#kibum headcanons
chicken-fifi · 1 year
Kibum Headcanon - You Randomly Perform at a Concert
Requested by anon: Hello! May I request a Kibum scenario that fits in with part 1 of the Band reaction? In his case, he notices a lot of concertgoers staring and pointing at his S/O while they're enjoying the concert. He finds out about his S/O's musical talents when, after it's announced there's an issue with an act, his S/O finds the organizers and volunteers to perform. Bonus: two of Y/N's bandmates are also in attendance and rush to the stage to join them. Kibum is just gobsmacked by the epicness he sees.
A/n: For the time being I decided to make a headcanon, I can always write an imagine at a later date if you would me too.
From the start of the show Kibum had noticed various stares and fingers being pointed in your direction
Yet no one made a move to come over
He had assumed that maybe they had recognized him
Or you since you were dating him
But he never thought it would be because they recognized you as a member of a band
He finds out when a younger teen comes over with no hesitation and asks if you can give them your autograph and maybe take a picture if you don't mind
To say he's shocked by the request going to you and not him is an understatement
He's catching flies in his mouth as you explain to him that you're a member of a band
A band that he has heard more than once playing on the radio and during filming breaks
But not once did he recognize your voice on the records
And then he's left in an even greater state of shock as you take the stage after an act wasn't able to make it in time for their scheduled time
In no time others are joining you on stage
Your groupmates
Quickly stepping in help buy the performers some time and calm the crowd a little bit
The entire time his eyes are glued onto you
His brain trying to connect wires and process everything he is seeing
Before he ultimately gives up and just decided to enjoy the spontaneous show
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kiestrokes · 6 months
Kie, I am in desperate need of some SHINee hard hours 👹 but also soft bc you know I am a soft bby
So what do you think would make the members go feral for you but in like a ✨tender✨ way, and how would that manifest?
SHINee Soft Kinks That Lead to Hard Hours | NSFW
Pairing: SHINee x Gender Neutral!Reader/You/Yn Rating: NSFW. Mature (18+) Minors DNI. Genre: hard hours, headcanon, imagine, fluff, smut. Warnings: Jonghyun is mentioned below, warning to my fellow Shawols who still find it difficult to read or see him.
Sexually Explicit Content: non explicit smut, kissing, biting, marking, fondling.
🗝️ Note: @chans-room I might kick you out of the jaeger (again) for this...esp after you know I was secretly drooling over Minho's tummy in our DM's last night. Nothing is beta read per usual.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction; I do not own any of the idols depicted below.
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Kim Jonghyun We are going to keep Jjong PG-13 out of respect, but Jjong's biggest soft kink is eye contact, add in touching and you've seen how it instantly makes him a magnet to other members and idols. Jonghyun needs to caress and kiss every inch of your body and as soon as its reciprocated, it's like you set him on fire in the best way possible.
Lee Jinki Ohhh Jinki 🫠 hear me out...Jinki's soft kink is laughter. He loves laughing, but a person who is just so willing to laugh too? Oh, he is whipped. It takes you a little while to figure this out, why this man is always attacking you with kisses in the middle of your giggles and smiles. Jinki is soft and romantic, intimacy with him is slow and sustained. He's holding off his orgasms for an hour, working you slowly through several first.
Choi Minho MinhoeMinhoeMinhoe. The way to this man is through his stomach. You make him a feast and he's immediately taking you to bed afterwards. Where you can’t stop yourself from kissing a nipping at his swollen belly. His abs still faintly outlined underneath the stretch of his stomach. He has the softest, most supple skin from his strict skincare and grooming schedule. Fed Minho is a little slower about things, he's going to take his time. Making everything all that much more intense. Not as drawn out as Jinki, Minho is sensual and you're both coming in no time.
Kim Kibum Can I do this? Yes...okay. He might be the hardest to configure when it comes to soft kinks, I think Kibum really loves receiving gifts. Especially if he doesn't have to tell you himself. I can just imagine it's a random Tuesday morning and you picked up something he had been eyeing a couple weeks ago (you also feed the dogs because Kibum cannot stand the smell of their food). He gasps, clutching the item and then clutching you. Peppering you with kisses between his praise. He is quick to reciprocate in working your body to a quick orgasm with that talented mouth and pretty hands.
Lee Taemin I think for Taemin it is honestly anyone that can keep up with him dancing. In the middle of the club, the undulating bodies, the closeness of everything. The minute your hips track with his and you never step on his toes, not even once 👀 Taemin is ready to corral you into a dimly lit corridor. Being intimate with him is not quick, everything is sensual and drawn out mirroring the way that he dances. He takes his time, because there is no need to rush in our little cancer bbys mind. Little touches from his small hands everywhere until you're dragging his pretty lips back to your mouth. Taemin doesn't mind when you take control, but he still has these tendencies (the grip on your waist, on the back of your neck, in his gaze) that let you know he is in mutual control.
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© COPYRIGHT 2023 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
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blu-joons · 10 months
Kisses With SHINee ~ SHINee Headcanon
Jinki is the type of kisser who will always try and bring a smile to your face whenever he’s kissing you
Quite often you can feel his smile whenever he kisses you too as he can’t help but just get excited
His favourite place to kiss is against your cheek, with bonus points for Jinki if he manages to catch the corner of your mouth too
He loves the comfort of being around you and being affectionate, it makes his heart incredibly warm
Whenever you’re not smiling, Jinki will be there trying to kiss the smile back onto your face again
If he’s struggling to find the words they’ll usually be a kiss placed from him to try and express himself
One of your favourite things is how shy Jinki becomes though when he’s affectionate around others
There’s a mutual understanding when it comes to kisses that the two of you both greatly value
Kibum is the type of kisser who will always be dramatic and try his best to get a laugh out of you
Almost every time he kisses you there’s a loud pop when he kisses you to make sure that you know he’s there
His favourite place to kiss you is against your jaw as Kibum knows it's your most ticklish spot to be kissed on
He loves the simplicity of kisses and how they can go a long way to making the two of you smile
Every morning you’re greeted by a kiss from Kibum, it’s the first thing he always does as his morning routine
One of the things you love to try and do is make him go shy when you kiss him and leave him speechless
He’s definitely not afraid to kiss you in public, Kibum isn’t afraid of showing off his relationship with you
A kiss from Kibum will always brighten your day, he always knows how to kiss you how you want to be kissed
Minho is the type of kisser who will protect you and make sure that you know that you’re not alone
He’s never one to shy away from the chance to kiss you either, Minho will take every opportunity he gets
His favourite place to kiss you is against the top of your head so that he can bundle you up in his arms
He loves the romance, very rarely will you be kissed by Minho without being swept off your feet first
One of the things he can always tell is when you’re down, and to cheer you up, a kiss will surely follow
Quite often sneaky kisses will appear from behind you, with Minho snaking his arms around your waist
There’s a time and a place for kissing you in public as far as Minho is concerned, he never makes a big deal
If there’s one thing that can be guaranteed from Minho with kisses, it’s that he’s the perfect gentleman
Taemin is the type of kisser who will get shy around you, kissing you properly makes him very giddy
Kisses remind Taemin that he’s with you, something that he often struggles to truly believe
His favourite place to kiss you is against the tip of your nose, as he loves when you kiss him there too
He loves the intimacy that can often come with kisses as it manages to bring you both closer together
One thing that you often let Taemin know with a kiss is that you’re proud or that you’re impressed with him
No other kiss means as much to him as a reunion kiss though, especially when you’ve been apart for a while
Kissing you around others is very rare for Taemin, mostly as he knows it makes him vulnerable for a teasing
The feeling after a kiss is a particular favourite part for Taemin too when he can feel the kiss lingering
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spacequokka · 6 months
Shinee Masterlist
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Key: [F=Fluff, S=Smut/Suggestive, A=Angst, H=Humor, P=Platonic, T=Thriller]
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Page 270 [F]
Let Me See [S] - 0.0k - Your boss reads your dirty thoughts about him in the diary you left behind.
Page 192
Page #
Enchanted [T/S] - 0.0k - House-sitting for your uncle takes a deadly turn upon the night of a blood moon. Your only hope lies in the hands of a stranger who isn’t what he seems.
Page 156 [F]
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Turn Ons & Kinks [S]
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"The most beautiful thing in all the world is right now. This moment. You. Don’t ever forget that." ~Jonghyun (banner by @classicscreations​​, thank you indi! 🥹)
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shawolnumberfive · 11 months
My current member relationship status headcanons just based on VibesTM:
Minho’s got a secret girlfriend, and wedding/pregnancy announcement is imminent.
Taemin’s single, not opposed to dating but not looking either. He’s got a lot of solo work and traveling ahead so when will there be time?
Kibum had a heartbreak in the past that left him just wanting to be alone for a long time.
Jinki recently got out of a long term relationship and it was actually really hard on him.
No, but seriously, these are just idle thoughts passing through my skull, not based on any facts and I’m not claiming them to be facts, so calm your horses.
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frwnkie · 2 years
* seo dante !
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+ “ sometimes people pretend you’re a bad person so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you. ”
key words! : demian, amy, gêmeos, fazenda, culto, rituais, lagoa, violência, assassinato, fuga, universidade, natação, morte, ilha, chá, traição, álcool, drogas, escola, kibum, livros, casamento
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* tem 27 ANOS e atualmente reside em GAECHEON, sendo a sua cidade natal BOSEONG. neste universo sua alma está ligada à KIM TAEHYUNG, talvez seja por isso a semelhança. se ocupa atualmente como ESCRITOR e PROFESSOR na universidade yonsei em seoul, além de ser FUNDADOR de um projeto social de desenvolvimento infanto-juvenil na cidade.
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* trivia !
seu nascimento foi em 14.02.1995, seu nome foi registrado como seo dohan e tem uma irmã gêmea. sua altura é 183cm e seu peso atual é de 72kg. é homossexual e panromântico, tendo casado com noh kibum no dia 24.10.2022.
* headcanons !
seu primeiro e único namorado antes de casar-se com kibum está preso por tentativa de assassinato. o homem, ao ver que dante estava com outra pessoa, tentou matá-lo.
em prol de defender o atual marido de um ataque mortal de sua família, dante cometeu um assassinato brutal onde dilacerou o pescoço do invasor usando apenas os dentes e o corpo foi dado pela polícia como morte por ataque de um animal selvagem ao ser encontrado dias depois.
dante é extremamente ciumento e possessivo, mas não chega a ser restritivo com o marido pois confia nele. sua demonstração é regada de singelos atos que reforçam os direitos dele sob seu cônjuge.
apesar de ser eloquente e ter se acostumado com interações ao longo dos anos após a fuga dos seus pais, dante ainda é muito tímido e desconfiado, além de inexpressivo na maior parte das suas interações.
a questão que mais o incomoda no momento é a repercussão do seu relacionamento e sexualidade uma vez que é uma figura midiática de certa relevância no meio onde está inserido. tem o constante medo das reações negativas que seu amor pode trazer não só para a sua carreira, mas para o marido.
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kurapike · 2 years
also im drunk who wants to share coquette kibum headcanons
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moriiyun · 2 years
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welcome to the library !
here is the selection of what we have to offer !
seventeen as a varsity volleyball team | headcanon
─ ot13 ; hyung line | maknae line
two captains (we've come so far) | oneshot
─ kwon soonyoung | hoshi/lee jihoon | woozi ; here
i'll count the years (we'll end up in fields of green) | oneshot
─ choi minho/kim kibum | key ; here
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© moriiyun 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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kikisfuneralservice · 2 years
always wanted to know what kim kibum is like as a boyfriend? your questions have been answered…
includes NSFW content‼️
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loves to randomly just pat your head and rough up your hair 
random ass massages 
not even massages tbh he just rubs your back and shoulders when he sees that you’re tense and he doesn’t really know how to comfort you so he tries to calm you down in that way
always holds the door open for you- he’ll deadass sprint around to the passenger seat of the car to open the door for you and it’s embarrassing but he’s infatuated with you
loves squeezing your hand and kissing your knuckles 
will give you his coat and gloves if you forgot one no matter how cold it is outside
either that, or he pulls you into his big coat because it’s long and warm and could probably fit the both of you anyway 
always had umbrellas he could easily transport around, but he decides to get one of those really big ones so that he has one whenever he goes out with you so you both can share an umbrella
also likes doing the singin’ in the rain shit 
spins the umbrella in your face so all the water gets all over you but apologizes right after 💀
will get you anything you point at 
“ah that sweater is so pretty- why are you walking in”
loves to spoil you too
just cuz :)
always ends up smiling a little when he kisses you and you can tell but it’s so cute that you have to smile too
makes sure you have everything you need before you leave the house
“do you have keys? hand sanitizer? mask? wallet? phone? you forgot your phone last time please don’t forget it”
you both have a face id/fingerprint set up on each other’s phones bc you were tired of shoving it in each other’s faces 
likes setting you cute little reminders
it could be 6pm on a tuesday and u get a reminder like “make sure to keep wearing ur chapstick so ur not crusty when i kiss u when u come home <3”
quite affluent and loves spending it on you, which makes you uncomfortable sometimes knowing you could never get him something back as beautiful as the gifts he gets you
he also gets you the cartier love bracelet MUAHAHAHA
you get embarrassed whenever he whips out his card when you’re fumbling with the 5s in your hand and dropping coins all over the floor
you can’t stand the foul smelling colognes so he wordlessly dumps it in the trash and replaces it with a lotion or a softer scent
always gives you his clothes because he wants you to look stylish along with him
always has his hand around your waist
he just loves touching you he can’t not 
just… just likes feeling you up a little
or a lot
his hands go everywhere all at once, one second his hand is squeezing your ass, then it’s on your chest, then on your stomach, then on your thighs he just can’t make up his mind
always pulls you in by your waist because he knows where you like it
usually are rough make out sessions just because he’s passionate, not aggressive, but he’s also excited and aroused at the thought of you
likes handjobs
a lot
and blowjobs even more 💀
he loves feeling your hands on him as much you love feeling his hands on you
always gets excited seeing you pull your hair out of your face and getting on your knees
also rubs the top of your head,,, again,,, but for different intentions
wants you to undress him because he doesn’t ever want to be too hasty or cheap for you and will let you enjoy yourself as much as he is
also just likes watching you touch yourself,,, or walking in on you touching yourself 💀
also just has a humiliation kink OOPS 
he loves knowing he has you wrapped around his fingertips 
REALLY just likes to sit back and watch you like fr
he buys different toys for you. sometimes he deadass just comes home and you’re like “how was today?” and he’s like yeah it was okay by the way i got this 7 inch dildo
likes seeing you in cute little panties that are way too small for you and nothing fits but it doesn’t matter bc the lace is pretty and he just wants to latch his lips onto you
also just a lot of oral like a lot
loves seeing you desperate!!! only for him!!! whether that’s you hornily grinding against a pillow like a dog or watching you bounce up and down it all excites him
likes to go rough on you- everything is fast and he wastes no time to get you undressed and thrown on a surface to be fucked on
gets immense satisfaction out of your humiliation whether that’s cumming too early or screaming at the top of your lungs he wants it all
on the other hand, he also wants to be manhandled by you in return
quite literally gives you permission to ruin the skin on his arms and back as you drag into them and slap him
french kissing and hickeys everywhere
loves leaving feather kisses in your weak spots to see you throw your head back in pleasure
go go go!
thank you for reading yet again!!! the comfort series will be continued as planned and is now back on schedule, but i thought i would post a little something in between then and now, and i hope you all enjoy!! if you haven’t already, you can follow me on twitter at @notbumkeyk and let me know if you want to be added to my taglist. <3
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muselin · 2 years
first off i'd like to note that your new ff is absolutely fucking amazing, next i'd like to ask you something!
what do you think each shinee member likes to be called in bed ? daddy, sir, master, baby, etc etc. (bonus points if you'd like to add what they like to call their s/o!)
🗑anon hi!!! Omg you have no idea how popular you are behind the scenes in my circle lol. I'm talking conspiracy theories about who you might be, but mostly how hot your asks are haha ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
So, on with what's essentially a headcanon --
SHINee Headcanon - What they like to be called in bed
What he likes to be called:
Daddy. Yep. I have sat there watching his live as he read out comments calling him daddy and just smiled. No blushing, no "hajimaaaa", no acting shy or nervous. It matches his sweet and caring (and not-so-well-hidden filthy) disposition. This man is fully comfortable being called daddy and I bet my bottom dollar that nothing turns him on quicker than whispering it in his ear when you want him to want you instantly.
What he likes to call his s/o:
I am sticking with English words and not going cringe to explain the Korean equivalents, hope you understand. So Onew would probably like to call his s/o prince or princess, baby, little boy/little girl. All the ones that match "daddy". I would not put age play past him, to be honest.
What he likes to be called:
His name or "sir". When he's feeling playful or vanilla, his name affectionately called or moaned sensually makes him melt a little bit. And when he's feeling like playing rough or disciplinarian, he likes to be called "sir" and you are in for pain if you don't comply.
What he likes to call his s/o:
Babe or their name, or "whore" if he's feeling spicy and domineering. Obscenities are rare with him but he isn't above using a time-honoured one when the situation calls for it (i.e. when he's making you beg and cry and worship his cock like a perfect little whore).
What he likes to be called:
"Master" or random obscenities, depending on if he's domming or subbing for you. Bastard, fucker, slut, bitch - he doesn't mind, as long as they're appropriate to whatever role he's playing that night. Words don't matter to him as much as the feeling behind them, and obscenities convey so much - you being driven crazy by his teasing, you loving how he begs for you when you're punishing him, you generally being driven crazy by him which is always an ego boost.
What he likes to call his s/o:
Master/Mistress if you're domming (and instructed him to), slut if you're subbing for him. He likes his balance. I mean, he's a Libra, what are we expecting.
What he likes to be called:
An affectionate version of his name, kitten, or baby and sugar if he's feeling subby and wanting to be taken care of. He can sometimes ask you to call him "bitch", if he just wants to be fucked hard and proper or wants to be punished. Much of the time he acts like a prince though, so spoiling it is.
What he likes to call his s/o:
Honey, baby, their name or if he's very very subby, he might say sir or ma'am. He's generally not so much "with the words" as he is with just expressing the level of address with his actions, like curling up at your feet waiting for instructions, or if he's feeling more equal, just kissing you all over and never taking his hands off your body.
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iluvchanniesposts · 2 years
you know you love it. [[SHINEE]]
lee!taemin, lers!minho and key.
this is a tickle fic, if you’re not into that then i suggest scrolling now.
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“ahhh, get off!” taemin squealed as he tried to pry minho’s hands off his sides. he was sat between minho and ki-bum, watching a film together. minho became playful, occasionally poking or pinching taemin’s sides. the tickling made him weak, and eventually he fell into ki-bum who was sat on the other side to him. “key-help me please!” he giggled pathetically as he tried to push minho’s hands away. ki-bum slithered his hands around taemins waist and grabbed his hands, holding them back for better access. “no!” he half heartedly yelped, as minho stuck his fingers into his armpits. he attempted to bring his arms down, which only resulted in key strengthening his grip. “ahaha i can’t-watch the film! please!” he lazily threw his head forward as he became a cute puddle of giggles. “do you know how cute you are?” minho teased as he wiggled his fingers into taemins stomach. the boy couldn’t speak where he was laughing so much, so he just shook his head in response. “no?” minho gasped playfully, “shall i show you?” he questioned as he lifted taemins shirt, revealing his bare stomach. he bent his head down and blew a great big raspberry on his stomach, adding a little nibble to his ribs afterwards. “HAHAHA PLEASE!” his laughter jumped by an octave, bucking his hips forward as he struggled in ki-bum’s grip. “okay, he’s had enough now.” ki-bum laughed, but still added a few teasy pokes to taemins ribs. they both snuggled into each side of him and carried on watching the film.
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chicken-fifi · 9 months
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Heechul/Donghae/Reader Threesome - NSFW
Siwon Nightly Chats
Leeteuk’s G/F Surprise Suju for Their 15th Anniversary
Morning Sex with Eunhyuk - NSFW
Eunhyuk Dance Performance and Confession
Donghae as a Sub - NSFW (?)
Siwon Headcanon - Fortune Cookie Silly Date
Donghae Headcanon - He Thinks You’re a Better Match for Eunhyuk or Leeteuk
Henry Lau Headcanon - Stargazing With Him
Siwon Headcanon - Your Son Interrupts a Heated Moment in the Pool - NSFW (?)
Ryeowook Headcanon - Family Traditions You Do
Ryeowook Headcanon - Your Colleagues Are Bullying You
Kyuhyun Headcanon - Him as a Dad
Eunhyuk x Donghae x Reader Headcanon - Threesome
Donghae Headcanon - He Takes Your Virginity
Kyuhyun Headcanon - You Get Hospitalized
Siwon Headcanon - Him as a Dad
Siwon Headcanon - Him as a Husband
Kyuhyun Headcanon - Him as a Husband
Zhoumi (SuJu M; Soloist) Headcanon -  How He’d Propose
Sungmin Headcanon - You Help Him Find the Perfect Engagement Ring
Zhoumi (SuJu; SuJu-M) Headcanon - First Date
Eunhyuk Headcanon - You Spend the Day with Him (Dorm Edition)
Kyuhyun Headcanon - Sexual Tensions - Smut
Donghae Headcanon - He Tries to Turn You On - Suggestive
Zhoumi Headcanon - You Name Something After Him
Kibum Headcanon - You Randomly Perform at a Concert
Donghae Headcanon - Marriage Life with Him - Suggestive
Leeteuk Headcanon - You’re Taller Than Him
Zhoumi Headcanon | Getting Back Together After a Breakup
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
SHINee Reaction - Flinching During a Fight
❧ Anon asked: hello, could i request a shinee reaction with the same nct one you made (s/o flinching from them during a fight), please?! thank u so much, have a nice night! 🖤
❧ A/N: I haven’t written anything for SHINee in a whiiiiile but I do have some requests for more SHINee content!! 
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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Poor Jinki would get so emotional. He’d never ever lay a finger on you and you both knew this but the arguing just made you flinch. He’d get teary-eyed as he hugged you tightly. He’d need a moment to to gather his thoughts. He’d wait until you were both calm to talk things over. 
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Minho would be so disappointed in himself when he saw you flinch. He wouldn’t be able to say anything, emotions just overwhelming him. He’d wrap his arms around you tightly and hold you against his chest. He’d eventually whisper apologies when he calmed down a bit. 
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Kibum would be so riled up with emotions both because of the arguing and because of you flinching. He’d be very frustrated and need to take some time for himself to calm down and think rationally. He’d probably leave for a while then when he came back, you’d talk it out. 
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Taemin wouldn’t quite know what to do in this situation. He’d be upset that you flinched but he knows it was mostly because of the arguing. He’d go quiet for a while trying to figure out what to do. He’d end up just sitting down with you and talking things out calmly. 
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blu-joons · 2 years
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The two of you have the perfect mix of being close to one another and giving each other space when it comes to affection, trying your best never to be too much for each other, whilst also giving enough to the other too.
Sharing such a similar sense of humour to Kibum, it didn’t take the boys long to start getting along with you, joking around with you like they did him. It almost felt as if you’d been alongside the group for years with how well you integrated in with them, sharing jokes and laughing just like you were a member of the group.
He worked incredibly hard to try and cheer you up whenever you needed comforting, Kibum would stop at nothing until he saw the smile on your face. Whilst he would be serious while you told him what the problem was, as soon as you fell silent, he would be by your sides with plenty of jokes to pick you up.
One of the advantages of being with Kibum was how domesticated he was and how much he loved doing jobs around the house. The cleaning of your apartment was most definitely down to him for starters, he liked everything to have a place in your home. He also loved to cook, and although he loved doing his own thing, Kibum couldn’t deny that he loved any chance that the two of you got to cook together.
Being Kibum, he was never going to let his proposal be something boring. He went all out when it came to proposing to you, determined to blow you away with the things that he had planned for you, meticulously planning out every single detail so that it was perfect. The bigger the better was Kibum’s motto, from the location to the ring, he wanted it to be extra, and unlike any proposal you’d seen before.
Kibum’s favourite thing about you was how content he felt around you and how much fun he had when he was around you too. With the dogs as well, the four of you were a proper family, finding your feet and working around one another with a good routine. Your life together felt domestic, like a movie script, but that was perfect for Kibum, because he was comfortable whenever he was around you.
The two of you weren’t ones to turn down an invite when it was sent your way, and with Kibum having so many contacts in the industry, you found yourselves usually at a minimum of two parties a week, meeting up with various friends or celebrating the end of yet another project for him or for the whole group.
You both knew that your honeymoon was a rare chance for you both to relax, a chance that neither of you were going to pass up. You wanted sun, and you wanted lots of cocktails, but aside from that you just wanted to be able to forget about home for a while and escape into a bubble of calm, without any stress.
Grand gestures were by far Kibum’s favourite way to show you that he loved you, he enjoyed keeping you on your toes and the challenge that came with making sure that each gesture was bigger than the last. When the door went, or Kibum returned home, you never quite knew what to expect from him.
His face was by far the biggest giveaway whenever Kibum got jealous, the look of disapproval and disgust at the person who was getting too close to you always left you in fits of giggles. It’s an obvious look that everyone else around you can pick up on too, even the person that’s getting too close to you will know that they’re doing something straight away when they look across to where Kibum is.
You both were more than happy being dog parents, but you definitely treated it as experience for when you had a baby too. Whilst neither of you were still in no rush after you got married, over time it was a conversation that the two of you found yourselves having more and more as you thought about the future.
The two of you loved being at home whenever you had a lazy day, trying to spend the day doing as little as possible too. You both would crash out on the sofa for most of the day, catching up on new music that you’d missed or episodes of dramas that had broadcasted whilst you were busy. Comme des and Garçons however were the ones that felt the luckiest whenever you had a day off and spent it at home.
Both of you were pretty hard work to wake up in the mornings, and so when you had to get up together, it was almost an impossible task. With Kibum especially having such early alarms some days, you found yourself having to push him out of the bed some mornings to make sure that he actually got up.
A lot of the time you would walk Comme des and Garçons in the evenings, making sure that it was dark so that you couldn’t get recognised, and had a lot more space on your walks too with most people at home.
Kibum was obsessed with your laughter, he loved to be the one to make you laugh anyway and brighten your day, but even if it wasn’t him making you chuckle, he liked knowing that you were happy and enjoying yourself.
Whenever he’s busy and in a bit of a rush, Kibum makes a special effort to appreciate all of the things that you do for him. You often make him lunch to take with him or help him to pick out an outfit to wear to film, although the tasks are small, they all add up and end up making Kibum’s life a lot easier too.
You never really know what he’s doing one day to the next because he’s working on so many different things, and so quite often you find yourself having to ask Kibum what he’s doing everyday as it changes.
Getting the photos from your wedding was a huge deal to Kibum, he spent a lot of money to get them printed off, hanging several of them up around your home too. He wanted as many reminders as possible at home to remind him that the two of you were married and let him see how good you looked together too.
Between Kibum and the dogs, you very rarely got any silence at your apartment, with noise coming from somewhere. If you got Kibum started, he could chatter for a very long time, and as soon as he got Comme des and Garçons excited, you knew that you might as well just give up on concentrating on anything.
Kibum’s best trick for making your marriage work was keeping things positive. He refused to let you feel down, he tried to make you smile and laugh as often as possible and ensure that you enjoyed yourself around him.
He hated to see you upset, very little would break his heart more than the first moment that he caught you wiping your tears away.
When you could, you loved to take Comme des and Garçons to visit him on set, mainly because you loved how jealous Kibum always got whenever the two of them took the attention of his colleagues away from him.
There was nothing more that Kibum wanted to wish for, he was already more than happy with the things he had around him.
It was difficult to ever really predict the affection that you’d receive from Kibum. Some kisses were loving, and strong, other kisses were playful and lingering, it all depended on what sort of mood he was in.
You were his number one, by far you were the biggest priority in his life.
Managing to sleep next to each other was always a challenge for you both at night, most of the time you would find that your bed needed to be shared by four rather than two, with two little guests inviting themselves in.
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allyreactions · 4 years
Can I get an idol kink for Key?
- idol kink masterlist  idol kink requests : OPEN 
♡ Key 
Kibum, where do I start? Key is a switch, usually a dom. He’s a bratty sub and a ruthless dom. I also can see him being a bit of a brat tamer as a dom. He enjoys the control he has over you. I don’t see Key having much of a daddy kink, but more of a sir kink. He’s got a bondage kink (giving), for sure (i mean have you seen born to shine????) I’m talkin whips, chains, leather straps, handcuffs, the whole nine yards. On nights when he’s feeling a little more sensual, silk ties are involved. Key also is into toys as well. He loves using a vibrator against your clit while he pounds into you. He loves watching your eyes roll into the back of your head in pure bliss. And while you’re chasing your high, he’ll whisper dirty things in your ear. “Naughty girl, you take me so well.” Sometimes he’s into edging (giving), it’s usually used as a punishment towards you. He’s a big tease. He’ll keep edging you until you beg for him to stop. “Please let me cum, sir.” Once those pretty words fall from your mouth, only then will he let you climax. 
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scarefox · 3 years
I always understand “I would be so f*cked if I let you go” in Keys “Helium”. It would even fit since it’s “I would suffocate if I let you go”. 
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