#knowing obi-wan is alive gives him hope. or what he thinks is hope. bc finally he feels that revenge again
aq2003 · 2 years
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i'm so happy for you buddy :]
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tessiete · 3 years
For the Spotify fanfic ficlet: 12 for the Kenobi-Kryze fam? 🥺
@lightasthesun so here’s the deal. I STRUGGLED with this. Because I wanted to give you happy, fun, fluffy times, and there are some real bangers on my Wrapped. I mean, relative bangers.
But you picked probably the most Obitine-angst appropriate song ever, and I was like......oh, no. I can’t - I can’t do that to them.
So, after several days of thinking about it, we came up with this. It’s...I refuse to call it angst, bc everyone is alive, and well. It’s just like, some family fun times. Thanks, especially to the Obitine discord, and @duchess-of-mandalore @mg024 and Finn!
And anyway, I hope you love it! Thank you so much for the challenge! <3
Prompt: The Chain (Ingrid Michaelson)
The sky over Capital City is grey, and tremulous when they arrive on Coruscant. A natural storm had surged over the breakers of the planet’s ancient atmo regulators to sound its rage and fury out above the city. It’s rare, but not unheard of, and though some might take it as an ill omen, Satine thinks it a fair reflection of the twisting winds within her breast. Rain falls in great, heavy drops, lashing its grief across the transparisteel viewports as they break through the clouds. Thunder cracks, righteous and defiant. Lightning fractures the plate of the sky, reaching out with jealous fingers to touch the earth. Korkie has slept through it all, but Satine doesn’t want to miss any moment more than she must.
They hit the pad with the sudden jolt of gravity reasserting itself, the locking clamps securing them in place. She feels each shudder of the ship echoing in her bones, the soft satyn of her simple travelling gown like water over her skin. Every contrast feels sharp, and malicious. She takes Korkie’s small hand in her larger one, and together they wait for the ramp to lower, releasing them into the wilds outside.
And they are met.
Across the platform, standing silent in the downpour, is Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
Though her vision blurs, and renders his face unreadable, she can see the straight line of his shoulders, the proud tilt of his chin, and the defiant stance of his feet spread wide. His hands are hidden in the fold of his cloak, and at his back are Masters Windu and Jinn.
At Satine’s back is the black maw of the ship, and the wind whistling through it. Korkie laughs, and she looks away from the Jedi to see her son, hands out, catching rain. 
“It’s wet! Belli, look!” he says, showing her his hand, shining in the grey light. “The sky is crying!”
Satine feels the rain coursing over her own face, and smiles in recognition of his delight.
“It is,” she says. “Happy tears, of course. Coruscant is glad to meet you, kih'kairkiyc.”
He grins at her, and she squeezes his hand, and together they cross the narrow bridge from the ship’s dock to the reception platform where they are met by Obi-Wan. He steps forward, and bows, deep, and formal.
“Duchess,” he says. His voice does not waver, but lies flat, and orderly in the space between them. 
He is much the same as she remembers, though his hair is longer, and his braid is cut. A beard has grown in, at long last, though she does not like how it covers his mouth, and hides half his face, and she longs to reach out and wipe it away so she might be able to read him again, like she used to. But there is more than an arm’s length between them, so instead, she nods her head in acknowledgement.
“Knight Kenobi,” she says, like glass, clean and showing nothing of itself.
Korkie tugs at her hand, and she pulls him forward to introduce him next. His fingers linger at the tips of hers as she lets him go. He takes a step. He takes a breath, and just as they’d practiced, he bows with his hands clasped before him, until his back is level with the floor.
“How do you do, Knight Kenobi?” Then, in succession, “Master Windu. Master Jinn.”
The three Jedi return the gesture. Master Windu is tense, and wary of her, she can tell, still unconvinced of the wisdom in this. Obi-Wan’s eyes are fixed on her, but Qui-Gon Jinn smiles at the boy, and Korkie stumbles back until he falls against his mother’s stomach, his hand reaching out to fist in the fabric of her gown to steady himself.
“Hello Korkie,” the old Jedi greets. His voice is soft, like birdwatchers in Keldabe before. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
Obi-Wan is pulled from his study of the past by this reminder of their present company. His hands drop, and he shifts, leaning towards her, his head ducked and uncertain.
“I apologise for the weather,” he says. “I would have - if there had been any indication of inclemence such as this, I would have suggested somewhere with a roof.”
“Of course,” Satine says, too quickly. Then, bridling herself, she continues. “Coruscant is usually such a civilised, and well-behaved planet, it could not have been foreseen.”
There is the promise of forgiveness at the end of her declaration, which Obi-Wan accepts with relief, and they smile at each other. It is brief, and carried more in their eyes, than in their mouths or hands, but it is there nonetheless.
“And you, Master Korkie,” says Qui-Gon, with a smirk of his own. “Are you more civilised, and well-behaved than you appear at first glance?”
He gestures to Korkies rumpled tunic, and mussed hair which sticks up in wild tussocks like knots of grass.
“Someone was rather exhausted by our journey,” says Satine, fondly. “He fell asleep just past Corsin.”
“It was rather a long flight,” says Korkie, in his own defence. “And I don’t much like flying. Lightspeed always feels funny.”
At this, Qui-Gon kneels to meet Korkie on his level, and speaks as if he is confessing some great secret.
“Do you know,” he says, “That Knight Kenobi also dislikes flying.”
Korkie throws a wondering glance at Obi-Wan, who shifts beneath the scrutiny.
“Truly?” he asks Qui-Gon.
The Jedi nods. “Yes, truly. Only he stays awake the whole time.”
“I think in order to complain,” says Qui-Gon. “He needs to be sure that I am equally as miserable as he is, otherwise he feels lonely for company. But it does make for a very long trip, from my point of view.”
“That’s silly, Knight Kenobi,” declares Korkie. He turns to address Obi-Wan directly, and though he speaks critically, his brow is lifted, and his eyes wide in an earnest desire to ease the knight’s discomfort. “It’s much better if you sleep,” he says, with all the wisdom of a moment. “The time goes by much faster.”
Obi-Wan is forced to accept his master’s censure with grace as to spare the gentle feelings of an innocent child, so he smiles, and bows to acknowledge the boy.
“As you say, Master Kryze. You are probably right.”
“I know I am,” Korkie says. “Even though I do look a little wild in the end. But I feel tidy. So I suppose it’s just a matter of which part of me you look at.”
With a rumble that starts deep in his belly, then tumbles out like thunder, Qui-Gon Jinn laughs.
“A man after my own heart,” he says, giving Korkie a little clap on the shoulder. “I foresee you will become a great Jedi, Kiorkicek Kryze.”
“Sorry to interrupt, Duchess, Obi-Wan,” says Master Windu, stepping between the parties, “But as this rain doesn’t look to be letting up any time soon, may I suggest we complete the investiture ceremony somewhere a little drier?”
He levels Obi-Wan with a challenging glance, but its severity is diminished somewhat by his own bedraggled state. Despite their equal exposure, the rain has somehow managed to do more damage to Mace Windu’s composure than any of the others. Perhaps because he is more conscious of his position, and his dignity than the other two, Qui-Gon being rather untroubled by such pretensions, and Obi-Wan still humbled and distracted by the circumstances in which he’s come face to face with the unquiet ghosts of his past. Both of them wear the rain with ease, but Mace has struggled, unable to convince himself of the need to shield himself, but conscious of the desire. His cloak is patchy with damp, and the top of his head reflects the sky, the water washing his face, and dripping from his lips and chin. It is clear that Obi-Wan feels this indignity on his superior’s behalf, but Satine fights laughter at the spectacle.
“I think that would be wise, Master Windu,” she says, her voice tripping and sparking with barely repressed delight.
“Thank you, ma’am,” he says, with a shallow bow. And then he says, “There is an air car waiting.”
And Satine feels her stomach drop.
She meets Obi-Wan’s eye over Mace’s shoulder. His gaze is steady, and somber and as he makes his answer to the master’s request, and she can hear farewell in the heaviness of his voice.
“Yes, Master Windu,” he says. “Satine, I’m sorry we must be so brief, but I -” and he stands gaping, and voiceless for a moment.
The tight knuckle of sickness twists in her gut, scraping across the raw nerves of the underside of her skin, buckling muscles, and shifting against her bones, but she swallows the nausea back, and saves Obi-Wan from the inexorable void of silence.
“Do not apologise, Obi-Wan,” she says. “These things cannot be helped. Perhaps it is better this way. Perhaps the sting will be less.”
“Like a plaster,” he says, numbly.
And she agrees. “Just like.”
Master Jinn’s rises from his crouch, leaving his hands to ghost over Korkie’s shoulders, his hand still wrapped in her own, and Obi-Wan still staring at her, still drowning in the rain. Master Windu is merciful then, and bows out his leave taking.
“I’ll prepare the car,” he says.
“Thank you, Mace,” says Qui-Gon, when no one says anything else, and Master Windu leaves them to say goodbye. 
But still, no one moves. Silence falls, a fragile, lacework thing, too delicate to touch with the clumsy fingers of speech. They remain suspended in its web for an age, until Qui-Gon braves what the others cannot fathom, and speaks again.
“Obi-Wan,” he says, stepping away from Korkie to reach for his own grown padawan. “A word.”
He draws him aside, turning away, turning their backs to Satine and Korkie, and speaking quietly in Obi-Wan’s ear, an arm about his shoulders, and drawing him close in private assignation. At another time, she might feel ostracised and othered by this, but now, she is grateful. It is she who is with Korkie, and the Jedi who must stand apart.
She kneels to face her son, heedless of her skirt, of the thin satyn and how it catches at the rough duracrete, pulling taut, maybe tearing beneath the pressure of her knees. She doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter. What matters is this: herself, and her son, and the rain washing away the things between them.
“I don’t want to go,” says Korkie, and she grips his hands tighter than before.
“You must,” she says. “You must. You are going to be a wonderful Jedi Knight. Just think of that.”
“I don’t care,” he says. “I know I said before, but I changed my mind. I want to go home.”
“You can’t go home, kih'kairkiyc,” she replies, her tongue growing thick with a truth she hates to speak. “Remember? We talked about this. It’s dangerous. But you will be safe here. Knight Kenobi will protect you.”
“But who will protect you if I’m not there?”
“Oh, many people, Kiorkicek,” she says. “A whole court of people. All the people. The people of Mandalore will be my strength, and they will take very good care of me while you’re away, and one day, when you come home, they will be glad to meet you again, and so will I.”
“Do you promise?” he asks. “You won’t forget me? Even if I’m gone for a very long time?”
“Even if you were gone for almost as long as forever, I would never forget you, Kiorkicek Kryze. Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad. Ratiin.”
“Ratiin,” he repeats. “Always, and always.”
“Yes,” she avows. “Now, do you remember what I told you?”
“To wash my face, and brush my teeth every day, even if I’m very sleepy.”
And she laughs, pulling him close to her breast, and tucking his head beneath her chin.
“Yes,” she says. “That is very important, but what else?”
“To listen to the masters, and study hard, and show respect, and try my best, and to always, always be very kind to Knight Kenobi, because he isn’t always very kind to himself.”
“Yes,” she whispers. She presses a kiss to his hair, and combs it as flat as she can. “That last part, most especially, kih'kairkiyc. Look after each other. For me.”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Belli.”
“Bal Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, balyc.”
“Satine?” The call is Obi-Wan’s and she looks up from the cradle of her embrace, and her son within it to see him standing cautious, and concerned a few paces away. “It’s time to go.” 
“Of course,” she says. She stands. She takes Korkie’s hand, nestled in her own, and places it in Obi-Wan’s. For a moment, the three of them are one, together, and then…
She lets go.
“Goodbye, my Kiorkicek,” she says. “Remember what I told you. Kote, ijaa, aliit. Ratiin.”
He nods, and she can see his grip tighten on Obi-Wan’s hand, fierce determination rising in the face of her expectations. It is Obi-Wan who falters.
“Satine, I -” he shakes his head. His eyes match the storm. “I will do my best by him, I swear. I will not fail you. I will not.”
“I know,” she says, steady where he is not. “I would not give him up to another. None but you, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Gar ratiin ru’kar'taylir. Be gentle with it.”
He nods. There is nothing else to say, and they’ve always been terrible at goodbye. She smiles at Korkie one last time, and he points at the sky.
“Happy tears,” he says, and grins, wiping the salty streaks from his own face.
And with that, he tugs on Obi-Wan’s hand, and leads him off towards the distant figure of Mace Windu, and the air car waiting patiently to take them home.
But Satine is not alone.
Qui-Gon Jinn steps close, until she can feel his shoulder jut up against her own, the warmth of his body breaching the barricade of wet clothes, to soothe her own chapped skin, and she shivers against him.
For a moment, they say nothing, just watching as Obi-Wan turns to Korkie, and Korkie to Obi-Wan, chatting animatedly, his free hand swooping through the air. She imagines he must be telling him of their departure from Mandalore, and the world he left behind, and she hopes that selfishly, she might be included in as many of these stories as he thinks to tell, because he is in all of hers. Qui-Gon chuckles beside her.
“Fast friends, already,” he says.
“Forgotten just as fast,” she whispers, nearly losing the words to the storm. But Qui-Gon is listening closely.
“Never that,” he says. He wraps an arm around her shoulders, and she yields like water, dropping her head to his shoulder, and weeping into the crook of his neck.
“I thought I was ready,” she says, hitching breaths to match the shifting winds. “But it has come too soon.”
She feels his chin press against her skull, and though it isn’t exactly comfortable, there is comfort in the angles of his affection, and she leans closer to him, until her arms sneak beneath the wet folds of his outer robe, and wrap around his waist. She clings there, as though she might blow away. This is familiar, though it is an old, old memory, now. She was once a girl, before she was a Duchess, and Qui-Gon Jinn was once to her the very thing her father could not be. She was bereaved, but never lost, and there were many nights that Qui-Gon held her while she wept just like this. It is easy to reach for him, now. It is easy to look back.
“You are never ready,” he says, his voice vibrating so near to her ear it is as though he speaks to her from within her own mind. “But he is not going very far. He is with his family. He is with his father. You are not losing him to the wilderness.”
“No,” she says. “Only to the Force.”
He does not chide her for the bitterness upon her tongue.
His own words remain gentle, and soothing, and he rocks her in his arms, as they watch the matched set of their hearts walk away.
“Then I have lost my own heart twice,” he says. “First to the Force, and then to you. But people always come back, in one way or another. No one is gone forever.”
And as they reach the car, as though he hears their call from across a vast, unending night, and over the wind and roar of the storm, Obi-Wan looks back, and Qui-Gon smiles.
“Oh, look,” he says, as the knight turns once more to his son. “There he goes again.”
Satine buries her face in Qui-Gon’s arms, and though she doesn’t feel at peace, for a moment, she feels like she has come home.
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mnxxlove · 4 years
Hey! I was hoping for 3, 9, & 12 with obi-wan please? 💕
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
3; secret dating.
9; smut or fluff.
12; age gap.
Word Count: 2717
Summary: Y/n and General Kenobi, have been having a secret affair ever since the war began. But they haven’t gotten time or privacy to be all by themselves. They barely had news about each other, which made their relationship to be dangerously needy and not as conservative as they wanted it to be. Suddenly, one day, she gets the news that she’s going to be accompanying him and General Skywalker to protect their old common friend, the senator Amidala.
Their relationship has always been strictly professional, but once they get alone, it's just Y/n and him. Meanwhile, Anakin has a private talk with Padmé and the chancellor, Obi-wan and Y/n sloped off for a few minutes.
warnings: unprotected sex (do not do that. you ought to always use protection!), super light smut, old language(?(, age gap(-4), fluff, and I added a bit of angst, bc I’m build like that.
Thanks for your request love 🌹
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gif not mine;
It was too early in the morning, not even the clouds were letting the rays of sunshine to brighten the city of Coruscant, and she was already upset with the whole Council. They've decided to make a decision that involved her, without her being present. And she later on, got warmed about it as always.... As much as she wanted to make decisions for herself, she was still not having enough privilege to do so. She could not stand it. But still, to this day, she needed to bite her bottom lip, nod and do as it was said.
"Did I hear you clearly? Am I going on my first ever solo mission?" Her voice sounded in a mix of excitement and exasperation. Such as if she could not believe what she did hear coming from her master's mouth.
"I have never said you were going all by yourself." Mace spoke seriously, his eyes staying wide opened while he stared at her in expectation. Y/n raised her chin, to look at him directly in the eyes, to then keep her breath right deep inside her lungs.
"Look, it's not that we don't trust you –." Her master continued, his voice soothing this time. But she did not care at all, so she talked back without thinking, then interrupting him abruptly.
"Well, it looks like it." Her voice did not sound with anger but with disappointment, instead.
There was a big pause between them. Mace sighed,  raising one of his arms while making her a signal for her to take a seat just right in front of him. Pressing her lips in a thin line, she sat, legs crossed, just as he was sitting. He was having his mouth opened, but any kind of words weren't escaping from his mouth. She did not have any idea about how long they decided to stay quiet. Seconds felt like minutes, and it did haunt her, making her feel pressured and quite too anxious. Y/n tried to keep her gaze steady on her brown robes, but his sudden voice got her by surprise, making her raise her face immediately.
"I gave my word, not them. They just agreed. I see potential in you, but I do not want you to go on a suicidal mission all by yourself, indeed." He continued, making her let out a deep breath of exhaustion. "General Kenobi and General Skywalker will accompany you in this mission, as long as the events do not change, of course..." He added, his voice calmed. Mace continued talking after that, but she did not hear anything clearly, it was too late. Her mind and thoughts were clouded by him again. Obi-wan's voice could easily trumble inside her head, making her feel completely lost. His subtle scent of vanilla and smoke was completely unforgettable, and easy to remember. Sometimes, it was that easy to imagine him with her, that she would not help but to sob. Imagining his presence was not the same as feeling the cozyness she would feel around him. The touch of his fingertips or the caress of his lips... It was too much to handle, and her heartbeat by consequence, began to pound rapidly. Making her master, to easily notice that her composure changed from then of sudden.. Mace did not say anything else, he just stared in confusion.
"I- I need to go. Excuse me, master." Her voice now way more softened, stuttered, while getting up from her seat. Her master did not say a word back, he just gave her a light nod while closing his eyes.
Y/n's heartbeat pounded hard and fast in her chest, it almost hurt. Feeling herself choking, she walked rapidly by the long corridors way to her quarters. Her right hand placed just where her heart should be. But it wasn't, because her heart left the same day he did. Her chest would raise and lower rapidly, while she could not help but to feel the adrenaline running through her veins once again. She was not used knowing anything about him, and when she did get any type of information, it would feel bitter but still pleasant to know and be aware that he was still alive, far away from her and achieving what he always desired.
Swallowing hard, she opened the door from her quarters and once she was already inside, she closed the door behind her, to then, resting her back on it. The room had a blueish subtone, making her understand that the clouds were still hiding the sun. She took a deep breath, her eyes kept closed, trying to find any kind of relaxation. Suddenly, she let herself fall to the ground, sliding her back down slowly. Her forearms then, resting on her knees, while she hid her face in desperation. Y/n's feelings have never been mixed up, as talking about Obi-wan, she loved him, truly. And he did as well.
It was madness! They were too reckless back then, to know certainly what they were truly feeling for each other, nevertheless, they were mature enough to take that one step, they needed to take and so they did, formally dating and having a serious and mature relationship. They knew that whatever they were feeling was true and honest.
And so, none of them wanted to leave the council, so, they decided to keep it as a secret, although they knew it was practically impossible at a certain time to know anything about each other, meanwhile he was up, fighting in galaxies far away from Coruscant.
The rest of the morning, she spent it inside the four walls of her cozy quarters. Wishing the hours and minutes to run as fast as possible for her to finally meet with him, after being apart from each other, for months. It was going to happen, and she was not ready. She didn't need time, y/n knew right deep inside her heart, that she was never going to be able to be ready to meet with him again... Impatiently, she let her hand travel up, to her collar, grabbing the necklace he gave her. It was the only thing she owned from him, and she did not want to lose it. She could not be able to apologise herself, if she ever loses it... Mace told her that they would be in Coruscant in a few hours, and it has already passed a few hours, making her feel completely irritated. A normal person would wait someone such as taking a seat or distracting itself, making some time for it's own, making useful things and to not waste minutes or mostly, hours not doing anything. However, on the other hand, she preferred to walk all over her quarters, stepping her feet rapidly on the floor.
Y/n was all nerves and insecurity at the moment, but she did stop feeling like that just for a matter of second. When the communicator from her bedroom did warn her that they already arrived. Before getting out of her place, having her eyes closed, she decided to calm herself down or anyone at this point, would notice that something was wrong with her. Having her mind clear, and a neutral face on, now, she left and walked until arriving to the furthest living, in which were always used for making private reunions. Approaching, she noticed that there were a few bodyguards protecting the entrance, but they noticed her clothes and the body of her lightsaber placed on her belt, and so, they let her in.
“It has been far too long.” Padmé admitted, a bright smile curving on her lips, while she looked at both not only Jedi, but her old friends.
The whole place was in complete silence, or at least it was until Y/n decided to step a foot inside the living. She seemed relaxed, or at least she was, until she noticed that not only the senator was there. Suddenly, all eyes were marked on her, and she tripped on both her feet accidentally, almost falling but still managed to get on her way to the senator, obviously, trying not to keep as much eye contact as she could with Obi-wan.
“Glad to see that you’re alright..” She gasped out of sudden once passing her shaky, sweaty hands by her tight shirt. She did grab Amidala’s hand to then take Anakin’s and Obi-wan’s too. Her words were fast and almost improvised, and Obi-wan knew it. He knew her more than she knew her own self. But he did not remember her as exactly as she looked at that precise moment, still, she was the same clumsy girl whom he decided to fall head over heels for, when he was just a young boy.
She was not going to ignore it. She could not be able to. It was impossible to ignore the fact that she has been craving for him to be with her, to stay just where she was at the moment, and not being able to gaze at his piercing blue eyes, at least once. Although she would’ve loved to have the guts to, she knew that if she did so, she would be lost. Whereas, on the other hand, he could not be able to stop staring at her. Her hair was now longer, falling down her back. And she was still keeping two braids placed as a crown, such as how she used to hairstyle her hair when she had no time for. Her face seemed way more brighter than he was able to remember, but she still owned that heavenly smile, which he adored and missed so much.
The chat did not last for so long. It was clear that their job was going to be about protecting the senator, or at least that was their mission for now on. Once everything was said, Y/n excused herself not after giving to her lover a grin. Once she was already out, Obi-wan did excused himself as well, and he did walk towards the exit. Finding her, waiting for him.
“Long time no see...” He admitted, smiling ear to ear. His eyes brightened as cristal. Obi’s voice sounded amusing, and it was understandable. She felt the same way too. Having him with her was good, but at the same time, too risky..
“Likewise.” She breathed out, to then smile back at him. The energy between them was speechless, their words always soft and careful, most knowing that they were still on the catch of the eye of anyone.
Although none of them would still admit it, their eyes were full with emotion, and words weren’t needed at that moment. It was left clear between each other, that they did miss each other like madly. Although, the verbal language was not used at any given moment between them, they were sure about it.
“So, how are things going?” She cleared her throat.
“Anakin has gotten his first ever padawan... She's strong but reckless.” Obi-wan admitted in a sigh and it immediately made her chuckle.
“So, were we.” She affirmed, having a playful smile marked on her lips. Obi just smiled back at her, his chin lowered and his eyes closed.He was happy, and so was she. They’ve been together, at the same place for less than an hour, but he was sure that he needed to ‘have a talk with her’. Without saying anything else, they just had a little walk, enjoying each other’s company. For once in a lifetime, the air did not feel suffocating. But still it felt quite too difficult to breathe. "I've been wanting to talk with you, actually." He admitted, now making her turn her head. Her face changed and her eyes were not longer shining but clouded with lust, and so were his own. She perfectly knew what those words meant and she was not going to hesitate.
“...Is it possible if we can have some privacy, now?” Obi-wan continued, but his voice sounded more of a whisper now. Blinking rapidly, she scanned both sideways, to see if anyone was nearby. When she made sure there were no people around, she grabbed his hand, and they ran straight to her chambers, which was not too far away from where they were at. Once they were already inside, she expected him to be soft and delicately as always, but instead, once the door was closed behind her, he pushed her against it, placing both his hands on her face, and pressing his lips with her own. At first she got surprised, but she still kept kissing him back. Her hands now trailing up to the back of his nape, twirling her fingers with his now shorter hair. Within seconds, he did take off his cloak, and hers as well. They were still standing at the same place, so, instantly, he did place both his hands, down on both her thighs, making her jump and twirl her legs just between his waist. Her hands now being placed on both his shoulders, while he carried her and laid her down not too delicately on her bed. She swallowed hard, while she watched him rapidly bend over, to kiss her once more, but now, with way more passion.
“Stars! I missed every piece of you, my love…” He admitted, his voice hoarse and low, while leaving wet kisses all over her neck. Y/n did not say a word back in response. She was just letting out low but soft moans, letting him just be the only one who could be able to hear them. His arms were trailing all over her body, while he slowly took off her pants to then throw them far away from them.
“We can only be absent for ten minutes, you know it.” She was exasperated, while trying to unbutton his pants. Her hands were fast but clumsy, then, him taking off his trousers and his underwear quickly by himself.
“I know. I know. And I need you.” He whined, while placing himself on top of her, both hands placed comfortably pressed on the mattress.
Without saying anything else, lust in both their glances, she placed her left hand on his right cheek, to then making him bend his head over to press his lips with her own once more. Still having their mouths pressed together, he did push his hip afterwards, getting her by surprise and then, moaning of pleasure in his mouth. It was slow but constant, but within seconds, their breathing started to get exasperated, and the only thing that was able to be heard in that room was the bed slightly creaking. It was slow but hard at the same time, and it did hurt the very few pushes but it then became satisfactory. Once they were getting close, his communicator started to vibrate, they did ignore it but then it turned constant, making him groan annoyedly.
“Shhh,..” She hushed him. “Ignore it. Just concentrate on me, love.” That was the least she needed to tell him, for him to do so. Once she felt that she was getting closer, she started to moan even way more pleasantly.
Her chin was placed on his left shoulder, while both her hands were placed on his back, her nails pressed hard. He was getting upset, and she knew it just by the way he was acting at the moment. He was always careful and she knew it, but for the first time, it just didn’t feel like just having normal sex. It was needy and wanted. It always has been like that, but the fact that they’ve spent months apart, without having any type of information of their good given status, they both craved that moment even more. Suddenly, his movements became faster, making both their breaths to mix up. He wanted her to scream his name out loud but it was not going to happen as long they were in Coruscant... Right before cumming, and him hearing her letting out a loud moan, he did kiss her one last time, to then, her placing both her hands on his face.
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stairset · 6 years
So admittedly I'm not sure EXACTLY what I'd do differently if I rewrote tlj, bc there's so many problems and lots of stuff to consider that it'd take forever to rewrite everything. But I do have some very messy miscellaneous ideas:
-Instead of starting off right at the second where tfa ended, skip ahead like, maybe a month or two? I dunno like a time skip that's fairly short, but long enough that both sides could plausibly be able to regroup and regather their forces after the losses they suffered from in the last film.
-Rey's been training with Luke and learned a few things but not a ton. Finn woke from his coma a while ago but still needs to get his back injury looked at regularly.
-Finn and Poe regularly talk to Rey and they give each other updates on how they're doing throughout the movie. This way we can have like, actual character interactions despite our trio being light-years apart.
-Like in the film, a fight between the Resistance and FO fleets towards the beginning results in some heavy casualties for our heroes. However these casualties are not the result of Poe being ooc and doing dumb shit for no reason.
-Poe's main character arc is still learning to step up and lead, but this time in a way that actually makes sense for his character. Maybe he beats himself up for losing so many people bc he's lost someone important to him before, and he has to accept that no leader can save everyone. Accept what you can't change and have the courage to change the things you can. Or something else like that. Just something that does his character justice.
-Paige doesn't have to die. Like I never expected her to have a big role bc there's so many characters to keep track of, but I'm sick of this franchise killing woc right after introducing them so let's say Paige just gets seriously injured. Enough to motivate Rose.
-Somehow Rose and Finn meet but in this version she has a consistent personality and they actually become friends and she doesn't taze him or talk down to him.
-I haven't thought of EXACTLY what I'd do with Rose's arc so if anyone has any ideas feel free to add on.
-The tracking the Resistance through hyperspace thing can stay bc it is interesting in concept, but there has to be a little more to it. Maybe the Resistance is trying to figure out how the FO is even getting all this super advanced tech and how to beat it.
-Finn doesn't know everything but he does know the FO has funding from many corrupt new Republic senators and other officials. So Leia sends Finn, Poe and Rose (plus BB-8 and 3PO bc 3PO needs something to do) to Canto Bight, which is actually designed well in this version.
-While they're doing that, Leia and Ackbar lead the Resistance fleet to the Crait base with the FO fleet hot on their tail, hoping to send a distress signal to their allies.
-At Canto Bight they meet up with Lando who was already on a separate undercover mission for Leia. He helps them get the I they need from some skeezy rich bastards who help the FO and tags along with them.
-Rose is the hacker bc it simplifies things a bit.
-They don't spend nearly as long on Canto Bight. Instead, sneaking around Snoke's ship takes up the bulk of their half of the plot. The animal subplot is taken out entirely bc it's pointless. They come for Lando and the info and go.
-Meanwhile with the force stuff:
-Snoke telling Kylo to stop acting like Vader didn't make sense. He should want Kylo to act MORE like Vader to make sure he stays away from the light and shit or something.
-Snoke takes Kylo to Vader's old castle on Mustafar to complete his training as he said he would in tfa, and the Knights of Ren tag along bc they seem cool and ignoring them in favor of the lobster guards was a mistake.
-Mustafar is not only significant to Kylo's family's history, but also canonically was once the sight of a sith temple, a perfect place to complete Kylo's training. Plus as a bonus it connects the prequels and R1 to the sequels in a natural way.
-Kylo's Mustafar training serves as a parallel to Luke training Rey on Ach-To.
-Luke actually teaches Rey some cool shit insteas of just being grumpy and wasting precious screentime with pointless crap, and they have a meaningful relationship.
-Instead of just giving up and going to Ach-To to die, Luke instead came for Important Plot Reasons.
-Basically, we learn that Snoke is an ancient and powerful dark side weilder, far more powerful and more sinister than even the Sith themselves. The very first Jedi knights formed the group to stop Snoke, and during the battle they gave him his injuries, severely weakening him, and imprisoned him in the unknown regions of space.
-Through the force, Snoke witnessed the history of the Star Wars galaxy as we know it unfold. The centuries of war between the Jedi and the Sith. The near destruction of the Sith. The creation of the rule of two that allowed the Sith to rise again and get their revenge. The Clone Wars. The creation of Darth Vader. The fall of the Republic and the Jedi. The rise of the Empire. The Rebellion. Snoke watched it all from behind the scenes, waiting for the right moment to return.
-His opportunity came with the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic exiled the remnants of the Empire to the unknown regions, where they ran into Snoke and he somehow convinced them that he had the power to help them restore their precious Empire.
-So we now know Snoke's backstory, but his exact plan isn't revealed just yet. There are hints, but save the big reveal for episode 9.
-Luke didn't go looking for the first Jedi temple for no reason. He went in hopes of learning about Snoke, and more importantly, how he was defeated the first time to give an idea of how to stop him now. Unfortunately, he hasn't figured that part out yet.
-Make no mistake, Luke may not be bitter and hopeless here but he's not without his own problems. That crap with him almost killing Kylo doesn't happen, but he does beat himself up for not saving Kylo. He was so sure that if Vader could be turned than so could Ben. But the sad fact is that you can't save someone unless they want to be saved, and Ben didn't want to.
-And the big one: Somehow, maybe through that weird force mirror or something like that, Rey and Luke discover that they are in fact father and daughter. Because like it or not that's very obviously what tfa was hinting at. And like it or not, her being his daughter adds more weight to everything. Rey finally concludes her arc of finding her family. And through Luke's training she becomes the worthy successor to the Skywalker bloodline that Kylo failed to be.
-As for how she ended up on Jakku, why Luke, Leia and Han didn't recognize her sooner, etc. That I haven't thought of a good answer to yet, but I'm sure something plausible could be figured out if given enough thought. Maybe Snoke wanted to make her his apprentice but Kylo was jealous and somehow tricked everyone into thinking he killed her and left her on Jakku to die? Or something? Idk. Again, feel free to give ur ideas.
-Back to the Resistance plot. So while all the force shit is happening, Finn and co. have been undercover on Snoke's ship to not only destroy the hyperspace tracker, but hopefully find a way to stop the FO's whole flow of supplies from their sympathizers.
-Since Snoke is away on Mustafar training Kylo, Hux is in charge of the Supremacy. Unsurprisingly, it didn't take him and Phasma long to discover that they had intruders, and they've been onto them the whole time, adding tension for our heroes to hurry the hell up.
-Finn runs into a small group of his old friends and former squadmates from his stormtrooper days, and discovers that his defection inspired them, and they've been secretly sabotaging the FO in small ways.
-So these defectors take the heroes to some important database or something where they can get the information they need.
-While there, Finn also ends up finding a big secret in the FO's database, who his parents were and where he was born.
-For who his parents are, there's lots of interesting paths to take, maybe they're members of the New Republic, or royalty, or Mandalorians, or force sensitives, or something else interesting. Either way, it's possible they could still be alive, leaving things open for them to play a role in episode 9.
-Back to force stuff again, Yoda ghost can stay but only if Anakin and Obi-wan are there too, with Hayden and Ewan reprising their roles of course. I don't know what exactly they'd do, as long as it's plot relevant and more interesting than what we got lol. Also Anakin and Kylo especially have to have some sort of conversation.
-Maybe Anakin tells Kylo how he turned back to the light, and tells him that if he truly wishes to finish what he started, then he should too. Kylo decides that the great Darth Vader he looked up to all this time is weak, and he destroys his helmet, deciding to do things his own way.
-Kylo somehow finds out where Luke and Rey are, maybe through a force vision or something. Instead of telling Snoke, he goes himself with the Knights of Ren as backup, believing he can capture them himself and prove himself.
-So we get Rey and Luke (plus Chewie and R2) vs Kylo and the Knights of Ren on Ach-To. After the epic battle, Luke eventually surrenders himself if it'll get Kylo to spare the others. Luke is only doing this because at this point he has yet to accept that he can't save Ben, and is attempting to save him by doing the same thing he did with Vader, but tragically it won't work out so well this time.
-So Luke is taken back to Snoke's ship where Snoke plans to finally destroy him, and the Jedi with him, thus eliminating the biggest threat to his plans. Rey, Chewie and R2 stage a rescue mission.
-They somehow manage to rescue Luke, and he finally realizes that his nephew is gone for good and he must accept this.
-Meanwhile, Finn, Rose, Poe and Lando got the info they needed, but have been caught, and like the film, Phasma attempts to have them executed.
-3PO and BB-8 find the defected stormtroopers who rescue our heroes right before they can be executed, resulting in a huge chaotic battle of stormtroopers vs stormtroopers.
-During the chaos, Rey, Luke, Chewie and end up in the same hangar and all the heroes meet up.
-Finn has his climactic battle with Phasma, only here it's a little longer with more buildup, thus making it more intense and satisfying. Also that bit where he reveals that she shut the shields down stays bc it was so cool.
-During the course of the film, there are many hints dropped at force sensitive Finn. These finally pay off during his fight with Phasma where she knocks him down and attempts to stab him with her spear. He throws his hands up and accidentally force pushes her back, giving him the upper hand he needs to defeat his powerful opponent.
-So after a short but epic fight Phasma is killed, and our heroes all gather in the Falcon and meet up with Leia and the rest of the Resistance on Crait.
-At long last, Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie, R2, 3PO and BB-8 are all united, the hyperspace tracker has been sabotaged, and they have information on how the FO gets their resources which they can possibly use to beat them in the next film.
-Celebrations are short lived however, as the FO fleet followed the Resistance fleet to Crait, and the fight is far from over.
-During the space battle, our heroes, like in the film, board the shuttles to the planet below, and Ackbar stays behind to pull off the epic sacrifice that helps them get down there safely.
-Like the film, they send out the distress signal to their allies.
-As everyone is preparing for the coming battle, Finn and Rey have A Moment and kiss.
-So Kylo and Hux lead the assault on the Resistance base. The battle of Crait is epic and intense with all our heroes using their combined skills and abilities to fight their attackers.
-Like in the film, the Resistance is eventually overpowered and pinned down, and Luke walks out to distract Kylo to buy them time, only this time it's the real Luke with Rey by his side.
-Luke and Rey have another epic duel with Kylo and his Knights of Ren, but this time things go a little different. The distress signal pays off, and the remnants of the New Republic fleet (possibly led by an older Hera Syndulla, not required but it'd be awesome) arrive to help the Resistance.
-Our heroes manage to escape Crait, and now have the Republic fleet aiding them. Luke has reunited with his sister, and comforts her over Han's death. Lando promotes our newer heroes for their actions, the defected stormtroopers join the Resistance/Republic, maybe Paige wakes up and has a small moment with Rose, and Finn and Rey are set to become the first of the next generation of Jedi, and to uphold Luke's legacy when Kylo couldn't. However, Snoke, Kylo, Hux and their army are still out there, and we have yet to learn what Snoke is planning or how to stop it, leaving plenty of things open for the final chapter of the saga.
As stated before this is all just random ideas, and there's probably some stuff I forgot to mention bc there's a lot to think and talk about with this film, so if anyone wants to add anything go right ahead.
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stairset · 6 years
Since the series finale is coming up I wanna talk about all my absolute favorite Rebels episodes, in the order they aired bc ranking them would be so hard and I'm lazy, and why I love them because I feel like I owe it to a show that's been a huge part of my life for the last few years and was one of the things that got me through the nightmare that is the teenage years.
Rise of the Old Masters: I think every good show has that one great episode early on that just tells you "this is gonna be a good show, we have a plan" and gets you hooked, and I believe this was that episode for Rebels. Spark of Rebellion was a solid start, Droids in Distress and Fighter Flight were slower episodes to help you get to know the characters a bit more, and then this episode is, for lack of a better term, when shit started getting real. Ezra and Kanan's relationship starts developing, the Grand Inquisitor is introduced in person and makes a great first impression, we get some of our first major Clone Wars connections, etc. It also uses Yoda's famous "do or do not" line to deliver a nice message. "I'm not gonna TRY to teach you anymore. If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed, so from now on, I WILL teach you".
Path of the Jedi: Once again, Kanan and Ezra both have a lot of development here, both as a team and as individuals. The crazy visions that Ezra experiences were some of the darkest and most intense things in the show at the time, and Frank Oz guest appearing as Yoda's voice and Ezra finally constructing his own lightsaber are both great crowd pleasing moments. It also happens to be the first appearance of the world between worlds, though neither Ezra or the audience realized it at the time, which just goes to show how far back the writers planned everything out.
Call To Action: Tarkin makes his debut and calls out our other villains on their relative incompetence throughout the season, even going so far as to, erm, make an example of two of them, and succeeds where they have failed, even capturing Kanan in the process. Despite the cliffhanger, it's a bittersweet ending as the crew does succeed in their mission to deliver a message of hope to Lothal and the surrounding systems. This is where the stakes start to raise, and it shows.
Fire Across the Galaxy: Ending the first season with a bang, the crew rescues Kanan on Tarkin's star destroyer above Mustafar, the stolen TIE from Fighter Flight actually ends up being relevant, the Grand Inquisitor is sent off in the perfect way, the crew joins with Pheonix Squadron, giving us our earliest look at the growing rebellion, and of course the moment everyone remembers, the reintroduction to Ahsoka Tano, and her former master not long after. It was the perfect way to end the first season while getting everyone hyped for the next.
The Siege of Lothal: Everyone was absolutely hyped for the season 2 premiere and it did not disappoint. While many worried that Vader would be toned down for the show, he proved to be as threatening as ever, outsmarting our heroes time and again, kicking Kanan and Ezra's asses, and putting his pilot skills to use by taking on the entirety of Pheonix Squadron himself. And of course there's the unforgettable scene where he and Ahsoka sense each other and James Earl Jones delivers the iconic, bone chilling line "the apprentice lives".
Stealth Strike: This episode was just fun, plain and simple. Kanan and Rex's bickering, Ezra's interactions with Sato, it was all hilarious and entertaining. It was sweet seeing Kanan and Rex finally start getting along, and it also happens to be one of the few times Commander Sato played a major role in an episode. Despite Sato's fairly minor role in the show I always liked him, so seeing him in the action with the lead characters was nice.
The Future of the Force: The Inquisitors are after force sensitive children to ensure that they don't grow up to become Jedi, and it's up to Ezra, Kanan, Zeb and Ahsoka to stop them. Kanan, Ezra and Zeb having to get out of the apartment building with the Inquisitors hot on their trail was intense and lead to an entertaining chase through town, and it all culminated in the elic fight between Ahsoka and the Inquisitors where we see her brandish her white lightsabers for the first time. The episode also serves as a bit of a continuation of the Clone Wars season 2 premiere, in which Sidious hires Cad Bane to help carry out a very similar plot.
Legacy: The episode starts off intense with the Empire attacking the Rebels at their current location after Ezra accidentally gave it away in the previous episode, while the rest is much slower, as Ezra follows a trail of force breadcrumbs to Ryder Azadi, from whom he finally learns the tragic fate of his parents. I think I speak for a lot of people when I expected him to reunite with them, so the revelation of their deaths was a bit of a shocker, and Ezra's reaction, his vison of being with them on a better Lothal, and Kanan's statement that they'll live on in him were all beautifully tearjerking.
Shroud of Darkness: Even though this episode basically exists for the purpose of setting up the season finale, it still stands on its own as a fan favorite, and rightfully so. Our Jedi Trio of Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka see lots of cool, trippy visions in the Lothal temple, including the Grand Inquisitor and the revelation of his backstory, the return of Frank Oz as Yoda (this time face to face), and of course Ahsoka getting confirmation that Vader really is her old master, with Matt Lanter reprising his role. The episode also has a number of iconic shots, including the temple guard avatars surrounding the Inquisitors, Ahsoka seeing Yoda in an homage to The Last Crusade, and Vader entering the Lothal temple at the end to meet with his Inquisitors in person.
Thhe Mystery of Chopper Base: A rather straight forward adventure, featuring the crew having to rescue Rex from some creepy ass spider creatures. Like Stealth Strike, this episode is simply fun. It's got so many great interactions between our main crew. But there's also a lingering feeling of dread throughout because, because you know there gonna be separated soon and that something's gonna go wrong because, well, it's Star Wars. It leads into the season finale perfectly.
Twilight of the Apprentice: We all remember this one. We all remember our exact reactions to everything in it. Maul is introduced, Ezra starts being tempted by the dark side, the Inquisitors are all killed off, Kanan is blided, and of course Ahsoka and Vader have their climactic duel that was built up for the whole season and did not disappoint, and the last minute or so simply showing the aftermath of everything that happened as “It’s All Over” plays is so effective with absolutely no dialogue. Not only that, but, and I’ve said this before, this episode is also the point where all the big parts of the timeline directly come together. In this episode, Rebels, Clone Wars, the prequels, the originals and even the sequels are all directly connected in a way that they never were before, and it’s not until a later episode that they’re all connected on that same level again. This episode, and subsequently the whole show, is the fulcrum of the Star Wars saga.
The Holocrons of Fate: Maul makes his return and has his sights set on both the Sith holocron from Malachor and Kanan’s Jedi holocron so that he can combine their power to learn any knowledge he desires. This leads to our mind-blowing climax in which Maul learns through the light of the holocrons that Obi-wan is still alive and sets off to find him, while Ezra sees a vision of twin suns, also pointing to Obi-wan, albeit in a less direct way. While the whole episode is entertaining the ending is truly what sets its place as one of the best simply because of the epic factor.
The Last Battle: This episode is simply a half hour of pure unadultered Clone Wars nostalgia and I loved every goddamn second of it. Everything from the battle of Christophsis soundtrack to the return of the droid humor from tcw to General Kalani from the Onderon arc being there to the heroes having to team up with the droids thanks to Ezra being the voice of reason and making them realize they were all just pawns for Palpatine and he is their true enemy, and the yellow Clone Wars style title card at the end with the Clone Wars theme playing during the credits, it’s just a giant love letter to the entire Clone Wars fanbase, a thank you for helping the crew get where they are today. It shows how much they truly appreciate their fans, which shouldn’t be a rare thing with content creators but it is.
An Inside Man: I have a sorta complicated relationship with Agent Kallus, who I guess isn’t an agent anymore but that’s beside the point. I don’t like him that much as I feel his redemption arc could’ve been handled much better and he could’ve done more to earn it, which I’ve talked about before. Yet despite this, I love not only this episode but another Kallus centered episode later on that I’ll get to. This whole episode is intense and excited. Mister Sumar, a minor character from season 1, is reintroduced only to be brutally killed by Thrawn, seeting the stakes for the episode, and establishing Thrawn as an effective villain. While Thrawn’s episodes before this one were more about him simply studying the heroes from behind the scenes, this is the point where he starts taking direct action against the heroes, and does it damn well. He figures out all their tricks that all the Imperials before him overlooked, and Kanan and Ezra only barely get out.
Visions and Voices: Maul returns once again to finish his mind connection with Ezra, leading to the return to Dathomir where the ghosts of the Nightsisters serve as the Guest Appearance Of The Week and posess Kanan and Sabine in rather creepy ways, Ezra also discovers Obi-wan is alive while Maul finds out where he’s hiding, and of course Sabine gets her hands on the darksaber. Like Shroud of Darkness this episode exists just to set up a climactic fight in a later episode, but still stands on it’s own.
Trials of the Darksaber/Legacy of Mandalore: I put these together because they’re basically a two-parter and because I love them for largely the same reasons. These were the first Sabine episodes where she finally got some real, major development as a character. Previous Sabine centered episode seemed to all follow the pattern of “have some dialogue hinting at her backstory that we give away in the sneak peeks then no other answers” and it was frustrating because beyond that those episodes were solid episode, but the way they kept promoting them to be bigger than they were did effect my enjoyment of them at the time. These episode finally resolve that problem and give us payoff to all those hints, and boy was that payoff satisfying. We get the backstory of the darksaber, Sabine training, we’re finally introduced to her family, and the final battle between Sabine and Gar Saxon is simply epic.
Through Imperial Eyes: This is the other Kallus episode that I love despite my “meh” opinion of the character. The banter between Kallus and Ezra is very entertaining to watch, Kallus’s plan for framing Liste as the traitor to keep his cover is very clever, though obviously not clever enough to fool Thrawn, who once again proves to be a great villain and shows that he can hold his own in a physical fight, and of course Yularen appearing was cool.
Twin Suns: The long awaited final showdown between Obi-wan and Maul, who actually finally dies for good, like is really, seriously, legit, for real, in actuality, finally permanently dead, deceased, lifeless, killed, devoid of life, sleeping with the fishes, an ex-person. At first I was in the crowd of people who were like “what the fuck” at how quick he went out, but in analysis I wouldn’t have it any other way. It shows how much Obi-wan has wisened over the years whereas Maul never learned, never changed, and tried the same thing he did on Qui-Gon, and it proved to be his final downfall. The way Obi-wan holds Maul’s body in his arms the same way he did with both Qui-Gon and Satine so many years before, and shows sadness and pity that it couldn’t have turned out differently is absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking. The cartoons made Maul such an interesting character, and cemented him as one of my favorite villains, and I couldn’t ask for a better conclusion to this decades old rivalry.
Zero Hour: While not as mind blowing as the previous season’s finale, Zero Hour is still and intense and action packed way to conclude the season. We see the end of Pheonix Squadron and the beginnings of then true Rebel Alliance, Sato gets an epic and heroic send off, the fight in space with Ezra and the Mandos is epic, the Bendu gives us a glimpse of his true power, and Thrawn is as great a villain as ever. The whole thing is simply epic.
In The Name of the Rebellion: We finally saw the Rebel Alliance on Yavin 4 in all its glory, Saw makes a return and, as I said when the episodes first aired, I believe the Moral Ambiguity with his character, while still not perfect, was handled better here than in Ghosts of Geonosis, but i don’t feel like repeating myself so just look the post up if you haven’t read it already. Anyway Saw’s interactions with Ezra and Sabine were a lot of fun to watch, like if we’re still giving everyone space fmaily nicknames then Saw is like the slightly crazed but still kinda cool uncle in this episode. All the connections to Rogue One were a ton of fun to piece together, and it was great to finally see a giant kyber crystal that’s actually fully animated. Also Jennifer Hale was in it so that’s pretty neat.
Flight of the Defender: A very simple and straight forward episode. Ezra and Sabine steal the TIE defender prototype, they crash it and hide the hyperdrive, we meet the white lothwolf who helps them get back to their friends. I can’t even really explain why I like this one so much tbh, but I do.
Jedi Night/DUMJE: We all know why these episodes are here. I couldn’t ask for a more epic and heartbreaking send off for Kanan’s character, and I’m glad that they dedicated the entire following episode to showing how the rest of the cast deals with their grief in different way rather than glossing over it and immediately moving on to the Mortis stuff. It’s surprisingly rare for characters to get to properly grieve in this franchise despite death being so common. Obi-wan, Galen, Han, Luke, the entire population of Alderaan, the other characters have to get over these things pretty quickly so it’s nice to see a more realistic aftermath for once.
Wolves and a Door/A World Between Worlds: I’ve made my thoughts on these episodes very clear since they aired on Monday, which is that they are quite possibly the most mind blowing thing I’ve watched in a very long time. The connections to Mortis and callbacks to all the movies and to Clone Wars, the voices in the background, the beautifully animated moving pictures, the return of Ahsoka and the revelation of what happened to her, Sidious making his debute with Ian McDiarmid himself providing the voice, it’s all incredible to watch. Like I said about Twilight of the Apprentice, this episode is one of the few times where we get an idea of just how connected everything really is, that it’s all one big story. No wonder the two episodes are also so tightly connected to each other, they truly are where all the parts of the saga come together in ways they never could otherwise.
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