#kingsmen family
lauritanaomystery · 10 months
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"you are grounded" If you think that doing mischief before the vacations is a good idea, think three times... Happy summer again!!!
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sodafrog13 · 3 months
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missed these guys. take some doodles + a silly hlm au that i'm not gonna do anything with <3
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
Arthur and Starlo, the two desert F/Os
And my desert-loving butt is going nuts over both of them HUAAGH
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robozombii · 2 years
arthur 🤝 mr.pepper
bonding over anxiety (and maybe staying up late)
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achaoticeternal · 1 year
you matter to me.
summary: they all told you it would be difficult to love him. word count: 0.9k a/n: listen to you matter to me - sara bareilles warnings: sweet, sweet fluff; not proof reader; afab reader
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"I thought I would find you here," Aemond turned his head to see you approaching him, your figure descending from the stairs.
He had just seen his strong nephews observe his training sessions with Ser Criston. At least until they ran back under the protective gaze of their mother, Rhaenyra.
"My lady," He looked at you with a slight smirk, setting his sword down on the table of the armory. A part of him wished you had arrived earlier so that you could see another one of his victories in sparring against the Kingsmen, "How might I be of service?"
You offered him a warm smile with your simple response, "I just wanted to see you..."
Your relationship with the prince was... interesting. With your family being in direct service to the Throne, you had practically grown up in the Keep with the Targaryen children. Though you had been close friends with Aemond for years, things had only recently shifted. Every time his brother or nephews tormented him, his studies or training frustrated him, and even when he lost his eye... you were there to comfort him. It shouldn't have been that shocking when nearly three moons ago, the Queen and your Lord Father announced the betrothal between you and the prince.
"Do you think you have time to take a walk with me through the gardens?" You asked politely.
Aemond reflected for a moment before offering a curt nod, "As long as you do not mind walking with me after I've trained."
"I never mind walking with you, my prince," You smiled to him, looking at him with a loving look that he hadn't quite expected, "I find myself quite lucky to have the chance to have your company as often as I do."
The corners of his lips tipped upwards for just a moment before settling back into their typical half-smirk. Aemond offered out his arm to you which you willingly accepted. Upon tucking yourself into his side, you wiped off a patch of dirt on the sleeve of his shirt that must've gotten there during his sparring.
As you walk through the fine gardens of the Keep, you passed by plenty of other nobles who were there to hear the trial that would occur the next day. They would bow their heads to both of you, but very few sparred any words to the pair. Yet as soon as they were passed you both, their faint whispers could be heard.
To be betrothed to a Targaryen prince used to be an honor... That poor girl, I do hope he treats her decently, at least... Such a beauty, wasted on such a beast...
With each encounter and following remark, Aemond grew more tense. His jaw was clenched and his posture had stiffened up, making him isolated from you despite your close proximity.
But as soon as you saw him wince slightly, no doubt due to the pain his scar would cause him, you suggested you both return inside.
"Are you tired of the gardens?" He snipped at you, "Or tired of being seen with the One-Eyed Prince?"
Though he had sparked quite the attitude, you replied calmly, "My prince, I know when you are in pain and I do not wish for it to turn into a headache from the noise and bustle of the Keep. Please, allow me to help you... let me take care of you..."
Aemond begrudgingly allowed you to return with him to his private chambers, though a maid also accompanied the pair of you. Just because you were betrothed did not mean you were allowed to be completely unchaperoned. After unbuckling his eye patch, you gingerly pressed the cool, damp cloth on the edges of the scar.
"If it hurts too much, I can have Milk of the Poppy sent for," You told him so that he may consider it.
"No, no," He shook his head slightly, "I've seen what it has done to my father and I do not wish for that."
When he waved your hand away from his face, you instead took to sitting beside him as he rested. You grabbed the eyepatch from his nightstand and gently began to clean the fine leather.
Aemond watchfully observed as your cleaned his patch. He watched as you carefully wiped each crevice and even the strap that rested around his head. The kind gestures caused a warmth to spread through his chest.
Suddenly, he felt guilty once more for snapping at you in the gardens earlier that hour, "My lady, you are too considerate for helping me."
"I do not mind it, my prince," You shrugged off the words as you returned the patch and cloth to their spots on the dresser.
"It is too much, more than I deserve, I'm afraid," He shook his head, his eye refusing to meet yours.
Softly, you rested your hand atop of his, "It is not too much. I do it because I lo—"
You stopped yourself, not wanting to burden him with words he was not quite prepared to hear. Then, you intertwined your fingers with his before speaking once more, "I do it because you matter to me, which is never too much to ask from someone who truly cares for you."
Aemond did not respond with his words. Instead, he simply looked to you. But it was a look that said a thousand words, as he gently squeezed your intertwined hands three times.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧
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dailyadventureprompts · 11 months
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Scragglmop the Destroyer
Once feared throughout the land, a great and terrible dragon grew tired of being endlessly hunted for his hoard and faked his death with the aid of a glory-hungry gnomish bard. Living on for centuries in the guise of a street cat, the dragon is now a hair's breadth from resuming his rampaging ways after the bard's descendants have lost the fortune he gave over to them for safe keeping.
Adventure Hooks:
A series of unexplained fires has wracked the city in recent weeks, which has both the guard and the populace on edge. Rumours swirl blaming arsonists, saboteurs from a rival kingdom, even an illegal duelling society of mages, but none have yet put it together that all of the workshops and businesses were all patronized in one way or another by the famed Candlebright noble family.
Coincidentally, Hignatta Candlebright, young head of that same noble house has sent an invitation to the party to join her at a famed teahouse to discuss a delicate matter involving the retrieval of stolen property. Hignatta has all but taken over the teahouse and its guestrooms since her own family home burned down near the start of the panic, and the party might begin to draw a connection when half way through their meeting the teahouse begins to fill with smoke, panicking patrons, and a booming, sourceless voice that demands "WHERE IS MY GOLD, CANDLEBRIGHT?!"
If you really want to mess with the party, consider introducing them to the fluffy street cat completely independently of the arson plot, making a nuisance of himself in the market while they're trying to shop, or catching mice in their store-room should they have acquired a residence in town. Have them befriend the cat as they might any bad-tempered stray, only to realize after the adventure is half way through that the mice he catches are always somewhat charred. Also imagine the looks on their faces the moment the party's home is broken into by an enemy and their housecat incinnerates a wave of intruders for disturbing his nap.
Background: Everyone knows the story about how the legendary hero Gailen Candlebright saved the realm from the tyrannical dragon Slaggrath, a beast known to devour whole armies and raze kingdoms in search of treasure. It's the ubiquitous tale against which all adventurers are measured against, made all the more ubiquitous thanks to the fact that the deed is memorialized in drinking ballads, children rhymes, and even a few folk operas. Gailen was a troubadour of not insignificant skill before he became a legend, and he had little trouble using that skill and hardwon fame to ensure his deeds would never be forgotten.
As with many tales told by the bards, Gailen left out quite a bit of the truth when concocting his tale: It was a late night in a roadside tavern and the young Candlebright was approached by a sourfaced man with a tangled beard and clothes that might have once been quite fine. Gailen had sung for his supper and then some, his hat was overflowing with tips from a long night's work and a greatful crowd, and the old man wanted to know how it was exactly that the Gnome hadn't yet been robbed; The roads were full of all sorts of rough types who thought that their strength entitled them to others' wealth, bandits yes but worse yet kingsmen, who took what they wanted sure that that they were above any kind punishment.
Seeing that the old man had fallen on rough times, likely having been robbed himself, Gailen spoke from the heart: He'd been robbed a few times yes, but he got by looking like someone that no one would bother to steal from, dressing in his fine clothes only on days he'd perform, and keeping most of his riches in the safe keeping of others, such as the caravan masters he frequently traveled along with.
The old man considered Gailen's words and the two sat up drinking through the night debating the merits of the Troubador's duplicity. Was it not better, asked the old man, to defend what was yours with strength and reputation, That everyone might learn from the failure of those that had trifled with you before?
Gailen looked at the many scars the old man bore and countered that fools never learned their lesson, they just thought themselves better than the last fool who risked it and they'd keep risking it till luck won out or they went to join all the fools that had come before.
It was dawn when the two parted ways, Gailen tottering off to bed thinking he'd given council to a reformed bandit chief, the old man slipping out of the inn and taking to wing thinking he'd concocted a brilliant scheme with the help of his newest, and perhaps first, friend.
i was a week (and one pants-shitting revelation over the old man's true draconic nature) later that the legend of Slaggrath came to an end: Gailen walking into that very same tavern bloodied, burnt, and with the broken off horn of the great wyrm held above his head as a trophy. The news spread like wildfire, the name Candlebright ascended to the shortlist of the realm's great champions, and not a soul questioned when the newly knighted Gailen comissioned the construction of an elaborate series of vaults beneith the castle he'd just been awarded. The bard had everything he wanted, and in return he and his family would hold the dragon's horde in trust, not touching a single copper and adding a little to it each year out of respect for the wyrm's generosity.
Future Adventures:
Even before he charmed his way into unexpected riches, Gailen was an ardent follower of Garl Glittergold, god of ambition, wit, and wariness. Genresavvy bard that he was, he understood that this fabulous windfall wasn't just some gift from his god, it was a test, and that to keep his good fortune going he'd best abide by the exact deal he'd struck in that tavern. Gailen kept Slaggrath's treasure under lock and key all his life and made sure his children did the same despite never telling them where he got it, in accordance with his pact with the dragon . Feeling that the Candlebright family has sat on its laurels for far too long (especially since practical and buisness minded Hignatta has been increasingly questioning why her late grandfather insisted on keeping a giant pile of money in their basement and never spending it), the god has seen fit to shake things up, ensuring that some long lost blueprints for the vault have fallen into the hands of a group of thieves, who broke in and cleared the vault though the very same secret passages Slaggrath used to pop in every decade or so and make sure the count was up to date. The dragon is pissed, convinced Hignatta has reneged on her family's deal.. and all the while the thieves get closer and closer to escaping.
Depending on how the party handles it this situation could break bad in any number of ways: The dragon could give up on being Scragglmop and go on a rampage forcing the party to put him down, they could intercede on Hignatta's behalf and ensure the treasure is returned possibly earning themselves a cushy position as retainers of house Candlebright, perhaps most dangerously they could earn the attention of Garl Glittergold himself and end up being singled out for their own unstable blessing.
In addition to being motivated by the prerequisite desire to get rich, the thieves were hired by an ambitious mage who has long desired to get his hands on Gailen's Horn, the draconic trophy the bard thereafter used as the sigil for his house and hollowed out into a heavy instrument through which he channelled his most showy magic. The mage has designs on the horn as the centrepiece of a ritual drawing on the object's history of power and triumph. Given that the horn is in fact the centrepiece of a giant con it's going to bring some very unaccounted for variables into the mage's ritual which is liable to set off its own chain of problems down the line.
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penvisions · 2 months
buckles and barley {new series masterlist}
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Fandom: Kingsmen - The Golden Circle
Pairing: Rancher! Jack Daniels x Ranchhand! Reader
Summary: You seek out a secluded ranch outside the city limits at the behest of your ill father. In search of one of his old friends he had lost contact with after returning from a deployment and a catastrophic fallout. But instead you find the charming, dedicated, and rather handsome son of the man who had already passed, Jack Daniels. A night of bonding over the iron wills of your fathers and you find yourself falling into bed with him, only to be called away by the hospital that your father had been rushed too.
Devastated but free from the ties of your former life, you return to the ranch a changed woman. With the help of a man who holds his own grief, you learn how to tend to the horses and maintain the land. Together, you dance around each other as the seasons change. Cultivating a life that you never envisioned for yourself.
Wordcount: undetermined
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, death of a loved one, strained family dynamics, grief, implied verbal abuse, implied anger issues, allusions to past relationships, reader finds herself, reader takes control of her life, minor injuries, accident prone reader, allusions to infidelity, miscommunication, pining, mutual pining, protective jack, adult content, sexual content, smut, p in v, unprotected p in v, oral (f and m receiving), more to be added as the story develops!
A/N: excited to delve into this once {by the grit of sandpaper} is concluded. will be doing a little bit of a different approach with this one, it's a new pedro character for me and i wanted to try writing a majority of this one before i begin posting to help establish a solid posting schedule!
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sneakie peek || fic teaser || chapter one header
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ladystardust-thinks · 11 months
high-achiever - e.u.
Request by: @stilessbaseballbat
Hello! Can I request an imagine with Eggsy where him and the reader are appointed to train the newbies, but they become too competitive and split the group in two - One is Eggsys group and the two the readers. They make a bed which group will pass the Kingsman training? (you can choose who wins and what the loser is going to have to do)
Eggsy Unwin x Fem!Reader
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A/N: It hasn't been long since I got that request. Sure. I totally didn't have it in my wips since forever. Anyway, I feel a little boring because of the choice I made on who wins but eh it's okay. It was like 4am. I'm proud of the OCs though 'cause I think they're pretty lovable. (aka I love them and they're my pretty little babies so you also have to love them, no pressure.)
Any feedback, is good feedback!! Correct me on anything you think is wrong.
word count: 2.1k
Tags/Warnings: She/Her pronouns!!, Jealous Reader if you squint really hard, kinda ooc eggsy?, OC x OC, reader is an overachiever, bad writing? English is not my first language, I learned it entirely out of social media, mention of a dog being shot (but not really), mention of reader having a dog (again, only if you squint.), Use of Y/N
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"Gawain! Get up!" Eggsy's voice echoes loudly through the woman's house as he swings all the curtains wide open. She winces at the sudden light and curses the boy through her teeth.
"Y'know Galahad, I have heard rumours about people saying good morning as a greeting. Also that is a total violation of privacy. Do you know that? It's important to me that you know that." The girl whines shoving her tired body towards the kitchen, pouring coffee in a mug.
"Good morning, Gawain." Eggsy pauses. "Alright, now, the trainees list just came in and Merlin told me we are to train them. So take a look at it." He pushes the papers towards her and she takes a sip from her coffee, not making an attempt to take the papers. She looks up at Eggsy like he had killed her whole family.
"Why are you all that excited?" She asks rhetorically, not waiting for an answer. "Well, first of all I've been there and it's interesting to see newbies in my position and second of all it's going to be something to add to my successes. I'm high already but I am aiming higher."
He answers in a matter-of-factly tone and sits opposite to the girl. "What makes you think you are going to be all that good at it. I mean I am going to be there sure but-" She was rudely cut off.
"Are you implying you are better than me, Gawain?" The agent says slowly with a smile forming on his face.
"I wasn't implying anything, actually. I thought that was obvious. But before you rudely cut me off and-" She grunts in annoyance. Yet again being interrupted. She didn't like being interrupted.
"Then we can put it to the test. Drink your coffee and get dressed we are going to HQ." He states and starts wandering around the house, almost too comfortable, opening her closet and pulling out her suit, throwing it on her bed.
"You're doing it, again! I don't really appreciate that! And how did you even get inside my house? I never gave you a key. The door was locked, the lock isn't broken. What the bloody hell! You can't just sneak in like that." The woman complains kicking Eggsy out of her room as she starts to change her clothes. "We are Kingsmen, Gawain. Nothing is ever locked." She heard him say behind the door.
The newbies were in their cabin and they looked terrified in this sort of fun way. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if she also looked that terrified her first day at HQ. No. She thought. She was too confident. Her friends and family were sure, that was going to be the death of her. She was always sure of herself. Always. She had always been competitive.
Her parents still teased about stuff she'd do when she was little, like crying when she'd land on someone else's property while playing Monopoly.
They didn't even pressure her into all of those academic successes, she just did it.
The competitive part of her - if not her only part - is also what brought her where she is, doing something that Merlin, probably, wouldn't really like. But just like there wasn't one bone in her body that wasn't competitive, there also wasn't one that wasn't a winner.
"Do we get to choose who's in our team?" She found herself whispering at Eggsy while the newbies conversed with one another. "If you have your eye on someone that you think would make it easier, then no." He answers nonchalantly.
"Damn it." She swears under her breath, disappointed. "But we could choose eachothers teams. Like I choose yours, you choose mine." He murmurs.
"Okay. Then I'm giving you Marie." She says checking the document in her hand to make sure she got the name right. "Why Marie?" Eggsy asks, genuinely curious. "I don't know she seems annoying, she'd talk your ear of and get you distracted."
"Oh. Well that's good, because I actually think she's quite-"
"Then no." She changes her mind and shakes her head, her eyes still at the trainees looking over the cabin like lost puppies.
The blonde smirks, he marks his coworker's initials next to 'Marie Brown' on his own document. "Marie?" He says looking at the group of people right in front of him, searching with his eyes for the short redhead. "Yes." She speaks up. "You're with Gawain." He states.
The girl sprinted towards the, not-so-thrilled, agent excitedly. She smiled with all her teeth and squealed, standing tall, next to her.
She threw a sarcastic, tight lipped smile smile her way, then turned to look at Eggsy, the grimace never leaving her face. He just tried to hide his giggles under his breath and smiled, looking only forward because he knew if he turned to look at the woman's expression, he'd break down in laughter.
Marie grasped her mentor's shoulder proudly and Y/N's eyes widened but Eggsy's ability to hold his laugh was only getting worse. She nudged his rib with her elbow and coughed. "Okay, Elliot, with Galahad." She marked the initials G.U. on her document and let a breathy laugh out.
His eyes widened and his eyebrows went up, he turned to look at her and Elliot walked over to him. "Hello, sir." He sniffed and put his hand out for Eggsy to shake. His voice was shaky. Eggsy looked at him, then back at his sweaty hand and shook it.
Elliot let go from Eggsy's hand and wipped his hands on his uniform, fixing it and clearing his throat, as he walks next to Eggsy.
"He does realize that we are almost the same age and I am not his teacher, right?" The agent turns to Y/N and she snorts shortly. "Dont be mean," she says quietly "that's my job." She continues.
"Well, this is going to be fun." Eggsy mumbles under his breath. Suddenly regretting ever planting the idea of a bet in the girl's head.
"Okay, so." She clapped once to get the attention of the newbies. "The next days are going to be full of missions and tests, but you have to keep two things in mind. Always listen to your mentor and of course always look at the bigger picture. You're going to be in danger, multiple times through out this training process. If you look too closely you don't think practical, you think hypothetical. And a Kingsman doesn't have time for hypothetical."
Eggsy found himself staring at the young agent while she spoke with such loyalty and dedication. There was always this on going banter between them, about who is better at this or that, little things. But it had been amusing for him how she took everything so seriously, like she just had to win. Even if that was just an unserious game of rock-paper-scissors. He couldn't help but wonder why she was so competitive, with everyone but especially him, at most times.
That being the only trait they had in common.
How competitive they both were.
In general they we really different, she was serious most of the time and she always went by the rules, more logical than emotional, she'd always follow a good piece of advice. Eggsy was a free-er soul, he is emotional, he gets attached really easily. A smart-ass if she's ever met one. And he had this weird hero complex she could never understand, this 'I'm saving the world.' kind of attitude. She wanted to wipe that smirk of his face, bring him down to earth, shout 'We're all saving the world here!' at him.
"Hello there." Agent Gawain told the newbies, wet like cats, seeming miserable.
"What the hell was that?!" Hayley whined, a trainee from Eggsy's team. "That was your first quest, and if it was hot in here you'd be thanking us now." He answered the blonde girl's question.
"What was surprising, something that has never happened before, was that all of you failed. We had to drain the water so you don't drown." Y/N told her trainees. They all looked at eachother awkwardly, ashamed, as the experienced agent put her hands over her chest disappointed.
"Are you kidding me? We almost died for your stupid training and we get scolded like we're little children? I am not dealing with this crap." She got her luggage from under her bed and pushed through Galahad and Gawain so she can leave. Eggsy grimaced, his nose scrunching and his eyes squeezing shut. "She left." He heard a familiar whisper from next to him. "I know." He said. "Okay. Hopefully by the next mission we won't have anyone storming off." He turned to the rest of the group.
It had now came down to the final choice. The two final trainees for the decision to be made were, ironically enough, Elliot and Marie.
The trainees were both at different rooms, one across from another. Agents Gawain and Galahad were both leaning on different walls, one across from another.
Both waiting nervously to hear the gunshot from their trainee's gun. The woman made a clicking noise with her tounge as the man constantly tapped his foot against the metal floor. "Nervous, Galahad?" The agent asks the blonde. "Never, Gawain." He answers.
Gunshots are heard from both rooms and the agents let out a breath they didn't know they had been holding, realisation came to them immediately and they locked in eachother's eyes. "Does this mean...?" Eggsy started. "I think so? It hasn't happened to me before." Y/N says confused and both Elliot and Marie come out of the rooms.
"I almost shot my Barney..." Marie says to her mentor with wide eyes, holding her dog close to her chest. "Yup I know, he's alright, Mar." Agent Gawain hugs her trainee, remembering how it felt to even think of shooting Stevie when she went through her own training.
"I- Me too." Elliot says, still shocked. She sees Eggsy over Marie's shoulder, as he sighs, grimacing yet again, questioning and giving two hesitant pats on Elliot's back she couldn't describe as confrontational. She laughs on Marie's shoulder and Eggsy rolls his eyes at her.
"Okay. I mean. Good news is...you're both Kingsmen now. And you have your dogs!"
Y/N says letting Marie go.
"Congratulations on your dedication."
Marie and Elliot start talking and Eggsy discreetly takes his coworker away.
"So it's tie?" He whispers.
"I guess so." She shrugs.
She looks back at Marie and Elliot. Elliot awkwardly laughs as he makes a depressing attempt to touch Marie's arm and she giggles putting some of her hair behind her ear.
"Well that's akward." She says and Eggsy follows her eyes and also looks at the, now, young Kingsmen.
"Let the kids be. They're living their love."
"You're making me have a mid-life crisis before my time, we're like two years older than them."
Eggsy sighs theatrically. "Yes, but they feel like my kids already. Look at them opening their wings."
Gawain rolls her eyes.
"Must be sad for you. Now you can't make a move on Marie." She says sarcastically.
"I just said that so you wouldn't put her on my team. Marie's not really my type."
"What's your type then?"
"I don't know. Witty, smart, boring agents that can't bare losing?"
"Sounds very specific for the sake of 'not knowing'."
"Familiar too doesn't it?" A proud smile plays around Eggsy's lips as he is staring at her.
"Yeah, it does. Thank god my type is annoying, funny, immature agents that I just can't get off my back." She grins.
"I'm pretty hard to get rid of. Would you break a rule, Gawain?"
"Only if I am to break it with such good company, Galahad."
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I would love to read your thoughts, i hope you enjoyed the story. Have a gorgeous day. Mwah!
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chaotic-orphan · 5 months
Master post of series:
All the links bring you to part one and the next parts are linked at the bottom of the post!
I will add the once off Whump drabbles overtime :)
They are ranked most to least popular~
Intoxicating fear
(Scared hero x telepath Villain)
Delirious villain x hero caretaker
(heroes vs villain war)
Defiant Leader x confident villain
Supermax prison
(Supervillain and rookie guard)
[There is only one part to supermax prison but it will be updated soon :) ]
Heroic betrayal
(hero betrayed by other hero)
The stranger
(vigilante Whumpee)
The immortal Hunter
(vampire whump)
Villain’s gift
[Supervillain gives Villain a present for their birthday]
The hero and the infant
(grumpy hero x superhero sidekick)
A Benignant Mischief
(Fantasy found family, young elf outlaw captured by enemy kingsmen whose orders are to capture any elf for trial before the King/ hurt/comfort— ish, it’s giving fuzzy vibes)
Twisted Love
(Hero lady Whumpee x villain male Whumper; creepy, intimate Whumper, absolutely zero consent, villain is a freak, be warned)
Febuwhump Masterpost
Hero/Villain Drabbles:
Cocky Hero to the rescue
Noble consequences
Whump drabbles:
That’s enough
June of doom (JoD):
JoD Day nine: part one / part two / part three
( I intend to make this into a series I just forgot about it until today)
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Hi! Just a random question. Do you also like movies and tv-series and if so, what are you into/can you recommend?
Thank you so much for your stories and snippets. I love every single one! X
Some of my personal favourite TV shows:
NBC Hannibal
Interview With The Vampire
Doctor Who
Inside Number 9
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
The Bold Type
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The Haunting of Hill House
Midnight Mass
Black Mirror
For casual watching/sitcoms, my favourites are Modern Family, Scrubs, The Good Place, One Day At A Time.
I am currently making my slow way through The Last of Us.
(There are also many, many others I have watched and enjoyed over the years)
Movies are hard! I go to the cinema a lot so most of what I see are new releases. I enjoy a lot, less sticks in my head. Some I think are amazing (e.g. Everything Everywhere All At Once, but I can't watch them again any time soon). Others are probably on everyone's 'great movies' recommendation lists already, so I'll try and avoid just re-listing those.
Crimson Peak
Legally Blonde
Little Women (Greta Gerwig version)
Cruel Intentions
Howl's Moving Castle
Pride, Prejudice and Zombies
Kill Your Darlings
Gone Girl
X-Men First Class
Knives Out
The Menu
Do Revenge
About Time
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thatdemiboymess · 2 months
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Been thinking about a Selkie!Arthur AU, here lately. I really like this idea. <3
Some info on this AU below the read more! I can't decide if it should be a LewThur AU or a LewViThur AU, rn, though. xD
• His vest is actually his coat.
• Only Uncle Lance and Mystery know that he's a selkie living in Tempo; Artie and Mystery are the only ones that know about Lance being a selkie, as well. Well, Duet might know, too.
• The rest of the Kingsmen family are alive! They just live closer to the sea than Arthur and Lance do since Arthur and Lance ventured further inland to satisfy Artie's curiosity; they settled in Tempo after Artie befriended Vivi and Lewis. They do still visit with the rest of their family pretty often, though - they'd lose their marbles being so far from the sea, otherwise.
• He has started numerous fights with people over folks almost touching his "vest" and will absolutely bite people over it. Trying to touch his vest will make him go absolutely feral and is the fastest way to start a fight with him.
• He's pretty distrustful of others but does trust a handful of the people in Tempo. Namely his uncle, Vivi, Lewis, Mystery, and Lewis' family. He does like Vivi's parents despite not really trusting them and he's civil towards grandma Yukino...sorta. Things are a bit tense between the two of them, to be honest. He just struggles to trust people he knows used to hunt supernatural beings in the past. Duet unnerves him and he hasn't been able to figure out why, just yet.
• The why is that Duet is actually a whale-shifter. Them being a whale-shifter is also why they have an idea as to what Arthur might be but they're not planning on telling him that any time here soon. He's already skittish enough around them, as is.
• Since the others don't know he's a selkie the possessiveness over his vest confuses them a little but they just assume it's because it must be sentimental to him so try to be understanding of it.
• Vivi has absolutely punched someone for trying to touch/take his vest when Arthur wasn't around despite not knowing why it's actually so important to him and Lewis has gotten involved with Arthur's fights a couple of times after seeing him start to panic/cry. This is part of why they're the only people he's comfortable leaving his coat with other than his uncle.
• Lewis tried to hand Arthur's vest to him once before he knew how protective Artie was of it. He was extremely confused by how flustered Artie got at first but ended up concerned after Artie started begging him to drop his vest. It was a whole thing. The incident actually led to Lewis himself becoming a bit over-protective of Artie's vest, himself, but he doesn't like to admit as much.
• That incident is actually what led to Mystery figuring out Arthur is a selkie - Mystery could tell he wasn't exactly human from the get-go but didn't know what he was before that point. Mystery teases him about it whenever he gets the chance, too - after all, who wouldn't tease someone about the time they had to reject an accidental proposal from their crush who wasn't aware they were even proposing to them? Arthur hates it - the whole thing is just super embarrassing to him, now.
• Arthur hasn't tried to revert back to his seal form since losing his arm - he's not ready to see how it will change his coat, just yet.
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lauritanaomystery · 9 months
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"You can do it!"✨
This comic is dedicated to people who have physical and psychological disabilities. a hard path but also full of curiosity and life, let's be happy and strong. Thanks to the people who participated in my streams on my YouTube's account
Kingsmen Innovations Co. is a corporation that is responsible for promoting and creating mechanical and robotic prostheses for people who need help. If Arthur could do with one arm, he can do more!!!
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expectiations · 3 months
i'm Tia, of legal age, she/her, and desperately trying to concoct a semblance of organizational skills.
it is really lovely of you though that you come to visit. The following links will, I like to think, give you a bird's eye view of subjects I am rather passionate about. And do drop in my asks! I love getting asks. Asks are cool.
i usually post doctor x river stuff but you'll find a smattering of other stuff here too. i love tumblr a LOT. it just hits different.
my favorite shows are My Little Pony, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Ninjago, Aang: The Last Airbender, Sherlock, Once Upon A Time, and The Gentlemen. My favorite movies are the Men in Black trilogy, Divergent, the Kingsmen, Princess Diaries, Maze Runner trilogy, the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the Eagle, Encanto, Mona Lisa Smile, The Proposal, and Cruella (2021).
wow. now that i see it in a list, i guess i've always been a sci-fi and fantasy fan.
Doctor x River Meta-ish
Did the Eleventh Doctor Really Not Give River Gifts?
"Dumb Darillium River"? - part 1, part 2
Is 12River better than 11River?
River's species, Child of the TARDIS
River and younger Doctors - sensible or crazy?
The Doctor giving River a way out
the Doctor protecting River
Baby River
he is your destiny, he is your doom
The Couple Who Waited
Other Stuff
The Doctor x River Song - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The Doctor x The Professor x The Master
Pond Family Minisodes
River as Patience - fic recommendation, 1
Gushing about DoctorRiver fics - part 1, 2
Watch List - #tia watches stuff
Writing Excerpts - part 1
Writing Prompts
What Should I Do Next? - #tia needs your help
Femme Aziracrow
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Handwritten - Hamish 'Merlin' Mycroft x Reader (Drabble)
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @witches-unruly-heart
Companion Piece to Letters
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The evening after Hamish finds the letter in your desk, he decides to write his own. He takes a letterheaded piece of paper from his study and sits down in the forest green Chesterfield, alongside the fireplace. The fire casts a warmth across his skin as he crosses one leg over the other and sets a book down upon his lap.
Smooth jazz is playing on the record player, dulcet songs that make him think of the last time you were in his apartment, the proximity of your body as you swayed together. Hip to hip, cheek to cheek, it’s the small moments he enjoys, the side of you that no one else gets to see.
He’s never written a ‘Just in Case’ letter before. He’s never had the need to. His friends are fleeting or Kingsmen themselves and his family are all deceased. If he perishes his estate is divided amongst a series of charities. Everything is taken care of, everything except you.
He uncaps the fountain pen, the nib hovering above the expensive paper. He thinks about what he wants to say, the words that refuse to leave his mouth when he’s with you, the ones that are on the tip of his tongue when you lay sleeping beside him.
To my dearest love, he writes. There’s so much that I wish I could have said.
Love Hamish? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Interested in supporting me? Join my Patreon for Bonus Content!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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msa-infection-au · 2 months
Minnie Family Infection Profile Pics, Rivas Family Infection Profile Pics, Yukino Family Infection Profile Pics, Kingsmen/Schmidt Infection Profile Pics
Minnie Family
Roger Minnie (Husband of Atta, Adopted Children of Bart, Cera, Muffet, and Others and Biological Children of Three Daughters; Dorothy 'Dorota', Esmeralda, and Amy)
Gender: Male
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0)
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0)
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Atta Minnie (Wife of Roger, Adopted Children of Bart, Cera, Muffet, and Others and Biological Children of Three Daughters; Dorothy 'Dorota', Esmeralda, and Amy)
Gender: Female
Status: Missing
Infected: ?
Injured: ?
Infected Stage/s: ?
Side Notes: Last Seen by
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Inventory: ?
Dorothy 'Dorota' (Parents of Roger and Atta, Adopted Older Siblings of Bart, Cera, Muffet, and Others, Sisters of Esmeralda and Amy)
Gender: Female
Status: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Esmeralda Minnie (Parents of Roger and Atta, Adopted Older Siblings of Bart, Cera, Muffet, and Others, Sisters of Dorothy and Amy)
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0)
Infected: No
Injured: Yes (Escape from Infected Dorothy)
Infected Stage/s: No
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Amy Minnie (Parents of Roger and Atta, Adopted Older Siblings of Bart, Cera, Muffet, and Others, Sisters of Dorothy and Esmeralda)
Gender: Female
Status: Missing
Infected: ?
Injured: ?
Infected Stage/s: ?
Side Notes: Last Seen by
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Inventory: ?
Weld Family
Andy Weld (Mike, Matilda, Others Children's Dad/Father and Husband of Zoe)
Gender: Male
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Zoe Weld (Mike, Matilda, Other Children's Mom/Mother and Wife of Andy)
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Lee Weld (Andy's Dad/Father and Husband of Aurora)
Gender: Male
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Aurora Weld (Andy's Mom/Mother and Wife of Lee)
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Mabel Weld (Andy's Grandma of Lee's or Aurora's Mom)
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Rivas Family
Lanco Rivas (Older Brother of Gia, Brother or Sister of Unnamed Dad or Mom, Uncle of Josh and Ecole, Others Niblings)
Gender: Male
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Inventory: Shotgun with Ammos, Guns with Ammos
Gia Rivas (Younger Sister of Lando, Brother or Sister of Unnamed Dad or Mom, Aunt of Josh and Ecole, Others Niblings)
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Inventory: Shotgun with Ammos, Guns with Ammos
Yukino Family
Mr. Yukino and Mrs./Ms. Yukino
Gender: Male and Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Grandma Yukino
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Kingsmen/Schmidt Family
Eddie and Aria Kingsmen/Schmidt
Gender: Male and Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
Danilela Kingsmen/Schmidt
Gender: Female
Status: Alive/Active, Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed]), Dead/Deceased, Missing
Infected: Healthy/Immune of Infection Stages (0), Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Infected Stage/s: Infected Stages (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 [Final Full Infection] -> 6 [Final Infection Transformed])
Side Notes:
Health: __/10
Sanity: __/10
Strength: __/10
Hunger: __/10
Thirst: __/10
Stress: __/10
Aggression: __/10
For @laurasanchez36
Msa Infection AU Alternate Universe Crossover belongs to me
Crossovers of AUs Alternate Universes belongs to me
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me
AUs Alternate Universes and Crossovers belongs to me
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to my msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to her msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs
Mystery Skulls Animated belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series
MSA Infected Infection AU belongs to my AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers Infected Infection AU 
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wthelvetica21 · 3 months
Mystery Skulls Animated Headcanons (Part 2)
🏵 Cast
His birthday is October 27th (Ghost MV’s release date). Allegedly he was born somewhere near Calcasieu River in Louisiana but he doesn’t know for sure.
He’s creole with his former surname being Dubec. While he tried to dig deeper Lewis has found very vague leads so while alive he just quit because to him his adoptive family is more important to him.
He not only is a skilled and self-taught vocalist and violinist but also knows plenty about other instruments.
When alive he barely if ever cursed at all unless for stressful situations. But as a ghost he loses that filter entirely and can’t go one moment without saying some variation of ‘fuck’.
Also as a ghost Lewis is alot more sardonic and quick tempered compared to when he was alive.
His deadbeats are paradoxically both an extension of Lewis’ subconscious and their own entities who form a symbiotic relationship with him as their ‘boss’ of sorts.
His birthday is April 16th (Freaking Out MV’s release date) in Tempo. He barely knew his mom aside from her name ; Gwendolyn. And has a very astranged relationship with his father Pen.
Arthur’s full name is Arthur Pendragon Kingsmen XIII. He wholeheartedly believes that alone makes him prone to bad luck.
While he isn’t aware of it, Arthur has some level of clairvoyance. He didn’t like investigations because he was skeptical of any paranormal activity. He thought there was going to be a time when something really bad would happen.
Arthur has known Lewis a bit longer than he’s known Vivi. He’s known him since kindergarten while the two of them met Vivi early in middle school. When they started dating he didn’t know how to feel about it since he wanted to confess to him about how he felt but didn't work up the nerve to say it.
He has night terrors of that incident with the cave. Sometimes they end with a feral Mystery looming over him while others is an obscure silhouette of Reverb taunting him.
She was born on October 13th (on a Friday no less and Hellbent’s Release Date) in Odessa to a stern and perfectionist anesthesiologist Dr. Aoi Yukino and yoga instructor Mimi Thomson Yukino. They moved to Tempo for work related reasons.
Vivi‘s been one of the best batters in Tempo High School’s softball team.
Her apartment has a room fashioned as a personal archive which consists of boxes of photographs, tape recordings and artifacts from prior investigations.
She runs a supernatural blog that used to be called ‘The Yukino Yuurei Archives’ before forming and rebranding the Mystery Skulls after getting Lewis and Arthur on board.
The reason she isn't as scared by paranormal activity is because it’s a special interest to her. One of her most prized possessions she has is a book on yokai given to her by Grandma Yukino as a birthday gift.
He’s a kit between two kitsunes from rival clans ; Hikari and Kage. Both of them didn’t accept him into their fold. As a result, he mostly wandered and did as he pleased.
After his fight against Mushi and Shiromori’s sudden betrayal he formed a contract with the Yukino clan. For what reason I’m going to go into my fanon section in Part 3.
While Vivi’s memories where altered by Lewis's inexperienced and unconscious use of magic after his spectral spark was ignited, Arthur’s were mostly suppressed by Mystery who had more experience.
Mystery did have a humanoid form but has been out of practice with his invite shapeshifting abilities since his tails were cut.
He can telepathically talk but simply choses not to so he wouldn’t blow his cover.
While his spectral spark does not have a particular elemental affinity it’s very potent to the point it can have the potential to create new life (I.e. Shiromori.) What that is something I’ll cover in my fanon next post.
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