#kensei muguruma x female reader
bleach-your-panties · 5 months
May I please request the letters D, M, R, and V from your Valentine’s Alphabet for Kensei? 😍
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Now you know you can and you already know what I'm about to say😂
dividers by @/benkeibear and @/todorosie. blank blogs you will be blocked on sight, as well.
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❥⋱D - Dick: he’s gonna give you that Valentine’s Day D! What’s it like? (His dick, that is)
Not only is it thick, it’s long, too. A good ten inches, even.
It’s a darker tan color, a few shades darker than his natural skin tone, with multiple dark veins running along the shaft, which protrudes from a thick bush of gray-white hair (GRANDPA PUBES.)
The tip flushes almost purple when he’s horny, and his balls are huge, too, covered with prickles of white hair.
When you first tried to suck him off…he had to help you, because you couldn’t even get the tip past your lips without a painful stretch.
❥⋱M - Marry: How does he feel about marriage?
Kensei loves the idea of getting married to you.
You're his best friend and biggest supporter; you've both been through some trying times together.
When he proposes, all of the Visoreds and Squad 9 are in attendance.
Shinji, Love, and Rose all begin to argue about who’s going to be the best man, which leads to Shinji and Love getting into a fist fight that Kensei and Rose have to break up.
Shuuhei inevitably ends up being the best man with Mashiro as the maid of honor.
❥⋱R - Rose Petals: Is that his style, or nah? What color? How else would he decorate you guys’ special room?
At his core, Kensei is a very sweet and romantic man.
He chooses lavender-colored rose petals to make a trail leading into the bathroom where he has a bath already prepared for the both of you.
Tall glass vases of orange long-stemmed roses decorate the nightstands on either side of your bed. Strings of crystals hang from some of the roses.
The bed is covered in cream-colored satin sheets with a literal silver platter set out with cups of sake and a meal he prepared himself.
At the end of the night (after multiple rounds of hot, steamy sex) he’ll play you a song on the guitar that he stole borrowed from Shuuhei.
❥⋱V - Virginity: How was your first time with him? (Even if you didn’t lose it to him)
Now, he wasn’t your first, but you were his.
Kensei had plenty of opportunities to be with a woman (just look at him), but as soon as he dropped his pants they were running for the hills. Not you, though!
He went through a dry spell for a long time and even began experiencing a bit of body dysmorphia because he felt like something was wrong with him and that he’d never get to experience sexual intimacy with a woman due to his large size.
When you first got together and he admitted this to you, you could feel your heart snap in two.
Throughout the beginning of your relationship, you worked with him through these struggles and ensured him that you loved him and appreciated every part of him, even the ones that he didn’t necessarily like.
Kensei only fell deeper in love with you due to this, and one night, he made it up in his mind that he wanted to give you all of him - mentally, physically, spiritually, and sexually.
Once the sex got started, you could still only take about ⅓ of his dick, but he went slow, stretching you open as he held both of your hands in his much larger ones while fucking you in the missionary position.
You felt so good to him, so warm and tight, that he only lasted a few minutes the first time due to this sensation being completely new to him.
After that first night, you gradually got used to him and can now handle his large size with more ease, but sometimes you still have to use lube or he has to eat you out really well first.
valentine a-z ©bleach-your-panties 2024. do not steal, repost, or upload my shit to tiktok! reblogs always welcome. comments appreciated.
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brittscafe · 4 months
this would be very random request but okay- (feel free to delete if you're not comfortable with it and it's lengthy so my apologies 😵‍💫)
How would Shunsui, Shinji, Kensei, (grown up) Toshiro, (young and captain of 10th division) Isshin and Gin would react to f!chubby!reader with big chest who is like 3th seat in their division for some time now and who was incredibly shy, easily flustered, a bit sensitive and introverted (a lot i know, im sorry 😭) at first but slowly become more comfortable with them, more relaxed and less anxious and stiff with everything and everyone, more joking around (reader have dark and silly humor too) and surprisingly more touchy but not in a sexual way, just like-occasional hug, kiss on a cheek, upper front body pressed against his back while she explains something to him, hand brushing with her captain even a massage to relax them when it's he's stressed when they don't have a job to do or paperwork to finish.
to the request finally (😭), what if reader makes tempting, unexpected offer; like they have some work to do (say paperwork or some not so important thing to do-cleaning or something like that) or something more personal like she have to have a dinner with her brother and mother and she lied she have a boyfriend so she just say.
"I need your help ! I'll do anything in return!! I'II write every one of your reports! I’ll even cook for you! I'II even suck your d-"
and she immediately slaps her mouth shut, shocked by her own words, room was pure silence, and of course just breathed of both of them is heard. (let’s say it’s already very late in their shared office, so they are free to do anything)
Make it just humor and suggestive or make it more, if possible make it in form of headcanons! Thank you for your time! Sending lots of love and hugs! ❤️‍🩹
omgggg haha I love this! Much loveeeee 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Shunsui: You walk into your captain's office and his soft, husky eyes flicker up to yours.
"Hey, I've got some paperwork for you," Shunsui chimes out, a smile on his face and holding out a stack of paperwork. Your eyes widen and you let out a heavy sigh.
Shunsui cocks an eyebrow at your heavy sigh. "I have plans, captain Kyoraku," you explain and he chuckles slightly.
"I understand that, but just do these and then you may leave," Shunsui explains with a calm voice and you walk up to him, swiping the papers from his hand.
Your eyes rake over the papers and you chew on your bottom lip. You will never get these done in time for dinner.
"Will you help me with them, please?" you pout and Shunsui runs his tongue over his bottom lip, shaking his head.
"No, y/n. I suggest you start on them now so you may go attend your plans for the evening," Shunsui speaks softly and you press your lips together.
"Please, Shunsui! I'll do anything in return! I'll write every one of your reports, I'll buy you an endless supply of sake, or I'll even suck your d-" your voice rambles on and Shunsui's heart skips a beat at the last sentence that you don't finish.
You slap your hand over your mouth as your stomach twists into uneasy knots. You lock eyes with your captain and you feel your face go red hot.
Shunsui chuckles deeply, standing up from his chair and you gulp at the way his figure swallows you up. He stands in front of you, mere inches in between your bodies.
"That's a tempting offer, y/n," Shunsui speaks hoarsely, eyes flickering down to your breasts peeking out from your uniform. You feel your body tingle and his eyes lift back up to your eyes.
He reaches his hand up and cups your face, his warm hand making your heart skip a beat.
"I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that," you stutter out and Shunsui's lips curl into a wide grin. Shunsui's thumb brushes over your cheek and he leans his head down.
"You go and do whatever plans you have mind. I'll finish the paperwork. How about you meet me in my office afterwards?" Shunsui whispers, his warm lips hovering above yours.
You squeeze your thighs together, trying to make the tingly feeling go away from your core. Shunsui bites on his bottom lip and you nod your head.
Shunsui takes a step back and you quickly leave his office, giddy and excited for tonight.
Shinji: You're laying down on the couch, your legs resting over Shinji's as he's focused on his phone. You lift your leg up and nudge him slightly.
Shinji tears his gaze away from his phone and he gazes over at you, cocking an eyebrow.
"Are we almost done here?" you ask curiously.
"We've got to clean up the mess the other squad members made with that party," Shinji explains and you scoff quietly.
"Oh, come on, Shinji! I've got plans," you whine out, sitting up on the couch.
"Oh really? With who?" Shinji asks, a sly smirk across his face.
"M-my boyfriend," you shrug your shoulders, glancing away. Shinji scrunches up his nose and sticks his tongue out at you. His tongue piercing glistens in the dim lighting.
"You are a horrible liar. Now, come on," Shinji urges you and your lips curve down into a tiny frown.
"No, Shinji! I'll do anything if you let me get out of this!" you beg him.
"Like what?" Shinji asks, crossing his arms over his chest and shooting you a firm glance.
"I'll do all the paperwork, I'll deal with Hiyori for you, I'll even cook for you, I'll suck your d-!" you immediately stop speaking, your heart sinking into the soles of your feet.
Shinji's breath hitches in his throat and his wide eyes meet yours. You sink down in your figure and the room becomes silent. Shinji feels his cock grow hard inside of his pants at the thought and he adjusts his pants.
"Now...that is an offer I just cannot refuse, my dear y/n," Shinji drawls out his voice, wryly and slyly. A lump gets stuck in your throat as Shinji grabs onto your shoulders and presses you into the couch.
He climbs on top of you and his face is so close to yours. You can feel his warm breath fanning over your lips. Suddenly, Shinji bursts out laughing in your face and you knit your eyebrows together.
"Why are you laughing?" you speak quietly and Shinji snorts quietly, shaking his head.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Y/n, that is a lovely offer, but I'm gonna have to take your offer up another time. Maybe, tomorrow if you're free?" Shinji asks, drawing his lips dangerously close to yours.
You open your mouth to speak, but Shinji roughly presses his lips to yours. You groan into his mouth, your heart skipping a beat. His lips are warm and soft against yours.
"So, tomorrow?" Shinji asks, pulling away from the heated kiss and you blink with surprise.
"Sure," you reply, trapped underneath his lustful gaze.
"Run along and go have dinner with your fake boyfriend. I'll be waiting," Shinji shoots you a quick wink.
Kensei: Your gaze is stuck on your captain, unable to be shaken up by anything and focused on the movements of the broom he's dragging along the floor.
Your back hurts and all you want to do is go have a nice dinner with your friends. Instead you're here with your captain, cleaning up the hallway.
Your stomach grumbles quietly and rings throughout Kensei's eardrums. Your eyes widen as Kensei stops sweeping the dusty ground.
"Are you hungry, y/n?" Kensei chuckles out, glancing over at you and cocking an eyebrow. Your face gets hotter by the second as his eyes are on you and you lower your head.
"You have no idea," you sigh out and Kensei smirks widely.
"I would say go get dinner, but we need to clean first. Everyone else seemed to make the biggest mess tonight," Kensei sighs deeply.
"Ugh, Kensei please! I'm so hungry I could literally eat a horse!" you whine out. Kensei throws his head back and lets out a loud chuckle that fills the room.
"After we clean, I'll treat you to some dinner y/n," Kensei suggests and you roll your eyes.
"Please! I'll do anything if you let me go right now. I'll deal with Mashiro and Hiyori, I'll cook you dinner everyday, I'll even suck your di-!" your voice starts to trail off.
Kensei's wide eyes don't leave yours and you gulp. You're glad that Kensei is usually calm and collected.
"Ok," Kensei speaks up and your heart skips a beat.
"What do you mean ok?!" you raise your voice, grabbing a nearby pillow from the couch and throwing it at him. Kensei huffs out and easily dodges the pillow.
"I'm kidding, geez. I'm assuming you didn't mean to say that out loud...you can go ahead and go home," Kensei clears his throat, red spreading across his cheeks.
"Oh, thank you!" you giggle out, rushing out of the office and leaving Kensei a embarrassed puddle.
Toshiro: His head is buried in the paperwork, pen scribbling on the papers rapidly. You let out a heavy sigh that fills the room and catches Toshiro's attention.
He lifts his head up from the paper and sets his pen down. He turns his head towards you and his eyes have a tired gleam over them.
"What's wrong?" Toshiro asks with a firm voice.
"Nothing," you mumble out. Toshiro shifts his weight and shoots you a glance.
"Tell me," Toshiro demands with a harsh tone and you roll your eyes with annoyance.
"I have an important dinner with my boyfriend," you explain and you feel Toshiro's gaze sharpen and darken.
"And you think that dinner with your boyfriend is more important than your duties?" Toshiro asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Of course not, but come on! I'll do anything for you! I'll cook, clean, hell I'll even suck your d-"
Toshiro's breath hitches in his throat and your jaw drops open to the ground.
You can't believe you just said that...out loud.
"Do you really think that's appropriate to say to your captain?" Toshiro scoffs out, raising his eyebrows. Toshiro's snow white hair covers the tips of his ears turning bright red and burning.
"No, Captain Hitsugaya," you mumble out, lowering your head with shame.
"Geez, what an embarrassment. Go home, y/n and have dinner with your boyfriend if you're that desperate," Toshiro scoffs out, hiding back a smile.
You glance over at him and nod your head, mumbling a soft sorry before bolting out the door.
Isshin: You and Isshin steal glances over at each other from across the room. You've been arguing about him letting you go home early and he won't budge.
"Oh, come on, Isshin! I'll do anything for you. I'll cook for you, I'll clean up everything, I'll even suck your di-"
The color from Isshin's face floods away and his cheeks turn bright red. His breath hitches in his throat as he slowly turns his head to you.
You're awaiting for his reaction, expecting a bad one. Isshin starts to burst out laughing and you knit your eyebrows together. He slowly walks up to you and pats your shoulder.
Your body rattles and his laughter rings in your eardrums. "Of course, you can go home early!" Isshin chuckles out and your eyes widen.
You waste no time in leaving Isshin's office, sure to be ashamed of your words tomorrow and everyday until your death.
Gin: You and Gin are relishing in the silence in your shared office.
"Hey, I'm going to head out. I have some dinner plans," you explain and Gin lifts his head up from the pile of papers.
"Ah, I don't think so," Gin speaks up, that stupid sly grin still across his pale face. You scoff quietly and pout, pushing your bottom lip.
"Why not?" you whine out, huffing and puffing.
"I need you for 10 more minutes. You can do 10 more minutes, right?" Gin asks, towering above you.
"No, I really can't! Come on, Gin! I'll do anything for you. What do you want? I'll make you cookies, bring you sake, or I'll even suck your di-"
It's like Gin doesn't even react to the words that just came out of your mouth, he just stands there and stares at you. Your heart is slamming against your chest and you just wish Gin would stop staring a goddamn hole through your head.
"Well, since you're offering," Gin shrugs his shoulders, that stupid sly smile across his pale face. Your eyes widen in awe as Gin's hand slowly reaches into his uniform and down into his boxers.
You quickly spin around on your feet and bury your flustered face into the palm of your hands.
"I'm kidding. Go home," Gin chuckles out, shaking his head with disbelief. His narrow eyes watch as you rush out of the office, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Silly girl," Gin mumbles underneath his breath, running his fingers through his silver hair.
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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━━ ⟡ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓨𝐎𝐔 𝓑𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘, various. 🐇
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᧔𐓪᧓ 𝓱𝐜𝐬 𝓯𝐭. ━━ Kensei Muguruma, Kenpachi Zaraki, Renji Abarai, & Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez!
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ii. 𝐆𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 // 2/3 part of the animal s/o series!
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄’𝐒 so smitten with you that it was insane. Kensei thought you were an angel that landed on earth waiting for him. Every time he sees you, his heart picks up in an instant; he can’t be sad around you because you are his source of happiness. He wasn’t going to deny that your bunny ears made him soft as well. You’ve both kept your marriage a secret for years since Kensei didn’t want people constantly working his nerves about you and how you hated when people asked too many questions. But when you brought him his lunch when he was training with his squad, that’s when the news accidentally came out.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 clutched the bunny-themed bento boxes in your hands as you began to make your way to the training grounds, where Kensei was. Since he was rushing this morning, he forgot to grab his lunch when he left, so you’ve decided to take it to him (so you wouldn’t have to put up with a grumpy Kensei later on). Once you made your way to the training grounds, you immediately froze in place at the sight of his squad training with him as well. Captain Unohana said he was alone! You squealed inside your head as you took a step back to walk away. "Y/n–san? What are you doing here? And what’s with the lunches?" Mashiro peeked her head from behind the tree as everyone turned their attention on you, which made her die a little inside. Your ears flattened as you tried to explain yourself: "U—Um, I—." "It’s none of your business." The familiar voice made your ears perk up again. You felt your cheeks become warm at the sight of your handsome husband, who was covered in sweat. "Thank you." He took the meals from your hands and placed a kiss on your forehead as everyone around let out shrieks of disbelief. "What? Captain has a lover?" Hisagi's eyes widened at the adorable couple who shared a conversation. "Kensei?! You never told me that someone liked you! And that it was Y/n-san!" Mashiro peeked over his shoulder as a vein appeared on his head. "You damn woman! We’re married!" He yelled at the green haired girl and enough for everyone to hear, which caused them to let out another shudder of disbelief. "WHAT?!"
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 baths with you most of the time. He always finds it funny how your nose starts twitching when he uses his soap-covered fingers to touch it. You can’t remember the last time you took a bath by yourself. Once you announced that you were taking a bath, Kensei was most definitely behind you.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐈!" You squeaked at your husband, who ran his wet hands through your curls. The sound of his laughter made you pout and cross your arms, saying, "That’s not funny!" You splashed him with water. You watched his smile disappear for a moment, which made your ears lay flat against your head. "I see." He simply said this before his smile appeared again as he used both of his hands to splash the water on you. Which made you shrink, "Kensei! Now take this!" You splashed him with another wave of water.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 were the peacemaker when it came to him getting into arguments with Mashiro. From time to time, you have to separate the two before they start to fistfight each other. When you take Kensei away, Mashiro will still continue with her taunts, causing Kensei to restrain himself and focus on the view ahead of him.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐈 knew better than to irritate you; the last time he did, he found his captain’s coat and uniform torn to shreds. With a little note saying, 'If you thought you were funny for that little stunt you pulled last night, you’re wrong. Have a great day at work! Make sure to get yourself a new captain’s coat! ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა' That was the first and last time he scared you unexpectedly.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐈𝐒 idea of bonding time is cuddling and going on walks. He found it endearing how your eyes would sparkle and your ears would perk up at the sight of bunnies. Once you see one, you’ll chase after it the entire time, with Kensei following behind and telling you to be careful and not trip yourself up.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐁𝐄 careful, Y/N!" Kensei trailed after you as you continued to chase after the rabbit who ran away from you. Kensei felt that his lungs were going to collapse on him any time soon if he didn’t stop and take a break. But he refused to let you wander off into the forest without him or knowing how to get back, so he kept running. After hitting another turn, he quickly stopped in his tracks and said, "Damn it, I didn’t know bunnies could go that fast." He panted and wiped the sweat off his forehead; he needed a drink of water for God’s sake. "Look Kensei! She has babies!" You showed him the tiny bunnies that rested in your hands. Kensei decided to give himself a break and sit beside you as you cradled the small bunnies that were falling asleep in your arms. "Aren’t they cute?" You cooed at the animals while the other jumped in Kensei’s lap. He felt his heart ache at the bunnies who tried to jump into his chest but failed. Was this paradise? "I want babies now!" You continued to kiss the animals as Kensei slowly turned his head towards you. "No."
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈 didn’t give a shit about your bunny ears; he thought they were unique and cool. Not to mention, your bunny-like behavior was adorable to see.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 was worried about you having a relationship with the man because. . .he’s Kenpachi Zaraki. People told you that the man wasn’t a loving person and that he sure as hell didn’t have a loving bone in his body. But he proved them wrong with the way he acted behind closed doors.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 give this man some kisses. He’s so touched starved, but he acts like he isn’t. He acts like he doesn’t like the way your hands run through his hair when he’s napping, but he adores it. He adores using your stomach as a pillow while he sleeps, and when you wake him up, his scowl turns into a smile. Your flowery and innocent aura made it hard for him to get upset at you.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 found it cute how you turn into an actual bunny when you’re scared. Once you turn into the bunny, he’ll hold you and carry you around on your shoulder the entire day until you turn back into a human. With him feeding you carrots and giving you occasional pats.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐔 tilted her head at the captain with the bunny on his shoulder and observed as the bunny nuzzled its nose in Kenpachi’s neck until he brought another apple slice to its face. "Kenny! What’s with the bunny? Where did you find it?" Yachriu pointed to the animal that scratched its nose when Kenpachi tickled it. "It’s Y/N; someone accidentally scared them, and they turned into this." He pointed at you as you stood up on your hind legs to grab his finger. "Huh? Y/n! I didn’t know you could do that! So cool!" Yachriu's eyes sparkled as you nodded your head before jumping into her arms. Yachriu giggled when you nuzzled your nose into her cheek, which meant you were giving her kisses. Kenpachi’s eyes softened at the scene before him. Even when you’re in bunny form, you can be the cutest thing.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄’𝐒 not too fond of PDA but will hold your hand for the longest of time, with the excuse of ‘I don’t want you to get lost.’ Plus he always notices when you get nervous so he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 couldn’t lie to him even if you tried. Kenpachi was far from an idiot, he knows what’s going on through that brain of yours more than you know yourself. So when you lie to him then he’ll force you to stop what you’re doing and look him in his eyes and repeat that, which you couldn’t do.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐈–𝐈’𝐌 Sorry Kenny, I didn’t mean to lie. I’ve just been stressed for the past couple of weeks." You looked down at your hands while Kenpachi squeezed them. Kenpachi could tell that you were stressing yourself out, but he never said anything because he didn’t want to upset you. "There’s no need to be sorry." His large and warm hands caressed your cheek; he hated when you apologized for sh*t that wasn’t your fault. "Come, get some rest." He sat down and pointed to his lap. You tilted your head before shaking your head. No, you had plenty of things to finish! You couldn’t be caught slacking off again. "I’m sorry, but— ah!" You fell into your husband’s lap while he was using one of his arms to keep you in place. "I don’t care about that shit; those assholes know better than to overwork someone like you." He cursed with his thumb, tracing over the dark eye bags under your eyes. If anyone has a problem with you, then he’ll fix it.
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈 wants to spend every second of his day with you. He wants to pinch your chubby cheeks, smoother you with kisses, and to take care of you. Like this guy was tremendously infatuated with you. His ears perked up like a dog just from the sound of your name, words can’t describe how he acts when you’re around.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐒 up for you 24/7, Every time someone is talking bad about you then he isn’t afraid to pick a fight. If he isn’t there then Rukia will surely do for him. He despised how people thought they could walk over you because you barely talked. Or when they think they can touch your ears and tail without permission. When you came and told him with tears in your eyes that a random shinigami was pulling on your tail, even when you told him to stop. Renji almost lost it.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈 felt an indescribable anger rising in his body. Who the hell had the nerve to touch you without your constant? Almost everyone knew how much you hated when people touch your tail without your authorization. He walked down the hallway with his fist tightening at the sound of laughter, that was the bastard who teased and touched you. "Hey! What the hell is your problem?" He walked up to the man who looked at him up and down before laughing once more. "So you’re that brat’s boyfriend? I sh—" Renji didn’t let him finish as he punch the man in his face with ease. He watched as he held his bloody nose before giving him another punch to the face.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 shinigami would side-eye him for having a bag of fruits laying around in his pocket, but it turns out it was for you, and when your bunny form activated, He knew that once that happened, you would be in his care for the rest of the day.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐒 lullabies are a must! You couldn’t go to sleep with your lullaby and would get Renji to hum a little tune while patting your head; once he does that, you’ll be out like a light.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 he travels into the world of living, he brings back these cute little bunny figures. You had an entire exhibition of the glass figures he brought; they were so precious to you! Your favorite were the married bunnies holding each other's hands. ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 never yelled at you before, but when he accidentally did he felt his heart shattered into pieces. Even though you forgave him he still remembers how your ears flattened with your eyes becoming glossy. He always told people about raising their voice at you but he spun around and did the same thing. You weren’t upset with him anymore, but the memory still runs across his mind once in a while.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈 couldn’t believe what he just did. It may be small to some people but not you, he yelled at you. He stood frozen in the same spot as you sniffled quietly, trying your best to hold back the tears that wanted to fall. Neither one of you moved, instead you both stood in the same spot, waiting for the other to leave. But neither of you could leave. The heavyweight inside Renji’s heart resulted in him reaching his hand up to his chest, then his face. Deciding it was time for you to leave you walked passed him while maintaining the tears. Until the loud smacking sound made you flinch, you turned your head to see Renji with a bright red hand marking on his face. "R–Renji?! Why did you do that?!" You ran towards him and held his stinging cheek that was starting to swell up. "Because I yelled at you, if you weren’t going to do it then I mind as well do it my damn self!"
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐉𝐎𝐖 was most certainly the definition of overprotective; he may be 6'1, but when it came to protecting you, all of a sudden he was 7'8. No one was going to put their hands on you when he was around. Not unless they want to walk around with no arms and a missing eye.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐑𝐄 his only soft spot ૮₍ ◞‸◟ㆀ ₎ა When he gets teased by other Espadas about his behavior around you, he can’t deny it. You did make him soft; you gave him countless kisses; you trusted him to see your body; and you were always there for him when he was upset. He was glad he was able to be vulnerable around you without any judgment from you. Grimmjow wasn’t ashamed to have you as a lover; if anything, he was proud as hell!
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 was also incredibly possessive. He didn’t like it when the other Arrancars flirted with or touched you. It made his blood boil at the thought of someone other than him making you blush and giggle. He hated it; you were his. And no one else’s could make you feel the way he does, physically and mentally. You would have to reassure him that your eyes were only on him, and he knew that. He just didn’t trust the Arrancars, who thought otherwise. He didn’t care if he had to kill one of them to make the point that you belonged to him.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐉𝐎𝐖 was on the verge on snapping. He watched as the Arrancar flirted with you. Since you were a bit innocent, you brushed it off as a friendly gesture, but Grimmjow could see right through that sh*t. His final straw was seeing the bastard reach out to stroke your ears; that’s when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you away from them. The anger that ran through his veins made him want to kill that asshole. "Grimm? What’s wrong?" Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and his glare was quickly put to the side once he saw your gorgeous e/c eyes staring back into his worryingly. "I–It’s nothing. I was being dramatic." He released his grip on your wrist as you took your hand into his. "If you’re talking about what happened back there, then you don’t have to worry; I’ll still be your true love. No one here can change that. I love you." You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Grimmjow’s jealous rage disappeared within seconds after that; your reassurance was what he needed. "I love you too, Fuzzy."
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄’𝐒 so in love with you that he’ll listen to any command you give without any backtalk. You want him to jump off a cliff? He’s going to do it! Kill every living thing around you so he could have you all to himself? Say no more! Once you ask or tell him to do something, his mind is completely set on that task.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 you turn into a bunny, he’ll always play with you! He’ll put you on your back and give you a series of stomach rubs while giving you treats. When exploring outside of Hueco Mundo, he’ll jog ahead of you and laugh as you struggle to catch up with him. Your tiny bunny legs were fast, but not as fast as Grimmjow's running!
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 loves play fighting with you as well. Even if you were his dear love, he isn’t going easy on you. Even when you’re in your bunny form, you've always found a way to strike him, only for him to pin you down by your stomach. He still remembered when you turned into a bunny while fighting with him and how you stood on your back legs with your two paws balled up to imitate a fist. Grimmjow never cracked up that much in his life.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 pouted and crossed your arms at your boyfriend, who had tears in his eyes from the endless laughing he was doing. You huffed and leaped on his stomach as he halted for a moment, but when he glanced back at you, his laughter started up once again like an engine. "B–Bunny! You’re hilarious!" The blue-haired man wiped the tears from his eyes as he picked you up and gave your chubby cheeks multiple kisses while still grinning. Since you couldn't talk in your animal form, you glared at him before turning your paw into a fist and waving it around, signaling that he should shut up.
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© gloryhrs, 052723. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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kiwicopia · 7 months
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🍑 = female reader
🍆 = male reader
🍓 = gender neutral reader
⚠️ = spoilers
🔅 = fluff
✳️ = angst
💠 = smut/suggestive
🩸 = blood & gore
🔪 = yandere
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Jealousy Jealousy ft. Shuhei (fic) 🍑💠
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♥️ No requests | Irregular posts | Likes & reblogs ♥️
Divider by benkeibear.
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
A Reward for my Precious Boyfriend
cw: Established relationship, masturbation(f! doing it on her own), nipple play, nipple licking, nipple pinching, hand job, blow job, tit job and finishing on someone's face ( here reader san), after care and a sprinkle of fluff a wholesome lovey dovey moment at the end!
wc: 767
cs: This man is soooo 😭🤯🫠🥴🥲 I can't even formulate what I want to say about him. Anyways, let me know what you think about it in the comments.
gist: You hardly ever see your boyfriend these days. This could only mean one thing :Kensei is working really hard. It's been some time since you two had been intimate but you don't want to tell him either so you take matter into your own hands…
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Kensei worked so hard this past week. Whenever he came back home, he slept right away. You understood that this was due to his fatigue but you were home all day long. Some of those days where you were by yourself, you terribly longed for his touch upon your body, his callous rough hands caressing your delicate body. His fingertips viciously playing with your nipples in synchronization with his other hand relentlessly bullying your bud. His lips would leave a trail of wet hot kisses and he would often bite your inner thighs to let you know you belonged to him.
This was enough to get you hot and bothered in addition to not being intimate with your boyfriend these past weeks. So, you took matters into your own hands, you needed to get off before you could eventually go mad. You decided that you still had some time because Kensei always comes home quite late and he wouldn’t catch you in the living room masturbating or so that’s what you initially thought. You got undressed and started touching your nub just doing some small circles on it to get lubrication going. It doesn’t take long for you to orgasm so by yourself, you can easily pull three or four without getting tired.
It felt so good to finally get rid of that tension, your boyfriend is really attractive that sometimes you have to physically stop yourself from jumping on him like a rabbit in heat. You were so focused on your orgasm that you didn’t even hear the front door opening nor closing. Your boyfriend decided to appreciate the show your were putting on without him making you feel this good. He is eyeing you like a predator, he is visibly affected by your current state. His bulge feels uncomfortable in his pants but he is going to enjoy the sight before him.
He silently walked towards the couch and kept watching how you continuously stroked your clitoris, pinched your nipples, sucked on them all the while you wantonly moaned his name. He was surprised, he knew that he had an effect on you but he never thought that you had been suffering this much so he cautiously got really close to your body on full display on the couch. He got close to your ear and bit it. You were at first going to show it but no one did this to you other than your boyfriend and when you opened your eyes there he was. In his captain uniform looking smoking hot as always but now he wanted to have his way with you.
“Kensei, I can ex-” you try to tell him but he cuts you off saying “It’s okay my dear. I haven’t had time to take care of you this week and it’s normal for you to do it yourself. Do not apologize, I’ll try to  do my best from now onwards, okay!” You’re so lucky to have an understanding boyfriend like this but since you have gotten off already it’s time for him too get his fill too. So you tell him to loosen his pants and let his dick out, you get on your knees in front of him and slowly start pumping his length. A little after, you engulf his shaft in your mouth and he nearly loses it. He’s really sensitive but you go slow, your goal is to get him sufficiently wet. When that is done you take it out of your mouth, he is confused but you reassure him “don’t worry what coming it’s better!” 
You put his penis inbetween your boobs and tell him to rock his hips back and forth slowly for a heigthened feel. He does just as you told him to. And for the cherry on top of the cake when he expects it the least you lick or suck his tip. “This feels amazing honey, I don’t think I am going to last that long though” he warns you. You announce “It’s okay if you come on my face, I don’t mind. Now it’s all about you so please when you are ready just do.” And he does paint your face with his essence, he asks you to stay there. He comes back quickly from the bathroom with a damp towel to clean your face. He cleans it for you and hugs you firmly for a moment. “I love you so much” he says and he adds “ I am so happy to to call mine”. You smile and say “me too Kensei. I love you” and you kiss his forehead.
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Part 14 of Pride series
2022 © All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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rose-riot-johnson · 19 days
HIIIIII! I just read your Kensei Muguruma x reader and I'm obsessed!
I wondering if I could request a kensei x femreader where the reader is a noble and she refuses to marry anyone but kensei so her family has to accept him and their wedding night is her first time and kensei is gentle with her.😁
I started watching Bleach again and remembered how much I loved Kensei!!🥰
Hi😃I'm really glad you did enjoy the other Kensei x reader fanfic I have written😁👍My honest reaction when I read your request is that I'm really surprised and excited about it😃👍I do enjoy writing about Kensei and how you requested to write about him, I definitely would honestly be more than happy to write, because your whole request sounds fun to write😁👍I will do my best with writing this fanfic you requested😃👍And also if I'm reading the request right, with the "1st time" and "gentle" parts of what you mentioned in the request, I think you requested the smut genre, so I will see with writing this and see how the fanfic comes out😁👍
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👰🤵Later That Night🤵👰(Kensei Muguruma x Female Reader)
Genres: Smut and Possible Fluff (Warning +18 ⚠️: virginity loss (from both Kensei and the reader), pussy licking and fingering (for prepping), cock touching, cock sucking, nipple licking, language, Vaginal Penitration)
You were in a noble family, however you always had a crush on a particular captain of the Gotei 13 in the soul society, who isn't a noble... And his name is, Kensei Muguruma, who is a captain of Squad 9. He has always been friendly with you, eversince the day he met you, which was the day he saved your life from a mean and dangerous hollow.
Your family, especially your parents tried to convince you to be with someone else who is a noble, instead of Kensei, however you kept telling them "no". When your family says you couldn't marry Kensei and you would have to marry another noble, you told them reasons why you want to marry Kensei and not a noble. You even told your family, "You want me to get married, so if I can't marry Kensei, I don't want to marry anyone, because Kensei the only person I want to marry!". Regardless if your family likes it or not, your family knows they have to abide by who you wish to marry, even if he's not a not... And especially if it has to be Kensei Muguruma.
The day of the wedding, you said your vows and Kensei said his vows, as the both of you said "I do". Once both you and Kensei ended being pronounced husband and wife, the both of you, then kissed eachother for the first time ever. Later that night you and Kensei decided to spend about a few nights in a cabin. He also wanted to make you feel special for your first night alone with him, considering that you married him earlier at your wedding (with Kensei), earlier during the day.
Considering both you and Kensei were virgins, he decided to make your wedding night special (for himself and (definitely) you). "Are you sure, you're ready for this, princess?", Kensei asked, as the both of you are already naked. You were sitting on the bed when you answered, "I'm more than ready for you, Kensei... If you feel the need to then do what you need to do to prep me up for our first time...", as you were touching his cock, before sucking on his cock, which made him quietly groan, out of pleasure.
After you finish sucking on his cock, you laid down on the bed to give him the hint that he has your permission to prep you up the way he feels fit. He get on top of you to lick your right nipple, then your left nipple, before moving himself between your legs, proceeding to lick your pussy. As he continued to lick your pussy, he would occasionally look at you, noticing that you were trying to hold back any noise, especially your moans.
Once Kensei got done licking your pussy, he cooed, "I can see you're enjoying how gentle I was with licking your pussy, however I noticed that you're holding back the moaning noise, you're hesitant to make... Don't worry, my sweet wifey... I'm not done prepping you up yet...", before he started to finger you. While he was fingering you so gently, he smiles at your expressions you were making and when he hears your silent moans, he would grin, as he would then praise, "That's it, beautiful... You're showing me more and more that you're enjoying how gentle I am with fingering you like this... We will have our first time soon, my beautiful bride...".
After you released yourself on one of his fingers he gently fingered you with, you ended up having your legs around him and Kensei gently put his cock inside of your pussy. At first while Kensei was fucking you, it was a little painful for both of you, which both of you figured it would be natural, considering niether of you had sex until the moment of the both of you and Kensei lose your (and Kensei's) virginity to eachother, however after a few minutes after he started fucking you, the intercourse didn't hurt at all and it felt very enjoyable for the both of you. He was also gentle with you the whole time the both of you had intercourse for the first time ever. After he emptied his cum inside you from gently fucking you for about an hour, he would completely get off you to lay down on his back on the back, proceeding to have you lay on top of him, to have you snuggle with him.
While you snuggle with Kensei, he asked, "Did you enjoy everything I'm doing to you and was I being gentle with you enough, my princess?". You then answered, "Ofcourse I enjoyed everything you're doing to me, especially with our first time having intercourse together... And ofcourse you were gentle enough with me, my Kensei bear...", before you continued, "I love you, Kensei, my husby...". Kensei then replied, "I love you too, my wifey, (Female Reader Name)...", as the both of you proceeded to kiss eachother, before the both fell asleep together into a peaceful slumber.
🤵👰The End👰🤵
I hope you enjoyed this Kensei fanfic my Tumblr Peeps😁👍As for you @ladystrongofharrenhall , I hope it's alright for me to tag you. Anyways I hope I read the request correctly and that I have done well with writing this Kensei fanfic you requested 😃👍I honestly had fun writing this Kensei fanfic😁👍As for the possible fluff genre, it was something I put for 1 of the genres last minute😅
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corruptedmaiawrites · 2 months
Requests Open
I wanna write more fics, so I’m opening requests in case anyone has ideas they wanna see written.
I mainly write character x reader fics, but I can do character x oc fics too.
I write for female and gender neutral readers, but as I’m AFAB myself I don’t feel knowledgeable enough to write male readers.
I can write either platonic or romantic fics.
I will write SFW and NSFW, but I won’t write anything that I feel uncomfortable with, such as inc*st, non-con, etc. Please message me if you’re not sure about something you want to request.
Here are the fandoms and characters I write for:
Star Wars
Any Clones (including OCs). My favourite clones to write are Wolffe, Rex, Gregor, Fives, Echo, Howzer, and Crosshair.
Maul and Savage
Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand
River Ward
The Witcher (games)
Geralt of Rivia
Vernon Roche
Morvran Moorhis
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sukuna - true form and possession forms
Nanami Kento
Shunsui Kyōraku
Kenpachi Zaraki
Kensei Muguruma
Renji Abarai
Ikkaku Madarame
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Ghost (the band)
Papa Emeritus III
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tinyanimelover · 4 years
A Pair of Hands Next Time?
Requested Anonymously!
[Kensei Muguruma ; #16: “Are you wearing my shirt?”]
"Sorry for makin' ya come all the way out here, Y/n-chan" Shinji smiled as he turned to look back at her "You sure you don't need any help?". "Hm? No! I'm fine, Shinji-san" she giggled with a grin "But I'm surprised! Who knew you had a garden like this out here! There's even a pond!". "Aha~they're beautiful aren't they? I recently just found this place" he grinned. "..but it's not that far behind your house, how can you just find it?" She deadpanned lightly. "It wasn't here before, normally it's flat here" he pointed out "Which means someone planted seeds and has been taking care of this place". "You think so?" She said surprised "Who do you think it was? No one's around besides you guys...". "Who knows" Shinji chuckled "Anyways, I think it'll be fine if you collect some flowers from here for your shop. Don't you think?". "Oooh~!" She said starry eyed "You think the owner wouldn't mind?! Ah, I'd love to!". "Go ahead~" the blonde said as he watched her pick flowers, a smirk on his lips "Oh~Y/n-chan! What about those over there? Near the pond?". "Hm? Oh! Those are lovely!" She said with a grin, going over to the pond "Ah! Thank you for bringing me here, Shinji-san!". Shinji had approached her from behind, a devilish smirk on his lips "Oho~dont worry, I think someone else is going to be very happy that you've come here". "Hmm? What do you mea--" she was cur off when Shinji accidentally slipped, dragging her into the water. "S-Shinji-san!" She yelled as soon as he body hit the cold water, the water rushing up her nostrils. She got to her feet with a red face, coughing and sputtering to get the water out of her nose "..a-ahh, my nose is burning!". Shinji, wet and cold now, seemed less worked about it as he smirked "Oh, sorry Y/n-chan, I slipped on the grass! This ain't good! You'll catch a cold if you stay in those wet clothes, c'mon!". He grabbed her hand and helped her out of the pond, "Let's go to my place and get you changed into some warm clothes!". "O-oh, it's fine Shinji-san!" She said with a smile "It's okay, you don't have to do that, I can go back to the shop. I have some spares there". Shinji held his arms up in an x "No can do, Y/n-chan! What kimd if gentlemen would I be if I lt ya walk around in wet clothes?". He leaned closer to her, "The old men will think all kinds of perverted thoughts if ya walk around like that, ya know?...plus Kensei ain't home so ya don't gotta be so shy about going there". Her eyes widened as she looked away shyly "W-who's shy?...I don't mind if Kensei-san is there or not..". "Good!" He chuckled, wrapping his arm around ber and leading her away from the garden "Let's go then!". He brought her back to the shared home he had with the others, watching as Y/n stood off to the corner, probably feeling out of place. But right now, he had to find clothes! "Stay here Y/n-chan! I'll be back with clothes for ya!" He called as he disappeared. She smiled, looking around the place. For a home that held eight people, it sure was fairly clean with a little mess here and there, mostly just stacks of manga and..some lewd ones. Those must be Lisa's. She looked at the couch, wondering if Kensei spent his time there watching tv. Her cheeks grew warm at the image of watching tv with the man. She was thankful to have met them when she di, they were a rowdy and odd bunch but Karakura Town seemed to attract such characters anyways so she was used to it. As she grew to know them more, so did her curiosity and admiration for Kensei. But of course, she kept her feelings to herself in fear that the stoic man wouldn't return them. Unbeknownst to her, everyone excluding her, knew that the muscular chef, had a thing for her too. Hence this perfect idea Shinji and the others cooked up to get the two together. They all knew it was Kensei who started the garden behind their place for Y/n who owned a small flower shop, so the pond there was the perfect place to kick start their plan. "Here ya go!" Shinji suddenly said, starling her. "H-huh?!" She sputtered, eyes wide. "Here, try these" Shinji grinned as he handed the clothes over. She stared at them. A t-shirt and cargo pants? "...um..Shinji-san..." She said with a nervous smile "I'm not sure these will fit..". "No worries~!" He assured, holding a belt out to her "That's what this is for!". She gulped, "..right..". Shinji was odd at times, she never could figure out exactly what he was thinking. Nonetheless she changed into the clothes, liking that it was a bit baggy and comfy. The clothes had a familiar scent to them but she couldn't quite pin-point where it belonged. "Oho! Nice!" Shinji gave her a thumbs up, looking over at the clock "And just in time! I'll be back Y/n-chan! I have to pick up some stuff, stay here~!". And just like that, she was left alone. She deadpanned, "..what...did I just get myself into...". Of course Shinji had a plan. But wat was it? The door opened as she sat down on the couch, "Did you forget something Shinji-san?" She asked. With no answer, she lifted her gaze iver to the door, eyes almost popping out of the sockets as she shot up from the couch. "K-k-kensei-san?!!" She stammered, red cheeks. He raised an eyebrow, "Y/n-chan? What're you doing here?". "S-Shinji-san....um.....water..." She tried to speak but her mouth wouldn't cooperate at the sight of the man. ".....are those my clothes?" He asked. Her soul left her body, ".....what?". "That's my shirt and pants...and..my belt as well....did you break in?" He deadpanned. Her face was the color of a fire hydrant now "N-no! Of course not! Shinji-san and I fell into a pond so he brought me here to dry my clothes and gave me these in the mean time! H-he didn't say they were y-yours!". She shut her eyes and bowed, "I'm sorry, Kensei-san! I'll take them off right now!". She hadn't fully processed what she was doing, only able to see how embarrassing the situation was as she began to tug at the shirt. Half way up her stomach, Kensei put his hand over hers. Her eyes widened, "..Kensei-..san...". "Keep it on" he said, she then noticed the light pink over his cheeks "You'll be..naked..if you take that off". Realization hit, "R-right! Oh my god, I'm sorry! I didn't even think about that!". Even more embarrassed now, she decided to try and laugh away the tension since it seemed like it didn't even faze the man at all "S-sorry again...I'll make sure to wash them and return them quickly..". He walked past her, "Keep them. They look better on you anyways...and if we were alone in a room, I wouldn't have minded if you took them off". It took a minute for it to sink in, the words he'd said absorbed into her brain. He turned around with a smirk "I'd have ni problem  helping you take them off". Her face exploded with all kinds of reds, "Kensei-san! You pervert!".
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✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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Kenpachi Zaraki:
Bleach Characters Reaction To Marvel Movies
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Kenpachi Zaraki SFW Realationship Headcanons
Things That Turn Bleach Characters On
Kenpachi Zaraki with a demoness s/o
Where's My Super Suit?! But with the Bleach Captains and Lieutenants.
Kensei Muguruma:
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Kensei  Muguruma with a son! Reader Headcanons
Kensei Muguruma SFW/NSFW Headcanons With a Shy s/o
Things That Turn Bleach Characters On
Kensei Muguruma with a shy! blind! s/o 
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Kisuke Urahara:
Sosuke Aizen and Kisuke Urahara S/o being Best Friends Headcanons
Renji Abarai:
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Bleach Characters Reaction To Marvel Movies
Bleach Characters Watching Naruto for the first time Headcanons
Renji  falling in love with uryu  make  cousin headcanons
Where's My Super Suit?! But with the Bleach Captains and Lieutenants.
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Shinji Hirako
Shinji Hirako SFW and NSFW Relationship Headcanons
Shinji Hirako w/ a chubby! Reader s/o SFW and NSFW Headcanons
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Sōsuke Aizen:
Bleach Characters Reaction To Marvel Movies
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Sosuke Aizen Being The Only Man In The Family Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen With A Famous Singer S/o
Sosuke Aizen As A Sugar Daddy Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen and Kisuke Urahara S/o being Best Friends Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen giving cunnilingus Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen Taking his s/o Virginity Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen With A Wizard s/o
Sosuke Aizen s/o Visiting Him in Muken Headcanons 
Aizen with an s/o with adhd headcanons
Sosuke Aizen With An s/o Who Doesn't Care for the Plan
Sosuke Aizen Relationship Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen with a very loving Female s/o sfw and nsfw Headcanons
Sosuke Aizen with a very loving Female s/o sfw and nsfw Headcanons
Relieve Me (Sosuke Aizen X flirty! Reader)
Show Me (Sosuke Aizen x Shy! Reader)
Your  Punishment (Sugar Daddy Sosuke Aizen  X reader)
Seduction In The Halls (Sosuke Aizen  x reader)
Never let you go (Sosuke Aizen x reader)
Imprison (Muken! Sosuke Aizen x Reader)
Anything We Want (Sosuke Aizen x Arrancar! Reader x Gin Ichimaru)
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Shunsui Kyōraku:
Bleach Characters Reaction To Marvel Movies
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Kensei Muguruma and Shuhei Hisagi Reaction to an S/o with Nipple Piercings
First Time For Everything (Shunsui Kyoraku x Reader)
I'm shy Okay? (Shunsui Kyoraku x Small! Petite! Female! Reader)
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Tōshirō Hitsugaya:
Bleach Characters Reaction To Marvel Movies
Bleach Characters Watching Naruto for the first time Headcanons
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Toshiro Hitsugaya with a relaxed water user s/o Headcanons
Toshiro Hitsugaya With A Shorter s/o Headcanons
General Toshiro Hitsugaya Relationship Headcanons
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odelschwanky · 4 years
You Should’ve Told Me (Kensei Muguruma x Female Reader)
Word Count: 3335
You sneezed.
"What're you doing out here, (y/n)? You're all wet! You could catch a cold you know. You should know that."
The rain, which you had sat in, had stopped not too long ago and the chilly air decided to hang around for a while. The lake shimmered a golden peach, reflecting the sunset on your tear-streaked face. You look up with sad eyes at your Captain.
Kensei's face displayed a mixture of surprise and sympathy. You could tell he didn't know what to do. All he ever did was make fun of you, and you had to take it with a straight face, of course.  He must not have thought you had emotions at all. Seeing you cry was probably an uncomfortable sight for him.
He sat down next to you on the stone bench, his sleeveless uniform exposing his bare arms, which radiated warmth to you through your shihakusho. His slender grey eyes peered out at the lake, a placeholder for where his true concerns lie.
"C'mon. Why are you crying?" He grumbles this almost angrily. This made you recede into your shell more, afraid that he might criticize you again, which he did very often.
You use the sleeve of your uniform to hurriedly wipe your face. My captain can't see me like this!
"It's nothing, Taichou."
The relationship you and your Captain had was strict. He acted so intense and so serious, and while you tried your best to be the same way around him, it was difficult. You were emotional, sensitive, and still a young officer. Being 3rd seat wasn't anything to sniff at, and you were seasoned in that respect. For your age, however, Kensei Muguruma had taken some getting used to.
As your captain, he did a mix of parenting, teasing, scolding, bullying. He treated you more like a kid than a subordinate. He yelled at you for every little thing you did wrong, and even some of the things you did right. Still, after all that, you could see through the harsh words and reprimands, see that he was trying to teach and improve his subordinate.  The words weren't meant to hurt. They still did.
"No, it's something. Tell me. The quicker you tell me, the quicker I can take care of it, and the quicker you can wipe that stupid look off his face."
You looked at your superior dejectedly. He really didn't know. This time, he was the problem.
He had gotten on to you for a recent mission. He was upset that you didn't call for backup against the Hollows in the Rukon District. When he read the briefing, he freaked! Conveniently, the news was that you had some trouble and were minorly injured trying to protect your team.
When you got back, he didn't hold back on the barrage of reprove. He called you into his office to shout at you, naming you a 'selfish, irresponsible, fool that didn't see the silliness of her actions'. You got the job done and succeded in making sure everyone was safe so you didn't understand what the problem was. You thought about it for a long while, noticing that he didn't make any sense. He called you selfish for protecting your team. He called you irresponsible for taking responsibility. You were yelled at, but you didn't even know why.
That whole debacle days ago, but it was something about this time that really broke your heart. It might have had something to do with how much you'd come to care for him. All you wanted to do was impress him and be a good, reliable officer to him. You admired him, looked up to him. All you wanted him to do was appreciate you. Every time he yelled at you though, it made you feel like you were getting farther and farther away from that.
"I told you, I'm fine... Please do not worry."
Kensei shook his head in frustration, slamming his hands on his legs. You flinch. "As your captain, I'm ordering you to tell me!" His loud, fierce voice was nothing new.
"You... you hurt my feelings."
Kensei's face changes into something that looks a lot like astonishment, an expression that was new for him. "What?"
You cast your eyes down at your hands, which were clasped in your lap. You repeated what you had said. "You hurt my feelings..."
Kensei narrowed his eyes into slits and stood up, towering over you. You could see the beginnings of the signature tattoo on his stomach, the vibrant black ink gleaming on every ridge of his rippling midsection.
"Is this about the mission?"
You nod slowly, avoiding his gaze. He was intimidating enough already, but the tall, muscular Captain loomed over you, sending you back into submission. He always had a way of doing that, even without trying.
"Are you serious? You can't possibly be upset about that! You're never upset! You-"
"I am upset. I just don't show it." You say this quietly, shoulders slumped and head low.
You decided this was a good enough time to come clean as any. You decided to tell him just how long you've been feeling this way.
"Captain, I just need to-"
He interrupted you before you could say anything more. "You shouldn't let something like me scolding you make you miserable. You shouldn't take it personally. You know how I can be..." His words didn't seem to mean anything at all.
"Will you just listen to me for two seconds!" You had jumped off the bench, away from Kensei, and turned to face him erratically. He went completely silent.
You had just yelled at your Captain. This is the first time you've ever talked back to him. You've never done anything like that before. The twist and drop in your stomach were irrevocable. What had you done? You prayed he wouldn't come back with something stronger. You knew you couldn't take it. You were at your breaking point. He didn't say anything though. Now that you had his attention, you let your emotions spill out uncontrollably.
"I can never seem to do anything right with you! It's either you treat me like a problematic child or you review me as an inadequate subordinate! You shout at me and insult me, call me names all the time! You constantly ridicule, or belittle, or- or criticize me! Maybe I'm not good enough for you or something! You tell me not to take it personally, but it's very, very personal when I feel like you hate me! You're absolutely awful!"
You blubbered his transgressions in a frantic list. Your tears were bubbling in your eyes and rolling down your cheeks, and quite embarrassingly your nose was beginning to run. You couldn't stop sobbing. All of your pent up anger, frustration, and feelings of worthlessness came erupting out of you all at once. You coughed and sputtered, out of breath.
"I don't want to be your third seat anymore!"
What you said was impulsive, yeah, you knew that. You didn't mean it really, but the stress Kensei had put you under for months, it was beginning to be too much. You didn't want to leave him, he was your everything for all intents and purposes...but you didn't know how much you could take.
"I don't hate you."
Kensei did something unexpected.
He grabbed you with ease and pulled you into his arms. You continued to bawl, but he was there to comfort you. You buried your face into his robe, which had the same soothing musk smell of your Taichou. You breathed it deeply with each sniffle between your cries. His large, strong arms tightened around you, making your stomach flutter. He rested his chin on your head, fully encasing you in his safety.
"You're acting like a child," he spat.
"Why do you treat me this way?" You begged him to tell you, gripping his clothes in your fingers while you wept. It was irrational now, the way you were behaving. You just wanted compassion.
"I think it would make you angry to know," Kensei says, petting your hair awkwardly.
"It's made me angry this whole time when I didn't know," you whisper sadly. All your words were muffled by his warm clothes. You couldn't bear to let him see your ugly face, so you kept it hidden in his chest. Kensei stayed silent, making you scared of what he was going to tell you.
"As your third seat, I'm ordering you to tell me," you mocked his command from earlier. It wasn't very authoritative or convincing. You had no energy, no strength left. You were completely defeated. He took a deep breath and held you tighter. He scoffed at your feeble attempt to have some backbone. You both knew you didn't really have any... if today was any indication.
"I'm hard on you because you're great, and there's so much potential in you. When I see an opportunity to tell you something so you can improve, I tell you. I know I'm a tough Captain, but I didn't know it was making you feel this bad."
You didn't understand. "Why would that make me angry?" You asked. He squished your cheeks harshly between his large fingers and made you look up at him. Everything was blurry from the tears.
He took the corner of his haori and used it to wipe your eyes. His hands were clumsy on you, good-naturedly rubbing away the wetness from your red cheeks. He wiped your nose too, heavy-handedly ridding you of the snot from your dramatic meltdown. You stared at him while he did this, examining his bashful, embarrassed scowl. Even now, he was a little rough around the edges. He was trying his best.
You sneezed, sniffling once more. Your nose twitched a little. This made him turn a rosy color and quickly turn away. You wish he didn't. The two of you out of the embrace, side by side again. "I'm not done, idiot."
It took him a while to gather himself, and he still couldn't meet your eyes.
"I lost my mind over that mission... I just kept imagining the possibility of you getting hurt any worse than you were. I was angry you didn't call for help, angry that you didn't call for my help. You did it all on your own instead of calling me to help you. I just wanted you to understand that it's my job to protect you." He sighed and glanced at your thoughtful face. "I need to protect you."
Protect me, you repeated in your mind. The way he said it, his simple choice of words... was desperate. You knew your Captain was always there to protect his squad. Right now though, he was talking about you. You wanted your Captain to protect you, but you wanted to show him you could do it by yourself. You thought if you could prove to him you could, then maybe he would approve of you.
"I can do things on my own, Taichou. I'm not a little girl." Sure you were young, but you were a woman still. You weren't too much younger than him. He needed to consider that.
He nodded solemnly, his glower softening into a contemplative expression. "You can do things on your own and you've shown me that. But you're still able to rely on someone... especially me, your Captain."
You wanted to ask him if he meant relying on Captain Muguruma, or on Kensei. Those were two totally different things. Recognition from either of them would suit you fine since it was more than you've ever had. Deep within you though, there was a craving for what lay underneath the white haori. You wanted the sensual side of Kensei that didn't have anything to do with the Gotei 13, or Squad 9. You wanted a version of him that only existed for you. A Kensei that nobody else could have. You knew that was impossible though, and you had already set into your mind that your childish fantasy was unachievable.
"I do rely on you, Taichou. It's just hard to sometimes when you're always poking fun at me, or deprecating me... It hurts. Especially from you," you admit, faintly. His was the opinion that meant the most to you. There was plenty of gossip that went around the Seireitei, and it troubled you as much as the next person. However, whatever Captain Muguruma thought of you had double the weight. So when he acted like he didn't think very much of you at all, it hurt twice as much.
"I hurt you," he gruffed in disapproval, shaking his head. The rasp in his voice was deep. He raked a hand through his snowy hair, only for a few strands to fall back into his face. You were both looking at the shimmering water, which became more energetic with the twilight while the sun went down. "It wasn't my intention..." He muttered this, shoulders drooping. He looked a lot like you right then. Disheartened, heavy.
It was sick, you realized, still having this silly pash with your Captain that has been mistreating you for so long. He was your superior, and also a total jerk. The fact you could disregard those two, very important, things and still have feelings for him was absurd.  You tried to convince yourself that is was a stupid, meaningless crush for a long time. You knew it was more than that, though. It was more than just a brief infatuation, because if it wasn't, why had you devoted yourself to him? Why did you put up with him so meekly? Why were you still around?
You stayed silent, wondering if that was all. You wanted to go back to your quarters and sort this out with yourself, sleep for a long time, and pretend this never happened. Something was telling you he still wasn't finished, and he looked like he was mustering up the courage to say something else.
"I had no idea, y' know, you were touchy." He paused. "If I had, I would've treated you differently..."
It didn't seem like an apology to you, but you sat and listened because you wanted to hear him out. It was a while before he said anything else. The way he had started to speak was choppy like he was wringing the words out of himself every time. Your Captain was a prideful man, so these confessions were out of character for him.
The wind had started to pick up and you had begun to hold back shivers. Still, you waited.
"The teasing, and the rest of that bullshit," he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's no excuse, but I don't know how else to show how I feel."
How do you feel?  You wanted to ask him. You just looked at him though. You wanted him to tell you, on his own volition. You didn't want to coax anything out of him. He yanked you to face him, rather aggressively, his hands on your shoulders.  "Don't you understand what I've been trying to say?" He questioned you apoplectically like you were supposed to have put the pieces together by now.
You shook your head as he let his hands skim down the shoulders of your kimono. This whole conversation was just one big mixed signal. He was still calling you stupid names, but he wiped your tears. He was apologizing and explaining everything to you, but he still sounded harsh and sore. What exactly was he trying to say? "No. You're just confusing me," you tell him. You looked deeply into his eyes. He was entranced for a moment, lost in your large irises, still glimmering from your tears. His face was so soft, so gentle in that moment, pulling at your heartstrings. His lips parted just slightly. You could see the moisture on them. The soft, purple dusk outside made you see his vulnerability.
"I love you, damn it," he mutters quickly, resuming his severe tone because of his embarrassment. His hand was on his face, massaging the bridges of his nose. You could tell it took a lot for him to say that. By this time, his face was a deep claret, and you could feel his heat. "I'm not good with my words or my feelings, so I just ignore it all. I didn't want to give in, and all this time I've just been shoving you away. You're my third seat! Those stupid feelings were getting in the way of work because every time I looked at you... I can't explain the feeling." He reasons with you, all flustered and fast. You put your hand on him to urge him to just stop talking. You wanted to enjoy this moment with Your Captain. With Kensei.
"I just love you. " He finishes.
Tears welled up again in your eyes, happy ones this time. You smile up at him. "Taichou," you whisper endearingly. This seems to send him to a different place. The way he looked at you right then was special. This moment was special.
"Stop crying."
He smashed his lips against yours in a lusty, sloppy kiss. Your eyes were wide in surprise, but you quickly closed them to enjoy your Captain's touch. Since he had hugged you the first time, his hands had rarely left you, traveling to different parts of your body: your shoulders, hair, face. This time they were on your back, fingers splayed out to steady you against his body. He pressed you into him, firmly. The embrace made emotion well up in you excessively. You were shocked, happy, confused, relieved. Kensei didn't hate you. He loved you. He loves me, you thought.
His smooth, wet lips had no trouble gliding over yours. You had no trouble keeping up. Your bodies seemed to be in rhythm, breathing, beating as one. His tongue was quickly entangled with yours, and you couldn't begin to explain the sensation. You throbbed everywhere. It was aggressive, intense, stubborn. Everything about Kensei was this way, and now you could finally feel that this part of him was too. It was different though. There was no more uncertainty. It was better.
His spiritual pressure had gone haywire, and you could feel the hair on your arms stand up from his passion. His grip on you loosened, and his hands sunk down to your waist. He fretted with your obi, but ultimately let it be. His hands so close to your bare skin sent an aching sensation to your core.
"You... should always tell me... if I hurt you," he groaned between gasps against your lips. He resumed kissing hungrily, smooching your red mouth loudly, repeatedly. "You should have told me." His breath was warm, rolling off his lips. His tone was still angry somehow. His eyebrows were furrowed with regret and his hands were turning your body inside out with desire.
You panted, breathless from his kiss, and looked up at Kensei, getting lost in the heat of his steel gaze. His irises were like molten metal turning your blood white-hot with want.
"You should've told me too."
He holds you close like a precious item, nestling your face into his shoulder. You sniff, just to smell him, just to have that ingrained in your mind. You were cold now since the nighttime had fully arrived. Kensei could feel you shivering.
"I told you that you were gonna catch cold."
"I want to stay with you." You didn't want to leave him. You wanted to feel him by you, to make up for all the times you cried. He kissed you on the temple and rubbed your shoulder.
"Then let's go home."
He rose from the seat and grabbed your hand to help you up. He draped his haori around your shoulder to keep you warm while you walked. You knew your Captain was going to take good care of you now.
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brittscafe · 4 months
Hi! Saw requests are open! If I can request a Jealous Kensei scenario NSFW (S/O is a shy female one) if it's ok :D
Hiiiii! yessss of courseeeee!! <3 <3
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Kensei Muguruma is the very definition of being serious, mature, and discipline...until someone lays hands or eyes on his woman.
A knot rests in between his thin eyebrows and his fists are clenched as he walks over to you. His eyes set dead ahead and you gulp, knowing what's about to come next.
Next in the bedroom that is...
"K-Kensei, p-please. It's too much!" your words stutter out as you wrap your fingers around his silver hair and tug on it. He groans loudly from the tug, sending vibrations to your clit.
He flicks his tongue over your clit and lifts his head up from in between your thighs, his dark gaze meeting yours. His fingers are digging into the fat flesh of your thighs as drool drips down from his bottom lip.
His silver hair is a mess, hanging down on his forehead as he's got a crazed, lust look inside of his brown eyes.
Ever since Kensei saw that stupid man lay his hands on your body, he's got you pinned into the mattress, overstimulating you as he's been sucking on your clit nonstop.
You're soaking wet at this point, your arousal spilling out onto the sheets.
"Come on, baby. You can take it," Kensei groans out, feeling himself grow harder inside of his boxers. He rolls his thumb over your clit and slides two digits inside of you, earning a quiet gasp from you.
The firm pads of his fingers constantly curl up against that soft spot inside of you and you moan from the pressure. Your plush thighs squeeze the sides of his face and Kensei chuckles deeply.
He runs his other hand up the side of your waist and squeezes it slightly. You reach down and grab onto his large hand, your fingers tiny in comparison to his.
Kensei presses himself down into the bed, slowly grinding on the mattress and relieving himself from all the built up pressure on his hard cock.
Your face is red hot and burning as Kensei continues to fuck you with his thick fingers. Soft whimpers leave your lips and he wraps his lips around your clit, carefully sucking on it.
You arch your back from the sensation and slightly lift your back up, pressing more into Kensei. A grin tugs on his face, knowing that he's pleasuring so damn good.
The way his thick fingers can easily reach that spot inside of you and press against your bundle of nerves has your heart racing.
"That man should have never put this hands on you. You're mine," Kensei growls out, fingers plunging inside and striking your g-spot.
You let out a loud moan and nod your head, thighs slightly trembling from all the pleasure.
"Yes, I'm all yours," you breath out, your chest pounding heavily. He lifts his head up from in between your thighs, his lips wet and soaked with your juices.
"That's my good girl," he grunts out, placing his hand on your lower stomach and pressing down on it. You squirm in his grasp, gazing at his red hot face.
"All mine," he speaks, as your moans turn into loud gasps. Your back slightly lifts up from the bed as your juices gush out from your pussy and coat Kensei's fingers.
He chuckles at the way your cum oozes from your hole, still stuffed with his fingers. Kensei slowly slides his fingers out from your hole as you pant heavily.
He stuffs his fingers inside of his mouth, groaning at how good you taste. You bring your knees up and a grin grows across Kensei's face.
He grabs onto your ankle and pulls your body back towards him. He presses his hand down on your inner thigh, spreading your legs apart.
Your pussy is still twitching after all that pleasure.
"Wait! What are you doing?" you ask, furrowing your eyebrows with confusion.
"Aw, come on, doll. You didn't think I was done with you, did you?" Kensei asks, running his tongue over his bottom lip before burying his head back in between your thighs...
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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[ ♡ ] good morning to my beautiful and handsome followers! which one would you like to see first? (。・ω・。) it’s a series of headcanons of some of my favorite bleach characters with an animal like s/o! (◍•ᴗ•◍) ahh i’m so excited to write this!
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bleachhaven · 3 years
Requests may not be completed in the order they’ve been received but in the order in which inspiration strikes.
All requests will be written for a female s/o unless otherwise specified
I might tweak requests a bit to fit into my perception of the character where necessary
If extreme requests such as character death, non-con, or self-harm are made, they will not be written in 2nd POV (eg: you). Not a fan of writing about triggering situations in explicit details. I may not choose to write it
Will do my best to complete all requests but I do reserve the right to not write for certain scenarios or characters. Especially if it’s a super specific request that’s already been done by someone else
All requests are only accepted in “ASK” format
Thank you!
To-Do List
This is a list of Pending Asks/Requests sent in that I’m going to write in due course.
Kurosaki Ichigo fluffy dating headcanons
Ichimaru Gin fluffy headcanons
Kyouraku Shunsui and his s/o having a date under the trees and it ending in smut
Sosuke Aizen edging his s/o
Grimmjow sfw and nsfw headcanons
Soi-Fon angst where her s/o feels like they won’t mean as much to her as Yoruichi
Kenpachi going down on his s/o (turnabouts fairplay 😉)
Anxious!Reader x Ukitake Jushiro
Younger Reader (like 21 years in shinigami years which practically means she’s a newborn lol) shamelessly pursuing Kyouraku Shunsui
Grimmjow dominated by his s/o
Kuchiki Byakuya sfw and nsfw headcanons
Soutaicho’s Secret Admirer part 6
Shunsui/reader/Jushiro poly relationship where they decide to have sex with the reader for the first time
Ukitake Jushiro smutty scenario
Grimmjow accidentally finding out the fem!arrancar he always butts heads with actually likes him
Madarame Ikkaku boyfriend headcanons with a girl from the world of the living
Szayelaporro Granz sfw and nsfw headcanons
Kuchiki Rukia fluffy relationship headcanons
Shunsui’s daughter sneaking in bunnies 🐰 (this is so cute!!!)
Muguruma Kensei being oblivious to reader who is trying to seduce him while he trains with them
Renji/Reader/Grimmjow poly relationship
Isshin falling in love with a female firefighter/paramedic who's a single mother with three kids of her own
Muguruma Kensei and Gender neutral s/o NSFW
Kyouraku Shunsui being called beautiful by his s/o headcanons (so many feels about this one!)
Soi-Fon morning after scenario
Serious Kuchiki Byakuya angst
Kinks for Ukitake Jushiro and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez with a non human s/o
Aizen Sosuke fluff headcanons
Orihime x fem!s/o SFW/NSFW
Isshin finding out about Ichigo’s dating life
Kenpachi calls you into the office (or training grounds) for some action
NSFW headcanons for Hisagi and Kyouraku
Ask Box is closed for requests!
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brittscafe · 4 months
Hiii!!! Wanted to request some Dom!F!Reader with the male bleach captains? (Doesn’t have to be in the sexual sense, just the reader has a very dominant personality and is very very strong and intimidating:>
Hiiiiii! Of course!! <3
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Jushiro: I think since Jushiro is a very soft little baby that he might be a little intimidated by you at first. He slowly warms up to you and eventually comes to love your personality. Since Jushiro is like a puppy dog, you're basically the opposite and he clings onto you like a little child.
Shunsui: He freaking loves it. He loves going out into public with you because nobody will ever want to mess with either of you. He feels like you protect him and he cherishes that. Together the two of you make a good team.
Byakuya: hmmmmmm, I think Byakuya wouldn't mind it. There are times when I think it might annoy him, but he's open about his feelings and emotions. He's a stable person and he's confident in who he is so it doesn't bother him that you're the more dominant one in your relationship.
Kenpachi: He likes that your dominant because then you won't back down from him or a fight. He loves that you're so strong and he admires you when you're in battle. You two can get into arguments though when you're both trying to be dominant, you'll probably just spar it out lol.
Toshiro: I could see both of you working together great. If you're as serious as Toshiro, then your relationship is the best thing ever. If you're not as serious but still dominating, Toshiro sometimes sees it as a competition. You have to explain to him that you're not competing against him or anything, it's just your personality. A smooth, sailing relationship though.
Shinji: He likes when you're dominant, but you two butt heads a lot since Shinji is so damn cocky. Sometimes, he wants to be the one in charge and making decisions, but you always do. There is no competing when it comes down to you and Shinji. You'll always win and he'll whine and complain about it.
Mayuri: Doesn't mind it, but don't underestimate him either. He likes it when you put him in his place when he's acting out or just being straight up rude. He gets annoyed when you're dominant and putting him in his place sometimes. He'll roll his eyes and mumble a curse underneath his breath, but he gets over it quickly.
Sajin: He can put up with anything and he admires you so much for even loving him as he is. Loves it when you stand up for him and scare off any soul reapers trying to make fun of him. He's honestly so proud of you for being yourself.
Kensei: Don't test this man though or he'll put you in your place. He's chill and cool about it, but he's also pretty dominant and intimating himself. I think together, the two of you are a very powerful couple that nobody wants to mess with.
Rojuro: He's so sweet and kind that he doesn't mind having someone who's more dominant in the relationship. Arguments never happen because Rojuro always communicates on how he feels. He loves how strong you are and always praises you for it.
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brittscafe · 5 months
don’t know if you write this but, can you write some hc about fem!reader and a captain ( Kenpachi, Gin, Kensei and Shunsui, add if you want someone!) being divorced? Like them getting married because of mutual agreement or it is good for both parties when they were younger, been together to a bit before the storyline of bleach stars and divorce, reader starts working with royal guard (not being a part with them, just doing some important stuff there) and after the last war she started living at Seireitei agian so they of course see each other again, and perhaps they low key miss each other, it’s totally coll if you don’t want to! have a lovely day! 🧡
Yessss of course!! <3 I made these so damn fluffy 😭
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He hasn't really thought about in years because he's kept himself busy with his squad and all.
At nights when he's lonely and trying to go to sleep is when he thinks about you.
When he hears news about you returning back to the Seireitei, he visits you at night.
One night he cannot handle missing you any longer, so he shows up on your doorstep.
"What are you doing here?"
"I've missed your pretty face."
You invite him inside for tea, knowing that he doesn't drink any.
You two engage in a very long, deep conversation that involves talk of you two possibly getting back together.
I imagine that before Kenny decides its time for him to leave, he wraps you up in a huge bear hug where his head is resting on your shoulder.
He loves the way he feels so comfortable in your embrace.
Honestly, the night probably ends with Kenny not leaving and you two ending up in bed together...
Whether you decide to stayed divorced or not is up to you...
Says he doesn't think about you nor cares for you anymore when it's quite the opposite.
You're on his mind every second of the day.
He has trouble going to sleep without you.
Wastes in time in visiting you when he hears about your return back.
Of course, you want to take things slow so it takes off with you two meeting at places in public.
You slowly start getting more comfortable around Gin and invite him over to your home sometimes.
Is literally attached to your hip, he's kind of like a dog.
Will sleep on your couch if you let him.
Sometimes, you can hear him mumbling in his sleep about how much he's missed you.
It kind of breaks your heart because you've missed him too.
One night you allow Gin to sleep in your bed with you.
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and resting his head on your chest.
Your fingers glide through his silver hair and he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
I could see you two potentially getting back together or Gin might just end up breaking your heart by betraying the Soul Society...
Probably the only one to keep his cool manner after all these years.
Won't admit to missing you because then he feels weak.
Since you two didn't get married out of love, Kensei felt like the divorce was easy and he thought he wouldn't bother him.
boy did his heart skip a beat when he heard you were working for the royal guard.
He does everything in his power to ignore you/ not see you.
One day, you both happen to be walking on the same path and bump into each other.
Kensei's awkward, cutting the convo short and running off with his heart pounding against his chest.
You have to take things very slow, running into each other and the convos start to get longer and they flow smoother.
You end up arranging to meet a bar and discuss things.
You both admit that you still have lingering feelings once you have alcohol in your system to ease the nerves.
You both agree to take things slow and the night ends with Kensei grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss on it as a promise to try.
Hides his pain and suffering behind all his laughing and corny jokes.
Goes to the bar most often and often comes back to the barracks drunk.
Sometimes Jushiro has to take care of him and he'll cry in his lap/arms.
Buries himself in his work to forget about how much he misses spending everyday with you.
Once you come back to the Seireitei, Shunsui likes to avoid you because he's afraid of his feelings.
You probably have to go and corner him in his office.
He offers you sake and pours himself a big glass of it.
You can see that he's nervous, but he's keeping his cool.
You talk about how things were in the past, chatting and laughing as Shunsui's face grows more red.
Before the night is over, Shunsui kisses you and reignites every single feeling you've ever had for him.
Let's be honest, the two of you probably have a heated make out session with your hands exploring each other's bodies.
But then you pull away, saying how you don't want to rush things and you need to take your time.
Shunsui agrees, so you decide to start seeing each other again.
You two go out on dates, but they somehow always end up with you two making out.
It's not a bad thing, but then you two decide to set boundaries and your relationship flourishes.
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brittscafe · 5 months
just having a bit of a horny thoughts now and…
just imagine Kensei, who is so big and strong, just a perfect example of hard work and dedication to everything always a level headed person…loosing his cool after he saw human!f!reader with her cousins she babysits time to time…it’s just…hes in awe in her motherly ways with them but she always says it’s just a obligation and she’s just taking care of them…if you know what i mean, he’s definitely having some future plans on his mind for future 🙈
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Kensei is currently in the world of the living after being sent out on a mission with his squad and when he's got free time, he decides to visit you from time to time.
He leans against the wall, a wide smile growing across his face as he watches you taking care of your cousins.
You're sitting on the ground in the living room, giggling and watching over the two children playing.
"You know, you didn't have to come all the way over here," you speak up, glancing over at Kensei.
"No, it's fine. I really don't mind," Kensei reassures you, the smile never leaving his face.
Kensei starts to notice the bulge growing in his pants and he clears his throat. Your giggle fills the room and Kensei's cock grows harder inside of his boxers.
He quickly shifts his weight and clears his throat. "I just got a call for a mission," he speaks up and you glance over at him.
"Oh ok, be careful," you smile warmly and he nods his head before excusing himself from your house.
Kensei had to get out of there or he wasn't going to be able to keep his hands to himself.
Kensei steps into the shower and into the hot water. It trickles down his bare skin and soaks his hair. His wet silver hair sticks to his forehead and his mind starts to fill with impure thoughts of you.
His cock starts to grow hard and he bites down on his bottom lip.
The water pelts down on his skin and his hand travels down to the base of his cock. He wraps his fingers around the base and slowly strokes it.
He closes his eyes, his breath shuddering as his mind fills with dirt thoughts of you. He knows you'd be the best mom ever and he would enjoy every second of trying to make you one.
The way he would absolutely pound into your hips, driving his cock deep inside of you and hearing you scream his name. Imagining things like this, only made Kensei's stomach grow hotter.
Kensei doesn't even notice how hard he's pumping his length in his hand. His cock aches for you, to be stuffed inside of your wet pussy.
He stables his hand on the wall of the shower, leaning his head down and his silver hair falling down into his face. Heavy, hot breaths leave Kensei's lips and a knot forms in between his eyebrows.
He would love to hear his skin slapping against yours, your nails digging into his shoulder blades, his hot cum filling up and oozing out of your stuffed cunt; breeding you endlessly as you cry and moan for more.
Kensei's fingerpads squeeze the tip of his cock and his mouth gapes open, a moan leaving his lips. He rubs circles on the mushroom tip with his thumb, sending waves of pleasure up his spine.
The precum is already dripping out from Kensei's tip.
Hips ramming into yours, your thighs trembling as your moans fill the room, your tight walls squeezing his cock endlessly, and your juices squirting all over his cock.
His hand is practically fisting his cock, soft groans and breaths leaving his lips. His cock twitches in his hand and his big, meaty thighs slightly tremble.
"O-oh, fuck," he breaths out, cum shooting out from the mushroom head of his cock. It sprays the shower walls and he groans heavily, eyebrows furrowing together.
He strokes his cock a few more times, squeezing every drop of cum out. Kensei pants heavily and lowers his head, cheeks red and flushed.
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