#lgb discourse
oro-junestar · 8 days
By cutting out the TQ+, you also cut out:
-Intersex people
-Two-spirit gays and other culturally connected gays
-Gender nonconforming people
-Those who are questioning their sexuality
-Gays, lesbians, and bi's who are supportive of trans people
-Millions of kind, loving, supportive humans who have gone through indescribable, traumatic abuse and wish to build a safe, welcoming community
Why are you so eager to exclude and belittle people? Why do you tell them they 'don't know what real struggle looks like' when their healthcare, their future, and their lives are under attack? Do you truly value 'love', or do you just want to swat away as many people as possible? Why do you continue to hide under a rock and dig yourself deeper into festering hatred, when you can simply come out and support people who can help you?
Wouldn't it be easier to unite with our trans and nonbinary friends to help defeat the growing threat of genuine fascism in our country? Those conservative Christian nationalists and white supremacists who tell you you're "one of the good ones" would gladly turn around and shoot you in a heartbeat, because when they say they're fighting the 'woke gender ideology', they'll mutter in the same breath that you gays are 'degenerates', 'sodomites', and 'animals'. Why would you side with the villains, who see you the same way they see us?
We cannot let oppression continue in any form. We will all be on the winning side of history as we step closer to ending the cycle of hatred and bullying. Open your hearts and minds and you'll find that the everyone around you is just as human as you, and are more similar to you than you'd think. Trans people are people, just like you, and we need your help and support just as much as you need ours.
Isn't it neat how people who are supportive of all LGBTQ+ identities are also kinder, more loving, more empathetic, and more caring towards their friends and loved ones? Just something to think about.
Love wins. Trans rights are human rights.
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
deleting this post and putting this addition instead, because i realized that i have said many things wrong in that first post, that it was aggressive when it shouldn't have been (giving the impression that i was attacking goldstar lesbians which is absolutely not my intention - i am a goldstar myself and as my mutuals know i always defend goldstars and this word in itself), and that it just wasn't phrased well at all, which just made it sound like I meant something I didn't mean at all. i repeat ; my post was about lesbians facing abuse, severe homophobia and internalized homophobia, not about women who dated men in the past and now call themselves lesbians for whatever reason.
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marblecakemix · 4 months
I remember the times when the people who faked being a victim of "acephobia" were actively shamed for that here on Tumblr and everyone was on board with that, even aro/ace community!
I, myself, laughed at those stories, because of how absurd they were and I was asexual myself at the time. From my experience as an ace for over 4 years, I've never experienced hate, only curiosity. Asexuals and aromatics were never victims of hate crimes, but that was okay by the ace community! Sure, being aro/ace isn't the most comfortable in the world full of sex/demanding romantic relationships, but oh well, it is what it is. Asexuals and aromatics didn't reserve threats, violence and unlike gays, lesbians and bisexuals, had all the rights they needed to function in society. We were not oppressed and everyone knew that and vibed with it.
What the fuck happened???
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not-mary-sue · 3 months
My Tumblr crashed twice as I tried to reply to a TERF and I think it was the universe stepping in to tell me no.
It's okay not to argue sometimes. You won't change anyone's mind, you'll just get more angry.
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hyperdemona · 1 year
Fuck me guys, I got high and showed Amma this video and she was against it and suspicious of me lol😭😭
Anyway, here's lesbian and Senior Advocate Menaka Guruswamy arguing for legalising same sex marriage in India 🇮🇳🌈 in the SC. She and her long-term gf Arundhati Katju were also instrumental in striking down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalised homosexual sex.
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womenaremypriority · 8 months
This complete self own from Katy Montgomerie is so funny like. Our bodies are not ships. Womanhood is not a gift given to men who have had enough surgeries or hormones, or who have asked enough. You cannot replace your whole body without causing obvious, extreme damage. The thought experiment is about what moment one becomes the other- which is the problem! Gender critical people have with your ideology! Not only is it scientifically illiterate, it is offensive and harmful to say our bodies are a collection of parts and not a unified whole! And if your response is to say “well people don’t need surgeries to be trans, I agree it’s not a gift given at a certain point-“ congrats! You have proven why we say you believe in a supernatural essence! I don’t know how I’m supposed to see this as anything but a huge rebuttal to both transmedicalist and “transgender people don’t need to do anything to be trans/valid” crowd!
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spookyradluka · 2 years
I'm sick of queer being forced on the LGB community. Fuck pride month, it doesn't celebrate SSA history or demand rights. It's a rainbow capitalist shit show crawling with ""allies"" casually throwing around a slur, businesses that think pushing the new flag on everything will get them more woke bucks, and kink discourse
LGB deserve better.
I am not talking about small LGBT vendors that are making a living selling things at pride
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givelifetoaworld · 3 months
my old job is not something that crosses my mind too often anymore thank god, but i think it did teach me a lesson that just about every mainstream thing that claims to be queer focused is, probably without exception, run by a category 10 normie gay who hates the word queer and only uses it for rapport. my old boss literally got all weird and mad at me for saying queer was an umbrella term that could apply to gender identity too, not just sexual orientation, because he “Didn’t Like That Word”
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cantsayidont · 5 months
Black Sails
I don't think I can write a proper review of BLACK SAILS because that would require rewatching all of it, and the last time I did that, I couldn't get through all of Season 1 because of the truly punishing level of sexual violence, but I have several overall comments:
The sexual violence is really a lot. It's somewhat less pronounced in the later seasons, although the later seasons also expect you to buy a sort of face turn for Charles Vane, who is chiefly responsible for the punishing degree of sexual violence in the first season.
It is exhaustingly overwritten, especially in the final season. It's like being trapped in your home with the members of an MFA writing seminar who follow you to the bathroom and the kitchen and attempt to impute complex character nuance to your choice of toothbrush and pizza toppings. Given how clumsily written recent teevee often is, the writers' determination to build a thematically complex narrative is admirable and all, but EVERY conversation in the later seasons is layers within layers of rhetorical jousting for meaning, and it's just wearying. Sometimes less is more, and I'm not convinced that a narrative in which a cigar is never just a cigar is categorically better than a story that eschews all nuance.
The brutality of the violence can get oppressive, even for the kind of show it is. There were various points where I ended up muttering, "Is this really necessary?"
It doesn't actually line up with either TREASURE ISLAND (to which it's notionally a prequel) or the real history of the historical characters. At points, it acts like it's going to, but it doesn't, and its attitude toward both the Stevenson novel and the history of the period is kind of like Quentin Tarantino's. I don't especially care about TREASURE ISLAND (it was never a favorite even as a kid), nor do I care much about real-world pirates, but the lack of congruity becomes distracting. I would be fine with the show taking a "This is what the characters in the book later say happened, but what really happened is …" approach, but it doesn't even do that. Why?
Its version of Long John Silver is the least-interesting and least-compelling character, especially if (like me) you are wholly uninterested in shipping Silver with Flint. Long John Silver is generally the hub around which adaptations of TREASURE ISLAND revolve, since he is in that story the most interesting and charismatic character: obviously treacherous, but not wholly unsympathetic; crude in speech and full of blarney, but more cunning than he lets on. The BLACK SAILS Silver is a weirdly taciturn twitchy little weasel, and of course, like most of the show's characters, he talks like he's in an MFA seminar. There's something to be said for playing a character against type, but Silver is one of the biggest incongruities between BLACK SAILS and TREASURE ISLAND, which I thought was a puzzling choice.
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lilacbestpurple · 1 year
People with no logic will tell you that labels can mean different things for different people, then get mad when you call ‘cis heteromantic aces’ and ‘cis aro heterosexuals’ cishets.
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em0-opossum · 1 year
I feel like because social media is so catered to each person to the point where we don't see anything we don't want to, a lot of us don't realize the extent that transphobia is going to and how normalized it's becoming not only in laws and people who are political, but in (American) society right now. I rarely use youtube on my phone and am not logged into my account, so my recommended shorts and videos are pretty generic/whatever is popular or cater to whichever video I watched most recently. every so often I see a short I like and click on it, and when I inevitably end up scrolling through more shorts, the amount of blatant transphobia I'm seeing is INSANE. A lot of it is making fun of trans people and arguments on why trans people shouldn't be allowed in [x space], but as we're seeing in laws being passed right now, these mindsets quickly become so much more dangerous. this isn't just some political obstacle, their goal is to spread transphobia until they fucking eradicate us.
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radlissa · 1 year
If you met an intersex person would you use their preferred pronouns?
how would i know they are intersex? i use pronouns based on appearance. i do not see how someone being intersex would make any difference.
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deqdyke · 2 years
#allowed#lmao at seeing a transmasc person complaining about not being to say tranny#and arguing it somehow is enforcing gender#like. transmascs understand that trans women's hypervisibility is not a privilege challenge#like the people who have hatefully called me a tranny have like#mostly been transmascs and theyfabs#because guess what structural transphobia is fundamentally build around/on top of transmisogyny#and y'all know this on some level#which is why it's y'all's go to slur to throw at us#and comparing the word tranny to the word theyfab or fruity is fucking unhinged#like im sorry I've had that word yelled at me when someone is literally stomping on my head#it doesnt have the same fucking weight#and if y'all weren't so terminally online and actually worked in the field helping poor and homeless lgbt youth#you would know that no one gives a fuck about slur discourse#this is an online only thing#I've had cis lgb clients casually call me a tranny because they dont realize that its not just the word for it#and cis people have always thrown a fit#and i and other trans women have always been the ones who smile and assure them its okay#because no matter what we've been through#correcting a client's usage of language in a way that's ar all aggressive#when they're coming to you for help#is so unemphatic as to be malicious#im just filled with so much fury#because for a lot of this hellsite#slur discourse has become an argumentative game#throwing back and forth points and tebuttals about people who have trauma with these words#and calling your trauma definitive because someone in math class called you a faggot one time#like please grow up qnd realize that when we say slurs are violent on their own#it is because of acts of violence that typically accompany them#thats what makes them slurs
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sp-ud · 10 months
My dad is so based (doesn't get why someone would be against someone else labeling themselves as things like 'bi lesbian')
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fite-club · 10 months
"Appropriating queer terminology" 1. Lots of us aren't teens hun 2. Uh oh, it's the Queer Police.
It's funny when people care about things that don't matter and-try to-police others over it.
if you're older than 21 and you identify as aplatonic that's, for lack of a better phrase, cringe as hell
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