#like deadass i am so cold
flurr-fields · 4 months
Im fucking cold 😭
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nosygay · 1 year
very cool how I've learned more or less how to manage my ed behaviours but the thoughts are as strong as ever. got all of the pain with none of the "it's an illness" excuse
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allisonlol · 11 months
chuuya dazai and fyodor when reader tries to remove the hickies they gave reader the next day OHKYIGOAHSS
a/n: hiii everyone i have crawled out of my void to offer you this post !! ty to the anon who came up with this wonderful idea. i've missed posting omg and we somehow are so close to 3k despite my inactivity??? slay. shall open reqs again once we get there mwehehe
warnings: slight nsfw
(Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor) When You Try to Remove Hickeys
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he's gonna be the most chill about this tbh
it's your body and if you don't want ppl seeing that on you then that's ur choice!!
hiding them is one thing, but that doesn't mean he wants to see you removing them
so yknow that hack where you take a whisk and like,,,twist it over the mark to get rid of it?
yeah so you tried that...and it was actually working until chuuya barged into the room and demanded to know what you were doing
bro is not happy to see the hickies he'd proudly left on you last night being somehow removed by a WHISK
grabs that mf thing and throws it across the room
chuuya's not angry at you, more so frustrated and insecure?? cuz like why would u wanna get rid of them
he's lowkey gonna start pouting tbh. won't say anything else but will glare & give u silent treatment
won't stop until you admit the only reason u removed them is because it was too visible with your work uniform and u didn't want everyone staring smh
insist that he should give you more in areas that people won't see and there's no guarantee y'all won't be late to work <3
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oh lord
so dazai really loves to mark you up
and last night was no different. your neck was black and blue with hickies
deadass to the point where you nearly had a heart attack when you saw it in the morning
"how am i gonna go to work like this?!" you practically sob to him while he LAUGHS
his only advice is "then don't go" as if both of y'all don't need to have ur asses at the agency in 20 minutes
you check ur phone for the time and when u see this you panic and sprint to your shared bedroom
you try everything you can think of to cover them
first you hastily layer concealer on your neck, to no avail as the marks were too dark
then digging through ur closet for clothes with a high enough neckline to hide it, to which you found none
whole time dazai is leaning against the doorframe, watching ur meltdown with an amused expression
he approaches and helps u up from the floor where u had collapsed with all the clothes strewn around you ☹️
"allow me to pick out something for you to wear" ….oh god
u guys are beyond late at this point so you sigh and accept defeat, to which dazai picks a shirt that of course displays all the marks on your neck
you got lots of stares that day to say the least
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surprisingly fyodor doesn't usually leave too many marks on you to begin with
he's got that old fashioned take where it's like "other people don't need to see that and be in our business" if u know what i mean
however, he is also a very possessive man
^so when he gets worked up and does leave hickeys on you, the last thing he wants to see is you trying to hide or remove them
which is exactly what he walked in on u doing today
you were trying the good old "rub an ice cube on it" hack before u had to work
now this mf thinks you have some hidden agenda as to why you wanted them gone
"are you seeing someone else" 💀💀
PLS u didn't realize he had been watching from the doorway and this scares u so bad u drop the ice cube down ur shirt
u start frantically trying to get it out of ur shirt while yelling at him like "i have to work, wtf are u talking about???"
u immediately stop tho when he storms up to u and grabs your face to make you look at him
his face is so cold and unreadable omg it's scary
his eyes shift to the marks on your neck as he traces over them with his fingers
"leave these alone" he says lowly, then adjusts the collar of your shirt so they are partially covered
neither of u will say anything more about it after that, but fyodor sends sigma to secretly follow u to work to make sure that's where ur really going 😓
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @mianqo
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sevenpoyo · 10 months
some brooklyn slang ik for all the ppl who wanna write for miles and kilometers‼️
feel free to add more idk everything but i i am originally from there and visit a lot this stuff i hear a lot and if you wanna add slang to ur writing this is a good place to start, not all of these brooklyn or ny exclusive but that’s where a lot of american slang starts and u prolly heard some of it b4. imma list it ne ways
don’t use like 8 of these in one sentence bc it will sound weird and i can’t really cover ny puerto rican slang or any puerto rican slang really bc my grandad is a bum so if you know some add it
the city is manhattan, not the other 4 burroughs, just manhattan, cus that’s where everything’s at
to cut ass is to roast tf out of someone , to get your ass cut is get tf roasted out of you
wyling/wilding is being outta pocket, something being absurd or crazy
yeah nah means no and nah yeah means yeah idk why they gotta make it complicated just look at the second word
good looks is like good looking out
it’s bout to be winter and i’m bout to see mad christmas fics and shit but do y’all know the proper way to describe cold ny winters?
if it’s cold as hell, it’s brick outside, not regular cold, ny winter is like nipples so hard i see em thru the bra cold
ex; “how it’s so brick outside i walk to the store wit my hair wet and it deadass got icicles in it” “yeah it’s fr brick outside today” “i’m not walkin wit u in this brick ass weather for a bacon egg and cheese?” (actual convo between my sister and me last winter break)
fronting seem kinda easy to me but is like acting or pretending i can’t explain it with out an example
“why you fronting like you wouldn’t die if they text you asking u to go out with them” “you can stop fronting like you like cars it cool if you don’t” “don’t sit there fronting like u don’t wanna dance wit me”
being tight over something is just being upset or annoyed
rj is so smart they said “We say tight bc you kinda huddle close to yourself when you tense/stressed or angry” i had no idea i just be saying it i aint know it had a reason💀 it make sm sense now.
“who got you tight like that this early in the morning?” “my momma came home tight yesterday for no reason, she threw a boot at me!” “i’m so tight this damn shift change has me working all closers this week”
jack is like claiming someone or something
i talk old as hell idk what the youths be jacking nowadays
cop is basically to get, used to be mostly 4 drugs back in the day my dad said (he don’t know why im asking him this)
“just copped me some retro 3’s” “bout to cop me a few percs in a minute”
speaking of a minute, mostly for my non americans bc that’s who get confused the most when i say this one. depending on the context this can mean a actual minute, a short time or a real long
“i’ll be back in a minute” is short “i ain’t seen y’all in a minute” is long. idk how to explain the difference besides context
bop is a good song, pretty easy but i see ppl on tiktok use it wrong
bangs/banger goes hard is kinda like bob for music but i be using it for anything fr
“this push pop is banging yo”
mad can be used normal like angry but it also means a lot or really kinda like hella ig? i usually uses hella when i would say mad so ppl can understand me easier up here
dumb also mean very in the same way
ex; “my english teacher give out mad homework for no reason.” “she be giving me mad shit over the smallest stuff” “i just had some mad good wings so i’m cooling rn” “this shit is mad spicy u sure you want some?” ''This shit got me dumb tight'' “you don’t need no jacket it’s dumb hot out here”
smacked is like high as fuck idk how to elaborate ur just high
lit is drunk
“Yuuuur!'' A signal, a greeting usually used to catch the attention of someone or something very fun greeting and very hated by schools, it’s weird anywhere outside of ny kinda at least to me.
being hollywood means u get a little fame and think ur all that or just that u got a little fame and they’re jokingly hating
ex; “i saw u on the news the other day, “the prowlers return” u must be real proud of yourself huh hollywood?” “and here comes hollywood wit his trending tiktoks”
real talk is when ur about confess something or say something serious in a not real serious setting or convo
“real talk we play a lot but i love you, my life would be boring with out you around” “real talk i’d never do that to you foreal”
go together is like go out kinda, y’all kinda match behavior cus y’all a couple, this one need a sentence 2 i think. (THIS ONE IS OLD AS HELL ONLY USE IT IF UR TRYING TO RIZZ MOMMA RIO)
“he want ur number? he don’t know we we go together or sum?” “why she wanna act like we go together, ion even know her?” “don’t we go together?”
i can’t even explain it with a sentence y’all just gotta figure this one out 💀
A bodega/deli is a convenience store ik most know this from the movie but some ppl think it’s all stores or all spanish stores when it’s just a corner store
the owners of the deli closest to my granddad house is muslim. and so we keep track of all muslim holidays when he’s closed
an ock is the bodega man, miles knows the man’s name at the deli we see him visit, but at any other store he’d call the guy ock
dipping on someone is changing ur mind last minute, usually canceling plans
ex “we was supposed to go get outfits together but they dipped on me last minute”
staticky is like wanting to fight or still being pissed after a fight
static is beef or on sight energy
you good can really be anything but imma list ones i can think of
it can mean like are you ok? or don’t worry about it, or how are you, or stop, or do you got a issue? or do you want an issue? it’s all in the tone of how it’s said fr
'Word of my moms/dads I saw/ did/did not *insert topic*'' Honest term, no lying present in statement i feel like (my cousins be putting anything on they momma fr risking shit on her for no reason)
'hold it down'' handle buisness / take care of someone or something. can also be in refrence to criminal who handles ''buisness''
i hope this helps any writers that don’t live here!
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You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 23
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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August 22nd 2021 ~ 3 am
Airielle couldn’t sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes, all she could see was Christopher and the rage in his eyes as he spat out Josh’s name to her. He obviously knew where she was at because of the PLE, but how did he know what hotel she was staying at? And how did he get her room number? She felt hopeless and she hated feeling like that.  She jumped as Josh shifted next to her. 
“You okay?” He asked her, his voice with sleep as he cracked open an eye to look at her. After she had calmed down and all her tears had subsided, he still wouldn’t let her out of his sight. He would never admit it out loud, but hearing her screaming, crying out for help while she was in the room with Christopher scared him to death. He never ever wanted to hear her scream like that ever again. 
“Yeah, I'm okay. Just can’t sleep.”  she whispered back, drawing her knees up to her chest. 
He’s in jail now Airielle, everything is ok” Josh tried to soothe her but she shook her head, knowing that was not the case. 
“He’s not in jail. He’s in a holding cell somewhere downtown waiting to be let out once the sun is up. His dad leaves him there overnight so it’s not too suspicious or anything.” 
“This isn’t the first time he’s been arrested for this?” Airielle shook her head, keeping her eyes on the blanket.  “I thought it only happened two times.” 
“No, we met in 2009 and didn’t break up until two years ago., so..” She trailed off with a shrug. “You do the math.” 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Can we talk about anything else.” She cut him off, finally looking up and meeting his eyes and not liking the look of pity on his face. “Please.” 
Josh sighed but nodded anyway. “Fine. did you really not get me anything for my birthday?” For the first time in hours Airielle cracked a smile. 
“Seriously?” She giggled. 
“Deadass.” He smiled back at her. And just like that, It felt like she was transports to five months ago before she ruined their relationship. Sitting in bed talking with Josh felt normal, it felt good.  
She rolled her eyes. “Yes. I got you a present, but I gave it to Trin and Jon.”  She let out a loud laugh at the way his eyes widened as he sat up in the bed. 
“You did what?! Damn Airi, that’s cold as hell.” 
“Well, you pissed me off.” She shrugged with a teasing smile on her lips. 
He scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes at her. “What was it?”  When she opened her mouth to answer he quickly interjected her. “Nah, never mind, don’t tell me.” 
“Okay, that's fine.” She said, covering her mouth as she let out a yawn. Laying down in the bed and covering her body with the blanket. “It was a trip to Turks & Caicos. Me and Trin planned it for the four of us.” She laughed again when he just gaped at her before reaching over to the night stand to grab his phone, a playful glare on his face as he put the call on speaker.
“Uce, everything ight? Is it Airielle?”  
“I’m fine Jon.” she said as she smiled softly at his concern for her. 
“Yeah she good, but I'm not.” Jon snorted,  “Give me our damn tickets.” 
Trinity laughed, causing Airielle to laugh again.  “The flight leaves in 2 hours, we’re already at the airport.” Josh hung up the phone and jumped out of the bed to start gathering his things and hers, thankfully she had started packing his stuff since she couldn’t sleep. 
“What are you doing?” Airielle asked, still giggling. 
“Call the damn Uber Airielle. We’re going on this trip.”  
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Turks & Caicos
august 22nd 2021
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liked by: trinity_fatu, uceyjucey and 194,000 others
AirielleJones: 🤎🧸
edit: 📸 : @ UCEYJUCEY
view all comments
uceyjucey: cred?
↪AirielleJones: omg jahir needs to stop teaching you stuff ↪ user: are y'all back together? 🤞🏽 loveyara: @ user no they are not.
loveyara: ?
yasmine_jones : #1 umm, hello i like trips and #2 ole girl mad af in ur comments 😭
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UCEYJUCEY added to their story
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loveyara: replied to your story: this better be a old pic.
loveyara: replied to your story: who is that? i swear if this is Airielle i'm done with you!
loveyara: replied to your story: why is her feet on you?!
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TRINITY_FATU added to their story!
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Airielle let out a deep sigh and sunk further into the lounge chair. This was exactly what she needed. To be on the sandy beach 6 hours away for all of her problems. Well, not all of them. One of her problems was making his way back over to her with both of their drinks with a big ass smile on his face. 
It was like Josh completely forgot that they actually had beef. He was treating her as if she was his girlfriend and last time she checked, she wasn’t! 
“Here you go babygirl.” He winked and set her Rum Punch down on the tray at the end of her lounger. Airielle pushed her glasses to the top of her head and cut her eyes at him. “What?” 
“I’m not your babygirl.”
“You definitely my babygirl. That aint never gon change.”  
“Hmm.” She hummed as grabbed the sun screen, putting some on her legs. “What about Yara, what is she? What do you call her?” She finished, arching her eyebrow at him when he straddled the chair facing her and pushed her hands away from her legs. “Josh.” She whispered, watching as he massaged the lotion into her skin, his hands trailing higher and higher up her thighs. 
“I don’t call her anything.” He stated looking her directly in her eyes. “It was a mistake that I wish I could take back, Airielle. I do a lot of dumb shit when I’m hurt.” 
“Josh I didn’t mean -” 
“I know you didn’t mean to do it.” He cut her off. “You told me why you wanted to break up and I understood. You wanted to let go of the shit he did to you, but how does that shift into you going on two dates with Ray and kissing him Rih? That shit hurt Rih. I felt played and betrayed like I’ve never felt before.” 
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, scooting down the lounger, so now her thighs were rating over his. “I thought I was doing the right thing by breaking up with you. I was trying to protect myself. I- then I heard Yara and Thea talking about you and then I actually seen you and her walk into catering that day and I just figured you had moved on, so I thought I should too.” She said, still whisperering so nobody else around them could hear what they were saying. “I never meant to hurt you Joshua.” 
“There is no moving on from you Airi. I never felt like this with anyone else before.” 
“Not even Traci?” 
“Not like this.” He confirmed, cupping her jaw. “I’m in love with you Airielle.” He whispered as their lips touched. 
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Josh groaned into Airielle’s mouth, bending his knees a little to grab the back of her thighs, lifting her and hooking them around his waist, as he walked them through the threshold of the villa. He gently laid her down on the bed and watched with hungry eyes as she untied her bikini top and let it fall away from her breast. 
“J, please” She whispered as he kissed down her body. She sat up on her elbows and watched as he got settled between her thighs, lifting her hips to help him take off her bottoms. She felt herself shiver as they made eye contact. 
Josh flicked his tongue out, sliding it against Airielle’s slit and she moaned letting her head and body fall back against the bed.  
He took his time with her, alternating between licking and sucking on her clit. Airielle's hands searched for something to grab, Josh reached one hand up and laced their fingers together placing them on her belly. With his other hand, he teased her entrance with his fingers. 
He pushed his index finger in “Shit” she moaned out as he added another finger, curling them. Airielle let out a loud moan as she came apart. He didn’t stop as she came, pumping his fingers into her faster. Her thighs started to shake as she felt herself about to fall apart again. She moaned, back arching off the bed, chanting his name over and over. She closed her eyes as she came again moaning as she felt herself gush on his fingers.
“Fuck” She moaned as she lay there trying to catch her breath as he started to kiss his way back up her body. 
“You love me?” He asked her, staring deep into her eyes. 
“Yes.” She nodded, “I love you Josh.” She whispered, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as he pushed himself inside of her.
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Don't beat me up.. please 🙏🏼 I knowwwww Josh still needs to pay for his sins, BUT airielle needed this, she needed Intimacy
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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blingblong55 · 5 months
Appreciation-141 & Konig
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Based on a request:
Hello! I had a question, could you perhaps do HCs with the 141/Konig and a AMAB GN! reader who has tics, but not Tourettes? Specifically, tics where they hit things? Thank you so much! I adore your writing! -Rai ---- AMAB!GN!Reader, tics, platonic!friendship, HC, fluff? ----
A/N: I just want to emphasise that I am not fully educated in how tics affect most people or how they look on those who have this so if this is in someway offensive or incorrect, please be kind, correct me and educate me in a kindly manner, let's not spread hate those trying to learn <3 And Rai, I hope you adore this one<33
he has gotten used to your sudden tic attacks, so much so that at some point when you say or do something he ignores it as if nothing is going on.
There are times when he gives people a cold glare when you begin to knock on the table in the meeting room.
"Mate, what are you doing?" A recruit tries to suppress a chuckle as the others glare at you with judging stares. "Leave them alone, soldier," Ghost replies with his cold and commanding voice.
Anywhere you go, he goes and this is to ensure you don't end up hurting yourself. For example, there are times when you knock things out, occasionally it's your cap when you hit your head and sometimes when it's bad, he is there to help you not harm yourself.
He sees you as his close friend. Soap could even argue that you are his only friend from all the times he has seen Ghost talk so much about you.
"Yeah, they are the best soldiers I've worked with. Your soldier is better? Maybe, but have you seen my soldier, they are way better."
The cute thing about him and you is that you are the one person who is allowed to touch his mask. In private, there was one time when you pulled on his mask and all he did was chuckle. "Trying to see my face, R/N?" he smiles and you fluster, unable to find the right words to apologise.
I feel like he would be so unserious with you. Like him, you have to at some point be separated in a meeting because you keep getting tics that make you hit him and sometimes all he can do is gasp and laugh.
But, I have to say that he is very much aware that if someone tries to mess with you, he would most likely be sent to Price's office afterwards.
There are times when your face grimaces and he won't acknowledge it and if there are people who call you out for it, he, like Ghost would stand up for you, which leads to a literal roast towards the soldier.
He is so unserious with you, as a coping mechanism to be honest, that he calls your tics 'tic tac toe' only because every time he does this, you and he get into a hysterical argument. Don't worry, you win but only after you say his head looks like a white tic tac.
The winning streak had gotten to a point that now in the common room, there is a wall dedicated to the wins and losses of Soap and you.
Gaz gives me Golden Retriever vibes and he is the most loyal person, so of course, his traits with you are similar to those of Ghost and Soap.
With him, it's a little different though, as he asks so many questions that you have a small window to actually and thoroughly answer the questions regarding your tics.
Sometimes, if someone dares to mention your tics but in a negative light, Gaz will deadass stop the person and like with Graves, he will not even dare shake the person's hand or be kind to them.
Because of you, not the helicopter, this man has lost and has had his caps destroyed from the many times that you have knocked them off his head that now you have a monthly gift for him.
I think there are times that he chuckles a little when you clap in a silent room when there are serious matters to be talked about, mainly when Graves talks and you interrupt him with clapping or knocking down something, usually an empty cup Gaz keeps around. He doesn't laugh at you but rather at how annoyed you've made Graves since you don't let him finish his 'All-American hero' speech.
This man is THE father figure when your tics go off. I can't explain any further but you know what I mean…I hope.
Like Ghost, he also brags and gives people a death stare when they dare to comment on your tics negatively.
I know for a fact this man is all about being so inclusive towards everyone like no one should be alone, it's mean and that won't happen on his watch. So when you were introduced and he found out you had tics, better believe this man read all there was to know about your syndrome and how to make an environment better for you.
Also, you better believe this man has a class in which not only does he teach the rude and disrespectful soldiers about manners but he also teaches those on how to be around you and make you feel at ease. And may I add that he is the first captain, at least on base, that in this class teaches others about LGBT+, social and racial problems, like this man is THE man when it comes to absolute kindness. (to those that work with him….so…fuck you Makarov, Shephard and Graves) König:
I think that because he has social anxiety and prefers to be more of a serious man to others, he is very calm and educated on your tics. -Since he is friends with you and has grown accustomed to your tics he knows how to keep things under control if they happen to be out of norm.
Because he is a colonel, everyone respects him and he has ensured that you, as his second in comment have the same level of respect. -He has yelled, like yelled and people who witnessed him get this angry were terrified. They saw him as a very stern and serious man on base so seeing this part of him when yelling to others to respect you and be able to keep in their rude comments towards your tics, they surely kept quiet.
I chose to believe this man likes his helmet more and more when you are around because you tend to knock his helmet off when one of your tics gets more… intense.
A/N: I don't know if this could be accurate but i hope i did okay with this request
@liyanahelena @hilmiponken @natashamea18 @demonic-grace @sans-chara @rougeripoff (didn't tag those on my list since I'm not sure they would be comfortable with this one)
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nycorix · 2 years
I love the "Calliope" episode of The Sandman so much I can't fucking breathe help
I just. There are so so many reasons to love it, but the thing I am absolutely losing my mind over is Dream's characterization.
Here is an Endless being who holds grudges like nobody's business and spent a whole episode sulking because he was bored. He is a ridiculous overpowered repressed pathetic weirdo with this exquisitely crafted arrogance and a touch of a victim complex, who contains kindness and cruelty in equal measures (all of the above being reasons I find him so compelling as a character btw 😂).
And he, the moment Calliope turns the conversation to him, says with the utmost deadass sincerity that what he went through does not compare to her experience.
Talk about character development.
The fact that he immediately and consistently centers her pain, treating her with empathy, gentleness, and respect, and then deals with her oppressor with a level of sheer cold righteous fury we have not seen from him - and the fact that the narrative could have easily taken the jealous lover/lustful reunion angle BUT INSTEAD framed their love for each other as something much deeper that transcends physical or romantic attraction - y'all I'm dead.
God-tier character-driven writing. The man is in like what, four scenes lmao and still the degree to which the rest of the series has evolved him is viscerally palpable. Well done @neil-gaiman &co., well done
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starboy-acer · 7 days
"you've been scared of love, and what it did to you" [FnC]
(im so deadass when i say i was writing something completely different while listening to I Feel It Coming by the weeknd and all of the neurons in my brain fired at once, i froze, and immediately opened tumblr to write this at 1:26 am and scheduled to post it on pride month) (gillion is taller btw)
Gillion Tidestrider and Chip James have an interesting relationship. One might even say that their friendship has been strained lately. Most of the crew can tell that something has happened in private-- that not even Jay was made aware of-- that has caused their once close 'bromance' to fade away, a shadow of what they once were surrounding them like a fog when they were near each other.
They're still able to cooperate with each other. Of course they are, they almost have to since they're co-captains, but it's very clear to the whole crew that they are not what they once were.
What the crew doesn't know is why they're like this. What happened to make them drift apart?
It was a particularly cold night on the sea. The crew was traveling to Horsea to visit Ichabod for some sort of urgent matter. Chip was out on the deck of the ship, overlooking the dark waves crashing against the side of The Albatross. He silently listened to the sound of the ocean and his own breathing as he took in the smell of the salty spray kissing his face.
Gillion quietly approached Chip from the captains' quarters on the other side of the ship. Chip heard the taller man approach him and turned with a smile. "Gill! Couldn't sleep?"
"It's hard for me to sleep knowing that you are up here instead of in your bed." Gillion stood beside Chip as Chip moved over slightly to avoid touching Gillion's shoulder.
Gillion looked over at Chip. "Why are you awake? We only have a few days of rest left before we get to Horsea."
"I was just thinking a lil' too hard, I guess. Came up here for some fresh air."
"Thinking about what?"
Chip looked over at Gillion. Gillion's sea green eyes glistened as the moon perfectly lit him up. The moisture on his skin made it look like his entire body was lit up with stars. To Chip, Gillion looked like he was made from pure stardust mixed with crushed moon rocks. He was nothing short of beautiful.
That made Chip uncomfortable.
Chip "Everyone I love leaves me" James was completely infatuated with Gillion Tidestrider.
"Uhm... Thinking about... Nothing- It's nothing." Chip stuttered and looked away. He could hear his own breathing quicken.
Gillion leaned it where his face was in front of Chip's, his lips a mere few inches from Chip's nose. "What's wrong, Chip?"
The two men stood under the cool moonlight. Their eye contact was so intense it was almost as if their souls were intertwining as they stood on the deck of their shared ship. Chip's chest puffed out as his breathing hitched. Gillion's eyes stared directly into Chip's and Chip couldn't help but stare back.
Finally, Chip backed away and turned around to avoid Gillion's gaze. Gillion had no clue that what he was doing was affecting Chip in any particular way either. Chip knew this, and that might've made it worse. "I'm fine, Gillion. Go away."
Chip's tone cut through Gillion like a knife. Gillion wasn't always the best at feelings, but he knew he definitely felt something for his co-captain. Watching Chip as he confidently blew through their adventures and made plans on a head all while struggling to deal with the most horrific situations Gillion has ever seen has made Gillion not only grow a respect for him, but also a feel of admiration and affection. Gillion wasn't always good with words either, but he knew that Chip did not mean what he was saying in the slightest. Something was bothering him, and Gillion was determined to find out why.
"Chip," Gillion walked closer to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You can talk-"
Chip shrugged his hand off and spun around with a singular tear glistening on his cheek and another welling up at the corner of his eye. Chip didn't like what he was feeling. He knew that if he had grown too attached to Gillion, Gillion would eventually die or leave or, even worse, betray him in some way. To prevent that, Chip now had to keep Gillion at an arm's length, literally.
"Don't fuckin' touch me, man. I'm serious. I'm fine. Just go to sleep."
Chip didn't stay to hear what Gillion had to say; he simply walked over to the head of the ship to be the furthest away from him as he possibly could. Meanwhile, Gillion stood there for a moment. His webbed feet were planted-- cemented-- on the wooden boards of the deck. He watched as Chip's silhouette shrunk as he increased the distance between them. Gillion had felt a lot of things in his life, and this feeling could only be related to when he had to turn his back on his sister and leave her in the Undersea. He felt that same anguish in his heart, just on a smaller scale, as he did then.
Somehow, he lifted his feet from the ground, and slowly trekked back to the captains' quarters. He crawled into his barrel and sat there in silence for the rest of the night, not managing to get any sleep.
The next morning is when their friendship started to go downhill. Gillion would try to reach out to Chip just to be met with harsh words and physical separation. Eventually, Gillion simply didn't know what to do, so he did what he knew best to do. He waited for the moment to confront him privately. He thought over what he would say and do when he finally got the proper chance. He figured that his best bet was to form another ice ring, but he knew Chip wouldn't be pleased about that. He decided on waiting for another late night where Chip was on the deck to confront him.
Their time at Horsea had come and gone before Gillion got his chance. The night after they left Horsea and the cities they visited there, Gillion peeked out from his barrel to find Chip gone. He exited the captains' quarters, trying his hardest not to wake Jay, and walked onto the deck of The Albatross. The ship was currently docked at Allport. The crew was told to keep a low profile until the morning when they would sail out of the Horsea section and into The Southern Sea. Gillion looked around to find Chip nowhere to be found. Concern fostered in Gillion's core. He looked around at any sign of where Chip could possibly be. Gillion liked to think that he knew Chip fairly well by now, to the point where sometimes Gillion acted like Chip, because Chip was Gillion's first oversea friend and the one he tends to model his oversea mannerisms on.
So, when he spotted a small orange light with smoke emitting from it being held by a masculine figure on top of a building nearby, Gillion knew exactly where to find Chip.
"Smoking again?" Gillion sat down next to Chip on the edge of the roof.
Chip didn't even jump at the sudden presence, he simply took another drag of his cigarette. "Yeah, well," He looked at the cigarette. He doesn't even like cigarettes. The smell simply reminds him of his youth with Reuben Price, when things might've been hectic and awful, but they were familiar and oddly easier. Chip scoffed before continuing his sentence. "They taste awful." He threw the cigarette to the ground.
"Why smoke them then?" Gillion asked with nothing but innocent interest in his tone. Chip simply looked down at the cigarette slowly burning up on the ground.
"The smell." He sighed. He realized he's never been all that open about the topic of cigarettes. He's only been caught smoking them in particular stressful times, and very rarely.
Gillion looked at Chip in shock. He personally thought the smell was disgusting, but he also didn't mind the smell of dead fish. "What do you mean?"
Chip shrugged. "The smell reminds me of my childhood... Back when things were simple, I guess."
"If I remember right, your childhood was not simple at all?" Gillion questioned. He was terribly confused.
"It... Well, it was, but it was before all of this. Yeah, it was after the hole in the sea and all my family died, but it was before I was officially alone. Like, really alone. Before, I met you and Jay. I guess what I mean is... it reminds me of the last time I was good with Price. He was like my brother, but..." Chip shrugged again. "I dunno. I'm kinda used to the whole 'leavin' me' thing by now. The smell reminds me of back when I really wasn't 'cause I had Price." He chuckled. "It's kinda stupid, I guess."
Gillion nodded and looked down at the ground. "I do not think it's stupid."
Chip looked over at Gillion as he continued speaking. "The smell reminds you of family. Even if that family has... 'left you.'" He put 'left you' in air quotes.
Gillion paused and looked at Chip. "Why have you been pushing me away, Chip?"
Chip felt like the air had been knocked out of him. He didn't know what to expect from this interaction at all, but he somehow didn't expect Gillion to ask him that so bluntly. Chip didn't know how to answer it, at all.
Trying to gather himself, he sputtered out a string of incomprehensible words before taking a deep breath and straightening his back. "I- I haven't." He avoided Gillion's gaze and looked back down at the ground.
"Do not lie to me." Gillion's voice rattled Chip's body. He wasn't even speaking loudly, Gillion was just extremely assertive and Chip was extremely fragile.
"Chip, do not lie to me." He repeated.
Chip remained silent and suddenly very interested in the frog he could see hopping across the damp rocks that make the pathway below them.
Without another word, Gillion's hand found itself cupping Chip's face. He turned Chip's head to face him and stared him in the eyes. Gillion's moist, cold touch accompanied with the sudden, slightly intimate, action sent a shock through Chip's body. Chip didn't dare to try and move away from Gillion's grasp. He knew that the man was determined to get an answer out of him tonight.
"I-" Chip attempted to come up with an excuse, but looked at Gillion's determined expression and fell short. "It's complicated, Gilli."
The petname made Gillion's chest warm. Typically, people call him Gillion or Gill. Only Chip has ever called him 'Gilli'. "Explain it to me. I want to know."
Gillion's hand let go of Chip's face and fell to lay on the roof. The way he stared at Chip with nothing but concern and love indicated that he would listen with no judgement in the slightest, which comforted Chip.
"Gill... I-" He took a deep breath. "I don't want you to leave me."
Gillion's head turned to the side like a curious puppy. Chip sighed before elaborating. "Everyone I've loved has left me. Arlin and the Black Rose pirates died or... disappeared somewhere, I don't know. Only ones I even know are okay so far are Drey and Finn and I wasn't as close with them as I was with Arlin. I took his last name after the whole hole in the sea shit, I mean-" He let out a pained chuckled before choking on his own laugh as tears welled in his eyes. "Technically, I left Price, but that was his own fault after the bullshit he made me do... Everyone I've really loved like family has left me other than you, Jay, and the crew."
"Why are you distancing from me only, then? Why not Jay or the others?"
"Do I really have to spell it out for you, Gill..." Chip wiped a tear from his face and looked at Gillion, who was staring back at him with a perplexed look. "You're more than family to me. You're... You're different."
"Different? Is it because I am a fish? Because that is DEEPLY offensive!"
Chip chuckled. "No! No, it's not that. I... Gillion, I think I'm falling in love with you..."
Chip shyly looked up and met Gillion's gaze. Gillion's jaw fell ajar. "But... Love has never been good for me. I know that if I embrace that feeling, you'll end up leaving me somehow. I don't think I could..." Chip choked up and let out a small sob before looking down. "I couldn't deal with that..."
Gillion had a million things running through his head, but he ignored all of them. He gently raised his hand to Chip's face for a second time before wiping a tear from his cheek, which only caused his face to become more damp than before. "I know you're scared of love. But you don't have to run from it. Chip, I think-"
"Gillion, don't... Please, please, don't." Chip pleaded. He knew what Gillion was going to say and he knew that if he did, there was no going back.
"Chip." Gillion fully turned to face him, his legs crossing as he sat on the roof. Chip stayed as he was with his legs dangling off of the edge of the roof. Gillion moved in closer to Chip as Chip froze. "Chip, I think I'm in love with you too."
The entire world around them seemed to have froze. The bustling noises from Allport fell on their deaf ears and the light breeze in the air from the sea seemed to dissipate. The only thing that either of them were processing was the other one right in front of them.
"Why did you have to say that..." Chip whispered before grabbing Gillion's face and quickly moving in to kiss him. Gillion's eyes widened before closing gently as he returned the kiss. Gillion's hand slowly moved from Chip's cheek to the back of his head as he tenderly pressed the back of his head to get Chip's face as close to his as possible.
Gillion then pulled away to see tears streaming down Chip's face. "Chip, no, no. Why?" He frantically was wiping tears from Chip's face to no avail.
"It's gonna happen now... I'm gonna lose you..."
"Oh, Chip..." Gillion pulled into a tight embrace as Chip gripped Gillion's shirt.
"Why would you do that! Why would you tell me that!!"
"I'm not going anywhere."
"You can't promise that!"
"I can, Chip."
Chip looked up at him and laughed. "Yeah, and I can fly."
Gillion's hands held the sides of Chip's face as he slowly leaned to touch his forehead to Chip's. It was such a different way to be intimate that Chip had never experienced before. "I promise you, Chip James, that I will not leave you. I will fight for my life for you. I will stay alive... for you."
Something in Chip's body compelled him to fully believe Gillion. With his determination and undoubted loyalty, Gillion's promise held so much more weight than anyone else. Chip briefly pulled away and held up his hand before extending his pinky. "Promise?"
Gillion looked down at Chip's pinky. He had only vaguely heard about a 'pinky promise' before and he definitely didn't think of Chip to be a believer in such childish things. But Gillion would indulge in anything for Chip. He would do anything for him.
He raised his hand and extended his pinky. Gillion locked his pinky with Chip's. "I swear on Lunadeyis."
Chip's eyes widened as he looked up at the moon. He almost felt like Gillion was about to be struck where he stood, but the moon seemed to shimmer brighter. Chip almost felt like the moon was smiling down on them, and he smiled back.
"I KNEW THAT'S WHAT WAS UP!" Jay exclaimed with a wide smile. "GRYFFON, YOU OWE ME 10 GOLD NOW!"
Chip and Gillion were standing beside each other, holding hands, after telling Jay what had been happening between them. Chip's jaw fell to the floor. "YOU PLACED BETS?"
Gryffon grumbled while handing Jay 10 gold coins. "It was her idea."
"AND I WAS RIGHT! Oh, I'm so placing more bets on you, Chip. You're so predictable!"
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owlf45 · 5 months
“I have done nothing wrong ever,” Sixth says. “I am actually so hot and naive and a literal minor and I’m Izuku’s favorite and you’re not allowed to do anything to me.” 
“Minor?” Second says incredulously. It’s the only thing Second seems to latch onto in that sentence. “You’re twenty-three. Or did you spontaneously forget how to count too?” 
“Deadass?” Sixth says after a beat.
Sixth had forgotten he lied about his age didnt he? Also, I cant thing about 6th's age too much or ill cry your monster. I first read your fic at like 15 and 18 was so old and I'm turning 19 this year and the world is a cold dark place knowing what I know about sixth's life and dead
yeah, he absolutely forgot he'd lied. you have to remember, sixth had never been without the others when he'd appeared, and then he had multiple months on his own with izuku. it was troublesome keeping his stories straight
also, i know :) everything gets a little more horrifying the older you get
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greatunironic · 2 years
someone asked me in the comments on this world is a cold one if robin had a crush on stevie or if stevie dated nancy and my response started getting too long for the comment so i figured i’d post it here instead:
robin had a crush on stevie for approximately fifteen minutes because like she’s got eyes okay and stevie’s an actual honest to god amazon with the face of an angel and the mouth of a grizzled sea captain — she’s only human!!!
but then she sees her stuff a whole banana in her mouth at scoops (this happens on more than one occasion too) and do that dumbass hand shake with henderson and she deadass asks her once “what kind of animal is the pink panther” but ALSO stevie tells her she thinks her hair is pretty and likes that she reads books, and robin is like “oh no — she’s the worst idiot in the world and she’s my best friend now and we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives together”.
they make out exactly one time, but it’s because they think they’re about to die in a russian torture basement and they stop almost immediately because it’s like “kissing my sister weird”.
she doesn’t date nancy — she’s with tommy then, and nancy’s dating carl perkins, and part of her journey to a better person is recognizing her internalized misogyny, natch — or jonathan, but she does briefly make out with both of them after the demogorgon because they’re tripping balls on adrenaline and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
(this has the added benefit of during season four when stevie frantically tells robin “i did it again” it means she needs about five seconds to be like “hold on — did you make out with eddie???” 
“worse,” she says grimly, “i took his virginity and it was awesome. his dick is huge. he wouldn’t stop going down on me, and i came like four times. wait, oh my god, am i only into dweebs? is that my type??”
it may be the end of the world, but robin still laughs until she cries.)
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urauntiefaye · 4 months
To Be Kidnapped Teaser
A/N: Title will be changed just haven't figured it out yet,
CW: Mafia &Team, mentions of Enhypen Kidnapping, mentions of alcohol and partying this is x an OC of mine
WC: 701
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I wasn’t supposed to be tied up in some ass room being interrogated by one of the most dangerous gangs. But here we are, being tied but in a very uncomfortable chair with rope burn on my wrist and a pounding headache. Now you’re probably wondering “how the fuck did you get in this situation Ariella?”. So I’ll recap a little. I, a broke, depressed, and anxiety ridden college student, decided to say fuck it and went to a club with my friends instead of studying for my finals.
As I went to said club I ended up bumping into a fairly attractive man (I know what you’re thinking, I should’ve seen the red flags with just that sentence, but I was drunk and honestly didn’t give two shits at the time). He was pretty tall, probably around 6’1, with dark brown hair. We flirted throughout the night and if I was actually dumb I would’ve gone home with him. But I am not, and I know stranger danger. So once it got pretty late I excused myself and attempted to make my way home. Until the next thing I know I was fucking ATTACKED and thrown into an expensive ass car. Which I wasn’t really upset about, because if I’m getting kidnaped at least it’s in a boujee way.
And yeah, that’s how I got here. Minus the place being absolutely filthy, and cold, it was also dark. But hey, what am I supposed to expect in this situation?. I let out a huff and tried to get into a comfortable potion. Well, as comfortable as I could get. I tried to make out what the rest of the room looked like, but it was too dark to see anything. I deadass don’t even know what to do right now, I could attempt to run, but the rope is too tight and the bastard who kidnapped me is right in front of me along with another man, this shorter than him but definitely more muscular. You could definitely tell he was one of those gym rats. “Now, I will ask this question one more time. What do you know about Mr. Kim? And what is his plan with our boss’s sister?”. I rolled my eyes and groaned. “And again, I don’t FUCKING know, dude I don’t even know who the hell this Mr. Kim is. And I have no fucking idea who your boss’s sister is”. The blonde sighs and steps forward to me and croches down to my level. He was one centimeters away from me. Mans was so close I could feel his breath. “Fuck dude, a mint would do you some justic”.
I really should’ve listened to my friends, especially Jay. God I can already imagine it, him looking at me with a disappointed look that I thought only my mom was capable of. I can practically hear him sighing and saying “I told you not to go out tonight Ariella”. I love Jay but I swear he’s more like my mom than my actual mom sometimes. A harsh slap went acrossy cheek, my skin cringing in pain. “Fuck dude!” I screamed loudly, as the taller one grip his first in my hair pulling it back. “If only you'd play nice then we'd be easier on you” he said. The shorter one put his hand on the others shoulder. “Chill dude, we don't need her passing out.
Seriously though, who the fuck where these guys. And where's Jay when you fucking need him.
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Not me rewatching Unmortricken (s7e5) again. Bro, I am so mad at how much I like Prime Rick. I mean- he's such an asshole and I hate him. But his tech is insane! His asshole quips, and shit eating grin as he confidently tells you the meanest shit imaginable- I love that man and hate him so damn much, lmao.
I also wanna take a moment to appreciate Evil Morty like sm. Like- he's pretty uncaring and cold in order to get what he wants, but he's actually so cool. Like he didn't NEED to rez Rick at the end of the fight, he chose to as an act of good faith between them. Despite participating in the fight for his own purposes- he could have just as easily killed Rick Prime and scanned his dying brain for the schematics- but he didn't. He left him alive and even placed our Rick in front of him like a present. Man- Evil Morty is the fuckin goat, I really hope we see more of him in s8.
I'm so fuckin proud of Rick though. Like- I know what he did wasn't really in the grand scheme of things, like a good thing to do? Or even like a helpful thing. Cause I mean Rick Prime was so many Rick's main motivation. Imagine hearing another Rick got to him before you? Like i'd deadass jump off of something high- like that's fucked.
But Rick worked toward this his whole life, and he finally did it. No, he's not the good guy- but i'm so fucking proud of him for doing it. Sure, life doesn't get better now that he's dead- but at least now he lives in a life where nothing changes AND that fucker is dead. I'm just proud, is all. Rick deserves happiness. I really hope he finds it somehow.
And now to turn around and say... Despite me wanting the best for Rick- I did see theories (reposted it I think) of people thinking Rick Prime somehow connected himself to C137's psyche or some shit, and our Rick keeps seeing him everywhere because of it. (Like he's being haunted.)
As horrible and heartbreaking as that storyline probably would be, dear god, I want that kind of angst. I'm honestly kinda sad Rick Prime is gone, man- I want him more involved in the storyline! I mean- memory Rick is still up there somehow? Maybe Rick Prime and Memory Rick can duke it out? Lol. Idk, it just seems like while Rick Prime has been, like, the villain all along- but we only really got to see him more in depth in s6 and 7. I want more! It seems too soon for him to be gone just like that- but Ig life do b like that. Maybe they're just going for realism. (Which I can respect that, honestly, just give Rick the happiness he deserves, don't listen to me. ToT)
There's my thoughts though, kinda just wanted to brain rot about the episode for a bit~
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 3 months
My Mary-Ace Merrill propaganda is working~💗💖💗💖
GOD PLEASE IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT THE GIRLIES BEING FRIENDS PLEAAAASE!! I love genderfluid Ace and it's something so strangely personal to me and so sweet and he's sooo fruity and I'm sure Nancy would adore her very strange, literal queer, of a boyfriend-girlfriend.🥺🥺
Ace: Shut up Nancy! Go water the garden with your cloudy eyes why don't you! Rain floods pouring in from NANCY!!"
Mary: Ohhh shh, shh!! It's Okey! I-i used to cry a lot to when I was little! I was real bad about biting my cheeks so I didn't make sounds...bleed right in my mouth! ....oh Nancy, Nancy, it's Okey dear, come on, shh...
Ace: ....Nancy, look...go...just...Nancy go away.
Mary: Oh Nancy, ma..maybe not today i-im sick with a cold- NO! ahah, n-no don't come over I don't need soup, spring floral cold is all...
Ace: here, don't, I repeat. Don't. You. Dare. Say a word miss water works, could power so much with your damn eyes...
Mary: ...Nancy? Can...here, for, being so...sweet and friendly to me all the time, you make me feel like a real girl! -o-oh you know, somtimes a girl just doesn't feel herself is all!!
Ace: fine you can come over but do NOT go into my bedroom, or the guest room, and if you do, ask me, and do NOT open the clothes hampers or my closet understand!?
Mary: Ace isn't home! Oh yeah, I take over the guest room! But he let's me keep stuff in his room too! Awwee he, he canceled date night? Ohh...oh- OH! i-i-i can call him! He didn't Janelle he just isn't here, oh i-im sorry I'm sure he forget, Ace is forgetful...why don't I take you out! I-im no, boy or Ace, but a girls dated i-i mean a a....well why not a show and soda?
Ace: .....Nancy, I....I'm gonna go out today, but... you can...wander around today if you'd like, the house, its...free now, do your girlie snooping.
Ace: .....Surprise?? ...i..got flowers incase you hate me- you don't? ....wlel kf xource I thought you'd hate me, I'm some queer fairy playing dress up! - YOU KNEW?! oh..date..night, y-yeah guess..and the fact you don't see us together, man your really smart remind me to never skip our anniversary or try and cheat on you💖💗💖 little miss garden detective...why that? Well...you cry and flowers need water, and flowers are jn gardens, and well...your like a detective with...connecting dots- it's bad I'm sorry...
Mary: ....morning pretty girl~ wanna go to the candy shop and swim later? Hmmm?? Yesss, this is the infamous routine I do as Mary~ yes of cource it's a wig I can't grow my hair out Nancy are you crazy!? ....now come on I need help with my zipper please.
What if I just dreamt about them all night last night guys how deep am I in oh Lord-
All these scenarios made get on my floor in a fetal position crying HELPPPPP?? AUGHHH
Richard and Nancy would do anything for their gal in making her feel safe and happy- Nancy being sweet and hanging out with her and Eyeball literally ready to throw fists at any comment or catcall thrown Mary's way.
"remind me to never skip our anniversary or try and cheat on you💖💗💖" THE WAY I CACKLEDDD
The way Ace slowly starts letting his guard down around Nancy and getting more comfortable with her learning about when she's Mary just made me... JUST PLUCK AT MY HEARTSTRINGS LIKE A HARP WILL YOU 😫
Im not normal about this anymore and it's plaguing my mind 👁👁
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shaakyhaands · 10 months
Hear Me Out:
Court of Darkness but MC is an investigative journalist.
Do we ever really get any details on what MC did on Earth?
Like no, deadass— we know she had an apartment and Robin. How is she paying rent? How is she buying cat food, or paying Robin’s vet bills?
I’m willing to bet the devs intentionally didn’t give us much detail about MC’s occupation, specifically so we the reader can ✨ project ✨ onto her.
That being said: let’s make up some occupations for her!
I think an investigative MC would be fun! She’s in a whole new dimension, there’s a ton to explore. Reality itself behaves differently, allowing magic! There’s an entire history of this world’s inhabitants! Wars, art, culture, food, philosophy, sciences, MAGIC! This would be fucking paradise for an exploratory personality.
Some headcanons:
MC always has questions. About everything. From the tangible and quantitative (“what is this?”) to the conceptual and abstract (“interesting. You seem to feel very strongly on this subject, am I reading that right? Can you tell me more? What influenced your judgement?”).
When she’s not peppering one of the consorts with questions about life in this world, she’s reading. What is she reading? Everything. Everything she can get her hands on. Especially books on history.
Speaking of reading and asking questions— MC bonds with Toa in her pursuits of knowledge. He helps her learn how to read and write (language barriers). While Guy, a man of action more than words, might get tired of MC’s incessant questions (and I really mean incessant, this isn’t shade at Guy. This MC is straight up annoying, never shuts up)— Toa has more patience.
Speaking of history— she studies historical events and the relationships between the kingdoms. Important players on the world stage, what they did, who they were cool with and who they pissed off and why. Why, why, why, MC is very interested in learning why things are the way they are.
So much so, she looks into events deeper than most native inhabitants would probably have any reason to. She wants to find the information not in the history books. She wants to know what actually happened— who pulled what strings, who is connected to who else and how did those connections play out, etc.
Through her research, MC learns about a lot of royals before they’re otherwise introduced. Not only does she learn of their existence (“Toa has a sister? Toa has three sisters? 👀”), but she, through the lens of various historical accounts (that she certainly cross referenced with each other), learns of their character. What they’ve done. And, reading between the lines, what some books failed to explain or navigated around, she’s able to get a better sense of their real personalities.
For example: Reading several accounts of her behaviour, if MC is piecing together the information correctly, than the picture her research is painting of Idina is a very, very cold one. Thinking about the implications makes MC shiver. To think this woman is related to Toa, it actually make too much sense.
Speaking of her research: MC definitely has the magical equivalent of a conspiracy theory pin board in her bedroom— one mapping out the connections between the kingdoms and powerful individuals.
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This ^ This, but it’s MC, and the red string is connecting Idina to several assassinations untimely, very unfortunate and super totally accidental deaths of government officials. Toa is the person in the foreground.
“Okay, but why” you might be inclined to ask. “Why is MC asking all these questions, what’s the point”
The point is, she is an investigative journalist. So far, I’ve really emphasized the “investigative” part. But, my sweet summer child, there’s an entire second half of that title.
The point being, MC is recording all of the information she’s gathering.
The history, the art, the culture, the sciences, the magic— all of it. All of it, she is making an immaculate record of. How, you might ask? Well, you have some options:
Personally, I’m a huge fan of MCs who got transported with some of their earthly tech on their person. I have more than once gotten home and straight up passed out after a long day, still holding onto or wearing my daily gear. Let me put it this way: if they were able to bring her god damn cat with her, I see no reason why MC couldn’t bring, say, a backpack with her. Maybe a satchel, or a crossbody bag. If it was on or near her person when she fell asleep, I can imagine it getting caught up in the process.
Say this MC did have her bag with her. That means she has a myriad of technology potentially at her disposal. Laptop, tablet, camera. If you really want to lean into the “investigative reporter” side of things, she could even have an old school hand held tape recorder. At the very least, she definitely has a phone.
“Tech would die, though, how is she going to charge it” magic, babe. Via Roy’s consort path, we learned that inhabitants of the magical realm make magical weapons out of silversmithing. The reason Roy gives is that silver is a good conductor of electricity and magical energy:
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(Please ignore the shit image quality, YouTube is being mean)
My point being, you understand the implications of this statement? People in Salagia know what electricity is. At least, on some level. So if MC just made one friend out of the S ranks, or Sherry, I’m sure they could come up with some way to keep any of MC’s earthly electronics permanently charged.
Outside of tech— remember how MC has to pretty much learn how to read and write? Because the Salagian language, it’s not English. In the American server, it’s hinted that the Salagain language is some derivative of Latin, and magic helps translate speech between MC and everyone else. In Toa’s path, MC can sort of read? But it’s not like speaking, and she pretty much has to relearn from the ground up (Warning: mild spoilers for Toa’s route, maybe?):
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Point being: if MC can’t really read Salagian writing, then I doubt Salagians can read anything in MC’s native language (be that English, Japanese, or anything else).
So, theoretically speaking, MC could just write in her native language and no one would really be able to tell wtf she’s writing. Whose gonna teach them, her? Not if she doesn’t want them to know, she won’t.
So, to recap:
Our little investigative journalist MC is given the scoop of a fucking lifetime, being transported to a different universe.
With her tech, raw determination, and the help of some new friends, she gathers intel and writes up reports— be that literally writing, recording speech, or making video essays.
Photos, videos, any documentation she can make, she does.
The knowledge she gains enables her to move through this new world with a bit more discretion. She’s better able to navigate social settings (“everyone with blue eyes seems to hate me?… Oh yeah, the red, Avari, got it. I’ll just be cool, then”), and potentially avoid shady characters (“note to self: avoid Idina. Also, Toa needs therapy.”)
Maybe she discovers some cults earlier than she would otherwise?? 👀
And if/when she eventually gets back home, even if it’s just to visit friends, but not actually stay there— she will have the most epic story of all time. With supporting documents.
Other fun headcanons:
If this MC does pair up with a consort, everyone is like “… bro, your girl… she never stops asking questions” and her paramour is just like “fuck yeah, she doesn’t 😍”
“What are you writing” “a list of workers rights violations, I can’t believe unions are a foreign concept in this world.”
If an animal/creature shows up, MC is the first to jump to its defense. “It’s a siren!” “She’s part of an endangered species, you cretin!” “She can kill you! Aren’t you scared??” “So could tripping and falling over. Bottom line is, I’m not going to let you hurt her!”
“Do you not have kings in your world?” “I mean, they exist, but let me tell you about 1789 France…” *cue the radicalization of the S ranks*
Say a king shows up to the school for an event, oh BOY will she have Words. Not only would she ask a shit ton of questions, she will also have no fucking fear, because she has no respect for their title. “I read about this policy decision, what was this experience like for you?” Whatever prince is the associated son of the king is like “MC, please, I’m so scared for you, don’t incur his wrath”, while the king is just like “you know?… this person?.. this person is bold. To talk to me like this, the blatant lack of idol worship, almost bordering on disrespect, even… this is Different. New. Fun. I almost feel like a normal person, even.” And so, the king engages with all of her questions, much to their son’s potential dismay.
Anyways— god it feels good to get this enormous idea out of my brain and on a digital page. The Thought has been Purged, I am now free. Been a hot minute since I did some long form theorizing for CODVN, feels nice man. 😁
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fatuismooches · 6 months
hi :) i see your responses to my asks :) i see your reblogs :) i am absolutely not about to add sodium to the tea i am having rn :)
in all seriousness though oh my goodness smooches ;; i am glad i decided to take a little break from writing for now and be greeted with an influx of notifications alongside your responses to my asks and reblogs to the little thingies i published, just the perfect obliteration my heart needed to perfect my night <3
in response to your excitement about my kabuki series, ME TOO !! good god you don't know how over the damn moon i am just thinking about tomorrow like .. i should probably get a breather because this much excitement, while not new to me because i'm always excited, is about to annihilate my heart lmao
and now in response to your reblog of my fatui kuni drabble, yes. fucking yes. sorry excuse my language BUT. I GET IT. dearest when i tell you it's something i think about a lot — that drabble is actually what i wrote back when i was taking a walk near the seashore about i believe two weeks ago! but that aside, walks around snezhnaya with scara are like everything to me. like imagine him accompanying you to town or along the outskirts — very and i mean very attentively listens to you musings about everything and nothing because he doesn't have much to offer in comparison to what he wholeheartedly believes to be heaven in your eyes as you talk about very simple things ( i shall cut my rambling there because i have a whole series for fatui kuni that is primarily themed around that concept hehe ).
as for the 'nushi thesis...............
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oops ~
no but this bitch had me on a chokehold for SO LONG, that i ended up writing not only lore but many, many other things as well from the small to the big deadass ended up being a presentation because i have arranged a design sheet and even chose a fucking theme for him. but king deserves it so (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
there is so much i could say right now, so much i can express but bloody hell i like, can't because i have successfully melted into a puddle out of sheer joy :')
goodness .. dear smooches, dear mutual, dear fellow tea addict /lh lover, to say that your responses have made my night would be one of the biggest understatements i've ever made in life :') like omg i am thinking of a way i could respond to every little thing you mentioned in your responses to my asks and in your reblogs, but i think the bright smile painting my puffy face rn is more than indicative of how genuinely thankful and happy i am 🤍
thank you and incredible lot. i hope mundanities with kabukimono hits in all the right ways and you get to enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing for it. i cannot wait to walk this journey with you and many others <3
— signed with much ( platonic ) love, ayame.
( don't tell kuni that i almost cried because tumblr ate the ask i previously sent you, please and thank you :') ).
the way i am actually about to cry because tumblr keeps having the ask i sent you just a minute ago as a meal............. i swear to god if this one gets sent unlike the other i am going to swallow a biscuit whole /j /nsrs
AYAME NOOOO IM SO SO SORRY TUMBLR CAN BE AN ASS LIKE THAT SOMETIMES 😭😭 But i am so glad to have received this ask from you omg, i love it sm ❤️ And you don't even need to thank me, I'm always happy to support and gush over your writing :)) I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND ABOUT BEING EXCITED TO POST there have been a bunch of times when i wanted to just post something at that instant instead of waiting (kabukimono series was an example when i literally posted back to back instead of spacing it out, i was SO READY 😭)
AND NGL YOU LITERALLY OPENED MY MIND TO SNEZHNAYAN WALKS WITH KUNI... i never thought about it before but. MWAH. i love the idea because i love walks and the cold especially if Kuni will be there to keep me warm hehe. Him being a silent listener is so so cute and real because you think he doesn't listen but then he brings up something random you said weeks ago and your heart just goes boom. (I propose to you now, you and Wanderer visiting Mondstadt/ Dragonspine and walking along the snowy path there too! Wanderer just has so much overflowing memories of the two of you doing the same thing in Snezhnaya, but you don't remember :( but at least he has a second chance with you to make new memories)
OH MY GOSH THE KURONUSHI STUFF EBWDBEWF bro. i so understand because when i saw him there i was excited beyond words. like FINALLY we were getting some Scara lore after like a year or something?? i also remember being sad that the furniture for the teapot wouldn't change to his picture :( but omg i love your dedication to him sm ITS SO SWEET I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS ON KURO BC IM SO INTERESTED.
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astrxlfinale · 25 days
🌿 Author portrait. Get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Name/nickname: Jace. (Has been my net handle for forever.) The Grumpy Ass.
Age: 32! I am indeed made of all bones and walking canes now.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Years of writing: Since my mid-teens. It really started around the time I first got a computer at my grandma's old place. Was able to watch overseas shows then one thing led to another.
Why did you pick up writing?: For me if was to answer one simple thing. 'What if', and that itself could be tied to countless scenarios that wouldn't be shared in canon continuity. Initially it was what do the characters do off the screen, then it edged to getting more detailed, to what new journeys or shared moments could they have? It led to a hell of a fun snowball effect. Coming onto different platforms and seeing it was shared or that other folks were ahead of the curved served as some fun motivation. In all the good, bad and deadass kinds of wild. It led to another 'what if' to answer, and still is being answered to this day with the RP hobby.
Do you have any writing routines?: My methods for knocking out replies are to always actively read the post. (no duh Jace), BUT, this comes with the idea on how to blend and extend. How can I give the post offered to me its due diligence and reactions, but how can I equally build off that by ensuring there's enough content to be responsive to for my RP partner? I let my character perceive to find their voice in terms of response and actions during this process.
Afterwards once I got the framework in my head, I kick on some tunes I genuinely enjoy getting it all doled out with the metaphorical meat and potatoes.
That said when it comes to scrounging up not muse per say, but that certain line of writing that I'm satisfied with? I just hop back to old works (fan made and official) that really worked those writing wrinkles in my head. There's some content that vividly let my fingers flow to 'paint a picture', in either emotion or literal presence in scene setting.
What's your favorite part about writing?: For me it'd just be bringing feeling to a scene. To give a very easy ground for anyone, experienced or new in this kind of thing to just feel the said scene. Not as some realistic one for one, but as a means to let their imagination comfortably sit in the drivers seat and have these elements expand before it. Tied with that is being able to find neat/cool ways to highlight my own muse's emotions through writing, letting it so volatile in it's creativity and their said emotions in said scenario.
Three things you like about your writing.
One. I really enjoy how shameless my writing can be. Honestly speaking, my personal taste never really clashed well with 'refinement'. It's blunt and broad, it holds energy and isn't ashamed to really let that be. I feel like that essence of 'voice' within writing is an important fundamental for me enjoying it. In hand with this, it's also why I never could actively write like other authors, and trying to say write similar to how a series does would never great great results from me. I want to carry that particular voice that varies with my muses, and have it flourish with what they also bring to the table.
Two. One thing I've also become proud of is details. Coming from a point where text based dialogue writing was my main bread and butter, watching the change in how it actually expanded has been like night and day for me. In particular, being able to describe a scene in these warm, cold or chaotic ways, adding that touch of whimsical flare to my posts as well. It's primarily why I get my kick from always having some fantasy in my settings, old age, modern or futuristic all the same. I love when I can get to use all the extra detail as extensions.
Three. This isn't tied into the act of writing in itself. Now days however I have to say I really improved on the aspect of proper plotting. My main issue was that I used to make it sound either too much like a script, or I got so creativity locked that it actually sucked the fun out the process for me. Taking some new approaches to the RP hobby has actually ironed out this detail, and I've come to see the incredible amounts of fun that can be held with it too. I intend taking the utmost advantage as well.
A question for the next person.
Write a question for the next person to answer. Once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
When life throws you lemons, and gets you down, does writing become something that you're drawn to as to get you through it, or do you feel like it does the opposite?
For me it'd be the absolute opposite. My creativity first and foremost is tied to me having a good mood. Being in more negative headspaces generally makes me harder to approach, so normally I wouldn't frequent any social angles for a prolonged period while I get that ironed out. It becomes a case of contrasting gears that are heavily rusted.
This is why I often put emphasis on this being a hobby for me. To me, it's similar as to booting up a video game for example and giving it a good spin. A more downtrodden me is moreso being a slough and not really wanting to move, outside of just watching tv while being a bump on a log. Stuff like that needs genuine time for me or a key situation involving said scenario to really iron out those kinks.
It leaves a bad taste for my type of character let that touch of escaping get involved.
New question: What are your favorite details that you enjoy to highlight about your muse through writing? Is a physical element? A measure of character that holds the most flare? This can have multiple answers or a solitary one.
Tagged by: @araneitela Look at you dive bombing me with this. Thank you kindly homegirl.
Tagging: Any and all can proceed to take part! What's your writing lore, let the fine details fly out.
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