat you saw the other day
and then he just turns towards you and smiles as he asks for more details and even photos
it’s something that leaves people a little bewildered
likes taking you pretty much everywhere
it doesn’t even matter if it was your idea, his or someone’s recommendation
he wants to see places and experience things with you
he’s also okay with dates spent inside, whether at your place or his
he pretty much sucks at video games
and you beat him even at the games you suck at playing
but Knuckle doesn’t want you to let him win
he wants to win fair and square
though if you kiss him after another loss, to him, it counts as a victory
usually has you in his lap, playing together
and believe me, he doesn’t really mean to do this
but sometimes, he just puts his face into your neck, either inhaling your scent or kissing your skin softly
he’s not trying to distract you or anything
but he just loves having you in his arms
but he cooks so well
you’re going to feel as if you’re at a high class restaurant
especially when it’s your birthday or you’re celebrating anniversaries
loves doing domestic things with you: groceries, laundry, cleaning, even making the bed together
it’s always fun being around Knuckle
and even when it comes to the other sort of fun... it’s still fun
just so you know, Knuckle cares a lot about your comfort and consent
even having your first kiss took you almost 3 months - he was nervous, okay? He felt like he would combust whenever he looked at your lips and thought about what it would feel like to kiss them
so it’s no surprise that sleeping together takes quite a while as well
Knuckle just wants to be sure that you’re both okay and ready for this
he wants sex to be another way of showing how much you love each other
he’s pretty vanilla, mostly because he likes treating you like royalty
rough... doesn’t really exist in this category of your relationship
he’s going to be more passionate, but not rough
he couldn’t bear the thought of hurting you in any way
but he praises you so much and so often
both verbally and physically
even if he blushes - and sometimes feels like crying because of how intense his feelings for you are
definitely cried once or twice, even if Knuckle denied it
while wiping his tears
he’s pretty much all about your pleasure
but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t appreciate when you return the favour
he loves kissing you all over
and if you’re ever insecure about your appearance...
oho, get ready
long rant while his hands and lips move over every inch of your skin
you’ll definitely feel a lot better by the end of it
and aftercare?
Knuckle is one of the best
always ready, always helpful
secretly proud of how good he makes you feel
and cuddles you to sleep
one of his favourite things to do is keep you in his arms, glued to him and kissing wherever his lips can reach
Knuckle is whipped, that’s for sure
but it’s you, so it’s okay
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
I luv u, w 😘
Listen imagine angry sex with Dan where you’re both fuming and zitti e bouni playing in the background. Bc that song makes my kitty so wet and combined with angry Dan. *chefs kiss*
Then Daddy cussing you out in italian realising that it makes your kitty even tighter then starting to dirty talk in broken italian with some english thrown into it. I’d combust, I would squirt immediately. 🥴
This has been torturing me since Saturday when Italy walked on stage.. and I need more people to suffer.. 😅
i luv u bb <3
Ohhhhhhh italian smut you say? say less.
It took you a while to understand why Daniel was being such a dick the whole night. You'd been having a great time at the gala, enjoyed the positive attention (even if it did feel a bit fake at times) and just being able to be on Daniel's arm as his lady.
But as the night went on and you felt happier, his feelings began to sour. You had started whispering to him, asking him what was wrong as he seemed to drag you ever closer to the exit of the building.
"Stiamo partendo adesso." He commanded as he dragged you out, speaking to you in your mother tongue so you knew he was serious.
Daniel shushed you harshly as he dragged you towards the SUV you'd come in, the driver quickly scrambled out of the car to hold open the doors for you both. After helping you in, or really shoving you in, he climbed in after you and slammed the door shut. The partition was already up, so you felt more than ready to speak your mind.
"What the fuck-"
"Did you see all of them? Fucking lurking and staring- all cause- you-" Daniel was so worked up he just couldn't stop, "You wore that."
Your eyes widened as you felt your fire burn up inside you. He was being jealous, Daniel was jealous of how other people reacted to the gorgeous light blue dress you had on. You'd worn it because you thought he'd love it, but then everyone else seemed to love it too.
"Oh fuck off," you responded, irritated by his irritation, "sei cosi infantile." you mumbled.
Daniel grunted and grabbed your knee, pulling you towards him as he his hand went to your cheek, "Do you have any idea how hard it is? To see all these men stare down what's mine, like I'm not the one who's going to get you out of this dress?"
Daniel grinned darkly as he saw the way your lips parted. He leaned in and let his lips brush against yours, "Non hai idea di quanto sei sexy, huh?" he whispered against your lips.
Your thighs quaked with the desire to spread for them, but you knew he'd have to work harder to get back on your good graces.
And he seemed to know it too, cause his fingers tightened around your jaw and gently tilted your head back so he could kiss on your jaw, sucking your lobe into his mouth gently before tugging on it between his teeth, brushing against the diamonds he'd bought you to hang there.
"E' tutta la sera che voglio saltarti addosso." His mouth opened against your pulse and licked the vein up your neck, "Nemmeno immagini cosa ho intenzione di farti."
His low voice, so husky and wanting whispering into your ear was too much, and you gave in and pulled on his curls. He bit your collarbone as he began to tip you backwards on the seat and drag you under him.
"Fatti penetrare."
And you did.
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whosxafraid · 3 years
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Borrowed Writing Prompt Meme Day 6 : Wild Verse: Carrion || Biker Verse Featured: @morgansmornings
If you had asked him five years ago where he thought he would be--the answer would have not been in words. No he would have laughed. Laughed and thrown arms wide around him, as if the answer were not so obvious. Even if the amusement were only skin deep. Even if the reality was--that even then--he was tired of the day to day. Tired of the job as much as the reputation. Tired...of so many things. To the point that when the betrayal came, maybe there was an ounce or three of relief mixed in with the anger and the pain. Not that he would tell anyone. Well maybe one someone. But---
A shake of his head as the last of his coffee is drained from the mug in his hand. Rinsed out and set in the dishwasher like any man with an old lady has learned to do, (If he wants to keep the peace for another day that is) and moves to the kitchen table. Sits heavy in the chair beside it and works feet into boots. Laces them up before reaching for the one thing that used to be the center of his world. Calloused fingers that outline the patch on the front. A mouth that twitches and skews at the reminder of just how much history is woven into the threads. How much blood. But while he could sit at this kitchen table and drown in both--he’s got places to be.
And so knuckles on the table. Hitching himself back up from the chair, because a leg never did totally forgive him for the attempt at murder by motor vehicle. Granted it was far more accommodating than his eye had been. Though he’ll not complain. Least he got to keep the fucking thing, even if it doesn’t work. Even if it twinges a little bit as worn leather is settled over his shoulders. A reminder to take the pills in the daily container on the counter. And maybe he chuckles at that as he goes to do just that very thing. Because when did he become that kind of old man? Can’t put his finger on it really. It snuck up on him, just like the mileage.
    You ready to go? You’ve got an hour before you’re supposed to be there.
        “Aye. Headed out d’door now.”
     Okay. You guys worked out what you;re going to do about lunch?
       “Oisin said he an’ one o’d prospects were goin’ ta pick i’ up from d’wee lass’ favorite place.”
      Good idea.
        “Goin’ ta be late, luv. Dunna wait up.”
      I’ll do my best.
A trade of looks. A kiss for good luck and a last minute hand off of a present he’d nearly forgotten and he’s out the door. Said present carefully stowed away in a saddle bag before keys are turning in the ignition and there’s a real breath of life  for both engine and man. The wild kind of energy that combusts and makes his blood run hotter. Because there is a difference in him when there’s horsepower between his knees. A difference that makes him twice as tall and thrice as wide, yet lighter than anything he could be on his own two feet. Sunglasses pulled from their place in a breast pocket and a helmet put in place.
It’s a three hour drive to his destination, but he’s got people to pick up on the way. A small army. A small army who if he had to guess are waking up their own kinds of wild. Because when a child needs help being brave you step up. You step up and you show them that sometimes being wild is a good thing. 
Prove to the that sometimes the wild ones are the protectors not the monsters in the dark. That sometimes the only way to beat wild evil is with a kind of wild good. And he’d like to see the asshole intimidate a single one of his brothers. Like to see the look on shite bag’s when he realizes the little girl he hurt was a (honorary) patched member of the Wild Suns.
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abloomingperiod · 4 years
junmyeon as a bf
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the softest of the softies
kim junmyeon is an old-fashioned guy
and i’m not saying that in terms of being conservative or anything, ‘cuz i really hope he isn’t
i mean in the sense of love
like you know that kind of person who dreams the whole picture
he dates for a reason
unlike other members, junmyeon isn’t the type to not think about the future
being a leader makes you like that
but this gets less harsh on him when u arrive in his life
yk that whole romantic comedy movie where a guy runs into someone and it’s this beautiful woman with the biggest smile and they fall for each other and shit
well.......not exactly your case
he indeed ran into you with an iced tea in hands
except you didn’t smile at him
you basically screamed “SHIT IM SORRY ILL PAY U BACK”
he got so flustered w your reaction like
this really pretty girl just offered me some iced tea”
he was all like nonononononoooo don’t say that it’s fine don’t worry aha
you kept insisting but were late for work so you made him promise to come back to that bakery the day after bcs he WOULD be paid back no matter wHAT
he didn’t feel the need butyou were cute and he wasn’t with a thick schedule so why not right
so yeah ofc prince suho showed up
the next day he entered the place and saw you
you were so pretty watching you crinkling your nose over the hot coffee in your hands was already a payback
a cute one
cmon he’s cringey give him a chance
you bowed at each other and he realized you didn’t mention for Once between the whole minute after the accident and his arrival abt his name or profession as an idol
which for him
was nice
not a big deal, but nice
after you gave him his iced tea he was so polite you actually smiled bcs ajshskjsks cute ?
and then you started talking for a while
you introduced yourself, told him abt your dream to become a writer someday and he !!!!!
okay junmyeon easy on the hearbeats you got it
he just thought of this as such a COOL dream
writing for a living
now he was like this pretty girl... is a poet
i know
but he’s adorable so who cares tbh
he talked to u abt being an idol and how was the position of the leader
you listened to every word and even though you lost a fee of them along with the honey like voice and puffy cheeks of his, you loved hearing abt it
after like 2 hours he had to go bcs schedule
but before you parted your way you had to go to the bathroom
when you went pay for your payback iced tea, you hear a waiter asking “mrs y/n? i believe that for you”
no shit there was the waiter holding a cappuccino
you got like Dude. there must’ve been a mist-
you turn the cup and there it is:
“for y/n
i loved the iced tea but since my goodbyes were a little earlier i most definitely own you a payback too. how abt sushi? xx” and the waiter hands you a note with his name and number
and that’s how you started seeing each other
jun is a quiet person so he won’t be like vocal abt developing a crush on you more and more
it would b like
you guys would hang out sometimes
and little by little he would catch himself getting the heart eyes
like you’re at a coffe shop
you would get passionate talking about some movie or song and suddenly there’s a drop of coffee on the side of your lip. you didn’t notice but he did but he thought you looked so cute popping off about ur favorite music he would just sit there like,,, 💖nvm💖
and with those little stuff he would catch himself thinking yup they’re gonna b mine
so one day he went like soooo maybe i’m catching feelings i didn’t know this was happening sorry??? so i think u should know that bcs it’s abt u... i’m fancied by u i didn’t mean it to happen
like straight up he APOLOGIZED
you were like goshkjsjksj so cute
and decided to play w him a little
“so you don’t want to like me” “NONONOOO THATS NOT WHAT I MEA-” “jk i got it i really like you too and maybe we could kiss to see what happens”
he combusted
so yeah you’re dating that’s what happened
so caring literally sO CARING
calls you on a daily basis when he’s away to talk abt the weather the boys his breakfast how much he misses you how he saw those flowers outside and it reminded of you or how he will bring you to that country when it’s vacations
he’s such a husband material fuck me
keeps notes of things you like so he can hit the high score on important dates
talking abt dates
i mean he’s bourgeoisie ofc it’s fancy
such a lovely boyfriend i’m actually sad
jun is restaurants with low lights, candles, roses and holding your hand while talking about how he never seemed to figure out the food app to find a cool place to go to so he just asked chanyeol with a pout on his lips
“you’re such an old man” “i’m simple it’s different”
on your 1 year anniversary he took you to a boat ride on a lake witha guy playing violin and wine and cheese waiting for you
simple my ass
keeps bringing coffee and flowers for you every friday night you get together bcs it’s your “tiny vacations” as he calls it
on weekends with you the only ppl he answers is either manager or a serious question from the boys/his family
and it’s always a short “yes” or “no” or “👍🏻”
fuck it he’s with his baby leave him alone
loves cooking with you
like fuck it if it’s not that tasty he just LUUUVES doing it with you
probably because he gets to hug you a lot
like you’re in the stove and he had already placed everything in its own place so he goes behind your figure, hugs your waist and places his lips on your shoulder to give you tiny pecks and praise your cooking
“junmy this is practically burnt” “you’re the best cooker i know”
once you guys were enjoying a whole ass week together and the last time you were together for more than a day were like 6 months before
you were so all over each other he went to do the same thing and you guys ended up making out in front of a precooked pan of french fries
long story short, your toasted it and only saw that coming bcs jun went to embrace your waist and his fingers touched the hot pan
“that happened bcs of you and your teenager behavior” “YOU COULD’VE MOVED” “I WAS TRAPPED”
so guess what you did after you applied some salve om his fingers
he was staring @ u all 💖💖💖💖💖
you were like ,,,what
he just shrugged and murmured “you’re beautiful”
that’s right
you fucked
not fucked in a Fucked way
yall made love
kim junmyeon is all about luv
i remember someone posting here that he probably fucked like white people and i-
that person ruined it for me
i hate yall
i will defend him till the end of time my boi DOES NOT fuck like a white person
takes it very seriously as he sees it as an opportunity to shower u with the love u deserve
on that day you actually convinced him you should do the hard work
jun seems like soft dom for me like just bcs he’s in charge for most of the time doesn’t mean youon get to do a thing
that time as you rode him you got very like Very excited but you saw in his eyes how desperate he was to touch you entirely so you catch his hand and kiss his fingertips slowly
he kept smiling for you saying “god you are so beautiful” “i love you so much”
but you’re a little shit and always tries and bring his rough side out
so you open your mouth and lick his two burnt finger from the knuckles to the tips
he got so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not really a vocal guy
heavy sighs and low groans are it for junmyeon
very into dirty talk
but a fancy one
“does my baby likes it when i make her beg?” “look at me, love. do you want it from where i can kiss your back or your breasts?” “you’re mine to take and no one else”
we don’t support women treated as objects but this is a sexual environment and you’ve always consented him to say things like that in bed
he’s a gentlemen fuck it
once you were so horny you straight up said “i don’t give a fuck about formality just make me cum at least three times”
he got 😳 for a sec but got your point
not a rough lover but once you get in a fight
you’re both pretty mature ppl so every rare time you fight it’s very Very serious
will kiss you until your both breathless just so you can not even catch your breath bcs he will be kissing your neck and liking your skin
slaps your butt?
a fucking lot
“funny how you turn shut the fuck up as soon as i lay my hands on you”
makes you strip for him
has a thing for watching where your bodies connect
call him baby and he’s got a 3 secs tops soft jun
like a little grin with puffy cheeks
and he’s back with the restless pounding
bathtub aftercare is a must
massages your feet as you talk sweet nothings for him
if you’re feeling feisty might get a romantic round two
loves doing it slowly so he can drag it to the point you get so hot and bothered you beg
“oh god- just please- jun, faster”
likes it when you rub his back after
get a shot of soft myeonie post-sex
lays in his stomach and quietly asks “can you”
you lay there also on your stomach and rubbing his back drawing circles and talking about life
once he got so full of idk emotion?? love?? idk never been there
he just poured a whole “marry me”
like dude.
“WHAT” “not today, like... in a few years maybe idk forget it”
he closed his eyes to dismiss your reaction and just felt a warm peck on his naked shoulder
“of course i’ll marry you a few years”
his eyes shot open like This woman. the loml. dead ass said yes to my hypothetical proposal”
he actually got emotional
“kajsksjsksjsk really?????????v
“yes really”
and there was a teardrop
you felt like dying
i mean I feel like dying rn
doesn’t say it but thinks abt having kids someday
and u know that bcs honestly it’s suho everybody just Knows that
his parents? ofc they know you
exo? absolutely sure they know you
“one day we’re gonna have a dinner on like christmas with my family and yours” “baby they don’t even live in korea” “i don’t care we’ll pay” “STOP”
really treasures your relationship like i’m not here to play games i’m past mid-20’s this is Serious
and because he’s so worried and serious he nevers seems to let loose
which is probably normal since he’s a leader
but it makes him so !! all the time u get worried
once he actually CRIED out of stress
and you ofc were there
you kept hugging him tightly and slowly rocking his body with yours kissing his tears away as he kept softly saying “i’m fine, don’t worry”
you didn’t stop worrying
you said “if you’re fine then i can stay here hugging my boyfriend”
he nodded and kept sobbing for a little while
his head was pounding so you literally laid him down and cuddled him in your arms, fingers between his locks and hot breath on his neck
he once said the sound of your breath calmed him
so that’s what you did
you calmed him
and that’s everything he ever wanted
someone to be there for him on tough times like he’s always there for everyone
he loves the fact you’re always so calm and ready to solve any problem that appears
he loves the calmness and ““““normal”””” atmosphere you bring to him
after all those years of hardship and responsability
you showed him he could be a leader and have more fun on a daily basis
he deadass thinks abt your marriage
like it’s barely 6am, he wakes up and sees you sleeping next to him, hair everywhere on the pillow and mouth open
his heart goes 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
his arms goes to your sleeping body
& his mind “i’m gonna marry this girl someday”
idk i feel like i could write a whole ass fanfiction of 50 chapters on suho and id still have 100 scenarios of him in mind
i honestly love him sm
such a nice boy
he deserves so much more
give lota of love to him he’s perfect
that’s it i’m done
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celtics534 · 5 years
Natural Chapter 14!
It’s time for the next installment of Natural!
Also read on: FF.net and AO3
Harry’s mouth trailed down Ginny’s neck and across her chest, not stopping until just above her navel. He allowed his attention to focus solely on her. Nothing else mattered. The world could combust and it wouldn’t make a difference as long as he and Ginny were still together.
“Harry?” Her voice was delightfully husky.  
“Hmm?” He didn’t stop his ministrations at her abdomen.
“We can’t keep avoiding our parents.”
And that was one way to calm his randiness; mention their parents. Harry rolled off her and fell back against the messy sheets. “They haven’t asked any questions yet.”
Ginny turned to face him, lifting her head up on her elbow. “That’s because we keep claiming we have practice or the flu, but I know my mother. If we dodge another family dinner she’ll just show up at the house.”
Harry brought his hands up to scrub his face. Even after two months, the cool metal that rested on his left hand still both startled and thrilled him. They had been married for two months. Two amazing months, filled with quidditch and honoring their nuptials, though they both took off their rings when they went out in public, hoping to keep a low profile. If either of them was spotted with gold on their fourth fingers, it would be on the front page of every newspaper you could think of (and some you wouldn’t expect).
But even being unable to wear their rings out on the town hadn’t brought them down from their high. No, the only regretful thing that had been nagging at them over the past sixty days was the lack of family time they’d had. Neither of them wanted to tell their parents they had gone out and gotten married without including their families. So instead of going to the Weasley family dinners or luncheons that Harry’s mother (and Sirius, whenever he felt posh) hosted, the couple had begged off, claiming hectic schedules or bouts of illness.
No one had argued with them (both families knew how crazy quidditch and life could be), but the end of the season was almost upon them. The Harpies had their final game next week, having been unable to clinch a season win without the help of their new star chaser for most of their games. Puddlemere, however, was in the lead for the title. Their final regular season game was next week, against Holyhead.
Ginny bopped her husband on the nose. “Earth to Harry. Focus, luv. We have to tell them before some reporter snoops around and finds our certificate.”
Harry knew she was right, but fuck, he didn’t want to upset their families… He didn't want to imagine his mother’s face, let alone Molly’s! He took a deep breath and turned so he faced her. “How about we invite everyone out to dinner the night of the game?”
She considered it for a moment. “That could work. And if we’re in public our mothers can’t scream too loudly.”
“That was my thought as well.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Because I came up with the plan, though, I think you should be the one to tell them.”
Ginny let out a snort. “In your dreams, Potter.”
“You are in all my dreams, Potter.”
Harry was rather proud of that line, but Ginny’s jaw just dropped. “Oh… I sometimes forget my last name is Potter,” she admitted.
“I don’t.” Harry gave her a wicked grin and turned them until he reclaimed his position above her. His mouth grazed her ear. “I love calling you Mrs Potter.”
A sudden thought hit him as he made his way from her ear to her cheek. “Next season, we can make it so your jersey says Potter on it.” Harry couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face. “I can’t wait to see you with my name on your back.”
“I didn’t know you were so possessive, Mr Potter.” Ginny’s tone held bite, but Harry looked into her eyes and saw no anger. Actually, if he was reading her right (and Harry was sure he was), Ginny was more than a little turned on.
“Possessive makes me sound so egotistical. The others can look, but I reserve all rights to touch.”
Ginny leaned back and let one eyebrow raise. “Who gave you that kind of power?”
Instead of giving her a verbal reply, Harry closed the distance and kissed her, letting his teeth pull at her bottom lip when he drew away. “Feel free to tell me no whenever you want.”
The way Ginny drew him back to her was all the response he needed.  
“What a presentation we’ve had today!” Mothers said for the third time since the final whistle had blown. The game had seemed so one-sided from the moment the two teams had mounted their brooms. “Weasley was in perfect form. Twelve goals and seven assists. Incredible!”
“Too true, Phil,” Gregory agreed. “The Harpies came out looking for blood.”
“And there was a bit of that. Morgan’s health report has just come in and the healers are saying he’ll make a full recovery before the first game of the playoffs.” Mothers let out a little chuckle. “I can count the number of times a keeper has knocked a beater out of the game on one hand.”
Gregory laughed along with his fellow announcer. “We all knew Hansen had a strong arm, but now Morgan now knows better than most.”  
“One final recap before we change over to the Kenmare and Falmouth. Puddlemere has won their final match of the regular season by a mere ten points. The score being two hundred and seventy to two hundred and eighty.”
“Potter made a spectacular catch!” Gregory praised. “He was perfectly in tune with the chasers and their position. If he had caught it a minute sooner they would have lost. I don’t think we’ve had such a nail biter all year!”
“Not for the Harpies at least. With Weasley back, the vibe has changed.” Mothers tapped his fingers on the edge of his desk. “Weasley has become such a staple in their lineup. Leading her team with -” He paused as a mane of red hair walked out of the Harpies tunnel. “Hold on now. Speak of the devil. Weasley has come back onto the field and -- yes! -- that's Potter exiting the Puddlemere pit.”
The two announcers watched the couple meet to the by the Puddlemere tunnel. “Every time these two play against each other, we get a lovely scene,” Gregory told the listeners.
“Our local hopeless romantic, folks.” Mothers chuckled fondly. “Wait… Hey, Dan, did you see that? The gold in Potter’s hand. Do you think he kept the snitch?” The average listener was able to hear Mothers shuffle things around. “My trusty pair of omnioculars.”
Mothers zoomed into the display before him, Potter and Weasley embracing. “It seems to be… No way!” He shoved the omnioculars into his partner’s hands. “Is that a ring?”
“Now who’s the hopeless romantic.” Gregory’s laughed, but accepted the proffered item. Five seconds passed before Gregory turned to look at Mothers. “That’s a ring. And Weasley has one too. Are we looking at the Potters?”  
Molly Weasley considered herself a fair woman. She liked to think the punishments she’d given her children over the years had been just and appropriate.  And she’d never judged someone for something they couldn’t prevent.
But if that was true, why had her daughter (her only daughter!) gotten married without her? And then, why had her child let her find out about her nuptials through two quidditch announcers? What had she done to deserve such treatment?
Molly stared at the two guilty young adults. “Care to explain?”
“Mum,” Ginny started, but seemed unable to elaborate. She looked towards her husband. Husband! Molly’s daughter took a deep breath before starting again. “Mum. It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.”
As much as Ginny had hoped that would placate her mother, those words had only rekindled her fire. With a voice both quiet and filled with rage, Molly began speaking. “Even if that was the case, why didn’t you come and tell me after? Why is that you’ve waited… how long was it?”
“Two months,” Harry muttered, not meeting her eyes.
She gave a sharp nod. “Two months. Two months my baby has been married. Not even Fred and George have done something so-” Molly couldn’t even think of a word.
It was Harry who chipped at her wall of anger. “I’m sorry, Molly. We should have told you.”
“Damn right you should have.” Molly pointed between the two. “I want to know everything, and don’t think for a second this means we won’t be having a wedding.”
Ginny exchanged a quick glance with Harry, as a smile slowly spread across her face. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Mum.”
“Good.” Molly stood to go make a quick stew for dinner. “Now, Harry, go get your parents over here. We have some things to discuss.”
Once Molly walked out of the room, Ginny released a tense sigh. “That went better than I thought. But I’ve got to say, that quiet tone is much scarier than her yelling.”
Harry nodded fervently. “I thought she was going to skin us alive.” He looked down at his hand. “How could we forget to take off our rings before the game?”
Ginny shrugged. “We were kinda too busy with our… pre-match ritual... to think about jewelry.” She gave him a light push so he stood from the sofa they’d been sent to the moment they’d arrived.  “You best go fire-call the Potter brigade.”
“Such a lovely day for a wedding,” Arthur commented as he and Ginny stood by the back door of the Burrow. It had taken only a week for Molly and Lily to be satisfied with the wedding plans. The real challenge had been finding a date that worked for both families. That had taken a few months, but they’d finally found a day where everyone in the whole Weasley-Potter clan could be in attendance. In that time, Harry’s team had been able to clinch the championship title and Charlie’d filed all the paperwork to travel from Romania. And if you believed in serendipity (which honestly Ginny might because of this moment), they were having their wedding party on the day she had Harry had met just a few years ago.
Now after months of listening to her mother excitedly chatter about all the perfect placements and ideal seating charts, it had finally come to life -- and Ginny couldn’t help but feel a little more than grateful for the obsessive discussions between Lily and Molly. They really had created her dream wedding. Simple, yet elegant.
“You know,” Arthur mused, brushing a stray hair from Ginny’s face. “I always imagined this day differently.”
Ginny turned to her father. His face had a look that she only could describe as bittersweet. “What do you mean?”
“Well for starters, I didn’t think you’d already be married to the man I’d be giving you to.”
They both chuckled at his joke. Over the course of the last few months, the fact that Ginny and Harry (now called Hinny by the numerous articles penned about them) were already married had become a running gag between the two families. The only people who didn’t participate in the jokes were Molly and Lily, both of whom were still a little peeved at their children.
“What else?”
Arthur smiled at her. It was the same smile that he’d had when she had run up to him as a little girl, a frog clutched in her tiny fingers. She had been so happy with herself on that occasion and all she had wanted to do was show her findings to her dad.
“I’m so proud of you, Ginny.” He pulled her into a tight embrace and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’ve grown into a remarkable young woman and I know you and Harry will continue to make each other happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, happiness.”
Ginny had promised herself one thing: That she wouldn’t be one of those brides who cried during her wedding. She was already married to the man for starters, also she hated tears. But Merlin, her father had gone and fucked up that plan.
“Don’t cry now.” Arthur held her at arm's length and moved his thumbs to brush at the slowly falling tears.
“I love you, Dad.” She moved closer to kiss his forehead. Taking a final deep breath, she forced herself to stop being sentimental (at least for a bit), and backed away just in time to see Bill approach them.
“Hey, you ready?” Bill smiled at her; he’d had inherited that smile from their father.
Ginny tucked her arm into Arthur’s, using her free hand to check for any stray tears. “More than ever.”
“And we now would like to present, the not exactly newlyweds, but our couple of honor... Mr and Mrs Potter!” Lee Jordan, the twins’ friend from school, called out from his DJ perch.
The crowd laughed and clapped as Ginny took Harry by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Harry gave her a small grimace but took charge once she situated herself in his arms.
“I wish I didn’t have two left feet,” Harry complained as he swayed them to the gentle beat of their first song.
“Well, my two right feet make up for it.” Ginny leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, much to the delight of the people watching. It wasn’t a large group of people really. Just both their teams, their families and school friends (some of Harry’s had come all the way from America).
"Ah, the true linchpin of our marriage. Together, we make one passable dancer."
Ginny laughed and rested her head over Harry’s heart. Somehow the beat of the song matched the rhythm of his heart. Thud - thud - thud. She let the words wash over her as she used Harry as the bass drum.
When you say You love the way I make you feel Everything becomes so real Don't be scared, no, don't be scared 'Cause you're all I need
“This isn’t so bad, I guess.” Harry’s head had been resting atop her head and she  felt more than heard him speak.
“I would hope getting to hold your wife would be at least acceptable,” Ginny teased as she tilted her neck to look at him.
He was smiling in that way he reserved for only her. “Trust me, I always appreciate getting to hold my wife. I just appreciate what happens when I hold you in private a little more than dancing like a ponce in front of everyone.”
“Now, Mr Potter, don’t start talking about such naughty things when my mother is a mere fifteen yards away.”
That caused his smile to become a coquettish smirk. “Your mother being nearby has never stopped us before.”  
Ginny had to hold in her chuckle. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Harry.”
“Trust me, I have every intention of both of us finishing. You may even be able to take a second lap.”
This time she couldn’t contain herself. Ginny laughed and kissed her husband. “I love you.”
Harry’s hand came up and caressed her cheek, his eyes never wavering from hers. “Ditto.”
“Does this mean you’re taking a second honeymoon?” Max (one of Harry’s old school mates) asked, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. After a few bouts of dancing, the married couple decided to sit down and rest their much abused feet. They had already made rounds to thank guests and they’d eaten the perfectly-cooked meal Lily had selected. Now, they were sitting at the head table, joined by a bunch of friends.
“We never really had one the first time around,” Harry admitted as he took another bite from the most delicious cake he’d ever had. His mother really had outdone herself with the catering selection.
“Where are you guys going?” Neville, Ginny’s friend, questioned.
“I picked the island of Tenerife in Spain.” Ginny leaned closer to Harry and opened her mouth for a forkful. Harry rolled his eyes fondly before cutting her a large bite and presenting it. She patted his cheek in thanks and blissfully chewed her dessert.
“Oh, I’ve had reports of high numbers of Crumple-Horned Snorkack mating on the Canary Islands around this time of year.” Luna Lovegood watched them with a dreamy look that slightly alarmed Harry. No matter how many times he had talked with Luna, Harry was still surprised by the woman’s words and actions. “Are you going to join them?” Luna added serenely.
And somehow she’s topped herself, Harry thought. He exchanged looks with Max and Duncan. They both were biting their fists to hold in their laughter.
Ginny, however, took it in stride. “Maybe they’re gonna join us.”
Harry turned to his wife, unable to even think of words; his old school mates gave up trying to hold in their chuckles.
Luna nodded understandingly. “Yes, you would want to be the dominant species. Good thinking, Ginny.”
Neville just shook his head, used to the way his two friends worked. Harry blinked rapidly for a few moments before pulling his laughing wife to her feet and leading her to the dance floor.  
“¿Quieres otra copa?” the waiter asked as Ginny sipped the last of her tinto de verano.
“Sí, por favor.” She handed him her empty cup and he walked away. Ginny took the opportunity to lean back in her sunbathing chair and look over at her nicely-tanned husband. His wide-brim hat was pulled over his face, shielding him from the Spanish sun.
Ginny reached across the almost nonexistent gap between them and started walking her fingers up his arm. She could feel the goose pimples rise as she made her way up to his shoulder. Moving her mouth next to his ear she murmured, “Hola, guapo.”
It took a moment for Harry to respond, but when he finally spoke, Ginny could hear the smile in his voice. “Are you flirting with me, señora Potter?”
“Sí, eres muy caliente.”
At the speed of lightning, Harry took off his hat and kissed her. “Te amo, mi amor.”
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Can you do a married!au with Seokmin where he asks you to dance with him after a long day? Like super romantic and stuff? Thank you! 
warnings: super romantic, super cheesy, super fLUFF THAT I ACTUALLY HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING BC IT WAS SUPER SWEET!!!!
i hope yall enjoy this piece as much as i loved writing it <33333333
The sizzling of the stove and soft BTOB melodies crackled from your speakers, the only sounds that drifted from the kitchen
You were humming along to the harmonies, the cute pastel pink apron Seokmin bought for you last month wrapped securely around your waist as you twirled with a spatula in one hand but u didnt twirl that much ok pls dont burn the house down
You were about to reach the peak of the song when the familiar bell rang
You glanced at the clock and smiled to yourself
“7, just as expected”
You quickly wiped your hands on a nearby towel and scurried off to the front door
“Welcome home, honey!!!” you chirped
He had a slightly worn out smile but the second he laid eyes on you, his eyes lit up and the tired grin became the embodiment of the sun and blinded you lmao i luv death!!!
“AaAhHhHhHH, who’s this cutie pie??!!??!” he says with his pearly whites displaying and bear hugs you, rocking you back and forth can he just be a model for all toothpaste commercials
Im dead do u hEAR ME IM DEAD
Your face is squished into his chest and he keeps cooing at you like
“SEOKMIN P L S WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS ALREADY!!!!” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him awwwwwww :’)))))))))))))))))))))))
“YOU’RE JUST TOO CUTE <333333333333”
Gives you quick but a lOT of pecks on the head, cheeks, literally scattered every inch of your face
“Omg seokmin,,,, pls you are too much!!! But i like it” you say but you’re also pouting bc he kissed everywhere but your lips
He’s more than aware of that
“Oh? You want me to stop though?” he cheekily grins at your frown
You’re about to lean in when you smell something a little burnt
“oH CRAP MY BURGERS!!!!” gotta go fast
As you’re running towards the stove he follows shortly and he’s like oooo burgers omg????
And you’re like o ok its just slightly burnt nothing too serious phew
You’re in front of the pan doing your thing when he comes fROM BEHIND AND BACK HUGS YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You cooked burgers today??? What’s the special occasion?” you feel his chest vibrating as he gently rests his chin on your shoulder
Ok im sorry i need a breather wow ok im crying omg this is real husband material pls someone hOLD ME
He turns his neck to the left and gives you another cheek kiss and you’re trying to decipher whether your cheeks are flaming from him or the proximity between you and the heat emitting from the stove
Maybe its both maybe its maybelline im sorry i rlly gotta stop bUT I LOVE THAT JOKE LOL
He giggles at the wide grin on your face and he just gives you aNOTHER ONE :’)))) PLS DATE OR MARRY ME SEOK
“Omg ok seokmin i love you but pls im about to finish w these burgers!!! Have a seat!! It should be ready in a few more minutes”
“:(((( but i missed you aaaallll daayyyyyy”
“We’ll have more time to ourselves after dinner hun!!!” you briefly kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the pan
Error: Lee Seokmin has combusted
He’s sitting back at the dinner table while admiring your back view and he’s literally the heart eyes emoji
The look on his face with the soft stare and the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards aaaAAAWWWW
You present him with the final product on a plate, one in each hand of yours for the both of you
“Bon appetite!!!” you say as you place it front of him and place his utensils with it
His heart eyes are almost as intense as they were when he looked at you but he’s stuffing his face so it’s kinda hard to tell LOL
“Mmghglg so good!!!” he says in between huge mouthfuls
And you’re like :’))))) i luv my hubby also u have something on your face lmao
He starts venting about his day at work and how rehearsal was just insANE
“We practiced for 5 hours without a break,,, and then we took half an hour ish break,,, and went back to dancing for 4 more and repeated this cycle since 7am”
“Soonyoung told me this really lame joke”
“Why do you always laugh tho”
“That’s what friends do!!! Laugh at your bad jokes bc of how bad they are!!!”
“We also went in the studio to record more of the new songs”
“Jihoon kept wanting me to redo it,,,, i think we all did at least 15 takes. Individually.”
And his lil chatter mouth kept going on and on but you’re just happy listening to his voice
In the midst of ranting about how complicated the footwork is, he notices you just sitting there and staring at him
“You’re not gonna finish your burger?”
And you’re like oH RIGHT LOL
“I just always get so captivated when you talk,,,, it’s so soothing”
And at first he’s like “huh?” with a little confused look and then when he finally registers he breaks out into the bIGGEST SMILE EVER AND HE’S EMBARRASSED
As you and seokmin are finishing up your meal, he’s like aaa that was the best meal ever bless ur soul
You’re like alright time to clear the table and you get up and start gathering the dishes when he’s like wait!! and grabs your wrist
“Let’s dance” he says with a gleam in his eyes
“Seokmin we gotta do the dishes first ok? And aren’t you tired of doing your choreo for practically the entire day??”
“I’ll never get tired of you though :))” uM MY HEART I HAVE CHEST PAINS
“Ok,,, since you asked so nicely,,,,,,,,,” you reluctantly agree while you place the dishes in the sink
When you meet him in the living room he’s already at the speakers and scrolling through his phone to find a song
“Ah perfect!” he taps on the song and turns back to you
You’re both getting in position to slow dance and you’re just like
“This is the cheesiest you have ever been today,,,, are you sick?”
The familiar first guitar strings of “Photograph” start playing and he softly smiles at you
Wait can u guys actually play it rn
Like. right now. Now. at this instance.
Just pause reading and play it
You can continue now
“No,,, i just need you to know i appreciate you,,, whether you’re doing chores that i can’t do at the moment or just plainly lending me an ear,,,,, I love everything you do”
You’re so mesmerized by him that you can only gape back with your mouth slightly parted open
He shakes his head and chuckles, “you don’t have to say anything. Just relax”
As the song progresses you rest your head on his chest, your bodies comfortably pressed against each other as you slowly sway
He gives you another kiss on the top of your head and murmurs, “i’m so lucky to have someone like you” lsjddfsjdfjl my HEART MY H E AR T
“The person who has the luck is me, being able to find a catch like you” you respond, a small smile creeping on your face
He twirls you around, the both of you laughing without a care in the world
The song is about to come to an end when he dips you low and stares into your eyes LJSFDJDFJDFDF IM EMBARRASED AND THIS ISNT EVEN HAPPENING TO ME BYE
You’re both looking at each other so fondly and you barely notice how he lifts you back up bc you’re both leaning in
One arm is holding your waist up, and the other is caressing your cheek as your lips meet
His soft kiss has you weak in the knees despite how you should be used to them by now but he always takes away your breath every time
You break away, your foreheads touching
“,,,,,,,oH RIGHT THE DISHES you’re helping me wash” you say and drag him to the sink
All he can do is laugh and silently pray that he will always come home to this :’))))))))))))))))
144 notes · View notes
cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
i’m so late forgive me pls :( but i got tagged in the “15 tags for your bias” type of thing?? and it was so cute n everyone who tagged me had rly cute n soft tags then there’s me..... lmao guess who i’m soft for and hard as heck for ;;
@aragyeom @mumbleybummie @626mark @choiyoungjae tysm for tagging me (and i am not sure if anyone else did oh god please tell me if you did djkf)
this is REALLY long so...i’m sorry my tags are a MESS . but!! i’m tagging @ilysmbam / @redgyeomie / @shelovesjinyoung / @2jaekisses / @1of1giirl / @jajajaebum and uhh djfhkjs anyone else pls tag me if u do so!!
1. #i am ScReaming #every youngjae stan HAS TO SEE THIS? #hello?? have you???#HES LI TERALLY GLOWING LIKE . LOOK! ✨✨💛💛✨✨ #a real freakin angel descending from the sky #blessing us #granting us his gracious presence and #unfathomable beauty💖💖💖 #wow he is someone i Love Lots💛💛💛 #LOOK AT TH WAY HE LOOKS AT THEM. WHEN WILL I EVER BINCH .
2. #i have to take a moment to relax my heart because i cannot take it🤧😣😣💖💖💖 #he's such a gorgeous baby boy does he know that??😖💞💞💞
4. #honestly he has the right to trap us!! #hat jae #is always a treat!😌🙌🏼💖💖#also his cutie cutie face UGH I WANNA PINCH ! AND SQUISH ! and luv forevermore💕💞💖💕💞💖 
5. #his glow is real here omfg his hair looks so so Soft? i'm weak🤧💞💞💞 #i want to run my hands thru them and lay next to me as he talks about his day #and i stare at his eyes and his lips as he smiles and laughs with every story he recalls to me #wow he!! i love!!! so much!! ✨💖✨💖💖💖
6. #look at our babie boy :')))) #ACK MY HEART IS ATTACKED HIS HAIR SWOOPED UP 🤧💛💛 #i won't deny that i miss the strawberry blonde hair tho it was such a Look for him!!! gaddam #I LOVE HE#HE SO MUCH I LOVE 😖🤧💛💛💛✨✨ 
7. #hells yeah i want this plastered all over my blog my face my house #you make this dull world brighter and all the more tolerable to live in 💝💛💝💛💝💛  
9. #this has probably been on my blog already but #who tf cares he is a fine ass man ://// 
10. #tht lower right gif was SO UNCALLED FOR. #i fucken choked on air he's so unfair😩   
11. #i'm in shock wake me up in 10 years #his beauty stunned me hIS SIDE PROFILE IS EVERYTHING #AND THT LIL FLOWER TUCKED AROUND HIS EAR #BEAUTIFUL #PIECE #OF ART
12. #ugh omygod #look at him just existing...so rude😒 #like tone it down bitch damn 😩
13. #UMMMM????? #exCUSE ME SIR EXCUSE ME? #EXCUUUUuuUuUuSE ME?? #EXCUSE! ME! 😤😤😤😤 #this is fucken illegal #ohmygod STOP 😤😤😤 
14. #currently Crying because hot damn   
15. #gOD I'D *** FOR HIM😰
11 notes · View notes
imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 27} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
 Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received before this IWSY chapter was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: IWSY is the first fanfic I've been reading for so long! Seriously, this is a story like a drug. I'm that type of impatient reader, so I'm curious to know how long you plan to continue this story? When will my life be over?
Thank you for reading it for this amount of time!! But I’m really sorry, I can’t answer your questions because I don’t know myself. I get people always asking me this question but I honestly don’t know xD You guys will know when I do! It probably won’t be for too much longer; we’ll just have to see!! ^^
@btsfanficss said: I'm so excited for IWSY!! Thank you for your hard work and please remember to rest properly ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much bby!! I will try :) but this week is so busy for me and I am currently in London *sweats* lol I hope you have a great week and that you’ll enjoy the new chapter!!
Anonymous said: i binge read I wont stop you, my emotions were all over the place AND IM STILL NOT DONE. you are such a good writer omg. i love you and your writing😚
WAAAh thank you for binge reading it lol! thank you so much you’re so sweet and I love you too deary!! :D
Anonymous said: Girl, I'M READY *DRAMTICALLY GRABS TISSUES*   Ps: i read a lot of  filipino readers here. Hello guys *waves*  -fanfrmph
GRAB THE TISSUES AND HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS! hehe~ Actually I’ve always been interested to know where the majority of people who red my fanfiction live. I wish there was a way I could know without exposing people’s identities hehe~ I hope you’ll enjoy the update tonight love!
@mocking-butts said: It's Tuesday oh god oh god I'm not ready I'm going to sob mumsy what do i do it's Tuesday oh my goodness I'm going to die I'm not ready for this help meeee i hope im not going to die and sob my eyes out even though I will oh god.
aHHHHHH I hope you’ll like it my love please don’t cry!! :c
Anonymous said: heyyy, i just wanted to ask when is the new chapter coming? I rly enjoy reading the fanfic and the storyline is great, can't wait to see how will it develop in the future 🌌💟💟
I upload new chapters of IWSY every Tuesday evening between 9pm and 10pm UK Time (this is written at the beginning of every chapter^^) thank you so much for enjoying the story my love!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: ITS TUESDAY
Anonymous said: I'm actually fucking sobbing at this point
Me everyday tbh
@im-that-chesire-jax said: OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO GOOD. and I kept having theories about her changing and Yoongi being her master and I kept thinking "she's a domitor, she's special so what if she can't have a master?" AND IM SO HYPE AND EXCITED THAT I FINALLY PREDICTED SOMETHING. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WRITING I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT YOU FOR AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE WRITING
Anonymous said: Hahahaha even tho Yoongi's the loml, i hope he gets the fucking revenge he deserves and y/n ruins him and his existence
We will see what happens!! Thank you so much for reading :D
*Jungkook voice* ohmygod!
Anonymous said: I know she's not actually bound to him, but my heart still aches for Jungkook and Taehyung because as far as they're aware, they've both lost the person the love and a person they care about. I'm happy Namjoon is feeling now, and as hopeless as it might be, in genuinely happy the there's still /something/ between Tae and Yoongi.
Yes - because they have no idea what she has just experienced! :( And of course, Yoongi may not be *good* like the other characters in the story, but he still has some empathy and love inside of him, or so it seems! Thank you so much for reading the chapter dear :)
@sundaymorningblues14 said: Wow. I am speechless, that was beautifully written. You truly have a gift! I absolutely loved the way you described the spirit (is that the right term?). I can't wait to see what the protagonist is going to do next! Thank you darling xx
Thank you so much beautiful ^^ I’m so so happy you loved how the sine nomine was described! You can refer to them however you wish - a spirit, a god, a power; whatever feels right to you! You’re so welcome and thank you very much for reading it *hug*
*screams with you* THANK YOU SO MUCH BABE! I didn’t mean tto hurt you though I am sorry :(
Anonymous said: Omg... THE FEEEEELLLLSSS MAN. How could u do this to me... I don't know what I'm feeling right now... I feel, almost... lost? You are an incredibly amazing writer and I feel blessed to be able to have read that and felt the way I did. Please continue on to make my, and many other people's lives happy with what you are writing xxx luv uuuuuu ☺️❤️
Don’t be lost - I’ll find you! *cheesy* Ahhhh thank you so much you’re really too kind to me but I am so happy that you got to feel all those emotions from the story. Thank you and I love you too dear ^^
@animeimmortal said: DO YOU HEAR MY HEART? IT STOPPED LIKE HALF WAY I am still so flipping amazed at all the scenery and detailed descriptions you put in there WHAT WAS WITH THAT ENDING but then again if thats a prank that she's just saying that for the lulz then I would honestly do the same 😊 i don't know what to expect in very excited about the next chapter ❤❤❤ much love
I’LL BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE HOLD UP~~~ I’m glad you liked the scenery and the detail, I personally really enjoyed writing that part. It felt very serene and calming to write it ^^ hehe, thank you so so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: Questions: 1)What? 2)WHYISJIMINSTILLDEADYOUTOLDMEHEWAS- 3)Am I messing with Yoongi or....? 4) Hoseok's  gonna wake up and be like '...What the-' 5)Serrena's gonna come in and be like '...What in the-' 6)YAY JOONIE ISN'T DEAD 7)Why didn't I ask the gender ambiguous person if Jimin is deads?! 8)WhAt? 9)Can we be friends? 10)Do you know the Muffin Man? 11)Wow I asked a lot of questions, but you did this to yourself. 12)Some of these weren't even questions lol  LAST QUESTION: WHaT? - <3 Vampnip anon
Hello Vampnip anon! My, my! You have a lot of questions...but I guess you will have to wait until the next chapter to see if I answer them in it :3 BUT I CAN SAY RIGHT NOW THAT YES LET’S BE FRIENDS BECAUSE I KNOW THE MUFFIN MAN LET’S GO EAT MUFFINS :3
Anonymous said: I've literally just been sat, staring at my wall, for the past hour. This chapter gave me feelings I ain't never had before. I'm surprised I haven't burnt holes into my wall with how intense my thinking stare is 😂😘😘
I’m rather glad that you haven’t burnt holes into your wall, that would be rather unfortunate you and the landlord to find yourselves in that predicament D: This chapter gave you feelings you never had before? Well...perhaps I am a domitor - giving you feelings? *ba dum dum chiiii* excuse me my dad jokes are lame I’m leaving GOODNIGHT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING
Anonymous said: Idk man i want iwsy to end happy, but at the same time i want it to be angsty. KILLS ME IM EXCITED AF TO SEE HOW IT ENDS, IM READY
I wonder how it will end!!!??? :3
@mysr3 said: This Ch is OMG, took my breath away at every details- like a ray of light in darkness! Thank you so much! Cant wait to know what her motive is! Next CH is going to b on FiRE! JK at the end is pricelss! U r such a talented writer even I already said it but ill say again bc it fact! U r Awesome! Thank you for bringing such another wonderful scenario to us! I love you ❤ Plz take care of urself n Hope you have a good night/ good week n wish you all the luck in the world Love ღღღ
You’re so sweet I’m smiling like a complete idiot oh my god?? D: what did I do to deserve you, you little ray of sunshine?! hehe :3 I love you too and i also hope that you will take good care of yourself and have a great week!! :3
Anonymous said: I DONT EVEN CARE I JUST NEED CHIM CHIM TO BE ALIVE #savechimchim #praytothelord #heissocutehecantdie #immadieifsomeonedoesntsavehim
Anonymous said: No...just no...how could you do that to me... and then make me wait another week to find out what happens?!?!!?!?!!?!
Because...I’m evil...but I love you...:3 *runs away*
@namjoonismybias said: Oh my god IWSY was- I can't even😵 keep up the good work!😁✌️❤
Thank you so much for reading my little sugarplum!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: my mom thought i was dying, but i was actually just reading IWSY so yEP IM CRYING AND SCREAMING I LOVE THIS SERIES IM EMOTIONAL. i need more soodkckvkgkgkkh
OMG LOL SORRY MUM xD Thank you so much and I apologise if your mum had a heartattack cos she thought you were dying lolol :3
Anonymous said: You really are an incredible writer
*blush* you’re too kind, but thank you so much. Seriously.
Anonymous said: Damn damn damn. I knew it! I knew she was gonna be turned AND PREGNANT all at the same time mmhm mmhm. Y/N bout to fuck shit up. You had me dying at "you'll never walk alone" I was like no she didn't just go there. Excited for next week whioooop
YAY YOU GOT THE YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE REFERENCE YAAAAAY! ehehe :3 thank you so much my love, I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks too ^^
@snoopy198712 said: Please let some of her powers be able 2 bring Jimin back 2 life & let her be the one 2 either kill Yoongi or Turn him over so the other vampire can kill please allow Namjoon 2 be good please I love this story so much I wait every Tuesday luv it
I hope she’ll be able to do all that and that everything will work out fine in the end! :( but thank you so much for reading and I’m so happy that you look forward to it each week my love :)
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: AAAHHHH OMG SNEAKY SNEAKY Y/N!! Even though it breaks my heart it's good to know it's not because he's actually her master. Another great chapter again Sara!!
Sneaky lil fox! :3 Thank you so much my love, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! ^^
Anonymous said: Yeah just take my heart u already have my feelings take it all  --wifey anon 🐇 (cont.) For once I am not worried because I know YN knows exactly what she s doing  Also I cannot help but think about (Y/N) x Jungkook sex like yn can feel so much things it ll take this expérience to the next level I believe  --wifey anon 🐇
me: collector of souls, hearts and feelings :3 ANd yes! At least you know what her intentions are - despite the cliffhanger! And ooooooog you’re the first person to have mentioned that :3 yes!! I bet it will hehe~ thank you so so much for reading wifey anon! ^^
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG! OMG! OMG! It was fantastic! Despite the fact that you made me cry for a moment, it was still a perfect chapter. All the answers you provided, made a smile grow and widen in my face. And she becoming much more glorious and strong... I just loved it! I knew she would call him master, she's smart and I love her. Thanks for this amazing part of IWSY. Love you!!
I’m sorry for making you cry :( but thank you so much my love! and I love you too~ i’m so happy you liked it!
@doubletroublesince1994 said: I mean yeah, it's perfectly normal for me to read this at past midnight when my finals are just in 45 days and I also have an exam in physics and chemistry in 2 days (For which I'm not ready AT ALL)  THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME OH SARA
Awwwww babe I’m sorry your finals are so close! :( I APOLOGISE FOR ANY PAIN I’VE CAUSED YOU PLS DON’T HATE MEEEE
I love you too! You’re so so sweet thank you so much my dear ^^
Hopefully everything will work out in the next chapter :3 Thank you so much tall anon!
@rainbowluversunite2011 said: IWSY had me SCREAMINGG. I hate that i have to wait a week 😖 It's soooo good! It's amazing, i can't breath right oh lord. You're awesome btw. and so is your story 💜✨
You are awesome too my love! Thank you so much for reading and I’m really glad you enjoyed the update :D
I’m glad that this chapter could bring out all these feelings for you :3 that makes me super happy hehe! Thank you so so much my love ^^
NOPE NO DEAD FOR REAL hehe~ I love you too but I offer no mercy :P Thank you so much for reading the update my dear I’m glad you liked it!!
@clara-licht said: *woke up* *checked watch* Oh, it's 4.30 AM.... IWSY should be updated already. *read story* .....NOW I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE WEEK *tried to go back to sleep* *couldn't sleep due to excitement* Well there goes the rest of my rest XD Seriously though, the newest one left me shook. That last bit kinda excites me, what would Kook do about that? And how will Yoongs react? After all, domitors aren't tied to anyone, so that bit over there must be an act.
Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear that you couldn’t get back to sleep my dear :( But I’m glad that you enjoyed the update! And yes - how will Yoongi react D: I wonder! D: Thank you so much dear for reading :D
@fashionkilla124 said: I'm dying at the end if the new chapter cuz I know she GON BEAT HIS ASS 😂😂 YOU ALREADY KNOW ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN NEXT WEEK IM CRYING FROM LAUGHING SO HARD SEND HELP 😂😂💀💀
SHE’S GONNA BEAT HIM UP YAY hopefully :3 thank you so much love!
@pandafish said: ooohoh!!!!! why is she calling him master though?? i hope it's just a trick.  i wonder if she'll kill yoongi :O
You’ll just have to wait and see! :3
Anonymous said: Just a random question, Sara.... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO END ON A CLIFFHANGER?! wait, but then again, leaving off on a cliff hangers gives all of us the opportunity to come up with mostly inaccurate theories about what will happen next... hmm, okay then, no complaints. IWSY part 27? (jeez it's been so long since the beginning, I'm starting to loose track...) anyways, pt 27 was really really good! Hah! Take that, Yoongi! Your little plan didn't work! I'm looking forward to next week!- army anon
Because, dear army anon, I am a bitch ^^ hehe~ And I love reading people’s inaccurate or accurate deductions so much :3 Thank you so much for thinking that the chapter was good dear, it means so much to me ^^
Anonymous said: please bring Jimin back, please!!! (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) he means so much to Taehyung!
He hasn’t even died and you want him to come back! lol
Anonymous said: daaaaaaamn sara, back at it again with the cliff-hangers. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 from now on i'm calling u the cliff-hanger goddess, featuring ur most notable work "i won't stop you [from cliff-hanging]" 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I am satisfied with this title *smug face* :3
Anonymous said: "You will never walk alone" ahhhhhhh I'm crying for multiple reasons ... man I was waiting all week for that chapter and I'm not disappointed!!!! I'm so excited for more and I'm still on edge for next week and!! Your writing is so good!!! Thank you so much k thx bye <3
I’m so happy that you and a few other people seem to have gotten the reference that I slipped in there :3 hehe thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you enjoy the next part too! :D
@rahrah25 said: This chapter of "I Won't Stop You" was just  breathtaking I'm still in awe of how wonderfully and beautifully you read this chapter this is my favorite fanfic thank you for sharing your incredible work:) ❤❤
I’m smiling so much of my goodness c: thank you my love, your words mean the world to me! Thank you even more for reading my series^^
@purrfectcupof-tae said: Omg you used the "you never walk alone" phrase in IWSY and I'm just weak 😭 i love your writing and I hope to become just as great as you 💕
I did use the never walk alone phrase :3 thank you for picking up on it!! :3 And I am sure you are already a great writer - honestly, mine is mediocre at best :D thank you for your wonderful words regardless my love ^^
@mnmiyukiko18 said: Hun bun, I love you and your work so much... But I swear if Jimin dies in IWSY I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you.
I really hope he won’t die then! *scared face*
Anonymous said: I (an almost 20 year old) literally squeeled when I remembered it was IWSY Tuesday. And oh boy was I blessed this week. Chapter 27 was (literally, haha) an out of body experience. I am so in love with how you've developed this plot. And the sine nomine? Incredible. Unexpected. Amazing. It's clear how much thought and detail you've put into this series, and it is such a complete pleasure to read. Also, the JK stan in me is so ready for eternal power couple Y/N and Jungkook like HELL YEA. - 종달새 <3
I’m so thankful that you loved the sine nomine character - I was really hoping that it would be a nice, fresh organic arch to a vampire story! ETERNAL POWER COUPLE HELL YES LET’S GO! Thank you for always being such a sweetheart, I appreciate it more than words can describe - thank you ^^
@sinae said: I've been following along with I Won't Stop You for a while now and I am so amazed with your writing! I check every Tuesday for a new update because I am so curious as to where the story leads! This chapter was amazing as always, and I am so excited for the next one!! Thank you for sharing your writing! I hope you are doing wonderful♡ (Pls tell me Jimin is okay don't hurt me like this lol)
Ahh, thank you so much for following it for a long time ^^ Even tho it has been running for 27 weeks now! You’re welcome for the stories but thank you even more for reading them ^^ I hope you are also doing wonderfully love!!
Anonymous said: I hereby invite you to this poor army's funeral. She will be dearly missed after we found her screaming and sobbing in her room after reading the last chapter of IWSY.   Please bring flowers (and Jeon Jungkook if possible)
Listen; no funerals will be had because I refuse to let you die! I 100% wish I could bring you flowers and Jeon Jungkook~ Those two things could heal ANYONE’S broken heart I think!
Anonymous said: NOOOOOO I need the next chapter right N O W :( every chapter literally keeps me at the edge of my seat.... praying that this series will never end so I can have my weekly dose of fantasy ㅠㅠ -bunnykookie96
Hello bunnykookie96!! my fellow 96liner :D I wish I could give you the next chapter right now but...I don’t even have it written yet ::( I’m sorry!! but thank you so much for reading it dear ^^
@kookieslaugh said: wait wait wait, when y/n wakes up from her ''death'' is Jungkook slowly dying?? I mean he was in a fight with Seokjin and kind of got rly beat up? bc if he's slowly dying then so aM I!!! Btw I love I won't stop so much like you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to every Tuesday ahhhhh ❤️
Ahhh no, it was more like - her calling Yoongi her ‘master’ killed Jungkook on the inside because he doesn’t know what’s really going on ^^ Thank you so much sweetkins!!
@lostheretics said: shit is gettin real im jungshooked
me as fuck
@koreaisanaddiction said: MY THEORY WAS CORRECT!!!! so good this is an amazing chapter i want more!!!
YAY YOU GUESSED CORRECTLY!! Thank you so much for thinking it was amazing :D
@killingalltheflowers said: Omg this chapter was so beautiful. I have no words to describe it.. And I feel the badassness coming in the next chapter *^* AW I' M SO EXCITED!! YOU'RE THE BEST.
*sobs* thank you so much my love!
I’M TRULY SO HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!!! Thank you so much beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: IM SCREAMING SARA OH MY GODNJSDKK IM A 3RD YEAR COLLEGE STUDENT AND I MAJOR IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE THE MOMENT I SEE SINE NOMINE I SCREAM youre prob aware of it but we use sine nomine [s.n] in cataloguing when theres no author mentioned in a book and sine loco [s.l] if theres no publisher stated sjsjsjsjsjs i just okay i flip my shit out im sorry anYWAY i mentioned last time i had some theory it didnt cover most of it so im still waiting for the next tHIS IS AN AWESOME UPDATE IM
Awwww yesssss! sine nomine is latin for ‘nameless’ so I wanted this powerful entity to have some kind of name. I thought that was most fitting ^^ hehe language is so amazing and how we use it, right? ^^ Thank you so much love and I hope you will be able to see if your theories are correct or not soon! :D
Anonymous said: Even tho my spring break ends this week, I can't fucking wait till next tuesday. Tuesdays are my favourite days of the week thanks to you ❤
My spring break will also end this week :( I’m still in London tho so it’s fun!! I’m so happy that Tuesdays are good days for you because of IWSY - thank you for being amazing and lovely :D
@xtigerlily said: I usually don't like to read anything longer than a oneshot but I'm hooked on I Wont Stop You. I can't stop thinking about it all day. You're a fantastic writer and i'm so glad I found your page :) keep it up!
Well I feel honoured that you gave IWSY a chance even thought it’s not a oneshot! Thank you so much!! :3
Anonymous said: holo Sara!! i've been wondering about this a lot. in IWSY, where did the names 'natum lamia' (i think thats how you spell it) and 'sine nomine' come from? did you learn Latin? :o
I don’t speak Latin fluently but I know some odd words here and there! But the reason as to why I have included Latin names in IWSY is because of the lore I chose to make as the background of my story. I didn’t just want to use English because I believe that the story would have lost it’s depth and feel! :D
@noceurash said: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS BJFGH,, i love you very much bby but you've killed me eternally gdgh. Iwsy was good aaah , have a lovely day~~~~ ♡
I love you too and Im so sorry for killing you eternally :( But thank you so much my love and I hope you have a great day too!! ^^
@idgaf97 said: I just want to say I've been a long time reader of IWSY and I absolutely love it. I think it's one of the best stories I've read (fanfic or not.) Jungkook has always looked like a vampire prince to me lol. Much love from The States (Chicago)!
Thank you so much for being a long time reader! :3 And yes -- Jungkook has always given me Vampire vibes~~ Conversely, Taehyung has always given me Werewolf vibes lol I did write a oneshot smut about Werewolf!Taehyung :3 He’s such an adorable little puppy hehe ^^ And heeeeey Chicago! Thank you my love :D
Anonymous said: Sara, why the cliff-hanger? Oh god now im dying in here.whyyyyyyy
I don’t know I swear it’s my evil twin that does it :(
Anonymous said: Hi yes hello, I'd just like you to know that I just spent the whole day reading I Won't Stop You, and I have to say that you're an incredible writer!! I legit was reading it during my uni classes!! Anyway thank you for writing such a wonderful story and I'm looking forward to the future chapters :D (Jimin though :'(
Gah thank you so much sweetkins! And tut tut you should be focusing on Uni work you naughty student you (jk that’s like me everyday lol) Thank you so much for reading my story as it means a lot to me!! Good luck during your University classes :D
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ourownspaces · 7 years
Chapter - 2
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The moment he heard the Starbucks door 'ding', closing off the air conditioning behind him, Thomas had known he made mistake not getting his coffee iced. Normally, he could gauge the odds of his being stopped outside of any place he happened to enter--and in turn, he could further decipher if it were more beneficial to order his coffee hot or cold. The more people who would want to stop him, the less logical it would be to waste money over heat that would be lost by the time he had a moment to himself to pay attention to his drink. 
But, in his current mindset, Thomas’ radar was muddled. So, by the time he'd given his hugs and taken his selfies, and graciously said his 'thank you's to the compliments that showered him, he was left to a lukewarm cup. It was befitting, though-- completely harmonious to his attitude as he whipped out his phone again and searched through his contacts. By the time the line began ringing in his ear, he was already grimacing at the taste of cold caramel. "Thomas!" The voice at the other end cheerily greeted, but rather than matching this enthusiasm, he 'humphed' a brief, unamused sort of chuckle to himself.
"Hello, Joanna."
"Ooh, what's this..." the woman's tone changed at the dullness of his greeting. Evidently, she'd sensed the dissatisfaction in him, and therefore, she quickly shifted her gears to remedy this, "You hardly sound as chipper as you should, love!" 
"Oh? And how d'you figure," he asked, keeping his questions as deadpan as his statements, "Have I missed something?"
"Looks like it, yeah! You're about a signature away from owning your place, ...most would mark that a joyous occasion!" She said again. By the sound of things, she was expecting Thomas to be jumping at this declaration. He wasn't.
"Mm," he hummed around another unpleasant, near coagulated sip of his cappuccino, "I swear I've heard this from you once before... some time before New Year, that I recall--"
"No--but I mean it now."
"You 'mean it now'," he echoed her, now dubious as he searched his pockets for his cigarettes, "Oh! Well, then, that’s my mistake, innit? I keep forgetting I’m new to this real estate... buying... situation. You’ll forgive me, won’t you--I was under some naive assumption that you’d meant it the first time."
"Oh, don’t do this, Thomas, darling. You’ve misunderstood me," Now she was tutting at him, feigning hurt at him even saying such a thing, of accusing her (however indirectly) of dishonesty, "Of course I meant it before. I just hadn't known the bidding would go this far."
"Mhmm... but it has," he filled in this part for her, sparing his agent her professional pride, but driving to his point nonetheless, "So, what's it that has you so positive I've got it, then...--out of the blue?"
"Oh, the other buyer does!"
Thomas' brows popped at that. This couldn't have been feasible, from any angle he looked at it. And yet, oddly enough, Joanna sounded peculiarly sure of herself, ...a fact which lit his suspicions even more than she'd managed to previously.
"...does she..?"
"Absolutely! There is no - possible - way she could go any higher than this last offer, you have my word; you are as good as settled in, my dear."
"Well. That  c e r t a i n l y  wasn't the impression she gave this Saturday last," Thomas said, his lips tight from speaking whilst lighting a ciggy between them, "In fact, she were somewhat vehement to the contrary."
"--You ran across her?"
"I did," he answered... far more coolly than how she had squealed the question at him, "Just after you'd left, actually."
"Ah..." Joanna said. She paused with it, lending the moment to contemplation, seemingly, "Fiery git, ey?"
"Positively combustible," he agreed, tapping ashes away, "But I didn't exactly give her the warmest of greetings..." He had to acknowledge that much. But, he was digressing. "Anyway--"
"Yes. Anyway," she interrupted, " Whatever impression she gave, it was a bluff, I can assure you."
He frowned a bit at that, "How is that?"
"I have it from a source," She answered, and he could hear her smiling over it.
"Source?" He repeated after her a second time. His face scrunched with more, growing perplexity, "Fucksake, you sound like a gossip columnist."
"I simply meant I know the agency she's looking through, and I've heard from someone more than reliable."
"Christ, Joanna,” he droned, scratching his thumb along his eyebrow while his cigarette idly burned, “don't pull me into your tittle-ing, I beg you." 
"I'm not! Thomas, you've asked me how I've come to be sure; Now I start to tell you and you piss and moan over it before I can even get out a single wo--"
"Alright, alright, then," he cut her off, holding up his hand now, as if to stop her, despite them being clear across the city from one another, "You've made your point. Go on."
There was a bracing sort of pause on her end, even after Thomas had given the go ahead, almost as if she suspected him to renig and hang up. But he was silent, and she eased her way into continuing to share.
"Well. This entire time, it turns out she's only ever had the original asking price-- all of the other additional funds she's been acquiring from dipping elsewhere," she giddily chattered, making Thomas' eyes roll, and making him feel a thorn of moral conflict suddenly being jabbed into his side, "Such a pity-- American student or some other... but your good luck comes in here: She's no more tuition money left to lend to her cause, and even if she had, seeing you would most assuredly frighten her off now, knowing your stock!"
She steadily carried on after that, but Tom had blocked her out by then. His frown deepened in contemplation, and his lungs drew in more of his nicotine while he looked off--caught in his own thinking. He wasn't sure what she’d been in the middle of saying by the time he’d fallen back into listening, but he had already decided to waste no more time with her rumor mongering.
"Yeah, thanks, Jo,” he rushed, “that's fantastic--I've got to run, now."
"Hold on, aren't you going to put in your final?"
"I'll get back to you with it." 
She didn't sound too very pleased when he hung up after that. Jo was still yammering on even as he disconnected the line, but Thomas remained unaffected. He had another phone call to make.
"...Back with an update already?" Will laughed as he answered, picking up without a 'hello', or any other conventional greeting.
"Yeah," Thomas' voice cracked a bit, catching the contagious chuckling before he said, "New developments; couldn't be helped... that, and there’s been a change of plans, so... we’ve a little work ahead of us."
"We?! Us?! Oh, look at this! Are you finally accepting my services, then, princess?" Will asked. Thomas rolled his eyes, chucking both his coffee and his cigarette butt.
"Shut up and tell me where you are, I need a number two on this."
Thomas had reached Will's home within the next twenty minutes, being met with the other awaiting (and looking) entirely too eagerly for him as he pulled up. The second Thomas let down his kickstand, he could see stern refusal tampering the face Will wore. It made Thomas snicker, and he removed his helmet in sync with the swing of his leg over to dismount his motorbike.
"What's this, luv!" He laughed out, "You look like you've seen a ghost...!"
"I won't,” Will responded immediately, “You aren't getting me on it."
"Oh, but darling..." Thomas taunted again, but Will spoke over whatever he'd been getting at. 
"Whatever jokes you want to bloody make, do it--but I’m driving. Wherever it is we're going. You aren’t getting me on one of those bloody things," Will greeted him with this, laughing at himself, but still eyeing the motorcycle in skepticism. He hadn’t needed the reiterating. Just the expression on him was enough to tell Thomas that he would not be riding it with him.
"We can take your car, but I'll need your hands free, mate. If you trust me," Thomas answered.  It didn’t look to matter either way to will; They made for the younger male's vehicle, Will unlocking it for the both of them and allowing Tom to take the driver's side. He could see Thomas' cell being held out to him once he closed the passenger door beside him, and looked up to the blond with a lifted brow.
"You can google and all that whatnot, yeah?" Tom asked. Will snorted, taking the phone from him.
"Yeah, of course, man. What d'you need?"
"Address to the condo’s in there," he said, starting the engine, and distractedly giving instruction as he pulled out of his friend's driveway and onto the road, "I need you to see if you can pull up the nearest Universities to it for me."
"There's..." Will stretched out the word, distracted as his thumb twiddled about the keys, "Yeah. Found it."
"You can get the directions as well?"
"Already done," Will answered again. The phone itself confirmed it, saying 'Calculating Route' in an automated, female voice not a half-second behind him, "Now. Mind telling me what's going on?"
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