#letter to mo
attapullman · 3 months
Hi, love! 🎲 & 🍬?
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
😚😚 these kisses are for you!
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
The existential dread of living in the modern age? I have found the best change of me writing happens between 7-10pm and if I'm not feeling it then, it's not happening. Also find that I like chatting more than writng, so if I can find someone who wants to gab, writing takes the backseat 🙃
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Jake Seresin gives off smarmy "I've left my date on the side of the road" Legally Blonde Warner vibes and I just don't like him. And his muscles are too big for his build 😬
writer's truth & dare ask game
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randomprose · 8 months
a series of texts/letters/notes that mo guan shan has written for he tian but will never send
note: he tian left after high school
xx/xx/xx to: chicken dick [unsent]
are you at wherever the fuck you should be at now? hope your flight was as shitty as your goodbye was
Decided to give the old college experience a try after all. The high school teachers did say my grades were good enough to apply to some. Thanks for that I guess by the way. Studying wasn’t so bad when you have help.
Tuition costs are gonna be a bitch though so I’ll have to look for scholarship and shit.
I’m keeping my promise and trying my best to be better.
xx-xx 01:09 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy]
ma got a new dog. the mutt followed her from the market after she shooed some bigger dogs picking on it. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
now it switched to following me around it’s fucking annoying. i have to look where i walk or i’ll step on it and then it’ll cry non-stop. stupid mutt. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
told ma not to name it or it’ll get attached.
xx-xx 10:34 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy with an orange collar]
named him tian-tian
Got accepted to a university in Shanghai. Food science and tech. It feels so fucking surreal.
Ma cried when we got the acceptance letter. I legit thought it was another rejection but the envelope was different. She opened the letter because my hands were shaking. It came with a fucking scholarship. She’s on the phone now telling all our relatives about it. We’re gonna see Pa tomorrow to tell him.
I wish you were here to open the letter with me too, chicken dick.
xx-xx 02:38 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
ma said there’s a chance pa could get out on parole. they’re hopeful but i don’t wanna get my hopes up. 
xx-xx 02:40 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
sorry. idk who else to tell this to.
I applied for an athletic scholarship too. Track and field. The one the school gave was just for basic tuition. This one will cover the rest. It helped that I won a couple of track meets in high school. Guess all that running from gang’s in middle school paid off, huh?
Did you ever imagine I’ll be in college with not one but two scholarship? ‘Cause I sure as hell fuckin’ didn’t. Holy fucking shit.
Still gotta work part time though. Living expenses in Shanghai is no joke. Fuck. Do you know how much cong you bing costs here? Don’t even get me started on how much a bowl of noodle is here. Unbefuckinglievable. 
It wasn’t even as good as the one we used to eat at after school. I miss eating xiaomian with you.
xx-xx 11:21 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
shanghai is fucking big and confusing. and busy. 
xx-xx 11:30 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
i missed a station and messed up my train switch.
xx-xx 01:19 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
it’s fine. i still made it to the campus. lots of rich boys here like you btw. you would’ve fit right in.
First years have to live on campus and the dorming system fucking sucks ass. And my roommate was an even bigger dick than you but at least he wasn’t a slob. No one will top you in that department I guess.
Rented a cheaper apartment off campus this year. It’s a shitty studio type, a bit cramped, but I like the privacy. It’s also closer to my part-time job and there’s this elderly couple who lives below me. I help them around sometimes and they give me food. The old landlady is a bit of a hardass though but…I think you would’ve charmed and won her over too, you smarmy ass shithead.
Rent isn’t cheap but it’s not too expensive either. If you were here, we could’ve shared an apartment. A regular one, not the high-end one you used to live in. Better for costs and splitting chores—not that you were any good at them, but you would’ve gotten better if you stayed. I wasn’t gonna tolerate your rich boy ass in college.
I know you had to leave but I wish you stayed instead. Would’ve been less lonely here.
Finals exams are coming up and it’s kicking my fucking ass. Between classes and my part-time job I hardly have time to study. It’s a good thing sports training and extra-curricular activities are on pause now. But holy fucking shit why is it so hard to study?? It’s like I’m back in middle school and nothing is going in my head. How did I make it through high school?!
Yeah, yeah. I know. You were there. You tutored me and shit. Whatever, you dick. I don’t know why but it was just easier to focus with you around…but also not. It’s…you’re a distraction, but also you help me focus. Does that makes sense?
I guess what I’m trying to say is…you being around made me want to do better. 
It’s selfish but I wish it was just Jian Yi. I wish I got to keep you here with me.
Exams are finally fucking done ended. I think I passed all of them. I have to pass all of them. I wanna graduate next year already. I can't be delayed. I’m so exhausted I feel like my brain is running on fumes. Bet you’ll be all smug and shit because you know you aced all your exams, you fucking smart ass. If you were here I mean. Fuck. I’m hungry but I’m too tired to get up. I want those sandwiches you used to make. If you were here would you make them for me? Would you pat my head and tell me I did a good job? When are you coming back? I miss your stupid smugass face. I miss y—
I smoked a cigarette tonight. Just one. I was at a party and someone somehow had real cigarettes instead of a vape or those fancy e-cigarette shit. Does your rich boy ass use those? Or do you still prefer real nicotine? Bet you still smoke sticks you fucking edgelord.
I smoked in the balcony while my friends talked shit. Yeah, I have friends, dick head. You pick a few of those up when you do the college experience apparently. The owner of the house and the host is also my friend. Never imagined my punk ass self to hang out with college kids and get invited to honest to god normal college parties, but, fuck it. Here I am.
Zhengxi was there too. We go to the same university. Don’t think I ever mentioned that before, have I? I’m not sure what he’s taking. I think it was business? Something with a lot of math. I don’t fucking know. He’s…he’s been better. He was a fucking hot mess after Jian Yi left but now he’s…still a mess. Sometimes. I am too. After you left. But he’s trying. I am too. And some days are harder than others.
I don’t really smoke. Just felt like it tonight. Maybe it’s the alcohol (no, I’m not drunk, I barely drank) or the company. Maybe I just missed you and thought this is what you’ll do if you were here.
It was menthol. The cig I smoked. It fell cool in my lungs, calming almost, and I kind of understand why you're addicted to this shit I guess. If I didn’t hate the taste of smoke and the aftertaste maybe I’ll be too.
I didn’t hate it when you were blowing it in my mouth though.
The air in the balcony was cold. The smoke from the cig reminded me how you’d sometimes forget you still have a lighted stick between your fingers and just watch the smoke float up. I finished the stick and stubbed it twice on the ash tray before twisting it. Just like how you put it out.
‘will he be sad if i leave?’ you wrote that down in your notebook. Before. In middle school. It was scratched over by ballpoint but the ink was blue and the words were written in black. It’s like you didn’t want to erase it after all. Did you want me to read it, you fuck?
Will I be sad if you leave? Guess what, dick head? I’m fucking devastated. Not really. 🖕
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lintwriting · 11 days
How to Write Intelligent Characters (Like Wei Wuxian!)
Wei Wuxian has a really bad memory, but he is also smart enough to realize this and then use it to insult people as a joke—WITH plausible deniability to shield him from any potential consequences.
This interplay between extreme intelligence, comical brain farts, and layered social interaction is what makes MDZS so fun to read because it creates a real complexity to both him and his environment. There are multiple layers going on in this scene, with in-jokes and social factions and miscommunications, as there is in reality. And it’s a tangible demonstration of his intelligence, that he’s able to think of this deception in the first place and so casually.
But also it make the story less monotonous by having this complexity. 3 layers.
There the first layer.
“Extremely intelligent character” Like gadget inventor characters or nerdy hackers. Their hyper intelligence is useful for plot reasons, and highly competent characters are likable. And this is not bad for a side character.
It can go too far, however, such as in the case with BBC Sherlock, when the author makes the character so hyper intelligent he becomes an unbelievable god character and wraps back around to being dislikable again. Like the author’s personal pet character who can do no wrong with the excuse of his intelligence allowing him to do anything, leading to extreme annoyance whenever he’s on screen, which is all the time bc he the main character (is that just me?) lol
Then there’s the second layer to break up the monotony of intelligence.
Wei Wuxian has shit memory. Like laughably shit memory. Much like how video games create perks that also give you cons in specific ways to make your decision to use it more satisfyingly personal, like choosing to wear shitty armor that looks pretty because you value style over function, Wei Wuxian’s extreme intelligence is often undercut by scenes of extreme brain farts.
Whether it be an almost painful level of obliviousness or an extreme failed memory check, Wei Wuxian gains a flaw that not only makes him human and therefore relatable, but also unique in the pantheon of genius characters out there because he’s a genius in THIS SPECIFIC NICHE (trademarked).
This nuance/uniqueness/realness, thus, will allow his character to say more about the real world than mr god intelligence BBC Sherlock.
For the most obvious one, he’s a persuasive essay on why intelligence is not predicated on good memory, which maps well onto his larger character trait of being a intelligent slacker in school (of which the number one complaint is that it is immaterial to actual learning and only really tests memory).
What does BBC Sherlock say, beyond the idea that a god has no need for human rules? That IS a message, but a hypothetical one, as most people will never get to that level of comical intelligence for it to be relevant. Well, I guess assholes (who are less smart than they think) use characters like him as excuses to be dicks, so there's that, but I think that's proof of how legitimately unrealistic he is. He's the power fantasy of teen boys and maladjusted adults, like Rick Rick and Morty.
The third layer is him remembering that he has shit memory and using it to his advantage.
THIS is the part that gets to me THE MOST about his character and arguably the part where MXTX proved (to me) that she’s a better writer than BBC Sherlock writing staff, especially when it come to OP or intelligent characters.
There’s an ELEVATION that happens on this third layer. This is where your character goes from a smart character to a smart person to an ABSOLUTE GOAT. This is the hype that the BBC Sherlock crew wanted when doing a smart god character but absolutely failed to nail deadass, Jesus-style.
Cheatcodes to Writing Intelligence
For one, it’s putting her money where her mouth is. BBC Sherlock creates hyper intelligence by bending the plot to Sherlock's will, like one of those Twitter fake "oracle" accounts that make predictions and then retroactively delete the wrong ones to make them look psychic.
It's not true prediction, and neither is Sherlock solving a mystery unsolvable to the audience because the writer can cheat and handwave his logic — THE VERY THING BEING SHOWCASED — by just showing Sherlock being right all the time about random things we couldn't know ourselves.
(And in Sherlock, this is mostly downplayed because the mystery is less important than the character drama (send prayers for Johnlock), but it goes from a subversion to a Game Of Thrones subversion (derogatory) when the show starts failing at the character drama too, making his stupid caricature of intelligence insulting instead of an interesting exploration of a hypothetical god trying to grow up human, Jesus-style.)
Wei Wuxian also has this hand-wave-y aspect to his intelligence. We're told and shown he's a genius inventor through the cheat code of the world's magic system. Magic without rules is famously hard to write well because any story's conflict can be solved with "well a wizard came and saved the day through GOD-like abilities" if the author is too lazy to write a satisfying conclusion.
Wei Wuxian is the inventor of Necromancy, and while yes this is sort of explained through a scene where he's arguing against the establishment to his cultivation teacher, the logic of it is very simple. "What if we reversed energy? (simplification of what he actually said)," the reality of his genius invention of necromancy is just that it's the author saying "well Wei Wuxian did it through his GOD-LIKE intelligence."
What we really get out of this is that his COUNTERCULTURAL HERESY (Galileo-Style) is revolutionary. Not so much his logic being revolutionary when the concept is THIS simple (haha reverse evil suppressing wards to get an evil attracting ward go brrr). But the story handwaves this away with just making other characters utter trash at necromancy, cheating at making him seem like a genius in comparison (simplified for scope, there's more to this).
IF that were all there was to him, he'd only be a 2 layer AT MOST. Instead, we have this third layer, where he directly reacts to information the reader has received in witty ways. (This also makes him self reacting, which is what makes us human)
The Structure of Setting Up Intelligence
Part of what makes mysteries so satisfying is that the reader is rewarded for paying attention/engagement. If they notice a clue that becomes a part of the detective's explanation later on, it's like a puzzle falling into place, where you feel like a special big boy for noticing. And if the detective manages to solve it where you didn't despite having all these clues, YOU become the dumb shitty necromancer jobber who makes Wei Wuxian look good in comparison. Metaphorically.
Similarly, we have all the clues. Wei Wuxian is smart and resourceful. Wei Wuxian forgets a lot of things. Wei Wuxian gets told he's forgotten a lot of things. What's the next logical step? Wei Wuxian smartly uses his forgetfulness as a resource!
2. At the beginning of the book, he accidentally snubs a side character by responding "I don't even know who you are" (simplified for scope's sake). At the time, he genuinely is fumbling here, messing up his social standing because of an actual brain fart, but in a way that's hilarious and better-than-you, so we think nothing of it... until he learns from this mistake right in front of our eyes!
Because later on, he REPEATS this line to the SAME character to legitimately snub them when they were making accusations of him personally attacking them. Not only is this an infuriating snub done on purpose this time, but it's a lie—Wei Wuxian remembered this asshole after the many many dumb dramas with them.
3. But it's a useful lie because it demonstrates a truth—WEI WUXIAN DIDN'T ATTACK THEM. Wei Wuxian would have motive to attack them hypothetically (read: dumb dramas), but the reality is that he doesn't care about them enough to do so, for all intents and purposes making them "forgotten" to Wei Wuxian. Best of all, people believed him because HE'S DONE THIS EXACT THING BEFORE. The plot is repeating, but nothing feels the same. LAYERS absolutely destroying MONOTONY.
3. On top of that, it's a reaction to himself. He's demonstrating both metacognition and self-awareness, here, which is something actively studied in psychology as a phenomenon humans have that other animals might not, a la Dunning Kruger and the mirror test, respectively. What's more human than cringing at your un-self-awareness and learning from it?
And the best part is that we were on every step of this journey. It feels like such an obvious move to make now, like duh you can use your forgetfulness as a form of weaponized incompetence—guys do it all the time (derogatory). Wei Wuxian even does this in a cute way with his sister when he does Sajiao/aegyo at her to get her attention (affectionate).
4. But it truly hits different seeing him do it in such a specifically crafted story, structured like a mystery or a joke where the logic or punchline is him pretending to have bad memory, and I personally would never have thought of doing this on the spot like he did. This is some post-argument hindsight shower thought shit. Genius power fantasy done well.
Shit like this is STORYTELLING and STORY CRAFTING. The repetition of the scene to make his second snub more potent. THIS IS THE POWER OF SET UP AND PAYOFF. A unique usage of the adage of how a character's greatest strength is their greatest weakness, like someone's determination making them bull-headed and stubborn. Except in reverse, necromancy style, where a fatal flaw (his memory) becomes a great strength (plausible deniability). A simple example of how characterization is about specific traits in unique ways to SHOW us his personality better than the author just telling you he's smart ever could, like in BBC Sherlock. THE POWER OF SHOWING NOT TELLING. The interplay of the contradictions within his intelligence as a way to show that he's "real" and not a god. THE POWER OF DEPTH.
All this while he is quite literally the god of his story (Jesus-style).
That's right! Time for pointing out the idolization and mythologizing of Galileo!
Now I don't know if this is true because fact checking in Chinese fandoms is a nightmare when 1. your chinese is barely fluent and 2. most chinese socmed platforms require a chinese phone number to sign up. 3. these two facts leads to a lot of fandom telephone. But I remember someone quoting MXTX on the idea that Wei Wuxian and his love interest are supposed to be the moral paragons of this story (despite the way Wei Wuxian has been demonized *haha get it? demonic cultivation. his ghost cultivation got called demonic cultivation in the most on the nose misnomer in history*). This is probably not a true quote, but it's emblematic of how it feels to be reading this story.
For one, Wei Wuxian is quite literally the moral paragon. He's one of like 3 people actively against a genocide (other than its victims). A genocide that characters within the positions of power go along with for what boils down to personal convenience's sake (ALL EYES ON RAFAH). He's one of the few characters to truly master resentment AKA ENVY (aka WEI "No Envies" WUXIAN) in a story where basically all the bad stuff happens due to envy (funnily enough the actual evil villain of the story is probably the only opp who wasn't actually jealous of him, despite arguably being the one who not only was the most envious of the whole series and the one whose envy would make sense, being narrative foils with Wei Wuxian and all). You'd never see Wei Wuxian wishing evil upon someone out of jealousy (he quite literally sacrifices himself to save his "unrequited" "crush's" "crush").
For two, this world is set in ancient times, where killing was still wrong but also simultaneously seen as honorable, like with Odysseus killing his wife's suitors in revenge being seen as honorable, DESPITE him hating it when the cyclops killed HIS crew in revenge for sheep lol. Wei Wuxian has slaughtered many people, but often in circumstances that soften the immorality of it, like the insanity defense or self defense or "this is war in ancient china" or stopping a genocide. And he acknowledges that these wrongs were still wrongs and does good in the world/changes as a person to atone.
For three, he's god damned OP. In a magic system where enlightenment is directly tied to magical ability, Wei Wuxian is one of the most powerful magic users in their world. Top of his generation, beat out only by his love interest, kinda. Morality is tied to cultivation, which is why it's called the "righteous" sects.
But it gets better, because those sects are not actually righteous. The vast majority are hypocrites or worse, and their work mostly involves killing things for "mundane" people, who treat them like nobility for doing so (depth in contradiction). The implication is sorta kinda that Wei Wuxian so powerful BECAUSE Wei Wuxian is one of the few to actually be righteous and not just self-righteous.
Thus, him being the inventor, the only non-noble, and only user of ghost path cultivation, the reverse of cultivation, thus serves to highlight his moral integrity in comparison, even when being called a heretic (depth in contradiction).
(And while people argue that his cultivation ITSELF is evil, causing the souls of the dead to be unable to reincarnate, I'd argue that that reading is a misread that gets distracted by thinking "demonic" and "ghost" cultivation are the same thanks to his title as the grandmaster of DEMONIC cultivation, when they're not the same (again, misnomer). In reality, he's the only successful user of the ghost path, which is about EMPATHY (Wei Wuxian's most signature magical ability after his flute playing skills) for the dead, playing into their resentment to help them pass, like he said in the very scene where he defies the establishment of his school and initially defines his path. The shitty jobber demonic cultivators are going evil and shit because it's actually pretty hard to put yourself in people's worst desires and hurts (wwx still went insane lol), much less if you yourself are controlled by resentment like Xue Yang or Su She was, who both technically "empathize" in that they're about as resentful as ACTUAL ghosts LMAO.)
Anyways, all this to say that the entire story is structured around hiding the fact that Wei Wuxian is the bestest guy ever embroiled in a huge mystery, who gets slandered and killed by his opps for standing up against powerful oppressors before coming back to life and clearing his name... (jesus-style). A lot of the book is him morality mogging or witty mogging randos, many of whom are cartoonishly evil or rude. Dare I say it? Yes. Like BBC Sherlock.
BOOM. Gallileo becomes the myth.
Whew, I finally brought it back around to my original point.
THIS is why Wei Wuxian is everything BBC Sherlock writers wished they were doing. Because in spite of all their similarities (seriously? both of them have a death period where their lover (rip johnlock) is mourning them before coming back to life??) BBC Sherlock's nowadays gets mercilessly mocked for being a Mary Sue and his fanfic community is dead, meanwhile Wei Wuxian is so beloved by his readers that MDZS fanfic literally has had such a huge impact it got Ao3 banned in China and then added a maximum to tags on Ao3 PERIOD. King shit.
And despite what this post seems, it's not a disparagement of BBC Sherlock as a character. I loved him, I loved the idea of exploring this demigod. Superwho-manly intelligent, but in ways that make it hard for him to function in the human world (until John). His struggles with ostracism, "weird" interests, sensory issues, etc. are alarmingly human and a great allegory for neurodivergence (while not being one of those cringe "autism savant" tropes bc he isn't literally autistic). Sherlock fic popped off for a reason, it's just that the writing of the show didn't do the legwork work that MDZS did to support his character as a god, instead it mostly did shit like "oh it's okay I'm a pretentious asshole because I'm a genius and always magically right, even when I'm wrong, because I'm god." Like if Rick Rick and Morty wasn't self-aware... T_T
That's why this post is me compiling the ways Wei Wuxian's character was crafted to be intelligent. It's not bad to have power fantasy OP characters, but it's hard to do them as well as him. It's not just the clever deceptions or witty usage of words with multiple meanings or the self-awareness and learning, or giving the intelligence flaws to make it more believable. Sherlock had all these and more.
It's the combination of it all, usually in the order of "telling" they're intelligent through abstract things like other characters saying he's really good at detectivework and them magically solving cases, then complicating that intelligence through some kind of flaw, then "showing" him overcoming that complication using concrete examples of intelligence, such as self-awareness, witty double entendres/callbacks, contradictorily using weakness or appearing weak for specific gains, and reframing the given 'clues' in a new light with the help of red herrings. This is like a steelman persuasive essay format, but with proving that someone is smart. Thesis, counter, rebuttal with quantitative evidence. There's like a mini arc build up to a mini climax/climactic moment that makes it satisfying.
The set up and payoffs are key here, as a lot of these just require a bit of legwork before the payoff, such as Wei Wuxian repeating the same line he used as a mistake into one he does on purpose or find a scenario where forgetfulness is actually helpful in deceptions or whatever the chosen scenario is. Much easier to begin with the end in mind in and then retroactively write the beginning to match, instead of creating an impossible mystery, after all. 😭😭 Best part is that I didn’t even compare the mystery writing of MDZS to Sherlock’s ass mysteries, I did it purely on the strength of how its intelligence is utilized for character drama, just as Moffat and his defenders would have wanted.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 5 months
I swear to god not just tgcf itself but tgcf fandom makes me a better person
Really, it changes my life
It helps me understand myself, people and life so much more
Every new tgcf comrade i talk with is so great, kind, smart, understanding, respectful, considerable, genuine
They make me learn exactly what all of those words mean more and more
They are true beacons of light and hope
They make me believe in humanity
And help me realise that only love can make it better
I unexpectedly suddenly started chatting with a bunch of you separately in a span of THREE DAYS????
And it’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever been given in my entire life
;-; @ardenrabbit @yeyayeya @3luecactuz @sweatsnervously47 @sequinhaze @whatmattersisyou @xieliansbignaturals and all the other precious beans i didn’t properly get to know yet!!!!!
I love you all so much ,_, ❤️
And all of my mutuals and followers!
Keep being who you are, stay happy and healthy because you deserve it and you make the world a better place!!! ❤️💦
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twistedappletree · 3 months
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Jin Zihao 🌻
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mosinterlude · 11 months
━━ DON'T DATE MY BROTHER! ✦ i wanna do better(you didn't wanna hurt me?).
suggested tracks. all because i liked a boy sabrina carpenter. unsaid emily the cast of jatp. that funny feeling either version. not allowed tv girl warnings: mentions of fights, trauma, we’re getting there guys
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It had been days since Y/N and Konon had last talked. Y/N was slightly upset that she had gone behind their back and argued with Riki about them instead of going to them about it. Konon was still upset that Y/N had blown her off to hang out with Olivia and Hannah(Y/N was HER best friend, why would they blow her off for them?) after saying she didn’t wanna talk. Tensions were high in the apartment, and it was like a ghost town. Y/N wasn’t there though. They were sitting at the bottom of the slide at an abandoned children’s park. After two hours of unsuccessful song writing, Riki had insisted they get away for a while. They sat at the bottom of the slide, watching Riki grab each handle of the monkey bars, and it was a wonder his feet didn’t touch the ground once with how tall he was. They giggled when he leaped down and struck a pose. He grinned wide, running over to them and pulling them on their feet. He led them to the swings, leaping on one and swinging back and forth.
“So, feeling inspired?” They asked, using their feet to push them off. He pouted, shaking his head and looking down. They tried not to laugh at how silly and cute he looked, nodding. “Hey! Songwriting is not easy, it’s not gonna come to you easily.” He looked over at them with a ‘oh really’ expression on his face.
“That’s easy for you to say! You have two full songbooks and the third one is getting there!” They laughed, a real genuine laugh from the pit of their stomach.
“Yeah, and half those songs i will never publish; You know why?” They asked, and he shook his head, stopping to look at them again. “Because the lyrics don’t make sense, or they're stupid and cringey, or it’s unfinished or a million other reasons why. I wrote half of them down as a way to rant in a place I had no outlet in, and the other half are just plain bad.” He bursted out laughed, and they grinned in return. “All i’m saying is this; You have a cool story to tell. And maybe you don’t wanna tell that story with this song, but you could use it as inspiration.”
“Inspiration?” Riki repeated, standing up, and walking in front of them. They stopped swinging, using her feet to ground themself. Their eyes met, and they couldn’t look away.
“Inspiration is all around you. You can write about dancing, you can write about being an idol, you can write about your family,” They paused for a second before pushing on. “You could write about your sister.” He kissed his teeth, crossing his arms and looking away. They grimaced. “Or, write about someone you liked or like.” They suggested standing up. He looked at them again.
“Someone i like?” He repeated it like they weren’t being clear. They nodded. “Hm…”
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✿ * 𓈀 synopsis :: Being Park Jimin's younger sister comes with pros and cons. Cons, Park Y/N will never experience a true day of peace in her life. Pros, they were able to became friend's with other idol's sisters, and even though they became friends because of their brothers, they stayed friends because they all fit together, like pieces of a puzzle. Only thing? Don't fall for anyone's brother. Easy enough, until Y/N exposes her two year crush on Nishimura Konon's brother, Nishimura Riki. Not just to Konon though, half the world.
prev. masterlist. next.
ꗃ : ˖ ۫ ◖ 𓂃 mo's interlude :: hiii guys😣 so i was at camp for all of june…. yeah. everyone who asked to be tagged was tagged, gonna answer so asks and yeah!! im gonna try to be more active and yeah!!
ꗃ : ˖ ۫ ◖ 𓂃 taglists :: ddmb taglist. @a-era @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy @oddeonu @szniki @meiiiwa @artstaeh @nomniki @tzyuki @lcv3lies @nikilvr @ahnneyong @leiluvs @luvkait @j-wyoung @duolingofanaccount @sun-tzu-says-youre-a-bitch @flwersforiki @mintydayeon @injngg @sunooluver @wondering-out-loud @justbored48 @kittyeji @randomness7198 @hee-pot @shinsou-rii perm taglist. @jangwonie @strwberrydinosaur @luv4vernon @bigtoewinwin
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demonicfarmer69 · 1 year
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the kind of notes a-cheng takes instead of listening to lqr's lectures
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attapullman · 2 months
I was thinking about this the other day, Reader in a sundress and Bobby just can’t keep his hands to himself.
Oh, Nonny, now I'm going to be thinking about this all day!
Those big, grabby hands? 🤤
He's a grown man with Navy discipline, he can definitely quietly sit and keep his hands to himself. Surely. But the longer he has to be out and about, and the hem of the skirt keeps rising along the soft skin of your thighs...that man is a goner.
At first it feels accidental. His hand on your waist while you're standing in the buffet line. Warm fingers skimming your knee when you sit down, pulling your chairs a little too close together.
But then you know he's skirting the line of public decency and indecent intentions. Thick arm slinking around your shoulders ("Aren't you cold, honey?") only for fingers to slip under the light fabric, teasing the skin of your shoulder. Holds your gaze with those wide, innocent, baby blue eyes when the measly strap falls down your shoulder. That wasn't him, was it? Sorry sweetheart, let me fix that.
You know you should go home. This is a work event. His superiors could see him. But you like seeing how far he'll go to have a piece of you.
The afternoon has turned into a faded sunset and Bob is lightheaded. Hours of watching the way your chest fills the neckline of that dress and he hasn't been able to touch once?
Deep in conversation with another of the couples at your table, your breath hitches when that warm palm firmly grips your thigh, the gingham tablecloth barely covering the scandalous amount of dress he's pushed up. Softly kneading your skin while working his way higher, the hand not on you gripping his knee so he won't touch himself.
You're trying so hard to keep your place in the topic of the table, but he's tracing the delicately sensitive skin of your thighs. Teasing.
"Are you alright?" Bradley's wife asks as warm fingers move from tracing over the soft satin covering you to pressing into you as much as possible, pushing the wetness within you to the surface and an inhuman whimper from your lips.
He's too quick on the draw. Bringing his unoccupied hand to your cheek and feigning concern. "You're a little warm. Did you eat something bad? I should get you home, poor thing."
Not a single eye bats when Bob helps you up, the unassuming WSO helping you straighten your dress like he didn't just have his whole hand against your core.
With the next morning will come the sweet texts of concern to your health that you'll regret responding to with lies. But that's not on your mind at all when, upon entering the darkness of the parking lot against his truck, Bob lifts that flimsy sundress over your ass and slips his fingers under damp fabric, groping wherever he can reach as he brings you to orgasm in his new favourite dress.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 8 months
Bojan singing "Silencio" by David Bisbal
I know this moment was on the jokeroutsubs video but I wanted to post it anyway
Istg he sounds like a native here!!
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cutiesigh · 7 months
wait omg i forgot to attach this
*froggy hats u*
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ok goodbye sorry for spam hehe <3
@mosiackiwi said: you are so amazing and poggers and cool and powerful and great and wonderful and I thank you for froggy redacted I am going to SQUIMSH THEM <333333333
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AAAAAGGHHHHH I'VE BEEN FROGGY HATTED!!!!! /pos (Sobbing rn!! Your pixel art is AMAZING and I'm honestly in awe every time I see it ;v; Would it be okay if I used it as my icon?? I'll gib credit ♡)
⇣ Also it's not [REDACTED], but feel free to take this war criminal off of my hands!! They're banned from Froggy Hat Nation for his crimes ⇣
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yinyangbuns · 1 year
Short fic
Wei Wuxian was a troublemaker.
He was loud, and unrestrained, and he liked to goof off. He was always teasing and playing pranks. He was reckless.
But he was not irresponsible, no matter what the rumors said.
He was smart, and he made sure things got done. The Jiang disciples loved their shixiong; they respected him, even as they laughed with him.
But just because he made their work enjoyable, did not mean that he didn’t make them work.
His drills were framed lightly, and if they were truly struggling he did not hesitate to step in and help, but they were rigorous.
No one who watched Wei Wuxian’s training drills could claim that they were lacking - with the exception, as always, of one Madam Yu.
But the boring truth could not stand up to the enormity of the rumors.
Wei Wuxian was trouble. This was one thing that everybody seemed to agree on.
(He let it roll like so much water off his back. Sometimes, he thought he could almost feel it bead there, like water droplets on the beaten wood of the old boats, refusing to leave him, sticking to his skin like a cold sweat.)
He may be trouble. He may bring chaos and destruction wherever he roams. He has heard such things so often that somewhere in the back of his mind, he has already accepted them as irrefutable truth.
But he has never been able to sit idly while he could be doing something, anything at all to help.
Madam Yu is a fighter; to surrender is unthinkable. She would - and will - fight to her death when the Wen come and bring the sect down with her.
She is the type of person to go down with her ship, cursing the skies even as the water closes over her head.
Wei Wuxian, however, has always known the value of a strategic retreat, has known it since he was on the streets, throwing his only food to the side so the dogs would chase it and not him, relying again and again on the half-and-half chances that he wouldn’t earn a new wound in the mold of sharp teeth by the end of the day. The chances that they would find whatever morsel he had picked up more tantalizing than himself, easy pickings and barely able to run away on legs shaky with exhaustion.
What this means is that when the Wen come to destroy Lotus Pier, they will not destroy the Jiang.
What this means, is that Wei Wuxian has a plan.
(He spends days scribbling furiously in his sickbed. He is not strong enough to walk more than ten paces, in those early days, but he can write, and his brain works just fine, and all he can think about is the fate of the Lan, and the boon that is Yunmeng’s river, and the threat of war looming ever-closer. The Wen will come; Wei Wuxian swears to himself that they will not stay.)
Madam Yu may be first lady of Lotus Pier, but Wei Wuxian is head disciple.
He will not allow the disciples who rely on him to die like cattle under his watch.
As soon as he is cleared to walk, he calls the youngest of the disciples to him. He takes them out, plays games with them, shows them sneaky ways to hide themselves and emphasizes the importance of staying together. He shows them how to swim quietly under the boards of the decks of Lotus Pier; shows them the quickest ways to leave without drawing attention. He prepares them in the best way he knows how to without scaring them. He plays games with ulterior motives and gives them tight hugs and prays to whatever gods will listen that they remain safe.
He sends the littlest ones home with lotus seeds in their pockets and whatever excuses he can think up in the moment, and hopes that someday there will be a sect for them to return to.
The older disciples meet a much different version of their Shixiong than they are used to. He is serious, and his eyes are calculating, and his hands are white-knuckled around his writing brush. The Wei Wuxian they meet is tight-lipped and stoic.
The Wei Wuxian they meet is preparing for war.
The Wei Wuxian they meet has sketches of Lotus Pier spread out in front of him, exit routes marked clearly and distinctly, with arrays scribbled erratically in the margins with arrows pointing to different areas of the compound. Arrays for confusion, for cloaking. Arrays for escape.
The Wei Wuxian they meet discusses with them in a quiet but confident voice the evacuation plan for the servants and disciples of Lotus Pier, and sends out scouts to watch for the advance of Wen that the main Jiang family refuse to believe in the possibility of.
The Wei Wuxian they meet shoves talismans and checklists in their hands as he talks about fire on a mountain, and a sect leader dead, and a sect heir silent with a broken leg, forced to walk day after day.
Wei Wuxian is their head disciple.
He is achingly, painfully young.
And he is bound and determined to protect them against an army.
(The disciples decide, then and there, that they are going to protect him as well.)
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casquecest · 23 days
This process of trying to get my license back is becoming more trouble than it's worth.
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kumishona · 8 months
Ok, major pet peeve moment.
I really don't understand why people use acronyms for names of fictional Chinese characters. The names themselves aren't any longer than Christian white people names—so why? Why is it WWX and not Wei Wuxian, and why LWJ and not Lan Wangji. Why CXS and not Cheng Xiaoshi and LG and not Lu Guang. IT'S NOT HARD.
Like, I understand using acronyms for show and book names that can be as long as a whole phrase. But with names it's so unnecessary. Feels like copping out from actually learning and using them. I've never seen anyone do this with Japanese or Korean names. (And even if they did, it would still annoy me.)
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mosinterlude · 2 years
━━ DON'T DATE MY BROTHER! ✦ good thing the only thing we share is a last name.(do that make me a bad person?)
suggested tracks. least favorite only child - leanna firestone. class of 2013 - mitski. i can't handle change - roar. warnings: deadnaming, mommy issues, may be triggering for some.
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✿ * 𓈀 synopsis :: Being Park Jimin's younger sister comes with pros and cons. Cons, Park Y/N will never experience a true day of peace in her life. Pros, they were able to became friend's with other idol's sisters, and even though they became friends because of their brothers, they stayed friends because they all fit together, like pieces of a puzzle. Only thing? Don't fall for anyone's brother. Easy enough, until Y/N exposes her two year crush on Nishimura Konon's brother, Nishimura Riki. Not just to Konon though, half the world.
prev. masterlist. next.
ꗃ : ˖ ۫ ◖ 𓂃 mo's interlude :: from the way i do y/n you would think i hate them deadass😍 also memeimessage glitches so the heart in liv's ss was supposed to be at the bottom of the ss😟😟
ꗃ : ˖ ۫ ◖ 𓂃 taglists :: ddmb taglist. @a-era @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy @oddeonu @szniki @meiiiwa @artstaeh @nomniki @tzyuki @lcv3lies @nikilvr @ahnneyong perm taglist. @jangwonie @strwberrydinosaur @luv4vernon @bigtoewinwin
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meteorstricken · 8 months
Ugh. Got a fresh reminder that I'm blocked from that ao3comment account. Still never found out the how/why of that one. (This happened back in...2019/ early 2020.) Was never any conflict to the best of my knowledge. My worst "crime" was responding to things clearly open to public discussion with...encouraging writers to be their weirdest and most transgressive selves? Which itself seemed to be encouraged at the time.
Anyhoooo. This is a post reminding you to be your weirdest and most transgressive selves in fanfic/art. Someone tells you you can't or shouldn't? That's why you absolutely should.
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soaringmirror · 2 years
plsss those prompts are so sexy wtf…. 26. “I want you to ruin me.” with reiner mayhaps? 🤭
thank you so much for your request mo!!! I've been wanting to write more Reiner content for the longest time now hehe 😚
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The sensation of your hands sliding up underneath his shirt made Reiner groan into the kiss. Strong hands made their way to the back of your head pushing you closer. Reiner was so drunk on the way you tasted and he wanted to show you just how good it felt.
You felt hazy with pleasure while fighting for control as his tongue danced against yours. With your hands around his neck you bit and sucked on his bottom lip coaxing grunts and groans from him. For a moment you both part for air, a thin string of saliva breaking from your heated kiss. "Rei, I don't want you to hold back," you smirked.
It was music to his ears to hear you say that. Just incase you wanted to back out he asked you one final time, "y/n are you sure?"
"I'm sure, I want you to ruin me," you confirmed.
"Mmm okay, if you need me to stop tell me," he said his voice laced with hesitance.
"Yes yes now ruin m-" In a swift motion he flipped you onto your stomach, positioning your ass up in the air how he liked it. The sheer heaviness of Reiner pushing you further clouded every coherent thought in your mind. Deep, you never felt him so deep inside, you couldn't help but tighten around him. It was contradicting how he had you in such a position yet he traced your skin with feather light touches.
Without warning he pushed into your aching sex, the sensation of his thick cock already making you feel full. Reiner thrusted hard and fast "Be a good girl for me and fuckin take it y/n, wanna see you filled with my cum," he seethes. All you could do was whine pathetically.
Reiner watched his cock split you open, the flushed tip disappearing in and out of you with each thrust. Your pleasured cries muffled into the plush of the mattress as he fucked you mercilessly. With the way your hips and ass were moving he was trying hard not to cum right there and then.
"You like that huh? Letting me ruin you like this... doesn't it feel so fuckin good baby?" His hands gripped your hips tight pounding into your pussy leaving breathless but wanting more. "Ahh don't stop Rei!" You cried into the mattress. Suddenly his firm hand yanks your hair a harsh pull forcing you to repeat what you desired. "Mmm I hear you, wanna see your pussy drippin' after I'm done."
Too fucked out to respond, Reiner licked and sucked at your neck leaving pretty bruises you wouldn't be able to cover. He knew how much you loved it when his balls slapped against your clit and continued pounding "Reiner please, need t' cum!" you beg.
As much as he loved making you squirm Reiner could never deny you from your release "come for me baby," he grunts as your sobs drowned his harsh thrusts. His cock rammed into you as your rode out your orgasm.
The way you throbbed around him made him lose control. Reiner's thrusts turned desperate in tandem with your shaking legs until he let out the most strangled and broken moans of your name pumping you full of his warm cum.
Heavy breaths left his lips as he finally pulled out, sweat glistening on his skin as he watched the mixture of cum leak from you. Now turning onto your side trying to catch your breath you closed your eyes replaying the way he just fucked you. "Fuck y/n I can't get enough of you," he said pulling you close against his chest. "You're perfect."
Reiner's strong hands rubbed soothing circles across your stomach. You relaxed at the warmth of his breath against your skin. Soon after you were indulging in the soft kisses he pressed on your neck. "So good, you make me feel so fuckin good Rei," you mumble.
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