#let's go yaf
rotund-spheal · 1 year
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Kay, my dearest sharer of our one good brain cell. Happy Monday to you ✨ I hope that this week brings you lots of the nicest things because you deserve them! I'm still going insane over the YAF follow up because I adore those boys 💘
For the mashup game, can I request 47 (not a date) and 100 (accidentally saving the day) for Stucky please?
Love you! 💖💖💖
Tejjjj, my love! My dumb brain totally quit on me last night, but I’m back, baby! I hope this Tuesday has treated you gently, ILYSM 💖💖💖 
Hmm okay so I think this story calls for a dog? The sweetest one-eyed dog to ever steal your pizza crust, to be precise? 
First off, Bucky would like you to know that he’s a good friend, which is why he promised to dogsit Clint’s one-eyed golden retriever in the first place. It should’ve been an easy enough job, too, Lucky having a particularly pleasant disposition, but he somehow doesn't seem to like Bucky very much. 
Maybe because of how fucking stupid their names sound together. 
Which is probably also the reason he slips out of the open window leading to the fire escape, and all the way down to the streets of Bed-Stuy. Bucky runs out after him, already hatching a plan to change his name and leave the country after losing Clint’s precious furry child. 
This is how he meets Steve. 
Steve, who’s currently ruffling Lucky’s neck fur, asking him if he happens to be a good boy. 
Bucky stops in his tracks. “Hi, um. He’s…” He clears his throat. “That’s my– my friend’s dog.” 
“Oh, hey.” Steve draws himself up to his full, dizzying height. “Your friend’s lucky, he’s a sweetheart. So beautiful, too.” He looks at the dog with the biggest heart-eyes Bucky has ever seen. “I’m Steve, by the way.” 
Bucky lets out a slightly hysterical laugh. “That’s his name. I mean, not Steve, but… Uh, the dog. He’s called Lucky,” Bucky finishes, almost swallowing his own tongue and wishing he’d had the sense to lie about the dog’s stupid name so he wouldn’t have to lie about his own, especially now that he might not have to flee the country and change it. 
Steve raises a friendly eyebrow, gently nudging Lucky in Bucky’s general direction. 
“James.” It comes out barely audibly. 
“James,” Steve repeats, his smile lighting up his eyes. 
They’re really, really blue. 
Steve gives the dog one final pat and wishes them both a good day before turning to leave, which Lucky just. Won’t. Have.
Which is how they end up spending the day together. 
It’s… nice, so much nicer than Bucky thought it would be, and he has to remind himself they’re not on a date only four times (okay, only seven times). By the end of the day Bucky tells Steve his actual name, making him promise he won’t laugh. 
(Steve does laugh, but he does it while kissing Bucky goodnight, so he’s quite forgiven.) 
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speakeasy8 · 1 year
[005] Fujii, K. (w. Yaffle)
One small portion from JWave's Behind the Music that featured Kaze and his record producer Yaffle. Aired on 4 Oct, 2020.
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Kaze: We're gon'be talkin 'bout the album HEHN but 'afore that, ahma rea' out this email here.
Question from listener (read out loud by Kaze): This one's from Eno. "What was the initial impression you had of one another when you first met?”  
Kaze: D’ye remember? 
Yaffle: Didn’t we meet at my studio? 
Kaze: Yea, yea, we did. 
Yaffle: I remember I only knew you from what I’ve seen on YouTube... 
Kaze: Ritey, rite, rite, rite... 
Yaffle: Ngl, I legit thought you were gonna be one of those dudes who’s all full of themselves. 
Kaze: Oh ye mean like the ones who’d go, “Yo, sup, Yaf?” Like they’re all that? 
Yaffle: Yeah like you’d be stabbing your arm down at me from above for a handshake. 
Kaze: Ok... 
Yaffle: Was what I imagined you’d be like but what I got was this meek and shy dude whom I could barely hear talk. Talk about a complete 180. 
Kaze: Well, that’s who ah am. 
Yaffle: You seemed like the stereotypical artist type to me at first.  
Kaze: Ah see. An' did ah live down t'yer expectation? 
Yaffle: That was just my initial impression. Because as time passed, your talking voice started getting louder... 
Kaze: Hehe yea... 
Yaffle: Then I realized that you were more flexible than you initially let on and my thoughts about you gradually began to change. 
Kaze: Ah see. Ah remember 'twuz jus' the two o' us talkin an' one o' the first things ah thought 'bout ye wuz that ye were very good at askin questions. 
Yaffle: Huuuh... 
Kaze: It felt like ah wuz naturally bein led thru an interview. Like, ye actually dug pretty deep down. 
Yaffle: Oh yea... 
Kaze: Ye were askin me stuff like what mah beliefs were... 
Yaffle: Oh right, I wanted to know where your thoughts and beliefs lie... 
Kaze: The fact that ye were a producer ah wuz able t'get into topics like that wit' wuz actually a huge relief. That’s the impression ah had.
Yaffle: Oh okay... 
Kaze: Like, 'twuz comfortin to know that ye were someone who wuz open t'knowin ‘bout stuff like that.  
Yaffle: I see... 
Kaze: So that wuz back when we first met and didnae know much ‘bout one 'nother yet. Here’s where the ball really gits t'rollin.
Yaffle: Right. 
Kaze: Wha' wuzzit again. Rite, let’s talk ‘bout the process o' makin the album HELP EVER HURT NEVER. 
Yaffle: K! Did you think we’d actually end up making a whole album? 
K: Nupe. Ah only wanted t'put out songs ah thought were worth puttin out an' mebbe en' up havin a collection o'those put out at some point.  
Y: Oh, you mean like a collection of just A-sides? 
K: Rite, that. Ah figgered if ah jus' concentrated on puttin out one good song at a time, ah’d eventually reach a point where ah’d have 'nuff fer a great album. 
Y: We recorded the whole thing on a 3-term basis, remember? 
K: Yea, it happened 'cross three separate terms.
Y: The initial set was NaN-NaNw, MOH-EE-WA and Yasashisa. 
K: Yep, yep. 
Y: Then they were followed by Choshinochatte, Tokuninai and...what was it again? 
K: Kae...rou...mebbe? 
Y: Yeah, it was Kaerou. 
K: Riiiite, rite, it *wuz* Kaerou. 
Y: And then the last five came... 
K: Yea we jus' rapidly shot them out like bullets 
Y: Yeah like rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 
K: Yea like that hehe. 
Y: But we actually had about a year. I mean it was a 3-term period but it totaled to about a year. 
K: Yea, yea, that’s rite. 
Y: So during the first two terms, I really didn’t think it would eventually become an album. 
K: Yea we didnae think it at all. 
Y: I for one certainly didn’t think I’d end up working on it right until completion. 
K: Rite, rite, 'twuz still pretty early... 
Y: Cause at first, I was actually only asked to come in on a trial basis. Ah, this was before we met, by the way. 
K: Rite... 
Y: I was given this bunch of demos that sounded like a home recording with just this guy singing with piano accompaniment and then told to pick the one I like best. 
K: Rite, rite. 
Y: Back then, my first pick was MOH-EE-WA. 
K: That’s rite! 
Y: I told them that was my pick. 
K: Rite, that’s what happened! Ye picked MOH-EE-WA an' Yasashisa. 
Y: Well, MOH-EE-WA was my initial pick. When they later asked if that was it or if there was another, that was when I picked Yasashisa. But for some reason they gave me NaN-NaNw instead. That was what it was like from my end. 
K: Ohhhh so that’s how 'twuz...truth wuz, ah wuz actually havin me some anxiety issues ‘round that time... 
Y: Oh, really? 
K: Yea...the affection ah had t'wards mah songs were kinda too strong an' ah really wanted that feelin shared, adamant that people who dun' feel the same aren't people ah wanna work wit’. Ah even sent an email detailin my feelins, y’all. Cuz they were sendin mah songs one after ‘nother to this Yaffle sound producer guy so ah wanted desperately t'clearly get ‘cross what ah felt. It started out wit' sumthin like, “I am sending you this email in the hopes of further explaining some things to you about NaN-NaNw.” An' towards the end 'twuz like, “I know full well that this may sound ridiculous on many levels but I strongly believe that this song, together with the other two songs that were also selected, is going to be one that’s extremely important to both myself and to various other people. Please, I implore that you give it the love it deserves.” Sumthin like that.  
Y: Yeah...I definitely remember reading that. 
K: Ya remember? 
Y: Yeah, yeah I do. I recall. 
K: Readin all this out loud is so embarrassin tho...anyway ye replied, "I understand well all that you have said. Please rest assured that everything I am given to work with, I make sure to pour my entire heart and soul into and give them all the love they require. Let’s work together to put out some of the best works we can. Looking forward to an excellent partnership.” 
Y: Hm. That’s simpler and more concise than I remembered. My wording, that is. LoL.
K: Heh. Anyway, 'twas this part, “I make sure to pour my entire heart and soul into and give them all the love they require.” It struck a chord in meh an' had meh convinced.  
Y: Oh really? 
K: Yea. Cuz ye dun' really show yer feelins much which makes it hard t'know what yer thinkin most o' the time. So hearin that ye were actually goin all out an' pourin yer entire heart an' soul inta em wuz comfortin which made meh think ah should try trustin ye a lil mo'. 
Y: I see. I think I might have reacted to the whole email thing a bit negatively at first.  
K: Fer reals? 
Y: Yeah. When it first came, I expected it to sound something like, “Ya better do this properly! Don’t be half-assing it, ya hear?!” Which I was planning to retort with a, “What, you think I’m doing this just to mess around??” But then you were really polite and careful with the way you phrased it. 
K: Yea, like ah said earlier, ah wuz feelin super worried so ah wuz pretty much like an anxious parent goin, “Please, please take good care o'mah babies!” So if ah had ta be honest, yer prolly not wrong an' ah was basically sayin, “Ah’m beggin ye PLEASE do this prop'ly!”  
Y: Well, it was only like that in the beginning ‘cause we were both still very new to each other back then.  
K: Yea... 
Y: Plus we were going to be making songs together and all... 
K: That’s exactly rite... 
Y: So we had all these things going on between us. 
K: Yea, we sure did... 
Note: Yaffle has a YouTube channel where you can listen to original songs he's composed, mixed and produced. He's got some pretty good stuff on there so give them a listen if you're curious.
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libidomechanica · 1 month
“So that in bacon hadde in the wo, Ful giltelees, and cold”
The housbondes that we can give?     Not meant, at all. When Byron’s eye, and everich has been     illegal force the speaking eyes; if all them and root up     the hour a man with breath, which flies But when two. It is now     beams, in this love me before
I something else to been assay     with earth its hand’s plainness of other’s Eyes, as clerk of     Oxenford, and measured upon his wyf, and made my legs,     folding hand in unquiet bass, a flye and rave at close of     Greeuance. They were not prove them
as the past. What dostow and with     missiles off in bridal white ravine, nor felt so gay, rage,     rage asswage. Of foreign stone: a woman’s loved to see thing     resolvèd. Mine eye a mild reposes roll in the princess,     statues, music, for end,
but with a nose, one to things work     and shouts, thogh mayde, but soft floats the lass gang. Crist ne went its     arms of Heaven and now thyself again? Now wol I speak     contrast the obvious wrathfull conquer all, delightful     land that I thee to that
dismay. And in mariage, of Winters     wrack and all, then he perceives a broken? She coming     bulk of your city you wert, oh, never, quell: I will say:     That is no deyntee of palm: and in the frail deeds might torches     to approv’d. Though I dide
herd al this Urne; so as one things     wise no eyes of the Dagger, thanne hadde he upon thy chiste!     We checked days still and when yellow like corpse. Shall that convention     beats, and who country’s relation; or Paradise, the     neat line of Greeuance. So that
in bacon hadde in the wo, Ful     giltelees, and cold to make the passion ought, but honey’d     rain, or wak’st thence stilly murmured, sown without knowing of     thanne were they wouldest secret nobody sent you in a     minute, comfortless, Wake,
sleep with blossomes for my pardon,     Julia: her declining the found, each otherwhere let     fall of being must expire consume us day it doth     latch: of his murth’ring singer would crown kiss the took the power     in the Unapparent
spareth for now, the kings on     a cheek when paye his berd, so might I found? Thy eyes most sweeter     that I meant, but if in death with many planet hung     just that like goode men, she yaf hym swich as Emperor-moths,     or go sit and daliance,
and wife, and bedeviled breath and     in either lovely I can creation, beyond all things     invisibly: he to me for all thirst; now bene defast.     Kind, and burst into the flies bene they were swich harneys     as I bold, I feel.
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pixeldolly · 4 years
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Simgarooped Hairs Part 1
Since I switched to the Simgaroop hair system, I’ve been going on download sprees thanks to the many great retextures already available. However, there were a few favourites I couldn’t find, so I made them myself. ^^ This first part contains hairs I had in mind for a specific sim, who is also modelling each hair as you can see. 
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★ XMSims Hair087 aka “Lilith Hair”; it’s actually a Simgarooped version of an ancient edit of mine but which I still love on Lilith Pleasant, so I wanted it back Mesh: Flora @ XMSims Ages: TF-YAF-AF (no elder, sorry. I couldn’t find a working texture for it)
Download: SFS | Mediafire
★ Peggy7995 aka “Cass Buns” Mesh: Peggyzone Ages: All, grey linked to black
Download: SFS | Mediafire
★ NewSeaJ019f Plush&Blush aka “French beret” Mesh: NewSea Ages: All, grey is separate
Download: SFS | Mediafire
★ 3t2 Pompadour  Mesh: @bunsblr Ages: All, grey linked to black
Download: SFS | Mediafire
Enjoy! Let me know if I messed anything up.
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sarcasticcynic · 3 years
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Image credit: Zach Gross, via The New Yorker
In September of 2009, a police officer reported seeing 16-year-old African-American Kalief Browder take a delivery truck for a joyride and crash into a parked car. He was charged with grand larceny. Browder said his friends drove the truck and he had only watched, but he figured that he had no defense so he pleaded guilty. The judge gave him probation and “youthful offender” status, which ensured that he wouldn’t have a criminal record.
Eight months later, in May of 2010, Browder and a friend were walking home from a party when police vehicles suddenly surrounded them. An officer told them a man had just reported they robbed him. They denied it, and Browder offered to let the officers search him. The police searched them both, and found nothing. Instead of releasing the youths, however, the police told the alleged victim, a man named Roberto Bautista, who then claimed that they had robbed him not that night but two weeks earlier. The police promptly arrested the pair and tossed them in jail.
The teens were charged with robbery, grand larceny, and assault. Browder’s friend was released without bail; because Browder was on probation, however, the judge set his bail at $3,000. His family couldn’t raise the money, so Browder was sent to Rikers Island. He remained there for the next 74 days, missing his seventeenth birthday, the end of his sophomore year, and half the summer.
In July, Browder was taken to a courtroom and informed that a grand jury had indicted him for robbing Bautista. Bautista claimed that Browder and his friend had chased him, pushed him against a fence, and taken his backpack, which he said contained a credit card, a debit card, a digital camera, an iPod Touch, and seven hundred dollars. Bautista also accused Browder of punching him in the face. Browder pleaded “Not guilty.” But in the meantime, the Department of Probation had filed a “violation of probation” against him--standard procedure when someone on probation is indicted on a new violent felony--so the judge remanded him without bail and he was sent back to Rikers.
Not long after arriving on Rikers, Browder got into a scuffle with another inmate and was sent to solitary confinement in the Central Punitive Segregation Unit. It lasted about two weeks. Near the end of 2010, Browder got into another fight and was sent to solitary confinement again. He stayed there for about ten months, through the summer of 2011. He got out in the fall, but by the end of the year they returned him to solitary for another fight.
In early 2011, after about ten months in Rikers, Browder made his first attempt to end his life. He was in solitary, and he tore up his bedsheet, looped it through a vent above his sink, stood on the sink, and knotted the sheet around his neck. Officers observed him through the cell window, but instead of intervening they goaded him to kill himself:
“Go ahead and jump, you got it ready, right, go ahead and jump. ... If you don’t jump, we’re going to go in there anyway, so you might as well go ahead and jump, go ahead and jump. You want to commit suicide, so go ahead.”
Meanwhile, Browder’s case had been put on the calendar for trial on December 10, 2010, but it didn’t start that day. On January 28, 2011--after Browder had spent 258 days at Rikers--he was brought back to the courthouse again, where the prosecutor told the judge, “The People are not ready. We are requesting one week.” Unfortunately, courts are so clogged that when a lawyer asks for a one-week adjournment the next court date usually doesn’t happen for six weeks or more. The judge set the next court date for March 9. This happened repeatedly for over two years:
June 23, 2011: People not ready, request 1 week.
August 24, 2011: People not ready, request 1 day.
November 4, 2011: People not ready, prosecutor on trial, request 2 weeks.
December 2, 2011: Prosecutor on trial, request January 3rd.
On February 8, 2012, after 634 days on Rikers, Browder tore his bedsheet into strips, tied them together to make a noose, attached it to the light fixture, and tried to hang himself. Two officers entered his cell and cut him down; then one grabbed him and started punching him. Surveillance footage confirms the two going into his cell; their official report makes no mention of Browder’s suicide attempt, but instead claims he was lying on his bed, then jumped up and attacked them for no reason.
When Browder was returned to solitary confinement, they removed everything from his cell: sheets, magazines, clothes, everything except a white plastic bucket. Ten days later, Browder stomped on the bucket to shatter it, then picked up a piece, sharpened it, and began sawing his wrist. He was stopped when an officer saw him through the cell window.
The court delays continued:
February 17, 2012: People not ready, assigned assistant is currently on vacation, request five days.
June 29, 2012: People not ready, request one week.
September 28, 2012: People not ready, request two weeks.
November 2, 2012: People not ready, request one week.
December 14, 2012: People not ready, request one week.
In early 2012, prosecutors had offered Browder a deal: three and a half years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea. He refused, maintaining his innocence. In June, they offered him two and a half years in prison, which meant that, with time served, he could go home soon. He refused again. By the end of 2012, Browder had been at Rikers Island for 961 days, and had appeared before eight different judges.
On March 13, 2013, Browder appeared before a new judge, who told him he could get up to 15 years if convicted and offered this plea deal: plead guilty to two misdemeanors--the equivalent of sixteen months in jail--and go home right then, on the time he had already served. Browder declined, still maintaining his innocence and insisting, “I want to go to trial.” He went back to Rikers. On May 29, Browder appeared before the same judge, who had some news for him: the District Attorney intended to dismiss the entire case.
Browder had spent over three years on Rikers Island, without trial or conviction for any crime. He had spent most of the last 17 months in solitary confinement. He had tried to kill himself five times. He had missed his junior year of high school, his senior year, college applications, the prom, graduation. And he was no longer a teenager: he had turned 20 four days earlier.
All for supposedly stealing a backpack.
In November, six months after his release, Browder tried to slit his wrists. A friend happened to stop by and grabbed the knife, but when the friend left the house to find Browder’s mother Browder tried to hang himself from a banister. Finally, on June 13, 2015, Browder made a cord from his bedsheets, went into another bedroom, pulled out the air conditioner, wrapped the cord around his neck, and pushed himself out through the hole in the wall feet first. This time no one got to him in time. He was just 22 years old.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Nollywood actress reacts to engagement rumours
Iyabo Ojo and Dino Melaye
Nollywood actress, Iyabo Ojo has debunked the report that she is secretly engaged and set to stroll down the aisle with former senator, Dino Melaye.
A report has it that the divorced mom of two bought engaged to Dino Melaye final 12 months, and they’re set to take their relationship to the following degree.
The rumor was sparked by an Instagram blogger referred to as Gist lover after the posted a photograph of herself flaunting her diamond ring and including the ‘Olori’ tag to her social media identify.
Gist lover wrote on IG: “Whats up Tueh Tueh, so mama added olori to her identify and y’all saved questioning why she did that? some blogs even speculated she bought married to a king
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“Effectively our superb dramatic senator yaf have interaction my TIKTOK mama, this one nor be Bisi Omologbalogba o, this one Na verify made, Iyabo is Kuku a single mom and uncle Dino is divorced so two can play the sport, Love within the air, this love no go die o.
“Actress Lola Alao already took her place because the mother-in-law already, however madam ought to be cautious as a result of when Senator Dino was relationship Actress Bisi Omo logba logba then, this was the identical manner Aunty Alao was over her, till Aunty Bisi get belle for the senator.
“Mama Alao come change mouth say them no agree say she go born for him brother,sufficient mentioned,love is a stupendous factor and I like Actress Iyabo too
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let’s take pleasure in this naija
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cash collectively,let’s select a marriage hashtag #YABDIN2020
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, I are available peace.”
View this put up on Instagram
Whats up Tueh Tueh,so mama added olori to her identify and y’all saved questioning why she did that?some blogs even speculated she bought married to a king
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. Effectively our superb dramatic senator yaf have interaction my TIKTOK mama,this one nor be Bisi Omologbalogba o,this one Na verify made,Iyabo is Kuku a single mom and uncle Dino is divorced so two can play the sport,Love within the air,this love no go die o,Actress Lola Alao already took her place because the mom in-law already,however madam ought to be cautious as a result of when Senator Dino was relationship Actress Bisi Omo logba logba then,this was the identical manner Aunty Alao was over her,till Aunty Bisi get belle for the senator ,mama Alao come change mouth say them no agree say she go born for him brother,sufficient mentioned,love is a stupendous factor and I like Actress Iyabo too
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let’s take pleasure in this naija
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cash collectively,let’s select a marriage hashtag #YABDIN2020
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,I are available peace.
A put up shared by GISTLOVERBLOG (@gistlovers.blog1) on Might 6, 2020 at 12:28pm PDT
Following the report, Iyabo Ojo launched a video on her Instagram web page, the place she rained curses on everybody who’ve taken cash or eaten her meals and nonetheless went behind her to again to unfold rumors about her.
See the video under;
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from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/entertainment/nollywood-actress-reacts-to-engagement-rumours/
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louiseisfucked · 4 years
Female Supremacy and The Idea of Marriage.
<not finished>
“Never marry at all, Dorian. Men marry because they are tired, women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
What is the purpose of marriage? Why do people get married only to be divorced? This is a question I would ask myself when seeing divorced couples on TV or in real life. The quote above shows implications that men only get married because they feel the need to depend on someone and women did it simply because she is curious. It also implies that marriage is ultimately just an agreement of transactional benefits between two human beings as a result of the social construct which most likely will end as a disappointment for both sides. It is a theme that both passages deal with― just how men are so depending on women and quite the reverse, women could be as depending on men. Mrs Tiresias was written by Carol Ann Duffy and published in 1999 and The Wife of Bath was written by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400. Both passages differ in their purpose, tone, organization, and outcomes, while still addressing a similar theme.
Both passages share the theme of female supremacy and how it affects a relationship between a man and a woman. In Mrs Tiresias, she claimed to be the one patched her husband’s jacket in Harris at the elbows “and a jacket in Harris tweed I'd patched at the elbows myself” and how she would hear the first cuckoo of spring days before her husband would but she would never let on “He liked to hear the first cuckoo of spring then write to The Times. I'd usually heard it days before him but I never let on”. That particular line shows how Mrs Tiresias is clearly contemptuous but humors him although she’s already heard the cuckoo, leaving him his arrogant delusions. This shows how Tiresias’ identification of himself, being proud and happy-go-lucky, is shaped with the help of his wife, showing how he could not be his own individual without her. There was also this one particular line that the author cleverly wrote, “Whistling” as to show how Tiresias was oblivious to his shortcomings and utterly unaware of his impending transformation into a woman and the shock that it would engender. They convey Mrs Tiresias’s thoughts and attitudes; she is clearly a realistic, perceptive, intelligent woman, in contrast to her misguided husband. It is also later shown that men would not be able to cope with menstruation and how they think it is a burden for him being a female despite women having to deal with menstruation her whole life “Then he started his period. One week in bed. Two doctors in. Three painkillers four times a day. The curse, he said, the curse.” Here, the man is experiencing the all-important bleeding that enables a woman to reproduce, to engage with herself as a woman and to connect with her own fertility. His response, however, is a totally male engagement. He is self-pitying, selfish, insistent and demanding.  While in The Wife of Bath, it is shown how the king shows submission to the queen by allowing her to decide the punishment given to the knight “And yaf him to the queene, al at hir wille, To chese wher she wolde him save or spille” and the knight having to show submission to the queen, once more, and to the old hag who later on became his wife, willingly letting them to decide his fate at the end of the story “This is youre mooste desir, thogh ye me kille; Dooth as yow list; I am at youre wille.” (said the knight to the queen); ”My lady my love, and wif so deere, I putte me in youre wise governaunce. Cheseth youreself which may be moost plesaunce, And moost honour to yow and me also. I do no fors the wheither of the two, For as yow liketh, it suffiseth me.” (said the knight to his wife, the old hag). Both texts are also certain that men and women would be demanding something in marriage. In Mrs Tiresias, at first, she attempted to accommodate the new Tiresias as being shown in “And at first I tried to be kind; blow-drying his hair till he learnt to do it himself, lending him clothes till he started to shop for his own, sisterly, holding his soft new shape in my arms all night.” In this passage, it is shown how Tiresias needs his wife’s help in adjusting to his new physical form. As to no surprise, he depended on her before he went through the physical transformation and even more so after. Furthermore, ‘at first’ implies that her efforts will be ineffective and how there will no longer be any romantic connection between them as Tiresias’ masculinity has been taken away from him. This shows how Tiresias is unable to show warmth and affection even though his wife wishes for so. We could also identify this conflict in The Wife of Bath “I shrewe us bothe two! For thogh that I be foul and old and poore, I nolde, for al the metal ne for oore. That under erhte is grave or lith above, But if thy wif I were, and eek thy love.” Here we could see how the old hag would not give up the opportunity to be the knight's wife and his love for all the gold on earth. She is demanding for his affection. Therefore, we could conclude that regardless of the implications both passages have shown regarding female supremacy, both passages suggest that men and women still feel the need to depend on each other, just in different ways. However, still, the approach both texts take is significantly different.
Mrs Tiresias and The Wife of Bath have different approaches and purposes. While in Mrs Tiresias, the story started with the female taking care of everything and showing supremacy, in contrary, The Wife of Bath depicts women being degraded as the knight took maidenhood from them and spread fears among them. Mrs Tiresias admits for female supremacy at the beginning and the end of the poem as being shown in, “He liked to hear the first cuckoo of spring then write to The Times. I'd usually heard it days before him but I never let on” where the male would feel such pride for achieving something that his wife would occasionally notice first. It was also shown in, “After the split I would glimpse him out and about, entering glitzy restaurants on the arms of powerful men” and “if he had his way - or on TV” where the male took advantage of female supremacy as he has transformed into one physically by getting into fancy restaurants with powerful men and going on TV. The Wife of Bath takes the approach of showing male dominancy is a form of rape. Unlike Mrs Tiresias, which enforces the readers to feel empathy for Tiresias, the male main character, by depicting his struggles as he goes through the transformation, The Wife of Bath. The purposes of both texts are appropriate to the speaker’s position and type of text. While Mrs Tiresias is a poem
The organization and progression are a further aspect that causes the texts to differ.
Tone and diction generally differ in text 3 and 4 to suit the text’s purposes and way in which they deal with themes.
Both texts 3 and 4 are attempting to find ways to deal with the complex theme of marriage and issues between men and women. However, the way in which they ultimately succeed is different.
<to be continued>
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Cloudchaser and Flitter Explain: Experienced
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Wha? That can’t be right.
Trust me. After you showed no sign of slowing down after the fourth I started keeping track. It’s been seven hours.
I’m just really excited about the new set...
And that’s great! You absolutely should be!
Just remember to take a break every now and then. I mean, aren’t you hungry? I’ve had two whole meals since you started and I don’t think you even noticed when we were standing in line at the Hay Burger.
Huh. I guess I am? Really hungry, actually. How’d I not notice that?
Lucky for you, I figured this would happen and saved a hayburger for you.
Thanks, Flits. You’re the best!
So why don’t we put all that energy you’ve got talking about the game to good use, hmm?
Hello everypony! I hope you all had as amazing prereleases as Cici and I did.
And with a new set comes new mechanics. Which means new stuff for us to talk about! So let’s talk about Experienced.
Owh, yaf! Espeereeanched ish ahhshome.
Cici. Swallow.
Owh, rife.
Anyway, Experienced is a pretty neat mechanic! I had a lot of fun with it at the prerelease.
Admittedly, it’s not the most exciting mechanic. But it makes already fine cards a little bit better.
So yeah. It’s not much, but I like it. It’s simple and elegant.
Maybe explain what Experienced is before talking about how much you like it, Cici.
Oh, right.
So Experienced is pretty simple. It’s a keyword that means when a card with the exact same name—
That means both title and subtitle. So Discord: Captain Wuzz, not just Discord. Not to be confused with Dr. Hooves: Experienced Equine, who does a similar thing but looks at just the title. Meaning any Dr. Hooves powers him up.
I was getting to that…
Though now that you bring it up, that is quite the similarity. Do you think Experienced is named after that card?
But who can say for sure?
Anyway, Experienced is a keyword that means when a card with the exact same name is in your discard pile, the Friend in play with Experienced gets +1 power.
And of course this stacks too. So if you have two copies in your discard and one in play, it gets +1 power for each one. Meaning a total of +2. Similarly if you have two in play and one in your discard, both copies in play get +1. So still a total of +2 power, though spread across multiple friends.
So like I said. Simple, but a nice effect.
Do remember it only affects Friends in play, though. So flipped cards with Experienced don’t get buffed!
Now in constructed this means a maximum of +2 power normally. Though you could get +3 if you made a token copy with Dip in the Pool and have all three actual copies in your discard, but that’s pretty rare. So for the most part you can reasonably expect only a +1 or +2 power bonus.
Which is still pretty nice considering it doesn’t cost you anything. Almost every card with Experienced has printed power equal to or greater than its cost. So it’s basically just a free +1 or 2 power!
Of course, that’s just constructed. In limited you might be lucky enough to get four or more of the same card, which could mean you get tons of power for absolutely free!
I want to get lucky sometime and open eight of the same Experienced Friend in a sealed pool. She’d get so powerful!
Don’t you think you’re dreaming a bit big there?
Well, you’re more realistically only going to get one to three of an Experienced friend in Limited. Maybe four if you’re really lucky.
Now the thing about Experienced friends is that the Experienced only kicks in once you have a copy in the discard and another copy in play. If you’ve only got one in one place or the other, it’s not very helpful.
So the question becomes, how do you best make use of Experienced?
That is the tricky part. Though there are a few ways.
The first and most obvious step is to run as many copies of the same Experienced Friend as you can. Which, as far as constructed is concerned, is three.
While two copies can sometimes line up, you’re more likely to get this to happen if using a full three.
And one copy makes Experienced kind of worthless.
So yeah. If you’re planning on using a Friend’s Experienced, use a full three copies if at all possible.
Another way to help you get the most out of your Experienced Friends is to run cards that let you discard cards from your hand.
Which Defenders of Equestria just happens to be full of, hehe.
Now normally discarding cards is a drawback. Since, well, you usually don’t get to use that card.
But when discarding a Friend with Experienced while you already have one in play, you’re doing exactly what you wanted to in the first place. It’s like getting a free power!
Yeah. Combining Experienced with discard outlets can sometimes get you the best of both worlds.
Especially in the case of Spitfire: Drilling It In. She’s both an Experienced Friend and a discard outlet. Meaning you can use her to discard herself to power herself up. A pretty sweet combo if you ask me.
And you also get to draw a card from her other ability while you’re at it!
And Spitfire’s not the only one who can put herself in the discard. Big Mac & Applejack: Big Mouths and a few others can retire themselves for benefit, Zephyr Breeze: Quitter has a drawback that retires himself, and even Applejack: Holiday Spirit’s ability to put the top card of your deck into your discard might just hit another copy of herself.
Speaking of retiring, that’s another good way to put Experienced Friends into your discard!
Regardless of if you’re retiring because of a cost, like Petunia Paleo or simply because you’re retiring to home limit, you might want to consider retiring Experienced Friends first. Just to power up your other copies of them.
And obviously you should try and make the same considerations when dismissing your opponent’s Experienced Friends. Usually it’s still going to be worth it, but you just might be making a stronger threat for you to have to deal with later.
Of course, maybe that’s just a part of your plan so you can Yoink! The other copy in a faceoff or something.
And that’s just about it! Hopefully now you know everything you’ll ever need to know about Experienced!
Now go out there and experience for yourself just what makes Experienced work.
You’re stretching, Flits.
I guess I just need more experience making puns, then!
Okay, that’s two. Now you’re going to find an excuse to make a third one…
Well, not if you’re going to be that way about it, Cici.
Huh? Really?
Well, good. Because sometimes those puns can get really chees—
Oh Cloudchaser.
After having been my bestie for so long, I’d really have thought you’d be experienced enough by now to be able to tell when I’m setting you up for my big finish.
Okay, yeah, I walked right into that one.
Hehe. Sure did. Goodbye everypony!
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ekrochford · 7 years
‘She was silenced by the blare of recorded trumpets through invisible overhead speakers. She ducked at the sound, eyes widening, as the short melody faded. At the last trill of the horns, a majestic voice boomed through the ball room. ‘Please welcome to the 126th Annual Ball of the Eastern Commonwealth, a personal guest of His Imperial Majesty: Linh Cinder of New Beijing”.’
-Marissa Meyer, Cinder
All right, Marissa Meyer, you have my attention.
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Yes, I did need to use that gif. How could I NOT use that gif?
For those who are not familiar with the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder is the first book in a series of fairy tale retellings set in the distant future of our world. That’s in a nutshell. And in a glimpse, I was intrigued.
A little more information: Linh Cinder is a teenage cyborg in the futuristic New Beijing, a place where being a cyborg is on the same level as being a sex offender or a polygamist. She didn’t have a choice in becoming a cyborg, and she has fewer options still when her adoptive father dies of the dreaded blue fever, the plague that is ravaging Earth, and leaves Cinder in the care of her bitter adoptive mother.
Cinder is a pragmatist and the best mechanic in the district; she has a plan to slip out of her guardian’s noose. But when the handsome Prince Kai comes around seeking her help to restore his personal android, Cinder finds her path to freedom quickly clogging up with complications. Before long, those complications involve the feared and powerful Lunar Queen Levana and the despised Lunar race, beings that can use their energy fields to manipulate perceptions of sight and sound like magic.
I’ve read good YA fiction before, after all. Just because a book is aimed at teenagers doesn’t mean it is, by default, bad.
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I’m not going to condemn the whole series based on a few shortcomings, but these really should be addressed.
My usual shortcoming with modern YA fiction is the typical shallow feeling of its world and characters. This is not a quirk of the genre; I’ve read excellent fantasy YAF with real depth--sci-fi is not a far step to the left. I’ve been a teenager before, guys. I know Meyer, also, has been a teenager. For all that adults like to laugh at teens and their silly problems (”Oh, you’re out of lip gloss? How terrible.” “A two-thousand word essay? *snickers* That’s rough”) young adults do, in fact, possess real emotions. The transition between child and adult often leaves teenagers unprepared to handle the volatile complexities of ‘grown-up feelings’ but to fail to explore the depth of thought and feeling in a teen character is a terrible waste. Reading through, Meyer failed to connect us adequately to a truly, phenomenally unique incarnation of the familiar Cinderella figure, and that’s a damn shame.
Taking it further, she created a stunning new world in a techno-retro future of East-meets-West culture, and I actually felt underwhelmed. What the hell? The opportunities to drag me into New Beijing were there, and the best Meyer could do was put up a picture window for her readers to peer through. If this wasn't such an amazing setting and an amazing recreation of these fairy tales, I wouldn’t be so harsh, but I have literally never seen anything like this before. Such a novel concept deserved better presentation.
One last thought--it was all too predictable. Yeah, I knew Cinder was obviously going to end up a princess some way or another, but the hints along the way were so heavy-handed. It was like when your co-worker wouldn’t shut up about Rock Hard in the Park for a month straight and then mysteriously called out sick that weekend. Seriously. We saw that coming.
But please, this series is far from a bust! I enjoyed it, despite my complaining.
Did I mention how jaw-dropping this entire concept is? Holy gods, it’s about future New Beijing, with a whole different race of people living on the freaking moon, and mind-control, and a plague, and looming world war, and... cyborgs! The fact that I bitched about all those other things and picked the style and depth and predictability to pieces and I still really enjoyed this book is a huge indicator of its value.
I, myself, am guilty of not letting my verbs do the heavy lifting. I have committed the high sin of being disgustingly predictable. And yes, I’ve failed to bridge the gap between my readers and my characters in the past. Meyer does these things, and I understand, because I’ve been there. I also forgive her, because the bright shiny gleam of fresh blood in the fairy tale retelling world is soooooo worth it!
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Now for the count.
5/10 Voice. Yep I hacked Cinder to pieces on this one. Look, when you have an idea this spectacular, you’ve got to step up your game. The writing in Cinder was pallid and shapeless; there was some magnetism to the sci-fi genre in the use of vocabulary, but too little, too late. I’ll check out Scarlet and Cress and Winter, but Cinder is the first novel and the hook that needs to yank people into the series. Descriptions were cookie-cutter, emotions were cut-and-paste, and dialogue was acceptable at best.
7/10 Characters. Now, if the premise of future-sci-fi fairy-tales is the crowning jewel of the Lunar Chronicles, the characters are the Scepter of Office. I ADORE Prince Kai. The thought of a teenage prince being a social media star was so jarringly close to reality--so, so good.  And grouchy, down-to-earth cyborg Cinder being the city’s best mechanic? OMG. Those things being said, Meyer builds her characters with very predictable templates, and I don’t refer to the fairy tale source material, here. My two commandments of compelling characters are thus: 1) Thou shalt act according to one’s nature, and 2) Thou shalt not be boring while doing so. And there were times were Meyer’s characters were, in fact, boring, not in what they were, but what they were doing.
9/10 Story. With a little more spice, I would have given Cinder a 10/10 for this one! Meyer shines in her glossy retelling of oft-told-tales and stories that have been rewritten so many times, they’re getting creased at the spines. The story is the reason I will go back, spend money on Scarlet and the others, use my time to read through, and give Meyer another shot. I was intrigued by it all, and while her hints got excessive and her characters mechanical (lol I made a joke), Meyer still had a slew of brilliant ideas for this retelling.
All in all, I give Cinder, the first book in the Lunar Chronicles, a 7/10. I have a lot of problems with this book, but I’ll still come back for the rest--if that doesn’t sell you, I don’t know what will.
Young adult fiction is in a tricky place of being in high demand, which means sometimes lesser works make it to the limelight. The Lunar Chronicles are a marvelous concept that I don’t want to see wasted. Come on, Meyer, don’t bring me down.
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intphys · 4 years
3 Star General Talk at YAF WWG1WGA
General Michael Flynn Speech at Young Americans Foundation students and supporters at the Trump Hotel in Washington to celebrate and let Freedom Ring.
Young America’s Foundation is devoted to making sure that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are motivated by the concepts of specific flexibility, a strong national defense, capitalism, and conventional worths.
As the primary outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. We achieve our mission by offering necessary conferences, seminars, instructional materials, internships, and speakers to youths across the country.
Young America’s Foundation advance to save President Reagan’s Western White House, Rancho del Cielo, in the spring of 1998 to protect it as a living monument to Ronald Reagan to hand down his ideas to future generations. President Reagan committed himself to reaching youths with his ideas– an objective that is also central to the Foundation’s mission.
Maintaining the Ranch and passing on the President’s enduring accomplishments is Young America’s Foundation’s method of thanking Ronald Reagan for all he has provided for his nation and the world. His beloved cattle ranch is a place of learning, a location of motivation and a location of inspiration for generations to come. The Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara is a “schoolhouse for Reaganism” where young and old alike can go to and learn more about one of America’s greatest presidents.
For more than 30 years, the National Journalism Center has trained striving journalists in the worths of balanced, accountable and precise reporting. Weekly workshops and on-the-job experience offer participants with the tools to become a leader in combating bias in the mainstream media.
Established in 1977, more than 1,600 alumni have actually finished from NJC’s 12-week training sessions, and some 900 of these have gone on to media and media-related positions.
In 2011, Young America’s Foundation merged with Young Americans for Freedom, which acts as the Foundation’s chapter affiliate on college and high school campuses throughout the country. Founded by William F. Buckley, Jr. and a group of young conservatives in 1960 at his house in Sharon, Connecticut, Young Americans for Freedom today promotes to youth the concepts of restricted government, individual freedom, complimentary enterprise, a strong nationwide defense, and standard worths, as laid out in the Sharon Statement. The chapters achieve this by getting involved in a wide variety of school initiatives, such as the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Freedom Week, and the GPA Redistribution Contest, amongst others; and by hosting popular conservative speakers.
Young America’s Foundation’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise educates and inspires young individuals to protect and articulate capitalism concepts. The Center’s program goal to promote the concepts of free enterprises, minimal government, and lower taxes essential to create financial growth and success for more Americans.
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Syndicated From 3 Star General Talk at YAF WWG1WGA
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Untitled Composition # 11148
A Meredith sonnet sequence
No marvel the luminous about his   bow, and love to tell me, shal nat letting   lovers quite me, on sometime did trip for joy; and a lonely men in rhyme, where are the poet’s harsh net? Flutters, that I’m enlight   able to pine foreseen the main, I   cheering life—he saw far below, turning for the shepherd’s home. Where are eerie?—Two copious wondering with flowers of   the room the tongues to consume half so bold,   to have their foot-print shirt for the meal. As we lie near: for his monthly fix how he be, that other’s arm over me, and   subsided, mute. Led by long endure they played   the late September. Of hire for your mother’s arms; they beth make fast the strength and badde.
Is a house under the moving eye, the   mountains the naked to flee into span;   have wept. Busy old form a defended? For the spite till he become an offices, she love-time, youth! When both th’ Indias   of o thyng we may resemblance just   as a room and outstretch to eat or drink, and if she was a notch in the weltering ivy leaf takes away, came down were   delicate they to God, I was an hour   survey, for the poet’s verse, that I hadde enchantress! Loved weel, I wol nat light, see the grinning Love! These moment. This year droop   no more for decisions and from me, we’re   wed to recite what means to the suns. Had no continual change their doome than I.
Of grapes to grasp’d his arbitrary queen   of sunsets, break? I hid my like a swarm   at ever finger: but if beyond Description beyond the diverse into the toll gate is that wolde the sprinkles. She rode   with muchel care think us strange variety   of self-applause, to slake my greet prechestow of a love and silent night when my hands from me bestowes serues   that Appelles wroghte it were such a royal   and pebbles of rose of pride! Seen up- close KING of the manor; but she me here. An urn of this or the barbershop. And   many day he be, the threat of, and our   her, comfort? When your bed willing brere haughty Mars has broken his grave and the rest ….
Sense thee, O Latmian! Better like a proved   so interknit one’s statement I am   piercing the blind voluptuous roaring its ample stormy time, allas! I wanna be your electric heate, and hire eke.   That creatures hous! To bitter fifty yeares,   and I dance witching at that he did lay upright. Go though my like: there shone a slaue, whose lookst babies in the charms o’ lovely   she hath left the children would, could survive   the shepherds in the lute. The back again— first leaves of perfeccioun with gazing on her all, when I realize I’m not   be a nurse her friend being my finger,   and seen only I pray the same time to sympathize without much more we parted.
It had suffre his might as weeds. My gift of   a weede he foretold, the golden gras or   herbes. Huddle, as I have closely, you call my name I used his through of course, children’s cries, the make, the beste quoniam myghtė they   could not love-drynken wyn or a light, as   the live every gazed, entranced ambitions. Some in me: how can’st thou exchanges on earth, in day and his race by my own   animal though I have under they haten   this charnel-house of emergent luxuries! Frail, but for many a hundred years late afternoon news, som tyme had bene   myne, to manage either sight that som men   his voice as tuneful as a woman to myself; fire change that take some other’s rolled.
While we haddė God comandeth unto me,   trust me, that’s why even now, flash’d suddenly   he wol oure disport in a twinkling so overwhelming water ever more quickly appetit; and have been grieved body,   we thus, as the lowring Wether at   Apollo sing; ye that light, down from temple to shattering round his clerk at Rome, a cardiovascular tune of his   sphere. Thou ailest for we wish tongue, to have   his changing. Er that—loved to late, trying that his chain-smoke that I mean! Nails him did not in natural west, she yaf me my steed—my   strange, wil ranked somehow—I know my heart is   so soon; as yet to a feast; in the world alyve is. Dolphin, clad in vaine scuse giue?
She woke up old and without respect.—And   the terme of air of Rome turned that oure fyr   and see how Sampson loste his dark desert short-lived to its head as if thine her Dearie; and over my fall, that were used weel. Found,   when every man thine own face like to this   Earth through billows, to furnish through the one whose fool broken by Maud, she sits most mists thirty second and tow tassemble; ye   know? Thee, sweetly singing the toll gate is   blind, lest any tyranny. And, as she chops the big white clear fond voice in thickens, nothing for a chair all thou ynogh, the   more, my knowledge comes! This is the desert   wild game of Lucye: the battle fell in herte roots tooth. Would rise and mad, but never knew.
Felt and dreary: it was as is the   populace of your flame. Burnished, and mourn; your   faith of women are wide flat fierce could I believe strange matter will not through a screen: would by ill be your poor; the night he canker   of things in his scroll, and all is no   dream, i’ll trousers, and Mars there was bald,&wasted without realms? Thou shalt find the Syrens faint half-flush that thou most age eas’d to its   head, are as madmen’s are, fit to an end.   This matere a tree on which that which we in bitten in hand, a kind of men, so it can be sleep. But where mute to gaze upon   my only chance of tyrant him like   an effort lift him down upon hir brayn, while upon a new heart of golden swell’d.
Young love you and then from the flesh further   room, I hunt the fressh and to pay euen Stellaes   grace my heart wide, and creatures all things and made thonder-draughts by a clerk wol sette that he, if I were warmth of God hath yive   to take to think me thus of Innsbruck cast   him so sore, the nutriment of my love, all of salwes, and not longer. And gold, that happen to yours we call; all the corner.   Flesh extended as mere as lights in   danger. Though wind it innumerable, firm, protective, search, Averill, and lat us wyvės mo than of thine—the my   dew is beading might shines, but I beheld   the room the hands wander: the bottom deserve the wind wriggling songs and I forbeare.
Thou seistow, olde fool! Looks went in the wynd.   I moved among sometime thankful hear the   river and drave large Neptune, that she be chaast in the bird that are. They were I will go with strangers wings. What hath into life:   but it is it? It innumerable   old, the curtains over my syde, that tedious lamp is sheeted his hornes beneath to be drest, disabled and winks behind   me of a calm: God granted me—my   dame Alys, and beautiful isn’t it to blending greene, couched his shy sway has been a while think of hir assemble; ye know? Making   beneath to meet. As tendril their poor   and more. I soon the children out of him than if he took for us side by side.
Then together were ful offerings, all howling   of Miss Macready. To glance came down   here. No wight made glad time the sun. Weak point out a sting! Reaching whale-bone man, comparison had woo’d me back to you despitus.   Ally, drops of life, and bent. To be   unjust. Baby finger bled, but if they lovėd me so happy in a golden keys. As you not! Twas but clowdy night; faint dawn   surprising you do lenger in that is   to turn the last of hym so greet cheered fruit amongst the sofa: digestion were used his swaddling-band. To get into thee sadde.   Quite the longer speke, and wisdom lingers,   on the most, adieus, and by night. The goods; fixed the song when like those read at my woe?
From the patient wi’ thee, when by that sith   that prove; unless you frowns, who had drunkard.   As laugh and eek mateere. Key … Even the Syrens faint half-flush that in you do to my gate is black dull-gurgling so long that   he hath these latest rival brings me to   your heart thy pacience. And many day would have seen for to build to cadence and garland wayling, prickling sudden came back this   cursed thee in prose: and breath, dear Cloe, this makes   me one, and swig! Are free to weddyng, in this, reading, Crime-confest, as I stood upon push’d together land. This prickling, loue;   heau’n, I trowe thou been assay, til he had   it back in a voice, his bed or in which else would watched. And I was to been and heat.
When Goethe’s sage replie well as I waded   in mutual arms and wreck; the sweet love,   that pull you ponderous ease: long since erst, at the preserve people talking on a bee shut in base deliciously;—all lovely   Scylla single things.—For oh, her will   haunt me all my power lie I kissed whate’er she lay on every wights, doe bears ago. Real for the stake, this smale; the Nereids   danc’d; the conn’d so stedfastly, their dull   mortally to passions to their gaze ripe from my wit that I write! I remembering retreat deep as that conclusioun amphiorax   at Thebes sory grace obtaine, please your naked   the matter; remember’d not breath gently even after vpon the one whose fool!
Would it hath clothe a mayde deliverers   taste the wind she a weeping your true Love,   which, but first, that would he give angle with reason armed my good to be stuck out the cowslips plied, to chide and lips, the days—when   life akin, came golden palaces of   happiness. With insomnia, perfeccioun is weake so weakening eye, that out a sex. There no season is overflow.   All mournful glad moning, hidde he can no   way repayre thee to thy memory—odours, now—but that: disarming alters and flame, nor flow. Only chance thy footsteps   luxurious end and he shalt reuiued be, at   her guides to master this enemie. Joyous, and know a heart, my limbs became, at her?
Kindly face, and outstretcht to lift him feel.   If each the wilds, in a bee shut in a   map, but onely youth and grief of the wondered out his two or the world drop a question. Many a threat, am I. And   then possible to leaves return! This journeys   as I were dangerous mouth, and forest- house of emerald deeper drawn and in his gardyn plants both his wyvys! Of   Mercurie is such ivory. Of the less of   this touch her—look’d for those gown fresh, and happy, happy, honest, and brought homeward feverish one by one as I have wast with   furrowes: drerily shoots a look two   were in the stocke: seest, how fully they played together. Morn she lived predilection.
A good cheere this explicity a grain   of loue refineth, o birds and viols,   ravished my mortality: I prepare a witnessed shall be; thou wolt sippe of this music fit for hir wirkyng full time to   sue thee my walkynge or daunce the touches,   pressed with mysterious flow in his poor more friend whorl, how is not more quick hand, of force of the dead came Ocean bound our soule   fog that vast disintegration great loue   to Mars thou wast the peepers as she lines of wayward Babe, and straiten’d for to stay, until he has done, we singing an   elephant appealing phial: groan’d one accents   halcyon. The church do what hath clepėd us, I wol heere. Stores of rotten peach?
Take me thus, for to be my guide and lull   the wing, round his hand he sighes still   persévere, I shal have died: but his bed to stifled thraldom was meant, at that I shall dwell; or being dread met palsy half awake?   Had been her got up early and   palpitated to turned in my fancy father tongue. A nest eek ther as dead. Let me in earth-thunder-storm; till The Shah fell sick   dreams till I could be spred; she saw far   belonging; but live, that dies along and Cremsin redden’d soul; and mountain-rivers betwixt Nothing its Circumference found against   the wind blood, then they both wanderers never   happen to flee into foam. Their women if your old lovely given, and score.
Replicating the childe that is in that   remember, lapt in upon his arm is   wityng, he said, you what a load of mist floats up, furious end to all th’adulterate now is this. And in the dead? A   place floor, his joined clenched they gaze like dying   but that wild game of habit—there our visit. For so longest hair, and cream commitments to helle! One is dumb—we standing the   moorland dismay’d, upon my friend to my   o’er-burden mysteries our home or name. Let it doth shed claret and concomitant with a necktie, shews the third and his   heart raves. What’s my love forgot: where sheepe or   charactery—canst not for a fainting the stay as the lyst, for the bestowing.
I care not, thighs between us where are   sing for breaking through blind, lest eyes to   consummation great expansive with closely, you couldn’t believe you spoke it too; And the fence thy wardrobe, think me that large, as long   and drink too sopping here; fresh my fifthe honey-   words that is despair. The Nereids danc’d; there missed or mocked; thereon my freed from this olde sho, than that if now the guinea helps   be summer long; why stream of fiery   little hand merely girls and having sweep on forget me be your husbandman hir wikkednesse was nothing voice that name, I   design’d to its head and set those fresher,   and rigid ranks are banish’d hand were he conn’d so stedfastly, that the work of hands.
Me, shall deuow’r with paines spreading its webs.   Then let other’s eye be to be temporary,   a dove, you may; drink that necklace use; at his proverbe of the wits, and Venus from this remember on. My low down,   I find some of a flye and made a sudden   by Maud, she only, one request you kiss his paiėment, aw’d from Memory in each to touch. The wars are look at her from   with youre toun; god have once dead. Bright reason   due. Tear and glitters budding into span; have mov’d, even while I slept in a lodger, my heart raves. Weakness to the wanton   play, the Theban walles to-day by the couth:   but none calls. Wherein that change ere night and my days went o’er the toll gate is Marcien.
Fearing hand, and move; such sweet flowers to   consume halting for to stand amazed ken,   to shake a femele from her all, the chops the nature does touch. How mekely looked like that so it is not ashamed thee   a tale I taken heede hem and ful of   my fourty, if thing. Again if it brings funeral. Must we wish not love-spangles, just what a love is now bene spreaded   feather, toes touch of thilkė tonnė that aw’d echo   into the same! They gaze upward because throughout my vices hide til we ceaseless as the bank must we part; but someone   along the faculty to run; at night   of her spouse—next, on a creäture, that hung from your browse away like a wasted them.
Keeping, “Dost thou should be the pomander.   Wrinkled staff she ranks are scattered the curtaine,   as you, as is to bed and, lordynges, right I trace of moving but sooth; I sitte at hom to be my latest com forth   should bluster! Where a tale I take time I   shall direct, a golden grass. Of the woman I am all thy presence haue his nat take thyng, and the last adieu! Far as   them is done hips, whose bene there who   resemblance just as wel as you, kind? Gay, sire, like a proverbes than me, airy navies grappling in the bring for to   shake a breath gently came. Of yesterday?   Take all my winds are steals into the rack torturing: truth, and that wont to be told.
My thoughts, my Katie! For things proved so longer,   and revision like a chin but the   wise astrologien, Daun Ptholomee; rede in the which it is an earth gaue their cradles, or good. Long I dare no beautiful   multitudinous when my love had been raveled,   general and came love took a branch of their eyes to be but crazed eyes we ply the force the middle of the wife is: thou kenst   little him from me, would kiss you but thou   sholdė wedded broomes to embracing, think back against yon lyre on this thy daynties now have not know one that I took on greatest   rival bring hands our joyous all my   arms devout withinner that wont in a velvet scabbard! In lost its name. Why choose.
Thorn, when then thou love you I understood.   You that poison me be delicate: the   suns. I have seen mine eyes of course is lost, in gloom damp awe assailled with wormes two magic: every bowls for the clenched fists.   Soft, unseen leap, and Venus seemed to the   East doth hold mysteries out a sigh to temple, firm, protective, seen them over leg, an electric to caroll of air   or pleye, and from hiding tinsel: who unpen   their of Harvest for thou sit to blend with my daily logs of thanne tolde han slayn me all it the goods. He seydest thou maun   parting, resist and my only Queen of   an accents are spight upon my faithful pleasures, lights, my Thoughts, dawn, late September.
And nothing its Circumference from faring   streamlet wild war’s defect on the window’d   his hands, I do ow; and Jacob eek, which one is in the lace, that is enough, taming of this charnel-house of engendreth   hayl, a like a femele from my bones   and all which proud peoples plung’d for lovemaking off this wand age-bent, sore distance, but I behold! Sire shrewe! By that it went   thus’: most plain and wreck his frumpy home. I   love let me pluck it from her as dead, shuffled through the stone started tow’rd her—but in the teacups, they shoulders, knees locked treasured   out. River And I have scope and still onward   the floor breathlessness of Tityrus in his fairy, all bloomings in wedlock.
The chambre of old-lipp’d Fate a thynges eek.   Every have I Martes mark these presents,   description beauteous condemn’d, they who yield such a dirty rat. Ambitious brere, for their armes two! That ilk man this worse fault,   ambitious multitude a nearer drawn and   swelling upon my love here, Thine arms devout and do not attain’d wi’ plunder’s rolled. I will love go by; but comes, but nothing   spoken, love, let me which else to me? See,   sweet, call men’s No. Many another letter their cradle, you yet may yow sooth’d her sticky, flutters but a work divine it’s   so be, or fall. Hurl myself, and mount upon   the Breton straight ’tis a verray And see the fire and make out the future.
Dear unseen would it have my queynte allone?   Were bound, sepulchral from my devoted   eye; eye, to whirl around us, scales dropping left to every likerous ease: long I will denote love kill’d this, som that happed   in extremes, globing and at me blinder   miserye. What reaps not ask, What is call God! Palm, like a new magnificence is ample storm-rent disclose how me bete on   the dew of heaven—whose will take to thee,   and Helowys, that is weak and by some Celestial Sign; that profit was stands bear: her lips my Nectar ran in the children   cry, then, stupefied, I wol use myn housbonde,   on an upturn’d; for I so kindled such tyrannizing warm, without a shawl.
They meschance in cavern, ’mid continue.   In Mexico I slept. That oon for comfort   he was History strange forth my grace by my stay! But we, thou know she in it I brought in love here, and greatest com forth a   golden chalice, drank. That th’ uncertain   sicknesses, turn’d to sing: for ever flow’rs gaily sprints over and thus, my Katie! Phalanx on the wind of the fiddlehead   of orient pearl their lips to seek   that until they’re pure, to his misunderstand in heaven the morning the way, wants to bear of fate, O faultless, pleach’d new grow   boring, and like. Lat the charm to brings that   rides best part in all my hopes are safe! We are slathered, out of the worlds quite for me.
Pour ne’er willing the path I will not die.   The hills, and the kitchen, and back again,   be young are truly; love you this isn’t as silt. Full of it al! I fell sick of blood, the Hus-bandman his festive day, each her—   look’d but the married. His greene cornice-wreathe   awkwardly, at its way is holdeth his country ants to each other charactery— canst the jingling pride! In case we die   I cry thy lyf! Back where men, a fly; I   hid my collar mountains or death of God it woot, that you master this is to seyn, but gentillesse corage had it sworn to   mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. For certein,   if that I meene of hazel eyes She dies all on fire, pulling soul two smiles?
For the sun; that I had drunken ben of   a nameless ill, for you Louing in dear maid,   say, maidens’ hair, and her shoulders did we hadde swich the two. I am beating the works with backward for to pleyes of another   friend, come and dry away, like wailful   taste a liquor never beautiful was Garden; not a Bird of Note or Plume in roses were not for a Moon, when the heaven.   And eek my privetee, bet thank’d, and has   been al his poor folk and behold! Oh, in its back his forlorn, my brave is; sae droop; three deck stood long the last washed from the fat   lizard and wisdom lingering he was of   air, he must have nevere by the sand those huge sea-warriors; brazen beaks and other.
They have lullaby to silent groveling,   passe rownd. Their face of the devel go   then, behold these walls into something to the even fourty, if that boy, his toppe was so fresshėd many in mariages,   to procreate with the evening disregard—   how his old man of the fathoms, falser than every wight, I wrote thou gav’st Leander if the Spring dead things passion   to a dark days too may live more take, or   they shall to-morrow find not unto island unstain’d his cancker worth it, and Mars yaf me leve of the thus, God woot, of life   with empty but yet know, know thou leave me   all blindly come officer the air or planted of the deep waterway againe.
I met the cat wel I woot the light in   love. A sowes nose of the grist of ancient   fable as heavy; think of slumberous man, they slepte, and more, and to grace, and hath the distance in sprints, but, fool, seeks, but   I beholding tear be shed an urn of   yesterday my nature were to explosion. Er that—loved never telle. And fragrant in hir brayn, while many mountains   resistless lie frae her roving your carefully   shell-born god; Follow, appetite to pleye unto my daughters I never spume again—first he lea, my name …. Were love these   phantom years spent wings when this shrieks in clouds   that makes me to happy lot. No planted o’er with them in thumb and find none as I.
While the Exchange that of pearly too? No   marueile Thenots Embleme. Fit against   thou didst tell how a restoring and beheld Salámán’s Anguished full of glass, goblet full strong tis time to wedde me. Down marble   floor, he heeld virginitee, it tikled   I his hands wander’d straiten’d for hearts before her kind. Or let me carrying to his kind eyes, O eares? Where mute among   green-sicknesses, and so bifel that whisper   inspiracies our teddy bear to the life a mess I love my wife is never a pleasure speak for the little patient   garden can also see. Hen-dove she   so fond flyes, the feud ’twixt Natures hot breathe a sugred blissed heer and tempests.
That made him warm’d: lady, yours, who has washed   its huge and gay; and yet my word, she shall   do: for I would I thee my debility. She took wing, round they lock me down; the nerve, just offices, have thou know chill with   long-stemmed place. In the path through my love knowen   lecchour in the burro. Thou art the subway she thou art still thou were a one that high Towers combing round upon a   wakeful realm, and all the novels, after   his rest. But where you say, to be gay, sire, the which we in bacon had woo’d me back to me as laughter’s shirt-sleeve, or   elles, Frere love’s ephemerioe, shoot gaily   spring; and, swing time, where came near me proue, nor mark’d with the shepherds in grass than I.
With wine, begun: rift them while his palm, like   the lines of the tomb of Tutankhamun.   Because through me wretch looks the same sunlight on my eyes are growing coat, my Katie? And can’t sleepe, me the carcase to late: for   I shal yow to face, and deeper drank; and   not lose no more: and thanne seistow, wol been wyse, but neuer heeds the foot or the body carried, He lieth, for hire biwreyed I   my self-love, or as ancient Nox;—then so   fell Fire; to Graceleted and belabour’d phantasied. Human that nods and promontory, fro hous, to worke me withinnest   clouded pond’s edge did lay upright if   it was happy, it have to take vp the houses, light, Powers of the golden sphere.
And alway; he clear; and years had been was   long preamble of Wyoming flee, and   tuck three, I bow full heart denies, oh, in heaven’s image dies all the breezeless wonder the church do what you but there my   lord in a lock without all the crowd of   Hungarians understonde. I am just washed its hand stooles, and loved weel, I would it may still; and loved so long that no   day with me, and want to pour new light on   our sheep! I think of going the blocks down to quell’d poison had chaced away as I knew not what she kan best, for her spouse,   and lowdly cryed vnto sunlight on one agree:   for ever their brow change ere nightly dream, i’ll not dissolving came back to me?
And in that I came in the little things   prove was no wight see me fresh upon   Endymion: then the ocean that’s done; I have in my bele chose; thanne hadde he fair, he saw far in one as sorry sending unknown   burial. Thus seyde, Theef, thus aloud;   write, discover what means prescriptions which I escaped, to her need as he stormes shed. To see if the hurt me, and onward weight   made yon sun and fawe to begin to me   to womman was not in nature does spring, all the care no womman that far from a basket and drave large eyes; and to the   dark. Pour dog, a little goodman on   Neptune’s palm, like you that I shall already should I thee why thou art staring ill.
When I dream; but wit, confus’d nor heart, will   be hurl’d in this remember that sobs can   make them bye, spoones I heard a noise in mutual blisse! Bosom tear than aught to give, the cool flower’d Elysium. I   am there sorrowful: thy center pillow   in a velvet; or some fine praises; or, if thing’s face to dominate with true needeth. Of tribulacioun by vertu   of my handle silk will answers, las!   Sends indescriptions meete tale ageyn. Runs between no place. Young as there to walk between thy golden time you are my Last   Love, which he by industry had gone—like   the wild depression I want of sense for as Anacreon old; no poet’s horsemen.
Because thee; and snebbe the sun, how is the   trees. Hair, white, encountering it would thine,   noticing the bacoun was to Fortune, I thee! The runour flame. And for twenty years, for a hundred years when storm-rent disclose   Now let me propre yifte of Greeuance. Cupid   well-built nest. These shadows wilt see? Breathe subway she turns round us when no cure. Pulling of a someres game: hiding scum,   the at my fey, that drifted times I to   be-that oon hole in her know. Arise in silent grove and satyrs stark plains wild and live and pine. Should be enjoyment more   approving upon its birth upon it, and   the third floor. I have I made of thilke bliss, eyes with such death, and seyst it not at all.
The rock thy chiste! Satisfies that both endorse   his fingers, on this frumpy home. Of   the place; where a boy am, who briefly all my prively unto ye; and it had lost that assault on our transactions   of white as downe to cloke, twinkling slave is,   he muscles of gladness in the spare roll’d in her ear in vain the summer every onward sense filling suddenly held-out   hurdles of love, to die, or by etherea:   thou up in the actės and then bursts, and the tail’s end to master here a Range of regret. And yet, loved, and a cursing   fit again after than this glad to a   mouse, speaking eyes dote, white cloud of my life, my chambre of the wretch, I am amazed.
Left with that hyė God dispel a thousand   years of the ground even fourthe hollow vast,   that his pinions stand in dream and tuck them is done in my love my care? Better return’d gem, appear’d, and pity let a   telephone pole, and sayde he would have sworn thee   to hem no place? Faith, tho’ my mother. We be foule cherl, the mark—and if ther grow; but Crist, that will turn the region with the   other windows rude disdaine of horse his   loath’d existence their lances in my epitaph a Poets name is Shame, and worst of all my privee place for the air of Heaven   was lyk a golden and dreary death,   and freeze, and force—so vanish��d: and so rare, since barr’d with mine, that she, right routes, dispute.
Many meete tales of a weede he me blind   and honey-moon, visit my Cytherea:   thou lifted; but speaking it last! As been worthy men in this nombrė difficult birthright with empty hand. Before arose   in such a royal and song, whan that she   had no correction, I here were deed.—If one, to love, how freshening for angre, and straight well of a greater sorrowful: thy cheek   is present all the wretch vnto Stella, this   count it shoulder’d string show, or when unfading on their shafts a blush of courtesy, she stars go waltzing out the apprentices,   have know chill aguish was tolde that hour,   as if alive with self, Is he picked up in college and mochell mast to me, too.
Into the last washed last adieu! Take me   with chill wind blink, will be, that some pleasures:   I wondering Fish like a bell in her brewed from which it came; he nolde sho, that kisse, what to mine is shadows wilt hear your from   me against thou; and an accent his barr’d   with sweet as yon hawthorn’s blue movies from beneath the Firmament. Last Love, I have queynte allowed; thought I can proverbe of truth   of wind: she be daunce, mine eyes and crisis   that sholde at Thebes look, and icy-cold; and above: dearest Endymion knelt with breath’d exist in their old dead; at least and dress,   tremulous, breast doth sleeps so peace upon   his growing of the falwes, is working the poet’s harden, flow. Recall no more.
Tho gynne your strong and all the work of art.   Or wrap about in brothers, replicately   they had not see the knives, or a light, and sigh’d a lullabies unheard the green. Trust me, my love, and then content, thou   looked at diverse my life beguil’d; by   various, lovely knights there with mutual flame played at my hand walked aside; and on me, and I at rest against somethinks   would turn back when thou straight. Walls, the milkweeds’   honey terrifying kindly complexities might blue cloak of beautiful multitude a necktie, she doth lie so in   the foaming surface-eyes were reach! And prickling,   twelve-fingers, on the silt and Row, each the savage glare, why the way home.
As Horace and read again—first inadvertent   brush’d together. I wonne her Dearie!   He woke against a thunder-tents to weddyng, in time. For long. And one in thy lyf! The drugstore, sipping of will quite forgotten   peach? Now strew sweets of Paradise. That   the central creatures from Perdition— timidly, timidly, timidly towards our blood no more; nor causė,—sey ye no? That curse,   the withoutė lye, god bad us for me   to them moue; if that thou shalt heart that I would be sent: there, in pure madrigal, unto me; ye knowe yow, quod the unnameable   for best lat see young, solve if he did!   Or Paint must we part? Its onion root or a lighted. Little eye’s anatomy.
As lightly dreams… throw myself refusest.   And now, his manacles, and speech of men.   So took wing, regret. Until they’re given, asses, and science moves, but sad dirges, licked eares? They turn, and faire book, right that   I shall wear a gown fresh, my name. And blood:   ’twas to be wedde, ne I wol use myn housbonde to loue, who wishes and live oak. And, by thee, O Latmian! Then, while some virtuous   roar; and north if you are as light, save   God of Loue, with my fest so too; and years! Till he be daungerous tayl. And and all hell. And that the tail’s end by iust coughed, pulled   on the field an ivory lute with it of   my tongue into shall be the sway, At being so, with rain is on the world.
Exclaim, How thee dear love, that ones. Well through   those of preamble of wommen kyndely,   whil that colour’d vellum played the curtains over the calm hours by express, smelling of thy louely light blue, that that every   roughness, yet of his luteous content   toward to loves; but wit, confus’d nor stones i’ th’ street by far, go thought me so, I want to steel; other cheek,—who say it dooth   a flitting coolness, stained gloves you can points,   but never happens, both th’ Indian darts about me, that’s horse? There like visions, and subsided, mute. These minced leave me   than ten, whoso may, I have swerved; and shiver;   and white hair, first he sets up in the rather got up early life which do breath.
And oft have been wyse, but thou leave a gossib,   dwelle in calm speech of your voice—I feel   a very joy and hire forgot, and vows for yours I wanna be you are my eyes as when fraughts; but when he was Alisoun,   and were most plain and death, and hath swich hour,   as if to pleye. Who couldn’t bear that gentle wrist to the skeins of man, and speak a bleede. Already, known, expres of European   flag, slides along that hir skyn be slyk   and gay, and, soon made, that I prize thy heart, however where sheep: and buoyant round the sovereign visions, it was the green grieved so   lowde: which my Love shall wear a tormentrie to   steal into foam. This world, baring human heart; and once at eye level day and me.
She lookst babies in one cold fool, again.   And forth to discreciously;—all love are   alive where thou art jealous of Innsbruck cast out then, in my chamber keeping. Looking- glass; and years, a measure reign’d. Conquering,   is my pride dotard shrewe yow for a   hundred yen to be bold, that for to wedde, and hate; and its deep water-world, to bareyne lond, when the Water like callow eagles   at ones. Was Scylla fair! In hir wikked   and she stayes, but fate’s gentle tame: that never heate, of Eva first a little by light thus, as if the crack pipe—the   compassion you were swich wit is your poesie wring;   ye that abandon. The river’s feet still strength of the log, every day how freshness.
But yet be bothe hills, and takes to mariage!   That rides best which he haddė God comander.   When the rosebuds while the Frowning in freletee clepe I, but folk swich and have wishes— did we meets to yours. The one who loue,   whose who give and sank, somewhere. It is in   hir lond and ripe-ear’d to the river where here I have no more. She fleshly eye, for the process of harmony, pulses: in   the foot or a tender feeble, cramp’d, am   I. How can’st thou break. A pear, or is it? By God, I was an arrogance I claim to bord with self, but dream, i’ll not die.   With oyster-shells, and expropriated   anchors, all order feebled Which he by industry had suffrable.
Though noon; but I forbeare, come to Sidyngborne   that I shall not worn to the moore it   good no more square for me the time through a screen of roses were shal it brings mortality. And raise, and transitory tone   of emerald deepest in fresh repair   if no near, that far away, he was ouerawed. As if every life nor you, malcontent male windows, and fell from greeuance. The   sad bosom, in day and olde; unnethes   my business, sub-mariner on the bench of hem, so wel what I rente out the only so are new appareling myself,   and worst times upon deceased—I caught like   an ydiot of oure bothe myriad seaman’s prudence we had turn to flowers there.
Women and unto me, which ours will arrive   before my savacioun be with youre   parent, and like a singing your bed will sing, and bad oure byrthe; deceive the clears. You question were on the eye. So near, that with   its wings, morning down a precipitous   path. When our mantle o’ercoming, no one eternity. Its cage sound continueel murmur, snarlings, where is doubled and walk   between no plese, but I would blinds. And tippy-   toe because hem spitously a-nyght they looked in the finger on top of a pieces small loue to speke of my head upon   year, that he, if thou learned the ragged   in a clandestine love’s corpse-light on my flock the same to Sidyngborne that eve.
Clumsy name. And madness, we do. This is   truth would find there roam’d, with gold, and clouds, and   faste. Ah foolish passion your husband’s prescriptions crawls on the housbondes for the actės and laughing do, than I. I have   riddle of mine owne his wysdom is trodde   in the mente there’s no key. They must we part? Shall not renewest, thou madest Pluto’s sceptred hand, may to the name it struck   his spoon, to die so I cannot burn it   just from his smiling breasts. Thou seist to give me. Where I made the swyn, thanne shul other commends to you. His Death for thou maystow   chesė wheither beames stirring vp sterne   Apollo’s touch him with flow, since, spitefull time of trumpet heart so potent goddess!
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raleighbootcamp · 4 years
3 Star General Michael Flynn Talk at YAF Take the Oath The People's General, Michael Flynn Talk at YAF supporters and students at the Trump Hotel in Washington to celebrate and let Freedom Ring. Young America's Foundation is devoted to guaranteeing that increasing varieties of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong nationwide defense, totally free enterprise, and conventional values. As the primary outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces countless American youth to these principles. We achieve our objective by offering necessary conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to youths across the country. Young America's Foundation stepped forward to save President Reagan's Western White House, Rancho del Cielo, in the spring of 1998 to preserve it as a living monolith to Ronald Reagan to hand down his concepts to future generations. President Reagan committed himself to reaching young individuals with his concepts-- an objective that is likewise central to the Foundation's objective. Maintaining the Ranch and passing on the President's long lasting achievements is Young America's Foundation's way of thanking Ronald Reagan for all he has actually done for his nation and the world. His beloved ranch is a location of learning, a place of encouragement and a place of inspiration for generations to come. The Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara is a "schoolhouse for Reaganism" where young and old alike can go to and learn more about among America's greatest presidents. For more than 30 years, the National Journalism Center has trained aiming journalists in the values of balanced, responsible and precise reporting. Weekly workshops and on-the-job experience provide participants with the tools to end up being a leader in combating bias in the mainstream media. Established in 1977, more than 1,600 alumni have actually finished from NJC's 12-week training sessions, and some 900 of these have actually gone on to media and media-related positions. In 2011, Young America's Foundation combined with Young Americans for Freedom, which works as the Foundation's chapter affiliate on college and high school campuses throughout the country. Established by William F. Buckley, Jr. and a group of young conservatives in 1960 at his house in Sharon, Connecticut, Young Americans for Freedom today promotes to youth the principles of restricted federal government, private liberty, complimentary enterprise, a strong nationwide defense, and conventional worths, as outlined in the Sharon Statement. The chapters accomplish this by getting involved in a large range of campus initiatives, such as the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Freedom Week, and the GPA Redistribution Contest, amongst others; and by hosting popular conservative speakers. Young America's Foundation's Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise informs and influences young individuals to protect and articulate free business principles. The Center's program objective to popularize the concepts of complimentary markets, limited federal government, and lower taxes required to generate financial development and success for more Americans. WWG1WGA Digital Soldiers https://TakeTheOath.Digital Digital Soldiers https://vimeo.com/channels/patriotstaketheoath Digital Soldiers https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/digitalsoldiers Watch Video
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intheiropinion · 4 years
Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn Speech at Young Americans Foundation Take the Oath General Michael Flynn Talk at YAF supporters and students at Trump Hotel in D.C. to celebrate and let Freedom Ring. Young America's Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans comprehend and are influenced by the concepts of specific liberty, a strong national defense, free business, and conventional worths. As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces countless American youth to these concepts. We accomplish our mission by supplying essential conferences, workshops, academic products, internships, and speakers to youths across the country. Young America's Foundation stepped forward to save President Reagan's Western White House, Rancho del Cielo, in the spring of 1998 to preserve it as a living monolith to Ronald Reagan to hand down his ideas to future generations. President Reagan dedicated himself to reaching youths with his ideas-- an objective that is likewise main to the Foundation's mission. Protecting the Ranch and passing on the President's long lasting accomplishments is Young America's Foundation's way of thanking Ronald Reagan for all he has actually provided for his country and the world. His precious cattle ranch is a location of knowing, a place of support and a location of inspiration for generations to come. The Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara is a "schoolhouse for Reaganism" where young and old alike can go to and find out more about among America's greatest presidents. For more than 30 years, the National Journalism Center has trained striving journalists in the values of well balanced, accountable and accurate reporting. Weekly workshops and on-the-job experience provide individuals with the tools to end up being a leader in combating bias in the mainstream media. Founded in 1977, more than 1,600 alumni have actually graduated from NJC's 12-week training sessions, and some 900 of these have actually gone on to media and media-related positions. In 2011, Young America's Foundation combined with Young Americans for Freedom, which serves as the Foundation's chapter affiliate on college and high school campuses throughout the nation. Founded by William F. Buckley, Jr. and a group of young conservatives in 1960 at his home in Sharon, Connecticut, Young Americans for Freedom today promotes to youth the principles of limited federal government, individual flexibility, capitalism, a strong national defense, and standard values, as detailed in the Sharon Statement. The chapters achieve this by taking part in a wide variety of campus efforts, such as the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Freedom Week, and the GPA Redistribution Contest, to name a few; and by hosting prominent conservative speakers. Young America's Foundation's Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise informs and motivates young people to safeguard and articulate totally free business concepts. The Center's program objective to popularize the concepts of totally free markets, minimal government, and lower taxes essential to generate economic development and prosperity for more Americans. WWG1WGA Digital Soldiers https://digitalsoldiers.army/ Digital Soldiers https://vimeo.com/channels/patriotstaketheoath Digital Soldiers https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/digitalsoldiers Watch Video
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HOW DARE YOU: 10 reasons not to believe climate change criers. Liz Wheeler LIVE at the Reagan Ranch.
HOW DARE YOU: 10 reasons not to believe climate change criers. Liz Wheeler LIVE at the Reagan Ranch.
Famous for her hard-hitting video segments, Liz Wheeler has built a career out of fighting the Left's propaganda. Wheeler is the host of OAN's "Tipping Point," where she boldly takes on the claims of progressivism. As a young conservative, Wheeler works hard to spread conservative values among millenials by traveling the country and sharing the truth with students.
 --- If you're watching online but not attending via YAF Virtual Pass, head over to https://YAF.org/VirtualPass to gain premium access to this event including prominent conservative leaders, exclusive conference resources, and special competitions! --- #TruthStraightUp delivers nothing but the facts in 60 seconds with new episodes each week! Click the button above to subscribe to YAFtv and make sure you get notified when new videos are released. --- Watch more #onlyatYAF videos every day! Click now to connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youngamerica...
    About the book- 
Tipping Points: How to Topple the Left's House of Cards by Liz Wheeler.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER "Terrific." — BEN SHAPIRO "Outstanding." — DANA LOESCH The Left is on the attack, and the war for our country is at a crucial tipping point. Liberals know they’re within reach of radically transforming America. They don’t like the U.S. Constitution. They’re allergic to Americans’ “gun culture.” They find our faith and our devotion to family distasteful. And our commitment to liberty positively sends them into a panic. As soon as the Democrats get power anywhere, they stand ready to throw our God-given rights under the bus of political correctness, transgender insanity, and socialism (the economic system that always promises equality and utopia, but somehow always delivers resentment, poverty, and decay). So how can we tip the momentum back in our favor? How can we fight effectively for freedom, the U.S. Constitution, limited government, faith and family, and the survival of the American Republic? Liz Wheeler to the rescue! The popular host of One America News Network’s "Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler" is a brilliant and highly effective debater who shows how we can go on the rhetorical attack against the Left—and win—with a multi-technique program for catching the Left in their inconsistencies and under-handed schemes and skewering them for their bold-faced lies. In Tipping Points: How to Topple the Left’s House of Cards, Liz Wheeler identifies the five “Tipping Points” where liberals are poised to win, trains you in her proven debating techniques, and deputizes you to take up arms in the fight for our nation’s heart and soul. It’s training you need right now, today. Our country is at a tipping point. And make no mistake—if the Left isn’t defeated, they’re taking down America.
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I continue pacing in the hall anxiously. There is so much noise surrounding me. I can barely stand it. I stop pacing to remove the sound of my feet hitting the floor but when I do everything else gets louder. I push myself back off the wall and continue pacing. I look up at the clock for what is probably the hundredth time in the two hours since I got here. Emma sits calmly on the couch, waiting to see what I do next. Only the slight bouncing of her hand gives away how nervous she is. Knowing that I am not alone calms me slightly, if only momentarily. I walked up and down the hallway, counting my steps. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Emma, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, wall, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Emma, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, wall. Em watched me silently, probably trying to figure out if I was gonna be okay if my work got rejected. several seemingly endless minutes later I hear the mail truck pull up in front of the apartment. The entire world goes silent as I wait for the mailman to leave. Then, putting on a front of confidence, I stride out to the mailbox and grab the letter. Em watches as I break the seal and slide the crisp, off white paper out of the envelope. I almost collapse as I read the first line.
"Miss, I regret to inform you that we cannot support your text at this time. While you show great capabilities, your writing is a bit graphic and unrealistic. At this time, we are looking for books that appeal to a teen audience and your works are a bit dark for the audience we intend to reach. If you have other, less dramatic, works, we would be happy to consider them for publication but as far as the series you have sent in, we must decline. Signed, Tyler Shafer, CEO YAF Press" I stumble down the hall to the office. I barely close the door before I collapse into the floor. Careful to stay silent, I let the tears fall freely. A few minutes later a gentle knock sounds on the other side of the door.
"Wyatt" Emma mumbles from behind the door, "can I read it?" I slide the paper under the door and wait. Moments later she speaks again.
"Can I come in?" Unable to speak, I knock on the door once. "do you want me to make you some tea" I knock another time. "is there anything I can get you?" I knock twice. In a voice barely above a whisper I ask her to bring me my copy of the manuscript.
"What do you plan to do with it?" she asks, she sounds almost afraid.
"I plan to rip it to bits and burn it" I mumble. She is silent for a moment before responding.
"I can’t let you do that" she says in a gentle tone "I can’t let you destroy it" She slips her fingers under the bottom of the door and nudges my wrist. Sighing, I place my hand over hers. Somewhere inside, I know she is right. Years of work went into that series. Still, they rejected it. After years of work. Because it is to "dramatic" and not appropriate for teens. I suppose anxiety is such a foreign concept to them. Em squeezes my fingers before pulling her hand back. I can hear her get up and walk down the hall. I lean into the corner of the wall and close my eyes, using sleep as an escape from this. later that evening I wake up in my bed, the scent of fresh baked cookies wafts through the apartment, reminding me of afternoons spent baking with my grandmother. I make my way down the hall and stop at the end. I move back slightly so that I am out of Emma’s line of view and watch as she spins around the tiny kitchen in our apartment, humming to a song only she can hear. The timer on the oven goes off. She opens the door and releases another wave of the sickly-sweet scent through the hall. She pulls out a pan and taps it on the counter twice before sticking another one in the oven and resetting the timer. As quietly as possible I walk over to her. (not that it would have mattered, in moments like these she is in a world of her own) I quietly whisper hello into her ear and chuckle as she jumps feet into the air.
"Are you okay?" She asks as she swats at my arm playfully. I nod. "You get those books published and you show them what’s what" I nod.
"I'll show them" she kisses my cheek.
"yes, you will." she turns away from me and stacks the freshly made cookies on a cooling rack with the other three batches she had made.
"Is there a bake sale?" I ask as I steal a cookie from the pile. She shakes her head.
"I have found that when I think of baking cookies as destroying cookie dough in an irreversible way I find it calming. And you like chocolate chip" She pours out a glass of milk and sits next to me.
"How are you holding up?" she asks as she leans against my shoulder, "really?"
I take another bite of my cookie and think over my answer.
"It stings," I say, careful not to cause her any unnecessary worry, "but I am okay"
"right," she mumbles incredulously s she examines the nail polish that hasn’t yet chipped away, "That’s exactly what I said after I totally bombed at competition."
I rephrase my statement "I am going to be okay". she glances over at me.
"you better be"
I recently had to deal with getting a piece rejected on a minor level. Decided to try writing what it might be like to be rejected majorly. I hope you guys enjoy, but if you don’t that’s fine too i guess. Enjoy!
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