#aluvian speaks
aluvian · 9 months
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My sister and I both had emoji epiphanies in our Discord server yesterday
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agathabridgerton · 2 years
Don’t We Deserve A Happy Ending?
AO3 | ME3 | shakarian | Big shout out to @aluvian for being both my confidante, therapist, and cheerleader!
“Garrus, I...I know you said that the one thing you wanted was to stand on the top of the Presidium, but... You never...?”
He sighs, thoughtful. “I never had grand dreams like you, Shepard. Just...simple ones like that. It was already too much to hope to do good in the galaxy.”
“We’re doing good now,” Shepard reminds him, leaning into his side and letting her temple fall against his mandible.
“The greatest of goods.”
They sit in silence for a long moment, listening to the hum of the ship, before Shepard speaks up again with a great sigh.
“Garrus...” She moves away from him for a moment before swinging one leg over his to sit in his lap, looking dismayed. Sympathy floods Garrus as he brings his hands to her hips. “I love you,” she confesses, their gazes meeting. Her voice is strained, and tears have sprung up from her waterline. “I need you, I need you, I need you.”
Spirits, she’s trembling as she takes his face in her hands and presses her forehead to his, closing her eyes. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Garrus,” she whimpers, her whole body heaving with sudden sobs. “I would be lost without you.”
He closes his eyes, too, and clutches her against his carapace. “I was lost without you. When you died... I thought, ‘Maybe if I’d been there, I could’ve saved you.’ Then you came and found me on Omega. For a while there, Shepard, I wondered if I’d died, and if that was how heaven was starting out for me—you saving my ass. And then, you know, I took a rocket to the face, and it became apparent that you and I were definitely alive.”
Shepard tilts her face up, pressing her nose against his and desperately pressing her lips to his mouth plates. He can’t tell if she wants sex or if she’s just looking for comfort, and Garrus doesn’t think Shepard knows either. He rubs her back, subvocals kicking up a notch to a low purr strong enough for her to hear and feel rumbling against her chest. She sniffles and pulls back to look him in the eyes.
“It wasn’t true what I said in the skycar, Garrus,” she confesses, and he tucks those perpetually-stray locks of hair behind her ear. “That was just the start. I want so much more for us.” Her green eyes penetrate him, searing right through his heart, and in that moment, every ounce of her pain is his. “When death was almost certain at the hands of the Collectors, I accepted that the future I dreamed of for us was impossible. But we survived, Garrus, and...and I think we deserve some slack!” She sniffles and wipes away her tears, anger taking root in place of her sorrow. “I want us to retire to Earth and help rebuild the galaxy. After everything we’ve done, don’t we deserve a happy ending?”
Garrus hums in agreement before sighing heavily, feeling himself deflating. “I don’t think it matters what we deserve, Shepard,” he whispers mournfully. “Whatever may happen, I will never forget you, and I will never stop loving you.”
“Neither will I.”
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aluvian · 5 months
Dearest mutuals and followers, I need J-Rock and J-Pop recommendations, please. 💙
I currently have the following bands on my playlist: ONE OK ROCK, Granrodeo, OLDCODEX, Loudness, Da-Ice, DIV, and Style Five
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aluvian · 5 days
You know that Jenny Nicholson video about the Star Wars hotel everyone is talking about right now? Well, there's this little guy right here:
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His name is Skippy, and he was originally part of a ride (the pre-show to be more specific) at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom called Alien Encounter (which unsurprisingly, was a huge favorite of mine growing up. The ride terrified me, and I *loved* it. I was devastated when they closed it and switched to Stitch's Great Escape). Anyway! I have that same plushie, too! I've had him pretty much since the ride opened...which was a very long time ago lmao.
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Also a very fun and absolutely devastating fact: the original concept for Alien Encounter was going to be called Nostromo. Which, you guessed it, means that the alien you encountered during the ride would have been the xenomorph. We were truly robbed. The Nostromo scene of the Great Movie Ride at Hollywood (MGM) Studios almost made up for it. At least it had animatronic xenomorphs. But I digress. I started watching the video and got so unbelievably excited to see one of my most favorite obscure little guys, and I wanted to share a few pics of him!
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aluvian · 3 months
I'm thinking about doing a silly face compilation for the Trigun 98 watch party. I did it for the book club, but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested.
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aluvian · 10 months
Humanoid Typhoon sightings at Disney World
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aluvian · 1 month
Me, knowing I'll be seeing Alien in the theater later this evening :3
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aluvian · 6 months
@revenantpoet My Teru Vash wants to thank you for the awesome new pen. He loves it, and so do I
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aluvian · 11 months
"I Won't Say I'm in Love" from the Hercules OST feels like a 98 VashMeryl song to me.
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aluvian · 6 months
I've been having too many bad brain days in fandom lately, and things are too upsetting right now. I think it's time to take a break from my main socials for a little while.
If you need to get in touch with me outside of Tumblr and Twitter, don't hesitate to message me on Discord or Instagram.
I'll be back. I can't say when, but I will be back. 💙
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aluvian · 10 months
Me, knowing that tomorrow I will have to start rereading TriMax volume 10 again
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aluvian · 10 months
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Definitely some of the cutest charms I've bought so far 😊
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aluvian · 10 months
Me as I try to compile the silly faces for this week
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aluvian · 6 months
I am currently listening to an awesome video about the ocean, and it mentions Subnautica, one of my favorite games ever. And it's got me thinking...I want a game with the open world concept it has, but you're exploring the ocean during the Cambrian and Devonian periods. Hnnnnng, going feral at the idea. Catch me befriending every single trilobite I come across.
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aluvian · 6 months
I have several mutuals all in various stages of rewatching House MD, and I am this 🤏🏻 close to joining them
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aluvian · 9 months
9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @kiaraalazulu. Thank you so much, lovely! 💙💙💙
Last song: Spring Day by BTS
Currently reading: Trigun Maximum volume 11 and Berserk. Both are rereads.
Current fic: I have 150+ tabs open right now for fics, but I just read the absolutely wonderful Millywood fic Incentive by krankittoeleven and am rereading towards an endless paradise by inkpot__gods
Currently watching: Trinity Blood. I haven't rewatched this in 84 years, and I'm thinking about doing a post about it and some parallels to Trigun. They are astonishing.
Next on my watchlist: 97 Berserk
Current obsession: still Trigun lmao. Some obsessions never die.
Tagging (and as always, there's no pressure): @jewish-mulder @frogsmulder @s4wdust @alldirectionblind @loverseungkwan @love-and-stryfe @maddymuse @magical-xirl-4 @baronessblixen @bluecoba
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