#laudna: *makes anything creepy*
pocketgalaxies · 1 year
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I need you to go spider. I've never done this before! It's so cool!
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utilitycaster · 6 months
The answers Marisha gave in this 4SD felt a lot more realized than in the past, which is good! But it still makes me feel like this character concept is incredibly ambitious and when juxtaposed with the various "I don't want to think anymore"/"go with the flow" statements I'm not sure she realized that.
The biggest example is that Laudna has two conflicting traits: she is extremely sensitive to betrayal, and she is very quick to trust even after experiencing a number of betrayals in her life. And when I say "conflicting" I mean that they are in conflict with each other, not that it doesn't make sense for a character to be a complicated person with traits that frequently work against them; in fact that's in my opinion a fantastic way to create a compelling character. But it feels like the why is only just starting to get explored in any capacity, and because of that even good choices raise more questions: why is this only coming out now; why so young a regression; why has it peeked out so weirdly and inconsistently in the past; why haven't the repeated betrayals in the past two months affected her mindset and made her more closed off. It once again makes me really wish we'd gotten a sustained outburst after the party reunited, because that would have made far more sense - a fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me situation.
I agree with the opinion that Laudna conceptually just fits far more with being an actual child herself - her desire to befriend children frankly comes off slightly weirder (not line-crossing or anything, just a little off) than it would had she died younger, as does her approach of dolls, and her failure to do anything with Delilah would make a lot more sense if she was at an age to be much more reliant. It would also make her inability to just blend into a city much more reasonable; no one is going to rent to a lone 11 year old. It really does feel that when the creepy child idea was rejected - which is a valid choice - it wasn't reworked sufficiently to fit someone who died in her late teens or early 20s.
I also don't really get the idea of her childlike nature being without malice. A pretty consistent theme for the various traumatic childhoods the characters of Bells Hells (and, tbh, past parties as well) has been the cruelty children are capable of - Ashton even says it in 3x78. Delilah being stuck with someone without malice would honestly lead to a situation in which Laudna was very trusting of her, which isn't the case, which again goes back to the conflict of betrayal as a trigger vs. being so quick to trust. Given that Laudna was frequently bullied and rejected as a kid, one would think she'd be aware of this. The specific example of Delilah calling Ashton a child and Laudna making him a doll still works wonderfully, but the overarching theme falls apart in places.
I think things have been on an upswing as of late, but ultimately we're at a point where, without some retcons I don't think Laudna will ever truly make complete sense because it's just such an intensive concept that did not get the work that required, and still feels reliant on a now-rejected premise.
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burr-ell · 11 months
To expand on the previous post (with excellent addition by @kerosene-in-a-blender), I genuinely believe Laudna as a character would be a lot stronger in one of two scenarios:
1. Ditch the Whitestone stuff. I say this as someone who has produced almost nothing but de Rolo content—that is too big a part of Campaign 1 not to completely overshadow anything different the character tries to do in a long-form narrative. I think they could have threaded that needle, but that requires so much more focus and attention that a fast-paced story about a moon conspiracy just isn't built for. It's been 65 episodes and Whitestone nostalgia is all the character has meaningfully contributed to the narrative.
They put themselves between a rock and a hard place before the story even started. You can't bring in Delilah too often without inevitably treading on Campaign 1, but you also can't use her too little—not just because she's Delilah Briarwood, but also because that's the patron of a PC and your PCs need to be taking center stage. And yet there is nothing Delilah's presence has done in the story thus far that could not have been accomplished by a completely different, hitherto-unknown necromancer patron. Laudna's experiences in Whitestone could be replaced with a similarly traumatic backstory (it's not like Exandria is hurting for necromancers abusing power) and she'd have to actually elaborate on it and flesh out the worldbuilding and think about the backstory instead of being able to lean on "Hey, you guys remember that Briarwood arc? Freaky, right?"
2. Keep Laudna as she is and use her in an EXU miniseries. Set it in northwestern Tal'Dorei, where she's been wandering aimlessly for thirty years, spending half the time disassociating and half the time making her dolls. She meets a colorful group of people and they go on some adventures, and she finally decides to take back her life and do something about the voice in her head. You'd basically keep the Whitestone episodes of C3 as they are, give or take a few beats, as the climactic episodes of the series, and then the newly fire-forged friends set off for whatever new journey awaits them.
Maybe Laudna switches patrons; maybe she ditches the warlock thing entirely; maybe she ends the miniseries not knowing what she wants but excited to learn about it with her new companions. Mini-campaigns don't have to worry about that kind of thing! You can have your Whitestone nostalgia and some fanservice while still telling a pretty fun story, and it won't feel like a weird extra appendage to a main campaign that otherwise has very little to do with it. I wouldn't say it's a story I'd be interested in seeing continue, but it's perfectly serviceable for something small and self-contained.
What it has not been serviceable for is the long-form story of Campaign 3.
Honestly, I was a little concerned about all of this even before I started watching all the way through, but I wanted to give it time and judge it for myself. I don't believe in unfounded doomsaying, and I wanted to give the show a chance to do something interesting. And it has been 65 episodes, over 260 hours of content, which I think puts us well past the window of "give it a chance", and Laudna has spent the vast majority of her time not meaningfully engaging with her levels of warlock if it doesn't contribute to creepy girl vibes. (She frankly isn't engaging with her levels in sorcerer, either.) She's never even addressed potentially finding a new patron—so does she not want to? But then why is she so distressed about the idea of Delilah resurfacing? And if she does want a new patron, why has nothing actually happened in the almost-thirty episodes we've had since the Whitestone trip? If she's been "fighting Delilah for thirty-odd years", why didn't she take the chance to explicitly try to connect with, say, the Sun Tree? Or literally anyone else?
And honestly, as a Campaign 1 fan I have to say I'm also frustrated at how Delilah's presence specifically undercuts that story. Like, yeah, you have a technical reason for why she's still here, but "well she IS a powerful necromancer" is just a mechanical explanation, not a dramaturgical one. Her story is done. The chapter closed. She had ample opportunity, including when specifically asked by the Hells, to state any specific goals—any at all—and didn't. This is the woman who menaced Percy and Vex? This is the woman who permanently killed Vax? ...Really?
It could have been an interesting challenge to take on in referencing something from the past while bringing something new to the table, and it's not like they haven't done that before; they've already shown with Jester and the Traveler that it can be done. But they haven't done it here; any opportunity for Laudna to grow beyond her vague concepts—"What if Sun Tree Body...with Delilah patron? What if weird scary girl...but happy?"—has been generally ignored. Her killing Bor'dor is the first time in the entire campaign that she's done something that really got my attention, and in two episodes it's almost immediately papered over, followed by some inexplicable "must you continue to reconquer?" word salad about the gods.
Marisha explicitly refused to create a new character until she knew for sure whether or not Laudna would be resurrected. But if she enjoys her so much, when is she going to do anything meaningful with her?
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hello-eeveev · 10 months
Okay okay I’ve seen some takes regarding Orym on twitter (specifically about his relationship to Laudna) that I feel the need to refute but I have a lot of thoughts and also I don’t want to get into fights so hi tumblr! rant below the cut 😊
(tl;dr I think the bell’s hells are doing the best they can in a series of complicated situations, but people are expecting a kind of inter-party conflict to come from it that doesn’t line up with the text and I don’t get it, so I guess I must become Orym’s #1 defender, feat. a defense of the c3e63 decision, Ludinus Da’leth hate, and big big feelings about Keyleth and Vax)
Take: Orym is uncomfortable with Laudna’s weirdness/creepiness, as evidenced by him always bringing it up and trying to hide and obscure her undead presence.
My opinion: Laudna loves the fact that she’s creepy. She revels in it. Orym/Liam pointing it out in narration is part flavor text, part acknowledging an important aspect of Laudna. It’s like how he always makes sure everyone knows that Orym is Small. Not to mention, Marisha brings it up in her narration as much as Liam does.
During Laudna’s resurrection ritual, Orym says, “I don’t know what Bell’s Hells will be without your darkness, Laudna. Or your light.” He values both sides of her!
Regarding Orym’s disguises for Laudna (i.e. dressing her in white in bassuras, adding flowers to her hair to give her more color in hearthdell), again I don’t think this is a sign of Orym’s discomfort with her. Remember, Orym is a bodyguard. His job is to protect others, protect the group. Yes, several members of Bell’s Hells will draw eyes, but notably, Laudna—being undead-ish, with the Unsettling Presence feature and a canonically scary physical appearance—might strike fear into others. And fear makes people more willing to resort to violence than, say, being surprised by the presence of a robot or a faun. It’s not about making her palatable, it’s about keeping all of them safe. It’s bodyguard behavior.
Also, Orym only does this when they are actively avoiding drawing attention to themselves, and as far as I know, Laudna has only had a problem with it once.
Take: Laudna looked to Ashton and Orym for what to do during the scuffle with Bor’Dor, and Orym encouraged her to let Delilah back in, all because he’s hell-bent on revenge and thinks he can use Delilah’s power to get it. He actively disregarded Laudna’s well-being to further his own goals.
My opinion: No, she wasn’t looking to them for what to do. Marisha said it herself: Laudna was barely present. She couldn’t even hear Deni$e suggest keeping Bor’Dor alive; what makes you think she’s going to see a singular nod from Orym 15 feet away? She had already done Hunger of the Shadow, was already cloaked in the “purple-ish glowing hue that hasn’t been seen in a while,” and Matt had mentioned the heartbeat long before Liam ever said anything. Laudna had already let Delilah back in before Orym nodded and before she killed Bor’Dor. It was a horrible situation all around, but Orym did not convince Laudna to let Delilah back in for his own purposes. It is not his fault that Laudna embraced Delilah’s power or that Bor’Dor died. Laudna made her choice, as heartbreaking and conflicting as it may be, so let her live with it.
And for the record, I think they were justified in killing Bor’Dor. He attacked them with a pretty powerful spell (he did Vitriolic Sphere at its baseline 4th level, which is the second highest level spell he had) and nearly killed Prism in the process. Yes, Bor’Dor did a bit of waffling back and forth between “I’m gonna kill you!” and “just let me die,” but him being a pathetic mess is nothing new. He still tried to kill them all. If they let him live, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t try it again.
I don’t know how to impress this upon people who haven’t already gotten it from just watching the show, but the Ruby Vanguard is a bad group. Ludinus Da’leth is a bad person. He may have convinced some members that his goals are noble, but they aren’t. He is misleading people for his own gain, because guess what? The concept of free will exists even with the existence of the gods! People are allowed to worship them or not, and the gods aren’t smiting people down for refusing to worship them (otherwise Keyleth would be long dead, y’all. she said out loud to the champion of the raven queen that they should use her power while it benefitted them and then find a loophole to get Vax out of her service. and she is so valid for that. 15/10 would do the same).
We had a PC, a dozen or so NPCs, and an entire arc last campaign—and then a whole 4-part series!—that dealt with wizard hubris and its unfortunate consequences. Ludinus was one of those NPCs! What makes you think that Mr. “let’s steal a holy artifact and instigate a war” “should try friends sometime” “Essek looks forward to never seeing his face again” “Trent Ikithon can keep abusing children it’s not my problem” Da’leth suddenly has people’s best interests in mind?
He and the Ruby Vanguard need to be stopped, and Orym, being a person whose driving motivation is “to protect,” is willing to do what needs to be done, even when it sucks.
Take: ooohoohoo Orym’s alignment might be shifting! We need Dorian to get him back on track!
My opinion: No? To both these statements? Firstly, Orym’s alignment isn’t shifting, at least I don’t think so. I’m not an expert on D&D alignments (I think they should be more descriptive than prescriptive/ultimately they matter less than character choices, arcs, and narratives), but I would guess that fighting to maintain the balance of nature and to stop those that would harm others for their own gain is still pretty in line with neutral good? I could maybe see an argument for that being more lawful good, but it didn’t seem like those people were talking about a shift along the horizontal axis.
Secondly, I think Dorian would do the exact same thing Orym is doing. Was that not the whole draw of the Spider Queen’s crown during ExU Prime? Power to protect and save his friends? So I don’t think Dorian would see anything wrong with how Orym is acting, much less take him to task over it.
Take: Look! Orym told Keyleth about Imogen’s mom and said “I don’t care” when Imogen complained! Bad! Mean! Selfish!
My opinion: idk that felt more like Liam being a brat to Laura than anything else.
Like, yes Liam/Orym had his own goals in that convo which were unexpected and uncomfortable, but I don’t think he was wrong to point that out. The moment Keyleth swore to take down Liliana, you could feel everyone in Bell’s Hells get really tense, and I am certain that Keyleth, who has 20 wisdom and ~30 years of experience leading her people and politicking, clocked that instantly. And Orym would have clocked that immediately, and in an effort to make sure that their group had the confidence of a very powerful druid and world leader, decided that full transparency was the way to go.
And I don’t know, this is largely speculation, but Keyleth having that information might mean that she will make sure Imogen doesn’t have to be the one to take down Liliana? Or it might make her more sympathetic and willing to show some mercy to her?
Leaning more fully into speculation bc this relies mostly on inference and assumption: while I do think that Keyleth deserves to know what’s going on with Vax, withholding that information at this juncture might have been another tactical decision from Orym. We don’t know how Keyleth has mourned over the last 30 years, but we know that she’s been angry and we know that losing Vax was and is devastating. I feel like finding out that the love of your life (“forever and ever and ever and always” “I’ll never get over you”) is suffering extreme torment such that the followers of his god are in a period of mourning, basically implying that you’ve lost him all over again, that potentially the one reassurance that you would see him again has been ripped from you, etc., etc. would cause anyone to break down on a good day. Add on the fact that Keyleth is gravely, gravely injured, and you’re basically asking for her to be completely out of commission, because 1) holy moly talk about new trauma, old trauma, grief, longing, guilt, etc. bro I’m an emotional wreck just thinking about Vax and I’m not the one living through it, and 2) that would be a lot of stress on her already extremely stressed body, the consequences of which could be very bad.
It’s a tough decision to make, and while I’m not sure I 100% agree with Orym’s, I think it’s a defensible position.
Anyway thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed my analysis. Again, I don’t want to fight or get into arguments, but I’m down for some brief discussions! Emphasis on brief because I can fall into a rabbit hole very easily, which means this will be the only thing I can think of and I have other things I want to do, shadowgast to write, fearnechetney to draw, and this post already took several hours over two days to write after weeks of mental build up.
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grigori77 · 3 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 86
Matt: "Don't ask." Yes, probably best ...
Maps! Yay! I love maps! Oh! Czepeku! I love these guys! Nice! And now the costumes make sense. Matt: "What's happening?" Yeah ... we're with you. And now he won't say their name ... Marisha: "Say it, bitch!" LOL
A Luxon D20 with a LIQUID CORE?!!! OH MY GODS ... so cool ... O.O
Liam O'Brien delivered a truly BIZARRE Jester impression there ... cue OG turn from Laura to show us how it's really done ..
Oh yeah! Fearne's in another dimension ... so where is she?
Perception check? Nat20! Nice ... oh yes, US the portal still there? It is ... oh thank fuck ... in she goes ... and she's BACK!!!
Yeah, actually sleep sounds good. They really need it. Goodbye mist form, but still ... like they really are on the verge of exhaustion ...
BTW I am going quietly nuts over Marisha's look tonight ... it's genuinely adorable ... :3
Through the mouth? Is that an EXCUSE, Fearne? Are you being sneaky flirty?
Yes! Anchor a line with the rod. Good idea. It WOULD probably pay to check this out. Be a good retreat point if needed ...
Oh yeah, good point. Would that transfer thing be a potential beacon for Otohan?
So Imogen gets an extra Sorcery point? That is pretty cool ...
Ah yes, Chetney's tools. Affixing a piton for thd rope. Meanwhile Fearne takes the tethered Immovable Rod ... while still a leaf sheep sea slug? Not gonna work ... no, Orym takes it while she guides him through ...
Wow ... Liam STILL doesn't know zll his stats that well ... XD Messy ...
They're trying SO HARD to make Matt accidentally describe this as passing through a weird magic butthole ... XD
Travis: "Chetney's leaving to pursue his fortunes elsewhere."
Aha ... so they ARE on Exandria? Interesting ... but WHERE?
Turning into clouds while still in the water would probably be a bad idea ...
Discussing Fearne and Werewolf Chetney's "sexy time" ... yeah ...
On the shore of this strange lake ... ah yeah, Nature Check! Smart ... pine-trees ... higher altitude ... this is VERY NEW to them ... interesting ... are they on Tal'dorei, perhaps? Near Vasselheim, maybe? THAT would be interesting ...
Mist once more ... heading UP!!! So what do we see?
T-shirt shenanigans ... oh Samuel, you are playing with fire ... XD
A village! Nice ... heading down again ...
Street level! Here we go ... well into the evening ... the place seems to be abandoned ... strange ...
Dusty empty general store ... looks like it's been empty for a while ...
FCG suggests they're in an alternate dimension ... unfortunately much what I was considering ... not that I LIKE this idea any ...
Overgrown gardens ... yeah, another suspicious sign ... some of the buildings are collapsed ...
Ria'doin village ... Lake Umamu ...
It's somewhere in Marquet? Issylra, maybe? Hmmmm ...
Ashton checks out the most expensive house ... which seems to have been ransacked ... but a long time ago ...
Imogen picks up shoreline pebbles snd loose bits of wood from the town.
Grim Psychometry! Here we go ... no joy ... hmmm ...
Chetney joins Ashton, starts checking the house for hidden rooms, etc. Small compartment under the bed, but already emptied ... yup ...
Laudna finds mention of people disappearing ... a whole slew of families leaving ... no, DISAPPEARING ... rumor, conjecture ... then nothing? Weird ...
It's all very X-Files, really ...
FCG casts Speak With Animals on a local bird ... oh, he really does HATE birds, clearly ... talk about trauma ... XD
Matt Mercer ... master of creepy looks ... LOL
FCG has to mark off a Stress Point ...
People walk into the lake? Oh boy ... yeah, this place is CURSED!!! I fucking knew it!
Chetney DEFINITELY wants to sleep here now, just to see what happens ... yeah ...
Aha! Yes, is Imogen picking anything up with her telepathic abilities right now? Nothing ... hmmm ...
Deciding to sleep in the expensive place. It's serviceable fir the night, at least. Setting in ...
Oh dear ... worst time for intrusive thoughts ... XD
Examining spoils ... a Ring of Life Awareness ... whoops ... well THAT'S not a good thing at all ... does thr Ring have tracking? Crap ...
His new feat? Oh yeah, his deal with Nana Morri ... of course ... Master Craftsman! Ooooooòoooooh ... O.O
First watch, Fearne and Chetney ...
Nothing happens ...
Second, Orym and Imogen ...
Orym is attempting to communicate with Caleb Widogast ... oh fuck me it WORKS!!!
CALEB!!! THE DIRT WIZARD LIVES!!! I mean obviously WE know this already, but still ...
Imogen casts Sending to Caleb ... and it WORKS ... then tries to Send to Keyleth ... fuck, it worked AGAIN!!! Sweet!
Catamaran Reach in Issylra! Yup! They were right!
Okay, so she's gonna try snd meet up with them? That's smart ...
Awwwwwwww ... such a sweet moment for these two ... :3 Orym DESERVES a break, so he needs this.
Holy fuck, it's Jester! Oh my gods!
Yeah, she is as adorable as ever ... I love how she can just keep it up now with Unlimited Sendings ... XD
Orym tries to get through to Dorian ... gods I want this to work SO BADLY ...
No response, but he's sure he heard something OUTSIDE?!!! He thinks it might be Dorian ... oh fuck! Creepy horror movie vibes! DO NOT GO, ORYM!!!
No, Orym is just GOING TO THE DOOR ...
Laudna sends Pate to look for him ... literally CHUCKS HIM out the window ... oof ...
Yes, this is a super creepy situation and NOBODY should go ANYWHERE ... and now Ashton can hear something ...
Oh right, of course, clearly there is something IN THE LAKE that's trying to draw people in ... they need to IGNORE THIS FREAKY FEELING!!!
Hunter's Bane? Oh, smart ...
Chetney and FCG are going to investigate ... for fuck's sake ... and now more of them are going ...
Yeah, this is all going south SO FAST ...
Imogen casts Detect Thoughts ... oh shit there IS something IN the fucking lake! Great ...
Liam: "We are in Derry, Maine." Of fucking COURSE they are ...
Imogen tries to Command them all to return to the house ... it works, but not on Ashton ... CRAP!!!
Laudna sends Pate after him ...
And now the other two are going in again! Shit! And NOW Matt decides to call a fucking break? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Welcome back to SHEER FUCKING PANIC!!!
Imogen tries to hold onto Orym ... strength check? Somehow he STARTS TO BEAT HER in that, so they're now BOTH going in! Aaaaaaaah!!!
Fearne tries to Scorching Ray all of them ... but they're ALREADY underwater! Crap!
Laudna sticks her head UNDER THE WATERro try snd see boats? Hmmmm ... amazingly, there are FOUR sunken boats here! Wow ...
She PULLS ONE UP out if the water ... oh fuck she's BROUGHT IT TO FUCKING LIFE!!! And it can talk and crawl around ... bloody hell ... as is THE ROPE ATTACHED TO IT!!! She sends both to collect the others ...
FCG's going down to try and help ...
Weird underwater growth? Oh for FUCK'S SAKE it's some kind of twisted monster! Lovely!
Damn, it's COLD down here! And it's starting to have an effect on EVERYBODY down here now ...
Oh shit it's fucking HYPOTHERMIA!!! They are in DEEP SHIT right now!
Bones. Lots of bones. Yup, this is definitely NOT GOOD.
Mind Sliver? GO IMOGEN!!! 16 points of Psychic damage to this ... THING ...
Fearne bamfs out Mister ... who DOES NOT HAVE WATER BREATHING right now! Crap!
All but Ashton manage to snap out of the trance ... lovely. They are back in control but VERY MUCH lost in darkness and icy cold right now ...
Form of Dread! Undead pirate style! Sweet! And they DIVE!!! It's all gone very POTC with the crew of the Flying Dutchman ...
Dimension Door! Nice one Mister! FCG is now free ...
Laudna (pirate voice): "Arrrr! All aboard the Queen De Rolo!"
Imogen stand again, more psychic damage!
Blood Maladict! Chetney does some damage too ... it does not have blood, but he does hurt it. Now he's swimming for his life ...
Orym makes pushing attacks and succeeds ... he's got some "breathing" room ... and he sees the bones ... tries to grab a skull, but it manages to grab him again in the process! Crap ...
FCG grabs the boat's bough ... grabs his coin snd tries to Turn Undead ... BOOM!!! Unfortunately the creature manages to resist ... but LAUDNA IS EFFECTED TOO!!! Shit ... Nat19! Oh thank fuck ... she resists because "she's a dope underwater captain." XD
The rope grabs Chetney and pulls him up. Laudna: "Give yerself to the Kraken!" LOL ... He unleashes Turmoil and Blasts the beastie ... POW!!!
Marisha: "This is THE BEST SPELL and I'm so glad I took it!"
Now she's trying to frighten the thing with her Form of Dread. Travis: "You CAN intimidate this kelp!" Whoa, a fucken NAT1!!! Jeeze ...
This has become SO VERY SURREAL ...
Shocking Grasp! Go Imogen! 12? Balls ...
Fearne tries to swim in to rescue Ashton ... that's a SHITE roll ... yeah, he is just TOTALLY obscured still ...
Orym breaks free, and now he can BARELY make Ashton out ... wait, HOW THE FUCK did he just move like that? He slashes through snd now Ashton's free ... but he just starts trying to claw his way back in again? Fuck ... Orym tries and fails to break him out again ...
Chetney swipes with Turmoil again ...
Fearne tries to snap Ashton out of it ... NO JOY, and it's BECAUSE OF THE HERO'S FEAST?!!!
FCG tries to flip the coin underwater ... and loses it! It sinks ... but then ACTIVATES!!! BOOM!! Somehow that manages to break Ashton out of the trance! Yes! He books it!
Laudna breeches the boat back to the surface!
Big boom! Everybody run! But YES!!! That's a good point! They need to stay and warn about the thing down below ...
Crap ... the bost and rope are NO LONGER alive ... they swim back to the shore ...
Well, at least they're all out again ...
Balls ... they can't send any more messages ... Chetney carves a warning on the dock. A very obscure warning ... hmmm ... oh, leave the skull for people to talk to?
Orym (spooky voice): "Dead gnomes make no toys!"
They're all so tired ... wait, they're going BACK IN?!!! Hmmm ...
They set up signs matking where yo go, then go back in ... the creature is not there at this time, so they can safely go back through thd portal ... back jn the cave, then ...
Laudna sets up for a watch ...
Orym wonders why Dorian didn't answer the stone ... oh no, don't do that to yourself, wee man.
Wow ... Laudna is having a weirdly profound existential conversation with Pate ... hmmm ...
Oh for fuck's ... DO NOT talk to Delilah, Laudna!
Disturbingly, the ruthless evil bitch is actually giving her some pretty good advice ... oh boy, and here comes the seduction, right on time ... back off, Delilah ...
Laudna: "Are you Pate?" Oh boy ... thankfully no ... oh for fuck's ... now she's SEEING HER ...
Thank the gods ... FINALLY a long rest ... morning comes ...
Oh fuck, greasy takeout sounds SO GOOD right now ... damn you, Ashton ...
Going up sounds like the smart move ... yes, as Orym's saying, "stay curious."
Leaving an arrow to follow ...
A Ring of Protection? Nice. The Tiny Tank (aka Orym) takes it ...
Laudna puts the Harness on and drains the other ring ... whoa ... she gets a permanent 2 extra HP! Sweet ...
Time to climb ...
Group Athletics Check ... great ... 2 Nat20s? Automatic success ... phew ...
FCG tries to Scry on Ira ... the connection fails ... interesting ... communications are once again buggered ... even more interesting ... seems like the Latticework is blocking the signal between worlds ...
Bane-worm? Crap ...
The tunnel just ENDS? Balls ... it's just a hard compacted collapse, no way through.
Oh yeah, can Ashton do something about this? Oh wow, he's doing it ... Ashton activates his Shard and goes all Dragonball Z again ...
Sweet, our boy is now a burrowing GOD ... that's VERY COOL ... he just powers his way STRAIGHT UP ... and surfaces headfirst into a massive dust storm ... he goes back down ... SUPERHERO LANDING!!!
Chetney ATTACKS ASHTON by chucking his chisel at him ... and HITS!!! Oof ... he just POPS IT BACK OUT and stabs it VERY DEEP INDEED into the wall ... that is VERY COOL ...
So they're going up? Okay ... he carves another diagonal tunnel for them up to the surface.
Still a storm up here, but lighter now ...
Scry balk is dark ... phew ...
Imogen tries to reach out to scan the area, Ruidusborn style ... now they have a path, but may also have broadcast their location ...
So goals ... find the Friends of the Volition ...
The Scroll? Ah crap ... read it! Put the protective magic up ... now they're theoretically undetectable ...
Imogen leaves a triggered message that can only activate if an ally passes by ... a Mind Egg? Hmmm ...
So now they're walking through the chappy dust and wind ... charming ...
A vibration in the air? Oh hell what's THIS SHIT?
EVERYTHING'S lighting up? Oh fuck ... IT'S A FLARE!!! FUCK!!!
Imogen and Fearne and now just PULSING OUT ... weird shit ...
It passes and Fearne's still glowing but Imogen's gone ... crap, she's HOVERING IN THE AIR and just SUPERCHARGED ... she snaps out of it and drifts down ...
They BOTH now have 15 temporary Hit Points? Awesome ...
Ashton is just CRUISING THROUGH THE GROUND ahead of them. Like a land shark ... O.O
Eventually he pops up and changes back ... and now he is A WRECK ... great ... TWO WHOLE POINTS OF EXHAUSTION?!!! Holy shit ...
FCG casts a 4th Level Greater Restoration to bring him back up to health again ...
Fearne turns into a direwolf and scouts on ahead.
A carved valley? Hmmm ... oh, an actual CITY ... that's Kreviris, then ...
And that's it for the night ...
Phew ... at least it's s chilled out end for once ...
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spookydicks · 2 years
We already know that this cast is SUPER talented, but the last two weeks REALLY SHOWS THAT.
Just last week, the cast were portraying a completely different set of characters. And this week, they easily reverted back to their old character from c2. Not only are is the energy different, but the physicality is different as well. LETS LOOK CLOSER SHALL WE???
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Of course we’re starting with my current gorl. It’s me, we’re talking about here. Now Laudna, laudna laudna laudna. She’s kind, theatrical, eccentric, is definitely a theatre kid, a creative outcast, easygoing and excitable. “Fun scary” of you will. Marisha is a genius at truly becoming her character. Laudna’s wide eyes, creepy yet cute smiles, witchy hands, playing with her hair, crafting, etc…. only adds to that. Of course there’s the voice. The transatlantic accent that plays in my head rent free. The voice that changes pitch based on her mood and of course who can forget the sing songy way she says things…….. BEAU on the other hand is blunt, sarcastic, “a simple girl with simple needs”, cynical, and a self professed “asshole.” Her deeper voice, the way she sits, and her mannerisms emphasize this personality.
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Next up, everyone’s favorite anxious southern horse girl and sugar loving leetle bloo tiefling. Imogen is always holding herself back. She’s introverted, sold spoken, and considerate (as in not wanting to hear anyone’s thoughts without consent). This shows in her body language. She slouches (??) into herself, making herself smaller, but isn’t afraid to let it all out. Her southern accent links with this as well. On the other, jester is the embodiment of chaotic cuteness. Her Eastern European accent varies in pitch as she speaks, emphasizing this. Her body language is bright to go along with what she says, same thing with using her hands.
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From having the party braincell to being part of the shenanigans. Our favorite captain is direct, cool, and rational, uses his leadership qualities in his body language and voice (both southern and the irl voice), as in when he stopped the fluffernutter plan. Then, CHETNEY, our favorite semi horny werewolf man, is a bit of a grumpy and stubborn old man who’s also a wild card. His voice is just like a gnome version of Carl Fredrickson from Up. And we love that.
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Now onto Sam’s characters: Veth and FCG. Veth is extremely motherly to her party and ti her family, but is also one third of the chaos crew and is incredibly eccentric. That shoes in her body language, such as being all jumpy when she first met Twiggy amongst other things, and in the voice, being higher pitched and semi British(??). FCG on the other hand, is kinda like a complete 180. He’s overly kind, helpful and a therapist, even if he’s still learning how to be said therapist. They’re trying y’all. Voice wise, of course he’s got that Jack Mcbrsyer southern accent. Like, to someone he doesn’t like, they’d definitely be like “bless your heart” passive aggressively you can’t tell me otherwise
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Oh Ashley. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. You finally get to show the chaos. For Yasha, she’s way more into herself and thinks before she says anything. Also having half of the parties new cell doesn’t hurt either. The voice Ashley uses for Yasha is deep but also soft to show the softer, more domestic and calmer parts of her. While Fearne is no thoughts, head empty only chaos. She says what she wants, no matter how awkward it may be. She has no filter. “Sleep if for the dead. Oops.”, anyone? Fearne’s voice is as if a Disney princess wasn’t so Disney.
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Liam: Now onto Caleb and Orym. Our favorite little guy has the braincells in the group. He’s responsible, level headed and the defacto “straight man”. Orym’s voice is pretty similar to Liam’s own, but the character still comes across in the acting. The most obvious examples are all the times where he acts out that he’s a little guy. (Breaking the sandwiches into quarters, curling up on fearne’s legs, etc).
Caleb, is the opposite. He’s withdrawn, has a whole lot of mental health issues, self loathing, etc), reserved, and the definition of an introvert. This goes into his voice and mannerisms. He speaks very quietly in a German accent and fades into the background in some scenes, for lack of a better word.
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Taliesin: Now Ashton and Cadences. *We don’t really know a lot about Kingsley’s personality but my point still stands using Cad* Out of These two are TOTAL OPPOSITES. Ashton’s “cranky “ and “unpleasant”. They care for the rest of the hells in his own way. That comes across in the body language and voice as it to say “I don’t really give a shit”. that’s probably phrased weirdly but you get what I mean. Our favorite firbolg uncle on the other hand, is kind, laid back, blunt, dedicated, and is indeed the “mom” friend of the group. This comes through in the mannurisms Voice wise, Taliesin adds a bit of a gravel(?) to the voice that I can’t help but love.
This might just my theatre kid/actor brain but this cast is just. so talented omg
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quipxotic · 7 months
A couple of thoughts about c3e78; spoilers below, obviously:
First of all, I loved it so much! Story is always the thing that hooks me, which is why, even though I like fights in D&D, it's RP that lights me up. 4 hours of professional actors leaning heavily into the angst? Yes please! Sign me up. (As an aside, this is also part of the reason I love Candela so much.)
So many people have said it, but I missed Orym. It'll be fine, Liam will slay us all when he comes back and in the meanwhile it's free space for fan fiction writers to dream up conversations as much as they want. Still, I wish he'd been able to be there.
I've always wondered why I identified so hard with Ashton because on the surface we are nothing alike. But this episode? It made it all clear. The low self-esteem, the intense love and care for other people without the ability to express it in a way that anyone could understand, the awkwardness, the being misunderstood by the people you love most and not even fighting it because of course it's what you deserve, the burning all-encompassing desire for a family who loves you coupled with the knowledge that you may never get it, the suicidal ideation - it's not an exact mirror of a younger version of me, but it's close enough. And it's so cathartic to see it outside of yourself in a fictional space.
And that is part of why some of the fandom's reactions to Ashton are so painful. Look, I don't care if people don't like Ashton - they're a complicated character and people can like or dislike whoever they want. I don't have a problem with characters I like experiencing the consequences of their actions, because that makes for interesting storytelling. I don't have a problem with the reactions of the characters in-world to Ashton's choices. I don't think they're all healthy reactions, but I also don't think they were meant to be. What I do have an issue with is folks being so gleeful about another person's pain, particularly given Ashton's background and mental health issues. And yes, Ashton is a fictional character, but so many of us in the fandom also share those feeling and qualities, if not the same choices, in our real, actual lives. It feels like people punching down, rather than punching up, if that makes sense.
I rarely cry at anything Critical Role, the notable exception being EXU: Calamity which makes me bawl no matter how many times I watch it. But that scene with Laudna giving Ashton the doll completely blindsided me. It was so well done.
So many juicy narrative choices in this episode, I can't wait to see how they cause ripples (or tidal waves) through the rest of the campaign. Laudna's conversations with Delilah. Imogen confessing to FCG (but no one else) that she and Fearne had seen Delilah manifest. Chet comforting people and challenging them in a mix of endearing uncle and manipulating asshole energy. Fearne's anger, at herself as well as Ashton, and her praying at the Raven Queen's temple. Gwen breaking windows! Ashton and Percy's talk. Just so many good moments.
Getting to visit Nana Morri again feels like a present just for me. I love her weirdness and her funky house, it's all just the right kind of creepy to delight me. And the fact Allura is there with Bell's Hells is a bonus.
I'm also thrilled because I think Ashton taking the shard, it rejecting them, and the aftermath has defused one of the potential time bombs that Taliesin's been hinting at for months, mainly Ashton trying to take down the gods as a means of finding someone to blame. I am not particularly attached to any of the gods of Exandria, but that wasn't a plotline that interested me at all.
I'm sure I'll have more useful, detailed thoughts later, but for now I am just so pleased.
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randoimago · 2 years
Ways how Ashton, Dorian and Laudna would try show their crush that they like them please? Ilysm Kat, have the bestest day!!! 🌞✨✨✨
How They Show Their Crush They Like Them
Fandom: Critical Role, Campaign 3
Characters: Ashton, Dorian, Laudna
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Aw thank you so much you’re so sweet ❤️ I hope you have the bestest day too!! Tagging as spoilers just because there are some things with Laudna’s part (nothing too huge, but tagging just in case!!)
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You get more of his attention than others do. Most people get an “uh huh, fuck you, fuck this” from him but you have him actually listening and caring about what you think.
He’ll spend money on you. Not a whole lot, but if you need a couple gold then he’s got it. Most of the time gold is his for alcohol or information, but if you want something then he’ll give you some coin.
Ashton is pretty guarded with his self around others. He ends up slipping more often around you.
Not enough that you know everything, but you can catch more glimpses of things. Expressions that he hides from others, thoughts he might keep to himself, things like that.
May or may not write a song for you. Not that it’s for you, for you. Just something he put together that you might like (and he really hopes you do like). But you don’t have to enjoy his music or anything! But it’d be great if you did...
He would like to talk to you about his family. Just little things, not too much at once since it can be a lot and he doesn’t want to push too much angst on you. Trauma dumping isn’t fun, but he’d like to tell you some of the happier times.
Gift giving can be nice. Just giving you little trinkets now and then. He mostly likes spending time with you, but he might see some pretty flowers or some trinket you might like and get it for you.
You get to see him be tired. You get to see him drop the confident facade and just be worried about what he’s doing. He left behind his whole life to explore and it’s terrifying and exciting and you get to see that.
Shows you all of her creepy shit. If you don’t like her at her “Ring Girl” then you don’t deserve her at her “Creepy Girl at the End of the Hall”
Gift giving! All the gifts! They say you can’t buy happiness but it doesn’t help right? Do you like flowers? Creepy dolls? Weird bottles that continuously smoke? She’ll do her best to buy you something that’ll make you happy!
Does her best to keep Pate in line. He likes to spill secrets about her liking you and she has to flick his beak to keep him quiet. But she does hope you still like Pate. He’s helped her through a lot so she wants you two to get along!
Laudna has been through a lot of shit. She’s missed out on so much of her life. So her biggest way of showing she likes you is helping you achieve what you want. She never could complete her goals in life. She couldn’t have hopes and dreams to make reality so she’s going to make sure yours do.
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erinmar13 · 11 months
🌤 for the WIP ask meme!
favorite piece of dialogue
“I'm a body hanging from a tree done up like a person I've never met. I'm the witch in the woods. I'm a corpse propped up and puppeted by the woman who murdered me.” Imogen’s voice rang in Laudna's head, ‘You're beautiful.’ Laudna froze, her form of dread still clinging about her. ‘Your thoughts sound like music, your touch feels like calming cool water. To me you are an oasis of tranquility in a maddening storm; you make me feel safe at night. I'm not afraid of you, Laudna.’ Imogen put a hand to Laudna’s cheek. She hesitated, both in her own unsureness and for Laudna’s sake. But Laudna did not pull away from her touch. ‘I love you.’ Imogen leaned in and pressed her lips to Laudna’s. The icy veil fell around her face like a waterfall.
i am a simp for these two. this was written MONTHS ago. when the idea of them actually finally getting together was a far off dream. and now here we are, swimming in bread market kisses.
anyways, this touches on what is i think my favorite theme about their relationship. laudna sees herself as truly unlovable. she is a walking corpse, mistreated, miscolored, she not only had delilah in her head for decades, but carried around pieces of that life, pieces given to her by the woman who murdered her. laudna sees herself as nothing but a supporting character for imogen because she is monstrous. and for imogen, laudna is her entire world. the first and only thing that ever made sense to her. laudna sees herself as unlovable and imogen looks at laudna and says, how can you feel anything but love for this woman?
imogen is also very clearly into that weird creepy shit laudna does. monsterfucker imogen for life
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undead-knick-knack · 1 year
Hi :)
You are one of the only people I really see on here that posts anything about ashton/laudna (and your posts always make me laugh) and I was wondering when you first started shipping the two of them?
Personally, I started to become fond of their relationship in episode 2 when Laudna first introduced Pate to the group. Ashton was so entertained and expressed his interest and how he never wanted it to end. It stood out to me that everyone else was in a way holding back (or outwardly expressing) their discomfort, with Imogen even saying that she never got used to it, even after two years of traveling together. It made me happy that Laudna had at least one person in the group who wasn't immediately put off by her creepy nature. Ashton and Laudna were already two of my favorite characters and I love their dynamic.
I also never really understood why this ship is not as popular as some of the other ships. I'm not bashing other ships at all, but the disinterest in this relationship is interesting when looking at it through the lens of someone who has been shipping them most of the time. idk it just makes sense to me.
i just love how surprisingly honest and healthy their relationship is and I just wanted to know your thoughts.
TLDR: I would love to know when you started shipping Ashton and Laudna and some of your general thoughts on their realtionship? Love the posts <3
Oh this is so sweet!! I’m glad my tomfoolery makes you laugh <3 
As for when I started shipping them, that was way back in March of this year (I rarely start shipping characters right away, hella impressed how early you were on this shit), I had enjoyed their dynamic before that but what really got me on board with them as a ship was this post by svartalfhild (which they’ve expanded on since initial posting). They did a great job articulating and consolidating everything I like about Ashton/Laudna 😊 
As for what /I/ like about them personally, that includes the whole Brick Shithouse/Breakable Bird-Boned Waif dynamic, most recently highlighted in the latest episode of Ashton (the barbarian) making sure to look out for Laudna (the squishy spellcaster) during the fight with Werewolf Chetney  I also enjoy their contrasting personalities. Ashton’s exterior is very rough but actually has a heart of gold, while Laudna is the outwardly happy-go-lucky type but has a lot of darkness hiding behind that bubbly exterior. Neither shy away from the other’s interior or exterior and I feel like they help bring their more hidden aspects out of each other for the better  They both have a similar background of “physically fucked up after traumatic experience” (I even made a meme about that lol) which I think gives them a pretty unique point of common ground  Something you talked about was how Ashton genuinely enjoys who fucking weird and out there Laudna is, with Pate being a great of that. While everyone is horrified or just put off by something Laudna created as a coping mechanism to keep herself going crazy with loneliness, Ashton thinks it’s incredible, exemplified by him getting Pate a suit and never hesitating to interact directly with Pate  And something I mentioned to a friend a couple months back was how Ashton is touch adverse (this was before we knew about his chronic pain), whereas Laudna likes to be physically close with others. Ashton only seemed to be ok with physical touch when it’s violent, ie not wanting a massage at the spa but diving head first into a fight at the Ball, so I figured Laudna being so touchy feely would be great in getting Ashton to accept positive physical touch. But then even after learning that his touch-aversion is the result of chronic pain from his Kintsugi scars, I still think Laudna could be a positive source of physical touch for him since her cold dead skin could bring some pain relief for him 
So yeah while this isn’t /everything/ I like about their relationship and dynamic (I’m not the best at right meta or articulating my thoughts like this lol), these are definitely some of the main things I love about them 😊 
I am hoping as more time passes and Ashton and Laudna have more moments together, more people will catch on to them and join in on this fun little ship, I think the lack of interest or just general awareness stems from a lot of attention being focused elsewhere   Tho by-gods am I going to annoy this fandom with my Tombstone shenanigans and maybe even pspsps a few into joining us 😁    But anyway, I’m so glad you like my shitposts (even the ridiculously cringy ones 😁) and here’s to The Punk King and Undead Goth Queen of our hearts🖤 
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pocketgalaxies · 7 months
would u be able to describe how marishas body language as keyleth differs from e.g. laudna? like laudna does the creepy hands a lot and plays with her hair, what abt keyleth? (sorry i havent seen c1 but i love marisha and her roleplay style fascinates me🙏)
hmmmm i have a hard time putting it into words and it's been a minute since i last watched c1, i think there would be plenty of people out there better equipped to do this than me lol but i think it just comes down to the core tenets of each character and how that's reflected in the way they take up space in the world
keyleth is, esp early campaign, very jittery and anxious and naive about the world. she sits at the edge of her seat with wide eyes and a big smile, and she feels things to the extreme which often translates to big movements. but the movements often feel jittery too, like there's the slowness of awkwardness/hesitation combined with the high speed of anxiety, if that makes sense? she's also not particularly graceful a lot of the time, almost like she's got too much limb and she doesn't quite know what to do with it. i think she becomes a lot more fluid and settled late campaign, which is kinda cool bc her arc is literally about how she learns to take up space in the world with confidence and purpose, but the kind of open upright posture and awkward lanky movements are always there a little bit because that's just who she is
on the other hand laudna is more comfortable in her own skin and is quite intentional about the way she presents herself, which translates to more fluid and idiosyncratic gestures that are often flourished and sweeping. laudna and keyleth are both start-and-stop with their movement, but with keyleth it feels more like she doesn't know what she's going to do until she does it, whereas laudna's abrupt and exaggerated movements from stillness are often controlled and appear to be her preferred way of getting from position A to B, if that makes sense. also just in terms of Anxiety, laudna's translates more physically to pulling on her hair etc while keyleth doesn't necessarily change her physicality as much as she just talks and talks and talks dkfjsdf. and for completion's sake laudna also sits with a different posture from keyleth, often hunched over with her shoulders raised a bit. more closed off, ready to pounce (and scare u) sort of vibe
not that you asked but beau is also v different from keyleth and laudna which is to be expected! i obviously haven't made it super far in c2 yet but from what i've seen, beau's physicality is all about Stillness and confidence, which tracks with both her personality and her monk background. i think one of the anchoring postures for beau is definitely leaning back in the chair, arms crossed, chin up - a bit protective of herself but also aggressive in the way that she's non-verbally DARING you to do that shit. there's not a lot of extraneous movement with beau, just like there's not a lot of extraneous words spoken by her. she's also a fan of extremely direct eye contact, similarly unmoving like laudna's but a lot less creepy/unsettling and a lot more piercing into the center of your soul to carve the truth out of your chest sort of thing
anyway not sure if that explains anything at all for you but a lot of it is just the Vibes that she puts out so it's hard to explain for someone who isn't actually analyzing this stuff or well-practiced at putting it into words dkfjskdfs
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Please elaborate on Laudna's deal if you're up to it. I'm not sure I agree that her whole deal doesn't make sense but at least what you've said so far has made sense. Regardless, I always like seeing your thoughts on ideas because you come at things from angles I don't even think about.
Thank you anon!
in reference to this post:
I've been pretty open in saying that I feel this campaign's character creation process was lacking in some way in general, but Laudna has increasingly felt half-baked to me. I know Marisha talked about wanting to create a creepy character, and she has! But like, beyond "she's creepy...Delilah is here" it just feels like she's not entirely realized, on several levels.
This gets pretty long and quite critical of Laudna's build so I'm putting it below a cut.
What we know is that Laudna had a normal-ish childhood on the outskirts of Whitestone, though she was kind of weird and had some strange innate magic of her own. She was then called to the castle by the Briarwoods during the occupation of Whitestone, Delilah did some soul-tethering stuff during the dinner, killed Laudna and made her look vaguely like Vex for a Sun Tree effigy, and Laudna then woke up shortly afterward in her Hollow One form. All of this roughly tracks, though see the Mechanics section below for some issues.
What we know is that Laudna had a normal-ish childhood on the outskirts of Whitestone, though she was kind of weird and had some strange innate magic of her own. She was then called to the castle by the Briarwoods during the occupation of Whitestone, Delilah did some soul-tethering stuff during the dinner, killed Laudna and made her look vaguely like Vex for a Sun Tree effigy, and Laudna then woke up shortly afterward in her Hollow One form. All of this roughly tracks, though see the Mechanics section below for some issues.
It's the next 30 years that doesn't make sense. She wakes up as a Hollow One and Whitestone is in the midst of a huge attack, so sure, I get her running away. I get spending that first year just traumatized and confused, and then not knowing what to do when Delilah shows up in her head. But then...30 years is a long fucking time, and I have the following questions:
Why didn't she make any attempts to learn what's going on with Delilah? She seems to be just starting to look into this in early Campaign 3.
Why was she chased out of town? Again, it makes no sense in this world, based on how people have responded to Laudna in the campaign and based on the general existence of magic and various races, for them to do anything but say 'hmmm that cabin on the outskirts has a weirdo in it, best stay away'.
Why, after a few times, did she not go to a city? Not to be flip about it but she'd honestly get double-takes in NYC but probably not triple-takes, and magic isn't even real in our world.
How did she get to Marquet, if that's a difficult and expensive journey and she's constantly being run out of town for the mere act of existing?
What has she been doing other than getting kicked out, vaguely wandering, and making Pate? like, Fearne and Chetney also have pretty long backstories but there is a weight there. I can't think of a single anecdote Laudna has brought up from those 3 decades; even her flashback at the top of episode 34 was not, like everyone else's, about new information, but just a reiteration of the Delilah story we already knew. And sure, maybe she spent most of it profoundly depressed but that raises more questions: how did she keep on surviving if it was that hard and she didn't care? How did she get to Gelvaan?
What have she and Imogen been doing for two years if Imogen doesn't really understand who Delilah was, Laudna doesn't seem to understand Imogen's discomfort with her own powers, and neither of them has learned anything about their abilities prior to the campaign? Literally, what the fuck have they been talking about over the campfire for TWO FUCKING YEARS with no one else? Why do they feel like they know each other less than Molly and Yasha, Fjord and Jester, Caleb and Veth, or even FCG and Ashton?
Like...there's just no drive. There's no story. People keep saying she has so much to live for but honestly, other than "maybe have a relationship with Imogen" what does she have? What are her goals? What are her dreams? I could tell you what everyone else in the party is doing both in terms of a character arc and in terms of what they are materially trying to achieve and for Laudna...I got nothing. Genuinely, if you are not sold on "Marisha plays this character" and "I think Laura and Marisha's characters should date" on their own - and it's fine if you are, but personally, I am not sold on those alone- there's no reason to care. I mean, she's fun! There have been a lot of good moments! Marisha does a great job describing the creepiness! But in terms of emotional investment as a character in an ongoing story, I don't know what there is. Not to sound like Percy but this is D&D. Half the party has a deeply traumatic and sympathetic backstory. Why is Laudna special? I've missed Marisha being at the table, but truthfully, I haven't missed Laudna one bit, and every single other Marisha character in stories set in Exandria (Keyleth, Beau, Patia, and even Hazel) has felt easily ten times more real.
So: I'm actually genuinely interested if someone can give me the elevator pitch on Laudna because I found Bells Hells' platitudes about her to Percy - their inability to give him anything concrete other than "we love her and she's nice" - immensely revealing.
Mechanics (with some narrative as well)
So sorcerer/warlock is considered a decent build; there's a lot of spell overlap but it's dependent on only one stat (Charisma), you can use sorcery points on Eldritch Blast/cast sorcery spells with your fast-recharging warlock spells. It's not the greatest multiclass of all time - all caster multiclasses take something of a hit towards spell progression - but it's not bad. But somehow, Laudna is kind of directionless, again beyond "this spell is creepy". What makes the most sense would be to lean into utility, since Imogen is heavily skewed towards DPS outside of her subclass spells and has a very consistent lightning+psychic theme and Fearne also skews heavily towards damage. We don't have a utility arcane caster. Of course, to be fair, Laudna also doesn't even have 3rd level spells yet so that's a bit of a detriment because taking Dispel Magic, for example, would be really useful, but like, Hold Person and Detect Magic would both be good calls and she has neither. Spider Climb and Feather Fall are good, as is Wither and Bloom and Bane, but why have Silent Image except to be creepy? Why take Hellish Rebuke when you literally have like 10 cantrips to do damage with? Instead of taking Blur, Mirror Image, and Shield, why not take Mage Armor, which lasts 8 hours without concentration and which would give her a 15 AC instead of 13? I know this seems nitpicky but given that the story aspects of the character aren't working it puts the mechanics rather more in focus and they are weirdly off.
Then there's the fact that she's a warlock. I am truly baffled by Marisha's statement that she didn't intend to lean into the narrative aspects of warlock or take warlock levels because that's the whole fucking deal with warlock. It's the same concept as why FCG was irritating to me for a long time due to the total lack of a source of powers. And for what it's worth it's fine if you want to back out of the pact - that is the narrative aspect of being a warlock, after all - but that circles back to "why have you dragged Delilah Briarwood back into this if you're not going to commit hard."
Which brings me to the next part: if Laudna had innate magical abilities and was established to have them prior to ...shouldn't she be a sorcerer base? Sure, warlock gives you the d8 initial maxed out hit die and Wis save proficiency and better proficiencies, but story-wise, this makes no sense, and it's made worse by the unimpressiveness of the build.
So yeah, as I said in the tags...Laudna is fun when she's there but I know Marisha could absolutely make a character who's much, much better. Like, puns fully intended, just as FCG has increasingly felt more fleshed out, Laudna has increasingly felt more hollow.
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Kinda a long post so sorry to everyone,
Man I can't stop thinking about the crown keepers. There's something about the characters and the chemistry from this group that just hits.
And since we learn that Orym and Fearne were gonna be in the bell hells campaign I'd been wanting to have a crossover between both adventure parties.
But I realized that although it sounds good on paper is almost impossible to pull it out.
Bell Hells is a group of 7 players and the crown keepers are 5 at the moment(without counting Cyrus because he is more like a NPC).
That would means that we would have a table with 12 people on it plus the DM/GM and I think that would be too bad and would bring negative aspects instead of the positive.
But looking for ways to make it work I came to this dumb idea.
Less a crossover and more a crossover event. Where we have a two episodes event for the crown keepers at the same time than the main campaign and the exu episodes would be somehow connected to the main campaign.
Like imagine if to be able to break the mini divine gate from Rudius, Otohan needs to break(or do something) with multiple seals(like Tarizdum in cr2). And the solstice is close and there's two seals left. BH needs to be in two places as one and they can't. So they contact Dorian and the CK; which would immediately drop everything to go help.
This would also help with the paragons call, that for me is a huge group for the bell hells party. Maybe Otohan split her crew and send some to one seal and the other with her goes to the other. And CK would have to fight against one part of the paragon and BH would fight the rest.
It would be a two weeks event where the exu episodes play on tuesdays and the main campaign would be on thursday.
Obviously the exu episodes with Aabria and the main campaign with Matt.
Besides the obvious problem with excedules for all of them. The major issue I see is that Matt would be exhausted after those two weeks(we can't have Dariax without Matt playing i).
We can include some CK things on it; like maybe Polska decide to help Otohan to hurt CK. Or like Jourrael lore mention they are looking for the circlet and we can see that while CK are doing the mission for BH, they appear and attack Opal. I would love to imagine after meeting them on cr2, the inevitable end would become some allied or even friend to CK through Aimee's sheer level of chaotic genius+dice gods.
And the solstice is a huge event in Exandria. Is Lolth just gonna ignore it? is already interesting that her circlet was activate close to the event and she chose a champion very close to the solstice. Is she planning something?
Like I said, I realized that I could never get Opal and Laudna interacting, bonding over having incredible powerful evil beings in their head, gooy creepy powers.
Fearne and Morrigan meeting and doing the spiderman meme because the hat yeet them both to Exandria.
Imogen having migraines after interacting with Opal and Dariax's antics.
The reunion of the Original Exu Party. The CK talking with Fearne and Orym about what happened on Bassuras.
Bell Hells meeting and watching the chaotic gremlins doing anything.
But at least there's a lot of things we could have.
Maybe at the end of the crossover event, we can have a pre recorded message from one of the groups to the other.
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mintywolf · 1 year
A Long Road Home - Author Notes
For Page 3
(Please do not expect freckle continuity from me.)
It’s fine she’s just spending some time with the president of Night Vale Community College.
The scene of Laudna and Imogen’s (apparent) first meeting went through several variations before arriving at what we’ll be seeing over the next few pages. The very first version, as I previously mentioned, appeared pretty much fully-formed in a dream. (As in, I was reading the completed comic pages in the dream and woke up like Oh that’s cute, I should draw that.) It was a very simple, silly scene wherein Imogen goes into the barn to milk the goats and becomes aware that there is something Spooky lurking above her on the ceiling. (Or in the rafters, as I realized that she wouldn’t have access to Spider Climb yet.) They startle each other, and Imogen throws the milking pail, knocking it down. Realizing it’s actually a (now rather embarrassed) person, she apologizes and, bound by the code of Southern hospitality, invites her in for dinner.
Then when I started expanding the concept of a Southern Gothic Meet Cute Comic into something bigger, I felt there would need to be a scene at the market at some point to establish Imogen’s reaction to crowds and for convenience decided to move their first encounter there. (Later I realized that approximately 75% of fanfic authors have apparently had the same train of thought, haha, because a lot of prequel fics seem to have them meeting there.) In this version Imogen overhears a mysterious stranger being refused service by a fruit vendor and, able to discern from her internal monologue that she’s hungry and just wants a damn apple, decides to intervene on her behalf despite her own discomfort. (And then, again, invites her home for dinner.)
But I also had an image I liked of Imogen entering the woods to find them decorated with eerily beautiful things someone has crafted out of reused odds and ends -- animal bones, broken bottles, twigs, beads, fabric scraps -- and hung from the trees with red string. (I’ve also been waiting for a setting with an appropriate climate so I could draw those birch/aspen trees with the creepy eyeball bark and now I finally have one!) As seen now in the chapter title page.
Combining the two, this was my working draft until very recently:
Page 3
Panel 1: (wide) Imogen enters the market square uncomfortably, avoiding the eyes of the other villagers, who regard her with suspicion or even outright hostility. The population is largely human with a few half-elves and halflings sprinkled in and it’s clear that Imogen’s appearance makes her an oddity. Their thoughts crowd her, painfully, and she can hear what they think of her - and each other - without them having to say anything.
Townsfolk Voices: There’s that Temult girl what’s she doin’ here? -- Get out of my head, you freak! -- Cryin’ shame, what a waste of a pretty face -- Is she lookin’ at me don’t look at me I got nothin’ to hide don’t look at me -- how long ‘til closing time I want to go home maybe stop at the pub just one pint this time I swear just one Penny and the kids don’t need to know -- Just honest folk here trying to get by -- damn Susannah Mason is lookin’ fine in that tight dress if I weren’t married if I weren’t married I’d -- what a tragedy for poor Relvin first the wife and now the girl too -- where the hell is the damn squash --
Panel 2: The babel of voices continues as she progresses through the market stalls. Starting to get overwhelmed and wincing from the pain of an oncoming headache, she seeks refuge in a narrow alleyway. 
Townsfolk Voices: So that’s one silver, five copper, wait, no -- heard there was a witch in the woods we already got one witch in town we don’t need another what is Gelvaan coming to -- goodness me gave me a fright -- in MY day these only cost -- who is that never seen her around before hope she’s just passing by don’t like the look of her -- pears, radishes, goat cheese, ham bone -- one silver, seven copper and -- Pelor’s shining britches, what is that -- is that a dead bird on her belt ugh no it’s some kind of rat?? --
A Different Voice: oh how beautiful!
Panel 3: Then a different voice catches her attention. To her surprise, this one isn’t painful.
Different Voice: Should I get an apple? I should get an apple just one still need to buy bread but they’re in season now I do love this time of year everything smells so nice I really shouldn’t have come this was a mistake I’m not wanted here but just one
Imogen: Who . . . whose mind is makin’ that . . . sound?
Panel 4: She peeks out of the alley. A small commotion has gathered around a fruit merchant who is refusing to sell to a strange woman in ragged dark clothing who looks very out of place in the warm-toned surroundings. Despite the summer heat she is wearing a hood that mostly hides her face, but we get a glimpse of long, unkempt dark hair streaked with white, dark lips and curiously colorless skin. Her thinness makes her look taller than she is. Other villagers are glaring at her with distrust and ushering their frightened children away.
Fruit Vendor: They’re not for sale, devil.
Stranger: What? That’s preposterous. It says they’re for sale right there. Look, I can pay--
Fruit Vendor: You watch those hands of yours! They’re not for sale to outsiders, is what I mean. Locals only.
Stranger: Well that’s hardly a sustainable business model.
Fruit Vendor: Go on, get. Afore I call the guard.
Panel 5: Closer on the stranger, who is still looking forlornly at the fruit, starting to twist her long, bony fingers anxiously in her hair. Her thoughts are softer in Imogen’s mind than the others. 
Her Thoughts: the apples were sliced so thin and made into little roses it was so lovely this was a mistake I shouldn’t have come here every town is the same I could do that I don’t have any butter or sugar or flour to make a tart but I could cut an apple like that maybe bake it on the hearthstone it would be pretty I don’t know why I thought it would be different here it’s probably not even the right town everyone is staring I’m not wanted I’m not wanted I should leave I can go another day I’ve done it before but oh I’m hungry I’m hungry I’m hungry
Page 4
Panel 1: The stranger withdraws as a stern, stocky woman of early middle age, conservatively dressed, with dark blonde hair drawn back in a bun, steps forward from the crowd and glares underneath her hood suspiciously with narrow green eyes and an authoritative air. An unpleasant-looking child of about nine folds his arms smugly behind her.
Woman (Cornelia Ashburn): There a problem here, stranger?
Stranger: No. I’m sorry. I’m just leaving.
Panel 2: Watching this interaction, Imogen makes a decision.
Panel 3: The crowd (including the stranger) draws back further as she impulsively approaches the fruit vendor. Putting on her best charming manner, she addresses him, holding out six copper for the listed price of 1cp/each.
Imogen: Well, hi, Mr. Merryday, Miz Ashburn! Fine day, isn’t it? 
Fruit Vendor (warily): Sure . . . How can I help you, Miss Temult?
Imogen: I’d like to buy half-a-dozen apples, please. Good thing I’m local, right?
Fruit Vendor: Fine. That’ll be 3 silver.
His Thoughts: go away go away go away
Imogen: Ugh.
Panel 4: Apples acquired, she looks around, but the stranger has disappeared.
Imogen: (Now, where’d she go?)
Panel 5: Cautiously she enters the woods, following the sound of the stranger’s mind without knowing why she’s doing it.
Imogen: (She can’t be too far off . . .)
Panel 6: She shrinks nervously in on herself a little, but she continues.
I was never totally happy with it though because I felt the setup didn’t sufficiently emphasize how miserable Imogen was in Gelvaan before Laudna came into her life. A lot of the script was planned several months ago and most of the first chapter was already written even before Laudna’s death and the resulting Whitestone arc. So while I figured things were pretty bad for Imogen, I didn’t quite imagine how bad. Like, bad enough to fill her pockets with stones and walk into a river.
Which is what she’s doing here. It will be more obvious that that’s what she’s doing on the next page (where I want to talk about something else in the author notes so I’m talking about this now) but I hope her intent is pretty clear? Famously, this is how Virginia Woolf died, but as a lesbian English major I fear I may be overestimating the obviousness of her intentions. (It is referred to in “What the Water Gave Me” by Florence + the Machine and, I’ve just remembered, also Hadestown so hopefully there’s enough cultural familiarity in the reader base to understand what’s going on here.)
The scene clicked into place though while I was listening to “Drumming Song,” a different Florence + the Machine song which, appropriately enough, is about someone trying to escape the clamor in her head:
“I run to the river and dive straight in I pray that the water will drown out the din But as the water fills my mouth It couldn't wash the echoes out But as the water fills my mouth It couldn't wash the echoes out
I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole 'Til there's nothing left inside my soul As empty as that beating drum But the sound has just begun”
This decision was made after I had already sketched out and started working on Page 3 so I actually had to go back and add pockets to her outfit in the previous page. For the purpose of filling them with rocks.
I do regret that (most of) Laudna’s internal apple monologue was lost as a result of this (and the implication that Imogen saved herself by helping Laudna, rather than the other way around) but I think it was an important change. It also undercuts quite how lonely and miserable things were for Laudna before she came to Gelvaan and found Imogen, but there is no scarcity of scenes of pre-Imogen Laudna being sad and lonely and hungry in future pages so I think it’s fine.
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grigori77 · 8 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 73
It's always more suspicious when there doesn't seem to be anything off to start with ... oh, yes, here we go. So it's humiliate Mercer time ... Matt: "WHAT ARE YOU, RIEGEL?!!!" Sam (weeping profusely): "I'm nobody!"
Laura: "Oh, I love a skit that doesn't outstay it's welcome." XD Yeah ...
How is it that Laura CONSISTENTLY manages to tank her openings? I mean it's adorable. :3
"Dead .. men ... tell ... no ... tales ..."
Wow ... way to derail the game in the opening moments, Riegel. With a t-shirt no less ...
"I believe I can Scry!" XD
Raving sbout Beau's abs ... I love it ...
Laura (angrily, at Sam): "Don't show it! DON'T SHOW IT!!!" Travis, the CEO (cringing): "I did wonder what you were thinking."
Sam: "So what do I roll?" Matt: "Nothing! You don't ROLL for Scrying!" Travis: "EIGHT YEARS!!! EIGHT YEARS we've been playing this!"
So where IS D at? Aside from just on the Menagerie Coast? Sam rolls SHITE for perception. Matt: "Somewhere nice."
Laura: "You don't deserve this." She confiscates the Gilmour Dice. Travis: "Ooh, lost privileges!"
Ghost tattoos? Intriguing ...
Chetney: "I have ink." Imogen: "You have paint." Chetney: "What's the difference?" Taliesin: "Half the audience just groaned in pain."
Ashton's trying to smooth talk his way into a free tattoo ... persuasion check! 12? Hmmmm ... on one condition? Ah ... oh, he WANTS IT to hurt? Okay ...
Ashton: "Honestly? If it doesn't hurt it's kind of YOUR fault."
Now Orym's suggesting THEY ALL get a tattoo to commemorate all this shit ... oh, Chetney DOES have ink? Okay then ...
Bertrand's face? Matt: "Like the Steve-O tattoo?" LOL
No, they're NOT scared. These folk have SEEN SOME SHIT ...
No mutiny. Bad idea. At least wait until AFTER you get where you're going.
Is this the first the rest of them have heard sbout Delilah still being there in Laudna's head? Oof ...
No, she did not actually EAT ANY CHILDREN, Fearne.
Laudna thinks the soul-eating might be "problematic". Insert Nic Cage meme: "You don't say!"
Oh, "Keith"? Hey! Laudna: "Hi, Kevin." Kyle (deflating): "That's okay."
Whispers for Fearne! Again Sam has nothing prepared. He is becoming an embarrassment. XD
Oh my gods that is such an unconvincing speech, Kyle (or whatever your name is).
Imogen: "Do we want Delilah to get stronger?" Hmmmmmm ...
Ashton: "I believe in sacrifices, not casualties."
Yes, I like that idea. Chetney should make Kyle a name tag.
Aha ... planning tattoos ...
Taco Bell? Laura: "Live mas and check you Gmail." XD
Scrying on Delilah ... oh boy ... it's a bust? Hmmmmm ... ask the Changebringer? Or look into Laudna's dreams? Oh boy again ...
Imogen actually suggesting letting Laudna suck a little bit of her soul to stir Delilah ... yeah, I dunno how I feel about that ... I mean it's incredibly romantic, but still ...
So it's a surreal bust after all ... good or bad sign? I don't know, and I don't like it.
Fearne tries to get into the Captain's Quarters ... oof ... might be better if she CAN'T get in there.
Peeing ... OVERBOARD? Lovely ...
A flirty persuasion check? 21? Oh boy ... so ... is that a date? I'm so confused. Apparently so is the Captain ...
Ooh ... Cyrillia again ... she really is creepy ...
FCG's tattoo is basically ETCHED ... XD
Captain Novos: "The Moon's out." Oh, so here we go then ...
Completing vengeance ... oh, ENDING BLOODLINES?!!! Oh boy ...
Dusty musty bed, but ... Nice ... oh, here we go ... so he's ACTUALLY in the mood for something more? Novos: "You offer some of your warmth?" O.O Oh, so this is JUST a ghostly bootie call ... and that's actually kind of sweet ...
Oh dear ... has she killed the mood? Say goodbye? Persuasion check ... 26 ... hmmm ...
Great, that bloody talking sword again ... wait ... it didn't speak to the Captain? Hmmm ...
Wow ... oh, so she's ACTUALLY DOING THIS ... Novos (nervous): "It's been a long time." Oh, she's just gonna spoon him? Ye gods ... oh, I love that he's actually ENJOYING being the Little Spoon ... Ashley: "... where are we going with this?" LOL
A con save? Seriously? Magical effect? Hmmmm ...
Oh she is going to "relinquish the warmth she promised" ... blimey ... oh shit ... is this gonna be a problem? Oh my ...
PERMANENT 5 point hit point reduction? Shit ... and another think that Matt will discuss with her at the break? Fucking hell, Ashley!
Cyrillia is SHADOWING the Captain? Interesting ...
Orym is STEALING her spyglass? Really? Laura: "It's a running theme."
Whoa ... is Cyrillia JEALOUS of Fearne and the Captain? Interesting ... "You gave him WARMTH?" Oh shit ...
Oh no, is this about to kick off? Cyrillia: "The Captain's MINE ... charge!" O.O
How does Ashley KEEP cocking her persuasion roll? 7? Crap ...
So ... has Fearne just made an enemy?
Fearne: "I did not take anything from her ... Orym." Orym: "... oddly specific."
Whoa ... awkward wake-up call ... Novos: "Maybe you need to work through the nausea and then it gets good." Fearne: "Oh, I've heard that one before."
Imogen's fucking with Cyrillia with the voice in her head ... but in a kind way? Oh boy ... "Offer your warmth ..."
Wow ... is Fearne actually playing MATCHMAKER for these two right now? Oh my gods it's actually working ...
Fearne: "You are a queen, and I want you to go in there and take what you want."
OH ... MY ... GOD!!!
Cyrillia: "Captain, perhaps we stop dancing around this thing and just ... make our own fire." OH MY GOD!!!
And that's a break! No shit ... O.O
Oh, they're gone FOR A WHILE?!!! Oh boy ... Holy shit ... there's like STEAM and stuff coming out and everything ...
Laudna's sending Pate in to spy ... oh boy ... ah, just a really really STEAMY WINDOW ...
I love how Pate is disappointed Laudna won't let him get inside fir a closer look ...
"I'm fucking Kyle" ... hmmm ...
FCG: "Did we Pleasantville this ship?" Orym: "Either thar or there's a new Captain." XD
Steam pouring out ... Cyrillia is coming out with a "gentle, confident waltz"? Wow ... and the Captain is confident too ... and LIMPING ...
Keeping up appearances ... :3
Novos: "I don't like hoe easily you dismiss my aggression ... but I respect it."
Oh my gods Cyrillia has him so whipped now ... XD
Wow ... they're really making a full blown dance party ...
Is FCG really putting the All Minds Burn drugs into the brownies? Is he about to kill or at least seriously traumatise everybody?
Laudna's gonna do FACE PAINTING ...
FCG turns himself into a remix box while Fearne plays dulcimer and pan flute a-la Bob Dylan ... Matt's trying to find some party music ...
Oh, "I'm Kyle, you fucks!" That's more like it ...
Oof ... Orym damn near got rumbled there ... eep ...
Dancing! Yay!
Ah ... landfall means the end of festivities ... nuts ...
Novos: "There was ... no ... LIMBO." XD
Crap ... overboard? Oof ...
They really are the most adorable crew of cursed ghost pirates I've ever encountered. :3
Awwwww ... Fearne made a new girl friend ... I love it.
Oof ... that's brisk ...
Kalutha ... okay then ...
Signs of abandoned civilisation? Interesting ...
Marisha sneezes and gives herself a brainspasm ... Matt: "Wow, I've never seen her sneeze and only part of her come back up."
Is Ashton vibing with this place? Maybe ...
Ooh, driftwood for Chetney ...
Laudna sends Pate to explore the caves.
Nice, pretty seashell ... :3
Pitons? People have been here before, clearly ... oooh, looks like this could be a smart route.
Weird jungle landscape ...
Ashton's already checking the other cave out. Orym goes with, as he should.
Just a little recessed cave, but with another campsite. Okay then. Ooh, tools ...
Orym: "Chet, you need a whetstone?" Chetney: "No, I'm always sharp." Oof ...
Trying to climb up ... oh dear, Orym somewhat embarrasses himself ...
Whoa ... so even WITH a rope those are some MISERABLE rolls ... ouch, this is just AWFUL ... whoa, a point of EXHAUSTION? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Chetney sniffing the cave out a bit ...
A nice citrus smell? Oh, that's like SO unbelievably suspicious ...
Moving rocks? Oh for fuck's sake ...
Scales and slithering? Great ... that can't be good ... some kind of worm? Crap ...
Bollocks ... even though he's invisible it's encircling him ... not good at all ... Horn of Silent Alarm? Okay then ...
Chet gives Imogen a headache. "He's in trouble!"
"Sicilian"? But spelt different ...
Trouble! Crap!
FCG casts Death Ward on Ashton.
Fuck, this thing is NIGHTMARE FUEL ...
Chetney tries to wolf out as quietly as possible ... and somehow actually MANAGES IT too ... oh, but it doesn't work? Crap ... ROLL INITIATIVE!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Battlemap time! Yay!
Matt has LOST THE MINIS, ladies and gentlemen. Oh my gods Mercer, that is UNBELIEVABLE ...
Oh good, he's finding them now ...
Awwww, Sprinkle! Laura: "I missed him!" Travis (Sprinkle voice): "What fresh new hell is this?"
Ashton runs into PITCH DARKNESS and winds up bouncing off walls to get to him. RAGE!!! Yay!
Fearne is ALSO just feeling her way round ... oh, okay ... she casts Daylight. Nice! Here we go ...
Mister is CHUCKING FLAMING SHIT!!! And it falls short ... crap. Literally ...
Yay! Turmoil! Chetney takes a swipe at the heads ... both hit! 12 and 9 altogether, including fire damage. Great ... and he takes 12 points of acid damage in return? Crap ...
FCG uses Misty Step for the first time using the staff ... oh, he takes damage doing it? Ouch ... and he Sympathetically Binds himself to the others ...
The thing takes 2 mandible attacks ... misses Chetney ... but HITS FCG ... 22 points of slashing damage AND 7 points of acid damage? Wait ... oh what the FUCK IS THAT?!!! Oh that is HORRIBLE!!! Gods, Mercer ... oof ... another 34 points of acid damage ... AND IT'S PULLING HIM IN?!!! FUCK!!!
Oh my gods they're showing each other stuff on their phones of the creatures that really do this ...
Fuck me, this thing can SELF HEAL?!!!
Form of Dread! Yeah! Laudna Chill Touches the fucker ... barely hits ... 6 Necrotic damage, but also can't regain hit points for a turn ... Nice.
Imogen casts Hungry Torrent? Whoa ... oh, now that is pretty cool ...
Orym attacks FROM A DISTANCE with Seedling ... nice ... CRIT!!! Yes! 20 slashing damage! Sweet ...
Travis: "There! The crevasse! Fill it ... with your mighty juice!"
Ashton BOOSTS EVERYBODY'S ATTACKS for the next turn? Full advantage? AND inflicts 38 points of damage? Holy shit ... and another hit ... another 22 points of damage! Go barbarian go!
Oh gods, a RAIN OF LARVAE?!!! And now it's just RAINING acid damage, essentially.
Fearne casts some Scorching Rays ... Nice, ALL THREE hit ... six D6 of damage ... 28 points? Oh, nice ...
And now Mister with his little gun? Cool ... 7 points ... oh well, every one counts ...
"Anime shockwave blast"? Sweet ... Chetney inflicts 18 points of Thunder Damage with Turmoil AND casts Blood Curse of Bloated Agony! Yay! AND he amplifies it too ...
Sam: "But I wanna cast MORE THAN one spell per turn." Matt: "Yeah, I know."
FCG uses Misty Step to jump away again, then uses his action to hide because he can't do ANYTHING ELSE.
Oof ... dextrous fucker ... slithering away ... attacking Ashton now ... and it misses ... meanwhile there are MANY Godfather jokes ...
Oh, essentially it manages go KNOCK ITSELF BACK!!! And then does its disgusting stomach attack again ...
Fearne takes 36 points of acid damage ... also Imogen and Laudna? Crap ... AND they're pulled towards it too ... NOOOOOOO!!!
Laudna casts Blight and it Crit Fails! Yes! 45 points of Necrotic damage? BEAUTIFUL!!! And it's Frightened of her too! Yes ... and now Chill Touch TOO?!!! Sweet ... AND SHE CRITS!!! OH MY GODS!!! 20 points of Cold damage! YEAH!!!
Imogen throws 3 Psychic Lances at it ... 7 D6 of damage? Oof ... 25 points of Psychic damage! Yes! And it's incapacitated ... then she Quickens a spell to shoot Mind Sliver at it ... another 7 points of Psychic damage!
Orym jumps ON TOP OF IT?!!! That means he's TAKING ACID DAMAGE while he's attacking! Goading Attack ... second hit ... Pushing attack ... 18 points of slashing damage ... Action Surge! Go Fighter boy! Another 14 points! Yeah, he is FUCKING THIS THING UP!!! One more hit ... another 11 points!
Ashton delivers another 21 points, then another 28 ... and gets the HDYWTDT!!! YES!!! One if its heads just EXPLODES before it just bleeds out while trying to escape ... phew ...
So Pate didn't see it? Crap ... "I don't have eyes!" Bugger, that's right ...
It's still twitching so Ashton hits it again, taking dome more damage while he's at it.
Orym is a mess ... yes, they all need some serious healing! Best get to it.
Checking the rest of the tunnel ... another noise? Is that more slithering? Crap ... oh thank fuck, it's just an underground tidal river ... phew ...
Okay, clearly there are so many abandoned camps because this thing has been EATING all the explorers.
Ooh, loot! Yay ... crap, Chetney's fancy spell broke some of the weapons. Nuts ...
Woe steel? Interesting ... sacred to the Ossended Host ... a natural plus1 weapon? Intriguing ...
Weird brown stone pendant in a little cage? Hmmm ... a Raito Charm, of the Aishio Culture. Woof ... this is all fancy shit ...
Taking a short rest ...
Ah, some fresh bones for Laudna. Big hog skulls ... interesting.
Grim Psychometry! Cool ... oh, poor bastard.
Yes. Get to the surface. Enough of this unpleasant stinky cave.
The creeping jungle valley of Kalutha. Nice. Very pretty. To the mountains, then. And the tree.
And that's it ...
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10, 29, and 30 for the AO3 Asks!
For ten, the quickest thing I wrote this year was Rag and Bone Woman. It might be the quickest thing I've ever written? Because it took like, three hours from go, and that included editing. I had been mulling on the dialogue while running errands and then got to writing as soon as I was finished. Really wish I could be that fast all the time but I know it's impossible to bottle lightning.
I answered favorite passage in another ask, but I can choose another. In the Chetney Chapter of Go Home, Make a Home, or Rest:
“You need a lantern?” Most folk couldn’t see worth a damn in the dark and they let the late hours go to waste.
Laudna shook her head and moved the extracted nails she held between her teeth to the side of her mouth, her arching accent slurred slightly around them. “The dark doesn’t trouble me.”
“Heh. Shoulda figured, you being a night terror and all.”
She smiled at him, but it wasn’t the big creepy smile. It was something smaller, with a little bit of sorrow in the eyes. “It never troubled me when I was human, either.”
“You sure you were human?”
She shrugged and turned back crate, knocked the end of her new hammer underneath the head of the nail and used the one from her hair to thwack it backwards, leveraging her little strength into popping the nail neatly from its hole. She said nothing as she moved onto the next. The silence between grew long and heavy, and he found he missed her creepy smile.
“I can’t believe we let the rest of the group bother with night watches, seeing how they can’t see shit.”
Once again, I got a thing for darkvision. I think I fixate on it because I can't see a damn thing in the dark, but my partner sees really well. There have been a lot of times I'm holding his shoulder when we're walking through a forest. But I liked that passage because Chetney was kind of hard for me to wrap my head around at first, but he shows his kindness in little jabs. He's ornery, but he's not mean.
Biggest surprise this year was the community! Oh my gosh y'all have been so nice and welcoming. Writing is such a solitary act, and even when you finish, it's rare you get to see if a story lands with anyone outside of editors, but that's not the case with fanfic. The comments and kudos are so nice to see, and then talking with folks on the discord is great! It's so lovely to have folks who are just as enthralled as I am when new episodes come out, and to spin ideas around that don't have to turn into anything more than chatter between friends. Writing is hecking hard sometimes, so it's nice to sometimes just blurt out "hey lets think about this" and then I'm not talking to myself in my kitchen about it!
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