#let me seeeeeee
thebroccolination · 3 months
I need you all to know that, because I just moved, I won’t have The Internet at home until the 22nd, which means I am, have been, and will be dodging spoilers for the final series of Young Royals with Olympic-level accuracy and dedication.
So far it hasn’t been too bad.
But once the finale airs I may have to exit the internet through a window and throw my phone into a poisoned well for good measure.
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iiryoku · 3 months
Suddenly I really want a Hogwarts/Wizard World verse/au
Yingxing/Ren would be a Slytherin / Ravenclaw (Still can't decide)
Caelus would be a Gryfffindor, to no one's surprise.
Sunday would be a Slytherin (might change once we get to know more about him)
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zenkais · 1 year
only way to use tumblr on mobile is going through random blogs. either that or you can watch as ur phone slowly stars to prepare to explode
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ghoulibrat · 6 months
I did my very 1st cam show the other night & i had so much fun honestly 🤭🤗🥰💕 signing up for mfc rn so i can do even weirder stuff (cuz lets be honest I'm a weirdo) that isn't always geared towards the usual ♡
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uzaydenizanasi · 2 months
Game really never lets you see yourself huh
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Is Gazing Blue Orbs a valid iterator name?
❗ "Gazing Blue Orbs" is a valid Iterator name.
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 6 months
This is a short little Drabble I just came up with in this moment, inspired by my latest character analysis reblog. You don’t have to read that honestly, because it is VERY VERY LONG, but if you want then you can! idk I mean I kinda like it so…
Anywhizzle, this drabble is basically just Sonic angst. Takes place in the IDW universe some time after the Metal Virus, maybe in my own au, it fits in both so it doesn’t matter. Sorry for stalling, and here it is:
Sonic doesn’t look in mirrors very often. Usually when he wants to fix up his appearance or if he just wants to know what he looks like, he’ll just head on down to the nearest pond and watch as his face wobbles along with the waves. It’s not much, and he does have to admit that more stable surfaces are better than water, but it’s just how he does things. Like the saying suggests, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
This was the first time in a while he actually saw his reflection at all, actually. He was hanging out with Cream and Vanilla, helping the younger rabbit with her writing. Honestly, his writing looked way worse than hers, but nobody ever said anything so he never mentioned it. And when Vanilla came outside with a metal tray full of cookies, obviously the two of them cleaned off the whole dang thing! All that was left were a few measly crumbs and that was it!
Or… No, wait, there was something else, too. Something… Odd. Something blue in color and with splotches of peach as well, something spiky sticking out from the back of the head…
Oh. That was him. Sonic the Hedgehog.
… Right…?
The strange image confused the young hedgehog. The odd reflection in the tray didn’t look anything at all like him! It was more like a blue blob, or an imposter of some kind, taunting him. It grinned wide and maliciously, staring at Sonic with empty eyes. The sight almost made the hedgehog jump out of his seat in surprise! He kept himself from doing so, then politely excused himself from the table, in search of an actual mirror. Because, yeah, that totally wasn’t Sonic! That blue ball of nothing wasn’t him at all! It was just a trick of the light, a fantasy in his head, the texture of the tray! That was it, surely! No scary blobs in sight!
He entered the small bathroom down the hall and looked into the mirror.
Something else looked right back.
A dark blue hedgehog, probably about three feet tall, with pointed ears and scruffy quills that stuck out every which way. The eyes looked dull, nothing indicating any sense of life, with only a dark green iris and a pure black pupil in each one. The fur on the forehead was matted and ugly, stains of all kinds replacing the original blue coloring. The muzzle was far too long for it to be natural, the nose on its end practically touching the mirror! Speaking of which, the nose was completely black, no wet shimmering in sight, indicating a clear lack of proper health. Dark circles lay dormant underneath the eyes, showing how utterly exhausted and gone this strange creature truly was.
But that… That wasn’t Sonic, was it? He wasn’t halfway to death’s door, was he? Sonic the Hedgehog was a world-renowned hero! A figurehead in practically every community! Everyone on Mobius knows of him, everyone looks up to him, everyone loves him! He’s got everything he could’ve ever wanted and more! Friends, a mismatched family, a life, freedom, peace and quiet…
Did he? Yeah, of course he had all that! He’s literally Sonic the Hedgehog! No one has a better life than him! Who else has the ability to go out into the world and be as free as the wind? Who else gets the chance to kick some angry fatso in the head with his own machinery? Who else gets to keep running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running and ru
Sonic stands there, staring at his reflection. It IS his reflection, isn’t it? He is tired, still trying to properly recover from the Metal Virus. (Even the thought of that dreadful time made his stomach squirm) Sonic still hasn’t showered in a while, so of course he’d be a bit on the uglier side. He is a bit on edge, still learning to not trust as easily as he did before. He is slightly malnourished, not wanting to be greedy and waste more food than necessary.
But… But is that really him? Does Sonic really looks so… Unwell? So overhelmed? So unkempt? So scared, so sad, so dead inside?
He stares back at the image in the mirror, glaring daggers at the darker version of himself. No, this could not be the same hedgehog. The real Sonic is cheerful, happy to be alive, happy to have such great friends, happy that he has such great opportunities! He’s thankful, he’s kind, and he would never ask for anything more.
The hedgehog in the mirror begs to differ. Its head tilts to the side, mocking Sonic’s thoughts, grinning from ear to ear as it analyzes its counterpart. Not a word is spoken from either being, for there are none that need saying. They just continue staring into each other's eyes, trying to one-up the other without even lifting a finger.
Sonic gets tired of it after only a minute, a pathetic little yawn escaping his lips and his eyes drooping in exhaustion. He rubs his eyes angrily, knowing the version of himself in the mirror has already won. But when he looks back, the being is no longer grinning.
It still looks the same, but… But it’s also still Sonic.
He exits the bathroom, turning the light off behind him, not wanting to look in the mirror any longer.
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my psychopathology class is making me mad jealous. what do you mean people in these studies can have their brains scanned and looked at? their behavior monitored? their blood levels tested to see if meds are working? why can't i do that?? i want to have my brain scanned and i want to be monitored and i want people to run my blood through tests. and don't even get me started on longitudinal studies. you're telling me that they get to be monitored on and off for years and years and years?? why am i not doing that
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cookinguptales · 1 year
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please don't call it that
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aircushionedsoles · 10 months
new tfb todayyyy
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When Alec get tired of hiding his crush on Magnus
Im so sorry but this isn’t loading for me for some reason? 😢
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rosicheeks · 1 year
what’s some good news from this week?
#hmmmm let’s seeeeeee#well the first one that comes to my mind which will be LIFE CHANGING IF IT HAPPENS#I think where I’m living weed is close to being legalized#it still has a few places to go through#but it’s a LOT closer than it ever has been!#and if weed is legalized that would be a GAME changer#it’s also been super sunny and it’s getting nice out so that’s always a plus#OH OH OH#also I think I’m going to be staying over at my dog sitting place in June and July and I’m SO EXCITED#a place to myself again?!?!#I get to smoke and paint and take pics and do whatever the fuck I want ALSO ILL BE WITH MAYAAAAA#also also alsooooo I might be able to dogsit for one of my neighbors dogs soon too!#of course it lands on the same day that I’m taking care of maya but I think the timing might work out?#obviously maya comes first#but omg if I’m able to take care of Murphy (neighbors dog) I would be SO HAPPY#Murphy is honestly the cutest fucking dog I have EVER SEEN#I don’t think I’ve ever met a golden retriever in real life and holy shit he doesn’t even know me but he LOVES ME#I was talking to his owner the other day about the dogsitting and everything#and I was giving him pets and love and he was twirling and looking up at me and kept kissing me literally all over#my face my thighs everywhere he could reach he is SO CUTE AND SO FULL OF LOVE AHHHHHHHH#some happy moments from my week 😌#thanks for asking lovely!!!#do you have any good news or happy moments you would like to share?? 🥰🥰#ask#🌸 anon
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heartbreaking: niall has a beautiful home with his gf that he never really shows us :(
good for him, couldn't be more horrible for us 😔
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kutyozh · 1 year
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crimsongrimoire · 2 years
im weak my love and I am wanting officially has over 60 hidden bookmarks I am so. picking yall up like this
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cringefailfagcat · 2 years
wanna see a very rough doodle of eddie from math today :)
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