I had no idea what was going on in the movie. You kissed my hand and i felt my nipples harden. You ran your thumb over my fingers. I shivered. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted you to kiss me. It was driving me crazy and I'm sure you could feel it with my sighs and heavy breathing.
Fifteen minutes more of squirming next to you, angling my face for a kiss and i was done. I had to leave. I got up and walked away.
'hey wait'
When i turned around you were right behind me. You pushed me against the pole and kissed me. My stomach felt like it had dropped. I was floating.
I don't know how i made it back to my room
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kaseyskat · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scary Marlowe/Normal Oak Characters: Scary Marlowe, Normal Oak, sparrow is there for .2 seconds Additional Tags: Fluff, Post-Canon, First Kiss, Love Confessions, theyre kind of like. secret third things here?, scary goes by terri again here, Awkward Flirting Summary:
“Of course, of course,” Normal says quickly. Something flashes across his eyes, but Terri can’t place it. “Then… what do you want to do?”
Right. Terri swallows nervously.
The thing is: Terri had been the one to invite herself over. It had been her idea to brush Normal’s hair, too, having come over to find it a rat’s nest with no hopes of getting better without her intervention. All this time, and she’s still making excuses to be near people, to act on her feelings without ever having to say them aloud, to hope that the people around her will pick up on them.
Normal’s come the closest of anyone she knows. Even now, he watches her face so studiously, head tilted, curls fluffy from being brushed, eyes inquisitive and kind, so kind, too kind, more kind than she deserves no matter what he says.
Damn him, and damn her own aching heart too. Why did she come here again?
or: after the world is saved, terri has a sleepover with her best friend. for @officialgleamstar
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Seeing Red 🍸😡🧟💋
This fits perfectly for @ockissweek! So excited! Enjoy this one-shot for #ockiss24.
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Seeing Red: A Blaine DeBeers x OC KissFic One-Shot
You can’t kiss her.
The thought practically eats Blaine alive—an oxymoron if he’s ever heard one.
It’s only been a week since Catherine blew in with the rain, and already she’s making herself useful. Not just in his fantasies, though there is that, but in cold, hard earnings. And for that—and all the other, carnal reasons that keep him up at night—Blaine wants to kiss Catherine-No-Middle-Name-Cohen full on her plush, tempting mouth.
“Why do you look so self-satisfied?”
Don E’s voice cuts through Blaine’s locked-eyes daydreaming, and over the glow of his laptop screen, Blaine raises a brow at his second-in-command as Don E glides into the back office of The Post, leaving the door yawning wide open behind him.
“I always look self-satisfied. I am a man intent on nothing else but satisfying himself.” To prove the point, Blaine lifts the half-full martini glass that rests on his desk and salutes the small, bald man standing in front of him before slugging down the remainder of the drink.
“Yeah, sure. But, like, right now, you just had this look on your face. Like, what’s the expression? The cat that ate the canary?”
“You got it switched, brother. The canary is the cat—Kitty, that is.”
Don E. smirks as he slides into the chair in front of Blaine’s desk. “You son of a bitch! You nailed her. Noice. Fast work. She seems a little damaged, but in that way you like. I dig it.” He leans forward conspiratorially. “Should I arrange for some flowers? A nice bottle of vino for the lady? A link to my YouTube channel?”
Blaine blanches. “Don’t be crass. I didn’t nail her. And no one watches your YouTube channel.”
It’s Don. E’s turn to protest. “Hey! I’ll have you know that my Redecorating Your Living Room When You’re No Longer Living series was very popular. Dozens of views. And if the Lady Catherine is now on Team Z, she might need some basic how-to on how to do the undead thing.”
“Mmm-hmm. Congrats on the views, champ, but she’s still human. Now, let’s get back to the subject at hand—our little stray cat has, in the past week, bumped nightly bar receipts up by thirty percent. And she breezed in here this morning with a full-on spreadsheet breaking down our liquor cost, in order of highest to lowest margins, and she’s gone to meet in person with two distributors who might cut those costs if we switch suppliers.”
Don E’s eyes widen. “Damn. Sorry bro. I mistook your money boner for a lady-inspired one. That’s some valid dreamy-eyed shit. She’s way nice, too. Did you know that Darcy loves her? Those two and Liv and Peyton, there’s a whole Clueless thing going on that is very, very heartwarming.”
“Why are you in my office, exactly?” Blaine says, closing down his laptop.
“Oh! Yes. Two items of business. One, remember that you asked Darcy to come in today to look over the delivery system and see if she can take the whole ordering process online.”
Blaine has forgotten—but now he recalls, and he nods agreeably. “That’s great. Crypto, right? Less physical cash changing hands means less chance of an extra hand in the honeypot.”
Don E rocks his chair back up on two legs, bracing his interlaced fingers behind his head. “Yeah, that’s the business part deux. We have a little prrrrrroblemo down in distribution that I wanted to talk to you about.” He grimaces slightly. “Caught one of the new delivery guys sampling the goods.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
What a way to kill the high of the morning’s financial gain.
“Nope. Hank.”
Blaine presses his lips together. “You vouched for him, Don.”
The younger man winces. “I know, bro. I was trying to help him out. He used to be my barista before, you know”—Don E’s tongue lolls out and he raises his arms in a caricature of Night of the Living Dead. Off of Blaine’s flat look, he drops his hands to his lap. “I came to you as soon as I knew. I’ll take care of it. I just didn’t want my partner out of the loop.”
“And now you want to bring Darcy in to automate the ordering? When your boy is stealing from me?” There’s no way for him to keep the disbelief out of his voice.
“She’s my wife, Blaine.”
His mood souring, Blaine shrugs. “I’m not catching your point.”
“I love her. She loves me. You don’t profess your love and then ask someone to share the rest of your life unless there’s trust, right?”
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,” Blaine quotes flatly.
Don E’s eyes narrow. “Yeah, yeah. This from the guy who claims he doesn’t have it bad for the new livestock in town.”
Before Blaine can protest again, Don E puts up a hand to stop his reply. “You can say it’s money all you want, but I see the way you look at her, and all the other signs. If you’re not careful, you’ll fall, too. The indestructible Blaine DeBeers.”
The word isn’t quite right. Blaine knows a few other descriptors that are apt. Ones that were drilled into him young, and often.
Blaine lifts his chin, smirking past the intrusive thoughts. “Other signs?”
“You’re dressing her up like your personal doll, Blaine. You’ve never done that with any of the back-room girls. And, last night, your pocket square matched her dress. “
Blaine remains silent, thoughtful.
Don E presses on. “You’ve given her every night shift this week—and, I might add, you’ve come in an hour early yourself every one of those nights. To throw some wisdom from your man Willie Shakes back at you, lovers ever run before the clock, bro."
Blaine rolls his eyes at Don E. "Don't save the date, my friend."
"See? Interested but cynical. Yearning for love but settling for cheap interludes. Face it, you have commitment issues."
"I suppose you have a YouTube video for that?"
"Your sarcasm is a defense mechanism. Look at the facts. My dude, you barely let your shoes get walked in before you toss them."
"It's been my experience that a quality woman hates scuffed soles," Blaine shoots back, toying with the edge of the empty martini glass on his desk. 
"Soles or souls? Fifty-fifty chance you fail there, boss."
Blaine laughs and puts a hand over his chest, bending double in his chair as he pretends to clutch his heart. “Damn! Ouch.” Then, sitting up, still grinning, Blaine says, “I admit that our newest house human is aesthetically pleasing. And she knows how to make money. But if you think a little ‘ol steak dinner on a pair of nice stems is going to tempt me into forever, brother, you don’t know me at all.”
“I do. And you know me. And I love Darcy. So trust her because you trust me.”
Blaine nods. “Fair enough.” But he’s still more than a little annoyed. Not just by Don E’s too-keen observations about how he was beginning to feel about Kitty, but by the stress fractures he saw forming in his usually well-run businesses. The bartender that had just been caught pouring heavy for his friends last week. The delivery guy skimming brains. What did a dishonest businessman have to do to get good help in this town?
A sudden knock on the doorframe of the office yanks the attention of both men to the entryway.
Kitty stands there—and Blaine’s breath catches.
Don E swivels back around to face him, eyes wide. How long has she been standing there? he mouths.
Blaine ignores the question, but the possibility that she’d just heard their conversation makes his stomach twist. Instead of panicking outwardly, he opts for what gets him out of most situations—cocky, surface bravado, even if he’s a nervous wreck on the inside.
“Meals on Heels! Just the gal I was singing the praises of. How’d it go with the distributors?”
She shoots him an unreadable look as she makes her—brisk—way to his desk. “Really well. Two proposals, both great offers. Twenty or twenty-five percent off of current rates for your regular rotation stock. Higher discount wants a four-year contract, though.”
Don E seems to relax some.
Blaine smiles broadly. “Wow. Not bad, dollface. Not bad at all.”
“Not bad for cattle, isn’t that what you mean?” There’s a clipboard in her hand, and she slams it down on top of his closed laptop. “It’s your choice on which new supplier to go with—but maybe avoid the four-year contract if you’re commitment-shy.”
Both men gape at her.
"Anyway, guess this shows I'm good for more than a source of protein. I'll be out in the bar, trying to figure out what the hell you two are good for."
Then, she spins and marches out of his office.
Blaine rises from his office chair, shaking his head as he starts to follow her out onto the main bar floor. “Kitty, hold up. I didn’t mean…”
The office door slams in his face.
As Blaine goes stock-still in stunned silence, Don’s chair scrapes back as he stands. “Don’t chase her, dude. Let her go.”
Blaine rounds on him, snarling. “Shut up, Don E! I don’t need any more of your sage advice.”
But the other man is probably right. It won’t do anything except make things worse if he chases Kitty down while she’s angry. So Blaine steps back. It takes every ounce of willpower he’s able to scrape together, and probably some borrowed from whatever saint he last dined on to boot, but he does it. He leaves the door closed and paces back to his desk instead of storming out to ask her to forgive him—and to ask her who the fuck she thinks she is, slamming his own office door in his face.
“So, I’m going to retire Hank now, if that’s cool…” Don E says, shuffling in place. “Darcy should be here any minute.”
Maybe it’s his simmering annoyance at the employee messes, or the sudden, queasy unease he feels over Kitty overhearing what he’d said to his second-in-command. But whatever the cause, Blaine’s temples begin to throb, and anger suddenly swells in his chest. He’d been happy five minutes ago, head full of rainbows and unicorns and cotton-candy thoughts about the woman who’d just bitten his head off. She shouldn’t be so fucking sensitive. In fact, she should be grateful to him. He’d given her a job with very few questions asked.
Outside in the main bar, Blaine hears the sound of a door slamming. Then, muffled curses. She’s out there throwing a fit—and it makes his anger spike higher. It makes the part of him that is always simmering, spoiling for a fight, begin to boil. He pushes off of his desk, feeling the familiar red haze as the pressure of it begins to make his eyes burn.
“Dude?” Don E’s words after are a muffled mess of noise—nothing that will stop Blaine as he lets the anger rise, relishes it, embraces it as it climbs hotly through the stark, popped veins of his neck and into his head, taking over.
He is the boss here. Kitty works for him. And he’s going to show her just how much trouble her bratty little attitude has gotten her into.
Blaine doesn’t have to take his clash out to the bar. As soon as he flings open the door to his office, she’s there—so close, in fact, that he doesn’t even see her before they collide. But he hears her small, startled cry of surprise, and her softness registers against the lean, hard planes of him, and his raged-out brain indexes through a dozen reasons she’s coming back; and it settles hotly, and nearly instantly, on one reason in particular.
She’s come to insult him some more.
And that isn’t fair, or accurate, or even related enough to be applied, but the anger doesn’t care. It siphons all the fuel it needs from the dark corners of his heart and grows, and grows…
I’ll show you exactly what I’m good for…
Blaine’s pissed enough that he rolls with the knee-jerk, Cro-Magnon urge that seizes him, gives in to the impulse, and throws out all care for the notion of what is prudent or professional or even safe—and he takes what he wants. What he’s wanted since that stormy Friday night when the city had delivered this lithe, magnetic mystery woman to his doorstep.
Kitty tries to pull back, but he reacts so quickly that she doesn’t stand a chance. He grips both of her upper arms, hauls her up, and through the blinding crest of the red haze, feeling as though his head might burst if he doesn’t, Blaine kisses her. He puts into the kiss all of the frustration he feels that has nothing at all to do with Kitty, and all of the lust that absolutely does. Just as he ducks toward her, he closes his eyes, peripherally afraid he’ll startle her with the blood-red in them.
Soft. You’re going soft, McDonough.
And that thought fans the flames of his fury higher, ensuring that the kiss is not soft. His lashes sweep her cheeks as his mouth attacks hers, and he lifts one hand from her arm to stab his fingers through her hair and fist the heavy, silky tresses to hold her still for his onslaught.
She stiffens at first. Blaine can only guess it’s in shock, but he hopes there’s a little anger of her own in the reflex. Something about his driving rage craves an answering anger in her. Maybe he wants Kitty mad to make it feel a little less like he’s the villain here. Predator, prey, hell, he isn’t sure which of them is which, anyway. Once he drops his other hand to haul her against him at the waist, she goes pliant against him, and Blaine wastes no time parting her teeth with his tongue, licking into her, withdrawing to bite and suck at her lower lip before pressing back in to steal the surprised gasp that escapes her when the last nip draws the barest taste of copper.
The blood excites him. It’s primal and elemental, and he doesn’t care if she bites him back. In fact, he’d go just about crazy if she did. He wants her to, wants to feel the sting of her canines in his lower lip, at the hollow of his neck, sinking into the meat of his shoulder through his shirt as he’s tearing off her panties. He wants a hundred little half-moon bruises left scattered over his body, despite the fact that he knows they will heal too quickly to be morning-after souvenirs.
She’s kissing him back now, pulling him urgently to her by the collar. It’s satisfying to feel that desperation, to know that he can make her so needy so fast. He feels a button on his shirt give way, feels her fingers slip over his throat, and he swallows an endless stream of her breathy moans as he turns the two of them and presses her to the doorframe, jamming a knee between her legs and leaving her lips to rake his front teeth down her neck. If the skin breaks, he’ll take it as sign from the universe that he’s meant to keep this enigma. And fuck Don E’s little H.P. Lovecrafting videos, Blaine will teach her everything she needs to know to become the undead queen of his dreams, and they can rule the gloomy, overprivileged burgs of Seattle together.
Forever, he thinks. A bride for Frankenstein’s monster.
It’s too close to sentiment for Blaine, too close to Don E’s cupid’s-arrow insights, and so Blaine simply pushes aside everything but the taste and scent and feel of Kitty against him. Every breath he draws is a tempest, his chest rising and falling with the fury of a Nor’easter. The veins on his neck stand out, dark and pronounced, as if they are bracing against the surge of anger pulsing through him. The hand he holds her close with trembles with barely contained rage, and in her hair, his fingers are still curled into a fist so tight that the knuckles whiten, nails dug into the palm, the pain a mere whisper against the roar of his baser emotions.
She’s practically climbing him, riding his thigh, a leg wrapping around his hip, the other en pointe like a ballerina to even out their heights, and he slams her back against the doorjamb with little regard for gentleness. This kiss edges on erupting into violence at any moment. It’s the rage, he knows, full-on zombie mode, but all he can think of is how he wants her begging underneath him—for pardon or pleasure, it makes no difference to him. He just wants her to submit. He just wants to conquer her.
Blaine clenches his fist against her scalp again, too tightly, and she whimpers into his open mouth.
The kiss has gone on for an eternity, or maybe it’s only been a handful of seconds. Blaine falters when the red haze begins to recede, when he registers that the pliant, pronounced curve at her waist is lower than he expects, and when he realizes that he has forced Kitty to a tiptoe with his hold in her hair.
And then, the voice saying his name…is not the husky, velvet timbre that he was listening for. Raspy, yes, the lilt of a woman well-kissed, but higher in octave. And Kitty wouldn’t need to stand on tiptoe to make their heights align. She’s only about an inch or two shorter than he is.
Blaine’s eyes fly open as he pulls away.
Staring up at him, eyes wide and pupils blown, lips bite-swollen and red, cheeks so flushed that her pale skin seems almost sunburned, is Darcy.
“Oops,” Blaine says dumbly, chest still heaving. “Wrong brat.”
“Dude. What the fuck.”
Blaine’s head swings toward Don. E, who stands facing them, frozen. His face oscillates between shock and disbelief.
Mortification swamps him, the last of the rage receding. Blaine eases the petite woman down from his thigh until her feet hit the floor, and then he lets go of the handful of Darcy’s hair that he’s still clutching, smoothing it with a few awkward pats as she sways on her feet and smiles dazedly. He takes a slow step back.
“I, uh—”
The frozen silence is broken by Kitty’s astonished voice from the bar.
“What the hell is going on?”
Blaine’s head whips to the right, where he sees her at the closest end of the bar, her eyes twice as wide as Don’s, a bottle held aloft.
Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit.
Blaine clears his throat, straightens his suit jacket, and waves a dismissive hand at her. He tries his damnedest to put a firmness in his voice that he absolutely doesn’t feel. “Nothing to see here. Just, uh, new employee appreciation.” He turns back to Darcy, who has sagged back against the door, still looking as though she’s been hit by some unexpected natural disaster. He picks up her hand and pumps it overzealously. “Welcome to the team.”
Darcy swoons. Don E is there to catch her, and as he carries his wife to a nearby table in the bar area, Blaine takes the chance to slip backward into his office, close the door, and lock it.
As Blaine sinks down into his desk chair, a last quote comes to him—appropriate to his current faux pas. He says it to the empty room, a mirthless chuckle rolling up as he buries his head in his hands.
“Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.”
Blaine wonders how he’s ever going to show his face in his own bar again.
Find me at AO3 for more Blaine x Kitty fun in the motherfic of this one-shot (Lay You in the Ground) Here. Thank you for reading! <3
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peerlessbellbird · 7 months
wip titles meme
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower 🐍💖 I'll sort these by fandom, and I'm leaving out anything I truly don't think I'll come back to.
ningcheng epistolary
t4t sangchengs
suyao and they were roommates
ningwangxian something
jiang cheng interrupted
jiang cheng can't dunk
ningcheng (rework needed)
clown shoes mdzs edition
I Think It's Okay (fxmq) (this one's like five separate documents for the same wip)
Xie Lian parents fic
TGCF Circus AU
Lesbian Beefleaf Gone Girl
beefleaf time loop
beefleaf role swap AU
zzl &lbh
transfem sqh lesbian cumplane pwp
cumplane trans sqq
t4t bingyuan
precanon transfem egg sy
moshang frost giant au
mingling fuck or die
mingling doghoused
cumplane gymfic
shinnoi (dorohedoro)
gumshoe kissfic (ace attorney)
klapollo trans thing (ace attorney)
ushiiwaoi angst (haikyuu!!)
I absolutely cannot tag as many people as I have wips so... I'll tag @mengyao @emdashingly @carriecmoney @yardeens and anyone who wants to do this!
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hasumilvr · 19 days
Ok oh my goodness funny story
My friends from school accidentally found one of my wips for a keito kissfic from a year ago 😭 they thought it was AI generated but I clarified it was me who wrote it manually, which had made it much worst and now they have me hostage to keep them from not leaking the photo 💀
And that’s when I realised damn I haven’t been on here for ages 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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princelune · 7 months
things ive done in disneyland:
- wrote starlight express kissfic fanfic while almost passing out from period cramps
- shat twice in the same bathroom within thirty minutes
- panic attack
- autistic meltdown
- stopped talking because one of my fav characters was in front of me and i got scared
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starrybouquet · 4 years
25 + Sam x Jack for the kisses prompts. Please & thank you!
Thanks so much for the ask! :) I realized halfway through this probably doesn't exactly match the prompt, since only Sam's in the rain, but oh well. Hope you still like it.
Between the Simpsons and the summer rain beating down on his roof, Jack barely heard the knock on the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by the sight of a drenched, shivering Samantha Carter.
"Carter!" He yanked her inside and shut the door before the slanting rain could flood his foyer. "Where's your car? Umbrella?"
She looked up at him solemnly. "I-I have to k-know. D-do you st-still feel any-t-thing for me?"
Jack blinked down at her. He couldn't lie, not to this version of Carter. "Of course. Always will," he said simply.
She stepped right up to him, slid her arms up around his shoulders, and kissed him.
It was an open-mouthed, desperate kiss. Jack stood stock-still for a moment, and then the combination of the feel of her lips, wet from the rain, the feel of the raindrops soaking into his shirt, and her tongue licking at the seam of his lips undid him. His arms snaked around her waist and he kissed her back with everything he had, reveling in the taste of Sam mixed with the taste of freshly-cut grass and clear blue lakes that every thunderstorm brought to Colorado.
When the kiss finally ended, they were both smiling, Sam has stopped shivering, and Jack's life had just taken a hard right turn. For the better.
"Just in case you still have any doubts, I meant that I still...love you."
Sam's smile transformed into a blinding grin. "I love you too, Jack."
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stitchcasual · 7 years
Kiss prompt #1 for Durill Hawke/Fenris! 💖
“breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths”
The sequel to this, another prompt from you ^_^ I hope you enjoy
Hawke awoke to a warm weight pressed against his chest and wondered for a minute why his mabari was on the bed with him. The next minute he spent pondering why the bed was so damn hard and stone-like and why the fireplace was in the wrong spot on the wall and why the walls of his room looked like Fenris’s. Then the weight shifted and grunted in a way that was distinctly Fenris, and the events of the previous night came rushing back to him.
“If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side.”
They had kissed then, Hawke sweeping Fenris up in his arms as he’d wanted to countless times over the last three years. It didn’t seem real, somehow, that now he was able to do that again or that Fenris was snuggled up against him, his cheek pressed against Hawke’s chest, his head just under Hawke’s chin. Hawke tightened his arm around Fenris’s waist, pulling him as close as they could possibly get. He twisted his head to look down at the elf in his arms and kissed his forehead. Fenris hummed but did not appear to wake. Hawke watched him sleep until his neck got a crick, and then he brushed his lips across Fenris’s forehead again and curled his body around Fenris’s as much as he could before dropping back off to sleep.
The next time Hawke woke it was to the sensation of something moving across his face. Fenris’s warmth had migrated somewhere farther away, and he frowned and grumbled his disapproval of the situation. Then the thing against his face moved again, and he realized it was Fenris’s nose, followed by his lips, nuzzling and kissing at his cheeks. He nosed back and Fenris chuckled, his lips quirking into a smile that Hawke could feel against his face.
“Good morning,” Fenris said, and Hawke heard reflected in his voice his own sense of wonderment and pleasure at being here, together, finally.
“Mm,” Hawke agreed, and reached up to wrap both arms around Fenris and tug his body back on top of Hawke’s. Again Fenris laughed and Hawke savored the flipping sensation low in his stomach at the sound. He’d missed that feeling, the pleasure of being able to make Fenris laugh like that. He hadn’t tried often over the last few years, wanting to respect Fenris’s space and boundaries, but now he never wanted to stop.
He buried the fingers of one hand into Fenris’s hair, closing his eyes and pressing his head against Fenris’s as he tightened his arms, hugging Fenris close. Fenris pressed his head back against Hawke’s for a minute, then wiggled slightly to get Hawke to relax his grip. When he did, Fenris levered himself up with one hand and looked down, a frown creasing his brow. His other hand traced the wrinkles above Hawke’s own eyes.
Hawke shook his head, knowing there wasn’t anything he could say. His words never were fully adequate at the best of times, fragile, loaded things that they were. So instead he captured the hand running across his face in his own, kissing the fingertips then the knuckles then the palm before holding it against his cheek as he sat up to claim Fenris’s mouth with his. Hawke felt the weight of the last three years begin to dissolve, yielding to the warmth seeping into him from every point of contact between their bodies. He let his hand fall from Fenris’s hair, running it down Fenris’s cheek.
“You’re here,” he said, refusing to fully break the kiss to speak, loathe to let any space separate them. “You’re here.”
Fenris laced his fingers with Hawke’s, holding that hand to his cheek. He kissed Hawke, a gentle brush of lips, and kept his eyes, wide and soft and green, open and fixed on Hawke’s soulful brown ones. “Yes, Hawke. I am here.”
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spaghetiyeti · 7 years
Stormy Eyes, Stormy Skies, No More Lies
Molly whimpered into the drab blanket she had adorned herself with, listening to the echo of ferocious thunder stretching around London.
Once she had been afraid of the thunder. . .
She scoffed hardheartedly at the notion of a small Molly Hooper, wide eyed, mousy, and crying at a little noise. No, no, she thought bitterly, I’ve better things to cry about now. Like being a bloody case. How could I have let that git get to me? Stupid, mousy, thin lipped. . . she elected to stop her self depreciation before it went darker.
The small pathologist took a modest sip of her tea, her throat had taken a beating from sobs, even before Sherlock had called. A stressful day at work combined with the anniversary of her beloved father’s passing proved to be too much. Then the worlds only consulting detective called her.
She couldn’t tell what was worse in that faithful call,
The desperate “Molly please no! Don’t hang up, DO NOT HANG UP!” The most emotional she could remember hearing him really. Her heart ached at the memory.
A crack of thunder.
The ever Sherlock typical downplay, “Please I swear you just have to listen to me. . . Molly,” his voice was higher now, as if talking to a child, which she was not. “This is for a case. . . it is a sort of experiment.”
A crack of thunder.
“I am not an experiment Sherlock!“
Oh, then how frantic his voice got, “No, I know you’re not an experiment, you’re my friend, we’re friends, but- please!” His voice got more intense, “say those words for me.”
She had protested, her little heart aching, but she knew he would get his way somewhere deeper in the artery then she cared to examine.
“It’s very important!” He almost sounded mad, off his rocker, but then he dropped to a more serious tone, “Can’t say why. But I promise you it is!” Since when did he ever keep his promises?
She had forgotten how she protested then- but it was much similar to the earlier ones. But she had.
“Of course you can! Why can’t you?”
“You know why.”
“No, I don’t- know why.“ 
“Of course you do.”
“Please just say it.” He almost sounded pained, like it meant anything to him. What lies.
“I can’t,” She really did try to hold her ground, but her world was being shaken to its modest core. “not to you.”
She broke, clear in her voice. “Because- because it’s true- Because it’s true!” She held down sobs of pain to no avail. “Sherlock, its always been true. . .”
A pause.
“If it’s true just say it anyway.” He sounded devilish, simply evil, like a clever child who had outsmarted a teacher into giving them sweets. She hadn’t realized how strange the phrasing was, not until she thought back to it.
A laugh escaped her lips, melancholy and regret filled, but a laugh nonetheless. “You bastard.”
“Say it anyway.” He sounded intent on this, like he needed her to. Which he didn’t.
Then she did it, she dug her own grave, wrote her will, and curled up in her own coffin. She needed to prove his intent, she was greedy for the gentle salvation of her voice in her aching mind, “You say it. Go on. You say it first.”
If she got nothing more than the iceman that was Sherlock Holmes, she wanted this. “Say it. Say it like you mean it.”
A pause. She expected him to hang up, she really did.
“I-” She clutched the phone tighter, in hopes of it giving him silent strength to go on, Ha! How foolish.
“I love you.”
It hit her like a freight train, his voice clear as ever, he sounded like he had just come to a very real, very startling epiphany. Like it meant something, the emotion behind it all, which it didn’t. “I love you.” The repetition clearer still, gentle on his voice, he was no longer scared at the words, instead calm, as if submitting to them and the power they held.
“Molly? Molly please!” He sounded like he needed her words, needed them like air.
“I love you.” She whispered back.
The call was done. He was gone. She had held her phone deftly as she realized all her childish dreams had come to a crashing end.
The second “I love you” she decided was the worst part of it all, but let the entire thing be counted as ‘something rather horrible.’
She turned her head back to the stormy skies out her window, electing to count the number of times she heard thunder rather than dwelling on the sweet lies Sherlock had fed her.
This cabbie cannot drive fast enough. Mycroft’s men were too slow with their check ups. The mental, and dare he say emotional, drain Sherlock was experiencing was something new and old.
His hands blistered in aching pain, looking down he saw eight wood splinters from the coffin.
“Say it like you mean it.” She was taunting him, but her voice was compensating, her posture all wrong, no she wasn’t taunting. She was in pain, plain and simple. Why must I constantly remind myself of all the times I have caused her PAIN?
“I do,” he thought devoid of excuses and finally giving in. “I- I love you.” His heart spilled finally, but he could see the disbelief. The second ‘I love you’ was calm, he tried to ease it into existence, ease her suffering however small.
All I wanted to do was save her, but I couldn’t save her from the biggest monster, me.
John was staring, roll of the eyes, huff, typical. He thinks I need a cigarette. I don’t need to breathe tobacco, no, I need to breathe the scent of Molly Hooper, in her Home, while I know she is safe.
Sherlock peered out the window, storms, storms, people, boring, boring, boring, the only thing of use here was he knew they were closer. In 7 minutes I will be there, and she will likely spend about 3 more minutes avoiding me, I will pick her locks or go in through the window, and I will make this better. I have to. I will prove Eurus wrong.
“Hey, mate-” John’s voice brought him back to reality. “You don’t look so hot.”
“Considering what had happened previous to this very moment, I don’t think there is a conceivable universe wherein I would be ‘hot.’ I imagine you have suffered as well.” He knew was hurting John, but he couldn’t help it.
“I know you don’t want to hear this. . .” Not a good sign. “But I know now, how much she means to you- Molly I mean.” Just now? “And I think you know where I’m going with this. Just,” another sigh. “You have hurt her. A lot. She has put up with a lot. So you really should, just... yeah. Be kind to her.”
Sherlock quietly appreciated his friend’s softness on the subject, oh how he didn’t deserve it.
I don’t deserve her, I really don’t, but no man could truly appreciate the woman that is Molly Hooper.
With a halt he knew he was there. Emotion and thoughts were over clouding him.
We are here.
He threw some bills at the driver, he better be thankful for the significant tip, and bolted up to her door, scaling the fifty three total stairs he needed to climb rather quickly for all the stress he was under.
He heard the sobbing, so feint, so sweet, so mousy so, so, so-
“I’M HERE!” He yelled, for but a second Sherlock felt as though it was too late.
But it simply couldn’t be, not for her not for him. He heard the sobbing stop for a second.
“MOLLY LISTEN!” His throat hurt from everything. “I know, I know you don’t believe me, I wouldn’t either, but you have to, you have to, for you, for me. Please come to the door. Please.” The thought of how it sounded to hear the great Sherlock Holmes beg nearly made him gag, but it needed to be done.
He heard her feet as she came to the door, then slowly opened it.
“I-I-I...” Molly’s voice trailed off as she hid partially behind the door.
This woman, oh this woman will be the death of me. Sherlock thought to himself, as he swooped her up into his arms. He began to pet her hair, her face in his shoulder and the tears she was spilling wracked her mind and body. At least she was holding him to.
“I have so many questions...” she whimpered.
“And I will deliver all your answers in due time, I assure you. But as of now I have something to give you, that has been yours for a very long time now.”
“Yeah? What?”
“Me.” He gently stated, bringing his lips to hers for a kiss, long, long, long overdue.
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rosiedoestumblr · 7 years
To Write - Top 5
I was tagged by @riverofwhispers to discuss five fics I don’t currently have the time to work on - which is basically all of them, because I’ve been having to obsess on HB3 (which is not working for me, right now).
1. Fear of the Dark
Remember that one? The one where the boys resort to witchcraft in desperation, because they’re not getting as successful as they want, quickly enough? It was my Hallowe’en fic and I was able to post two of four parts before chaos ensued? Yeah. I really, really want to work on that light, sweet fic, right now. I just got back from a weekend of Druid shenanigans at two of our most sacred sites, too, so I’m raring to write magic and meditation. At this rate, I’ll be posting it for this Hallowe’en.
2. But The Truth Catches Up With Us Eventually
This fic started from a prompt about ‘your OTP’ sharing a kiss and then having to be apart for some period of time immediately after. It’s currently set at an indeterminate time in the band’s history, and begins with a huge ‘WTF?!’ moment and then gradually moves on to a sort of study in just being happy, I guess. It’s a tiny bit angsty, initially, but involves Patrick drunk dialling Joe with his sister at his mother’s birthday party, which, I mean... how can that be angsty?
3. The World Is A Vampire
Band-never-happened AU, in which the boys get talking in the wee small hours of the morning, in a diner in Chicago, have a whirlwind romance and begin a long-distance, CHI-NYC relationship. The ship is at least 50% Patrick/Chicago. Kind of a grown up fic, I guess. It focuses more on dynamic and making a relationship work, in spite of everything, and how your physical place in the world can influence your state of mind - and vice versa.
4. Batman AU
This is largely intended to be a comic (as in funny, but also...) AU, inspired by Patrick’s involvement with Lego Batman. In all likelihood, I’ll never get around to writing this fic, but it primarily features Patrick as Batman, Pete as his ‘business manager’ who spends Patrick’s money on doomed enterprises (but is allowed to, because Patrick is stupidly rich and what’s a few million dollars for the sake of keeping your only friend?), Andy as Commissioner Hurley, endlessly put upon and tired of everyone else’s shit, and Joe as Patrick’s retained engineer (perhaps slightly Holtzmanned?), who co-designs and builds his gadgets and is massively unimpressed by Patrick’s money - which is sort of why Patrick has a huge crush on him. The more I think about it, the more I want to write it.
5.  The End-Hiatus Fic
I came back to fandom a year ago today, and my first instinct was to write a story interpreting all the stuff that had happened and how it had gone down / how they’d dealt with it. That was briefly explored in Your Own Spotlight, but I wanted to go into it in greater detail, focusing almost in real-time on that famous three-hour conversation and their being reunited for that first meeting. I feel like one day, I will write this one, but it’s really a question of time with all my other commitments.
Honourary mentions: 
TWNW. Chapter 22 is... mostly written, but needs some work to transition to the next phase of the story. After the next two or so chapters, for the first time in a long time, I only have a partial outline for what happens next - I know the plot, I don’t know major details.
Moving Pictures. The sister series to TWNW, I spent some time writing scenes and filling gaps, from Patrick’s perspective, but I haven’t had a lot of time to do that, recently, because I’ve been focusing on HB3. If you have particular scenes you’d like to see, hit me up.
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jiheishousha · 4 years
Whoo! I’ve recovered (mostly) from the con and am now working furiously on 1: getting part 5 ready to post next Saturday, and 2: frantically finishing the entire Pact questline so I can get red shields for my Banther Lodge before Wednesday morning!!! BUT for the time being, enjoy the promised sparring fic, complete with slowburn angst ^^
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infernalyearning · 4 years
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it’s what he deserves
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aresmarked · 5 years
i am
eyeballs deep
in three houses and you bet your fucking house im thinking up more support stuff to right
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peerlessbellbird · 2 months
i was tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower 💖🐍
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
As usual, I've broken them up by fandom, and only included wips I have any level of intention of coming back to:
ningcheng epistolary
t4t sangchengs
suyao and they were roommates
ningwangxian something
jiang cheng interrupted
jiang cheng can't dunk
ningcheng (rework needed)
clown shoes mdzs edition
I Think It's Okay (fxmq)
tumors murderfic
Xie Lian parents fic
TGCF Circus AU
Lesbian Beefleaf Gone Girl
beefleaf time loop
beefleaf role swap AU
zzl & lbh plans
transfem sqh lesbian cumplane pwp
cumplane trans sqq
t4t bingyuan
precanon transfem egg sy
moshang frost giant au
mingling fuck or die
mingling doghoused
cumplane gymfic
shinnoi (dorohedoro)
gumshoe kissfic (ace attorney)
klapollo trans thing (ace attorney)
ushiiwaoi angst (haikyuu!!)
and I am not gonna tag as many people as I have wips, but I will tag @emdashingly @carriecmoney @it-goes-on @darlingwendy @mengyao and anyone else who wants to!
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damienthepious · 5 years
alright, okay, i said i wasn’t gonna have anything for LKT this week but i miiiiiiiiight have something small. a part one of something short, anyway. hell yeah.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
Hey. Hey Carro
You know kissfics, right? When A and B start 'practicing' kissing and y'know no homo it's just to learn for future partners hahaha nothing really romantic here totally
Have you considered: klondike Scroldie
ok so this ended up going in a LITTLE BIT of another direction but i think overall its the same vibe. theres 34 images below so there will be a read more
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