#kei's average art tag
keitheaverage · 8 months
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The two CEO Girlbosses of my childhood finally holding a meeting on how to maximize their joint slay. Yeehaw! 🤠💖
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maypop-the-dragon · 3 months
PSA: Free Software
Reading this may really save your time, privacy, and money! Reblog or share to spread awareness!
Folks often use software that’s expensive and sometimes even inferior because they don’t know there are alternatives. So to those unfamiliar: basically, free and open-source (FOSS) or "libre" software is free to use and anyone can access the original code to make their own version or work on fixing problems.
That does not mean anyone can randomly add a virus and give it to everyone—any respectable libre project has checks in place to make sure changes to the official version are good! Libre software is typically developed by communities who really care about the quality of the software as a goal in itself.
There are libre alternatives to many well-known programs that do everything an average user needs (find out more under the cut!) for free with no DRM, license keys, or subscriptions.
Using libre software when possible is an easy way to fight against and free yourself from corporate greed while actually being more convenient in many cases! If you need an app to do something, perhaps try searching online for things like:
foss [whatever it is]
libre [whatever it is]
open source [whatever it is]
Feel free to recommend more libre software in the tags, replies, comments, or whatever you freaks like to do!
Some Libre Software I Personally Enjoy…
LibreOffice is an office suite, much like Microsoft Office. It includes equivalents for apps like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, which can view and edit files created for those apps.
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I can't say I've used it much myself yet. I do not personally like using office software except when I have to for school.
OpenShot Video Editor is, as the name suggests, a video editing program. It has industry-standard features like splicing, layering, transitions, and greenscreen.
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I've only made one video with it so far, but I'm already very happy with it. I had already paid for a video editor (Cyberlink PowerDirector Pro), but I needed to reinstall it and I didn't remember how. Out of desperation, I searched up "FOSS video editor" and I'm so glad I did. There's no launcher, there's no promotion of other apps and asset packs—it's just a video editor with a normal installer.
GNU Image Manipulation Program is an image editor, much like Photoshop. Originally created for Linux but also available for Windows and MacOS, it provides plenty of functionality for editing images. It is a bit unintuitive to learn at first, though.
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I've used it to create and modify images for years, including logos, really bad traceover art, and Minecraft textures. It doesn't have certain advanced tech like AI paint-in, but it has served my purposes well and it might just work for yours!
(Be sure to go to Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Colors. I have no idea why that's not enabled by default.)
Audacity is an audio editing program. It can record, load, splice, and layer audio files and apply effects to them.
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Audacity is another program I've used for a long time. It is not designed to compose music, but it is great for podcasts, simple edits, and loading legacy MS Paint to hear cool noises.
7-Zip is a file manager and archive tool. It supports many archive types including ZIP, RAR, TAR, and its own format, 7Z. It can view and modify the contents of archives, encrypt and decrypt archives, and all that good stuff.
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Personally, I use 7-Zip to look inside JAR files for Minecraft reasons. I must admit that its UI is ugly.
Firefox is an internet browser, much like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. While browsers are free, many of them include tracking or other anti-consumer practices. For example, Google plans to release an update to Chromium (the base that most browsers are built from these days) that makes ad blockers less effective by removing the APIs they currently rely on.
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Aside from fighting monopolies, benefits include: support for animated themes (the one in the picture is Purple Night Theme), good ad blockers forever, an (albeit hidden) compact UI option (available on about:config), and a cute fox icon.
uBlock Origin
As far as I know, uBlock Origin is one of the best ad blockers there is.
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I was on a sketchy website with my brother, and he was using Opera GX's ad blocker. Much of the time when he clicked on anything, it would take us to a random sponsored page. I suggested that he try uBlock Origin, and with uBlock Origin, that didn't happen anymore.
Linux is a kernel, but the term is often used to refer to operating systems (much like Windows or MacOS) built on it. There are many different Linux-based operating systems (or "distros") to choose from, but apps made for Linux usually work on most popular distros. You can also use many normally Windows-only apps on Linux through compatibility layers like WINE.
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I don't have all four of these, so the images are from Wikipedia. I tried to show a variety of Linux distros made for different kinds of users.
If you want to replace your operating system, I recommend being very careful because you can end up breaking things. Many computer manufacturers don't care about supporting Linux, meaning that things may not work (Nvidia graphic cards notoriously have issues on Linux, for example).
Personally, I tried installing Pop!_OS on a laptop, and the sound output mysteriously doesn't work. I may try switching to Arch Linux, since it is extremely customizable and I might be able to experiment until I find a configuration where the audio works.
Many Linux distros offer "Live USB" functionality, which works as both a demo and an installer. You should thoroughly test your distro on a Live USB session before you actually install it to be absolutely sure that everything works. Even if it seems fine, you should probably look into dual-booting with your existing operating system, just in case you need it for some reason.
Happy computering!
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crystal-overdrive · 29 days
I was thinking about where I might go with the political aspects of Towards Tyranny and was trying to figure out where exactly Tav stands, so I took the political compass test as her! I think this could make a really fun tag game, to take the test as your OC and compare it with your own, but asking people to out their politics feels a little rude, so I'll just say if you come across this and fancy doing it, go for it and tag me so I can see!
Economic Left/Right: -1.0 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.0
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I did suspect she might come out on the left despite the regime she supports. The "Waterdelvian values" she is accused of having are to do with business regulation and her unwillingness to turn a blind eye to the black market situation in BG. We've seen her twice now seize private businesses, once in a propaganda effort and another in an attempt to protect the people from Bhaalist chaos.
She uses a lot of populist rhetoric but uses really is the key word. Prior to taking the Grand Duke position she was definitely pro Lord's Alliance and now is only really using a stance against it to gain power. Power, of course, is important to her, and believes (or is being pushed to belive) in a militaristic state. I expected her to come out more Authoritarian, but I suspect her love for the arts and education is pulling that down. She was an academic for a decade and therefore has a propensity towards public funding of these things. I'd like to retake this once I've finished the fic; I expect we're going to see her drift further towards the top right of the scale as her corruption continues.
Economic Left/Right: 4.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.23
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This came out surprisingly moderate, but I think that's because his politics don't map well to modern day political movements. I clicked strongly agree for a one party state, but also on same-sex couples should adopt: the man is bi! (and Faerun doesn't have the same issues with patriarchy and homophobia as we do). So I think there's some averaging happening here. He's interesting politically, because he's clearly authoritarian right-wing but he's not a conservative. He wants to usher in a new age, something for the people, but only those people who claw their way up for it. He's very pro-business, in the Banite manner thinks that those who can take should do so. For him, his use of technology lets him - the Steel Watch gives him a large degree of control over the population. I think techno-fascist is the label I'd put on him if I had to.
He fucking hates the Lord's Alliance because he doesn't want anyone challenging his vision and doesn't belive really in any regulation, let alone regulation from outside of BG. Though environmental issues are not the same here as in Faerun, I put him staunchly against anything environmental considering the way the Iron Throne affected the sea in game.
Also...conquering the sword coast...obvious imperialism...bad... (I literally forgot about this in the first version of the post it's only like his entire deal)
Tav vs Gortash
A large part of Tav's story is her coming around to Gortash's way of thinking, so I expect we'll see her drift further right and authoritarian, but as it stands I think they might be on a path for clashing politically. Allowing Tav to seize the Bash rather than executing it's editor and letting it continue to run as a business was a compromise on Gortash's part, and he told Tav that what she did with the Dept. of Drains and Underways was non-Baldurian. If she pushes any harder on regulation and government control there's going to be a problem.
They line up in use of authority, technology, surveillance and propaganda. Elevating some above others is not something Tav is against, but she leans towards education, experts and, possibly subconsciously, social class, where Enver really is about pure money and power.
Economic Left/Right: -7.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.64
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Surprise! I'm a massive lefty! Not going to go into my exact beliefs because this isn't a politics blog, but I am interested in talking about how my own political feelings are expressed in the fic because recognising and utilising the self in writing is probably the biggest thing I've learned from my postgrad studies.
So I originally took the test because writing Towards Tyranny was actually making me concerned about my political position. Tav is like barley two-steps removed from a self-insert: me if I'd never learned about the concept of class privilege, probably, and I was finding her political scenes alarmingly easy to write.
Her decline is influenced by how pointless and difficult it can feel to want change sometimes. I know a lot of people who sort of blame every problem on capitalism and say they want revolution (I don't know if this is a joke or not, being horrible at reading people is another self-insert trait Tav has lol) but aren't doing anything tangible about it. They often use "no ethical consumption" as a get-out-of-jail-free card and for a long time I was staunchly against this. I know individual change doesn't do much, but I felt it was at least valuable to live in a way I agreed with, it was the only way I felt moral. I reused and recycled absolutely everything, I was vegetarian trying to go vegan and I was donating to hunger and environmental charities. I tried to limit my consumption as much as I could. I was (and still am tbf) obsessed with my phone that has right-to-repair and fairtrade components.
But the vegan thing kind of broke me? It wasn't necessarily that I found it hard, but that I had to watch everyone else eat their meat and wear their nice new clothes and basically enjoy consumption while I was opting out for, what exactly? I didn't feel like I was making a dent in anything, changing the world, saving it, I was just depriving myself for some moral position that no one else cared about. My feelings on the environment are very much informed by my spirituality and I had some difficulties in my path where I felt I was pushed towards the darker aspects of my faith and away from nature-worship (guess what else inspired the fic 🙃) and that just added fuel to the fire of "why fucking bother". The material aspects that are depicted in the fic - the gifts Tav is given, the nice clothes, good food, imported goods - are really an expression of this. I'm still kind of in that place, I'm eating meat again and buying luxury skincare and I don't really know how I feel about it, but I think the ending of the fic is going to be very much dependent on where I eventually land with my environmental politics and my spirituality.
(Man, I wrote way more than I intended to here. I guess I needed to get this out aha.)
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randomfoggytiger · 25 days
Kibbe Body Types, Part 2: David Duchovny
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Gillian Anderson's Kibbe analysis here; beginner's guide here.
We're going to have to do this analysis a little differently.
David Kibbe has a thorough quiz to type your body correctly... if you're a woman. So... I'm going to have to go around the mulberry bush a bit to arrive at David Duchovny's Kibbe Type.
...Why don't you tag along with me? We'll find out together.
(Spoiler: I already know his Type.)
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(**Note**: You can skip this section if extra reading isn't your thing.)
Kibbe identifies female bodies through their height, their hips, their chest, their waist, and their shoulders. However, male bodies are a whole different ballgame: width is the key measure-- of greater importance even than height-- as well as the softness or "fleshiness" of the frame.
THANKFULLY, Aly Art's got my back with this video.
Now: we must identify the yin-- soft, delicate, short, light-- qualities and separate them from the yang-- strong, tall, lean, vertical, angular, sharp-- qualities. Everybody has a blend of those two traits slapped on their skeletons; but Kibbe tried (tries) to keep it as simple as possible.
There are five basic body types; and those five types are divided into yang (sharp) and yin (soft) variants.
Dramatics-- 100% yang energy: tall, lean, strong, hard. They look angular and heavy. Typically have smaller eyes, prominent nose and chin, and thin lips.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sean Connery, Charlton Heston, Ricardo Montalban, Errol Flyn, Daniel Craig
Soft Dramatics-- predominant yang energy with some yin added: softness and fleshiness added to their sharp, angular frame.
Dean Martin, Christian Bale, Matthew McConoughy, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Clark Gable
Flamboyant Naturals-- strong and hard, but with wide, blunted edges. They appear sporty or athletic: moderate to tall height, wider shoulders, and slimmer waists and hips.
Calvin Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck (maybe), Michael Landon (maybe), Joe Biden  
Soft Naturals-- like the FNs, they are wide, and blunted; but their width is softened by added fleshiness, appearing slightly less tall, less dense and more delicate. They sport plusher, softer cheeks, lips, torso, and thighs; and often appear "cuter" than FNs, Ds, and SDs.
Alan Alda, OJ Simpson, John Wayne, Robert Redford, Robert Conrad, Bing Crosby, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Gene Kelly, Brad Pit, Gene Hackman
Dramatic Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more dominant yang presence. They have a very blended bone structure with tauter cheeks and more predominant facial features.
Carey Grant, John Ham
Soft Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more delicate yin presence. They have a very blended bone structure with softer lips and fleshier cheeks.
John Slattery, John Glenn, Gregory Peck, Bryant Gumbel
Romantics-- is 100% yin: smaller, shorter, softer, more delicate. No sharp angles. They appear gentler, less harsh, less "brutally" masculine than their Dramatic and Natural counterparts.
Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood, Simon Baker, Richard Gere, Michael Jackson, Omar Shereef, Billy Dee Williams, Elvis Presley
Theatrical Romantics-- is 100% yin with a taut touch of yang to their features: narrow, delicate bones instead of fully-rounded, softly-widened angles.
David Kibbe, Orlando Bloom, Prince, Johnny Depp
Flamboyant Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yang in their angularity and sharpness. They have small, rectangular muscularity: angular facial bones, smaller shoulders and torso, some tautness to their physique.
Jimmy Kimmel, Frank Sinatra, Neil Patrick Harris
Soft Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yin in their rounded curves and softness. They appear the most "cute" of the types: an even smaller Gamine, with softer cheeks, softer noses, softer lips, bigger eyes, smaller hands, etc.
Fred Astaire, Robert Downy Jr. 
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David's frame is dominated by prominent, long vertical lines-- dare I say, blunt edges?-- and shoulders that appear-- or are?-- wider because of his narrow waist and hips.
Using this previous post as a rough guide to map out his features, DD has pronounced yin-- softer cheeks, rounder nose, softened jawbone, softer flesh over his muscles-- but not enough to cover or dominate the long, strong bones in his frame and overall musculature.
I have my suspicions, and they swing Soft Natural (not enough T-bone shoulder to fit Flamboyant Theatrical); but let's put this theory to the test.
But you ask: how are we going to type the Man, the Myth, the Monotone without a handy dandy reference guide?
Easy peasy. We compare him to other body types and notate the differences.
David and Gamines
We're eliminating Gamines first because their shorter lines, shorter stature, and more angular or rounded bodies are in direct opposition to his longer, denser lines.
Compared to DD's wider shoulders, denser frame, and squarer facial features, Jimmy Kimmel and Lucy Liu (and TR Gillian Anderson) appear more "weightless", narrower, and more angular.
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Soft Gamine Winona Ryder and Halle Berry appear weightless as well; but their angular features are tempered by a layer of softness that corresponds with the fleshiness of David's face, too.
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David and Romantics
We have a look-a-like for this section: Richard Gere, a pure Romantic.
Compared to DD's wide shoulders, slim torso and hips, and more defined musculature (even at his skinniest), Richard is composed of rounded curves, more delicate facial and skeletal bones, and a soft layer of flesh over his torso, arms, thighs, and legs. Even at Richard's fittest, there was still a softness present in his body that could not be chiseled away or hidden.
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The two Romantic Type women below-- Drew Barrymore, pure Romantic; Gillian Anderson, Theatrical Romantic-- again highlight the density of David's structure, bringing out a "heavier" presence than the Gamines had previously.
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David and Classics
Is David a Classic Type? Frankly, no-- his bones are too long and dense to be moderate and balanced; and he, even more frankly, looks terrible in very quaffed, groomed, and buttoned-up outfits.
Compared to DD's length and width, Dramatic Classics appear more proportionate, their touch of sharpness blending in with-- not rivalling-- the balance of their frames. DC Carey Grant's more balanced edges bring out the angles in DD's face, more so than the Gamines or Romantics did.
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By contrast, Soft Classics' proportionate frames contain a touch of softness-- Meryl Streep's yin calls forth David's, appearing more rounded instead of angular or blunt.
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David and Dramatics
Compared to David, Dramatics' structure is more elongated, narrow, and angular. Dramatic Benedict Cumberbatch has sharper, more prominent features, less width across his shoulders and torso, and barely any yin to speak of in his face.
(I also suspicion Tea Leoni as a Dramatic; so sneaked her in here.)
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Soft Dramatics have the elongated sharpness of the Dramatics with a soft, fleshy padding over the tautness of their features. Compared to SD Christian Bale's sharpness-in-spite-of-his-softness, DD's softer, blunter edges become more obvious.
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David and Naturals
And last but not least, we reach the native soil of David Duchovny's body type.
Flamboyant Naturals are a close but not perfect match-- their elongated, blunt width not only matches but exceeds DD's shoulders, torso, arms, legs, and facial features. FN Harrison Ford looks denser, more muscular, and even more athletic when compared to his softer brother from a different mother.
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Soft Naturals: finally, David is home! Soft Naturals have the width and length of the FNs Types softened and slightly moderated by an added, pronounced yin quality. Their face, lips, arms, torso, and slim waist appear less blunt (if no less wide); and the dense musculature of their frame is less noticeable in comparison.
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Now that David's found his SN kind, I shall pack him up a little box lunch of good wardrobe advice to take with him. ...Or that was the theory, except it is notoriously hard to get my hands on Kibbe Body Type advice for men.
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I shall do my best to transcribe and transform Aly Art's excerpts (here) from David Kibbe's Metamorphosis book:
"Soft Natural: it is the overall combination of the very soft yin with the yang undercurrent. Slightly soft and fleshy body type on an angular frame combined with an appealing, innocent essence.
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Height: moderate.... Bone structure: slightly angular bones, slightly broad shoulders, moderate to slightly short limbs, slightly leggy look also possible. Blunt or small and irregular facial contours-- nose, cheekbones, and jawline. Hands and feet are moderate and fleshy, or slightly small and wide. Body type: slightly soft..... Facial features: full and rounded. Round eyes, round eyes, full lips, soft cheeks. Nose tends small and wide; or slightly irregular, blunt or wide. If overweight, the body tends to become extremely soft and fleshy, with the waist thickening. The upper hips, arms, and thighs tend to collect excess weight most rapidly.
"Physically, you are basically angular in bone structure-- although this is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features.... To disperse your soft yin undercurrent..., we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as fresh and sensual....
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"Shape: Asymmetric and irregular curves-- elongated ovals, wide circles, ellipticals, and so on. Relaxed geometrics with rounded edges, easy swirls. You might not look as good in sharp geometrics; in wide, chunky, and boxy shapes; in plain, symmetrical shapes; in overly ornate shapes.
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"Line and silhouette: unconstructed silhouette with shaping, particularly at waist. Relaxed lines with subtle drape and flow, particularly bias cuts.
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You might not look as good in wide, shapeless silhouettes; in sharp, severe silhouettes; in symmetrical silhouettes; in fitted silhouettes.
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"Details: details should be loose, relaxed, delicate, slightly intricate, and very creative. Any detail that suggests a bit of antique or the earth is excellent. Shoulders should not be sharp or stiff. Necklines should be loose and soft, not closed, restricted, or fussy. Simple draped necklines; soft cowls; soft notched collars; clean lapels; shawl collars; and so on. Waist should be defined, although loosely: there can be a slightly blousy effect with the top draped over the waistline, or a slightly dropped waist as long as the silhouette is fluid. Gathers and falls should be deep, full, and soft; sleeves can be full and flowing, or gently tapered at the wrist with minimum detail.
"Trim should be delicate and antique, shearing applique, and so on. You might not look as good in sharply tailored detail, in no detail, in overly fitted and fussy detail, in animated, perky detail."
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David Duchovny's gonna do and wear what he's gonna do and wear. And that's just fine~.
Thanks for reading~
And take care of yourselves.
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degreesofkei · 5 months
📌 pinned
i'm kei! 21. any pronouns ok
dol only blog, art (mostly) sometimes not art. so uhhh i never use tumblr before so i might be awkward........................... and my english can be wacky at times if i get too high and forget to proofread
considering the nature of this game just expect anything
feel free to send me asks about anything, ask/request for me/pcs/etc!
tags i use
#npc name tags and stuff like average tumblr user
#blogspot stuff i dig from vrel
#asks answers
#reblog & #i love it self-explanatory
#sharing is caring i am chronically online and hunt for food on like 10+ social media sites from east to west. to share food not on tumblr (no repost, you gotta click the link)
#it's just shitpost so i can look them up later
f! m! gn! tags for npcs. it really helps with navigating
THERE WILL BE LI X LI CONTENTS SOMETIMES. they are so shippable i'm sorry. i tag them all so anyone uncomfortable can filter them out
use/repost somewhere OK, plz cite the source (this tumblr or my twitter if anyone finds it)
thank you. have a good day
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these are my PCs. no need to remember or anything i just pin them here in case people get confused which one i am drawing/talking about LOL
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we-staybhaalin · 3 months
OC Questionnaire!!
I was tagged by @razrogue (thank you!!)
No obligation tagging! Tag me if you do it!
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NAME: Niralei Ericia
NICKNAME: Ruby, Na-Na, That Horned Cunt (context heavily depending)
GENDER: cisgender woman (she/her/hers)
STAR SIGN: I don't think there are any in the Forgotten Realms, but if I had to pick, I'd say she's a Leo
HEIGHT: 5'10" (she's a stallion!!)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Asmodeus Tiefling, from Baldur's Gate
FAVORITE FLOWER: Hibiscus/Rose/Lilies (she can't pick just one)
FAVORITE SCENT: Flowers that have soaked in the sun, a full bodied glass of expensive wine, fresh baked bread, salty brine of the docks, cinnamon, the specially made oil she uses to polish and clean her instruments
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea, but only because you made her pick between those specific three
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6 hours, but only if she's not bunking with Halsin
DOGS OR CATS: She's more of a cat person
DREAM TRIP: Tashalar; while she'd very much love to visit a place that has a rich arts scene, she is also partial to a region with some of the better wines, weather, and personalities built for the kind of adventurous life she leads. She has visions of a stay near a beach with nothing but her lute, voice, and the sea crashing against the shore in the background.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: At least three--one underneath her and two on top.
RANDOM FACT: She once dismantled a massive feud between three major families during a fancy dinner party by stealing a glass slipper, an expensive quill, and a piano key. The client that hired her had a vested interest in quashing the feud and she still has possession of the items to this day back in her mother's house in Baldur's Gate.
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Karasuno VBC HC’s
The things their partner knows about them that no one else ever will:
Kageyama Tobio: Tobio has aphantasia, he didn’t realize it until you told him about a particularly descriptive dream you had and he realized that he couldn’t visualize things like you can. It’s why he notices things like different flooring in a stadium, because it feels and smells different.
Tsukishima Kei: He puts massive pressure on himself to keep his grades good, not only for his future, but now his teammates all expect him to have excellent grades all the time. Once, he got a slightly bellow average result on a test, you saw it before he could hide it away and didn’t comment. When Hinata and Kageyama demanded to know what he’d gotten, you whited out your own name on you test and swapped it with Tsuki’s. The two idiots didn’t notice, and your boyfriend squeezed you that much tighter in a hug when no one was looking.
Hinata Shouyou: Hinata was not very good at art, however, as you found out when he got in to your little studio corner, he really enjoyed painting, just playing around with colours on a page, particularly water colour. It helped relax him, he’s spent hours playing around with heavy acrylics or water colours. You have a collection of his little projects, one day, they’ll be proudly displayed on the walls of you home.
Yamaguchi Tadashi: He can sing, really freaking well. He starts out only doing it in the shower, then in the car. Eventually you’ll get to turn on the speakers and enjoy long afternoons of your beloved sweetheart singing his way around the house, his face glowing with a smile and absolutely zero shame.
Nishinoya Yuu: he has a diary, a fully cliché diary that he writes in every single day without fail. Aside from descriptions of his day, he writes letters to those he cares about, filled with positive affirmation and of how much he believes in his friends. He’s written you dozens of them by now, and not a one left you with dry eyes.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke: you found this out on a whim, dragging him along to your weekly dance class to make up for the date you’d both had to cancel the week before. Good thing too, because if you hadn’t then you’d never have found out that Ryu’s got rhythm. He’d never danced before that day but he found it incredibly natural. He loved dancing with you and found any excuse to tag along to your classes, his favourite is the tango because he thinks you look badass.
Sawamura Daichi: One word: spiders. He doesn’t like bugs in general, from crickets to ants, they just gave him the creeps, but spiders had a special place in his nightmares. With years of practice, he’s gotten good at holding in a scream at the mere sight of one, but if one ever snuck up on him when he wasn’t expecting it? He’s going to end up in your lap or on top of the fridge, so you’d better practice your spider catching because your big bad boyfriend will dress in drag and do the hula before he goes near the damned thing.
Sugawara Koushi: he’s got such a big sweet tooth that he thought he’d learn to bake his own sweets, so far so good right? Wrong. Sugamama can do many things, but baking is not one of them. You wouldn’t think so, since he’s a decent cook, but apparently sweets are just not his thing. Of course, he did have to go and tell the whole team that he was going to make cookies that weekend and promised to bring them some, so guess who got to call his loving partner at way-too-late on a Sunday night to come over and please bake emergency cookies.
Azamune Asahi: Asahi has a full skincare routine that he religiously sticks to. You don’t know what half of those products in his bathroom are, but the fact is the man’s skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. He begs you not to tell his team about it though, he’d never hear the end of it from Suga and Daichi.
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lamarckianenterprises · 11 months
On Alledgely Intelligent Machines
All of this reminds me of like, two to three years ago when AI Dungeon 2 was this hot young thing and 'respectable' gaming news sites were posting opinion pieces about the wild unrestricted adventures they were having on it and how it would change the way they roleplayed forever, even though it was this bumbling, lawless thing that could barely find the plot to lose most of the time.
And then fast forward a year or so and we find out that the algorithm isn't magic, and that prompting it with 'the end' specifically outputs a 'thanks for reading, please donate to my patreon' message lifted from all of the thousands upon thousands of poor schumcks who had the misfortune of deciding to share their work online for other people to freely read.
All of this 'AI is progressing too rapidly and will one day very soon develop into real AGI that will change the world' malarkey is just jingling keys. I think it's called Longtermism, they want us to fret and fuss about how this will affect the lives of our great great great grandchildren commutting to Mars 200 years from now, and not about how this is affecting real people today.
"Think about how neat it would be to have an AI that can answer all of the questions left in the universe for us" Sam says, as his company hurriedly cuts ties with the underpaid Kenyan workers manually sorting and tagging the database his LLMs are based on.
"Look at how well it rhymes now, this will definitely distrupt the Poetry Industry which definitely is a thing that exists in real life I am a real scientist I know these things," his employees say, in a research paper hyping up their own product while they improve its ability to deepfake images that gradually erodes any trust we still have in our society.
All the while touting the most mediocre, average examples of just about any creative field as proof of its rapid, inevitable and perpetually explosive growth as if it was the figurative Antichrist heralding the coming of the Son of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.
I miss when we just let these things run rampant without a single care for consistent style and realism because we enjoyed witnessing what utter insanity it came up with, I miss when it was just a 'neat tool' that could maybe provide a freaky background or add trippy dogfaces to your clouds, I miss when we were wondering about what all of this weirdness said about what understanding language and having pattern recognition means when it's divorced entirely from reality instead of wondering how quickly we can refine and normalize its output well enough to mechanize all forms of artistry.
And above all else I miss not hearing about it, because honestly it still isn't that good. The slightly uncanny photos, mass art style plagiarism module and extremely resource intensive shorts are neat and all but, when it comes to prose, and DMing?
Well let's just say that AI Dungeon 2 crawled so that ChatGPT can sorta aimlessly waddle around in those babywalker things that seem neat and helpful, but are actually deathtraps that can cause long term health and developmental issues by actively preventing your child from spending the time they need to crawl around and develop the motoric skills and musculature needed to stand and fail repeatedly at walking. (Which is why they have been banned in Canada since 2004.)
Maria D.R./Lamarck is an Indonesian writer whose boomer mother has talked about how great AI is to me and everyone in her social circle every damned day since ChatGPT was released.
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a-la-elodie · 10 months
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The Orbonne Monastery | GLAM FARMING PARTY 🗓️ July 16th, SUNDAY
Howdy to my fellow Ivalice fashion enjoyers! I am a bun with a plan that involves some honest work of farming for glams. The idea is to organize enough people for a raid party and queue into Orbonne Monastery on repeat. We're here to do the honest work of helping each other leave with the glam pieces of one's desire.
DC: Crystal / Goblin 📍 Old Gridania | Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre
🕐 SCHEDULE 6:30PM CST ~ Meet & party up 6:45PM CST ~ Party Finder to fill any open slots 7pm-11pm CST ~ RAID TRAIN!!
This sounds like a rootin' tootin' good time, where can I sign-up? Comment and I'll DM you the sign-up link & alliance party spreadsheet! -
Can I come even if I have no interest rolling for loot? Absolutely! The closer we are to wrangling up & filling out three full parties, the less we have to rely on party finder to fill out those empty player slots. The spirit of this event is helping your fellow adventurer, so tagging along and being here because you want to have fun is welcomed and appreciated~ -
It's been a while since I ran Orbonne, how long does it take? Not counting the queue time, the raid takes roughly 35 minutes on average! A rough run can easily add another 5 to 10 minutes. Queue times are trickier to calculate, because I've had to wait anywhere from 7-20 minutes. But hopefully queue times won't be an issue! *knock on wood* -
Will there be small breaks? Of course! Each run will be followed up with a 5-10 minute break to stretch/hydrate/etc. before queueing into the next run. -
I won't be able to run this the whole evening, is it okay to arrive late or dip out early? If you need to leave early for whatever reason, do what you need to do! But good communication is the key to running this event smoothly, so please fill out the spreadsheet accordingly or inform me ahead of time. As for the fashionably late, I can only guarantee it if there's an open slot in the party. -
Is there a dress code? Nope! But if some of you want to coordinate, be my guest! xD -
Can I come even though I never completed Orbonne Monastery? Not going to tell you no, but kindly suggest that you maybe run it at least once before the event. :) This event was organized in hopes of helping folks farm for possible glam items they're missing or want. I'm sure they would appreciate it if they didn't have to wait on cutscenes. -
I have prior plans that night, will you do another? Depends on how well this one goes! This is my first time organizing an event like this so it really depends on how well this one goes. Heck, I might consider organizing this for the other two Ivalice raids if there's enough interest! -
Is this an Art Party? No, we're here to do honest work & farm for some glam pieces! -
Is there a hashtag for the event!? Sure, why not! #wheretheglamsarepretty
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iamanonniemouse · 14 days
Rules: List the First Line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @fiamac my beloved!
Rapture in the Lonely Shore: In a quiet corner of a quieter town stands a tree.
Hallowed be thy Name: The moment Ariadne begins the incantation, she knows she's already lost.
Batteries Not Included: The door chime sounds like a whip cracking.
No Key to Happiness: The door is shitty, scratched and worn.
Lose Sight of the Shore (WIP): Eames is sitting at the bar, idly sipping his drink, acting like another average businessman who just left the office and wants someone to keep him company for a couple hours.
A Form of Art: Ariadne walks into the familiar sight of Yusuf hunched over his glassware.
Lightning Rod (Part of my Ace!Omega series): Arthur wakes up in his bed, surrounded by sheets that reek of the usual post-heat scents but also Eames, and he immediately panics.
Hotel Room Service (A Foolish Dream remix): The first time is an accident, truly.
Ritual: It’s always so easy, at the start: draw sigils, light candles, strip naked.
more thrilling than understanding: It is a truth universally acknowledged that Eames never comes to Arthur’s briefings on time.
If I had to come up with a pattern I think it would be that I always start with some declarative setting-the-scene kind of sentence haha. I don't think I start with dialogue that often in general... I definitely haven't for these ten fics haha! XD
Tagging (absolutely zero pressure, and sorry if you've already been tagged): @dingdangit, @stormofsharpthings, @rudimentaryflair, @darlingandmreames plus anyone else who wants to give this a try!
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Im curious about your opinion on where you think the line is for SFW/NSFW for art of anime characters. I’ve seen people freak out about characters having their legs exposed while literally wearing a skirt. Like. That is something real people do in public ALL THE TIME.
Are people just crazy puritans trying to condemn anyone that likes the artform?
Honestly this is an interesting subject, really it's all extremely subjective where you draw the line between the two. Like where is the line between a bra and panties and a two piece Bikini, are tight fitting Jeans that are specially designed to make an ass as appealing as possible nsfw?! To me in a lot of contexts a fully naked person is often less nsfw than an outfit that can nearly completely cover every inch of skin but is purposly designed to be as sexualized as possible. (Cough cough maid outfits)
My personal line is difficult to place due to running this blog for a decade now I've become extremely desensitized to any casual nsfw conent, slips of nipples, camel toe things like that barely register to me as nsfw in my brain because of how skewed perception gets after seeing the most hard-core raw art. Then there are a person's individual fetishism to consider, to me hair is deeply and will always be sexualized so seeing artwork that has a lot of attention drawn to the hair especially a ponytail to me is nsfw. But I also understand how much of a minority my fetishism makes my perception and I don't go around yelling at people to tag every ponytail with nsfw that would be insane.
Really it comes down to those to things in my opinion, exposure and personal taste and context the line as you say is drawn at whatever average any community of people have agreed upon, and like any good data set averaging acknowledging but removal the outliers of the overly specific fetishstic overly exposed freaks and overly sensitive underexposed and controling asshole minorities is key to properly establishing said average as while they do exist they are not representative of the average as a whole and will skew the line in a way that is overall a worse experience for everyone.
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keitheaverage · 1 year
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stavromulabetaaa · 1 year
15 questions (but none of these i’ve seen posted actually have 15 questions???)
thank you for the tag @crazybutgood ❤️❤️❤️
nickname: stav ✨
height: 5’8
last thing googled: cats + lemon zest toxicity. guess who’s little monsters got into some baked goods 🤦🏼‍♀️ (they should be okay)
song stuck in my head: Visited Salmon, I Mean Transit Balcony by Hot Mulligan
followers: 2
amount of sleep: on average 6-8 hours
dream job: cat retirement home caretaker
wearing: oversized tshirt and undies
movie/book that summarises you: the dictionary
fave song currently: Please Don’t Cry, You Have Swag by Hot Mulligan
aesthetic: plants. animal skulls. polaroid cameras. drawings of my cats in different art styles. low key slytherin dorm vibes. so many candles. idk i’m just describing things in my house lmao. if we’re talking personal aesthetic/style you can typically find me in a hoodie or overalls. messy hair. tattoos & piercings. if i’m feeling fancy i’ll put on jeans, a wallet chain, and my fascist-stomping boots
fave authors: aideomai, tepre, @lou-isfake, and @lqtraintracks :)
random fact: i’ve hugged Darren Criss twice
tagging @lou-isfake @lqtraintracks @seafrost-fangirl @mxlfoydraco @shealwaysreads or anything who wants to!
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🧁🍭Blog Intro🥩🦴
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🎀 🌸Welcome to my blog!🍓🎀
🌸My name is Raven. Though you can also call me Strawberry. I’m just your average girl that’s obsessed with fictional men and or amab characters(I say amab since Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist is nonbinary).
🍓My hobbies/interests include horror, video games, art, cartoons/anime, and jfashion/kawaii fashion.
🌸As stated in my bio above, this blog is multifandom. I don’t just stick to one fandom. So be prepared for me to switch in between fandoms every now and then
🍓I’m also a selfshipper and an advocate for oc x canon. If you have a problem with that and or participate in cringe culture in general then don’t interact with me.
🌸Also if you’re gonna come here just to insult my comfort characters/media or my interests in general then don’t interact with me either. You’re allowed to dislike them, but just don’t insult them in-front of me nor be mean.
🍓Bigoted behavior of any kind is also not welcome here (considering that I’m black.)
🌸I also like multiple aesthetics, I don’t just stick to one. While I do like pastels, pink cutesy and girly things, I also like , goth, emo/scene, creepycute, gurokawaii, yami kawaii and dark horror aesthetics so trigger warning if you’re sensitive to stuff related to blood, gore, and or needles/knives/weapons.(I’ll only use the cutecore/cutegore tags for reach only. I know the proper terms are kawaii kei, Kawaii and gurokawaii). I’ll also use other types of random tags for reach on some posts.
🍓Idk what else to say but if I do wanna eventually add anything else then I’ll update this pinned post. Anyways I hope you enjoy what I post here.
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bettsfic · 8 months
Hi Betty! I meant to ask this a while ago but I only came around it now. Can you share your opinion on "After the Rain" I remember you reblogging a fan art of the anime from my Tumblr tagging it with: "This kind of disappointed me", and I was so curious about your take on it. Also, do you have any advice about how to approach the theme of a really big age gap? Let me narrow that. I'm thinking about writing a 21 yo woman meeting a 50 yo man and how they handle the age gap. I want to explore how such a couple would survive scrutiny and above all, I want to give her the power. Ok, not that narrow after all, sorry, I'm still trying to give this idea form, but I guess that's truly the core of it. Still, I would love to read you talking about this kind of topic. Thank you so much in advance!
After the Rain just kind of baffled me in its ambitions. like the first few episodes start it off as one thing and then it just kind of falls apart as the two main characters follow their separate trajectories and begin having nothing to do with one another (iirc, it was honestly so bland to me i can't remember a lot of it). the second-act slump is something i see a lot in 12/13-episode series. (and novels. especially novels.) anyway i'm sure the manga is better and i'd be willing to give it a shot at some point.
now to the second part of your question.
so there are really only two kinds of age gap stories: stories where the age gap is the conflict, and stories where the age gap only affects the conflict.
for example, the film Carol is about the relationship that develops between carol and therese. take that relationship away and there's no movie.
The Reader, however, is an age gap story that is actually about the Nuremberg Trials. there's an external plot present that the age gap feeds into. if you were to take away hanna and michael's relationship, there would still be a story, albeit a significantly weaker one. the age gap complicates and elevates the conflict of the story. (note that the movie is worlds better than the book.)
the thing about age gap stories that aren't fanfic is that i haven't encountered a single one where you're meant to want the two characters to stay together. the story tasks you with wanting to see how the relationship unfolds and inevitably ends because it's unsustainable. even the happiest ones with the highest suspension of disbelief tend to end at least bittersweetly, like Harold and Maude. occasionally we're tasked with the characters ending up together but it's a tragic ending because their relationship is super fucked up, like Phantom Thread.
so i guess that's the key: setting your suspension of disbelief. how "realistic" is the relationship and its consequences? The Reader is hyperrealistic and so it has an extremely low suspension of disbelief; both hanna and michael experience the consequences of their actions (mostly hanna's actions) to a degree so high that the entire film is about those consequences.
Harold and Maude, on the other hand, has like a 60 year age gap and the suspension of disbelief is commensurate with that. we're asked to believe maude can steal cars mostly without consequence and harold can turn a jaguar into a hearse. so tasked with believing those things, plus the stylistic elements of the film, the average audience member is pretty on board with harold falling in love with maude.
another consideration is the neurodivergence of the characters. in Leon the Professional, leon himself is a hypercompetent hitman but he's also emotionally very innocent and naive, and he struggles to form intimate relationships. meanwhile mathilda is outgoing, affectionate, and puts on a good front of wisdom. there are a lot of reasons a person's mental and emotional age may not match up with their physical age. in some cases, a person can feel both significantly younger and older than they are simultaneously. and it's those sorts of characters who often find their way into age gap stories. in fact despite what The Discourse would have you believe, very few age gap narratives are about straight-up predatory behavior.
what i find interesting is that in all my research of age gap stories, the only stories portrayed are the whirlwind romance ones. it's seen by default as unrealistic and unacceptable to be in an an age gap relationship. but there are some cultures in which age gaps are normal. but i guess when it's normalized it ceases to be interesting enough to write about. the appeal of an age gap story tends to be in the taboo of it, the "us against society" mentality, where society nearly always wins.
based on your description, it sounds like you have an age gap story where the gap affects the plot, and you also have a low suspension of disbelief. possibly the story may be a character study of the 21 year old, how she overpowers the 50 year old, and the consequences of they experience because of it, in the same way that Lolita is actually about humbert and the mirage of lolita, and dolores can only be seen between the lines. if you want the characters to stay together at the end, the work of the story will be convincing your audience they're right for each other despite being 29 years apart, unless their staying together is a tragedy.
so i would consider who these characters are and how their lives have led them to the feasibility of this relationship. what is it about them in particular that attracts them to one another? what will be their tragic downfall?
in addition to the movies i've cited above, i also recommend Sweet Bird of Youth, Secretary, Oldboy (korean version), Fish Tank, Y Tu Mama Tambien, American Beauty, Magnolia, and The Handmaiden. movies that feature age gap that i didn't particularly like but which still do interesting things are Stoker, Lost in Translation, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Phantom Thread, Call Me By Your Name, and An Education. there are plenty i haven't seen and even more i haven't read but i hope these are a good place to get started to generate some ideas of how you want to approach your story.
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💉 introducing josiah !!
hi im josiah ( he she it ), you can call me jojo !! im a faggy autistic transmasc punk who specializes in infodumping ☆
some need to knows !!
☆ i am black, so i will say variations of the n-slur from time to time. another key part of my identity is that i am an aromantic acespec bisexual !! my gender is too complicated to briefly explain …
☆ i speak english, some french and am learning yiddish :] i can understand fragments of spanish and portuguese
☆ this will be a multifandom/multi-interest blog as my interests change over time. my main spins are music and mycology. my current hyperfixs include: pokemon, goregrind (along with other related genres), and ray toro*
☆ i dont rlly tag blood, gore, or nsfw. for organizing purposes nsfw will be tagged with #jojonsfw but do tell me if you need anything in specific to be tagged !!
☆ i’ll be using #jojotism my general tag if i remember to use it, #youre not funny jojo for shitposts, #jojos bizzare analysis for media analysis, #jojo rants or #jojo.txt for assorted rants, infodumps and text based posts, #jojo writes for any writing/poetry and #jojos art for art posts
☆ feel free to message me or send asks i love talking to ppl !!
☆ i dont block ppl very often, if i do block you feel free to ask why. i dont mind explaining my reasoning
☆ never use they/them on me, i will likely block if i see you are intentionally using they/them
* if u fit average dni criteria DNI!!
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