#leone abbacchio jjba
goth-brushbug · 6 months
I kinda miss my jjba obsession. Leone Abbacchio is still a character that's very dear to me. I hdc them as tmasc nonbinary they/he pronouns (only Bruno can use she/her). Also, I still care for the bruabba ship (amongst a few others)- it's became canon for me. I cosplayed Abbacchio about 3 times, and It wasn't very elaborate cosplay, but I really enjoyed it. I hope to make a full body cosp with a proper wig someday
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Head Over Heels for You - Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Bucciarati
Pairing - Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Bucciarati
Warnings - spoilers for part 5, DEATH, SUPER SAD
Word Count - 937
Notes - dude, when i tell you i was SOBBING while i was writing this. this was going to be an x reader fic, but i was like... no. also, it is canon that abbacchio is gay and no one can change my mind. anyway, have fun crying! :)
also please listen to this while reading, it was my inspo
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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Leone woke up in the same goddamn place. Was he drinking again? Probably. He sighed and stood up, seeing that he still had a bottle of wine in his hands. He threw it on the ground, glass and wine spilling all around him.
Why did he have to be such… a failure? He just wanted to die. His hair grew out. He was drinking more than usual. He didn't even have a goddamn job anymore. He loved him. He loved that partner more than anyone. Why did he have to risk his life for some failure? He didn't have to take that bullet, but he did anyway.
Somehow, it made Leone love him even more. The fact that his partner risked his life for him. Leone was head over heels, but knew he couldn't say anything. He couldn't risk… everything. Just to tell someone something. It's not like it mattered anyway. His feelings. They were just… nothing now.
That is, until… he showed up. He saved Leone’s life. He held out his umbrella to him. He told him when he had had enough to drink.
Bruno Bucciarati meant the world to Abbacchio. If it weren't for him, he'd probably be dead in an alleyway all by himself.
And when Bruno held his hand out to him, the way he held him in the rain, telling him that everything was going to be okay. It reminded Leone of his old partner. It reminded him when everything was okay. When he would go to restaurants, when he would go on dates… when he would pretend.
Those dates never went well. Leone found the women beautiful, but something was off. He had plenty of attention from them when he was a cop too, but it didn't seem right. It felt like getting food with an old friend. But getting coffee with his partner was a different story.
They would do it every Thursday morning, getting a new flavor every time. It felt like… a date. Abbacchio felt comfortable, he felt like he was at ease. He would laugh and more than anything, he wanted to grab his partner’s hand from across the table. He wanted to tell him that he felt like they were on dates. But he couldn't. He wouldn't.
And when Bruno entered his life, everything felt like that again. Getting coffee. Going to the restaurant. Abbacchio was falling in love again. He felt bad. He felt like it was wrong. But everytime Bruno would smile at him in the middle of his sentences, he could feel himself blush and get flustered and there was nothing he could do about it. This capo meant the world to him and because of it, his heart was being pulled again.
“Abbacchio? Is everything alright?” Abbacchio looked up at Bruno, who brought him a small glass of wine and a pizza. “Y-Yeah. Everything’s fine. Why?” “You look like you’re in deep thought, that’s all.”
Abbacchio just shrugged and took a bite from his pizza. “You can talk to me, Abbacchio,” Bruno slid his hand across the table, grabbing Leone’s. “You know that, right?”
Abbacchio nearly felt his heart pound out of his chest. It was wrong. It had to be.
He quickly stood up and left the room. He couldn't tell him. No matter how much Bruno understood Abbacchio, he would never accept him and understand him for this.
Abbacchio ran to his room and cried that night. So this is what a broken heart feels like.
He thought he would have a chance. He wanted to tell him. He would've done it too. Maybe. Just maybe. But as he felt himself choking on blood, Abbacchio knew it was over. He just wanted to hold Bruno’s face. Tell him how much he really loved him. Kiss him. Be with him. Forever.
Bruno ran to Abbacchio, who was now just coughing up air. “Abbacchio.” His tone was soft. It was always so soft. “Bucciarati.” “Abbacchio. Don't go.” Abbacchio looked down to the pit in his stomach as a tear fell. He laid his head back down on the rock and stared at the sun. “I think this is it, Bucciarati.” “Please don't say that.” Bruno started sobbing. Perhaps this was the first time Leone had ever seen it.
Bruno squeezed Abbacchio’s hand, laying his sobbing face on his thigh. “Bruno, you’re getting blood on you.” Bruno managed to let out a small giggle, covered in tears. “Leone, can't you worry about yourself for one second.” “Nope.” Leone let out a deep sigh, but he did not want that to be his last breath. There was still something he needed to say.
“I love you, Bucciarati.” Bruno looked up with shiny eyes. “I-I love you too, Leone.” Abbacchio looked up at Bruno with tears running down his bloody face. “No, you don't get it Bruno. I love you.” Bruno looked at Leone with a serious look, tears still falling from his eyes. “Abbacchio. I love you too. You heard me the first time, didn't you?” Leone began sobbing, feeling his life fleeting. Why did it have to be now?
Bruno cupped Abbacchio’s face, pulling him closer. “Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me here all alone. We were going to do this together. Please don't leave me.” Abbacchio couldn't help himself. He pressed his lips to Bruno’s, letting himself cry.
When Bruno pulled away, there wasn't another breath out of Abbacchio. He was gone.
Bruno had never cried so hard in his life. But he knew, that last breath was resting inside of him. Always will be.
“I'll be with you soon, Leone.”
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orphetoon · 6 months
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bugs when u pick up a rock
og image and source:
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itsyourjester · 6 months
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Parents sleep in their natural poses 🤌💕💤
Thanks for the idea to the wonderful person from twitter! 💋
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jananachips · 5 months
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Tag that one friend in the group with a hot dad.
I drew this when I was bored at AILA and it's so hard to redraw group shots on paper multiple times!!! It was very fun tho, I'm proud of how scrungly they look
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gerbymoo · 4 months
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I've had this floating in my head for a while.
Giorno is 15 and smack in the middle of his cringe phase.
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whiplashsquid · 22 days
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How to join the mafia
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yokiteryokiter · 9 months
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the bruabba thoughts...
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Abbacchio is Giorno’s #1 hater
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joejoeba · 9 months
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goth-brushbug · 10 months
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My collection of white haired men 🤍
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cowboydio · 3 months
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Abbacchio sketch (imagine bruno overfilling his coffee cup off screen all 😳)
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orphetoon · 7 months
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au where giorno is the only stand user in passione
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triceratops6 · 1 month
When people see you two in public, they can never guess that you are together. They prefer to keep things private and your friend always joke around asking you how you can date such a distant person. But they don't see them in the privacy of your home, without the pressure of all the people around. Then, they're always around you, always a hand on you when they listen to your rambling, giving you kisses and taking care of you.
TAMAKI AMAJIKI, Shota Aizawa, Hitoshi Shinsou, Jotaro Kujo, LEONE ABBACCHIO, Hot Pants, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Kanao Tsuyuri, RYUNOSUKE AKUTAGAWA, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kei Tsukishima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Trafalgar d Law, CHARLOTTE KATAKURI.
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mikibagels · 10 months
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With that, I'm off to bed. Goodnight y'all.
Honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo 😴🛌💤💤💤
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paovuante-vuanteador · 5 months
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My Vento Aureo AU where it happens on Brazil lol
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