#let me slide my fingers through your hair
thatonefandomchick · 2 days
matt sturniolo x reader
a/n: 3.3k words of fluff, cockwarming, my own fantasies, idk what possessed me to write about cold weather in the middle of summer, but i’m kinda here for it.
please reblog!
it wasn’t matt’s fault that you looked so cozy.
the room was bathed in a dim violet light. new girl reruns were playing on the tv, but he stopped paying attention hours ago. the chilly boston weather frosted the windows in the room, and matt could almost see his warm exhales in the air — a clear indicator of just how fucking cold it was. the heater had broken down earlier that day, and every single repair company they called was unavailable to come fix it that evening. the earliest they had was tomorrow afternoon because of course everyone in boston had a broken heater today.
the two of you had headed to his bed early that night in hopes of using body heat to warm each other up. nick and chris whined and complained that it wasn’t fair for matt to have his own personal heater,
“fuck off and cuddle with each other!” he yelled over his shoulder to the boys wrapped in two blankets each, hands on your shoulders leading you to his bedroom as you laughed at their grumbles down the hall.
reaching the door, matt snorted behind you, shutting it softly the door with a click, and pulling open his closet doors to grab a couple of hoodies and about a dozen blankets, per your request, to hold you guys through the night.
“you cold, baby?” he murmured.
“we’re about two degrees from this water turning into ice, matty. ” you remarked, taking a sip from the plastic bottle on his desk before turning to face him. “of course i’m fucking cold.”
his head peeked above the comically high mound of blankets in his arms, winking at you before turning to drop them on his bed and beginning to neatly stack them on top of his comforter.
red creeped up your neck and cheeks. you rolled your eyes affectionately and turned to his wardrobe in search of some sweatpants, humming mindlessly.
“look at how cozy it looks, babe.” matt exclaimed behind you, grinning at the blanket pile before reaching over to slide a sweatshirt over his long sleeve t-shirt.
you looked over your shoulder and you could only let out a small ‘mhm’ because your eyes darted straight down to the trail of hair on his lower abdomen that continued down and into his sweatpants. he pulled the sweatshirt down his torso and ran a hand through his hair, lashes fluttering and nose pink from the cold, utterly oblivious to your ogling.
your lip came up to move in between your teeth, but you peeled your gaze from the boy in front of you and focused on finding the first pair of pants you could in order to get into the cozy bed and pair of arms that awaited.
shuffling out of your tight leggings, your hands came around to fix the waistband of your underwear, nails hooking on the elastic and tugging them back into place; but the skin at the nape of your neck tingled as you felt a gaze upon your back. smirking, your eyes lifted to peek at the small mirror atop the dresser. there was matt, eyes locked on your backside, staring unabashedly. your teeth glinted in the light, his eyes met yours through the mirror. a red flush creeped over his face all the way to the tips of his ears. your eyes crinkled in delight and you threw your head back, laughing at his shyness. turning your gaze back to the mirror, you grinned when his reflection flipped you off, huffing a laugh, hair tickling his forehead as he shook his head and moved to turn the tv on.
still smiling gently, you quickly slid the pair of sweats up before reaching for the blue hoodie matt left out for you, tugging it up and over the black turtleneck you already had on. you patted down the stray hairs on your head, fingers stiff from the cold, and padded over to the bed which beheld your boyfriend looking extra snug amidst the pile of blankets and pillows.
a cheeky smile took over his face, and his hand reached out from under the covers to pat the open space next to him. one, two, three steps forward had the front of your thighs grazing the edge of the mattress. you paused for a moment, gazing into his pretty blue eyes wondering what the fuck you could have possibly done to deserve any of this.
of course, matt ruined the moment by abruptly sneezing and you reeled back, nose and brows and scrunching in disgust.
“oh god, i think i’m getting a cold,” he moaned, sneezing again, “i can feel it coming.”
you shoved his chest back with a delicate hand as you climbed into the makeshift nest, preventing him from sneezing in your face again, but keeping him close enough that his warmth seeped into your skin and warmed your body down to your bones. you pressed your back against his chest, bringing his arms over and around your torso, settling them under the swell of your breasts. his hands splayed over your abdomen, spreading the warmth and your face relaxed, releasing a sigh of comfort. matt settled the blankets on top of you, making sure the was adequate coverage throughout your bodies, then set his chin over your head, breathing in your lavender shampoo and enjoying the pressure of your backside on his groin.
the alarm clock on his nightstand read 9:34 pm, so he nestled into your body and warmth even further and relaxed to the sound of your soft breaths and schmidt’s on screen jokes.
the hours passed in a timeless haze — there was no telling if it was 11:00 pm, or 3:00 am. the windows were still tinted with a sheen of ice, the tv still ran, and you were still pressed against him, sleeping now, with your mouth parted open, breathing softly into his arm. matt didn’t really recall falling asleep, but the show was on a different season and the clock read 1:34 am. blinking away the sleep, he reached to rearrange the blankets on your entwined bodies, settling his hand under your shirt on the bare dip of your waist. his fingers squeezed lightly, thumb rubbing in a back and forth motion. his eyelashes fluttered as your loose hair feathered his nose, watching as you shifted slightly in his arm and exhaled deeply.
no, it indeed was not his fault you looked so cozy.
his tiredness did not aid his growing erection. the opposite, actually. being drunk on sleep hazed his mind, and you felt so damn good. blood rushed to his cock as the cold air nipped at his exposed skin. he tugged you closer to him, manhandling your resting body to arrange you closer to him. eyes twitching in your sleep, matt leaned over to lightly kiss the corner of your lash line. his grip on your waist tightened as he continued to press feather light kisses along the side of your face.
one on the freckle atop your cheekbone, one where your ear meets your jaw, one on the dimple near the corner of your mouth. his hips twitched as your ass lightly grinded on his half-hard cock. holding back a groan, he moved the trail of his kisses down the length of your spine. one kiss per vertebrae until he was met with your hoodie. a light sound escaped your mouth, enjoying the warm press of his lips against your chilled body even in your slumber. despite the blankets, the layers, the fuzzy socks, matt was still so cold. it was like an itch he couldn’t scratch — an ache he couldn’t relieve.
his brows scrunched as a thought crossed his mind. it was like a little lightbulb that lit up because of course he had a solution. why didn’t he think of it sooner?
you had mentioned it just last week while the two of you were waiting for the car to heat up. you had gone to a hockey game and though the sun was gleaming and warming your bodies when you walked in, the temperature had dropped and the deep chill that swept through had your teeth chattering as you exited the arena. while cranking up the heat, matt remembered he said something about being so cold he thought his dick was gonna freeze off.
you looked at him with a wicked grin despite your body shivering and told him, “i can help with that.”
his eyes went wide, his pupils dilated, and you couldn’t tell if his cheeks were red from the cold or because he was trying to come up with what exactly you could have possibly meant by that (he knew very well what you meant).
it took him a few seconds to recover from the shock, and it only happened because he saw you biting your lip in an attempt to contain your laughter. matt turned back to look at the emptying parking lot in front of him and scoffed in fake annoyance. your head tilted up in laughter, plaid scarf shifting as the movement bared your neck to him.
he looked over and he couldn’t help but smile at your antics. of course he knew what you meant, but you hadn’t really moved past the clumsy and somewhat awkward stage of your sex life. it felt good, sure — really good, but maybe it was the fact that the two of you haven’t been able to simply feel. he was too caught up making sure you were okay, and you were too busy making sure it felt good for him that it always ended in a strange eye contact moment followed by a weird mixture of giggles and moans that made the whole experience a little off-putting. still, that didn’t deter you as you continued telling him, “i’m serious, matt.”
he didn’t say anything as he checked his mirrors and put the car in reverse, sneaking a curious look at your layer-clad body, eyes crinkled as you smiled up at him. “i mean,” you started. “i dunno, how hard can it really be?”
he snorted at that, adjusting in his seat because the thought of you talking about this so casually was making him kinda hard. you turned back to face the road now, gloved hands clasped in your lap. you liked like you were in a meeting, proposing a new business strategy that would knock all other strategies out of the park. somehow, he knew you could convince him to jump off a bridge if you wanted to him to.
“all you have to do is, like, stick it in.” you wondered, mindlessly. “right?”
he choked.
“i mean, it’s so easy we can do it in our sleep.” you chirped, sounding way more enthusiastic about the idea than he did. the light ahead of him turned yellow, and he pressed the brake, slowing to a stop. matt turned to look at you then, eyebrows raised and ready to say something along the lines of ‘sign me up, i’m all in’, but you interrupted him before he could tell you how embarrassingly hot he found the idea.
“maybe we’re overthinking this.” you admitted, for once looking sheepish as you stared ahead and avoided his eyes.
“overthinking what, kid?” matt asked, honestly.
“the whole — y’know, sex thing.”
the light turned green and the car was silent except for the hum of the engine.
“all i’m saying is,” you told him after a few more seconds of thick silence. “maybe we should trust each other a little more.”
“i trust you.” he said quickly, without hesitance.
“no — i know you do, baby, and i trust you too. but that’s not what i’m saying.” you shifted in your seat to look at him better.
“what are you saying then?”
you pressed your lips together and tilted your head at him. “i’m saying —.“ you paused then, biting your lip.
matt turned to look at you, and something in his face must’ve urged you to tell him what was on your mind because, “i’m saying we should trust each other with, our bodies?”
his brows scrunched and you must’ve seen the confusion on his face because you continued. “like, go with the flow type thing instead of trying to think about what we do.”
he was starting to get it now — maybe. “so like, doing what we want to make us feel good?”
your face lit up. “yes!”
“okay, does that,” another shift of his hips. “what does that actually mean?”
your lips tilted downwards, and you looked at him again, this time a little crestfallen. “i dunno.” you admitted, looking away from him and towards the snow covered road ahead. “maybe just, trusting each other to do what they think will feel good. just doing instead of thinking, y’know?”
he risked another look at you. your beanie had slipped sideways, but you paid it no mind.
eyes back on the road, it took everything in him not to turn around and look at the surprise on your face when he said with a voice as straight as he could muster, “like cockwarming.”
your head snapped and your eyes burned holes into the side of his face. he could tell your mouth was slightly parted, and for a second he thought maybe it wasn’t the right thing to say. this is what he got for trying to dirty talk. until you straighted your gaze forward again and confirmed, “yes, like cockwarming.”
it didn’t come up for the rest of the ride home, or for the next week.
you didn’t have the chance to try it out that night, or the next, or the next. but the thought crossed matt’s mind every time he felt an especially deep chill rack his body. especially now, with his cock nestled perfectly between your ass, growing harder by the second.
his hand on your waist dared to dip lower, pinky reaching the band of his sweatpants. you continued to sleep and melt into the lips pressed on your neck, blissfully unaware of matt’s dilemma behind you.
trust, right?
whether it was the quiet laughter that came from the tv, or the feeling of matt’s fingers now tugging on the waistband of your underwear, or his lips that pressed little kisses on your jawline, you woke up.
it wasn’t sudden. it was more of a glide into reality from the dream you were having of ice blue eyes and snowy streets. you felt the cool air of the room nip at your nose. you felt the warmth of your boyfriend pressed up against your back. and you felt his wandering hands at your hips, fingertips under your sweatpants and dancing around your hipbone. you felt his thick erection digging at your backside, moving in small up and down motions.
a deep sigh left your mouth as you cracked open one eye, attempting to differentiate between physical feelings and made up feelings. matt’s other arm under you shifted and moved lower, his hand reaching the other hip and toying with the waistband there.
slowly, you felt his hands push down. the sweatpants slipped lower and lower until they fell to your knees. it wasn’t cold, per say, the dozen blankets probably helped in keeping your body heat trapped, but it was a shiver that racked your body as his lips made his way to the shell of your ear. you could feel his hair on your cheek and hear his deep sighs as he kissed behind and below your ear.
the other eye opened and you shifted in his arms this time, legs maneuvering the sweatpants down and off your legs. you kicked them off the side of the bed with little struggle, but you could hear matt’s chuckle as you resumed your position against his chest again.
he knew you were fully awake when you shook your hips against his cock in order to get comfortable again. your cheeks burned despite the cold, and you moaned when matt reached his hand to the warmth at the apex of your thighs and pressed. fingertips over the fabric, he rubbed just firmly enough for you to turn into his arm and move your hips to the rhythm of his hand.
your hands clutched his arm, fingernails digging deep into the hoodie. a small whine crawled up your throat as matt continued the trail of his lips along your neck.
“so cold, baby,” he mumbled into your ear. “just wanna stay inside you.”
your breath hitched and your movements stopped. he could feel your heartbeat thrumming and maybe you weren’t ready —
“then do it.”
it was his turn for his breath to hitch because you didn’t even give him a warning as your hands reached behind you and tugged his boxers and sweatpants down in one go. the rough feeling of the sheets against his cock had matt keening over, mouth open against your neck. he helped you in pulling his clothes all the way down, then took his middle finger and swiped a line from your clit and into your wet entrance. you bucked against him, moaning as he pumped his finger one, two times along your inner walls.
you reached back once more, feeling blindly for his cock.
“fuck.” matt groaned out when you grasped him tightly, thumb rubbing up against his tip, covered in sticky precum. you gently tugged, savoring the way matt was at your utter mercy, guiding him towards your entrance. he got the message, and fully turned to be pressed snug against your ass. his hand covered your lower abdomen, holding you in place as he slid his cock in, and in, and in.
mouth open and face twisted, you were frozen in pleasure. a soft moan left your mouth when he settled fully to the hilt. you could feel the press of his balls, and you dared to press further back, groaning when you felt him slide deeper.
breathing heavy in you your ear, his hand pressed around your lower tummy, feeling himself there.
there was nothing better than this. the blankets were messy around his hips, but matt didn’t even care because he had never been warmer. it took everything in him not to buck his hips over and over and pound into you from this angle, knowing he would be able to feel himself. the urge to bask in this warmth overcame his urge to fuck your brains out, so he pulled the sheets back up and settled once more against your body.
“feels so nice, matty.” you mumbled sleepily against his arm.
“yeah, baby?” he whispered. you had clenched slightly around him, and the movement made his cock twitch. he moved his hand up your undershirt and held your breast, massaging the bud of your nipple and releasing it to cup it instead. you whimpered and it was enough for him to drop his hand and move it back to your bare waist because the noise made him want to pump his come deep in you.
that was the horny side of him talking. the logical side of him wanted to breathe you in and focus on the way you felt wrapped around him, warming him up in a way a million blankets or heaters never could.
despite the unnerving urge you had to come so hard you saw stars, you took a few deep breaths and made yourself relax to the feeling of matt’s cock pressed against your cervix. you were so sensitive that the smallest movement had your eyes clenched and tummy tightening.
it felt good — a little too good as it took everything in you not to keep impaling yourself on his cock till you came. but his arms around you tightened and you realized you’ve never felt cozier.
your breath still puffed out in chill breaths, the tv still played reruns, the snow still fell outside, the clock only read 1:43. everything was happening the way it was meant to. so matt kissed the corner of your lips once more and settled into your warmth.
“sleep, pretty girl,” he murmured. “i’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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ketaundkrawall · 2 days
Backstage ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: Joost fucks you backstage.
Warnings: smut (18+!!), pwp (like literally), unprotected piv, oral (m!receiving), chocking, teasing (😈), softdom!Joost, gf!reader, sex in a backstage area, praise kink (blink and you’ll miss it), horny idiots and I hope that’s it, no use of Y/N, afab!reader
WC: 969ish
A/N: so this one is based on this request I got few days ago! Thank you for the req Nonnie :3!! I hope it lives up to what you imagined 🥹 and reqs are always open for you all my people ✨
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18+ under the cut!
The air was heavy and warm, your skin layered with a coat of sweat as Joost pressed you against the wall of the backstage area. The concrete cooling your skin down as his hands roamed all over your body. Teeth clashing and heavy breathing the only audible sound in the small room. The soft tips of his fingers drawing circles on your hips, pulling you even closer to him.
Turning his head away and he looked you deep in the eyes. Oh those beautiful eyes. “I need you now.” He said, desperation coating his words.
An equally needy sound leaving your lips as he took your hand and pressed it firmly against his crotch, showing you just how much he needed you right now.
Your hands were quick to find his belt, opening it while falling on your knees in the process. Hooking your fingers through the loops of his jeans you pulled them down along with his boxers, freeing his throbbing erection. Your mouth watering at the sight in front of you.
Feeling a hand around your chin Joost made you look up at him. His hair was all messy, his cheeks flushed and eyes dark with lust. Definitely a sight for sore eyes. “Open your mouth for me.” He said, brushing his thumb over your lower lip.
Not breaking eye contact you opened your mouth, watching his every move, as he pushed his thumb into it. Closing your lips around it you twirled your tongue around his thumb, sucking slightly on it which earned you a deep moan from him.
Soon the finger was replaced with his dick. Watching you move your head and working his length into your mouth, Joost closed his eyes. Enjoying the feeling of the wet and warmth of it. He always loved when you got on your knees for him. As he looked down he could’ve come there and then. Your eyes were closed as your pretty little mouth swallowed him whole.
Feeling the familiar warmth spread across his lower abdomen he was quick to pull you off him, earning a whine from you. “Hey!”
Grabbing your arm he pulled you up and pushed towards a table that was standing in the middle of the room.
Your brain couldn’t really comprehend what happened next. Joost swiftly and in one motion emptied the table with one arm. Bottles and plastic cups clashing onto the floor making a mess. Bending you over he pulled your skirt up your hips.
Biting your lip to keep you from moaning his thumb brushed against the wet fabric of your tiny thong you decided to wear. “Are you gonna fuck me now or what?” You sneakily remarked, gaining you another slap on your ass, harder this time.
“Definitely will baby. Definitely will.” He mumbled. Pushing it down your legs, you shivered as the air hit your wet and dripping cunt. The feeling of Joosts fingers sliding up and down your wet slit made you hold onto the table harder. Knuckles turning white.
Grinning to himself he watched you writhe beneath him. Deciding not to tease you more, he wrapped his slick coated fingers around his dick, giving it a few strokes before teasing your entrance with the tip.
Whimpering you tried to push back for some friction. “Ah-ah.” Joost chuckled.
Another whine and god he loved when you let out those little noises, blood rushing straight to his cock.
Snapping his hips forward you practically screamed his name out of pleasure. His hips now flush against your ass. “P-please.” Your desperation was music to his ears. “Fuck me Joost.” And that was all he needed to hear. He grabbed you by your neck, pressing the side of your face against the table, fucking into you like a mad man.
Skin slapping against skin and shallow breaths filling the quiet room. “So good for me.” He moaned. “Taking my cock so well Schat (Baby). Feeling so perfect around me.”
You tried to say something but your brain was fogged. Only filled with cock and the feeling of his hand around your neck, chocking you oh so nicely.
It didn’t take long for the both of you to come closer to the edge. Joost could feel your pussy tighten around his cock, indicating him that you were close so he put two fingers on your clit rubbing it in tight circles. “Come on, I know you’re close.” He breathed out, feeling his own release building up in the pit of his stomach. “Cum on my cock baby.”
And with that you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your mind went blank as your orgasm washed over you, knees buckling. You were sure if Joost didn’t hold you up by your hips you’d fall right over.
Feeling you tighten around him his hips stuttered before stopping completely and emptying himself deep inside you.
It takes you a moment to come down to planet earth. Pulling out of you, you could feel a kiss being pressed to the back of your head. Feeling too fucked to get up, you just stayed in your place, hearing your boyfriend getting dressed again. The loss of contact making you whine softly.
Looking around the dressing room, Joost picked up a cloth to clean you up, being very gentle and soft. “Thank you.” He said, pulling your panties back and your skirt down before helping you stand back on your wobbly legs.
You chuckled. “No need to thank me next time just warn me before attacking me like a horny teen.” Leaning closer you pressed a kiss against his lips. “Let’s get back out there. Bet everyone’s wondering where you are.” And with that you both walked back out the room and right back into the crowded hall of the club Joost had just performed in minutes ago.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little cutie and feel free to ask/request anything!!
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ckhaine · 1 day
𖥻 MON AMOUR 18+ content
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pairings jungkook x fem! reader genres  smut + small fluff
content vulgar language, sexual themes, mentions of smoking, soft dom!jungkook, clit simulation, unprotected sex (wrap it up), missionary, cock-warming may be a few grammar errors, ignore them.
𝑐𝑘 𓃭 stream never let go :(( my baby so cute. might take a mini break from posting soon cs i've got lots to do that's more important than writing at the moment... anyway, here's your smut my loves. would love a comment, like, reblog. enjoy :)
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A restless night where Jungkook can’t sleep for the life of him. He smoked, which only had him a little buzzed. He tried drinking a cup of camomile tea, relaxing on the balcony . . yet nothing was working.
Groaning, he flips onto his side, facing your sleeping state. He raises a hand to gently cup your cheek and brushes a strand of hair away from lying across your cute nose. Places a kiss there.
It’s a selfish way to think, but he wanted nothing but for you to be awake with him.
“Baby,” Jungkook whispers, resting his head on the large, white pillow your face is planted on. “Babyyy,” he tries again, his index finger gently poking your hip. “Amour, wake up,” he whispers a little louder, a pout on his mouth.
Finally, your eyes fluttered open, all big and round with slight puffiness to the skin around your eyes. That makes Jungkook giggle, a goofy smile on his lips. “Kook?” You manage to murmur out, leaning forward to bury your face in the crook of his neck. “Mmpf— ‘m so sleepy,” you add.
Your bother-of-a-boyfriend laughs softly, “So sleepy,” he mocks, a horrible attempt to make his voice equally as whiny and grumpy as yours, awakening a small scowl on your face.
The small strikes of thunder in the dark outside shine through the window, creating a gentle shadow on the features that make up such a lovely face. You blink your eyes towards the window, seeing heavy rain drop from the outside of the clear glass.
“It’s raining?” You ask, and Jungkook nods with a hum. “Yes, baby, it’s raining. You like rain, don’t ya?”
Sneaking a hand between your thighs, prying them open, you gasp at the contact of his fingers pressing against your clit, the fabric of your panties creating an upsetting division. You whine, jutting your hips against the provided friction. “Shhh, gon’ make y’feel good,” he claims, shifting atop you.
He peels the fabric to the side, sinks his fingers in your dewy folds and collects a glob of essence, bringing his fingers up to your throbbing nub, rubbing at a painfully slow pace. “Don’t tease me or ‘m gonna fall asleep.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, considering your drowsyness. Ridding himself of his sweats and tugging his boxers to sit underneath his aching balls, he presses the swollen tip against your leaking cunt, slowly sinking into you with a groan.
A hand holds his body up by your head, to which you wrap your fingers around his wrist. His necklace lightly dangles over your face, making Jungkook chuckle over you. His hips form a slow pace, before shifting into one faster and rougher. “Awh, shit.”
You let out soft, shaky whimpers and mumbles, ones that Jungkook nor you can understand. “Feels s’good, baby . .” You gasp, feeling a knot forming in your tummy, your legs shaking as you toss your head back.
Drool slides out of your agape mouth, back arching off the mattress as he, somehow, manages to plunge deep into your soppy, little hole. Lewd squelches of your pussy fills your ears, bringing you closer and closer to your release.
“Ju-Jungkook, ‘m gonna cu—” You stutter, sucking in a sharp breath of air as you cream all over his shaft, your hands gently digging into his tattooed forearm, emitting a low hiss from him.
“That's it, baby, fuck yes,” Jungkook lets out a loud groan, bottoming out, coating your walls white. He pulls out ‘til the tip’s still inside, watching the mixture of both yours and his come ooze out of your pussy before shoving it back into you.
He sighs, pressing a kiss onto your lips while he sinks down beside you, still buried in you as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Go sleep, amour,” he says, in which you nod and smile.
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© ckhaine 2024. all rights reserved.
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hello love! for your kinkfest, I have a request!
simon riley w/ size kink and manhandling perhaps?
You may!!
Requests are open
Contains: Consent and kink negotiation, size kink, manhandling, oral sex (m receiving) fingering, P in V, fluff. Not beta read.
1.3K words
Simon was a gentle giant until you asked him not to be.
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"Simon, you're going to give yourself a hernia."
He chuckled at your admonishment and continued to haul the uncut firewood onto the chopping block as you watched in awe. "It ain't that heavy lovey."
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Sure."
You headed back inside your holiday cabin and made yourself comfortable on the couch, but the book you picked up was just a cover for gawking at Simon through the window.
He came back inside twenty minutes later, dripping in sweat despite the cold and flopped down next to you, lifting your legs to make room before placing them on his lap. He sighed and stretched towards you, and you smiled cheekily as you shied away from him. "Eww, you're all dirty."
There was nowhere you could go, between his wingspan and his thick thighs, he took up most of the little loveseat. His face crinkled with a smile, and he clambered into your space, crowding you into the corner of the couch as you did your best to hide the excitement on your face. "I saw you watching me out there."
You nodded. "Yes, you have very nice muscles."
He was so expressive without his mask, there was no Ghost here, just your Simon. Right now, he was grinning like the cat that got the cream as he lunged at you and threw you over his shoulder as he walked towards the bedroom. You struggled, doing your best to wriggle away, but it was like trying to get free from a vice. He all but tossed you on the bed, chuckling warmly as you bounced.
It was on now, and you tried your best to shuffle up the bed as he yanked you towards him by your calf. His ample muscles flexed as he pulled his shirt over his head, and you reached out to lay your hand on his chest, his hand enveloping yours as he held it to him. "You like it when I toss you around and show off, don't you Lovey?"
You nodded. "Yes, I would like more please."
He grinned and you fought back a gasp as he tore your pants from your body. "Simon, those were expensive."
He smirked. "I'll buy you more."
He yanked you up by both your upper arms, pulling your shirt over your head, and he spun you away from the bed and placed you on your knees on the fluffy floor rug. "I've been working hard all day to keep you warm and I think you should thank me."
The bludge in his pants made it clear what he thought his thank you should be. You rushed to free him from his pants, and he sighed as the pressure released from cock when you pulled him free. One hand found your cheek, and the other wrapped around the meat of the place where your neck met your shoulder. He looked down at you with a smirk as his thumb brushed your lower lip. "Get to it Lovey."
You licked him from base to tip, and his head fell backwards as heat filled him. He was squeezing your shoulder rhythmically, his chest rising and falling with controlled breaths as you took the tip into his mouth. You took him down further as he began to groan, the hand on your cheek moving to gather your hair into a ponytail held in his hand so he could take over the pace. "Tap my hip if you need a break."
You moaned an affirmative around him, and his hips bucked at the vibration. "That's my good girl." You relaxed around him as he bucked his hips, stopping each time he went deeper to let you adjust. When he really hit the tempo, he liked, he would pause each time he was almost all the way out of your mouth so you could suck him like a lolly pop before sliding down your throat.
All too soon, he was yanking you off of him, kicking his pants and boxers all the way off and all but picking you up before throwing you onto the bed. "That was a pretty good thank you."
You smiled. "It was my pleasure." He crawled on top of you, blanketing you with his body as he pressed his lips to yours to kiss you for the first time since he came inside. The kiss was all lust and desire as he broke the hook closures holding your bra together, your panties went next, one side ripped in half as he pulled them off you.
His thick fingers found your centre, and he groaned when he felt you soaked. "Fuck Lovey, you trying to kill me?" He didn't give you a chance to answer, rubbing his fingers up and down your slit before sliding two of them inside you as he swallowed your moans with his mouth. He was so warm that the coldness of the outside didn't have a hope, and you buried your face in his neck as he scissored his while his thumb rubbed your clit.
You were forced to feel every precise pass of his calloused fingertips on your G-spot, unable to do anything else under his body weight. His mouth was intent on sucking marks into your skin, the mix of teeth and lips sending shock waved down your body. You muttered out a warning, trying to let him know you were about to fall off the cliff, but he kissed you hard before you could utter a word, groaning against your lips when he felt you squeeze around his fingers.
He pulled his hand away, using your wetness to slick his cock before wrapping his hands around your tights to pull them apart so he could slot himself between them. "You ready Lovey?"
You nodded emphatically, and he grinned, gripping his cock so he could guide it inside you as your head fell back onto the pillow. He gave you a moment to adjust before rocking his hips slowly, his pace picking up as you wrapped your arms around him. Before you could really sink into it, he was pulling out of you and flipping you over, yanking you onto all fours before settling behind you and slamming back home. Your head and chest fell into the bed as he gripped your hips, and you knew, with how hard he was holding you, that you'd have finger shaped bruises in the morning.
One hand left your hip and slid around to your front, rubbing your clit as he angled his hips to brush your G-spot with each pass. The slap of his pelvis against your ass and the sound of your shared moans filled the air as he pushed you both closer to the peak, each thrust shoving you up the bed until you had to reach out a hand to stop your head from knocking into the headboard.
Your vision began to white out at the edges as heat grew in your core, and before you knew it, you were rushing into an orgasm as he grunted behind you. In the haze of bliss, the only thing that let you know he was close behind was his faltering pace and the tightness of his hand on your hip. He let out a feral grunt and finally stilled, managing to pull you into his chest and pull you both down so you were lying on your side with his body wrapped around you. "Now we're both dirty."
You couldn't help but giggle, and his arms hugged you to him. "You're crushing me."
He sighed and kissed the space between your shoulder blades. "You love it."
You nodded. "I do."
He ran his nose up your upper back to your neck, then kissed his way towards your ear before speaking. "I'll run us a bath."
That did sound nice. "I would like that." You spun in his arms and pressed your lips to his, the kiss soft and warm. "Thank you. I really enjoyed that."
He did his best to hold back his egoistical smirk. "So did I." He rubbed your nose with his and kissed you. "I love you y/n."
You smiled against his lips. "I love you too Simon."
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dorkszn · 10 hours
7 MINUTES IN HELL + satoru gojo
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SYNP — getting stuck with your ex-boyfriend during a dumb game of seven minutes in hell heaven
WARNINGS — amab reader, dom!top!reader, sub!bottom!gojo, brat gojo, porn w plot, forced proximity, pet names, dunk sex, drinking, smoking (weed), closet sex, fingering, orgasm denial, anal sex, college au, implied commitment issues, implied toxic relationship, gojo’s kinda an asshole, degradation, creampie, minor feminization | 3.8K words
A/N — my first time writing top reader i think 🥹🥹 I’m actually so proud of this
Everyone knows when and why the two of you broke up. If you can even call it a breakup. It was more of a tear-filled yelling session between a pair of friends with benefits. That’s how he described it. One where Satoru ended up walking out your front door and you dropped onto your couch with angry tears in your eyes.
Nobody questioned you guys afterward though. Suguru kept quiet, listening to Satoru whenever he ranted. Shoko sat beside you, sharing a cigarette and takeout with you. Haibara kept his usual self, forcing everyone into group activities. And Nanami who kept to himself, per usual.
The house was full to the brim of loud, drunk college students. Music blaring and the stench of alcohol intoxicated every inch of the air. Your typical party. Some people play beer pong in the basement of the home you knew all too well, some make out in the corners and crevices, and some dance with their friends in the middle of the living room you’d hung out in many times.
Haibara wasn’t particularly known for his parties but he had thrown a few good ones in the past few months. Some you had attended and some you decided to miss out on. You couldn’t miss this one though. No matter how badly you wished you could. Shoko dragged you here because she couldn’t say no to Haibara’s invitation. Which for some reason meant that you couldn’t say no either.
Currently, you stand in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as a girl you recognize as a lower classman speaks to you. “But yeah, Mr. Yaga is just—“ her words are interrupted by a small hiccup. “Such an asshole, you know? And I don’t even have his class!” She’s been stumbling and stammering the whole conversation but for some reason, she’s one of the only bearable people here.
“Ain’t that the truth,” You blandly chuckle, sipping at your drink and emptying your red solo cup. “Be right back.” You tell her through the boisterous tune playing through the house. You slide past a few people to make your way to the fridge.
You open it and let the cool air abduct you. A nice break from the stuffiness of the crowd. An arrangement of alcohol sits in front of you. Your gaze runs through it, trying to pick whatever stands out. A singular white claw catches your attention. You reach for it only to be interrupted by another’s hand grabbing it.
“What the he—“ you whip around to face the thief. Of course, it’s this bastard. White hair and black, circular sunglasses greet you along with a stupid signature grin.
“Oops, did you want this?” Satoru hums. He cracks the can open and takes a dragged-out sip of it. You roll your eyes at his typical antics, shutting the fridge.
“Fuck off, Gojo.” You scoff.
“Ow, last name basis, baby?” He hums, drinking from the can once more. You feel your blood beginning to boil in your veins. You push past him, knocking him back ever so slightly with the force.
“Don’t call me that.” You grumble. You make your way to the basement where you know Haibara would have more alcohol. Gojo chuckles and trails behind you.
“We’re playing some games upstairs if you wanna join.” He offers. You glance back at him with narrow eyes.
“With you? No thanks.” You hum, jogging down the stairs. A cup pong game runs in the large basement, a crowd building around it. The well-known jocks stand in the middle, being hyped up by their teammate.
You hold a prolonged stare at one of the jocks. He’d always caught your eye. “Really? Jocks don’t give a good fuck. I know they seem like it but they don’t.” Gojo suddenly speaks up again.
“Do you ever stop and think that some people want more than a fuck-buddy?” You hiss, turning to look back at the man. He gives you a softer look. Your past flashed through his mind. He sits in silence. You sigh and continue to the box of beer in the corner of the room. You grab a can and crack it open.
“Go find something to do, Gojo.” You mumble, leaving him in the basement.
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An hour or two and a few more drinks in, you find yourself watching a UNO game running at Haibara’s dining table. Utahime sits in front of you, holding three cards in her hand. She might be the only other person that Gojo irritates more than you. A focused aura surrounds her, keeping you just a foot away from her.
“You got money on this game?” You ask her, glancing over her cards through slightly hazy eyes.
“Of course she does. As do I,” Another voice speaks up. Mei Mei sits just one seat away from Utahime, she holds just two cards in her hand. You can’t help but chuckle. Of course. Utahime is too competitive for her good and Mei Mei is one of the freakiest gold diggers ever.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder. You turn at the weight and see Shoko. She holds up a plastic ziploc bag, with a small bundle of green inside of it. “Holy shit, Sho.” You slightly gasp with a grin.
The woman smirks back at you. “Found out my guy was here. Plus it was free, beat him in Smash Brothers for it.” She explains. If there was anyone to count on to find something to smoke, it was Shoko.
“Wanna go up? I hear Yu’s room is open.” She questions, gesturing to the stairs. You nod and give Utahime an encouraged pat on the shoulder. You and Shoko find your way through the crowd, squeezing past people kissing, and dancing. You finally make it to the stairs where two students sit at the bottom, one sitting in the other lap. Everyone’s gonna feel like shit on Monday.
You somehow make it up the stairs and follow Shoko’s guide. You find your friend’s room but Shoko stops you before you can open the door. “Don’t freak out, okay? I know that’s unlike you but still.” She murmurs.
You shoot her a confused look before shrugging. “Okay?”
Shoko nods and grabs the knob, opening the door. Haibara’s bedroom looks how it usually does. Suguru and Gojo sit on the bed, sharing a bag of chips between the two of them. Haibara is on the floor beside Nanami, running a game of shogi. You look over at Shoko and she furrows her brows. You sigh.
“Hey, I found y/n.” She hums to the group before closing the door behind the two of you. You awkwardly wave to your group of friends and join Shoko on the floor against the wall.
“Y/n, will you tell Kento that this can't move diagonally?" Yu huffs, showing you one of the game pieces.
“You know I don’t know how to play shogi.” You reply. Yu facepalms before nodding and turning back to the blonde. You watch as Shoko quickly works to roll the weed into the paper. You think she could do this in her sleep if she tried.
When done, she passes you the blunt and reaches for her lighter. “Shit.” You hear her mumble.
“Suguru, got a lighter?” You ask, focusing your gaze on him and only him. You see Gojo watching you out of the corner of your eye but ignore him. Suguru digs through the pockets of his baggy sweatpants, finding his old-fashioned flick lighter. He tosses it to you and you catch it in your right hand.
Shoko cups her hand around the flame as you hold it to the paper. It lights and you shut the lighter. Gojo’s staring at you, you can feel it. You place it between your lips and tuck the lighter in your pocket. You look back at him as you take a drag of the drug. You pass it to Shoko and gently blow out the smoke.
Gojo’s face flushes a soft pink before he turns his attention back to Suguru.
“Oh my god!” Haibara suddenly outbursts. You all turn to look at him. “Ok! Ok! Let’s play something else.” He seethes, frustration written on his face.
“Jeez, grab a beer, dude,” Shoko says, blowing smoke out from her lips.
“What d’you wanna play?” Gojo hums, clearly amused by the idea. Haibara ponders for a moment before his eyes settle on a hat on top of his dresser.
“I have an idea,” he smirks. He stands and grabs the hat then a piece of paper and a marker.
“I don’t like this.” Nanami groans, dragging a hand down his face. While Yu begins ripping up the photo, the door bursts open. An angry Utahime and a grinning Mei Mei enter.
“How’d the game go?” You hum, turning to the two girls. Utahime simply glares at you and you smile back.
“I ran her pockets of course,” Mei answers with a smug grin. Before Utahime can remark, Yu calls out.
“Ok! Everyone write their name on a piece of paper and put it in the hat,” Haibara tells you all, handing everyone a small piece of paper and Suguru a pen.
“We’re not children, Yu-Bara,” Shoko scoffs.
“Exactly. That’s why we’re playing big games,” he says excitedly. “Spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven.” Everyone groans or sighs at his antics, except for Gojo. He laughs.
Reluctantly, you all scribble your names down and drop the folded papers within the hat. You all form a circle in the middle of Haibara’s room floor. Shoko on your right, Kento to your left, and the white-haired bastard across from you.
An empty beer bottle is placed in the middle of the circle. “Let’s keep this fun, guys. No fighting or arguing, alright?” Yu hums. You all nod and he grabs the bottle. It spins rapidly between you all. Everyone’s eyes trained on it. The bottle comes to a slow before stopping, the mouth of the bottle pointing at you.
A cloud of smoke leaves you with a sigh. “Of course.” You mutter. Yu then replaces the bottle with the hat of names. You look at the antsy expressions on your friends' faces before closing your eyes. Your fingers shuffle through the papers then grab one.
A combined “ouuuu” from Haibara, Gojo, and Mei Mei fills the room as you open your eyes. You roll your eyes at their childishness. Slowly, you open the small piece of paper.
‘Satoru ;)’
You’ve got to be fucking kidding. Your facial expression must’ve given away your thoughts because everyone stares at you oddly. Shoko leans over and reads the sheet. “Oh shit.” She gasps slightly.
You look up to meet blue eyes then flip the paper around for everyone to see. Numerous reactions leave the group. But you focus on the grin that covers Gojo’s face. “Well, isn’t it your lucky day?” He quips. He stands and holds his hand out to you. You take one last drag of the blunt before standing and ignoring his assistance.
“Sure is,” you mumble, smoke flowing through your words. Yu trails behind the two of you to the closet. You walk in first, Gojo following.
“Be nice guys! Have fun!” He waves with a taunting grin before shutting the door. You hear him push a chair up in front of it, preventing your escape. “Your seven minutes start now!” He yells, his voice slightly muffled by the door.
You hesitate through the darkness, trying to space yourself away from Gojo. “Just stay on your side for the next 7 minutes and we’ll be fine.” You sigh. Gojo pulls out his phone and turns on the flash, shining the bright light at you.
You wince at the light and put a hand up to shield your eyes. “You see the space we got? There aren’t any sides, sweetheart.” He scoffs, showing you the minimal space of the closet. He stands just about a foot and a half away from you. The proximity almost made your skin crawl.
“Why are you such an asshole?” You question, dragging a hand over your face.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. Most people disagree with you, y’know?” Satoru hums, flashing you a grin.
“Don’t call me that,” you hiss again. “Plus, most of those people don’t know you.”
“You didn’t seem to mind it the first time,” he snickers and you glare at him. “Besides, are you implying that you know me?”
“No, I thought I did but clearly not.” You grumble, folding your arms over your chest. Satoru ever-so-slightly frowns at this.
“C’mon man, it was just a misunderstanding,” Satoru sighs, pushing his snowy hair out of his face. A misunderstanding was a severe understatement. You couldn’t tell if it was the closet or the alcohol in your system but anger began to fuel your body. “And it’s not my fault you were naive.” He adds.
Before you can think about it, you’re grabbing his shirt and shoving him against the closet wall. His phone falls to the floor with a soft thud, the light illuminating the closet from the ground. Satoru swallows and looks at you with wide eyes. His hand grips your wrist.
“Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to get you all worked up,” he apologizes with a smirk, gently tapping at your wrist. This bastard.
“I can’t fucking stand you, Satoru.” You seethe, bringing your face close to his. You didn’t want the others to hear and think something was going on.
“You say that and you still haven’t found anyone better than me,” The male replies, putting the two of you just inches apart. A sudden warmth surrounds you, your heart pounding in your ears. “You know you love how I make you feel.” He whispers.
He wasn’t wrong there. Every fuck after him just felt dull and you were left feeling bad for whoever you were with. And nobody pushes your buttons quite like Satoru does. Nobody makes you feel like he does. And you hate it.
“Fuck you,” you finally stammer out with a shaky breath. He lets out a low chuckle.
“You miss that, don’t you?” Satoru murmurs, his grin just inches away from your lips. You’d like to blame the alcohol for your next actions. But both of you know, your mind and body were craving the man in front of you. He was addicting.
You finally took him into a rough kiss, pulling a small sound from him. His lips feel so natural against yours. They feel no different than a few months ago. The two of you move so knowingly with each other, lips in sync. Satoru’s hands grip your shirt, slightly pulling at the fabric. One of your hands finds his waist while the other makes its way to his hair.
You tug on the snowy tufts, pulling a wince from the man’s throat. You slip your tongue past his lips, taking in every inch of him for the first time in a while. Your mind has every part of him engraved in it but your body longs to re-explore him once more. The taste of alcohol lingers on his tongue, matching yours.
You want to breathe him in more. Use him as your oxygen source instead of the small air supply of the closet. However, you pull on his hair once more and pull away from him. A string of saliva connecting the two of you. Your chest heaves up and down, pressing against his. You wonder if he can feel your racing heart.
“Missed you too, baby—“
“Shut up.” You say, voice stern. You pull at his belt with one hand, the other wrapping around his throat. Satoru lets out a weak groan as you undo his belt buckle. You move to his pants until they’re both loose around his waist. The waistband of his boxers reveals itself, as well as the slight bulge in the cotton.
You don’t loosen your grip on his neck when you lift two fingers to his lips. “Get 'em’ wet.” You mumble to him. Your fingers slip past his shining, pink lips and into his mouth. His tongue pressed against your fingerpads before swirling around your digits.
Satoru’s eyes stare straight into yours over the edge of his sunglasses. You feel your dick slightly twitch in your pants, making you swallow harshly. “So you do listen,” you hum. You pull your fingers out with a small ‘pop’ from him.
“When I want to—“ his words are interrupted again when you turn him around, his back facing you. You make quick work of pulling down his pants and boxers. Satoru’s back naturally arches when the cold air hits his skin.
You snicker in response with a small hiccup. “You’re such a slut, Toru,” you tell him as you reveal his hole to you.
“Shut the hell up.” He replies, his words breaking down into a moan when you spit on his entrance and push two fingertips past the ring of muscle. You push your fingers further, prodding at his walls.
“Shit, has anyone stretched you out since me? You feel exactly how I left you.” You grin cockily. Satoru grumbles curses in response and rolls his eyes. You scissor and part your fingers inside of him, stealing lewd noises from the man.
“Yeah… tons, guys way better than you.” Satoru pants, a faltering smile on his face as he glances back at you. You lean forward and bite down on the sensitive spot of his neck. His cry is like music to your ears, making you smirk against his skin. Your tongue laps over the reddening spot as your hand moves to his mouth, covering it with your palm.
“Quiet down, will you? Everyone already knows you’re a whore,” you hiss. You feel Satoru tighten around you, making you groan and his eyes roll. He’s close. “Gonna cum already?” You hum, quickening the pace of your fingers. Your digits curling inside of him.
“Ngh— fuck off,” Satoru mumbles, slightly moving his hips to fuck himself on your fingers. But you pull away, watching his entrance clench around nothing. A small gasp escapes the man. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He examines, turning his head to look back at you with a deep glare.
You scoff before reaching for your belt. “Nothing nearly as bad as whatever is wrong with you.” You reply, undoing your belt buckle and your pants zipper. You pull down your boxers that are slightly stained with your precum. Satoru swallows as he looks down at your growing erection, mouth practically salivating at the sight. A hungry lustful look in his bright blue eyes.
You tease Satoru’s entrance with your tip, just barely pushing into him and pressing kisses to the ring of muscle. Satoru lets out an annoyed whine, his hips squirming and pushing back against you. You groan when he desperately grinds against your length. “C’mon, just put it in.” He pleads.
“Such a needy boy,” you murmur. You push into him and his eyes roll back in his head as your cock fills him. Your breath shakes as it passes your lips, his walls tighten around your length. So warm and holding you just right. “Fuck Toru, you’re so tight.” You hiss in his ear, pressing a kiss against the skin.
“Just fuck me already.” He scoffs weakly, his chest slightly heaving against the closet walls. You wrap a hand around his throat and grip his hip with the other, your fingertips surely bruising where they sit. You pull out of him agonizingly slowly, taking inch by inch away from Satoru.
You then slam back into him to the hilt, a choked whimper leaving him. “Not such an arrogant bastard anymore.” You murmur before picking up your pace again. His muffled sounds don’t go unheard as you focus on the way your cock disappears into the plump flesh of his ass.
A harsh clap echoed throughout the closet with every collision of your hips. “agh— sweetheart, s’too good.” Satoru pants, hands clawing at whatever fabric was closest to him.
“Yeah? Who fucks you the best?” You hum, relentlessly as you buck your hips forward. Your leaking tip punctuating every time you hit that certain spot inside him. A spot you’d never forget.
“Shit, you do. You fuck me the best.” The snow-haired male whimpers. You shift your hand around his throat, pulling him right against you. A pornographic moan erupts from his throat. A noise everyone outside the closet definitely heard. Two of your fingers find their place in Satoru’s mouth again, pressing down on his tongue.
“Shh. Don’t want everyone to hear how much you love my dick, right?” You coo, running your tongue along the exposure of his neck. A muffled “mhm-mhm” leaves Satoru as his tongue focuses on your fingers occupying his mouth.
However, this can’t distract from the feeling of slamming into him. Spreading him apart and filling every centimeter of his insides, reaching sensitive spots he never knew even existed. The feeling of Satoru’s hand pushing against your abdomen doesn’t even register in your mind for seconds as you get lost in his cunt.
You take hold of his wrist and move it off of your flushed skin. “Take it, Toru. You know you can.”
“Can’t, m’fucking— gonna cum.” He babbles.
“Yeah? Go ahead, cum around my cock. Make a mess for me.” You tell him through a smug grin. Your hand drags down from his mouth to his dick, wrapping around it and pumping him to the rhythm of your thrust.
“Fuck, baby, missed you so so much.” Satoru groans before ropes of cum spurt from his tip. His eyes squeeze shut so tight and his body trembles against you. His seed coating your hand and fingers.
“So fucking sloppy.” You mewl, feeling your balls clench as you stuff yourself into Satoru to the hilt. You bite down on his neck as you release in him, stuffing him to the brim with your cum.
A weak whine pulls from Satoru when you finally pull your teeth out of his neck and lap your tongue over the spot.
The two of you sit in your mess, the smell of sex and sweat intoxicating the small space. You can feel Satoru’s heart racing in his chest. You just sit for a moment until you go limp within him before pulling out. Satoru leans against the closet wall, lips glossy with spit and eyes hazed over with lust.
Suddenly, he gives you a weak grin. And you can’t help but drunkenly smile back. Idiot. You glance down and see your cum beginning to dribble out of him. Satoru grunts when you push a finger into him, assuring your seeds place inside of him.
“Missed you too, baby.”
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poetsblvd · 2 days
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blurb . requested . fluff and comfort
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“How do you not get confused at all?” Charles mumbles in awe of your skincare collection, staring at the jars and tubes of different sizes that sit prettily in organised containers on the large vanity of your bathroom.
You shrug, pulling him lightly by his knuckles towards a seat facing your bathroom mirror. “You get used to it, now sit!”
He smiles softly taking a seat on the cushioned stool next to yours, nodding as you pull out an array of different types of face masks to try with him.
“I have so many fun ones we can do! There’s this clay mask, this gel one, that’s a sheet mask, and then this one peels off.” A delicately manicured finger pulls out the containers and thin boxes from cabinets and lays them down in front of him.
He doesn’t quite know what you’re saying at all, the words mostly fly over his head and he doesn’t understand much of what you’re saying, except that maybe the world has far too many face masks to choose from, but he knows he can listen to you prattle on for hours on end about sheet masks, gel under eye patches, everything really, and never tire.
You hum in concentration, still looking through drawers for anything you may be missing to show him, completely unaware of your boyfriends’ attention being solely on you rather than your skincare.
“You’re so beautiful, you know?” He murmurs smiling up at you.
Your hands pause in their movements, a pretty flush creeping up your cheeks and down your neck, only endearing you more to him.
His hands come to rub at his chest unconsciously still staring at you in awe, a soft gooey feeling coating him turning his eyes into hearts and making his brain go almost numb.
‘’Tellement jolie.” He smiles, large hands carefully sliding around your waist and pulling you closer to stand in front of him, chin resting on the pretty pink silk robe that coats your body. ( so pretty )
“Mon belle amour, comment ai-je eu autant de chance?” He wonders, laughing softly when your hands bashfully come up to cover your face, french glossy nails shining in the light. ( my beautiful love, how did i get so lucky? )
“Charlie!” You whine, dragging out his name in exasperation mumbling a shy I love you, that’s incredibly well received if his ear splitting grin and giggle are anything to go by.
He tugs you onto his lap, making sure you’re comfortable, hands still woven tightly around your waist, his head in the crook of your neck, he smears a soft kiss on your shoulders and nudges you to the face masks again.
“Tell me what face mask you like the most mon beau.” You pull out a small glass pot labeled ‘volcanic clay mask’ and he fights all his inner questions down when you start rattling off its benefits of how it minimises pores and helps target fine lines?
“Okay amour, will you put it on for me?” He smiles cheesily, pushing his face forward and turning you around in his hold.
“We have to push your hair back first love.” You pull out a brand new headband from the drawer next to you and present it to him, grinning at his loud bark of laughter at the lightning mcqueen skincare headband in front of of him.
“Oh my God!”
“You like it?” You question, happiness bubbling inside you.
Nodding eagerly he lets you slip it onto his head and push back his hair “Love it! Love you, so much, Je t’aime mon coeur.”
“Je t’aime aussi Cha.”
“Wow, I am going to be the coolest in the paddock, Lightning mcqueen headband? Max is going to be so jealous.”
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love note , hi i hope you guys liked this!! i’m not the most pleased with this but i had the teeniest crumb of inspo to write and it’s 4:20 am (again) so please bear with me!! but i found the idea cute and i was struggling to put it into words, but it is what it is! also i have a bunch of reqs in my inbox that i promos i’ll get to, but i’m recovering from the most disgusting flu and have the most awful writers block, so we’ll go slow and steady!! anyways happy reading mwah xx
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en-gelic · 3 days
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syn. when you get jealous gn. fluff 0.8k cw. skinship, jealousy, short reader 엔하이픈 막내선 ୨୧ the boy is mine LiA'S NOTE tumblr is pissing me off rn COLLECTION 엔하이픈 형선
KIM SUNOO — "So that's how you're going to be." You mumbled, as you stared in envy at the woman beaming at Sunoo, who was reciprocating her action. Later, he found you giggling with the shop assistant who just happened to be male. "Of course I'll take your phone number." You giggled, exposing your dimple as you smiled at him. Sunoo's face twitched as he forced up a smile mixed with confusion and irritation.
Sliding his hand around your waist, he smiled at the shop assistant who had been writing down his phone number on paper for you to take. "Hi Sunoo," You smiled, biting back "Meet my new friend." Exclaiming in excitement, you watched as he forced a smile to be happy for you. "Hi, new friend. I'm Sunoo, her boyfriend. So nice to meet you." You watched your play unfold as the shop assistant stared begrudgingly at your boyfriend who had been eyeing him since he arrived. Wordlessly, he dragged you out of the store and into the car, driving silently. Still without a word, he pulled you into the house, setting himself on the bed and pressing you down on his lap. "Talk." He started, demanding an answer from your behaviour. "Says you who was basically eye-cheating on me with that woman." You retorted, irritated by his low EI. He was quiet for a minute until he began tease you about your possessiveness. "You wanted to make me jealous, didn't you?" He teased, pinching your cheeks and watching you get even more irritated. "I hate you so much." You murmured. Still finding it amusing that you tried to make him jealous, he pressed a peck on your pouty lips. "Let's watch a movie you want so you can feel better." ✶ more under the cut !
YANG JUNGWON — You stared at your phone which was blowing up with Weverse notifications of your boyfriend who had hung up the phone because he was busy but was really replying to dozens of engenes at once. On a normal day, you found his interactions cute, watching how he expressed his love to his fans. Logging into your account, you began spamming the angry emojis, knowing very well that he could see them as he knew your account username. Getting the hint, he rang your phone, spam sending you 'What's wrongs'.
"Why are you calling? I thought you were busy." You answered, trying to act indifferent, but hiding a smile behind the shield of your phone. "Sorry. Do you want me to reply to your angry emojis?" You pulled a face at his cheekiness as you could hear his grin through his voice. "Just go reply to your fans, who you're clearly dating." The sarcasm laced in your voice caused his grin to turn into a chuckle. "I should do this more often. It's cute when you're jealous." Huffing, you replied, "Whatever. Just come over and give me a kiss and maybe I'll forgive you." Seconds later, he was at your door as though he was waiting for you to say the words. Smiling, popped your head out of the door, pretending to be angry. "You're not going to let me in?" He questioned, his dimple pressing into his cheek. You shook your head. Given the height difference, he leaned down, his figure blocking your view from everything else. Between your thought process, he pressed a soft kiss on your lips. "Are you sure?" He teased, not giving you any time to reply by his continuous kisses. Pushing him away, you peppered his face with kisses, staining his face with lip gloss. Ruffling his hair, you turned him around. "Go brag to the engenes about how you have the best girlfriend ever." "Will you forgive me then?" Struggling to hide the grin on your face, you hummed.
NISHIMURA RIKI — "Why aren't you talking?" He pestered while you scrolled through his clips from the recent fan meet. "If you want to talk to someone, go to that girl you interlocked fingers with and stared at with your beady eyes." You retorted. At his lack of reply, you turned to look at him, who was staring at you with a massive grin on his face. "Are you jealous?" Glaring, you nodded and stood up, letting him bask in his pride.
Following after you, the boy let out a teasing 'Baby', before wrapping his arms around your waist demanding that you say it again. "Say it again." He teased grinning at your irritation. "I hate you." Was your reply as his grin broadened. "You just love me so much, don't you?" Your fake irritation was running out as you bit back a grin. His height towered over you as he tried to meet your eyes, pressing kisses on your cheeks in a teasing manner. He would tease you about it for days, proud that his girlfriend was being possessive over him. "Will you ever shut up about this?" You questioned as his weight crushed you as he wrestled you into the bed after his shower. "If you admit you were jealous, I will." Knowing his personality, you knew he was never going to let it go. "I was jealous. Happy?" He giggled into your neck, his breath tickling your collarbone. "I hate you for this." You grinned, breaking into fits of laughter as he tickled you, ending it off with a kiss. "I love you more." He replied.
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© EN-GELIC, 2024
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guiltysungho · 2 days
— boynextdoor when you say you want to fuck in public
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genre. 18+ smut mdni
warning. public sex, oral (f. recieving), fingering, teasing, dirty talk, smell kink, hair pulling, mirror sex
wordcount. 300 - 400 each
a/n. idk how i feel about these tbh but i just want to get it out of my drafts atp. enjoy !
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sungho was sure he misheard you, the room was filled with other students studying quietly, you couldn’t possibly want that now. he glances at you with a confused frown, but you really can’t hold yourself back leaning closer to him pressing your lips against his into a soft kiss, sliding your hand on his thigh feeling the heat from his growing member spread across the area. the setting is too risky for poor sungho even though he wants you just as much. his fingers slide around your throat pulling you back gently, holding you at a slight distance from his lips, your eyes just begging for more.
before you can say anything that would send him even more off the edge he grabs your hand leading you to a studyroom. the moment you step in he’s all over you, kissing your neck so hungrily as he presses his body against your you on the wall.
“we have to be quick, okay?” his hands under your skirt grabbing the rim of your panties, pulling them down and into his pocket. you let him work his way on you, thrusting his fingers in your cramped hole, loving how wet and desperate you were, taking out his cock through his zipper.
the thrill drives him wild, knowing that any second now someone would walk into the reserved space made his thrusts deeper. he’s not usually a risk taker but he could never resist you.
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riwoo can’t help the smile that grows at the sound of that. the fact that you can’t hold back for a couple hours, and would rather have him fuck you in a theater filled with an audience, was more than attractive to him. luckily for you the area you occupied was less cramped with people and the lights were starting to turn off.
he gives you no warning before sliding his fingers inside your wet cunt, knowing from the soft gasps you let out that you were enjoying every moment of it. watching the way your legs trembled at his touch, forcing you to bite your lower lips to mute the noises you so badly wanted to make.
a movie is about one hour and thirty minutes and he plans on making good use of that time, he wouldn’t let you cum right away you didn’t get that luxury after putting the both of you at such a risk. he’d just leave you more and more needy, toying with your sensitive parts enjoying how hard you struggle to stay calm.
when he finally decides to fuck your aching cunt he sits you on his lap bending you over far enough to not block the large screen, using you like a fucktoy bouncing your ass up and down on his hard shaft. the feeling of your warm walls clenching around his member quickens his motion, the slight noise of your skins clapping seems like the only sound in the room just as you both come to an orgasm with the credits roll. the lights coming on make you realize the gravity of your action, every glance in your direction making you more guilty, but riwoo loved this perverse side of you.
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the soft brush of your words against jaehyun’s ears are already enough to make him aroused but the words that come out are even worse. he turns to you with wide eyes wondering why you would joke about that but the desperate look in your eyes made it clear it was no joke, you wanted him right there by the sea.
the beach was basically empty the sun had set and no one was passing by apart from the occasional night walker so it was safe enough but it was a public space there was no saying what could happen.
as he weighed the pros and cons in his mind with you beside him, you take the opportunity to give him sweet kisses on his skin, his sensitive skin, neck down to his pebbled nipples. his fingers running through your hair as you suck on his skin.
“you’re driving me crazy” he breaths out lifting your head back up to meet his lips with yours, moaning softly into your mouth as you get on top of him grinding your lower body against his.
a loud thud from a distance makes him pull away immediately turning over to the sound that was made by the wind knocking over some parasols. you smile at his cute nervousness, placing a soft kiss on his pout. he wraps his arms around your waist as you kneel inside front of him, nuzzling into the comfort of your belly, the smell from your throbbing hole driving him more needy.
soft kisses on your belly down to your bikini bottom, pressing his nose against it, letting his tongue taste the leak escaping through your panties. he unties your bikini delicately, revealing your pretty pussy. he wastes no more time, going in head first kissing your perfect folds. he’s so drunk on the smell, the taste all his worries vanish. his tongue pushing in your walls brush so slightly against your spot making your hips jerk.
he takes such good care of you, sucking gently on your clit, he’s about sure that the lewd sounds escaping your lips at every tongue flick might make him release himself in his trunks but he can’t help himself, he just loves your sweet honey.
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taesan smirks at you on the side of the couch after reading your horny text, your feet are rubbing against his growing bulge as you stare at him daringly, he’s amused by it. he wouldn’t have thought you would go so far in a room with your friends but he liked that about you, you were unpredictable.
unbelievable too, he knew this was probably just for show but he wouldn’t let you off so easily. he spreads his legs open leaning back on the seat before tapping his thighs for you to make yourself at home. you make sure to press your ass against him, enjoying all the heat that came from it.
you only dared to do these stuff when you were sure you wouldn’t get caught when all your friends were focused on something else in another room but taesan didn’t care that much for the eyes lingering, you would be the one they would watch because you allowed it happen to yourself, you let yourself get used in such a setting.
his fingers rub against your swollen pearl through your panties feeling your wetness seep through the thin fabric as you struggle to keep still from the feeling. the sudden sound of footsteps bringing you to panic tapping his hand repeatedly for him to stop but action only makes him quicken his pace.
“Is this not what you wanted?” he whispers into your ear, pulling away just as your friend approaches you asking for something so pointless you can’t even think, sending him away with an “i don’t know” your mind completely blurred by the heavy stimulation on your clit.
“Do you still want it baby?” sliding his fingers into your hole he doesn’t need an answer he already knows how desperately you do, turning yourself around to face him thighs around his waist.
you let him take charge, let him use you completely, kissing you so hungrily as he fucks your tight pussy, whispering filthy words on your lips about how naughty you are. he’s so rough with you, making you beg for him to let you cum on his dick after he’d creampied your needy hole.
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as he sat there leehan’s eyes were already all over your body, watching you slip in and out of the dresses you’d picked out from the aisles. he was really trying not to make it a big deal but it was like you were teasing him on purpose. bending over to take off your skirts giving him a perfect view of your ass, the lengths of the skirts only getting shorter, his eyes couldn’t budge from your peeking cameltoe as you asked what he thought, nodding absentmindedly before finally tearing his gaze away giving you a tight lipped smile.
he was so oblivious it was cute, he didn’t want to assume anything but you were practically begging for it at this point. you finally make your move taking his hand, pressing his index finger against your cameltoe letting him poke, play with your lips through your panties. he looks up at you begging for more confirmation that he was doing what you wanted.
“this is risky sweetheart… promise you’ll be quiet?” you nod carefully running your fingers through his mane as he mindlessly caresses your thighs with his fingers, letting them glide along your inner thighs. just soft brushes from his fingertips but the feeling is exhilarating making your pussy clench around nothing but air.
“don’t make promises you can’t keep” he smiles at you as he stood up now looking down at you with that cocky smile. he turns you around slowly to look at yourself in the mirror, at how needy you look, as he presses gentle kisses on your shoulder.
the feeling of his cock poking your ass only made you want him inside you more, rolling your hips erotically for him. he didn’t stop his teasing pushing his cock against your hole through your panties, his precum staining the fabric.
he knows you won’t be quiet when he starts fucking you, you never are, so he’ll keep you desperate a little longer to make up for you breaking the promise. it’s not your fault his dick just hits every spot so perfectly you can’t help the moaning and whining.
he wraps his hand around your mouth around your jaw, giving you a soft kiss on the head before thrusting himself inside you, watching the way your eyes roll back in the reflection. your muffled whines against his ears make it so thrilling.
your vision blurs at every thrust, completely lost on the feeling of him inside you, his hard thickness spreading out your pussy like it’s never been used before. he loves how easily you cum for him, letting his fingers stroke your clit as his cock fucks you dumb, watching how beautifully you crumble from his touch. if you ask nicely, he’ll fuck you anywhere as long as you’re quiet.
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hrdenha · 1 day
— prize possession | p. js
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in which, your boyfriend, Park Jongseong comes home not knowing he has a prize to collect. A prize you willingly give for him to possess
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ⚠️ consented somno, mentions of alcohol, use of undergarments as a signal, penetration, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP!), oral (f receiving), curses, cockwarming, JAY (yeah, bc he's dangerously HOT), not yet edited - sorry~
NOTES — ! this one's short but I hope y'all will enjoy
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It was late, he was late. A deal that made jay busy for the whole week finally ends with them successfully getting it. He wanted to run home and celebrate with you the moment the deal was sealed but, the fate has its own idea on the situation. He called you this evening, telling you the result of their work and his plans to go home right then. But, you enthusiastically told him to celebrate first with his workers, saying they deserved it after a week long sleepless nights. Thus, it's only now that he made home. 1 am in the morning, and he was exhausted through the bones.
As he expected the house was silent when he came inside, the only thing that lights the path for him is the moon. He then finally came through your shared room. You were there laying on your side, back facing him as you sleep soundedly. Jay smiled, taking off his coat, his shoes and belt next in line before diving down the bed letting himself touch and be close with you. Of course, knowing jay he wouldn't let himself sleep without cleaning himself first. One of those things you love about him.
As promised, when he felt recharged by your presence, he finally stood up and took a hot shower for himself, leaving you in the bed still sleeping. The shower definitely refreshed both his body and mind from the hectic schedule that just occurred, even washing away the remnant of alcohol in his system in the process. He's not drunk, but of course, he did take a few shots offered to him by his workers. It's only polite to accept.
Once his hair was dry enough, he again joined you on the bed. Caressing your body in his hands, as he listens to your soft breaths. Planting soft kisses on top of your shoulders, getting drunk on your presence instead of the alcohol. He's wrong though, the hot shower he just took washed away everything aside from the hot blood he's feeling down there. Most especially now that you're responding to his touch by practically moaning his name in your sleep. Not a shocking one, but he was damn turned on about it. He was still in dazed when you started moving quietly on your sleep, snuggling the long pillow close to your body and raising your right leg on it causing your sleepwear to ride up on your hips.
Jay eyes followed it, his breath cut off when he realized. You were wearing THE lingerie. The one jay absolutely loves and adores that grants him a certain privileged. It's not just a piece of seductive clothing but rather a go signal for him.
You wanted him to take you as you sleep and... "Damn, baby." He planted open mouth kisses on your shoulders again, down to your neck and then your cheeks. Pulling your body closer to him with conviction but at the same time care not to hurt or wake you up. And, while his right hand massaged your breast, "You never ceased to amaze me" His other hand started to travel southward, massaging your hips before sliding a finger on your clothed line. Your position just made it all easier, jay can even feel the hot blush on his skin as you started responding to his advances.
"You're wet, baby... even in your sleep you're still a slut waiting for a cock, my cock." He slides the strap to the side revealing your pussy with slick. Jay didn't even wait, he immediately plunged his tongue taking advantage of how wet you are. You started raising your hips in contact, moaning in your dreams as the pleasure started to spread widely.
Jay started maneuvering your body, now as you lay flat on your back taking your panty completely before he gladly played on your pleasure. Drowning on your wetness and scent, he continued working his way. His eyes occasionally opening and glancing upwards whenever he hears a sharp whimper. He can feel the tightness on his hips, how his loose sweatpants became tight at the growing bulge he had. It's twitching, so thirsty to feel your tightness but jay had other plans.
He's still downing your juices, as if making a statement that other than alcohol, he too can get drunk on your essence. "J-a...y" You whimpered his name more clearly than the last time but still incoherent. And, he took it as a signal. It's the best time to fucked you lazy when you're still in the middle of consciousness and sleep.
His clothes swiftly took their landing on the floor leaving their owner naked, he's painfully hard and erect. And, the only cure effective for this is you. Jay took the place beside as he positioned you in a spoon, your back on his chest as he possessively hug you from behind. He then started dragging his head on your slit coating it with your mixed fluids. He groaned at his antics, and more than ever when he finally pushed his tip inside.
"Hm... baby" He whispered on your ears, the hand that encircled your waist raised your right leg causing him to push his cock again. It was deep but jay wasn't in fully, he knows it can be deeper than that and even if he wanted to just push it, he wouldn't. He wanted your brain to realized on its own that someone's using your body amidst its rest. What's more exciting than your reaction realizing his assault?
Jay started thrusting, it was painfully slow and tender, he might as well teasing himself. His right hand playing on your breast as he did. "Wake up..." Thrust. "It's time to wake up, baby" His pace started picking up, and so are your whimpers. From the way your body jolts up in every thrust is an equivalent of glass shattering from your sleep. You were floating, in the middle of a medium where no one can disturb your peace. Then, a pair of gentle hands appear out of nowhere, stroking... kneading your body. You start chasing those hands, desperately searching for more. The strokes only get hungrier, yet patient and collected. One that takes its time while you, on the other hand, are getting impatient. Thus, you revel in the pleasure you're given while the touch becomes more demanding.
With one particularly hitting your spot, you started stirring up from your sleep. Half-consiously basking on the bliss that are given much to jay's anticipation. He pushed himself more fully enjoying your pussy in its glory earning a sharp breath from you as the numbing feeling of pleasure started spreading out your system. "Jay...?" You shift having a sharp inhale when he hit the spot again. "Fuck, jay... baby. yeah th— that feels..." Jay's thrust never falter even when he started his kissing escapades with you anchoring your neck at best just to taste his lips as he continues rutting from behind. It even helped Jay in advantage when he started grabbing you by the neck causing his dick to push deeper than ever. You moaned in response, leg rising on its own to feel more while your hand — on a desperate attempt to find support, found its way on jay's nape.
"...always wanted to wake up with your cock inside me, jay"
"Ah! Shit..." You hissed. Jay chuckled, darkly. "You like that baby? I bet you do. Pussy so tight when I hit this spot even when you're asleep."
"Jay... Jay!"
"But, I might say... f-uck! You're tighter when you're awake." That made everything intensify, even you, felt how your pussy tightened around him at that. Jay groaned, immediately laying you on your back rutting his cock again. The room is filled with moans and wet skin slapping. You started seeing stars in your eyes, can't do anything but to curl your toes and repeatedly call jay's name.
"Ugh! Baby, baby! I-I think I'm gonna... I think I'm gonna" like a broken record, holding him close as if it will help not to lose your sanity. "Fuck, y/n! Fuck!" His hips rock harder and firmer, adding pressure to the prominent feel of sex. And, with lines of curses coming from both of you, he thrust deeper past your rear as you finally feel a warm feeling flooding inside you while your soul starts to fly apart from the rippling waves of your high. Jay whimpers at ecstasy, his muscles relaxing from his own release before facing you. He silently took your cavern, sharing a passionate kiss as if it was his way to show appreciation and how thankful he was. After that he goes limp, holding you while still on top. At the same time, you felt his cock going soft within you but jay didn't mind, and that goes both ways. He didn't pull out, he even pushed it further as if trapping your mess and for some reason, that made your heart full. You let him use you in any way he sees fit. Jay deserves a price, after all.
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hrdenha, 2024
likes, reblogs, and comments are deeply appreciated 💖
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poppy-metal · 3 hours
fail marriage au…………………….
having your first big blow out fight after marriage counselling. putting everything you ever found aggravating or disrespectful or wrong or even just a bit annoying on the table. art doing exactly the same. it gets mean. it gets personal. it gets ugly. you scream at him, scream like a banshee and he shouts back. veins you didn’t know he had bulge in his neck, his fingers flex as he wildly gesticulates. you throw something, a plastic tv remote that shatters against the wall. it all passes in a heated blur, you hardly know what you’re doing or saying but that blood is pumping through your veins and you’re alive and so is art. alive. furious, at you. you stalk up to him, and he stands tall above you, looming like a storm cloud. a sweet faced angelic storm cloud that right at this second you couldn’t fucking stand. you jab at his chest with your finger as you yell, lay into him. why couldn’t he tell you how he feels? why did he have to be so fucking passive aggressive? why was tashi the centre of his fucking universe? why couldn’t he be a fucking man and tell you what he really wants? be a man art. be a fucking man for once in your goddamn life.
his nostrils flare, his anger rising with every poke. he grabs your wrist, yanks it up and leans in close. stooping, showing you that he is bigger. he would stoop to your level. he will fight back. you feel his breath on your nose and seethe. he’s still minty fresh. stupid cunt.
“what i want is for you to shut the fuck up and stop acting like you know everything.”
“fuck off, you limp dicked sack of shit.”
“fuck you cunt.” he flicks those brutal syllables at you, chewing his words, opening his mouth so you can see his tongue forming them. you feel the severity in the pit of your stomach. you feel something else lower.
“fuck me? fuck you!”
and in that moment you drew together, moving as one, in the most violent kiss of the modern age. he squeezes your wrist, still held aloft. your other hand grips his shirt collar, pulling so hard it hurts his neck. good. you hope his delicate little neck gets a friction burn and a rash and you hope it stings forever. he tongues furiously at your mouth, mashing his lips into yours and licking the side of your mouth. eating your face like he eats pussy. which he hasn’t done in a while, another thing to yell at him about later. his other hand grips the back of your head, holding it still so you have no choice but to recieve his hot, angry love. you kiss back with equal fury. you want to make him suffer your love. don’t want it? tough luck. it’s his. and he will take it. he grunts into your mouth, it vibrates your tongue. you pull back, but he doesn’t let you. he forces you back nearer to him, spine curving in hateful ecstasy. he kisses you for a few more seconds before drawing back only a few centimetres to rest his forehead on yours and breathe. your lips are wet with him.
“i love you,” you breath.
he caresses the back of your head.
“prove it.”
me when i overachieve.
anyway this is apart of my failmarriage au and you should probably read this part first to understand whats going on here. or just follow the #failmarriage au tag that i have.
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your breath shudders out of you. you'd never heard that tone from him before, or rather, never directed at you. not exactly cold but, chilled. serious and pointed. dominant.
your hands fall from his hair, sliding down his throat, his shoulders. you stare into his eyes - he stares back. you feel like you're on a razor thin wire. concede or push back.
you wonder what this will fix. but you don't think you care. you want him. you miss him. your heart is pounding just thinking about it. you take a step back, two, three, several paces.
"okay," you say. you dont even know what you're agreeing too, just that you want it, whatever it is.
before you even have time to linger on that thought though -
because art is already stalking towards you, undoing his soft leather belt and letting it drop to the floor. you couldn’t move. you couldn’t breathe. just watching in this kind of stupified silence as art unczips his pants and slides his delicate fingers under his waistband. In three strides, art was right up in your space, owning it,  staring you down with a cool kind of control in his eyes, heavy cock in his hand, already hard and flushed and mouthwateringly beautiful. you couldn’t speak. you couldn’t think. all you could see was art. 
when art spoke, his voice was an iron grip closing around your throat. each word as clear and distinct as a brand to your hot skin.
“get on your knees”
you sink to the floor. It felt like falling, your knees knocked out from under you by the invisible string of his command that binds you to him. breath punches out of your lungs as you let yourself go under. art was already reaching out and grabbing the back of your head and shoving his cock past your waiting lips, pushing all the way to the hilt as his leaking head slammed into the back of your throat.
“god,” art breathed out, vice grip holding you in place. “You’re beautiful like this” and you were lost. years of built resentment and anxiety dissipating like smoke as art took over your senses. the taste of him, the smell of him, the warmth of him, the silk soft press of his cock down your throat. It was everything you’d been longing for from him. 
your hands fly up to grip art’s waist, fingers trying to find purchase, pressing him deeper, holding him deeper, worried he might pull out but not able to hold yourself back. when art didn’t say anything, didn't tell you to stop, you sank forward and started to suck greedily, tongue running over art’s throbbing length, trying desperately to take him apart, to please him, to worship him, to give him what he wanted. 
you heard yourself whine, felt your body sway forward, but you managed to hold yourself still, keep your tongue flat, keep your mouth wide and waiting, holding art still against the back of your throat, wanting desperately to prove you were good. that you loved him. That you wanted, wanted, wanted him.
"give me your hand,” art breathes, looking down at you, and you think briefly of the ancient greek god apollo, and how if art was a deity, you.d gladly stay right where you are. lovingly holding him in the back of your throat. 
your mind was already starting to go fuzzy with the heavy weight of art on the back of your tongue, salt slowly leaking from his pink slit, the slow stretch of his your lips around art’s shaft starting to ache in your jaw. , but, still you had enough awareness to look up confused, meeting art’s eyes in a question. but art didn’t offer an explanation. just looked down at you, hand held out, patiently waiting, like it wasn’t a question of whether you would obey; it was just a matter of when.
shakily, your hand reaches out to his. by instinct or by pure coincidence, its the hand with your wedding band on it. your fingers brush against each other, and then arts fingers, lithe and strong, an athlete's fingers, slide between yours. he brings your clasped hands together against his chest. if your throat wasn’t stuffed with cock you’d gasp at the gesture, the intimacy of it alone. your palm against his bare chest, his right pectoral. right over his thunderous heartbeat. his wedding band presses against yours. 
“Im gonna move, okay?” he breathes down at you, and his hand squeezes yours. “If you want me to stop just squeeze my hand two times.”
you nodded, a slight movement, eager and unbidden. art ran a finger under your jaw, fluttering his fingers against you. you had to shuffle a little to keep as much of art in your mouth as you could as he exhaled and used his free hand to slide against the back of your skull, cupping it tenderly.
a little punched-out gasp falls from arts lips as he slowly rocked his hips, pushingas deep as he could go as you moaned around him. art took a second, waited for you to look at him, blink the tears from your eyes, before he started the slow glide out of your mouth. you laid your tongue flat against the underside of him, tracing the veins, unable to move forward to chase him back down your throat as arts hand kept you firmly in place.
when he was all the way out, spit slick and gleaming, he rested the flushed head of himself against your bottom lip. rubbed himself there, traced every contour of your mouth with the slit of his cock. glossing your lips with the sheen of his precum. 
“I love you.” he said - voice choked and you couldnt tell if it was from emotion or lust, maybe a combination of the two. 
you felt something flare hot in your belly, but before you could utter a word, art was sliding back home, right back into the silk pallet of your throat. and you welcomed him greedily, lapping up every inch he gave you. 
the whole while you held his hand, still pressed against his chest. you tilted open your jaw as wide as it could go, imagining you wanted to be a snake and swallow him whole. you took everything. you breathed through your nose when he was settled fully inside you - you sucked around him when he began to pull back, suctioning your mouth around him to mimic a pussy. a tight hole.
arent i such a good wife, you thought. no one could take his cock like you could. no one would drop to their knees and let themselves be used this way, but you would. to you, this was love. this was passion. 
art lasted a few more minutes before he was dragging himself free from the warm hug of your throat -
“I want you spread out on the kitchen counter," art panted, jerking his chin. he reached down to wrap a loose hand around his wet cock, stroking it languidly. your throat ached with missing it. “I need to be inside you. I want to -” he swallows. “I want to fuck you."
you inhaled sharply. it was a word you didn't often hear from arts lips. especially in reference to sex. the crude word coming from him made your belly clench warmly. more, you wanted more of that.
you stared at each other for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple seconds, art’s cock still only inches from your face. you watched transfixed as art’s leaking head slipped between the tight circle of his fingers, flushed tip disappearing and pushing back through. It was filthy, it was gorgeous, and your whole body shuddered imagining what it would feel like at your entrance: the slow press, the slick head, the aching burn as it slowly pushed inside. because it would burn. the last time you’d had sex….. you didnt want to think about it.
Instead you hurriedly scrambled to obey. shoving the straps of your dress down as you went, feeling it pool around your waist as you bent against the cool marble of the counter. you’d never fucked here. suddenly that was a crazy thought to you. wasnt it a kind of ritual for a couple - to christen the house? your fingers curled into your palms as you pressed your bare chest down. 
you felt art come up behind you and your breath hitched when you felt his palms skimming up the backs of your thighs. you hadnt realized you’d been trembling until that moment. something about his touch calmed you though. 
ridiculous,  to be shy when this was your husband. he’d seen your cunt a hundred times.
all thoughts fled your head when those familiar fingers parted the lips of your cunt - finding you wet. “baby” art’s strangled voice reached your ears as he felt through your delicate slit - he sounded beside himself with wonder. that you,d be this wet for him. this ready. he slid two fingers in easily - just a slight pressure at your entrance and there was a give of the flesh. and he was in - inside you. pumping steadily. “that’s it,” a kiss at the base of your spine, soft and special. “let me in. give me whats mine.”
yours, you dont know if you breathed it or just echoed it in your head. hips pushing back into him, opening yourself further. the stretch was full but it felt so right. 
“god - you’re so responsive - how could i forget -” he was working himself up. his thumb nudged your clit, circled it with the pad before pressing down on it, his own goran covering up your keen. like it affected him more than it did you, to feel how you throbbed against him with need. “gonna put my tongue on your clit everyday and you’re going to let me. let me worship what i married, spread your legs and fucking take it-”
“oh god,” you’re whining. practically humping your cunt on his fingers. “whatever you want, baby. take it, its all yours.” 
you clench around nothing when he suddenly yanks his fingers free, but you dont have to mourn the loss long, your empty spasming hole feeling the silken pressure of his cock in the next second. he grips your waist, wholly possessive as he drags you back onto him and, oh. Its so blissful. that tender ache in your cunt as its filled to the brim. You’d-
“fuck - i missed this - missed your pussy -” 
yes, yes missed. you’d missed this.
art adjusts himself. spreads out his legs so he can really move, leans his broad chest over your back, covering you, smothering you, squishing you into the countertop but he doesnt care. you dont care. pinned beneath him and speared open like this - you’ve never felt more loved by him. 
“so tight and warm - god - i never wanna leave -” he watches, pink lips parted where you’ve taken him. the flared open lips of your pussy hugging the base of his cock. a groan rips from his chest, loud, because he wants you to know, really fucking know, how overwhelmed he is, how much you make him feel, as he slowly drags himself out - only able to make it halfway before he has to bury himself back into that tight heat. your walls tighten and squeeze around him in these luxurious pulls and he feels spit pool in his mouth, the sensation enough to empty his brain. he rocks there, barely pulling free from the clutch of your body. 
“treat me so well with this - little cunt - “ wet desperate kisses are pressed wherever he can reach, his mouth hungry for the salt of your skin. he pulls it between his teeth, some raw animal part of him just wanting to naw on you. he rubs his forehead against your shoulders as he starts to move his hips faster. finally pulling out all the way before he slams back in, knocking your hips into the hard marble, and he should say sorry, he should take more care, you’ll be bruised surely, but then his mind flits back to your therapy session - at the words you’d both said - how you felt - and the words exchanged in your fight. and he feels something kindle in his chest, sparked to life by the liquid heat pouring through him - you fucking - you’re so cruel sometimes and you dont even know - you dont even see what you’re doing to him, the power you hold, how much he’d give to you if only you’d fucking open up to him. get angry at him. demand more of what you want instead of fucking expecting him to read your goddamn mind. 
he hadn’t felt the wet grip of his wifes pussy in months until just now. that couldn’t happen again. 
he pulls himself to his full height - using his ringed hand to make a makeshift leash of your hair, wrapping it around his tan fist. anchors you back onto his hard dick again and again in hard punishing pulls that seem to punch moans from you.
“this is how i should have treated you from the beginning, huh? come home every day and bend you over the minute i step through the door. pound out all my frustrations on this tight cunt. use you to masturbate my dick.” he grunts - that viseral fury that’d you’d seen spark in him briefly before was back in full force now. you could feel it in the reverberating clap of his balls against your ass. the forceful grip on your hair, yanking your neck back, nearly pulling your chest off the counter, your tits bouncing. “maybe then you’d appreciate me.”
you dont know what part in you is broken that soaks his cock at his treatment instead of clamping up. his anger, his vitriol, it all speaks to a deep part inside of you that screams to be wanted. you whimper and bear down around him, meeting him instead of shying away. 
“g - od - oh god, art - “
“would that make you my happy little wife?” he slows back down. drags his thick length in and out of you in purposeful rolls of his hips. “I bring all my shit to you and you devote this hot little pussy to warming my dick. you’ll take care of me, right? drop to your knees and give me a proper fucking welcome home.”
you cant think. your eyes are rolling back, your brain fogging. Its so good, oh god, how is it so fucking good. you’re drenched between your thighs, you can feel it running down your thighs. you can feel the hot raw part of your pussy that is being penetrated again and again on his cock as it retreats and then glides back in. 
“Im gonna cum.” is all you can say. “art, im so close -”
“fuck,” he stops his movements. grinding his hips into yours, churning his dick inside you. his mouth skims your ear, he lets go of your hair to grip you around the throat. “tell me you love me. tell me you love me when you cum, baby, or i swear to god, i cant do this anymore -” 
“I love you!” the words are the truest they’ve ever been in years. you’re on your tippy toes, squirming, trying to get away or trying to get closer, you cant tell. probably closer. you want art to carve apart for himself inside you - brand himself on you forever so you can never leave, never forget, never doubt this marriage. “I love you, i love you, i love you, i love-”
“I love you too. fuck - i need you to cum. cum on my cock and show me you still want this -” 
you shatter apart. a million stars exploding in a galaxy. arts strong arms come around you like a band, wrapping you up against him as you shake. your breaths come out harshly in sync. the beats of your heart a fast thrum between you. 
you turn your head, desperately seeking, and he’s there, already leaning down to take your lips in a kiss. 
the weight of him still inside you is one you take comfort in. you dont want him to leave your body. you dont want this to end. 
“stay,” you whisper against his mouth. 
his hand cups your cheek, strokes his thumb over the swell of your flushed skin. “always,” he says back. 
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devildomcuties · 1 day
Blushing Boy Levi
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pairing: levi x f. reader
genre: established relationship, smut 18+
summary: You go to check on Leviathan.
wc: 1.6k
warnings: making out, hair pulling, marking (biting, scratching), handjob, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), his demon form comes out, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms (f.), nipple play (f. receiving), finger sucking (f.), creampie
a/n: just something I had in my drafts
date: June 8, 2024
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“What’s the password?” Levi asks from the other side of his bedroom door. You sigh, unsure of what he’s changed it to this week. 
“Levi’s the best demon a girl could have?” You try with a smile, knowing you’re way off. 
“Nice try. You can’t get me like that, ____. I’m just a sad otaku,” comes his reply, and you huff. 
“Levi, let me in. I missed you at dinner, and nobody has seen you in days.”
“There was going to be an announcement for Ruri-Chan tonight, so I stayed up,” he shrugs but reluctantly opens the door. “Y-you really missed me?”
A grin appears on your face when you take in the rosiness of his cheeks. You step into his bedroom and shut the door after you, hearing the lock click into place. 
“Of course I did. You underestimate how much I like you,” you frown as you take Levi’s hands in yours to lead him to the chair he set up in front of the gaming system. “I’ve been lonely without you.”
“But you have my brothers,” he says, licking his lips nervously.
“And yet you’re the one I’m missing.”
Levi is at a loss for words, but it’s okay because you ease his nervousness with your touch. Something about you makes him want to recoil into himself out of fear, but part of him (the greater part) wants to hold you and make you his, and it’s typically that part of him that wins out every time after his initial hesitation.
“Levi,” his name is a whispered plea that has him pause as he gathers his wits. Your smile is soothing, your touch gentle as you cup his face. His purple hair falls over his eyes, his cheeks still warm as your thumbs caress his skin.
“Kiss me,” you say as he shakes his hair out of his eyes. 
“O-okay,” he stutters, ignoring the heat that floods his face. He’s very aware that you can feel the drastic change on the palms of your hands, but he pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind as he leans forward and finally presses his lips against yours.
You kiss him deeply. Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer as his hands tremble when they grip your hips. A few minutes of cautious kissing on his part soon melt away into hungry kisses as he gains some confidence and kisses you deeper, rougher. His teeth nip your bottom lip, sucking it before releasing it.
He chuckles when you’re left panting, eyes twinkling as you look at him with so much love that it makes his head spin.
The next time your lips meet, Levi is the one leading. He grabs your hips, hands sliding down to grab your ass and pull you against his lean body. You smile into the kiss, earning a moan from him when you nip his bottom lip.
If he had known you were coming, he would have cleaned up his bedroom a little, but as your legs hit the tub, you sit on the edge, legs wrapped around his hips.
It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but you knew it wouldn’t be too long until he had you wrapped around his cock. 
Levi’s hand cups your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “So pretty.”
You smile, kissing him once again as his hands grip your thighs. It takes him a moment to get courageous and toy with the hem of your dress, hiking it up over your hips as you pull the top of your dress down, thankful you’ve worn a strapless one for the occasion with no bra.
“You came prepared?” Levi chuckles as he takes in your bare chest. He licks his lips, mouth on your chest almost immediately as your fingers thread through his purple hair, tugging and moaning when he nips and sucks on your sensitive skin.
“Levi,” you moan wantonly. Your thighs tremble, and he smirks, cockiness building in him, knowing it’s he who’s got you like this.
“Want more?” he asks, and you nod as he’s pulling you to your feet. You feel his arms wrap around you as he kisses you, his tongue meeting yours as he grips your hair in both his hands to hold you close. 
Kissing Levi fills your body with warmth, arousal pooling deep in your belly as your dulcet moans spill from your kiss-swollen lips. Levi is embarrassingly hard in his jeans. Your eager, greedy hands go to undress him.
“Baby,” he gasps when your hand wraps around him, stroking him after spitting in your hand. You’d love to sink to your knees and take him in your mouth, but he’s so shy, so embarrassed that you decide to save that for next time. The thought leaves your mouth watering.
Levi gets a hold of himself, quickly spinning you and bending you over the tub. He shoves your dress upward, his eyes feasting on your ass, your panties accentuate the curve, and it leaves him nearly drooling.
“Fuck,” he curses, licking his lips.
Shyly, Levi tugs your panties down your thighs until it’s just your knees holding them up. He nearly drools at the sight of your wet cunt as he drops to his knees, and his hands grip your thighs. Your legs tremble as you try your best not to push your ass into his face, allowing him to go at his own pace as he sticks his tongue out to taste you.
“Levi!” you moan, gripping the edge of the tub and ignoring the way it digs into your skin. Levi curses, eyes shut as he uses his hands to spread you further. You’re soaking his lips and cheeks as he dives in deeper, moaning softly.
Lewd noises escape the both of you as Leviathan makes you cum on his tongue. His tail flicks and his cheeks redden, embarrassed to have lost control and allowed his demon form to be free.
You don’t care as you turn to kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue. Your fingers thread through his hair. You nipped his bottom lip as his hands gripped your hips under your dress, moving to feel the wetness between your thighs.
“So wet,” he whispers in awe as his fingers easily slide into your cunt. His lips wrap around a pert nipple, sucking like his life depends on it as you trace one of his horns. His cock throbs, and he nearly growls as he looks up at you.
“Sensitive,” you tease with a smirk.
Levi rolls his eyes, confidence growing as he rubs your clit just to make you gasp, thighs squeezing his hands between your legs. 
You grab a handful of his hair, tugging him upward until your lips claim his, moaning as he continues to fuck you on his fingers, swallowing your sweet moans.
You part long enough for him to bend you over the tub once again, your poor legs shaking as he lines himself up at your entrance.
“Fuck,” you groan as the fat head of his cock slides home. Levi moans your name, his hands moving from your hips to your ass.
You guide his hand to your tit, and he squeezes it before rolling the nipple between his fingertips. You cry out when he bottoms out, your hand gripping his, nails digging into his skin as your hips meet his.
You’ve been craving his cock for days now, and usually, you’d take your time with him, but you were needy and soaking wet in search of a quick release. You’d make it up to him in the morning with slow morning sex or perhaps a long, sloppy blowjob that had him seeing the Celestial Realm.
“Leviathan,” his name escapes you in a honeyed moan, cunt tightening around him as he bites your shoulder to keep himself from screaming your name for everyone in HoL to hear.
“That’s it,” he praises softly. “Take it.”
You nod, gripping his hand to take two of his fingers into your mouth to muffle your moans. Levi bites back a curse as you suck on his fingers as if your life depends on it. Your eyes flutter shut as pleasure courses through you as he fucks you harder, deeper.
“Levi!” you call out his name as your orgasm hits, thighs shaking as you soak his cock and choke on his fingers. 
“Fuck, fuck,” Levi grunts, your name rolling off his tongue as he cums deep inside you. He grips your hips, making sure he fucks every drop into you before he pulls out. 
Levi pants, wiping his sweat from his brow. His demon form is no longer present as he gets his boxers back on. He watches as his cum begins to roll down your thighs, and he blushes when he spots how much he’d cum. He uses his fingers to push it back inside you before pulling your panties up your thighs and back into place.
A giggle escapes you as you take your dress off, letting it pool on his bedroom floor. Levi blushes as you grab his shirt and put it on. You wrap your arms around him, and he’s shy as he holds you. You kiss his cheek, trailing kisses upward to his jaw and then his lips.
“Come lay down,” you whisper as you lead him to the tub with you. You let him get comfortable first before you join him, draping your leg over his as he cautiously places his arm over your shoulder to pull you close.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I do,” you whisper as you hold him close, tracing patterns onto his chest. Levi doesn’t say anything as he rubs your shoulder, knowing someday he’ll make your wish come true. 
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©devildomcuties - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms.
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dashielldeveron · 1 day
cunning | shinsou x reader
Shinsou x Fem!Reader. BNHA spoilers for chapter 425. Note: written in a fervent haze backstage at a show I’m working and posted from mobile, so it’s much more casual than my normal stuff. ~1k words
You dragged Shinsou by his tie down the corridor towards the entrance to the stairs, and the moment you rounded the corner, you slid your hand up to grip the tie’s knot to yank his mouth down to yours. Shinsou flailed for a split second, as he always did when you initiated, as if he’s perpetually shocked that you would be so desperate for him, but he recovered, pursing his lips to return the kiss, casual, almost lazy about it—and he chuckled under his breath.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” You said with a huff, bitter you had to tear your mouth from his to speak, so you settled for pressing kiss after kiss along his jawline. “Couldn’t tell your girlfriend that you were finally transferring into the hero course—“
“It’d be suspicious if you’d been the only one without a reaction to Aoyama’s leaving, now, wouldn’t it?” Shinsou placed his hands, featherlight, on your hips and slid them up to your waist, where he tapped his fingers in a ripple. A vein in his neck visibly throbbed when you gave his tie another pull, and with a sly grin, he tilted his neck to expose more of it.
“Oh, you slut.” But you conceded, finishing your path to just before his ear and then trailed down his neck. “God, fuck,” you said, releasing his tie to wrap your arms around him, reaching up to grip the hair at the base of his neck, “I can’t—can’t believe after all of this, you wouldn’t share any shred of good news; God knows we need some after all of this—“
“I know, baby.” Shinsou pressed his lips to your forehead and nuzzled into your hair, guiding you back against the wall. “Am I not allowed a surprise every once in a while?”
“Shut—shut up,” you said, biting your lip, “You’re lucky I love you. Otherwise, your cunning nature wouldn’t be endearing. You’re a frustrating little sneak, y’know?”
“Yes, I like to think so,” said Shinsou, grinning toothily in the moment before he lifted your chin with a tap of his finger to kiss you again. This time, he returned your fervour, connecting his lips to yours, varying pressure as he pleased, letting your tongue flick at his coconut-pear chapsticked lips before finally opening his mouth. His tongue pressed against your gums in that slow, teasing way he liked, and he tilted his head to the side to reach the roof of your mouth.
When he suddenly broke from you, you let out an honestly embarrassing whine, and he rubbed his thumb over your kiss-swollen lips. “How can I stop teasing you when I get looks like this afterwards? You’re adorable.” Shinsou’s eyes, full of mischief, flicked up to catch yours. “Want me to make it up to you?”
He always thinks he can talk his way out of trouble with you, and to be fair, he usually could. You couldn’t stay mad at this man. “Sure. Surprise me.”
“With pleasure,” said Shinsou, sliding his hand to cup your cheek, and when a crooked grin stretched across his face, the haze of his quirk floated through your mind.
Feeling light.
But very, very happy. And teeming with affection.
For you, Shinsou’s quirk always felt like he was cradling you tightly, like his love could touch you. Like you were safe. Still cogent, still in the moment, but acutely aware you’d do what he’d tell you. Others probably felt scared under Shinsou’s quirk because he was scared of them.
Shinsou traced a circle over the edge of your cheekbone. “You with me, baby?” When you nodded, Shinsou kissed you again, slow to pull away, half-lidded eyes unbearably fond. “Then get close to orgasm. But don’t you dare come.”
You inhaled sharply. “Oh, you rat bast—“
And the hazy buzz of a building orgasm flooded you all at once. It’s shocking, really, an electric sort of whizz-bang, when it comes on so quickly—and you gasped, impulsively hunching over and knocking clumsily against Shinsou’s cheek, then clutching at his blazer lapels to hide in his chest. Warmth and static and fog and gosh, you were tripping over your own feet, and you’d thought Shinsou was trying to steady you when he gripped your hip, but no, his hand kept going to the swell of your ass and down to the underside of your thigh to yank it upwards, hooking it over his own hip. Staring you down while you struggled to even keep your eyes open, Shinsou rolled his hips into yours, and you just about cracked in half.
You clamped a hand over your mouth to stifle the honest-to-God sob from how good it felt, how intense the blur and haze was combined with the distant-floatiness of his quirk, and Shinsou laughed to himself again before he buried his face in your neck, breathing you in, feeling you tremble while he ground into you, taking your other hand in his to lace your fingers together. Fuck, you were close; you were so damn close, but it’s like he’d set a lock on you, like you’d keep rolling that boulder up that hill, like—
You nearly jumped out of your skin at Aizawa-sensei clearing his throat, but Shinsou didn’t rush as he dropped his brainwashing and surfaced from your neck, blinking blearily at your—your shared homeroom teacher, with crossed arms and Bakugou and Todoroki in tow, the former tactfully (embarrassedly?) looking away and the latter unable to tear his gaze away from you.
“Shinsou,” said Aizawa-sensei, as Shinsou dropped your thigh and disentangled himself from you, with heat burning your face to oblivion but Shinsou appearing annoyingly calm, “I was going to discuss your move into the Class A dormitory, but considering whom I had next door—“ Aizawa’s eyes slid over to you. “—I may have to do more planning.”
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eepwriting · 2 days
• mean brat taming dom ii who is SO soft with u after (my hc says there’s no way he’s not into impact play tbh)
• ivy being the absolute softest gentlest daddy dom ever (tell me he doesn’t give that strong gentle energy. the praise he would give?! UGH)
• primal feral vessel claiming you after chasing you through the forest. right there on the leaf littered floor
• iii edging you over and over on his thigh until you’re sobbing and brain dead (really i just think iii would enjoy being as much of a fucking tease as possible. whispering dirty thoughts in your ear through the day. stealing spicy touches. leading up to when he can finally get you alone and drive you REALLY crazy)
• reader x vessel x ivy threesome. soft daddy dom ivy and mean dom vessel
i have too many filthy ideas but no ability to write them so 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 godspeed, hope these inspire some filth from you!
- thirsty girl 💘
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Count ‘em ✶ II x GN! Reader
Warnings: nsfw, smut, impact play (spanking, light slapping, choking, pinching, hair pulling), degradation, oral (m receiving), mean! ii
TRUST when I say I will be returning to this ask to write something for every prompt. Also, THANKS for some ii stuff!! I was feeling bad that I only had one thing wrote for him 🤍🤍
!! mdi !!
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
“Move it, I’ve already said it once. That should be enough.” His voice is stern, his eyes serious as he impatiently drums his fingers on his legs.
You knew him well enough at this point to know what his calm demeanor truly meant. Even the way he undressed you minutes before had been slow and careful. Only you knew that the second he got you over his lap, his actions would not be gentle.
You swallow nervously, hoping he can’t hear the sound of your heart about to break through your chest. You knew your brattiness throughout the day had gotten you here. Your unrelenting back talk and attitude wasn’t something you gave ii often, but for whatever reason, you wanted to see how far you could push him today.
You’re slow to move towards him, his full and undivided attention on you feeling as if it was about to burn a hole into the side of your face. He lets you help yourself onto his lap, crawling to lay face down across his spread thighs. His hand is heavy on your back once you get settled, sliding up your spine to rest in between your shoulder blades. “What’s up with you today? You’ve been awfully difficult.” His hand moves up into your hair to tug, pulling your head back slightly. “Hm?”
You think about your answer carefully and decide to just be honest with him. He’d know anyway if you were lying. “I think it’s fun.” Your hand grips his calf when he tugs harder, isolating a chunk of hair at the crown of your head. “Fun? To mess with me? To irritate and piss me off to no end? You think that’s fun, is what I’m hearing?” You nod meekly, silently enjoying the pull on your hair. He only hums and reaches his other hand around to wrap around your throat, applying enough pressure to make breathing slightly more difficult, but not enough to make you panic for air.
“Well I don’t think that’s very fun at all. In fact, only a desperate, pathetic little whore would find something like that to be fun. Is that what you are then? A desperate and pathetic whore?” The hand in your hair disappears to grope roughly at your ass before settling on a cheek, leaving a stinging pinch. You take in a short gasp of air at the sting, earning a quiet snicker from ii. His full hand comes down in a dull smack before massaging over your skin. “You make it so easy, you know. Your skin practically begs to be marked up. You seem to want that too, don’t you? You wouldn’t act up if you didn’t.” Another, this time harsher smack is dealt. “I didn’t get an answer to my question.” The hand around your throat tightens.
Your eyes close in a long blink before you attempt a nod. He makes a sound of disappointment next to you. “You know you’re supposed to use your words. Don’t play dumb.” His hand moves to the back of your thigh to pinch and pull at the skin.
You squirm and squeeze your eyes shut. “Yes. I’m a desperate and pathetic whore.” This earns you a groan and another spank. “There you go. Maybe you can follow instructions. Why don’t you count ‘em for me, hm?” His touch is soft as he runs his hand up your back. Your mumbled and nervous “okay” is enough for him to swat at your ass again. He waits for your response before landing another. “2…” The pain is tolerable but you know he’s just warming up.
He lands 10 solid smacks, each progressively getting harsher before massaging his hand over your stinging skin. You hiss at the touch and make a poor attempt to shift your hips away from him. “I like watching you jolt from the pain. The little gasps you let out.” The hand around your throat moves to run through your hair.
He repeats the same actions on the other cheek, but doesn’t build up at all. The 10 makes your skin sting, like hot fire, your eyes watering at the repeated blows. II knows you can take it, knows you enjoy it. Clearly evident by the way moans and whimpers flood out of your mouth and your hips grind down on his thigh.
He lets you rest, massaging his fingers over your scalp, his other hand lightly scratching over your back. “On your knees now.” He says after his moment of quiet tenderness. Excitement blooms in your stomach, ready and aching to take more than just his harsh hands. You’re slow to move off his lap and even slower to sink to the floor. The skin on your ass is hot against your calves and ankles, a dull but persistent sting radiating as you get situated on your knees.
II cups the sides of your face, moving your head side to side as he looks down at you. His thumbs move over your cheeks before he leans down to press his mouth to yours. It’s harsh and rushed. Teeth clashing together before he bites over your bottom lip. His hand returns around your throat before he drags you up to stand on your knees. He roughly grips your hip, digging his fingertips into the skin, hard enough you’re sure to see a bruise in the morning. He licks into your mouth a final time before breaking away from you. He groans when he looks at you. Hair messed up from his hands, lips red and slightly inflamed, the skin on your neck a bright white with how much pressure he’s applying to your throat. His thumb absentmindedly runs over your lips before he hooks it over your bottom lip to force your mouth open. Your tongue comes out to lick over his thumb, earning another low groan from ii. “Such a pretty mouth. I’m gonna fuck it.” His thumb messily runs over your outstretched tongue. An inadvertent whimper comes from you at those words, your hands impatiently grabbing at his thighs. He snickers at you before standing to remove his jeans.
Both his hands cradle your head in surprising tenderness but his eyes and facial expression are cold and stern as he looks down at you. He lightly slaps your cheek twice and you take that as a cue to open your mouth for him. He hums, sliding one hand to the back of your head. He wastes no time in sliding his cock fully into your awaiting mouth. II’s jaw clenches and his hips buck towards you when your lips wrap around him. “Put that mouth of yours to good use.” He grunts, cock moving in and out of your mouth quickly. His too tight grip on your hair makes you whine around him and squeeze your eyes shut. A harsher slap lands on your cheek. “You keep your eyes on me.” It almost comes out in a growl as he practically straddles your face, forcing his cock as far into your mouth as he can. He doesn’t let up despite your watering eyes, gags and nails digging into the skin on his thighs.
You know he’s close when the sounds he lets out become higher pitched and the rhythm of his thrusts turn disjointed. “Take it. Be good and take it.” He breathes out before letting out a long groan. His movements pause as he cums at the back of your throat, his hand holding your head close to him. You breathe through your nose and patiently wait for him to pull away from you. You can finally close your eyes, forcing leftover tears down your cheeks when he backs away. You stay looking up at him, his chest heaving, eyes heavy and relaxed now.
He lazily reaches out to brush over the top of your head and wipe over your cheeks. He holds his hand out for you, letting you take your time in rising to your feet. He pulls you into a long hug, hands running up and down your back. He guides you to lay on the bed, insisting you lay on your stomach. He lays next to you for a short while, asking you repeatedly if you’re okay, peppering kisses on the side of your face. He leaves your side and comes back with water and an ice pack. He watches you sip the water while holding the ice on your still red hot skin. He coos at you when you wince, shuffling closer to you as he watches you with concern filled eyes.
Your tiredness eventually catches up to you and you’re not sure how long you’ve dozed off before you feel ii straddle your hips. You whine when his hard again cock pushes against you. “Mm, don’t touch…it’s too much.” You furrow your brows and try to shift away from his hands that brush over your aching skin. “Shhh, I know, love. You’ve been so good for me…wanna help you. I’ll be gentle. I promise.” His voice is quiet as he leans over you, nuzzling his head against your neck. He lazily mouths over your skin and ever so slowly inches into you.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
The way I could not focus for more than 5 minutes while writing this 🙃 I had different plans for this but I just could not use enough brain power to write it lol
BUT I’m so excited to return to this ask!!! So many good ideas 👏🏻 thank you again anon 💘
Anyway, hope y’all enjoyed!
K. Bye bye.
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lovelyjj · 1 day
hii i love your fics! could we get more of bodyguard!jj and him thinking she’s spoiled but then she proves him wrong and they become like actual really good friends! (i hope that makes sense!) have a great day or night!! xxx 💝💝
Bodyguard part 2
part 1
bodyguard!jj maybank x kook!reader
a/n: hope this is ok! i love bodyguard!jj so i’m happy you asked for more!
my ask box is always open, fill free to send me your thoughts!
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Having a bodyguard was an experience. It was like having a companion everywhere you go except JJ wasn’t your companion. He was more like an employee, you were his client. Nothing more.
You couldn’t deny how attractive JJ was. Even though he was rude to you. He had this aura about him that drew you in. He was so muscular and beautiful it made you lightheaded.
The day was bright and sunny. You thought it would be a good idea to go to the boardwalk. It was relaxing and fun down by the beach. But it was also hot. You thought that today calls for some ice cream.
JJ watched as you went up to the cashier and asked for strawberry ice cream. You then turned to JJ and asked if he wanted anything. He declined but thought it was sweet that you asked him. He also noticed how polite you were to the cashier.
JJ was impressed with your behavior. He was beginning to see your true colors. Maybe you weren’t so spoiled after all. “You two make a cute couple,” the cashier said handing you your ice cream on a cone.
“Oh we’re not together,” you blushed.
“Yeah i’m her bodyguard not her boyfriend,” JJ grumbled.
You took your ice cream and was on your marry way, walking down the boardwalk with JJ. You were feeling the ocean air and soaking up the sun. JJ thought you looked beautiful. Your hair was cascading down your back and your cheeks were flushed. You wore a sun dress that showed off your legs and made JJ feel something in his chest.
After you finished your ice cream and walked around for a while it was starting to get late. The sun was starting to set and you sat down on the sand to watch the sunset. You could hear the waves crashing and see the sky become painted in pink and orange.
It was lovely. JJ was unusually quiet. It made you think he was lost in thought.
“Penny for your thoughts,” you broke the silence by speaking.
JJ dipped his hand in the sand, grabbed a handful and then watched it slide through this fingers and back into the sand.
“What? Oh nothing, I’m just watching the sky,” JJ shrugged.
“Come on you can trust me,” you gave him a small smile. You don’t know why you were so interested, JJ wasn’t usually kind to you but you wanted to know his story.
JJ wanted to tell you what was on his mind but he didn’t want ruin the relationship you had. Strictly bodyguard and client nothing more.
“Just drop it okay?” JJ snapped.
“Ok fine,” you crossed your arms and looked away.
JJ was coming over to your house because you needed a ride. Your parents let him in and he made his way to your room. He knocked on the door and herd you say “come in” so he entered.
“What are you doing?” JJ asked. He saw trash bags filled with clothes he assumed. He was confused as to why they littered your bedroom floor.
“I’m donating some of my clothes,” you said with smile.
“Oh wow that’s nice of you,” JJ was shocked. He thought that was very considerate of you. Maybe you weren’t so spoiled after all.
You got in JJ’s car as he packed the trunk with all your trash bags filled with clothes. As JJ drove to the donation center he couldn’t help but see you in a different light.
“That’s the last of them,” you told the donation center worker, handing him the last bag.
“Thank you so much for your donation!”
“Where to now?” JJ asked.
“Hmm I don’t know I don’t have any other plans for today.”
“How bout I take you somewhere?” JJ suggested.
You were intrigued so you went along with it. JJ took you to the hawks nest. You were surprised. The two of you climbed to the top and sat at the ledge.
“Ya know you’ve really impressed me lately princess.” JJ started the conversation.
The name was something JJ came up with because you were a kook princess. JJ didn’t know however, how it made you feel. It made your stomach do a flip and your heartbeat quicken.
“How so?” you responded.
“You’re not who I thought you were.” JJ explained.
“Huh well you’d be surprised what happens when you get to know someone.”
“Yeah I guess.”
“Can I ask you something?” you raised the question.
“Sure,” JJ replied.
“Why were you so mean to me when you first became my bodyguard?”
“Can I get a different question?” JJ asked.
“No, i think i deserve an explanation.”
“You want the truth? Well honestly I thought you were some spoiled rich kid that didn’t care about anybody except yourself. I didn’t want work for some stuck up kook.”
“Right so you were being a judgmental asshole.” You laughed.
JJ laughed with you. He agreed. You were right and he desperately wanted to redeem himself.
“Look i’m sorry for how I treated you. I would like to put that behind us. Is there any way you could forgive me?” JJ apologized.
“Yeah I guess so. Only if you buy me an ice cream sometime,” you replied.
Ever since the hawks nest JJ was nice to you. It was kinda of surprising. You didn’t expect him to change his attitude so fast. You thought maybe just maybe you could get along and be friends.
Today you were going to the country club. JJ of course was tagging along for your protection. You were happy because you were finally getting along with your bodyguard.
The two of you were having lunch at the country club. It was a cool and crisp day. You commented saying it was a beautiful day and JJ agreed.
“All you’re getting is a salad?” JJ questioned.
“You don’t want anything else?”
“How about dessert?” JJ smiled.
You laughed. “You got me there.”
“Before dessert how about we have some drinks on me?” You suggested.
“I don’t drink on the job.” JJ replied.
“Oh right. More for me then!”
You ordered a mimosa. You and JJ kept on chatting about anything and everything. You were more talkative than normal because you kept ordering all kinds of drinks under the sun.
JJ was getting worried you were drinking too much.
“How about we get you home princess.”
“Nooooooo. I wanna stay!”
“I think it’s time to call it quits.”
Now JJ couldn’t take you home because he didn’t want your parents to see you like this.
And he couldn’t take you to his house for obvious reasons, so he settled for the beach. He hoped you would sober up there.
JJ took your hand after you paid for lunch, and guided you away to the beach. He sat you down in the sand.
“I wanna swiimmmm.” You slurred.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” JJ voiced.
Much to JJ’s dismay, you stood up a little wobbly and started taking off your clothes. JJ did his best to not look at your body but it was hard. You were breathtaking.
JJ grabbed you by the waist and hauled you over his shoulder. He picked up your discarded shirt and shorts and started to walk to his car.
“Come on princess, time to go.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t like it.”
“But you’re the kook princess are you not?”
You let out a huff in defeat.
“Please put me down!”
“Not til i know you’re not going to run into the water.”
“I won’t I promise!”
JJ took you home. He figured your parents were asleep. So as long as you were quiet it shouldn’t be a big deal.
JJ guided you to your room and had you sit on the bed.
“You got to be careful Y/N,” JJ scolded.
“Yeah yeah,” you waved him off.
JJ tucked you in and told you to go to sleep.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
When you woke up the next morning last nights events were a little hazy. You remember JJ was looking out for you the whole time. You thought to yourself how lucky you were to have such a great and caring friend.
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part 3 coming soon ;)
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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Alone (18+)
Kelly O’Hara x Reader
Warning: Smut, Dirty talk, unprotected sex, Creampies, blowjob, Anal, Throat pie, (R doming Kelly) (Kelly receiving head), Positions: Mosdonary, Cowgirl, Doggy)
Word count: 2,162
I apologize for the short fan fic, this was one of the very first ones I wrote.
*Y/n's pov*
I was scrolling through Netflix trying to figure out what to watch. Me and Carli Loyd were roommates for this camp. Suddenly there's a knock at the door I just got out of the shower so I was just wearing shorts and a sports bra.
I get up and open the door. I'm Met with the one and only Kelly O'Hara. I move to the side and let her in. Kelly walks in, I notice her ass and how good it looked in her shorts.
Kelly turns to me. She catches me looking, she smirks and gives her ass a little shake. I bite my lip and continue to check out her ass.
Kelly giggles and plops down on the bed. She motions me over with her finger. I bite my lip and walk over to her.
I stand in front of her. Kelly places her hands on both of my thighs and slowly raises her hands up to my crotch.
"Where's Carli?" She asks in a seductive tone.
I bite my lip. "O-Out with H-Hope on a D-Date. They're gonna be a while. They're going out for dinner and then a movie." I stutter.
Kelly smirks and looks up at me. "So we some time to have some fun?" She asks rubbing my bulge.
I moan and blush darkly I can't form a sentence as she does this, I simply just nod.
"First I'm gonna suck you dry. Then you're gonna put your dick deep inside my tight pussy and fuck my brains out." Kelly says.
I stop her. "W-Wait, I don't have a condom. Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure, I'm on a pill." Kelly says.
I nod, I moan as she kisses my bulge and rubs it over my shorts. She smirks, she grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bed, she lays me down and lays between my legs.
Kelly kisses my bulge and slides my shorts and boxers down my legs. She kisses my dick and swirls her tongue around the tip.
Kelly smirks as I moan. She wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick.
Once I'm hard she takes my boner in her mouth, I moan as she takes my length in her mouth. She slowly bobs her head, I moan as she hums against my dick and bobs her faster but at a steady pace.
I moan and hold her hair up as she continues to give me head. "Mmmm fuck."
Kelly wraps her arms around the back of my legs and bobs her head faster and faster. The tip of my dick hitting the back of her throat with each bob of her throat.
Mmm she really knows how to suck dick. I don't think I can last much longer I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Mmm Kelly baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and lay me head back on the pillow behind me and close my eyes. Kelly hums against my dick and bobs her head faster and faster.
After 5 more minutes of an amazing blow job I feel myself getting super close to cumming.
"Kelly baby I'm go-"
Throat pie:
I'm unable to warn her in time. I bust my load In her mouth. Kelly chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
Kelly swallows my load and sucks me dry, getting the rest of my cum. I moan as she does this. She hums against my dick and bobs her head again and continues to suck my dick after she swallows my load and sucks me dry.
"You taste good." Kelly says seductively.
"Mmm fuck that was amazing." I moan.
Kelly smirks then kisses me. I can taste myself on her lips. Man she wasn't lying I really do taste good. I start kissing her neck, I take off her shirt and toss it to the side along with her bra.
I lay her down and kid her neck. I kiss her neck down to her stomach and abs I stop and look up at her silently asking for permission, Kelly nods. I slide her shorts and panties down her legs and toss them off to the side.
I kiss her inner thighs teasing her then lick her clit. Kelly mains and grabs my head, I insert a finger and finger her as I continue to lick her folds and eat her out, rolling my tongue hue on her clit adding different Pressures.
"Shit Y/n." Kelly moans.
I continue to eat her out. I slip in a second finger and finger her a bit faster than before. Kelly wraps her thighs around my head and moans.
"F-Fuck Y/n." She moans loudly in pleasure.
I feel her walls clamp around my fingers letting me know she was close to Cumming. I go as fast as I could, by now Kelly was screaming my name.
"Y/n I'm gonna cu-" she moans and cums all over my fingers, hand and all over the sheets. I help her ride out her high.
After she comes down from her high I let her take a moment to catch her breath. She pulls me down and kisses me. I kiss back, she pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"I want you inside me." Kelly says.
"Are you sure? I don't have a condom." I reply.
"Yes I'm sure. I'm on a pill, fuck me and cum in me." Kelly says seductively.
I nod, I rub my dick through her folds. Kelly moans, I slide my dick deep inside her tight wet hole. Kelly moans as I'm balls deep inside her.
Kelly takes a moment to adjust to my size deep inside her.
"Tell me when to move." I say.
Kelly nods and takes a moment. "Okay move."
I slowly thrust in and out of her. Kelly moans and closes her eyes. I go a bit faster, Kelly's moans get louder as I pick up the pace.
"Fuck y-y/n right there." Kelly moans as I go at and angle and pound her g spot.
"Mmmm fuck so tight and wet." I Moan as I keep going.
Only sounds in the room were our moans and my balls slapping against her skin.
"Ah I'm gonna squirt." Kelly moans.
Kelly moans and squirts. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Mmm I'm gonna drain my balls in you baby. Bet you'd like that huh slut?" I say seductively.
"Mmm fuck I'd love it. Give me your massive load daddy." Kelly moans.
After 5 more minutes I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Kelly... baby I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't stop, fill me up." Kelly moans.
Kelly moans and cums all over my dick. Kelly cumming sends me over the edge.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore I bust my load deep inside her. Kelly moans as I cum deep inside her, I moan and slowly thrust back and forth as I fill her up.
I help Kelly ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out. Cum oozes out of her pussy and glazes her folds, cum oozes and drips onto the sheets.
"Mm fuck. That was amazing." I moan in pleasure.
Kelly giggles. She flips us around. Her on top and me on the bottom. Kelly lines my tip up with her pussy. She pushes the tip inside her and slowly sinks down on my dick taking my dick back deep inside her cum filled pussy.
Kelly moans. She takes a moment to adjust to my size again. She slowly moves back and forth on my dick. I moan and rest my head back on the pillow behind me.
Kelly moans as she moves back and forth faster. We both moan, I place my hands on her hips and help her move her hips faster.
"Fuck right there." I moan.
"Mmm you feel so good inside me." Kelly moans.
I moan, Kelly grabs the head board and starts siding up and down on my dick. I moan and grab her ass.
"Kelly... Gah fuck." I moan.
"Yes my love?" Kelly asks.
"Ahh. F-Fuck slow down a bit. Mm you feel so good wrapped around me I don't wanna cum just yet." I moan.
Kelly giggles. "That's the point daddy. I want every last drop of cum deep in my pussy." Kelly says seductively.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard.
I slap her ass, I grab her hips and help her move up and down on my dick faster. "Ahh you're so tight and wet."
Kelly smirks. She slides up and down on my dick faster. slamming her ass down on my dick when she brings it down. I moan as I feel my balls tighten.
"I-I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
"M-Me too." Kelly moans.
Kelly cums, she slams her ass down.
Creampie #2:
Kelly slams her ass down sending me over the edge and making me bust my load deep inside her tight cum filled pussy.
Kelly moans, she squirts. Her juices go on my dick and Abs. I moan as I come down from my high filling her up with my load.
After we both come down from our highs Kelly slowly slides off my dick. Thick cum oozes out of her pussy and glazed her folds. Cum drips down her thighs and onto my abs and thighs and all over the sheets.
Kelly moans as some of my cum oozes to ooze out of her.
"Mmm fuck so much cum." Kelly moans.
Kelly lays next to me and flips over onto her stomach. She spreads her legs a bit and looks at me.
"Mmm fuck my ass." Kelly says seductively.
Fuck I didn't know Kelly was into Anal. I sit in the back of her legs I use the cum and my spit as lube. I slide my dick deep inside her tight asshole.
I let her adjust to my Size. "Okay move."
I start thrusting in and out of her slowly.
"Faster Y/n." Kelly moans.
I go a bit faster. Her ass feels amazing and is tight. I don't think I can last much longer, I'm already close to busting.
Kelly moans and wraps her arms around the pillow hugging it. I hover over her and thrust into her faster and faster than before.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"S-Shit right there! F-Fuck!" Kelly shouts in pleasure.
I moan and continue to fuck he'd ass from behind. Kelly moans and leans her head back and looks up at me. I smirk, I lean down and kiss her.
"Ahh I'm close daddy." Kelly moans.
"Me too." I moan in pleasure.
After 5 more minutes I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampies #3:
I slam my dick deep inside her and unload my massive load in her asshole painting her walls white.
Kelly moans. "Mmm f-fuck." Kelly moans as I cum inside her.
I come down from my high. I don't pull out though I keep going. We both moan as I fuck her ass from behind.
"Fuck.... fuck....fuck." Kelly squeaks out with each thrust. I moan I lean down and nip her ear and kiss her neck.
I interlocked out fingers and hold her hands as I fuck her brains out.
"God it's so fucking good." Kelly moans.
"Mmm so tight, gah I don't think I can last much longer." I moan.
My breathing getting heavier. I focus on my surroundings as feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Yes...Daddy....pump...me... full of....cum." Kelly squeaks out with each thrust.
I feel my balls tighten.
Creampie #4:
I slam my dick deep inside her ass and bust my load in her tight asshole painting her walls white. Kelly moans and cums.
"Mmmm fuck I feel so full." Kelly moans as I stuff her full of cum.
Once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her ass. Cum oozes out of her ass and drips down her folds and into the bed.
"Shit, you have amazing dick game." Kelly says.
I chuckle at her comment and kiss her. I grab my phone and check the time.
12 am
"Hey it's late. Hope and Carli will be back soon." I say.
Kelly nods, Kelly gets dressed. She kisses me deeply and leaves the room.
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meowkn · 2 hours
You were fast asleep on the bed when he returned home, the blanket barely covering your half naked body. Your hair tousled over the pillows and a small smile on your lips as you dreamt, probably of Jason.
“Sweetheart.” Jason whispered, kneeling down so that he was face to face with you. He brushed some of your curls out of your face, shaking his head at the sight.
“Sweetheart.” He said a little louder, shaking you slightly. Waking you up from your nap. You sat up slightly, rubbing your eyes as you tried to fully wake up and form coherent thoughts.
“Jay?” You murmured, turning to look at him, kneeling down beside the bed. He looks exhausted, his hair messy, and his eye bags darker than usual. Your eyes flitter over to the clock on the bedside table
1 A.M
“Hey…” He murmurs, his hand finding his chin, guiding your face back to his. His hands are calloused and rough, but his touch was gentle, he’s always gentle with you.
“Hey, sleepy.” He says, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Rough day?” You mutter, still waking up as you gaze into his eyes. Even in the dark they’re bright.
“Mhm.” He brushes his fingers over my cheek, caressing you softly. “I had such a rough day.” He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his spare hand. “I’m so tired.”
“I missed you today.” You say softly, grabbing the hand that was caressing your face and holding it.
Jason stands up fully, stretching his arms before getting into the bed next to you, scooting you over with his body before burying his head into your shoulder, his arm snaking around your waist.
You stayed like that for a while before his free hand reached around your head, tilting it back, making your neck more accessible. He placed light kisses on your jaw, trailing down your neck. You could feel his fingers rubbing against your skin, trying to find the hem of your shirt.
“Jay, it’s late.” You murmured, a soft sigh escaping your lips at the sensation of him nibbling on your neck.
“Not too late, I missed you.” He hums against your skin, slipping your shirt up. You can feel his fingers sliding across your skin, almost desperately tracing the contours of your skin.
“I just don’t want you to be tired, yeah?” You say, pulling his face from your neck, taking note of the whine that escapes his lips after.
“I don’t want sleep, just you.” His words come out as a mumble as he presses his lips back against the skin of your neck, sending goosebumps through your body. He hummed contentedly, his fingers tracing your body, almost reverently.
“Just need a little bit of you…then I’ll let you sleep.” You could feel his fingers find the waistband of your underwear, playing with the material teasingly as he smirked against your neck.
“Jay…” Your protest fell on deaf ears as he bit down on your neck, then soothing the bite with his tongue.
“I’ve neglected you all day… Let me make it up to you.”
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