ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Tickletober day 2: Tracing
Aside from ShinKami, I also really like the ship ShinDeku, so here we are~! This is hella short, but I still think it’s pretty cute~ 💚💜
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Shinso x Deku (romantic)
Lee: Deku
Ler: Shinso
Warnings: Tickles!
It was late at night, the heroes in training were found in the greennette’s room, all cozied up in his bed while watching a movie in his laptop. Deku was all snuggled up against Shinso’s side, focused on the movie, although the same couldn’t be said for Shinso. He couldn’t help but feel a bit bored by the film. Looking for literally anything else to do, he started to lightly drag his fingertips down Deku’s arm, tracing along his scars. This caused the All-Might fanboy to shiver at the ticklish touch. Poor Deku tried to ignore the tickly feeling, but the more Shinso traced his arm the more ticklish it felt. Not being able to hold it in anymore, he let out a soft giggle. Shinso quirked his eyebrow at the cute reaction “What’s so funny?”.
“N-nohothing! You’re just t-tihickling me…!” the grennette giggled out, burrying his blushing face against Shinso’s shoulder.
The purple haired male looked down at what he was doing and instantly smiled at the realization. “It tickles, huh?” he gently grabbed Deku’s arm and kept lightly tracing it up and down, reaching all the way to his wrist.
“Pfft- Ehehehe! I’ts soho bahahad!” Izuku giggled out to his hearts content, his freckles getting lost in his ever growing blush.
“I don’t see you pulling away though~” Shinso teased as he pulled up Deku’s hand to his face, placing a gentle kiss on his palm.
“EEP!” Deku’s face errupted right there and then at the embarrasing squeak that escaped him.
“Don’t tell me you have ticklish hands as well~” Shinso chuckled as he started to trace along the lines of Deku’s palm.
“I-I cahahan’t hehehelp it!” Izuku kept on giggling himself silly, enjoying the light and yet effective tickles his boyfriend was giving him. The film long forgotten.
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Hello!! Can i request some lee!Shinsou and ler!Dadzawa. Thank you!
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My Hero Academia: Throwing off the Writing Rhythm
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Thank you so much anon!!!! Have a cookie 🍪! Lee Shinso isn't something I'd done before 🤔 So this was another test! It's a little shorter than my usual fics, but it's been a busy week and I hope you can forgive me! 🙏❤️
Summary: Shinso is far too consumed by catching up with the rest of 1A that he chooses to miss out on class movie night! Aizawa won't let this happen and steps in to get him out if his dorm.
Lee!Shinso Ler!Aizawa
Tw: None
------------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }------------
It had only been a couple of weeks since Shinso joined class 1A after a successful exam. He was happy to be there, it meant he was one step closer to becoming the kind of hero he wanted to be. All he had to do was study hard and keep working.
Even on movie night. Which was a weekly event for the students of class 1A, tonight was that night, Shinso however, wasn't planning on joining the others. He was staying at his desk in his dorm, quietly working on an essay, when there was a knock at the door.
"Hey, Shinso? It's Aizawa."
"Yeah." He called in response, not taking his tired eyes off his paper. He heard the door hinge click open, and Awizawas footsteps approaching until he was standing by his side.
"You not going to watch a movie with the others? Midoria said he invited you."
"Mhm. I declined. I don't have time for watching movies." The purple-haired boy deadpanned, flipping the pencil in his hand to use the rubber for a second.
Aizawa sighed, he understood that Shinso felt he needed to work extra hard to catch up with the others, but he is still just a boy, and growing youngsters need their downtime. With a hum, the teacher leaned over the students shoulder, reading the title of the essay.
"This one isn't due for another week, you can leave it for now and go hang out with the others." He suggested, hoping that would be enough to sway him.
"I can't, I'm in writing mode. If I stop now I'll lose the rhythm."
"The rhythm you say?" Aizawa smirked. "And, what if you do lose the rhythm?"
"Then I won't be able to write anymore this evening and it'll have to wait until tomorrow. I can't let that happen." He kept scribbling away, suddenly shrieking when he felt a finger dig into his side.
"Ah! Hey!" He turned to look at Aizawa, glaring with his tired eyes. "Don't do that!"
"Do what?" Aizawa raised a brow, smiling innocently.
"Tickle me! Uh-" Shinsos expression dropped when he realised the fate he had just sealed for himself. The feeling of dread rose in his chest as Aizawa cracked his knuckles, smiling with intent.
"Well. If you insist." Before Shinso could react, Aizawa started attacking his sides from behind, keeping the boy tabbed in his seat, unable to move the chair out and escape.
"Wahait! Hahaha! Y-You knohow thahats not Ihihi sa-IHIHAHA!" He leaned back in the chair, attempting to curl up on himself, his arms unable to reach Aizawas from the awkward angle they were in. "Noho! My pahahaper!"
"You wanted tickles, Shinso. This is all your doing. Wow, you're loud when you want to be huh?" Aizawa chuckled, moving his tickling fingers further up the boy's torso, digging into his ribs with killer precision. Tickling students into submission was something he had grown very skilled at.
"NONONO! Nohot thehehere! Ahahaha!" A flailing leg kneed the desk from below, bouncing the various textbooks and papers briefly, sending a pencil rolling onto the floor. "Gehehet off! Ah?!" He gasped, suddenly feeling a fabric wrap around his wrists and pull his arms back over his head.
"You're far too wriggly, bud. Gotta take some precautions." Aizawa smiled, petting the boys hair before going to town on his exposed underarms. The thin night shirt Shinso wore did absolutely nothing for defence.
"WAIT! Ahahaha! Noho! Hahaha! Stahap! Ahahahaaa-*hic* Pleheha-*hic* AIZAWAHAHA!" His laughter was filled with little breathy hiccups, much to Aizawas amusement.
He watched, casually continuing to tickle the poor boy silly as he wriggled in his seat. "That's a funny noise. Who would have thought someone as tough as you would have such a sweet laugh."
"Shudduhup! *hic* Ahaha!" He squeaked, his cheeks heating up to a soft pink glow as he tried to hide his face in his elbows.
"Looks to me like you've lost your writing rhythm. How about movie night then, huh?"
"Okahahay! Okay I'll goho! Mehercy!"
"Good answer." Aizawa smiled, releasing Shinso from his binds. The boy quickly bringing his arms down, shuddering and giggling still.
"Y-You buhully." He couldn't help but smile. He did love how kind Aizawa was. How he'd always find a way to cheer him up. Be it bringing him a warm drink, or just listening to him talk. Aizawa was there for him.
"Sorry, kid. I couldn't have you staying mopey like that." He chuckled, ruffling his hair fondly. "Now, get your butt downstairs. They haven't started yet, and I'm told they bought iced buns for the snacks tonight."
Shinsos eyes glistened slightly for a moment. Iced buns are good. "Okay... I'll head down now. And... Um..." He looked away, blushing slightly.
"Any time, buddy."
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tickly-giggles · 10 months
Could u do prompts 22 and/or 24 with aizawa and present mic? If u do x reader could you do with the reader otherwise I would enjoy reading it with eachother! ❤️
Yes yes yes, so cute!! I ship EraserMic so hard so yes! Also, for future reference, I don't do x reader fics. Sorry bout that
BUT onto the fic~!
Warning: Tickle fic ahead! Also very light bondage
Prompt: "When I find you, you're dead!" / "Please be gentle~!"
Characters: Mic, Aizawa, very short amount of Shinso
Shipping: EraserMic
Lee: Mic
Ler: Aizawa
Word Count: 1,343
“When I find you, you’re dead!”
The words rang throughout the house like an explosion. Mic giggled childishly, diving into the closet in his and his husband’s bedroom. It may have been an obvious hiding spot, but Mic would be lying if he said he didn’t want Aizawa to find him. The circumstances that led up to him hiding in a closet played back in his head, and he couldn’t help but giggle again at the memory.
“Come on, it’ll be fun~,” Mic grinned at Shinso, who was currently doing his best to ignore his honorary father by distracting himself with a video game.
“No offense, but that doesn’t sound fun, it just sounds like we’d annoy him,” 
the purple haired boy paused his game and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly,
“I’d personally rather not get in the middle of it.”
“Aww, but it’s not permanent! It’ll wash off, c’mon!”
Shinso couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at his lips from Mic’s childlike excitement over something so silly, though he rolled his eyes and shook his head in response,
“It’s still a no. Sorry, Yamada-sensei.”
Mic smiled softly at him and playfully ruffled Shinso’s hair,
“Fine, I’ll do it myself. And you don’t need to be so formal with me, Hitoshi.”
Shinso blushed and nodded, smiling wider and starting his game back up as Mic exited his bedroom.
From there, the prank was set in motion. Mic had snuck back into his and Aizawa’s bedroom with a black marker, knelt down beside him while he was curled up under the covers, and hesitated. His husband looked so peaceful. Strands of his disheveled, black hair spilled over his content face in a way that perfectly framed his gorgeous features. His lips were slightly parted, rhythmic breaths escaped his nose with the occasional, gentle snore, and his eyelashes rested against his cheeks.
Mic smiled. How did he get so lucky? His eyes twinkled with pure joy and love for his partner. Joy was quickly replaced with mischief, and a smirk spread across his face as he popped the cap off of the marker.
Aizawa’s sudden, angry voice snapped Mic out of his reminiscing, and he grinned nervously as he listened to his footsteps gradually get closer.
“I’m going to find you, hiding from me is irrational,”
Aizawa huffed, looking under the bed, then mentally smacking himself for thinking Mic could fit under it. He stood and glared around the room, his eyes eventually falling on the closet. He grumbled and made to open the door, but stopped. He steadied his breathing as he thought for a moment, then grinned slightly,
“I suppose he’s not here. Oh well.”
Finally, he started tapping his feet against the floor, gradually slowing his movements to mimic the sound of him leaving the room.
Mic smirked and rolled his eyes. Like he would fall for the oldest trick in the book. Aizawa was smart, there was no way he would leave without checking the most obvious hiding spot. About a minute passed and there was no sound coming from the other side of the closet door. Mic felt his confidence sinking. Maybe Aizawa did leave? It couldn’t hurt to check, right? 
He swallowed nervously, his hand shaking as he reached for the door handle. Slowly, the door slid open, and he peeked into the room. A triumphant grin replaced his previously anxious expression. The room was empty.
Mic chuckled airily, stepping further into the room,
“I don’t know why I was so nervous. He had no idea I was– WAAHH-!!”
The boisterous pro hero shrieked as he was tackled to the bed. He craned his neck to see Aizawa sitting on his lower back, eyes glowing red, hair defying gravity, and his scarf held tightly in his hands. Most importantly, his face was decorated with random drawings and words in black marker. He smirked and let his hair fall majestically,
“I’m surprised you didn’t hear me hooking myself to the ceiling.”
Mic blushed slightly in embarrassment, and smiled shyly,
“You know my hearing isn’t what it used to be.”
Suddenly, he couldn’t stop the amused giggles that bubbled from his throat at Aizawa’s face. The quirk erasing pro smirked back at his husband and grabbed his wrists, tying them to his ankles with his scarf in a swift motion,
“I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
“W-Wait wha–” 
Mic’s face erupted in even more red, and he experimentally tugged at his bindings, to no avail,
“Shota, what are you doing? Let me go!”
“I don’t think so. In fact,”
Aizawa leaned down and pressed his lips against Mic’s ear, making him shiver,
“I think you wanted me to catch you~.”
Mic swallowed nervously, panic and excitement filling his mind. He didn’t bother replying as Aizawa got to work, carefully taking off his husband’s socks. Aizawa grinned at the way Mic curled his toes when the cool air in the room hit his feet. 
“Something wrong, Hizashi~? You seem nervous.”
Mic bit his lip at Aizawa’s teasing tone, wishing he could bite back with a snarky remark of his own, but he knew that would only get him into more trouble. Aizawa could be quite merciless when he wanted to be. So, he simply replied,
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Is it the fact that I’m going to tickle you, no matter what you do?”
The teasing tone in Aizawa’s voice only worsened how vulnerable Mic felt. He shook his head, trying to fight off the anticipatory tingles that danced across his bare soles. A sigh of resignation escaped his lips, a small, nervous smile creeping onto his face as he addressed his husband once more,
“Just… Please be gentle.”
Aizawa smirked, remaining silent as he started slowly dragging his nails up and down Mic’s soles. The touch was so sudden that he squealed in surprise, then soft giggles escaped his quivering lips.
“Here’s how things are going to go, Hizashi,”
the quirk erasing pro hero started, pulling Mic’s toes back and lightly scratching at a spot just below his big toe,
“You’re going to apologize for playing such a juvenile prank on me. But before that, you’re going to laugh to your heart’s content,”
Aizawa grinned at Mic’s whimpering at his teasing words and light strokes on his ticklish soles. He began running his index finger underneath every single toe while his other hand held them back, causing his ticklish victim to whine and squeak with each new touch,
“That’s why you pulled such a stunt, isn’t it? Because you wanted me to punish you?”
“S-Shuhuhut up, Shohohota!”
“Oh? Is that any way to speak to someone who has you in such a position?”
“Wait, noho I’m sorry! I’m sohohorry, Shota, please, nohohot THAHAHAHAT!! SHOTAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHONONONO PLEHEHEHEASE~!”
Mic thrashed frantically as his husband began mercilessly raking his nails up and down his helpless soles. Aizawa knew exactly what to do to drive him up the wall, and this was one of them. He also knew what Mic could and couldn’t take and, while he couldn’t take being tickle tortured like this, he knew he loved it regardless. 
The two had their session well into the afternoon, much later than either of them had expected to go. Mic’s soles were on fire with ticklish electricity coursing through each and every nerve by the time Aizawa was finished with him. The stoic pro hero never skipped aftercare, and he made sure Mic didn’t protest as he rubbed a cool lotion on his sensitive soles. Mic had, indeed, ended up apologizing far before the tickle session was finished, but Aizawa only stopped once he yelled out their safe word. As the two cuddled in bed by nightfall, Mic looked up at his calm husband. They were both freshly cleaned from a warm shower, and Aizawa’s face was finally rid of the marker doodles. With a slight grin, Mic closed his eyes and cuddled into his husband’s warm chest, unable to stop thinking about what his next prank would be.
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sunflowernoodles · 11 months
Hiii! I saw your requests are open and, first off, I adore your writing! You are so talented omg. And I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a sequel to the "Detention" fic you did with Bakugou and Shinso? If not, I totally understand, but figured I'd ask ^^
Bakugou’s Revenge (Detention Pt. 2)
Been wanting to right a sequel for this one for a while so, I most definitely am willing to. Thank you for all the nice things you said too 💛🌻
Lee: Shinsou
Ler: Bakugou
“You two are free to go.” Aizawa said from his desk.
The way Shinsou quickly gathered his things and booked it out of the classroom was absolutely comical to Bakugou. He grabbed his things, walking out calmly after Shinsou.
Shinsou kept telling himself that Bakugou was bluffing, just trying to scare him so he’d embarrass himself. If that was the case, then why was he practically running out of the school to get to the dorms? Because Bakugou was terrifying, and he wasn’t risking getting a taste of Bakugou’s revenge tickles.
Just as Shinsou was about to head upstairs, his book bag was grabbed and he was tugged back. The squeal Shinsou let out was embarrassing to say the least. “I told you you were dead when we got out.” Bakugou spoke as he shrugged off his book bag and took Shinsou’s before wrestling him onto the couch.
“I thought you were just bluffing. I’m not even that ticklish!” Shinsou protested as he tried to squirm away but he was pinned. Bakugou smirked.
“Then why were you walking so fast, hm?” He asked thoughtfully and pinched Shinsou’s side. Shinsou’s breath hitched and he stayed quiet, glaring at Bakugou. Though, Shinsou was just about the least intimidating person in the world right now, his face was flushed and he was so clearly holding back a smile.
Bakugou hummed slightly, poking around Shinsou’s sides and stomach in hopes to find a good spot. Shinsou flinched occasionally but was holding out pretty well. Until Bakugou gave Shinsou a good poke to his hip and he squeaked. They both froze.
“…Dude.” Bakugou snorted as he watched Shinsou’s face turn red. They made prolonged eye contact for a few seconds until Shinsou was thrown into a large bout of laughter when Bakugou ruthlessly dug his thumbs into Shinsou’s hips.
The embarrassing part, for Shinsou at least, was that Bakugou wasn’t even pressing into his hips that much. Shinsou was just that ticklish.
“STAHAHAP!” Shinsou cackled and thrashed around slightly, but going nowhere. His legs were kicking out behind Bakugou and a side smile was on his face. A smile that Bakugou was pretty sure he was seeing for the first time.
Bakugou chuckled, “Apologize first and maybe I’ll think about it.” He smirked slightly. Shinsou shook his head as a snort broke through his laughter.
“NEHEVER!” He laughed as he squirmed frantically, but he could admit, he was having a little fun. But could admit, Shinsou would first give away all of his favorite things before telling someone liked being tickled. Bakugou just shrugged and increased the intensity of his tickling.
Soon enough, Shinsou slapped the couch, “OKAY! I’M SAHA- I’M SOHOHORRY, JUST STAHAP!” Shinsou laughed and lightly shoved at Bakugou’s shoulder.
“Thank you.” Bakugou said and backed off a moment later. “Are you alright?” He genuinely asked.
Shinsou attempted to speak, only wheezing out a small giggle. So he just waved his hand slightly as he nodded. The former nodded.
The two decided to hang out the rest of the day, and a few days after that, and so on. It turns out, that the two had quite a bit in common.
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mythica0 · 1 year
Can I request mha lee Shinso and ler Aizawa and Present Mic. The senario is both Aizawa and Present Mic are trying to wake their grumpy boy then they decided on his weakness. Even though he’s 15 but who cares 😉
Sleep in
🎂: MHA
🧁: Shinsou
🍫: Aizawa, Present mic.
Summary; Shinsou decided to sleep in, and his parents figure out how to wake him in a more pleasant way.
A/N: thanks for the request! Enjoy!
Sleep in
It was nearly noon on a Saturday. Aizawa and Present mic were sitting on the couch, waiting for their son to get up so they could make him lunch.
Once they realized how late it had gotten, they decided that it was definitely time for him to be awake.
So, the two walked into his bedroom. They saw him sleeping really deeply. Out like a light, one would say, hair more messy than normal.
The two knew shaking him or something similar would cause him to be grumpy and upset. Something they didn’t want.
So, they figured out how to wake him up in a kinder way.
Even if it was a little childish.
They moved the blanket out of the way, and started to poke his sides a bit.
Shinsou moved in his sleep at the feeling, letting out small giggles .
“You gotta get up now~” Hizashi sang .
Aizawa stayed quiet, but smiled slightly.
“Mhhhmhm lehet mehe sleheep.” His voice was dragged down and muffled.
“We gotta eat lunch! C’mon!”
“Yeah, we let you sleep in but it’s nearly noon get up.”
Shinsou hesitated a bit until Present mic started squeezing.
“Okahahay! Ihim uhup! Ihim uhup!” The adults stopped and got off the bed, allowing the purple-haired kid to get up.
“Let’s go get lunch!”
“Alright, jeez, dad. Although, I’m 15 not 5, don’t you think I’m a little too old for that?”
Aizawa cocked an eyebrow and smirked a bit.
“Maybe next time don’t sleep in.”
———THE END————————————————
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Here's a masterlist of all my MHA fics!
Updated: 11/18/23
Full Masterlist
U-A Students
Attitude Adjustment (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Midoriya, Ler!All Might)
Arms Up! (Shoji x Reader)
A Little Softer Now (Lee!Kaminari, Ler!Deku, Ler!Todoroki)
A Hero’s Insecurities (Lee!Jirou, Ler!Kaminari)
A Shadow Of A Laugh (Lee!Tokoyami, Ler!Dark Shadow)
Betrayal (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Todoroki)
Between A Rock And A Hard Place (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!TetsuTetsu, Ler!Kirishima)
Can I Have This Dance? (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Sero)
Caught In The Act (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Todoroki)
Don’t Be Mad! (Lee!Shinsou, Ler!Midoriya)
Froggy Chair (Lee!Tsuyu, Ler!Uraraka)
Good Try (Lees!Todoroki, Bakugou, Ler!Aizawa)
Guess My Secret! (Lee!Kirishima, Ler!Bakusquad)
Force of Nature (Lee!Bakugou, Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Koda)
King Explosion Murder and Princess Bomb-omb (lee!Midoriya, Lers!Bakugou, Eri)
Laugh It Off (Switches!Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya)
Lazy Sunday (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Shinsou)
I want a hug! (Poke-A-Roki) (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Uraraka)
Measure Up (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Midoriya)
Messed With The Wrong Nest (Lee!Hawks, Lers!U-A students)
New Ways Of Showing Affection (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Todoroki)
Not Invisible To Me (Lee!Hakagure, Ler!Ojiro)
Now You See Me (Lee!Bakugou, Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Hagakure)
Off week (Switches!Dekusquad)
Pet Names (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Shinsou)
Quirk Advantage! (Lee!Kaminari, Ler!Kirishima)
Remediation (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!RemedialSquad)
Rock Solid! (Kirishima x Reader)
Run Your Fingers On My Tattoos (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Kirishima)
Special Move (Lee!Kirishima, Ler!Sero, Kanimari)
A Special Kind Of Pen (Lee!Shinsou, Ler!Midoriya)
Spoons (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Deku)
Study Buddies (Switch!Kanimari, Yaoyorozu)
Static Connection (Lee!Monoma, Ler!Kaminari)
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These (Lee!Denki, Ler!Jirou)
Team Failure (Lee!Todoroki, Lers!Iida, Ojiro, Shoji)
Tell Me That You Love Me (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Todoroki)
The Jar (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Todoroki)
The Rare Lee Hitoshi (Lees!Todoroki, Midoriya, Ler!Shinsou)
Training With The Phantom Thief (Lee!Monoma, Ler!Shinsou)
Where Are The Pockets? (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Yaoyorozu)
You Like Him? (Lee!Todobaku, Ler!Hawks)
Pro Heros
Cocky Birds Get Their Wings Plucked (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Mirko, Jeanist)
Massage Therapy (Lee!Aizawa x Reader)
My Mattress Is Lumpy (Lees!Shinso, Eri, Ler!Aizawa)
No More Pouting! (Lee!Aizawa, Ler!PresentMic)
Weekend With Mic! (Lee!Shinsou, Ler!Mic)
League of Villains
Brush Of A Feather (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Calming Down Times 2 (Lee!Twice, Ler!Dabi)
Captured (Lee!Shigaraki, Ler!Mirko)
Caught In The Smoke (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi)
Have A Little Fun (Switches!Shigaraki, Kurogiri)
Left In The Dust (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Shigaraki)
Take That Back! (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi)
The Last Time You Smiled (Lee!Shigaraki, Ler!Dabi)
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
#15 lee!deku and ler!shinso? 🙈
TickleTober Day #15: Spider
Fingers dragged softly up his bare sides, making Deku giggle into his arms, blushing furiously.
“The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout~” Shinsou sang quietly, blushing a little himself at the silliness of the situation but too enamored by his boyfriend’s infectious happiness to care. He was straddling Deku’s waist while the smaller boy lay on his stomach on the bed. What had started as a massage quickly turned into soft tickles when the greenette had made a comment about feeling like he had spiders crawling on him for how soft Shinsou was being.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out~” Now the violet-haired boy raked his nails down Deku’s ribs, causing him to squeal and clutch his pillow tighter, making no move to stop him. Shinsou gently scratched at the small of his back and pinched his waist. “Out came the sun and dried up all the rain~”
Deku whimpered happily into his shoulder, beaming, flustered like crazy but clearly enjoying the playful turn this night had taken. He shivered when Shinsou started walking his fingers back up his sides a second time.
“And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again~”
When he got to the end of the song, Shinsou dove his fingers into Deku’s underarms and scratched a little harder. Deku spasmed and laughed, managing to keep his arms up for all of five seconds before finally bringing them down protectively. “Tohohohohoshi, not thehehehehere!”
“But the itsy-bitsy spider wants to come inside,” Shinsou teased easily, smiling at the adorable scene before him.
“Nohohohohoho!” Deku pleaded, kicking his legs. “Tohohohohoshi!”
“Fine.” The taller boy relented, leaning down to kiss the back of his neck gently. “You’re safe from the spider for now.” He kissed the space between Deku’s shoulder blades. The greenette shivered. “But you’re not safe from me, Izuku~”
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fluffyticklespots · 1 year
Hi there!! I'm beyond happy to see many blogs write for MHA. If you have time, please consider writing lee bakugou, with lers the top three heroes: endeavor, hawks, best jeanist (since three of them has some kind of relations with bakugou lol)
Hii! If possible, I'd like to keep any fic requests to student vs student or teacher vs teacher.
There's some exceptions, like All Might and Deku, or Aizawa and Shinso, for example. But the 3-on-1 is a tad outta my comfort zone.
I hope you understand, and please feel free to request something else if you'd like ^^
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pikaminari · 1 year
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I posted 4,923 times in 2022
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#shinkami fanfic - 17 posts
#dabi - 16 posts
#denki kaminari - 16 posts
#shinso hitoshi - 15 posts
#hitoshi shinso - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#like all the foreshadowing and the perfect questions that all get answered and the perfect bittersweet ending and ugh i’m rambling
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liberace2 · 2 years
Time for some shinkami recs!!!
First off we have the Fundamental Theorem of Heroics by nightowlrobin which is just so much angst and so damn slow burn that there’s over 60 chapters and we haven’t even Met Denki yet. But still an incredible fic if you love Shinso
Obviously Fire Season by Annalytical and ging-ler, love those two so much and also recommend their other stories
The writer Ischemia has a lot of good fics
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33872296 this one has a long title and I’m lazy so I’m just pasting the link and I pray it works, I also just really like that authors style so I recommend other stuff from them as well.
And I know Friendship is Inevitable has already been recommended to you but I will go ahead and second that because that is a really good fic
Thank you so much for the recommendations!! These look like long fics too which are my favorite so I’m super excited to binge read for the next few days 😁
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contos-da-lua · 2 years
Ficha de Personagem: Livith
Hoje trago para vocês conhecerem mais uma personagem original minha desta vez criada para o universo do anime Boku no Hero Academia (especificamente para a fic Blue Hailstorm), como prometido eis a ficha de informações sobre essa OC.
Dados Básicos
Nome: Livith Jane Hina Todoroki
Apelido: Liv
Idade: 14 (Prólogo ao capítulo 7)/ 15 (Capítulo 8- presente)
Aniversário: 16 de Setembro
Nacionalidade: Britânico-Japonesa (Sendo inglesa pela família de sua mãe e japonesa por conta do pai)
Residência: Londres, Inglaterra (Antes)/ Tóquio, Japão (Atualmente)
Ocupação: Estudante do primeiro ano do Curso de Heróis da U.A
Posição social: Classe média alta
Tipo sanguíneo: A+
Sexualidade: Bi
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Qualidades: Inteligente, criativa, gentil, familiar, extrovertida, calma, corajosa, piadista e concentrada.
Defeitos: Emotiva, preguiçosa, algumas vezes age sem pensar, desajeitada.
Habilidades: Natação, pintura, idiomas (sabendo falar em inglês, francês, italiano e esperanto), balé clássico, culinária (sendo sua especialidade doces)
Atividades favoritas: Ler clássicos, sair com os amigos, passar o tempo com seu pai e sua irmã, dançar, falar com os peixes, ir ao aquário.
Cor favorita: Azul
Flor: Flor-de-lótus
Pedra preciosa: Safira
Gênero musical: Soft-rock
Gênero de filme: Aventura
Doce: Muffin de mirtilo
Endo Todoroki (Pai)
Arizona Foster Todoroki (Mãe)
Verity Todoroki (Irmã mais velha)
Enji Todoroki (Tio)
Rei Todoroki (Tia)
Shoto Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Touya Todoroki/ Dabi (Primos)
Animal de estimação: Nixie (Um peixe fêmea da espécie Cirurgiã Patela)
Com a separação de seus pais, Liv passou desde os seis até os catorze anos morando com a mãe na Inglaterra quando que ao alcançar essa idade e como forma de recuperar o tempo perdido com a outra metade de sua família, se muda para o Japão onde passa a morar com seu pai e Verity, que também é conhecida nacionalmente pela heroína Cloud Nine, com essa vida nova, desperta um antigo e esquecido sonho no coração da jovem: O de se tornar uma heroína, tudo a partir do momento que se reencontra com seu amigo de infância, Hanta Sero.
Hidrocinese: Habilidade naquela Liv tem o contro de manipulação do elemento água sendo ele saindo dentro de si ou contendo a sua volta, capaz então de:
Criogenia (transformar em gelo)
Controle da temperatura a deixando mais quente ou frio
Possibilidade de andar sobre a água.
Como a maioria das crianças, sua individualidade se manifestou a partir dos quatro anos de idade.
Nome de heroína: AquaLiv, sendo a junção de seu nome com Aquarius, palavra em latim com sinônimo do signo de Aquário mas também pela sua crença de que como heróis fazer com que a humanidade alcance a tão esperada Era de Aquarius, onde muitos acreditam que é onde a Terra finalmente terá a harmonia entre os povos.
Melhores amigos: Hanta Sero e Mina Ashido
Amigos: Todos da turma 1-A, Itsuka Kendo, Tokage Setsuna, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Hitoshi Shinso, Nejire Hado.
Interesses amorosos: Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo.
Mentores: Edgeshot, Midnight
Tema musical
“Nunca pare de acreditar no Sol quando a chuva estiver caindo.”
Espero que tenham gostado, deu um trabalho em escrever. Por isso dêem um ❤️
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Heya! I'm so excited your requests are open! Could you do a mha fic with Bakugou and Shinsou? Either lee!baku or a tickle fight? If you don't feel it, no worries!! Thanks you!
Training partner
Oof I haven't written for MHA in a while, but it's Shinso so I can't say no to that XD
And as much as I love to badmouth Bakugo, I still love writing/reading tk content of him for some reason lol. So this was quite the fun pair to receive~
Merry Christmas~!
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Bakugo x Shinso (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Bakubro
Ler: Shinso
Warnings: Tickles! A bit of bondage!
Bakugo was furious to say the least. I mean, he was always angry. But today even more so. He had been looking for someone to spar with all day but all of his friends seemed very busy. That's when he stumbled upon Aizawa sensei who suggested him to practice with his prodege, Shinso. The blonde was hesitant but it's not like he had much of a choice.
He and Shinso went out into an open field where they could freely throw hands at one another.
"This'll be too easy~" Bakugo grinned, very confident in himself while Shinso only rolled his eyes. They both got into position to fight and...
Bakugo was so busy trying to attack Shinso with all his might, he ended up getting captured by his scarf.
"You were saying?~" Shinso smirked proudly to himself, having managed to tangle up the explosive boy up in a tree. He was hanging upside down. It was pretty funny watching him squirm like a fish out of water to try to get free, but it was no use. He was pretty stuck up there. The purple haired male let out a soft snicker, causing Bakugo to get riled up even more.
"Oi! Don't laugh at me you damn extra!" the blonde snarled at him. Shinso could practically see the flames in his eyes. To add more salt into his wounded pride, the purple haired male decided to have a bit of fun with him.
He slowly approached Bakugo with a slight teasy smirk, causing the other to grow a bit nervous. Not like he would show it so of course he kept the tough guy act up.
"So are you gonna put me down or what?!" the blonde practically shouted up to Shinso's face.
"Hmm... now why should I? When you look so vulnerable right now~".
"Huh-" Bakugo's brain shortcircuited as he felt a poke to his stomach. He watched as Shinso's grin grew wider at the second. A soft blush started to spread across Bakugo's cheeks. "I swear if you tickle me I will- PFFT! BWAHAHAHA! W-WAHAIT! STAHAHAP!".
Bakugo's threat fell deaf as he quickly started cackling like a madman. Shinso was currently digging his fingers against his ribs, making sure to get between each ticklish bone.
"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you through your laugh~" Shinso teased as his fingertips lazily trailed down Bakugo's sides and all around his stomach.
"Pfftehehehe! I-I swehear when I get ohout you're so deheHEAD-!" Bakugo shrieked in surprise as Shinso's hand snuck below his uniform, playfully tickling his navel.
It didn't matter how many threats and curses he yelled out, he was stuck up there for Shinso to tease as long as he wanted. And maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, not like Bakugo would ever admit to liking it though.
Shinso then dragged his fingers down his sides to his ribs, right below his underarms. "Any last words?~".
"S-suck my- PFFT! AHH! NOHOHO! NAHAHAT THEHERE!" Bakugo squealed, yes you heard me, squealed in laughter as Shinso playfully scratched at him armpits. Somehow his laughter got even more wild. He squeezed his eyes fully shut. Shinso watched in amazement as Bakugo's face slowly turned all kinds of shades of red. Even though he looked like he might die from lack of oxygen, Bakugo looked so happy, like actually happy. Maybe he did enjoy this as much as Shinso.
Shinso softly smiled down at him as he kept attacking the sweet spot "What's wrong? Did I hit a good spot?~". The tease only made Bakugo more insane with laughter. His smile was so bright and wide it was unrecognizeable.
Once Bakugo's laughter started to turn wheezy and silent did Shinso let up. He slowed down his wiggly fingers to soft tickles, just to keep the blonde all giggly. It was rare hearing him chuckle so sweet and softly, but it was quite the pleasant sound. Shinso could keep this up forever but Bakugo truly looked worned out so he finally stopped, helping Bakugo down from his tangled mess.
The blonde quickly sucked as much air as he could, his red cheeks all puffed out from embarrassment. He tried to look angry and annoyed but his eyes looked so soft and content. Bakugo lowered his head as his blush grew ever so wider and mumbled out "T-thanks for that... I guess...". It was barely audible, but Shinso managed to catch it.
A blush of his own started to form before he tried acting all teasy again, but in the end he settled for a warm, caring smile "No problem~".
After that encounter, they both headed back to their respective dorms, neither of them talked about what happened but they both kept thinking about it all day and night. Both content and flustered by the experience. Who knows, maybe they'll get the chance to 'train' again.
I had too much fun with this akdhsjdjsj
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Also, I literally thought of this while writing the other one, but what would you think of Shinsou running into Tomo? >w<
-Panda/Black Feathers
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My Hero Academia: Stranger danger.
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Weeeee!!! More Tomohiro action! I'm amazed by how much love my OC had gotten XD Thank you @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers and @cupcake-spice13 !!!! Thought I'd combine these two asks since my writer's block is being a menace again 😭❤️
Summary: A gloomy Shinso is confronted by the local tickle monster.
Lee!Shinso, Ler!Tomohiro OC
Tw: Footer tiggles.
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The warm breeze shifted through Shinsos hair as he sat alone on a park bench, his legs crossed comfortably on the old planks, tossing the last of his grapes to the ducks that had been circling in the lake a few feet in front of him.
He had a sad expression on his features. Slumped shoulders, glassy eyes, lazy hand movements. He was wearing his hero costume, with his capture cloth bundled on the seat by his side. Today hadn't been a good day for him.
A loud sigh escaped his lips. "Stupid..."
"Why so blue kid?" Shinso turned his head at the voice behind him, seeing a fluffy-haired boy grinning at him. He blinked, looking the boy up and down as other did the same in return, squinting slightly at Shinso.
"Blue? Wait." The boy closed one eye. "Oh, purple. Hehe. Colour blind." He then casually took a seat beside Shinso. "But you do look a little down in the dumps."
Shinso rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm fine."
"Nnnoooo you're not. I can see it, riiiight there." The boy chuckled, pressing a finger against Shinsos cheek. "Sadness. Sad Shinso."
"How do you know my name?"
"I was at the sports festival. Row eight, seat 13B. You have one hell of a quirk." He took a bag of cashews from his pocket, popping a few in his mouth. "Mh. Names Tomo. Want one?" This boy was very talkative. Shinso declined the cashew offer, shaking his head.
"No thank you."
"M'kay. So, wanna talk?"
"About what?"
"What's making you sad, duuuh."
Shinso sighed, this boy was something else. Way too chatty for his liking. And waaay too comfortable talking to strangers. Much like a certain green-haired boy who had gotten very attached to him since their first meeting at the sports festival.
There was something familiar about this boy though, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "There's nothing to talk about. Besides, I don't know you. I don't do trauma dumping on strangers."
"Aaah, true. You heroes really are noble guys, always looking out for us civilians." Tomo nodded, enjoying a few more cashews. "But. Who's taking care of you guys?"
"We can take care of ourselves." Shinso shrugged, earning a chuckle from the other.
"Oho really?" He raised a hand, smiling playfully starting to draw a figure of eight in the air continuously.
"Yes, really. That's what we're trained to- Ghk!?" Shinso stammered, suddenly hugging his stomach as he felt the light touch of a finger tracing over his belly. The sensation was tingly, making him shudder as a few suprised giggles slipped through his defence.
Tomo chuckled at his reaction, continuing his slow tease. "Something the matter?" The look on Tomos face made it very clear that this was his doing.
"Knock it ohoff." Shinso grumbled through gritted teeth, holding back his giggling as best he could.
The grin on Tomos cheeks turned into a shit-eating smirk. He said nothing as he raised a second hand, making poking gestures this time, sending a jolt of tickly pressure to Shinso's ribs.
"Ah! Hehey! Stop d-oing thahat! Y-You weirdo!"
Tomo paused, narrowing his eyes with a knowing smirk. He knew exactly how Shinsos quirk worked after the sports festival and he wasn't about to let him take over.
Shinsos heart raced, he knew wasn't getting out of this.
"I sahaid stop! C'mohon! Y-You can't just- AHA!" The tickling sensation travelled upwards, turning into scribbles under his arms. "Noho! Hahaha!" He curled in on himself and flopped onto his side on the bench, jamming his hands up under his arms to try and block the feeling. "Plehease!"
His purple locks flopped about as he shook his head, rolling onto his back with his feet kicking happily. That's when it clicked. This is the boy who Aizawa was talking about!
"T-Tomohoho! You- Gahaha! Villain!" He made a grab for his capture cloth, only to have it snatched away and put on the grass out of reach.
Tomo just made a tutting sound, shaking his head as he continued his attack. Now moving to assault Shinso's soles, skittering up and down relentlessly.
"PFF- Ahaha! NO! Nonono! Not- AHAHA!" Poor Shinso flailed helplessly, sliding off the bench and onto the grass. He never even realised how ticklish his feet were until now. It was pleasantly unbearable. "MEHERCY!"
Tomo stood over the gloomy hero, looking down at him with a genuine smile. He still wasn't talking, not wanting to risk being controlled, but Shinso just having to look at his wriggling fingers and gently gaze was teasing enough for him.
The hero's boots pressed into the grass as he arched his back, wailing with laughter. His cheeks had colour to them now. A warm red glow to match his red ears and bright smile.
"Ehehehe! I-I cahan't-! I can't take ihihit!" He rolled onto his side, bringing his knees to his chest, a hiccup popping through his endless giggling. "Tohomo! *hic* Pl-Ehehe!"
Tomohiro reached a hand down, petting Shinso's hair softly with a smile. "Keep your chin up, hero." He then turned on his heels, whistling a tune as he headed down the path out of the park. His quirk still linked to Shinso, meaning he could keep tickling him a while longer after he was gone.
"Ahaha! Haha! D-Damn ihit!" The tears in Shinsos eyes were blinked away as the tickling switched to soft pokes again, up and down his ribs and tummy making him jump and giggle quietly. He stayed sat by the lake, deciding it was best to wait for the tickling to stop before he tried walking home. That would be embarrassing.
"Ehehe! Hah. I-I'mma gehet y-ou! For thihis..." He smiled to himself as he hid his flustered face in his hands. That was the most fun he had in a while.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 24
“That was amazing!” -ShinKami
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“On your left!” Kaminari cried as he watched the TV screen intently.
“Ah! Thanks.” Shinso chimed as he shot a starbit at the threatening goomba.
Denki had invited Shinso to help him with the Perfect Run in Super Mario Galaxy. When the brainwashing hero noticed that Kaminari was dying quite frequently, they swapped positions. Currently, Shinso was sailing through the level as Mario, while Denki was content as the co-op Luma.
“We’re so close!” Denki chimed as the purple haired boy gracefully navigated the pull-star minefield.
Mario cheered as the two boys made it to the final stage of the course. Granted, it was the most difficult part of the course, but they both had such a sense of determination that they were ready for war.
“Kaminari! On the right!” Shinso made Mario backflip to avoid the threatening hammers thrown at him.
“On it!” Denki cooed as he shot a starbit at one, then froze the other.
The two boys focused intently on the TV. Denki’s tongue was stuck out of the side of his mouth very gently, Shinso’s glazed eyes were far from unfocused as they navigated the course.
“C’mon... c’mon...” Kaminari was chomping at the bit, smiling giddily as he clutched his wii remote.
“Focus, Kaminari.” Shinso chirped, hiding his own smile.
Boom, bam, bop! The two heroes had killed the three hammer throwers and shot into the launch star, which led them right to Rosalina’s garden terrace.
“YES! WOOOOOHOOOOO!” Denki cried as he jumped to his feet, “HAHAHA! YES!! FINALLY!”
“That was amazing.” Shinso admitted excitedly.
“It totally was. Sero’s gonna be thrilled that we finally beat this game.” Kaminari cooed, flopping back on the couch. “YES! SUCK ON THAT GOOMBA BITCHES!”
Then, the purple haired hero did something uncharacteristic, that both boys were shocked at. Shinso let out a long “pfft” and erupted into giggles. This, this was beautiful to Denki.
“Dude oh my gods your laugh is so amazing!” Kaminari gushed as he squished his own face with his palms.
“S-shut up.” Shinso replied bashfully, hiding his blushing face in his hands.
“No no! Bring it baaaack!” Denki whined, clinging onto the purple haired boy’s shirt.
“Gimme your laaaaaaaugh!”
Denki lazily grazes his fingers along Shinso’s sides, hoping for an immediate reaction. To his dismay, there was none.
“Hah??” Okay plan B. He trailed his fingers up to Shinso’s ribs and started prodding there, but the brainwash hero wore a cocky look at the attempts.
“Oh c’mon! Everyone’s gotta be ticklish!” Denki said with a pout.
“Everyone?” Shinso replied evilly, inching toward the electric hero.
“Nonono! Don’t bring this onto me! I wanna hear you laugh! Shinso no! Don’t you daHAHAHAHRE!” Denki erupted into bright laughter as Shinso began to pinch at his hipbones.
“Oh? But you seem to be enjoying yourself already. I don’t think you quite want me to stop yet.” The purple haired boy hummed gently.
“Mmm. No. Just a little longer.” Shinso moved to squeeze gently at Kaminari’s thighs.
“Stahahahap thahahat! Nohohoho!”
Noted, his thighs aren’t a hot spot, but they did get the giggles out of Denki.
“Stop what, Kaminari?”
“Tihihihicklihihihing mehehehehehe!”
“Ohhhh. You want me to tickle you? Why didn’t you say so!?” Shinso chirped, moving to pinch at the electric hero’s knees.
“NGH- NONONONOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHE KNEHEHEHEES!” Denki erupted into boisterous laughter once again.
“Ohoho! Did I find a special spot, Kaminari?” Shinso cooed as a smile started to find its way onto his face.
“Alright alright.” The purple haired hero gave a gentle pat to Denki’s leg as he ceased his attack.
“Y-you’re mean!” Kaminari whined as he wobbly stood to his feet.
“All is fair in love and Mario.” Shinso replied with a goofy grin.
“That! I wanna see that more!” Denki chimed as he jumped onto Shinso, who was still sitting on the couch.
“GAH! W-wait! Can we talk about this??”
“Hmmm. No.” Denki mimicked Shinso’s words from earlier, before drilling into the boy’s hips.
Unable to control it, Shinso’s eyes widened as he burst into loud and bubbly laughter, “DEHEHEHENKIHIHI! BAHAHAHAD SPOHOHOT!”
“Figured” Kaminari chirped, “People always go for their own tickle spot when they tickle other people.”
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fluffywings13 · 3 years
Red Wings, Cotton Ball, And Purple Kitty
“It’s okay.”
Six year old Izuku whispers softly as he waves his hands placatingly, he’d only come to play at the park, daddy said he had to be home by four, he’d been swinging on the swing set when the other boy had come running passed, tripping over his own feet, they made eye contact for a brief moment, and he’s never seen as much terror in someone’s eyes in his short six years on this earth then in that brief moment when their eyes met. The snowball followed after the other boy, jumping off the swing when the purple haired kid scrambled to his feet and continued running, looking the other way to see if anyone was chasing him, he spotted two officers looking around the park, sensing danger, he chased after him, something wasn’t right, Izuku may only be six years old, but he liked to think he was a great judge of character, and something about this picture was wrong.
So he made chase.
Which brings them here, in a dark shadowed alley, fifteen minutes after the time he was supposed to be home, with a new friend (he didn’t know his name but Izuku was under the impression that everyone was a friend until proven otherwise) who looked like he could use one of daddy’s famous legendary papa bird hugs, like, a thousand of them, just a giant never ending famous legendary papa bird hug. The other boy looks terrible, dirty, a leather face guard (muzzle, Izuku, it’s a muzzle) curled around his face, blood seeping out from underneath, and pale under the smudge of all the dirty.
“It’s okay. My names Takami Izuku.” The white haired six year old waves his hands soothingly. “I’m here to help you.” The other boy whimpers softly. “Those people are looking for you, right?” The purple haired boy whimpers again, this time there’s a hint of fear within, and he nods slightly. “Are they bad people, are they trying to hurt you?” Izuku thinks it’s a stupid question as soon as he asks it but there’s no taking it back at this point. “My daddy can help you.” The other boy shakes his head and he nods. “Uhuh, my daddy’s a hero, you know, daddy can help you and he can protect you and he can make sure no one hurts you ever again.” The other boy shakes his head again. “Yea he can, daddy can make you all better again, he won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.” Izuku holds his hand out. “But we have to go, they were coming this way when I ran over here, if we don’t leave now, they might find us.”
The purple haired boy seems against it, but at the same time, he seems to want to get away before he’s found by those other people, and hesitantly reaches out to take his hand, letting him pull him to his feet. “Come on, we should get back to my place before my daddy comes looking, or worse, sends out a search party.” He rolls his eyes. “Daddy’s an overprotective worry wart.”
He pulls the other boy down the length of the alley, peeking out around the edge, he spies the two officers who’d been chasing after his new friend searching over by the jungle gym, and he turns the other way. “This way, come on.” The purple haired boy whimpers softly when he’s tugged forward, running with him, not that he had much of a choice, what with his grip on his hand.
They weave between people, some passersby gripe at them when they cut them off, but they pay them no mind as they run down the sidewalk, as far away from the park and the two officers as they can get. They run through the doors that open for them in a fancy looking apartment building, right passed the security guard who calls out his greeting, and straight for the elevators.
Pushing the button, they wait on baited breath, not knowing if they had been spotted and followed or not, Izuku turns as the elevator door opens, the other boy cries out in terror when the doors to the apartment building open, the two officers chasing after him to the park running inside.
Izuku turns, eyes widening, and yanks his new friend into the elevator, pushing the floor button frantically, willing the doors to close faster. They slowly close just as the officers reach them, shutting in their faces, his new friend tugs on his hand desperately, and he nods, reaching under the collar of his shirt, he pulls out the leather chain he’s wearing, and the other boy watches in wonder as he snaps a red feather attached to the leather chain.
They ride in the elevator for a couple minutes, the other boy clutching his hand fearfully, their elevator opens just minutes before the other elevator opens, and Izuku dashes forward, yanking his new friend along with him, the purple haired boy’s screams are muffled behind his muzzle.
The six year old cotton ball crashes into the double doors of the penthouse suite. “Takami Izuku, give me one reason why I shouldn—What’s going on here?”
The purple haired boy only has a fraction of a moment to stare in awe at Hawks as he’s tugged around to hide behind the man’s legs, he clutches tightly at his new friend’s hand (he knows nothing about him but anyone who would try and help him get away was a friend to him) and curls the fingers of his other hand in the back of the hero’s sweat pants, ducking back slightly when the two officers appear in the doorway, panting and bending over on themselves.
“What’s going on?” He stiffens when a hand rests on his head lightly. “Why are you chasing a six year old.”
“He’s….He’s a runaway.” The taller officer glares at him. “More trouble then he’s worth, always running away from his families, he should be glad that anyone’s willing to take a villain like him.”
Hawks makes a noise he can’t necessarily place a name to. “Tell me, how can a six year old be a villain, that’s a hefty accusation to place on a child.”
“His quirk.” The rounder officer finally catches his breath. “Brainwashing. We have hard enough time finding families willing to take him with his villainous quirk, in my opinion—”
“I don’t believe I asked you for your opinion, officer, and I doubt, given your discriminatory mindset, it’s not one children should hear, so I’d appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.” Hawks’ tone grows firmer. “I’ll take care of things from here, you’re dismissed from his case.”
“Well, sir—”
“Let me reiterate, I will take over his case from here, you’re dismissed, get out of my home.” The two officers swallow at the threatening edge that comes over the hero’s tone and nod meekly, turning tail, pulling the doors closed behind them, the purple haired boy looks up when the hand on his head moves, fingers scratching his scalp lightly, purple eyes meeting gold for the first time. “Hey, lil bird, I know it’s a little late, but is it okay if I touch you?” He nods. “Is it okay if I pick you up?” He nods again, raising his arms when hands curl around his middle and lift him up off his feet, settling him on the hero’s hip as he turns. “Let’s clean you up and get you taken care of, chickadee, my names Keigo, you can call me Keigo.” The man turns to look down at his new white haired friend. “I’ll save a warming from your little behind this time, kiddo, since you were helping a friend.”
Izuku blushes but nods, unconsciously reaching back to rub his bottom at the mere mention, tooshie warmings are not fun.
The other boy looks around as he’s carried back into a large bedroom, through the room, to a large bathroom, and set down to rest on the bathroom counter. Keigo tugs on his ear lightly for his attention and purple eyes lift to meet gold for the second time. “I’m going to remove your muzzle, okay, can I do that for you?” He nods slightly, watching as the hero reaches behind his head for the straps, undoing the latches, he pulls the straps free, and pulls the leather muzzle away, and sighs softly. “Oh, you poor little nestling.”
Keigo pokes the edge of his lips, where the knot for the stitching was, someone had sewed the boy’s mouth closed, sewn his lips together, sloppily too, it makes the hero cringe internally at how agonizing it must have been for the poor hatchling while they were doing it. “Oh, you poor little nestling, I’m so sorry, I’m never gonna let this happen to you again.” He watches the man open a drawer next to him and pull out a small pair of scissors. “Is it okay of I snip the stitches, we can’t leave you like that, we need to get it cleaned up before infection sets in.” He eyes the scissors fearfully but nods. “Thanks, little guy, I’ll try to be as quick and painless as possible, okay?” He nods again, going cross eyed as he watches the hero slowly start snipping the stitches, one after another, until they’re all cut. “I’m going to pull the thread out now, this might be a bit uncomfortable, but it’ll only be a couple seconds, a minute at the most.”
The purple haired boy nods again, Izuku takes his hand comfortingly, and he squeezes fearfully as the hero slowly starts pulling the threading out, whining at the irritation, fresh blood drips down his face as the scabs are broken. “There we go, all out,” the hero reaches up to the cabinet beside him for more supplies. “I’m gonna clean this mess up, it might sting a little, but it’ll only be for a few minutes.” He nods, watching the man soak a few cotton balls in disinfectant, and whines when he dabs at the holes and torn skin. “I can’t really bandage you up, it being your lips and all, but we can make sure you’re on a liquid diet until they start healing.” Keigo tosses the cotton balls in the trashcan next to them. “What’s your name, little one?”
He resists the urge to touch his lips. “H—Hitoshi….Shinsou Hitoshi.” He smacks his lips slightly. “You can c—call me Hitoshi. N—Not Shinsou…Please.”
“Okay, Hitoshi, that’s okay, I’ll call you Hitoshi if that’s what you prefer.” The winged hero looks him over and Hitoshi curls up slightly at the attention. “You need a bath, little birdie, you’re filthy.” He yelps when he’s scooped back up, resting on the hero’s arm as he turns, leaning over to turn on the water for the bathtub, closing the drain to keep it from draining. “How about some bubbles, you look like you need a nice bubble bath.” Hitoshi smiles slightly, he’s never had a bubble bath before, but he’s seen his foster siblings get them, and they look like they’re fun, he smiles as the hero pours in a bit of bath bubble solution and bubbles begin to form on the water.
They turn and the white haired six year old perks up. “Izu, will you go get Hitoshi a pair of your underpants and pajamas, he’s gonna stay the night here with us.”
“Okay, daddy!” Izuku turns and darts away. “Be right back, Hito!”
“How about some toys?”
Hitoshi turns to look at the hero in awe. “Toys too?”
Keigo turns to grin at him. “Can’t have a bubble bath without toys.”
“Cool!” The purple haired six year old smiles. “I never got to do this before.”
“You’ve never—” The hero stares at him in horror and he can’t stop himself from giggling softly. “You’re gonna have a bubble bath everyday for a straight week, you hear me, the whole week.” Hitoshi giggles softly as the man shakes his head and tosses a basketful of toys into the bubbly water. “Never had—that’s so sad.” He smiles when he’s set down on his feet. “Okay, you get undressed and climb in, I’m gonna go see what’s taking Izu so long to get you a pair of underpants and pajamas, honestly, it’s not like I asked him to make them.” Keigo smiles when the six year old giggles again and rubs his head. “I’ll be right back.”
Izuku has to go to school the next day, Keigo says he’s not going, just in case anyone tries to come for them, which leaves Hitoshi home alone with the hero for the first time in his entire life, the first time being in a hero’s home for the first time in his life, there’s a lot of firsts here for him.
Any fear that the hero was going to turn out to actually be a giant tightwad and a stickler for the rules is dashed when they get to the hero’s office, the man tosses his coat onto his desk, and he shrieks when he’s scooped up from behind. “Let’s have some fun. All work and no play makes for a very bored Hawks.”
“W—What?” Hitoshi shrieks when the hero falls back on the couch in his office and lays him down on his lap. “K—Keigo?”
“This is the second thing me and Izu did when I first brought him home.”
The purple haired six year old stares up at him. “What was the first?”
Keigo smiles down at him. “Bubble bath, you and him aren’t much different, you know, both came from unsavory circumstances. That’s what made this so important.” The little boy can’t help but giggle when his shirt’s pushed up slightly. “Let’s see what kinda tummy you have.” Hitoshi giggles as his legs are guided back around the hero’s sides and he starts poking around his belly. “Nice, nice, just like I like my little fledgling tummies.” He shrieks and giggles harder. “Chubby and tickly.”
Hitoshi squeals with laughter, those wiggling fingers travel around, they don’t stay in one place, they wiggle in a big circle around his belly, then they wiggle over to the left side, and slowly wiggle their way over to the right, and he cackles brightly, kicking his feet behind the hero. “Aaahhaahahhahahahahahahaaa Keheheheheheheeeiiiii nohohohohohoo! Nohohohot thehehehehehee beeheheheheheheelly! Eeieiaieaaiaaahahhahahahahahahahaha aaahhahahahahahahahahaa Keeheheheheheheheei Keheheheheheheheei! Mehehehehehehheeercy! Plehehehehehehease!”
“Let me think about it.” He pulls his hands away, letting the boy giggle wildly, and wiggles his fingers threateningly above his belly. “Nope, I’m not feeling merciful today.” He claws his fingers in, and the boy squeals, kicking his feet again. “If you’ve never had a bubble bath before I’m betting you’ve never had any tickles before either, and chubby little nestling tummies need to be tickled, any papa bird with half a brain cell would tell you that.”
“Nohohohoho! Nohhoohohot thahahahhaat! Nohohoot thehehehe clahahahhaws! Nohohot thohohose! Eeieieiaiaiahaaahahahahhahahaa Keheheheheeiiii eieiieaaaiaahhahahahhhaahahaahha! Nohohohot thehehehe clahahahhaws! Ahahahahahahehheaheeeeeieiieieaiaiaahaahaahahahhahaha!”
“Oh, yes, the claws.” Keigo chuckles softly, the boy absolutely overcome with laughter, cackling loud and freely, vibrating his fingers and wiggling them in deep. “The claws want a piece of you.”
“Aahahahahahahhahahahaa aeaeeeieieiieieaiaiaaahahhahahahahahahahaa thohohohose ahahahahare thehehehe wohohohorst! Kehehehehheeiii! Thehehehheey tihihihickle! Thehehehhe clahahahahahhaaws tihihihihicckle!”
“They do, huh?” He decides to have some semblance of mercy on the nestling, pulling back his claws, or, in this specific instance, talons, and pokes around the six year old’s chubby tummy, smiling at his wild giggles and squirming. “This tummy has six years of missing tickles to make up for, and what’d you know, I’m free for the first half of my shift to give this tummy the tickles it missed out on.”
Hitoshi bats at the hero’s fingers, shrieking with every poke, kicking at the back of the couch. “Kehehehehei! Kehehehehehei! Nohohohoho pohohohoking! Nohohoho pohohohooking!”
“No poking?” He holds his hands above the purple haired boy’s tummy. “How about claws?”
“No! Nohohoho! Kehehehei!” The purple haired six year old reaches for the hero’s hands. “Nohohot theehehe clahahahaws!”
The hero smiles when he dips his hands and the boy squeals. “Not the what?”
“Claws! Clahahahaws!” Hitoshi tries to catch the hero’s hands and squeals every time his hands dip. “Clahahahaws!”
Keigo hums playfully. “Why not?”
The six year old curls his fingers around the hero’s wrists in an attempt to keep his hands away, well, more so those dreaded claws, but he digresses. “Tihihihickles! Tickles! Tihihihickles!”
“Claw tickles?” Unphased by the little hands latched onto his wrists, the hero lowers his hands, clawing his fingers in the boy’s belly. “Okay, I can do that.” The six year old squeals brightly kicking his feet and batting at the hero’s hands. “Someone’s got a ticklish chubby little tummy.”
Hitoshi squeals with laughter and shakes his head. “Nohohohot! Dohohoho nohohohot!”
“Do not?” The hero returns to poking around the six year old’s chubby tummy, wiggling his index fingers next to his belly button, and the young boy shrieks with laughter, bating at his fingers. “You don’t call this a ticklish tummy?”
Hitoshi shakes his head and shrieks, catching the hero’s fingers and clutching on tight, giggling in relief. “Nohoho!”
“Aw, that’s cute.” Keigo coos down at him. “You think I need my fingers to tickle this little tummy.” The six year old yelps between giggles when the man curls his fingers around his wrists and pulls his hands back, squealing when a dozen feathers, at least, come down to flutter over his tummy. “I have a number of uses for my feathers and one of them is torturing chubby little fledgling tummies.”
“Kei,” the hero looks down to the right, where the purple haired boy is holding his hand, and smiles down at him in acknowledgement. “What are we doing here?”
An animal shelter.
“We’re gonna get a kitten.”
Hitoshi’s eyes widen comically and he bounces, turning to face him completely. “Really! Really, Kei! Are we really!”
Keigo chuckles softly, swinging their arms lightly. “Really, you have to find the perfect kitten, okay, this is your mission.”
The purple haired six year old nods quickly. “Okay! I can do it!”
He looks over to the left when Izuku tugs on his other hand. “Daddy can I pick a kitten too?”
Keigo squeezes his white haired son’s hand (he’s got a purple haired son but the little guy doesn’t know it yet as the paperwork hasn’t been finalized just yet). “You sure can.”
Keigo looks up from his phone at the boy’s call and grins, patting the spot next to him on the couch, trying to keep from talking too loud lest they interrupt Izuku’s movie. Hitoshi darts forward, climbing up to sit with the hero on the couch. Snuggling down under his arm, into his side, and smiles when Cheeto jumps up to curl up on his lap.
The hero squeezes him close. “Yea, hatchling?”
“Kei,” Hitoshi pets Cheeto’s head gently. “What were those papers you got that made you smile so big?”
“Well, little nestling,” he rubs the purple haired boy’s belly. “Those were adoption papers.”
“But, who—” The six year old’s eyes widen when the hero grins at him. “Me?”
“Congrats, baby bird.” Hitoshi smiles when the man kisses the side of his head. “You’re now officially Takami Hitoshi.”
“So…That means…..That means…” Keigo waits for the boy to find his words. “You’re my daddy now?”
“Sure does, little guy.” The hero nods. “That means I’m your daddy and your my son. We’re a family, you, me, and Izu.”
“And Cheeto and Dorito!”
He chuckles and nods. “Right, and Cheeto and Dorito.”
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mythica0 · 1 year
My fic master post.
The fics I have written! I will try to update regularly, but I am very forgetful (*cough* and lazy *cough cough*) so it might take a minute.
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These will be listed in order by fandom. If some sections are missing , it just means I haven’t made anything for it yet. Request something and *automater voice: that vacancy will be filled *
He who laughs: for Puss in boots: the last wish; lee puss, ler death
“I know you’re here somewhere~” : lee Sundew, Ler Cricket
Sarcasm: Lee Glory, Ler Tsunami
Sibling bonding day! : lee everyone, ler everyone
Emotion: Lee Glory, Ler Tsunami Ft. Deathbringer
New and confusing : lee Janus, Ler Patton
Salty to sweet : Lee Virgil + Logan Ler: Roman + Remus (very cute fluff)
Dont worry, be happy ! : lee Tamaki, Ler Mirio
Smile for the camera! : Lee Aizawa + Shinso Ler present mic (this is my top post C: )
A collection of cases of Marilyn’s agressive positivity: Lee Payton(OC) Deku, Kiri, Todoroki Ler Marilyn(OC)
What a day : Lee Sero, Ler Mina
Tears: Lee Denki, Ler Kirishima
“You caught a Pikachu!”: Lee Denki, Ler Payton(OC) ft. Bakusquad
Sleep in: Lee Shinsou, Ler Aizawa + Present mic
Revenge is a dish best served cold : Lee Gus, Ler willow
The potion incident : Lee Luz, Ler Amity + potion
Loosen up! : Lee Amity + Hunter, Ler Amity + Hunter
Still here: Lee Hunter Ler Luz
The last straw Cookie.: Lee Amity, Ler Hunter
Heartbreaker: Lee Amity, Ler Willow
Bad day bonding : Lee Licorice, Ler Poision Mushroom
Encanto :
How the tables turn: Lee Antonio Ler Isabella +Dolorés
We learned from the best! : sequel to ^ . Lee young Isabella + Dolorés, Ler Pepa + Julieta
Hysterical : Lee young Isabella + Dolorés, Ler Pepa + Julieta
No snooping: Lee Mirabel , Ler Isabella
Plot twist: Lee Mirabel, Ler Dolorés + Pepa
Gorgeous noise~ : Lee Julieta + Pepa, Ler Felix + Augustine
We’re in this together is - multi-chapter non-tkl AU . You can find the first chapter here. Which will have links to the other chapters once they’re made
Operation: cheer up dad: Lee Donnie, Ler Shelldon
Old returned feelings: (Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis) Lee Leon, Ler Leo + Donnie
Come out, come out, come out of your shell~: Lee Mikey, Ler Leo
Humbled: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
Pessimism: Lee Donnie, Ler Mikey
Touch starved: Lee Mikey, Ler Donnie + Raph + Leo
Wake him up: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
Been to long: Lee Leo, Ler Raph
Am I doing this right?: Lee Splinter, Ler Barry
Stress relief: Lee Raph, Ler Mikey
Truth or dare: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo + Mikey + Raph
Squirmy: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
Right side of the bed: Lee Donnie, Ler Mikey + Leo
Sunshine: Lee Mikey + Leo + Donnie , Ler Raph
Switch-iation: Lee Leo + Donnie, Ler Mikey + Raph
Nervous energy: Lee Mikey, Ler Leo + Donnie
Tittering on the edge: Lee Donnie, Ler Mikey
Warmth: Lee Raph, Ler Mikey + Leo + Donnie
Dr…..positive?:Lee Mikey, Ler Donnie
Bubbly: Lee Donnie, Ler Mikey + Leo
Natural disaster: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
Lee-os weakness: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
A lesson in confidence: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
Slice of life: Lee Leo + Donnie + Mikey + Raph, Ler Leo + Donnie + Mikey + Raph
A different gift: Lee Leo + Mikey + Raph, Ler Donnie ft tech
Powerful tickles: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie + Mikey + Raph
Observation: Lee Casey jr., Ler Leo + Donnie + Mikey + Raph
Never meet your idols: Lee Leo + Mikey + Raph, Ler Donnie
Thief: Lee Mikey, Ler Donnie
You won!: Lee Donnie, Ler Raph
Prank master: Lee Mikey, Ler Leo
The good kind of monster: Lee Mikey, Ler Raph
Cooking lesson: Lee Leo + Mikey, Ler Leo + Mikey
Better pizza: Lee Leo + Donnie, Ler Leo + Donnie
Whimsy: Lee Donnie + Raph, Ler Leo + Mikey
Bored game: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo + Mikey + Raph
Squeaky clean: Lee tot Mikey, Ler tot Raph
New canvas: Lee Leo, Ler Mikey
Sensory override: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
Leaky tap: Lee Donnie, Ler Raph
Make lemonade: Lee Leo, Ler Mikey
Cheater: Lee Leo + Raph, Ler Leo + Raph
Sweet scarring: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo + Mikey + Raph
Clingy: Lee tot Mikey, Ler Donnie
Self-care: Lee Donnie, Ler Leo + Mikey + Raph
Faulty: sequel to “sweet scarring” Lee Leo, Ler Raph
Robots feel too: Sequel to “operation:cheer up dad” Lee Shelldon, Ler Donnie
Hide and tickle; Lee tot Mikey, Ler tot Leo
Pillow WAR!: Lee Leo + Donnie + Mikey + Raph, Ler Leo + Donnie + Mikey + Raph
A Blast: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
Clean-up crew: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
Intervention: Lee Mikey, Ler Leo + Donnie + Raph
A Memory: Lee Leo + Donnie + Raph, Ler Mikey
Acting: Lee Leo + Mikey, Ler Donnie
Older Siblings: Lee Raph, Ler April
Pouting; Lee Donnie, Ler Leo
A loving father: Lee Tots(all), Ler Splinter
Calculations: Lee Mikey, Ler Donnie
Last one standing: Lee Donnie, Ler Splinter
Smile~: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
Flipping the script: Lee Leo, Ler Donnie
Need a Break: Lee Donnie, Ler Raph
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