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Here my artwork of azrak wife I did, based on fanfic characters by @kriscynical , what you think please leave comment’s?
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kitsune024 · 1 year
InuYasha Fanfiction
The Lucky Ones by Terri Botta (Isilwath)
7 fanart by KrisCynical on deviantart Here
Part 1. The Lucky Ones I Chapters: 49/49 I
Sometimes Fate hands you a gift you never thought you’d ever get, and it’s up to you to accept it for what it is.
Part 2. Game Face I Chapters: 1/1 I
It’s PWP, what do I need a summary for?
Part 3. The Coyote Child I Chapters: 19/19 I
Sequel to The Lucky Ones. Inuyasha and Kagome are asked to adopt a coyote-hanyou baby from Arizona.
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kriscynical · 9 months
I just finished doing a quick and dirty edit of my favorite TotK screencap to use for the cover of my Zelink playlist, and I thought I'd share. I made a plain version and an ouroboros version:
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Enjoy if you wish!
LinkTree: kriscynical
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aluvian · 9 months
Tagged by @corduroysockz! Thank you so much, lovely! 💙
Favorite color: black + pink + blue
Currently reading: Berserk (still) and Trigun Maximum volume 12
Last series: finished my Trinity Blood rewatch, and I'm going to be starting my Berserk 97 rewatch soon. And in honor of The X-Files 30th anniversary, I'm going to marathon my all-time favorite episodes too while I work through Berserk.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: all 3! But one of my favorite flavor combos is sweet and spicy.
Currently working on: my post canon TriStamp AU fic. It is slow going. I have a bunch of scenes I want to include mapped out, I just need to find the words. It's so hard. There are so many incredible writers in the Trigun fandom, and I don't want to embarrass myself. I've never written fanfic before.
Tagging: @eomma-jpeg @frogsmulder @kriscynical @astromechs @kiaraalazulu @astarionisms @baronessblixen @ussfaramir @love-and-stryfe @gracklewing
And if you're reading this and want to play too, consider yourself tagged! As always, there's no pressure at all. 💙
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inukag-week · 3 years
I have a couple InuKag pieces that fit some prompts for the upcoming InuKag week... I created them YEARS ago (like 10+ years ago) and they have never been posted to tumblr before, only deviantART and LiveJournal. Would it be okay for me to submit them as answers to the InuKag week prompts, or are you only accepting works that are completely new? (You don't need to answer this publicly unless you want to address the issue in general.)
I will answer this publicly because it's a good question!
There's really not rules regarding "when" your pieces were created! You can absolutely post something here that you already posted somewhere else. Sometimes people even reblog some of their old posts and tag us in it, we'll reblog that too.
Anything you feel fits the prompt(s) of the event and that you want to share with us is accepted :)
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feudalconnection · 4 years
NOMINATION: Kriscynical
CONGRATULATIONS @kriscynical ! Your fanart  "Two hearts"  has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2020 4th Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards, run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Voting will take place between October 29th and November 12th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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ababwa · 4 years
@kriscynical replied to your post “(guess what folks it’s “get upset about how much aladdin and jasmine...”
To get further upset about how much they love each other let me Will Smith meme gesture to the series episode EYE OF THE BEHOLDER THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT.
*will smith poses @ the ENTIRETY OF THE ALADDIN FRANCHISE*
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yoimusicalzine · 5 years
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It’s our greatest honor and privilege to present you all the members of our wonderful CAST! Everyone, give it up for
✨ KrisCynical @kriscynical ✨
Three words to describe the musical that inspired her illustration for the zine:
Love, Dreams, Poetry
Can you guess the title?
[Schedule] [FAQ] [Answered asks] [Got a question? Ask the Crew!] ♪ Follow us on Twitter
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yoigallery · 6 years
Creative Kris!
Kris ( @kriscynical ) has some seriously unforgettable art. With a sharp eye for details, each image will keep you staring for hours! No joke, check out every sequin and fold on those awesome skate costumes.
And the rich colors in this artwork just put everything over the top. You’ll instantly recognize Kris when you see such love of color and saturation. Did I also mention there’s some very spicy nsfw every now and then?
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Kris has been drawing for over 20 years (wow!) and takes a very intuitive approach to choose color and composition.
I almost always have a pretty solid mental image of the piece I want to produce and what colors/lighting/mood I want from the start, but if there's something I'm unsure about I'll do a rough color study of the piece before starting the finished product to get everything figured out.
Favorite things to draw...Victuuri together! (us all, Kris, us all).
I love their sweet, healthy, wholesome dynamic so much in how absolutely devoted they are and how they unabashedly care for each other so deeply and want to support each other even if it means making personal sacrifices in order to do so; all those deep emotions are so fun to play with through subtle body language/facial expression, and I love conveying emotion in my work. 
For a single character, I'd have to say Yuuri because I relate to him a lot for various reasons and the complexity of his character makes for even more fodder when it comes to visually conveying his inner struggles with anxiety and self-worth.
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Don’t forget to visit Kris and see it all!
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nikiforoov · 6 years
@kriscynical replied to your post “alli’s art related goals for the next year: learn to draw…. muscles ...”
If you want to learn to draw muscles you need to pick up "Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist" by Stephen Rogers Peck. It's my anatomy Bible. It was the textbook for an advanced figure anatomy class I took my senior year of college and it's been within arm's reach of my work space ever since, over a decade at this point. It's cheap, too, which is always a plus!
i just googled the book and it looks pretty much exactly what i need! and wow it’s super cheap too, i think i’m def gonna buy it! thank you for the rec ahh ♥
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jenroses · 6 years
kriscynical replied to your post “rashaka: buckzy: i dont care how corny iris by the goo goo dolls is...”
I saw John perform Iris live at a music festival with just his guitar (I don't know where the rest of the band was) and he forgot the fucking lyrics. In the middle of the song. Then he said "This is why you need a band, because you CAN'T REMEMBER YOUR OWN FUCKING LYRICS." He forgot the festival was being broadcast live on a local radio station.
In filk, we call that Frank Hayes disease (lovingly) because Frank does this all the time. Like, he starts singing and those who’ve been around a while pull out their own copies of his stuff and just quietly slip the lyric sheet up there when he starts doing the thing. 
He writes amazing lyrics that people sing all the time and then promptly forgets them even if he’s sung them for 30 years. 
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What about casting Simone Ashley as voice and singing voice of Sadira mother what you think please leave comments? @simoneashley @kriscynical @disneyaladdin @sadiraofthesandsarchive
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miyakuli · 6 years
kriscynical submitted :
“Born to Shine” – My piece for the Born to Shine Yuuri zine, with tiny Yuuri squishies in the background: http://kriscynical.tumblr.com/post/175285281273/born-to-shine-sorry-for-all-the-detail-shots-but
Thank you very much for showing <3333 !!!!
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kriscynical · 8 months
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Tears of the Birthday Cake
Obvious title is obvious.
As per tradition, I'm posting my birthday cake on my birthday. Standard disclaimer: yes, I decorate my own birthday cake. My mom bakes and frosts it for me, then I have fun playing with my decorating stuff. If I didn't decorate it myself, I'd get candy letters. lol
Nobody who follows me is surprised by this year's cake theme. Nobody. That dragon took about two hours to make, and transferring it from the counter top to the cake was very, very scary. I'm happy with how it turned out, though! Hooray for food dye markers.
I wish pearl dust showed up in pictures better.
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aluvian · 11 months
Tagged by @astromechs! Thank you so much, lovely! 💙
Last song: Tell Me Goodbye by BIGBANG
Currently watching: Trigun Stampede (another rewatch) and will be moving onto another Cowboy Bebop rewatch after
Currently reading: I just finished up Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman and will be moving on to A World of Difference by Leona Blair. A bit of trivia about the latter book: my mom was in the middle of reading it when she went into labor with me. Maybe that's why it's one of my all-time favorite books lmao!
Current obsession: Trigun, obviously. It was my first and is my oldest anime obsession. I've loved it since I was 10. I really owe Stampede my life. I never expected to see a resurgence of the fandom, and yet here we are. It is a glorious time for me.
Tagging: (as always, there's no pressure at all 💙) @jewish-mulder @frogsmulder @kriscynical @s4wdust @vienna-salvatori @eidetictelekinetic @eomma-jpeg @baronessblixen @swinging-stars-from-satellites
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harocat · 6 years
kriscynical replied to your post: kriscynical replied to your post: ...
I am one of the world’s biggest wusses when it comes to needles and acupuncture doesn’t bother me in the slightest. The needles are so thin (like a strand of hair) that you literally do not feel them go in. They’re encased in a plastic tube that is pressed against your skin, then the therapist lightly taps the end of the tube to insert the needle. Your skin is so distracted by the feel of the tube that it doesn’t feel the needle stick. I highly recommend it!
Oh lol by poking I didn’t mean I needed to avoid needles. I don’t love them or anything, but I’m fine with shots and needles and the like.
By poking I just meant with cryotherapy I can avoid people touching me period. 
I’m not worried about the needle (or pain( aspect of acupuncture at all. 
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