lee-lucius · 8 months
Tickletober Day 1: Secret
Summary: After a ticklish encounter, Killua and Gon both discover the secrets they were keeping from each other.
Word Count: 2,012
I'm back! Sorry for disappearing, but going back to has been... an adjustment 😅. Anyways, I'm back for Tickletober, and I'll do my best to update. I hope you enjoy! 💙
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The smile on his face was blinding. Golden streaks of sunlight shone through the shutters, streaming across his tawny skin; dazedly bright hair splaying across the cushions, enrooting itself into the depths of the couch; his head bent at an unnatural angle, body pinned in a mass of entangled limbs. Through the scuffle, Killua caught glimpses of him—his eyes squeezed shut, a flush blooming across his skin with the brightest smile Killua had ever seen illuminating his face. 
"Leheheohoriohoho!" Gon cried, bursting with brilliant laughter, as he squirmed hopelessly in his grasp.
"I don't wanna hear anything from you but an apology, you little punk!" Leorio growled with mock anger, a satisfied smirk on his face. He almost looked happier than Gon.
"Wahaihit! Nohoho! Nohohohot thehehere!" He squealed, after Leorio seemingly moved to a worse spot. It was hard to tell with all the squirming.
"Come on, I want to hear it! 'I'm sorry, Mr. Leorio! I won't do it again!'"
"I'm sahahaharry!"
"And?" He asked teasingly, but gradually eased up on the tickling.
"Ahahahand I wohohon't ahahgahain!" 
Killua didn't know what Gon even did. He only came rushing into the room after having heard Gon's screams, only to be greeted by… this. The two hadn't even seemed to notice him standing in the doorway.
Until Leorio finally eased up, releasing Gon and ruffling his head with a chuckle. "That'll teach you a lesson not to mess with me. Oh—hey, Killua! When did you get here?"
Gon peaked a glossy brown eye open, meeting Killua's, who immediately looked away, blushing after being caught.
"I heard the noise and came to check it out," he muttered, gaze firmly on the floor. "Then I found you two idiots."
"Hey, I'd be careful if I were you! Or else we might just get you next. Right, Gon?"
He laughed good-naturedly. Killua didn't know if it was because of what Leorio said or the fact that he hadn't stopped giggling since Leorio let him go.
"I'm not ticklish."
"Oh yeah?" Leorio challenged, a grin growing on his face.
"I'm not," he exclaimed bodly, raising his arms and crossing them behind his head with a smirk. "Go on. Try me."
Barking out a laugh, Leorio quickly strided across the room. "You're just asking for it now."
Despite his cool demeanor, Killua couldn't help the nerves spreading through him. He didn't think he was ticklish, but he actually wasn't sure. 
He'd been isolated in his home his whole life, until he left for the exam. And his family certainly wasn't affectionate. He was more likely to get a punch than a hug growing up. The only exception was with Alluka, and while they had a few playful interactions over the years, Killua always started it, and Alluka wasn't one for revenge.
So, he had never actually been tickled before, despite his false bravado. But, at the very least, he hoped his training would come in handy now.
Leorio had now crossed the room and stood in front of him, wiggling his fingers in a teasing way that made Killua's heart beat faster. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he was ticklish.
"You sure you don't wanna beg for mercy? I might take it easy on you if you do."
Killua only laughed confidently, making Leorio tsk and shrug, digging his hands into Killua's armpits, saying, "It's your funeral."
Then, after a moment, "Huh?"
There was nothing. No reaction from Killua. Not the slightest twitch of his lips, and his arms didn't budge for a second. 
"Well then… I guess I'll just have to try somewhere else!" Leorio exclaimed, still confident in his ability to reduce him to a laughing, begging mess.
Again, nothing. Not at his stomach or sides or ribs or anywhere else he tried.
Dumbfounded, Leorio shook his head, "Are you… really not ticklish?"
"I told you, idiot," Killua shrugged, brushing past him to turn back to his room. "This was a waste of time," was all he said before he disappeared, leaving behind a disappointed Leorio and Gon.
It was hours later before the subject came up again. After dinner, Gon and Killua had returned to their shared room to settle down for the night, when Gon suddenly blurted, "Are you really not ticklish?"
"What does it matter?" Killua asked, a faint blush heating his face. He faced the wall, hoping Gon wouldn't notice from the other side of the room.
"I'm just surprised. I didn't even know someone couldn't be ticklish—is it part of your assassin training?"
Killua hesitated. "It's… a secret."
"A secret?"
It was stupid. It was Gon. There was no reason not to tell him the truth, but he didn't know why he'd lied to Leorio earlier either.
The idea had been exciting, and Killua was never one to turn away from a challenge, so he let Leorio tickle him. And it did tickle, or at least he thought it did. It had never happened before, but it sent a weird, warm, fuzzy feeling throughout his whole body. Instead of laughing, he ignored it and carefully controlled his reactions to appear unaffected. 
"What if…" Gon started, drawing him from his thoughts, "I told you a secret, and then you told me yours?"
He paused, considering it. It wouldn't be that bad for Gon to find out, and he was curious; he didn't know Gon kept any secrets from him.
"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
"Yeah!" Gon eagerly shot up from his bed, running over to sit next to Killua, who reluctantly turned to face him, hoping his face wasn't as hot as it felt.
Gon offered his pinky in a surprisingly familiar routine, and Killua locked it with his own. "Pinky promise and if I lie, stick a thousand daggers in my eye! And seal it with a kiss!"
It didn't sound exactly like how Killua remembered Gon doing it with his Aunt Mito, but he didn't say anything, simply smiling at the subtle change.
"Okay, you first," Killua ordered. 
Gon didn't hesitate. "I like being tickled."
His brows furrowed, "Why's that a secret?"
"I don't know," Gon shrugged, flopping onto his back. "I just haven't told anyone before. It's a little embarrassing…"
Killua flopped down next to him. "Well I don't think Leorio or Kurapika would want to tickle you if you didn't like it."
"I guess. Anyway…" he looked at Killua expectantly, "what's your secret?"
His face heated, and he shifted to lay on his side, facing his back towards Gon to try and hide his embarrassment. "It's stupid."
"Mine was too."
He sighed, mumbling, "I think I am ticklish."
"Really?" Gon exclaimed, shooting up. "But you didn't react to Leorio at all!"
"Yeah, but it felt weird. Like… tingly," he shrugged, burying his face in his hands to avoid Gon's gaze. "I don't know. That was the first time anyone's tried to tickle me."
"Hmm…" he hummed in thought, considering. "What if I tickle you?"
"What?!" Killua exclaimed, dropping his hands from his face to prop himself up on his elbows. 
"Then we can find out if you're ticklish. Want me to?"
He frowned, toying with the bedsheet between his fingers. "What if… I don't like it?"
"Then I'd stop," Gon answered simply. "Promise."
That, he supposed, made sense for Gon to say. Still, it was an odd sentiment. 
Touches, throughout his life, had been designed to hurt, a painful lesson he'd have to learn if he was to continue his family's business. It never mattered if he wanted it; in fact, his family seemed to enjoy it more when he didn't. 
There was no casual affection, no simple comforts, no consideration. Nothing like the simple ease Gon's, and his other friends, touches promised. There was instinctive unease, the desire to build up a facade and hide behind it, the lessons to never show weakness, but none of that mattered now.
Because Gon and Leorio and Kurapika, they wouldn't try to hurt him. He was safe with them.
"Okay, you can try," he finally answered, taking a deep breath.
There wasn't even a moment to compose himself before Gon pounced on him, wildly scribbling his fingers across Killua's stomach. He gasped, wriggling beneath him as the tingly, electric feeling spread back through him, shocking his limbs and making his heart stutter.
"Okay so far?" Gon asked, grinning in that beautifully bright way that made it hard to look at him, so Killua brought his arms back up to cover his face again and nodded.
"I-It's weheheird," he giggled, slightly muffled by his hands.
"Good weird or bad weird?" Gon asked, stilling his hands to let Killua gather his thoughts.
"...Dunno," he mumbled, blush darkening.
"At least now we know you're ticklish!" He said, then, after a few moments of silence, "Want me to keep going?"
It was another few moments before he slowly nodded, "Y-You can."
"Then…" Gon reached out, grabbing onto his wrists and pulling his hands away from Killua's face, his own hovering a few inches above it. There was a weird feeling in Killua's chest that he didn't have the time to dwell on. "I want to see your face."
Overwhelmed, Killua turned away, looking at the wall instead. "Whatever."
He could practically feel the brightness emanating from Gon's smile without even looking. 
"Ready?" Gon asked, releasing his wrists. Through the corners of eyes, he swore he saw Gon curling his hands into claws. 
"Three…" he drawled, giggling to himself as he counted down. "Two…"
Killua just wanted him to get it over with already, which definitely was because of how annoying Gon was being, not because of the building anticipation that made it feel like his stomach was doing flips.
"One!" he cried, digging his fingers into Killua's ribs, making him burst into loud, wild, boyish laughter.
His arms shot down, shoving at Gon's who managed to masterly avoid him. 
"Should I stop?" 
There wasn't time to think about how embarrassing it really was, only how much fun he was having with his best friend, and how he was safe and comfortable and receiving an almost foreign affection. "Nohohoho!" 
"Good, cause this is really fun! Right? But tell me when you can't take it anymore, okay?"
"Ihihi cahan tahahake ahahanythihing!" he boldly exclaimed, then squealed and shot his arms down when Gon prodded at his pits.
"Are you sure?" Gon teased, "I just started, and you're already laughing a lot."
"Shuhut uhuhup! I cahahan—cahan tahahake mohohre thahan yohohou!"
"Reall—hehehey!" he burst into laughter when Killua suddenly shot forward and latched onto his side, squeezing rapidly. 
"Whahat? Cahahan't tahake ihihit?" 
"Ohof cohohuhurse I cahan!" Gon managed between laughter, wriggling into Killua's ribs as the boys wrestled on the bed, targeting the worst tickle spots they could find.
They both put up a valiant effort, but Gon knew he lost when Killua latched onto his hips, kneading them.
"Wahahait! Wahaihit!" he shrieked, releasing Killua's sides to grab at his arms, struggling to escape.
"Bad spot, huh?" Killua smirked, doubling his efforts. "Come on, I win, right? Say it!"
"Yohohou wihihihin!"
"Yes!" Killua cheered, letting go of Gon and pumping his fist in the air.
Gon collapsed against the bed; Killua falling next to him, as they both desperately panted for air, still laughing together. 
Once he managed to regain himself, Killua turned to look at him, an exhausted smile tugging at his lips. "That was fun."
Gon's own smile grew. "I'm glad… yohou… had fun. Should do ihit again… sometime," he wheezed between breaths.
"Yeah," he smiled. That weird feeling in his chest was back. "But it's way too easy to beat you."
"I'll win… next time! 'Sides…" Gon paused, allowing himself to fully catch his breath before continuing. "Besides, there's no way you'll beat Leorio. He's too good."
"He didn't get me earlier."
"Yeah, but you were using your assassin skills! Just wait until he really tries. He's unstoppable, and Kurapika helps him most of the time," Gon shuddered, making Killua laugh.
"That sounds fun."
Gon beamed, "Yeah."
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someone1348 · 1 year
My first Hunter X Hunter Fic! I'm so excited!
This show/anime means so much to me, It's my favorite! I've re-watched it so many times lmao! Anyway!
I'm so happy to be sharing this with you all and of course we have to start with my favorite angels 😇
The people in this: Ler!Killua, Lee!Gon
Tw: none this is adorable! (This is a tickle fic so if you are uncomfortable with that I don't suggest reading! :])
I hope you all enjoyyy!!
-K <3
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A Bad Case of Boredom
It's been about two weeks since Gon and Killua arrived back to Whale Island, the place where Gon grew up with his wonderful aunt Mito and grandmother. Things were going great! Killua adjusted to the new environment nicely and rather quickly too! Aunt Mito was very welcoming, and he really enjoyed staying with them.
They had been exploring and mainly spent their time outside, but today was the kind of day that Gon dreaded the most. It was pouring rain outside. Gon loved the rain, yes, it did great things for the grass and the wildlife. However, he hated being forced to stay inside because of it. He was used to nature, running around the open feilds, climbing trees and overall being free. The rain restricted all of that which brings us to the present.
Gon sighed as his legs bounced up and down on the floor as they hung over the side of his bed. Killua, who had been trying to meditate, looked over gently at the greenette with one eye open before he too sighed and turned to face him,
"What's wrong Gon?" He asked both concerned and curious
"The rain"
"The rain?" Killua cocked an eyebrow, now more confused than before
"We can't go outside, I love the benefits the rain gives for nature, but I hate being stuck inside with nowhere to go and nothing to do!" He complained as he flopped back onto his bed dramatically.
'Ah' Killua thought to himself before he slightly smiled "There's plenty to do inside Gon, for starters you could meditate with me and practice your ten"
That comment earned another sigh from the enhancer
"Alright fine, hmm" the white haired boy sat in thought as he tried to think of ways to entertain his best friend, a single raindrop hit the windowsill when it clicked in Killuas mind, his signature cat like smirk spread across his features as he sat up and hovered over Gon,
"I have the perfect idea~"
Gon shoot up in excitement as he looked at Killua with bright eyes
Killua only smiled brighter as he nodded "Yep! It's your favorite" his voice got a little deeper towards the end of his sentence which made Gon gulp and giggle a little as he scooted backwards on his bed until he hit the headboard gently.
Killua smirked again before he pounced onto his best friend. The two started a mini wrestling match, rolling around on the green covers, giggling their heads off before anything happened yet as they both tried to get the upper hand. Gon knew what Killua's intentions were, he sensed it in his aura and with knowing him that well, and with his boredom he was more excited than ever for this moment, but he was stubborn too and was not going down that easily.
"Give it up Gon!"
"Fair enough, you asked for it" Gon had the upper hand as they spoke, but Killua quickly swipped the tips of his fingers over Gon's side as Gon's arms wobbled out from under him and he fell onto Killuas chest. Killua smiled and, with one quick motion, turned Gon onto his back, holding his arms above his head with one hand as he sat over his hips.
"Someone wanted tickles huh Gon?~" he teased as Gon's cheeks flushed a quiet pink
"How did you figure it out?!"
"It was easy, one, I know you, and two, you would've never gone down that quickly otherwise~"
Gon looked away with a playful smile before they both giggled together.
"Are you ready Gon?~" he smirked as he wiggled his fingers just inches above Gon's stomach
"Kihihilluaaaaa!" Gon complained through his giggles as his legs bounced gently behind him, this time with joy
"Fihinneee Tickle Tickle Tickleee~" He smiled brightly as he let go of Gon's hands and darted them over to pinch and scribble all over his sides
"KIhihilluahaha! ThaHahat TihiHickles!" Gon squeaked and wiggled as much as he could but made no real effort to fight it
"That's the point idiot, plus your giggles are too cute, so what's the problem?~" He spoke so nonchalantly it made Gon question to himself what was worse, that or his tease voice
"NohoHo FaHaHair!" His laughter picked up the pace as Killua moved his fingers up to his ribs, making sure he got all of the in-between spots, leaving no spot untickled. Gon arched his back a little as he tried to lightly push at Killuas' hands.
"You know Gon, you got seriously injured back at Hevean's arena, I should make sure you still have all of your ribs" Killua dragged his fingers back down his ribs as Gon giggled out an excuse,
"NOhoHo! KihihilluaAhA! I heHealed! ReHehember?!"
"Hmm, I don't remember. A thorough checkup is in order, and since Leorio isn't here to do it, I guess it's up to me! Don't worry, Gon, this won't hurt a bit~" Killua smiled again as he skittered up and down the length of his ribs before starting from the bottom and going up slowly tracing each individual rib while he counted.
"Oneeee, Twoooooo, Threeeee, Foooourrr, Fivveee- hmm? What's this?~" Killua paused as he found a particularly ticklish rib on Gon's left side, where he got injured previously thanks to Geto,
"I think getting hit with that spinning top made this rib more ticklish then the others"
"WohAHAhAh!-" Gon snorted gently as he broke out into more genuine laughter as Killua scribbled and gently scratched over that rib alone "KiHIHIhilLUAHaHa!"
"Woah! You snorted! Haha do it again!"
"Fine, have it your way" Killua shrugged before his hands quickly made their way down to his stomach, going right under the light fabric of Gon's black tank top
"And why not?~ doesn't it tickle? I'm confused"
"That's a good thing gigglebug"
Gon's face turned bright red as the kicking got faster as he tried to curl up on himself but couldn't
"Ohhhh I think I get it now, this is your tickle spot!" Killua spoke as if this was completely new information, causing Gon to groan a little at his antics
"Yes Gon?~"
"HAHAHAHA!" Gon threw his head back in genuine laughter which made Killua giggle a little before he took a deep breath and blew a gaint raspberry directly into his bellybutton
"Okahay okay!" He gently got off of him and patted his arm "you okay, Gon?"
"Haha YEAH!" He tackled Killua in a hug "You're the best Killua!"
"You're so embarrassing" He scoffed as he smiled as he hugged him back.
I had a blast making this! It's definitely different from what I've done before but I hope you all enjoyedd I loved writing it!
Have an amazing day, evening, or night everyone! You truly deserve it! You are loved, you are valid, you are appreciated, and I could not be more proud of you! /p /gen /pos
-K :]
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
Obi-Wan: *getting upset cause he got an answer wrong in the quiz at the back of his animal book*
Qui-Gon: Calm down Obi-Wan! It's not a test!
Obi-Wan, on the verge of tears: You don't understand! I want it to be a test!
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1liv · 6 months
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ambivartence · 10 months
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gingy7891 · 7 months
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The Star Wars prequel trilogy by Kevin Nguyen
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ye-xiu · 1 month
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But you were just a kid when they told you, you'd been born to bleed, little soldier, with your garden heart and sentimental boulder. It pulled you down. But look at you, you made it out.
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH dir. Baek Sang-hoon, Jung Ji-hyun, Yoo Je-won
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iubar12 · 3 months
Are the writers going to do us like that??
Jin I Soo and Lee Ganghyun go from bickering like kids to comforting each other at their lowest. Ganghyun goes from telling him to go home to texting him to come to the station because they got a new case. Ganghyun takes Jin I Soo to her comfort place so that he can clear his mind after learning the truth about his mother's death. I Soo saying "You trust your father, and I trust you" to Lee Ganghyun when she was on probation and desperately wanted to prove that her father was innocent and that he was framed. Ganghyun scolding him because he put himself in danger and I soo trying not to repeat that. And most importantly what about the fact when they almost drowned together while trying to arrest Bori?? What are you gon say about Jin I soo cupping her face and telling her to believe in herself when she told him that she couldn't swim ??? Carrying her over the water the entire time she was unconscious while he was struggling to breathe and stay over the water himself. Are the writers really going to do us like that?? T_T
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P.S : Jin I Soo being jealous over Park Junyoung and Lee Ganghyun and then asking Junyoung if they shared any feelings or ever dated and then getting flustered on being asked if he liked Ganghyun was the cutest thing everrr.
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kimuramasaya · 3 months
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muttonthings · 7 months
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Gu Won- King the Land
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Jang Uk- Alchemy of Souls
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Lee Jung-hyeok- Crash Landing on You
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reblog if you save ▪︎
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thejedipost · 9 months
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A Count Dooku appreciation post. 👌🏼
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ambivartence · 1 year
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bap jongup & vanner gon from yesterday's unit c busking
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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