#late comic published
lauritanaomystery · 7 months
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Happy birt- Oh NO!!!
If you make a prank even if it's your birthday. I assure you that you will not be saved from your punishment as Laurel is in charge. Lewis and Laurel are actually a Latin American couple, and if you don't know Latin-American women when they get angry, I assure you that you will be in for an interesting surprise...
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l-a-l-o-u · 3 months
when i was a kid i found this european comic from the 80s about a tribe of smurf-like little guys living in the woods who were agender (but male presenting, sort of) for most of the year, and then during their mating season one of them would randomly become female and all the others would be male. and they would all flock to her and give her gifts and attempt to seduce her, and she would blush and be like "heehee!" and then pick one to go into the bushes with her (you know.)
anyway i think reading that just as i was hitting puberty permanently altered my brain chemistry
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year
Comics timelines are so funny because whenever I feel like college is taking forever I have to remember Dick Grayson went to university in 1969 and dropped out in 1980 and after all that they claimed he’d only been there for one semester. Well no wonder he dropped out, I would also drop out if one college semester took me a decade.
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burning-academia-if · 2 months
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Hello, I blinked and March was over. Another busy/hectic month in regards to Real Life things + I got pretty sick at the end of it (because being sick in February wasn't enough lol). With that being said, here's what I did get done:
Wrote 16.1k words (Chapter 2 total word count: 27.4k )
Started editing/coding in the start of Chapter 2
Did some more coding/tweaking for stat pages
Fixed some variables in Chapter 1 + added piercings and facial hair options to character customization (these will all be added when Chap 2 releases)
Posted Rhea's bday art
With that being said, I thought Chapter 2 would be a max of 30k words, but all the small branching and flavor text in this chapter is really adding up lol. Of those words written, most of it went towards the Lars/Student Warden path. I did however write one of the three endings, and one of two of the RO pov ending scene variants.
With that said the Rhea/Student Government path should be a lot shorter since it's more straight forward, and once that's done, all that's left is a handful of smaller scenes/variants to finish up and then Chapter 2 will be done! I'm guessing it'll end up being between 40k to 50k words in total. I'm hoping to finish up the writing in April and then code everything in to release it by late May! This is obviously very tentative, but unless the universe decides to cause mayhem once more, that's what I'm aiming for!
Lastly, here's another little preview for the confrontational MCs this month (ft Lars):
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van-skmugen · 5 months
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Adventures ~ Fairytale
(Children's stories style)
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 11 months
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shuakeweek2023 - day one - fairy tales
a companion piece to what i drew for day seven last year. another scene from my palace au! robin hood isn’t technically a fairy tale, but…folk tale is close enough, eh?
(fun fact, ryuji’s ‘poor attempt to contribute’ was to call shadow!akechi a murderer)
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heedra · 7 months
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current library haul btw
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nekropsii · 11 months
Woof, I really haven't been posting lately, apologies everyone!
I've been hard at work on scripting for Sovereignstuck lately. A lot has been getting done recently with regards to the project. I can only assume some of y'all guessed that already considering I dropped off the face of the earth pretty soon after the T-Minus 100 Days Showcase. Well over 100+ pages have been written into their final drafts, and I'm still working hard. I haven't had much time/energy to blog with all that on my plate- it takes a lot of time and energy to write, especially considering the approach I'm taking to it!! Thank you all for your patience. I do hope you all enjoy the final product once it begins to release on 9/19.
As a general life update though, my tablet recently broke. F in chat for a real one, I've had that thing for years. Luckily, I was able to acquire a new one a few days ago, and while it is undoubtedly better than the last one, adjusting to it is quite difficult... Once again, I had the previous one for several years, and autism hates changes like that, lol.
I'll continue posting sporadically, but I cannot promise absolute consistency. I'll try and continue giving updates like this, though!!
Thanks to all who read this, and I'll see you again soon!
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melancholiaenthroned · 6 months
watching the second somerton video and the young avengers misinfo is sooo crazy he truly just lied about shit... so baffling when u know the stuff hes talking about like buddy thats now how comic books work
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runawaycatwalker · 1 year
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Part 17. Truthful by Technicality (Veritruce, part B)
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Description below the cut
The sentimonster Veritruce glows with magical energy.
Veritruce: LIE DETECTED!
Veritruce moves the part of the conic barrier that Catwalker was stuck in upwards with such force that Catwalker is flung straight into the sky.  Ladybug reaches her hand uselessly toward him.
Veritruce: LIAR EJECTED!
Ladybug: Catwalker!
Mayura projects an air of innocence while Veritruce floats by her with a cheerful smile.  Ladybug continues to be stuck in the barrier, annoyed.
Mayura: I probably should have mentioned: Veritruce is always watching for lies, I don't have to ask it to verify every statement.
Ladybug points her fingers accusingly towards Mayura.
Ladybug: Then that means you need to answer me truthfully too.  So: Why do you need to know what Chat has been doing so badly?
Mayura averts her gaze, clenching her fists.
Mayura: Chat Noir’s identity carries... unforeseen consequences.
Ladybug: You recognized him when he detransformed.  Who is he to you?
Mayura: He is... someone that we wanted to avoid akumatizing prior to now.
Ladybug panics.
Ladybug: You can't akumatize him!  The world... You cannot let that happen!
Mayura thumps her fan against the palm of her hand.
Mayura: I have no intention of allowing Chat Noir to be akumatized.  But, if the last few akumas are any indication, Shadowmoth may end up ignoring my advice, should he become too focused on certain means for accomplishing his goals.
Ladybug looks at Mayura critically.
Ladybug: 'Last few akumas'? You mean the ones that have been going after Adrien Agreste, right?  Is... is Shadowmoth choosing akumas who will hunt down Adrien deliberately?
Mayura stands with fan grasped in both hands, Ladybug’s yo-yo lying on the ground behind her.
Mayura: It's not what you think.  Shadowmoth merely wants to see the Agreste boy reunite with his father.
Ladybug: This is the same Shadowmoth that doesn't care when he terrorizes Paris, right?
Mayura: He's not that heartless.  If anything, he cares too acutely for his own good.  Once he decides how the world should be, he doesn't let go of it easily.
Mayura covertly looks above her, where Catwalker falls through a cloud in the sky.
Mayura: Speaking of persistence...
Veritruce creates a second cone, this one purple and inverted, in which to catch the falling Catwalker.
Mayura: Veritruce, seclude the liar.
Catwalker splats dizzily into the bottom of the new cone before he can make contact with the first cone.
Catwalker: Kaaadrghkh!
Ladybug: Catwalker!
Catwalker: Ow...
Ladybug: Are you okay?
Catwalker: I'll live...
Catwalker pushes himself up against the cone’s sides so he can reorient himself upright.
Mayura: Veritruce reinforces its barriers with the Power of Truth, did you really think it wouldn't notice that you lied about knowing Chat Noir's identity?
Catwalker: We only had your word about what it could do.  Testing whether we could lie seemed like a good idea.
Catwalker sits himself against the cone’s side.
Mayura: What if the consequences were something else—say, vaporizing you?
Catwalker: Then that would have been helpful information for Ladybug to know.
Mayura: Hmph.  You're lucky that I'm not done prying answers out of you yet.
A wide shot showing Mayura standing under the original pink cone, with Ladybug stuck in the barrier on one side and the stretched up hole left from where Catwalker was previously trapped.  Catwalker is currently trapped in an inverted purple cone, its tip floating mere inches above the tip of the pink cone.
Catwalker: Ladybug, what have you told Mayura?
Ladybug: Actually, she's mostly been the one answering me.  She's agreed to not let Chat get akumatized.  Also, Shadowmoth wants Adrien to come home, apparently.
Catwalker: That’s… concerning.
Mayura: What is there to be concerned about?  Isn't it a good thing if Chat Noir remains unaffected by akumas and a missing boy returned home?
A shot of Mayura’s lower half, Ladybug’s yo-yo still on the ground behind her.
Mayura: Unless your concern comes from something else...?  Tell me, Catwalker...
Catwalker folds his arms and looks down.
Mayura: What do you know about Adrien's disappearance?
Catwalker: I don't want to answer that question.
Ladybug’s eyes tear up, aghast, and reaches up towards Catwalker.
Ladybug: You know what happened to Adrien?  How?
Catwalker: ...
Ladybug: Answer me!
Catwalker: I was... around right before Adrien went missing...
Catwalker looks away, holding his hands between his knees.
Catwalker: I couldn’t help but notice that Adrien was deeply troubled by something, something he refused to disclose when asked.  But it was clear that he needed an escape... and that if I used my powers as Catwalker, I could provide the means of that escape.
Ladybug: Then that means...
Catwalker: I'm how he disappeared that night, yes.
Catwalker looks down towards Ladybug, the hand in front of him leaning on one of the barriers between them.
Ladybug: Do you know where he is now?  Please tell me that he's okay.
Catwalker: I'm sorry. I have every reason to think that he's still alive, but if he was dead, I wouldn't know.  He doesn't intend to approach me in the future.  And ever since that night...?  The only person who knows how to locate 'Adrien Agreste' is Adrien Agreste.
Mayura holds her fan in front of half her face, her other hand gesturing with palm faced upwards.
Mayura: You seem awfully concerned about Adrien, Ladybug.  You wouldn't happen to have ulterior motives for wanting to locate him, would you?
Ladybug waves her hands in the air in exasperation.
Ladybug: Are you kidding me? Oh right, every time I don't want someone to die it means I'm secretly in love with them!  That makes sense!
Veritruce gets in Ladybug’s face, eyebrows pointed down.  Ladybug covers her mouth sheepishly.
Veritruce: LIE DETECTED!
Mayura: Did I mention that sarcasm counts as lies?
Veritruce yeets Ladybug into the sky.  Catwalker reaches his hand uselessly toward her.
Veritruce: LIAR EJECTED!
Catwalker: Ladybug!
Below is the same image as above, only without text: 
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Blood Moon Rising,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #19.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Federico Sabbatini; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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4lph4kidz · 2 years
Personally what I loved about your Jake voice was that I feel you really got a perfect balance between “old-timey slash bizarre word choices” and “modern teenage boy” for his syntax! It felt just right!
thanks, i'm glad. he's fun to write!
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monster-noises · 10 months
I'm 28 and frequently, due to my life circumstances, i forget what that Means.
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kay-southpaw · 7 months
It's a bit weird to see my older brother getting into anime. He watches hunter x hunter and AoT. He's in the baby's first shounen phase :D although he didn't like Violet Evergarden so I'm really hesitant to show him Frieren... He'll might or might not get out of the shounen phase, I know I should let it go. As long as him and his wife enjoys it, it shouldn't matter to me. But as someone who's been watching anime for more than a decade at this point, it's so funny. Tamás, you do not know the highs and lows of anime. You did not have your soul ripped out by Evangelion-
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Marvel Team-Up (1972) Annual #2
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smallblueandloud · 2 years
excited to announce the rachel grey brainrot has grown so strong that i've actually written several pages in the last few days! the VERY frequent and clearly-intended-subtext of excalibur #1-4 really has jumpstarted my entire desire to write again huh
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