#kit connor tf
hotmentransformed · 1 year
Heartstopping Tank Top
You had always been a skinny guy. Growing up, people often made fun of you for how little you seemed to look. During your spring semester of junior year of college, you decided to study abroad in London. You had a job lifeguarding in the summer, and you wanted to make sure you were in good physical condition and looked good for the girls at the pool. You made a promise to yourself that you would return to the U.S. with a more muscular physique. 
So, you found a gym near your dorm and went to sign up. After singing some forms and paying for a day pass, the attendant at the front desk handed you a large white tank top and said, “Oy, this’ll help you grow into a real muscle lad”.
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You shrugged it off as a harmless sales pitch and went to the locker room to put on the tank top. It was way too large, but the attendant seemed really enthusiastic about you wearing it, and you didn’t want to be rude to someone in a foreign country, so you decided to stick it out and start your workout.
Exiting the locker room, you made a bee-line for the first open machine you saw. After reading the graphics and demonstrations on the metal, you sat down and began your workout. It felt… surprisingly great! You could get used to this! With each machine you went to, you felt a strange sensation pulsating from your tank top. Unbeknownst to you, they seemed to be growing at an accelerated rate, much faster than should be naturally possible, stretching and bulging under your skin. 
Your arms were the first to change. Your once skinny biceps and triceps began to thicken and expand, stretching the arms of your tank top with bulging muscles. As you flexed, you could see the new definition in your arms, and your veins popped out from under your skin.
Your chest was the next area to change. You pecs began to swell and harden, pushing out from your ribcage with an impressive mass. Your nipples stood out like little knobs atop your chest, and you could feel the fibers of your muscles contracting with every heavy breath you took. Hair began to push its way from your pecs and swirled its way into your armpits, which were moist from your intense workout.
Your back muscles were the next to grow. As you pulled down on the lat pulldown machine, you could feel your lats expanding like wings on your back. You could feel as your spinal erectors bulged out, creating a column of muscle that ran down your spine, widening your torso and giving you immense bulk.
Your abdominal muscles became chiseled, with each muscle fiber becoming visible through your top. Your six-pack was now a washboard, and your obliques became well-defined ridges.
Your legs swelled too, with your quads becoming massive and your hamstrings bulking up. Your glutes expanded into globes of muscle, stretching your gym shorts. Your calves became rock hard, with the muscles contracting and relaxing with every step you took.
As you continued to work out, your hair began to lighten, and your facial features began to change. Your jawline became more pronounced, and your face became wider. Your eyes turned an intense hazel, and your skin took on a healthy glow. You had become someone… new.
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Dropping the weights, you looked into the mirror, and you recognized exactly who you were. You were Kit Connor. You had never been an American. You had worked hard for these big muscles and your successful career. You had always been Kit Connor. You flexed your new massive muscles in the mirror, admiring your physique.
With your British accent, you mused “I am one fit lad.” You turned back to the mirror and posed for your Instagram. In no time, you're sure it'll be filled with a bunch of gay lads trying to get your attention... just how you liked it.
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moonlit-typewriter · 2 years
This is a(n) (un)friendly reminder that ACTORS/CELEBRITIES DO NOT OWE YOU SHIT.
They are entitled to privacy and the ability to choose what they do and don't want to share with fans and they are not obligated to share their reasons for not wanting to disclose.
Just because their jobs tend to put them into the public eye, it doesn't give fans the right to speculate about and/or harass them or pressure them into forsaking their privacy and personal comfort.
Actors and celebrities are people, the same as their fans. The only difference is what they do when they go to work. Any fan that refuses to respect those boundaries and instead chooses to continuously nag them into relenting needs to rethink the way they're conducting themselves. It's immature and only shows the person that their fans don't respect them as people, only as modes of entertainment.
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when i was on twitter, i was never on fandom twitter. it sounds not fun. i was following news and any live tweeting of red carpets and awards shows, and like the meme of the week. i ditched going on twitter or tiktok and came back to tumblr and it turns out i really missed fandom. i was never posting on either of those platforms or talking to people. anyway, glad i came back to tumblr, and not only because i did it just in time to catch Kinnporsche
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captainjunglegym · 3 months
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animentality · 2 years
I don't follow heartstopper, but I do feel bad for Kit Connor.
Tf are people doing, stalking a fucking 18 year old and being angry that he hangs out with a girl? Can you please find a fucking hobby that enriches yourself? Makes you into something resembling a human being?
Even if he was straight that's none of your fucking business.
This is like when timothee chalamet was photographed with a pretty girl on a yacht.
I'm sorry you wanted to imagine your favorite uwu soft boy fucking men all day and night but you have brainrot. These are real people.
You need to touch grass and be a real person too. Clean out the gargled piss thats accumulated in the cobwebs of your brain matter.
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butimjustaliar · 2 years
what bugs me the most about the kit connor fiasco is that the problem literally only exists bc of heteronormative standards.
which are toxic for lots of queer people
like sweethearts, are you queer or are u not? did it not bother u when people asked if their was any boys/girls u liked? bc they just assumed u r hetero, and it was confusing and made u feel bad? bc it made it seem as if u arent normal? and u didn't have the courage to say u arent straight? because that's considered "the default"? does heteronormativity not bother u?
bc personally, i dont plan on coming out anytime ever, bc why the fuck would i. i never said i was straight and if people assume i am that's on them not on me. and also, non of their fucking business. who tf told u i was straight, bc it surely wasnt me
kit was NEVER officially straight, take ur heteronormative bullshit back to the fucking 15th century and go fuck yourself.
what the hell
and if u do sth similar to the young royals or red white and royal blue boys i will absolutely find and FUCKING MURDER U
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yelenapines · 2 years
Let me get this shit straight. They forced Kit Connor to come out. Because he was holding a woman's hand? I'm not mad. This is superior level of anger. YOU DON'T FORCE SOMEONE TO COME OUT! Like tf?? This is wrong. And now that he has been bullied into doing something he didn't want to do, he's gonna have to take a break from the internet. real nice. If you think that it's ok to do something like this the exit's right here ➡🚪. Bye fuckers.  You won't be missed.
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sunflowerwemadeit · 11 months
I am SO out of the loop
how tf did kit connor get 28OP??? is that photoshopped? since when is it available?????? wHAT IS GOING ON
I have no idea😂😂😂
There is a site 28clothing.in I think? And we're thinking it's louis' clothing line website
But it hasn't been confirmed yet so
And the site has Kit Connor's photo of him wearing the 28 hoodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which apparently he's also wearing for his shoot in.....a magazine(?)
I am bad with names sue me ajsjsbs
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happy-tree34 · 10 months
how the actual FVCK can someone have no heart?!?!?! (not in a literal sense, but like no sympathy) Kit Connor literally just got FORCED to come o out after being queerbaited for playing a bi character (Nick Nelson from Heartstopper) and just how tf?!?!?!?!? it doesn't make sense to me how SO MANY people just have that level of ANYTHING to say "Well dont fake it! if your gay say your gay! you shouldn't be aloud to play gay characters if your not gay!!!" that just pisses me off soooooooo much!!!! Sorry Kit for what you've had to go through! we all love you and Heartstopper!!!
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words can't describe how hurt I feel for what happened to kit connor. I'm so tired of queer people that literally demand you to prove your sexuality to them. every single queer person should experience their sexuality how tf they want to. nobody fucking owes you a coming out. queerbaiting is when some straight people decide to create fake gay scenarios in a fake environment such as tv shows or books. queerbaiting is NOT somebody who's not ready to come out or simply doesn't want to open up about their sexuality. unless someone explicitly says they're straight, you can't just assume they are. that's not. how it fucking. works.
and tbh this proves how much hatred there is in the community. unlabeled people feel like they owe you a label and bi people feel like they have to prove you that they're actually bi. this is sick. it makes me so uncomfortable and upset.
I hope that kit can find happiness soon and I hope that his mental health doesn't get affected too much about this (if it does it's totally valid tho). stay safe guys.
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bisexualraichu · 2 years
never watched heartstopper but the kit connor situation is so frustrating
ppl really need to stop treating actors like fictional characters. they do not exist to be your "representation", they are human beings. kit is 18, he's probably still figuring out lots of stuff abt himself including the ins and outs of his sexuality, thats a private and personal process, he is not less entitled to privacy just because he is a "public figure".
when you start getting way too obsessed abt knowing some celebrity's sexuality maybe ask yourself honestly... why tf do you care like truly. like is it worth it to push a queer person out of the closet just for your own satisfaction or to feel like you helped end queerbaiting or whatever. like whats the net positive, whats the point
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corruptedfileformat · 2 years
girl they made kit connor out himself on twitter 😭 tf how do ppl watch heartstopper and then proceed to harass one of the main actors into coming out. braindead people fr
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tuesdaybarronxo · 2 years
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feeling depressed, time for rewatch number 5
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robotshowtunes · 2 years
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Yes, I will listen to the rain. I will listen to the mountain bird. Oh, a heartstopper is the solitaire’s one note – high, sweet, lonely, magic.
You hold your breath to listen… No… Gone. What was I to say to her?
– Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys
Background and leaves from AOTY
Series title graphic from NETFLIX
Netflix logo from WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
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badl4nder · 2 years
And here comes my unsolicited take on Dr Strange in the multiverse of madness
• For starters: Style wise this movie was visually the best one we’ve had since WandaVision, the Photography in it was awesome and very different from anything Marvel has done in the past. Didn’t like the soundtrack very much only bc of the high pitched metal style guitar in it that kinda itches my brain on the wrong spot
• In terms of storytelling I believe that they had so much to work with yet took little to no advantage of everything they introduced us over the past year and a half (I wanted to see Shang-Chi in it rlly bad ngl). I believe a lot of ppl will be very disappointed with this movie bc of the high expectations so many had towards it and that Marvel took a very high risk by doing something so different from everything they’ve done so far in the MCU, but I hope that they keep on trying new things no matter how good or bad the critics review it.
• ALSO Am I the only one seeing the Young Avengers slowly come together??? Bc if this actually happens BRING KIT CONNOR AS HULKLING
• I hate Peggy Carter, she’s annoying (YOU HAD SAM WILSON DUDE i know he’s from 616 and she’s in another universe BUT STILL)
• But Maria Rambeau tho *chef’s kiss* GORGEOUS
• I wanna see so much more of America Chavez and also IMAGINE HER AND KATE BISHOP INTERACTING?? that’s something I want RIGHT NOW
• I squealed when Reed Richards showed up
• Everybody knew about Charles Xavier showing up but I still lost my shit
• And who tf is Charlize Theron’s character in that post credit scene?? I genuinely wanna know
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iwannabeskinny2828 · 2 years
I’m in the middle of an insane gender crisis like I’m afab and normally I’m content with that but I watched heart stopper and whenever I watch shows like that it makes me realize how badly I wanna look like people like kit Connor or wille from young royals and I wanna love a boy the way a boy loves a boy and it’s driving me crazy like why tf couldn’t I have been amab
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