#kudos and comments appreciated <3
schrodingersjigsaw · 8 months
Blood On My Hands
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings,No Archive Warnings Apply Written with female reader in mindJigsaw, Apprentice Amanda Young,Post-Movie: Saw X (2023),Amanda has a little menty-b,Hoffman is an ass at the beginning,But its to be expected
Amanda is struggling to function after Adam and Gabriella's unfortunate deaths. Lucky for her, you're always willing to help her when she needs it.
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stiffyck · 7 months
Giving all fanfic authors a smooch on the forehead <3
And also giving a little flower to everyone who comments on their fics <3
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ao3usermelancholyhues · 4 months
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞
steve harrington/eddie munson for @steddiemicrofic's february prompt: edge, 509 words. ft. suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, happy ending | T rating read on ao3
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The quarry’s cold at dusk, Steve thinks. Not like the temperature matters. The water will be worse, if he even feels it.
He kicks a stone over the edge of the precipice, can’t even see it going down, but he hears it clatter against the rocks on the way. He pictures them covered in his blood and has to squeeze his eyes shut. 
It would be a relief. 
He’s trying to convince himself. The note in the car is brief, mostly for his mom. She’ll be devastated, but he’s not worth her time. For years, it’s been hard to tell if she even likes him. His dad definitely doesn’t. Not worthy of the Harrington name. Still just a boy and not a man, but not even boys can make mistakes. Maybe he’ll start over with his latest fucking mistress, whoever she is. Have a better son; a brother he’ll never know. They’ll mention his name in passing when they look at photo albums and explain to Junior that this was Steve, how sad, he never amounted to anything. 
The lump in his throat swells. 
His friends never liked him. They liked the ‘King.’ He dropped them all but it was okay because he had Nancy.
Except she doesn’t want him any more either. 
Steve built his entire life so that he could never be alone, and he screwed that up too. There’s no-one left. 
Steve jumps, eyes flying open. The stretch of absolute nothingness ahead makes his head spin; he pitches to one side.
“Hey, hey, man! Fuck!”
There’s footsteps and he’s jerked back from the ledge so roughly it hurts his neck. They hit the gravel hard. 
“What the shit, man, I thought you were gonna fuckin’ jump.” 
Right. It’s the freak. Of course he hangs out at the quarry. 
Steve stands up wordlessly, wobbling, and starts determinedly back to his car. He doesn’t need this, the conversation. 
“Uh, you’re welcome,” Eddie pants as he jogs right behind Steve, indignant. “I just saved your life, dude! You seriously looked like you were gonna fuckin’ kill yourself.” 
He’s laughing, hard. Steve just hunches his shoulders and keeps his eyes down, walking quicker.
“Wait, shit, were you actually— oh shit, shit, fuck,” Eddie sounds genuinely panicked. “Dude, I didn’t… I’m sorry.” 
Steve stops, heaves in a deep, shaking breath. He could run, go over like the stone. Blood on the rocks. Relief.
“Steve,” Eddie says, voice soft. There’s a hand on his lower back. Nobody’s touched him in weeks. It almost hurts. “Why don’t you come over to my place?” 
He stiffens, arching away. “Why would I?” 
“Because, my uncle… a long time ago, he tried… I think you could have a really good talk with him.” 
Steve swallows and looks up, daring himself to hold Eddie’s gaze. His eyes burn and his face crumples, tears spilling. 
Eddie’s arm goes around him, gently urging him forwards. “C’mon. He makes the best hot chocolate too.” 
Steve just nods, cries all the way to Eddie’s van. 
He can handle hot chocolate.
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steddielations · 2 months
if I disappear for a month after this just know I'm having some nice long alone time with just me and the sub Eddie week ao3 collection
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musette22 · 1 year
Last week, a lovely person went through my back catalogue on AO3 and left a bunch of comments on some of my older fics, and I realised just how happy it made me to know that those fics are still being read and appreciated. I do still regularly receive kudos on older works, but comments are very rare, which is why it was such a lovely, unexpected gift. I think most authors would probably feel the same!
All the more because when I recently left some comments on the older work of one of my own favourite writers, who doesn't even write for this fandom anymore as far as I can tell, they replied so gratefully, expressing that same sentiment of "Wow, I'm so happy and touched that people are still enjoying these stories enough to comment on them!"
So, if you're reading older fics and you enjoy them, please consider leaving a comment, if you're able? Especially if the author is still active, but even if they're not. Because generally speaking, it means so much to authors to get that little confirmation that the work they invested so much of their time and energy in isn't just consumed and then forever forgotten. Thank you so much! ❤️
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whenyouwishuponastar7 · 7 months
can't wait (2/2, 31508 words) Pairing: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Rating: Mature Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, No Upside Down, POV Steve Harrington, Post Office Employees, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Billy Hargrove Needs a Hug, Steve & Robin Are Best Friends, Angst, Implied/Reference Alcoholism, Minor Character Death, Complicated Sibling Relationships, Family Feels, Fluff & Humor, Flirting, Texting, Strangers To Lovers, Non-Graphic Smut, Falling in Love, kind of soft all around, Happy Ending Summary: In which Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley work at the Post Office.
Recently, a new customer comes in every day at one o’clock. He’s the new guy in town and seems miserable, but whatever he’s waiting for must be pretty damn important.
Billy Hargrove keeps to himself and clearly wishes everyone else would, too, but Steve may just be the right kind of nosy he needs. --- I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 💜
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simplykorra · 1 year
the definition of insanity - chapter ten
“Perhaps, but that hardly narrows it down.” She sets the necklace down and uses her free hand to tilt Ava’s chin upward and kiss her. “We need to shower.”
Ava’s brows shoot up. “Oh?”
“We really don’t have the time.” Beatrice says, in the least convincing voice imaginable.
“Come on, Bea. You know we’re gonna be busy as hell for the next forever. Plus you gave me two last night, you damn near fucked the halo out of my back.”
Beatrice rolls her eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
She really isn’t, those orgasms the night before were incredible. “We can shower together, save time.”
“Oh yes, we’re notorious for our fast showers together.”
“We can be! If we do the fun stuff first.”
Beatrice bites her bottom lip, god they really are a horny, insatiable match. It never ceases to amaze Ava how alive Beatrice’s sexual desire is. She’s a passionate person, no doubt, but she’s found the pleasure of, well, pleasure and Ava is so happy to help her get her fill.
“Alright,” she says, trying her best to sound put out.
Ava doesn't buy it. “Okay, your choice, what do you wanna do?”
“We’ve fallen far from the days of getting so caught up in the moment we just throw ourselves at one another, haven’t we?”
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chronicowboy · 2 years
9-1-1, what's your fantasy? | 5k
the season 6, episode 8 spec fic no one asked for
or: buck crashes the jeep, dreams and figures some shit out
Buck wakes up to ringing ears and the soft glow of pale morning light.
He squints at the sudden brightness, head pounding in objection, and pulls the blanket over his head. He frowns.
Its not an unfamiliar blanket, not by any means, but its not his blanket. And he's definitely not the only one under it.
A heavy arm tightens around his waist, squeezing almost painfully before going slack and boneless. His bedfellow huffs a half-asleep laugh as they shuffle closer and Buck holds his breath against what he knows is coming.
"You can ostrich all you'd like, but that alarm is going to go off in seven minutes." Eddie's voice, warm and sweet like honey.
"Why?" Buck grumbles, the alarm bell ringing in the back of his head too faint to make it through the fog of his mind.
"Our son has school." Eddie says around a yawn, shuffling closer still until his face is nestled in the crook of Buck's neck.
"Your son." He whispers to himself, enough forethought to contest that piece of information.
"He's your son before ten."
Eddie drops a kiss to the skin of his throat then, a dizzying brush of dry lips, barely any pressure and yet somehow a sting shoots through him. A pleased hum, and Eddie opens his mouth enough to sink his teeth into the tender skin. Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. Eddie pulls away after a moment of suckling, presses another kiss to the mark before nuzzling his nose against it.
A lazy smile tugs at Buck's lips as Eddie noses his way up to Buck's jaw. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light now dimmed by the shadow leaning over him, and Eddie comes into focus. He's always soft in the morning, sleep-rumpled and oh-so-beautiful. His mussed hair sticks up every which way, loose strands falling over his forehead, between his bleary, half-squinted eyes as warm and inviting as a cup of coffee in the morning. There's stubble on his jaw too, built up over their days off, and it provides a delicious scratch as Eddie leans down to kiss him square on the mouth.
Buck feels like he's missing something, like he's taken the stairs two at a time and misjudged where they ended, like he's skipped a few pages of his book. But with Eddie licking into his mouth, morning breath and all, with Eddie's bulging arms either side of his head, caging him in, with Eddie's thigh slotted between his legs, he can't find it in himself to care about whatever piece of information he's forgetting. It can itch at him all it likes, but the pressure of Eddie's knee against his crotch scratches another much more pressing itch that drowns out the other. Besides, its his year of saying yes to possibilities and it looks like morning sex with his best friend is a very probable possibility right now.
Eddie deepens the kiss somehow, settling his weight on top of Buck fully. For a second, it knocks the wind from him, feels a little like a ladder truck landing on his chest, and he can't breathe through it. But then, Eddie shifts and the sensation vanishes, replaced by the pleasure of a body pressing him into the mattress. Buck moans as Eddie sucks on his tongue, hips bucking up of their own accord, and Eddie wrenches himself away with a gasp.
(read the rest on ao3)
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evilkaeya · 1 year
Have you guys heard about the dumb teenagers in port mafia? Yeah they’re in love now and they don’t realize it. Yes they’re making it everyone’s problem. You can read about it if you want.
(pls read ty)
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otterandterrierwrites · 6 months
otterandterrier's fics: make the season bright
A thematic self-rec list.
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You know I'm falling, falling, falling at your feet Forced to take a detour during a mission days before Life Day, Han and Leia have to pretend to be a married couple. [wc 4,763, T, 2021]
Hungry Hearts: VIII. Zoochberry pie and eggnog Han and Chewie host a Life Day party on Hoth, and Leia learns some Wookiee holiday customs. [wc 2,953, G, 2019]
Just to make happy someone like you Han and Leia get each other for the New Year Fete's Secret Friend Exchange on Hoth. [wc 5,284, T, 2020]
Ignite my circuits and start a flame: Celebration Han and Leia visit Kashyyyk for Life Day and discover the possibilities of hammocks. [wc 1,129, E, 2019]
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kenobihater · 4 months
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i appreciate all interactions with my fics ESPECIALLY comments whether they're short or long, but there's no greater joy than seeing a notif in my inbox from someone sharing their thoughts at length on my silly little stories ❤️
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sundaeserenade · 8 months
hey, reguri pals, just wanna say thank you for the support on GABA and BTF. I know i have comments turned off...i think for both, and I'll turn them back on when I update, but I appreciate people reading those things and showing support even though they're unfinished.
a driving force in encouraging fic authors to finish things is showing support, talking about the fic, etc. and I know people are doing that, and I appreciate it very much!
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rowshi04 · 4 months
Current Plans and Some Ideas (fic stuff):
Now that it's a New Year and I'm out of my writers block🙂, I've been working on some stuff that I had in mind/planned and I've come up with some new stuff (on which I'd really appreciate your opinions/thoughts on🫶🏻)
✏️Plans/Current stuff I'm working on:
The Royals Of Love (AU reguri fic)
Red x Green Volume2 (my reguri fic pt2)
Heart To Be Mended (continuing the fic with more chapters)
Pt2 for A Rose Through Time (og story/fic with cross universes)
💭New Ideas:
Valentines Reguri fic (short, sweet oneshot)
FNAF with the plot of Super Paper Mario (random idea I had, which would be cool, greg being the main role and others would have other roles. would have to change it abit and adapt some stuff, but there is a potential)
A fic where two characters are singing along to a song (similar to my fic Rockabye. it be a oneshot, but have some little plot/story)
🖐🏻Other stuff/notes:
Try and make a comic (trying to find my art style for it, and how I'd want to do it. and if I like it, maybe make more)
Branch into different fandoms (pkmn and reguri will be my base, but I'd like to write for other fandoms I like)
~ Also do it at my own pace and not by scheduled times like I did with RxGvolume1🙃
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The milkshake was sweet and light, the strawberry tart and bright dancing on his tongue. He was almost sure they had melded both vanilla and strawberry ice cream together for this, Pete could tell, and it was absolutely delicious. Perhaps the most perfect milkshake he had ever had.
“Y’know, I think we’re a lot like this milkshake,” Pete commented after sliding it back over to Patrick.
Or, Pete and Patrick are trying to figure out what it means to be PeteandPatrick again, and Pete is overthinking it every step of the way. Lucky for him, Patrick is always there to ground him.
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worshippin · 11 months
It’s not unusual for her to watch him as he flies away– always away–, into the dark storm and dodging lightning. A bright purple strike of a lightning bolt cuts the sky, then the air and land beneath.
She feels it all, the static, the buzzing of electricity. But he’s too far away to touch. He’s too far away to hear her prayers; and far too focused on his task to realize she can feel him flying, through every raindrop, every breeze.
Keyleth usually wakes up abruptly, with black feathers under her pillows and sharp thuds on the window. This time, however, he flies around and then floats closer as he suddenly turns from a murder of ravens into a pale-skinned half-elf, a curious look of recognition on his face.
Her chest aches and she gasps as she’s caught there, reaching for him with her whole soul just as he reached for her through the decades, sending her flocks of black birds (well, mostly ravens) to simultaneously haunt and brighten her every waking moment.
“Vax?” She calls out, her voice hoarse like the echoes she hears are different versions of herself screaming and singing  his name.
He doesn’t answer, though he stays there, unmoving, the puzzled expression never leaving his face.
“Vax, can you hear me?”
She holds a hand against her chest, realizing her own heavy breathing. The storm gets heavier. 
“I hope you can hear me,” she adds in a hushed tone. Her face is wet, but she holds onto the fire she carries inside to keep talking, keep seeing him. “I hope you remember… I still haven’t forgotten. You promised me Zephrah. ”
There’s a spark of something for a brief moment, a glint in his eye for a fraction of a second and Keyleth’s entire body fills with hope. But then it flickers, and a mask covers Vax’ildan’s beautiful face, inky dark mist spilling from the slits where the eyes sit as it turns white.
It’s not his voice she hears when the figure speaks. [[MORE]]
“It is not yet your time, child.” 
Pure fury rises inside her as she answers without thinking, “I made the last being who called me that regret it. Were you not there to catch her soul?”
Suddenly, the mask rushes in her direction and stops inches from her face, triplicating in size, imposing with the rest of its form revealing: the long dark veils, pointy hands, swirls of magical threads.
Vax remains at a distance; untouchable.
“You are trespassing, Tempest,” the Matron says, her voice somehow gentle and echoing. “It is not yet your time.”
Keyleth tries to take a deep breath. The raindrops are now suspended in the air, halfway through falling, and she can no longer smell petrichor. Maybe it’s why she feels repulsion and not hatred: she is a druid, after all, one who not only worships but is the elements and life itself and here is the presence of her antithesis, plain death and no rebirth.
“No, it’s not,” she says, voice cracking. “I know that.”
The masked figure leans down, its massive form still towering over her and still growing, trying to encompass the horizon.
“But here you are nonetheless.”
“I can’t help it. I won’t ever stop dreaming of him.”
There’s a pause.
“Careful, Archdruid. You may yet live for a very long time, but you are not actually immortal. Do not disrespect me.”
Keyleth frowns in confusion.
Vax, still out of reach, takes a step closer. And immediately gets pulled back by an invisible force. He shifts, from raven feathers to floating pools of blood to the sharp sound of knives clashing to cloaked humanoid to naked angelic omen and over and over and over again. 
Keyleth forces herself to see and in her mind’s eye it shows itself: a singular thread of pulsating light pulled taught, more evident than the sea of threads all around him, connecting Vax’ildan to something far beyond. Like a ley line or a bridge rope or a leash .
She breathes in and out. 
So it is not just a dream.
“I respect you, Matron,” she affirms, doing her best to ignore the massive masked head nearly blocking her vision now. She keeps her gaze on Vax in the distance, back to shifting from mist to feathers to person-shaped, moving through time and space, occasionally searching her eyes and faintly grinning. “But I can’t pretend to believe to be beneath you. You were once a mortal too so maybe I understand your loneliness, since the other gods probably have their qualms with you.”
"If you wish to honor me… and him," the Matron interrupts, roiling smoke and loose bright strings more clearly pulsating around her now. "You shall leave this place, Tempest, and seek to never return until fate makes it so."
Keyleth clenches her jaw, her heart beating loud in her chest and something boiling around it, spreading through her body like rage. Her fury has no place in Exandria and all the planes together wouldn't be able to contain it. It's been so long and she's still so goddamn angry , so deeply wounded. How dare– ? How cruel .
She holds her hand to her chest in a fist.
The word reverberates inside her heart as she doesn't look away from Vax. Her hand opens like a flower blossoming, reaching for the sun.
“No," she says, voice stern and composed, as she feels herself tremble not out of fear but as a testament to her control, to her power and her prowess. "I can't do that. It’s been many long years. He won't stop visiting me. So I won't stop reaching back."
The storm starts over, big raindrops falling and twirling in the harsh wind. It nourishes the soil, sprouts roots and vines and trees, tall as mountains, flowers and fruit luscious and ripe. This is not a dream, yet it flows through Keyleth like anything in nature does.
Vax tries to take a step forward once more, but he’s still so, so far away. Still so beautiful, and frozen in time like her. 
Keyleth feels flames licking up her shoulders, her head, the side of her face, her eyes. At her feet the rich wet earth dries and cracks and a pillar grows to propel her upwards, closer to the deity. She hovers in dissipating fog, under the brightest moonlight of Catha with the red hue of Ruidus on her back. 
"I hope you understand that I really do respect you, goddess," she continues. "But I can only treat you as an equal, because…”
Facing the Matron of Death but watching the lost love of her life, feeling in her element perhaps more than she's ever felt, Keyleth promises:
“Because it’s as an equal that I will take back what you stole.”
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fairytypingg · 3 months
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