#komanami is platonic though
dontronick · 7 months
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Most self-indulgent piece you’ll ever see from me (lie)
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khattikeri · 3 months
would kinda like to see you toss a set of dr ships on that diagram just out of curiosity
I ended up having so many ships that I split it into three different charts LOL
dr 1 2 and v3 ships below! i did not bother with udg or the dr3 anime but just know that i care quite little for any ships in those latter two titles
starting off with DR1 - I hold naegiri (& their respective ships with ikusaba + poly) in highest regard personally, and if i had to choose a least favorite pairing it'd be togami/naegi. just. doesn't pass my personal vibe check lol
i don't talk about it a lot but i am compelled by kirigiri/junko and naegi/junko, but only in very specific ways... the rival dynamic with kyouko and especially the dynamic with naegi as enemies who hold a certain level of fear or unease for the other. nobody ever really writes this dynamic though, so i have to content myself with my own imagination...
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moving onto dr2...
this one is interesting because i just... cannot bring myself to ship most of the cast with anyone. i just don't see it. forget making sense, almost none of it compels me. i didn't even bother listing more common het pairings (think akane/nidai) bc it just doesn't even register to me. those two are beards at best.
probably the most interesting ones to note here are kuzu/hina (compels me bc of their FTEs) and komanami (which i love a lot in a qpr way, placed in "doesn't make sense" based off my perception that neither of them view each other in a romantic or sexual way, they just... are both Kinda Weird.
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and finally v3! i find this cast most shippable personally... big fan of ou/mota in particular (or anything in the ou-sai-mota triangle). i like tenko/angie way more than tenko/himiko... personally don't like sai/matsu.
i'm not a fan of pregame in general. hoshi and kirumi don't even show up once on this list bc i just... don't really ship anything that strongly with them? oof
i read amami as sex and romance repulsed aroace and you can't change my mind, any ships with him are just a massive squick to me LOL
tsumugi/anyone is mostly a joke, but i am very compelled by messed up complicated (platonic, but if i'm in the mood for Very messed up stuff romantic works too) relationships involving her and others-- especially the ch 1 and ch 6 folks!
and finally: my most special ship hot take is that people largely ship ou//.meno because she's the only girl in the cast who's shorter than him, and even without them having any actual meaningful interactions outside of ouma occasionally being snide or rude to her, Girl Shorter Than Boy is enough for some people /shrug
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theamityelf · 4 months
Hooray! A lot of those align with mine (Komahina, Komaegi, Komanami, Komazumi, Kamukoma, Kuzukoma, Twomaeda). And I agree that there's a lot of underrated fun with a Nagito and Kyoko friendship. I personally like to imagine that she insists upon having him as a teammate in investigative work post-Tragedy. Acknowledging and even admiring that his skills in deduction rival her own. I just like the idea of others nudging him towards having a little more self respect and bolstering his confidence by showing faith and entrusting him with work.
Komamiki is an interesting one. I do feel that it's a bit overrated compared to Nagito's other non-Komahina ships. And the fact that I see anti-Komahina people (usually hardcore Hinanami fans) trying to push it as a "healthy alternative" is really concerning for me. Because there is some serious potential for it to get toxic if Mikan doesn't confront just how unhealthy her desire to have power over her patients is. Since Nagito is likely to become more reliant on a partner the older he gets. Though writers like buttercup_ghost have shown more interesting angles to the ship and raised its standing a little for me. As they're one of the few dedicated fans of the ship that recognizes how bad things could go with it, and has depicted it in a much more nuanced light than so many others. For me though it's still only like the third best f/m Nagito (romantic) ship after Komazumi and Komanami.
Nice! 😁 Honestly, I read a lot of yandere fics and stalker fics, so I'd be fine with it being toxic as long as it's written as deliberately so and, ya know, more thriller genre than romance. But definitely not into the whole "pretending a ship is less toxic than another ship when it isn't necessarily so" thing. And just in general, I enjoy yandere for Komaegi and Komahina more than Komamiki.
Also realizing I left a couple of platonic ones out: I enjoy Nagito being friends with Ibuki and Hiyoko, too. Oops.
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austajunk · 3 years
(Heyo, I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts in your inbox. I just think you're cool and have good opinions, so here I am.)
OK, so I love Komahinanami as an OT3. As friends, or romantically, or whatever. I just love them a lot.
What I reeeeally don't like about it, though, is (some of) the fans' portrayal of it. For some people, it's never Komahinanami as a three-way relationship, with them all caring for and loving each other equally.
It's either Komahina with Chiaki just "added on", or it's Hinanami with Nagito just "added on", or it's Komahina + Hinanami with no interaction between Nagito and Chiaki at all.
(Like... where's the Komanami love?)
And if they do interact, then it's almost always negative. Chiaki's made out to be the girl who Nagito hates more than anything else, the girl who gets in the way of Komahina. And Nagito's made out to be this jealous, possessive asshole who is disgusted by Chiaki and only cares about Hajime. Which is just 1) not true to the characters at all, and 2) really confusing to me, because I don't know where it comes from other than just projection.
People do realise that Nagito never showed one single hint of either hatred towards Chiaki or posessiveness towards Hajime, right? I don't know where this whole "Nagito hates Chiaki, is jealous of her, and wanted to kill her for the sake of Hajime" thing comes from. Maybe it's just some fans' projection, but... it's just not canon, and it's not part of Nagito's character at all.
And Hajime isn't the only person who Nagito is capable of caring about or developing a positive relationship with. Let him have friends and people he cares about other than Hajime, even if you only ship Komahina.
Bottom line: I love Nagito, Chiaki and Hajime, I love fan works where they interact, and I love it when they're actually in character, and not made totally OOC to satisfy fans' bad character interpretations and hatred of female characters.
(Sorry again about the inbox rant - just wanted to share my thoughts!)
Hooo boi. Hoooo boi. Oh anon, you just tackled one of my biggest pet peeves of this fandom right to its core. Also thanks for saying I’m cool. :3
Firstly, the denial of the Komanami side of KomaHinaNami, but honestly… that I could deal with. This is why I focus on a lot of the KomaNami side of things on my blog but I don’t mind so much the “Hajime has two hands” side of this ship because usually from what I’ve seen, people have Chiaki be Nagito’s best friend or wing lady with Hajime and he appreciates and adores her and confides in her about Hajime and shares Hajime with her and all three are happy. Like.. in a way, that’s still ultra pippity poppity cute!
But yeah, the KomaHina fans who like to portray Chiaki as just the girl who is in the way of their relationship, as if Nagito hates or is jealous of Chiaki… no, just no. It has never once been like that! Before he really got to know Hajime, Chiaki was the only person who accepted and tried to understand Nagito. She was kind to him and he seemed to appreciate her in turn, insisting that her being their class rep made her their biggest light of Hope. He even pleads with her not to take on Junko, that he knew they were no chance against them but believes in Chiaki anyways and is devastated to the point of breaking down and sobbing at her death. Of course, he twists things and beseeches Chiaki’s name, insisting that she can lift them up with her death… but only because he’s coping. In his own world in the Neo World Program, she is missing because the memory of her (and Hajime) hurt him so much that he had to block it out. His desire to see her along with the rest of the class brings her back to them as an AI that leads them all back to the right path.
As for the idea that Nagito is jealous of Chiaki… I think they get that from one scene in DR2 where Chiaki says she’s gonna go find Fuyuhiko in Chapter 2 to question him. She leaves and Hajime is irked about being left alone with Nagito, to which Nagito is like “Oh I’m sorry! You wanted her to stay?!” Honestly… people seem to ignore that before Chiaki left, Nagito expressed concern about her questioning Fuyuhiko and told her to not let him “get rough” with her. So… Nagito clearly cares. Out of everyone (including Hajime) in the main storyline, Nagito openly praises Chiaki and her talents the most. He will also politely oblige her and be quiet when she asks while he does not for anyone else. Also the thing is… Nagito is pretty protective of Chiaki. In Chapter 4, when Chiaki gets overwhelmed by Nagito being clingy, she runs away from him only for him to appear behind her five minutes later and urging her to remember that she could get hurt on her own and that she shouldn’t have run off.
More to the point, let’s pretend Chiaki and Nagito were like… rivals for Hajime’s affection like Chisa and Juzo were. That they directly mirror them (they don’t as much as we think). Even Juzo and Chisa loved and appreciated each other platonically. They were incredibly important to each other in this show while being in love with the same person. In the mangas furthermore, we have these scenes (So tell me, tell me to my face that Chiaki is the girl that Nagito somehow hates, that he never cared for her beyond a romantic rival. Just tell me. And yes yes I know the mangas are secondary canon, but when like two or three of them show all these moments of Chiaki and Nagito supporting each other, come the fuck on. I stand by that it enriches our current canon.):
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𝙴𝚑𝚑?!...𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕...!? 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚜𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎!...♡ ꒱꒱
𓂃⋆。˚ ⋆ Hey Hey! I’m Mod Koto, but you can also just call me Makoto, any versions of Makoto, or Mys! My pronouns are (They/Fey/Nya/🥛), although I do have more! I use Medibang Paint, Picsart, and Ibispaint X (all mobile) to edit! I’m a minor, and even though this is an editing blog, I also take requests for kins and fictives, so if you would like, keep reading under the cut before requesting from me! ꒱꒱
яυℓєѕ ꒱꒱
⤷ Please be patient with me. I am a human, a human that gets stressed very easily. I may not have the motivation in me to try and edit. ꒱꒱
⤷ if you’re using my edits, I would really appreciate credit, but you don’t have to! Just make sure to like / reblog
⤷ If there are any requests that make me uncomfortable, I will deny them. I don’t have to tell you why I denied your request!!
⤷ please be specific!! Just a character/ship, a colour &/or aesthetic, size, what you want in your edit and what type of edit is fine! It just really helps
⤷ Do not come here trying to start discourse, or trying to troll (you’re not funny, promise)
⤷ You can make one request per ask! I will have to deny it if their is more then one (you can request for two edits of the same aesthetic and character, but you’ll get less of each)
⤷ Do not try and claim my edits as your own. That’s just rude man. That means no reposts. If you do repost for god knows what reason, I expect credit and a link to my blog.
⤷ Don’t request for anything that’s on my blacklist/fall into the list of my triggers
⤷ Feel free time ask what’s in my inbox, if your request went through! Tumblr isn’t a very stable site so I don’t mind!
ֆօʊʀƈɛֆ ꒱꒱
Main source Danganronpa ★ (all games)
Minor sources ꒱꒱ Identity V (IDV), Ever After High (EAH), My Little Pony (MLP), Vocaloid, Genshin Impact
Selective sources ꒱꒱ Persona (2 - 5), Splatoon, YTTD, Obey Me, Shall We Date?, Sanrio, Kagerou Project, Ball Jointed Dolls, Owari No Seraph
ƈօռȶɛռȶ ꒱꒱
⤷ manga icons, wallpapers, headers, pride, moodboards, messy moodboards, stimboards, layouts, playlists, fashion boards, DNI banners, name tags, kin analysis / matchup (only danganronpa), doodles (selective)
ɮʟǟƈӄʟɨֆȶ N աɦɨȶɛʟɨֆȶ // ꒱꒱ 𓂃⋆。˚ ⋆
Pls don’t ask me why smtg is on my blacklist, some of these things are practically triggers at this point, and it’ll probably just upset me and make me softblock you!
𓂃⋆。˚ ⋆ ɮʟǟƈӄʟɨֆȶ ꒱꒱
Characters ;; Haiji Towa, Teruteru Hanamura, Kaeya (gi), any characters who don’t have much content / transparents
Ships ;; Junko x Anybody, WoH x Anybody, Togofuka (Togami x Fukawa), Incest Ships, Pedophilic ships, Kamukoma (Kamukura x Nagito), most Kamukura ships if I’m being honest,
Aesthetics ;; Traumacore, Gorecore, Yanderecore, Scenecore/Glitchcore, Pastel goth (i luv it sm but I can’t do it), S*xcore, Grungecore, lovecore
𓂃⋆。˚ ⋆ աɦɨȶɛʟɨֆȶ ꒱꒱
Characters; Makoto Naegi, Toko Fukawa, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamukura, Nagito Komaeda, Barbara (gi), The Travellers (gi), Belphie (om)
Aesthetics; Milkcore/Pastel Milk, Pastel, Softcore (cloudcore, dreamy, angelcore, etc), Dark Academia, Sanrio
Ships: Hinaegi, Kamuegi, Komahina, Komaegi, komahinaegi, Komanami, Kamunami, platonic Naenami, sibling Ounami, Tonaegiri
ɖռɨ ꒱꒱
⤷ You support incest & / or pedophilia, are homophobic, transphobic, MOGAI-phobic, lgbtq-phobic, etc, are a pro-shipper, believe r*pe is okay, believe that men can’t be r*ped, are a TERF / SWERF, Racist, are a troll, or coming here to start discourse, sexist and/or misogynistic, All Lives Matter Supporter, ‘Blue’ Lives Matter Supporter, Trump supporter
identify as a Yandere, Anti-Neopronouns / Xenogenders, Ableist, Anti-kin / faction, You ship Junko with anybody (this is for my own comfort reasons!), believe Animesexual, Heatsexual, Tiktoksexual, Foodsexual, Agefluid, Discordsexual, or Danganronpasexual are valid, NSFW / 18+ blogs / Kink, Exclusionist, Islamphobic, White supremacist, Anti-masker / think covid isn’t real, Participate in Chihiro gender discourse
Support anything / anyone on this list, if you’re on everyone else’s DNI you’re probably on mine as well...Just don’t be a jerk man
ɖɨֆƈօʍʄօʀȶֆ, ȶʀɨɢɢɛʀֆ ռ ֆզʊɨƈӄֆ ꒱꒱
D ꒱꒱ Screaming / Yelling at me, Demanding things of me, Threatening to / Raising a hand at me, Banging / Thumping Noises, Alcohol, Anorexia / Eating Disorders, Kamukoma (Kamukura x Nagito), Junko ships
T ꒱꒱ The word promise (although m fine with saying it myself now!’ N I’m getting better at reading it when it’s typed out by other people!!
S ꒱꒱ Fingernails, wounds n bugs
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Well that was a lot, so may I ask for a promo? Thank you thank you !!
@umbra-edits @kotobxki @angelsignal @wuvcrossing @lilacapedia @lilhomeroom-edits @sparkle-edits @plushbunnie @kuzuryuucore @radiaes @pek-pek-editss @kinningharmonycafe @achilles-editz @dangan-nebula-edits @editingmusical @lia-makes-trashy-edits @izuyrus @drip-drop-edits @diceycons @cuibic anybody else who would like to promo!! Thank you !
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lunareclipsewritez · 3 years
Platonic Komanami headcannons
(Implied Hinanami)
Nagito and Chiaki knew each other as kids and hung out together all the time
Chiaki met Hajime first but Nagito fell for him first
Nagito gave up and let Chiaki have him
He still flirts with him to piss Chiaki off though
Chiaki and Nagito are still besties and joke about it all the time
Nagito is rich from inheriting all that money from his relatives
When Hajime has work Nagito and Chiaki have a girls day out and go to the arcade the mall the fair or even Disneyland
Even though Chiakis the ultimate gamer she sucks at fair games
Nagitos luck helps out with it though
Nagito will win huge stuffed animals for her
C ✨ U ✨ D ✨ D ✨ L✨ E✨ S
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magioftheseas · 6 years
wait, wait. so i just saw your ask about komanami and their friendship, and as a fellow shipper who really loves your work, im a little confused. if you thought she was pretty hostile towards him in the game, and that she treated him like garbage in the OVA (which, to be fair, she did, albeit mostly because of poor writing and not because she suddenly became a grade-A asshole), why do you ship them exactly?... for the potential?
*puts down a soap box*
I don’t like the idea of giving a pass for bad behavior just because of bad writing. I’ll be honest, I fucking hate that idea, actually. It just doesn’t seem right. Because I don’t think the issue in the writing for something like this wasn’t a concern of competency but an concern of empathy. The way Komaeda gets treated comes across an awful lot like bigotry.
Because he’s weird. Because he’s strange. But most importantly because someone like him isn’t really a part of the group. And why is that? Is it just eccentric behavior? That doesn’t seem to be right. Like, all the sdr2 kids are fucking eccentric, so what makes Komaeda so weird in comparison?
Well, we know for a fact that he’s mentally ill. Mentally ill in a way that severely impairs his social skills. And because he can’t socialize right, that’s justification for not treating him right. And that’s…not just bad writing, that’s hateful writing. There’s a world of difference between a lack of continuity and a lack of humanity. We need to come down way more harshly on the latter because I can forgive structure flubs but that kind of thinking just isn’t acceptable!
Alright, now I’ll remove the soap box and replace it with the shipping box. Since there is a reason for it. I really had to get that other stuff off my chest though because what you said really rubbed me off the wrong way. I apologize.
Anyway. So. Why do I ship KomaNami?
I’ve actually gone into why before while acknowledging their not-so-great relationship in canon, but maybe that’s the post that’s confusing.
Potential is foundational in shipping, so that’s a given. But there’s always more to it than that.
I do think that Nanami’s stoic eccentricity would play well off Komaeda’s more energetic eccentricity yet with how calm and calming Komaeda is, I feel like he gives off the kind of air where Nanami can relax and be a little more open. And I think that Nanami could also provide that kind of presence for Komaeda, too, yes, but probably not as easily as the other way around which I find interesting.
One thing as mentioned that I like is that Komaeda provides a potential for growth for both AI and human Nanami.
For AI Nanami, that she struggles to get along with Komaeda when it’s part of her main function as an AI could lead to interesting themes of not just the lacking in artificiality but also how understanding can be different even if not especially between people. It can evoke some questions of where Nanami can struggle internally with this kind of failure and if she feels pressured to change this way, what may occur? I honestly had that kind of thinking in mind when playing through sdr2 and I thought this was why Nanami got more serious and involved than she had been previously. Now, I really don’t think this was the, er, intentional thought-process behind her writing at this point, but…
It’s still interesting enough that I really like the idea if anything.
For human Nanami, I really like the idea of Nanami initially being drawn to Komaeda due to his easygoing and calming nature but then finding herself challenged by him in a similar way that Hinata is. I like the idea of human Nanami being very directionless, reserved, and being very hesitant on leaving her comfort zone, so someone like Komaeda would definitely be attractive at first (in, um, a manner of speaking) but then he would start pushing her later but not like…in a way that’s super impeding. He just sort of rattles about these things and he might scold Nanami a little on her apathy and listlessness, but I feel like he wouldn’t really push her due to his own poor self-esteem.
I like the idea of Komaeda being someone that can challenge Nanami to think differently not just about herself but how she perceives things and the things that she’s actually capable of. And I especially like it if when afterwards when he likely grates on her and she starts to lean away from him once she makes friends with the other kids, that she doesn’t realize until it’s too late and she lost an important friend (in a vague manner of speaking that really could mean anything) and this leads her to some serious self-reflecting on just the kind of person she is and if it’s really better this way (staying stagnant, not changing, just drifting through one day after another) or even if she’s really “happy” this way. Stories like this I find really appealing especially in the the potential for depth and nuance.
On Komaeda’s side, I don’t really see someone like Nanami being as significant, honestly except on the basic level of having someone who supports him. But because she lacks the motivation and patience, she might not leave a deep impact on him. Obviously if she does have those things, it’s a different story that completely shifts the balance, but I don’t mind that too much. I honestly do just like the idea of these two getting along because… Well, again, they have a great potential for banter and they look great together to boot.
…sooooo that’s why I ship them, heh. Some of my major reasoning, at least. I do prefer it more on the platonic side, but romantic is like, whatever. I headcanon Komaeda as pretty gay.
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i-demand-a-hug · 7 years
What do you think about Hajime X Chiaki?
I like it. It’s sweet with a touch of angst and that’s a good formula for ships. Not my favourite (I love komahina and komanami) and dr3 handled it very weirdly, but in regards to sdr2 I like it a lot. I’m fine with both romantic and platonic interpretations though I think I like platonic hinanami more.
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Brutal honest opinion on komahina, hinanami, and komanami?
Oooh boy. I love these three together. They’re one of my favorite trios. The ships for them, though? I have some mixed feelings. Hopefully nobody will hate me for this.
I love their relationship. I find it very interesting and like seeing it develop. People who call this ship unhealthy or abusive are way exaggerating things. This is a perfectly fine ship.
I just don’t ship it.
Part of it could be that I’m just not as into Hinata’s character as some are, though I do love him. Part of it could be that I’m too focused on the idea of Komaeda getting himself some healthy friendships before he jumps into romance. Part of it could be Hinata’s more pessimistic personality making things a bit too complicated for me.
Or it could just be that their chemistry isn’t my thing. Either way, while I do understand why people like it, for whatever reason, I’m not that into it.
I used to like this so much more than I do now, but I still have a soft spot for it. I do really enjoy their relationship in SDR2, but that Chiaki’s an AI. That kinda complicates things.
It’s not that I don’t consider her an actual person, but there are a lot of things she was still learning. Plus she can’t exist outside of a machine, so if they were in a relationship, it’d be pretty atypical.
In DR3, Chiaki’s a human, but she’s not well-written and her relationship with Hinata is really forced. Even though I love Chiaki in SDR2, I can’t really defend the character from DR3.
That doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I do. I just acknowledge that it’s not the best ship out there.
Platonically, I love these two. I think they’ve got a lot of potential, and I wish we’d seen more of their interactions in SDR2.
But when you consider the complications I brought up for both Chiaki and Komaeda shipped with Hinata, I can’t think they’d go well together romantically. Ironically, I think they work a bit better in DR3, since Chiaki’s a human and they interact a lot more. There’s still the fact that she’s not well written, though, and that’s a bit of a problem.
Gimme all the Komanami friendship, but romantic shipping I’m more eh about.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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Rp partner/ co-writer wanted! :)
Hello! I am Goldy, and I am a 19+ years old female, and I'd prefer if my partner was around that age. I’m in the Pacific Time Zone, in California. I am a Capricorn and I am hella shy, but I open up the more we connect on things. :)
Anyway, I’m working on some fanfic ideas for mainly Owari no Seraph right now (and Danganronpa in the future), and I would find rping extremely helpful in my writing process. It would be nice to have someone to discuss ideas and write with. So I would say that I am looking for an rp partner/possible co-writer, specifically for Owari no Seraph and Danganronpa. Even if you don't wanna write stories with me, know that I will always ask for consent for plotting, or if I use them in any stories of mine. :)
My standards:
I'd prefer if my partner was active, but I know more than anyone that real life happens. I only ask for decent communication on that end. :)
I consider myself very literate, and love multi-paragraph rp's. However, I do not mind short starters as long as it's not just one sentence.
Even though I’m over 18, I don't do much nsfw because I'm personally uncomfortable with writing anything above PG-13 on that end (maybe in the future but not now).
I love plot heavy stuff and/or romance stuff. The more thought out the plot the better, the more developed the relationship the better. I adore character development.
I am open to all kinds of OTPs and pairings, besides the ones you’ll see below, whether it's F/M, M/M, F/F, platonic/ romantic, or even OT3’s. I also don't mind trans or nonbinary characters. :)
Though I'm looking for people who play canons, I do not mind playing with OCs as well. Hell, I have ocs that I'd love to play with and I will list them below just in case. But again that is not a major requirement. I do not mind doing Oc/canon or oc/oc :)
I love fluff and angst, all kinds of AUs and canon divergence, and all that jazz.
I do not mind rping anything with moderate to excessive violence, swearing, substance abuse. I don't have any triggers, so do not worry about offending me on that regard.
Here are the anime fandoms I have either written for or want to write for (in order of preference) as well as my current OTPs:
Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End: Mikayuu/Yuumika, Mitsunoa, Mikayuunoa, platonic Mikakrul
Danganronpa series (in order of dr 1, sdr2, Another Episode, and early ndrv3): Naegiri, Asahina x Naegi x Kirigiri, some Togafuka, Komahina, Hinanami, Komanami, Komahinanami, Junkomaeda, Komakura, Kuranami, Tokomaru, Amamatsu, Amami x Yonaga, Amami x pretty much anyone
Durarara: (I don't currently have any current pairings for this, and I need to finish season 2, but I’d be so down to write for it. I love Izaya to death but he deserves to suffer. XD)
Vampire Knight: (mostly want to write for AUs/canon divergence) Zero X Yuki, platonic Zero X Ichiru, platonic Zero x Shizuka x Ichiru, Zero x Maria, Zero x the Night Class
Diabolik Lovers: (Okay, so I've only watched the anime for this, but I'd be down to write these boys for any pairing)
Death Note: L x Misa, L x Light (without his memories of being Kira), some L x BB
Tokyo Ghoul: (I’ve only seen the anime, and I’m not caught up with season 2 yet) Kaneki x Touka, Kaneki x Hide, Kaneki x Ayato
Servamp: (Again no current pairings and I need to finish it, but I'd love to write for it as well)
Also beware that I'm getting into Yuri on Ice so be prepared for that lol
And just so it's here, here are some non-anime fandoms that I've written for or want to :
Vampire Diaries (books + show): Delena (show), Bamon (both), Datherine, Damon x Amara (show), Amara x Tom Avery, brotherly Defan (both), platonic Stelena (show)
Life Is Strange: Pricefield all the way
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrinette/ Ladynoir / Marichat / Ladrien
Once Upon A Time: (Only caught up to Season 4 at this point) Regina/Robin, Hook/Emma, Emma/Baelfire, Rumple/Belle, Elsa/Emma, Mulan/Aurora, Charming/Snow
Total Drama series: Jasammy/ Jasamey (TDPI)
Killing Stalking: (it'd be interesting to write for but my only favorite is Seungbae rn because literally everyone else is semi-problematic or very problematic)
And here are a list of some of my ocs, just in case (if interested I'll tell you more about them :))
Owari no Seraph: Noah Magdalene (vampire)
Vampire Diaries: Audrey Burke (vampire), Judas (Heretic), Sasha Alek (Heretic), Delilah Everett (vampire)
Danganronpa // Durarara: Hatomi Manami (SHSL Informant // Rogue Undercover)
Once Upon a Time: Victor Schwansee/ Baron Vittorio Von Rothbart (sorcerer), Merideth Kransy/Odile Von Rothbart (witch), Odette Von Rothbart (human)
Tokyo Ghoul: Maemi Anno (trans male ghoul)
And here is where you can contact me if you are interested in anything you've seen!:
Clockwork_Pixie on aO3
Golden-Geared-Wings on fanfiction.net
Steampunk-Fairie on tumblr
goldengearedwings on kik
Hope to hear from you soon! :)
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serahne · 7 years
1 6 8 21 23
1 - What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
That’s a weird question, because I always get why some ships are popular, even if they are super repulsive for me. I guess Naegami is somehow that to me. I’m not offended by it in anyway I just can’t find anything romantic in their interraction, and no possibility for it to develop. Others include Soudam and Komanami ( though I guess it’s a case of ‘shipping the two sides of the triangle’ ? )
6 - Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I’m never sure if it’s fandom or my personal reflexion about the characters, but I’m kinda warming up to Junko/maeda ? Not in a romantic sense ( I don’t really have any romantic ship for Junko so… ) but as a mutually beneficial relationship at least. I mean, I’m working on it. I feel like once you’ve started to think about Kamu/koma, you’re bound to re-examine Junko/maeda, and for a weird reason, I feel like Junko/maeda is more positive for Komaeda’s character than Kamu.
8- Have you received anon hate? What about?
Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t keep track but you’re bound to get some anon hate. I can‘t really say what it was about, mostly people who think they are morally superior and people who don’t think like them are wrong and evil.
21 - What are your thoughts on crack ships?
If we are really talking about crack, like CelesxDora the Explorer or whatever, then meh. I don’t care, whatever float your boat, you won’t get me interested though. Same for Hinata x OJ or Souda x Tank. Sure, it’s a fun joke, don’t make it last too long.
If we are talking about rarepairs, though, I’m all for it ! Give me Celes/Sayaka, give me Kirigiri/Sonia, give me all the relationships, platonic or romantic, between these characters that I love, please !
23 - Unpopular character you love?
Ruruka from dr3, I guess. Typical case of character who is way too-well written for the plot she is in ( sigh ). I really want to write something about her when I’m less busy because she deserves it. She is a fascinating character, and the shit she gets by the fandom makes me sad.
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austajunk · 3 years
Can I ask what are your favorite wlw, mlm, wlm, and OT3s in dr are? Kinda wanted to make something for you (if that’s alright ) but didn’t know all the ships you love 👉👈
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Omg thank you. You’re so very sweet to me. Please don’t feel like you have to give me anything though! I’ll gladly tell you my favorite ships! But… um… get ready for a big list. Oh gosh, as a multi shipper, I really need to narrow this down to absolute favorites.
For DR1-
MLM - ChiIshiMondo (OT3), Ishimondo, NaeGami, Togakure
WLW- SakurAoi, FukaZono, KiriZono, Celesgiri, CelesZonoGiri (OT3)
WLM- LeoSaya (was my first OTP actually), NaeGiri (love them), NaeGamiGiri (love love this OT3), …what’s Junko and Makoto called??? Cos I like them too.
For DR2: Goodbye Despair
MLM- (this is gonna be a long one) KomaHina, KomaKuzu, SouMaeda, Soul Friends, KamuHina, Sounidai, KuzuSouda, HinaNidai, Komaegi… *counting on fingers* ImposterxRyota, ImposterxHajime…
WLW - Nanamiki, Soniaki, EnoNami, Sonakane, Tsumionji (more so platonically now), Mahiyoko, Bandaid, NanaMioda??? (It would be so much easier if I just say I shipped them all…)
WLM - HINANAMI, KOMANAMI (duh, look at my blog), Sondam, Akanidai, Hinazumi, Komazumi, Kuzunami, Kuzupeko
OT3s - KOMAHINANAMI (gestures to blog), KamuKomaNami, HinaSoudaKoma, Neopolitan Ice Cream (HajimexKazuichixFuyuhiko), SonSoudam, Twilight Syndrome Mystery Girlfriends, Strawberry House Crew (Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko and Gundham)
DR: Ultra Despair Girls - Just Tokomaru and HirokoxMe.
DR: V3 (keep in mind this may change as I’m still playing the game)
WLW - Irumatsu, Tenkangie, Tenmiko, KaeAngie, Kaemugi, KaeMaki, Kaede should just marry all the girls tbh…
MLM- Saimota, SaiOuma, GokuHoshi, Oumota, Shinmami
WLM - Saimatsu, Akamami, Oumatsu, Shinmatsu, Kiiruma, Shinnaga (personal favorite)
No OT3s as of yet. ^^
Hope that helps! Thanks for asking!
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