#liberals are just as antisemitic as the right and I said what I said
goldheartedsky · 1 year
When the “liberal elite” New York Times posts a fucking swastika themed crossword on the first night of Chanukah, you really feel the antisemitism coming in from all sides
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sissa-arrows · 6 months
Seeing articles and videos about “Israel” arming settlers reminds me of the stories my great grandpa told me about May 8th 1945. How France armed the settlers so they would help the colonial authorities kill Algerians. 45000 Algerians were killed in just a couple days and many more were jailed without proper trial.
The general who organized the massacre said to France “I got you 10 years of peace. But things need to change in Algeria, they failed only because the protests were not simultaneous. The calm is back only in surface, the gap between the two communities deepened. You cannot keep on using violence if you want to keep Algeria and your methods need to change.”
He was right (still a peace of shit cause dude organized the massacre of 45000 Algerians). France didn’t listen to him and 9 years and a half later on November 1st 1954 the Algerian war of liberation started with simultaneous attacks all over the North of Algeria. It started with 1000 men only and 8 years later Algeria was free of French colonial rule.
That’s why I’m convinced that Palestine will be free because Israel is repeating the same mistakes France did. My grandpa keeps telling me that he trust Palestinians to take back their land because that’s the natural order of things and because “Israel” reminds him so much of France. The methods, the lies, the propaganda. And just like Algerian women managed to show to the world what was truly happening and switched the public opinion, Palestinian journalists are showing to the world what’s happening. It cannot be ignored.
Pro Israel aholes reached the point where they have to disguise their protests as protest against antisemitism in order to gather any form of support from the public. Western medias already lost all credibility to the point where they are backtracking a bit. Politicians are backtracking slowly too. Because they are realizing that if they keep up the unconditional support they will fall with Israel (tbh I think they are all falling with Israel either way because whenever the Global South rise the West fall cause the West is unable to thrive without looting and oppressing the Global South.).
Palestine will be free in our lifetime Inch’Allah and we will all share pictures and videos of the liberation. Palestinians are going to rebuild their country and thrive. If Algeria kicked out colonizers after 132 years Palestine can do it because it’s a country of braves. Because nobody can stop a people who fight for liberation when the people are united.
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perfectlyvalid49 · 4 months
Today is January 27th, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and I'd like to get some stuff off my chest.
First, I'd like to take a minute to point out that it is not Yom HaShoah, which is the day Israel (and by extension large portions of the Jewish diaspora population) uses as Holocaust Remembrance day. Yom HaShoah is on the 27th of Nisan, a date that was selected to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, centering Jewish resistance in our own story. That date was selected nearly five decades before the UN picked January 27th, which was selected to center our white saviors who came to liberate Auschwitz. This is utter bullshit. And no excuses for not being able to handle a moving date on the Gregorian calendar - April 19th would be the Gregorian equivalent, and it was not selected.
Having said that, given how many infographics I've seen over the last four months about how people are increasingly denying or doubting the Holocaust, I figure any day that acknowledges it is a good thing, so yeah, let's take two days to remember. I think it's worth it.
So given that this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day that centers our goyishe friends, let's talk about how our goyishe friends should observe the day.
1. It is likely that you never learned a lot of details about the Holocaust. Holocaust education usually boils down to, "and the Nazis put Jews in camps in order to kill them, and a lot of Jews were killed in gas chambers, and about 6 million died in all." Go learn some details. Read or watch an account from a survivor.  Learn about the medical experiments, or the death marches. Learn some details about what the gas chambers were actually like. Try to understand the horror. Learn about the SS St. Louis or the Evian conference in 1938 where almost every country on Earth decided it was better to let the Jews die in Germany than to allow them into their own countries.
2. On that note, take the time to understand that anti-semitism neither began nor ended with the Nazis, and that even the "good guys" were incredibly antisemitic.Try to recognize that the antisemitism that was present where you live right now in the 1930s didn't just disappear, it just went into hiding. Think about where it might be hiding now.
Basically, because this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day for the goyim, I want to focus our remembrance of what happened on the goyim. What did they do? What could they have done to help? Why didn't they? We can come back in May for more Jewish focused learning, but the Holocaust could not have happened without A LOT of willing goyim, and I think we should spend the day remembering them and their actions.
And as a side note: if you happen to read this and you've chosen to spend the day engaging in Holocaust denial or Holocaust inversion, then know that my hope for you is that something happens in your life to teach you empathy and basic human decency. And I hope it isn't pleasant for you.
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I see we’re just reposting things without sources for some reason?? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it’s because the tweet used the magic word “Zionist” which is taken to be “irredeemably evil and vile person”. For context, the context which that tweet purposely left out (and yeah I’m going to say it’s fucking purposeful) is this article by the NPR. Inside this article the allegedly pro-Palestine posts on social media were fucking videos of the Hamas on October 7th. So, yeah if you’re reposting antisemitic stuff (blatantly antisemitic too), fuck you.
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The images that came out of Israel on October 7 were brutal and graphic, and the images coming out of Gaza for months now are constant, also brutal and horrific. All this violence is being shared on social media, and as KQED's Lesley McClurg reports, that's affecting the mental health of Americans with loved ones in Gaza and in Israel. A warning - this story contains descriptions of violence. LESLEY MCCLURG, BYLINE: Some of the footage Shoshana Howard (ph) saw on social media months ago still haunts her. A video appears to show a Hamas fighter pulling an Israeli hostage from the trunk of a jeep. CNN aired a clip of the video. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Her face is bleeding, and her wrists appear to be cable-tied behind her back. MCCLURG: It looks like blood is seeping through the back of the woman's sweatpants. SHOSHANA HOWARD: And that broke me - and then seeing friends calling it liberation. MCCLURG: Howard, who is Jewish, couldn't believe people she knew were writing comments online that, to her, felt inhumane and anti-Jewish. HOWARD: That's when I started to have night terrors, and I was ending my days going into my closet and just would cry. MCCLURG: She couldn't stop thinking about her cousins living in Israel. As the days passed, it became harder to focus on her life and work in Oakland. HOWARD: Like, I just was so fragile. MCCLURG: And then recently, she felt shamed by a friend who told her her grief doesn't matter when so many Palestinians are suffering.
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Is it “making the argument” to point out the hypocrisy of saying the Houthis (a terror organization) are protecting international laws and human rights when there’s documented evidence of Houthis perpetrating slavery, diverting humanitarian aid, and so on? Or you know, is it providing necessary context that readers might want to know?
And the comments below that tweet are awful (with a few exceptions rightfully pointing out accuracy of said community note and how slavery is in fact bad).
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Antisemitic Tweet #1: This is what all community notes have become now. Total Zionist propaganda machine.
Antisemitic Tweet #2: There's been an influx of "community notes" that are clearly just people trying to protect the narrative.
Antisemitic Tweet #3: It's like the Israeli Bot accounts that change the community notes to favor Israel.
Already reblogged multiple posts explaining what's wrong with the Houthis with sources attached, so linking those now to save space (rather than adding ten different links).
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This? This is what you say on October 7th, 2023?
Shaun: Lot of reaping being condemned by the sowers today. Shaun (cont.): I'm talking about politicians who stridently oppose all options except those which lead to violence and then act shocked violence occurs. Their condemnations of violence are worthless while they ignore their hand in the apartheid causing it.
October 7th was an attack against civilians where hostages were taken, people were murdered, people who advocated for peace were harmed, killed, and so on.
I also noticed a tweet not too far down from that one which said the following:
Lots of people in these comments very mad that Palestinians aren't being victims of occupation in the right and proper way.
No, people are mad about civilians being massacred and taken as hostages by a terrorist organization. The lack of empathy is something.
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Absolutely unhinged subposting from the account that calls anti-Zionist Jews the most vitriolic antisemitic slurs, so let’s clear this up.
This organisation is Communist— we stand against Capitalism, Imperialism, Facism. We organise for a fair future, free of corruption, monetary value, free of sex-based violence, free of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia. Complete dismantling of the class system. We stand for a future where there are no violently enforced borders, no ethnostates or Christo-Facist institutions, where religion is for the people not the State. We are Communist because we believe in Community over exploitation, over starvation, over war.
The hammer and sickle in our icon is indicative of our beliefs— unity of the international working classes.
We have not once said that “good real Jews are Marxists”— that is entirely their interpretation of our words— we believe everyone who is politically active should educate themselves on the Red Scare rhetoric of the Western empires, and the anti-Communist narrative that has been at the root of masses of violence across the globe. Judaism, much like Communism, is about community, liberation from oppression and building a better future for ALL. And a reminder that the Nazi Party targeted Communists, just as America does. So tell me again that all that you have been told about Socialist and Communist revolutionary movements is factual! The people who wage wars on developing Socialist nations will tell you Communism Bad as a matter of feeble self preservation.
If you are ill-educated on Communism or Marxism, and you jump to ride the bandwagon of anti-Communist narratives then that is YOUR responsibility. We offer resources and spaces for discussion, debate and insight.
Spot-the-antisemitism has deliberately misconstrued our messages and what we stand for to push a very United States aligned, typically right-wing and violent narrative. This is the last time I will engage with any of their posts.
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hero-israel · 1 year
Here's the thing about this narrative that Palestinian resistance no matter what form is acceptable. Jewkilling cannot exist in a bubble. It cannot be politically neutral. 1000 years of European (and Arab) antisemitism culminating in genocide have ruined that. Sorry to Palestinian activists but that's just how it works. You can't murder a Jew without it being a tragedy, without it contributing to the continued global oppression of Jewish people.
And all that said, that's just if Hamas and others only targeted soldiers and police (or at least tried as best they could). The IRA didn't go out of its way to purposefully target noncombatants. Why? Probably because there isn't thousands of years of history of English people being seen as subhuman, there isn't thousands of years of anglophobic propaganda showing English people as twisted monsters preying on children and secretly undermining Irish society. The Irish national movement was not born because English refugees returned to their historical homeland and challenged the notion of Irish Supremacy. It was a pragmatic liberation movement. Resist military occupation, undermine military infrastructure designed to oppress the people. The descendants of English and Scottish settlers would even be allowed to stay if they had won. Imagine that.
These things are all tied up in each other. I'm against police brutality, I'm against the escalation and the militarization and the mistreatment of Arabs in Israel and in Judea & Samaria and Gaza and Golan and everywhere. But killing Jews can never be righteous. Sorry to anyone who feels that way but it can't. Antizionists NEED to understand that. Jews will always feel defensive and ready themselves for retaliation because of history, because of that context. Jews keep saying "prove to us a post zionist society where we all share the land won't be antisemitic" and their concerns are completely brushed off.
There's no empathy at all. A little girl can be stabbed to death and antizionists celebrate because she was a "settler," and that brave Palestinian man was defending his indigenous homeland, by targeting the weakest of his enemies. And since Israel has mandatory military service the antizionist can surmise that no Jews are Innocent. An Israeli Jew cannot be a noncombatant. They have to, otherwise the only other explanation for why Jewkilling is acceptable to them, or even feels good to them, is that they hate Jews. And as of right now, the optics are still against that. I have a sinking feeling the optics won't be against them much longer. I inherently don't trust a "liberation" movement that's all too eager to make murdering Jewish civilians praxis. I'm sick of the internet falling for this bullshit.
One of the best asks I have ever received. Thank you for sharing it and I agree with every word.
The entire progressive intersectional social-justice frame has failed Jews (or, alternately, has succeeded in excluding them), due to being intellectually colonized by a clearly fascist ideology of incessantly hating the Jew as a poisonous alien. Try to get an online activist to critically deconstruct the social assumptions they were raised with about Jews in their Muslim, Christian, or very slightly post-Christian society... it won't go well. Funny how Jews have lived in India and China for thousands of years yet you will look in vain for examples of bitter bloodthirsty kill-your-nextdoor-neighbor antisemitism in those societies. That's because the origin, the core, of Chinese and Indian societies was not "We're the people who are better than Jews."
From a review of Richard Landes' new book "Can the Whole World Be Wrong?":
[During the Second Intifada] Israelis were described at the time as the new Nazis. But the malice that was unleashed was even worse. As Landes writes, “It was mostly about being freed from a sense of obligation to the Jews, a chance to take up again the Jew-baiting so long denied Europeans by a politically correct post-Holocaust sobriety.” Landes quotes a poisonous comment made by a member of the House of Lords and reported in the Spectator, “Well, the Jews have been asking for it, and now, thank God, we can say what we think at last.” During that time, I was told something horrifyingly similar to my [=the reviewer's] face.
Your example of Irish nationalists not going out of their way to murder British children is a good one. The oft-reached comparisons between Palestine and South Africa are frivolous for many reasons as I have explained here before, and the ANC advocating and normalizing a vision of enduring racial diversity and equality is high on the list of reasons (made possible because black African identity is not predicated on a thousand-year history of hating and oppressing whites). The case of Rhodesia is even more instructive. Robert Mugabe - ROBERT MUGABE! - pleaded with the whites to stay, to live as equals, as brothers, and work together in building a better society in Zimbabwe. Ian Smith, last white PM of Rhodesia, agreed with him and stayed in Zimbabwe. If a so-called "liberation" movement is more openly dedicated to straight-up exterminating their enemies than Robert Mugabe ever was, maybe, just maybe, it shouldn't be described as "liberation" at all.
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
This is Yonatan Shimriz. He's the brother of Alon, one of the 3 Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas, and accidentally killed by the IDF due to mistakenly thinking they're terrorists. Yonatan also survived with his family the massacre of Oct 7. And he just had a baby boy. Life WILL win, despite those who think they have the right to take it away.
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It's been announced today that Israel has hired Prof. Malcolm Shaw, a Jewish British law professor, who specializes in the field of human rights and territorial disputes, to represent it at the International Court of Justice in the Hague. He's one of 4 lawyers that will represent Israel.
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If I hadn't verified this is true through several news sources, I would not have believed this scenario. Terrorists fired an RPG at an IDF helicopter in Gaza, missed it, and ended up hitting a medical clinic in kibbutz Nirim, inside Israel, though as you might imagine, it's very close to the border. This is what the clinic looks like after the hit:
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Lebanon has filed a complaint with the UN Security Council, blaming Israel for killing Saleh al-Arouri on its territory. Because harboring a senior Hamas terrorist, responsible for the murders of countless Israeli civilians, is not an issue, apparently. Lebanon charges that this is the biggest escalation between it and Israel since 2006 (the Second Lebanon War). They have no issue with Lebanon violating UN resolution 1701, which put an end to that war, conditioned on Hezbollah not being present anywhere between the Litani river and Lebanon's border with Israel (of course Hezbollah has been, and has been firing rockets at Israel from this area). Then again, the UN has done nothing to enforce that part of resolution 1701, so I guess if they don't care, why should the terrorists?
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After I posted yesterday that the most likely scenario for who caused the blasts in Iran that killed 84 people is ISIS, the terrorist organization did take responsibility for the terrorist attack. Guess who Iran is still blaming for the attack, and swearing revenge against? The Jewish state. This is what antisemitism looks like. Well. It's one of its many looks.
On a different note, I wanted to see what the American media said about Claudine Gay's resignation, and I was horrified to hear that it's all painted in terms of liberals vs conservatives. Here's the thing, that may be completely true, but I just don't care. Antisemitism is a real issue, and the way the resignation is talked about, it's like the safety of Jewish students is nothing. Antisemitism is just a tool, and sometimes one political camp uses it against its rival, while at other times, that happens in the opposite direction. But it's like Jews are not even a part of the conversation. IDK, maybe it's because I'm an outsider, but the way Jews don't seem to matter even when antisemitism is supposedly finally being discussed, is truly startling. I'm in the middle of an active war zone, and I'm honestly sat here, worried for Jews abroad.
After a lot of work to gather information about their fate, the last 3 Israeli men missing since Oct 7 are now defined as hostages, which brings the total number of those kidnapped to 136, including bodies, and Israelis kidnapped before the massacre (2 living men and 2 bodies). There's one more missing Israeli woman, whose fate is still to be determined. We're 3 months into this nightmare, and there are still so many question marks. Even with those defined as murdered or kidnapped at a certain point, we've seen that sometimes there's new info, which changes what we believe happened to them.
And here's an example for the latter. This is 38 years old Tamir Adar.
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Until yesterday, he was believed to be held hostage in Gaza. As new information was gathered, it was determined that he had been murdered on Oct 7. Tamir is the grandson of Holocaust survivor Yafa Adar, who was herself kidnapped, and released in the hostage deal. His body is still being held by the terrorists. Yafa herself was filmed as she was being taken to Gaza, holding her head up, and not crying. In an interview she gave after her release, she said that she refused to cry, because she wanted her family to be proud of her if they saw the footage. She also said that she's still not free, because her grandson is still in Gaza. I can't imagine what Yafa and her family feel after the news about Tamir's fate. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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It just fucking.... bums me out how determined a lot of leftists are to not notice antisemitism. One of my friends in Facebook posted this
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And it's like...... A fucking HAPPY MERCHANT caricature is on that poster. I'm not fluent in German or anything but even I know Der Juden is "The Jews" this poster is identifying the Jews as responsible for turning the freaking Aryans gay. Like the tweet, or tweet chain, could have easily said something like:
"something something jungverbender is a word meaning groomer or corrupter of youth" The Nazis accused Jewish people of engaging in a conspiracy to groom Aryan youths to be gay or trans in order to lower the birth rate. This rhetoric ended in both Jews and gay or trans individuals being horrifically oppressed by the Nazis. Trans people were classified as mentally ill and put under the same extermination orders as other disabled people. Gay men were imprisoned in the concentration camps and, as homosexuality was recognised as a crime by the allies, often stayed imprisoned after the liberation of the camps. Approximately a third of the Jewish population of the world were killed in the camps. This same rhetoric is being used today against trans people and is no less dangerous today than it was then. Young people are not now and were not then being "groomed" into being LGBT+. Queer youth are being accepted for who they are and are being more open about their real gender and sexuality than they have in the past, much as they were in certain places in the Weimar Republic.
You don't have to minimise what the Nazis did to queer people in order to acknowledge the anti-semitism driving them.
Like the Happy Merchant is literally right fucking there. What the fuck? How do you not see that???
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a-very-tired-jew · 1 month
Remember when I said age is a factor regarding how informed a person is? About how life experience, world experience, education, and biology all play a role in how you process information and come to conclusions? https://www.tumblr.com/a-very-tired-jew/746376840485257216/youre-not-as-informed-as-you-think-and-age-does?source=share Well I have seen some token "Good Jews" exhibiting this exact thing as of today (04/20/2024).
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Fig. 1. User (Early 20s) claims Zionism is antisemitic, repeats Bund talking points, and repeats the genocide claim.
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Fig. 2. Same user says they needed to deprogram from indoctrination.
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Fig. 3. Same user as above claims elder Jews (read: Jews that are older than them) are indoctrinated. These are the most egregious examples that this Good Jew has with another Good Jew in this particular discord (you know which one). What we see in Figure 1 is the same Bundian philosophy that got Jews betrayed and killed in the USSR. It's the same philosophy that we have tried over and over again with the same results: Jews tortured, killed, and exiled by the larger goy communities we thought we were accepted in. I would hazard a guess that this young person is not aware of the Dreyfus Affair or other issues in "Liberal" societies that led to Zionism.
In Figure 3 this same person states that older Jews are indoctrinated and in Figure 2 states that they needed to "deprogram" from their "indoctrination". They posit that the reason young Jews are anti-Zionist is because they haven't been indoctrinated yet and/or have deprogrammed themselves from their childhood. However...this is typical teen/young adult behavior where they're "Fighting the narrative" and lashing out at the perceived "status quo of indoctrination". I've heard these words for years, hell I said them myself. But because this person is under 25, around 22/23 from my understanding, they simply don't have the experience or education to really understand what they're talking about. Yes they are Jewish. But the points I made about age in my other post still stand. The likelihood that they have the world and life experience is very slim. Add in that they use inflammatory language that is often associated with the current batch of young antisemitic activists and...well...you get the picture. But let's talk about the greater implication here. This is one glaring example in a discord. There are more throughout our own community. There are young Jews who are screaming at their elders and repeating talking points that they heard on tiktok, social media, and at protests*. The very same protests where they will hear chants of "Gas the Jews", "Hitler was right!", and so on. At what point do they realize that even if they care for innocent lives (which I have yet to see anyone besides outright racists and bigots call for actual genocide) that allying themselves with antisemites who would kill them in an instant is a bad idea? In part, I think it has to do with Westerners distrusting their Democratic governments as we have seen them repeatedly drop the ball on issues. They yearn for a revolution against the status quo because the future is bleak (and trust me, as an ecologist I understand climate anxiety and as a millennial I understand that and so much of the other shit too). But this yearning to have meaningful change in their own country has been coopted by terrorist organizations bent on killing Jews. That energy around positive activism and meaningful change has been manipulated by an organization that has been caught on tape saying they would manipulate these very people to bring about their violent intent. And here's the thing...many of us elders have gone through that very same phase of rhetoric. I remember being an edgy anti-Zionist myself when I was a teen and young adult (I was of the Bundian philosophy as well, and yes I had grown up Reconstructionist, there's a lot to unpack there for a later time). I remember thinking my elders were brainwashed and just scoffing at their retorts. I remember thinking that they had just fallen for the propaganda and needed to open their eyes. As I got older and became more educated, as well as had more world experiences and reached certain biological milestones, my views changed. Not because I became more conservative, but because I was no longer an emotional, hormonally driven young adult who thought they knew more than others. There's a saying in academia that goes something like "In undergrad you think you know everything, in masters you realize you were woefully uninformed, and in your doctorate you realize you don't know shit about anything." But if you tell them that, they just say it's Hasbara (propaganda) because those same orgs have told them it is. Only hindsight and time will let them go beyond their surface level reactionary reasoning and see the bigger picture. They think they've been deprogrammed, but in reality they've fallen for a different manipulation that will use their good intentions to do harm.
*This is reminiscent of young LGBTQ+ behavior where the young queer kids are yelling at their elders, telling them they don't understand, and the elders are warning them about something dangerous. The youngins then come back and cry "why didn't you warn us?" to which they respond "you didn't listen".
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lordadmiralfarsight · 3 months
So, this is something I've been sitting on for a good while. Mainly because I got too heated each time to write a post about it.
On the 7th of February 2024, France organized a memorial service for the Franco-Israeli killed in the 7/10 attack. That was a good thing but, like many people in France, I personnally felt that it was a bit late. Still, better a memorial service than nothing at all. A nice touch was inviting the famillies of hostages and putting them front and center. That was positive, in my opinion, and a good show of solidarity.
So, you might be wondering what about this has me heated. Two words : Far left. or, in three words : La France Insoumise. LFI is a far left party that has a worrying amount of weight in France, right now. They have some of the common hallmarks : revolution fetishism, radicalist talking points, repeated attempts to delegitimize the election system (like Mélenchon claiming the 2022 presidential election was "stolen" when he ranked 3rd), etc... Recently they have also refused to condemn Hamas' attack. While they didn't openly support it like some fring trotskyist parties, they refused to condemn it, and at least one of their PMs went to Tunisia to basically parrot Islamist talking points blaming Israel for everything. They have overwhelmingly expressed support for "Palestinian liberation", because saying they support Hamas wouldn't be good press, so they skirt around it. But everyone gets the message, really. So, what did they do for that memorial service ? Well first off they participated against the wishes of the famillies of the victims and hostages. That's bad, but it gets worse. Because of course. See, their main representative in Parliament, Mathilde Panot, felt the need to also put front and center Palestinian victims. Now, I do believe Palestinian victims of this war should be remembered, and honored (provided they weren't terrorists). But ... is the memorial fro the 7/10 victims really the place ? No, no it fucking isn't. And that's what has me heated : this was a memorial for Jewish victims, and they were looking to appropriate it. And it gets even worse ! Because you see, Miss Panot had the perfect exemple : two Franco-Palestinian kids from her constituency that had died in Gaza. Why is that worse ? Because of why the kids were there. They were there because their mother fled to Gaza, from ISIS, after embezzeling money meant for Syrian refugees. Let me rephrase : the mother created a charity to support the victims of the Syrian civil war and of ISIS attacks, then made off with the money to deliver it entirely to ISIS. Then had kids with her ISIS assigned jihadi husband. And when ISIS collapsed, she sought refuge with Hamas. And because of that, her kids were in harm's way when Hamas launched a pogrom. And LFI thought that THIS was the correct exemple to bring to that memorial service. Is it tragic the kids died ? Yes. But maybe, just maybe, putting their terrorism enabling mother up as an exemple of martyred mother, during a memorial for the victims of an antisemitic pogrom perpetrated by said terrorism enabler's allies is a profoundly shitty thing to do. And that, among other things, is why most of France considers LFI to be antisemitic.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
ITHACA, NEW YORK – Jewish Cornell University students reported that many of their peers on campus have been questioning their allegiances to left-wing student groups after some came out in defense of a professor who called the Hamas terrorist attack in Southern Israel "exhilarating." 
Fox News Digital spoke to "Cornellians" on background and on the record who said they were aware of a political shift among Jewish students. Some of them are questioning their ties with various progressive groups – and some with progressivism as a movement itself. 
"A lot of the students that come to Cornell are liberal, and I think this is making a lot of Jews that would consider themselves liberal really question that," a student studying statistics and computer science, who wished to remain anonymous for safety reasons, said. "What they will be doing is silently reflecting and shifting who they would vote for in the future…. They're paying attention to… the Republican primaries to see who supports Israel the most even though that contradicts their previous values." 
One of those students currently going through the dialectic – who has not yet found a political home – is Isaac Bloomgarten, a freshman studying engineering. 
Bloomgarten said he feels "betrayed" by the left with whom he always stood. 
"I've always been an ally of the left. I've stood with LGBTQ people. I've stood with trans people, nonbinary people. I've always stood with them against forms of hate and discrimination. But I feel like they won't do the same for me," he said. 
He has seen some of those same friends, including those he considered close, "make posts commending Hamas for what they did, declaring them as freedom fighters and how they were liberating their people by murdering Jews." 
"It's so hard to comprehend this level of hatred," he said. "And they sit next to you in class…I have to hope that people are just uneducated and don't know better and that they are not actually evil." 
Ezra Galperin, a freshman who plans to major in government, said, "I think people for good reason are very much questioning their involvement with progressive organizations on campuses that have effectively justified Hamas' invasion." 
Galperin is questioning his ties to certain progressive groups on campus after some came out in support of Professor Russell Rickford. Rickford is currently on leave after saying he was "exhilerat[ed]" following the Hamas surprise terror attack that left 1,400 dead, including women, children, and elderly civilians. 
Galperin said the comments and the outpouring of support for Rickford was as "regressive as it gets." 
"I know without a shred of doubt that we as a Jewish community, we stand behind oppressed people… It's not all the progressive organizations on campus. I don't even know if it's most of them. But… we can't work with organizations that openly advocate for people who are exhilarated by the rape and murder of our families," he said. 
Galperin added that he hopes progressivism will reform away from being willing to associate with antisemitic groups. 
"But I don't think any of us believe that that stops us from advocating for progressive things. You know, we can be Jewish and progressive. We can hold those beliefs… we're not going to let this stop us from advocating for a better world," he said. 
Amanda Silberstein similarly said Rickford's comments and student groups' responses are "causing some more progressive Jews on campus… to reevaluate how much they adhere to certain ideologies." 
Netanel Shapira explained that part of what is causing some of the shift is that Jewish students, who consider themselves a minority group, feel abandoned.
Shapira explained that he cannot support Black Lives Matter as an organization, though he does support Black liberation, because that particular political group is virulently anti-Israel.
"I find that pretty unfortunate if they're willing to side with people who are literally terrorists," he said. 
Shapira said he is not alone in questioning ties to certain progressive groups. 
"You want to believe that in a moment of despair where you were slaughtered, your people were raped, burned, murdered in cold blood, brutally on video with evidence. You'd like to think that the world was saying there is something wrong with that. And we stand by you in this moment of pain. Not only is there not that reaction. You have people who also have suffered horrible things in their history… justifying it. They're saying, ‘Oh yeah, it was fine because of X, Y, Z,'" Shapira said. 
Sam Friedman also said that Jews are feeling left out of progressive politics, causing them to ask themselves "serious questions" about their alliances. 
"The whole idea of the sort of liberal progressive movement is to be more caring and be more considerate of other people. But they're realizing that while a lot of minorities are getting good treatment… the Jewish people are not. They're almost treated… not worthy of consideration. And so I think… the progressive [Jews] are taking some serious questions… Either [to] make the progressive community more supportive… or be less involved." 
Josh Rosenheim agreed, saying Hamas alignments from some progressive circles may be causing "political realignments" among Jews. 
"I would hope we could go beyond scoring political victory points surrounding that issue and come together in the recognition that everyone, all students, should be safe on college campuses," he said. 
Another student speaking on the condition of anonymity, who is studying biology, said the progressive left co-mingling with Hamas supporters is not only causing Cornell students to question their political ties, but the wider community.
"I definitely think that that's been happening not just on Cornell's campus. I think in general Jewish people feel that," she said. 
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
I frankly think the problem is that people who post about the "worthlessness" of the vote are a combination of people who've lived with the privilege their entire lives and thus don't recognize its value, and of people who think that doing ANYTHING that is part of the establishment is inherently dirty and needs to be avoided to maintain their ideological purity. And mixed together with an unhealthy dose of capitalistic undertones of instant gratification that they've never truly reckoned with.
Because that's what this is really all about; keeping their own hands unsullied of what they see as a poisonous system, where the establishment is inherently bad no matter what good elements are still left trying to be fixed and improved, and they want the results immediately regardless of the consequences.
As it's been said before, as horrid and evil as the fascist right are, they did their due diligence for over 50 years, putting their zealots into various positions of power year after year, decade after decade. because they were willing to go through their own hell in order to ensure that the poison trees they were planting would bear fruit, even as they have their clowns and assholes to distract the rest of us. I have never seen that kind of single-minded long term thinking in a very large majority of online types.
I mean, last night I received an anon scolding me about how I was "driving away young leftists and liberals" by whatever I was saying on Tunglr dot hell (which has consisted almost in its entirety of forcefully telling them to vote, to not be antisemites, and that yelling at a cancer hospital wasn't going to magically awaken more people to the Rightness of your Cause and actually backfires on the cause you're claiming to help). And while the urge to do a forensic and deeply salty response was Strong, I reminded myself to do the smart thing and block it. Which I did, but also I'm still wondering how, if these precious snowflakes are indeed "driven away" by someone telling them to vote and not be antisemites, then yeah, we're doomed. It was also entirely likely that this was the usual version of "not a threat-threat" wherein if I don't stop telling people to vote on Tunglr dot hell, apparently this might cause the entire moral continuum of the universe to collapse and it will be my fault. Sorry if I haven't been always totally nice about it, but after eight years of dealing with this bullshit nonstop, my patience is now deeply limited.
Anyway, my point here is that if this is actually what we're dealing with, wherein they will blow right past the most basic of advice about how to actually do something and not just get short-term Moral Good Person Cookies out of it, coming from someone who actually agrees with what they want to do and the changes they want to see in the world, in order to focus on This Personally Made Me Feel Bad :(, then yeah. We're doomed. On the other hand, as scolding anons on Tunglr dot hell are again, hardly representative of the actual state of things, it likewise should be taken with a healthy grain of salt.
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nitronine · 7 months
As a Jew in support of Palestinian liberation and an end to the far-right Israeli police state, I just wanna tell gentiles participating in this conversation to be VERY careful about the way they use the word “Zionist”. Look up what it means (I’ve seen so many people straight up refuse to do research on the topic, like learning about an opposing ideology will somehow make them a worse ally (spoiler: it will do the opposite of that)) and keep in mind its often used as a dog whistle by white supremacists. To them it means “every single Jew”. I urge you to avoid making posts like this:
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Because to a white supremacist, this reads as the desire to kill all Jews. And you WILL get people responding like this (actual reply I found to this post):
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Talk about the horrors happening in Palestine and Gaza, tell your representatives about how we should support the people suffering there, donate to Doctors Without Borders and other organizations providing medical aid, do everything you can, but PLEASE be mindful that this conversation has been infiltrated by antisemites since the beginning and there are many insidious ways they’ve sneakily turned the conversation to be about anti-Jewish sentiment instead of pro-Palestinian humanitarian efforts.
(The same can be said about islamaphobes and how they speak about Palestinians, but I don’t feel qualified to speak on this topic beyond “be aware of how you talk about people and listen to Arab and Palestinian voices on it”)
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feuilletoniste · 1 month
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We can all agree that this is just antisemitism, right? There’s no other more appropriate word for it, really.
(Context: Ira Steven Behr, who is Jewish, was one of many celebrities who signed an open letter criticizing and condemning director Jonathan Glazer for the speech he made at the Oscars in which he said "we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked" -- according to him, "I refute my Jewishness" was not how he intended his words to be interpreted, but if true, that just means it was a very poorly worded statement. This woman described Ira Steven Behr’s signing of a letter saying Jonathan Glazer said something antisemitic -- which he did, intentionally or otherwise -- as "morally unconscionable." This is just lunacy, actually.)
This video (I didn’t watch it in its entirety but I read the entire transcript) hits pretty much all of the antisemitic talking points people use when talking about Israel’s war on Hamas: genocide, Zionism, saying the reaction to the deaths of the WCK workers is "only coming because white people died" (what the fuck!), blaming Biden, neoliberalism, "the conflation of Israel the nation and its actions with not only Judaism but also the entire people of Israel," whatever.
One of the claims made in the video is (verbatim), "Ira Steven Behr is supporting Israel’s actions through his condemning of Jonathan Glazer’s speech." This is nonsense! This is "so you hate waffles"-levels of stupidity. Another claim is that the situation with Behr is similar to the situation with Joanne Rowling and transphobia, which is, hmm, very telling in terms of how you see the concept of Jewish people supporting our homeland.
Anyway, Jessie Gender then goes on to compare Major Kira ("a former terrorist who fought back against the fascist occupation of her land by the alien Cardassians, a settler-colonial government that not only store resources from her home planet of Bajor but also genocided her people") to, uh, Hamas I guess??????? I have only watched one of this lady’s videos besides this one but wow she sounds like a fucking idiot.
(To her credit, she does say, "this is not me approving … of all of Kira’s actions nor of Hamas specifically, but to understand the situations that people who are undergoing a genocide endure and the choices that they have to make in order to fight for their own liberation and personhood," so at leash she’s not openly supporting the real-life terrorists, I guess!)
Another very interesting (and saddening) part of the video is when Jessie says, "I know there will be some people in the comments that say, well, Ira Steven Behr must be facing a ton of pressure to sign this letter, as many Jewish people within the Hollywood industry and within America generally are feeling the pressure to do so -- certainly we have seen many people lose their jobs and places [sic?] for speaking out against the Palestinian genocide; I myself have lost connections both personal and professional, as well as had certain parts of my career hurt, because I have been very vocal about what is happening to the Palestinian people" (emphasis and punctuation mine). What a really shitty thing to say, the idea that Jewish people can’t support Israel without being pressured -- literally, in this case, by (((them))) -- to do so.
Anyway, one final note: Jessie says at one point, "Rick Burman, someone who I don’t have a ton of respect for, at least understood this [that the Bajorans were apparently an allegory for Palestinians]." To paraphrase an all-timer: you do not, actually, have to hand it to Rick Berman.
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notaplaceofhonour · 7 months
An open letter to the non-Palestinian gentiles yelling “From the River to the Sea”:
As someone who cares too deeply about the Palestinian cause to see it be derailed by association with antisemitic rhetoric & whose life is deeply impacted by the rhetoric Western (primarily non-Palestinian) leftists like you are embracing to listen to me.
There is a reason this phrase is associated with Hamas in Gaza rather than the government of the West Bank, and why both Palestinians & Jews who have been most actively involved in genuine inter-community peace activism & building solidarity with each other since long before October 7th do not use the phrase “From the River to the Sea”; this phrase is and has been from the moment it was coined in the 60s specifically & explicitly associated with the goal of destroying Israel & removing Jews from the land. Even the group that coined it (the PNC, part of the PLO) long ago retracted & disavowed the calls they made when they used this phrase. Anyone who has family in Israel or Gaza or the West Bank can tell you just how deeply the phrase “From the River to the Sea” is associated with groups like Hamas & PIJ, every bit as much as “Make America Great Again” is tied & associated with Reagan, Trump, and the American far-right or the swastika has become associated with Nazism (which, by the way, there is a direct line between Hamas cribbing so much of its rhetoric from propaganda the Nazis pumped into Palestine under Haj Amin al-Husseini & Nazis feeling comfortable with flashing swastikas at rallies with slogans so thoroughly associated with Hamas).
Like said rhetoric & iconography, it does not matter if you who are just entering this conversation intend it another way; your ignorance of this context—a half century of association with calls to ethnically cleanse & genocide Jews—is not an excuse. Just as much as if you throw water on a grease fire, the fact that you were trying to put it out will not matter; all you will do in that case is make the entire crisis that much worse. So please listen to the people telling you not to throw water on the grease fire.
If you as a third party to a deadly crisis that does not directly impact you actually care about helping, it is your responsibility above all when you insert yourself into that situation not to make things worse for the people who are actually impacted by it.
And by using a phrase which inflicts such visceral terror in so many Jews who hear it, which signals to the worst possible groups that you support their goal to eradicate Jews & emboldens them (whether that is what you had in mind & heart or not), and which gives the people who most want to crush the entire Palestinian liberation movement exactly the casus belli they need to do so on a silver platter—will only make matters worse for both Jews and Palestinians.
Stop using “From the River to the Sea”. I am begging y’all.
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matan4il · 7 months
Hello, am I crazy or do the majority of news sites report mostly on what the Hammas claims, what Egypt claims, what Lebanon claims, what Iran claims and Israeli voices don't get shared nearly as much? Am I just biased or does it feel to anyone else like even the 'reputable' sources from countries that are officially 'pro-Israel' share mostly one-sided stories? I feel very disillusioned and shocked at the reactions of people on the internet. People who call themselves tolerant, liberal, human rights activists... I've lost respect for many. I truly wonder how many of them even knew anything about Israel before Hammas attacked. Sorry for pushing my feelings onto you. I hope you are as well as you can be.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
You're not crazy. It's partly because Hamas, as a terrorist organization, is not accountable to anyone, it doesn't have to tell the truth. Neither do Egypt, Lebanon or Iran. They can say whatever they want to, they can make any claim, and if it turns out to be untrue, no one will hold that over their heads.
And these leaders KNOW that the first report people will hear is the one that's most likely to be set in their minds.
If there's a correction a few hours later, people might hear it, or they might not. Either way, the dramatic impression and emotional impact of the initial report are likely to last if I they do hear the correction.
Take the claim about the hospital explosion, for example. Hamas right away said it was Israel's fault. (BTW, Hamas also immediately said Gaza had 500 dead. From experience on Oct 7, it took HOURS to confirm 100 dead. There's no way that within a few minutes, Hamas could accurately report 500 dead. The number could be very high, even hundreds of people, even 500 or more! I'm just saying there's no way Hamas could reliably know that within the period of time it published that number) Hamas knows it would take Israel hours to check this. In the meantime, for several hours, this false, demonizing report circulates online, on every news channel and so on. Even if a few hours later, Israel has proof that it's Palestinian terrorists killing their own, will anyone hold Hamas accountable? Is anyone going to punish it in any way? If they say it's Israel immediately, without even checking, they only stand to gain condemnation and hostility towards Israel, even if it's a total lie.
Why do news channels collaborate with that? Because they're running a business. And if there's an emotionally loaded headline that will get them rating, they will run it. And if there's a headline like that which their competitors will run right away, then instead of waiting for confirmation from a more reliable source, they will run it in order to not get left behind. When it turns out to be false, at the end of the day, they can just run a correction, and that's enough. That's considered doing their journalistic duties. Who cares that the damage to Israel has already been done?
So yeah, it's a good idea to be careful, and wait for confirmation when the only source for a certain anti-Israel story is an antisemitic terrorism organization, or an anti-Israeli regime.
And in conclusion, I think this is a really good point to tell apart people who are actually pro-Palestinian from those who are just anti-Israel. The pro-Palestinians will call PIJ out for killing its own people.
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Thank you again for the kind words, Nonnie! I'm as safe as anyone in Israel can be right now. I hope you and yours are good! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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