#knight aizawa shouta
Witch Hat Fucking Atelier
First off... Why the fuck is Olruggio basically Aizawa from MHA? Because honestly, if he grew his hair out and shaved his beard down short, they look the same. And I hella love an exhausted/dad/bisexual af teacher type.
Next, Qifrey. Let's just start with his parenting skills. He's a traumatized one-eye boi, but he's still an adorable dad. And let me be very clear, this man gives kinky asf vibes. Under the cute, there is a man who can turn ANY of Olly's contraptions into a sex toy. But his dadding is amazeballs.
The Knights Moralis remind me of the Knights of Favonius from Genshin Impact. Like, Luluci-> Jean? Easthies-> Diluc? The dude with spiky orange hair whose name I don't remember-> Kaeya? Galga-> Albedo? No? Okay. But Eastluciiiiiiiiii. Just yes.
Finally, the girls. Imma just say that people usually describe me as a Tetia. But tbh, I prefer Coco. Also, spellcheck hates Agathe. Sorry, Agott. And why does everyone spell Richeh like Riche? It's REEK-he. Not RICH-e. Ugh.
THERE'S NOT ENOUGH FANART/FANFIC ABT WITCH HAT ATELIER. *sobs in Qifruggio/Galwert/Eastluci shipper*
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black-and-yellow · 1 year
I was surprised at the amount of people who have apparently never heard about my fic? I post about it all the time how have you been missing this. So here's the latest chapter. Eri-centric, very cute. Idk how to write kids so forgive me. As a former kid myself, I know I should be a little more qualified, but here we are.
This covers comic 10 in the second half, but the first half is more of just an Eri study.
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Hollow Souls AU Doodle Dump
I just have a lot of doodles for this au.
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ladysawblay · 3 months
Irate voices, a small crowd echoes from the hall. Shouta catches the words "Prince" and "murderer" and decides he needs to get to the Onyx Keep as priority number one if the halls are to remain only yellow and white.
He can't deal with their accusations, not with the considerations of whether they were under attack or if something's gone horribly, terribly, dreadfully wrong. Should he hear any further, someone's wisdom, teeth or otherwise, may become wall decor.
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saturnsorbits · 4 months
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LiSyK: The Selection
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Prince!Bakugo, Suggestive. Word Count: 1.6k.
Summary: Closing in on his 20th name day, tradition dictates that Prince Bakugo choose his first concubines.
A/N: This might become a series, but don't hold your breath.
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'I don't want a fucking -.'
Grabbing her son by the cheeks, Mitsuki Bakugo fixes the young prince still with a cold stare. 'You will do as you're told.'
'But -'
'It is tradition, Katsuki. Not even your ego is large enough to put an end to that.' She smirks before releasing her hold and wipes a hand on the left hip of her dress. 'Now, come on... You're late.'
Huffing, Bakugo tugs at his shirt to smooth the wrinkles left by his mother, but follows on her heels obediently. Usually, he'd put up more of a fight, throw a proper tantrum, but the pit of curiosity growing in his stomach stops him making too much fuss. He's fucking human, after all. Of course, he's going to be at least a little interested in the collection of concubines that had been assembled specifically for his perusal.
That didn't mean he had any intention of choosing any of them, though.
The doors of the main hall seem more daunting than usual, but Bakugo hides his trepidation well.
Or so he thinks.
Mitsuki's hand touches softly on his shoulder, guiding him, not through the main hall, but down the corridor. She offers out her elbow, letting him cling to her as they continue to drift closer to a small, more intimate, service room.
The marble clicks under their shoes, the sound amplified endlessly as it rings behind them announcing their arrival. Large windows scatter light, bringing out the red in both Bakugo and his mother's eyes as they pass the selection of special guards already stationed outside the room. All seven of them, five sworn to his mother and two to him, are dressed from head to toe in royal finery with the lightest of chain mail glittering over their chests. Swords hang from their hips, but Bakugo knows there are much more deadly weapons hidden under their clothes and tucked away from prying eyes.
Captain Aizawa, one of Mitsuki's most trusted knights bows low when they reach the door.
Reaching out, Mitsuki presses a hand to his shoulder and pushes him straight again. 'Enough of that, you'll put your back out.'
Aizawa's mouth moves to argue, but Mitsuki doesn't allow his voice to summon a sound.
'Shouta, you have more than earned the right not to bow.' She chides in a way that makes goose-flesh break out on the other guards, but the Captain simply laughs.
'Is the prince ready, My Lady?'
Mitsuki's hand wraps around her son's bicep giving him a firm squeeze. 'Oh, you know him. Dragged here kicking and screaming.'
Bakugo scowls.
'But, I'm sure he'll manage.'
Another guard, tall and broad in the shoulders with a close crop of dark hair and a booming voice clears his throat. 'If I may speak out of turn, Captain?'
'You will not Yoarashi.'
Mitsuki waves him off. 'Oh, let the boy speak Shouta.'
The guard, Yoarashi, smiles. His teeth are too big for his mouth, but somehow there's still something strikingly handsome about him. Bakugo hates it. 'The consorts have outdone themselves this time, I've never seen a more stunning array of -.'
Captain Aizawa silences his guard with a raised hand. 'That's quiet enough, I think the Queen understands your sentiment.'
'Quite.' Mitsuki smiles, locking a chuckle behind her teeth. 'Speaking of the wonderful job my husbands consort has done, I think it's time to see what Inko has found for us, don't you, Katsuki?'
Bakugo nods, it's all he ca manage with the nerves threatening to make his knees wobble like some common whore. His jaw is tight, teeth clenched in his mouth, but it soon looses as he the doors are thrown wide and he's allowed to step into the room.
Inside the room is dark, the thick red curtains covering the windows putting an end to any natural light that should attempt to slink inside. Instead, the room is illuminated by a series of high torches that cast a godly glow about and perfectly highlighting the row of people stood across the centre of the room.
At once, Inko is upon them. She wraps chubby arms around Bakugo without a second thought and greets his mother with a warm kiss to her hand when offered. Following at her heel is Izuku, her darling son. 'Brother.' Izuku smiles.
'Half Brother.' Bakugo spits the former piece of his sentence, enjoying the way it feels between his lips – the distance it offers him from the man before him. They're the same age. Both Mitsuki and Inko had been pregnant at the same time and the boys born mere months apart, although Inko had done the chief portion of the nursing; especially when Mitsuki's milk had dried up. Something that had lead both women to an unlikely friendship.
'I heard you've outdone yourself this time.' Mitsuki pulls at Bakugo, steering him around to the front of the room.
Bakugo's eyes wonder. There's a conversation flowing in the air around him, but he pays no heed. How can he, when the most beautiful man he has ever laid eyes on is looking directly at him.
The man lifts his head. He is bare to the waist with only the smallest piece of cloth to cover his dignity. If Bakugo where to walk around him, which he just might, he'd bet he'd be able to see his ass in all it's glory.
He has red eyes, violent carnelian, that pierce right to Bakugo's soul and red hair that is tied neatly in a bun atop his head. Licking his lips when he catches the princes' eye, the man smiles, flashing a row of blade-like teeth that threaten to bring Bakugo to his knees.
'Did you hear?' Mitsuki pats Bakugo's lapel.
He didn't, but he nods anyway.
His eyes slip further down the line, silently comparing each concubine to the next, but no-one compares to the red-eyed man until his eyes are blessed by you.
You're near the end, stood beside two others that don't even come close to your beauty with your chin tilted to the floor and your hands clasped neatly before you. Like the others, you're dressed in almost nothing, but it's the bright red 'V' painted onto your skin across the top of your breast bone that has him pausing.
He's seen the mark before and a cursory glance back down the line tells him exactly where. The red head, amongst two or three others, also bare the mark.
Bakugo swallows.
Already he can feel his breeches tightening uncomfortably.
'How many?' He snaps, forcing his eyes from the line and onto Inko.
She blinks. 'Pardon?'
'How many... For my... For my harem?'
'Oh. Most choose at least six to begin with, but after that is custom to add another concubine for each year until you reach 29. Sometimes other kingdoms will offer then as gifts, but you're more than welcome to dismiss -.'
Bakugo raises his hand. 'I don't want a history lesson.'
'Oh, I -.' Inko blushes.
'Brat, watch your tongue...' Mitsuki raises her hand to crack him across the back of the head, but the prince side steps her assault easily.
'I want that one...' He points at you, eyes narrowed and hungry before he turns, pointing at the red haired man at the other end of the room. 'And him. That's all.'
Mitsuki's brow furrows. 'Two? Inko here scourers the kingdom for the finest it had to offer and you choose only two?'
Bakugo folds his arms. He can feel your eyes, the red-heads too, burning through his skin. It makes him hot, makes him wonder what it'll be like when your eyes grow heavy, when they're spotted with ears and your mouths are full of his tongue, his fingers, his cock.
Clearing his throat, he tries to readjust his breeches.
He won't have to imagine soon. No, soon, you'll be his.
'Have them brought to my rooms tomorrow.' Turning on his heel he shouts over his shoulder before storming from the room before his cock begins to soak into his breeches.
Tomorrow, he thinks as soon as the doors slam shit behind him.
That should give him enough time to fist himself stupid to the thought of red eyes and glittering skin.
Hopefully, that would stop him making a fool of himself at the first meeting.
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Bakugo already looks bored when you're brought into his rooms at noon the following day. The door closes behind you, a guard having performed the customary introductions, and all too quickly you're swallowed by the nerves that climb up your body and twist around your lungs.
Adjusting his seat, Bakugo pulls a foot up onto his chair and spreads his knees. A bark leaves his chest that he hopes is harsher than it feels. 'I don't fuck virgins...'
You hear the wet click of Kirishima's throat from beside you in the silence of the room. Even though the red ink is gone, the fact of your both being intact remains the same. 'Uhm, my lord... I mean – Prince Bakugo, I'm... I think there's been some mistake, we're – we're both -.'
'I know.' He waves his hand. Anticipation creates pins and needles in his thighs. Even if he wanted to fuck right now, he's not sure his body would hold out long enough. Maybe, five orgasms in the space of a day was too much.
'Well, you can see how this might be a problem then...' Twisting his knuckles around each other, Kirishima chews at his lip and forces a weak smile. It's strange how he makes six-foot of man look almost as small as you are, but he does it easily and blushes pretty to boot.
'How -.' He clears his throat. 'How are we supposed to serve you if -.'
'You're going to fuck each other, first.' He arches an eyebrow, drawling as if the solution to his little problem has been more than obvious. A smirk curls his lip. 'I'll watch.'
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crepe-of-wrath · 1 year
Shouta Scarf-ish Saturday
notes/warnings: no smut; this is sort of a Courtly Love-ish/neo-medieval Romantic AU setting; not meant to be historically accurate in any way; Author liked Sleeping Beauty as a child and apologizes in advance; Reader is the Young Queen and Aizawa is the Old King's Young Knight; this will be at least a couple of parts Very loosely inspired by THIS ART from My Hero: Ultra Impact
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The sun's light and warmth woke you up, but not in the way you were used to. Instead of being mediated through glass panes and curtains, the light was immediate and unfiltered, and the warmth had a sort of intensity that was rather delicious against your collarbone and calves.
You were outside. Animals and insects chirped and buzzed. The wind whistled through branches that were dotted with the buds of early spring. There was the faintest smell of flowers, though you couldn't tell what kind.
You were in a hammock made of some dingy grey webbing in what appeared to be an ancient, forgotten bower. You smiled fondly. How kind of your husband to see to you like this. What sort of surprise outing had he planned? Even though he was so much older than you, he took such good care of you, just like your own father had. You wondered where he was...
You gently sat up, laughing at how the hammock shook. The smile and laughter died on your lips when you saw the man who was sitting under the tree. It was Sir Shouta, a man who made you feel very different things than what you felt for your kindly, kingly husband. The two of you locked eyes for a moment before you looked away.
Your eyes darted back to the hammock and you shook your head, as though that would clear your head and help your grasp your situation. Your brain started to fit the pieces together. The hammock--it was *the scarf* that was usually looped around his neck.
You looked back up and Sir Shouta now had his eyes cast down.
"Please," he said to you in his deep voice. "At your feet, my lady. Please."
You realized one of your simple robes was crumpled at the foot of the hammock. As your body struggled to put it on as quickly as possible, your mind struggled to try and remember how you had gotten here. To your horror, all you could remember were unconnected scenes and sounds: swords clashing, screams of panic, your husband weighed down by his armor, but still issuing battle cries.
Your breathing got shakier.
With tremulous voice, you tried to be polite and courtly, as you asked, "Sir Shouta, g-good morning. What's happened?"
"May I approach, Your Highness?"
"Of course." You tightened your robe around you.
He knelt--he was so tall, after all--next to your hammock. You wondered how he wasn't sweating under all his black leather. His face was calm, unmarred save for the crescent scar under his eye, but his eyes betrayed his worry.
"As a precaution, Your Highness, the King instructed me to take you into the woods to keep you safe while he and my companions deal with the traitors who attacked the castle."
He stopped and swallowed as though he feared your reaction to what was to come.
"You were given a sleeping draught, which is why you may not remember everything. Please forgive me, Your Highness, in the heat of the battle it did not occur to any of us that doing so would leave you unable to dress yourself for bed. I-I am sorry, Your Highness. I swear to you on my honor as a knight, I took no liberties."
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and not because of the sun, and your lips almost curved upward before you schooled them into neutrality. Sir Shouta had stripped you down to your chemise! You could not stop your eyes from looking at his big, strong hands. More than once, you had watched how those hands grasped the sword at his waist, treating the hilt with both firm command and great sensitivity, and it made you feel lightheaded to think that he might have grasped you in the same way too. Had he cradled you against his chest as he tended you? Had his dark hair grazed your skin? Why were you cursed not to remember?
You focused on his face again and realized he was still waiting for you to respond, waiting for you to confirm you weren't angry with him. Gently, you touched one of his vambraces and said, "We do what necessity dictates, Sir Shouta."
"You are gracious, Your Highness," he replied. You thought you saw the faintest bit of color in his cheeks, but then it was gone and you realized your mind was playing tricks on you.
"I will be back very soon," said Shouta. "I must get you something to eat and drink."
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zawadni · 1 year
PRINCE AIZAWA SHOUTA WAS NEVER KNOWN TO BE SOMEONE THAT FOLLOWED THE RULES. he threw big parties that everyone who attended would remember for the next fortnight. which was quite ironic considering he never liked being around people much more than he had to so he was never really at them.
he snuck out like it was second nature. he went wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. he never listened to anything anyone said and seemingly made it his mission to go out of his way to break the rules.
the nightly guards learned to turn away in the other direction should they ever notice him slinking out of his window and grappling down the (somehow) sturdy pipeline leading down the building.
it was a warm night, sometime after midnight after his parents were in bed, he landed on his feet for the 10th time. or maybe the hundredth, who knew.
all the nights begin to blur together once you do it night after night.
the moon was looming over the garden, giving light to the flowers and grass while he ventured his merry way through the mini hedge maze. (why is it that every castle in every kingdom had a stupid hedge maze?)
he remembers the first time he did this like the back of his hand. it took him 20 minutes to get to the circle in the middle to find you, sitting on the stone bench. you forced him to memorize the maze during the day so you wouldn't be kept waiting again. (he makes everyone else wait on him but he sure wouldn't be keeping you waiting.)
aizawa shouta never listens to anyone. but the very next day with the sun rising high and bright above the castle’s garden, he walked in and around that maze dozens of times until it was ingrained in his mind.
no one around him ever dared to speak it aloud, but he started to change little by little. he grew more social, he grew slightly nicer than average, and he was a lot more patient than before. the family pondered and suspected it might be because he has someone special in his life.
of course the prince vehemently denied all accusations but they were right. he had you. and if only he could be loud and proud about you to everyone that could hear. if only there wasn’t a need to be together in such secrecy. but there was.
you were a knight employed by the king and queen, his parents. and if anyone were to discover your tryst, you would be fired and very possibly exiled from the kingdom never to be seen as such relations were absolutely forbidden.
well, it wouldn’t be for long anyways.
he will turn 21 years in 6 months' time. and when he does, he will be knighted by his father as the king. and he couldn’t wait for the day he could finally reveal you to everyone in the city. they’d whisper and stare and gossip, but he wouldn't care- because it wouldn’t matter. he’d be king and there would be no one to put an end to it.
it was almost like he was looking forward to finally being able to tell everyone more than being a literal king.
but he'd never tell you that.
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bnha taglist: @https-true-egoist, @httpghostface
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So I’m back! Bracket time!
Reminder the time zone being used is CET
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Aka Cartoons, Anime, and games associated with such (fire emblem and ace attorney)
Day 1 22/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
Reigen Arakata (mob psycho 100) vs Corazon (one piece), finished
Lord Garmadon (Lego ninjago) vs Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb), finished
Iroh (avatar: the last airbender) vs Bob Blecher (bob’s burgers), finished
Iruka Umino (naruto) vs Darkwing Duck (darkwing Duck), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Hakoda (avatar; the last airbender) vs Ice King (adventure time), finished
Greg Universe (Steven universe, he won an extra battle because I forgot him at first) vs Splinter (teenage mutant ninja turtles), finished
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo’s bizarre adventure) vs Greil (fire emblem: path or radiance), finished
Professor Kukui (Pokémon) vs Phoenix Wright (ace attorney), finished
Day 2: 24/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
David Evans (Inazuma 11) vs Loid Forger (spy x family), finished
Tim Lockwood (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) vs Oscar Proud (the proud family), finished
Shouta Aizawa (my hero academia) vs Donald Duck (ducktales), finished
Sailor Uranus (sailor moon) vs Skipper (penguins of Madagascar), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Sully (monsters ink) vs Kouhei Inuzuka (sweetness and lighting), finished
Alibert (wakfu) vs Meta Knight (Kirby), finsihed
Gru (despicable me) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (persona), finished
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars: rebels) vs Mr Ping (kung fu panda), finished
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Aka live action media, books, and video games & graphic novels not associated with anime (so no light novels or tie ins)
Day 1: 26/4 5pm, finished
Bobby Nash (9 1 1 on fox) vs Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek, deep Space 9), finished
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs Atticus Finch (how to kill a mockingbird), finished
Paul Blofis (Percy Jackson) vs Gomez Addams (the Addams family), finished
Lee Everett (telltale’s the walking dead) vs Waymond Wang (everywhere everything all at once), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Joel Miller (the last of us) vs Calvin’s dad (Calvin and Hobbes), finished
Pyrrha Dve (the locked tomb) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters), finished
Doc Louis (punch out!!) vs Riki (xenoblade), finished
Bob Cratchit (a Christmas carol) vs Mo Folchart (inkheart), finished
Day 2, 28/4
Part 1: 5pm
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale), finished
Dave Seville (Alvin and the chipmunks) vs Chimney Han (9 1 1), finished
Glamrock Freddy (fnaf: security breach) vs Bail Organa (Star wars) , finished
Kim Dokja (omniscient Reader’s viewpoint) vs Hal Wilkerson (Malcom in the middle), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Lee Scoresby (his dark materials) vs Dream (sandman) , finished
Thrushpelt (warrior cats) vs Barret Wallace (final fantasy 7), finished
Domingo Montoya (the princess bride) vs Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99), finished
Rupert Giles (Buffy) vs Pollination Tech 9 Smith (the sims 2: strangetown), finished
WHY THIS PAIR UP? I’m a bringer if chaos, also it was random
What time zone? CET!
How do I do propaganda? Well first you reblog with a text post, don’t put the propaganda in the tags. Or send me an ask! I will make sure to reblog it with the right tags
Hey I saw you made a mistake, what should i do? First, don’t use anon asks to correct my spelling and if I misuse slang. Just tell me directly. If it is 2 hours after a poll has launched, I will redo it immediately. But I will write down the mistakes I make and correct them later on
Previous battles
Main Rounds
Second chance/dad mansion break in
The only way to show how the battles (second chance) will happen cuz it’s random AN EXTRA NON DAD BATTTLE?!?!?!?!?!?
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circledotdestroy · 18 hours
Retrospective - Chapter 5: Let’s Rock
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x F! Pro-Hero! Reader (the slowest burn)Main summary: After 12 years, you, Pro-Hero Strife, has to return to Japan. Your objective: discreetly track down and capture Akari Kaneko, a.k.a. Pro-Hero Aegis— your old classmate who attacked you during her visit in America. In the aftermath of All Might losing his power, however, using UA resources has its complications. The most unexpected complication being Aizawa, someone you never expected to see again. Why does your past have to come back to haunt you now? Masterlist First Chapter Last Chapter Word Count: 3,869 words
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A/N: Hey, I'm back. Sorry for the long gap between this chapter and the last. I know I said i was supposed to be post more frequently last time. This chapter was a struggle for me to write because I lost my grandmother to cancer a few weeks ago and that kinda caused a depressive episode. I think I'm better now tho! There's a lot of stuff going on with the anime and manga (I can't believe its ending) so if anyone wants to discuss, i'm here Anyway, thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the show!
The screeching device rattled from your hand to your skull.
A child-lock. Uh huh. If the past was in the past, what’s this about? You shoved the gym doors wide open letting all the heat escape the room. As you take a step forward, you wince at explosions blasting through the room. You forgot how hero training areas can rival a construction site in terms of noise. A tight grin cracked on your face as you scanned the potential disaster zone.
Where’s Eraserhead?
Around the rocks? You wondered about walking the perimeter.  Behind the towers, you tilted your head. Hiding?
Mere seconds and the adrenaline in the room burrows into your nervous system with the heat waves. You did the math from the time he left— from the time he left you were supposed to have at least 20 minutes, but you were caught off at 17. Three minutes can start and end a fight, you thought as you weaved through rocks falling from the sky. Did he really think you’d intentionally waste his time?
A rock the size of a steroid-addled moose hurdled toward you.  A loud CRACK traveled through the room—fragments raining around you. Holding your arm out you looked around you. Where the hell did that come from?  
“Are you okay?!” You turned your head to the direction of fast, frantic steps toward you. It was the boy in the knight outfit running toward you with smoke coming out of his calves. You glanced at the scratched knuckles of your gloves then gave it a shake to take the remaining dust off. 
Turns out there was dust all over your uniform. That’s no way to make a first impression on the boy who was racing to meet you. As you continued brushing yourself off you took a good look at the state of his uniform, also covered in debris, especially the guards on his legs. When he was close enough to speak to you nodded at him. “Kicked that rock pretty far—are you conditioning?” 
The boy's eyes widened behind his glass as color drained from his face. He “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to—”  
“Hey, hey, hey,” you interrupted him as his arms went to his side. The boy was confounded by the disruption. “You don’t have to say sorry. I’m not hurt. I conditioned my hands a long time ago. I was a little older than you then, and I’m extremely old now.” You scanned the room swiftly to see if Eraser had decided to investigate the noise, to no avail. “You can go back to your training,” you finished, waving the boy off. 
Before you can go back to your mission the student stopped you. “Wait, I’m the class representative, and a student at UA. I should've been a better example…”
“Then do better next time? There’s a lot of people in here, think about that before you kick the big rock somewhere.”
“I see…” The boy’s hand came up to his chin as he pieced together what you said. You couldn't help wondering if your accent somehow got worse between the meeting and now.  “All of the students training in the gym together is not only about our ultimate moves, but about our awareness of our environment as well,” he commented, although it was clear he was talking to himself. “I take your advice to heart! Thank you—uh?
“Strife. I’m the Pro-Hero Strife.”
“And I am Iida Tenya.” The boy said bowing before you. “Thank you for your advice, Ms. Pro-Hero Strife.” 
You pressed your lips in a tight line looking across the room as the boy continued to bow in gratitude. In all your years, you’ve never quite understood what you were supposed to do in these types of situations. Having someone bow at you was up there with people singing happy birthday or crying, in terms of you not knowing what to do. The best thing you knew to do in either of those situations was move it along as fast as possible. 
Luckily it didn’t last for as long as it felt it would. The boy stood upright and gestured toward the device you held. “Ms. Pro-Hero Strife? I don’t mean to be rude but your tablet has been ringing this whole time.”
“Yeah,” you lifted the tablet higher. “I was borrowing this from Eraserhead. The screaming won’t stop until I get it back to him. Have you seen your teacher?” Apparently he was exactly the one to ask, giving you precise instructions on where to find him. Mic should really take up some lessons from this kid.
By the time you spotted Eraser standing by the side entrance, the one that came from outside, your need to roll up and say “What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we were cool—” was gone.  Explosions and the sound of bowling balls striking drowned out the sound of the tablet. Getting closer to Eraser your spine heats up like a wire. Your eyes locked onto the girl with pink skin above you on a plateau immediately. You crossed her path like a black cat, giving her a slight wave, but not truely stopping to interact with her. She waved back before nearly getting hit on the head by a Smile Man. Two steps later your spine increased by a few more degrees. Still feeling her eyes you glance back to see she was drawing the pathway between you and her teacher. When you reached your destination, you held out Eraser’s stupid little tablet.
“You’re here.” He took the tablet off your hands and tapped at the screen disabling the alarm. “Did you get the information you needed,” he asked with holding the tablet closer, swiping and tapping at the screen. 
A passive aggressive half-thought bubbled in your mind, but floated away just as quick. You weren’t trying to start anything and you were just relieved there was no more high pitched screeching in the menagerie of sound. “For now, yes,” you answered, turning to stand next to him. 
The mountain range ahead was truly something else. Three of the mountains had their own light show going on. One of the mountain tops had a laser beam, another had a full solar flare that made the mountain look like a volcano, and the third was capped with flaming ice. From your time in both countries you can confidently say that pretty lights were one of two things that people across the world could get excited about. Think about it, fireworks, lasers, glow-in-the-dark toys, neon lights— who doesn’t like those things? The only downside these things could have is that they’re often paired with loud noises. Like the explosions in the air and bone rattling booms hitting the pavement.
As you watched the lights, Eraser fiddled with his device, reading something you can’t see on the screen. He didn’t look confused at all so he couldn’t have read your notes.
“I spoke to your class president,” you continued, putting your attention on the flaming ice. “Your students are very serious.”
“That’s how it’s supposed to be.” 
“All of them, or just Iida?” You grin at the swaying flames in the distance. Eraser lowered his tablet and set his eyes on you. Your spine started to heat up and you didn’t have to mention moose-sized rock or how his student tried to apologize to you. “You shouldn’t get nervous, he was training and he’s supposed to improve… I can see—I think he cares more about training than we did.”
“When did you ever care about anything?”
You chuckled and looked at the flames again, “I cared. Less than you but I still cared.”
“I’m sure you did…”
“Iida should work on his aim for his Ultimate Move. I’m sure we both know a giant flying rock could really hurt someone.” Eraser doesn’t respond. Warm air begins to suffocate you next to him. Out of all the dumb jokes you could’ve made that’s what you chose? Adjusting the guards on your arms you looked off. A few Smile Mans— Smile Men(?), were still with the students you could see. The other man, the Cement Snowman was missing, either having left or camouflaged extremely well. That left the only actual adult you’d rather be with— “Where’s Midnight, anyway?”
“She’s helping a student on the other side of the room,” Eraser stated plainly. The explosions from above shook the room as it did before. Bits and pieces shatter and fall onto the main path connecting the mountains and plateaus together. 
“Alright then…” Somehow the steep slants and the narrow trails with falling ruble looked more comfortable then how this conversation felt.
Shifting your weight side to side, the image of stumbling, toppling over the side consumes your thoughts. Yet you still took a step forward. With Midnight on the other side of the gym, and Mic not around at all, you needed to make your own exit. The only practical excuse you could think of was observing the students close and that meant… Looking up toward the looming peaks you gulped.  The looming peaks made you gulp. 
Another heat wave flushed your skin and buried into your bones. Your skull felt like it was expanding. If you weren’t working then you wouldn’t have been okay with this. Eraser of all people should know damn-well you wouldn’t have, maybe that’s what he was relying on. Here you were though, poised and marched into your work as you always did. 
Adrenaline was in the air. 
You’ll work with this.
Eraser called out after you before  you left his sight. “You're not taking notes?” He held the tablet out toward you, but you put your focus on the path ahead. You declined. He’d probably put another one of those god-awful alarms again. His head turned from where you stood to what was behind. 
“Are you sure you can walk okay?”
Your lungs filled with sand. “Why wouldn’t I be?” You smiled as your heart picked up the pace. Did he notice it when you were in the observation room? Or was it the meeting? It’s possible he noticed before than and chose not to say anything before now. The way he tucked the tablet under his arm told you nothing about what could’ve given you away. “The path isn’t smooth. I can ask Cementoss to make a wall if you’re worried about falling.” 
“I’m good,” you said, your smile turned tight. So he didn’t notice your injury, he just wanted to use your past fears against you. Go figure. “I’m going now. Bye.” You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you turned and dropped your grin. You sighed and prepared yourself for the journey ahead.
Having to ignore your fears for the sake of a mission was nothing new. You’ve had to climb and jump off objects at great heights to face opponents and beasts alike. Occasionally you had to jump from one rooftop to another when you worked in a main city. The main difference between then and now was you had a goal. If that’s all you needed…. All you had to do was approach every trainee. Get enough information on their quirk to have an idea then move on. That’s easy! You already saw the class rep, who has speed. He has a good amount of power if he was able to kick that boulder at you. When you punched it, it felt like it was about 1200 pounds–good to know…
You walked past a few more students. The boy with super strength, the other boy with the tail, diaper boy… The next student on the roster was a girl with a frog-themed uniform. She worked on camouflage, which could be seen as strange considering she’s wearing bright green. Then again you wore bright red and she hasn’t noticed you. Actually now that you think about it, the last three didn’t either…
Well that’s awful!
 Grabbing an outlying curve in the wall beside you broke off a chunk. Staring at the back of the girl's head, you counted to ten, but she hadn’t sensed your presence. You squeezed the chunk with both hands until it crumbled to bits. Twenty seconds and the girl still hasn't seen you. You picked a pebble to place between your fingers. Pointed, aimed, then fired toward the wall behind her. She leapt out of the way as a projectile pebble flew past her. 
You hummed. The lack of awareness was concerning, for her and the other students you walked past. However, her reflexes are good for a first year. Shrugging you continued your hike ready to find your next target. 
Flicking pebbles toward students yielded some interesting results. Out of the ten you launched pebbles toward, eight students with the first girl included, had excellent reaction times. Then of those eight, three students– a tall boy with extra arms, a girl who created a giant iron bar, and the girl with pink skin, who shrieked and melted the pebble on instinct–spotted you after stones were thrown. Of course you apologized and said they could ignore you. 
What you weren’t prepared for was student eleven. Unlike the first ten, he stood by a giant generator. The coat of paint was the same green of the robots used for challenges and tests when you were a student. When you entered his vicinity, he faced the path and waved enthusiastically. “Oh, hey!” It caught you off guard. You tried to subtly put the pebbles into your pocket as you met him halfway. The pebbles scattered across his platform when you felt your work phone. The boy, one of the little rockstars from earlier, buffered as he saw them roll away. “So that’s what you were doing— I was wondering when you were gonna get to me! You’re a Pro, right? I’ve never seen you before, where are you from?”
You thought of how to answer the question, but was interrupted by someone below you. “Kaminari! Is that mystery woman up there with you? Who is she?”
“I don’t know! She was about to tell me before you had to interrupt!”
“Well, excuse me for— AAHH!” The girl shrieked. You jumped to the edge of the platform with grit teeth leaving the boy behind you. “Aizawa-sensei!” The girl became pastel at the sight of her teacher drawing closer. 
“Do you have an ultimate move ready, Ashido?”
The girl slumped, “no… But who is SHE,” the girl pointed up at you. Standing upright again, you waved at the two beneath you. When you stopped waving, you used that hand to brush on top of the itching wound and dug your nails in. Eraser kept his eyes on you and you tilted your head back at him. 
The boy, Kaminari, stepped closer to the ledge. “Yeah, she just showed up unannounced in the hallway. We’ve been dying to know!”
Eraser’s hair raised toward his student, but the energy flowing through you stopped leaving you cold. You forced your weight to bended knees. “Does it make a difference to your training?” Dizziness struck you at the distance between where you and they stood. Your side was burning hot, probably because of your little hike. Stepping away, you’ll look suspicious; but if you did nothing you could topple over. You swallowed. How were you supposed to make him stop? Kaminari was downtrodden— he and Ashido didn’t get there answer
“Good morning, I’m Pro-Hero Strife,” you said as kind as you could muster despite yourself. After a split-second of confusion, the students brightened up. “I’m here to help you with your license exams.” You looked toward Ashido who beamed with energy as Eraser’s hair fell back in place. “I’m sorry I didn’t say my name earlier. We wanted you to focus on Ultimate Moves.” As you explain, the warmth of your energy creeped back into your spine. You took your focus off the girl to say a half-hearted apology to Eraser, a simple “my bad, I won’t distract your students again. I mean it— forever, for life.” Now came the exit strategy: “You will know more about me later with everyone in your class okay? Focus on training for now, cool? Cool. ” you and the girl waved goodbye at one another as you stepped away with a sigh.
“I know— Aizawa is scary sometimes,” said Kaminari. 
You chuckle at the statement. “Really? And he lets you call him ‘Aizawa’, casually? My old teacher would’ve made you run laps around campus.”
“Wait, you went here?”
“Yeah, fifteen years ago– I’m like really old.” You nodded.
Kaminari hummed, “doesn’t that make you the same age as Aizawa?”
“Are you ready for that exam now,” you asked. You didn’t feel like giving a history lesson on your personal life at the moment. The flare in your back spiked as the trainee’s curiosity dropped into horror. “No? Alright, then I guess it’s time for me to go,” you held your hand out to the boy catching him off guard. “Right, we don’t usually shake hands with—”
Kaminari shook your hand enthusiastically, “it was cool meeting you!”
After shaking hands, you went back to scaling the mountain. If how you felt earlier told you anything, time was ticking. You needed to hurry before you made your condition worse. Patting at the phone at your side, you thought of whether you should call the medic. When you’re alone you’ll make the decision. You could only call when you were in your hotel room. If anything, after training you can find a way to leave if it gets to that point. 
After Kaminari, you passed by three other students— the boy with red hair punching away at the wall, the other rockstar who made smaller rocks explode, and the boy with the burn scar who was responsible for the flaming ice. You didn’t bother launching pebbles at them. Moving things along, three more students were left at the top. Two of them, a boy and a girl, were in the sky–you don’t know how to work with that, the other one you couldn’t see was shooting something from the platform above you. You squinted at the shiny line in the distance, as you approached closer. Was this plastic—
The ground slid beneath you, then it was gone. You fell parallel to the plastic piling on the floor. The length was the same as a three story house. You attempted to grab the knife at your side, you moved the phone in your pocket, but grasped at nothing.
That’s right… Campus visitors couldn’t bring weapons into school; and you didn't even sign the official papers yet. Falling down, your body twisted until you faced the wall. Generating as much force as you could, you jabbed at the rock.
Fireworks burst your eardrum when your right hand pierced a hole in the wall. A tight coil squeezed around at your side. Thundering explosions rattled your skull, split your brain down the middle.
“What were you doing falling like that for!” A rough voice boomed over the explosion. Two more sounded off before you were slumped on the ground breathless. When you opened your eyes a masked boy with gigantic grenade-style gauntlets and an orange X across his black tank top blurred across your vision. “Aren’t pros supposed to watch where they’re going?”
“Wow. One interesting way to speak to a person you saved—” you commented, pushing yourself up to stand. The shattered remains of your work-phone scattered across the top of the plateau caught your eye. “And my phone’s broken now too…” you finished, looking onward wistfully. 
“You flung yourself off the tower on purpose,” the trainee asked, irritated and baffled at your vacant diatribe. 
Behind you Eraser rushed toward you, and that girl who was in the air floated down. “What do you think will happen when it’s your turn to take the exam?”
“Hey, are you alright?” The girl asked when she was shot in earshot. She touched her fingertips together in a diamond shape– it must be how she activates her quirk. You raised your gloved hand, the one you put through stone, to show off to her. The material had damage, but it was minimal. Just a few scratches. Eraser was getting closer too, anything you’d say he’d hear. 
“I put my hand through the rock a little hard. Your classmate caught me and he did good. Thank you for—”
“Just GOOD?”
“Bakugo,” Eraser called out, the blond student snapped his head up bearing his teeth like that security guard at the entrance. “That’s not how you speak to guests, or people who are helping you with the exam.”
“You made a choice and you acted fast,” you explained. “Your catch was done well, you didn’t hurt me more. If technique was the only thing judges grade on, you would be great.” The boy muttered before walking off. Eraser’s hand clutched at the binding cloth bunched at his neck. 
You raised yours distracting him from grabbing the kid to tell him to respect his elders, you shook your head at the man. He lowered his hand on his weapon, thankfully. God-forbid makes the kid bow to apologize to you. Walking away you went to inspect the remnants of your phone, so much for calling the medic later. 
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 “Well…” Eraser opened disturbing the silence in the hallway. After all the improvised excitement happened you were called in by the PA system to Nezu’s office. You signed some papers, got your badge made, and then he wanted to get your opinions on the students you watched today. Eraser entered the room when the conversation was almost finished. When the meeting with Nezu was over, you decided to excuse yourself for the day. Eraser being the gentleman that he is, offered to show you out the gate. The moment he approached the office doors, you could feel he was worked up by something. “What did you think?” 
 “One day in the country and my phone broke,” Eraser didn’t appreciate the joke though. You didn’t think he’d get worried about your evaluation today. “Don’t stress, your students are fine.” You thought about bringing up how most of them didn’t notice how you walked by them and even had pebbles thrown at them, but you figured you’d save that for another time.
“I’d say they’re better than fine considering one of them caught you… what was that anyway? I can’t see the logic behind you falling on purpose.”
“That one student knew why in seconds— you shouldn’t think too much about what happened.”
“So you grew out of your fear of heights then?”
You thought about a moment from when you were younger. A time where you would complete these types of assignments. You held your head high, confident as a lion in front of your classmates; but when classes were over and it was time to tutor Aizawa on some moves, you’d joke about how freaked you were. At one point, you told Shouta all the times you thought you were going to fall before practicing his takedowns. “We grow up eventually, don’t we? I’m not a child anymore, Eraser.” 
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kavtsuki · 1 year
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everything i post will have adequate warnings and tags applied, but for the safety of everyone here i ask that you please make sure to read this post carefully before sending in a request. requests are currently : 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 !!
i write fluff, angst, smut, headcanons ❪ max five characters ❫, drabbles, alternate universes, and short stories ❪ 5k+ words ❫.
i post some taboo content that anyone under the age of eighteen is not allowed to like, reblog, or interact with. those types of posts will have a "minors do not interact" on it.
i also write stuff that may include age gaps, poly/threesome+, dubcon, incest, toy play, light bdsm, breath play, praise and light degradation, supernatural ❪ i.e. omegaverse, werewolf, vampire, etc. may include knotting in certain cases ❫, choking, stepcest, mommy/daddy kink ❪ to an extent ❫, and dacryphilia.
i will not write about cheating ❪ on the reader's behalf ❫, manipulation, abuse, etc. however, i will write about the reader being cheated on ❪ although not explicitly; mostly just mentioned in passing ❫.
i write strictly male!character x fem! or gn!reader !! i do not write character x character pairings.
i highly suggest reading the warnings on every story that i create in case anything included is possibly triggering for you as a reader. do not proceed to read any story of mine before you have safely comprehended what you are about to read.
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HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE . . . harry james potter, ronald weasley, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, theodore nott, dean thomas, fred weasley, george weasley, bill weasley, cedric diggory, oliver wood, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, sebastian sallow and ominis gaunt.
THE BAD BATCH . . . all of the bad batch members ❪ excluding omega ❫.
DC UNIVERSE . . . bruce wayne ❪ gotham version, battinson version, and comics version ❫, jason todd ❪ red hood, titans, and arkham knight version ❫, dick grayson ❪ nightwing, young justice, and titans version ❫, tim drake ❪ young justice and comics version ❫, damian wayne ❪ comics version ❫, wally west ❪ young justice version ❫, garfield logan ❪ titans version ❫, conner kent ❪ titans and young justice version ❫, and jaime reyes ❪ young justice version ❫.
GOD OF WAR . . . kratos, heimdall, brok, sindri, thor, freyr, mimir ❪ before  beheading ❫ and baldur.
ASSASSIN'S CREED: VALHALLA . . . male!eivor varinsdottir, sigurd styrbjornson, vili hemmingson, hrolfr/rollo, ubba ragnarsson, hytham, basim ibn ishaq, otta sluggason, aelfred the great, and leofrith.
MARVEL UNIVERSE . . . bucky barnes ❪ the winter soldier ❫, stephen strange ❪ doctor strange ❫, peter parker ❪ andrew garfield and tom holland’s versions ❫, and pietro maximoff ❪ quicksilver ❫.
HAIKYUU . . . all of karasuno, all of nekoma, all of aoba johsai, all of date tech, all of shiratorizawa, and all of inarizaki. other characters include takeru nakashima from wakutani south, yuudai hyakuzawa from kakugawa high, suguru daishou, kouji hiroo and isumi sakishima from nohebi academy, and sakusa kiyoomi and motoya komori from itachiyama institute.
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . . . all of class 1-A and all of the league of villains. other characters include mirio togata and tamaki amajiki from the big three, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, sen kaibara, and neito monoma from class 1-B, hitoshi shinsou from the department of general education, yo shindo from ketsubutsu academy, inasa yoarashi from shiketsu high, and pro heroes shouta aizawa ❪ eraserhead ❫, keigo takami ❪ hawks ❫, taishiro toyomitsu ❪ fatgum ❫, toshinori yagi ❪ all might ❫, enji todoroki ❪ endeavor ❫, tensei iida ❪ original ingenium ❫, and mirai sasaki ❪ sir nighteye ❫.
JUJUTSU KAISEN . . . inumaki toge, gojou satoru, chousou, ryoumen sukuna, kento nanami, junpei yoshino, aoi todo, itadori yuuji, and megumi fushiguro.
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS . . . all of the armed detective agency and all of the port mafia. other characters include edgar allan poe and mark twain from the guild, and fyodor dostoevsky from the decay of angels.
DEMON SLAYER . . . tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, and giyuu tomioka. other characters include kyoujurou rengoku from the hashira group, genya shinazugawa also from the demon slayer corp, and yushiro the demon.
KUROKO NO BASKET. . . all of seirin high school. all of the generation of miracles, yukio kasamatsu from kaijou high school, takao kazunari from shuutoku high school, tatsuya himuro from yousen high school, and reo mibuchi and kotarou hayama from rakuzan high school.
ATTACK ON TITAN . . . all of the scout regiment. other characters include marco bodt, moblit berner, and reiner braun and bertholdt hoover from the marleyan warriors.
TOKYO REVENGERS . . . manjiro sano ( mikey ), takashi mitsuya, shinichiro sano, naoto tachibana, ken ryuguji ❪ draken ❫, atsushi sendo, chifuyu matsuno, baji kaisuke, kazutora hanemiya, ran haitani, rindou haitani, nahoya kawata ❪ smiley ❫, hajime kokonoi, wakasa imaushi, and souya kawata ❪ angry ❫.
OBEY ME . . . lucifer, mammon, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon and diavolo.
VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDERS . . . keith kogane, lance mcclain, and lotor.
MYSTIC MESSENGER . . . hyun ryu ❪ zen ❫, yoosung kim, jumin han, saeyoung choi ❪ seven/707 ❫, jihyun kim ❪ v ❫, and saeran choi ❪ ray/unknown ❫.
OTHERS . . . leon kennedy + chris redfield + carlos oliveira + ethan winters ❪ resident evil ❫,  joel miller + tommy miller ❪ the last of us - video game version only ❫, steve harrington + eddie munson ❪ stranger things ❫, rick grimes + daryl dixon ❪ the walking dead ❫.
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Bracket(??) Announcement!
I have FINALLY (which I am very sorry for guys) finished going through my submissions and have created something that looks like a bracket. BUT, in order to include the most characters, I have devised a group round with 128 characters divided into 8 groups and have sorted them in a way that prevents this competition from becoming a batman vs spider-man final.
making the polls shouldn't take nearly as long so be on the lookout for those! this will be pinned and I'll make sure to edit this post with links to the polls, and matchups are not necessarily going to be heroes next to each other! matches can be made up by any two heroes in the same group
polls will last a day for now and one group will be posted per day
as of right now top 4 from each group will make it to the bracket round but that is absolutely subject to change so don't count on that
Without further ado, your Superhero Smackdown competitors!!!
Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy/Spider-Men and Ghost Spider (Marvel)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (Marvel)
The Incredibles and Frozone (Pixar)
Kori'ander/Starfire (DC)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler (DC)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Black Noir (The Boys)
Jim Gordon (DC)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC)
T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther (Marvel)
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America (Marvel)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC)
Peter Quill/Starlord (Marvel)
Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker (DC)
The Green Lantern Corp (DC)
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl (DC)
Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC)
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat (DC)
Queen Maeve (The Boys)
Clark Kent/Superman (DC)
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (Marvel)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (DC)
Marc Spector, Steve Grant, Jake Lockley/Moon Knight (Marvel)
Barry Allen/The Flash (DC)
Starlight (The Boys)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (DC)
Darkwing Duck (DuckTales)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (DC)
Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow (Marvel)
Tim Drake/Red Robin (DC)
The Autobots (Transformers TV Show)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Ororo Monroe/Storm (Marvel)
The Midnighter (DC)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Logan, James Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel)
Kon Kent/Superboy (DC)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 (Ben 10)
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
America Chavez/Miss America (Marvel)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
The Power Rangers (The Power Rangers Series)
Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel (Marvel)
Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC)
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam (DC)
Damian Wayne/Robin (DC)
Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher/The Beak (Phineas and Ferb)
Alex, Sam, and Clover (Totally Spies)
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee (Marvel)
Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Flash Thompson/Agent Venom (Marvel)
Shoto Todoroki/Shoto (My Hero Academia)
Gwen Poole/Gwenpool (Marvel)
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kaio Kincaid/K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes)
Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (My Hero Academia)
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed (Marvel)
Viv Vision (Marvel)
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Mia Dearden/Speedy (DC)
Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch (Sleepless Domain)
Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club (DC)
Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart/Insomia and Sketch (Renegades Trilogy)
Karen Fields/Voyd (Pixar)
Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine (Marvel)
William Wisp/The Wisperer (Just Roll With It)
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuuko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gizmoduck (DuckTales)
Dakota Cole/D.C. (Just Roll With It)
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko (My Hero Academia)
Luka Couffaine/Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel)
Vyncent Sol/Virion (Just Roll With It)
Elpis (Valor Academy)
Captain Rainbow (Nintendo)
Moza/Emara (Emara)
Mark Grayson/Invincible (Invincible)
Jimmy Woo (Marvel)
Kirby (Nintendo)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zorro (The Mark of Zorro)
Phil Coulson (Marvel)
Megamind (Megamind)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik (Disney)
Saitama/Caped Baldy (One Punch Man)
He-Man and She-Ra (He-Man: Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Games)
The Tick (The Tick)
Robin Hood (English Folklore)
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Séance (The Umbrella Academy)
Super Grover (Seasame Street)
Wario-Man (Nintendo)
Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
Hero Cookie (Cookie Run)
Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)
Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra (Marvel)
Bibleman (Bibleman TV Show)
Larry-Boy (VeggieTales)
Sharkboy and Lavagirl (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Daniel MacIntyre/Cactusman/SCP-2800 (SCP Foundation)
Morbius (Morbius)
Jarro (DC)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Steel Samurai (Ace Attorney)
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otakugoddes · 2 years
🌲Day 6= Horror Movie Night (Shouta Aizawa)🌲
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Gender neutral Reader
Warnings: Slight Smut! Etablished Relationship, Profanity, Mentions of: Scream 1; the Nun and The Conuring, Sexual language and Suggestive content.
"You know what?! You are an actual asshole, Shouta!" You cursed your boyfriend as you hid your face behind your hands, the jumpscare had you nearly dropping your caramel corn. "You actually suck!" You muttered while scarfing down the corn in your hand.
The worst part: Shouta seemed to be enjoying your reactions as much as the movie.
Actually, he enjoyed your reactions a little bit too much throughout the horror movie marathon.
The way you buried your face in his chest at a scene during The Conjuring, and how you took longer in the kitchen to avoid the screams of innocents from The Nun.
Your boyfriend was really enjoying himself watching you get the slightest bit jumpy for horror movies.
"You know headless horsemen don't exist right?" He raised a brow amused, his lips quirking up slightly in a smirk.
You elbowed him and folded your arms, "Someone out there might actually have a quirk like this!"
He rolled his eyes at your antics, though you could actually be correct. There were some weird ass quirks out there.
You both were cuddling on the couch, a blanket wrapped around you two and treats on the table, and of course--Shouta's sadistic ass choice of an actually creepy horror movie.
"You're not picking a movie ever again! You pick stuff that's gonna give me nightmares!" You stuck a tongue out at him.
"You're a grown ass adult!"
"And who says adults cant be scared?"
"I'm not!"
You scoffed, poking his cheek, "Liar! When Eri came over and put on Barney, you weren't exactly the knight in shining armour!"
He tched at your recollection of the incident a few weeks ago. In his defense, he did not expect to see the giant floppy purple beast right in front of his eyes while singing demonically.
"Shut up!" He groaned tiredly.
"Oooo! Cant take the heat, hotstuff?" You teased and he grinned, leaning forward to kiss your lips.
You--being more than eager to reciprocate, kissed back. His lips chased yours as his arm came around your shoulders to grip the nap of your neck, effectively deepening the kiss. You bit his lip and a slight groan was heard from him, taking initiative you moved to straddle him...not caring about the horror movie playing in the background.
Threading your fingers through his hair you kissed him feverishly and he smirked slightly against your lips.
"Kiss me again!" You panted, out of breath and desperate for more.
"As you wish!" His tone turned seductive as he kissed you again.
It started getting heated again until the loud, feminine scream from the TV had you jumping up and falling off the couch, "OW FUCK!" you cursed.
"Are you okay?"
"Wipe that stupid grin off your face!" You sneered.
"You're not even looking at me to know that!"
You slapped his hand, "I dont need to, asshole!"
You gazed back the movie, where the protagonist was now getting chased by the headless horsemen. You pouted at the ruined moment and sat back next to your boyfriend, focusing on the bowl of corn.
Shouta noticed your state and said, "Maybe we should put on a different movie!"
You perked up and nodded, "Yes! But let me choose this time!"
He nodded, "Alright. Scream 1 or Annabelle?"
You raised a brow at him, "Obviously Scream, I don't want to dream about a fucking possessed doll haunting me!"
He switched to scream and you bundled yourself closer to him, smiling when he put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. It was a reflex for him, even at times when he didn't realize it, you felt safe and secure.
"Don't scream too much for this one!" He whispered in your ear with a gruff voice.
"Oh please...like I'd scream!"
He hummed in thought, "How about after this...I make you scream for real?" He suggested.
You were about to retort but he looked down at you from the corner of his eye and shushed you with a finger on your lips, "The movie's starting sweetheart!"
"Okay that was hot! Damnit!" You thought to yourself.
As Scream started playing, you sneaked glances at Shouta, not bothering to watch the movie when the better sight was him instead. His ability made him able to keep his eyes open for longer, and you watched his lips intrigued.
You didn't mind being caught by him but focused on the movie instead again.
The makeout session from earlier had you all riled up, and unfortunately for you, the one scene in Scream where they have sex wasn't helping your frustration either.
You gripped his waist tighter and tighter as your breathing quickened and you unconsciously shifted next to him.
Shouta looked down at you and asked bluntly, "Frustrated?"
"Yeah...its your fault, genius!" You pouted.
"Cant believe a few kisses and a horror movie sex scene got you horny!" He sighed, but was obviously riling you up more.
You slapped his chest, "I can just take care of myself then! No point in abandoning the movie to help me get off, right?" You teased.
His eyes widened a bit, watching you untangle yourself from him and start to play with yourself. It didn't help that you turned to face him so that he could see exactly was you were doing even though the room was pretty dark.
He couldn't concentrate on the movie, sneaking glances at you every five seconds.
Your coaxes and taunts were not helping either.
"Oh come on Shouta! Pay attention to the movie...besides, I'm getting close anyway!" You cooed.
He sighed, turning off the TV and quickly picking you up, haunting whatever you wrote doing.
"You're not finishing without it being done by my hand!" He rasped against your ear.
You smirked, "Took you long enough!"
How ironic was it that a horror movie marathon night turned into a night for a different kind of screaming. You blamed and thanked Scream for this.
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findroleplay · 9 months
I'm Evan: 22, trans M, and Australian (AEST/+10). I work full time so replies won’t be daily.
Rules: 21+, longterm, 3rd person POV, semi-literate replies (1-3 paragraphs), and discord only. No self inserts or godmodding.
I’m looking to write a mixture of everything: MxF, MxM, and FxF. There’s also both fandom OCxOC and CCxCC.
Bolded = Searching for / Your Muse
My Hero Academia:
Eraserhead / Shouta Aizawa x Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Enji Todoroki / Endeavour
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Touya Todoroki / Dabi
Katsuki Bakugou / Dynamight x Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Genshin Impact:
Tartaglia/Childe X Lumine
Dragon Age Inquisition:
OC x OC (any genders)
Garrett x Fenris
Call of Duty:
Soap x Ghost
Soldier 76 / Jack Morrison X Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Nu Carnival:
Eiden x any clan member
I’m looking for something canon based but with our own plots incorporated, although I’m more than open to AU’s. While I love writing smut, I’d still adore some plot to be involved. Really I’d just like to brainstorm something that works for us.
I’d also be interested in the following dead dove 🕊️ fandomless plots:
Serial Killer X Victim
Teacher X Parent of student
Mafia Leader x FBI Agent
Prince X Knight
Cult Leader x Victim
Vampire x Human
Boss X Secretary
If interested please like this post and I’ll contact you, or directly DM this account. Thanks!
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darkdoverpseeker · 10 months
I'm Evan: 22, trans M, and Australian (AEST/+10). I work full time so replies won’t be daily.
Rules: 21+, longterm, 3rd person POV, semi-literate replies (1-3 paragraphs), and discord only. No self inserts or godmodding.
I’m looking to write a mixture of everything: MxF, MxM, and FxF. There’s also both fandom OCxOC and CCxCC.
Bolded = Searching for / Your Muse
My Hero Academia:
Eraserhead / Shouta Aizawa x Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Enji Todoroki / Endeavour
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Touya Todoroki / Dabi
Katsuki Bakugou / Dynamight x Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Genshin Impact:
Tartaglia/Childe X Lumine
Dragon Age Inquisition:
OC x OC (any genders)
Garrett x Fenris
Call of Duty:
Soap x Ghost
Soldier 76 / Jack Morrison X Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Nu Carnival:
Eiden x any clan member
I’m looking for something canon based but with our own plots incorporated, although I’m more than open to AU’s. While I love writing smut, I’d still adore some plot to be involved. Really I’d just like to brainstorm something that works for us.
I’d also be interested in the following dead dove 🕊️ fandomless plots:
Serial Killer X Victim
Teacher X Parent of student
Mafia Leader x FBI Agent
Prince X Knight
Cult Leader x Victim
Vampire x Human
Boss X Secretary
If interested please like this post and I’ll contact you, or directly DM this account. Thanks!
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prpfs · 10 months
I'm Evan: 22, trans M, and Australian (AEST/+10). I work full time so replies won’t be daily.
Rules: 21+, longterm, 3rd person POV, semi-literate replies (1-3 paragraphs), and discord only. No self inserts or godmodding.
I’m looking to write a mixture of everything: MxF, MxM, and FxF. There’s also both fandom OCxOC and CCxCC.
Bolded = Searching for / Your Muse
My Hero Academia:
Eraserhead / Shouta Aizawa x Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Enji Todoroki / Endeavour
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks x Touya Todoroki / Dabi
Katsuki Bakugou / Dynamight x Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Genshin Impact:
Tartaglia/Childe X Lumine
Dragon Age Inquisition:
OC x OC (any genders)
Garrett x Fenris
Call of Duty:
Soap x Ghost
Soldier 76 / Jack Morrison X Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Nu Carnival:
Eiden x any clan member
I’m looking for something canon based but with our own plots incorporated, although I’m more than open to AU’s. While I love writing smut, I’d still adore some plot to be involved. Really I’d just like to brainstorm something that works for us.
I’d also be interested in the following dead dove 🕊️ fandomless plots:
Serial Killer X Victim
Teacher X Parent of student
Mafia Leader x FBI Agent
Prince X Knight
Cult Leader x Victim
Vampire x Human
Boss X Secretary
If interested please like this post and I’ll contact you, or directly DM this account.
Thanks! 👑
like or dm
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oL6pmhw by ka1yo It's his second year, and Shinsou has finally landed a spot in the hero course. He's waited for this, and he's ready.. or, he hopes he is. He just can’t let anything get into his way – is what he would say, if a certain red and white knight didn’t keep popping up in his head. Words: 2174, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Monoma Neito, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito & Shinsou Hitoshi Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Jealousy, Fluff, Alternate Universe, Falling In Love, LGBTQ Themes, Tension, Awkward Romance, Hero Department Shinsou Hitoshi, Language read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oL6pmhw
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