#leaf man
alethianightsong · 3 months
Epic (2013) used Beyonce better than The Lion King remake and they only had her for 10 minutes onscreen.
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✨✨the good stuff✨✨
this is the comic i was looking so desperately for. was it worth it. i just wanted it to post with that last one. leaf man only wants spaders friends to think their friend was awesome and cool. honestly i think it was funnier in the discord post.
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you know that post about that man who came to the starbucks and ordered a small black coffee with one shot of blueberry flavor? a simple man with something very very wrong with him? that's SPADER
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asideblogofyours · 5 months
I had a dream where I was chased by a leaf man. let Me explain
I'd "woken up" in the dream, and was in my living room from the house I loved in aged 6. suddenly the room turned rainbow and everything was slime.
I left because the room was too bright and realised I was suddenly pregnant. I had shaken my head and left, going... out of my 6 self's house and.. onto my current road.
I went up the road on the right, going to the shops for cucumber (I don't eat cucumber) and turned around. There was this man, entirely covered in leaves. I turned around and walked on- he was slower than me and couldn't catch up.
I kept turning around and each time he was slightly faster. When I got to the top of a mini hill and halfway to the shops I yelled "Hello?" to him. He suddenly sped up.
I had an intuition that he wanted to perform an abortion on my *checks notes* six month old unborn child, (I'm not pregnant irl?) and make me EAT THE FETUS.
I woke up, and do not remember what happened to dream!me.
Now I call him Leaf Man and have not dreamt about him for Six Years.
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m3-c0re · 5 months
Instagram Request from a while ago
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cookiearting · 7 months
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One of the best minor character designs I think.
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pixel-at-ed · 2 years
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saetoru · 11 months
ex-convict geto who stays home with the kids while you’re at work. no one wants to hire him after he’s released so he stays home and takes care of things while you’re earning, and for a guy who spent a good time in prison, he’s surprisingly gentle with his hands—they braid hair and make snacks and fold laundry and tuck the blanket under the chins of his daughters. he’s done a lot of bad things, but he’s turned over a new leaf. cause his girls need him—and you? you need him too
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crow-the-unknown · 3 months
something about how trades really do affect players. how it's not just us as fans being crazy or reading too much into it. it's real and it's painful. erik johnson has lacked the hutzpah he once had ever since leaving colorado, as if he could bear landeskog's injury but the second he was forced to leave it all came crashing down. sidney crosby has lost much of the joy he once carried and it's because he had the human, golden embodiment of that joy in jake guentzel torn away from him when he needed it most. dylan larkin shed genuine, heartfelt, distraught tears when tyler bertuzzi was traded away. the penguins still welcome marc-andre fleury to pittsburgh every time he plays there because, no matter where he is, that is his home. pk subban could never return to the same player he was after he was taken from price. trevor zegras is seemingly incomplete without drysdale at his side. brandon duhaime is lacking his connor dewar. bowen byram no longer has his alex newhook to lean on and laugh with. travis koneckny and nolan patrick may never even get the chance to play another game with or against one another. and who could imagine kuznetsov as anyone but a capital? do you really think of pavelski in the green of the stars or do you see him proud in teal beside thornton and marleau? did shea weber ever really stop being a nashville predator? and what about beauvillier, horvat, compher, dumolin, burakovsky, kadri, yamamoto, hornqvist, eberle, o'rielly, barrie, jost, gaudreau, karlsson, carter and richards, martin, and so many others? even wayne gretzky himself went to three teams post trade, searching for that spark he had in edmonton after they made him leave. jagr had eight after pittsburgh. you are not crazy for grieving, in some small way, a player you lost. and they aren't crazy for feeling distraught either. these teams are family. and family is everything, even if it gets ripped apart so easily.
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wtfforged · 2 months
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3416 · 5 months
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Canes @ Leafs | 12.30.23
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phantomrose96 · 7 days
Been doing a selective relisten of TMA where I skim and listen to old episodes I remember quite liking. I'm enjoying this and it works considering the majority of statements are stand-alone but the funniest impact this has on the story is just speedrunning Jon's *gestures* everything.
Dude spends approximately 4 days being a stiff stuck-up pompous ass skeptic and on day 5 he's like "I'm DONE with that, actually. We're about to die by 5-trillion worms so I have to confess I am in fact scared of EVERY ghost ever and I've ONLY been acting like an asshole because I am so afraid of the thing watching me and also because I'm an asshole. I promise to no longer be an arrogant skeptic I will NOW be a paranoid conspiracy theorist who thinks every fart is a gunshot trying to kill me."
But the actual funniest impact is when I scroll and remember an old s1 episode I do wanna listen to and listening to that out of order is like "Statement ends. Btw I'm NORMAL again. I'm not a conspiracy theorist anymore never mind that. I'm the smartest person in the room again. Anyway this person's fucking stupid for thinking bugs exist. I hope Martin dies today."
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suburbanbonfire · 2 months
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69 is still a pretty nice number (prints here)
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wmnylander · 1 month
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Round 1, Game 7
May 4th, 2024
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oldshowbiz · 5 months
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Toronto as you remember it
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avslegend · 3 months
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this feels like seeing a victorian woman's ankle
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kash-phia · 3 months
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