#lauki soup
pransy123 · 7 months
Weight-loss Soup
Ayurveda recommends both lauki ( bottle gourd )and horse gram for weight-loss.  I have personally replaced my dinner with light yet nourishing soup. Ingredients: 1 cup lauki (bottle gourd) (chopped) 2 tbsp pres-soaked horse gram ( soaked over night ) 1/2 cup onion ( chopped ) 1 1/2 cup tomato (chopped ) 1 tsp garlic (chopped) 1 tsp ginger ( chopped) 2 tsp coriander leaves (dhania patta)…
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Spicy Lauki / Opo Squash Soup (Vegan)
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caramelcoconutswirl · 11 months
I don't have enough lasagna sheets to make lasagna so i'm having lauki soup instead
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aarohij · 4 months
Top 5 Reasons Why Bottle Gourd [Lauki] Can Be Your Best Friend for Summers
Summers are approaching with the rising temperature and sun soaking all the energies. It is required to stay hydrated and cool during sunny hot days and we all keep our fridge full of cold drinks and water. However, these are all temporary solutions to keep up with the heat. One secret vegetable that can do the same for you with long-term benefits is Bottle ground also known as Lauki. You can add Lauki to your everyday meal in the form of cooked veggie or boiled juice form, you will be able to stay hydrated and cool throughout the day. Order lauki from cut vegetable delivery services.
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5 Reasons to Incorporate Lauki in Your Meal During Summers
1. Hydration Powerhouse
Bottle Gourd, (lauki) has 92% water content and is a high source of water to stay hydrated on a hot summer day. Summers take a lot of energy and can easily dehydrate you, so you will need something that can keep your body temperature monitored, and for optimal bodily function. Adding bottled gourd juice or low-oil vegetables to your diet can help you remain hydrated for the whole day by replenishing lost fluids.
2. Cooling Properties
In the traditional way of healing in India, like Ayurveda, Lauki is considered a great source of cooling properties due to its high water content. Including it in a regular meal can help balance heat in the body. Adding a bottle gourd to your diet can help you find relief from symptoms like thirst, acidity, irritability, and heat-related discomfort by reducing access heat from the body. You can order bottle gourd (lauki) from fresh chopped vegetable delivery services.
3. Nutrient-Rich
It’s not just water that bottled gourd contains, it is the powerhouse of other healthy nutrients that we need. It is a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are essential to support health, immunity, digestion, and blood level, encouraging bone health and removing the possibility of fatigue in summer.
4. Digestive Aid
Being a high-fiber food, lauki helps your digestive system to work smoothly. It helps with any kind of gut issues, indigestion, or heat problems due to the summer heat. Because of its dietary fiber component, it helps keep bowel movements working, supports a healthy digestive tract, and reduces the possibility of constipation. With its cooling property, you can cure your acidity issues. You can buy lauki from online vegetables platforms to get doorstep delivery.
5. Versatile and Delicious
Bottle gourd can be cooked in different ways from soups, to juice, to curries, to salads. All you need to do is start adding it to your meal, one way or another to help your body get all the necessary nutrients in one meal. A stir-fry, a smoothie, or even a juice, whatever works best for your taste buds, you can add bottle gourd that way in your meal for its benefits in delicious and satisfying ways.
Embrace the Simplicity of Bottle Gourd!
Bottle gourd is a simple and most underrated vegetable in an Indian household but summers bring you an opportunity to give bottle gourd the place it deserves. Incorporate bottle gourd in your regular meal to support your health and beat the heat. Order Bottled gourd (lauki) through chopped vegetables online delivery services to stay hydrated in summer.
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akshaymehndiratta · 11 months
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Akshaymehndiratta - Our bodies naturally yearn for comfort food when the rainy season approaches to match the warm and inviting surroundings. As responsible people, it is crucial for us to eat the appropriate foods that go well with this season because the monsoon is when nature renews itself. In this blog, we'll look at a number of delicious veggies that not only tempt our taste buds but also provide a wealth of health advantages throughout the rainy season. We'll be joined by famous chef and nutritionist Akshay Mehndiratta, who will offer his thoughts and favourite recipes for each vegetable, to bring a personal touch to our trip through these vegetables.
Monsoon is the ideal time of year to enjoy leafy greens, with spinach at the top of the list. During the rainy season, spinach, which is high in iron, vitamins, and antioxidants, strengthens our immune systems and helps ward against illnesses. A straightforward Spinach and Corn Soup, which not only warms the spirit but also offers a nutrient-rich joy, is suggested by Akshay Mehndiratta.
Methi (fenugreek)
Methi leaves are a nutritional powerhouse since they are rich in important vitamins and minerals. Their mildly bitter flavour goes well with the rainy season. Akshay Mehndiratta recommends making Methi Paratha, a filling flatbread made with fenugreek leaves that goes well with a bowl of hot yogurt for a hearty dinner.
Bottle Gourd (Lauki)
Because of its high water content, Lauki is a great vegetable to eat during the monsoon. It promotes digestion and keeps the body moisturised. The Lauki Kofta Curry by Akshay Mehndiratta is a wonderful recipe that blends the benefits of bottle gourd with savoury spices to create an incredible feast for the taste buds.
Bell Peppers
Bright, crisp bell peppers are not just a visual treat but also a powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamin C. These vitamins and minerals are essential for strengthening the immune system and avoiding seasonal illnesses. The Stuffed Bell Pepper, a dish that is a favourite of Akshaymehndiratta's, fills bell peppers with a wholesome combination of veggies and spices, making it the ideal appetiser for gloomy evenings.
Ridge Gourd (Turai)
In order to maintain a healthy weight and stay hydrated during the monsoon, ridge gourd is a low-calorie vegetable with a high water content. The benefits of ridge gourd are combined with protein-rich lentils in Akshaymehndiratta's distinctive Turai Chana Dal recipe to create a hearty and nourishing dish.
Brinjal (Eggplant)
Brinjals are plentiful during the monsoon and have a number of health advantages. They help with digestion and support heart health because they are high in fibre and antioxidants. A delicious alternative is Akshaymehndiratta's Baingan Bharta dish, which combines roasted eggplants with flavorful spices to make a delightful treat.
A versatile vegetable, cauliflower may be used to make a number of cuisines. It is abundant in antioxidants and vitamin C, which support a stronger immune system. In
Akshaymehndiratta's Gobi 65 dish, cauliflower florets are marinated and deep-fried until they are perfectly crispy and make the ideal monsoon snack.
Sugar Potato
Sweet potatoes are not only scrumptious but also quite healthy. They are a fantastic source of energy during the monsoon since they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Traditional fries can be replaced with baked sweet potato fries by Akshay Mehndiratta. These crunchy treats can be flavoured with a variety of herbs and spices, making them a guilt-free treat for the wet season.
Okra (Ladyfinger)
The monsoon season is ideal for okra, a vegetable with a special texture and flavour. It is a great source of vitamins and dietary fibre, which helps with digestion and improves general health. When combined with okra, Akshaymehndiratta's Bhindi Masala recipe creates a delectable dish that goes perfectly with roti or rice.
As the raindrops fall and the earth gets a fresh lease of life during the monsoon, let's take a cue from nature and nourish ourselves with these delicious and nutritious vegetables. With the guidance of the esteemed chef and nutrition expert Akshay Mehndiratta, we've explored a variety of recipes that make the most of the season's offerings.
By incorporating these vegetables into our diet, we can bolster our immune systems, improve digestion, and keep ourselves healthy and happy throughout the monsoon season. So, let's head to our kitchens, unleash our culinary creativity, and enjoy the bounty of monsoon vegetables that not only make our taste buds dance but also contribute to our overall well-being.
Remember, each vegetable brings its unique flavour and nutritional profile to the table. So, relish the earthy taste of spinach, the sweet goodness of pumpkin, the crispiness of okra, and the vibrant colours of bell peppers. Embrace the monsoon season with open arms and a plate full of nutritious vegetables, and let the rain rejuvenate both your body and soul.
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rajanjolly · 3 years
Lauki Soup Recipe | Bottle Gourd Soup Recipe
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go-21newstv · 4 years
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Weight Loss Diet: This Low-Calorie Desi-Style Lauki Soup May Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos Highlights Lauki holds a firm place in every Indian kitchen for its health benefits Bottle gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables that aid weight loss…
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ugly-by-nature · 5 years
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The sun is shining bright on top of our heads and how glad are we! It was indeed a long spell of winter and now that it is gone, we can finally step out of our quilts and jackets. Here are some #diet tips that could help rev up metabolism naturally and aid #weightloss: 1. Drink Plenty Of Fluids In summers it is very essential to stay hydrated. Since you perspire a lot in summer, you end up losing out on a lot of water. Therefore, you must make it a point to keep sipping into #water time to time. If the plain taste of water gets too monotonous for you, you can have other summer hydrating drinks too like aam panna, coconut water, jaljeera and nimbu paani. If you keep yourself hydrated, you would be full for a longer time. If you are feeling full, you are less likely to #binge. Drinking water also helps aid smooth digestion. 2. Load Up On Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables Summer comes loaded with fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and fibres that are known to promote #weight loss. Among fruits, you must make room for all summer melons, cantaloupe, watermelon and musk melon. Among veggies eat plenty of gourd vegetables like lauki and karela. Freshly cut cucumber makes for a nice low-calorie snack you can add to your diet. 3. Keep Your Dinner Light It is a good idea to keep your dinner light (Think: soothing soups, stews, salad, grilled goods). As the day progresses, our metabolism decreases. It also gets difficult to digest heavy foods later in the day. Poor digestion hampers the elimination process, which takes a toll on the #metabolism. A healthy digestion is key to weight loss. 5. Avoid Deep-Fried Foods Avoid fried and oily foods and opt for more steamed, grilled and roasted foods. These foods are difficult to digest and are also packed with many excess #calories that get stored as fats. Source: https://ift.tt/2U4rlpz . . . https://ift.tt/2HWWcgA
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innocentamit · 3 years
Lauki kheer recipe for how to make lauki ki kheer at home in Hindi: Tip: Make gourd kheer at home, it will be beneficial for health
Lauki kheer recipe for how to make lauki ki kheer at home in Hindi: Tip: Make gourd kheer at home, it will be beneficial for health
Image source: INSTAGRAM / COOKETERIAN_20 The secret of Lauki kheer Lauki is known to be the best in health. Gourd, rich in medicine, helps prevent many diseases including weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and also helps remove toxins from the body. According to Swami Ramdev, to be healthy, juice, soups or soups should be consumed. But there are many people who do not like…
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vcukueat · 4 years
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Dudhi Soup.... Bottle Gourd For Weight Loss: Lauki is one of the healthiest vegetables in the lot. It is low in calorie and does wonders for shedding extra kilos. Lauki is also extremely beneficial for the heart. Drinking its soup at least thrice every week will help you in maintaining a healthy heart and will also keep a check on your blood pressure. Lauki soup is beneficial for improving the digestive system and it also treats acidity and flatulence. Reduces inflammation of liver. Lauki is a type of squash that is light green in color, has a mild flavor and goes by many different names — doodhi (dudhi), opo, bottle gourd, Ghiya, Calabash, to name a few #soup #food #foodie #foodporn #instafood #yummy #delicious #dinner #foodphotography #healthyfood #homemade #vegan #foodstagram #lunch #cooking #foodblogger #homecooking #foodlover #chicken #noodles #vegetarian #healthy #comfortfood #soupseason #tasty #foodgasm #vegetables #souprecipe #healthylifestyle #vcukueat https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVwvK8jzzB/?igshid=1tgj4eo2n2xj5
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popularnews · 4 years
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Weight Loss Diet: This Low-Calorie Desi-Style Lauki Soup May Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos
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Bottle Gourd and Tomato Soup Recipe — Cooking Teach
Bottle Gourd Soup and tomato soup is full with nutrition. It is low in calories and wonderful recipe to start your day. It helps you to maintaining your digestive system healthy. Enjoy this recipe !!
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Main ingredient: Bottle gourd and tomato
Cuisine: Indian
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Serve: 4 people
1/2 bottle gourd (lauki)
Tomatoes 3
Grated ginger 1 tbsp (Adarak)
Olive oil
Cumin seeds 1 tbsp (Jeera)
Asafoetida 3/4 tbsp (Hing)
Sugar 1 tbsp
Black salt 1 tbsp
Water 4 cup
Fresh coriander leaves 10–15 (Dhaniya)
Salt 1 tbsp (or according to your taste)
How to prepare Bottle Gourd Soup
First of all, peel bottle gourd (lauki), wash it and cut it into pieces.
After that wash and rinse fresh coriander leaves.
Now, boil tomatoes, coriander leaves and bottle gourd pieces together in pressure cooker for 10 minutes.
Rinse the boiled bottle gourd and tomatoes. Keep the water aside, we will use it later.
Let the boiled tomato and bottle gourd cool down. It takes 15 minutes. Peel the tomatoes.
Blend them (lauki, tomatoes) using blender and make a smooth puree.
Strain that puree into bowl. Press the mixture to get maximum out of that puree.
Discard the residue. Keep that puree aside.
Now, take a pan. Add olive oil ( is olive oil not available use any other vegetable oil) and heat it up.
Add cumin seeds and cook it for 40 seconds.
Now, add asafoetida and cook it for 15–20 seconds.
Add grated ginger. Cook for 25–30 seconds.
Add black salt, black pepper, normal salt (white salt) and sugar.
Mix well and cook it for 2–3 minutes.
Now, add puree and water (which we store earlier when boiled vegetables) and mix well.
Cook it for 7–8 minutes.
Transfer the prepared soup into soup bowl.
Garnish it with fresh coriander leaves.
Your Lauki and tomato soup is ready. Serve hot….
You can also add chopped onion and garlic cloves (lasun).
Health benefits
It has all nutrients which our body required. This recipe is rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants and also fiber. This soup helpful to improve digestion, skin, makes bone healthy and improve blood circulation.
Nutrition info
Calories: 110
Total fat: 6 g
Total carbohydrate: 10 g
Dietary fibre: 5.1 g
Protein: 2.1 g
If you like this lauki/dudhi and tomato soup recipe, please, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends.
Originally published at https://cookingteach.com on April 6, 2020.
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antzdoodles · 4 years
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5: I got lucky with Lauki! Truth be told, I never even considered Lauki before my illness. It was like the boy next door - wholesome, good for you and IGNORED. But after all my alternative treatments featured Lauki in a starring role, I just couldn’t dismiss it any more. During my naturopathy treatment I was allowed nothing but Lauki for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. Can you imagine? I dreamt of the day I’d be free of it! Then one day I realized how much I actually liked it, how good it was for me and I was hooked! I’m more into my Lauki than ever before! It’s my go-to when I’m in the slightest pain and I find that it helps. Plus it barely has any calories, is easy to digest and you can cook it in many different ways. Like in a vegetable dish, Lauki parathas, soup, juice, etc. I was about to start making pasta sauce with Lauki until a very passionate Italian friend of mine lost it! 
_ Concept, trial & tribulations, design & illustration by Antima @antzdoodles Copy, moral support and devil's advocacy by Deveshe Dutt @suprduprdeva
_ #datewithmydiet #loveaffairwithmydiet #autoimmunediet #glutenfree #dairyfree #nonightshadevegetables #nopreservatives #nofried #noalcohol #emotionalpain #physicalpain #mentalpain #autoimmune #lifesentence #jointpain #patience #arthritis #arthritissucks #arthritis #ayurveda #patience #trust #documentingarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #arthritischallenges #ra #blackandwhite #illustration #handdrawn #indianartists (at Goa, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B96CRa9phS_/?igshid=sixvyfxdz6ic
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rajanjolly · 3 years
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Lauki Soup Recipe | Bottle Gourd Soup Recipe Recipe video: https://youtu.be/vro5DXldd24 Try his simple, delicious and creamy lauki soup recipe with just a few basic ingredients. #laukisoup #laukisoup🍵 #bottlegourd #bottlegourdsoup #bottlegourdsouprecipe #laukikasoup #rajansinghjolly #souprecipe #dudhisoup #indiansouprecipe https://www.instagram.com/p/CVDLdhRPA5Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Kareena Kapoor Swears By This Detox Soup, Suggests The Same To Rhea Kapoor On Instagram
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HighlightsKareena Kapoor recently joined InstagramRhea Kapoor produced Veere Di Wedding starring Kareena KapoorKareena Kapoor is a fitness icon for millionsKareena Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor have redefined friendship goals from time to time. They became thick pals during the shooting of 'Veere Di Wedding'. While Kareena was the lead actor in the movie Rhea produced the 2018 multi-starrer. The actor-producer duo remain good friends till date and it appears that they often take notes on health and fitness from each other. In a recent Instagram story, Rhea Kapoor shared a picture of soothing palak soup. In her caption she wrote, "using the quarantine to get back to my fitness-step 1 Palak soup #for life inspiration @kareenakapoorkhan. Kareena Kapoor, who joined instagram a while back, replied to the story saying "start doodhiiii soup too". For the unversed, doodhi or lauki refers to bottle gourd. The seasonal veggie is all water and nutrients, it is extremely cooling and full of minerals like zinc, thiamine, iron, magnesium and manganese. Doodhi is also very low in calories, saturated fats and cholesterol.(Also Read: Revealed! Kareena Kapoor Khan's Week-Long Diet Plan For 'Chandigarh Mein' Song)
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Palak (or spinach), on the other hand, is an incredible source of fibre. If you are having palak in form of soup, you do not even lose out on many fibres. Spinach is also enriched with potassium, magnesium, iron, and folate. It is fairly easy to make both doodhi and spinach soup at home. It takes bare minimum time and promises holistic nutrition. It is a good idea to have clear soups, instead of the creamy versions to keep the calorie quotient in check.(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows. Read the full article
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Soup is the song of the hearth #carrotsoup #gourmethour #foodblogger #foodlove #appetizer #blogger #garnishing #platting #carrot #corianderleaves #lauki #homemade #garnishing #platting #delicious #tasty #yummy https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dCvqLnRUx/?igshid=1lhz741yzhzcp
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