#lets all say thank you to the submitter!!!
decaydanceredacted · 1 year
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dc-polls · 4 months
Presenting the WINNER of the DC "That Really Happened?!" Tournament...
Supergirl gets romanced by her horse
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[ID: Two cropped comic panels in one image with two hearts. The first is Supergirl in plain clothes being kissed by a blonde young man. She has a cloud bubble showing an image of her in costume, and he has a cloud bubble showing a white horse with a cape. The second panel is of a horse, thinking "If I were a man... If I were free to tell her of my real feelings, for a girl like that, I'd even give up all my super-powers!" /END ID]
🎉 Congratulations to Linda Danvers and Comet! 🎉
This storyline was quite unexpected, and it seems to raise more questions than it answers. From the beginning when it won out over a new version of Supergirl falling in love with a horse-man (yes, again), this one became the one to beat.
But let's not forget our Second Place storyline of...
Joker becoming the Iranian ambassador
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[ID: Comic panel of Joker wearing a reddish pink head dress. He is turned to the side, smiling with eyes closed. He says, "I am proud to speak for the great Islamic Republic of Iran." /END ID]
It was a hard battle for second and third, and the two finalists duked it out neck-and-neck all week, but in the end Joker becoming an ambassador right after killing Jason was just weird enough to come out on top.
And that brings us to Third Place...
Jason Todd: Tentacle Monster
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[ID: Comic panel of Jason Todd turned into a large reddish brown monster with tentacles with a man's head and shoulders in his mouth. Jason says, "And now it's your turn!" /END ID]
Jason came in third, but his bizarre form still beat out all the rest of the competition throughout the previous rounds.
Last, an honorable mention for the ones that didn't make it past the semi-finals to be ranked...
Carol Ferris' pregnancy
Monsieur Mallah and the Brain
Bob Haney's lack of canon knowledge when writing Donna
A huge thank you to everyone who participated, from submitters to voters and all of you in between! This was a really fun one, and I look forward to what we get into next!!
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
bracket 1 FINAL BATTLE
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Rusty used to be a stray and then he had An Accident and now he has three legs (he had been living at a vet's office for a month when submitter adopted him). But he's doing great! Submitter taught him how to climb stairs and built him some steps out of cardboard boxes so he can get on their bed whenever he wants. They think he could be anywhere from 6 to 12 years old, it's hard to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. To their pleasant surprise, he does not mind wearing a harness at all, which is good because he still loves the outdoors. He often gets his ear turned inside out while bathing and weirdly prefers dry food over wet.
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breaking: semi-feral baby learns to cuddle, becomes addicted to laying on my face
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and here he is chillin on the patio with me!
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vote for rusty #1 best at sticking out leg
when i first got Rusty he could not go up stairs... but he could go down, so he would get stuck at the bottom of them and meow for help. Of course he also hated being picked up and carried up the stairs.
but now he just goes ZOOP up the stairs doing audible damage to my carpet the whole way, which is so valid of him because i hate carpet on stairs
and something that is not quite propaganda for rusty but important words from rusty's human nontheless
For this semifinal I am going to do a different kind of propaganda.
Next time you are looking to adopt a pet, please consider getting an older animal or one with special needs, if you are able, or even just a shy, timid one. The reason my vet friend came to me about Rusty was because cats like him are usually overlooked in shelters. It wasn't just his injury--behaviorally, it was like he didn't know how to be a pet. For about three months he spent 95% of his time sitting in one spot, doing nothing, mostly indifferent to human attention. And now, after less than two years, he is super active and follows me to bed every night for cuddles. There are so many pets like Rusty who just need somebody to give them a chance, and give them time. If you can be that person, it is the most amazing thing to see what they bloom into!
Thank you for reading my spiel, now here is a picture of Rusty sleeping in the cat equivalent of a T-pose for some reason:
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If she's quiet she's either sleeping or somewhere she shouldn't be. Or Both. Openly favors submitter, tolerates others. Very autistic cat: anxious of bad noises, very picky eater, kneads with her right paw out for no reason, must walk a circle around the room before going somewhere, has Specific eating spots for mealtime, etc. She probably knows more English than she lets on. Disobeys authority when she's bored or hungry. Loves the outdoors but she needs her pretty pink harness or she'll run; her favorite activity is playing with grasshoppers. She's a little brat but you can't help but love her when she squeaks at you.
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As you can see, she likes tight spaces (it's the 'tism -u-). She has access to larger, roomier sleeping spaces, but she always gravitates to places where I can't understand how she could possibly be comfortable. That round thing in the top right pic? She sleeps on top of that for the night even though a whole leg falls over the side. We've debated getting her a bigger one, but I don't think she'd like it.
She is also a lover of people food; we tried not to get her used to it, but somewhere along the way she broke down our walls. Whenever I snack on cheese puffs on the couch, she's always gotta get up in my face to try to get some of that delicious cheese dust, going so far as to stick her big face in the bag right in front of me while I'm holding it. And if you've got salmon, she will go nuts. I think salmon is her favorite food with cheese as a close second. ...but she'll also beg for chicken nugget.
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[Image description: a photo of OP sitting at the dining table over a plate of chicken strips and ketchup, OP on one side of the chair and holding a piece of bitten chicken and Prissy sitting on the other side of the chair with one paw on the table eyeing the bitten chicken strip. OP's face has been painted over with a black spot.]
As for speaking English, I've caught her saying Hello and Mama clear as day, and is working on pronouncing Outside and Water (I mean it, just from her tones and "syllables" of her meows, it's like she's trying to speak).
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Sorry for the spam, but she really is that photogenic. And also sorry for the stuff on my bed, but my legs were injured at the time and needed extra support. While they were injured, I also spent a lot of time on the couch, where Prissy frequently sat by my side and especially on my lap. Now that I'm better and not sitting there anymore, she now claims that specific corner of the couch as her own; she's even stolen that spot from me when I get up to do something really quick.
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I've also trained her to hop on my lap when she wants to eat, instead of jumping on the table, but at the end of the day she still does what she wants lol. She's always been by my side, from the first day she got here at 3 mos. old and took a nap on my lap right in the hallway.
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hi! hope you're having a good week. i absolutely love your podcast, it's one of my all time favourites of all time :) feel free to disregard this question, but are you comfortable disclosing, however vaguely, how much money the podcast made you? if it made you money at all, i have no idea about the costs involved in running a podcast. but yeah i love our presenter so much, i already know i'm going to miss new monstrous agonies drop day once it's over!
Thank you so much, I hope you're having a lovely week as well! And thanks for your kind words about the podcast - don't tell anyone but it's one of my all-time favourite too 😉
Your question got away from me a little, so my apologies if this is way more detail than you were looking for! But I think in audio drama in particular, and in creative industries in general, we really don't talk about money enough! If any other creators want to chime in, I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
The cost of running a podcast like MA is very low in terms of actual cash. Aside from the first lot of equipment I bought - a mic, an audio interface, a mic stand and some cables, all coming in at about £180 total - any money I've spent has been on nice-to-haves rather than absolutely necessary outlays, like upgrading my mic set-up and building a little IKEA-hack recording booth over the summer, or paying for a domain name and email.
All this to say, my costs are a little higher than they need to be because I'm bougie 💅😌 If you're wondering what the hard, necessary costs of running a show like MA would be without those choices, it's really very low once you've got a semi-decent mic and built your recording booth blanket fort.
As for how much money it's made me, accounting for those expenses which off the top of my head I'd round up to about £1000, then MA has made me approximately £3000 since November 2020 - obviously with fewer people on the Patreon etc at the start, and more now. I'm sitting at about £250 a month from Patreon right now, which is absoutely incredible to me, and makes up a decent chunk of my actual living expenses. Thank you, everyone who pledges! 💖
However, the main thing I think people forget when they're thinking about money and podcasting is that old adage, time is money. I'm a freelancer and I work from home, so I can be very flexible about when I do MA work and when I do paid work. But the time I spend in the booth recording, or editing episodes, or even on social media (hello!) is all time that I'm not spending on actual billable hours.
Personally, that works out fine for me. I'm outrageously, stupendously lucky in terms of my financial stability, and am in a position where I can say, yeah, I'll work part-time for money and spend the other hours in the week making a podcast, knowing that the vast, vast majority of my audience isn't going to be able to/want to support me financially. (For context, MA is sitting at around 350,000 total downloads right now. If everyone gave me £1 every time they listened to an episode..... 😅)
Also, MA is a relatively time-cheap show to make. I spend about a day writing, and then the actual recording, editing and posting might take another 6hrs total? So two "lost" paid working days a week, basically.
But like... have a wee think about how bare bones MA is. Up to 50% of each episode could be written by submitters, and the rest is very formulaic and easily repeatable. It's a single voice production, with a couple of scraps of music and no sound design whatsoever, if I can help it! And the episodes themselves are only 15 minutes long, cutting all your recording and editing times right the way down.
So, let's say you're a podcaster who doesn't have the freedom and flexibility that I do with regards to your day job, and you don't have the comfy cushion of savings to cover upfront costs, and you don't live somewhere with a low a cost of living as Belfast, and you want to make a show that isn't so (intentionally!) stripped back and minimal... 😬
People like to say that podcasting has a really low barrier for entry and that's true to an extent - "all you need is a mic". But I think we do everyone a disservice if we don't look seriously and honestly about the financial costs involved - including time spent on unpaid work!
All this to say, I am so enormously grateful to everyone who is able to support MA financially, whether that's with the occasional fiver on ko-fi or a regular pledge on Patreon. It really does all add up, and it makes a real, genuine difference to my daily life. £250 a month is more than I hoped to make, and I'm really thankful for everyone who has contributed.
And if you do have an extra couple of quid burning a hole in your pocket, do consider supporting the creators you love 💖🥰
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
it's fully winter here now so i just want to say thanks to you, the submitters, and the photographers for letting me look at cool bugs while its snowy out :'^)
Submissions have definitely slowed way down! But they're still trickling in. Southern hemisphere and tropical location people need to step up their game so we can enjoy many bugs all year long. @ Australians I'm lookin at you especially
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I've had to block a few people recently so here's some reminders:
If you think a pair should be disqualified, use private channels (DM me or send an ask). If you claim a pair is not platonic publicly/where the submitter might see, I will block you instantly.
Pairs who eventually end up in relationships, have crushes, etc. are allowed (with disclaimers) as long as their friendship is emphasized throughout the story (aka the story's focus on them is buddyhood & not as like, a lead-up to a romance or one character's crush, etc), they qualify.
Additionally (and I realize I wasn't clear on this before so I want to be clear now), characters with """homoerotic subtext""" but who are not actually canonically romantic are fine to be included. Homoerotic subtext is often subjective/up for interpretation, not to mention wildly misused by people with shipping goggles on too tight. As long as the characters are not textually romantic with each other (or only at the end/a small part of the story & their friendship is emphasized, see above), they qualify.
And, though this one hasn't been a problem at all, I'll include it as it is part of the above ruleset: pairs who engage in sexual activity with each other without romantic involvement, AKA "friends with benefits," qualify.
The main reasons for these rulings are as follows:
A lot of media is content to let pairs (esp m/f pairs) be friends until the end of the show/series/etc, wherein the creators hastily "pair up" everyone with romances for a contrived happy ending. I want PPP to be a safe haven for fans who were affected by this kind of poor writing choice, and for the sake of fairness, this rule must apply to good writing as well.
Also, eventually dating - even when written well - does not invalidate a lengthy platonic relationships beforehand anyway.
I think I'm far from the only aromantic person (or even just...reasonable person) who's sick of people saying you can't interpret a pair as being platonic bc they do things that ~totally in wuuuuuv X3~ people do like...holding hands, or general loyalty, or...smiling at them... I even see people doing this for characters who are canonically happily married to someone else???? It's dumb as hell. I'm not going to let that happen on this blog. People are just going to have to accept that sometimes 2 people have a healthy, close, loyal, deeply loving platonic partnership.
I reiterate, in TL;DR: Pairs who eventually end up romantic are allowed as long as the story emphasizes their friendship (rather than their building romance). """Homoerotic subtext""" is extremely subjective, and often used as an excuse by people with shipping goggles to force their amatonormative interpretation on everyone.
If you still think a pair doesn't qualify, contact me PRIVATELY with canon evidence for a discussion that may eventually be brought to the larger circle,
Or you will be blocked on the fucking spot.
Thank you <3
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raitrolling · 4 months
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"・°♢ Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of VVelVeteen VVanities' Now-Non-Weekly AdVice and Mailbag Corner! As always, I'm your host VVelour, and I will be reading out some of your submissions to the mailbag and help those in need of some adVice! Thanks again to eVeryone who submitted mail, all gifts are always highly appreciated and I do read eVery single letter personally, eVen if they do not get picked for the Video! Now, shall we begin? ♢°・"
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"・°♢ First up, we have a letter from Aplysa Norrim, who writes: 'Hi VVelour, I loVe your channel so much! The VVideo you posted of you trying different Kit-Kat flaVVours you bought in East Alternia was so funny, can you please do another one? I'll subscribe to the premium tier of the VVelVeteen Club if you do!' ♢°・"
"・°♢ Haha! Well, for such a dedicated fan, how can I say no? I do traVel to East Alternia quite often to catch up with one of my Very good friends, so if you click the button in the top right of the Video, it'll take you to a poll where you can Vote on which snacks I should try next! Personally, I'm really hoping the macha option wins! ♢°・"
"・°♢ Okay, now, next up we haVe an anonymous submission to the adVice column, who says: 'Hello VVelour, I'm a big fan of your channel and your fashion design, but please help me! I think I might haVe a stalker! What do I do?' ♢°・"
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"・°♢ Well, that is quite a Very scary predicament you are in, and I'm Very sorry that someone is going this far to make you feel unsafe. This is a Very common fear that many content creators such as myself haVe, so I can sympathise greatly with your worries. ♢°・"
"・°♢ What I do recommend is making sure you haVe a trusted friend, or eVen multiple trusted friends or quadrants, who will be able to help you out. Twice-nightly check-ins at specific times are a Very good idea, and there is also safety in numbers! HaVing a friend accompany you wheneVer you go out, as well as one who might either let you stay at their hiVe or will stay oVer at yours is a Very good idea. As long as you're not alone, a stalker will be less likely to make a moVe. ♢°・"
"・°♢ Also, making sure your security systems are up-to-date and your hive is always locked is a Very good idea as well. Sometimes it can also be reassuring to have your own methods to make sure no one has entered the hive, such as leaving a chair against the door, or stacking cans in places where an intruder would walk through but not notice in the dark. Although, any pets or lusii might accidentally knock them oVer, which might cause some unnecessary anxiety. ♢°・"
"・°♢ It's also a Very good idea to change up your routine as much as possible! Walk a different way home from work, go grocery shopping on a different night, and again make sure you're always accompanied by someone you trust. A lot of people will be willing to help, eVen if it is just to help walk you home or to a nearest bus stop or train station. ♢°・"
"・°♢ If all else fails, you can always contact your local legislacerators to report the person for stalking you, and they will inVestigate the situation. EVen if they cannot do anything to help, your call will be on record. ♢°・"
"・°♢ I do hope this adVice helps ease your mind somewhat, anonymous submitter. We at VVelVeteen VVanities do wish you all the best and hope you do stay safe, and - should your stalker also be a member of the VVelVeteen club, - know that this behaViour is not tolerated by myself and we do not wish to haVe fans who harm other fans in our little community. This is a safe space for eVeryone who enjoys fashion, Vlogging, and my YouTube channel. Please do cease your actiVities as soon as possible. ♢°・"
"・°♢ But, thank you again for submitting your request for adVice! Now, onto the next letter... ♢°・"
=> The video continues until around the ten minute mark, so that you can ensure you hit the minimum threshold for obtaining ad revenue.
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mysicklove · 1 year
1.It's such a peculiar feeling, I'm an outdoorsy guy. I drink my coffee black. Work on my car, love working with my hands and fishing but when we play it's like all that fades away. I lose any need to prove myself and it's freeing. Lol as dumb as it sounds I just kinda melt.
2.Overstimulation is great! It's the perfect mix of pleasure/pain. Depending how it's done it can be soooo incredible. Being assaulted by multiple sensations, not being able to decipher what feels the best and worst. Your mind literally can't process it all and goes into a haze where everything just blends. Lol I'm a big fan
3.Mmmm I don't really "see" her it's kind of a feeling more than an idea. It's someone I feel safe with, someone I trust and I do mean TRUST. Someone I would go to nearly any length to make happy. It's like I'm not looking for a dom I'm looking for a best friend.
4.It 100% can be, you can rapidly find yourself doing something you don't want or feel not right with. But that's the importance of trust in situations and relationships like these. All I have to say are two words and I know she would drop anything and everything and make sure I'm okay. I've also experienced it to where as things are happening I'm okay with them but once I'm out of that fog it hits you and that is just as scary. This is why aftercare is soooo important.
5.YES! it goes along with the submission like its yet another layer of me giving in and giving her full control. Tie me up put a blindfold on and do whatever you want to me. It drives me wild and I think the power trip does it for her too.
6. I've personally never got the whole leather or latex "thing" maybe because it gives a slightly bad guy/girl in charge feel. If she likes it go ahead but it's not a positive or negative in my mind.
7. If she really wanted to try maybe. I'd be more apt to having a more dominant person with her than another sub at her beck and call with me. Sounds weird but I'd much rather be her only sub.
8. It's 100% different. It's so much more in depth I guess you could say? The build up is completely different and once you finally do get there you are riding wave after wave of pleasure. From what people have said it's pretty similar to how the opposite gender feels orgasms.
9. Definitely NOT a myth. Not to go into to much detail but I had experienced my first about a week or two ago and it was insane! I wrote about it on my page if you are at all interested.
10.Oh boy. This topic always makes me blush. They are the most infuriating thing ever. And yet something about it deep down does something to me not just physically but mentally. Putting it on or better yet having her put it on and seeing that lock click never fails to give me chills. It's a full submittal to their will. Even if at that point I wanted to play with "it" I can't and something in my head LOVES relinquishing that power. It makes me instantaneously feel subby. It takes the whole concept of you can look but not touch idea and ramps it up 1000%. Once it's on its hers. She decides if she wants it played with or not and it's a rush.
11. Turn ons that really get me? First and foremost are marking like hickeys or bite marks, let everyone who happens to catch a glimpse of them know that I'm yours. Edging and denial are way up there too, the buildup compounding on itself over and over are so intense and it drives me wild. Lastly audio, whisper into my ear all the fucked up things you want to do to me, tell me I'm a good boy, tell me what your going to do in detail. I LOVE the sound of my doms voice especially when she gets into it. Her tone changes her voice gets ever so slightly deeper and it never fails to make me feel more subby.
questions from here
we talked a bit on messaging, but thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share! i really enjoyed seeing your perspective on this :)
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pwdd1 · 5 months
I'm a bit confused with the new chapter, tbh. It's perfectly written, everything is fine, it's just I don't understand some things.
Why would Simon give in to submission so easily again after all the progress he's made? Wille has done some bare minimum, he hasn't proved anything yet (and Simon doesn't even know how he tried to cook for him, or how he 'resisted' Fredrika in his office building), he's forgotten about something important for them (seeing the house) and he still tried to use his dominance on Simon a couple days ago while being equals... I'm not disappointed, rather underwhelmed...
And I'm still mad at Wille about the whole collar issue. I don't understand why Simon didn't reject the 2nd collar for the time-out period...He hates it because of the downgrade and Frederika's involvement and he called out Wille on it. Isn't it the symbol of Wille's bullshit for him now?
Just my rambling. Ignore it if it makes you uncomfortable
these are great and important questions! honestly, i’m so glad you asked (and rambled) because these are similar to the things i wrestled with while writing.
i am constantly asking why, as the characters do what they want nowadays. so, lets dive in, im so excited!
Simon lives by feeling and in that moment of submission, he is very empowered. Wilhelm has been proud of him, left work and to be with him, shown how wanted he is etc. Simon knows that Fredrika is soon out of the picture because Wilhelm chose so.
The collar is a symbol of their dynamics and by rejecting it, Simon rejects the dynamics (=future with Wilhelm). He agreed to the downgrade and lives up to his words. However, the collar doesnt bring him similar safety and neither of them really touches it any longer. It might be a symbol of the bullshit too and Simon knows he has to earn his promotion, the training collar back.
I don’t want to say Simon submittes to get that collar and get done with the bullshit. Its not how it should be but Simon wants to get back to normal and feel special. He submits as soon as he has healed enough, whenever it is smart or not. Again, Simon doesn’t think if its a smart move - he goes by heart.
Thank you for the kind words and great questions! 💜
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hiiii congrats on ur story being accepted to a lit journal!! ur writing is rlly gorgeous and hope more good things come to you 💌🫀!!
+ i guess i did have a question lol (and feel free to ignore or not answer!!) how did u find lit journals to submit to i guess? like what was your criteria for looking / how did u know how to go about looking lol. again! if you don’t want to answer totally fine :))) hope u have a great day !!
thank you so much love! And I'm happy to answer your questions!
one of my biggest pieces of advice is to look at small journals! I know personally it'd be nice to be able to get into a big journal on the first try but sadly for many (or at least myself lol) that usually isn't the case. My acceptance was from a very small run journal with a following of only about 100-130. It isn't to say that you don't have the talent to get into bigger literary journals- but there going to be much more competitive because they'll most likely have a lot more submissions to go through as well.
there are lots of small-run journals I've found through looking on instagram and twitter: often times when you find one you like their following list will be similarly themed/subject literary journals of the same vein or will have posts recommending fellow journals that you'll also find as good fits for your work!
Use submittable! It's a wonderful website that lets you filter through calls for submissions for art, essays, poetry, short stories, and media pieces of the like for contests and journals around the world for free as a writer/artist. It also allows you to keep track of your submissions and withdraw them easier than just doing so through plain email. (screenshot of website featured below)
Don't feel any pressure to submit to journals that require a submission fee- there are plenty of amazing journals both big and small that you can submit to for free
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Now I will say that some literary journals you may find won't use submittable (because a subscription to it as a literary journal is quite expensive) which is also fine! That just means you'll have to be more content with checking your email more often for responses
I know personally I had to look for journals that allowed more "outside of the box" writing/subject matter simply because my story featured cannibalism quite heavily and things like that can be a big no-no for other journals because it may not fit the general theme of their issue/clash with the stories they had already accepted for that time slot. So look for ones that best fit to your style! My professor had told me it's best to look for literary journals that don't worry about genre but it can be hard if you write for genres that are often hard sells (ie horror) for others.
i'd say the biggest thing personally was submitting to a lot of places. Many journals allow simultaneous submissions (submitting one story to multiple journals at once) but it's best to let them know initially and then withdraw as soon as you get accepted somewhere else. Sometimes it really is a numbers game of "if i submit this story to five places I'm more likely to get an acceptance from at least one of them" but keep in mind that 1. Not all journals allow simultaneous submissions and 2. If there's one journal in particular that you really really want to be featured in I'd recommend submitting your piece to only that one so you don't get jinxed and get accepted somewhere else before they have a chance to respond.
I know it may sound moot but keep an ongoing list of the journals you like and plan to submit to!! If you aren't using submittable, it can be very easy to lose track of the journals you want to submit to without anyway of definitely remembering them so I've started by making a google docs full of journals I come across that I want to one day be accepted in + their next submission deadline because once you look at so many its definitely easy for the titles and dates to slip your mind without thinking
And finally my biggest piece of advice is to be patient and take rejections with grace. Coming from somebody who has had her stories rejected multiple times and is currently on staff for a literary journal: rejections don't mean your story is bad. It can mean they already accepted too many of the same theme/subject, the story doesn't match the theme of their current issue or many other topics. You're a talented writer and you can't let rejections pull you away from submitting! As frustrating as it is, publication for a lot of us is a small group of fish in a very big pond of rejections, as is the way of writing!
Anyways- be patient, be confident, and have fun!
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Hello, please excuse me for barging in with a relatively long text. I'm not trying to be rude, but I will probably come across as smart-ass anon. If I'm horribly wrong someone can correct me. I just want everyone to be aware and to watch out and double check when in doubt.
I think, you should be careful with characters named Aoi claiming to mean blue in Japanese. More often Aoi as a name is not blue and even some fandom wikis have it wrong.
But there is a simple rule...
Aoi written with the Kanji 葵 is not blue. It is a noun meaning hollyhock (a plant with very nice flowers!).
Aoi written with Kanji 青い is an adjective meaning blue, blue-ish. The noun for the blue, the blueness, would be Ao (青) without the "i". You can see the colour meaning with Ao (青) more in compound names like Aoyama (青山 green mountain*) or Aozora (青空 blue sky) for example.
So it might be more common to name characters and actual children after a flower. Instead of the adjective blue-ish.
Finally, there is also the Aoi who is not written in Kanji but simply with あおい or アオイ. As here no descriptive Kanji are used, the meaning is open to interpretation and what might more fitting to the character (is the character more a flowery type or a blue type due to hair or clothes? Or maybe both a flowery type with a lot of blue colour theme in the character design?).
*I use green mountain rather than blue mountain in a translation. Japanese doesn't necessarily distinguish blue and green. Ao/Aoi can indeed mean both blue and green.
This is a japanese dictionary for English: https://ejje.weblio.jp/
You can just copy paste any Kanji and it will put the English meaning. It also works the other way round.
I know it's just a fun tournament and it's not meant to be a science. I just wanted to place this here for the sake of fairness. I hope it was at least somewhat informative or worth knowing.
Hi !
As someone who tends to apologize too much in real life, please don't apologize, it wasn't necessary. It didn't sound rude or mean spirited at all and I'll never blame someone for sharing their knowledge respectfully.
I've worked on a tournament before and got more familiar with kanji (including non descriptive ones) then -I'm still not an expert but I understand the system better than I previously did-. That doesn't work that well with non descriptive kanjis but just copy-pasting kanjis in the images search engine also helps. There are two ways of writing Sakura with descriptive kanjis (one is more used in first names and means cherry blossom and I can be wrong but from memory the other one is about warehouse and help and used for surnames)
I knew for the polysemy of Aoi because you all are champions for saying "I know the original meaning isn't xxx but -" but some submitters didn't seem aware of it (well I prefer to think they weren't. This is a silly tourney and honesty is the basis of courtesy)
I didn't know about blue and green, that was very enlightening. I'm glad many more people think green and blue look quite similar (we have a family running joke about never agreeing on colors, especially not blue VS green. "Look how blue the lake is." "What are you on ? Looks green." "More black-ish imo." "Take of your sunglasses. It's blue-green you all" "What do you mean green, it's obviously teal", "Isn't teal a green shade ??" "No, it's blue" "Wait let me check with my phone")
Thank you for the Japanese dictionary, I browsed a few for tourney purpose before but didn't know how accurate they were.
I wasn't planning to accept characters with wrong kanji without and make you all decide about the ones with a good explanation on a case by case basis. I'm also putting explanations for non English names and rarer English names on all the polls. This is comforting me in my choice.
You're welcome to bang on my door and teach me more about linguistics anytime !
Thank you for your research ! Have a lovely day !
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decaydanceredacted · 1 year
"Heyyyy if we’re still on the Pete Wentz HeyChris thing… here’s some pictures of them- kinda fruity if you ask me…"
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"They are like a fairytale gay couple to me /j"
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candiedspit · 2 years
Hi Jasmine!! I desperately need some advice and was wondering if you could please provide me with some, since you’re more experienced than I am with getting published. I want to start publishing my work and getting my poetry out there quickly, but I can’t seem to find any places that accept work quickly or that accept work for the summer. I’m really trying to spread my poetry around but idk how and I really would appreciate if you could give me some tips or advice on how to spread my poetry out there and find magazines or places that accept summer submissions and that do it quickly. Thank you and I’m wishing you all the best forever & always, I absolutely live for your poetry xx ❤️
first of all thank you! secondly, i always say this but submittable is basically where you'll find everything ur looking for. u can search for quick responses/24 hour response/expedited response, there are a lot of smaller places looking for writing for the summer on the first page! though most of them usually do ask for a fee. it's pretty easy to use. i'd recommend mucking around on submittable, seeing what places u like/don't like and submitting like crazy! i hope this helps? let me know how it goes!
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irlcats-bracket · 11 months
Bracket 3 Semifinals 1
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Pricetag & Bandit vs Simon
also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
heres a small collection of price pictures where i think she looks exceptionally round
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
he's two years old but still looks like he's six months old. he also recently cost his father and submitter 4k because he likes to eat random stuff off the ground :) luckily he's adorable, loves to beat them all up in the morning to wake us up, and his little meows sound like, "ba-hoo!"
he is scared of everything that is not his mom, dad, or brother. everything else is to be treated as an very scary, dangerous enemy
he once cost us over 4,000 dollars in vet bills because he loves to try to eat random stuff off the ground. my fiancé and i both work minimum wage so you can imagine how happy we were
he went missing for 15 hours once because he pushed through a window screen and jumped. he is the last cat who would ever willingly go outside so wtf simon ....
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he is a gremlin who thinks the world revolves around him (it does)
he loves letting me dress him up in hats, dresses, and shirts!
he loves to lick my fiancés face at 5am and will dig up the covers to get to him
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he helps himself to any glass of water left out, even if you're also drinking it
he doesn't understand why people aren't always willing to share their food with him- he wants some!! give him a lil taste!
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he also sat like this once ?
anyways i reached the mobile photo limit i hope you like my boy!!
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fuck-customers · 2 years
I’m just going to throw this out there because I don’t want anyone to think Tumblr ate it and resubmit it. Yes I deleted your ask. I will be vague as I can to not reveal the post in question as it’s doing fine on its own with no drama so I don’t want to create any.
Why? Well let me start by saying if you feel the need to preface it with “I’m not trying to be a Karen” then maybe, just maybe you come off as being a Karen. Your questions on the post (while interesting to know the answers to) aren’t required for the post to be successful. Does it matter one way or the other? The submitter needed to get it off their chest and did so efficiently as needed. They feel better for getting it out there. And them seeing it with all those likes makes them feel not so alone out there. You telling them “BuT ThAt’S tHeIr JoB!” Is only to either make yourself feel better because you have done the same things to cashiers or to start drama. So yeah I deleted it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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