#kpop ship exchange
seokwoosmole · 1 year
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wolfiebaby2911 · 2 years
Hi guyyss!! I am bored, so can anyone who seeing this to help me suggest whether should I do a PAC or a ship game. For those who choose PAC, what kind of theme do you want me to do?? please no 18+ reading bcs I'm uncomfortable😭🙏.
For those who choose ship game, basically the rules are: first send me whose celebrity that perhaps compatible with me vibes or energy wise in my ask box alongside with your initial + sun sign/big 3 and I will send you the celebrity that compatible with you (I will do it intuitively).
Side note: I'm only familiar with western, chinese, korean celebrities.
Thank you so much for those who are responding
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hanavbara · 2 months
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hanavbara store is now open 💫 reblogs are very appreciated ♡
preorder for tote bag, prints, posters, keychains, stickers, and more!
🔗 hanavbarastore.com 
✧ lots of sailor moon (new tote bag!), totally spies, genshin (new fontaine characters) honkai (new phone charms), kpop, barbie, csm, jjk, movies, tv shows, new taylor music player photoholder charm with exchangeable cards and much more! 💗
✧ shipping worldwide, starts may 2024
✧ FREE holo sticker for orders above 40 (excluding shipping) 🌈
✧ every order comes with a polaroid gift and a random photocard ♡
we are doing giveaway on tiktok (3 winners!!), instagram and twitter!
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himbocoups · 11 months
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˗ˋˏ Epistolary Yearning ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only
synopsis: a series of letters, speckled with notes of budding romance and longing, exchanged between a newly married couple separated by seas and the ongoing war the emperor sent his commander to end.
pairing: duke!lsm x reader (gn afab)
genre: epistolary form, historical fantasy, romance | smut
tags: arranged marriage, mentions of a war, dk and yn accidentally invent the concept of planes, two people very much falling in love | degrading, fingering, guided play, honey play, marking, mirror play, pet names, praise, pussy slapping, riding, spitting, squirting…
wc: 5.13k
message from nu: fueled by my love for historical, fantasy, and isekai manhuas. big thank you to my beta readers (@heartkyeom, @aceofvernons, and @multi-kpop-fanfics) for reading when I was playing with the format of this fic + @junkissed with helping out with the syntax for this one very confusing line I wrote. also summoning @onlyseokmins bc I told her I'd tag her once duke!dk was finished <3
himbocoups's masterlist
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Letter One - YN
My Lord, 
How are you? I hope your trip is going as smoothly as planned. 
It has been a while since I last heard from you. As Summer comes to a fading end, Autumn threatens to wash the foliage to hues of brown and auburn. And I sit at the library nook beside the window, taking quill to parchment against the cover of a heavily bound book and scratching against blank pages before I can muster the courage to write to you. I do sincerely apologize if this attempt seems strange. 
Though I pity our brief time together, the only things I familiarized myself with are your scintillant eyes. Maybe instead of feeling as dull as the color of nature, I’ll think about how the color is reminiscent of your eyes. Eyes, these beautiful jewels seem to reflect the light through your smile. I can’t help but imagine myself as the last person to see them every night as I lay beside you as we drift off into slumber. Would it be too forward of me to say that the thought of growing fond of you, not just your eyes, is slowly appealing more and more to me? 
However, I do have hesitations as I am left alone to roam these lonely halls in a place so unfamiliar to me. It would be a pity shall I reach familiarity with my surroundings before I become familiar with you. Or even worse, to have you forget your familiarity with me. 
Please be safe for me. Hurry home soon.
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Letter Two - DK
My Jewel,
For someone who longs for familiarity, you need not create even more distance between us through formalities. And my love, you need not refer to me as your Lord. Love is all I ask for, as love is what you will always be to me. Albeit, I do find it disheartening to read that you think of me so lowly. I could never forget someone as precious as you, even if you do not believe in your preciousness. 
Nevertheless, I, too, pity the brevity of our time together. Marriage agreed upon through an exchanging of letters by our guardians, now our marriage follows suit in the epistolary form. Yet no descriptive access through penmanship could ever grant the feeling that blossomed inside me and continues to bloom since I first laid my eyes upon you. And on the eve of the third week of our matrimony, I was whisked away to end the war. I do sincerely apologize for my absence. 
On this rocking ship, all I can do is stare into the swirling sea in search of a passing merchant ship with letters to deliver. The birds that soar above me seem to provoke me with their independence, cawing in hearty guffaw at the fact that this poor man can never take flight at any moment back into his lover’s arms - where he feels most at home.
Maybe we should take giant birds instead of ships, soaring in the skies and reaching our destination in an instant. How wondrous that would be. 
But I am an equally lonesome Commander among his squadron, a man who keeps the first letter from his lover in the pocket against his breast and his wedding band around his neck. Just thinking about how you were thinking about me while writing that letter, still thinking about me, conciliates any disarray in my mind. And I promise you that I will make you feel loved for the rest of your life, even if our love is only budding. 
I will lead my men well. Then I will lead myself home. To you. 
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Letter Three - YN
My Dokyeom (If it is fine to refer to you in this way),
I do have to admit to my shyness, how my face flushed with heat when you referred to me as your beloved. Your “love”…my goodness, our servants nearly called the doctor over when they saw my state of awe. Although, I do apologize if the language in my initial letter seemed blunt or made you feel even a hint of sadness that I accidentally made you for a man with a cold demeanor. 
You wrote: “Maybe we should take giant birds instead of ships, soaring in the skies and reaching our destination in an instant” in our last exchange. What a preposterous idea! But what a new discovery to find that you are as funny as you are charming. Shall we commission a local alchemist to create potions that magnify tiny sparrows to large ships? Or shall I ditch my archery lessons in exchange for nights in your magnificent library, scouring the archives with the hope to find a recipe to an enlarging potion hidden in a romance novel? 
Oh, how I wish everything could be as easy as depicted in romance novels or that one Opera we went to watch. Days consume me on end. Not in the way in which I consume much of my leisure time by staying in the places we frequented in our time together, but in the way in which time passes by so slowly it feels like the concept of time is consuming me instead. I wish it were you who were consuming me even though I do feel it through your love. Because I, too, keep your letter near me. And I trace over the areas your quill indented the parchment, so much that I sometimes end up smudging the dried ink with my hand. 
I do miss you...even more when everything around me reminds me of you. Because you, who makes silly promises about a budding romance, will also be the receiver of my elementary promise about my slowly collecting love for you. 
P.S. They are close to finishing our portraits. I have yet to decide where they are to be hung. 
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Letter Four - DK
My Love,
My Seokmin. Seok. Min. Mine. Beloved. Love. Dearest. Husband. Equal. Anything but Duke, Lord, Commander, or Dokyeom is welcome. How I wish for the day I get to hear my name leave your lips through a soft murmur, laughter, greeting, whisper, and mayhaps even a whine. 
Honeymoon was cut short by my trip across the sea. We are finally on land. In front of me is a crackling campfire whose glow conceals the redness of my cheeks, dappled with jubilance from reading your last letter. 
My dearest shy and humble lover whose metaphoric propositions of love are anything but reticent, I have annotated my favorite portions and circled words that I replay in my mind as a source of comfort. However, like what you did with your quotation of my imaginary bird ship, I must reference a few nuances in your letter that I find interesting. Particularly, I find that you must be careful in formatting your syntax, my beloved — for your way of language is enough to drive a sane man mad. Just think of me: a sane man before I had you and now a man slowly falling madly in love with you. 
Referring back to how time achingly consumes you, your “I wish it were you who were consuming me. Although I do feel it through your love” causes me to quiver in a way that is only shared between two lovers. I am a man whose honeymoon was interrupted by the king’s call, a man who is weeks without his lover, a man who has needs - desires. And your need for me to consume you? I can only pluck it out of context. 
If everything around you reminds you of me, then I must tell you that I hope your reminder does not make you suffer as how I suffer. My love, do you know how painful it was to lay in my bed while the ship continually rocked back and forth? It was reminiscent of our second week together when you decided to mount me in bed, your beautiful opalescent undergarment covering an action so lewd that it could never be named in public. Yet I was a man on a ship with his aching cock in his hand, imagining his newly beloved on top of him who squeezes him tightly as they ride his lap. 
No hand could ever replace the fervor of having you rock me, leaning forward to kiss me down my naked chest while sucking and licking the thin area of skin right above my collarbone. How warmly your walls enveloped my own, squeezing and contrasting with every glide you make. I couldn’t help but twitch in you, trying to hold in my selfishness by grabbing onto your thighs - kneading and feeling the skin fill the areas between my fingers. But you bounced on my lap like a bunny in heat, causing my hands to trail further upwards until they lay on your ass…I wanted to worship you by turning myself into a throne, a marble stand so others could be in awe of you for centuries to come. 
Mouth unable to talk, your kitten drooled onto my lap and coated the surface with liquid lust while you whimpered as I praised you for treating me so well. I scooped the syrup from the maple tap and brought it to my mouth to suck; even now I can still feel your sweet syrup rest on my tongue and swirl in my mouth. Yet there I was on that boat, losing my mind with my hand on my tap. Bed sheets soaked with my sweat, I could only imagine that it was your sweat-glistened skin that stuck against mine. It was but a shame, and still is but a shame, that the image of you collapsed against my chest with exhaustion when your thighs trembled with such a quake only exists as a memory. How long would it take for me to turn the memory of me looping my arms around your back and pushing your upper body against mine, feeling you build and crash through a scream, into our reality? 
The land is no better than the sea. Truly, it must be treason to think such impure thoughts while riding on my finest stallion to head to our base. I am a Commander, a Duke for God’s sake. But the bouncing, the clopping - oh, beloved, my skin pricked with heat so much that I thought bandits were ambushing us. The pain I felt while I waited for my swelling to go down - I am utterly embarrassed to admit I almost released while riding in front of my men. 
How I wish I could come running back home to you. Shall I single-handedly overturn the monarchy so we can be equal partners to the throne? So that we can be rulers who need not leave our estate? Just give me the word, and the empire will be yours. Then I would never need to leave your side. That I guarantee. 
P.S. Hang the portrait wherever you please. Perhaps the ballroom so I would always be with you during the night of the balls. 
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Letter Five - YN
My King,
How mad of you to write such vulgarities, to suggest usurping the throne only if it means being able to stay with me. You are a Commander. You are a Duke. You are one of the King’s men. Do you not fear the inevitable consequences that you would face should your letter be opened by anybody other than myself? Do you not fear what would happen to you if your lust-driven joke was wrongly taken for treason? I must say that despite everything, I found myself dipping a finger into your words and listening to my juices sing your letter like lyrics. 
Your words comforted my ache at my core, skillfully fighting fire with fire to extinguish my burning forest. However, if you were to turn into a mere object – a chair, a throne, a stand – I would never be satisfied in your worship. ‘Tis true that I would like to be worshiped by you like the first time your palm cupped my face in private confinement under the shade of the gazebo in the garden. With nobody around us, your face softened to reveal the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Earnest eyes flittered to and fro as you studied me in awe and whispered words of praise. Up until then, I never even knew you could worship a person such as me. Yet, you, a mere stranger I met a few hours ago, placed a kiss upon my lips as soft as the petals on the flowers that surrounded us. 
If worshipping me means an inanimate you, I don’t think there would be anybody who could worship me with such sincerity and reason as you do…and I quite like the animate you even if the animate you screamed at the bug upon your sleeve. I couldn’t stop laughing then. And when you looked back at me with those bashful eyes, I knew this would be a marriage filled with laughter.  
Laughter, as I have recently learned, doesn’t only exist jovially. No. Reading your comment about my syntax, I almost erupted in a peal of sinister laughter. My poor lover with his cock in his hand and his quill in his other and his attempt to warn someone with such an extensive educational background about their syntax…you are too pure for this world. Should it make you feel better in any way, I have also thought about you in ways such a person in my stature should never. 
The other day when I was particularly distracted by the particular “unease” that had been building inside me, I accidentally launched a practice arrow into the wind. Chasing it, I happened upon our agriculture stables where the young workers sit and milk our cows. I swear, I must have been in such a delusional state to feel such a rush just from watching the motion of our cows getting milked that I ran off to the kitchens without picking up my stray arrow. 
Can you believe it, my dear? Have you been thinking of me differently since I admitted to almost leaking when I saw the cows getting milked? Would you think of me even differently if I told you I thought of you while talking to our ice sculptors? If you can quench my thirst on my loneliest days, I can only imagine what taking you in paired with ice would feel like for both you and me. 
Mayhaps, we should convene in the kitchen at night after the bell strikes twelve when all of our kitchen staff have retired. I want to kiss you with cherry-stained lips, watching tint transfer onto yours as I play with the seed of the fruit in my mouth while I wait for our cups of tea to steep. Kissing, I hope, would act as an analgesic for your painfully sleepless nights. Still, I find it abstruse that a kind, gentle, and good man like you would live such a cathartic life as a commander. Enerverated in every way as I am, I can only offer a somnolent kiss in hopes of luring you to sleep before your tea can fully steep. 
“What is a man without his honey,” you would say. Then I would ask you to specify what type of honey you are referring to. 
You would reply with this cheekiness in your voice while your lips pull into a wide smile, “the syrup.” If I’m not wrong, you would peck the top of my head while you reach over me to grab the jar that the cook keeps at the counter for you to easily access. Because the man with a honeyed siren voice that often procures lullabies for me to fall asleep also has a taste for the pollinators’ syrup. 
As you can tell…we are not simple people. We are not a regular couple. We have exchanged letters for longer than we have physically been together. So when I tell you to close your eyes to try to find your honey, would you? If I blindfolded you with a kitchen towel and told you to search for the dab of honey I swatched on my body, could you do it? Would you go to the lengths just to search for the honey to your tea?
Would you use your nose and sniff along my skin, searching for the floral and fruity aroma? Gently picking up my arm and bringing it to your nose, would you gently guide your nose along the surface of my skin in a position so intimate that you feel my arm hairs tickle the tip of your nose? Would you guide your nose upwards along my arm until you arrive at my collarbone, sniffing and docilely licking areas you think to be as sweet as honey? 
Imploring you in your reconnoiter, I must keep quiet as I watch you blindly explore every groove of the topography of my body. I imagine myself tilting my head towards the side to allow you access to the side of my neck, sharply breathing in as you nose the area in which I am the most sensitive. I see you hesitate for a second before planting your supple lips against the skin as if to sample before making a decision. To your surprise, what coats your lips in a sticky and sweet amber gloss is the honey I placed on my neck slowly trailing towards my collarbone. And I watch you intently as you lick it off your lips, leaving a translucent liquid sheen. 
Affected by a magnetic lure, you would somehow find yourself in front of me, your head positioned right above the slowly trailing bead of honey. It starts with a lick, hot tongue against cold skin. I can’t help but feel how the bumpy texture of your tongue cleans and pulls its way up my neck. After the hot saliva hits cold air, you take off the kitchen towel and look at me like a puppy waiting for its owner. 
“Such a good boy,” I murmur as I take the towel from your hand and wrap it around the nape of your neck to pull you in closer. “How does it taste?” 
What is more, is that I hope that in that moment my heart is not the only one that is beating as fast as how a hummingbird flaps its wings. My greedy husband, you back me against the kitchen island until you are pressed firmly against me as I watch and feel you bite and suck a garden of flowers across my neck and chest. Your large hands find themselves around my thighs, kneading and squeezing them so much that the fabric of my night clothes bunch in the palm of your hands. So I maneuver your hands around my waist, and you spin me around and bend me against that counter so I can feel you push yourself against me. 
“Be good for me,” you would command while undressing me. 
Then I would feel it, hands spreading my legs and fingers prying my ass apart, and then your warm and flat tongue against my kitten. One single lick would make my knees buckle. But you eating me out from behind, the way you knead my ass while you take your time swirling your tongue against my lips and lapping up my juices would make me come in an instant. Your tongue presses against my nub while your nose digs itself into my opening almost to the point where you’re fucking me with the tip of your nose, yet it is me who begs for air. And you keep my liquid on your tongue as you rise from your knees to pull my head back until I’m looking at you and your swollen and burgundy lips with my head tilted backward. 
And you pry my mouth open with your hand and watch me catch that sweet honey on the tip of my tongue. 
My dear, I am much too hot to even think about what comes after you let go of my jaw. My tenses in this letter are all mixed up because I’m so caught up in my delusions that I mistake dreams for reality. I feel ashamed to revert to such elementary composition when I am clouded by lust. But in this sensory game of wits, who do you think would win — the explorer or the explored? 
P.S. I’ve had our painting temporarily hung in our dining room as I cannot even bring myself to think about the possibility of hosting a ball without you. The great ballroom has been collecting dust since the first month you left for the war. Besides, invitations to the first ball of the season have long been sent out. I attended and made some acquaintances. Are you proud of me? Are you missing me as much as I am missing you?
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Letter Six - DK
My Sweet,
Loneliness is when you are trapped by your stillness while everything around you splits into two and crumbles. And you are stuck in the open space of where everything once was, you in your bubble of muteness as the world crashes and breaks in a cacophonous roar. The feeling that engulfed me during these past few months was beyond my description of loneliness. So with a happy heart, I am telling you that the war is over. I’m coming home soon to hold you in my arms, to show you what this world that surrounds you is truly like — delicate and with the warmth of a glowing morning Sun that promises juvenescent Springs until the end of time. 
Regarding your question about the potential winner of the sensory game you described in your last letter, whether I am the person exploring or explored, I know I would always be the victor as only a true victor can call you “his.” My sweet love, I hope to stick by your side as long as I prefer honey in my tea and you by my side when I sleep. 
However, with a slightly interruptive transition, I have a few requests regarding the contents of your postscript. That is:
One, I am wholly and with every fiber of my mind, soul, and body proud of you. You, my shyest lover who sought friendship in your moments of loneliness, I love you so. Yet I find myself utterly in distress that I cannot co-host our tea parties until later should you hold one in a few days. Our estate is boring, and it must be tiring seeing the same things and people every day for the past few months. I urge you to go out more and explore so I can come home to plentiful stories told in your voice. I want to fall asleep to your descriptions so I can dream of how you see the world around you. 
Two, of course, I am missing you. Even if I were a few yards away from you, I would still miss you. I am currently bothering our treasurer in regards to spending the rest of our budget on a winter wonderland in which we would freeze the entire world so I could easily and quickly sled back home like a seal off an iceberg. However, our treasurer is insistent on saving the budget for lodging, travel, and sustenance. I, for one, think I am right.
Three, I think this might be my last letter in a while as when this stack of parchments finally reaches you, I would almost be home. So I am struggling between keeping this short and straight to the point or long and thoroughly eloquent with everything that I want to write and say to you. Instead of coming to a conclusion by myself, I bid you farewell until we meet again with this set of instructions within my set of requests for you. I’m sorry if the format of my letter makes it very hard for you to read. Like how you described your delusions, I often find myself alone at night imagining you by my side so much that I feel your physical presence next to me. 
Four, as for our portrait in our dining room, I must ask you to perform a favor for me as I have not seen the finished painting myself. It is a test regarding the “likeness” of our portraits that can only be performed by yourself. When you wish to perform the test before I arrive, please excuse all our staff who stay by your side during dinner and ask to eat alone. Should they give you looks, please say that it was requested by me. 
When you are alone, I need you to get into a position in which you can look at yourself through the large mirror that is mounted above the low mantle towards the end of the dining room table. I assume our portrait is hung on the wall at the other side of the dining room table, am I right? If you move the plates and sit on the table, you should be able to look at both your entire body and our portrait through the mirror. Do not worry about making a mess my dear. 
Perhaps this test may be a little lewd for a dinner setting. But after your proposed rendezvous in the kitchen in your last letter, I suppose this test would be nothing to you. 
Look at yourself in the mirror. Can you imagine me behind you, slowly kissing down your neck as I undress you while the candlelights flicker beside us? Our shadows cast against the walls that surround us tell the story of two lovers slowly conjoining into one. And I sit you against the front of my naked body, bending your legs and positioning them so you can see all of you through the mirror.
My love, can you see your lips unfold into a beautiful bloom, leaking with its sweet nectar for your man to taste? The sweet nectar, the glistening substitute to the honey our staff brought alongside our dinner rolls, rolls off the flower and soaks the tablecloth beneath you. Tonight I am not doing anything except revel in your beauty like a man awestruck by something so exquisite that he cannot do anything but stare. 
I want you to imagine that the same me in the portrait is the me you imagine to be behind you, the very me who writes this letter and instructs you on how to pleasure yourself for the night. Suck on your own fingers, my darling. Bring your fingers to your lips, and let me see the way you ready yourself before the pleasure comes. Because what I want is for you to fuck yourself well for me so that after you’ve squirted all over the dining table your pussy continues to throb so much that you confuse it for your beating heart. 
Don’t be shy. Bring your soaked fingers to your folds, and trace along the lines of the petals. Look at how they seemingly open and close as your stomach jerks in reaction. Slowly rub yourself up and down, coaxing that beautiful sigh that I know too well out of your mouth. Feel the pads of your finger mix with your juices, slipping easily and making your hand glide smoother. 
Are you looking at me through the mirror? Are you begging me to instruct you in other ways to satisfy your lust? Do you want to rub your pearl and flick it with your finger in a way that makes you clench and collapse? 
What is it, honey? Are you whining for me to make you feel good? But this is your guided session. Don’t you see yourself through the mirror, so pathetic looking that you would do anything that I tell you to do? Then take that same hand you used to tease yourself and slap your pussy for me. Bring the hand back and bring it down on your pussy quickly and with so much might that the sound of palm against tender skin echoes throughout the empty dining room. 
Don’t you feel pathetic? Getting off from you slapping your own pussy? Doesn’t it please you and make feel so dirty at the same time? When you’re striking your palm against your pussy over and over as your other hand unconsciously reaches upwards to knead your sore nipple, are you looking at yourself through the mirror? Are you still imagining me sitting behind you on our dining table, whispering and taunting you as you attempt to come undone? If your head is not completely clouded with lust, when that pussy is throbbing with such pain and pleasure, you will take your finger to your entrance and insert it slowly so you feel your warm and wet insides slowly swallow your finger the further in it goes. 
Let your mouth hang open as you plug yourself with another finger. Fill the lonely dining room with your sweet moans for me. Listen to your kitten squelch and leak the more you pump yourself so that a warm and hot feeling grows in your stomach, making you clench your body tighter and tighter. Scissor your fingers, and fill up that empty space where my cock usually rests. When you release, pull out your fingers as you come on the tablecloth and look at the cream I miss the most. 
You’re so perfect, you know that? You’d look even more perfect when you’re on your knees with your fingers underneath you and inside of you. Bounce for me my sweet, ride your own fingers as if you’re riding me. Massage yourself with your other hand, grabbing and kneading your breasts and your nipples as I do for you. Can you see yourself through the mirror more clearly when you’re in this position? Do you see how messy and needy you look while you’re pathetically riding your own fingers? Do you wish they were mine? Do you wish they were my thighs? 
Open your eyes for me as you reach another wave of ecstasy. Look at me in the eyes, the man painted next to your glowing figure as you reach your last high. I know you can do it. Scream my name if you love me, and squirt as if your pussy was crying for the man you love. 
Turn your head around when you’ve caught your breath. Look at our portrait. Do you see how I’m smiling at you? 
I’m proud of you, my love. Thank you for holding on for so long. I’ll be home soon. 
P.S. I love you.
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Copyright © 2023 Himbocoups. All rights reserved.
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poweringthroughthis · 2 months
trouble maker | wong yukhei
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sfw (suggestive at the end, a curse word)
ship: lucas x male reader
desc: lucas and (name) hate each other for the stupidest of reasons. but as their debut showcase approaches, they realize they might have to work together.
The tension between lucas and (name) was palpable as they sneakily eyed each other in the practice room, waiting their days for their turn to debut in the kpop industry. The two were set to take the world of music by a storm in their respective duos.
Their agency was committed to try out a new style of teams. With the globalization of kpop and gradually spreading acceptance for queer idols(thanks to icons like Holland), the officials deemed it fit to launch two different duos, all males, centering their primary concept on 'chemistry' or 'love'.
(name) and his teammate Mark, panted in their ending pose, backs touching each other's as the music finished playing. lucas and hendery were observing them with keen eyes, catching their breaths after finishing their round of rehearsals earlier.
hendery whistled, "that was amazing guys!", complimenting his labelmates as Mark and (name) offered tired smiles. the latter turned to smirk at lucas who looked annoyed at hendery's praise for their competitors.
"yeah, (name) can dance" lucas started, "..for a beanpole., he finished with a light snort, making the taller male sport an angered look.
"fuck off, shortie. at least i don't need a ladder to reach the top shelf" he retorted.
"that's an exaggeration. and at least i don't have a face that looks like a deer caught in headlights!"
"you-" the fiery exchange was interrupted as the door to the room opened, the common manager-to-be of both duos making an appearance, instantly making the 4 males stand up as the man never barges in during practice unless it is important.
"Guys." he began with a serious tone and a hint of restlessness in his tone. "we need to talk. there's been some..changes".
"Is this what I think it is?" Mark was the first one to inquire, indirectly voicing out each trainee's worst fear but the manager was quick to intercept.
"No, no. God, no. you boys are still debuting. you deserve it. but there are some..line-up changes. apparently, the company now feels it's a waste of potential variety to debut two duos in the same concept. "
the boys exchanged looks with each other. they'd been together for a while now, going through thick and thin as good friends. it'd be a shame to part ways so close to their debut, after promising to fulfill their dreams together.
"so we had a meeting and decided on one hip-hop duo, and the other to continue in the same theme. naturally, hendery and mark have been paired up together as they fit the rap concept more." he finished explaining the news.
soon after, the manager had left, leaving the boys reeling from the news. at least it was no new members and the 4 were only shuffled amongst themselves, they told each other.
days passed, and mark and hendery started spending more time in the studio instead of dance practices, working on their verses. having love for hip-hop since forever, the two seemed happy which reassured their friends.
lucas and (name), on the other hand, were having a hard time toleration one another. even though they were extremely professional, personal feelings kept aside as long as the song played but despite their undeniable talent and charisma, their constant bickering threatened to overshadow their potential success.
the dynamic between the two was anything but harmonious. they clashed over everything, from song choices to choreography to who should get more screen time in their debut music video. each disagreement only served to fuel their rivalry, pushing them further apart even as they were forced to work together for the sake of their debut.
One particularly heated argument erupted during a late-night rehearsal, when Lucas criticized (name)'s dance moves as sloppy and uncoordinated. "You move like a clumsy giraffe," he taunted, earning a scowl from the taller.
"Maybe I'd dance better if I didn't have to carry your dead weight on stage," he snapped back, his patience wearing thin. he stormed out of the room, both of them fuming.
they couldn't go on like this. no matter how good they perform on stage, if the dynamic behind the scenes was going to be this flaming, their stardom was destined to be short-lived.
But just as it seemed like their partnership was doomed to failure, a moment of unexpected vulnerability changed everything. after a late-night practice session, (name) accidentally let slip a personal insecurity that had been weighing heavily on his mind, causing lucas to pause in surprise from drinking water.
"I never asked to be taller than everyone else, you know?" he admitted, his usually confident facade crumbling in the face of his insecurity. "It's not easy standing out in a crowd for all the wrong reasons."
Lucas, who had always viewed (name) as an annoying trainee to be defeated, suddenly saw him in a different light. He realized that beneath the bravado and insults, there was a person with their own struggles and insecurities, just like himself.
In that moment of shared vulnerability, the walls between them crumbled, and a newfound understanding and respect blossomed. They put aside their petty disagreements and focused on their shared goal of creating something truly special together.
they had seen each other work their asses off for this and they decided to let the world know just that.
as the day of their debut finally arrived, Lucas and (name) took to the stage with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. the practice sessions leading up to the fateful day had a new emotion lingering in the dance room: admiration. which slowly seemed to blossom into newfound feelings. those of fondness and liking.
Their performance was nothing short of spectacular. their voices blended harmoniously, their dance moves synchronized effortlessly, and their stage presence was nothing short of electrifying. there was no denying the undeniable chemistry between them when they performed together. after their debut song, the suggestive moves in the duo's dance cover of the song 'troublemaker' had the audience gasping for air. they had prepared this one as a surprise to make a bold statement on their first day at work. they weren't to be taken lightly.
Cheers and applause resounded at the music bank set as Lucas and (name) took their final bow. And as they stood with foreheads resting against each other's, breathless and full of adrenaline, there was no trace of animosity between them, only a shared sense of accomplishment and by the tension, a budding romance.
Lucas turned to (name), a smirk on his face. "hey doe eyes, you ready for our next performance?" he asked, gesturing to the empty hall while taking off their microphones.
"bring in on, shortie" (name) winked in response, as he walked towards an empty room without looking back, gesturing for lucas to follow him using his index finger.
"let's see how much of a 'trouble maker' you can actually be, shall we?"
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alaezasmystery235 · 28 days
♡‿♡ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡‿♡
What would * insert celeb name * think of you ?
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Welcome to fun exchange Game !! Many of you have requested me to do it so I'm happy to finally bring it for you all .
.... R u l e s ....
🏷️ send me your initials , fav emoji alongwith sun sign .
🏷️ like and reblog this post alongwith these 2 links -> 1111 -> 222
🏷️ tell me a little about your chosen celeb ( anyone be it kpop / Hollywood ) and also send me their 1 pic so that I know whom you are talking about.
🏷️ as an exchange tell me for kpop fans with whom you'd ship me from group enhypen and why . For non kpop fans you can tell me what would J.P fav things about me .
🏷️ follow me and feedback is a must
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 5 months
ꨄ Blog Master list & Rules ꨄ
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Some of my posts will be 18+ while others will not. Minors dni with my 18+ posts.
I take requests of pretty much everything, except for like...Nothing I can think of, actually. But that's beside the point. Namely, I do KPop astrology readings, will do headcanons based on astrology, compatibility readings, ships, etc. (Ships are only for idol/requester. Compatibility can be idol/idol or requester/idol.)
Please note when making requests: I almost always see them immediately. I will do them all, but it may take me different times depending on my situation, life, schedule, and motivation. If it's an idol I do not know, it will take me a little bit longer, but it will get done. I will add them to the list as a WIP if I see them. With that being said, it its been a day or so and they’re not on there DM me. Maybe I overlooked it, maybe I forgot to add it, whatever the case we can resolve it that way.
When making requests for you and an idol, I need AT LEAST your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. With that being said, anything more than that is appreciated since it’ll definitely be a lot more accurate. Houses are also appreciated. I’d also prefer for synastry reasons your birth date, time, and general not exact city but general vicinity. But I understand if you ARE NOT COMFORTABLE with that.
DO NOT spam requests. If you spam requests I will delete them, and may or may not block you depending on my level of pettiness that day. (I've been told I'm always on level 10 pettiness, so do with that what you will.)
This blog is, and always will be a safe space. No hate, judgment, etc. will be tolerated. Headcannons are fine, sure, but no direct hate towards the idols themselves, or anyone else on this blog.
These readings are for fun, and by no means an accurate representation of the idols themselves.
I also take fic requests. My fics range...Wildly from short to long, so be warned.
My DMs are open if you want to talk, or exchange tips and tricks or advice or whatever. Hell, I’ll even do therapy sessions if you want. But I don’t take requests through DM. If you have questions on anything, DM me about it. If you have questions on the format of requests, DM me about it.
Before requesting check and see if there's a WIP of what you wanted to request first.
More on personal requests here
Master List
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Stray Kids
Personal Readings
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@lalalsblog & Hwang Hyunjin 12-29-23
Valentine’s Day event ongoing here!
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marengogo · 5 months
if said content was from someone whose account name was related to thinking my best friend and i were romantically involved, i'd check out the account before reposting (even if the content i was planning on reposting didn't have anything to do with said shipping thoughts)
i don't blame th, but i do wish he checked the account 😞
TW: mention of triggering words/actions such as “rape” but not the actual action.
Hi Anon,I hope you can forgive me for using your post to address a topic I've been meaning to discuss. The following has absolutely nothing like for real 💜🙏🏾 against you, but it kinda sets the perfect scenario, so imma take advantage it. BUT imma offer you a jikook hug in exchange, hope you can accept this for your very honest and not blaming frustration 🥹🫰🏾💜
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So the topic is: SHIPPING.
Remember that chapter 2 blog which I promised, but NEVER delivered? 🤡🤡🤡 Yeah, so,shipping was going to be one of the many subsections of that blog, which to be honest with you, is sitting unfinished in my draft, and most likely will stay like that … BUT, luckily for me not sure for y’all 😬😬 today serves itself as a perfect day to actually give it an applicable context. Through today's familiar mayhem, I read a post which I think will give the perfect context to the topic of shipping. It is a post from @akookminsupporter, the following one:
I actually happen to agree with this 100%, because I do agree that we don’t want the people we stan to directly, or indirectly, endorse problematic situations, particularly those that are recognised as such universally. For example:
You get my point.
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Now when it comes to shipping, it is WITHOUT A DOUBT one of the greatest plights within our fandom in particular, but in reality it is an issue in kpop and other music genres as a whole. Yet, the reality is that shipping is indeed a traditional tool REALLY HATE CALLING IT THAT BUT … that is almost always used as a means to a common and popular end. So the questions are: 
Do fans within the kpop fandom consider it an issue? Yes and No. 
Do people outside the kpop fandom consider it an issue? … Do they even know about it, or about it being a serious issue, within its perimeter?
Do the idols consider it an issue? … Yes? and No?
In its entirety, as all the questions don’t actually have a universally unanimous answer, SHIPPING in general, as of 17 January 2024, can’t be considered a universally known and agreeable issue. BUT, in the case of kpop, the situation is much worse. To begin with, we are unable to definitively agree on whether, or not, shipping is actually an issue to begin with, or not; be it the idol or the shipper. Nobody, in their right mind, is out there making jokes about, for example, genocide. If they are, they will righteously face big ass consequences by almost ANYONE who stumbles upon said comment/s. Shipping, on the other hand, the only people who would care, are the people within said field/environment. But, as I am a very integral part of this fandom, I know that, for us, it has become quite a nerve wracking issue, so let’s go a bit deeper.
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Let’s go with the generally known concept within kpop that a debuting band is very likely to engage in fanservice and, consequently, form ships. The idols know, the fans know. Then, let’s give it 4 years? More or less many bands decided that “you know what? I don’t need to do this anymore” and as a consequence, some have tried to address this subject, and some just pretend to not know anymore. No matter the choice, the fact still remains that their related shippers were created, toxic or not, and 9 out of 10 cases; they ain’t going nowhere.
In the case of BTS, it is actually very funny because the only person who has allegedly tried to address this, is the one person who is constantly under fire for “feeding his shippers”. What is even funnier, to me at least, is that none of his 6 members actually came out to back him up, the day he challenged his viewers regarding shipping, at least not that I recall, if you know of any members that was actually supporting Tae, please let me know. So, if none of my bandmates seem to find it an imminent problem because let’s be honest, they had to deal with far bigger shit, apparently, and the company seems to not find it a panic-worth problem, apparently, then, if I were Tae, I’d be initially hella frustrated, but eventually I’d be like: FUCK IT. Which is the mentality I honestly think they all end up applying, in the kpop world.
So, what EXACTLY IS considered shipping? 
Repeatedly mentioning the name of a shipped/rival member? Posting pictures with a shipped/rival member? Touching a shipped/rival member? Spending time with shipped/rival member? Standing next to a shipped/rival member? Etc. Just so you know, If any, or all, of these qualify with shipping, then maknae line is UNIVERSALLY within our fandom FUCKED, and yes, only them, because, let’s be real, not many care about the shipping involving the hyung line, even though they do engage in the same type of behaviour … except for Yoongi, he is kinda in the middle, like some sort of collateral damage. 
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So then what should we do? Should we completely ban shipping? Should shipping be banned maybe 4 years after the debut of all groups? Or should shipping have regulations, some kind of universal judge that presides and guides shipping behaviour? Should shipping fanfictions be abolished? Should unit names be restricted to the sole use of members? Should members cut out time in their life to make sure that they are aware of shipping and their consequences? Soooooo many questions, and probably tooooooo many answers, but the one fact still remains that MOST LIKELY these are all issues for those consuming the provided “shipping content” but not for those providing said “shipping content”, because for example:
And here I will be applying the parent/guardian/teacher/authority figure test, as in , for the next set of examples would any of the aforementioned figures be alarmed? Following are my test results  on whose problem it is, between the fandom and its idol.
A JM fan-dedicated birthday party, being crashed by rival shippers: Shippers problems. JM’s mail being stolen: Park Jimin problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
JK having to look at a poster saying that he is in love with Tae at the airport: Shippers problems. JK having an actual stalker: Jeon Jungkook problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
Tae posting a picture with an shipped/rival member: Shippers problems. Tae finding a girl in his private lift with a marriage certificate: Kim Taehuing problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
And don’t get me wrong: name dragging, defaming, lying,character bashing, graphic obscenity, etc, they are all very painful issues to witness, and endure, but it always mainly occurs within the kpop environment. When articles write about perhaps a lazy member, when other fandoms drag our favs to pieces, in the end, when the global announcements are made, none of those descriptive, obscene qualities follow. Grammy nominated BTS, is just Grammy nominated BTS, not paving crew Grammy nominated BTS, or “worst fandom” fuck y’all possessing Grammy nominated BTS. ‘Namean?
Furthermore, the truth probably is that, at the level of BTS, the artist DOESN’T HAVE TO SEE ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT, which is why it ultimately ends up being an “US” issue. Even when toxic shippers reach higher entities, like the company, government offices etc, the second these entities see that it is about a ship, after I am hoping due diligence, they are dismissed, pronto. And so, reiterating, we are left with the bulk of it all 🤡🤡🤡.
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So if, taking today as an example, Tae sees a post ABOUT HIMSELF not even his ship, just himself, by one of his shippers, we can assume that he has a pretty good idea about what might be on their page, which to be very honest, I won’t blame him for not wanting to check, but obviously, given all that we’ve been discussing, the idol themself is probably made to not have to think about it at all, as it is considered accepted, not acceptable, behaviour.  ALSO they would leave any related, and/or possible issues, to a designated team, which will assess if there is or not a real threat. Because historically, thus far at least, if there were any life-threatening hazards the company seems to take it VERY SERIOUSLY and any other threat is also dealt with accordingly. 
But what if, for example, by not checking the shipper’s page, Tae had allowed a human trafficking account to prolifer?! … let’s not 🧢:
TODAY, nobody was angry because of the fact that him not checking the page meant that he could have missed a potential infringement of human rights.
AND If they were a  human trafficking page, why is IG allowing them a platform and not quickly doing something about it?
In addition to the fact that, it is a real thing that, CURRENTLY, the accounts that are most likely to post about Tae aren't OT7s nor his biased fans (they may not be that fast or have the numbers) not even tae solos (for lack of numbers or different immediate priorities, such as streaming) but, you guessed it, taekook shippers. Hence, his algorithm will reflect accordingly. 
I mean, are we to tell JM to stop affectionately hug his members? Do we dare telling jk to stop liking shipping tiktoks or mention members' names? ….
All that just to say that @ejassy, in reality and effectively, by reposting said story, Tae wasn't actually endorsing shipping, because shipping in SK, differently from smoking or doing drugs, is generally not frowned upon. It is not an action or message that needs any kind of endorings, because within the kpop world, those who use it as a tool do not consider it a problem, hence, it is very openly accepted as a part of the culture they willingly, or not, help create. 
“But so-and-so gets dragged viciously, and disgustingly, everyday” I know. They probably know as well, but I’ve already discussed their responsible personnel. As for us, we know what to do, report report report! . I mean, I’m sure that they have a PR team that tells them about the good trends or good SM news, achievements, etc. “So what? .. we fans are stuck with toxic shippers and our favs not acknowledging or doing anything about it?” … 🤡🤡🤡
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I don’t know.
We mostly all know about shipping culture’s systematic past, we know about its problematic present. In all honesty, it feels a bit like a lost battle but recently Kpop fans were able to make it known that, for example, for good reasons, they are against Starbucks. And it very effectively got to their idols, because said fans were united and in agreement. But within the shipping world, they all hate the other shipper and at the same time they kinda don't want to stop their own shipping, because they are really not against it, in fact, perhaps, they’d like some boundaries set, but who is to decide said boundaries? OR should shipping be considered a universal issue? … I think shipping has actually become an issue, particularly when regarding the queer community, BUT, what do I know, right? So, what's the solution ....
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Y’all tell me.
Always respectfully yours,
PS - Once again, thank you Anon, now I'm off to bed 😴😴😴
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sooniebby · 2 months
as an exchange student in korea rn i have a love hate relationship with the people here 🙏
either rlly racist (got called monkey and got asked "do you guys still lives in trees ?" bc im seasian) or just straight up homo/transphobic 💥💥
a lot of mlm/wlw fetishes too,, its creepy ww. got this one student in my class ships two male kpop idol together then proceed to shit on wlw relationships 🏋‍♀
cant wait to go home on june GRAHHB💣💣
Damn :/ I’m sorry you went through that—sucks really
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nishimuraazr1zzkiii · 4 months
🎀Enhypen past orders🎀
💗(fluff) 💙(angst) 💚(comfort)
💜purple(smau/series) 🧡orange(text) 💛(crack)
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆*ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆
Personal favorites: 💋
Lee Heeseung (이 희승)
🔜Pictures of him on your phone. (💜💗)
—fem! Reader—
Category:non-idol! Heeseung
Summary: pictures of him on your phone when your on a date, when he's feeling a little silly, everytime he does smth sweet or when you just want to take a picture of you handsome bf.
Park jay (박 종상)
🔜Choose, me or career?(💙)
—gn! Reader (implied fem!reader)—
Category: idol! Jay. Non-idol! Reader
Summary: the company found out your secret relationship with jay, and forcing him to choose, his long term s/o or his idol career he worked hard for, what will he choose?
Sim Jake (심 재윤)
None yet!
Park sunghoon (박 성훈)
Wanna trade? (💗🧡💛)
—Gn! Reader—
┆Alternatively: pictures of your conversation with sunghoon, while being his stylist and his significant other┆
Kim sunoo (김 선우)
I thought they looked like someone I know (💗)
—Gn! Reader—
Category: idol! Member, Non-idol! Reader
Summary: You meet sunoo in a cafe when he suddenly sits at your table since it was crowded and you both hit it off, not knowing you were talking to a kpop Idol, you both exchange numbers and become friends or more?
Yang jungwon (양 정원)
None yet!
Nishimura ni-ki (니시무라 니키)💋
Ig stories (💗💛)
—fem! Reader—
Category: non-idol! Reader, idol! Ni-ki
Summary: stories of both of you on a date or when you both go out together that you no longer post in private ever since he announced your relationship to the public.
🔜you're tweaking, not me.(💗🧡)
—fem! Reader—
Category:idol! Ni-ki, non-idol! Reader
Summary: ni-ki seeing you do something embarrassing in public while they're filming, and makes fun of you(lovingly of course)after their shoot,
favorite noona:)) (💗🧡) 💋
—fem! Reader—
Category: non-idol! Ni ki,
Summary: you and heeseung broke up a year ago, but his younger brother, Riki still contacts and talks to you, not liking his hyung new girlfriend,
🔜enha members when they have a dating rumour with you. (💗)
—Fem! Reader—
Category: idol! S/o and members
➥—alternatively— when you both get shipped when you both are in a relationship
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sproutwings · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
The lovely @crestfallercanyon tagged me for this weeks ago, and I haven't been ignoring it - I just didn't get around to it sooner. Sorry!
How many works do you have on AO3? 380 (382, technically, because two are still anon/unrevealed exchange works.)
What’s your total A03 word count? 1,123,214
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, mostly DCU, The Flash and a bunch of tiny fandoms, but I've been writing fanfic for ages, so I went through quite a few fandoms.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
a) cut me open, take my heart (DCU, JayTim, 1744 kudos) b) A Bird in the Hand (DCU, Dickstroke, 1694 kudos) c) Hook(er), Line and Sinker (The Flash, Coldflash, 1586 kudos) d) No Shortage of Blood (Original Works, Starving Vampire/Vampire Hunter Having A Moral Crisis, 1453 kudos) e) Portrait of the Artist as a Middle-Aged Man (Gossip Girl, Dan/Blair/Chuck, 1149 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always try to, but sometimes it takes a while to get around to it. /o\
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have no idea. I used to write a lot of angsty stuff back when I was younger but the older I get the more I gravitate towards fics that leave the characters in a... well, maybe not necessarily in a good place exactly, because I tend to ship a lot of dysfunctional ships and write unhealthy relationship dynamics, but I don't want the characters to feel hopeless and unhappy in the end, so even when they're in a bad situation, they're making the best out of it.
A very old, very angsty fic of mine is Too Close To Touch (Harry Potter, various permutations of Draco, Harry and Hermione). I don't know if it's the angstiest overall, but it occasionally still gets comments so it's fresh in my mind despite having been written almost two decades ago.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, this is similarly hard to answer. Maybe Throw Away the Plan (The Flash, Coldwestallen)? Most of my endings seem to be "the main conflict of the story is dealt with, the ship kisses and things are okay-ish for now". 🙃
Do you get hate on your fic? Maybe once or twice, but nothing dramatic or memorable, luckily enough.
Do you write smut? Sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? No.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Someone copied a few of my fics word by word, replaced the names and posted them as Kpop RPS. D: D: D: I got the author to take them down, but they did it with a lot of people's fics and eventually AO3 banned them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few! I blanket allow translations, as long as they're credited properly and not posted anywhere but AO3.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes, but it was a really long time ago, and coordinating was pretty stressful. I prefer to work on my own schedule.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Noooo, don't make me choose. I love so many ships! If I absolutely had to pick one, it would be Tommy/Bubonic from Eye Candy, but it mostly depends on what I'm in the mood for right in that moment.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There's Coldflash BDSM fic based on a long-forgotten Tumblr prompt I would have loved to write one day, but it would be far longer than anything I'm comfortable writing and it's only 'in progress' in so far that I have a few dialogue snippets from it written down yet.
What’s your writing strengths? Character voices and snappy banter, probably.
What’s your writing weaknesses? Plot!!!! As you can see by every fic I've written where the characters get captured or attacked by some nameless villain for nebulous reasons. I always handwave stuff like that because I simply can't bring myself to care about it or put any thought into it. 😅 Sorry!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a reader, It always throws me out of the story. :(
First fandom you wrote for? The X-Files! Mulder/Krycek was teenage Sandrine's first fanfic obsession. (Though technically, I wrote terrible Star Wars and The Three Musketeers fic long before I knew what fanfic was! But I've decided that doesn't count. 😅)
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
(never been) so much at stake (OW, Vampire Moonlighting As A Barista/Exhausted Vampire Hunter In Search Of Caffeine) is probably the best, but The Biggest Score of All (The Flash, Coldflash) has my heart!
I'm supposed to tag people here, and I'm terrible at this, so @waysheswings, @sunherirai, @moriavis, @zeroducks-2, @hithelleth, @elasticella - if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged and if you want to ignore it, pretend I never mentioned your name. And anyone else who sees this and wants to answer, you're also tagged! Yes, I mean YOU. :D
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tattoosncattoos · 7 months
18+ Kpop RP Search! (MxM)
My name is Sarah, I'm 26/F in the EST timezone! I'm looking for literate MxM K-pop RPs on Discord! Past tense, third person, multiple [3-4 or more] paragraphs. 18+ writers only please! Groups I'm interesting in writing for [Bold are my favorites to write];  - Ateez - Seventeen - TXT - BTS - Enhypen - NCT 127 - NCT Dream - WayV - Oneus - The Boyz - Kingdom - A.C.E - Stray Kids - ZB1 - Xikers This doesn’t necessarily mean other groups are out of the question, just ask! I’m down for OCxOC or memberxmember.
I LOVE doing multiple ships/characters/pairings in a RP. I also love relationship and world building. I already have a list of possible plots, but I would also love to write up a plot together! As far as my characters, I have Pinterest boards dedicated to them, and I love making storylines, coming up with muses, and sharing inspiration!
When writing smut, I prefer to play the bottom character. I most definitely can write as a power bottom.
I have next to no limits and no triggers whatsoever. Dark themes and angst are always welcomed.
Please either interact with this post or DM me! Note: I do typically like to exchange RP samples, as I just want to make sure that our styles match up, so don’t be scared if I ask for one! I will give you one of mine back too!
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itstokkii · 2 months
About Turkuzbek, do you associate them with any symbols or motifs? And also are there any au's for them??
sometimes I call them the tea pair, because they both love chugging down that good good scalding hot black tea in the summer!
other than that.. not really? they do both have a crescent and star in their flags but like. so do a lot of other countries
aus..ok brace yourself for ALL the au ideas that popped in my head since shipping turkuzbek:
beauty and the beast au: takes place in a fictional world, but clothes + possibly palace is inspired off of 18th century ottoman empire. uzb is belle, turkey's the beast obviously, couldn't settle on a maurice so just made it her sibs, russia is gaston....??? I felt like the dynamic really works with them, my favorite movie for my favorite ship <3
cardverse au: ok so in this au uzb is a seamstress for the royal family of clubs. all of a sudden she finds herself between a rock and a tight place as she must spin straw into gold. enter turkey, a joker with no real loyalty to any of the main 4 kingdoms. he offers her help in exchange for something of hers, and helps her get the job done while also making small talk. she slowly finds herself laughing and having fun with this rando, and his occasional visits to her sewing room soon become the highlight of her day. she initially gives him her bracelet, necklace, any jewelry she has...
until she's given the ultimate task of spinning a whole roomful of straw into gold in one day. if she succeeds, she marries the king as his royal consort. if she doesn't she is executed. she hates both of these ideas and is freaking out, especially since she doesn't have anything to give turkey anymore. he helps her anyway, and then goes by the "if you don't have anything left to give, you can pay with your body" philosophy, and essentially asks her to elope with him. she agrees, and when the king opens the door the next day he finds a room full of gold and no royal consort-to-be.
college au: he's the business major to her fashion design major. he tried complaining about his workload once and she dunked on him for that. they regularly go on joyrides together. i was considering making them fiances? if it made the au more interesting...
if we're not going the fiance route, they both have a mutual friend(korea), who sneakily invites both of them to the campus's music and dance event on the basis of korea's club performing kpop dance. uzbekistan is so uncomfortable with the rave music and promises herself she'll stay for korea's performance and leave the moment it's over. she pulls her phone out to record korea and looks to her side and HER CRUSH IS THERE??? HUH??
so they both stare at each other like "what are YOU doing here??" turkey's even more confused since she's the last person he'd expect to show up to a rave and dance performance event. by the time the performance is over, korea pats them both on the back and goes "I'm so glad my 2 best friends showed up to support me!"
korea what a sneaky shipper....
monster high au: turkey's a werewolf(haha turan moment) and she's a werecat. they do NOT get along at first, but slowly their rivalry turns into something like romantic tension as they point tennis balls and laser pointers in each others' faces threatening to use them. next thing you know they're dating??? w,what
also important to mention: kyrgyzstan's an orange cat.
ever after high au: this was briefly considered, but I can see uzb being sort of like ashlynn "oh yea we gotta follow our destinies" and then dates the son of the huntsman(turkey) who is um. Not a royal
snow white au: so this was like a joke. she gets poisoned, he leans in to kiss her and then she immediately wakes up before he does the deed. "ASTAGHFIRULLAH YOU MUST REPENT WHAT WERE YOU ABOUT TO DO"
she marries him anyway
reverse snow white au: she's the prince, turkey's snow white, and the dwarves? 7 different azerbaijans.
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non-country/human au: she gives me boy mom vibes. not like an unhealthy way, but it makes sense that she would have a son(??) also turkey definitely insists on having like 3 more kids.
uzb: first of all who's doing the giving birth part
and turkey as a dad defo gives me yusuf vibes from otoyomegatari
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i...think that's it?? maybe I'll add more when i remember
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alaezasmystery235 · 22 days
Hi, I want to join your new game. My initials are NM and I'm a taurus sun
Exchange: I ship you with Sunghoon, because I think he matches your vibe
For the idol I would like to know what Twice's Sana think about me, she's my ultimate bias in kpop and she's a very talent and beautiful idol
Thanks in advance 😊
♡⃝ꪫ Sana would vibe with your cheerful bubbly personality. Like you two would talk for hrs and wouldn't get bored too . I'm getting admiring energies. But one thing she'll kinda nitpick is how disorganized you can be in your life. Like no planning.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ feedback is compulsory
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
howdy!! i (26f, cst) am looking for plots smattered all over the place, with an emphasis on worldbuilding and relationship building.
fandom-wise i'm really into the walking dead and pacific rim and/or monsterverse at the moment. genre-wise i'm always in love with horror and sci-fi and would love plots based on movies like planet terror, annihilation, the thing or even on the softer side like her, and i'm sure we can draw inspo from related media! i'm looking to play OCs mostly and you can play whoever you'd like. i do love shipping, but chemistry is a must!
i would love a mix of serious/unserious tones spanning romance, hurt/comfort, angst, horror, comedy, etc. and my writing length depends on my mood and what the scene calls for. i'm super flexible w/ length, but my go-to is around 300-400 words, and we can go longer or micro back-and-forth. i am open to doubling and exchanging writing samples. i do have a full-time job, tons of hobbies, and can be a bit scatterbrained / low energy at times so i'm looking for someone who is okay with being lowkey.
please be 21+ and open to non-acting face claims (guilty pleasure is using kpop fcs). we can rp over a low maintenance discord server or on tumblr. like this post and i'll come to you! thanks 🦋
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prpfs · 2 months
🦋 howdy!! i (26f, cst) am looking for plots smattered all over the place, with an emphasis on worldbuilding and relationship building.
fandom-wise i'm really into the walking dead and pacific rim and/or monsterverse at the moment. genre-wise i'm always in love with horror and sci-fi and would love plots based on movies like planet terror, annihilation, the thing or even on the softer side like her, and i'm sure we can draw inspo from related media! i'm looking to play OCs mostly and you can play whoever you'd like. i do love shipping, but chemistry is a must!
i would love a mix of serious/unserious tones spanning romance, hurt/comfort, angst, horror, comedy, etc. and my writing length depends on my mood and what the scene calls for. i'm super flexible w/ length, but my go-to is around 300-400 words, and we can go longer or micro back-and-forth. i am open to doubling and exchanging writing samples. i do have a full-time job, tons of hobbies, and can be a bit scatterbrained / low energy at times so i'm looking for someone who is okay with being lowkey.
please be 21+ and open to non-acting face claims (guilty pleasure is using kpop fcs). we can rp over a low maintenance discord server or on tumblr. like this post and i'll come to you! thanks 🦋
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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