#key moments
dessertbird · 1 year
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Key moments. 🥹💔❤️
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webuniseo · 1 year
Gallery for India Pickleball Associstion - Bangaloreallery for India Pickleball Associstion - Bangalore
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junow-honours · 1 year
Critique session notes:
Table felt like you are looking into a portal- as if you are a God looking down onto earth, or hellscape
Bird’s eye viewpoint- connection to skydiving or travelling in planes, sense of freedom, thrill, and escapism
The frame- the seating in a stadium, the audience. Also a separation device
Cards on the frame- pulls the characters out from the world and behind the frame with the viewer. Cards facing you suggest that this is your character.
Capitalism- are we complicit or are we victims? Are we the machine or are we victims of the machine?
Distancing mechanisms
Illusion of power, control, and distance
Frame also creates an invisible forcefield surface- what will breach this forcefield and will remain contained within it? Will the obelisk breach it?
AI cards- better feedback than I expected, yay- Eldritch (uncanny, otherworldly), HP Lovecraft, unseeable Gods, unattainable language. Feels like a glitch, matrix, or the moment when you’re trying to read in a dream but the words don’t make sense.
How much specific knowledge do we need to have to encounter this?
Game looks playable, but you don’t yet understand the nuances behind it, and don’t feel like you ever will, it feels overly complicated
Reply to previous note: But doesn’t that reflect the world we exist within? We don’t know what is going on but we do our best to keep going
Black hole, or rabbit hole. How much is too much, where it becomes conspiracy?
What is the symbolic language at play?
Tapping into cultural vernacular
Establishing rules, ways of engagement, or where to begin
Understanding the signs of a boardgame, but not understanding how to play this particular game- is this something I have intended, or not?
People who have experience of ‘gaming’ feel like this is more approachable, and know how to engage in it, whereas people who don’t have this experience can’t understand it
Video-game POV- feels like the map they give you for navigation and quest goals
UNLOCKED ROOMS- gauzy screen blocking out map
What access to different levels do we have? Is there an upgrade level, secret level? Is there a boss level? What do you have to do to earn it?
Who has access to what and when and how?
Level of knowledge, enchants or disenchants playing as a factor into how far you get
Unfinished shelf (the underneath and tucked away)- secrets, space, reveals and hides, has value to it- slow burning corridors, pathways to secret places and discoveries
Hidden lore
Tabletop space- neutral space- relationship between the board and table, should the whole table be activated and alive? Visual image, digital images, Warhammer style diorama?- 3Dimensional space, rising and falling of pathways, emerging from flat surfaces
What is flat? What is image? What is dimension?
What material knowledge system it comes in
Mary McGregor Reid: DND models, ask Justine at the library if I could have a conversation with her
Rectangular shape of table- looks like TV screen. Dining table dynamics. All have a structural place, engagement and operation, hierarchy, competition and teamwork, opposite side suggests rivalry, whereas the person sitting next to you seems to be your team mate. Natural congregation around tables.
Dungeon Master having the head of the table- how is this different from the other seats? Seat as prompt. Image as signifier as it not being a players seat.
Stage of the game presented- has been it been played? Is it mid-game? Is it after the game has finished?
Do I want them to play or not? Performance? Someone sitting at the head of the table, or playing?
Prompts to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE people. Inviting or not?
Interactive, performative, or an object to look at? ENCOUNTER
Level of SPECIFICITY- level of buy-in. Fans want specifics of the story and invented mythology. Level of detail is crucial. LORE HUNTING. Fan cultures of internet culture and media- code, deep diving, easter eggs
“Ancient mythologies” in statement- too broad, needs to be specified
Ironic or serious? Celebration or critique?
Celine Frampton- AI- Four Apostles who witnessed the crucifixion. 4 different viewpoints around the event.
Triangulate the viewpoints on that history. Each God’s viewpoint on the same subject
Characterisation beyond card content of character
AI- loop over and over- AI dealing with human and emotional narratives- highlights the gaps and failures
AI- how do you know what is intentional and what isn’t? Incorporating the failures into the project
Reference to contemporary, or futuristic, places. Not just ancient. Familiarity
Battle Angel Alita (Manga)- garbage chute of razors
Two locations- how to get from A to B?
Material Investigation can be pushed - seriousness with the treatment of materials, materials that are weighty, cold, feel ancient
Small resin trinkets- 1:4 scale, feels like a reward, or token to be won
Items, physical inventory. Things. Materiality to make things mire substantial
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pa-pa-plasma · 4 days
love fics where Danny ends up in the DC universe & every alarm goes off at once & the magic users are like "yeah that's the most powerful being in the universe & also possibly super evil we are FUCKED fucked" & the Justice League is freaking tf out trying to find this thing that casually tore a hole in reality & it just cuts to Danny (Fenton) standing in the background blissfully unaware & like "man my life sucks but at least i have this candy bar—" *drops it in a puddle*
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Imo the most impressive thing Leo’s done is hold this pose for as long as he did while covered head to toe in gold paint:
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#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#if you’ve ever had to wear body paint that stuff can be UNCOMFORTABLE#AND to hold that pose for so long - not moving a muscle even when they first started falling?#as humorous as this is it is no joke highly impressive#I also love the implication that they disguised Leo SO FAST that Big Mama JUST finished with item 1#this is why Leo grows to become the worlds greatest ninja#bro’s dedication to subterfuge is godly#also#Leo 🤝 Mario: being painted gold and tricking the villainess into thinking you’re a statue#side note but in this same episode leo makes a comment about being betrayed by his brothers all the time in a happy tone#and I wonder if that’s part of where his love for epic betrayals comes from#or if his bros partially did those betrayals because they know he likes them#also also#nearly all of Leo’s absolute best moments are contained within episodes that feature either Hueso or especially Big Mama#and I find that interesting#ALSO also also#Karai and Big Mama both embody different aspects of Leo’s key character traits and in this essay I will-#side note but as I mentioned in the notes LEO WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD CHEERLEADER AND SPECIFICALLY A FLYER#bc here’s the thing he has literally all the marks of a good one - the main one being what he shows HERE#the ability to LOCK HIS POSITION#plus his affinity for showmanship like#AND his literal JOB AS A MASCOT???#let my guy be a cheerleader plz#he and Mikey both would be so good at it
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anti-the-glitch-bitch · 3 months
To be or not to be (a blackmailer) part 2
After the incident with Damian, word spread throughout the Wayne family, and now everyone was fighting over who would get to meet the newest member of the family (aside from Alfred, who was simply too dignified for something like that, and Bruce, who knew that Danny was coming over next weekend to visit the foster kittens.)
Jason was the next to interact with Danny, and contrary to what anyone says, it was purely by accident that he managed to bump into the kid.
Danny was chasing after a ghost who had stolen his newest invention for a Wayne Industries competition. He was hoping to use the invention to gain an internship in the engineering department and finally get out of the fast food industry. The ghost was a child and seemed to grab anything shiny or even remotely interesting.
He'd chased the kid all the way to a warehouse in Crime Alley where the kid lost steam and gave up the chase. Danny grabs the device, rips open a bright green portal, and shoves the kid through before quickly closing it again.
He's not in a hurry to head home, and he kinda needs to stop at the store anyway for a few ingredients before Tim comes by for dinner, so he transforms out of ghost form after making sure no one is around. He doesn't really come to Crime Alley often, so he wasn't expecting the mugging he was being subjected to by some creep with a pocketknife. He wasn't surprised (it's Crime Alley after all) but he'd been going over his grocery list in his head.
He was debating whether to completely ignore the guy or to punch the guy in the face when Red Hood came out of nowhere and smacked him around before turning to Danny and making sure he was ok.
Danny, of course, has to say something snarky while at the same time reassuring the hero that he was, in fact, just dandy.
Jason didn't rush all the way over here for nothing and racked his brain for any ideas that would let him hang with Danny. He didn't have to, though, because Danny stared at him with starry eyes and enthusiastically asked for an autograph AND a picture in one breathless sentence. Mentally punching the air he brings out his own phone and they both get pictures of the duo.
Jason only wanted the photo to rub it in everyone's face while Danny wanted a keepsake of his favorite Gotham hero. No matter what Tim said, Red Robin was Not the best and that was something they'd just have to agree to disagree on even if Tim did grumble about it every time it was brought up.
Red Hood drove Danny to the store and even waited for him to finish so he could drive him home. A few more pics in hand, and a dazed Danny was dropped off at his apartment.
The Wayne manor was in an uproar when the pics hit the Batfam group chat.
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speakofcompersion · 11 days
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240524 Shinee Perfect World Illumination: Shinee's Back~
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
100 days of war: Battle stories that defined Ukraine-Russia conflict
100 days of war: Battle stories that defined Ukraine-Russia conflict
The first 100 hundred days of the war in Ukraine witnessed quite a few battles that delineate the true nature of hostility, resilience and war tactics of the Russian invasion. Here are some of the defining battles that shaped the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. BATTLE OF SNAKE ISLAND A piece of 42-acre rock sitting above the Black Sea became the cynosure of the conflict from the very first day.…
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holmsister · 1 month
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Just these two panels for my own personal viewing pleasure
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overtake · 2 months
Max, Daniel, and something very weird between them with sweat 🔎🤨👀
Vid from the malaysia gp taken from the archival work of @maxielonceagain -> 🤍
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modmad · 6 months
today's 'technology is in such a hell state now that I genuinely feel compelled to scream about it daily' moment was my trying to print and scan a document, with my printer/scanner (which, I must have you note, despite my pleading with the seller did not come with usb wire option available, and none of the others did).
Predictably, having been used on the day of purchase and not since, the printer did not work despite being less than 6 months old. Searching for why this could be led me down a rabbit hole that eventually resolved into how the print cartridges for this model just dry out and clog up if you don't use them every single week. you know. what a normal thing to happen. but don't worry! just soak the bottom in a shallow bath of warm water for 30 minutes dry it off and reinstall it that'll make it work
you what.
Anyway, it did work. I print the test sheet, boom, what should have worked before at least worked now. And there was Much Rejoicing.
alas. alas. how shortly lived it was.
Now I naturally move on to print the document, sign it, and scan the newly signed document. The document from my pc. With this printer/scanner which is sitting on a desk directly NEXT TO my pc.
Which. will not. connect to my pc.
I plead. I bargain. I follow the wizard twice, thrice, but it is a cruel wizard, a tormenter from the nether world. "Type in the IP address!" He taunts me, cackling maniacally as I do, weeping over my staggering fingers attempting to puzzle the code out of the 1 inch touch screen, numbers and dots jazzing into nonsense in my field of vision as I loose all comprehension of what the symbols mean. The printer cannot be found. The printer does not Exist. The printer, at this moment, the sole focus of my gaze, decides it is bored and goes to sleep, therefore ending the whole attempt of communicating with it just as the 938678th loading bar had reached its zenith and I, ever the hapless Sisyphus, watch my dignity flatten into a pancake of wordless, stark-eyed bewilderment verging on hysteria as my boulder crashes back down the hill as the wizard begins to drag me back to the beginning of his never ending Labrynth, to be eaten by and become the ouroboros yet again but no! I will not enter back! I shall bite down, break my scales, and end this cycle of tyrannous misery!
anyway that's why I ended up taking a shitty photo with my phone's camera and I'm doctoring it in CSPaint to look like I scanned it with the SCANNER THAT I AM ABOUT TO THROW OUT OF A SECOND STORY WINDOW
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starberrysap · 3 months
feyd giving paul that look before they fight:
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junow-honours · 1 year
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The Underworld Board
First of 3 realms completed, though I am going to see if I can get some laser-cut perspex to replace the thick cardboard mats
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dinochickrox · 28 days
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I made this over 9 months ago and the fact that it might actually happen
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kamehamehamlet · 2 months
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KamehameHamlet Archives: Freeza's Tail
Vegeta (and his helmet) have gotten a lot of love, but I wanted to highlight my other favorite piece of costuming: Freeza's tail! Read on to see it in action, and how it was made!
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Made of a super long industrial pool noodle (with some theatre magic modifications), this costume piece/prop whipped around stage behind Cayla with a twisted fluidity that tied together Freeza's look. I mean just look at how it hooks around the rock then lashes out when Cayla turns sharply.
Let's take a look at how it was made!
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The original idea for the tail was based on those wooden snake toys and I cut up a pool noodle as a protoype and sent the following video to our costume designer/magician Sarah Simon.
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Sarah took my less-than-half-baked idea and crafted the final form of the tail. She shaved down a large white pool noodle to a taper, and instead of cutting all the way through, she used precise slices at varying angles which allowed specific bends exactly where we wanted them. The diagram below explains it better.
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So why put all of this effort into this piece:
1. It's cool. Duh.
2. We needed to be able to pull off this moment.
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Thanks for reading! Oh and if you are thinking the following...
Wait a minute... you told us there wasn't a recording. So, what's this then?
The footage in the gifs comes from a short recording during tech sent to our fight choreographer to show how the choreo looked in the theatre. I'm combing through old videos of that time to find pieces worth sharing with you. Follow this blog to see these snippets or follow the links below to learn more!
More KamehameHamlet:
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c6jpg · 3 months
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genshin impact ❖ teyvat storyline, 4/?
#genshin#genshinedit#genshinet#genshin impact#mondstadt#liyue#inazuma#sumeru#m:gfx#m:*#m:gfx:all#flashing tw#trying something different :> although it nearly killed my laptop for good in the process#i've been wanting to do something representative of the archon quests for a while#and then i rediscovered those stamps from last year's new years web event and wanted to use them#but that's also why fontaine isn't here because it doesn't have one OTL sorry fontaine enjoyers#i considered making the stamp myself but i'm too lazy and this whole thing was already a lot of effort#the scenes i tried to balance it between like. key/memorable moments + different characters + cohesive compositions#(e.g. nothing too chaotic with movement and angles like most fight scenes tend to be)#the quotes similarly were ones i personally found really memorable and/or representative of the archon quest in question#i didn't even realize all of them except inazuma had their nation's theme (freedom contracts wisdom) in them until i put this together#so i skimmed through for an eternity one for inazuma but honestly i couldn't find any i wanted to use more than the ambitions one#and ambitions is a major theme the inazuma quest focused on that tied a lot into the themes of eternity anyways#if i had included fontaine the quote i chose would have balanced it out since that one doesn't explicitly say justice either#it was gonna be neuvillette's line#you are a devious one focalors. things as being as they are... surely you know that i could never again declare them to be 'guilty'
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