drakomod · 8 months
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Finished portrait comm for @blumutt !!
Thanks for letting me draw him again X3
My commission info can be found here!
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wanderingsongbird · 1 year
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FULL VIEW PLEASE because curse you, compression
So, several weeks ago I had this idea for a vision thanks to @the-killer-kit
Their mun and I got to nattering about Kit and his perks and lore and--
This happened.
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skulkerdevils · 2 years
Got bored, finished the first chapter of the fanfiction I wrote.
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genrihgayne · 4 months
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AU or smth Tell me you can see my vision please I'm going insane (The Unknown is my scrunkly Smiley and I like how uncanny he is)
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transitcowboy · 5 months
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I kinda miss making YT thumbnails.
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arbolaria · 5 months
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accept this ghostfield please accept this ghostfield plea
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Creep!reader: "I'm afraid I can't help you sheep"
Meg: "WHAT?!"
Creep!reader: "Something like that requires massive arcane power and mastery to be even be able to pierce through the fog. Also... the Entity may or may not have rather compromising photos of me and Ghostface, so I'd rather not get involved"
Dwight: "S-She may or may not have pictures of you two in full fursuits? Cuz I may or may not have been there"
Creep!reader: "Actually, we may or may not have been covered in baby oil"
Jake, sighing heavily: "Ugh...well I guess the Entity wins"
Élodie: "..."
Élodie: "can we see the pictur—"
Creep!reader: "Get the hell out of my realm"
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kibbygutzzzz · 4 months
I saw your post about Feng and arcade in the New map, went to check your page bc it is funny and got jumpscared by your reblog of my art
Anyways, hiiii🌸
ooga booga
but also im very much a "the unknown is dwight" theory/au truther, although my favorite thing about the unknown is how up to interpretation he is!
getting into my theory however, first off, i mean. look at them.
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same hair and the same pants. however, dwight has short sleeves while the unknowns are rolled up. so take that how you will.
there were also three lines of his in the lobby that stood out to me.
"i lived in dungeons long forgotten."
"i'll send you a postcard."
"prepare for the expedition."
the first one could potentially reference the fog itself and the various realms within, the maps the trials take place in. many of which are relics of the past, left to rot.
the last two stick out to me due to dwight having entered the fog on a camping expedition, being abandoned by his coworkers in the woods.
dwight before the fog was already a bit of a questionable person, having drugged his boss in his tome lore. granted, he had no idea it would result in his boss nearly beating someone to death, but it was odd he even did that in the first place.
take this one with a grain of salt as it references a non canonical game, but could give us insight into dwights feelings regarding the fog and being the "leader" of the survivors.
to paraphrase his monologue down to the most telling parts,
"watching wraith get eliminated was the first time in this unending spiral staircase of pain that is my life that ive felt even a modicum of joy."
"every minute that i'm alive is a nightmare."
"please, erase me from this existence. make it so i was never born. pull the plug on this experiment and let my soul be free!"
if this is how he feels about being in that resort for eternity, how do you think he feels leading such an increasingly large group of people? in a realm such as the fog?
dwight most likely finally went off the edge, and the entity took that opportunity to turn him into it's newest killer, possibly using him to lure in new survivors as well.
as for the the unknown being so violently deformed and twisted, i can see that representing dwights once altruistic ideals being contorted and twisted over time into resentment and a desire for power.
although. this is just a theory. i wonder what kind of theory :3c
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thecablesout · 5 months
Dead by Daylight music video I made. It flopped on YouTube so I’m counting on you guys!!
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rootsofdread · 9 months
I live for goofy moments with survivors mid serious matches tbh. Nuthin'better than throwing the game because some guy found a way to jump on the table!
Ace, Rebecca, Feng and Dwight with a usually ferocious killer, who's easily amused and/or distracted? They basically see red at all times, running and slashing and tearing everything apart.. untill people stop running away and start doing something unconventional for the place. They see a survivor behind the counter in the Dead Dawg Saloon? Yeah, no, it's not a hunt anymore, it's a bar night. Someone watches TV at Lery's memorial? That's their favourite thing to do now, too! And the carnival games.. Don't even get them started on carnival games. So it's mostly the matter of "who can entertain the said killer for the most time possible" instead of "who can outrun them" most times :)
🦞 uhavefuntoo
this was a fun one to write hehe!! fun fact i based the dwight one off of an experience i had in-game, i can't remember if i was playing dwight at the time but i had gone to pet maurice with two of my teammates and while we were petting him our killer, a nurse, came over and just watched us for a little bit, then left. IIRC, she massacred us, but it was funny X)
(i also tried to amuse a sadako in a similar way...i pretended to be watching one of her TVs, crouched in front of it, was pointing at it, and so she teleported through it, which got me to laugh. she also ended up killing me though lol)
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Dwight Fairfield: 
For the most part, Dwight is so afraid of you that anything funny or distracting he might do is completely by accident. For example, when he was trying to hide from you on the grounds of Father Campbell’s Chapel. He ducked down by Maurice’s favorite tent, hiding slightly behind the horse hoping you wouldn’t see him. He began gently petting Maurice to calm himself down, because he swore he could feel something looming over his shoulder. The feeling kept nagging at him as he pet the animal…until he decided he should turn around, and saw you staring at him. But there was something different about your demeanor — you seemed to have calmed down. He was still petrified, of course. Especially when you moved closer and crouched down beside him. He almost bolted away, but you started petting Maurice with him. Confusing as it was, he decided…whatever keeps you from killing him. Maurice seemed happy, too.
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Feng Min:
Feng has quite the penchant for messing with killers. Whether or not they ever enjoy it could be up for debate, but it doesn’t stop her from doing it, and she always has fun with you. Every time the two of you are running through the Dead Dawg Saloon, she’ll make some distance between you and her and dive behind the counter inside the saloon, and when you finally catch up to her, she pops up from behind it and announces she’s here to take your order. Seeing the immediate change in your demeanor amuses her to no end, when you suddenly stop and politely approach the counter. Typically, you two will end up playing barkeep for the rest of the match while Feng’s teammates finish generators and everything. Sometimes, other survivors will wander in and either be confused by the scene or decide to join in your games. Either way, Feng loves having fun with you like this.
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Ace Visconti:
Of course, Ace is no stranger to testing his luck, especially when it comes to killers. He was testing wacky ways to lose you or direct your attention to something else long before he knew how easy it really was to distract you. He didn’t truly discover this until one day, when running from you around the carnival grounds of Father Campbell’s, he decided to stop at one of the booths. It was a milk jug ring toss game, he figured if he landed a shot, maybe it’d amuse you enough to leave him alone for now. To his surprise, you actually stopped your bloodthirsty rampage to watch him play the game, and you even took a turn after he’d thrown a few. He soon realized, after a couple rounds, was actually having fun with you. A killer…! If he would’ve known this was going to work, he would’ve done it a long time ago.
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Rebecca Chambers:
Rebecca doesn’t tend to goof off during trials, not even with other survivors, especially not with a killer. Normally, she wouldn’t be particularly inclined to waste time either, but during a trial between the two of you inside Lery’s Memorial, as she was running from you she was quickly realizing she was running out of ways to keep you distracted. She noticed a television up the hallway, and as a last-ditch effort, sprinted towards it and called a time-out to watch TV together. She didn’t think it would work. But you actually stopped and lumbered towards the TV with your head cocked, and you stood next to her in front of the screen. She was still tense, but internally, she heaved a sigh of relief. Somehow, it had worked…she had gotten you to calm down and stop terrorizing everyone for a few minutes. In a way, it was nice, almost….
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hexbimbo · 24 days
DBD Random Hc #3
Survivors that are killed in trial are briefly reincarnated into Crows should they choose to spectate. When the last person has escaped (or killed) they will return to their human forms.
When a Killer “Dc’s”, it’s actually the Entity taking the killer for a much needed “lesson”. Survivors assume it occurs with continuous lack-luster performance.
Survivors are big on naps. They enjoy curling up by the fire or snuggling up in communal cabins on chilly nights.
Trails aren’t continuous. Typically, a survivor participates 2-3 times a week. Killers participate 3-5, depending if they are particularly blood thirsty. This is done so the Entity can savor in the breaking of the spirit.
A trial can last between an 1-4 hours. The quickest recorded trial was 34 minutes, Killer won.
A generator takes an average of 5-10 minutes to complete. Survivors and Killers both sneak out generators to power their living spaces.
The Entity has a sense of humor (BBQ events, My Little Oni.) Does this to lift spirits and stagger the process of “feeding.”
The Entity is very weak outside its relm. Hence, why it only takes people every few months. Continued exposure to out worlds sun greatly damages it.
Blighted Killers and “Archivist” Survivors are future versions of the Entity’s downfall era. Blighted killers need the extra strength to beat down the survivors. Survivors begin to use the Observers notes, tools, and research to fight back.
Voided survivors or killers probably lost hope or began to lose themselves as trials went on.
Jonah is obsessed with patterns. They don’t have to be about math either. “Felix takes a sip of water everytime Élodie sits and we have one mega cabin for two tents on the east-“
Jeff learned how to tattoo! The most popular ones he’s given are Survivors perk emblems with the forth empty diamond being “Hope.”
That guitar strumming survivors hear while in the lobby? That’s Kate! No noise makes her go nuts.
Nobody liked Dwight at first but for some odd reason, was looked to as a leader (albeit a very “mid” leader.) Most of the time, he has no idea what he’s doing. Even stranger, his cheesy advice is USED and WORKS.
“What’s the move Dwight?”
“We gotta do gens and live 🧍🏻‍♂️.”
*escapes with zero hooks and deaths.*
Yun-Jin followed the tenants of the 4B movement. ( “4 No’s.” Essentially excluding sex/romance (with men in particular) and children in favor of a more independent lifestyle.)
Everyone forgets Yoichi exists. Everyone. Kinda like a Hetalia Canada situation.
Vittario frequently experiences culture shock. Due to no one knowing 1300’s Italian, he just points at something, acquires the word, then uses word as needed.
“Vito! Did ya’ see Jane?”
“…She’s at the bus?”
“Bus 🗿.”
Alan was genuinely shocked (if not a little saddened) that no one knew who he was. Writes little books, essays, or theories based on his life in the fog.
Yui will always put her girlies first. Not that she doesn’t like the male survivors but rather believes that women should always have each others backs.
Gabriel is a closeted Agere though he doesn’t quite understand/realize. Enjoys childish knick-knacks, rough play, and has a very active imagination. However, he feels deep shame with the interests and typically regresses in private.
Unknown, Demo, and Dredge are all best buds. No explanation required.
Tarvös and the company spend their down time with drinking games and hunts. Best catch has the honor of roasting it up for a feats. (Literally a medical BBQ)
Evan experiments with art mediums in his free time. Nothing major. Mostly scrap sculptures that he tinkers with. Oddly nice to look at. His most popular one is a crow made from old tin, copper wire, and nuts. Spins in large wind gusts.
Blighted Legion is very protective of their body. Similar to Charlotte and Victor, holds each others hands. Also self hugs, caressing, and soothing murmurs. Despite it mainly being Franks body, personas frequently switch in and out. Uses “We” in place of “I”.
Wesker has acquired a small fan club of people in the fog who think he’s oh-so handsome or cool (read legion). He’s in on the joke and approves it for the ego boost.
Adrianna is a Karen. No one likes her. Not even the other killers. Was the person who made a scene when a minimum wage employee forget her extra sauce.
Nemesis lies dormant when not in a trial. Almost statue like. This goes for the zombies too. Only animates in the queue zone and in a trial.
Same for Sadako. Resides in the well until called upon.
Herman actually had a normal childhood. Loving mom, hard working dad, maybe a little sister. I just think his “appreciation” for the sciences was not well monitored.
Jefferey is an open mouth breather. Yea, it smells exactly like you’re thinking.
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wanderingsongbird · 2 years
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Ya know...
gonna go ahead and post this full render here and not just have it in the rp I have going on with @the-killer-kit
XD; It was meant to be a sketch but I got carried away so much. And I'm super proud with how it came out
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cfangi-art · 10 months
He’s so silly and confused
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
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Dwight mind ur fucking business
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levorulny · 2 months
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Неправильное отражение в зеркале? Да, мне не стыдно Скромный подарок ко дню рождения
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transitcowboy · 9 months
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He has every disease.
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