#like i know im the one who wrote it but NICE
spacejellywrites · 1 day
i didnt put this in the notes on the actual fic because its quite a long story, but i wanted to talk about it somewhere so ill do it here
my fic, Banter or Bullying, is based on an actual interaction i had with some of my close friends who i live with. our friend group has that dynamic where we all make fun of each other, but one person in particular seems to take the brunt of it. he gets made fun of more often and more harshly than other people seem to, despite being a lovely person (albeit with a few annoying habits, but everyone in this house has some, including me. thats just part of being human.)
basically, i was having a meltdown in my bedroom. i forget exactly what it was about, i think i was just having a bad time and something sent me over the edge. i find that distraction is the best technique to comfort me during a meltdown, so i went downstairs to see if anyone was in the living room and could take my mind off things for a bit, and this particular friend was the only one in there. he was sitting on the couch playing like. a star wars video game. it was like a military tactics simulator or something. idk, not really my thing.
i sat down next to him and he could see i was upset, so he offered to put the game away so we could talk about it but i was like no thanks can i just watch you play? so he said sure, and he let me sit with my head on his shoulder while he explained everything he was doing in the game. i didnt understand most of it, but it made me feel better just to sit with him and listen to him talk
then one of my other flatmates walked past, and she was like oh no hes trapped you in an explanation of his star wars game, blink twice if you need help, etc. and that upset me because i was like, no, i like spending time with him, hes making me feel better right now and actually being really nice to me, and you're just being mean for no reason, acting like im being held against my will or something
and i may be projecting, but i feel like spock gets treated a very similar way, especially by mccoy. it hurts my heart to see an autistic coded character be treated the same way as my friend, and the same way as a lot of neurodivergent people i know when they try to talk about their interests, or even just exist in a way that makes sense for them, and they constantly get negative comments about it.
so i wrote that fic as kind of. a way to express my affection for my friend, and also for spock. and to stick up for spock the way i did for my friend in that moment. no one deserves to feel like their friends dont care about their interests, or even that their friends dont like spending time with them.
i guess, moral of the story, if you have a friend that gets made fun of more than everyone else, make sure to check in with them every once in a while. ask if they're actually having fun when you're bantering with them or if it is hurting their feelings. and if you ever think a joke is going too far, say something. its nice to know that someone is in your corner
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smoosnoom · 1 year
“Okay,” Mike echoes. “So, I was – thinking. We should sleep together." Will, for some reason, still looks lost, but he looks cute – sweet, like that, pink cheeks and eyes wide and glossy and the slight furrow of his eyebrows like Mike has given him something outlandish. “I,” he starts, “don’t understand.”
Mike proposes a sleepover.
Unsurprisingly, no sleeping is done.
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yaoicoreren · 4 months
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who even are these guys
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crescentfool · 3 months
so you want to use OBS
hello! i’ve decided to compile information on my OBS setup and some resources that have helped me along the way.  this is mostly for personal reference, but maybe others can make use of this information!
some notes before i get into it:
i use OBS for both offline recording and (twitch) streaming. any footage i record is edited using DaVinci Resolve 18, which is free.
most of my OBS captures are of video games (through a USB capture card, specifically elgato), and the occasional screen/application capture (like clip studio paint, and sometimes PC games).
as such, the information here is reflective of these experiences. this post is not comprehensive to all of OBS’s features- this is just an overview of the settings and configurations that are most relevant to me.
with that out of the way, all the information will be under the cut!
Basic Setup
file format:
how to change: settings -> output -> recording -> recording format -> press “apply” once finished!
I save most of my recordings as .mkv files- it supports multi-track audio! i prefer .mkv over .mp4 because if your power goes out, you still have a recording to work with. 
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.mkv files can be read by DaVinci Resolve without an issue- but for Adobe software, they'll need to be remuxed to .mp4 within OBS! (file -> remux recordings -> press the … to select a file -> press the “remux” button)
video resolution and framerate:
how to change: settings -> video -> output (scaled) resolution
my obs canvas is @ 1920 x 1080p (16:9)
i switch between 720p and 1080p as needed! if you're concerned about space, you can probably just go for 720p. i also record at 30 fps, simply because that’s what my capture card supports.
video bitrate:
how to change: settings -> output -> encoder settings (located in both the streaming and recording tab) -> press “apply” once finished!
bitrate is a bit of a doozy to explain, but the most important thing to know is that bitrate affects your video’s quality. lower numbers = lower quality, while higher numbers = higher quality. 
generally speaking, you'll want higher bitrate when you're recording things with high depth of information (e.g. you’d want a higher bitrate for something fast-paced like splatoon, compared to a slower-paced game like animal crossing).
my video bitrate is either set to 3000 or 4000 kbps! and here's some of my other (related) settings while i'm at it:
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you can put your bitrate at much higher values than me if you're a stickler for quality- but keep in mind that a higher bitrate means:
bigger file size
more information to upload (when streaming)
your computer will need to encode more
i’d recommend reading twitch’s guidelines on encoding, bitrate, resolution, and framerate to get an idea of what values to pick. for people who are doing offline recording or streaming on a different platform, i suggest googling the appropriate resources!
multi-track audio:
this is mostly applicable to anyone looking to do video editing!
multi-track audio basically allows you to separate your audio sources (e.g. discord, game audio, and your own microphone) into different tracks. 
this is an immensely helpful tool because it lets you adjust audio levels in post-production (editing). some examples of how this can be used:
increasing someones microphone volume if they speak too softly
increasing/decreasing game audio
muting swear words/sensitive information
completely muting voice call + microphone if you want to upload a no commentary video
and more!
to set this up, take a look at your audio mixer panel, and press the ⚙ icon. this will bring up advanced audio properties.
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by checkmarking a track box, it puts the audio on that track. to make the above screenshot easier to digest:
track 1 consists of ALL three audio sources- desktop, elgato, and microphone.
track 2 only has the microphone audio.
track 3 only has desktop audio (i use this for voice calls)
track 4 only has the elgato capture card audio (game audio). the volume has also been lowered so that any speaking voices can be heard clearly.
tracks 5 and 6 are unused.
you might be wondering, “why do all three of these have 1 checked off?” this is what i call the universal audio track. i recommend having a universal audio track for a few reasons:
when you stream from OBS onto twitch/youtube- you have to select ONE audio track.
it’s also a nice backup in case you didn’t separate your audio correctly.
if for whatever reason you need to move around your individual audio tracks in editing, the universal track acts as a nice reference point.
mark off your audio tracks for each audio source as you see fit! once you’re finished with the advanced audio properties, go to settings > output.
for the streaming tab, you’ll want to have the number of your universal audio track selected. in my case, that will be audio track 1.
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for the recording tab, checkmark all the audio tracks that are applicable to you (in my case, audio tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4). by default, only audio track 1 is selected.
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if you don’t check off the additional audio tracks in the output > recordings section, you will not have access to those audio tracks in editing, and you won’t be able to edit your audio tracks independently of each other. so don’t forget to do this! 👍
custom browser docks
custom browser docks are a great tool for when you’re streaming and want to have access to your twitch chat and/or activity feed! (or if you wanted to have some other web browser on OBS).
to create one, go to docks -> custom browser docks.
you’ll be given a table interface that asks you to put the dock name and URL. for streamers who want to have chat and alerts available, do the following:
on twitch’s homepage, go to the upper right and click your icon
then, click creator dashboard
once you’re on your dashboard, go to stream manager
click the vertical “...” on my chat OR activity feed.
press “pop-out chat” OR “pop-out activity feed”
copy and paste the link into the table back into OBS
press apply once you’re done
click and drag the docks around at your leisure to put them where you like!
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if you ever decide you don’t want to have something on your OBS dock (or want to bring something back), go to the toolbar, click “docks,” and click the appropriate dock!
third party things
a section of optional things that you may enjoy having.
streamlabs alerts
this is basically for anyone who streams and wants to have their chat and/or follower notifications visualized on screen!
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streamlab alerts can be added to OBS by adding a browser source into your scene, and the specifics can be customized on streamlabs itself. it’s pretty self-explanatory, so i’ll just leave a link to streamlabs website, where you can log in using the streaming platform of your choice: https://streamlabs.com/
discord overlay
this is a browser source that can be set up to show people who are in a server's voice chat and who speaks. i recommend this to people who make multiplayer content- it can help viewers distinguish who is who but also it can be helpful in editing.
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to set this up, go to https://streamkit.discord.com/overlay, click “install for OBS,” and after logging in with discord, go to “voice widget” and click the server and voice channel you want.
you are able to apply CSS if you'd like more control over the visuals, but the standard layout tends to work fine for me! a search of “discord overlay css” on youtube can help you get more information.
veadotube mini
this is a pngtuber software that a friend recommended to me! no webcam is required- mouth opening and closing is based on your microphone input!
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you can download it here (it’s pay what you want!): https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini
for a proper tutorial on how to use it, i recommend checking out the app's documentation, which you can read here: https://veado.tube/help/
source record
have you ever wanted to stream something with a chat overlay/layout, but wanted your recording to ONLY be the gameplay? or maybe you wanted to record BOTH your gameplay AND your webcam so that you can have a crisp zoom-in on your webcam!
source record is a third party plugin that can help you with that!
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the general gist of source record involves applying the “source record” filter on either a scene or source, and customizing the encoding settings accordingly. the exact details of how to set it up is beyond the scope of this post, so I'll just direct people to this video instead (it was very helpful to me):
⚠ a quick note about source record: this plugin can be intense for your computer. be sure to do test recordings and the like to see what your computer can handle (and see if the recordings come out the way you like). it took me a few tests before i settled onto something i liked!
you can download and install source record here: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/source-record.1285/
have you ever wanted to do a collaborative video or stream where you feature someone else’s video on your stream? or maybe you’re doing a multi-person streaming event! vdo.ninja is the perfect tool for you!
vdo.ninja turns your OBS virtual camera into a browser source link- which your collaborator can add on their stream! this is a new tool that i’ve added to my arsenal recently- since my friend and i are planning to stream a side order challenge together! i’ve still got to iron it out a bit more, but i like what i’ve used of it so far.
try it out for yourself at their website here (with documentation and demos available on the homepage!): https://vdo.ninja/ (no downloads required!)
ok! i’m set up! what now?
and with that, that’s all of the settings and tools that i thought would be worth mentioning! while most of my setup was written with video games in mind, some of these plugins and setups may be applicable to other types of videos (e.g. tabletop gaming with a physical camera)!
now that i’ve outlined all these settings, i have one more thing i have to say: regardless of what you're using OBS for, do a test recording before doing anything “official” with it. this recording can be as short as 30 seconds. it’s a good habit to develop that can make sure your streams/recordings turn out the way you want them to!
here are the kinds of things i like to check! it’s not an exhaustive list, but this can be a starting point:
does my video look the way i want it to (and can my computer handle that)?
can my computer handle the load of encoding? - OBS will note in the bottom if the encoding is overloaded. if it can’t handle it, turn down your bitrate or adjust other encoding settings (e.g. i had to toggle psycho visual tuning OFF because it was causing lag)
this is especially the case if you're recording PC games- you don’t want to have slowdown on either your game or the recording!
are my audio sources (e.g. desktop audio and microphone) correct? - if you plug/unplug devices a lot, be sure to check this (settings -> audio).
are any of my audio sources muted? - make sure you don’t have anything on 🔇 if you don’t want it to be muted! otherwise the audio will be lost forever… (i lost my friend’s VC audio once… it was sad)
are my audio tracks separated properly? - requires you to boot up your editing software, but it's worth doing! for the test recording, just have something from all your sources playing at once, and see if your editor has things separated into tracks.
can i hear the voices clearly? or does the music and/or game overpower them?
if for whatever reason your OBS crashes, or you want more information on anything “critical” or “warning” worthy in your set-up, you can go to help > log files > upload current log file > analyze. crash logs currently can’t be analyzed by the log analyzer- but they’re a valuable tool when asking for help on the OBS forums!
and that’s all! for real, this time. i hope that some of these tools and settings can help anyone wanting to get more out of OBS. there’s definitely other things i didn’t touch upon (e.g. audio filters for noise compression, suppression, etc.), so i suggest doing your own research and trying things out!
happy recording/streaming, and thanks for reading! ✨
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daimonios · 7 months
realized again that i get to be the trans teacher that trans students get to have now. world so beautiful and amazing
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wqxianvents · 11 months
// spoilers(?) to the new event ,, its just screenshots of the story aint rlly crazyy
bro this event is so poly!nxx coded im on my knees sobbing like theyre so domestic to eachother n THE OG CHARACTERS MAKING AN APPEARANCE HAVING ME GEN CRYING 😭😭😭
like when huey appeared PLSS “HUEY!!!” same. thats my son. they need more events where domestic nxx appears thank you theyre all dating idc
like not them fighting… i was gonna get annoyed if it was the typical banter LMFAOO also artem being passive aggressive 😭😭
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but to my delight ✨ EVEN LUKE WASNT GETTING INTO IT THIS TIME LMAOO,, also doesnt luke feel a little softer in this event? hes so cute like :,) he just feels more relaxed idk how to explain it, they all do tbh!! but luke hasnt rlly been bantering and if he does its with marius (not out of the ordinary fr) SOMETHING IS JUST DIFFERENT. i’m lovin it rho
i have so many ss’ of this event and whew boy… the amount of times ive been screaming poly nxx is smth, hyv loves me and said its canon (believe it)
like they all feel so lively in this one and arent arguing like they always do so its a nice change of pace <33
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sorry for long tags LMAOO just love them so much *grabs the nxx team and runs away*
edit: the event i was talkin abt in tags was dreams of childhood LMAOO that one and 2nd anni are a top fave for me neow 😌‼️💞
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silverislander · 5 months
prof said congrats for writing up a proposal so early i am going to get a good grade in. well this is literally going to be graded. but yk the meme
#i really hope its decent proposals are really hard for me to write. i never really understand how much im supposed to say#also i dont plan stuff in advance! i hate drafts and proposals why cant i just jump in and run w my topic#i dont Know exactly what im going to cover just yet can i get back to you once ive covered it#levi.txt#i spent One page just opening the two page proposal so. i know it needs some cleaning up#but the last time i wrote one of these i only got a 75 (not a bad grade but i could do significantly better) bc. and i am not kidding.#i wrote a several page intro abt the themes of a story i was super pumped to write. and forgot the /plot characters and title/#a 75 was honestly generous. that prof already liked me and knew my work so i got very lucky#also i just think the guy im working with for my essay is so cool and i want to impress him bfhshsk#ive taken 2 classes with him before he is so smart and so enthusiastic. i was 1 of only 3 who was there for every class both times#everyone whos helped me has been so cool and very nice to me i want to do a good job and prove that im as capable as they think#and also jesus fucking christ ive worked so hard for this degree PLEASE#if i dont get honours im walking into the forest laying down and letting the fae take me as they will#side note: i have 1.5 movies left (its late and im finishing army of the dead tomorrow + watching evil dead rise)!! thats so exciting#theyve (mostly) been really fun and i feel like i have a really good general idea of where im going w my essay now#the movie eras are starting to kind of organize themselves into coherent themes in my mind#i think its smth along the lines of racism/xenophobia -> social change -> satanic panic -> action and militarism -> prejudice/bias#and i actually think were in smth of a thematic reckoning w zombies rn as a culture that im excited to discuss!!#for so long weve accepted that zombies arent people but weve really been starting to interrogate that since abt the mid 2010s#w tropes like searching for a cure (not just a vaccine) or movies like warm bodies or evil dead where you can truly turn back#and im really excited to see where the future takes the zombie genre!!
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/27: Secret 
Cherrypit sat down on the edge of the fountain. 
All around him people were running around barking around more words that he didn’t understand. Some of them looked happy, a lot of them looked kind of scared. Gaius ran by him without a word.
At least Cid told him to get ready to fight something soon. Something really big. 
Sofia still didn’t know why she even bothered to show up today.
Well, she kind of did.
That Cherrypit kid had told her that today would be the day that he would be coming by the Archer’s guild again to continue his training. 
He had promised this just a few days ago, when Sofia had just missed him he had just been on his way out. He was rushing out towards something important apparently. Something way more important than their target practice rematch between the two of them.
Sofia had been very insistent on having their rematch soon. So much so that she was even willing to let Cherrypit have the first shot, confident that she would beat his score this time. 
Despite Cherrypit looking to be in a hurry (an awful hurry judging by the way he was dancing around and holding his linkshell) he made sure to give Sofia his word that he would come back soon to play with her.
As he ran off Sofia yelled out at him that she was NOT playing. She wasn’t a little kid, unlike Cherrypit. What she was doing was TRAINING her archery skills so she could go out and become an adventurer just like her hero, the warrior of light.
Maybe Cherrypit thought he was playing but Sofia was going to set the record straight today one way or another.
By kicking his butt in target practice.
Right on cue, Sofia heard the telltale sound of someone arriving at the archer’s guild by aethernet.
Cherrypit had arrived just as he said. Sporting a new outfit than the last one Sofia had seen him wearing. Though in her opinion, it looked like he was really overdressed, especially when it came to the weather in Gridania for the season.
Alongside the bow on his back, Sofia also noticed that in his oversized mitten wearing hands he was carrying a basket. It wasn’t an odd thing to see Cherrypit bring here. Oftentimes she heard whispers among the other serpents of Cherrypit sharing snacks with them. 
She would rather much steer clear of those snacks however.
Last time she heard that Cherrypit had given one of the serpent guards a whole slug as a snack and he refused to leave until he saw them at least attempt to take a bite out of it.
If he offered her anything she would just politely refuse it. Like royalty would.
By now Cherrypit had noticed Sofia waiting by the archer’s guild and waved at her. He started to run towards her only stopped by falling flat on his face. The basket in his hands flew from his hands and flew into the air.
Before Sofia could act, the basket fell right back down to the ground, Cherrypit caught the falling basket with one hand and lifted himself back upright with the other. He shook his head and moved some hair out of his face. Then smiled as if nothing had ever happened.
“Hi Soapiea!”
Sofia’s grin of confidence quickly faded away into a disappointed smile. She was sure that after last time that Cherrypit had finally learned how to pronounce her name. Rather than take another forty minutes sitting him down and slowly saying her name together Sofia decided to take it in stride and let him live with it for now.
“Hi Cherrypit.” She waved back at him.
Sofia watched as Cherrypit walked over to the steps of the Archer’s guild and set down the basket he was carrying. As usual on his back was a bow that looked way too big for him to be carrying around.
Either the bow Sofia was given was too small or someone was trusting Cherrypit with weaponry just a little too much. Whatever the case, she was going to file a complaint just in case Cherrypit was getting special treatment when it clearly should be the other way around.
Sofia’s patience was already running thin so by the time Cherrypit decided to sit down and pull out a sandwich it had disappeared almost entirely. She was about to gently remind him about the promise he made last time, until he pulled out a second sandwich and gestured towards her.
With his mouth still full he wiggled the sandwich at her and asked, “Do you wan’ some?” A drop of purple jelly fell from the corner of the sandwich. Her favorite kind of jelly, in both flavor and color.
As Cherrypit continued to hold out the sandwich for her Sofia decided to give in to his obvious bribe. She reluctantly tossed her bow aside and walked over to Cherrypit, taking the sandwich from his hand and taking a seat next to him.
Now that she thought about it, she was kind of hungry. That sort of thing is just what happens when you skip breakfast, she guessed.
“If you think sharing your snacks with me is going to get me to go easy on you, you got another thing coming.” Sofia used her free hand to take out her handkerchief and placed it on her lap. There was no way she was going to eat something as messy as this with the possibility of messing up her new dress.
Cherrypit looked at her, confused at what she had said and what she was doing.
Sofia clued into Cherrypit’s confusion and decided she would be nice enough to explain what she was doing. For one of her loyal subjects.
“I’m just making sure to keep my dress clean.” Sofia gestured to her immaculately clean dress. It was a pretty purple color, the color of royalty! (for sure!) Custom made and a perfect fit for her fifteenth nameday.
“A princess has to always look her best, you know?” Sofia threw her hair back and let the natural light of the sun shine down on her and sparkle her tiara.
Cherrypit watched her closely and flipped back his own ponytail. Sofia didn’t seem to notice his flattering imitation.
For a while Sofia and Cherrypit sat on the steps of the archer’s guild. Sofia gave every person that passed by a simple wave and a “Good morning.” Cherrypit watched her and waved right after her every time.
Sofia finished her meal and looked over to Cherrypit, hoping that he had finished too so they could start their friendly competition already.
For some reason Cherrypit was holding a tomato between his hands.
Sofia didn’t put much thought into it besides thinking to herself that eating a jelly sandwich with a tomato was an odd choice.
She decided to ignore it until she noticed that Cherrypit was squeezing the tomato with his hands. Or at least, trying to. Sofia knew that tomatoes were fairly easy to squish, unlike an apple or something.
She had half a mind to tell Cherrypit to be careful or he might make a mess or something.
Just as Sofia was about to raise her voice to tell Cherrypit to knock it off, the tomato had reached its limit.
The poor tomato finally exploded with a squish.
Sofia managed to jump back in time to avoid being hit by any of its residue. But the same could not be said for Cherrypit. Parts of his face and his entire shirt were covered in tomato juice. 
All Sofia could think at that moment was that whoever did Cherrypit’s laundry for him would probably have a lot of questions for him.
Not only that, but the tomato had splattered all over the dirt in front of him.
Cherrypit dropped the last of the tomato on the ground. He wasn’t even bothering to wipe off any of the tomato’s residue off his hands, which Sofia found inconceivable.  
Cherrypit looked at his hands and shook them in place. Then he looked up at Sofia,
“I saw that happen to a person.”
It was all that Cherrypit said.
Sofia remained silent.
He couldn’t possibly mean like, a real life person, could he? Where would someone even see something like that?! Let alone just walk away from something like that?
Sofia looked down at the tomato stain on the ground. It was starting to fade.
“Um, where did you see that?” Sofia had asked without thinking. There was a part of her that instantly regretted asking that question.
Cherrypit smiled, then put a finger up to his mouth.
“It’s a secret!”
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Every semester, I feel like my instant thought is always "I am dropping every class. They're all horrible." but by the end usually end up really liking it so I really just need to ignore my first impressions, but god looking at the syllabi really destroys my mental state
#yet i dont remember liking the first class i took for my one major and im not excited for it this time either 😐#even tho ive spent the most time around that prof cumulatively i still dont really think i like him all that much 😭😭😭#my department sucks because theres only 2 profs and the one sucks so bad that she has a 1 star review#and the other prof who i feel lukewarm about goes so far as to tell his students to avoid classes with her#so im really stuck between a rock and a hard place 😭😭😭#i think he just gets on my nerves too easily. and he was on the abroad trip i went on so i do feel like ive gotten closer#but like you know those people who the dynamic feels very one sided with? thats him for me. i think its just a cultural difference tho tbh#but otherwise i think my other classes will be fine :D#just feeling a bit 😧 rn bcs i have to make an introduction vid for my online class and I DONT WANNNAAAAAAAAAAA#also i miss all my profs from my prev semester :<#i think i talked about it on here but ahhhh my one linguistics prof she was so nice#but it haunts me bcs she asked if she could use one of my papers as an example paper in the future#and i was of course very honored....#BUT ALSO THE PAPER I WROTE USED F1 DRIVERS AS EXAMPLES LMAO#so im so glad that the first half of the 2023 season is now just a time capsule in that class#like literally a time capsule where you can exactly tell which era it was bcs i used Nyck as an example 🌚#well anyways wish me luck i hate starting things it's like trying to cram yourself into a new skin or something#and then when youre very pleased and comfortable with it all its then over :(#catie.rambling.txt
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hella1975 · 2 years
Whats the most 'wtf' threat-message-comment thing you remember getting?
Maybe not a mean comment, but the most like 'why do you feel comfortable saying this to me' thing?
oh to be honest ive never received any actual AWFUL asks/comments but i have received a lot that toe a very fine line to the point i cant even remember all of them. like it's clear there was never any malicious intent but some people just reallyyyyy do not understand boundaries. most of the time i just wont answer but if im in a bad mood i tend to tell you guys off for it lmao so you've actually probably seen the worst ones.
i guess not threatening or mean, but one comment that has always stuck with me just bc of how 'wtf?!' i was about it is this one commenter i had on ao3. they were a reallyyy loyal commenter for MONTHS like every single chapter they'd leave at least a paragraph, and two thirds of the para would always be pure praise for my writing, which was why it was kinda complicated bc i KNEW the rest of the comment wasn't intended to be criticism, they were just the kind of person that clearly didn't have a filter. so what they'd do is they'd say all these compliments, but then they'd say what they DIDNT like about my writing. and my attitude with fanfiction is that unless the work is actively problematic, you just do not tell the author their shortcomings. idc if this isn't a widely held opinion; it's my opinion. ao3 authors are giving us this shit for FREE out of their own time more often than not while balancing jobs and a social life - it is their HOBBY and it's not your place to tell them you dont like their plot or the way they wrote something. write it yourself if it bothers you so much. and so for ages i just didnt respond to this person's comments even though MOST of the comment they'd leave would always be positive, bc the tagged on parts always felt passive aggressive. like they were clearly part of the Annoying atla fandom bc they'd always get annoyed when any of the characters held zuko accountable for anything. they openly admitted that they just wanted zuko to be babied and didn't like it when people were mean to him, a sentiment that REALLY pisses me off, and they were also SUCH a katara anti which, yk, red flag. but it was fine. it wasn't a big deal, i could handle the comments and i genuinely just forgot about them as soon as i read them.
BUT THEN one day they left me a comment being like 'im going to stop reading this fic' which that alone is such an odd thing to alert the author about, but then they proceeded to explain to me why they weren't going to read anymore. like they spent an entire para being like 'this is why i dont really like this fic anymore' LMAO?? and i distinctly remember them saying something about zi se and how they hated him partially because they hate kids but mostly because he was an OC which i just thought was such a fucking funny thing to say like the cheek?? i was flabbergasted and i was kind of sick of their shit at that point, so my response was (para-phrased): 'not to be rude but in future i think you should consider when commenting on fics if your comment is actually necessary.  it can be very discouraging as a writer to be told directly by a reader that they don't enjoy your story and don't like the direction you're taking it. i'm confident enough in taob and my own abilities that i can brush it off very easily, but i'm just worried that if you said this to a newer or smaller fic writer it could really impact their confidence. the decision to stop reading isn't the issue here, it's just that you felt the need to explicitly tell me about it' which i thought was very hot and mature of me. like i very rarely pull out the 'taob is one of the biggest fics in a very big fandom' card but when dealing with rude people i have no shame in being like 'i will not miss a single reader like you realise that right i will not notice if you stop reading' so yeah as an experience it was all just very odd JSKDGHKJDSH
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emi1y · 2 years
the ind/ruck era was batshit insane and not even a little bit based in canon but i do think it was fun how for a brief period there were a number of people writing gay love stories about a 40+ year old forest ranger with rural appalachia as the setting. that was a niche i wasn't aware i liked and to a certain degree i do miss it. deleting this post in the morning
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sludgeguzzler · 1 year
god i love lotr especially the online fandom bc i might not be a part of it but knowing that one of my dads most formative pieces of media something that he told me stories about in great detail (he knows the lore by heart) making me grow up hearing about it, is also some 17 year olds source of gay fanfiction is simply the best thing
#im not kidding btw lotr was a huge part in the bond me and my dad have its the reason why my dad likes medieval fantasy#which he passed down to me so ots the reason i lile medieval europe fantasy and history#but my favorite book was never lotr its another one by some italian lady#but i always considered it a like???? dude bro heavy metal liker thing. like its so nerdy. the stereotypical kind kf nerdy#to me and stuff thats what lotr meant. heavy metal guys in their 30s dad time and big book.#so finding a whole community of younger queer people who like it online in a COMPLETELY different way is SO NICE#inspires me to actually finish reading the book#(it was kind of boring for me granted i was 12 and had just rea what i perceived as the coolest books ever)#(like the starting section is genuinely very boring but i picked it up again one of these days and actually likes it)#(even if its a bit of an infodump that could be conveied inside the story)#(but you could argue it *is* inside the story seeing that the author writing it is a character#(not a character in the book like. he isnt tolkien tolkien wrote his books introduction woth full imersion in my mind i think)#(but even if it seems a little bit unnecessary it actually provides a lot of insight to the hobbits history that is pretty cool to the stor#it gives ot that extra layer of understanding of the whole universe and middle earth which really increases imersion)#(((ive never read kt but i did watch the movies which YES i know isny The Real Authentic Thing give me a break)))#sg.txt
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kulliare · 2 years
how do journalists have so many ideas all the time...
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made-nondescript · 2 years
crazy idea....what if emerald duo ask blog reboot but text based this time
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hamausagi · 22 days
trying REALLY HARD not to be delusional
#jents#like i KNOW i need to trust him and he has no reason to cheat on me.#its just so hard when he drops everything he's doing with me to go see his ex who's still one of his best friends#and she's been away for college and he hasnt rlly talked to her or seen her in a while and she just got home so like. i get it.#and i know hes known her a LONG long time before he even met me. and they dated in like. middle school so like. whatever.#but last year he was still so hung up on her and before we dated he showed me the paragraphs upon paragraphs he wrote abt her#bc of how in love he was with her#and idk i know he loves me. and hes said he doesn't love her like that anymore. but its so fucking hard to not be jealous#i know jealousy is a terrible quality and i hate that im the psycho jealous gf and i dont wanna be overbearing#and i dont want him to know i feel this way#bc she is still one of his best friends. and they havent dated in many many many years. so i have no reason to be possessive#and he doesnt get worked up when i hang out with other men. which is nice bc my ex got worked up when i would fistbump other men.#so im really trying to be normal. its just so hard for me to trust#and im really really trying to be normal about it. its just so fucking hard and i feel terrible and guilty#it sucks bc i love her and shes so nice and fun. but damn i get so self conscious bc she matches his personality way more than i do#shes so bright and fun and loud and full of energy and im just not like that. but he's also bright and fun and loud and full of energy#theyre both so social and im not#ugh#i hate feeling this way why cant i just be normal
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tencolorpen · 4 months
looking forward to getting my mechanical pencils in the mail today.
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