#like dudes. you're not better just because you don't post your fanfic on ao3
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Just finished Literature Devil's video on the Obi-Wan/Vader ROTS fight and oh my GOD I used to like this guy. How does he not get any of it.
First he starts off misunderstanding the sand quote but we're used to that, whatever, not everyone has a brain, sure. He could have made an effort but this isn't what the video is about.
One of the things that absolutely struck me and I'm surprised someone would say that on the internet in front of thousands of people because that's like admitting to no reading comprehension whatsoever is that - he says a good scene goes from one of the main core emotions, glad, sad, mad or afraid to another one and preferably switches in the middle, otherwise it's boring and hollow. Okay yeah. But he says the scene starts with us feeling sad that Vader turned to the dark side and only switches at the end with us feeling happy that Obi-Wan won, and - there's my problem. In what world do you think we're supposed to feel happy about the outcome of that fight?? These two guys, closer than brothers, more intimate than lovers, two halves of a single warrior, had to fight each other and one of them maims the other one and you think we're supposed to be happy that Obi-Wan won?? Nobody's happy about this! Not Vader who lost the rest of his limbs and won't really know happiness anymore, not Obi-Wan who just dismembered his best friend/brother/other half, and not the audience because this is a fucking tragedy!! What the fuck. How do you misread the scene that bad. And he says it a few times! Like what sir. What the fuck. It's pretty obvious this is sad and it sucks. But apparently Mr Literature Devil sees Obi-Wan's devastated face and hears "I loved you" and goes "ah yes I'm so happy he won :)" ???
Tied to that but he also says that the only moment where the course of the battle changes is the end, and that that makes the rest feel flat. His fix-it fanfic version of the fight includes Obi-Wan attacking Vader more aggressively, with switches from him dominating the fight (which we once again are supposed to be feeling happy about for some reason) and then Vader having the upper hand, but then Obi-Wan is coming out on top again and he ends up cuting the rest of Vader's limbs. And ?? Obi-Wan wouldn't dude do you understand the character or what. Only one of those men is trying to kill the other here. Obi-Wan isn't for real trying to kill his other half, he's being the patient boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to get tired so they can hug and talk it out. He wouldn't feint to cut Vader's limbs or whatever, this is the other half to his warrior.
Gotta say though he suggests Vader gloating about beating Obi-Wan before he's truly beaten, right before he feints and cuts of his arm, which is just what happens in that Obi-Wan Kenobi flashback so yeah that checks out, and also that there should have been a moment of calm in the middle for Obi-Wan to meditate a little like Qui-Gon does in TPM, which would have been like poetry and rhymed, and I can't say that's terrible either. Like I much prefer those two suggestions to the rest. Would it be appropriate, especially the meditation, I'm not certain, but it doesn't immediately jump to my fave as being a shit idea, so hey.
(also he really is just writing fanfiction and pretending like it's correcting canon or whatever, get down your high horse and join us on AO3 instead of thinking you're better than everyone??)
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olderthannetfic · 27 days
i saw this post today where this person was talking abt fandom racism and was pointing out some real issues within my fandom and favorite ship that I too had noticed… but then kept bringing it back to the lack of one particular other ship they liked, when it's like, no that's not the problem, and that ship is unpopular because those characters have zero romantic or sexual chemistry and barely any scenes together. (it was really funny that someone had reblogged this to take their 'lack of seeing this one character in a sexual way in fic miiight be racist' complaint to be like 'i think you're right! we should have more fic about [a long list of different ships involving that character with people they have ACTUAL chemistry with].' it was really funny. ofc op totally missed the point they were making there.) anyway i just feel like way too many useful conversations about this stuff are ruined by people making it about shipping or other really subjective fandom preferences. i get that this is because something like 'number of fics X ship or character has on ao3' is an objective measure, and something like 'level of orientalism in how a lot of people are writing this desi character' is not, but i wish people would realize it tends to alienate more people that it converts. and ime, it's often the people who maybe would most benefit from hearing those criticisms (e.g. are writing unintentionally racist stuff in their works, and are someone who would want to know about that and how to do it differently) who tune it out the second you make it into insulting their shipping preferences.
i mean, there WAS some real racism in the star wars sequels fandom, including among the fanfic/shipping side. not just the shitty dudes harassing kelly marie tran. we saw the really bizarre 'predator' language people directed at john boyega just for making some joke posts on instagram about disliking reylo and its shippers. it was the very classic racist thing where people see something as automatically more threatening when a black man does it. ....but how many people had already tuned all that out because the people most outspoken about the racism in the fandom kept reducing it to 'if you ship reylo over finnrey, or kylux over finnpoe, you're a racist'? it's like a boy who cried wolf thing. if you've shown that you can't uncouple serious discussions and concerns from just being pissy that your otp is not more popular, people are going to see you as someone who can't be taken seriously and then ignore you when you do have a real complaint. it's like how i'm sure that some of stitch's essays are thoughtful and important, but i have no desire to read stuff by someone who is infamous for harassing people just for what they ship. i don't feel like i can take any of that person's judgments about fandoms i'm not in, for instance, seriously.
that's not to say fandom preferences in shipping can't ever be influenced by racism (or other 'isms') but is it ever really *that* specifically that is the problem, or the broader pattern it is part of? and i feel like 'maybe fandom is a little too focused on het and slash ships between two young skinny conventionally attractive white people' is a message more people are open to than 'your specific white M/M or F/M otp is racist'
anyway it reminds me of the stuff i've seen sometimes in academic fandom studies about how you can't really honestly study a fandom where you're deeply mired in its discourse - you need to focus your work on fandoms that you're familiar with but not in that way. and i think that maybe also applies to some of these discussions about fandom racism and misogyny. maybe you're just going to have better takes on something when you're not deeply invested in other unrelated arguments about it, like about which ship is the most popular. like i could not care less about star wars shipping and have zero take in reylo vs. finnrey, so that's why i feel like i could trust my perception that the way a small minority of reylos were posting about john boyega's instagram posts was racist. it didn't matter if he was genuinely being a jerk to them or about their ship. he obviously wasn't a 'predator' and it was pretty telling language for a group of largely white people to use about a black man making fun of their ship on a different social media site.
The laying pipe thing was blown so out of proportion, yes. Call it sexist, sure, but it wasn't fucking predatory.
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montygatorguy · 14 days
all the question for the fic ask thing just all of them
this took ages but thanks for the ask dude :D
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
i love all my fics, but i think im most proud of look all around at the mountains you haven’t climbed
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
ill go with an easy one, terrible things would be terrible things by axie
📝 How many words do you have posted?
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
either when i saw your (reggies) bookmark on my autistic may fic or the guest that commented a bunch on my alenoah sickfic
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
i don’t write that many, but bringing romeo back as a ghost in glass half empty was fun
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
i won’t use maycois here, imma use gweather from td. they remind me of good luck babe by chapelle roan so that
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
probably just fluff. it’s fun
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
my friends and my parents all know i write, but if one of my classmates said something i would probably stay quiet.
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
“When you’re a superhero, no one thinks you can die. They think that with every injury, big or small, you’ll always get back up. But that’s a lie. Superheros, no matter how strong they may be, are still human. And for the first time since they were bitten, the police saw the two of them as such.” from chapter 1 of glass half empty
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
a couple, maybeimamuppet, onthelasttrain, and flylikeajailbird. all really good writers that i read on my early days on ao3. also all of my insanely talented mutuals here <3
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
may and frankie would make great parents and i could imagine them probably adopting :)
🐗How do you handle trolls?
never had to deal with any thankfully, probably would just ignore
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
not really that long tbh
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
school, usually when im supposed to be doing something else lol
💪What motivates you to write?
its fun getting to share the ideas i have with others and seeing what they think
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
almost all of my fics started out as scenarios i would think of before bed.
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
from the other tags catagory it’s alternate universe - high school, canon divergence, and modern setting
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
my chromebook from my school, but i started out writing all the way back in first grade where i wrote a story about a superhero fish (that was vaguely base off shark tale lmao)
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
probably just finding different ways to have people express affection, idk
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
if any of you ever do this i will lose my mind /pos, please tag me (but give credit!)
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
my one singular fnaf sb fic. i don’t understand why it has 300 hits. i need to write a better one sometime
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
that APPARENTLY the canadian date format starts with the year. it was interesting
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
i hope sometime i get the motivation to finish terrible things because i have lots of ideas i just don’t wanna write them
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
in sequence, but i usually plan things out first
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
like you said, the actors reading my fics. that would be terrifying if i just woke up and checked my inbox and there was a comment from like. justin david sullivan. i don’t know what i would do.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
i don’t like hot drinks. usually i just drink water
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
throwdown (chase and mk sibling fic, 8) blaze (alenoah sickfic, 7) and haven (hg/ss lance and silver fic, 5)
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
terrible things (let’s just pretend it’s finished) id love it to be a 2d animated show but im not sure on what network
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
oh god, i have no clue. maybe like a swap au thing or something with &j idk
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
the only movie i can associate with maycois or jumeo is moulin rouge tbh
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
im just a high schooler with a chromebook, blorbos, and a dream
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
that people won’t think you’re cringe or anything. people love your writing
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
20 general, 8 teen. none for mature/explicit
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
comments or bookmark messages!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
maybe. i do love pirates.. yargh
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
ill pick may, they like spring. cause flowers :)
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
nope. i just listen to my fnaf playlist most of the time
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
holy shit, my vacation simulator fics. hats off to the one guy who commented on them, i love you
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the-ocean-is-scary · 3 months
I feel like making a new one of these
What's up y'all I'm AJ
They/Them lesbian
If you don't agree with what I post/reblog then just don't follow me
I really like Warcross and by following me you are subject seeing to nothing but that or really any Marie Lu series on your dash
I do art but I don't always post it because traditional art is hard to post while having it still look good
I'm a choir/show choir dude. An alto 2 who's been in choir for five years if you're curious.
I consider myself pretty chill online. Most of the time.
I like Warcross, any other Marie Lu series, all of Nimona, Homestuck (sorry), Weezer, too many other song artists to count (i had 2,001 on my wrapped this year), and a lot more silly things.
I do write fanfic so check out my AO3 when you have the chance (fair warning it's all marie lu fics) (if you know me irl i'm not stopping you from looking just don't tell me you were there or i will actually kms)
About my AO3 if you're looking for something smutty it's not the right place. If you catch me writing smut you better shoot me because that's the clone. I can't do it.
Also I run @is-it-weezer-wednesday
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Just don't ask for my age ever, don't be rude (you'll be blocked no hesitation), don't be homophobic, and have fun.
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typeoapologist · 5 months
Rich of you to make jabs at other authors for having feelings about the types of comments they get when you barely publish fic yourself but go off I guess. You’re obviously the moral authority here 🙄 it’s always the ones who consume consume consume
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well hello there, salty opinion "ANON" 😉
i'm kinda flattered that you've so overestimated how much engagement this blog gets you really thought i wouldn't know who you are. unless the point was for me to know it's you? idk.
the better question is why you're still coming to my blog!
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we don't follow each other by intentional choice, so you had to come here on purpose, deliberately, to check on me and it's just really mixed signals, y'know? i'm reportedly psychologically damaging and super awful to even know—so it's baffling why you'd take extra steps to make sure you still do.
but whatever, let's cait corrain this shit! i'll pretend you're truly a stranger that's come to my neglected cobwebby ask box to chastise me for having an opinion you don't like (that you wouldn't even know, if you weren't here checking on me).
yeah dude, have whatever feelings about your comments that you want, i personally find it eye-rollingly pretentious and kinda shitty when fanfic writers go on preachy long-ass diatribes about how awful it is to get a comment (something most fic writers generally agree is a Good and Desired Event) that asks for more or when the next update will be.
funnily enough, i actually agree with the complaint foundation—if the reader's already taking the time to leave a reply it isn't hard to add a little feedback on what they liked and it goes far for the author. i do my best as a reader to always leave something in the comments even if it's just a quick note, because i know it can be really disheartening to put the work into creating something that doesn't evoke any thoughtful reply.
i just also think behaving like you're entitled to a certain type of response to the product of your hobby is wildly self-important and when you post a free thing to the public internet you don't get to control how people interact with it.
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most ao3 readers don't reply at all, they barely leave kudos! if someone enjoyed your work enough that they want to read more from you and took the time 80% of your readers won't to tell you as much, imo it's pretty narcissistic to publicly go off about how much they suck and their comment is worse than useless, actively harmful to you, because it didn't sufficiently kiss your ass over your efforts they 'consumed for FREE'
(i super don't get the obsession with how readers get to read fic for free—it's free because no one paid you to write fucking fanfic? that's a zero sum. if you want them to pay for the privilege of reading your work, go get paid to write it)
you do know it's not a balanced thing, right? like, as a writer you need readers or it's just a diary you're composing, but readers don't actually need you to write, do they? there's always something else available to read
must be because i barely ever publish, i just can't possibly comprehend the unique burden and stress of being under that kinda demand. btw, is there a specific posting cadence or threshold that would entitle me to have my own opinion in the tags on my own blog posts? 😂 just curious.
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miss-dollette · 6 months
With these shitty opinions, you're gonna have a field day reading the dead dove tag on ao3. You're gonna have a field day.
Like. Let people write whatever as long as it's tagged properly bc very fucking obviously you don't know how to scroll past certain fics bc they're not catered to YOU. And there's literally a tag for this kind of taboo shit that you've been shitting on. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!!!!
Also, shut up about the fucking writing style and grammar of fics now and oh, no! bad dialogue?? dude shut UP. In time, they'll improve in their own way or maybe, maybe!!! ITS JUST NOT YOUR STYLE???? With what little there is with Makarov fics you better be fucking grateful that there's at least a small community on here.
And why tf are you suddenly turning into the fun police, huh? "Codename "Athena" cringe bc callsigns r usually used to make fun of u and don't be a mary sue!!!" Cry about it. Let people have their fun with their OCs. I thought we were over cringe culture with the Mary Sue shit man.
If you don't like seeing that type of content then mind your own fucking business because truthfully, I feel like you wouldn't survive old Tumblr or old fanfics with this attitude. Consume what you want, don't interact with what you don't like and just get on with your day.
It's a shame that you are a good writer with such shit opinions on what the fandom is making. Grow up.
Skimmed through this and couldn't help but laugh.
Babe, I know what DDDNE is, I've been reading and creating fanfiction FOR YEAAAARS and my Ao3 account was created in 2014 and I was on Wattpad before it had ads! And honey, i was on Tumblr YEARS before the porn ban and when SuperWhoLock was trending. So don't presume anything about me because I know my shit.
I said what I mf said, and I knew ya'll were gonna come for me, so I said it anyway.
Take your own advice, and don't interact with my blog if you're such a crybaby - I left a TW for a reason, so people like you wouldn't wander in by accident. But look at you, you read my post on purpose, then got mad and sent me a message!
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urrone · 7 months
20 fanfic questions
Tagged by @swaps55 (thank yooooou)
Tagging: do you wanna do it? man just do it. have fun. go ham.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? It's mostly Dragon Age and Mass Effect, but I've also written hockey rpf, popslash (which is not included in the works count or the word count), Supernatural, SPN RPF, LotR, the Hunger Games, and Julie and the Phantoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Remains - SPN, Dean goes missing, Sam tries to find him
Shape I'm In - hockey RPF, Tyler takes a hard hit during a game, Jamie gets in a fight, this is the aftermath
Never Lived a Time Better Spent in Love - hockey RPF, Sid/Geno many years down the line, adopt a baby together
Actually, Plenty - SPN, a coda to What Remains set 15 years after that story
Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same - SPN, Sam rescues Dean from hell, things change for them after that
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, I've had people comment about the fact that I'm still responding to comments on fifteen year old fic. If you're going to read and take the time to comment, I'm gonna say thank you. Plus, community is the best part of fandom, how can you have community if you're not talking?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh it's for sure lathbora viran which is the only story I've written that I had to tag "no happy ending." Although honestly swaps would probably say that For a Single Yesterday was also pretty fuckin' angsty. But Kaidan finds peace, my poor inquisitor absolutely did not.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably my Julie and the Phantoms fic, gravity, though I did absolutely take people through the ringer first.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
When I first got into hockey I ended up on the anon hate list for a hot minute because it was obvious from the first fic I posted that I didn't know anything about hockey because, well, I didn't. I'd never watched it before I got involved in the fandom. So it was valid criticism even if it was mean spirited.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
The smuttiest thing I've ever written is a PWP threesome for the Oilers boys called Hold You Down. I enjoy reading smut but as a noted ace I feel awkward as fuck about writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. Crazy is such a subjective word, but I've written the hockey dudes into the Pacific Rim world and I fixed the shit about the Pac Rim world that never really made sense. I had a much more in depth story plotted out but I lost steam on writing RPF.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've ever been told?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but that fic is no longer online.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Twice. I had fun both times but prefer to set my own pace through a fic.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't really have an all time to write, they're all my favorites.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I still feel very guilty about a popslash WIP that I know will never be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Pretty prose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I try to avoid writing action sequences because I have no idea how to make them sound cool.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I can have a native speaker assist, yes. If I have to run it through google translate, absolutely not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was writing extra scenes into the Princess Bride when I was 12 years old.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Idk, they're all my children. I love them all equally. I think in general I'm most proud of the Julie and the Phantoms fic, because I just really feel like I nailed the thesis of it, because I had a thesis, and it wasn't just "a meets b and they fall in love." (Which isn't a diss, this is what I usually write, that fic was just different.) But yeah, they're all my favorite. YOU tell ME which your favorite is.
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numbknee · 1 year
i seek your advice numbknee. i really wanna write my own kyman fics and i have so many ideas for them but i’ve never written a fic before and i’m frightened to dip my toes into it. i’m not a writer, i’ve never written before. like how do you just sit down ans qrite something??? jfkgk i’m so confused, what’s your process or do you have any writing tips? i ask you cuz i love your writing and i look forward to your posts a lot.
That's so awesome, good for you dude!! Writing can be a really fun creative hobby but I totally get where you're coming from. The first fic I ever wrote was for the adventure time fandom 10 years ago (yikes I'm old lol) and I was really scared to post it. I don't remember how exactly I got the courage to finally put it out there but it def feels like diving into the deep end. Just know that everyone has to start somewhere!
The good thing about fanfiction is that it's as "low stakes" as you can probably get when it comes to creative writing. It's not for a job, it's not for any academic assignment, it's just something you do for fun. And I think the culture around fanfiction understands that a lot of writers are amateurs and are generally supportive regardless of your starting level in terms of skill. Personally, I would rather read from an inexperienced writer who's clearly trying their best and has some interesting ideas over a more polished/experienced writer taking themselves too seriously or treating fanfic writing like a competition.
There's no single "correct" way to write, because ultimately you have to do what best suits your own style and preferences. But for me, I generally start out with an idea for a single scene that inspires me and come up with a story around that scene so it fits into a cohesive fic. For example, for my first kyman fic I initially had the idea in my head of Kyle being mesmerized by Cartman dressed in drag and impulsively making a first move on him. I worked backwards from there, so I had to come up with 1) why he was doing drag in the first place, 2) why Kyle would be there watching him, and 3) how they end up alone together so Kyle can make the first move. The last one was the trickiest for me to figure out for some reason, but eventually I came up with the idea of Cartman tripping in his giant heels and injuring himself so Kyle would have to help him inside the house. It was funny but also helped move the plot along.
Planning out the scenes ahead of time like this can help a lot, but also don't be afraid to change things up as you write it out if you think something else works better. Since you have a bunch of your own ideas, start out with the one scene/scenario that inspires you the most and plan it out from there. I'd suggest first writing a shorter one-shot since that's easier to plan for than a longer, multi-chaptered fic. There's a ton of resources online you can find to help with story structure if you're not sure where to start or how to build on your idea. (Like this video about the 6 essential questions of storytelling).
Other logistical things: Make sure you save your work frequently. Spell-check is your friend. If you're not comfortable asking someone to beta-read your fic, use text-to-speech or read it aloud yourself to help catch any mistakes and listen to how sentences flow. I highly recommend using AO3 to publish your work since it has a great tagging system and helps you get visibility because of that, but also ensures your work will stay safe from the whims of corporations destroying/erasing fanworks since it's independently run and funded.
One last thing to keep in mind: it's nice to get positive interaction from the fandom, but ultimately you should write for yourself and your own enjoyment. If you only write seeking the approval of others, you're never going to be happy because you're solely basing your writing's worth on strangers' opinions. There have definitely been fics I've written that didn't get as much interaction as I would have liked, but in the end I was happy I wrote it because it was something I could be proud of having made for myself as my own audience.
Hope this helps! Good luck 👍
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forkanna · 3 years
WARNING: Another NSFW chapter, though this one contains more plot.
NOTE: I apologise for taking nearly a month off from posting. Just haven't been in a writing mood. I'll be trying to get back to our regularly scheduled programme soon!
                                                  ~ o ~
The appointed hour had arrived. Rise watched Ai's face carefully as it was screwed up in concentration, trying to ignore the anxious flutter in the pit of her stomach. This situation was life-or-death, because if it went in a direction she didn't like she would probably want to throw herself off the nearest bridge.
"Hmm… it's like… a shiny flower… butterfly… thing."
Huffing, Ai pushed up on her elbows a little more. "Well, what do you want me to say?! That's what it looks like, spread open like that!"
"Ughh, you don't have to make me feel like my body is weird! I'm doing this for you, remember?"
"Yes, and I appreciate it, of course," she conceded with a roll of her eyes. "But don't act like I don't have a point; that is what it reminds me of. I'm just being honest."
Now all Rise wanted to do was close her legs. But she had to ask one more question. "Does… does that mean you don't like it?"
"What? No way, don't be an idiot!" Crawling forward to look straight into her eyes, she whispered, "You're the hottest chick at Yasogami. Well, besides me." They both smirked. "And every part of you is beautiful, do you hear me?"
"Okay, okay," she muttered glumly, trying not to pout. "Sorry."
"No, no, I get it. Suddenly I'm the bitch whose opinion matters a lot because my body is the only one that gets really close to yours. Like, you're obviously going to be worried that I'm not into your body as much as you're clearly into mine."
"Geez, you don't have to put it like that, Ebi-chan. I'm not a pervert! I just… I really like my girlfriend, it's normal! Well… not that liking girls is."
Ai shrugged as she reached down to pet her fingers up and down over Rise's abdomen. They were on the tatami in the middle of their hotel room, the setting sun barely lighting up the walls, and Ai was still fully dressed whereas her girlfriend had fully disrobed, to give her the chance to examine her body at her leisure. It was a little weird, and she felt like a lab experiment, but she knew Ai had probably felt much the same when she was sniffing around her dick before. Fair was fair.
"I think it's pretty normal," Ai protested as her flawlessly-buffed fingernails teased through Rise's well-trimmed strip of pubic hair. Why was that not just hot, but somehow yet hotter because they were such delicate fingers?
"Mmhhh… well, I… I feel so guilty, still. Like we're sneaking around and doing something naughty."
Her lips quirked into another smirk. "Oh, we're definitely naughty. But sneaking around? It's kind of a social media blitz for you or whatever, so… either we're not doing that at all, or we are amazingly shitty at it."
"Shut up," she snorted, bopping Ai on the ear with her knee. It was the easiest thing to reach. "But um… I guess that's true."
"Everything's completely fine, girl," she told her in that extremely rare tone of gentleness that made Rise's heart pound double-time. "We're golden — it's Golden Week. Loosen up."
Snorting, she shot back, "I could have said that to you this morning." Ai rolled her eyes. "Y'know, when my finger was in y-"
"Yes, I get it, I get it." Her head tilted to one side, honey-hued locks pooling on the floor. "Did you like that?"
"Well… it was weird, and kinda gross at first. But!" she protested when Ai started to grimace. "I'd do it just to make you happy, even if it was horrible. And it wasn't, okay? I even…"
When Rise still hadn't finished that sentence after a few seconds, Ai wound up prompting her, "You even… liked it? Hated it? Give me something to go on here."
"No. It's too weird."
"Come on, it's just us. You gotta get used to trusting me sometime. Or don't, I guess."
"Are you… guilting me?"
"See? You already don't trust me." But when Rise pouted, she snorted and poked her in the tummy. "Just playing with you… but maybe also making a point. I know I'm kind of a bitch, but I'm trying to trust you despite almost outing me to the entire school. Can it start cutting both ways?"
Thoroughly chagrined, she whispered, "Well… that's not exactly what this is. But I get it. I'm just embarrassed and you know that, but I'll try to open up… if you do."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. So if I admit I thought it was pretty hot, watching you get all squirmy… will you admit that you liked me slipping a finger up there?"
Stalemate. Both of them were staring into each other's eyes, trying not to give ground. A perfect example that both of them were correct in their estimations of what areas they needed to work on. Eventually Ai took a breath and sighed, "Okay, okay, you're right. I just… it's almost like admitting weakness. Which is so dumb that I care, we should both be getting more comfortable with each other."
"Okay. Just this time, even though you didn't say it, I'll accept that as you admitting you liked it," Rise said in a slight sing-song. When her girlfriend pouted, she went on, "And I thought it was hot. Like, not the butt part exactly? But fingering you…" She could feel her cheeks heating up from having to put it into words.
"Yeah. I mean, I get that. Just because it's… where it is, doesn't mean you didn't fuck me right."
"EBI-CHAN!" she hissed in a scandalised tone.
"What? You did. I mean, now that we're being honest…" Ai still had to clear her throat, even if she was doing a better job of keeping an even tone of voice. "Your finger started hitting really deep — hit my spot, and it was all over. I've never, ever felt like that before. It was like my fingers and toes and nose and tits were all orgasming with me."
Rise had been gaping at her until the very end, when she let out a weak little laugh. "Nose and toes, huh? Wow. But I'm really happy I could help; I just wanted to make you feel good, and find out if that was one way we could do that."
"Definitely. Like, now that I'm past trying to pretend I don't need it." Ai squirmed a little. "Uhh…"
She sat up a little more, petting through her hair. And she leaned into the touch. Had she ever done that before? "Do you want me to do it again? Not right now!" she reassured her, and Ai relaxed a little. "But just, um, just in the future."
"I think so. Is that weird? You're my girlfriend, you shouldn't have to fuck me in the ass like a dude."
"Mm. Well, then I'll fuck you in the ass like a lady."
Ai giggled a little, crawling up to curl around her body. "I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm there. I'll offer you the same anytime you want."
"Oh, I think I'll be okay," she laughed easily. "I've never had any interest in that. Before! Before now. Wait — no, I still don't have any interest in having mine… d-do we really have to keep discussing this?"
"No," Ai told her with a slight smirk as she leaned in to kiss her cheek so tenderly that Rise briefly forgot that she was even nervous about the topic of conversation. "We could go back to talking about that phone call."
A brief pause. "So about my butt…"
"Come on, it can't have been that bad," she challenged her with a little snort. "You're just gonna keep being your fabulous self, and so will I, and Japan will join the fucking twenty-first century."
"Yeah, I just… talking about it… I'd rather focus on you, on us. On Okinawa! This is one of our last little flings — especially for you, senpai."
Clearly, that hint wasn't lost on her. She sighed and cuddled a little closer. "You're right. We should enjoy it while we can."
"Mmm, it feels like somebody already is."
"That's- it's an involuntary reaction! I was literally staring down the barrel of your pussy two seconds ago — anybody with one of these would have theirs sticking straight up, too!"
Voice the tiniest bit haughty, she said, "Well. I'm not going to assume anything, okay? I know you don't want me to… give you a little kiss down there… or caress with my fingers… or-"
"What a goddamn tease," she muttered.
"You love it." When Ai didn't answer, she grinned and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, pulling her in yet closer. They didn't really need any words anymore. As hard as it was to ignore that firm presence, given how unfamiliar Rise was with such things, she just tried to keep her focus on those sweet lips pressing against her own, on the warm back beneath her palms. On the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
That realisation bowled her over. Even though they had been trending in that direction, she had yet to truly think about their future together. Sure, they would have to list Ai as male in order to get a marriage certificate… or would they? Maybe they really shouldn't worry about it. Not being able to enjoy the same status as her straight friends would be frustrating, yes, but it wasn't the end of the world. As long as she could live with her lover and share their lives, that was good enough.
By the time they finally parted, Ai managed to breathe, "I want you so bad…"
Careful to keep her tone neutral, she whispered, "How?"
"Any way I can have you. I… shit, what the hell did you turn me into?"
"Then I'm all yours. You can… have my mouth again, if that's what you like. Or did you wanna go, um… go all the way?"
"I don't know!" she groused as she pulled at her hair. Not that this minor crisis was reducing her arousal any; it was still grinding into Rise's hip and driving her up a wall. "UGH! I want to be as close to you as I can, and that seems like the way, but I also don't want to be the 'boy', you know?"
Drawing her in for another brief kiss, she whispered, "You won't be. Not to me; you'll always just be Ai. My cute little Ebi-chan. I… do you want me to use my finger on you again? I'd love to! I wanna do anything that makes you happy!"
"I… kind of? But no, not right now. I want to make you happy this time."
"Oh." Rise felt another flush of shame, trying not to remember the very obvious fact that she didn't have a stitch of clothing on her person. "Well, um… I want what you want." Did she just give her permission?!
"Good. Then let me try, um… with my mouth. I'll probably suck, but hey, no time like the present to start practicing. Especially if I ever want to be able to do this right."
"Sure! Yeah, that's… that's the same thing I was thinking while doing it for you." With a slight squirm, she then lowered her voice to barely a whisper, "I'm just… I'm sorry if it tastes, or smells… you know…"
Ai lifted a hand to waft away such thoughts. "You'll be fine. It's you. I mean, even if you weren't the sweetest girl in the universe, you're still Risette; that label of yours wouldn't let you have some stanky puss."
Bright red. Like a stoplight. Even though Ai was saying hers wouldn't be so aromatic, the very idea of it meriting a word such as "stanky" made her want to take a bath with a toaster. "U-uhm… thanks?"
"Anytime, girl."
And that seemed to be all the warning she got before Ai was kissing her way down her chest toward a clear goal. This was it; she was finally going to get as good as she gave. Unless she thought of some legitimate reason to ask the teen queen to pull back… but her mind was a blank. All she could think about was those perfect lips dimpling the skin of her abdomen, the lusty gaze being shot up in her direction as she moved lower, and lower…
Lowest. She felt a kiss in her hairs and she couldn't entirely suppress an anxious squeak. Her eyes slid closed as one leg moved up to drape over her girlfriend's back, hoping that would somehow encourage her — prove that she was ready. Even if she wasn't.
"This alright?"
Oh no. Ai was calling her bluff; it was glaringly obvious how high her nerves were running. "Y-yeah… it's just really, um, new?"
"I get that."
Then Ai moved again, and Rise almost curled into a ball. "WOW! That's- you kissed my…"
There was a slight sheen on Ai's smirk when she raised up to look at her properly. "You are soaking fucking wet, Kujikawa. How bad have you been needing it?"
"I haven't been! Honestly, I'm- NNH, how are you doing this?!"
"Pretty easy," she shot back before leaving a long lick along the entirety of her vulnerable flesh. Rise reached down instinctively to grip the hair attached to that head that was giving her so much pleasure it was overloading her system. Did everybody experience this? Was she oversensitive, or was it normal to feel like every inch of her skin was on fire, like she was losing all control?
"God, this is getting me so hard," Ai breathed before diving back in. Which didn't help matters in the slightest; Rise already felt like she was losing her mind, and knowing her girlfriend was nearly as bad off only heightened her pleasure, making her want to roll over and rut on her face. Or…
Or go further. Ai wasn't ready, and she would respect that, but if just her lips and tongue were making her feel this phenomenal, what would it be like for them to really go for it? Uniting their bodies had to be just as good as taking care of each other in turn, if not better.
"NH!" she finally burst out when she felt the pleasure rising. "I'm… I'm about to- it's gonna happen!"
"Yeah?" Ai panted as she used her thumb to caress that tortured flesh, gazing up at her with glazed eyes. "That mean… should I finish you off?"
The volume at which the word "YES!" ripped from her throat left their ears ringing. Rise would feel embarrassed about that — later. When she had time. Right now, she was too busy literally dragging Ai's head back down to devour her anew, moaning as her hips rolled up into their point of union. A little more — and the way her tongue was hitting her clit was spurring her on faster, making it-
Ai brought her to the hardest climax she had ever experienced. Feeling this one made her realise she had been only getting close to a real orgasm all those years since she first began to awaken sexually; a real orgasm blew those pretenders to the throne out of the water so easily. Guess that was what she got for never truly masturbating, or finding anybody who could take care of it for her.
Once the most intense of those sensations began to fade, Rise started coming back to her senses. A few things surprised her: she felt the tatami suddenly pressing into her back, because she had lifted herself upward. Ai's shirt moved when she started pulling her leg back, because her toes had clenched so hard in the fabric. The same was true of her hair — which she let go of first, feeling a few strands come away with her fingers with a little flare of guilt that she hadn't been gentler. Her mind had literally gone somewhere else while the ecstasy overwhelmed. It was almost scary, but mostly just… damn.
"Whoa," Ai breathed simply. The whole experience had left both of them speechless. After swallowing and clearing her throat, she licked her lips before wiping them on the back of her hand and crawling up to hover above her girlfriend. "You okay?"
"Hmnah!" was the best she could do. Ai giggled, so she tried to do better this time. "Yeah!"
Grinning, she pressed her face into Rise's neck. "Yeah. I can handle that review, I guess. Still wanna know if I did anything stupid, though; like, this was my first attempt, I can't have been perfect."
"Oh… you… close to… heaven." She hadn't meant to say 'heaven', it just slipped out.
"Really? Well… good, that's good." Ai was kissing her neck a little more firmly, more frequently. It suddenly occurred to Rise that she could feel that bulge digging into her hip; poor Ai hadn't gotten off since that morning, even if she did get there twice.
"You… want help?"
"Huh? Oh, naw, I can ignore it. Don't even trip."
"But you… I wanna… I like your friend." She took a couple of breaths, finally beginning to fully recover. "What can I call her?"
"Annoying," she snorted, and Rise rolled her eyes while she grinned into her hair. "Bitch that won't leave the party."
Nodding, she kissed into her scalp and earned herself a little sigh of appreciation in return. "I like her. That doesn't mean you have to, or like… that you have to keep her or like her for my sake. But just so you know, we get along pretty well. I mean, for a girl and an, um, appendage."
"Dork. But thanks. And it makes me mad that we have to have this conversation… but I appreciate that you get it. That you can really, uh, want my D without forgetting that I don't want it at all."
"Yeah, of course. I might have been dumb when we first started out but I learn fast."
"You do," she agreed with a little squeeze. Rise wrapped her arms more tightly around her girlfriend, appreciating their warmth, their connection. "It's honestly refreshing. Like, I got so much hate when I came out… even from my own family. I had started to believe it was impossible to expect people to get me. Then here comes this prissy famous bitch."
Rise smacked her on the arm, which only earned a harsh chuckle. "Who's the bitch here, really?" But then she moved her hand down to her bulge. "Let me take care of this. Like, it doesn't have to be anything special, or… not unless you want more."
"Mmhh… annoying." But Ai looked away, biting her lower lip. Again, Rise questioned why she found watching that to be so hot but she tried to relegate that question to the back of her mind for the time being.
"What is it?"
"Your mouth is so good… fuck, I'm sorry. Like, that's a lot to ask, twice in one d-"
"You got it." When Ai just blinked at her, she shrugged bashfully. "I'd do that. I'd use my finger again, I'll give you whatever you want. As long as you're okay with me figuring out how to do it as I go, I don't mind! It's nice that we can help each other out."
Though it took her a second, she started to nod with a slight smile. "It is really nice. Weird, but like, I guess it's not since we're dating."
"Yeah," Rise giggled. "We're just not used to dating, right?"
"Mm. You're sure I didn't mess up while muff diving?"
"While WHAT?! Excuse me? You can't call it that!"
Smirking a little as she sat up and started to disrobe, she purred, "I can call it whatever I want, Risette. Now perform for me. Maybe I'll just jerk off onto your butt."
"NO! Ew, why would you do that when I- that's gonna be all sticky, we'd have to take another bath!"
"So what? The last one turned out to be a real event…"
"Yeah, for you! And you were definitely writhing and squealing all over the place!"
"Y-yeah, well, that was your fault!" she shot back as that ready-and-willing cock bounced out into the open air. "Maybe I'll take you up on your mouth just so you can't say mean things to me."
Rise pursed her lips for a moment before saying, "Maybe I won't be as careful with my teeth this time."
"Hey, don't joke like that," Ai said with a shiver. "I might not want to keep her but that is NOT how I wanna lose her."
"Then behave," she purred as she crawled toward her lap, rubbing her cheek against the warm length. "And I'll behave exactly the way you want."
Ai complied. She complied for the following ten minutes, and got exactly what the doctor ordered — because the alluring Nurse Rise was tending her every need. Five star service.
                                               To Be Continued…
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akane171 · 2 years
Yeah, I get what you mean 🙈 There was a time I was 100% immersed in reading fanfics about their BROTP/frenemy-ship and uff, just all the emotional damage and depth as well as problems and love one can pull out of those two WITHOUT having to go off canon is just...WOW! And ohh, esp. their early years together just give SO MUCH, like, Obi taking in that responsibility regardless of everyone being against it, him being a bit jealous/bitter how Qui-Gon (who nearly didn't take Obi as his Padawan and pretty much had to be begged to) seemed willing to "drop" Obi for Ani, Ani struggling to "not feel", being an outsider, having to catch up, ... Just, uff, SO MUCH UNSAID/UNSHOWN CONTENT!😭😍😭😍😭
Ohh, is it because of his weird romantic talk that you're not really a fan of Anakin's or just generally didn't vibe with him?🤔😂
Fine, judge all you want, I don't care, it's not like judging isn't kinda an inherently human trait anyway🤷🏻‍♀️😂💃🏻
Ohh, okay, Yeah, I think I'll have to go and check that 🤔
...Eh, why would we need to feed them? You DO realise those are free kangaroos who come and go without having to have our permission or being dependent on us?😅 It's not a zoo, Kat😂 So, no, they aren't dead, they're perfectly fine😁
Nooo, HALT, STOP! I might be the author, but it's not like they ever actually DO what I PLANNED, UH-UH, those two are their usual headstrong-goat-like selves and suddenly decide to change the storyline or just make everything I write turn to 💩, so nope, not my fault🤷🏻‍♀️😂 (PS: You know, the more I think about it, I actually just wanna snap and tell everyone and everything off too 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Like, what a chill life 😉)
Hmm, True, I've seen it in AO3, but nowhere as commonly as back on fanfiction.net (aw, sometimes I really miss those days of Schilling through all fanfiction.net pages, but ao3 really is the easier/better site🙈)
😂😂 Ohh, apropo Rhea, I was wrong, I'd forgotten about Rhea in the Hunger Games AU, THAT one is awesome🙈😂
Yess, same, fingers crossed!!😁🙈
Ooooo-kay, I really didn't need THAT image in my head...ehww, all those bacteria on their tongues after that😰🙈🤢
Absolutely traumatizing, just half-imagining that makes me wanna go to therapy😅😂
Yes, yes, as long as MW are happy☺😊🤩💃🏻
Ehh, wasn't the film with Ewan the Illuminati one? I don't remember him in the Da Vinci code, but it's been a while, so maybe he WAS in both movies?🤔😅
No promises 😂😁🤷🏻‍♀️
Thaanks☺ You too! Nearly reached the weekened, too😉
What I like about the fics is how they can explore more things from the canon and thing that were ignored and some SW fics nailed shit. Things like, you know, characters having heart to heart conversation or monologues in their heads about how they don't get the behavior of the other xD God bless the fics ;D
I'm not a fan of the chosen one trope. He was interesting because he was chosen one, then he was the bad guy, just to end as the chosen one again. But still, first annoying kid, then annoying teen talking about sand and having super dumb lines and then a pissed off dude killing YOUNGLINGS! So, in a way he broke the trope but in the end he didn't xD But that was Vader. I can't really think about Anakin and Vader as an one xD Plus, well, I kind of felt the time was wasted on him, when we could just watch Obi-Wan staring at walls or something ;)
And dunno, i think I'm rarely fan of the main heroes of the stories, tehy are too predictable, I guess?
(before I forget, Poets Of The Fall released a new song, Chasing Echoes)
*sips tea*
Mhm. Tell that to Greenpeace when they when finally get my complaints about you.
This is what you say yourself before the sleep? D: Because they all EXIST IN YOUR HEAD. Without you, the HORRBILE angst would not exist! Ha! (Do it! Rao is my witness, thaty i wanted to do it after many SG eps or in some of my stories)
Yeah, I hold some sentiment over FF.net, it was my first fanfiction sire after all. It was annoying and posting was sometimes a pain in the ass, but still, good memories xD
LOL, you are right, she is nice there. How the reading that fic is going? :D
I can curse people and I am pals with a real life demon. Just saying.
IKR?! Who the fuck wrote it?!!! I know it was Chris, so the scene was hot just becasue he was in it, but stillllllllllllllllllllllll, poor boy, wonder how much he was traumatized after it.
My two fave hermits who deserve love, happiness, unicorns, dinosaurs, chocolates and reasons to come out of their cave and show their faces at least one time every month TT
Nope, it was Angels and Demons (or something like that).
Have a great time, hope everything is fine with you :)
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