wanderingsongbird · 2 years
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Ya know...
gonna go ahead and post this full render here and not just have it in the rp I have going on with @the-killer-kit
XD; It was meant to be a sketch but I got carried away so much. And I'm super proud with how it came out
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wanderingsongbird · 2 years
mistletoe kiss ~ ;) @the-killer-kit
Well, this should not have been unexpected, but having Kit in her line did startle Kate a little. Yet, there was no urge to run, no desire to hide. None of that fear clawing at her mind like it had in that trial.
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And he'd brought her a rose?
No one else had brought tokens, but the songbird hadn't expected any gifts.
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Christ, she hoped that she would not come to regret this.
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wanderingsongbird · 2 years
Streaked with the blood of his last target, Kit waltzed his way throughout the realm of Coldwind with his eyes trained on the fields, seeking out any movement. It didn't take him long to spot golden hair hiding amongst the golden stalks, and he smirked, twirling his knife in his hand as he broke out into a run towards the camouflaged survivor. "Oh, Ka-ate," he chirped in a singsong voice that dripped with malice and bloodlust. [@the-killer-kit]
Kate had thought that her hair would help her blend in with the corn -- it had in the past if she had moved carefully. There had been times that she had been completely missed before. Yet when she heard his voice croon out her name, she felt ice trickle through her veins. Thankfully, that feeling of terror didn't freeze her feet.
The blonde took off through the field, the dry stalks rustling in her wake. Sometimes she'd indulge herself in these sorts of chases, but ever since coming into this one, the terror just dug in, refusing to budge. That just meant she had to play this smarter and try to lose him. The small songbird ended up near one of the wooden structures and slapped a hand on the corner, using it to help propel her around the corner quicker.
Somewhere, she hoped one of the others were focused on finishing up the gens. Perhaps she could keep this one distracted. She could hear him catching up, so she kept up the pace. Kate knew she couldn't outrun him, so her only chance was to just keep him busy.
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